devilatmydoor · 4 years
Rich Girl // Gwen Stefani (listen, this was my SONG in elementary school) 
Come together all over the world, From the hoods of Japan, Harajuku girls 
🌟Shuffle game!
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calumsclifford · 4 years
Hi Maggie!! I hope you’re well! Quick question - a little personal project of mine has been to build a writing prompt app that will give me a random prompt anytime I want to write. I’ve been doing some collecting of prompt lists from Tumblr, and I was wondering if you’d be okay with it if I used some of the ones from your lists you’ve posted? I don’t want to use anything without permission, and any prompt I pull from one of your lists would link back to your blog for credit!
of course!! you can use the prompts from my lists, and anyone can use any of them for anything, really! thank you, that sounds like such a cool project!
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cashtonsangel · 4 years
I guess I kind of have both the not remembering when i knew i wasn’t straight and the moment of realization, if that makes sense? I have always been attracted to women, I just didn’t know to label it attraction. I literally lost my virginity to a girl but I didn’t consider it losing my virginity bc I didn’t see myself as gay until like maybe a year later, and then when I really thought about growing up and how I would rlly wanna be friends with girls I realized that was attraction the whole time
okay this is actually really cool that you didnt feel the need to label yourself yet still were comfortable to do the things you did! and how you reflected back on your experiences to make yourself who you are now!! i love this for you hun!!!
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pxrxmoore · 4 years
I saw the Cashton + Hawaii mood board you reblogged and immediately my mind went to the Turks & Caicos fic and the way I YELLED when I saw your tags and you mentioned it. I’m glad I wasn’t the only one who immediately went there
aaaaAAAHHHHH AMAZING 😭 I love that fic so so much omg I love that u also thought of it truly iconic of us 😭🙏
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nostalgiabones · 4 years
I have so many!! iI’s like my first listen through with CALM I knew immediately Thin White Lines was my favourite specifically because of the line “I don’t think I like me anymore, can someone tell me who I was before” because it just immediately made me Feel Things. Or one of my favourite bands The Band CAMINO my absolute favourite of theirs is the song 2/14 because of the lyric “I can’t be just friends, you’re messing with my head” akdjsha I could go on forever with every artists I love tbh
AFLSHD taste!!! The band CAMINO are one of my favourite artists, they’re so good. My favourite song of theirs is see through but the lyrics “there’s a distance between me and myself somehow” from farsighted hits different. Thin white lies is SO good, I think that’s my second fave after lover of mine. Thank you for sharing!!
discussing this post! ♥️
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killmytyme · 4 years
cherry cola | calum hood
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image from this post by @siyahraat​
this fic is brought to you by @myloverboyash​​ absolutely destroying me with this text post, which I reblogged and went off in the tags and then couldn’t get it out of my head so I had to write out the entire scene. is this maybe the most self indulgent thing I have written in a really long time? yes. is this good? probably not. but i saw this whole cozy 3am snack run in my mind and had to get it out here somehow. 
warnings: none except for the most gross amount of fluff
word count: 2.4k
The thing is, you had been craving a cherry cola slushy all day. It was all you could think about for the whole day, but you knew you didn’t need one, so when you had gone out earlier you summoned your willpower and didn’t indulge. The problem was that now it was 3am and you couldn’t sleep, and all you could think about was the gas station a 10 minute drive away that had the cherry cola slushy you needed. The other problem was that Calum was fast asleep, and you really hated driving alone late at night. It had been hours now of you laying awake and only thinking about the slushy before you decided you couldn’t take it anymore. You rolled over to face him and gently shook his shoulder.
“Cal,” you whispered, watching his face twitch as he started to stir. “Cal, wake up.”
“Hmm?” he questioned, blinking awake slowly. His arm reached out to pull you into him. “’S’wrong? You okay?”
“I need a slushy,” you say, pulling at him to move with you as you sat up. “We need to go get one.”
“Babe,” Calum’s eyebrows raised as he glanced at the clock on the bedside table. You knew what it would say, you knew how crazy this probably sounded. “It’s 3am, we can get slushies tomorrow.”
“No, Cal, I need a slushy,” you whine. “I know it’s 3am, I know it’s crazy, but I think I’m actually going to die if I don’t get a cherry cola slushy right now. Immediately.”
“Cherry cola?” There’s laughter in his voice, and you know you’ve won him over. “Babe, the best slushy flavour is blue raspberry. That’s just an objective fact.”
“Okay, well, it’s an objective fact, Calum Hood, that I am wasting away here without snacks or a slushy to sustain me!” You hop out of bed and grab the hoodie he tossed on a chair before he crawled into bed, throwing it at his face while he laughed at your dramatics. “If you loved me like you say you do, you’d get up and drive me, unless you want me going out at 3 in the morning by myself, which is dangerous and-” 
Your voice is cut off by the feeling of the hoodie you’d just thrown his way coming down over your head, and you squirm your arms up into the sleeves, Calum pulling the sweater down over your body.
“You’re lucky that I love you, you know that,” he says, smiling fondly at you. You grin back at him, the smile not leaving your face as he gets dressed and starts the hunt for his keys. “Who would have thought I’d find someone who drags me out of bed at ridiculous hours because they need a slushy, of all things, and I’m still in love with them.”
“It’s all part of my charm, you know,” you say as you tap your foot impatiently.
“If you say so.” He finally locates his keys and you both make your way out of the house and into the car. The night air is crisp, and the street is quiet in that way that only the middle of the night can be; still and peaceful, knowing you’re likely the only ones awake and moving, feeling alone but nowhere near lonely as Calum starts the car and intertwines your hands, backing out of the driveway.
You start pressing buttons on the radio to bring up some music for the drive, and he laughs when you land on the Top 40s station. At this time of the night it’s a DJ set, some local up and coming DJ getting the 3am slot to play terrible remixes to popular songs. Just your luck, you flipped to the station in time to hear Calum’s voice floating out of the speakers.
“Don’t you love this song?” you giggle, turning up the volume and singing along as the chorus starts.
“I wonder who it’s by,” he comments, playing along with you.
“It’s this band from Australia, they’re not that big so you probably haven’t heard of them. Pretty underground stuff.” You can’t stop giggling, and Calum couldn’t wipe the fond grin from his face if he tried. You get like this when you’re tired, silly and giggly, and it’s one of his favourite ways to see you. “They’re okay, their old stuff is better. Newer albums aren’t their best work.”
“Bold words from someone who hasn’t missed a beat singing along,” he squeezes your hand as he teases you, and even after all this time the simple action stirs up the butterflies that never seem to vacate your stomach when you’re around him.
“Hey, I never said I had good taste!”
“Clearly, you dragged me out of bed at 3am for a cherry cola slushy.” He laughs again at your mock gasp, but you don’t have time to defend your slushy choice before you realize you’ve driven by the gas station.
“Cal! You missed the turn, we need to-”
“Don’t you want other snacks? If we’re up, I kind of want cheese puffs. We can grab slushies on the way back, okay?”
“Calum Hood,” your voice is serious now, and he glances over with concern on his face. “You are a genius. Cheese puffs are exactly what I want. Can we get popcorn, too?”
“You can have everything you want, babe.” Calum turns the car into the grocery store parking lot and you learn your head back against the seat, facing him, and it occurs to you then that everything you want is just him and a thousand more midnight snack runs like this.
Once you get inside the store you both give apologetic waves to the cashier who nods tiredly at you and waves you in. The store is 24-hours but you both still feel that twinge of guilt walking in so late. Calum grabs a basket and starts heading to the snack aisle but you pull his hand back and gesture towards the produce.
“We have to walk the aisles! Like we always do,” you say, staring longingly at the rows of fruit.
“We always do that when we come here at 3 PM, not AM,” he says patiently. You ignore him, still staring at the apples until he sighs and gives in, letting you drag him through every aisle.
You each comment on things as you walk by them, falling into your usual store rhythm. One of the things you’ve always loved about Calum is his ability to make even the most mundane errand fun, the way he plays into your bits and lets you be unabashedly silly. He doesn’t think twice when you pause in front of the assortment of breads, fresh from the bakery, and ask in all seriousness for him to choose which bread he thinks most represents him.
“Kaiser buns,” he says without pausing to think.
“Yes!” you shout, and you both dissolve into giggles when a nearby associate jumps, clearly shocked by the noise. Calum calls out an apology as you continue to laugh. “Suits you. Crusty on the outside, soft on the inside,” you say through your laughter, poking him in the side.
“M’not crusty,” he says, tone offended, but you can tell by the crinkles around his eyes that he’s amused by your antics.
“You said kaiser! Not me!” You grab a bag for yourselves and toss them in the basket, much to Calum’s chagrin.
The rest of the trip goes just like that, pausing every few steps to delve into a deep discussion about white eggs vs brown eggs, or the best breakfast cereals, or the uses for the wide arrange of infused olive oils. By the time you make it to the check out you’ve spent far too much time in the grocery store, but the cashier, a woman with grey hair and kind eyes, smiles warmly at you as she rings you through.
Finally back in the car you dig out the container of cheese puffs and feed some to Calum as he drives. The DJ set is still going, this time the song is a mashup of two popular songs. You do your best to sing along but it’s switching between the two so quickly you can’t quite keep up, and Calum nearly has to pull over from laughing so hard at your attempts to follow along with the lyrics. In retaliation, you refuse to give him any more cheese puffs, pouting in an exaggerated manner at him.
When he pulls into the gas station and parks the car, he leans over and presses a soft kiss to your mouth in apology, murmuring a soft “sorry for laughing” against your lips.
“You’re only saying that so you can get more cheese puffs,” you sigh dramatically.
“You got me,” he smirks, lips still close enough that you can feel it on your skin before he pulls away and - the asshole - snatches the cheese puffs from you as he goes.
“Calum!” Your yell is met with just laughter as he hops out of the car, cheese puffs under his arm, and races into the gas station.
You catch up to him, giggling at how ridiculous your night has turned out, and find him standing in front of the slushy machine clearly deep in thought at his options. Under the cherry cola slushy dispenser sits an already full slushy cup, ready for you. You open your mouth to thank him and he shushes you, eyes squinting as they flick over the 6 flavour options he has to choose from.
The feeling that has been creeping up on you more and more frequently comes back again as you watch him. It’s the butterflies in your stomach, and the feeling that your heart is going to actually come bursting through your shirt with how full and warm you feel just looking at him. An hour ago he was fast asleep, and now here is he is with you, being silly and selecting a slushy flavour like it’s the most important decision he’s ever made. You’re so in love with him sometimes it overwhelms you, and it’s never in the moments you expect. It’s in small moments like these - in the back corner of a gas station at nearly 4am, under fluorescent lighting, wearing your rattiest clothing. It’s single minutes in time that make you positive there is never going to be anyone else for you, you only ever want to spend your 3am moments with Calum.
You’re roused from your staring when he moves towards the machine, moving your cup so he can place his directly under the cherry cola dispenser and flipping the lever. You make an indignant noise, and he shoots a smirk at you.
“You’ve been talking about it all night, I had to get it,” there isn’t even a hint of an apology in his voice for all of his teasing earlier, but you don’t even have it in you to rib him for it because you’re too focused on trying not to let how ridiculously happy these moments make you show on your face.
In fact, you wait to say anything at all until you’re back in the car, happily sipping on your slushies, the music acting as background noise now. Your hands are tangled again, and Calum’s thumb rubs softly on the top of yours.
“This slushy flavour actually is delicious,” he says eventually when you’re close to home, breaking your comfortable silence. “I understand now why you needed to get out of bed to get this. It really was an emergency.”
He’s smiling at you, but not in a teasing way. It’s the smile he gave you when you first met Duke and won the small dog over after hours of patiently sitting on the ground and waiting for him to come see you. It’s the smile he gave on the first night you moved into his house and he looked around at the mess of boxes among his things. It’s the smile he gave you when he walked off the stage the first time you unexpectedly showed up on tour to surprise him.
It’s the smile he can’t control, the one that comes out in his happiest moments. Those moments always include you.
“We should get married,” you blurt out. You feel your eyes widen slightly when you say it. You hadn’t planned it, hadn’t even registered the thought before you were saying it. You knew, though, you wouldn’t take it back. You didn’t want to see 3am without him ever again, and you hoped he felt the same way.
“Okay,” he says easily, his happiest smile still shining bright on his face. “Wait, like now? There are some people who might actually kill us if we got married at 4am in sweatpants. Like, I think Luke might actually kick me out of the band if I rob him of the chance to dress up and attend a wedding. You know how he is.”
“Not now,” you laugh. “You’re right about Luke though. I just mean...we should. You know, at some point I’d like to get married.”
“Me too.” You’ve pulled into the driveway now, but neither of you make a move to exit the car. This moment feels small, but it also feels large and vulnerable in a way that even the sound of a door opening might break. “I kind of want to be woken up by you at 3am for slushies for the rest of my life.”
“Good,” you reply softly. He starts to lean towards you and meet him over the centre console, pressing your lips together. It doesn’t even make the list of the most passionate or heated kisses the two of you have shared, but somehow the soft press of your lips feels like more - feels like everything.
Later that morning you sit on the couch, his head resting in your lap as you chat about everything and nothing, finishing your snacks and watching the sun come up outside of the windows. In a way, this feels like everything, too. From the minute you shook his shoulder a few hours ago until now, it all feels like a moment that needed to happen, like the universe knew you needed this collection of small moments to get you here.
“Hey babe,” you say after a few moments of silence. He hums in response. “Do you think at our wedding we could have a cherry cola slushy machine?”
Calum bursts into laughter, but you can feel him nodding his head where it’s resting on your legs. “You can have everything you want, babe.”
He cuddles into you closer, and you can tell from his relaxed face that he’s drifting to sleep, and all you can think as you close your eyes is that you already have everything you want.
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talkfastromance4 · 4 years
Hi love! I just wanted to drop by and say I’ve been re-reading through your masterlist and I just love your writing so much, and thank you for sharing all of it 💗
Oh gosh re-reading?!😱That’s so amazing, you’re so amazing thank you so much!💕 this made me so happy🥺
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tekweela · 3 years
been wanting to do this for quite some time now. the last time i decided to do it, $24.99 ray ban sale was on so i didn’t want to steal the thunder lmfao!
in all seriousness though, i just want to take a quick second and thank each and every one of you for putting up with my shenanigans. all of you for following me in the first place lbr! i don’t write, i don’t make edits, i don’t create anything (other than random chaos) so it’s so bizarre to me to see you all putting yourselves through my bullshit on the daily. i don't know how i'm mutuals with some of the sweetest, supportive and the most creative, talented people on here like what the hell! anyway, thank you all for managing to look past my unorganized, unhinged, unflattering blog and sticking around anyway! i love you all 🖤
before i shut the fuck up, i just want to give the biggest shoutout to all my mutuals. i love seeing each and every one of your posts on my dash every day. we might not interact daily but you best believe i really enjoy having you vibing on my dash.
to everyone reading this: please check out these blogs. some of them are creators, some of them have bomb ass posts and hilarious tags while some rb the best stuff to ever exist on this hellsite. but above all, they're all very special people so, check them out!!
@shit-to-kinda-okay @shawn-youth @postyxmendes @badreputatiom @ilovemesomealessiacara @ifiwasshawnmendesidslapmyself @flweralessia @cals-eyebrows @sunshinelukee @noshamenion @maaaiiittteee @carnationsinjanuary @wocs @calmfolklore @imshatteredbutnotbroken @takeoffxuxi @vapor5sos @lonelyaintnothinnew @calums-hands @redrattlers @feliznavidaddycal @wheniminouterspace @sexgodashton @takethehigh @bluesky-hightide @rebelwith0utacause @truth-beauty-freedom-love @calumrose @2fangirl4u @karajaynetoday @httpsgfg @castaway-cashton @oldmes @killmytyme @spicycal @cakelftv @himbocalum @mikeycliffords @malumsmermaid @alessiaase @twilightmomentswithyou @arilessiagranara @calumsthood @latenlghtdevil @ayintenticals @cashtonasfuck @pxrxmoore @ashtcnirwin @talkfastromance4
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devilatmydoor · 4 years
✨devilatmydoor’s 1k celebration!✨
omg guys! i hit 1k! i can’t believe it! tbh i had no idea anyone would want to follow this blog of mine! I love each and every one of you with my whole heart! i want to thank you all by doing something for you this upcoming weekend (Friday September 4th - Monday September 7th) you can send your requests whenever you want! (special thanks underneath keep reading) 
🎨 moodboard - whatever you want!  📝 blurb  (or send your own prompt) - prompt lists   🧡 💚 💙
🎶 music recommendations - (either you can send me one or i can recommend a song/artist for you)
☪️ vent / say hi! come talk to me about literally anything! 
also this post wouldn’t be finished without thanking my amazing mutuals. i love each and every one of you with my entire heart; you guys are truly amazing and i wouldn’t have made it this far on tumblr without you and your amazing blogs and personalities! I love you all so much 🖤💙
@pxrxmoore @sublimehood @talkfastromance4 @talkfastcal @myloverboyash @sexgodashton @spicycal @ukulelecal @haikucal @twilightmomentswithyou @notinthesameguey @himbocalum @suchalonelysunflower @blackheartedcal @blackbutterfliescal @wastelandcth @burstintocolor @honeybunchcalum @wheniminouterspace @calumrose @tirednotflirting @mcavoyd
@redrattlers @wonderland-irwin​ @lukeysdimples @jbhmalum​ @littledrummerangie​ @icyicejuice​ @tpwkatsumu​ @kaleidoscopeminds​ @cheekysos​ @ashsun​ @loxerofmine​ @calmfolklore​ @calumscalm​ @sanrioluke​ @killmytyme​ @castaway-cashton​ @rawtitty​ @mashlums​ @mikeycliffords​ @atlcalm​ @calmlftv​ @ghostoflrh​ @highscal​ @canyon-moan​ @lukeisbaby​ @calumswildflowerz​ @calumswldflwer​ @clemmings​ @adoringlrh​ @thatscoolbaby​ @wildflowerirwin​ @rosesfromcth​ @malumsmermaid​ @makeupbychio​ @cthwldflwr​ @sunflowerxcal​ @singt0mecalum​ @softforcal​ @findingliam-o​ @saintlaurentcalum​ @ohhmuke​ @halcyonnhood​ @lilacsos​ @flowers-on-the-graves​ @heartbreakgirlisagoodsongcalum​ @goth5sos​ @c-dizzle-swizzlex​ @honeybunash​ @dontstopisagoodsongchangemymind​ @egyptiangoldhood​ @calumfort​ @calumspeachy​ @boytoynamedcalum​ @kaleidoscopemlnd​ @calumance​ @talksopretty​ @feliznavidaddycal​ @calpops​
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calumsclifford · 4 years
idk if this has been discussed but 2/14 by the band camino is a malum song and my mind cannot be changed. “I can’t be just friends, you’re messing with my head” and “every since we crossed that line / got your green eyes in the back of my mind” just scream life long best friends who hooked up one time and realized they’ve been in love this whole time
has not yet been discussed but you are SO correct!! 2/14 is a very good malum song, like GOD the green eyes line took me right out in a malum context, fuck this is...... yeah. yep. it’s malum. and “and common sense falls second place / to the way it feels when you kiss my face”??????? exactly what you said, best friends who realize that they’ve been in love this whole time???? YES 
send me 5sos ship songs!
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highscal · 3 years
thank u babies
i may not be as active on here as i was a few months ago (life just gets in the way you know) and i’m a few days late to the 2020 FF train but i still wanted to just say thank you/give a shoutout to some peeps i’ve come to know through this hellsite thanks to the sossie bois!!! i love you all and i’m so happy and grateful i’ve had to chance to get to know y’all. i’m so sorry if i missed anyone out/got any urls wrong i’m not super on top of url changes 👉🏻👈🏻
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also i’m not good at making those cute lil edits everyone can do so here’s some cute cal/duke content i had saved on my phone instead. LOVE YOU ALL❤️
@mashlums @softforcal @sunrisingirwin @devilatmydoor @calmlftv @fxckthe-noise @wastelandcth @rebelwith0utacause @calswildflower @fucklng-slmp @alltimesos @ashtonsos @easierlftv @vapor5sos @killmytyme @calumcest @spicycal @lonely-hearts @clemmings @haikucal @castaway-cashton @calumthomcs @irwinhugsx @mikeycliffords @beaucalum @winw7n @starshinehemmo @sunshinecal @fakebetchsos
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ashtonsunshine · 4 years
hey im not new to the fandom but I'm new to the tumblr one. I wanted to know if you might have some recommendations for people I should follow? or maybe show me the right direction or a post someone made about this exact topic? you absolutely don't have to but please if you can't /don't want to do so, text me so I can ask someone else thank you ❤️
Hello! Welcome! You can follow these blogs and then go from there. 😊
@pxrxmoore @kindahoping4forever @cashtonasfuck @sexgodashton @goth5sos @boomerash @redrattlers @talksopretty @wastethen8 @ghostofmashton @ghost-of-you @spicycal @irwinkitten @ashsun @glitter-cal @talkfastromance4 @cashtonsangel @cliffoconda @tigerteeff @loverofmines @carriedawayfromhome @kaleidoscopeminds @feliznavidaddycal @rebelwith0utacause @myloverboyash @redesertblues @killmytyme
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nostalgiabones · 4 years
The special song on an album post: YES, I love that you’re talking about this!! Usually it’s the song with lyrics that Hit, idek if I can describe it but on all of my favourite albums there is a lyric that, like you said, I just feel in my chest and immediately that is like THE song on that album for me, I’m glad I’m not alone in this
YES this is exactly what I feel!!! This is exactly what I meant by the post! Like as I’m listening to a song some lyrics just like... hit so different and I’m just like wow this song is incredible aldhskjd. You described exactly what I meant so it’s interesting to see that other people get it too! If you want to share any songs/lyrics in particular feel free♥️
discussing this post!
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redrattlers · 4 years
Top 7 albums! Thanks @5sosofficial and @calumrose for the tag 💛
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In no particular order, we have:
Calm - 5sos / could’ve been any album tbh but after having this album for almost 6 months, it really stands out to me, I think it’s the one I relate to the most, so much to love about this album I could talk about it forever
Megalithic Symphony - AWOLNATION / this one holds a special place in my heart cause it’s really the first album I bought for myself, with like no influence from my parents or anyone else. It was like all mine and I cherish this album so damn much
Lovely Little Lonely - The Maine / the first album I listened from The Maine, fell in love, rest is history
Mind Over Matter - Young the Giant / do yourself a favour and listen to this one, I always go back to this album, it’s almost like my comfort album in a way
Dark Eyes - Half Moon Run / actually do yourself another favour and listen to this one too (or any other album by HMR) ! It’s a little slower, but easily my favourite album, Full Circle is my favourite song, my absolute favourite band <3 also special shout out to Call Me in the Afternoon, Give up and She Wants to Know!
Cleopatra- The Lumineers / first year of uni was a tough time and this album got me through a big chunk of it, saw them in concert at the end of that year and it probably was the best concert of my life!
Disappear Here - Bad Suns / Kj now has the pleasure of knowing she influenced my music taste forever cause Bad Suns are now at the top of my list and I have listened daily ever since she recommened this album to me. Highly recommend!!!
Here’s the link to the website! Tagging @httpsgfg @clumsyclifford @lukehummingbirdz @karajaynetoday @ashtcnirwin and @killmytyme if you want to do it :)
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findingliam-o · 4 years
Thank you to @sexgodashton and @notinthesameguey for tagging me in this challenge. Love you both! It’s so fun to hear how everyone sounds!
5sos accent challenge | @karajaynetoday
inspired by the 5sos voicenotes, let’s have some fun with word pronunciation and accents. here are the rules! record an audio of yourself saying the following:
your name* or tumblr url* , 5SOS, 5 seconds of summer, calum, ashton, luke, michael, calm, youngblood, sounds good feels good, karabloke, friends of friends
I tag: @reallycalum @calumhoodaf @killmytyme @calswildflower @evilrry @ashtonsdimples and whoever else would like to do it!
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i-like-5sos · 4 years
R U L E S : you can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to! Put your favourite playlist on shuffle and list the first 10 songs, then tag 10 people! No skipping!
Tagged by @himbocalum, thank you!!  <3
Okay so I’m weird and don’t really have a favourite playlist (I mainly just loop through my most recently added songs like 65 times until they get replaced with like 6 new songs) so I’m just going to do this with my ‘liked songs’ on spotify 
Stockholm Syndrome // One Direction
The Truth Is A Terrible Thing // You Me At Six
Never Enough // One Direction
Younger Now // Miley Cyrus 
Pretty Little Girl // Blink 182
Small Talk // State Champs
Fresh Air // ZAYN
Pretty Venom (Interlude) // All Time Low
You Should Be Sad // Halsey 
For Baltimore // All Time Low
Tbh this looks like a pretty accurate snapshot of my musical taste lol all that’s missing is the 5SOS / Taylor Swift / overall sad music /a bit more pop punk stuff 
tagging: @ashton-trash , @devilatmydoor, @talkfastcal, @babylonxcaluum,  @wonderland-irwin, @killmytyme, @rebelwith0utacause, @mikeycliffords, @watchyourattitude, and @xsongxbirdx  (plus anyone else that’d like to do this!!)
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