#khadi cloth material
brandkolab · 18 days
Yarn Dyed Fabrics
Yarn Dyed Fabrics: Where Artistry Meets Textile Innovation
Yarn dyed fabrics are a testament to the artistry and craftsmanship that elevate textiles to a whole new level. Unlike printed fabrics, where the design sits on the surface, yarn dyed fabrics are woven with threads pre-dyed in distinct colors, creating patterns and designs that run through the entire fabric. This results in a depth and richness of color that remains vibrant over time, making every garment or home textile a work of enduring beauty.
The meticulous process of yarn dyeing ensures that each thread is saturated with pigment before weaving, offering a longevity of color that resists fading. Whether it's classic stripes, intricate plaids, or intricate checks, yarn dyed fabrics bring a timeless and elegant aesthetic to your fashion or home decor. They are the preferred choice for those who seek quality and style that goes beyond the surface.
Choose yarn dyed fabrics for a touch of sophistication and textile excellence, where every thread tells a story of dedication to quality and design.
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silkfabri · 11 days
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azure-cherie · 10 months
How to dress to bring out planetary energy in your life .pt 1
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Everything about us is vibration from your name to the air your breathe, from your jewellery to the clothing it affects you shapes you makes you . Remember to alter the suggestion as per your personal style .
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What's the energy of sun ? What is it used for?
Sun is life the force itself , energy in total consciousness, fame , luxury , joyous nature , happiness, inviting goodness .
This energy can be harnessed for starting new things , bringing your mood up , inviting fame in your life , getting closer to your goal , for creating a friendly opinion of yourself in your work place yet someone who knows themselves. To regain self esteem . For retreat , nourishment and re establishment
What to wear :-
Gold gold gold baby , invest in some gold jewellery, it can be small a ring , a bracelet , or just a simple pendent and wear it with intention. Colours like gold ,mustard , yellow , red , saffron , orange are beneficial. For harnessing joy lighter shades of yellow are effective, for sultry powerful presence , deeper shades of yellow , orange , Reds or a mixture of them is well used . Use of highlighters , bronzers , sunset range eye shadows help in harnessing the energy. Fake tanning is not for sun harnessing like a tan is legit the body cells fighting the sun , you want the energy you don't want to burn yourself. Instead , good skin and glow is what best attracts the energy in your life . Honey coloured hair ,caramel coloured hair , brown coloured hair attracts this energy. Workin on your solar plexus , symbols and tattoos of the chakra symbol . Over dressed is never sun , be comfortable and beautiful, soft fabrics are best preferred, breathable fabrics , something that doesn't suffocate you works best .
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What is the energy of the moon , what is it used for ?
The energy of the moon is mysterious, sultry , seductive , intuitive, hidden , of brightenes in the darkest times of femininity in the essence .
It can be used for times when you want to disconnect from everyone and just live a peaceful life . For helping you solve something that has been bothering you . For seduction and manipulation . Letting out your emotions , dealing with them . For healing and occult practices .
What to wear :
Anything related to pearls , silk , satin in hues of white silver grey work best , stones like moon stone when carved and used as a pendent . Silver coloured makeup , the metal of silver is known as chandi which correlates to Chand (moon) . Drinking moon water in a silver cup is also very beneficial for harnessing the energy. Wear pendents of moon shape . Use the triple moon symbol for power and protection. Since moon is inherently feminine flowey dresses , sheer dresses work great . Invest in comfortable bras , whatever bras or bralette you need for each occasion as the moon rules the breasts . Black also works well as moon is more about mystery and black makes you blend in very well .
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What is the energy of the mars, what is it used for ?
The energy of mars is powerful, action oriented , go getter , sometimes nervous, filled with courage
Can be used if you're struggling to do something , like times when you feel lazy , you suffer with not standing up for yourself, when you need courage, for self esteem issues
What to wear :
Blood red hues , deep red hues , black , maroon colours of dress work great . While the energy of sun is red more on the side of orange ,Reds for mars are more rich and vibrant . Materials like latex , heavy materials , wool , leather , khadi etc can give you more of a mars vibe . Using tops with pants , black blazers , tuxedo , red long dresses , alternatively any costume to show dominance can be used to harness the mars energy. Hats , hair bands , extensions, crowns , any jewellery or accessories related to your head work great as our head is ruled by mars . Extravagance (but not as much as rahu) can be used. But most important of all there are no rules to mars , it's whatever you find suits you best .
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What is the energy of the Venus, what is it used for ?
The energy of Venus is quite the energy of passion not of burning passion like mars but of seductive passion , silent wanting craving , desire, intention, of luxury , of easy paths , of getting things you desire without working too much for it , of sweetness, of youth .
This energy is used for getting things your way , attracting people, positivity, self esteem , manifestation, for initial impressions (like interviews , depending on the setting and industry ) . For youth beauty and rejuvenation .
What to wear :
Crimson, pinks , peach colour , red , white , pastels etc. Platinum metal , brass, copper occasionally for jewellery. Ribbons, laces , net , satin , pearls, chains , body jewellery. Soft sultry flowey materials that symbolise the feminine energy of the planet. Revealing clothing, staying naked for a while connects you to the energy of the planet as Venus is comfortable in her own skin by that you can choose to be comfortable in your own skin in accordance to the situations. Venus rules the genital regions , sexy undergarments or comfortable undergarments will take you a long way in accordance with this energy. Avoid having dirty laundry that afflicts Venus. Be the most sexy version of you without the eyes of male validation and there you have her blessing you. .
Thank you so much for reading 🍒
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suvetah000 · 1 year
Why handloom fabric will never go out of Style
With increased awareness of the fashion industry's negative impact on the environment, people have started to show a massive desire for handmade and hand-loomed items.
They realize the value and specialty handmade pieces bring to the table and in one's life. There is something special about handloom fabrics, it not only provides exclusive textiles, but the mastery of handloom fabrics is unique, authentic, and artistic.
The people behind creating this fabric have put significant effort, love, and passion into making these beautiful textiles.
So ever wondered what really are handloom fabrics?
What are handloom fabrics?
So, before learning about handloom fabrics, let us know what a loom is first.
A loom is a machine operated to weave cloth and tapestry. The primary purpose of any loom is to hold the warp threads under tension to stimulate the weft threads' interweaving to create a textile.
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Further, handloom fabrics are handwoven fabrics created on this weaving machine.
To create a handloom fabric, the weaver starts the process by interlacing a set of vertical threads(the warp) with a bunch of horizontal threads(the weft).
Then the loom holds the warp threads under tension to facilitate the interweaving of the weft threads over and above the warp using a weaving shuttle. Finally, the weaver repeats the interweaving process until the handloom fabric is created.
Handloom weaving requires the utmost patience, artistry, technical skills, and physical strength.
Creating handloom fabrics is not just about protecting nature but also about love. The weaver's passionate about what they are making, they put their heart and soul into creating this textile. They select the yarn, pattern, color, texture, and accurate technique to create the suitable fabric, and it's reflected on the material.
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Handloom fabrics don't feature just one type of fabric, instead, it comes in a variety of rich colors, patterns, and designs.
The reason handloom fabrics have wide varieties is that it's directly linked to the culture of each community. They have passed on their designs from generation to and formed an identity of their own.
Advantages of handloom fabrics:-
Originality and Uniqueness
The most significant advantage of handloom fabric is that no two hand-loomed materials are the same. Each fabric exhibits unique craftsmanship.
As the handloom allows the weavers to explore their creativity in creating beautiful textiles, they explore new ideas and make some extravagant designs and patterns.
The fibers used to create handloom fabrics are high-quality natural fibers like cotton, linen, silk, and wool; these are environmentally friendly and long-lasting fabrics.
Good for the skin
The handlooms use natural fibers that protect the skin and don't harm it. In addition, it feels good on the skin, unlike synthetic fiber.
Skill preservation and source of livelihood
Since ancient times handloom has proved to be a great source of livelihood across rural India. Even today, the handloom community has preserved its heritage and employs numerous people.
Types of Handloom Fabrics:
Khadi: Khadi, the hand-spun fabric, referred to as the hope of our environment is a fabric known for our nation's freedom struggle, representing the love for our country and its people.
It is made by using natural fiber and is woven so that this fabric will keep the body cool during summer and warm during winter.
Kala Cotton: Kala Cotton is an organic woven textile that allows for sustainable living, as the production is purely ecological with no pesticides and synthetic fertilizers used. It is durable, strong, and stretchable, and it takes dye brilliantly
Tussar Silk: Tussar Silk is the strongest natural textile in the world. The fabric is highly breathable with high moisture-wicking abilities. Despite its immense tensile strength, its softness has made it a hotly desired commodity throughout history.
Mulberry: Mulberry silk is the highest quality silk that is smooth to the touch and has a glossy look. It is one of the oldest types of silk fabric that comes from moth cocoons.
What makes mulberry silk different from other silks is the uniform quality of the fibers. The diameter, color, and texture of a strand of mulberry silk are the same from one cocoon to another.
Muga Silk: Muga Silk follows the path of Ahimsa, meaning not causing harm to other living things. Therefore, this silk is produced without killing the creatures that crafted it. Instead, this silk is a step towards appreciating and supporting the beautiful soul and nature that created it.
Banana: Banana fabric is developed from the outer lining of banana peels. This fabric is one of the most luxurious fabrics. It is soft like silk on the inside and hard like cotton on the outside, making it one of the best fabrics to create comfortable, long-lasting, quality garments, decors, and accessories.
Organic Cotton: Organic cotton comes with various benefits for our environment and our people. For example, this fabric doesn't retain chemicals from its garments, due to which it reduces exposure to allergens and dermatological issues.
The use of organic cotton benefits the farmer as they are exposed to fewer chemicals.
There are so many benefits and types of handloom fabrics that they can never get out of style.
Bulk Organic Handloom Fabric Supplier and Manufacturer:
Suvetah is one of the leading bulk organic handloom fabric suppliers and manufacturers in India.
Suvetah is GOTS certified sustainable fabric manufacturer in Organic Cotton, Linen, and Hemp Fabrics.
We are also a manufacturer of other fabrics like Denim, Ahimsa Silk Fabric, Ethical Recycled Cotton Fabric, Banana Fabric, Orange Fabric, Bamboo Fabric, Rose Fabric, Khadi Fabric, etc.
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fashionbasicsblog · 1 year
Designing, making, and distributing clothing in an ethical manner minimizes the harm done to people and the environment. In a perfect world, it benefits people who work in the supply chain and improves everyone's future, not just that of the wealthy few.
Although the term "ethics" in this context is ambiguous, ethical fashion is concerned with societal impact and the principles that underlie a brand's label. The recently invented expression is regarded as the antithesis of quick fashion. Consumers typically use the term "ethical fashion" to refer to a movement against an industry that is infamous for underpaying workers—and doing so in hazardous conditions.
Questions like "Who created this garment?" and "Is that individual getting a reasonable living wage?" are addressed by ethical fashion. It is, however, much more than that.
Of course, proponents of ethical fashion are hoping for the first scenario, but it may also rely on how rapidly genuine ethical firms can communicate with customers clearly. Consumers frequently become confused and easily susceptible to greenwashing without clear information from fashion companies about how, where, and by whom clothing is made. They may also incorrectly interpret a brand's specific ethics. The best approach for brands to help clear up misunderstanding is through certifications, in-depth reports, and honest responses to consumer questions.
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fashion made by hand looms
The foundation of Indian heritage is culture, craft, and textiles. In actuality, India is the world's second-largest exporter of textiles. A nation that has created khadi, ikats, jamdani, Venkatgiri, Chanderi, Kanjeevarams, and so many other types of textiles may confidently assert its self-sufficiency in this area. The Swadeshi Movement, which was started on this day in 1905 in the Calcutta Town Hall to protest against the British Government's division of Bengal, was recognised on August 7 as National Handloom Day.
The power loom is an automated loom that weaves fabric, whereas the hand loom is a manually operated machine for weaving cloth. The textile industry embraced the power loom as a result of the development of technology and machines for more rapid and efficient manufacturing. In exchange, the handloom sector suffered. But recently, with all the buzz about slow-fashion, celebrities and actors have been promoting handloom materials in the fashion industry.
Khadi is no longer only a simple, uninteresting alternative; it is now a sustainable and timeless addition to your wardrobe. The khadi has received a fun makeover as a result of the just concluded Lakme Fashion Week highlighting sustainable fashion. You can rely on designers like Abu Jani, Rohit Bal, and Sandeep Koshla to bring grandeur and beauty to our nation's traditional fabric while adding cutting-edge modern twists. Khadi has an enduringly regal appeal, whether it's in the form of lehengas, golden skirts, or billowing gold Anarkalis paired with palazzos. Therefore, if you don't already have this noble cloth in your closet, it's time to buy some.
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Here are some styling suggestions for handloom that were inspired by our own local celebrities to seem modern and chic.
Ensure simplicity. Because of the unique beauty and charm of handloom fabrics, it is preferable to play down the outfit. To add some personality to your look, add some statement earrings or a bold lip colour.
Layering with handloom fabrics is a terrific idea, first for their light weight and second for the muted colours they come in.
Play with the shapes; go boxy with loose-fitting kurtis, dresses, or tops.
There are many possibilities available on the market for ethnic jewellery. Wear your handcrafted kurtas with delicate silver jewellery, tribal jewellery, or even the perennially fashionable hoop earrings in a circle shape. Even better, you may accessories them with beads, chaandbalis, or vibrant tassels. Only choose accessories that go with the outfit you are wearing.
You can wear light jhumkas during the day, but you should save your shoulder-grazing hoops and crystal shards for evening wear. Try out slides, mules, jutties, or platforms for your shoes. Try experimenting with geometry and shapes in bags, such as an arc sling or a cube box bag, for your arm candy.
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Predicting a market's future is the focus of the field of trend forecasting. Every industry employs trend analysts who use information from previous sales to predict opportunities in the future. Thus, the area of the fashion industry known as fashion forecasting is concerned with foreseeing new fashion trends, including colours, styling techniques, fabric textures, and more, that will pique customer demand. Product developers use the trend forecasts that fashion forecasters publish to build new apparel and accessories for brands.
Macro trends, which are significant changes in fashion that will be important for longer than two years, are what long-term forecasting is all about. The broad trends that shape the fashion industry include shifts in lifestyle, demographics, and the method that clothing is produced and distributed.
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Micro trends have to deal with short-term forecasting. Season to season, short-term projections vary and are often influenced by color, style, pop culture, and current events.
Forecasting Trends for Fashion Brands
Every brand has a different method for predicting trends. Because womenswear firms typically release more collections per year than masculine brands, they frequently invest more in micro trend monitoring. The size of the business and its target market can affect forecasting, but there are a number of trustworthy techniques that brands can use to predict trends.
Employing internal trend forecasters Large fast-fashion companies frequently have internal trend predicting capabilities because of their vertical integration. In order to design new items, this enables the fashion forecasters to collaborate directly with product development teams.
With a trend forecasting agency: Bigger brands without vertical integration frequently seek out the knowledge of trend forecasting agencies, which charge a fee for their trend research reports.
By attending fashion shows: Prior to the development of the Internet, trend forecasters conducted the majority of their research at fashion shows, where they took note of the most promising looks. They then forwarded this information to product developers at chain stores and fashion publications like Vogue. This type of forecasting, known as "top-down" forecasting, is based on how trends in fashion spread from high-end runways to department stores
By paying attention to influencers: In the modern world, trend forecasters are more likely to consult blogs, street style, and influencers for the most recent trends. This type of forecasting, known as "bottom-up" forecasting, entails attentively watching a target market to forecast demand for emerging trends.
By observing other sectors: Small independent fashion designers might forego trend spotting altogether and instead create mood boards based on literature, cinema, and the outdoors to inform their distinctive collections.
To predict the future of fashion, the majority of trend forecasters combine "top-down" and "bottom-up" forecasting techniques with in-depth knowledge of the fashion industry and personal intuition.
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fashionbasicsgg · 1 year
I’m Gargi Gosavi a student at NIFT, Gandhinagar. Fashion is something that has always fascinated me since I was a teenager. I made sure I had the trendiest outfits. Back then buying things from H&M, Zara and other fast fashion brands didn’t matter as much as it does now after knowing the back story of the fast fashion brands. Coming to NIFT was like a dream come true. While doing my research for the course I want to apply for textile design was something which caught my attention. After high school, I gave my entrance exam and here I'm today in Gandhinagar. Learning the subject of Fashion Basic has changed my perspective towards fashion.
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It was my first time when I was presenting. My anxiety had reached the peak. I was not very confident about myself that time. My first presentation was on “fashion according to you” my topic for this presentation was the Nike Air Jordans and Air Force which we all know are trendy. In my presentation I talked about their history, price, different types of Jordans, Air Force and how people take care of them like their own babies. On the very first day, we were told about our mid term assignment, which was to dress up reflecting our traditions and state we belong to. Coming from Maharashtra and being a Maharashtrian I was wearing a Nauvari saree(nine yard saree) which I sourced from my sister in law. I was wearing all the traditional Maharashtrian accessories from head to toe.In my presentation I spoke about the history of nauvari saree ,textiles, food, culture and festivals of Maharashtra. These presentations helped me become confident about myself.
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Fashion changed my perspective
It’s tempting to turn a blind eye in front of such flashy offers, but the planet can’t take it anymore! 
If you’re used to buying clothes without questioning how they were made, acknowledging these fast fashion facts can be the first step towards making an actual change.
I now have realised that fashion is not only about clothes and looking fashionable. It may look very glamorous from the outside but it has a dark side that very few people are aware of. We had a debate in our class on slow fashion and fast fashion which changed my perspective. Buying clothes from fast fashion brands will make you look fashionable but how about the damage it’s creating to the environment? We don't even know that the people working for these brands are even safe. Are they paid well? We all are aware of the Rana Plaza collapse in Bangladesh where around 1136 people lost their lives and 3120 people were injured. The conditions where the people are working for these brands are unsafe and promote child labour. Millions of children are forced to work in terrible conditions for the clothing we wear. We don’t even know that the women working for the clothes are even safe. We all wear clothes even if we’re not necessarily lovers of fashion but we all are responsible for the transition to this flourishing fashion industry. The materials these brands use are harmful to the environment.Fast fashion is responsible for 20-35% of ocean microplastics Another problem with polyester and synthetic fabrics is that every time you wash them, they’ll release between 700 to 4000 plastic polyester per gram.These end up in the ocean, fish bellies, and… yep, yours too if you eat seafood. Polyester now has been found in breast milk as well. Can you imagine how much worse the situation is? Fast fashion clothing relies upon planned obsolescence unlike durable vintage or ethical clothes. These items are designed to fall so that the consumers like us will keep buying new items regularly.
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Can we bring change as Gandhiji did?
Let me take you back to the time when Gandhiji started a Swadeshi Movement a movement designed to boycott imported goods and production. The citizens of India burnt all the clothes which came from the UK and started to make their clothes using the charkha. Khadi cloth became the heart of this strategy when Gandhi asked every man and woman to plant and harvest their materials for the yarn needed to create Khadi fabric. He also asked everyone, whether rich or poor, to spend time each day spinning Khadi. People of all classes came together to do as Gandhi asked, and their efforts helped the country in its bid to become self-sufficient. Entire villages adopted the movement, weaving their way to economic freedom through fashion. Let’s support our artisans and our culture by following slow fashion.
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Do slow-fashion items last longer?
Items from my grandmother and even my mother when she was young are still in pristine shape. I can not say the same for the items I bought some years ago from fast fashion brands. Why? Have you ever heard of planned obsolescence? If the stitching is not good, if the materials are not great, the piece will not stand washing and wearing. And so, eventually will not be good to be worn. Now, you need to buy a new piece, and here we go again. This is easy math, high quality = longer-lasting item. Slow fashion items are long-lasting so you can wear them as long as your heart desires. In the end, it is cheaper to purchase a more expensive item. It is a win-win for you and the environment.After the debate, I was thrilled after knowing the damage fast fashion brands are creating in the environment and that the people working for these brands are miserable and unsafe.
How You Can Make Sustainability Stylish
One of the biggest drivers of fast fashion – and its associated waste – is the consumer. After all, no one wants to be stuck wearing outdated outfits. But if you extend the life of your clothes by just nine months, you can reduce the environmental impact by as much as 30 per cent. By getting creative with your closet, you can make a difference just like I did in lockdown I had nothing to do so I used to experiment with my brother's clothes. He had a black old t-shirt which he wasn’t using anymore so I decided to make a top for myself by cutting and splitting the tshirt into two halves, folding &twisting it around my neck and chest and creating a pattern in itself. The other top was a normal top where I stitched straps of the remaining fabric and made it a tie-around crop top.
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Know what would trend in future
As a beginner in the design industry the fact that we can predict what will trend in future surprised me. I didn’t know something like this existed until I learnt about fashion forecasting.
Fashion forecasting is something that focuses on upcoming trends. Prediction of the colours, textures, fabrics, style, beauty, etc that will be presented on the runways and in upcoming seasons.
Is polyester the new Khadi?
During the pre-independence period people started to use the hand-spun cloth that remains warm in winters and cool in summers. We visited Reliance Trends to see their winter collection and overall clothes. One thing which we noticed was that none of the sweaters had wool as their material. 90-95 per cent polyester was used in sweater. Polyester is a performance textile, used in activewear, athleisure, etc. Polyester is used everywhere and is recyclable. We all know how harmful this fabric is and when I saw the amount of polyester each and every clothing item contained I was stunned! The traditional wear and the kids section clothing was mainly made using cotton. They also had the sustainable denim.
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Reviving our handloom heritage
An exhibition of the artist weaver Rajen Chaudhari was organised by CEPT University in Ahmedabad. He was a student at JJ School of Arts, Mumbai. Having interest in textiles, he went to different places in India where he could learn how to use a handloom weave. He practised hand spinning and hand weaving for a very long time. His work was stunning which had patterns using the weave, very intricate and each one of them was unique in its own way. He transformed his paintings and sketches into weaves. There was a handloom weave and a spinning wheel kept where a lady showed us how it is functioned. The process involves entwining a set of vertical threads, the wrap with a set of horizontal threads, the weft.
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The second visit was to Kasturbhai Lalbhai Museum. Kasturbhai Lalbhai was one of the pioneering Industrialists of pre and post-independent sage of India. One can see the vast panorama of Indian art history ie. Mughal, Rajput, Pahari, Bengal school – early modern and contemporary art, all under one roof is unique. Inside the house, which is now the museum there was a beautiful collection of old paintings using natural paints, betels used for the emerald colour on the gold foil, watercolours, etc. The artist back then made every painting/artwork meticulously. I was speechless after seeing those paintings which were done so thoughtfully and with intricacy. The furniture on which the exhibition was displayed was designed by the students of NID.
The next place was the White on White exhibition of Mr Asif Shaikh who is one of India’s most accomplished and acclaimed embroidery and textile artist. He’s on a 5 yr project which he started back in 2020 in which he is making 100 textiles out of which 37 are done with the help of Indian artisans. These 37 textiles were an introduction to his new collection. We could see the efforts he had put into fabricating those textiles. All the designs were very unique and were from different regions of India. His work astonished and inspired me.
The next exhibition was of Arvind Indigo museum where it has opened a world of possibilities for unexplored surfaces such as metal, stone, paper, leather, polyester fibre, glass, and wood, among others.
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Knowing the bitter reality of the fast fashion industry I’ll make sure to follow sustainable fashion as much as I can. And lastly I would like to conclude by extending my heartiest gratitude to Miss Neha Kedia and NIFT Gandhinagar for providing us this opportunity and opening windows of exportation through this educational visits and giving us a glimpse of industry life.
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healthmania2024 · 3 hours
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In order to avoid heat-related ailments like heat exhaustion, it is imperative that people stay safe during high temperatures. The risks of working outside in the heat rise as summer draws near and the days lengthen. Heat stress injuries and heat stroke can be avoided by being aware of appropriate work practices during hot weather. The most dangerous heat-related illness, heat stroke, is brought on by the body’s inability to regulate its temperature. If emergency care is not received, heat stroke can result in death or lifelong impairment. The body temperature can increase to 106 degrees Fahrenheit or higher in as little as 10 to 15 minutes. Heat cramps, heat rash, and heat exhaustion are further heat-related illnesses.
The following advice will help you remain composed and safe:
Hydration :
1. Drink Plenty of Fluids:
How much water ought one to consume daily? There is no clear answer to this question. Over the years, studies have produced a variety of recommendations. However, a number of variables, such as where you live, how active you are, and your health, will determine how much water you actually need. No one formula works for everyone. However, understanding your body’s requirements for fluids will help you determine how much water you should consume each day.
You lose water every day through perspiration, bowel motions, urine, and breath. You must refill your body’s water supply with foods and beverages if you want it to function properly. So what is the typical fluid need for a healthy adult residing in a temperate climate? According to the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine of the United States, a sufficient daily consumption of fluids is: For men, around 15.5 glasses (3.7 liters) of fluid every day. For women, around 11.5 glasses (2.7 liters) of fluid every day. These guidelines apply to liquids from food, drink, and other sources. Foods account for about 20% of the daily fluid intake, with beverages making up the remaining amount.
2.Electrolyte Replenishment:
Your body needs electrolytes, which are minerals, in order to function. Because they have an electric charge, they are known as electrolytes. The body contains a number of common electrolytes, including: Chloride : equalizes the fluids within and outside of cells controls blood pressure. Magnesium : improves the function of muscles and nerves enhances and fortifies your teeth and bones.
Phosphorus : enhances and fortifies your teeth and bones improves the function of muscles and nerves. Calcium : enhances and fortifies your teeth and bones facilitates the contraction of muscles and nerve signals promotes blood pressure stability.
Sodium : maintains fluid balance both inside and outside of cells. controls blood pressure and aids in nerve signal transmission. facilitates the contraction of your muscles.
Potassium: aids in delivering nutrients to your cells helps your heart, among other neurons and muscles, to work boosts your metabolic process
Electrolytes are created by your body and obtained from diet. To maintain excellent health, you require specific daily intakes of electrolytes.
Clothing and Sun Protection:
In the summer, light-colored, cotton clothing is recommended. Cotton is a good water-absorbing material. Summertime sweating causes cotton clothing to collect perspiration from the body and expose it to the air, hastening the process of evaporation.
When choosing summer clothing, we need to make sure the material is both highly breathable and robust, as well as allowing for greater air circulation. Wearing airy, light-colored clothing is always a good idea in the summer. since light-colored clothing doesn’t absorb heat as well. Cotton, khadi, sheer, and linen are the materials that are frequently used to manufacture summer clothing. Cotton : The most popular summer clothing material is cotton. It is hypoallergenic and sustainably produced by nature. Large pores are present in it. Thus, it permits air circulation and may effectively absorb perspiration from the body. It is light and breathes well. Linen : In the summer, linen is also the best option. It is woven loosely and is stronger than cotton. Because of the big pore size, it also absorbs perspiration readily.
Rayon : Rayon and cotton have comparable qualities. However, compared to cotton, it is reported to absorb more moisture. It can be worn in warm temperatures and humid situations. It offers you an opulent appearance and is incredibly soft and breathable. Khadi : In the summer, Khadi textiles also help to cool our bodies. These materials are completely safe for the body and do not trigger allergies. This natural fiber is hand-spun and incredibly breathable. On all exposed skin, especially around your nose, ears, neck, hands, feet, and lips, liberally apply sunscreen. At least every two hours, reapply. If you’re perspiring or swimming, apply more frequently. (To cover the body uniformly, an average-sized adult or child needs at least one ounce of sunscreen—roughly the equivalent of filling a shot glass.) Wear a hat or apply sunscreen to the top of your head if you don’t have much hair. No sunscreen can totally shield the skin from UV rays. Thus, additional safeguards like wearing protective apparel, donning sunglasses, and seeking shade are required. There is no waterproof sunscreen. For information regarding your sunscreen’s water resistance and advice for reapplying it if you plan to sweat or go in the water, check the instructions that came with it.
3. Wear Hats and Sunglasses:
Wear a hat with a wide brim to shield your neck and face. Put on UV-blocking sunglasses to keep your eyes safe.
For complete article click from the below link :-
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thejaipurloom · 2 months
Beautiful Summer Kurta for Ladies Styles & Tips on Accessorizing and Pairing your Outfit
Summer is here, which means sweltering summer days and the desire for fashionable yet comfy clothes. For many women in India and other parts of the world, the kurta and casual summer dress for women is the ultimate summertime essential. But with so many designs, fabrics, and styles available, choosing the perfect summer kurta for ladies can feel confusing.
This blog is your one-stop guide to navigating the world of casual summer kurta for women. We'll explore the best fabrics for hot weather, look into trendy kurta styles, and provide tips on accessorizing and pairing your kurta for various occasions.
Types of Cool and Comfortable Fabric in Summer Kurta for Ladies
The key to a perfect summer kurta for ladies lies in the fabric. Here are some top choices that are both breathable and stylish:
Cotton: Absolutely the best material for summer clothing, cotton is absorbent, lightweight, and lets your skin breathe. Choose kurtas made completely of cotton or blends that include a tiny amount of polyester to prevent wrinkling.
Linen: Another natural wonder, linen is known for its airy and cooling properties. It drapes beautifully and becomes softer with every wash.
Mulmul: This elegant cotton fabric is ideal for days when it's quite hot. With its transparency and second-skin-like texture, it provides optimal air circulation.
Khaadi: Made from hand-spun cotton, khadi is a cosy and eco-friendly option. Its slightly rough texture gives your outfit a unique touch.
Viscose: This synthetic material is famous for having a lovely drape and a smooth feel. For a summertime touch of elegance, choose for airy viscose kurtas.
Bonus Tip: Look for summer kurta for ladies with minimal embellishments or embroidery, especially on areas that come in contact with your skin. This will prevent irritation and discomfort in hot weather.
Summer Kurta for Ladies Perfect for Every Occasion
The beauty of the casual summer attire for women lies in its versatility. Here are some popular Budgeted cotton kurti to suit your needs:
The Straight Kurta: This timeless style fits most body shapes and has a loose silhouette. It may be dressed casually with flats and a dupatta or done up with heels and jewellery.
The A-Line Kurta: This silhouette is comfortable and attractive, with a delicate flare. It is perfect for anyone who likes to add a little flair without sacrificing comfort.
The Anarkali Kurta: The kurta is ideal for formal summer evenings or festive occasions. It features a flowing silhouette, a fitted bodice, and a wildly flared skirt.
The Short Kurta: Ideal for a breezy summer day, the short kurta pairs well with palazzos, cigarette pants, or even a skirt.
The Asymmetrical Kurta: Add a touch of modern flair to your look with a kurta featuring an asymmetrical hemline or neckline.
The Button-Down Kurta: This versatile option can be worn as a kurta or a dress, depending on the length. It's perfect for work or a casual outing.
With The Jaipur Loom best summer kurta for ladies and a suit set without dupatta, which is comfortable and stylish for summer or any season, say goodbye to heavy and uncomfortable clothes and hello to comfortable cotton kurta. Your summer wardrobe will appreciate it, we promise!
Accessorize and Pair with Perfection to Summer Kurta for Ladies
Your summer kurta for ladies doesn't need to stand alone. Here's how to dress up your overall look with the appropriate matches and accessories:
Jewellery: Opt for lightweight and delicate jewellery like earrings, bracelets, or anklets. Avoid chunky pieces that might feel heavy in the summer heat.
Bags: Choose a bag that complements the style of your kurta. A sling bag is perfect for a casual look, while a clutch or tote can add a touch of sophistication.
Shoes: During the summer, flats are your greatest companions. Choose footwear that goes with the formality of your kurta, such as juttis, sandals, or kolhapuri chappals.
Dupatta: The casual summer outfil for women would not be complete without the dupatta. Pick a flowy material, such as cotton or chiffon, and play around with different draping ways to provide a little charm.
Bottom Wear: Pair your kurta with a variety of bottoms like palazzos, cigarette pants, leggings, or even a skirt, depending on the occasion and your style.
Summer Kurta for Ladies is a Lookbook for Every Mood
Here are some outfit ideas to spark your summer kurta inspiration:
Casual Chic: Pair a straight cotton kurta with rolled-up sleeves, palazzos, and sandals for a relaxed yet stylish everyday look. Add a statement necklace and a colourful dupatta for a touch of fun.
Workwear Wonder: Opt for a button-down kurta in a neutral colour like beige or white. Pair it with cigarette pants and heels for a professional yet comfortable work outfit.
Festive Flair: For a festive occasion, embrace the bright colours and elaborate designs of an Anarkali kurta. To complete the look, add classic juttis, a purse with embellishments, and a pair of bold earrings.
Some Precautions for Comfort to Wear Summer Kurta for Ladies
Wearing summer kurtas can indeed be beautiful and pleasant, but you should take some safety measures to make sure you're comfortable. The following safety measures should be considered when wearing summer kurtas:
Fabric Choice: Opt for lightweight and breathable fabrics like cotton, linen, chiffon, or georgette. These fabrics allow air circulation and help in keeping you cool during hot summer days.
Sun Protection: If your kurta has a sheer or lightweight fabric, consider wearing sunscreen underneath to protect your skin from harmful UV rays. Additionally, you can accessorize with a wide-brimmed hat or sunglasses for added sun protection.
Comfortable Undergarments: Choose seamless or skin-friendly undergarments that don't create visible lines under your kurta. Opt for breathable fabrics to prevent sweating and irritation.
Sufficient Coverage: Make sure that your kurta offers sufficient coverage in accordance with your comfort zone and cultural standards. For modesty, try wearing your kurta layered with an inner or top if it's sheer or sleeveless.
Proper Fit: Select kurtas that fit well without being too tight or too loose. Ill-fitting clothing can cause discomfort and restrict movement, especially during hot weather.
By following these precautions, you can enjoy wearing summer kurtas while staying comfortable and stylish throughout the season.
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taurean1 · 2 months
The Perfect Fusion of Tradition and Comfort: Embrace Elegance with Khadi Cotton Sarees
In the kaleidoscope of sarees, where each drape tells a story of tradition and grace, the Khadi Cotton Saree emerges as a timeless emblem of elegance and comfort. TaureanTrend proudly presents a collection that celebrates the marriage of tradition and modernity, where every thread weaves a tale of heritage and every fold exudes sophistication. Let’s delve into the world of Khadi Cotton Sarees and discover why owning one is not just a fashion choice but a celebration of timeless style and cultural heritage.
Embracing Tradition, Redefining Fashion
Khadi, with its roots deeply embedded in India’s rich heritage, represents more than just a fabric — it’s a symbol of resilience, self-sufficiency, and cultural identity. The Khadi Cotton Saree embodies the essence of tradition, crafted with love and dedication by skilled artisans using age-old weaving techniques. Each saree is a testament to the timeless appeal of handwoven textiles, bridging the gap between the past and the present. When you choose to buy a Khadi Cotton Saree, you’re not just adding to your wardrobe; you’re embracing a legacy of craftsmanship and cultural heritage.
Comfort Redefined, Style Elevated
What sets Khadi Cotton Sarees apart is their unmatched comfort and versatility. The lightweight nature of khadi cotton ensures that these sarees drape beautifully, allowing for effortless movement and grace. Whether you’re attending a formal event or a casual gathering, a Khadi Cotton Saree ensures you look and feel your best. The breathable fabric keeps you cool in summer and warm in winter, making it an ideal choice for all seasons. With a Khadi Cotton Saree, comfort and style go hand in hand, making every moment a memorable one.
Timeless Elegance, Enduring Charm
In a world of fleeting fashion trends, Khadi Cotton Sarees stand as timeless classics that never go out of style. Their understated elegance and simplicity make them a wardrobe essential for every discerning woman. Whether it’s a traditional occasion or a modern event, a Khadi Cotton Saree ensures you stand out with grace and poise. It’s not just about following fashion trends; it’s about setting your own standards of elegance and sophistication.
Sustainable Fashion Choice, Ethical Consciousness
At TaureanTrend, we believe in fashion with a conscience. That’s why our Khadi Cotton Sarees are crafted using sustainable practices and eco-friendly materials. From ethically sourced cotton to environmentally responsible production processes, we ensure that every saree is a reflection of our commitment to the planet. By choosing to buy a Khadi Cotton Saree from TaureanTrend, you’re not just adding to your wardrobe; you’re making a statement in support of sustainable fashion.
Warli Art Infusion, Cultural Fusion
Many of our Khadi Cotton Sarees feature intricate Warli art prints, adding a touch of cultural heritage to your ensemble. Warli art, with its tribal origins, brings a sense of rustic charm and authenticity to each saree, making it a true work of art. When you wear a Khadi Cotton Saree from TaureanTrend, you’re not just wearing clothing; you’re wearing a piece of history and culture.
Conclusion: Elevate Your Style, Embrace Tradition
To buy a Khadi Cotton Saree is to make a statement — a statement of style, of culture, and of conscience. It’s a decision to embrace tradition while celebrating individuality, to redefine fashion while preserving heritage. At TaureanTrend, we invite you to experience the magic of Khadi Cotton Sarees and elevate your style to new heights. With their timeless appeal and enduring charm, these sarees are more than just garments; they’re a celebration of elegance, comfort, and cultural heritage. Choose tradition, choose sustainability, choose a Khadi Cotton Saree from TaureanTrend.
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leyaclothing · 4 months
Wear it for your comfort.
In the modern era of trends, we create something new. sarees with the signature of tradition and the art.sarees with cotton fabric, and a variety of cotton sarees with different art.
It's not perfumed; there are no toxic chemicals in it. Cotton is grown on the full moon. We have discounts at that time. Cotton will be naturally sustainable and easily degradable, so there will be no pollution. We have artists who do mural art; handmade mural works are available. For people who have allergies, cotton is good. It's hypoallergenic, so it will be comfortable and free. In addition, we have artists who do well in art; they will create mesmerizing paintings on your clothes. I think it will not go old, so it will be fashionable all the time. And it's like your most comfortable wear at home with that warmth. Wear traditional art and fashion. It will also be awesome for you. So its versatility
sure of fashion. Luxurious cotton products are eco-friendly, sustainable, and give you a good environment. Soft and comfortable cotton is a renewable kind of fiber, so it will not harm our environment, and it regulates the temperature of your body. We provide bedding made of Egyptian cotton and curtains. If you experience the energy, don't leave it behind. It will be a good experience.
We are focusing on cotton sarees. Yes, it is the comfort of the saree that determines the comfortability of the person who wears it. It is a matter of time and the effort we take to drape them. sarees are the most fashionable thing. It is the higher energy for your higher self through the use of sarees. to make you the core beauty of yourself and make your style different. Cotton sarees are of different types.
cotton sarees
Chanderi saree
Tant Saree
Kanchi cotton sarees
The sarees are made with cotton. Cotton is the most comfortable material, and it is so warming to our body, mind, and soul. The comfort of our dress makes us who we are, so the comfortable cotton makes the saree so comfortable, with a variety of designs in different colors and fabulous art designs. Pure cotton clothes are available with different patterns and mindful arts. cotton sarees
The saree empowers your femininity, and you feel soulful happiness. and we respect our culture and tradition.
Chanderi saree It has a good texture and is transparent. its shine and act as an antidote to skin disease. Chanderi saree, so it helps you deal with your skin diseases.
The tan saree is so comfortable in the summer, and it's transparent, so it will not be hot in the summer.
Kanchi cotton is a pure cotton saree that is so comfortable to wear.
Khadi sarees are soft, wearable, and comfortable for their cotton. When we wear them, we feel good in different ways. They make us different from the crowd, and you have to style them with the perfect ornaments and jewelry.
Banarasi sarees are from Varanasi; they are expensive and luxurious because they are so famous for their embroidery and are good to wear for comfort.
Kota sarees It's so beautiful and colorful with the patterns, and it makes your day colorful.
Gadwal cotton saree that is expensive because of pure cotton
It's all about sarees. So many cotton varieties of cotton sarees are there, so it will be a good experience for the users. It will be amazing, and it will bring out the best in you. the higher version of yourself. A cotton saree with high-quality jewelry makes you look more stylish and at your best.
Style your clothes by aesthetics, looks, and even occasion. Fashion styling: we do it with a stunding look with the cotton sarees and with the ornaments.
Sarees are versatile, with seductiveness and playfulness.
captivate the hearts of the people around you with its pretty and beautiful wear.
association with Indian tradition and femininity
We can choose a saree for every day at work or a house with an elegant drape.
We can wear sarees when our loved ones are with us, which makes us more confident and
It holds the cultural and historical significance of our country.
Moon ring
Kundan necklaces
Jhumkas with mattals
Bichiya ring
Kada for feet
Kada bracelet bangle
Kangan jeweller
Maang tikka
Antique ring
Moon ring
Ghungroo anklet
Ruby stone ring
neck pieces, rings, toe rings, earrings with attractive traditional wear, and also nose rings, anklets, and other old Indian traditional ornaments. Designers are here to do it, so we will produce the highest-quality products.
Style your dresses with jewels and other ornaments to make you look young and beautiful. if it is traditional, bridal, or fashion. We create the perfect look for our clients, and we have designers who can do the styling perfectly.
The jewelers we create it with are traditional and in modern style. The jewelers are more beautiful when you wear them; they fit you well for your sarees.
Jewelry that is more traditional, and in the arm, you can wear the kada bracelet bangle that makes you look different from the crowed that makes you rare from them.
Kada, for feet, also makes you different. It's all about the tradition and culture; they make you beautiful and make you feel better.
It makes you more attractive with jewelry, and the cotton saree you wear and the other jewelry you wear The moon ring is a special one of our accessories.
The moon ring is a symbol of love and femininity. The energy of the moon enhances feminine energy, hope, intuition, and psychic abilities.
Jhumka and mattals are the traditional ornaments that everyone loves for their astatic look and the colors. There are different varieties of jhumka with different colors, and the astatic jewelers with mattals are Indian attire. jhumkas that style with our outfit, whatever it is, even with your worn-out fit. The jhumkas make your core self with the help of a saree, making you look beautiful in different ways. The jhumka mattal is a combination of our traditions.
The Ghungroo anklet has a silver clour angle that enhances your feminine energy with the sound of the anklet. Its surroundings are filled with positive energy and sound good.
Nath is a traditional nose ring; it's a feel-good ornament that, in rare events, as in a wedding, the bride wears on the nose.
Hipbelt is also an Indian jeweler that is so good to wear that it makes you something special, and you will be in a state of happiness and at your fullest. If you wear it with the saree, you feel great and gorgeous, and that makes you feel like you are the queen that keeps you shining. Ipbelts come in various sizes and shapes to suit your needs.
The other jewelers are Kundan necklaces, antique rings, Bichiya rings, Maang tikkas, etc.; they are also traditional jewelers that make you feel good for wearing them.
Bichiya rings are worn on your toes that make your feet look beautiful and make you who you are.
Ornamenta makes a person look different and feel good.
The jewelers are expensive, and they have high-quality products and
Ruby is a gemstone that is a deep red ring that is so expensive, and its energy is so good for you; it makes you feel good, enhances your feminine energy, and that makes you good for you.
Its the freedom of your soul that what you wear if we like the thing we wear will be so awesome for us to may the soul can identify the thing we wear if we wear the one we love it will enhance our energy every day we wear the thing we like it make us attractive and shine and make us who we are.
Crystals are used by witches, and the light works. Spiritual people are in need of crystal, so this will be a good space for you. Beads are the fashion icon of the moment, and the younger generation is using them excessively. Enamel is the metal that is used, and it is very durable.
You believed you could invoke the cosmic powers of heavenly bodies in totality.
royal rulers. In ancient India and Hinduism, gods were represented in gemstones. They represent the entire universe, according to religion.
, contemporary,
The current trend and art of jewelry are something we need today.
bridal, dainty, pendant These pendants are the protection and gesture of love, or personal reminder of the giver, and will spark treasured memories associated with receiving the thoughtful gift.
personalized, silver, gunmetal, gold,
handcrafted jewellery
. In fact, almost anything can be called handcrafted. There is no legal definition. It is the process of making custom-made, handmade jewelry that is created by hand.
Handcrafts do not use standardized machines.
Jewelry represents the important moments of our lives, so it will be close to our hearts.
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silkfabri · 3 months
Best Eco-Friendly Textiles Solution For Your SS24 Collection
Suvetah's philosophy is "slow and soulful," crafting environmentally friendly textiles that whisper tales of sunshine-kissed fields and whispered promises to the planet. Because SS24 isn't just about what you wear, it's about who you are. It's about embracing a future where fashion and the planet dance hand-in-hand, where style and sustainability tango under the summer sun. And Suvetah's got the soundtrack for this eco-chic revolution.
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Organic cotton remains a reliable go-to for its breathability, comfort, and versatility. Grown without harmful chemicals and pesticides, it uses less water and land, making it a gentle giant in the textile world. Plus, organic cotton comes in a variety of weights and textures, perfect for everything from breezy sundresses to crisp shirting. Look for GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard) certification to ensure the highest ethical and environmental standards.
2. Hemp: The All-Natural Powerhouse
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3.Organic Double Gauze: Breathable Bliss
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Double gauze deserves a special mention in the sustainable fabric sphere. Made from two layers of lightweight organic cotton loosely woven together, it retains the benefits of cotton- breathable, soft and comfortable while adding a delightful crinkled texture and extra airiness. Think floaty summer dresses, billowy blouses, and ultra-soft baby blankets. Plus, double gauze gets softer with every wash, adding a touch of vintage charm to your wardrobe. Brands like Kokka Fabrics and Vritti Designs offer stunning organic double gauze options in a rainbow of colors, perfect for those breezy summer days
4. Kala Cotton: Natural Beauty with an Eco-Conscious Soul
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Hailing from the sun-drenched deserts of Kachchh in Gujrat, India, Kala cotton is more than just a fabric; it's a story woven into every thread. Most people think that this cotton is black because of its name, Kala, which means black in most Indian languages. But its name refers to the boll that remains after extracting the cotton fibre. It will always be pure in form and not like other kinds of cotton, such as regular cotton.
5.Banana fabric
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Banana fabric isn't made from the fruit itself, but from the fibers found in the stem and peels of the banana plant. These fibers are surprisingly strong and versatile, making them perfect for weaving into textiles. The process starts by extracting the fibers from the plant, which can be done through various methods depending on the desired result. Once extracted, the fibers are spun into yarn and then woven into fabric.we can expect to see banana fabric become more widely available and used in a variety of clothing and accessories. With its sustainable credentials and unique properties, banana fabric is sure to be a major player in the future of eco-friendly fashion.Share
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 Eco-Friendly Diwali Outfit Ideas: Embracing Sustainable Fashion for the Festival of Lights
Diwali, the Festival of Lights, is a time of joy, celebration, and togetherness. It's a time to adorn ourselves in radiant attire, and what better way to do so than by embracing sustainable Diwali fashion? In this blog, we'll explore a world of eco-friendly Diwali outfit ideas for women, helping you create a memorable and stylish celebration while being mindful of our planet.
Why Choose Sustainable Diwali Fashion?
The conventional approach to fashion often involves fast fashion, which can be detrimental to the environment due to its wasteful and resource-intensive production methods. Sustainable fashion, on the other hand, takes a more eco-conscious route. By choosing sustainable Diwali fashion, you're not only enhancing your style but also reducing your carbon footprint and supporting ethical practices in the fashion industry.
Diwali Outfit Ideas for Women
Handwoven Silk Sarees: Opt for handwoven silk sarees that not only showcase exquisite craftsmanship but also promote sustainable practices. Look for sarees made from eco-friendly silk, such as Tussar or Eri silk, which involve minimal chemical processing.
Upcycled or Vintage Attire: Consider donning upcycled or vintage outfits. These unique pieces not only carry a touch of history but also divert clothing from landfills, reducing waste.
Organic Cotton Anarkalis: Choose elegant Anarkali suits made from organic cotton. Organic cotton is grown without harmful pesticides, making it a sustainable and skin-friendly choice.
Khadi Kurta Sets: Khadi, spun from hand woven natural fibers, has a timeless appeal. A Khadi kurta set paired with vibrant accessories can create a stunning Diwali look.
Vegan Leather Accessories: For an eco-friendly edge, accessorize with vegan leather handbags, belts, or footwear. These alternatives are cruelty-free and reduce the environmental impact of traditional leather.
Handcrafted Jewelry: Opt for handcrafted jewelry made from sustainable materials like recycled metals, ethically sourced gemstones, or even natural seeds. These pieces add a touch of elegance while supporting responsible sourcing.
Sustainable Footwear: Choose footwear made from eco-friendly materials, such as jute, cork, or even recycled plastics. Sustainable footwear ensures that your Diwali outfit is not just stylish but also responsible.
Natural Dyes and Prints: Explore outfits dyed with natural colors and adorned with eco-friendly prints. These options are not only beautiful but also kind to the environment.
Tips for a Sustainable Diwali Wardrobe
Quality Over Quantity: Invest in a few high-quality, versatile pieces that can be worn on various occasions, rather than numerous single-use outfits.
Support Ethical Brands: Seek out brands that are committed to ethical and sustainable practices in their production processes.
Repair and Upcycle: Instead of discarding old clothing, consider repairing or upcycling them to give them a fresh look.
Swap or Rent: Consider clothing swaps with friends or explore rental services for special Diwali outfits.
Mindful Accessorizing: Choose accessories made from sustainable materials like wood, bamboo, or metals that are sourced responsibly.
By incorporating these sustainable Diwali outfit ideas for women, you can celebrate the festival in style while demonstrating your commitment to eco-friendly fashion. This Diwali, let your attire not only light up the room but also the path towards a more sustainable and vibrant future. Happy Diwali!
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tesmare · 5 months
Smart Comfort: How Men Can Achieve Professionalism with Short Kurta Styles
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In the ever-evolving landscape of men's fashion, the quest for style has become synonymous with the pursuit of comfort. As work environments embrace diversity and versatility, men are increasingly looking for wardrobe choices that seamlessly blend professionalism with ease. One such sartorial innovation that has gained immense popularity is the short kurta – a garment that not only exudes traditional charm but also caters to the demands of contemporary professional life.
 In the dynamic and ever-evolving landscape of men's fashion has become more pronounced than ever as workplaces undergo a transformative shift, embracing diversity and adaptability as core values. In this context, modern men are actively seeking wardrobe choices that harmonize professionalism with a palpable sense of ease. Amidst this quest for equilibrium, a notable sartorial evolution has captured widespread acclaim—the short kurta. This garment, rooted in cultural traditions, has seamlessly evolved to meet the demands of contemporary professional life, becoming a symbol of versatility and sophistication. The short kurta effortlessly marries traditional allure with the practical requirements of the modern workplace, serving as a testament to the adaptability of men's fashion. As this blog navigates the intersection of smart comfort and professionalism, it aims to shed light on how the short kurta has become a pivotal element in the arsenal of the modern man, providing insights into how this innovative garment can elevate and redefine their personal style.
1.The Evolution of Traditional Attire
Short kurtas, steeped in the rich tapestry of South Asian cultures, have witnessed a remarkable transformation, transcending their traditional association with ethnic wear. Originally reserved for festive occasions and cultural celebrations, these garments have undergone a nuanced evolution, seamlessly weaving their way into the fabric of everyday fashion. What was once confined to special events now occupies a prominent space in contemporary menswear. This evolution is a testament to the fusion of traditional craftsmanship with modern design sensibilities, marking the advent of a new era in men's fashion. The synthesis of intricate, time-honoured techniques with cutting-edge styles has not only revitalized the aesthetic appeal of short kurtas but has also catalysed a shift in the perception of men's clothing. In this paradigm, comfort stands as a non-negotiable element, dispelling the notion that style must come at the expense of ease. Short kurtas, thus, embody a harmonious convergence of heritage and modernity, breathing fresh life into the world of menswear.
 2.Comfort as a Cornerstone of Professionalism
Short kurtas, crafted from breathable fabrics such as cotton, khadi, and linen, embody the epitome of comfort in professional attire. This deliberate choice of materials not only ensures a breathable and light feel but also underscores a commitment to well-being. The comfort derived from wearing short kurtas goes beyond mere physical ease; it permeates into the realm of confidence, a crucial element in every professional's journey. When professionals feel comfortable in their attire, it reflects positively on their demeanour, contributing to a heightened sense of self-assurance and empowerment. As short kurtas redefine the boundaries of professional wear, they emerge not only as a stylistic choice but as a mindful selection that recognizes the intrinsic link between comfort and confidence in the pursuit of true success.
 Essential Tips for Professional Short Kurta Shopping
a.Prioritize Comfort: The cornerstone of any well-chosen fabric is its comfort quotient. Opt for breathable materials like cotton, linen, or khadi. These fabrics allow air circulation, making them ideal for all-day wear, especially in warmer climates.
b.Assess the Occasion: Consider the context in which you plan to wear the short kurta. For formal or professional settings, lean towards polished fabrics like cotton blends or silk. For casual occasions, you may explore more relaxed options such as lightweight cotton or linen.
c. Understand Seasonal Variations: Different seasons demand different fabrics. Cotton and linen are excellent choices for summer, offering breathability and comfort. In colder months, consider blends or heavier fabrics that can be layered with jackets or blazers for added warmth.
 d. Embrace Traditional Weaves: Explore the rich tapestry of traditional weaves like khadi. These fabrics not only add a touch of cultural authenticity to your ensemble but also showcase a commitment to craftsmanship and artisanal traditions.
e. Consider the Drape: The way a fabric drapes is crucial for the overall aesthetic of your short kurta. Fabrics like silk lend themselves to a more structured and formal look, while cotton or linen offer a relaxed and laid-back drape.
f. Check for Wrinkle Resistance: In a professional setting, a well-groomed appearance is key. Opt for fabrics that resist wrinkling, ensuring that your short kurta maintains a crisp and polished look throughout the day.
g. Pay Attention to Detail: Examine the texture and finish of the fabric. Subtle patterns or weaves can add depth to your short kurta, elevating its visual appeal. A textured fabric can also make a simple design stand out.
h. Experiment with Blends: Blended fabrics often combine the best of both worlds, offering the comfort of natural fibers and the durability of synthetic ones. Cotton blends, for instance, can enhance the breathability of the fabric.
i. Quality Over Quantity: Invest in quality fabrics, even if it means having fewer short kurtas in your wardrobe. Quality fabrics not only feel better but also stand the test of time, ensuring a lasting and worthwhile addition to your collection.
j. Personal Style Matters: Ultimately, choose a fabric that aligns with your personal style. Whether you prefer the sheen of silk, the casual charm of cotton, or the earthy feel of khadi, let your fabric choice reflect your individuality.
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You May Also Like: Smart Comfort in Style: Men's Short Kurta Fashion Statements.
3.Crafting a Wardrobe for the Modern Gentleman
Short kurtas come in an array of designs and patterns, catering to the diverse tastes of the modern gentleman. From solid colors for a minimalist look to intricately embroidered options for a touch of traditional elegance, the choices are limitless. Men can effortlessly pair short kurtas with tailored trousers, chinos, or even denim, allowing for a seamless transition from the boardroom to social gatherings.
 4.Seasonal Adaptability
The adaptability of short kurtas to varying seasons stands as one of their key advantages in the realm of men's fashion. As men traverse the sweltering heat of summer and the cooler temperatures of autumn, short kurtas present a stylish and practical solution for year-round wear. Their inherent versatility allows for a seamless transition between seasons, offering a comfortable and fashionable choice regardless of the weather. During the colder months, short kurtas prove their mettle by effortlessly accommodating layering with jackets or blazers. This not only enhances their aesthetic appeal but also ensures a polished and sophisticated look, demonstrating that style need not be compromised for comfort, even in the face of changing seasons. The ability of short kurtas to strike a harmonious balance between style and adaptability makes them a go-to choice for the discerning man navigating the nuances of every season with sartorial finesse.
Choosing the Right Fabric for Short Kurtas
a. Cotton - The Classic Choice: Cotton, with its breathability and comfort, is a timeless choice for short kurtas. Ideal for warm weather, cotton keeps you cool and allows your skin to breathe, making it perfect for both casual and semi-formal occasions.
b. Linen - Effortless Elegance: Linen is synonymous with relaxed elegance. Its natural texture and breathability make it an excellent choice for a laid-back yet refined look. Perfect for summer events or casual gatherings, linen short kurtas exude an air of effortlessness.
 c. Silk - Luxurious Sophistication: For more formal occasions, silk short kurtas are an epitome of luxury. The smooth, lustrous texture adds a touch of sophistication, making them suitable for events that demand a refined and polished appearance.
 d. Khadi - Cultural Authenticity: Khadi, hand-spun and handwoven fabric, brings a cultural authenticity to short kurtas. Beyond its rich history, khadi offers a unique texture and a rustic charm that sets it apart, making it an excellent choice for those seeking a connection to tradition.
e. Blends - The Best of Both Worlds: Fabric blends, combining natural and synthetic fibers, provide the best of both worlds. Cotton blends, for instance, maintain the comfort of cotton while adding durability and wrinkle resistance, ensuring a versatile and practical option.
f. Wool Blends - Winter Warmth: For the colder months, wool blends can add warmth to your short kurtas. Paired with a jacket or blazer, these blends offer a cozy yet stylish ensemble for autumn and winter occasions.
g. Jacquard - Textured Elegance: If you're looking to elevate your short kurta's design, consider fabrics with jacquard weaving. The intricate patterns add a textured elegance, making your outfit stand out without being overly ostentatious.
 h. Rayon - Casual Comfort: Rayon, a semi-synthetic fabric, combines the comfort of natural fibers with a sleek finish. Ideal for casual occasions, rayon short kurtas offer a relaxed fit and a touch of sophistication.
i. Velvet - Opulent Appeal: For special occasions and festivities, velvet short kurtas bring opulence to your wardrobe. The plush fabric adds a luxurious touch, making a statement without compromising comfort.
j. Jersey - Casual Cool: For an ultra-casual and contemporary vibe, consider jersey fabric. Stretchy and comfortable, jersey short kurtas are perfect for laid-back occasions, offering a modern twist to traditional attire.
We are also available on : Myntra , Ajio , Amazon , Flipkart
 5.A Cultural Bridge in Global Workplaces
In an era of global connectivity, workplaces are often a melting pot of cultures. Short kurtas serve as a cultural bridge, allowing individuals to express their heritage in a subtle yet impactful manner. This not only fosters cultural appreciation but also contributes to a more inclusive and understanding work environment.
 6.The Influence of Bollywood and Fashion Icons
In the ever-evolving world of fashion, Bollywood and style icons wield substantial influence, playing a pivotal role in shaping trends and dictating fashion preferences. Notably, the adoption of short kurtas by leading actors and fashion influencers has propelled this traditional garment from the cultural periphery into the mainstream fashion spotlight. These influential figures, with their charisma and impeccable fashion choices, have effectively transformed the short kurta from a niche cultural attire to a versatile and stylish wardrobe staple. Men, now more than ever, look to these fashion leaders for inspiration on seamlessly incorporating short kurtas into their wardrobes with panache. The impact of Bollywood and style icons extends beyond mere trendsetting; it fosters a cultural shift, where traditional elements are seamlessly integrated into contemporary fashion, reflecting a dynamic fusion that resonates with the modern man's pursuit of style and cultural identity.
Guide for Styling Short Kurtas Professionally
 a. Tailoring Matters: Ensure that the short kurta fits well and is tailored to your body shape for a polished look.
b. Mix and Match: Experiment with different bottoms like trousers, chinos, or even denim to create diverse looks.
c. Accessorize Smartly: Elevate your ensemble with accessories like watches, cufflinks, and leather shoes for a touch of sophistication.
d. Occasion Matters: Choose the level of embroidery or embellishment based on the formality of the occasion.
 e. Color Coordination: Pay attention to color coordination to create a harmonious and well-put-together outfit.
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7. Palette for Style Impact:
In the realm of achieving professionalism with short kurtas, the selection of colors emerges as a pivotal determinant. Whether opting for classic neutrals to exude a minimalist charm or embracing bolder hues to make a stylish statement, the art of color coordination significantly elevates the overall impact of the ensemble. Tesmare understands the essence of this coordination, offering a spectrum of color options in short shirt kurtas. From subtle neutrals that convey sophistication to vibrant hues that radiate confidence, We ensure a diverse palette, allowing individuals to express their personal style with flair and finesse. With Tesmare, the journey of achieving professionalism through thoughtfully curated color choices becomes a seamless and stylish experience.
8.Short Kurtas' Diverse Charm
Short kurtas offer a versatility that extends beyond cultural celebrations. Their adaptability makes them suitable for various professional settings, allowing men to effortlessly transition from boardroom meetings to after-work gatherings without compromising on style or comfort.
  We are also available on : Ajio , Amazon , Flipkart
In the quest to redefine professional style, the fusion of tradition and modernity is becoming increasingly discernible, and Tesmare Short kurtas stand out as a distinctive vehicle for this transformation. These short kurtas provide a unique avenue for self-expression, enabling individuals to navigate the professional landscape with a harmonious blend of confidence and comfort. Embracing the smart comfort embedded in short shirt kurta styles, men can transcend conventional boundaries and authentically redefine what it means to be professionally stylish in today's dynamic world. The marriage of cultural heritage with contemporary design not only caters to the demands of the modern workplace but also empowers individuals to showcase their personality through their attire, fostering a sense of individuality and sophistication that extends beyond mere fashion. Tesmare Short kurtas thus become not just clothing items but tools for men to assert their identity and make a lasting impression in the evolving panorama of professional fashion.
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terralunaindia · 6 months
Beneficial features of khadi cotton and linen dresses
Khadi cotton clothing is a garment made from khadi fabric. It is a material of cotton woven and spun by hand, holding a special place in Indian history and culture. Khadi cotton clothes are known for their comfort, breathability, and the unique texture of the khadi material. These dresses are traditionally made in India and other South Asian countries by spinning cotton into yarn using a traditional spinning wheel known as charkha.  The yarn is then woven by hand to make khadi cotton clothing. This process offers khadi its distinguishing texture and appearance.  Dresses that are made from khadi cotton are known for their sustainability and eco-friendly characteristics.
Khadi shirts for men are often preferred by those who are conscious of ecological impact and favor natural materials. These shirts are renowned for their comfort and breathability properties, making them the most sought-after garments among men, women, and kids. These excellent wearing features make the fabric an excellent option choice for hot and warm seasons. It allows air to circulate, keeping the body of wearers comfortable and cool. The notable characteristic of khadi shirts is their versatile design. These shirts are made in different styles, ranging from traditional to modern. The versatile design makes these shirts suitable for diverse occasions. You can find them in a range of stunning colors, as well, making them complement the skin complexion of users perfectly.
Like khadi cotton, dresses made from linen are known for their expected, breathable, and relaxed characteristics. Linen dresses for women, men, and children are recognized for their distinctive texture and skill to keep the wearer cool in warm climates. One of the key points about dresses made from linen is breathability. The fabric is highly breathable and wicks wetness away from the wearer’s body. This distinctive property of the material makes it an outstanding choice for hot and moist climates. It allows air to circulate, keeping the wearer comfortable. Moreover, linen is a natural as well as sustainable, and eco-friendly fabric.  Dresses made from linen are suitable to wear for all types of skin, making them the best and safest skin-friendly clothing.
Usually, the skin of women is softer than men, so women can feel more comfortable and safer than men do when wearing linen dresses. Linen shirts for women have a unique texture with a slightly bristly and slubbed look, thus adding to the natural and rustic art of linen dresses. The most beneficial characteristic feature of linen fabric is its versatility. Linen dresses are available in various styles, from unintentional sundresses to more formal and custom-made options. They are appropriate for an extensive variety of occasions, from seaside outings to summer weddings. If you would like to preserve the crease of your dress after washing, you can consider choosing a linen dress. This is for the reason that these dresses are known for their anti-wrinkling feature. Linen clothing for men, women, men, and children is part of its charm for numerous people. The wrinkles of the clothing are considered part of the material's character and give it a tranquil, laid-back appearance. Moreover, the fabric can be dyed in different colors, and it will never fade, as well. You can find linen clothing in a wide range of hues to complement your style. Above all, washing and maintaining dresses that are made from linen is really a breeze.
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informels · 7 months
7 Incredible Ways to Stylishly Wear Party Wear Shirts
Shirts for men are a wardrobe requirement that goes well with both Indian and Western styles. These clothes are so adaptable that they look well in both formal and casual contexts. They exude a clean, manly vibe that goes well with their style. Although initially connected to Western clothing, blending textiles and designs from many cultures has produced an abundance of Indo-Western shirt possibilities, confirming their standing as fashionable statements and valuable clothing.
A classic men's shirt usually has a collar, cuffs on the sleeves, and a buttoned front opening. The traditional style has full or three-quarter sleeves, while more recent iterations have the popular half-sleeve or sleeveless choices. Even collarless shirts are becoming famous nowadays.
How To Amp Yourself in A Party Wear Shirt for Men
Shirts have transformed the ever-changing menswear market, offering a variety of looks from semi-formal and formal to casual and celebratory. However, purchasing party wear shirts is not only a thing. You should be vigilant in what you choose and how it defines your personality. It all lies in how stylishly you wear a shirt. Let's explore more about it.
Choose Fabric Wisely
The fabric is a critical factor in determining the personality of men's party wear shirts. Renowned for their ease and softness, cotton and linen are the most popular materials for summer clothing. Men may show off their shirts all year round because of the textiles' adaptability. While cotton and linen are more suited for warmer climates, alternatives like pure silk, art silk, or mixed materials are also suitable for winter, as are rayon, khadi, and traditional linen for formal events. The fabric plays a vital role in classifying what you wear.
Unique Pattern Phenomena
Beyond the traditional checks and stripes, Indian men's shirts come in various designs. Intricate borders, paisley designs, and embroidered peacocks are examples of ethnic influences that add charm. In addition, the colour scheme rejects the conventional white, black, and grey to embrace vivid colours that complement the rich Indian colour spectrum, such as blue, red, green, and purple. Ombre patterned shirts with contrasting shades are also in. 
Bold hues and eye-catching colour contrasts have recently been popular in men's shirts. Wearing these modern styles is perfect for special occasions and get-togethers. One incredibly fashionable design that sticks out is the "border-style fashion," defined by contrasting colours or embroidered strips close to the collar, buttons, or cuffs.
Cuts And Types
Numerous cuts and designs go well with the diversity of colour and fabric. Indian designers tend to choose more extended shirt designs since they look well with traditional clothing like indo-western pants, salwars and pyjamas and have a timeless appeal. Casual outfits commonly feature short, half-sleeve shirts, with linen frequently forming looser, bohemian-inspired shapes.
Don't forget the formals, though! Indian shirts are so versatile that they go well with Indian and Western outfits. On hot summer days, a clean cotton shirt looks great with jeans for a semi-formal vibe. Formal shirts are a popular option for everyday workplace attire as they blend well with fitted pants.
Layering Options
The untucked shirt style is more appropriate for casual events as it allows you to wear them with jeans or other less formal bottoms. Add jackets, blazers or Indian men's dupattas to the party wear shirts for wedding to ramp up the ethnic flare and create a cohesive ensemble that combines modern and traditional elements. 
Gain style points by being an expert layering stylist. Over your base layer, wear an open shirt or a lightweight, fashionable jacket. Layering creates visual appeal and lets you modify your ensemble for varying weather conditions and events.
Accessorising Options
Add flare to your wardrobe and tighten your waist with a stylish belt to make a statement. Examine a range of belt designs, from classic leather to elaborately woven to those with eye-catching buckles. Beyond its usefulness, a well-chosen belt becomes a statement piece that enhances the look of your entire ensemble. This fashion feature highlights the waistline and plays a crucial role in subtly conveying your unique style.
Also, you can elevate your party ensemble with the right accessories. Consider donning a statement watch, a sleek leather belt, or a stylish pocket square. Experiment with cufflinks or bracelets to add a touch of personality. Accessories complement your party-wear shirt and showcase your attention to detail and fashion-forward sensibilities.
Experiment With Prints
Try different textures to add flair to your look. For a tactile and eye-catching experience, mix classic materials with textiles like velvet, corduroy, or tweed. This subtle change of pace turns an everyday look into something opulent and chic. The interaction of various textures gives depth and demonstrates a sharp sense of style, enabling you to make a distinctive and unforgettable statement with your clothing selections.
Give A Sporty Touch
Adopt a contemporary style by skillfully combining sportswear and tailoring. Opt for fitted pants and sleek sports shoes to elevate your look, or wear a clean, crisp blue party wear shirt with fashionable joggers. This surprising combination of materials, athletic inspiration, and finesse creates a modern, athleisure-inspired style. Combining the ease of athletics with precise tailoring demonstrates adaptability and captures a vibrant and current fashion sense.
Men's shirts have evolved to represent a harmonic fusion of international and local inspirations, providing a sartorial trip that suits various preferences and circumstances. The men's shirt represents classic refinement and modern flair in a formal setting, casual get-together, or joyous occasion. Remember that confidence and a willingness to try new things are essential to having excellent style. Apply this fashion advice to your wardrobe to create ensembles that are current and distinctively you.
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cleantechmart · 7 months
Khadi Cotton Fabric Handloom
Khadi Cotton Fabric Handloom Key features of eco-friendly garments include: Eco-friendly clothing encompasses various aspects that make it a conscientious choice for both consumers and the environment. These aspects include: Eco-friendly clothing often incorporates materials like organic cotton, hemp, Tencel, or recycled fibers. This deliberate choice reduces the need for pesticides and harmful chemicals during cultivation or production.
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