#kevandreil fic
daylightficfest · 4 months
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As a good friend once said, have you ever gotten tired of Kevin Day getting everything he wants just because he is Kevin Day?
Do you think Kevin Day is too widely revered? Do you find the radiance of him too all-consuming; too hard to perceive, let alone fathom?
Then we are not the fest for you at all, because category is Night of a Thousand Kevin Days! Daylight Savings is a fan event focused around Kevin Day, where you will be able to submit and claim Kevin-related prompts or write one of your own.
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Are you interested in making Kevin Day even more self-obsessed? If the answer’s yes, stick around to learn about our schedule in the upcoming days!
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jaywalkers · 4 months
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ALL THAT LOOKING DOWN \\ kevin/neil/andrew + completed \\ 163.000 words
“Do you like it?"
The simplest question to everything. A yes or no, asked over and over. Do you like Exy? Do you like yourself? Do you like the language that you should have learned in school in a country you were ripped from? Neil and Andrew, last December, bent over him on the couch asking him do you like us?
Kevin hums, a rising note of both confirmation and avoidance, different to how it was as a kid with that tilted accent.
alternatively; Kevin Day’s horrible no-good very bad attempt at learning Gaeilge in the fucking USA.
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kevinsbitch · 8 months
Andrew finds a binder in new kid's duffel bag. Photos, newspaper clips, and every fucking thing about Kevin Day's life. He looks through this stuff, fumbles with delicately folded papers and thinks that he has something in common with Neil Josten.
If anything, Andrew is also quite obsessed with Kevin Day. He just wants to believe that Josten's obsession isn't maniac.
Nicky says Andrew is too greedy. He already has Kevin, so why does he need Neil? Andrew doesn't know. But days and weeks pass by, they share cigarettes and do night practices together and Andrew realises that he can't choose. He realises that he loves them equally. He loves them, but his love just his love just not like other's. He will take a bullet for Kevin, a knife for Josten, because he doesn't know anything better. He had already wanted to die for Aaron, he didn't consider staying alive after the car crash, but he woke up on the hospital bed, not knowing what to live for.
Why did he survive, if there's nothing to do in his life anymore? Aaron was safe now, but he hated him, and Andrew only knew how to die for someone, it was his love language. He doesn't know how to love someone in another way.
He is waiting for a moment to sacrifice himself for Kevin. Kevin has something to do with mafia and they just shoot, no hello's and no goodbyes. Andrew is ready to die and only hopes that Kevin would appreciate it. He gave him a promise and he will defend him by means of his own life.
Neil Josten is no better. He has something to do with mafia and something else. Andrew is waiting for a knife in his guts and he will not hesitate. If it saves Neil's life or at least give him a couple minutes, he will die for him.
Andrew knows that the day will come and there would be no way out. All he will regret about — he can't keep them safe any longer. He has one and only one chance, he can't die twice. He considers his life only to be valuable enough for giving it for them. Only once.
Andrew knows they will have each other. Neil and Kevin, always competitors and always friends, they will stay by each other when Andrew lays his life down for them. They will find strength to live this life, but Andrew never had this strength in the first place.
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tidalst · 2 years
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Where in the beginning Neil is a tired single dad, Kevin writes books and is generally confused and Andrew would just like his hot but annoying customers to have their spat outside the store. (Drop In, Drop By) - It’s time baby, here’s my first piece for the @aftgbigbang​, story is written by the wonderful @wishopenastar​, and you can (have to) read their very amazing and wholesome and hilarious fic here
((Bonus doodles & Kevin’s outfit inspo under the cut))
Neil, Kevin, & Andrew as kids
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Out of four rival outfit choices, this one won, so you can thank Ari for Kevin in tweed shorts
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theleakypen · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: All For The Game - Nora Sakavic Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Kevin Day/Neil Josten/Andrew Minyard Characters: Neil Josten, Andrew Minyard, Kevin Day Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, During Canon, Established Relationship, Blow Jobs, Locker Room Sex, Mild D/s vibes, Kissing Summary:
When Neil and Kevin finish their night practice, Andrew is already waiting for them in the locker room, sitting on the bench between the rows of lockers.
"Get your gear off," he says. "Then come back here."
Neil starts heading past him but slows when Kevin asks, "Showers?"
"Don't bother," Andrew says. "You'll just need to take another one after."
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welcome welcome, it’s been a while.
but we’re back now with tumblr’s favorite show: AFTG Hot Takes, where i spew paragraphs and paragraphs of bullshit instead of working on my WIP.
without any further ado, i am proud to present: every AFTG ship, ranked.
this is your friendly reminder that these are just my opinions. if you like a ship i don’t: great! if you don’t like a ship that i love: also great! i’m always happy to hear people’s thoughts, and i love a good friendly debate, but please remember that i’m 17. i’m not here to argue with you about why your ship is the best. i’m just here to have fun.
these probably aren’t all the ships that are out there, but this is everything i’ve seen so far. if i missed one, let me know!
24. Jean/Riko
this one… ew. ew ew ew. every ship with riko is so ew, i cannot begin to explain, but this one is the worst.
i’ve read too many Nest fics to not gag at this tag, cause it’s never consensual.
23. Kevin/Riko
just no.
moving on.
22. Kevin/Thea
y’all know i hate this ship by now, but for newcomers: it’s predatory and neglectful. very very ick.
21. Andrew/Roland
this one… where to start?
i’ll probably make a full post ab it soon, so for now, let’s just say that it’s very similar to Kevin/Thea. The age gap at the time that things started between them… the morals and legality are murky at best.
20. Andrew/Kevin
i’ve said it once, and i’ll say it again: they. aren’t. good. for. each. other.
Kevin doesn’t respect boundaries. he pushes things. and boundaries are the absolute most important thing for Andrew. they just don’t work.
19. Andrew/Neil/Kevin
i very vehemently despise this ship, for the same reason i hate Andrew/Kevin. i think it’s so important for y’all to remember who these characters are and not just ship them because they all have dicks and are nice to each other sometimes. that turns into mlm fetishization real fuckin quick.
18. Neil/Kevin
this is one that i can almost sort of see. if i hadn’t accidentally spoiled andreil for myself, i would have assumed this was canon during my first read.
but it’s just… i love the fact that they’re friends. i think their friendship can be so amazing, and i love reading fics where they’re that close. i don’t think every friendship in media has to turn romantic.
17. Kevin/Jean/Jeremy
remember what i said about kevandreil? apply it to this one too.
ik it sounds like i just hate poly couples. i don’t. i just hate ships like this, that really wouldn’t be healthy but people put together anyway because oh gay people yay! it feels gross and fetish-y and i am not here for it.
16. Kevin/Jean
this is a ship that i can see happening pre-canon, but i’m not the biggest fan of it simply because there’s no way it could be healthy. they went through a lot together, sure, but traumabonds are notoriously unhealthy.
15. Kevin/Matt
this, again, feels like just putting two characters together because they’re nice to each other occasionally, but really? they aren’t. correct me if i’m wrong, but Matt and Kev only have one canon interaction that i can remember, and it’s literally Matt punching Kev in the face.
Not to mention, Dan and Matt. Dan and Matt! i love them too much to accept this.
14. Kevin/Matt/Aaron
listen. again, i don’t hate poly couples. i really, really don’t. i just…
Matt literally… just doesn’t mesh well with Kev or Aaron. at all? i don’t understand the thought process behind this.
13. Renee/Jean
i don’t… i don’t hate this one. i just don’t like it. i feel like both Renee and Jean have wayyy better ships (not to spoil anything, but they both make top 5 in different ships)
i don’t think they’re awful, per se, i just don’t really see the chemistry.
12. Allison/Seth
this is an unpopular opinion, i know. but i’ve read a few “Seth lives” fics that redeem him, so i can’t hate him. i can’t, you can’t make me.
believe me, i don’t like it either, but i don’t run this city, the rats do.
anyway, it’s not awesome and i like Ally’s other options better, but it could be good! it could be great! i read too much redemption fanfic!
11. Kevin/Jeremy
i’ll be honest, it’s not my favorite to read when Jean is also in a fic, but if we’re talking in general?
i adore. fics where Kev is falling all over himself trying to talk to Jer are my bread. and. fucking. butter. quicksand has destroyed me. absolutely ruined me.
10. Aaron/Katelyn
starting off the top ten with one of my favorite minor characters ever, this ship is up here because i love Kate so much.
i read too much fanfiction, i know, but i just think she’s so cool?
honestly, i really don’t think Aaron deserves her. she’s that cool. i love her so much. that’s my lady. my babygirl. simply adore.
9. Abby/Wymack/Betsy
i like this one, i really do. all the Fox parents together? it’s perfect. i love it. enough said.
8. Kevin/Allison
listen. i’ve said i didn’t get it before, but honestly? i change my mind. i like this one. i like it a lot.
their personalities would mesh so well. they’re both dramatic, they’d be the funniest fucking couple in the world. i like it a lot.
7. Abby/Wymack
it’s a classic. i ship it, you ship it, the Foxes ship it too. we all ship it. they’re made for each other, and that’s all i have to say.
6. Matt/Dan
if you don’t like this one, you’re lying. they are. the definition. of love.
they’re so cute? so cute? i have no words?
your honor, i love them.
top five time!!
5. Nicky/Erik
god, these two.
if you know me at all, you know i have a soft spot for Nicky. i relate to his story so much, and i hate how dirty Nora did him.
but god, these two. they are love. they are perfect.
i have no words. i just love them so much
4. Kevin/Aaron
i love this one. you know i love this one. everyone knows i love this one.
they’re both assholes, and they’re both hurt in different ways, and i love when they heal together. when they help each other and lean on each other and just- ugh.
i like watching them heal, and i like watching them do it together. (plus best friend’s brother anyone?? a classic trope)
3. Renee/Allison
i love them so much. i love them so much.
they balance each other out so well? they’re so perfect for each other?
also, we need more wlw couples in media in general, and especially in this series.
i love them so much.
2. Jean/Jeremy
you know. you know i love this one (thank you Hoax, and thank you gus_47. you have ruined my sleep schedule and i have never been happier)
grumpyxsunshine, guys. healing together. i love when people heal together. i love it
also, round of applause to us in the fandom for creating an incredibly popular ship between two people who literally never interact in canon. we did that. i love that for us.
and now, for #1.
1. Andrew/Neil
they are love. they. are. love.
it’s a classic but it’s perfect, and i love them so much. no i will not elaborate (this time)
well! thank you for reading, start a (friendly) fight with me if you want, and drink some water
hugs and kisses <3
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achilios · 2 years
fic recs!
quick little aftg fic rec list post while i procrastinate studying
PLEASE BE MINDFUL OF THE TAGS! aftg is a fandom that deals with very heavy topics, so this is especially important for these fics!!
odd eye - @tdashshirt
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published 2021
rated T (archive warnings: Rape/Non-Con - implied/referenced)
1/1 chapters, 16K words
tags: hurt/comfort, angst with a happy ending, canon-divergence (no drake incident), secret relationship, neurodivergent characters (neil, andrew and kevin are all nd iirc)
Andrew spends most of his childhood thinking he is a psychopath. He is not. Andrew is, and always will be, just Andrew.
amazing amazing amazing — my bookmark notes were "cries cries cries this is what healing feels like lol" which is still exactly how i feel, to be honest. it was so well written and soft, and had such good neurodivergent rep, i absolutely adored it.
we used to be friends - @gluupor
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published 2020
rated M (No Archive Warnings Apply)
20/20 chapters, 100K words
tags: au: highschool, veronica mars fusion, detective!neil, adoption, canon-typical violence, involuntary outing, implied/referenced rape/non-con, implied/referenced murder
Neil’s life is thrown into disarray when his best friend is murdered. As he starts his senior year of high school, he finds himself on the outside looking in, a social pariah whose former friends are only too willing to bully and ostracize him. Working for his father, a private investigator, leads him to evidence that his friend’s murder may not be as straightforward as it seems. Neil throws himself into the investigation, hoping that solving the case might help him regain some of what he lost.
when my phone crashed about a month ago, this is one of the few tabs i didn’t lose, and i am SO glad i didn’t lose it. this fic was so well written, i loved that it incorporated elements from the original series without straying away from the highschool au/canon divergent plot.
learn to let go - skvaader
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published 2021
minor andrew/neil/kevin
rated G (creator chose not to use archive warnings)
1/1 chapters, 9K words
tags: grief/mourning, jewish neil josten, hurt/comfort, angst with a happy ending, implied/referenced child abuse, friendship, minor injuries
There’s a question on Kevin’s tongue, one he won’t let escape because it will lead to nothing and there’s no one to answer him. It weighs heavier each day. How do you grieve for someone who’s still alive, who might not be buried? Kevin doesn’t know how to tell Neil he’s already built him a funeral bouquet, that it’s heavy enough that the drawer won’t pry open as easily anymore. That it’s made from steel grey and rosy pink. Their days are running out and yet here Neil is, buying fruit because Kevin doesn’t dare to ask for a midnight snack.
um THIS was devastating. it has a happy ending but you can still feel the heavy grief and guilt Kevin is feeling throughout the entire fic, an it’s honestly heartwrenching.
the bachelor of baltimore - likearecord
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published 2020
rated M (no archive warnings apply)
5/5 chapters, 32K words
tags: neil josten as nathaniel wesninski, references to abuse, marriage of alliances, mild violence, au - no exy
Nathaniel Wesninski, the only son of the Butcher of Baltimore, has two options: choose a mob boss to marry for the benefit of the Moriyamas, or meet with an unfortunate accident. He thought he had it worked out. And then Andrew Minyard walked into his life.
this was genuinely a fun read, it was a bit angsty but it had a happy ending, and left me trying to find more fics with mob boss!andrew and neil.
a different matter - @djhedy and @annawrites
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published 2020
rated E (no archive warnings apply)
15/15 chapters, 59K words
tags: au - housemates, found family, pining, friends with benefits, friendship, explicit sexual content, non-sexual intimacy
After college, Neil is drifting and a bit lost. When Matt makes him move in with him and his housemates, Neil isn’t sure what to expect. Finding a family, having casual sex, and then promptly ruining that by falling not-so-casually in love is not on his agenda though.
this was sooo good that when i reached the end i literally went "nooooo" because i need more of this specific brand of andreil.
[podfic] right side of rock bottom - @frecklebombfic
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podfic / original
published 2016, 2016
rated M (no archive warnings apply)
1/1 chapter, 2-2.5 hours, 20K words
tags: emotional hurt/comfort, sharing a bed, post-canon, emotional healing, mentions of past abuse, pov alternating
Neil thinks it might be the first time he’s taken a breath in days. He hadn’t realised it because he’d been so caught up in packing and saying goodbye to everyone but now that it’s over he remembers his self-imposed countdown was meant to be up by now. It’s the end of the school year and five months ago, he thought he’d be dead by now. Instead he has a team and a future and a home and Andrew. (The last two might be interchangeable.)
this was the first ever podfic i’ve listened to, i was cleaning my room and decided to turn on something to listen to, and was immediately hooked. frecklebombfic is such a wonderful podficcer, and i’m so glad i got to listen to their podfic as my intro to podfics
that’s it for today! sorry for my prolonged absence, life has been hectic lately :) i know this isn't my usual content, but i've been reading lots of aftg fics lately, so i thought i'd share some of my recent favorits. i’ll hopefully be back to consistently posting sooner rather than later!
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I have this hc in my head that Kevin Day is aro ace and super badass but only dates Thea for the idea of an publicity.
Like no hate to that ship but don't personally see Kevin/Thea as a ship and the idea of Kevin being aro ace just always made sense to me.
Like I know that a lot of people in fandom say he deserves to be happy but why is happiness always equated with romance?
I feel like Kevin Day being the queen that he is can also be happy and just as amazing character without being given a romantic take everytime
NOT to say I don't like or hate all the other ships like kevaaron or kevandreil or even kevthea
I just personally like the idea of Kevin being aro ace kween who loves exy.
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daylightficfest · 3 months
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Claiming period is upon us!
To access our Prompt Archive, click here.
To access our Prompt Claiming Form, click here.
To access our Self-Prompting Form, click here.
How does it work?
To sign up for the Daylight Savings Fest, you have to either pick a prompt (and a backup) from our archive and claim it through our prompt claiming form, or send a self-prompt through our self-prompting form. You will receive a confirmation email once your claim comes through, and will be thereon free to write it.
Can I claim more than one prompt?
Writers will be allowed to claim a second prompt after finishing the writing and drafting of their first one. To do this, send an email to us via [email protected].
Do I have to gift my work to the prompter?
No, a mention in the notes will do. However, we encourage you to if you feel like it; it's all the more fun.
The prompt I want is tagged as 'SFW', does that mean I can't write NSFW?
No. The SFW label in the archive just means that a prompt is not inherently NSFW. You are free to write anything you want into any prompt so long as it's not in the 'Don'ts' section provided by the prompter.
How does Kevin Day keep his hair so soft and shiny?
A diet of nothing but sincere appreciation for the USC Trojans does a body good.
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jaywalkers · 2 years
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sunset, like survival | kevin/neil/andrew + completed | 85.000 words
The first time Neil dies is devastating. The second time is just as bad. The third time has them wondering if there’s a way out of this loop that doesn’t end with Neil dead.
Night, after night, after night. Baltimore isn't something that just happens once.
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wishopenastar · 2 years
It's a fire (a goddamn blaze in the dark)
All For The Game - Nora Sakavic
Relationship- Kevandreil
Word count : 3152
Additional Tags:
OT3, Alternate Universe - Medieval, Sharing a Bed, Sharing Body Heat, furrier neil, Alternate Universe - Royalty, Sharing Clothes, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholismin
People keep showing up at Neil's doorstep, and he lets them into his home and his heart.
He lets his walls fall through the seasons, a year of meetings, and fireside cuddles.
My @aftgexchange piece for @kevingayimeanday, I hope you like it! I mixed all your prompts a bit.
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kevinsbitch · 9 months
Kevin absolutely doesn't have any kinks. It's just them in the court, in their training clothes, with their sticks and Kevin's mind goes wild. Andrew and Neil are menaces, when they wear their uniform, and if Kevin can get hold of himself when they have a game, there's nothing he can do when he doesn't need to concentrate on the ball. And, fuck, they are awesome.
Neil's in Andrew's 03 jersey, which hugs his body tight, Kevin can see his lean muscles under the white fabric, he can imagine his soft skin under his palms, can even hear his moans, if he closes his eyes. Andrew stands beside him, leaning on his racquet, in a clingy black t-shirt under his light gear.
He stands still, looking at them. They are waiting for him to give them instructions, but he can't think straight and just watches them from distance.
Only when they notice him a few minutes later, he can make himself move.
"You'll practice by yourself tonight. I'll be watching you."
"Fucking no, Kevin. We didn't make all the way here just for you to sit on the bench," says Andrew, irritated.
"I don't think I can run tonight," he says, trying to ignore his twitching cock.
Neil leans closer to Andrew, just to whisper something in his ear. Andrew gives Kevin once over, nods and moves closer to him
"Thirty minutes. Don't touch yourself."
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exysexualmoron · 3 years
so... Somehow I found myself writing Kevandreil or whatever the ship name is???? It just happened???? Organically????? This fic is sure full of surprises even for me
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whatmack · 4 years
Hi there, I'm a relatively new follower and was just wondering if you could either direct me to a post where you talk about, or answer here with why you use they/them pronouns for Kevin? I'd never seen it before I read that ficlet with the kevandreil couch bj (very very good, btw). So yeah, was just curious as to how that came about, I'm a fan of it, though. Makes my trans self happy to see. Thanks in advance! Hope you're doing well
Hey! Well, the biggest-- though perhaps not the most knittable yarn of a-- reason is that it makes me happy to imagine characters as trans, whether they’re someone else’s or I’m inventing them myself. One of my friends once told me that when they read my writing they “assume everyone is trans until proven cis” and it could not have been a better compliment so I’m not sure when or why I first started headcanoning kevin as non binary, and using different pronouns than in canon to refer to them sometimes. I know if I’m poking around for things to hold up as “THAT’S NOT CIS DUDE BEHAVIOR” I look at the queen tattoo pretty strongly? We also know that Kevin modifies queer presentation in order to appeal to Exy standards (“it’s easier to remain heterosexual”) and so I could see them being enby but not wanting to think about in in-depth, because tetsuji thinks it’s better for Exy players to be men. fuck tetsuji moriyama (Bonus: while as you’ve seen I commonly use they/them for enby kevin, I do have two fics on AO3 where I use sie/hir for Kev, Four-In-Hand (where there’s a chapter Kevin cycles through many different pronouns, because I just think pronouns are Neat) and Beautiful And Splendid Things (in which Matt, Bee, and cameo-of-Jean are also nb and do use they/them))
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i-rec-fics · 4 years
so here's which ships/fandoms this account will contain - might update this later-
harry potter - mostly drarry, romione, a little bit of tomarry maybe
mdzs - wangxian, songxiao
merlin - merthur
aftg - andreil, kevandreil
pjo - percabeth, pernico, percy/jason (this is a fandom i was into 5-6 years ago, but i am re-reading so not so sure about the ships sorry 😔)
good omens - aziraphael / crowley (like i could ship else)
i will talk about the fics i read and maybe write a little review about them, if i'm not feeling too lazy or illiterate.
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nikothespoonklepto · 4 years
37. Talk about your current wips. and 38. Talk about a review that made your day.
37- my wips
Brothers is a very long Moriyama fix it fic that I fucking love. C10 is coming, I promise. I have numerous scenes written out. Chapter 11 is part way done, chapter 12 is started. Ichirou adopts to many kids is a way to put it.
Uh, Freckles ! Aaroneil, not sure where it's going, but I know how it ends? Lol. I love this one too.
Three's Company: part of Puzzle Pieces series, I did kevandreil. Then matt/neil/dan. Working on nicky/neil/erik. Debating on another pairing. These are the fics about their first time together!
Do I have more wips? Yes, not sure if I wanna share them though.
38- a comment that made my day? Oh.... dude... I got this one comment on my Puzzle Pieces series that made me so happy! Telling me how they reread it and just going on about the dynamics of it all.
Or the comment on Apt 314 that was so hella detailed I was in shock. Oof!
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