diekerel · 18 days
If you thought my TWEWY bullshit was over, think again
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dougielombax · 7 months
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Same energy.
Or at least my dad thinks so.
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waluigis-biggest-fan · 4 months
♥ (08) What is your OC’s dream marriage proposal?
♥ (09) What is your OC’s favorite small way to show their love?
For any characters you would like
Oooooooook so for the first question, I can’t ever really see Kerel and Anubis getting married. This is more of a friends with benefits thing…
The only sticking point being that it is actually father and daughter with benefits.
He is married to another character but I have no idea how that would happen. He’s not really one to care about marriage and she’s an Amazonian princess from the island of Arcadia.
Anyways for the second question, probably cuddles. He’s a very physical person and touching or cuddling is definitely his favorite way to love his partner(s).
I know this was kind of an out of left field peek into a whack job universe I’ve created so if you want to actually get an outline of what this universe looks like just send another ask lol. I have so much story that I’ve never formally written down anywhere.
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healution · 7 months
Ik wil gewoon Erik van looy tegen komen in het park
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hop-and-malt · 4 days
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gambol-calico · 2 months
ayo we chillin in the void?
The Abyssal Void! Get in here 🎉
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unixbhaskar · 8 months
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...and a quick glance!!
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Btw boogschutters zijn bij Doorwerth ooit op WOII granaten gestuit lmao
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jessicacousin35 · 1 year
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#kerel #bangor #belleileenmer #dimanche #promenade #ocean #airpur #sérénité https://www.instagram.com/p/CoSgzOGq9F4nCWdENI_Vmgduvj29eNnlfslVGg0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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diekerel · 2 days
me thinking about my partners
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bugfuckerkian · 2 years
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Here’s Kerel’s sketch sheet
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waluigis-biggest-fan · 4 months
pls tell me abt Kerel and Anubis bc that father and daughter FWB sounds so wild (FWB = family with benefits? 🤣)
*breathes in*
Ok so basically, welcome to an alternative Earth. It’s the size of Jupiter, gravity is the same. Theres a bunch of states and most of it isn’t explored.
Kerel lives in the United States equivalent. It’s basically our world but with hoverboards and a slightly more militarized government.
Kerel is a teenager who gets sent from either Ireland or Australia, I’m undecided.
He is a Breaker. Breakers are people with abilities that break the laws of physics. His is time dilation. Everything moves in slow motion when he wants it to but only for him.
He joins a group of Breaker teenagers consisting of Lee: the son of a rich billionaire who funds all the extra-lawful escapades, Anderson: who shares Kerel’s abilities, and a couple other characters. They’re called the Chess Club because that’s the cover they use for their Breaker activities.
They travel the world and fight demons, monsters, and Kerel kills the gods of Egypt, Anubis swearing he will kill Kerel’s entire family.
Kerel and the group go for a while until Anderson goes violent and starts killing innocents. The whole group has to split up and go into hiding because the military, who is hunting breakers, is on their tails.
Some stuff happens and Kerel adopts a girl named Ashley. Theres an alien police invasion, Kerel kills the alien sheriff basically and an alien lizard woman falls for Lee who comes out as trans (though doesn’t change her name).
Kerel travels to the island of Arcadia meets Sapphire (not actually. She used to be called that. I can’t remember her name rn), the princess of a tribe of druids, and kills a demon who stole the sunlight of the island. The two fall in love but Kerel has to go back to the mainland and she has to stay to help rebuild.
Ashley realizes she’s the reincarnation of Anubis and leaves. Eventually Kerel returns to Arcadia to protect the islands plentiful Power Gems from the military. Sapphire leaves with Kerel this time.
Sometime after that the two get married, Anubis returns, and Kerel reunites with several members of the Chess Club and forms a worldwide defense group.
Years later, Kerel and Sapphire are married with a young boy on the way.
Anubis expresses her romantic interests to Kerel, Sapphire says it’s ok as long as she can ara ara their son, and the whole thing becomes one massive incestuous grab bag.
Later Kerel’s son steals the powers of the god of illusions and travels the multiverse with Kerel’s friend Jester.
*Long breath out*
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healution · 2 days
Ik zou echt max hele dag door kunnen luisteren
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wisteriagoesvroom · 5 months
hello hello! Are you still doing fluffy prompts? If so may I please ask for cuddling in a bathtub or something?
I'm not annoning I have no shame or dignity left
so your idea spurred another idea. it is tangential, but i hope it still delivers on the Soft Vibes. thank u for prompting 🫂
don't take too much (off of me)
📝 1.3k words 💟 lestappen 🟢 rated G 🔗 also on ao3
“Stop moving.”
“I’m not.”
Charles twirls the scissors between two fingers, hoping that his posture is authoritative enough that Max will quit squirming in his chair. They are in the middle of lockdown and neither is sure when their tentative friendship turned into this – at first it was innocuous knocks on the door to play FIFA, then it was to borrow a jar of pesto here and there. Then, trampling into each other’s apartments. Max knowing to wipe his shoes on the carpet, Charles helping pick up cat food on his regular run to the grocery store (in line with lockdown mandates, they’re only allowed to go to the store twice a week.)
And now they are here. Max sitting on a dining room chair, leaning back, a makeshift cowl around his shoulders that Charles had stolen from his maman’s salon. Max tries not to twitch or move, knowing that the process of hair cutting is a delicate process. Sure, he has sat for a haircut many times before, but never under the hands of this erratic ball of energy that is Charles Leclerc, who is currently brandishing a blade like a child would a spork.
“Do you trust me, or not?” Charles says. Indignant.
“I’m here, am I not?”
“Unhappily, it seems.”
“Kerel. You have wavy hair. You look like a Disney prince. Me? One wrong move of the scissors and there will be memes in my name.”
“But it’s kind of fun when they are making the memes about you. No?”
Max glowers. “It is when they’re nice ones.”
Charles makes a noise between a snort and a guffaw. Charles perched on a stool behind him, so he can’t see the other man’s expression. But when Max looks to the corner of his living room, Max can see Charles’s face in the reflection there. Just a sliver of his face, in profile. Max expects to find Charles’s eyes crinkled, maybe teasing. Max is used to it, after all. Being the an easy target, a convenient villain. Because a lion never roars back. Not outside of the track, anyway. Even if he sometimes hides in his apartment with his cats and licks his wounds instead.
Max’s shoulders tense, hackles up. But Charles’s eyes are very soft. The punchline never comes.
“Well. I think you very handsome, Maximilian.” Charles says.
Oh. Max’s throat bobs. He doesn’t really know what to say. He’s been called many things in the past. Handsome isn’t necessarily one of them. And somehow it has a greater weight, a different bearing, when it comes from Charles. Because Charles is someone he’s begun to acknowledge that he cares about, perhaps a great deal.
“And now! We are doing the short at the sides and long at the top, oui?” Charles says. Snapping straighter in his makeshift hairdresser’s stool, energy whipping through him like lightning. Changing the topic as if he hadn’t just confessed to Max the very same thing that Max has been thinking about Charles for weeks – or if he’s honest – years, now.
“Whatever you do, make sure it’s tidy, yeah?”
“Come on mate. I am always careful.”
“Like you were when you drove into the Copse wall.”
“That was an isolated incident. Due to a combination of unexpected mechanical factors.”
“Pfft. Okay. Save that response for Sky.”
“You’re nearly as annoying as them, sometimes.” Charles says, frown gentle before he lifts the scissors again. 
Comfortably back in their banter-y element, the chatter continues. Charles is careful about his work, the blades moving slowly and carefully. And what Charles lacks in finesse he makes up for in social skills, clearly inheriting this from his parents. Talking and filling the silence comfortably, wandering from topics as diverse as sailing on the Monaco coastline, to David Guetta’s recent bizarre fundraiser video, to the latest model of automatic cat feeder that has become available on the market. Charles’s fingers brush his jaw occasionally to adjust the angle, scissors glinting in the afternoon sun. Max deliberately avoids eye contact, only glimpsing at him occasionally to share a laugh. 
At the end, Charles uses a towel to brush the loose hair off Max’s neck. They both get up to stand at Max’s living room mirror, surveying Charles’s handiwork. Their reflections loom large, shoulder to shoulder at the same height. Besides, Max isn’t really looking at himself, and neither is Charles, either.
“It’s good, yes?” Charles says. Low, conspiratorial.
Max’s grip tightens on the towel that he’s holding. His pulse etches up. The whole afternoon has been gentle touch, contact that aches because the pandemic has made him even more pathetically wanting than usual. Contact that he’s been trying very hard not to think about or keep for more nefarious purposes later. 
The other man's gaze is warm in the mirror. Max thinks of fresh cut grass at Imola, his favourite corner in Silverstone.
“Yes.” Max says. It’s good. The haircut, him, them. This strange rhythm they’ve found together. The quiet space of each other’s apartment, each other’s company, temporarily safe from the world. The trust offered to one another: enough to let them run you into gravel and trust that it was worth the fight. Enough to hold a blade in your hand and only let one other person in the world come near you with it. Risk, and promise.
Then he’s turning towards Charles. Charles mirroring him. The light is bright and the sky blue in the window, but all Max can see for a moment is Charles’s face, his half open mouth ripe like a plum. The scent, this close, of Charles’s carrefour laundry softener and woody aftershave.
And they’re leaning towards each other, a boundary they might finally cross, let the cards fall where they fucking may, when—
A yowl. A screech. A mighty crash. 
“Sassy!” Max says, practically jumping out of his skin.
Both men whip around at the source of the noise. Sassy’s frozen on a shelf, a beige mass with yellow eyes. Paw half up, looking guilty – if a cat could look guilty– at a trophy that he has just knocked off a counter. Jimmy, on the other hand, is absolutely nowhere to be seen, already having escaped the scene of the crime.
Max groans into his hands. But then Charles is laughing, an asthmatic penguin noise that Max has really come to like. It melts the fire in Max a little, amusement tempering his frustration. (The trophy is not the source of Max’s current frustration, but Charles does not need to know that.) 
“I shall get the broom.” Charles says.
So the moment passes. They clean up. On their hands and knees, near, but not touching. The broken trophy is the one he got for his overtake on Nasr in his first year in F1, and offers a chance for them to reminisce about their races. For Max to joke a little about whether Charles will get his first WDC when the pandemic is over, both of them excited about the future, a future with both of them in it, still trying, still racing each other to the brink. It’s much easier to do this, than to talk about the almost-kiss, or break the seal on this moment that they know won’t last forever.
Debris cleared, and the cats shooed into the study, Charles mentions that he should go return his equipment to his mother. They stand at the doorway for a moment that stretches too long.
Max doesn’t know how long they have. Of this, of each other. Of being left alone, of the world not encroaching with cameras or demands for explanations or labels for what they are. Of getting to know each other not as competitors, but on their own terms, in their own time.
But for a long time, Max will always remember this moment. The two of them, a dining chair. His crazy cats, Charles’s toothy smile. Their partial reflections in the mirror, an afternoon unfolding with potential.
A warm hand on his back to let him know he’s cared for, and looked after.
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hop-and-malt · 4 days
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halobirthdays · 9 months
Happy birthday to Shipmaster Rtas 'Vadum!
Today is his -464th birthday!
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Rtas was born on Sanghelios and raised in a keep by the sea. He spent much of his childhood exploring the shoreline and hunting the creatures within. He graduated with honors from a top war college, setting the course for his advancement.
By 2552, he held the rank of Special Operations Commander, specializing in discreet, unconventional warfare--often answering directly to a Hierarch. He served under then-Supreme Commander Thel 'Vadam(ee), who tasked him with investigating the agricultural support ship Infinite Succor, which sent the fleet a distress beacon. Once on board, 'Vadum(ee) discovered that the ship had been overtaken by the Flood, making him one of the first to encounter the outbreak from Installation 04. Recognizing the threat of the Flood spreading, he and his team fought their way to the bridge to initiate self-destruction protocols. Before he could escape, he was forced to fight his Flood-infected comrade, Bero 'Kusovai, who had been his best swordsman. During the engagement, the Flood form cut off 'Vadum's left mandibles with an energy sword, leaving him permanently maimed.
After the destruction of Installation 04, he and Thel 'Vadam were given a mission to find and kill Sesa 'Refumee, a Covenant defector who was labeled a heretic for his (correct) denial of the Great Journey. By this point, his once-superior Thel 'Vadam had been publicly shamed, stripped of his title, and was appointed as the Arbiter. Though Rtas lost respect for Thel, he still recognized him as a skilled warrior and valuable asset.
Rtas and Thel fought their way through the gas mine, killing the heretic leader and taking 343 Guilty Spark with them. When the Prophet of Regret arrived at Earth unprepared and fled to Installation 05, Rtas sent a large group of reinforcements to protect the Hierarch, before being unknowingly thwarted by the Prophet of Truth. When Truth used these events to justify the Changing of the Guard, he protested but accepted the decision.
However, following these events, he and Thel forged a mutual trust in their unified disagreement with the decision, and their experiences fighting together. When Thel was betrayed by Tartarus, Rtas was the first person he told, kicking off the Great Schism and forming the first Covenant separatist group.
While Thel fought his way to Installation 05's control room to prevent the firing of the Halo, 'Vadum engaged Jiralhanae forces in orbit, capturing the Kerel-pattern assault carrier Shadow of Intent, which would become the flagship of the newly-formed Fleet of Retribution. Rtas was instrumental in forming an alliance with the humans, quickly recognizing the importance of Flood containment above their previous hostilities. He ordered his fleet to glass Voi, a restrained measure meant to balance his serious interest in containment with the delicate alliance with the UNSC.
At the close of the war, Rtas and the fleet would follow Thel and the UNSC to the Ark, providing joint support to pave the way for Master Chief and Thel to stop Truth. When the ceasefire between the humans and Sangheili was formalized, he escorted Thel back to Sanghelios, but would not stay for long.
Though he grew weary of fighting, Rtas continued to serve as commander of the Shadow of Intent. After answering a distress signal from the colony Rahnelo, he learned that some San'Shyuum--who had largely gone into hiding after the end of the war--were still alive through Prelate Tem'Bhetek. He went on a mission with Tul 'Juran to stop 'Bhetek's misguided revenge efforts against the Sangheili, believing that the Swords of Sanghelios were responsible for the death of his family. Rtas convinced him of the truth, and 'Bhetek died trying to aid him. After this encounter, Rtas set aside his resentment of the San'Shyuum, recognizing that some deserved death, but some, like 'Bhetek, had also been deceived. Though he was offered leave by Thel, who was now a brother to him, Rtas declined, having learned that thousands of San'Shyuum yet survived, and was determined to locate those responsible for the lies of the Covenant. By present canon, he continues this campaign.
While serving the Covenant, Rtas was devout but not a zealot, willing to challenge orders from the San'Shyuum, including threatening to kill the Minister on the Infinite Succor for his singular interest in his own safety over Flood containment protocols, and his vocal disagreement with the Changing of the Guard. Though he is war-weary and embarrassed by his disfigurement, which makes it difficult for him to enunciate, he still prioritizes his responsibility to his species and loyalty to Thel over his own wishes. He is more tolerant than typical for his species and values pragmatism over tradition, willing to let female Sangheili and Unggoy in his ranks before either was deemed acceptable. In other words, he's special and amazing and you love him. And that's still lore so jot that down.
In canon (~2560), he is turning 73!
If it wasn't apparent, Rtas is this blog's favorite character and EVERYONE IS GOING TO CLAP RIGHT NOW.
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