jungle321jungle · 2 months
Something Worth Stealing: Five
“What do you think?”
Truthfully Virgil was terrified at the very prospect. There was a reason each nanny didn’t last long, and Virgil had heard enough horror stories about the Ackroyd boys to avoid them at all costs when he had worked in the past. Hell the only reason he still got some to come in now and then was because the job was so high paying. Mr. Ackroyd knew exactly what he was doing advertising with all those zeroes, he was reeling in any nanny who would skip talking to peers at the sight. And now by some twist of fate that very bait was dangling above Virgil, and even worse there wasn’t anyway he could feasibly afford to ignore it. A sigh escaped his lips as he looked the man in the eye, “I think it is more than a generous offer that I would be happy to accept.”
(Virgil becomes the newest nanny for his very attracti- for Logan.)
Ao3 - Previous Parts - Masterlist
Virgil was burning up. He wasn’t sick or anything, but the nerves surrounding this date had every nerve on fire to the point he was surprised he hadn’t melted into a puddle. Was it possible to get heat stroke while blasting AC in a car? If not, he’d likely be the first victim of such insanity. There was just too much riding on tonight. Sure, romance was on the line- but more than that, his job was on the line, and so were his relationships with Logan’s sons. 
Because what if he did something so horribly stupid tonight that left Logan’s fancy suit covered in fancy dinner? Surely, he’d be fired on the spot. And just like that, no job. No money. He wouldn’t see the twins or Patton. Janus would lose some friends. Janus would never get his own room. He’d-
“Are you okay?”
The deafening silence that was swirling around Virgil began to splinter at the sound of his nephew’s voice. Glancing in the rearview, he could see that Janus had looked up from the book he had been reading- was it too dark to be reading that now? The sun was beginning to set, so he shouldn't be straining his eyes. Virgil opened his mouth to tell his nephew so when he saw Janus frown, “So you’re not okay.”
“No-no! I’m fine. I’m fine! I was just going to say you should stop reading for now. But I’m fine!”
“You said that three times.”
“Because it’s three times the truth.”
“That doesn’t make sense.”
“Well, yes, um… it doesn’t matter. I'm fine, Janus.”
“No, you’re not. Are you worried about your date?”
“A- a little- just the tiniest bit. It’s been a while since I was even on a date.”
“Was that with the guy who cheated on you?”
“W-what? What?” Virgil sputtered. 
“When I talked to Mom this morning, I told her you were going on a date. And then she said that the last guy was really mean, and he cheated on you, and he made you cry. So she said it’s now my job to watch out for you ‘cause sometimes you have bad taste like she does. But Mr. Logan is nice, so I don’t think you need to be nervous.”
Virgil gave a long and heavy sigh before he couldn’t help but smile, “Well, I’m always grateful to have you on my side, Jan… But what else did your mom say about me? Or my past boyfriends?”
“Nothing really,” Janus shrugged (to Virgil’s relief). “Just that you should take her advice more.”
Virgil gave a frown and mumbled to himself, “Did she tell you she’s a hypocrite too?” 
“What’s that mean?” 
Apparently, Janus had good hearing. Good to know. “I’ll tell you later,” Virgil said, pulling into Logan’s driveway. “For now, let’s head inside.”
Inside the home, Virgil found Logan in the family room talking with three other staff members, likely talking about watching the children for the evening… Virgil wished them luck. Upon realizing their arrival, Logan turned to grave Virgil with a small, slight, barely there smile, which somehow made Virgil’s knees feel like goo. He was dressed nicely (as always)- Logan’s attention snapped back to the few he was speaking to, and hushed voices were heard as they crowded Logan before they abruptly shoved Logan in Virgil’s direction. 
Virgil was about to comment on it, when he noticed that in the second he had turned around Logan’s perfect hairstyle had been messed up the tiniest amount in what was clearly an intentional way. Perhaps those three weren’t discussing babysitting at all, had he asked them for advice? The mental image was one Virgil couldn’t help but smile at. 
“You look nice,” Logan said with a nod. 
“You as well, I-”
“Mr. Logan?” Janus interrupted. 
“What can I do for you, Janus?” Logan asked, redirecting his attention. “If you’re looking for my boys, they’re in Roman’s room.”
“Okay! But first, what’s ‘hypocrite’ mean?”
Virgil gave a heavy sigh as Logan answered the question. “A person who says one thing then does another. Like if I told you to eat your vegetables but I never do. Does that make sense?”
Janus pondered for a moment or two before he nodded and turned to Virgil, “Then my mom’s one for not listening to you but wanting you to listen to her?”
“…She listens sometimes.”
“No, she doesn’t. I’m gonna go upstairs to play. Have fun!”
When his nephew disappeared, Logan let out a slight chuckle, “It sounds like you two are having quite… intellectual conversations.”
Virgil’s huff in reply only made Logan’s smile widen, so he turned away. “Let’s not miss our reservation.”
Dinner did not go as planned. 
Despite arriving at their reservation early- their table had apparently been given away which led to waiting. And upon finally being seated their waiter took the drink and appetizer orders and then promptly ignored their existence. The drinks had eventually found a way to them, but as time passed Virgil had the sneaking feeling that the appetizers would never come. This was only proven correct as the waiter vanished from the floor entirely, and according to the whispers of employees in the dining room- he had left the building entirely. Virgil couldn’t help but want to be a tad nosier, but he caught Logan’s amused gaze. 
“Any more info?” 
Virgil shook his head as he sipped at his near-empty water, “Nothing I can hear from here. But sorry, I forgot what I was saying.”
“I don’t recall myself,” Logan admitted. “I was staring at the couple behind you who received their meal. We have been here far longer than they have.”
“Does the food look good, at least?”
“As hungry as I am, everything does. I neglected to eat lunch today.”
“What? Why?”
“I was distracted by the boys and pulled in different directions. I had to make some calls, and then I had a meeting over Zoom. Ultimately, I didn’t even realize I had missed a meal until I began to get ready. So I simply ate an apple to tide myself over until dinner.”
“That’s not like you at all.”
“I agree. But I digress; how was your day off with Janus?”
“Good, good. I had told him to pick what we would do today, so we ended up at one of those pottery places where kids can paint the pieces. He was very meticulous over a few pieces of dish ware. He wanted a perfect matching set.”
“That’s adorable,” Logan smiled. “I’ve wanted to take my boys to do that, but I have a feeling that Remus would break far more than he’d paint. But he also wouldn’t take kindly to me just taking Roman even if I took him elsewhere.”
“Yeah, I can see that.”
“What did you paint?”
“I chose a shark piggy bank because… because it was there? Anyway, I made it purple with different colored polka dots because it annoyed Janus.”
“Brilliant reasoning.”
“I think so.”
Logan’s words and Virgil’s train of thought flew off the tracks at that moment as a server walked by, holding a tray of dishes that looked beautiful but also smelled divine. 
“As good as that looks, I regret not choosing a place I am familiar with,” Logan frowned. Apologies.”
“Don’t apologize; you had heard good things about it. It seems like this is an off day. And I appreciate the thought process that we could try something new together.”
“Why do I sense a but coming?”
“However,” Virgil started because it was a different word than ‘but.’ “It is clear we are both starving, and it’s also clear that our food will never get here considering we still have menus. So, would it be such a bad idea to go elsewhere? I know a hole-in-the-wall a few blocks away with the best tacos I’ve ever had.”
Logan didn’t speak for the longest moment. Rather, his piercing eyes stared into Virgil’s as he folded his hands and sat up straighter in his seat. And in that moment Virgil couldn’t stop the strike of fear that shot through him as he wondered if he had accidentally insulted his date- if he had offended his boss. Logan had put in all this effort for tonight and yet, Virgil just wanted to throw it away. He opened his mouth to quickly amend his statement, but Logan spoke first. 
“Couldn't you have said that ages ago? Do they have quesadillas?”
Virgil gave a slight sigh of relief, “Real good ones.”
“No point in bothering for the check, it’ll take forever. I’ll leave more than enough cash for the drinks. Lead the way.”
The food was wonderful, and with it in their stomachs, conversation flowed easily. It was almost scary how easily Virgil forgot he worked for Logan. Right now, they weren’t boss and employee; they were just two (severely overdressed) guys on a date, and that was perfect. There was something alluring about just watching Logan be Logan. Just in the way he spoke and expressed himself as if trying to remain reserved but in the same way allowing Virgil to see his true expressions underneath. Virgil had always known how nice it was to listen to Logan speak of his children, but it was just as nice to hear him speak about his life and dreams. And even nicer was how smoothly he came up with ideas on how to integrate Virgil into them. It was a first date unlike any Virgil had been on, and as Logan took his hand as they walked back to the car- Virgil couldn’t have been more thrilled with that fact.
All Parts
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edupunkn00b · 11 months
Happily Ever After Masterpost
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Logan Sanders thought he had secured a fairy tale ending when he married Kelly Croft, mother to his first child. Perhaps Logan should have spent less time in the non-fiction sections and more time reading actual fairy tales.
Has he truly lost his chance for a happily ever after or were the first twenty years of his adulthood just the prologue to the real fairy tale?
Spotify Playlist - [ AO3 ]
Chapter List
Once Upon a Time
It Was a Bright Cold Day in April
A Queer, Sultry Summer
The Sun Did Not Shine
Happy Families
A Pleasure to Burn
All This Happened
The Past is a Foreign County
Ships at a Distance
Next story in the series: Objections
This was overdue. When I started posting Happily Ever After on Tumblr, I didn't really know what I was doing and didn't anticipate just how hard it would be to find these posts again.
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theworldofmrplant · 1 year
have they domesticated me?
Pairing: Analogical & Child! Patton
Summary: Fae!Virgil&Logan adopt a 6-year-old Human!Patton not realizing it wouldn't be the easiest.
Triggers: child neglect/abuse + nightmares (not caued by virgil or logan this is not unsympathetic sides)
Word Count: 923
I originally posted this on ao3 under the username steampunkgoggles ^_^
Being lonely was never a problem for Patton, he’d been lonely his whole life, his parents had given up on raising him years ago, only doing the basics to avoid getting arrested, and due to that, he’d never learned the social skills he needed to make friends. So yeah sure Patton didn’t have friends or parents who wanted him but at least he had his stuffed animals and the animals in the woods.
It had been a mistake to walk into the woods because now he was lost, cold, and scared. Trembling Patton wrapped his cardigan around himself tighter, he was trying his hardest not to cry, he was a big boy! Big boys don’t cry over things that were their fault in the first place. Sniffling Patton sat down, he wasn’t a big boy, he was a lonely sad boy whose own parents didn’t want him. Laying down Patton curdled up under a tree and cried himself to sleep.
“He’s waking up”
“Oh shit”
Rubbing his eyes Patton sat up yawning
“Who’s there?” he asked looking around
“Ah good you’re awake”, the blue creature said to him
“W-what are you”, Patton trembled
“We’re fae” the purple one piped in standing protectively next to the blue one as if little 6-year-old Patton could do anything to the nearly 6-foot fae.  
“Oh! My grammy told me about you” Patton mumbled to himself trying to remember the rules of the fae she also told him
“Yes well, what are you doing under this tree?” The blue one said
“Uhm Parents don’ want me anymore”, he sniffled eyes filling with tears. 
The fae gave each other a look but the purple one was the first to speak up.
“Why don’t you stay with us?”
Perking up Patton gasps 
Both of the faes nodded. 
Jumping up Patton goes to hug the faes 
“I appreciate it”
The trek back home was long, but somehow having Patton along made it much faster, which was strange considering the fae were much faster than he was usually. 
“So what do I call you guys?” Patton smiled up at the two fae 
“You can call me anxiety I guess” The purple one muttered
“I am referred to as Logic” The blue one nodded
“Oh golly you must be really smart then” Patton giggled
“Erm well I- I suppose so” Logan blushes pushing his glasses back up his nose. 
“Hmmm I need a name don’t I hmm” Patton trailed off eyes lighting up as he got an idea
“Frogger! Like the video game character”, Patton laughed clapping his hands
“Of course, you’d choose that for a name” Virgil responded rolling his eyes
“Oh! Uhm, thank you?” Patton questioned
“No problem short stack” Virgil smiled ruffling Patton’s hair
Patton was asleep on Virgil and Logan’s couch, the two faes having made him go to bed as soon as he got home, of course, he obliged, exhausted from the walk home, which had lasted nearly half a day as Patton was very small and also very prone to getting distracted and lost.
“Are we really going to be able to take care of him you think?” Virgil said anxiously 
“We’ll do our best and that’s what matters” Logan smiled at his husband
Letting out a breath Virgil nodded and held his husband tightly and watched his son sleep. 
Raising a human son in a town full of mythical creatures was not as easy as Virgil and Logan had hoped it would be. They had to teach Patton the rules of course, and then proceed to explain to the 6-year-old why no he could not call his father's daddy and dada in public, and then proceed to comfort said 6-year-old and tell him that no they wouldn’t leave him. It was albeit harder than the men had thought it to be. But they made it work, and soon Patton was fully knowledgeable in all rules regarding the mythical creatures that resided in the forest. Getting him to follow those rules was a different matter 
“Frogger stop trying to touch centaur's tails it’s incredibly disrespectful” Logan hissed his patience wearing thin
“But Logic it’s so fluffy” Patton whined stomping his foot 
“Imagine if someone came up to you and started touching your butt” The centaur neighed 
“Frogger apologize” Logan commanded in a warning tone
“I’m sorry Mister,” Patton said sadly 
Huffing the centaur turned dramatically tail swooshing as he walked away. 
The hardest part about raising Patton though was the nightmares, not because the two thought it was annoying when Patton crawled into their bed in the middle of the night, clearly shaken up from whatever dream had plagued his brain prior, no that was the easy part. The hard part was realizing that they couldn’t help him, that no matter how many soothing words, bedtime stories, and cuddles they’d give him, that crippling fear, the nightmare-inducing thought that the two people who had grown to care about him most in the world, were going to leave him one day all alone. And that, that scared them. It hurt more than any iron, insults, or physical pain ever had. They cared about their son so seeing him hurt like this? Heartwrenching. 
Today was another night like all the others, Patton had come into their room sniffling, climbed into their bed, and snuggled right in between his fathers. Both faes smiled knowing that Patton felt safe in between them. And all three cuddled together, keeping each other safe from any night terrors that might plague their thoughts.
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Words: 5,024 Warnings: Food, Fear, Pain/Sickness (due to food texture/intolerance), Crying, Bickering (Playful), Misconceptions Characters: Patton, Virgil, Janus, Roman, Logan Genre: Hurt/Comfort Additional Tags: Virgil Sanders is a good Brother, Logan Sanders is extra about nutrition, Patton Sanders has a sensitive palette, Janus Sanders is a chaos gremlin, Roman Sanders is extra about cooking, Boys will be Boys™
A Whole Castle - Chapter 25 (timeline: #5)
   Patton stiffened when he heard the front door open, but Virgil hugged Patton to his side tighter in a gesture of safety. Patton had been glued to Virgil since he got here, but he hadn’t gotten better about the adults, yet. Roman smiled widely at the trio and came in, locking up behind himself and carrying a few bags of groceries. Both Virgil and Janus sat up to greet him, though Virgil kept his arm around Patton.
   “Good evening boys. Lovely to see you again, Janus. Are you staying for dinner?” Roman greeted with a dramatic bow. Patton liked it when he did that and calmed down a little.
   “Are you cooking?” Janus asked evenly with a raised eyebrow.
   “Roasted pork stuffed with spinach, prosciutto, and gruyère served with crispy potatoes, green beans, honey-glazed carrots, and cranberry sauce,” Roman announced proudly. Virgil and Janus shared a lovingly exasperated smile with each other from the couch. Patton grimaced at the mention of carrots, and he didn’t know what those ‘stuffed’ words meant, and he didn’t like the sound of them.
   “Yes, then I believe I will. Is the spinach—”
   “The flavour is well-hidden, yes. Just a few more greens to get away with the sides without a lecture from dad. I also picked up shortbread cookies for a little dessert. I want sweet things today.” Roman lifted his arm to display the grocery bags with a grin before heading into the kitchen.
   “Dad’s still going to want to kill you for the fancy ham and cheese,” Virgil called after him. Patton didn’t like the sound of that either, and he didn’t remember Roman mentioning those. He didn’t follow what was happening for dinner.
   “It’s only just enough to hide the spinach. He married me, he can deal with my refined palette,” Roman replied airily and started pulling out the things he needed to make dinner, feeling pleased with himself. The more they talked about dinner, the more scared and confused Patton got about it.
   Virgil just laughed quietly at that, keeping a careful hold on Patton. Janus smiled and reclined back into the couch. “He’s going to spoil me for my own cooking one day,” Janus joked mildly.
   “We’re all going to grow up into being food snobs. When we’re living off of instant noodles in college, we’ll be shoplifting fancy things to class it up, so we can stomach it,” Virgil joked back, leaning into the couch again.
   “No shoplifting boys, you can always come home to get spoiled on my cooking even worse,” Roman called from the kitchen playfully. Patton gripped Mrs. Bunnyface harder. He didn’t like that word. That was a mean word, but he hadn’t heard it used like that before. Patton thought that spoiled food is food that had gone bad.  
   “You’re not gonna eat gross food, are you?” Patton looked up at Virgil, asking quietly.
   Virgil laughed and ruffled Patton’s hair with his hand. “No, Pat, it’s good food,” he reassured Patton lightheartedly.
   “Spoiled for something means you have so many fancy things that the regular things aren’t as good anymore,” Janus explained, crossing his leg on the other side of the couch and leaning on the couch arm.
   “Oh. Can he do that?” Patton looked at Janus with concern. He didn’t understand how that worked.
   “They’re good at it, if anything,” Virgil said lightheartedly and wrapped his other arm around to give Patton a hug. “It’s not a bad thing, Pat,” he added when he didn’t see Patton’s face un-scrunch from the idea.
   “It sounds bad,” Patton muttered.
   “It just means having standards,” Janus said flippantly, tossing out his hand. The motion knocked some hair loose from his newsboy cap, and he tucked it back in carefully.
   “Having high standards sucks sometimes,” Virgil said bitterly, sinking back into the couch.
   “’Tis better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all,” Roman quoted from the kitchen, still busying himself on preparing this large dinner.
   “Hard pass,” Janus muttered, and Virgil snickered at that. Patton was completely lost, chewing on his thumb, while he tried to turn his focus back to the TV. He didn’t know what Phineas and Ferb were up to anymore, either. Patton felt funny.
   “Virge?” Patton muttered, holding his stomach.
   “What’s up?” Virgil looked down at him, frowning when he saw his face.  
   “Can you get me water?” Patton whispered, not wanting Roman to know or to be alone in the kitchen with him.
   “’Course, Patty.” Virgil kissed Patton’s hair and got up from the couch. “Hold on to Mrs. Bunnyface for me tight, okay?” He pointed to the rabbit and headed to the kitchen to get Patton water in one of his no-spill cups.
   “Are you alright, Patton? If you’re worried about what we were talking about, we were just playing,” Janus said softly, throwing a glance at Virgil as he passed.
   “Mm-hm,” Patton hummed, keeping his grip on his doll as Virgil told him to. He pulled up his feet onto the couch all the way and wrapped up around his bunny. Something blew up in the cartoon, attracting Janus’s interest, but Patton just kept brushing his fingers against Mrs. Bunnyface’s fur and looking at the floor.
   Virgil came back with the water, bumping Patton’s hand with it. “Great job, bud, you kept Mrs. Bunnyface nice and safe,” he said softly. Patton looked at him with wide eyes and accepted the water, and Virgil sat back down on the couch next to him, wrapping his arm back over his little shoulders.
   Patton drank tentatively, holding the cup on his lap next to the rabbit plush when he was done. “Sorry, Janus, I think I need to stay with Patton,” Virgil whispered over to him.
   “It’s a non-issue, Virgil, I actually enjoy Phineas and Ferb.” Janus waved him off, looking bored all the same.
   “You’re just idea-mining for good pranks, aren’t you,” Virgil teased.
   Janus shot Virgil a mischievous grin. “That, too.” His face reset back to neutral quickly. “But I’m not at home and haven’t been doing schoolwork, so this is preferable.”
   “Oh, shoot. Homework, I almost forgot. Dad can help us with any math after dinner, but we still have an English assignment,” Virgil hissed, sounding concerned. Patton turned back to the screen, watching the colours and hoping that didn’t mean Virgil was going to leave.
   “I’ll get you the textbook, you can read the passage out loud, and I’ll come up with some answers. We can figure it out from there,” Janus suggested, reaching over the side of the couch for his backpack.
   “You also just don’t want to have to read it yourself,” Virgil accused playfully, accepting the textbook that Janus passed over to him and adjusting his arm around Patton after he set it on his lap.
   “What must you think of me, Virgil.” Janus held his hand to his chest in mock offense, and Virgil stuck out his tongue. Janus returned the expression with an additional sneer before flipping out a notebook to take notes. “Page 148 is the start of the story.”
   Virgil sighed and flipped the pages to the correct one with one hand and put up his feet on the couch to hold up the textbook to read. “North Richmond Street, being blind, was a quiet street except at the hour when the Christian Brothers' School set the boys free,” Virgil started to read out loud.
   “Boys, is this okay for Patton to hear?” Roman called out from the kitchen, accompanied by the sounds of his knife on the cutting board as he prepped the food.
   “It’s about a boy who likes a girl who doesn’t like him back, Mr. Sanders,” Janus let him know right away.
   “Yeah, and the language is stupid flowery, it should be okay. I’ll stop if it sounds dicey.”
   “Ah, wonderful. You know I worry. Thank you boys for getting your homework done, too. Would you like to sneak some milk and cookies before Logan gets home?” Roman offered temptingly. Virgil and Janus shared a grin at each other, and Janus hopped up from the couch to head into the kitchen for their spoils.
   “Why we would never, Mr. Sanders. Which cabinet has Patton’s cups in them, again?” Janus asked as he entered the kitchen.
   “Oh, of course you wouldn’t. To the right, bottom shelf.” Roman pointed with the knife he was using. “Cookies are still in the bag, two each I think is plenty for you two, but just give Patton one with less milk, he has a small appetite. Use a plate so you don’t get crumbs all over the couch. Store-bought is very crumbly.” He smiled conspiratorially and got back to chopping.
   Janus pulled out the cookies, looking around the kitchen in surprise when the cookie package was the only thing left in the bag. “Did you already get the pork in the oven?”
   “I had to learn to be fast to get away with the things I want to cook, didn’t I?” Roman winked at Janus, who smiled at that. He doled out a shared plate for himself and Virgil, and got a smaller one for Patton, and returned to the living room. “Bring the dishes back in twenty minutes tops so that I can clean them off, and he’ll be none the wiser,” Roman requested after Janus, who’s smile only grew. Janus liked Roman’s style sometimes.
   Everyone in the living room took a cookie break, including Patton, who was a little confused to get the single cookie on the plate from Janus and a half-filled cup of milk. He liked shortbread cookies, and it helped him feel a little better. He was able to focus back on the cartoon, and Janus returned their dishes to the kitchen hastily to an extremely pleased Roman before he settled back down on the couch and picked up the notebook again with a “Proceed.”
   Virgil rolled his eyes and grabbed the open textbook off the couch and returned it to his legs to read. “An uninhabited house of two stories stood at the blind end, detached from its neighbours in a square ground,” Virgil continued on with the story, and they worked on their homework together.
   When Logan got home, he was pleased to see the boys doing—well, perhaps arguing over—their homework and Patton accounted for along with them. Whatever Roman was making hit his nose, and it smelled utterly enticing, so he went to go kiss his husband to thank him for all of his hard work in the kitchen before he did anything else. Roman was delighted to see him as usual, making the long staff meeting feel much farther away with each kiss. He headed off to shower after a quick check up for the amount of time he had left until dinner was ready in the meantime.
   Things were much quieter after they finished answering the questions for their English homework. Virgil’s notebook remained open to copy Janus’s answers after dinner, and they left out their math textbook to get help from Logan after dinner and reclined on the couch. Virgil had checked to see if Patton wanted to play outside, but he didn’t feel up to it, so they just kept watching TV, though Virgil and Janus were also partially on their phones.
   “Dinner’s ready! Come eat, boys!” Roman announced proudly, now singing about how food was best fresh. He set up Patton’s booster in a chair and started serving him, though he substituted out the carrots for a dinner roll.
   “Thank you again, love,” Logan said fondly, though now that he could see the whole meal out on the table, he blinked a few times. “Isn’t this… excessive?” He asked as kindly as he could manage, though his concern was clear.
   “There’s spinach in that small pork roast, darling,” Roman said airily.
   Logan looked at the slices in the roasting pan, seeing the contents. “That’s not just spinach.”
   “Young tongues don’t find spinach quite as good as we do.” Roman shrugged, brushing off his concern.
   “Yeah, dad, it’s kind of gross unless you smother it in cheese or dressing,” Virgil agreed, walking into the kitchen holding Patton’s hand, then helping him up on the chair.
   “I likely wouldn’t eat it without the frills, either, Mr. Sanders,” Janus stated, backing up Roman. Virgil set up Patton in his seat and sat next to him, Janus sitting on the other side of Virgil.
   “There are plenty of frills here already,” Logan pointed out, eying the spread.
   “Oh, hush up and eat.” Roman kissed Logan’s head and handed him a plate to serve himself, passing off plates to everyone else at the table quickly.
   “It looks awesome, papa,” Virgil said excitedly, taking a fork to grab a slice of pork from the roast right away. Roman sat down, absolutely beaming and happy to enjoy exactly what he’d been craving since he started cooking.
   “Thank you so much, Mr. Sanders,” Janus added, jostling Virgil playfully to reach for food himself.
   Patton looked at the plate with concern. He didn’t have the carrots Roman mentioned, but… He picked up his fork tentatively and poked at a green bean. It looked bad. “Make sure you eat your meat, Patton,” Roman said softly. Patton nodded and looked at it. It looked okay? He watched Virgil take a bite, and he seemed to like it.
   “You’re right, the prosciutto and gruyère are way better than stupid bacon and cheddar,” Virgil said happily, looking incredibly mischievous.
   “Roman,” Logan said flatly, staring him down. Roman shot Virgil a quick bitter look before turning to Logan with a soft smile.
   “What, I only bought just enough for the meal, it wasn’t much,” Roman defended himself and Virgil snickered softly. “Try it, trust me.” Logan took a tentative bite, clearly enjoying it as well. He deflated slightly and nodded to Roman, motioning that he conceded the victory to him. “Thank you,” Roman said smugly and leaned over to kiss him on the cheek before digging in himself.
   Patton watched them all eat, and they all looked like they were enjoying it, so he took a bite of the cut-up pieces of roast pork himself. As soon as the filling hit his tongue, his mouth hurt badly. It felt really wrong. He tried to chew it, but it just made him sicker. After some fighting, he swallowed it, but that feeling only made him feel worse. Patton put down his fork and held his stomach.
   Logan glanced over to check on Patton, seeing he had barely touched anything. “Patton, is something wrong?” Logan asked softly while Virgil and Janus bickered about their English homework again.
   “N-no,” Patton responded, not wanting to get in trouble.
   “Then please eat, Patton. You don’t have to finish the plate, but as much as you can. You’ve had one of those rolls before if you’re concerned about unfamiliar food,” Logan told him, pointing with his fork to the roll. Patton looked at the roll and reached out for it, taking a bite. He didn’t know what those other words were, but he liked the roll. It made his head hurt, though.
   “It’s not too hard, Patton, just eat what you can and let us know what you can’t,” Roman reassured him. Patton frowned. ‘Not hard’ is one of those lies adults tell. They mean it’s hard, but they want him to do it anyway. Then they get mad.  
   Patton paused, staring at the roll. Did that mean all the food hurt? Was this a punishment? Why were they making him eat food that hurt? Did he have to eat it because it hurt and he’s been bad? Patton put down his fork and roll as the tears welled up, hopping out of his dining chair to run to his room. Everyone watched him rush off in surprise, the kitchen going silent.
   “Patton?” Virgil asked, hearing a door close on the other side of the living room. Logan and Roman got up to follow, while Janus and Virgil tried to figure out what the hell just happened.
   “Do you think we were arguing too much?” Virgil asked quietly.
   “I doubt it, he didn’t mind us arguing on the couch earlier. He stayed under your arm the whole time and watched TV like he didn’t care,” Janus replied softly. Virgil looked at Patton’s plate, but the only thing even touched was the roast pork.
   “Crap, I should probably go in there. I think Logan and Roman scare him more than he lets on,” Virgil whispered. “Sorry about this,” he added, getting up out of his seat.
   “More for me.” Janus just shrugged, taking a big bite of potato. Virgil just rolled his eyes and went to Patton’s bedroom. Patton started openly bawling right as he exited the kitchen, so Virgil picked up the pace.
   “Hey, uh, dads?” Virgil got their attention at the door and motioned with his head. They looked at him, both wearing completely panicked expressions.
   “We need to handle this, Virgil,” Logan said just loud enough to be heard over the sobbing child.
   “I know, maybe I should, though?” Virgil said warily.
   “Virgil, we appreciate it, but—”
   “I think you guys scare him!” Virgil blurted out, pushing his way into the bedroom anyway. “Please?” He sat down on the floor next to Patton and pulled him in, who fell into Virgil’s chest immediately, even though he’d shied away from the other two before Virgil got here. Roman and Logan looked at each other, deciding what was best for both of their wards, and Roman took Logan’s hand, pulling Logan out of the room.
   “There could be a real problem, Roman,” Logan protested in a hushed voice.
   “And I don’t think he’s saying anything until he calms down, honey. Let’s get back to dinner and Virgil will let us know, alright?” Roman said emphatically, looking at Virgil, who nodded in agreement. They both left the room and shut the door behind them, returning to the kitchen.
   Virgil felt incredibly out of his depth, but considering Patton was balled up in a corner, he was probably the only person here who could even help. He wrapped his arms around Patton and rubbed his back, and Patton gripped onto Virgil’s hoodie as he wailed. His hoodie was getting absolutely soaked with snot, he was sure, but Virgil had no idea what to say at all, since he had no idea what was so terrible about dinner that he had to work with.
   Patton just kept crying and hiccuping, and sometimes he’d let out broken words that Virgil couldn’t possibly understand, so Virgil just opted to let him cry himself out. Virgil couldn’t solve the problem right now, even if he wanted to. He just tried to be silently supportive the best he knew how.
   Eventually, the crying broke down into what seemed like a painful fit of hiccups, since it shook his whole tiny body when they struck. Virgil smiled sadly and told him, “Take as deep a breath as you can, and then breathe in more. And it’s going to hurt a little, but it’ll make the hiccups go away.”
   Patton stared at him while he processed that and did as asked, breathing in. He didn’t know how to breathe in more after he did as much as he could, so Virgil showed him by example, exaggerating the action. It made him a little light-headed, but Patton’s hiccups stopped a moment later. Virgil smiled and rubbed his back a few times, pulling him up to sit on his lap and hold on to him better. Patton gripped at Virgil’s hoodie again and leaned his head against Virgil’s chest, struggling through a pained yawn.
   “Are you okay, Patton?” Virgil asked quietly, not wanting to hurt Patton’s head or scare him any further.
   “Yeah,” Patton muttered.
   “Then what freaked you out so much?” Virgil whispered, and Patton sniffled hard, another tear rolling down his cheek.
   “I don’ wanna be punished,” he replied pitifully.
   “What do you think you’re getting punished for?” Virgil felt even more lost than before, and Patton balled up again on Virgil’s lap, crying a little more. Virgil hugged him and swayed lightly, hoping it would help.
   “I-I don’ know why,” Patton choked out.
   “What makes you think you’re being punished then?” Virgil followed up, not sure what was happening. They had had a very low-key day up until now.
   “It hurts, and they were telling me I gotta,” Patton sniffled pitifully.
   “What hurts, Pat?” Virgil kept him held close, making sure Patton felt safe, but Patton started crying again. Okay, he’d have to sleuth it out himself. “Spending time with them?” Patton shook his head into Virgil’s chest. “Me fighting with Janus?” He suggested guiltily. Patton shook his head again, letting out a whine this time. Okay, probably farther. “… Eating dinner?” Virgil guessed the last thing he could think of, and Patton nodded, crying again. “Was it too hot?” Patton shook his head once more. The food itself? “Pat, that food isn’t a punishment. We didn’t know it hurt you. We can just get you something else to eat, it’s okay.”
   Patton kept crying a little longer, and Virgil just tried to rub his back a little this time. He needed to change his hoodie and shirt at this point, and it felt gross, but he could wait it out for Patton a little bit longer. He shifted back into sniffles much quicker this time, loosening up his grip on Virgil’s hoodie with an exhausted expression on his face. “I’m not in trouble?” Patton finally asked, his voice creaking from his poor, worn-out throat.
   “You’re not in trouble. Are you still hungry?” Virgil asked with concern. He really hadn’t eaten much, and he was already so small. Patton nodded wearily, and Virgil tried to remember what snacks he’d seen Patton eat without complaint these last few days. He’d had applesauce, crackers, a few different fruits, rice, and french fries. So he could possibly eat some of what was made. “Okay, how about I put you together something?”
   Patton just looked at him for a moment before nodding. “Cool. Wait for me in here, I need to go change, and I’ll be right back,” Virgil requested and kissed Patton’s hair. Patton nodded weakly again, and Virgil gently moved Patton off his lap and got up to change his hoodie and shirt and wash off his chest before he went near food again. He decided not to look down and surveil the carnage, and instead just toss them in his hamper and grab a shirt off his clean clothes pile before washing off in the bathroom.
   Virgil was back quickly, and Patton hadn’t moved, just leaned up against the wall in the bedroom. “I’m sorry that was so bad, Pat,” Virgil murmured, leaning down to pick him up. “Let’s go wash your face first before we put more food in it.” He carried Patton to the bathroom and set Patton up on his stool, and he sluggishly washed off his face in the sink while Virgil texted Logan and Roman that he’d tell them what was wrong after dinner but to just let him be when they came back. He didn’t want to spook Patton back out of the kitchen. Virgil helped him dry off and Patton held up his arms again, so Virgil just carried him right into the kitchen and onto his booster chair, shooting Logan and Roman a meaningful look.
   Logan was about to start, but Virgil held up a finger to his mouth and pulled out his phone, and pointed to it before scooping everything but the cranberry sauce and potatoes off the plate and onto his own. Logan made a frustrated sound, but Roman hushed him, holding up his phone screen. Virgil took a deep breath to try to calm down, getting an apple and a banana and prepping them for Patton’s plate instead. He wasn’t sure it was enough food to be a meal, but they’d figure that out if he even finished this stuff. Patton looked up at Virgil with wet eyes, glancing down at the plate with worry and back up at him again.
   “These other two might be okay, and I saw you didn’t try them yet,” Virgil said reassuringly.
   “Virgil, there’s no protein there,” Logan whispered. Right. Okay. What was a protein that Patton had eaten recently? Virgil thought hard for a moment before remembering a childhood staple and pulling it out of the pantry. He dished out a scoop of smooth peanut butter on the plate with an apologetic shrug to Logan, capping it off and putting it away again.
   “Oh, apples and peanut butter were one of my favourites as a kid,” Janus hummed, trying to cheer Patton up a bit. Patton frowned, pushing his food around on the plate.
   “I jazz them up a bit more now, but I have them after school sometimes. Pat, if anything else hurts, just tell me and we’ll figure something else out. But your stomach might hurt a little from what you already ate, so start with the banana and some water to settle it, okay?” Virgil suggested softly, sitting back down in his seat. Thankfully, his food hadn’t gone cold by now, so he still got to eat. Logan and Roman looked extremely disconcerted by his comment, but he needed energy from his awesome dinner to deal with it.
   Patton had some water and reached for the banana slices, just opting to eat with his hands this time, and he ate slowly, but he did at least eat. Virgil breathed a sigh of relief, digging into his delicious dinner now. That stressed him the hell out, but he made it through it. Hopefully, he could deal with the extremely stressful conversation later, too, but they were letting him eat his dinner in peace for now.
   Janus jostled him and mouthed ‘you okay?’ at him, and Virgil nodded. “I’m fine. Dad, can we get help with our math homework after dinner?” Virgil looked up, asking through a mouth full of now slightly-less-than-crispy roasted potatoes.
   “Swallow before talking, Virgil,” Roman protested tiredly, though he did at least seem slightly amused.
   “After we—”
   “Yeah, dad, after I explain. Just let us eat dinner, okay?” Virgil requested, but Logan didn’t seem satisfied with that. Virgil tried to think of how to word this without Patton knowing what he was saying. “There are a… selection of topics I would need to verbalize… that might be distressing for… present company. Anything consumed is better than nothing.” As far as Virgil was concerned, there was no way he could figure out to say ‘he needs to see a doctor’ without using any words that Patton would understand and Logan would comprehend.
   “Oh, nice,” Janus congratulated him impishly. Logan and Roman stared at Virgil for a moment, but Virgil just turned to check on Patton instead. He had grabbed a potato medallion to try, and he didn’t like biting into it. Virgil picked up another medallion and took the skin off and handed Patton his fork to eat the soft inside, who tried this suspiciously but did at least go for another bite. Virgil wasn’t sure what was different from fries, but knew better than to question it and just wanted to make sure Patton ate something so that his parents wouldn’t have a conniption. Roman watched curiously but didn’t comment.
   After a pause, Logan finally responded. “I anticipate the situation warrants the lack of vegetal variety?” He asked and Virgil rolled his eyes while Patton chewed, looking mildly confused but much too tired to emote much.
   “It may very well be as such.” Virgil didn’t know any other way to disguise a plain ‘probably’, and Janus snickered at his statement. Patton looked at Virgil oddly, but Virgil just smiled at him, seeing that he made progress on the other roasted potatoes by taking off the skin himself. “See? Thanks for trying, Pat. I know it was scary,” Virgil congratulated him softly, which utterly melted Roman’s heart, and he covered his mouth trying to hide his reaction, but Janus noticed and snickered.
   Virgil just huffed and elbowed him, but he didn’t care, leaning over to tease Virgil behind his hand. “A little young to be a teen mom, aren’t we?”
   “I’m a better mother than you’ll ever be,” Virgil whispered back playfully.
   “You’re certainly right about that, but you’ll see who’s your daddy with the next prank I cooked up,” Janus whispered back again.
   “If you came up with it from Phineas and Ferb, I’m not that worried,” Virgil sassed back under his breath.
   “We’ll see,” Janus replied cryptically. Roman looked at Janus oddly. “You’re a wonderful cook, Mr. Sanders. Do you think you could show me a few tricks on a night when we don't have homework?” Janus asked enthusiastically, distracting Roman right away.
   “It would be my honour, Janus.” Roman beamed, and Virgil snickered behind his hand between bites of pork roast. Patton made more progress on his meal, eating slowly but surely without further complaint, so at least the stuff Virgil came up with as a substitute worked. Patton took an apple slice and curiously dipped it into the cranberry sauce and greedily went for another scoop, so it was going well now.
   ‘Suck up,’ Virgil mouthed at Janus, jostling him slightly.
   “You’re just jealous of my prowess,” Janus leaned in and informed him of his deficiencies under his breath.
   “Boys, why does this happen almost every dinner?” Logan asked rhetorically and rolled his eyes, no longer as concerned as earlier now that Patton was eating.
   “You know what it’s like to be a teen boy, darling, they’re just having fun,” Roman said cheerily, chuckling a little. Janus grinned and held up his fist for a fist bump from Virgil, who returned it right away, sharing in his victory. Roman hummed delightedly at the friendly expression, and Logan scooped some more green beans onto Roman’s plate with a smile. Roman was mock aghast at, pouting out his lip.
   “I suppose I do.”
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xandriagreat · 2 years
A Lovely Night.
Author's note: this is for @loceitweek2022 day 7 anniversary/date
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Logan and Janus are going on a date night on their anniversary.
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casart · 5 months
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Toy Castle au because why not!🧸🏰
250 notes · View notes
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layla-keating · 1 year
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THE FLASH Season 9, Episode 1: Wednesday Ever After
658 notes · View notes
sleepyvirgilprompts · 2 months
In a human AU, Virgil is a five-year-old and Patton is his dad. Patton works from home a lot, and since Virgil is good at sit-quietly-while-Dad-is-busy as long as he's fairly content, Patton lets him sit on his lap while he works if Virgil wants to. Virgil likes cuddling and often ends up dozing off in Patton's lap.
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loganslowdown4 · 9 months
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exsqueezememacaroni · 2 months
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Mike in the Mission 2006
photos by Jay Blakesberg
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jungle321jungle · 2 years
Something Worth Stealing: Four
“What do you think?”
Truthfully Virgil was terrified at the very prospect. There was a reason each nanny didn’t last long, and Virgil had heard enough horror stories about the Ackroyd boys to avoid them at all costs when he had worked in the past. Hell the only reason he still got some to come in now and then was because the job was so high paying. Mr. Ackroyd knew exactly what he was doing advertising with all those zeroes, he was reeling in any nanny who would skip talking to peers at the sight. And now by some twist of fate that very bait was dangling above Virgil, and even worse there wasn’t anyway he could feasibly afford to ignore it. A sigh escaped his lips as he looked the man in the eye, “I think it is more than a generous offer that I would be happy to accept.”
(Virgil becomes the newest nanny for his very attracti- for Logan.)
Ao3 - Previous Parts - Masterlist
Virgil had woken early the next morning, and upon checking on the children had found that Logan had fallen asleep leaning against the bed both twins were sharing. Part of him briefly considered moving the man, but not wanting to wake him, he left him be. Turns out Patton was the only one awake besides himself, so took the baby and brought him down to make breakfast. Pancakes, bacon, and eggs were the name of the game this morning, and Virgil wasn't alone long, as the smell of food seemed to rouse the rest of the house. Janus joined him first, followed by the twins, who told him that their father was going to shower. It had been easy to cook and entertain the children, what hadn’t been easy was everything that followed after Logan appeared. Virgil had told him a simple good morning and Logan had quickly looked away from him, preoccupying himself with setting the table. But any question of if the man was alright, was stopped when he saw the slight blush on his boss’ face and Virgil immediately short circuited as he remembered the words spoken last night. At the time he had been so focused on trying to get Logan to understand that he is a good person and father that Virgil had dismissed the other revelation of the evening.
That Logan had been focused on watching him swim, and apparently day dreamed of putting sunscreen on him?
Virgil felt his own face flush as he forced his gaze into the pancake in the pan. It didn’t make sense, Logan even giving him a once over. Sure Virgil thought Logan was attractive, anyone with some sense would understand that he was beautiful, but Virgil… Virgil was just average. Why would someone who could have literally anyone have the slightest of interest in him? Had it been a trick of the light? Maybe because he had been shirtless and further away? Maybe because Logan was having a hard time dating and he was just frust-
The train of thought thankfully ran off the rails before Virgil could properly consider his boss’ sex life as Logan’s hand pulled the spatula from his, “You're going to burn it.”
Virgil didn’t have any intelligence left to make a sound as Logan leaned over him to remove the pancake from the pan. When the spatula was handed back to him, Virgil forced himself to speak (but he kept his eyes on the pan as he poured in more batter), “How’s your head?”
“I took a few Advil,” Logan sighed, moving away. “But for once I’m not a fan of all the natural light in here… I understand why you were intent on stopping me now.”
Virgil gave a chuckle, “The moral of the story here is to listen to the nanny.”
“That’s rule number one!” Remus chimed in.
Upon glancing over Virgil watched as Logan raised an eyebrow and went to ruffle his son’s hair. “That’s an important rule for you, not me.”
“But Virgil is often right,” Roman considered.
“He’s annoying but he’s right,” Janus agreed.
Logan gave a sigh and shook his head (and seemed to immediately regret the action), “Breakfast isn’t quite yet ready. Why don’t you three put on some real clothes?”
The boys protested, but ultimately did as they were told. “I’ll change this one too,” Logan decided, pulling Patton from his high chair.
“Okay,” Virgil nodded. “I should be done soon.”
Logan didn’t respond, but he hesitated at the stairs,  “Perhaps you and I can speak more later?”
Virgil’s face once again betrayed him as he mumbled an “okay” in response.
Breakfast was followed with games and that with staying in sand by the water, but soon enough the weekend trip was ending and it was time to return home.
“I wanna stay longer,” Remus complained while getting in the car.
“Not this time,” Logan told him from his place in the front seat. “You have school tomorrow.”
“Can’t we just skip it?”
“No we cannot. I also have work tomorrow, and I can’t skip that.”
“Virgil works every day, you can leave and we can stay with him,” Roman decided.
“Also not happening. Now buckle up.”
The boys save for Patton were quick to fall asleep, which left an awkward silence between Logan, Virgil, and the poor driver who had to exist in this tension. Part of him wanted to have a conversation and just get it over with, he wanted to realize that something crazy was going on because there was no way Logan could truly like him, but at the same time he wanted to hide at the bottom of the ocean for as long as he could.
Any thoughts on what to do next were quickly erased by the ringing on his phone bearing his sister’s name. He didn’t get a chance to even say hello before the sound of crying met his ears and Virgil’s mood plummeted.
“V! I wanna talk to Jan!” She demanded.
“Uh, he’s asleep. I can wake him, but first what’s wrong?” He asked worriedly. “Did he-”
“Ruin my life again? Yes! I’m fucking pregnant! Damn it! I shouldn’t have taken him back!” Virgil took a deep breath as understanding of the conversation came. At first he was thankful that she was safe, but then came the questions he didn’t dare ask. This wasn’t the time.
“I don’t know what to do,” she continued sniffling. “I just wanna talk to Janus for a bit.”
“Alright, let me wake him. Just try not to worry him?”
“Shut up,” she grumbled in response but he could hear how she cleared her throat. So after a moment he then leaned over to give his nephew a gentle shake.
When Janus stirred he gave his nephew a smile, “Mom wants to talk to you.”
Janus was awake at once and pulled the phone from Virgil’s hand and put it to his ear. “Mom! Mom! We went to a lake house!”
“Shhh,” Virgil urged. “The others are still sleeping.”
“Sorry!” He whispered. “Mom! We went to- why are you crying?”
The conversation was short, and from what Virgil could gather she made no mention of her pregnancy, only promises of coming to visit Janus soon enough. But Virgil had a feeling that like other times it wouldn’t turn out that way. And judging from his expression, his young nephew thought the same way. But he didn’t say anything to Virgil after he hung up, he just helped himself to the games he had previously downloaded on Virgil’s phone. Virgil would have to talk to him later.
Logan seemed to have a similar thought process as he pulled Virgil aside when they reached the manor. “Is everything alright?”
“My sister,” Virgil started slowly. “Her situation just got a bit more… complicated.”
“Do… Do you want to talk about it?”
Virgil paused, his gaze drifting to where Janus had joined Remus in crawling on the floor beside Patton. He appeared fine, but then again the boy was good at pretending… however Virgil wasn’t. “If you don’t mind,” Virgil said finally.
Logan led the way upstairs to an empty sitting room but once they were both comfortable, Virgil wasn’t sure what to say.
“How are you feeling?” Logan asked him.
“I… I don’t know,” Virgil shrugged. “I’m not sure what to do about this.”
“May I ask what happened?”
“My sister. She… things got hard when she left her ex because of multiple reasons. Because of him she has had to move a few times, and that’s why I have Janus. Which I’m totally fine with! But... but the plan always was that she would figure things out and get to a place where he can live with her again but…”
“She took him back after all that, and now she’s pregnant again. I don’t think she told Janus, and I don’t know what she’s going to do. But if she really is gonna stay with him then… then I feel like Janus loses either way.”
“I apologize that I can’t help in this situation, but I do know that Janus is lucky to have you.”
Virgil gave a slight laugh in dismissal, “You have to say that, don’t you?”
“You don’t believe me? Virgil you’re a person who will do anything for him. You brought him into your home, gave him your bed, you got a second job, and then we’re even willing to risk it all by stealing from me to help him. You’re a good person and a good person for him. And for my boys as well.”
Virgil took a deep breath to avoid the emotions swelling within him, before he nodded. “And you’re a good father.”
Logan’s mouth opened and closed before he conceded with a sigh, “I thought I was comforting you?”
“It’s a two way street… How are you feeling about yesterday?”
“I’m going to do better for them,” Logan promised “That’s- that’s the best that I can do.”
“And that’s perfect.”
Logan gave a slight smile, “Let me know if I can do anything for you, even if it’s just lending an ear. But I shouldn’t keep you away from Janus any longer.”
Virgil stood with a nod, “Let me know if I can do anything for you… you do pay me to help out after all.”
“I’ll see you tomorrow Virgil.”
It wasn’t until he was home later, that something occurred to Virgil. He had been so distracted by his sister, that he had completely forgotten that
“Logan likes me.”
“That’s obvious,” Janus commented into a bite of pizza.
Virgil’s eyes widened as he realized he had spoken aloud. “I-I mean that-”
Janus ignored him as he made a face, “Roman said that Logan wants to be all gross and kissy to you.”
“Don’t be gross in front of me.”
“I like Logan but I don’t want to be cousins with Roman.”
Virgil took a bite of pizza to keep from responding, but ultimately there was still something he needed to talk to his nephew about. “What did you and your mom talk about?”
Janus gave a noncommittal shrug, “Nothing really. But she sounded sad.”
“It’s probably because she misses you.”
“I miss her too. But I want her to be happy like us.”
“Like us?”
“Yeah, I think it would be best if she could live with us.” Janus paused in thought before he frowned, “But I don’t think all three of us could share your bed. So maybe after we finally move.”
“Once we get settled in a new place we can ask her what she thinks. But that’s still gonna be a while.”
“Can’t we speed things up? The sooner you get a new place, the sooner we get an even bigger TV!”
Virgil gave a laugh, “And here I thought you were excited about your own room.”
“I am! But I also want a big TV, so that way our movie nights can feel like movie theater nights.”
“Is this a subtle hint that tonight should be a movie night?”
“Yup! But you get to pick this movie this time.“
“A true honor. Thank you, good sir.”
“Of course my dear Uncle!”
Standing in front of the mansion Virgil couldn’t help but feel a nervousness he hadn’t felt since his first day as a nanny.
“Uncle Vir-” The rest of his name was drowned out by Janus’ yawn as he poked Virgil in the side. “Why did we have get here so early?”
“I need to talk to Logan,” Virgil told him (more to convince himself to actually do it than anything), before he moved to unlock the door.
Upon entering the home he was quick to get Janus set up with some breakfast before he headed to Logan’s office. Standing in front of the fancy door, Virgil took a deep breath, mustered all the courage he had, and knocked. He stepped back from the door and waited. As he waited, the seconds felt like ages. His heart was drumming in his chest as he tried to figure out what exactly to say. He flexed his fingers as he waited… and waited… and waited. To no response. Had he come at a bad time? He had come early, and usually Logan was already dressed and doing things by the time he arrived. No, no, he probably just hadn’t heard. But a second knock yielded the same result as the first. Damn it. Logan was clearly busy and he was being nothing more than a bother. He should just stick to his job and check on the boys. Maybe Patton? The baby usually woke up first, but he usually laid quietly in his room. But what if he wasn’t asl-
Virgil was quick to turn to see Logan coming around the corner. His boss gave him a casual nod, “You’re early today.”
“Um yeah,” Virgil started at peak intelligence. “We… We never got that chance to talk. And quite frankly I think I would implode if I’m confused all day.”
Logan’s lips twitched into a smile before he turned and headed back down a hall and waved for Virgil to follow. It was awkward. More so than Virgil would ever admit, but he followed Logan to and then into his bedroom. To a room he hadn’t been in since he had stolen Logan’s watch… truly a great spot for this conversation. Logan hadn’t seemed to notice Virgil’s apprehensions as he sat on his bed and motioned for Virgil to sit in a chair beside the bed.
“I apologize,” Logan said quickly. “It seems my filter doesn’t work as well when I drink. While I had intended to speak with you about my feelings and not ruining our work relationship, I hadn’t meant to do so in such a tactless manner. I understand and I apologize if I have made you uncomfortable.”
“N-no! You didn’t I just- uh, I just was… surprised,” Virgil assured.
Logan gave a nod and a slight breath of relief, “I’m glad. I didn’t want to make it too awkward for you to work here. If you want, I’m willing to keep my distance and-”
“Keep your distance?”
“Yes, I don’t wish to make you feel out of place here, just because our feelings do not align. My feelings are mine and I do not intend to push them onto you.” As Logan’s explanation continued, Virgil could only look at his boss in surprise. He had thought he had (accidentally) been quite obvious about his thoughts and feelings for Logan, but it seemed Logan was fretting over Virgil thought about him so much that he hadn’t realized Virgil felt the same way.
“I… I don’t want you to distance yourself,” Virgil started slowly and he could already feel his face heating up. “And…”
“I… I just can’t believe you actually like me. I’m just strange and boring, and I did try to steal from you once. I’m just average looking- but you? You are the attractive and cool one. It just doesn’t make sense. Anyone in their right mind should like you, but why me?” The heat of Virgil’s face was probably enough to fry an egg, but somewhere deep down, he was aware of the look of utter bafflement on Logan’s face.
“Am I to understand that,” Logan started slowly as a blush creeped its way into his face. “That you…”
Virgil gave a groan of embarrassment as his head fell into his hands, “Don’t make me say it!”
The silence rang loud between them, before the sound of the door opening drew Virgil’s attention. Then in the doorway stood an excited looking Roman in his pajamas. “Daddy! I lost my tooth!” He didn’t wait for Logan to respond before he ran up and opened his mouth for Logan to examine.
“Uh- Oh I see!” Logan smiled, snapping back into dad mode. “We’ll have to put it under your pillow tonight.”
“Virgil! Virgil! Look!” Roman shouted, moving to stand in front of Virgil.
“I didn’t even know you had a wiggly tooth,” Virgil told him.
“It wasn’t that loose, but Remus hit me with a really heavy pillow! And it hurt a lot- but then my tooth fell out!”
“That’s… that’s quite the heavy pillow,” Virgil said slowly, his gaze flickering to Logan who gave a frown.
“He shouldn’t have done that, and who knows what he put in there?” Logan said, spinning Roman to face him. “Why don’t you start getting ready and then I’ll talk to Remus. I need to talk to Virgil right now.”
Roman gave a quick nod before a thought seemed to occur to him, which made him smile wide (with a missing space in there), “I’m gonna go show Patton!” And with that he vanished from the bedroom leaving Virgil and Logan alone, but in a less awkward space than before.
“Virgil?” Logan asked, standing and readjusting his suit jacket. “Can I invite you to dinner, just the two of us?”
Virgil gave a slight nod but he didn’t meet that alluring gaze, “If you and I go to dinner, who watches the kids?“
“That can be determined later. I think your answer is more important. Might I take you on a date?”
“ …Yes. I’d, I’d like that.”
Logan gave him a winning smile. “Then I look forward to that evening.”
All Parts
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edupunkn00b · 11 months
It Could Always Be Worse Masterpost
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Logan Sanders thought he had secured a fairy tale ending when he married Kelly Croft, mother to his first child.
But real life is just not a fairy tale.
Happily Ever After is a very different story when Janus meets Remus at Jack's party in Objections.
Chapter for chapter, a butterfly version of Happily Ever After.
WC: 9041 - Rated T - Angst, Depression, Dissociation, Closeted from parents, Suicidal Ideation, Divorce, Hospitals, Past Domestic Violence - [ AO3 ]
The ending is… hopeful, and has a true happy ending planned in the follow up, The Uses of Adversity.
It Could Always Be Worse Chapter List
Once Upon a Time
It Was a Bright Cold Day in April
A Queer, Sultry Summer
The Sun Did Not Shine
Happy Families
A Pleasure to Burn
All This Happened
The Past is a Foreign County
Ships at a Distance
Next in the series: The Uses of Adversity
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sok-knd · 1 year
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Words: 1,863 Warnings: Food, Eating Non-Food, Accidental Kidnapping Characters: Patton, Remus, Virgil, Roman Genre: Fluff Additional Tags: Remus Sanders Eating Non-Food, Little Kids being Little Kids
A Whole Castle - Chapter 27
   Roman stepped out into the living room with a bounce in his step, happy to get to greet Patton coming home today. He’d been having a rough time at school and Roman wanted to check on him and spend some time with him this afternoon if Patton would let him, just to ease some of the tension. He made a friend yesterday, of which he very excitedly announced while bouncing off the couch, so hopefully things were doing better for him.
   The front door cracked open just in time as Roman made it out, and he held his hands together in anticipation, hoping Patton would be open to the idea of letting Roman watch him instead of Virgil today. Roman didn’t expect the very sheepish grin on Virgil’s face as he opened the door, though. And even less the second small child that entered today instead of just the one. Patton had a happy grin as another six-year-old jostled him with equal joyous fervor.
   “So, who is our visitor today?” Roman asked curiously, looking down at them.
   The mysterious child rushed up to Roman and held up his arms in the air. “M’ name’s Remus!” He announced loudly, and Patton hurried over to grip at Remus’s shirt.
   “Remus? Did you pick that name out yourself?” Roman asked, casting a glance at Virgil, who just shrugged without responding.
   “No.” Remus shook his head and dropped his backpack on the floor.
   “Can Patton pronounce that?” Roman asked, looking at Patton. That might have explained why Patton never said his new friend’s name yesterday.
   “I call him Muss!” Patton beamed, still holding on to Remus’s shirt. “But I can say it if I try real hard,” Patton added, pausing to take a deep breath. “Remus”—he pronounced deliberately—“taught me how t’do it,” he looked very pleased with himself.
   “Can we play with play-doh? Pat said he had lots!” Remus bounced on the balls of his feet.
   “We do,” Roman paused, looking at the pair of them. “But did Remus get permission to come over here? I didn’t discuss it with his parents,” he asked with concern, but neither seemed deterred by the drop in mood.
   “The bus comes here, so I didn’t got to get a ride!” Remus nodded enthusiastically.
   “Oh boy,” Roman exhaled harshly. “Remus, do you have a phone?” He asked, and Remus nodded, and turned to dig a phone out of his backpack and held it up to show Roman. “Would you call your parents and hand it to me?” He requested. Remus just nodded happily again and did as asked, passing the phone over to Roman.
   He took the phone and stood up straight, holding it to his ear as it rang. It didn’t connect, though, and it went to a generic voicemail. Roman wanted to leave a message, but the inbox was full, which was even stranger. He sighed and passed the phone back to Remus. “Do you happen to know your address, Remus?” He inquired wearily.
   “Nah. Can we play play-doh, now?” Remus didn’t seem fazed at all. Roman looked at the pair of them and considered his options. The only things he could do to solve this accidental kidnapping was either return Remus to the school, which was closed, or try to call again later.
   “Remus, you shouldn’t go somewhere without telling your parents. They could get very scared, or you could get hurt,” Roman pointed out. Remus just tilted his head guilelessly.
   “I didn’ think they’d mind.” Remus just shrugged. Roman blinked a few times at that, unsure of what to do with that information. He wished Logan was home already to help. “I really wanna play play-doh, now,” Remus insisted, looking up at Roman with big eyes and a small pout.
   “Alright, but we’ll need to play together in the kitchen, so it doesn’t get in the carpet, and you’ll have to let me try to call your parents again, later.” Roman held up a finger each as he talked, indicating the two stipulations. Patton didn’t even seem to look worried at the idea, and Remus wiggling on the spot impatiently.
   “Fine, I don’t care, I’m hungry!” Remus rolled his eyes and passed his phone back to Roman, who took it in confusion. “You need it, right?” Remus didn’t seem suspicious in the slightest at the idea of leaving his personal property with someone he didn’t know, much less being in a strangers’ house. Roman nodded in agreement and pocketed the phone, heading over to the hall closet to get the play-doh bin out of the high shelf and take it to the kitchen. Remus and Patton both cheered when they saw the bin, and Patton grasped Remus’s arm, rushing off to the kitchen before Roman.
   “What do you two want for a snack, then?” Roman asked them as he put down the bins. Remus reached in for the brown and opened it up right away, pulling out a hunk of play-doh and eating it, which Roman briefly short-circuited at watching before reaching to take the play-doh container out of his hands.
   “Wha’?” Remus asked with a mouthful of play-doh.
   “That’s not food, Remus, you shouldn’t eat that,” Roman replied with exasperation.
   “Well, then why did they make it so good, huh?” Remus objected stubbornly and kept chewing.
   “Gross!” Patton laughed brightly, kicking his feet and gripping at the table.  
   “I thought they made it taste bad. I’ll get you something to eat, just don’t put anymore in your mouth, okay?” Roman pleaded. Remus just stared at him. “Please, Remus? I’ll make you Patton’s favourite snack if you don’t eat anymore. Don’t you want to try what he likes?” He bargained with Remus.
   Remus looked between Roman and Patton before smiling and nodding enthusiastically. Roman slowly returned the play-doh container to Remus, who took it quickly but thankfully didn’t eat anymore and instead dumped it out on the table and started pressing it flat. Roman sighed in relief and turned to the fridge.
   “Do you need any help?” Virgil whispered behind his hand, leaning in just before Roman opened the fridge door. “He kind of seems like a handful.” Roman didn’t want to say anything to Virgil and cause him to panic, but the problem was much more than eating play-doh.
   “I need a lawyer,” Roman hissed, adjusting his tunic flat. “Please watch them while I call Logan, he’s got to know the best protocol for this.” Roman rubbed his face, stepping away from the fridge to let Virgil take over.
   “His last name’s Belmanté, if it helps. Got it on the way back,” Virgil whispered conspiratorially at Roman as he passed, and Roman nodded. He was relieved Virgil thought of that, it would probably help locate his parents. Roman stepped out of the kitchen to go call Logan and figure out where to go from here.
   Virgil took two apples out of the crisper drawer and went over to the sink to wash them off, keeping an eye on the pair while he prepared Patton’s favourite snack, but they were absorbed in mashing the dough to soften it up, and he had no trouble doing both things at once.
   “We should make a giant dinosaur and have it eat these little guys!” Remus enthused, and Patton giggled and nodded, pulling out some shape cutters from the bin. Remus gasped and dug his hands in the bin with a loud clatter of plastic, rifling through the various shapes just to hear the noise while Patton began to roll out the white with tiny rolling pin.
   “I’ll make the teeth,” Patton announced, pressing the triangle cutter into the speckled white with supreme focus, pressing the triangle cutter in with the palm of his hand and struggling to pull it back out. He stuck the tongue out of the side of his mouth, while his fingers failed to get a hold of the edge of the small plastic piece.
   Remus dug around in the bin of plastic implements for play-doh, checking out the options. He pulled out each thing that seemed more interesting than a shape-cutter and tried them out on a wad of dough, getting excited about a wavy edge roller. “Woah! I can make spines!” Remus exclaimed, checking for any other rolling-cutters. He gathered all three and stole the rolling pin from Patton to flatten the hunk of dough he had, while Patton kept struggling with the triangle cutter. One of the cutters made triangles, and he passed that off to Patton. “Here, easier for teeth!” He said confidentially, and Patton frowned, looking at it oddly. “We’ll use the two you made for big fangs!” Remus nodded enthusiastically, and Patton perked up, taking the roller and running it along the off-white play-doh.
   Virgil dropped off the plate of apples and peanut butter with cinnamon and raisins in it and sat at the table, watching the pair both work at the dinosaur. Patton worked on a body piece while Remus rolled out a tail, both wearing determined expressions. “So, what kind of dinosaur are you making?” Virgil asked, stealing an apple slice for himself.
   “An cool one!” Remus hissed out, bobbing his head.
   “Yeah!” Patton agreed right away, picking up his wad of play-doh and throwing it down at the table to widen the shape.
   “Lots of spines and claws and stuff?” Virgil asked, smirking a little and leaning on his arm to watch them.
   “So many,” Remus nodded wisely, taking a spine he cut out with a roller and pressing it onto the tail.
   “So many,” Patton repeated, getting more play-doh.
   “Do you play with play-doh with any siblings or anyone else, Remus?” Virgil asked, digging for more information.
   “No, nobody.” Remus shook his head, hunching over his dinotail creation to look closely at it.
   “Muss doesn’t have play-doh at home,” Patton answered, also leaning in to look closely at the play-doh.
   “Good thing we have plenty, then. I used to make things to smash before Patton got here,” Virgil said, grabbing an untouched container of play-doh to join them in messing around with it.
   “Play-doh is the best to smash,” Remus said sagely, reaching up for a piece of play-doh and seeing the plate of apples. “Yes!” He grabbed the plate and pulled it close to himself, double-fisting apple slices covered in peanut butter. He didn’t have great aim, and some peanut butter with cinnamon dusted on top got on his face as he ate.
   Patton also reached for a slice and joined him in eating, and Virgil started making a little dragon. Remus looked around the kitchen for a moment, then put some play-doh on an apple slice to eat, Virgil breaking down cackling while Patton giggled delightedly as Remus chewed the thick texture and apple together. Virgil smushed the short amount of progress on the dragon and instead opted to make fake peanut butter with toppings for him to dip in.
   “This is so good,” Remus said with his mouth full, bits of apple mixed in the saliva-filled play-doh clearly visible in his mouth.
   “Ew!” Patton cackled delightedly, kicking his feet under the table as he wiggled in his seat.
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kidsnextdoor-doodles · 4 months
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Silly little roleswap au that only appeals to me
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