#kind of like a leopard gecko
dilly-monster · 10 months
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I moved last week and everyone had a terrible time lmao
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beatcroc · 9 months
2 5 12 fake peppino
2.Favorite canon thing about this character?
there's so little 'canon' to pick from with this guy but i do genuinely adore how he is inexplicably a frog for absolutely no fucking reason. i never realized how inherently goofy everything frogs have going on is until i saw it applied to a thing that is very much not a frog. they literally didn't need to do that but it's the best thing ever
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
u kno i always dread this question. the concept of a 'character playlist' or anything like that is so alien to me sjdfjkdjksdfh. much as i am the music guy ever and have a fuckmassive library, most of my memorable/influential stuff is really loud abrasive aggressive edm, which is basically never applicable to any character at all ever. that said, i do think about "music reskins" for games sometimes, and i think STruTS' Bizarre Angel works well enough for his fight. i have to stress this is ONLY a boss battle theme though-less about him as a character, and more about landing an atmosphere for the player for peppino's perception of the events.
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
the shedding thing is really the only thing i'd directly call a ''headcanon'' and that already has its own extensive post so there is not much extra to say here :p
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plant-lesbiance · 2 years
I wanna make friends with some people but im also very okay with being left alone and not making friends??? Im happy with the people i know currently but idk sometimes i feel like ive forgotten how to put myself out there and have conversations with people
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wachi-delectrico · 2 years
I was *almost* 100% sure a New Caledonian gecko (crestie/garg/leachie) would be the best fit for me as a first reptile, until I realized I do a lot of things and most likely wouldn’t be able to keep up with the humidity/misting twice a day so i’m thinking corn snake, leopard gecko, and fire skink may me my best second options so far?
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the-fog-system · 9 months
i will always always always no matter what do what’s right for a stray animal even if what’s right is doing as much as i absolutely can and then leaving it with someone else or setting it free or whatever. but to have to do that twice in two days when i’m already So emotionally fragile is absolutely tearing my heart open lol
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office-clerk-wade · 9 months
What's it like being the only scaled Pokemon of the group?
Hadn’t thought about it actually! Despite the scales I’m actually still a little soft. In a. Weird kind of way. If I had to guess it’s part of the reason only one person has tried to pet me.
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west-tokyo-incidents · 11 months
You always know who named what animal in the penthouse/beach house.
Mizho has a habit of naming things after military terms.
Rage thinks giving a cat an American name like Steven is the funniest shit. Kia probably cracked the fuck up when she heard it the first time.
Fusataro owns one(1) animal, and its named after one of her favorite bands because of course it is.
And then there's Brita Filter the doberman and her sister Polyester.
You have one guess as to who named them.
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bufomancer · 1 year
“Climbing” as a reptile behavior is used so... imprecisely? In the community and honestly this has fed into some pretty big issues with husbandry.
Climbing is not a strictly arboreal behavior. Climbing encompasses much more than scaling trees or walls. Any species of reptile or amphibian may explore changes in elevation in their environment... Such as climbing over a tree stump, or some rocks, or even the stairs of a building.
Most standard enclosures are about 2 feet tall. Add in substrate and some empty space at the top and you typically get no more than an 18-20 inch change in elevation from the lowest point in the enclosure to the highest. Depending on how this is set up, this is hardly even really climbing... Certainly not climbing behavior like what a true tree dwelling species exhibits. If you only have near vertical branches, then sure. But most climbing enrichment consists of much more gentle inclines, usually with a good texture for easy gripping. For example my leopard gecko’s enclosure features a number of ledges built into the wall at varying heights to create a kind of spiral staircase. You can easily create elevation changes that even clumsy animals can safely explore. If you have an animal who has never been exposed to this kind of stimuli, or is poorly muscled, or has coordination issues, etc you will of course need to be careful that there are plenty of fall breaks and providing broad, gentle inclines rather than narrow precipices. But they can still be provided elevation changes safely, and as they practice they will become better at it... Though obviously a primarily terrestrial species is not going to suddenly become a tree dweller just because it was given some ramps!
People say “x species doesn’t climb” and are usually correct that they are not scaling trunks and do not spend the majority of their time several feet up into trees. But this is not an excuse to keep these animals in a 6 inch tall rack enclosure. Changes in elevation are a normal part of any animal’s environment, in the wild this is something that they learn to navigate. There’s no reason not to provide thoughtful enrichment of this variety as part of an quality captive environment. If your animal has disabilities, you may need to be even more careful to provide fall breaks, gentle slopes, broad ledges, etc but it is still possible.
When you give your reptiles the opportunity to make new choices & explore complex environments, they just might surprise you with all that they are capable of.
TL;DR: Not all climbing is scaling near-vertical surfaces or navigating spindly, precarious branches. Terrestrial animals can and do explore changes in elevation and should be provided this kind of climbing enrichment in captivity. An animal does not need to be arboreal in order to benefit from climbing enrichment.
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Have you seen that youtube short of a leopard gecko getting it’s built up eye caps removed? It’s kind of gross and I feel bad for the little guy but it’s oddly satisfying.
There are quite a few out there, so I'm not sure the specific one you're referencing!
The thing I'll say about videos like that - leopard geckos and other lizards do not have eye caps, so these videos are usually mislabelled. They're most often showing eye abcesses. It's the sort of thing that needs to be done in an appropriate veterinary setting, so especially if it looks like it's being filmed in a private home, it's definitely not good.
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bansq · 11 months
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the water......
Musings abt the cowfrogs below the cut
The new character is called James Aorta. He thinks he's hot shit, but his charm rarely works on people. Newt is just a bit easy. I don't think I would like them to be in an actual relationship though. Their ideal relationships just don't match I guess. Newt is a romantic, Aorta is not ready to settle down and may never get to that point.
In my earlier post I had a little concept thing with the world being like a forest, kind of?? But I don't think I like that anymore since I would miss out on cool rocks and shit. I think I'm just trying to take frog cowboys too seriously. Also not sure if I like replacing horses with lizards. Does it work or not? I don't want to draw horses. (Newt's green lizard would maybe be replaced with a leopard gecko and Scab would ride a rattlesnake. Actually yeah the rattlesnake is too cool to leave out so nvm fuck horses).
Scab was supposed to be a gruff scary big boi but in this he's more of a goof because it just suits better for the tone of the comic. So I guess this is further into his and Newt's relationship. They are enemies to friends. Scab isn't originally interested in friendships, but eventually is worn down and pretends to be reluctant about hanging out with Newt whenever they meet. He thinks the warm feeling in his chest must be allergies or something.
Newt blushes blue because he's a moor frog and apparently the males can turn blue when horny or something. I'm being very liberal abt biology etc because humanoid cowboy frogs are surprisingly NOT very realistic. My research on frog species is just thinking "oh wowie that frog looks nice" and then MAYBE reading the Wikipedia page and picking and choosing facts from there. So if you're super into frog biology, BEWARE.
That being said, Scab is based on a common toad (bufo bufo) and Aorta on a common frog (rana temporaria). If you're wondering about how species work in this world, I'm thinking that the species of the child is determined by the species of the mother. That might change though. Do not ask me how tf evolution worked here. I am constantly in danger of over-thinking this shit. They are frog.
I made a tag for this because I can't be bothered to link back every time, it's "cold-blooded".
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kiss-theggoat · 11 months
(Shuffles up to you nervously) hi I was wondering if it would be ok to request a billy Lenz fix where the reader actually has a pet pig, also your my favorite writer 🙂
A/N: Two things! One, sorry for my inactivity! I was away on a trip. Two! Thanks so much for the suggestion and thank you so much for the kind words. I decided to expand your request and do different slashers with different kinds of pets!! I hope that’s okay and I really hope you like it!
Slashers With Your Pets
Slashers Included: Billy Lenz, Michael Meyers, Jason Voorhees, Freddy Krueger
Billy Lenz:
If you have a….
Cat, Billy is a cat man. He loooves cats, they’re so warm and cuddly, but they also understand boundaries and the need to be alone sometimes. The only thing he might not enjoy about cats is the fact that some can be timid around loud noises, which immediately means they’re timid around Billy.
Dog, Billy is less of a dog person. He thinks that dogs can be overwhelming in their attention, especially if one jumps on him or barks at him. He likes the gentle giant dogs, golden retrievers that just lay down and don’t do anything. But, if you have a little dog that barks at everything that moves, expect Billy to be very unhappy.
Reptile or Invert, BILLY HATES SNAKES. If you bring a snake or tarantula or lizard or scorpion into the house, Billy is not going to want you near him. The only reptile or invert I could see him being okay with would be a leopard gecko type. Something smaller and less active.
Farm Animal, if you had pigs, horses, or cows, something like that, Billy would probably be vulgar about how they smelled. Of course, if you owned a pig, he’d call it is little piggy. You could definitely convince him to help out with the animals, especially the pigs or cows. He thinks the cows are cute, and wants to spend time with the little piggies.
Michael Meyers
If you have a….
Cat, Michael likes cats. He understands them, they understand him. He likes to be left alone, they like to be left alone. They get along great. But, if you catch him petting your cat on the couch or inviting it up into his lap, don’t mention anything. He’ll be embarrassed that you caught him in a vulnerable time. He’ll never admit to liking your furry friend.
Dog, Michael actually really likes dogs. He likes big scary looking dogs, Rottweilers, Dobermans, Cane corsos, those types. Because even though they’re scary, they’re well trained and methodical, just like him. If you have a big dog, expect to peel around the corner and catch Michael giving it a pat on the head or a belly rub every once in a while.
Reptile or Invert, Michael could care less. They don’t do anything, so he doesn’t feel the need to pay attention to them. If you have a big lizard or something, he might be a little hesitant to touch it or go near it, but other than that, he walks by the tank without a second thought.
Farm Animal, Michael really doesn’t enjoy farm animals. They smell, require a lot of care, and make a lot of noise. They sort of cramp his style, and he doesn’t understand why the hell you’d want to take care of them.
Jason Voorhees:
If you have a…
Cat, Jason likes your cat because you like your cat, but overall, he’d really prefer an animal that shows him more affection. He wants something that wants to be near him all the time, not something he has to force to be near him.
Dog, Jason would love your dog. He would probably be a little timid at first, but after him and your dog got close, they’d be thick as thieves. They’d go out in the woods and play fetch together, Jason would carry the pup around no matter how big or small. He would adore your dog, and your dog would adore him.
Reptile or Invert, Jason would be a little scared of a tarantula or a lizard or a snake. He would probably be interested in them and try to like them because you liked them, but when it came to handling or feeding, that would definitely be your job.
Farm animal, if you had some farm animals, Jason would welcome them with open arms on his camp. He’d probably be the most open to horses or cows, but would like to see you so caring. Seeing you put in the work to take care of something so time consuming would be a really endearing trait.
Freddy Krueger
If you had a…
Cat, Freddy doesn’t like. Freddy isn’t a cat guy, he’s not into all the cuddling and the meowing and the fur. Heaven forbid your cat tear a thread from his sweater, he might just bust a vein in his forehead from holding in his angry yells. His kind of cat would be the one in the corner that hisses at everyone.
Dog, he only likes very certain dogs. He’s okay with dogs that mind their own business. Ones that just hang out in the other room and don’t bug him. If you had a dog that jumped up on him or barked at him, he would hate it. Or, his least favorite kind, tiny dogs with high pitched barks. Don’t even get him started.
Reptile or Invert, Freddy thinks they’re cool. I think he’d like lizards the most, like if you had an iguana or a bearded dragon, he’d hang out with it next to him, just chilling. If you owned a tarantula or a scorpion or any other invert, he’d be interested in it, often asking to feed it and handle it if possible.
Farm animal, no. Don’t ask. Don’t even propose the idea. Stinky, loud, annoying. He hates farm animals unless they are on his plate as a juicy steak or a nice burger. He might be able to tolerate it if you ride or own horses, but other than that, he’s really not into it.
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patchworkgargoyle · 7 months
🌿15 people, 15 questions
Tagged by @scarcrossdlvrs and @eriquin, thank you friends!! <3
1. Are you named after anyone?
My middle name is apparently a family friend's grandmother's name? It's extremely basic, but it was almost Maude, so.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Just a couple days ago.
3. Do you have kids?
No, and I will Not be having any myself. Could I be a step-parent? Maybe. Maybe, after, like, lots of talking and more therapy.
4. What sports do you play/have played?
I was in kickboxing in grade 9, and maybe my axe throwing counts? It's a whole league with points and stuff?? I think it counts.
5. Do you use sarcasm?
Sometimes, but mostly just with people I'm really comfortable around or as a very poor attempt at flirting. I'm usually too worried about coming off as mean or it being taken the wrong way, though, so I tend not to.
6. What's the first thing you notice about people?
Probably body language and tone of voice. It's the hypervigilance and people-pleasing, babeyyy ✌
7. What's your eye colour?
Green. And funny story, a few days ago a woman stopped to ask me a question and literally got distracted by my eye colour 😅😅😅 she even pulled her partner over to look at my eyes. It was very embarrassing and flattering xD
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Currently deep in a scary movie phase.
9. Any talents?
I'm very good at remembering where someone's parked their car, and I can fold a fitted sheet.
10. Where were you born?
In the very same city I live in now, on the west coast of so-called Canada.
11. What are your hobbies?
Writing, trying to get back into reading, singing in the shower, bass guitar badly, walking, making art of some kind, D&D, video games.
12. Do you have any pets?
Two! Jam, a black cat, and Toast, a leopard gecko.
13. How tall are you?
5'5" and some change.
14. Favourite subject in school?
Art, English, Biology.
15. Dream job?
Man, I dunno. I just wanna make shit.
The Tags (but no pressure, and apologies for some double-tags): @steves-strapcollection @t-boyeddie @hellion-child @kkpwnall @spectrum-spectre @moss-woods @alwaysanagelneveragod @starryeyedjanai @patriciavetinari @doublecherrypiediscosuperfly @cuoredimuschio @theheadlessphilosopher @vecnuthy @auryborealis @sentient-trash
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riddleymethis · 1 year
Another night another inside job brainrot
Inside job characters and pets they'd get with reader!
(Hcs for Brett, Reagan, Andre, and Gigi)
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- This feels pretty predictable but you guys would get a dog.
- Honestly at this point it just feels like there's two dogs in the house bc they have the same exact energy levels
- you have no complaints though! You love your bf and you love your dog so you're more than willing to deal with the energy levels
- you guys can take the dog on walks together which has led to a lot of nice moments of just. Peacefulness together.
- Alternatively: I think he'd love any bird in the parrot family? Maybe a cockatiel bc of the hair LOL
- Brett's urge to laugh at you teaching the bird cuss words vs telling you to not teach the bird to greet everyone with "What the fuck?!"
- you want to name your pet smth actually normal bur he talks you into naming it after some stupid animal pun based off a movie character
- idk honestly I think he'd really like to take care of any kind of pet that likes lots of engagement with you♡ leafs to lots of stuff together!
- Also pretty self explanatory, but a cat
- it takes awhile to convince her. She already shoulders a lot of work, plus the last pets she had were the turtles from her childhood which didn't. Go Well.
- but eventually you're able to convince her by the power of Being Annoying On Purpose
- she's basically the "I don't want a cat" vs walking into the room to see her baby talking the cat kinda energy
- it's not that she doesn't like cats at all, just the energy required to own one is what put her off initially, but now that the furball is in the home she is so in love with the small creature
- she just honestly likes the semi-independence of it. She likes that she can get any leftover work done at home whole the cat will entertain itself.
- plus have u ever had a cat sleep on your chest after a stressful day? God's work 🙏
- meanwhile you are the opposite. You will hug that cat all day. ITS NOT YOUR FUALT ITS SO FLUFFY AND CUTE
- cue lots of distant "MeooOW??" in another room that Reagan hears everytime you pick it up
- "Stop picking the fucking cat up like a baby!" "Tell it to stop being baby shaped then, idiot."
- You guys spend hours thinking of a good name and then just decide on something really stupid like "fishstick"
- Honestly? Seems like a reptile kinda guy?? You'd guys probably get anything from something as small as a leopard gecko to a fucking python snake
- ok but. Snake.
- u both decide to name it smth dumb as hell like "Noodle"
- Andre is actually? Surprisingly very well educated in snake care.
- Like, he actually has made sure that everything from cage size to temperature to food is right. He's really been interested in them for a long time.
- meanwhile u just like the fact that the front of a snake face looks like ":]"
- people can just walk by you two working on something in your lab and there's just. A huge fucking snake slithering over your guys' arms and back.
- I can't explain this one. It's a fucking ferret. Is fluffy. Is noodle. Are you jokester?
- you let Gigi take full liberty of naming it because you trust her to come up with something fitting
- you will both drop whatever your doing to just watch your ferret in silence as the run up and down one of those little play tube tunnels.
- the ferret definitely picks favorites and it's Gigi. Everytime you walk into a room, it's wrapped over Gigi's shoulders
- getting it the most obnoxious colored harness and walking it.
- people give you guys strange looks, but you don't mind. You're just happy to have your gf and your demon child of a ferret♡
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chaoticmannamedoliver · 3 months
If you could assign each Mech a pet, what would you give them?
Aaaaalright here we go. Ive been waiting for this cauuuuuuse headcannons :>
I hc that carmilla made mech pets for most mechs
(sure it might not fit with the timeline but shush. She mechs performances also had different times of when in the future tims whole thing happens.)
Jonny d'ville would have a rat. Which he named gentleman
I think ashes would have a lizard or reptile of some kind? Leopard gecko maybe? Or those spiky ones that can drink from their backs kfjsjdn
The toy soldier would have frogs. I think its obvious WHY. Any kind of frog. All of them. And it will get sad when they die
Raph n ivy seem like barn owl people to me, though i could imagine a cat for ivy too
Tim? Hmm...dunno why but a really playful n fluffy german Shepard for him
Brian? Hm a cat maybe? I think that brian is a walking heater so the kitty would LOVE to just lay on him
Marius? Ah- hmm. I mean, id say cat but one, thats boring, and two, his death...soooo....hmm. fox. Like just imagine he gave his pet fox glasses n a lil hat- and pretend it was also a doctor. He seems silly like that. N after that? Fucking raccoons. I like making mari be a silly lil guy. Cause he is.
Nastya...she- hm- i do not have a mech pet for her either...since in my headcannon she refused any pet carmilla tried to give her...id go with a protective animal though? Hell fuck it. Domesticated snow leopard.
I know these animals don't make sense, but they feel right to me? Ya know? N hell - maybe they WILL end up as their mech pets cause not everyone had one yet.
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retr0flesh · 5 months
i still have no idea how to fathom that my beef, my crested gecko & first pet is gone, after 8 years together. i woke up yesterday to find he had passed overnight. he seemed to be lively & well the night before, so i'm not sure of the cause. i know i will always wish i could have done more for him, like i had hoped to hand build hides and climbs for him. but i know my goal was to give him as enriching and loving of a life as i possibly could before I even met him.
in autumn of 2015 i decided to get my first pet independently. as a kid I was a huge animal lover, unsurprisingly preferring their company over people. my mom was always excited to nurture a common interest, and jumped on any opportunity she could to get us pets to learn about all different kinds of animals, from our cat and dog, to fish, frogs, anoles, leopard geckos, even a rabbit & a pair of ducks.
i knew i wanted a reptile companion, but i wasn't sure which kind i'd get along with well and be best equipped to care for. i spent hours researching different types of geckos, bearded dragons, and beginner-level reptiles, until i decided on a crested gecko. i'd never seen creatures like them before, and i was floored to try something entirely new, but with Lots of information online to sift through if i was stumped.
late December arrived, and I was ready to find my new friend. I had a starter 10-gallon enclosure for a younger crestie, and plenty of fake plants and hides for him to explore and get acclimated. i opted to get him at a specialty reptile shop about 40 minutes away. i didn't have a name planned going in, and i think i immediately decided on "beef" when I saw it advertised at a deli.
my family was as smitten by him as I was. my sister loves trying to handle him as much as i did. my mom squealed in delight after i encouraged him to run across my laptop and he shat on the keyboard.
the next summer, my dad called me from a pet shop nearly frantic, asking what kind of vertical 20-gallon tank would best suit him. I was so grateful for the gift, stoked that he would have double the space to explore, hunt, and rest, and unexpectedly solving the "beef is arboreal in a horizontal enclosure," problem. his new tank was so large, i had to relocate it from a small unoccupied corner in my somehow even smaller room, to a hub right between my desk and my bed, always within my view and my reach. by then I'd decided to forego handling him, knowing it wasn't fair to cause him extra stress for my own entertainment if i couldn't do it consistently enough to make him comfortable with it. keeping him next to me was a much happier arrangement for us both.
from there, he moved with me to my first apartment. from tiny corner, to tiny corner, to Big sunny corner by a picture window with an unfortunately dismal view. later on i took up gardening and started my indoor hub next to his tank, extending his overgrown habitat until it took over the living room within a few months. the plants have ebbed and grown with the seasons and my ability to care for them. beef has watched me tend to them curiously for a couple years now. i was hoping to incorporate live plants into his enclosure, but I worried about pests, parasites, plant disease, and anything that could have harmed him. experimenting would be exciting, but ensuring his health came first and foremost.
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everything ends, and all too soon. i find a vacancy in my chest and the joints in my hands aching, as i've spent a few hours on and off piecing this together. i haven't figured out what mourning looks like for me yet. but I know it's important to share the joy he brought to my life, and hope I could have returned a fraction of it.
i am going to bury him in my mom's backyard later this week, after i can prepare a proper little box for him with substrate, moss, and a heart shaped rock i found for him in the river, so many years ago now. i'm unsure of what to with the salt lamp next to his enclosure; it became his the moment i put it next to his tank and hr plastered himself to the glass wall in an attempt to merge with it. i'm going to handwrite this out and bury it with him.
it's been a difficult adjustment. i didn't sleep last night and i have so many memories to roll through. 8 years is a long ass time, and he's been with me through countless stresses & times of turmoil, successes and efforts, people who have come and gone, and gone, and gone. i wonder how many tears he's listened to me cry and vent to him, i wonder how many songs i invented for him on the spot while preparing a meal for him.
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he will be the first family member i ever get to properly mourn. @ashtastica suggested holding a service to remember him, and I couldn't be more grateful. years ago, ash doodled beef if he were a dragon. the boy seemed to approve of his likeness when i initially showed him. i hope i can write or share with him, just the Tiniest Little Facsimile of how loved and adored he was by people all over the place. I have no idea how many people's lives he touched, honestly. he's always been a silly goober of a man, expertly climbing up but always tumbling down the heights of his enclosure... especially to the delight of our cat-children. from when I found him sitting at the end of my bed in December 2017, my cat doom was always fascinated to watch him play around his tank. in early 2022 Belmont joined the audience, and very recently Alkaline has, too. even in his absence they look for him.
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it helps to share this, and i hope you've enjoyed meeting him through our words, pictures, and encounters. hug and pet your creatures soon, and send em my love too 💞
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fellowshipofthenoodles · 11 months
Let's talk a bit about leopard gecko enclosures!
The absolute minimum size for any adult leopard gecko is 36x18x18 inches (3x1.5x1.5 feet). You can typically put juveniles immediately into an enclosure this size - as long as there is enough decor and hides for them to feel secure then they'll be fine
Where possible, bigger enclosures are great! Leopard geckos absolutely love having extra space to explore, and even height too. Leopard geckos are thought as terrestrial animals, and while that is true they do love to climb and giving a leopard gecko background of any kind is an excellent way to encourage exercise as well as give them extra hiding spots if you do a custom built background
Outdated information says that leopard geckos can be housed permanently in a 24 inch (2 foot) enclosure but this isn't true!
As well as the space to exercise, a bigger enclosure allows for a better heat gradient which is very important for them to thermo regulate their body temperature. They need a warm basking spot (which can be improved with something like slate to absorb heat that they can bask on or lay on at night) but their cool end doesn't need the same heat and it can be dangerous for them to not be able to escape the heat of their basking area
Wooden vivariums are typically best for leopard geckos since they hold heat very well, but since these aren't really available in some countries something like a glass Exo Terra would be alright as long as you make sure to check on their temperatures. PVC could potentially work but they do hold humidity very well which could be a problem for your leopard gecko(s) since their humidity shouldn't be over 60% for long (35-60% is the safe zone). Enclosures should be front opening, not something top opening like a repurposed fish tank. Wooden viv con is that typically the substrate can't be that deep, so a substrate guard of some kind may help there, a glass enclosure is better suited for deeper substrate. Leopard geckos should have a few inches of substrate in order to display their natural behaviours since they do burrow in the wild.
This isn't a super thorough post, but I hope it's helpful for some people! Feel free to add on to it, ask questions (on the post or in an ask) or whatever else.
If anyone wants to argue against any of what I'm saying then please provide sources that are recent science to back it up otherwise I won't consider responding in any way.
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