#kim wooseok fantasy boys
bzbnong · 10 months
um date com o wooseok em barraquinha de comida seria tudo pra mim, o mlk bom de boca
🍱’’... Uma barraquinha e você — K. Wooseok
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gênero: fluffy, romance
(!!) interesse mútuo, levezinha, relação estabilizada, menção de comida (bastante), algumas cantadas aqui e acolá (só uma) um humor duvidoso... não sei se saiu exatamente como queria porque eu acabei adicionando romance (mas é um Date), entretanTO, espero que goste!
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exclamou Wooseok, logo enfatizando os lábios com seus dentes brilhantes. apontou para a barraca, logo falando: “vamos para aquela barraca!” ele pegou em seu braço com delicadeza e assim seguiram até a barraquinha com enfeites simples, mas, que tinha bastante comida na bancada.
você tinha se metido em uma.
Wooseok tinha chamado você para sair para comer, mas caso não comesse direito, você arcaria com as consequências. então apenas decidiu que saborearia poucas coisas, mas saborearia. se você estivesse ao lado dele, você estaria feliz.
seu olhar subiu, viu o garoto com sua camisa branca e os fios pretos desleixados por conta do vento ao seu lado, radiante. ele pedia dois copos daquela comida que servia. você logo pegou o copo, agradecendo seguintemente para o atendente e principalmente à Wooseok.
quando você deu a primeira mordida, você realmente achou incrível o gosto, mas a expressão de Wooseok foi de outro nível. a forma que ele abriu os olhos em choque e como ele gesticulou um "joia" foi incrível. você riu da ação dele, comendo em seu ritmo e tendo seu braço agarrado por Wooseok, para você não se perder dele, de forma alguma.
"woah!” ele exclamou novamente. — precisamos experimentar aquela barraca ali! — continuou Wooseok, apontando animadamente para uma tenda com o cheiro irresistível de churros recém-fritos. vocês logo se dirigiram até lá, com Wooseok segurando sua mão com doçura enquanto percorriam o festival em busca das melhores guloseimas.
a barraca seguinte era famosa por seus pratos exóticos. vocês provaram um pouco de tudo, desde tacos apimentados até sushi criativo. Wooseok sempre se certificava de que você estivesse se divertindo e experimentando diferentes sabores, e sua alegria contagiante deixava cada mordida ainda mais especial. a forma que ele olhava para você era de outro universo.
— essa comida aqui tá cheirosa, — ele disse e você concordou, colocando um pouco na boca — porém não mais que esse seu perfume incrível — sussurrou depois de se aproximar do seu ouvido. podia jurar que corou no momento, porque ele ficou rindo. também fosse por causa da forma que você tinha deixado a sua boca cheia e suas bochechas estavam preenchidas com a comida... “tá sujo aqui...” ele passou a mão dele delicadamente em seu rosto.
olhou para baixo, essa cena era demais para você, só queria comer um pouco daquele sushi criativo. para ele, isso seria engraçado.
conforme a noite avançava, vocês continuavam a explorar barracas de comida com entusiasmo. Wooseok segurava alguns pratinhos cheios de petiscos e doces nas mãos, compartilhando com você a cada parada e sempre fazendo questão de colocar os doces na sua boca, te alimentando. os sorrisos em seus rostos nunca desapareciam, o interesse mútuo transbordando a cada momento compartilhado.
a próxima parada era uma barraca de comida de rua, onde vocês provavam espetinhos saborosos e deliciosas porções de batata frita. Wooseok roubava algumas batatinhas suas, sorrindo no fim de cada uma que ele roubava e colocava no pratinho dele, tornando o momento ainda mais especial e com um aroma de romance. vocês se sentiam como um casal em um filme, aproveitando cada momento juntos.
— você quer as batatinhas que eu roubei? — você assentiu, com um olhar feio para ele. — então pega — ele sorriu de forma charmosa e assim que você pegou uma das batatinhas que eram suas e colocou na boca, ele se aproximou e mordeu a batatinha também.
acabou rolando beijinhos entre as mordidas.
a forma que você corou no momento, foi inexplicável. ele logo percebeu isso e procurando outra coisa para esquecerem desse momento.
foram para uma fila de ramen e rapidamente sentaram-se em um espaço tranquilo, rodeados pelas luzes suaves do festival. Wooseok colocou um braço ao redor de você, criando um abraço acolhedor enquanto vocês apreciavam a comida e observavam as pessoas passarem com seus parceiros, irmãos e filhos. cada momento naquele dia estava mais que perfeito, preenchido com risos, carinhos e sabores deliciosos, principalmente com a sensação de ter os lábios fofos dele sobre os seus.
o encontro com Wooseok em uma barraca de comida foi tudo para você. a maneira como ele saboreava a comida e consumia a sua refeição é cativante e a paixão que ele tem por novas experiências culinárias o torna ainda mais atraente. além disso, Wooseok conhecia os melhores locais para comer. sempre que você terminava alguma refeição, ele arrumava algo para inovar, então o date estava sempre em um deleite. e quem poderia resistir a esses olhos de cachorrinho que ele sempre faz? ele é simplesmente adorável.
seus lábios se preencheram assim que pensou e assim que pegou a comida com o hashi e assim que olhou para cima, ele brilhava ainda mais.
negou com a cabeça assim que ouviu o que ele estava dizendo:
”depois vamos para aquela outra barraca, ainda preciso sentir outros sabores” ele sorriu, os dentes brilhantes marcando bem os lábios dele, era como combinações perfeitas.
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kpop-bbg · 2 months
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denim-bias · 3 months
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what pet names would fantasy boys use for their s/o (doesn't have to be in a sexual way) (p.s. your writing is cute)
This is so embarrassing 😭 i was writing this and was almost done, but then i lost everything! I put it off since then but I’ll do it now!
Ksoul - baby
Hanbin - darling
Hikari - angel
Sungmin - sweetheart
Kaedan - love
Minseo - honey
Hikaru - sunshine
LingQi - beloved
Gyurae - flower
Wooseok - bunny
Hyeontae - pumpkin
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teratomat · 1 year
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fantasyboys_official 우석이가 같이 사진 찍자고 했어요! 제 생각에는 우석이랑 마음이 닮았어요 진짜 형 동생 사이 같아요
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iruri-iruri-la · 11 months
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🌸💖~Wooseok Core~💖🌸
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boy-updates-page · 6 months
multimember x/twitter update 16.11.2023
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wonootnoot · 25 days
FANTASY BOYS "Make a Fantasy" Refreshing Version Teaser Photos
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yunhohours · 2 years
FINALLY SOMEONE WHO SPEAKS MY LANGUAGE!! We are besties now, sorry I don't make the rules. And we share Ults so yay!! Okay okay right back to the topics at hand.
1) I am a LOYAL BX bias. Especially blue hair era that was 🥵🥶. But okay see my hand kink is so problematic. Jinyoung is my bias wrecker but it doesn't help that his hands are that of a God. My hand kink revolves around duality. Like I'm sorry sir, who allowed you to grind like that but have the hands of a glass doll. Ugh hit me with a bus I love how gentle his hands look, but how rough he would use them on his partner oof.
2) Pentagon is an ult of mine too. And Jinho is one of my 4 Ult Bias's (holds the top spot thoug). That man's voice makes me melt. He is so small and loveable. Like can I just hug him?!?! But the duality hits hard with him, because he is the danger you never saw coming. I mean the lace gloves he wore in feelin like....ooo that hand kink again.......whoever chose that wardrobe item deserves some good head and paid vacation. That....that was a great but very lethal move.
3) I am also an Up10tion ult which is where Kim Wooseok comes into play. They were the first group I stanned in the kpop realm and he was had me in a chokehold since day one. Another small lethal boy you never see coming with the vocals of a God. But his waist! Angelically masculine. Daddy?!?! Sorry! Daddy?!?! Sorry! No I'm not sorry that's a daddy waist right there. Biggest fantasy is him in a corset! With a chest and shoulders like that with those thick thighs but a small waist. Sign me up!!! I could go on and on about this!!!!
I love this for us <3
PLEASE TELL ME YOU SAW ALL THE CLIPS FROM THEIR FIRST CONCERT. ABS EVERYWHERE. ARMS. BACK. SHOULDERS. ALL OF IT. OH MY GODDDDDDDDSDJFSAHFDS You got gon abs!! And red jinyoung! I bet you were absolutely thriving because I was a complete mess after Hyunsuk and Seunghun's solo stages lmao 😭 and Yonghee... WHAT HAPPENED TO OUR MODEST KING I'M???? Ok anyways moving on. Jinyoung is a problem on stage. He exudes so much sexuality and charisma. I don't think anyone can deny that. His hands being such a stark contrast is just so interesting and delicious tbh. I live for duality. I think Jinyoung's hands are such a perfect representation of his duality. I could see him using them roughly with his partner at times, but I can also see how extra sweet it would make his soft caresses when he's tired or lazy. (His chart is full of taurus so I am heavily on the lazy sex Jinyoung agenda dkshahd)
Both of our ult of ults being from Pentagon.. so cute of us. Feelin Like Jinho was something else. He already has this sassy but composed personality that seems to not match his absolutely adorable face and that's bad enough, but Feelin Like Jinho? Madness. The sensuality. The confidence. THOSE GODDAMN LACE GLOVES. I don't usually find myself Affected by Jinho but even I was like 👀 OKAY I SEE YOU. I can see him noticing that his partner likes the lace gloves on him and using that very much to his advantage. Touching your face more than usual with the most shit-eating grin. Bye.
Not you selling me on this man. 😭 That's a description that makes me INTERESTED. I will say I've looked into some of his music on spotify before because I know he was also in X1 (I wasn't around for them, I just know about them because of Seungwoo and Seungyoun) but I didn't know all of this then. Perhaps I'll have to take a second look. Visuals alone are never enough, but they sure don't hurt if the music is good... 🥴
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thirsty-x1 · 4 years
First | Kim Wooseok
Can I request this Wooseok fluff where he's like this total boyfriend material on their date?? Like the ultimate boyfriend material 🥺 sorry i'm just whipped for Wooseok aknsalzn
↬ Pairing: Wooseok x fem!reader.
↬ Genre: Fluff.
↬ Warnings: none.
↬ Word Count: 1.8k
↬ Song recommendation: First by Jooyoung ft. SOLE.
↬ A/N: I���m obsessed with the way that Wooseok looks while wearing coats so I’ll leave two beautiful examples here because I just had to add it to the scenario: example one, example two. And black haired Wooseok????? Fuck.
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No matter how many times you two did this, he still felt a tiny bit nervous. It wasn’t your first date at all, if anything it was almost the tenth time you got to meet up with him, but Wooseok couldn’t get over the warm sensation on the pit of his stomach. Knowing that he would get to see you again always made him smile involuntarily, staring down to the floor in order to hide his bashful expression. The relationship was barely starting and he still couldn’t get used to the way his lungs tightened whenever you stood too close to him.
As soon as he felt the slight tap on his shoulder he had gotten used to, his heart jolted, eyes almost glinting as he greeted you. Usually he would say something that was kind of flirtatious, but his confidence tended to waver whenever he was in front of you, afraid that if he messed up you would hear just how loud his heart beat whenever you were near him and finally discover how intense his feelings for you really were.
You started to walk aimlessly, not really caring where it would take you since it was enjoyable simply being next to him. He listened intently to each and all of your words, keeping silent while his stare dropped to your fingers, his own fidgeting as he held back the impulse to intertwine them with yours. So far, he had deducted that physical contact didn’t really bother you, but there was a part of him that still wanted to be careful around you since he didn’t want you to think that he was trying to take advantage of the situation nor anything like that. After all, being like this and get to see you was all he needed.
There was that protective aura coming off from Wooseok: he always looked serious and calm, inwardly analyzing every single thing around him and always aware of his surroundings. He proved this once again as he eyed the street, his hands grabbing your shoulders and moving you slightly so that you would walk on the other side when he saw motorbikes pass by, and there weren’t enough gods for you to thank them that he wasn’t looking your way, your cheeks burning profusely.
When you spotted shiny lights, there was nothing holding back your excitement, grabbing his hand and dragging him towards the fair that was close by. Even when you had reached your destination, none of you let go of each other, thanking the opportunity to finally feel the other closer. Your fingers felt cold against his slim ones and he took the chance to stick both of your hands on the pocket of his coat, your whole system warming up at the sweet action.
“Oh? There is one of those arm wrestling games over there… The boys are always bragging about how you are good at it.” He shrugged his shoulders, already mustering up his strength. “Care to show?”
He let out a small sigh, leaning his head to a side. “This will be easy, just watch.”
It wasn’t easy. Most of the time that kind of games were a bit rigged just so that people would lose his money, but this time it was about Wooseok’s pride and he was not going to lose that. At least not in front of you. His stare was penetrating the still fighter in front of him, expression slightly trembling as the game started, his arm hurting a bit with the burning but still not giving up, a small victory scream coming out of his lips as he finally beat the machine.
“Oh~” His lips formed a tiny proud pout at your reaction. “That was pretty amazing, I must say.”
The seller didn’t seem very happy with the situation though, probably since he thought that he would lose because of how slim he looked. “You get to choose any of the prices for beating in record time.”
“That one big bear looks nice, don’t you think?” His brows furrowed as you ignored his suggestion and chose a small cat plushie instead, not quite understanding why you would go for it when you could have chosen something better or bigger.
“It looks like you, so I want to take it home with me.”
If anyone else had said that to him, he would have probably started to say that there was no way and complain uselessly, but since it was you, his stomach flipped around with joy, quickly pulling his turtle neck up so that you wouldn’t catch the dumb smile he had plastered on his face.
The smell of food filled the air, the sound of your stomach grumbling made him laugh as he walked to one of the fast food places, pretending to try and read the prices as he waited right behind of you in the line and hugging you tightly. It wasn’t conscious, really, because otherwise he would have gotten extremely flustered. You had come to realize that much: Wooseok would unconsciously become touchy whenever he was near you, holding your hands out of nowhere or playing with your hair, even holding you close like now, but the second he snapped out of it, his cheeks could reflect what you imagined hell was like.
After buying some food and eating it, he proposed to get on the Ferris wheel, saying that “the view must be amazing at this time” when really he just wanted it to be the two of you alone for a little while. It was hard for him to be completely open and upfront about his feelings which took him to create witty plans to get whatever he wanted.
You expected him to take a seat by your side, the way every single couple did in this kind of rides, secretly holding the wish that you two could finally have your first kiss when the wagon reached the top, your fantasy crumbling instantly as he sat right in front of you. It slightly disappointed you but the excitement from the view was way bigger, holding the plushie tightly against you, jealousy striking Wooseok as he glared at the big inexpressive eyes of the toy wishing to be in his place. He chose to focus on your face and the way your smile became bigger as you looked outside the window, the city lights illuminating your facial features in the most adorable way.
He started to remember you two met, introduced by Seungyoun, the awkwardness that lingered almost through the whole date until he tripped while walking you home and how the sound of your laugh captivated greatly. Or on your second date, when you chose to watch an action movie at the cinema without telling him it was in 4D, giggling at each of his exaggerated reactions. Many would tell him he looked intimidating, others simply stating that he had a mysterious aura, but when he had asked you what was your first impression of him, you simply said “warm”.
“What are you thinking about?” Your voice pulled him out of his trance, blinking a few times without knowing exactly what to reply.
So he just said the first thing that came to mind. “I really like you.”
The sudden confession had you blushing and he stumbled with his own words as he realized what he just said. You noticed that you were close to the top, your body fidgeting to get up and do something, but it wasn’t enough… so you just held the plushie in front of you and gave it a small kiss, Wooseok freezing in place, slowly putting the pieces together and there was never a moment where he felt more embarrassed. He didn’t quite think about the romantic location he had chosen to take you, and when he was about to take action, it was the end of the ride.
As you got off the Ferris wheel, he noticed your slight shudder at the cold breeze and saw it as an opportunity to pull the cheesiest move and recover from his previous failure, taking off his scarf and wrapping it around your neck instead, a proud smile spreading on his face as he saw the color in your cheeks. You had enough of you being always the one getting shy in front of him, seeing how smug he always looked whenever he managed to get you like this, so reuniting every bit of courage in your being, you held the slope of his coat and pulled him towards you, your lips grazing his cheek softly, causing him to open his eyes wide, jaw dropping down as he tried to compose himself, but that wasn’t happening any time soon.
It seemed as if you had won until he suddenly turned you around and held the extremities of his scarf, pulling you closer and pecking your lips, the contact lasting barely a few seconds but it felt like a whole eternity. There was a new kind of cold running up and down your body, immediately replaced by an insane warmth that could make the air around you evaporate in the blink of an eye. He pulled out his phone, hugging you from the back and placing his chin on your shoulder, taking advantage of your shock to take a selfie.
Looking at the picture now made him smile, even after a few years. That was the real start of everything, at least for him. There were too many first times for him: your first kiss, your first picture together, and the first time he thought about building a future with someone. So far, so good, he thought, staring at the frames hanging on the small shared apartment that showed all the memories that you two built for the past three years.
“Are you ready to go?” He turned around at your voice, his eyes taking in your outfit as he got up, sliding his hands around your waist. At times he thought about how naturally the action came out now, as if the things had always been like this between you two.
“You look absolutely stunning.”
You giggled at his compliment, fixing the neck of his shirt. “So do you. Now let’s go before we miss the reservation.”
He followed behind you, his heart beating faster just like that one time, although the reason was completely different from the one back then, the small box on the pocket of his blazer becoming extremely heavy as if demanding to be opened right then and there with the promise of another first time approaching.
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I wrote this whole scenario so messily because literally as I was describing one scene, another came into mind and so I had to write it down quickly and then go back to the previous one and I just... I love Wooseok so much, I hope that whoever dates him takes care of his beautiful heart.
| Masterlist |
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ahgaoncebong-blog · 5 years
╰☆╮ Almost Two Years after PRODUCE 101 SEASON 2 ended, Here’s how each former contestants are doing now!! If there’s any chance you won’t recognize them, I’ll attach their companies and their pictures! ツ
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Kim Sangbin
╚ During PD101, he WAS an Independent Trainee and ended in the 48th place. Now, Sangbin is under 12% Music. He has a sound cloud account where he uploads his songs . And guys, HE DEBUTED under 12% Music using his stage name, BIL  ❤ 
IG: 0830_bil
Soundcloud: soundcloud.com/0830bil 
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Kim Jaehwan
╚ Jaehwan was an Independent Trainee and won the 4th place! He was Wanna One’s Main vocalist, main fashionista, main rapper, main visual, main everything! (including main liar). He signed under CJ E&M upon debut  ❤ 
IG: kjh_official and jaehwan0527
Fancafe: cafe.daum.net.KJHOfficial
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⇨ Unfortunately, I haven’t found some news on the other Individual Trainees of PD101 [Kim Chan (82nd), Lee Insoo (57th) and Choi Dongha (63rd)]   ☹
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Ju Wontak
╚ He represented 2Able Company, he placed 62nd and he was a member of the fan-made group, RAINZ together with his fellow PD101 members. They debuted October 2017 with their debut song, Juliette and disbanded after they wrapped up their Japan activities on October 2018. Wontak debuted solo after RAINZ and he do have solo tours
╚He also do have a webdrama
IG: j_wontagii
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Lee Kiwon
╚ He represented his company, 2Y and he was a member of RAINZ who debuted on 2017 and disbanded last year October. Kiwon placed 53rd in the show.
╚ He also sang an OST (together with Kim Yehyeon) for TVN's "Ugly Miss Young Ae". The track was released last March 1
IG: kiwon_0810
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Roh Taehyun and Ha Sungwoon
╚ Taehyun and Sungwoon represented Ardor and Able Company
╚ In the show Taehyun placed 25th. After the show, Taehyun joined his and Sungwoon’s original group, HOTSHOT for their comeback song, Jelly.
╚ Taehyun was also a member of the first fan-made group of PD101, JBJ. They debuted October 2017 with Fantasy, they got their first win on their first comeback, My Flower. The group disbanded after seven months of promotion.
╚ Sungwoon placed 11th at the end of the survival show, making him Wanna One’s Main Vocal
╚ Both are debuting SOLO this year before returning to HOTSHOT
╚ Ha Sungwoon won 1st place in Show Champion for his debut song, ‘Bird’
Taehyun IG: roh_taehyun and official.rohtaehyun
Sungwoon IG: official.hasungwoon
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Yoon Yongbin
╚ He is from BANANA Entertainment (he placed 73rd) and he was supposed to be a member of EXO but he rejected. After PD101, Yongbin joined ANOTHER survival show, MixNine  but he was eliminated at the 3rd round of elimination. He began filming drama after MIXNINE
IG: yoonyongbin
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Im Woohyeok and Yu Jinwon
╚ After the show these two trainees of Blessing Entertainment debuted as a duo called UNLOCK. Woohyeok placed 75th and Jinwon at 66th.
Woohyeok IG: _im.fact_
Jinwon IG: ofjiwon
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Kim Donghyun and Im Youngmin
╚ After the show these boys debuted in a duo called MXM under Brand New Music which means More and More, and also Mix and Match. Their debut song is I’m The One and came back for the first time with Diamond Girl, second with Ya Ya Ya
╚ Youngmin placed 15th and Donghyun at 28th during PD101
╚ Aside from MXM, they also debuted in a four-member boy group, YDDP together with Starship boys. They debuted with their song, “Love It, Live It”
╚ Youngmin and Donghyun will debut together with Daehwi and Woojin S O O N under the rumoured group name, ‘AB6IX’
IG: bnmboysofficial and brandnewmusic2011
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Lee Daehwi and Park Woojin
╚ 2/4 of BNM Boys who debuted with Wanna One. Daehwi won the 3rd place and Woojin won the 6th place
╚ Fact: Daehwi continued composing songs. Actually, some of his songs were featured in MXM’s album. Daehwi also composed a song for PRODUCE 48. Daehwi was also confirmed to have produced a song for Yoon Jisung’s upcoming solo album
╚ Daehwi and Woojin are preparing for their debut together with Youngmin and Donghyun
IG: brandnewmusic2011
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Arredondo Samuel (Kim Samuel)
╚ He represented BRAVE Entertainment and was one of the most popular trainees of Produce 101 for he debuted before entering the show and was supposed to be a member of one of the biggest boy group, SEVENTEEN.
╚ He ended up getting the 18th place in the said survival show
╚ After the show, Samuel debuted solo with his song, SIXTEEN and he came back with a full-length album, Eye Candy. (Candy as the song title). Samuel also promoted in Japan with Pony Canyon assisting him for his Japanese Promotions. So far, he have 3 OSTs, 1 television series and he won 2018 New Hallyu Performance Award in Soribada.
IG: bravpunxh and braveentsamuel
Fancafe: cafe.daum.net/better-best
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Kim Seonglee
╚ He represented C2K Entertainment. He placed 47th in the show
╚ He was a member of the group RAINZ
IG: seongri0406
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Bae Jinyoung
╚ The very shy representative of C9 Entertainment that won 10th place and was Wanna One’s vocalist and one of Wanna One’s maknae also nicknamed as “Deep Dark”
╚ Jinyoung was known for being not confident during the show but as the time pass by, Jinyoung showed his true colors that made national producers fall in love with him
╚ He has scheduled fanmeeting tours in Asia and will soon debut as a member of ‘C9BOYZ’
Fancafe: cafe.daum.net/OfficialBJY
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Kim Shihyun and Jin Longguo (Kim Yongguk)
╚ Both represented their company, Chun Entertainment
╚ Shihyun left the show because of his health while Yongguk continued and he eventually got the 21st place
╚ After the show, Yongguk and Shihyun debuted as a duo project called Yong & Shi with their debut song, the.the.the
╚ After promoting together, Yongguk joined the group JBJ where he stayed for 7 months while Shihyun went back being a trainee. After JBJ’s promotions, Yongguk debuted solo with his debut song, Clover
Shihyun IG: shihyun0506
Longguo IG: catgoesmeow_
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Ju Haknyeon
╚ He represented Cre.Ker Entertainment and he got the 19th place during PD101
╚ After the said show, Haknyeon debuted as a member of a 12-member boy group who debuted December 2017, The Boyz. He is the Lead Dancer, Vocalist and Rapper of the said group.
IG: official_theboyz
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Cho Jin Hyung
╚ He represented CS Entertainment and placed 72nd. After PD101, He auditioned in Mix Nine too but he didn’t made it to the cut.
╚ He debuted solo with SHE’S GONE
IG:  jinhyung_joel
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Lai Kuanlin and Yoo Seonho
╚ They represented CUBE Entertainment and were considered as chick trainees for they only trained for 6 months.
╚ Seonho ended up with 17th place and Kuanlin placed 7th
╚ Kuanlin debuted as a rapper, maknae member of Wanna One while Seonho debuted solo with his debut song, “Maybe Spring”
╚ Kuanlin is preparing for his upcoming remake drama and Kuanlin is in a duo with Pentagon’s Wooseok and Kuanlin has upcoming solo fanmeeting tours
Kuanlin IG: official_lai_kuanlin
Seonho IG: official_yooseonho
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Ong Seongwoo
╚ Seongwoo represented Fantagio and he was one of the most popular trainee in PD101. He is also known as the popping king and being funny. Seongwoo is also praised for his voice and visuals
╚ Before joining the show, Seongwoo is an actor and a model
╚ Seongwoo placed 5th during the show which made him debut as a part of the dance line, visual and vocalist of Wanna One
╚ Seongwoo will go back acting after Wanna One
╚ Seongwoo have scheduled fanmeetings
IG: osw_onge
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Yoo Hoeseung
╚ He represented FNC Entertainment and he placed 39th. After the show, he debuted as a vocalist of FNC’s band, N.Flying. They had their first win recently with rooftop
IG: hweng_star and letsroll_nf
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Kim Dohyun, Park Heeseok and Wang Minhyeok
╚ They represented Gini Stars. Dohyun placed 92nd, Heeseok at 86th and Minhyeok at 89th.
╚ After the show, the three of them debuted in a Russian-Korean group called BAIKAL with “Hiccup”. Dohyun goes by his stage name, Dokka and Minhyeok’s stage name is Day. They debuted September 2017. They promote in both Russia and Korea
╚ Dohyun and Heeseok are now enlisted in the military
Dohyun IG: dokka0123
Heeseok IG: k_bean_heeseok
Minhyeok IG: day_baikal
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Hong Eunki
╚ He represented GON Entertainment and he is known for his diva-like dancing skills. Don't forget his dance collaboration with Jung Jung!!
╚ He placed 38th. After the show, Eunki debuted with his fellow PD101 trainees in a group called RAINZ. They debuted last year with their debut song, Juliette and came back for the first time with their comeback song, Turn Up. Rainz also promoted in Japan
IG: eun_doitz
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Kim Taemin
╚ He represented Hanahreum Company and left the show to undergo a surgery for a serious injury (he was treated for three weeks) making him land on the 59th spot
╚ After the show, Taemin debuted as an actor. So far, he has 1 Drama entitled, Sunny As Well (2018) and 1 Film entitled Whisper (2018)
IG: taemin_0000 and fall_in_love_like_rain
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Park Woodam, Woo Jinyoung, Jeong Woncheol, Jo Yonggeun
╚ They represented HF Music (Happy Face Music). Woodam placed 35th, Jinyoung at 40th, Woncheol at 95th and Yonggeun at 93rd
╚ Woodam was known for his high notes and he is the brother of SISTAR member, Soyou. Jinyoung amazed the national producers with his performance of SMTM's I Am Not What You Think where his nickname "Woo Jinyoung micheotji" (Woo Jinyoung is crazy) came from.
╚ After the show, Woodam, Jinyoung and Yonggeun joined another survival show, MIX NINE. Woodam didn't made it to the cut, Yonggeun was eliminated in the 3rd round and Jinyoung actually WON the show, he was in the 1st place set to debut in YG's new group. UNFORTUNATELY, YG and other companies disagreed with the new contract YG set (As far as I know, YG changed the contract saying the winning members of MIX NINE should promote for THREE YEARS which is very impossible for a SURVIVAL SHOW group since they came from different entertainments). This misunderstanding made HF Music file a lawsuit against YG Entertainment (and up until now, there's no result yet). Like, guys Jinyoung BEGGED YG for another chance during MIX NINE cause he is so determined to debut. He did well during the show and got the 1st place but YG suddenly fucked up. (Sorry, I'm just mad at YG for not letting MIX NINE debut)
╚  AND here's the good news, Woodam, Jinyoung, Woncheol and Yonggeun is in a group under HF Music called HNB 
╚ Jinyoung actually debuted solo!! :)
IG: h_nextboys
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Park Sungwoo
╚ He represented HIM Entertainment and placed 37th. He was known as the oldest trainee during the show and the trainee who looks like Song Joong Ki.
╚ After the show, Sungwoo became a model and an actor. He got the Support role for "The Omniscent Viewpoint On Crushes" (2017); Main Role for "Oh! Dear Half- basement Goddesses" (2017) and another main role for "Because It's My First Time" (2018).
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Kim Sangkyun
╚ He represented Hunus Entertainment and placed 26th.
╚ Before entering the show, he is a member of the boy group toppdogg where he use his stage name, A-Tom. After PD101, Sangkyun joined JBJ and promoted for 7 months. After his promotions with JBJ, Sangkyun left ToppDogg. After months, he and Kenta formed a duo named JBJ95. (THEY WILL HAVE A COMEBACK PLS SUPPORT THESE BABIES)
IG: 8eomatom and jbj95_official
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Kim Yeonkuk, Nam Yoonsung, Ryu Hoyeon and Choi Heesoo
╚ They represented I.One Entertainment where Yeonkuk placed 76th, Yoonsung left the show, Hoyeon at 87th and Heesoo at 96th
╚ After the show, Yeonkuk, Yoonsung and Hoyeon debuted in a group named NOIR
╚ Unfortunately, I have no news about Heesoo.....
Yeonkuk IG: 95.2.8_
Yoonsung IG: n__ys_
Hoyeon IG: leaderyoo
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Lee Seokyu and Han Minho
╚ They represented IT Entertainment. Seokyu at 69th and Minho at 74th
╚ They are members of the group PUREBOY under IT Factory
╚ After reading some articles, I've learned that Seokyu was violently treated by some of his members. And then, IT removed those who mistreated Seokyu and the group continued
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Yoon Heeseok
╚ He represented Jellyfish Entertainment and placed 46th. After the show, he left Jellyfish and joined ONO Entertainment instead
IG: dilution_y
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Byun Hyunmin
╚ He represented K-Tigers. He placed 45th in the show
╚ Hyunmin is known for his acrobatic and taekwondo skills
╚ After the show, Hyunmin debuted in RAINZ
IG: bhm_99
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Kwon Hyeop, Park Jihoon and Han Jongyeon
╚ They represented Maroo Company. Kwon Hyeop placed 65th, Jihoon at 2nd place and Jongyeon left the show
╚ After PD101, Kwon Hyeop left Maroo Entertainment and upon checking his IG, I think he enlisted now for Military Service
╚ Jongyeon joined MIX NINE
╚ Jihoon debuted as a vocal, rapper, cutie-sexy member of WANNA ONE
╚ Jihoon will debut SOLO this March 26 and he is currently on his fanmeeting tour (Let’s prepare for his debut and give him his trophiesssss, MAYs)
Hyeop IG: kwon_hyeop_you
Jihoon IG: official.jihoon.ig
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Lee Woojin
╚ This cutiepie right here represented Media Line Entertainment and was eliminated at 34th place
╚ He was known as Daniel's Bestfriend and one of PD101's maknae
╚ After the show, Woojin debuted as a rapper and vocal of the band, The Eastlight.
╚ The Eastlight concerned a lot of fans after the news that they are being mistreated by their CEO. Up until now, the case isn’t clear yet and that I haven’t heard anything from TEL yet. But I hope they are all fine and well
IG: the_greatest_woojin
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Kang Daniel, Yoon Jisung, Kim Jaehan, Joo Jinwoo, Choi Taewoong
╚ My MMO Babies
╚ Daniel won the 1st place on PD101. He was Wanna One’s Center, Rapper and Dancer. Daniel will be debuting solo after Jisung’s debut (pending). LM Entertainment and Daniel are having misunderstanding at the moment, and Daniel decided to file a lawsuit against LM ENT. (Like, LM ENT fucked up BIG TIME. Why the fuck they would not give Daniel HIS OWN SNS accounts? excuse me LM ent! Whatever he does, whatever his decisions, we will wait for our Kang Center)
╚ Jisung placed 8th. He was Wanna One’s vocal and leader. Jisung debuted solo and starred in a drama. (LM ENT THE MOST ANNOYING ENT EVER JUST FCKING CANCELLED TWO OF HIS FANMEETINGS. MY BB DON’T DESERVE THAT SHIT)
╚  Jaehan left MMO after the show and signed up with Wynn Entertainment where he debuted with SPECTRUM
╚ Jinwoo left MMO and signed up with film company, Finecut Entertainment to debut as an actor
╚  Taewoong also left MMO and joined Chrome Entertainment
Daniel IG: thisisdaniel_k (pls unfollow this LM ENT TAKES HOLD OF THIS ACC) Daniel made his NEW IG: daniel.k.here
Jisung IG: _yoonj1sung_
Jaehan IG: jaehan_k
Jinwoo IG: joojinwoo
Taewoong IG: woongs.bebe
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Lee Youjin
╚ Youjin pursued acting after PD101 and after placing 54th
╚ Dramas: 2017 JTBC Age of Youth 2 and 2018 TvN Familiar Wife
╚ Movies: 2017 Daddy You, Daughter Me and 2018 Be With You
IG: youjin0406
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Kim Taewoo
╚ He is still under Narda and debuted in a group called RIONFIVE
IG: rionfive_official.ins
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Jang Moon Bok
╚ He debuted solo after PD101 under ONO entertainment
IG: check_h.p
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Ju Sungwook, Kim Donghan and Jang Daehyeon
╚ Donghan ended up at 29th place during PD101
╚ After the show he debuted as a member of the boy group JBJ. After promoting with JBJ for 7 months, he debuted solo under OUI Entertainment. He had his first music show trophy with his debut song, Sunset and he came back with ‘Good Night Kiss’ 
╚ Daehyeon debuted in RAINZ after he was eliminated at 83rd of PD101
╚ Sungwook ended up at 91st place during PD101 and is now an actor
Donghan IG: don9_han and kimdonghan.official
Daehyeon IG: daehyeon0211
Sungwook IG: actor.sungwook
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Lee Jihan
╚ Jihan left Pan Entertainment and moved to Widmay Entertainment
Jihan IG: ji_han_0803
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Kang Dongho, Choi Minki, Kim Jonghyun, Hwang Minhyun
╚ Dongho placed 13th during PD101, 14th for Minki, 20th for Jonghyun and 9th for Minhyun
╚ After PD101 Dongho, Minki, and Jonghyun (together with their other member who didn’t join PD101- Aron) ‘debuted’ as NUEST W. The ‘W’ stands for ‘waiting’ as they will debut as 4-member boy group while waiting for Minhyun to finish his Wanna One promotions
╚ NUEST W debuted with ‘Where You At’ where they got their first win, followed by their comeback song, ‘Dejavu’ which was produced by Baekho (Dongho) and with their disbandment song, Help Me (since Minhyun is finished with his Wanna One duties)
╚ Minhyun debuted as a member of WANNA ONE and came back to his original group, NUEST after Wanna One disbanded 
Dongho IG: realbaekho
Minki IG: glorypath
Jonghyun IG: pockyjr
Minhyun IG: optimushwang
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Son Dongmyeong, Yeo Hwanwoong, Lee Gunmin, Lee Keonhee, Choi Jaewoo
╚ Dongmyeong ended up at 68th place; Hwanwoong at 42nd; Gunmin at 94th; Keonhee at 33rd and Jaewoo at 97th
╚ Dongmyeong is in a group called MAS0094 under Modern Music and the group moved to RBW and debuted June 2017 under the name, MAS and redebuted Auguest 2018 under the name ONEWE and he joined The Unit but he placed 16th
╚ Gunmin joined Mix Nine but ended at the 17th place
╚ Gunmin (he legally changed his name to Seoho), Hwanwoong and Keonhee debuted in the boy group ONEUS
╚ Jaewoo left RBW and debuted in the boy group called New Kidd together with former SM Rookie, Ji Hansol
Hwanwoong, Gunmin, Keonhee IG: official_oneus
Dongmyeong IG: official_onewe
Jaewoo IG: jflo_newkidd
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Kim Namhyung and Jeong Dongsu
╚ Namhyung ended at 52nd while Dongsu at 36th
╚ They debuted as a duo named, AA
Namhyung IG: uno_bucx
Dongsu IG: naneundongsu
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Takada Kenta
╚ Kenta debuted with JBJ and after 7 months of promotion, the group disbanded.
╚ Kenta and Sanggyun made a duo called ‘JBJ95′ and debuted in the year 2018 THEY WILL HAVE A COMEBACK PLEASE DO SUPPORT
Kenta IG: rkm0855 and jbj95_official
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ao3feed-ateez · 3 years
by Phoenixvvv
Jin Yonghoon, the Prince. His father has been begging and pleading him to settle down and get married to eventually take over the kingdom.
"Yonghoon, son, I won't be here forever you know!"
"Yes father, I know, but I need a little more time.."
Kang Hyungu, the boy in rags at the market that somehow caught the Prince's eye.
"Father, hes the one I want."
Started: 2/1/21 Ended:
 Cross posted on Wattpad (@Phoenixvvv)
Words: 3687, Chapters: 3/?, Language: English
Fandoms: ONEWE (Band), ATEEZ (Band), Monsta X (Band), Stray Kids (Band), TOMORROW X TOGETHER | TXT (Korea Band), TWICE (Band), Mamamoo, Pentagon (Korea Band)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Jin Yonghoon, Kang Hyungu | Kanghyun, Ju Harin, Lee Giwook | Cya, Son Dongmyeong, Lee Felix (Stray Kids), Seo Changbin, Hwang Hyunjin, Im Changkyun | I.M, Lee Jooheon, Kim Yongsun | Solar, Moon Byulyi | Moonbyul, Choi San, Choi Jongho, Kim Hongjoong, Park Seonghwa, Jung Wooyoung, Jeong Yunho, Song Mingi, Kang Yeosang, Choi Yeonjun, Choi Soobin, Kang Taehyun, Choi Beomgyu, Jung Wooseok (Pentagon), Adachi Yuto, Im Nayeon, Yoo Jeongyeon, Myoui Mina, Son Chaeyoung, Original Characters
Relationships: Jin Yonghoon/Kang Hyungu | Kanghyun, Choi Soobin/Choi Yeonjun, Choi Beomgyu/Kang Taehyun, Kim Yongsun | Solar/Moon Byulyi | Moonbyul, Lee Felix/Seo Changbin, Kim Hongjoong/Park Seonghwa, Choi Jongho/Kang Yeosang, Choi San/Jung Wooyoung, Jeong Yunho/Song Mingi, Adachi Yuto/Jung Wooseok, Im Nayeon/Yoo Jeongyeon, Myoui Mina/Son Chaeyoung, Lee Giwook | Cya/Son Dongmyeong, Im Changkyun | I.M/Lee Jooheon, Hwang Hyunjin/Lee Felix, Hwang Hyunjin/Seo Changbin, Hwang Hyunjin/Lee Felix/Seo Changbin
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Alternate Universe - Royalty, Alternate Universe - Not K-Pop Idols, Royalty, Princes & Princesses, References to Shakespeare, How Do I Tag, Minor Character Death, Fluffy Ending, Tooth-Rotting Fluff
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kpop-bbg · 2 months
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denim-bias · 2 months
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teodoraherman · 7 years
Top 10 bias list tag. In no particular order. (Wasn’t tagged by anyone, I just saw this and gave it a try)
> Lay / Zhang Yi Xing (EXO). I started with him because he was my first bias ever, he deserves this. Also he’s sexy af and cute at the same time, how can you not > Leo / Jung Taekwoon (VIXX) . He was already my bias then, but when he said his “fantasy” is to have a family, my love for him just went ×10 > Yong Junhyung (Highlight / former BEAST). He’s just… daddy, oppa, yeobo, all in 1, and I love all-inclusive packages > Yoo Kihyun (Monsta X). I chose him from No Mercy, but boy, I didn’t know then what I was getting myself into. No regrets though > Jeon Jungkook (BTS). At first he was actually fighting J-Hope for this place, but then I don’t know how I could only see him. Probably because I also have a thing for those born in the same year as me > Kim Himchan (B.A.P). He like, represents all my success and failures in life (you’ll understand what I mean if you get to know him). And I love his lame-ness. Lol jk, he’s an awesome being > C.A.P / Bang Minsoo (Teen Top). In short, as one of my non-kpop friends described him at first sight: “He’s such a fu*kboy”. And I can’t contradict her > L / Kim Myungsoo (Infinite). Another bundle of bipolar-ness. It’s a fact that I don’t usually choose the ones considered visuals, and if I do, as was the case with him, I only find that out after I fall in love with them. Hence, that’s not because of their external beauty > Ten AND Johnny (NCT). C'mon, who can choose only one when there are (currently) about 20?? (Plus, they’re technically different units.) There’s not much explanation here, I just love them for who they are > Mark Tuan (GOT7). Whether he talks more or less, he’s so similar to me in that aspect. I understand how he feels most of the time. And his parents are a bonus
Ok but why only 10?!? I have like, soooo many others beside these ones… Whatevs, Imma put them all here, I care more about my mental integrity than some stupid rule. Moonbyul (Mamamoo), Minhyuk and Hyunsik (BTOB), Sejun (Victon), Hwanhee and Xiao (Up10tion), Hwiyoung and Dawon (SF9), Minhyuk (CNBLUE), Seungkwan, Wonwoo and Jun (Seventeen), Jinho and Wooseok (Pentagon), Gunwoo (Myname), Kisu (24k), U-kwon (Block B), Jaeho (History), Seungjun (KNK), Hansol (Topp Dogg), JR (Nu'est), Donhhae and Yesung (Super Junior) and others I can’t remember right now. (And then there are other groups where I can’t choose a bias.)
I tag @smilelittleleprechaun @oohshoriionn
@wheeinthebean @dream-of-korea @pandahollow @stillamoonlover
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smittenbyschmidt · 6 years
Moodboard Request Masterlist
A master-list of the mood-board’s I’ve created for you guys! 💖
Full Masterlist :) // Requesting Guidelines // Request
Lee Taeyong (NCT) & Stargazing
Xu Minghao (SVT) & Black / Edgy
Lee Donghyuck (NCT) & Carnival Date
Zhang Yixing (EXO) & Red / Night
Oh Sehun (EXO) & Light Brown / Museums 
Huang Renjun (NCT) & Coffee Date
Lee Jeno (NCT) & Teal (With White)
Oh Sehun (EXO) & Purple
Yoon Jeonghan (SVT) & Flower Lyrics
Kim Jungwoo (NCT) & Pink
Yeo Changgu (Pentagon) & Black / White
Xu Minghao (SVT) & Purple
Zhong Chenle (NCT) & Galaxies / Stargazing Date
Lee Jihoon (SVT) & Light Blue
Joshua Hong (SVT) & Light Coffee Tones
Kim Namjoon (BTS) & Purple / Space
Park Jihyo (Twice) & Summer
Wendy Son (Red Velvet) & Fantasy
Lee Jinki (Shinee) & The Beach
Jackson Wang (Got7) & Blue
Dong Sicheng (NCT) & Greenery
Na Jaemin (NCT) & Gangs
Lin Yanjun (9 Percent) & Dark Purple / Stars
Nakamoto Yuta (NCT) & Periwinkle
Lee Jeno (NCT) & Skater Aesthetic
Lee Taeyong (NCT) & Riches
Kim Jinhwan (iKon) & Neutral Colors
Lee Jooheon (Monsta X) & Yellow
Jeon Wonwoo (SVT) & Gamer Aesthetic
Jung Jaehyun (NCT) & Museum / Gallery Date
Lee Donghyuck (NCT) & Carnival Date (x2)
Bang Chan (Stray Kids) & Lavender
Jung Wooseok (Pentagon) & Black / Blue
Bang Chan (Stray Kids) & Grey
Kim Namjoon (BTS) & Green
Lim Changkyun (Monsta X) & Darker Colors
Qian Kun (NCT) & Prince Aesthetic
Lee Minho (Stray Kids) & Pale Blue
Dong Sicheng (NCT) & The Beach
Bang Chan (Stray Kids) & Black/ White
Byun Baekhyun (EXO) & Apricot
Park Sunyoung (f(x)) & Night Clubs
Jung Jaehyun (NCT) & Cancer Research Institute, Scientist
Yoo Kihyun (Monsta X) & Pale Pink
Kim Jongdae (EXO) & God of Thunder
Kim Jongdae & Kim Minseok (EXO) & Pastels
Xu Minghao (SVT) & Gold / Art
Lee Taeyong (NCT) & Pink/Spring
Kim Yerim (Red Velvet) & Glitter
Do Kyungsoo (EXO) & Fluffy Night In
Im Jaebum (Got7) & 90′s Aesthetic
Yanan (Pentagon) & White
Lee Jeno (NCT) & Pink
Wong Yukhei (NCT) & Yellow/Soft BF
Nakamoto Yuta (NCT) & Blue/Soft BF
Na Jaemin (NCT) & Pink
Park Junhee (A.C.E) & Yellow
Lee Donghyuck (NCT) & Blue
Kim Taehyung (BTS) & Light Purple/Happy
Jeon Jungkook (BTS) & Forest Date
Han Sanghyuk (VIXX) & The Sea/Blue
Lee Donghyuck (NCT) & Orange
Lee Jeno (NCT) & The Ocean
Kang Soeun (Weki Meki) & Greenery
Lee Felix (Stray Kids) & Black
Lee Donghyuck (NCT) & Dusty Rose
Jung Hoseok (BTS) & Yellow
Ahn Heeyeon (EXID) & Early Morning
Boo Seungkwan (SVT) & Best Friends at the Beach
Kim Wonsik (VIXX) & Literature/Library 
Kim Hyojong (Pentagon) & Red
Kim Taehyung (BTS) & Pink
Wong Yukhei (NCT) & Green
Joshua Hong (SVT) & Black
Moon Taeil (NCT) & Pastel Pink
Jeon Wonwoo (SVT) & Bad Boy
Nakamoto Yuta (NCT) & Black
Lee Taeyong (NCT) & Grey/Soft BF
Jung Hoseok (BTS) & Baby Blue
Jeon Wonwoo (SVT) & College AU
Moon Jongup (B.A.P) & Giggly/Soft
Son Hyunwoo (Monsta X) & Purple
Lee Donghyuck (NCT) & Navy Blue
Im Jaebum (Got7) & Study Date
Jeon Jungkook (BTS) & Late Night Drive
Zhong Chenle (NCT) & Soft
Yoon Jeonghan (SVT) & Pink
Adachi Yuto (Pentagon) & Stargazing
Lim Changkyun (Monsta X) & Dark Royalty
Lee Felix (Stray Kids) & Royalty
Choi Seungcheol (SVT) & Soft Pink
Han Jisung (Stray Kids) & High School Outcast
Moon Taeil (NCT) & Astrology
Yoo Kihyun (Monsta X) & Witch AU
Kim Jongdae (EXO) & Black
Na Jaemin (NCT) & Boyfriend AU
Kang Yeosang (Ateez) & Falling In Love
Byun Baekhyun (EXO) & Soft, Rosé
Oh Sehun (EXO) & White, Homebody
Park Jaehyung (Day6) & Street Racer AU
Mark Lee (NCT) & Mafia AU
Lee Minhyuk (Monsta X) & Demon AU
Lee Juyeon (The Boyz) & Valentines Day Date
Chwe Hansol (SVT) & City Nights
Mark Lee (NCT) & Street Racer AU
Choi Hyunsuk (YGTB) & Nighttime
Lee Jeno (NCT) & College Couple AU
Song Mingi (Ateez) & Volleyball Player AU
Kim Yukwon (Block B) & Purple
Na Jaemin (NCT) & Lee Felix (Stray Kids) & Blue and Orange
Liu Yangyang (WayV), Boyfriend AU (mlm) & Yellow
Nakamoto Yuta (NCT), Blonde Hair, & Pink
Choi Seungcheol (SVT) & Date Night AU
Jung Jaehyun (NCT) & High School Sweethearts
Shin Hoseok / Wonho (Monsta X) & Beige, Soft Concept
Lee Taeyong (NCT) & City At Night
Yang Hongseok (Pentagon) & Prince Theme
Moon Bin (Astro) & Study Date
Kang Hyunggu / Kino (Pentagon) & Yellow
Lee Seoho (Oneus) & Forest Adventure
Choi Seungcheol (Seventeen) & Red
Kim Namjoon (BTS) & Blue
Chae Hyungwon (Monsta X) & Witchy/Dark Aesthetic
Jeon Heejin (Loona) & Space Travel
Im Changkyun (Monsta X) & Blue
Han Jisung (Stray Kids) & Soft Library Theme
Park Jaehyung (Day6) & White
Kim Jongdae (EXO) & Blue / Soft Aes.
Min Yoongi (BTS) & Lazy Friday Night Date In
Choi Seunghyun (Bigbang) & Autum / Cold Weather
Byun Baekhyun (EXO) & Purple
Lee Seokmin (Seventeen) & Yellow
Oh Sehun (EXO) & Dinner Date
Cha Junho (X1) & White and Tan
Park Jihyo (Twice) & Pink
Lee Jeno (NCT) & Celebrating Your Birthday
Min Yoongi (BTS) & Post Quarantine Sunny Walk
Lee Jihoon (SVT) & Pink
Kim Doyoung (NCT) & Red
Jung Jaehyun (NCT) & Best Friend Au
Park Jaehyung (Day6) & Blue
Kim Mingyu (SVT) & Soft Boyfriend Vibes
Kim Hongjoong (Ateez) & Red
Kim Youngjo (Oneus) & Red
Jackson Wang (Got7) & Wine Drunk
Im Jaebum (Got7) & Police Officer, Dark Green/Black
Adachi Yuto (PTG) & Movie Night
Kim Taehyung (BTS) & Dark Green
Lee Minho (Stray Kids) & Dark Vibes
Kang Seulgi (Red Velvet) & Cherry Red
Kim Doyoung (NCT) & Red (Pt. 2)
Lee Seunghyub (N.Flying) & Boyfriend Au
Lee Jangjun (Golcha) & Prince/Royalty Theme
Lee Jeno (NCT) & Music Studio Date
Cha Hun (N.Flying) & Green
Yeo Hwanwoong (Oneus) & Dark Blue
Jacob Bae (The Boyz) & Pink/Flowers
Kim Geonhak (Oneus) & Soft Blue
Xu Minghao (Seventeen) & Wine/Roses
Kim Junmyeon (EXO) & Flowers
Son Dongju (Oneus) & Blue
Bang Chan (Stray Kids) & Lazy Mornings
Lee Felix (Stray Kids) & Repairing A Broken Heart
Jang Sebin (Omega x/Snuper) & Academia 
Bang Chan (Stray Kids) & Maroon
Dong Sicheng (NCT/WayV) & Rose Gold
Lee Felix (Stray Kids) & Light Blue
Lee Chan (Seventeen) & Mythology
Kim Hyojin (ONF) & Mint Green
Kim Doyoung (NCT) & Roaring 20′s
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