#keith voice: what are you guys talking about. you're the weird ones
discordiansamba · 4 months
vld body swap fic but it's a paladin training exercise, so they have to do it all over again every single time they do a lion swap.
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Let's Rewind! Toast watches Voltron: Defender of The Universe (1984)
Season 1, Episode 14: Yurak Gets His Pink Slip
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Betrayal episode? I sure hope so
Yurak is heading towards Arus again, but surprisingly the team is already waiting Good for them, they're learning to plan ahead
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Are the lions actually mystical in the original? I swear they were supposed to just be ships, but I guess not because they growled a bit and looked towards Yurak's incoming fleet The pilots only looked AFTER the lions made noise, interesting
I get that they have to fill the more or less fighting scenes with some talking but did they really have to call out every weapon before an attack the lions are voice activated LMAO
Apparently that's all it took to take an entire battle cruiser down because that thing is GONE Yurak survives of course
Zarkon has a council under him?? Interesting
"You're a born loser, and you know how violently ill it makes King Zarkon to lose!" GODDAMN HAGGAR, I wish modern cartoons would stop pulling punches like older ones did
BANISHMENT FOR YURAK RAAAA And Zarkon slaps him for begging for mercy how fun
Oh shit Zarkon actually hugged Lotor?? And gave him words of encouragement That's the only time we're seeing that lol
Lotor is now commander, everything is falling into place
Back at the castle, Pidge is teaching the mice acrobatics and it's very cute lol
An attack begins and Lotor is making demands, not even stopping when he sees Allura though he does have a slight interest in her Very weird compared to the obsession I'm used to seeing of him, maybe that's just a fandom thing
Every time I see horses in dotu I keep thinking of one of the voltron comics that had weird purple and earless horses to show the team was on an alien planet LMAO
"It appears we are evenly matched" "oh yeah?" "except when it comes to brains!" LOTOR PROCEEDS TO BASH KEITH ON THE HEAD WITH A ROCK AS IF THEY WERE CAIN AND MOTHERFUCKING ABEL
keith slams his face HARD into rock how is his nose not broken
Yurak is not banished but instead was made to do something worse, become a robeast rip my guy he's already dead anyway
"[yurak has] turned into an ugly monster!" "he always was one!" GET HIS ASS PIDGE
Allura find keith at the bottom of the ravine and obvs he wakes up because plot armor, also the horse is alive and found his way down to Keith so he can get to the castle, also plot armor lol
im surprised nanny even argued with keith so he could rest at the castle, i didn't think she actually cared about the boys at all
giant mech fight time! and they have cut off yuraks ears,, does that constitute as body horror? ok fight over he's dead
/episode end!
I thought Lotor would be his obsessive self but I guess it gets worse later in the show or something, plus I guess this is where his rivalry with Keith starts, not because of the love triangle but because Keith beat him at a sword fight
he wasn't sore about it though? maybe i'll see more about it later in the show
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yonemurishiroku · 1 year
need to know more about your thoughts of voltron. what do u ship. what season are you at (please dont watch past s3/4). are you a keith girl i hope youre a keith girl you’d better a keith kinda guy because theres no way in hell youre a nico girl without being a keith guy they are my two sons my two babies my most beloved the only boys in the world ever they are the same they are so beautiful they are so special the end
I just want you to know that reading this ask absolutely delights me LOL I can see your love for Keith clearly like the sun in a summer noon.
Anyway, to answer your questions, I'm currently in S6, moving to S7 with the slowest wifi ever (dammit). You say I shouldn't watch past S3/4 but actually? I only see things really spicing up when I've gone through like half the series. That is to say: I had to drag myself through s1 & s2 LMAO. When I first started this show, everything was just... weird. So, so weird - the robot, the characterization, the plot and how it's told. It still is! I suppose the American cartoon does differ considerably from the Japanese mangas I usually read (even when VLD is actually inspired by a Japanese series---). I had to struggle for quite a bit to accommodate.
But I dragged myself through it, successfully solely because of Keith. Oh thank god for Keith. And yes, I'm 100% a Keith girl. I don't even need to finish the series to know that. Well like a Keith parent but we'll talk ab that later.
I started this series when I saw a quote of him, when he and Pidge argued, ya know? "You're putting the lives of two people over the lives of everyone else in the universe!" or something along that line. And I've known, from that single moment, he would have my heart in his hand. I'm also aware that people usually compare Keith and Nico, and that's actually the number 1 reason I came to know Voltron LOL many thanks to the crossovers.
Still, nothing could have prepared me for the incredibility that is... Keith. He is... magnificent, I'd say. His voice (dammit his voice---), his character design (the cropped jacket please I'm on my knees---And why does Keith have so many stunning shots????? What r u trying to tell me, staff??), his personality---- Somehow, they are all on point - unlike the others'.
Now, I'm not saying the others are bad. I'm saying that there are so many things to explore about them - I do think Lance has many potentials actually - but somehow, only Keith, Pidge (and maybe Shiro, it's hard to tell) give me the mere sense of fulfillment and contentment upon watching. Pidge - bc damn that girl is incredible, Keith - bc his character arcs are beautiful. Lotor is a freaking rollercoaster and I enjoy that ride. I do not talk about Allura, though she is built quite well. And Hunk is just... there, I do like him tho. Maybe it's the storytelling style that gets me bewildered like half the time. I'm trying. I admit I sometimes find their building... inadequate, to say the least.
I have many things to say about Keith, but let's leave it until I'm ready lolol.
About the shipping thingies, I have to admit Sheith is currently strangling me LMAO. The appeal is clear as day. However, I intend to start indulging in the shipping only when I've finished watching, and maybe after a few days of ruminating on it. There're many potentials! I don't like limiting myself to one ship, which I tend to do without firsthand exploration, when there's so much to enjoy. That is to say: I'm open for everything! LOL Hit me with everything you've got and we'll see if I can join your crew, sailing towards the horizon together.
All in all, I'm having a great time! And probably love Keith more than I should. Can't wait to ramble about it with you, buddy.
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nosleepfoxtales · 28 days
I do I.t. for the supernatural. Today I faced the most evil thing in creation. Printers.
I was desperately trying to scrub blood out of a microfiber cloth when I got Eli's call. 
"City morgue, you stab em', I slab em'," I answered.
"Ha, ha, ha. Very funny," his rumbling voice answered, but I heard a smile in his voice. 
"What can I do ya for, boss?"
"I've got another job for you today."
"Okay, well, I've got the Locke job scheduled for 2, and it's 12 now, so I'll have to swing by after."
"Actually, I just need you to guard something for me for a few hours."
"Damnit Jim, I'm a technician, not security detail," I quipped back, knowing full well I was going to end up looking after whatever it was. I just hoped I would stay in this dimension this time. 
"My name isn't Jim," he answered, puzzled. 
"Yeah, it's from Star Trek. You've never seen Star Trek?" I was in disbelief. 
"No, who are they?"
I laughed, "Nevermind. Okay, what is it and who am I protecting it from?"
"You'll see soon enough and mostly from itself," he said with that smile in his voice having transformed into a smirk.
"Damnit, Eli, you can't expect me to keep working these weird ass cases for you without giving me any information. I haven't forgiven you for that Keith Kline fiasco. I still have invincible black goo on my duffel and I had to throw out all the clothes I was wearing," I cut my tirade short when I realized he'd hung up. 
I sighed, pulling the phone away from my ear, when I saw a flash of movement to my right. I jerked my head in the direction of the flash and my vision was suddenly filled with a round, grinning face. 
"Eeeeaaagh!" I yelled, gracefully. 
He was leaned on both arms on the arm of the couch, a small brown boy wearing a striped shirt and green cordoroy pants. In response to my jolted scream, he returned a toothy smile and shook his curly raven coils out of his face. 
I blinked dumbly at him for a moment before sputtering, "How'd you get in here, kid?"
"Oh, I can tele-hop. That's my trait. I got it when I was 7. That's early for my people." He leaned that grinning face on one hand, swaying his hips around as kids that age are prone to do.
"Tele-hop?" I squeaked. I'd backed away from him, scrunched onto one side of the couch, holding a pillow in front of me as the ultimate defense.
"Tele...uh...Tele something. I forget what you guys call it," he plopped onto the couch next to me, "I can move instantly, like right away, ya know?"
I nodded, my mouth not having shut in 45 seconds. 
"Okay, uh. What, uh, are you doing here?" I finally sputtered. I've got some very basic warding around the house shown to me by a witch I helped out once. Whatever this kid was had to be more powerful than your average house witch. 
"Uncle Eli told me to come over," he was now kicking his legs against the couch, picking at the lining of the arm. 
I groaned softly, dropping my head in realization. This was the asset he was talking about. This was what he wanted me to look after? I skimmed a glance over the kid. He was probably 4 foot something, maybe 9, 10 years old? His bouncy black curls fell into his face, framing it's cherub shape. 
"You're his...nephew?"
The kid glanced down and back up. 
"Oh, you're wondering why he's like a tan color and I'm like this brownish one?," he continued at my nod, "When we get our vessel, we don't really think about the color, so we mismatch a lot of the time."
I'd settled, putting aside my combat pillow.
"Vessel?" I asked.
He gave me a slightly baleful look from under his curls, and a mischievous smile. 
"Uncle Eli said you'd have a lot of questions but that your brain is too small and I'd explode it, so I better keep my hole shut,"
I digested that for a moment, unsurprised that Eli was boxing me out of any useful information once again.
"Okay, kid, what's your name?"
"Nathan," he turned then to look at me with piercing almond eyes, "Is there anything fun to do around here?"
My head spun with horrible ideas of what a small powerful creature such as this would find fun to do with his 'vessel'. 
"Uh, I've got monopoly," I said weakly.
Nathan pouted, sinking into his seat.
"Those pieces are gross. They just taste like plastic."
"Well, you're not supposed to eat them, Squirt," the corners of my lips quirked up, watching him cock his head onto his shoulder and whine. He was just another kid. 
He smiled, and his eyes lit to a bright green.
"Whoa, color changing eyes. That's new," I ducked my head to get a better look into his emerald irises. 
"I like that. No one's ever given me a nickname, before," he was smiling and I saw a missing tooth on the left of his two oversized front ones. My heart melted a bit. Supernatural abomination or not, this kid was cute. 
"Okay, Squirt. Here's what we're gonna do. I've got a crisp 20 here, we're going to go to the dollar store and load up a cart, then you're going to come back here and play at Auntie Pipers so I can go do another job for your uncle."
"Uncle said your name was Witches?" he cocked his head in confusion.
"Well, he likes to give out nicknames of his own," I scowled, "I'm non-binary, do you know what that means?"
"It just means I don't particularly feel like a boy or a girl. Your uncle Eli is, uh, a little confused about this, so he calls me witches as a joke. Like I'm two people. It's a bad joke," I scowled as I finished my lame explanation. 
"So, he's making fun of you?" he frowned at this.
"No, when you're friends with someone, sometimes they try to rib you, to poke fun at you. It's sort of like a bonding thing?" I thought for a moment, then sighed, "Or maybe he is making fun of me, honestly I'm not sure. Let's go get some water pistols, Squirt."
We had a blast at the store, picking out colorful bouncing balls, water guns, a yo-yo, a little sandcastle kit even though we were nowhere near the beach, and a hula hoop. We also picked up a couple Lego kits I hoped would keep him busy until I returned. 
We returned to the apartment and dumped our haul on the coffee table, spreading out the colorful array of treasures.
"Okay, Squirt," I glanced at my watch, "it's a quarter after one. I'm heading out but I'll be back in a couple hours. Promise me you won't leave this apartment and remember that I have demon blades that will kill anything," I wasn't totally sure where they were, but for children, the threat was more effective than the punishment, "I will carve fluffy unicorns into your forehead and then everyone will make fun of you. K?"
He grinned up at me and nodded his head. 
"For the record, though, I like unicorns. They smell nice."
I let that one go. I figured I might be able to squeeze one or two more nuggets of information out of this kid by the end of the day, and I didn't want to waste a question on unicorns. I just nodded, blew out a breath, and swept my bag up on the way out the door. 
"My number is on the table, call me if anything happens, okay?" I called as the door clicked behind me. I turned around and flinched.
"eeeaaaaghhhh!" I repeated.
Nathan was standing right in front of me on the sidewalk. 
"You've gotta stop doing that," I complained on an outward breath.
"Uncle Eli told me I had to stay with you."
I sighed, looking him up and down. At the end of the day, he was just a kid and he was trying to follow the rules.
"Okay, bud. Go grab some toys."
On the way, we talked some more about what he liked to do. Apparently he was a big fan of baseball cards and also of talking to lizards. I asked if he could understand them and he looked at me like I was an idiot, so I just chuckled and let it go. He also likes to grow flowers and talk to them as well. I kept all stupid questions to myself that time and just told him my mom also grew a lot of plants. We made plans for him to visit her so they could trade green thumb secrets.
We arrived at Loche Mechanics headquarters at a quarter til 2. My contacts name was Connie Loche, and she met us in the lobby in a prim pink dress, chunky gold earrings decorating her pointed ears. 
"Welcome to Loche Mechanics. May I have your name?" she asked. Her voice was deep and rich, a contrast to her elegant frame. 
"You can call me Piper," I said with a smile. 
"And I'm-"
"And you can call him Nathan," I quickly cut him off. 
He gave me the side-eyed look children give adults when they think they're treating them like children. I nudged him sharply and gave him what I hoped was a good imitation of the look my mom gave me when she needed to discreetly tell me to shut the fuck up. 
Connie's head cocked, and she seemed to look me up and down anew. 
"I'm here to look at your printer situation. Eli sent me."
"Oh, wonderful. It's right this way, Ms. Piper and Mr. Nathan," she gave Nathan a kind smile and turned on her heel, leading us back through the hallways to the main cubicle farm. 
"Oh, she's not a miss, she's a non-binary," Nathan stated confidently.
"How interesting," Connie replied, her pink tinged smile curving up at the corners. 
I sent Nathan another of my mom looks.
"Ms. is fine, it's no biggie to me," I smiled and she continued leading us through the office.
Everything was a shade of beige here, from the walls to the floors to the decorations. The spare artwork or slapstick mug gave a small splatter of color to the room, underneath the harsh fluorescent lights.
As we plodded down Grey hallways, Nathan bouncing along beside me with his hand adorably clinging to my back pocket, I wondered about why Eli would send me here. It seemed human to me. Somewhat dull, but aren't all offices? We passed rooms with bloated, Grey-haired businessmen and women in spazzy business suits sporting reserved versions of popular hairstyles. 
Connie excused herself once we got to the machine, simply saying 'This is our only means of printing. We must have it back up immediately,' before turning and striding smoothly into a corner office nearby. 
"This must be really important," Nathan said, eyeing the machine.
"Here's a trade secret, bud," I whispered, "they all say that about any issue they ever have."
I winked, he grinned, and I popped the top off the machine. I ran my finger along the edge and came back up with a blue smudge. Why were all my tickets resulting in goop these days?
Wiping the goo off on my pants, I quarter turned to continue whispering to Nathan. 
"Also, you always want to say 'You can call me Nathan'. Names have power, or so they say," I half-smiled, feeling goofy talking voodoo in a big corporate office, "They say if you give someone your name, it gives them power over you. Me? I'm a wuss, so I'm not taking any chances."
"A wise choice."
The voice just about scared me out of my pants. What is that instinct that causes us to jump straight in the air? How is it helpful for survival? It just makes running take longer.
Or turning, in my case. I swiveled around and my head fell straight back as I gaped open mouthed at the being in front of us. I glanced briefly at Nathan and saw his mouth shaped in a perfect O. 
He stood maybe 5'7, wearing a crisp white button up, beige slacks, and shiny black shoes. But I assume Nathan was reacting more to the monstrously large inky black shadow engulfing the man. The man was aflame with onyx vapor, waving in the AC unit blowing down from the ceiling. 
Now and then a purple or blue puff would float from his body and be instantly engulfed by the shadow. 
He was smiling. His hand was out, and I regarded it with care. I should have known Eli would never send me to a human office. If I shook his hand, was I agreeing to some kind of deal? If I refused, was I offending this being? Did the human even know the tar monster was attached to him, some kind of symbiotic demon deal? Or was this some kind of dark matter monster sucking the energy out of this poor, boring human? 
I was near panicking, trying to remember anything like this in my experiences. Dread poured off of this thing, weighing me down like being drenched on a humid day. I felt sweat instantly bead on my forehead and I wiped my damp palms on my pants. My pants were not fairing well out of this experience.
He laughed, an off putting high pitched squeal. Orange light flew off of his body and flooded into the fog and it squirmed around. Happily? I can barely read human social signals, don't ask me to interpret the cloud.
"I'm called Arnie. It's not often I meet a human who knows the law of faerie but given who you're with, I can hardly be surprised," he smiled down at Nathan, and Nathan moved closer to me. 
Arnie's tone was friendly, but Nathan's response raised my hackles. I always trust kids' reactions, they're notoriously bad liars. 
"You can call me Piper. Is there something I can do for you?" I asked sweetly, pulling Nathan a bit more behind me and deciding to forego the handshake. 
I had never seen anything close to this cloud. For all I knew, I could be agreeing to sell Nathan to him and Nathan's safety was more important than mine. If I let anything happen to him, Eli'd kill me anyways. Plus, look at the kids goofy face? C'mon.
"Oh, I was just saying hello. Not often you meet royalty, after all," his smile was sour, sly, and I no longer wondered if they were merged. The look on the man's face was vile and worse, practiced. I doubted the cloud was making him make it, but I didn't care, I wanted this guy gone. 
In the best case scenario where he wasn't a threat, he was pulling attention to us. Several heads swayed from their computer screens to our direction. I immediately knew this man was not the only anomoly in here and that we did NOT want the attention of more of them. 
"Well, as soon as we get this guy up and running, we'll be out of your hair," my smile was sweet and my voice was light, "Have a good one," I said the last dismissively before turning around.
I started explaining boring printer basics to Nathan, tinkering in the printer as I wiped the sweat from my face with my shoulder. I was really hoping just ignoring this thing would make it go away. It seemed to be feeding on the guys emotions, right? So, maybe if we just starved it of attention, it would go away? Regardless, I wanted to minimize the scene. Nothing happening here, folks.
Nathan had made himself small, flicking glances behind me as I squatted to dig around in my duffel. 
"Hey bud, wanna hear a joke?" I tugged on his shirt sleeve.
His glance flicked to mine and I smiled goofily. 
"Why," I began conspiratorily, trying to ignore my drenched face and the darkness around us that just seemed to be getting deeper, "don't eggs tell jokes?"
He shrugged and I gave him an obvious look and said, "Because, Squirt, they'd crack each other up."
I poked his chest as I finished the punch line, and he giggled. And just like that, it was like the sun came out. All the heat I hadn't noticed gathering around us dissipated and out of the corner of my eye, I saw Arnie striding back down the hall with his hands in his pockets. 
I clapped a hand on Nathan's shoulder and blew out a breath. 
"Looks like we got away with it, champ," I was still grinning, this time with relief. 
After I cleaned the printer off, I started it up and it began printing. It was a laser printer, so I had no idea where that blue smudge was coming from, but after our close call with Arnie, I wanted to skedaddle. 
Connie walked back up just then and smiled at the printer. 
"Oh, wonderful. Thank you very much, Piper. What a disaster that would have been," she laughed musically. 
I smiled. Every client thinks the worst disaster that can happen is productivity going down for 10 minutes. 
"No worries. Now we'll get out of your-" I cut myself off as I glanced around, noting that every one of the people had now risen. 
Black clouds surrounded us, waving irritably to and fro. They took one coordinated step towards us and I snatched my duffel with one hand and the collar of the boy with the other. 
But it was too late, I saw. The exits were covered with people, surrounded by dark splotchy galaxy clouds of dread filing in from every door. 
They marched in sync towards us, filling the space with beige bodies soaked in ink black smoke.
I bent down and whispered in Nathan's ear.
"Remember your tele-hop, Squirt? I need you to use it to get out of here."
"I can't tele-hop you, Piper!" his voice was high and panicked, and I put a hand on his shoulder, flicking an anxious glance at the angry clouds closest to us. 
"Dude, I've come out of worse, I swear to you, I'll be fine, but if anything happens to you, your uncle will turn me into a kebab, okay? GO," I said the last forcefully, not having any direction in general to push him so just shaking him by the collar.
"NOW." I said in the absolute sternest mother voice I could possibly muster, the kind that shakes the lapels and inspires the fear of God. 
His eyes grew enourmous, his bottom lip quivered, and he teared up. 
"I can't!" he cried, "It goes on and off, I have to be calm, and I'm too afraid! I'm sorry!" he was sobbing now and I swore, which is not a great reaction but it was all I had. 
I clutched him close to me and turned towards Connie, who was just smiling, arms crossed. 
"Folks, is there any way we could talk about thi-eeeaaaaghh!" I said for the third time that day, forming what I saw to be a troubling pattern. 
This time it was in response to a much smaller, high-pitched wail from a dark blue creature that was rising off of the finished print from the printer. It ripped it's way into three dimensions, pulling itself up from the paper, leaving tendrils of purple slime in it's wake.
It was like overgrown grapes, bulbous pieces sticking out at odd angles. It had a mouth, which it was currently using for screaming, but I didn't see any other parts. 
In response to the tiny wails, every head in the office snapped towards it, and one by one, each worker began lining up behind the printer. 
Arnie was at the front of the line and snatched the little goblin from the paper and promptly popped it into his rapidly unhinged jaw. The printer repeated this process, Nathan and I flinching at every step, printing a screaming violet monster that then was consumed by one of the monstrous cloud people around us. 
After a few printed snacks, Arnie walked back up to us, this time his aura a pure beige, being fed by droplets of just about every color in the rainbow emanating from his human body.
"Apologies for earlier, mate. I get really hangry," he chuckled heartily and strolled off. 
Nathan and I looked at each other and snorted, covering our mouths. 
"This is the worst snickers commercial ever," he said. 
I burst out laughing, pulling the attention of the few workers still straggling around. 
"First of all, great reference. We're going to have to explore which pop culture you guys know about and which you don't," I grabbed his hand, "For now, let's get the hell out of here."
We got back in the truck, looked at each other and laughed for 5 minutes. I think it was largely drunken relief to still have our lives and souls. 
On the way back, we stopped for milkshakes and fries, and Nathan promised not to tell his uncle I almost got him killed. 
"Thanks for taking me with you, Piper. I had fun," his goofy smile was smeared in strawberry ice cream and I grinned at the image he made. 
Then he sneezed and a burst of fire spat out, landing on my jacket sleeve and catching it on fire. I refused to add one more to my scream counter for the day so I silently stamped it out on the table before turning up to look at Nathan's face and bursting out laughing. He looked more panicked than he had when he'd almost been eaten.
"That's the first time you did that, huh?" I asked, brushing embers off my sleeve.
"Puberty is...weird. for us," he said sheepishly, his gaze locked in his lap now, "I don't really know what my powers are going to be. Sorry."
I laughed. 
"Puberty is weird for all of us, man. I wish I could have traded a problem with you," I nudged him, grinning evilly, "Some of the girls I went to high school with could have used a good singe."
He giggled, seeming to straighten a bit in his chair, and I was glad I played it down. I was dying to ask about the whole royalty comment but he looked so fragile. I decided to let sleeping demons lie. 
"Now, what do you say we go beat up your uncle?"
His head bobbed up and down as he beamed, happily shoveling in his last glob of ice cream. 
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keith-the-hoe · 3 years
The Glimmer Hoes Master Plan| Crack Fanfic Mini Series
Episode One: [X]
Episode Two: [X]
Episode Three: American Tour
Episode Four: [X]
Episode Five: [X]
This story will contain violence, sex scenes and a shit ton of foul language. It may also cause you to lose a couple of brain cells and fall into a state of confusion. Do not read if you are under the age of 16. Read at your own risk. Or Keef will eat your grandma.
Mick Jagger
Keith Richards
Charlie Watts
Ronnie Wood
Bill Wyman
After the huge massacre in California, The Rolling Stones were on the run again. Keef was super ugly and devastated from his buddy, Mick, being brutally killed by the sus one. Who was going to sing for them? Charlie and Bill were sitting in the back seat with Mick's body next to them. Their van had broke down when they were out camping in the desert. So they elected Keef to push the van to the nearest town.
"Ah jeez..... Now who is going to be our whore front man?" Keef asked while he struggled to push the van over a speed bump.
"You do it" Billl said as he keep trying to get the body from touching him.
The Rolling Stones stopped by a mechanic shop that was also a coffee shop. California was burning hot. The sun was shining down on Keef so he took his clothes off. Bill and Charlie stepped out of the van and stood in front of the coffee shop.
"Hmm.... Some coffee wouldn't be so bad right now." Bill said to Charlie.
The only problem was, they didn't have any money on them. But Keef did so this whole sentence doesn't work at all. He took out a bunch of crumbled up dollar bills from his underpants. Penis money was what he always called it in case of emergencies. Bill didn't want to touch it so he told him to hold onto it. They walked into the coffee shop. There was no one in there but some weird guy with a big nose reading a news paper. They all sat down at the counter and waited for someone to attend them. A lady with a cheese ball outfit went up to them to take their order. Keef really wanted bananas. Bill and Charlie just ordered eggs and bacon like normies do at coffee shops. Keef kept spinning around his stool and noticed that the big nose whore was looking at them. He got sus so he just walked in the bathroom to take a piss. Or at least that what he made big nose whore think. Keef walked over to the mechanic shop to check on their van. Then he remembered that he left Mick in there. He went into a panic. Bill and Charlie had already taken him out of the van but didn't tell him. Keef searched the van but didn't see him in there. Charlie went outside to see what kind of shenanigans he's up to this time. Keef turned into a mad monkey.
"Jesus! Calm down you fooking dumb fuck of a monkey!" Charlie said. "If you're looking for whore Mick, we hid him behind the dumpster until the van gets fixed."
Keef just stared at him. He felt better now that he knew that his side hoe was okay. He walked around the mechanic shop and saw a bunch of car parts. He got a very good idea. He grabbed the parts, some oil cans, and his guitars. Told ya they might come in handy for later. Charlie stood there in confusion watching Keef once again do something stupid.
"Be hold!!" Keef yelled.
Charlie rolled his eyes at him. He seriously wondered why he's even in a shitty ass band with a very stupid monkey. Keith removed the tarp from his very fantastic creation.
"Wot in the actual fuck did you just make?" Charlie asked sounding annoyed.
Keef chuckled. "You dummy! It's Mick!" He said as he leaned on it only to knock it over. He has built a cyborg Mick as a replacement for the real Mick. Charlie was not amused. Bill came out of the coffee shop with the big nose whore holding a knife to his neck. He was pretty calm about it. Charlie panicked.
"Woah woah! Hey! easy there cowboy! Put the knife down! We can talk this through!" Keef said as he slowly walked up to them.
Charlie was examining the piece of junk. He was trying to figure out how it worked. Cyborg Mick smacked him hard in the head and did Jagger moves.
"Wot is that?" Bill asked as big nose whore held the knife closer to his neck. He remained calm.
Keef explained since they no longer had the real Mick, they could use a artificial one. He programmed it to be exactly like Mick. He even gave him a dick since Mick LOVES to be screwing around with random ass hoes. Charlie cut him off by yelling at him that Bill is being held hostage.
"Oh.... right.... that....." Keef said with a nervous chuckle.
He slowly approached them but big nose whore kept walking away. Keef threw a punch only to get his arm sliced by the knife.
"Owie! Damn! I need this arm to play guitar!! Son of a bitch!" He yelled as he threw a rock at Charlie.
"You play guitar?" Big Nose Whore asked. Bill used the opportunity to run to Charlie and jumped in his arms. Just imagine that though lol. Keef looked at them both confused but he ignored them. Cyborg Mick went up to Keef and big nose whore.
"Greetings, I am Mick Jagger, yes this Monkey whore plays guitar." He said.
Big Nose Whore put his knife away and began to laugh his ass off.
"Well why didn't you say so!? Bitch I play guitar as well!" He said.
Bill and Charlie rolled their eyes. Just what they needed, another dumbass. The van was up and running again. The Rolling Stones were relieved to finally have a working vehicle. Keef and big nose whore became besties and offered to give him a ride. The only thing he wanted to ride was- okay don't be nasty. He accepted the offer and hopped in the van. He sat next to Bill who was already annoyed by his presence. Cyborg Mick kept smacking Charlie in the head.
"Jesus! Keith get your damn sex robot under control!" He yelled.
Keith scratched his head trying to figure out why Cyborg Mick did that. He figured that he set it to fightey mode instead of normal Mick mode. He turned the switch which got Keith's balls kicked. He screamed in pain and Big Nose Whore just laughed at him. Charlie seriously wondered how he even ended up being stuck with a bunch of idiots. Bill also wondered the same thing. They also later learned that Big Nose Whore's name is Ronnie because of course it was. They also learned that he bites people. They had to find that one out the hard way. Keith began to discuss how they're going to be touring with a broken robot and a missing rhythm guitarist. Ronnie got a splendid idea. He drank orange juice. So really he didn't have a splendid idea. I know how to grammar properly.
"Assholes I can be your rhythm guitarist." He suggested.
Charlie said no. He was not about to deal with another dumbass that was going to kill his bestie. He just wanted to go home. Cyborg Mick yelled at Charlie to shut up and he doesn't get to make the decisions around here. A tear ran down his face. Cyborg Mick accepted Ronnie to be a part of the band.
"Sweet! So where are we headed?" He said with a wide smile.
Cyborg Mick started doing weird beeping sounds. Keef programmed him to be their GPS which he didn't even know he could do. They got directions to a small motel near a small town in San Francisco. They didn't question it and drove there.
"Ooooh motels are quite fun, they have all sorts of things to do there." Ronnie explained.
"I hate motels." Bill replied as he lit a cigarette.
"Oh shut it you! You love going there to screw every single girl you lay eyes on!" Keef yelled.
"I have a wife." Charlie said.
"Why screw girls when we can screw each other!" Ronnie replied.
The whole van turned into an argument about fucking people. Cyborg Mick just kept driving without saying a single work to them. He was super horny though, just like the real Mick. Only thing is, this one actually has a dick, unlike the real Mick. They parked in front of the lobby. The van went silent. The Rolling Stones all slowly looked at each other. Who was going to go in there and ask for rooms?
"Alright....." Keef said in a low voice. "In the count of three...... One-"
They all touch their noses as they yelled "NOT IT" even though Keith wasn't even at three. That meant that he had to go in there and ask for rooms.
"Ugh! Son of a bitch! Why do I have to do everything!? Jesus you all don't work for shit! The only thing you all are able to do is be a bunch of whores!" Keith said as he stepped out of the van. Then there was another problem. Who was going to share rooms? Bill and Charlie looked at each other. Guess they're sharing rooms. Keith stood in front of the lobby as the secretary checked for any available rooms. Turns out there was one room with a king sized bed and one with two singles. Keith sighed deeply and paid without any further questions. He walked over to the van to tell them about the rooms. Ronnie claimed the room with two singles. Cyborg Mick also claimed that room. That left with Bill, Charlie and Keith with the room with a king sized bed. This was going to be an awkward night. Bill and Charlie told Keith to fuck off. They didn't want a monkey to be sleeping in the same bed as them. Cyborg Mick put his arm around Keith.
"Me and you can share beds...." He said seductively.
Keith actually didn't mind sleeping in the same bed with Mick. He's his buddy and he's known him since they were in nappies. So he agreed to doing so. Bill hates them both so much that he is planning on doing some murdering. The Rolling Stones went to their room. Cyborg Mick went a little overboard and took Keith to bed with him. Ronnie just stood there eating Doritos that he found in the bathroom. Just another normal day for him.
"Oooh! Make sure to not scratch him up a bit with all of those metal bolts in there....." Ronnie suggested.
Keith just glared at him but then he got a stupendous idea. He removed his clothes. Ronnie was completely lost and wondered why he just did that. Cyborg Mick got turned on by such view.
"Wow! The Rolling Stones really are a wild band! I'm so glad I am a part of it!" Ronnie yelled in excitement. He looked around the room. There were a bunch of used rubbers stuck on them. Beautiful decorating. Cyborg Mick stretched his arm out and pulled Ronnie into bed. They all laid on top of each other and got really funky. Bill and Charlie, who were in a room over, were sitting on the bed watching the telly. Strange noises were coming from the room that Keith was staying in. Bill shook his head in disappointment.
"We haven't even been here for 2 seconds and they're already screwing around? Jesus can there be a-" Bill said as Charlie cut him off with a smack. Bill is a big hoe so the things he is complaining about are extremely irrelevant so he cannot be talking and that is on period 💅. They heard a loud boom outside where the pool was. Charlie was certain that Keith, Mick and Ronnie were up to no good so he went out to check. He saw a telly on the first floor. Turns out Led Zeppelin were also staying in those motels and were the ones who threw the telly out their window. Charlie hated them. He went back inside of his room only to see a naked Bill laying in bed with a bunch of rose petals and candles around him. He was genuinely confused.
"Hey babe..... Why don't you come over here and have some fun eh?" Bill said in a low voice.
Charlie just wanted to go home because according to him, he is happier there then when he is with the stones. Haha I'm using his words against him. He sighed and just went with the flow because Yolo. They really got into it up until they heard screaming from the other room. Bill and Charlie looked at each other.
"Oh wow, they seem to be having a very splendid and wild time...." Bill said.
Charlie rolled his eyes and decided to just ignore them. Keith bursted into the room. He was covered in blood. Bill and Charlie just stared at him with a scared look.
"I-its not wot it looks like....." Bill said with an awkward chuckle.
Keith was breathing heavily and couldn't gather his words. He just began to babble and making hand gestures and so on and so forth.
"Jesus! Use your words bitch!" Charlie yelled.
Keith finally calmed down. "That fucking robot piece of junk just tried to kill me!" He yelled.
Charlie looked at him from head to toe. He was seriously done with The Rolling Stones. He didn't even want to know why he was naked and covered in blood. Ronnie came running in also naked and covered in blood. Charlie just sighed in disappointment. Why is he in a band full of dumbasses.
"Why are you both naked and covered in blood?" Bill asked as he lit a cigarette.
Turns out Cyborg Mick was set in fightey mode instead of sexy time mode and had tried to kill them both by using chainsaws and cheeseballs. He managed to injure Ronnie which caused a whole bunch of blood splattering meaning that he is slowly dying. Charlie had to act fast because clearly these idiots are not going to do so. They all put their clothes back on but Keith couldn't find his pants. Too bad he deserves it. The Rolling Stones jumped in the van that had been vandalized by Led Zeppelin.
"Ughh those fucking hippie bastards!" Charlie yelled as he set the van to drive. Keith held Ronnie's hand. He didn't want to lose him. He has only known him for 5 hours. Ronnie didn't seem to have a problem about the fact that he got attacked by a Mick robot. He just kept smiling and bullied Charlie for having a unibrow.
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thinger-strang · 4 years
Singing in the Shower and Other Sins (aka three times Steve was caught singing and the one time he wasn't)
@gideongrace this is for you 😚
(link to the version on ao3 https://archiveofourown.org/works/21394876 )
Steve sings all the time. Loud and off key in a goofy sort of lovable way. He jams with Dustin on their way to school, dances around Scoops and Family Video when it's slow, uses anything and everything as a mic.
Which made it so weird when Robin walked into work to find Steve singing like, good.
He had his back to her with an armful of tapes. His voice was soft and he was gently bopping (so he didn't drop all the videos). But his voice was so good!
Robin leaned against the wall and just observed Steve for a moment. It was weird, almost wrong, to hear the correct sound notes come from him.
"Having fun there, Springsteen?"
She shouldn't have scared him, she knows that. But his face was so funny when spun around, barely holding onto his stack of tapes.
"Jesus, warn a guy, Buckley!" He snapped, running his free hand through his hair.
"You can sing."
"You always sing bad when I'm around, but you can like actually sing! Like sing really good!"
"Oh, no I wasn't singing? That was...that was definitely just the radio, I can't sing for shit, you know that--"
"Nuh uh Harrington, I know your dirty little secret now! You've got pipes!"
Steve rolled his eyes.
"Rob." He started putting stuff away again. "You of all people know I can't sing to save my life."
"I just heard you, don't know why you're denying it."
"Whatever, go get your vest before Keith gets here." Steve nodded towards the break room door but smiled at her knowingly.
"Fucking knew it!" She shouted as she went to put her vest on. "Why are you trying to hide this magnificent gift God herself has bestowed upon you?"
Steve shrugged and handed her half his stack once she got back.
"Don't tell anyone, don't need you messing up what little cred I have left."
She flipped him off.
He stuck his tongue out at her.
Life went on.
Steve made the mistake of telling Dustin where the spare key to his front door was. Under the ceramic frog in the planter left of the door. But the kid was basically his little brother and he'd shown Steve where his spare key was the week before. So they were even now.
So Dustin let himself and the rest of the party into Steve's house for an impromptu hang out sesh. Mike, Lucas, and Max made a beeline for the kitchen to drop off the arm fulls of snack they had while Dustin showed Will and Jane around.
Jane had started going by "Jane" full time since the Hopper-Byers move and the party was supportive as always. And since their move, the party had had three? maybe four hang outs at Steve's. So a tour was necessary since they missed the preliminary Casa de Harrington party.
"Holy shit do you guys hear that?" Will whispered once they got to the second floor's landing.
The other two stopped and listened. They heard a shower running and a radio going. Nothing special. Dustin strained his ears.
"No way."
"'No way' what?" Lucas asked as he, Max, and Mike joined them.
"That's Steve singing in the shower!"
"What's so bad about him singing in the shower?" Jane asked.
"Steve can't sing to save his life!" Mike said, incredulously.
"He's not that bad guys," Max tried to defend him.
"Okay, I love the guy like a brother but he drives me to school everyday and no, he cannot sing." Dustin explained as they crept closer to the bathroom door.
The shower shut off and his voice became clearer. The party continued bickering until the door swung open. Steam billowed out and Steve sang a line until he noticed the gaggle of teenagers in his hallway.
"What the fuck guys."
"What the fuck yourself Steven!" Mike shot back.
"Yeah, are you serious? For like, almost a year I've had to listen to you screech along to the radio when you've had the voice of an angel this whole time?! That's just plain rude." Dustin crossed his arms dramatically.
"Angelic's a little generous, Henderson."
"Your voice is really pretty," Jane said in awe.
Steve blushed and wrapped his arms around his torso.
"Thanks kid. Hey, how's Missouri treating you guys?" Steve pulled his shirt from the floor and put it on.
"Pretty good, the school has a huge library and Will joined an art club!" Jane said excitedly.
Will nodded along with her, putting his hands into his hoodie.
"Oh that's awesome! Glad you guys like it up there--"
"Can we get back to the whole 'Steve can actually sing' thing? Because that's still blowing my mind," Lucas interjected, flailing his arms a little.
"Yeah, can you sing Whitney? Because those were some pretty high notes if my ears don't decieve me." Max grinned evilly.
"No, I can't sing Whitney, I can barely sing, remember?" Steve sounded like he was talking to toddlers.
"Dude, none of use are deaf, we all heard." Mike gave him an unimpressed look.
"Yeah, and that was Queen and you definitely hit all those high notes. You can totally sing Whitney!" Max laughed and nudged Will when he stifled a giggle.
"I can't believe I'm being mocked by a bunch of 10 year olds!"
"We're fifteen, Harrington," Dustin said sarcastically.
Steve rolled his eyes.
"Okay, can you shits get out of my room so I can get dressed? Don't feel like spending the day in a towel while you make fun of my singing abilities."
He started to herd them towards the stairs as they protested, claiming they weren't making fun, just confused as to why he would torture them with a fake awful voice.
When Steve came downstairs, Max pushed play on the tape player in the living room. "I Wanna Dance With Somebody" started playing and Steve turned red.
"This isn't fucking karaoke night you dweebs!"
But he started laughing when they all started throwing popcorn at him and he proceeded to dump snacks onto everyone else, starting an epic pre-movie night food fight.
Robin's parents were going to be out of town for the first time in a thousand years so, naturally, she was throwing a party.
It wasn't a typical high school rager, more like a get together between friends and absolutely no children, Steve!
So really it was just Steve, Nancy, Jonathan, Barb, and Billy.
Steve and Billy came over early to help make food. Which translated to Steve making food while Billy sat on the couch and read, using the "I died for you bitches" excuse for the millionth time.
And ever since Robin had caught him singing at work, he became more and more comfortable singing around her. She didn't ask about him singing around Billy. So here he was, singing while mixing something together in a bowl. Like a goddamn housewife.
"If my parents were here they'd be so pleased I found a nice boy who knows what he's doing in the kitchen." She said as she measured some milk out for the brownies.
She could hear Billy snort from the living room over the "knowing what he's doing in the kitchen" comment.
Steve laughed and kicked at her shins.
Wham! came on and Steve's face lit up. And it was the yo-yo song, the best freaking one. And Robin was in band so her inntonation wasn't like awful, she definitely had the lungs for singing.
So they were singing along to George Michael in the Buckley's colorful kitchen while making brownies when the other three showed up.
"You can sing?" Barb asked with big eyes.
"You act like I've never sung in front you you before." Steve replied while hunching over, self conscious.
"Yeah but normally it's more...pitchy," Nancy offered.
"We're not judging your anything man, you've got a great voice," Jonathan filled in quickly. "Didn't really believe Will when he said Steve could sing."
He said that last part mostly to Nancy, but everyone heard it.
And Robin was kind of done. Because Steve told her, one time when they were hotboxing his car, that he sang bad on purpose because his dad thought it was "faggy" to be able sing that well. That he sounded like Freddie and George and Bowie in the worst way. And she knew he was bi, knew he got embarrassed when people started talking about him singing because of what his dad said.
She was about to call them out when Billy flipping Hargrove beat her to it.
"Leave him alone, you're just jealous your pipes aren't as good," Billy said in a monotone voice from the couch.
"It's fine, Billy, they're--"
"No he's right, lay off."
Nancy and Jonathan at least had the decency to look embarrassed. Barb walked into the kitchen to help out.
"Your voice really is good. Didn't mean to sound so shocked before. You were just...really good. And I totally remember you singing into a hairbrush that one time? And your voice cracked all over the place?" Barb bumped her hip into Steve's, wiggling her eyebrow.
"Oh my god, I almost lost my voice from that! God, that was forever ago, cannot believe you remember that."
"Yeah that's what made me realize 'King Steve" was like an actual human boy, not this entity the entire school and Nancy made you out to be."
Billy migrated from the couch to the counter when he heard the words "King Steve" and put his book on the counter top.
"When was this?" And thank god for Billy because Robin wanted to ask so bad what they were talking about.
"Oh Steve threw a little party back in junior year to woo Nancy and he was a little buzzed and was trying to make her laugh by singing along to, what was it?" Barb turned to smirk at Steve.
"ABBA, it's was ABBA."
Billy rolled his eyes and mumbled "of course" as Robin cackled.
"Very on brand, dingus."
"Yeah but he overexaggerated the awfulness and his voice cracked, like, painfully. Like, I felt it, it was so bad!"
Steve scrunched up his nose at the memory and laughed. Robin and Billy started laughing too and Barb continued telling embarrassing stories about Steve that the other two had never heard before.
Steve jolted awake to a loud clattering sound coming from the other end of his room.
"How many times do I have to tell you to clear off your fucking desk, Harrington," Billy stage whispered angrily.
"How many times do I have to tell you to use the fucking front door, Hargrove."
Steve hopped out of bed to meet Billy by the window. He scanned his face for bruises which made Billy rolls his eyes.
"Can't a guy just visit his boyfriend in the middle of the night without anything being wrong?"
"Yeah but you only sneak in through my window when you've had a bad night, you dramatic fuck." Steve cupped Billy's face with one hand and let him lean into it.
Comfortable silence enveloped them before Billy broke it.
"Couldn't sleep," he mumbled.
"Okay." Steve let Billy drop his head into his shoulder. " Do you wanna talk about it or go to bed?"
Because "couldn't sleep" is generally code for nightmares.
Billy shrugged, shoulder bumping Steve's chin a little, and Steve nodded, tugging him towards the bed.
He helped Billy get down to just his boxers and a tee before getting under the covers. Steve positioned them so that Billy was half laying in Steve with his ear over his heart and their legs tangled. Because Steve liked the pressure and Billy liked listening to the steady thrum of his heartbeat.
They laid like that for a minute, getting comfortable and used to each other's warmth.
And Billy had told him, a long time ago, that his mom used to sing to him when he couldn't sleep. And that was before Billy knew Steve could actually sing. That was what made Steve sing for real in front of him.
So, on nights like this, Steve sang.
He started humming the intro to "Going to California", moving his fingers in time up and down Billy's back. Billy let out a sigh and pressed himself closer into Steve's chest.
So Steve sang into the dark of his bedroom, chasing away monsters; the kind that live in your house and the kind that live underground, until Billy drifted off and pulled Steve with him into a warm and deep sleep that only comes when wrapped around someone you love.
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rangoatemybabynsfw · 5 years
Im a little embarrassed to even ask for this and I dont know if you're still doing these but maybe uh Lance/Lance. Like a slightly older Lance from the future teaching a slightly younger Lance "The ways of the world" so to speak. Helping him prepare for the sex him and Keith are going to have one day. Maybe Keith's watching?
Haha is it weird to bang your clone?? No right? I’m gonna go with no. ;) (I just wrote the conversation before they do anything. Mostly because it would take up pages upon pages if I did everything for it.)
“What can you tell me? About my future? Er, our future?” Lance asks himself. That’s still the weirdest thing, addressing himself like he isn’t the exact same person. “Am I married? Do I–you– have kids?”
Lance knows he can’t tell him names. It’ll affect the future too much. But he can give basic information without ruining the space-time continuum.
“You are. And we do,” older Lance answers with a smile. “You surrogated two. And adopted two others. A Balmeran and an Olkari.”
“I can’t believe it!” Lance grins but then reigns in his enthusiasm. “I mean, I totally believe I’m married. No one would let this–” he thumbs himself “–stay on the market for long. But wow…four kids.”
“That’s right,” older Lance smirks. “Your partner wanted a big family since he didn’t have one himself. And you’re used to a big family so you had no objections–”
“Did you say ‘he’?” Lance blinks. “I…married a guy?”
Older Lance nods and younger Lance flushes red. He never thought he’d marry a man. He’s had crushes, sure, but no guy ever showed interest in him. He’s not even sure how to go about, you know…the logistics of guy on guy action.
“Wow uh…weird,” Lance says. “So do I…who’s in ch–I mean…”
“You take turns,” Older Lance chuckles. “That was what you were asking right?”
“Y-Yeah, but I’ve never–” Lance cuts that sentence short with a cough. “I mean…I’m good at it right? Do I–you–make him uh…feel good?”
“You weren’t very good at first. It was…very uncomfortable,” Older Lance admits, scratching his five o’clock shadow with a laugh. “But after some practice, you picked it up pretty fast. No matter what time we’re from, Lance McClain has a steep learning curve. And stamina to match,” he adds with a suggestive wink.
“O-Oh?” Lance flushes again just trying to imagine what that must be like. “Maybe…I should practice now. So when I uh…meet him I won’t disappoint.”
“I never said you disappointed,” Older Lance asserts. “But…if you want to practice there are at least two people on team Voltron who’d help you out. Gladly.”
“Jesus Christ I’d never ask anyone here for that!” Lance says, almost shrill but then quickly lowers his voice as someone is looking their way. It’s Keith. “If anyone found out I was practicing for my future husband I’d be laughed at for weeks!”
“Then I guess you’ll have to live with being pretty bad for the first six times,” Older Lance shrugs.
“Six times?! I was bad six times and he didn’t dump me?!” Lance exclaims and his older self laughs and laughs. 
“To be fair, half those times were his fault too…he wasn’t any better,” Older Lance snorts. “But now you–we–are very very good at it.“
There’s a long pause as Lance contemplates, nibbling his bottom lip in thought. He swallows and clears his throat before speaking.
“C-Can uh, you…show me?” he asks his older self. “Before you go back to your time…can you show me how to…get ready?”
“Hmm,” Older Lance frowns and holds his chin as he mumbles to himself. “If I mess around with myself…is that considered cheating? Or just masturbation? I’m gonna go with masturbation. He’d agree with me I just know it. Save his younger self the grief of some bad first times…” After another few seconds, he decides. “Yeah, sure. I can give you a few tips.”
It’s decided. Lance will come see him in his temporary room assignment after dinner with the team. Work him up and show him how to prep. Lance takes off and Keith approaches older Lance. Rugged, grizzled older Lance who’s making his heart swoon a little because damn he thought Lance was hot already but that is what he’s going to look like later? Maybe he should start showing an interset now because that body is an investment. 
“Hey ba–er, Keith,” Older Lance corrects and waves as he approaches. “Jeez I forgot how short you were,” he chuckles and pats Keith’s head. “Adorable.”
“What were you two talking about?” Keith wonders and shrugs off that big warm hand despite how much he likes the feel of it. 
“Gay sex,” Lance grins and Keith gapes turning several shades redder. “Younger me suddenly expressed an interest in learning. And since he’s afraid to ask the only other two gay men on team Voltron to experiment with–you and Shiro–he’s asking himself for pointers.”
Keith’s not going to deny he’s gay. And he’s not going to ask how Older Lance knows. He’s in the closet now but he must have come out to his friends in the future. Team Voltron would be the first people he came out to. Makes sense that Lance would know. 
“Are you gonna…help him out?” Keith asks, trying to pretend like he doesn’t care about the answer. 
“Yeah, poor slob could use it,” Older Lance snorts to himself then turns to eye Keith. “Though…if I recall the time period correctly, you’re pretty inexperienced too.”
“Am not,” Keith huffs but the denial isn’t believable. At all.
“That so? Guess that empty closet in my room that would give you a first-row seat to some learning material after dinner wouldn’t interest you,” Older Lance hints. “Though…the Keith I know wouldn’t pass up a chance to get ahead of the class. Think about it. My room is unlocked.”
((If I write more it’ll be later because this is already getting too long))
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chloe-spade · 5 years
iZombie Au: Sander Sides
You think your life would harder when you become an adult or get a job you hated the most?
The day my life went...south..for me and for everyone around me.
The day of a The Lake Washington Massacre...
I was a very known surgeon, doctor and nurse. I was very known for it.
Oh my name? My name is Virgil Dusk, a former loved doctor and a loving boyfriend to fiance to....
A brain-eating zombie....
Virgil looked up at the saleswomen.
"Oh...sorry."Virgil muttered taking the purple die from the women's hand and quickly zoomed away, eyes avoiding every person who walked past him.
Virgil Dusk
28 years old
Has been a Zombie for 4 years straight
He still remembered that day like it was yesterday.
*4 years ago*
"Seeya Virge!"Some co-workers shouted as they aproched their cars.
"Hello, my dear chemically imbalance romance~!"A voice came in front of Virgil.
His fiance, Roman Delightful, his high school sweetheart to the end.
Virgil jumped and laughs."Roman!"
Roman held Virgil in his arms and gave him a tender kiss.
Virgil giggles and pushes him away."Ok,Ok! Are you ready for our date night."
"You bet."
"Hey, Virge! Wanna go to this sweet boat party?" Said Harold Johnson, Virge's co-worker, and a total party animal.
"Seriously? Uh...I'm not much of a party person let alone be being a extrovert in general..that's Roman."
"I think it's a great idea to celebrate your promotion of this amazing job."
Virgil sigh in defeat and kisses Roman's cheek."Wait for me when I get back?"
"Of course."
Virgil Smiles and follows Harold to the car and went off to the boat party.
But it wasn't what Virgil expected.
Virgil stared down at his cup of tea as he look at guys chugging on a weird drink and their eyes turns a deep red and growls left their mouths.
Virgil gasp and trembled as he saw the horrifying imagery as people's skulls opens ans brains were eaten.
Virgil ran off the boat ignoring his badly scratched arm and jumped into the ocean like it was no tomorrow for him.
As Virgil's eyes open, he could only see yellow and he burst his open his bag he was surprisingly in and coughs up the water he gulped.
He looked around and see a scared ambulance men running as fast as he could.
Once I woke up...I suddenly felt the urge to eat... brains....
It was an unexpected urge...but I felt like I needed it...more then anything..
Virgil gets up from his bed and groans as the his night was another sleepless one.
He gets up to change to a nice black buttoned shirt and his normal black and purple knitted jacket, grabbing his headphones and phone and trotted to the kitchen, greetings by an unexpected hug.
"Oh, Virgil, why you look...oddly cute as ever." Mrs. Dusk cooed."And I like the purple aesthetic you did with your hair. It's worked."
Virgil cracked info a small smile.
"Hey, kiddo!" greeted his roommate and bestie since high school, Patton.
31 years old
Virgil's bestest friend/roommate
"Hey, Pat."He said with a smile.
Patton is unaware of Virgil's newly zombie habits, and Virgil prefers to keep it that way cause how fragile Patton is.
"Oh, got to get to work. Also, make sure to pick up my costume for fhd Halloween expo tonight, I'd hate to be there without a costume.
"I'm just happy that you're participating."Thomas, Virgil's younger brother, said with his usual goofy smiles that Virge loved.
"I'm glad to be with the-!?"
"There for the family?"
Virgil Blushes and looks up to see Roman."Come on, it'll at least help us to get what we lost?"
Virgil chuckles."Sure thing."
Roman Delightful
30 years old
Virgil's ex-fiance to current boyfriend.
It's weird to reunite a spark with Roman after I broke things off our of fear but he was to determined to get me back so I let him have a second chance so he won't stop nagging me..
"But seriously, I need to get to work.", Virgil said, leaving the house and walks to the Police Department at the 6th floor at the city's morgue.
"You're lucky to be on time, Virgil."Said a harsh gone, placing the body on the table.
"Nice to see you too, Logan."
Logan Smith
Age 37
Virgil's boss and an extremely smart man
Virgil chuckles and puts in his labcoat and walks down.
"I am sorry for that tone but I am going to be a little more softer."
Virgil worked in Medical PhD for the last 2 years so he can the brains to eat.
"Hey, we just got a body!"Said the cops.
"Duty calls." Virgil shrugs and walks, along with Logan to the park where a women was taken to the hospital.
"Ohh...my god, she's smells..." Virgil gagged and looks away.
"Melissa Margolis, age 55, married with two kids, one's moved away to Canada for college and one is a high school student, known for her smart personality. She's a so called soccer mom.."
"According to her completion, she has been dead for at least 10 hours before someone discovering her inside that Roseburg bush."
"It's a rare bush."
"She loves roses and planted this specific one here."Said Mr. Margolis."This women found her."
Virgil and Logan starred at the women and gasp.
"Juliet Farin...no thank you."
"We have a no-such-luck relationship.."
Virgil scoffed."The thing is that she tried to ruin me and my boyfriend's relationship..when we got back together, and she went crazy on me."
Urusla sighs."Hope your physic powers help you."
*back in the morgue*
"I'm not staying she had the right idea...she just showed a bit craziness."
"Why is she specifically after you?"Urusla asked
29 years old
Homicide officer for 5 years.
When I broke things off with Roman, she hooked up with him and used him for money basically. The reason she broke things off with him was because the stuff Roman bought were my standard of favorite things. She didn't like it. And broke up with him and now he's back with me and she hates it.
"Cheers for a trying soccer mom..and may the odds of losing my voice in my favor.." Virgil prayed and took a bit of his brain egg omulet.
"Didn't think you pray of being a mom.."
"That's Patton's job."
As soon as I gulped it down i felt an urge to run to Roman and give him a big hug and kiss for missing him to much. She's a perfect wife too.
*Next day*
"So, where were you around 2:30 to 3:00."Urusla asked Keith Margolis, hef husband who was sitting next to the table in front of them.
"At work, I usually work at 6am to 7:45pm."
"Poor thing...you must be very exhausted."Virgil whines, his hands trembling.
She has major anxiety... I can go with this
"That's what Melissa would say, always feel bad for me at every turn. Her anxiety was pretty bad, it wasn't like a disorder or anything it just...it can lead to a certain paranoia phase she would have..it would annoy a few, like Hailey, our daughter before she left fof college, but soon we got used to it cause we love her."
Urusla groans."So she was very heighted?"
"Yes, very so."
The conversation was interuppted by a huge bang by a accidental coffee spillage to the wall.
That's when Virgil's first vision in this brain started.
*The Vision*
Keith angry banged the table pointing his finger at Melissa.
"If this doesn't end, I can and I will go back to my mistress to get away from you!!"
*vision ends*
Virgil gasp as he looks around.
"You had a mistress?"
Kieth stopped his talking immediately.
"Did you or did you not?" Virgil ordered angrily.
"Yes! I did have a mistress, it was because I got so tired of her worry I left the house. And met Isabel."
"Can we call her in?"Urusla asked, her arms folding."You got your alibi."
A few minutes, Isabel walked in to the room, and sat down, glaring at Virgil."I heard about you, boyfriend kisser."
"You accidentally kiss a guy in school and you're new name is "Boyfriend Kisser"..."Virgil sighed.
"Where were you at the time at the murder."
"Talking to Hailey, she was visiting my place since we had a... special bond...Hailey never got along with Melissa, she would tell me, Melissa was a very strict mom, and never did things that she didn't approve of Hailey of doing. That was unfair cause when Jennifer was born, she let her do anything she wanted. Because Jennifer was a sporty type like her, adventurous, snarky too. So Hailey was glad to get out of state to college."
"So you and Hailey both can prove it."
Virgil looked to see Logan mentioning him to leave the room.
Virgil got up and went to Logan.
"I found something... Intriguing in her jacket. Divorce papers, 2 weeks delivered before the murder."
"So Keith was planning to divorce her anyway."
"Yes, and I also found out that they got married in October 29, somewhere in the 1998s, And look is born after."
"Hailey Margolis, born November 5th, 1998."
"In your terms, you might say, she 'baby-trapped' him."
"And probably did it again when it came to Jennifer. She was processive of him.."
"He had motive." Urusla said behind them."If she did those things, that means..."
"There's more."Logan added."Melissa was granted 1,500,000 grand from him. Keith is wealthy, from a wealthy background so it's no surprise that..."
"A gold-digger?"Patton interuppted."You forgot your lunch, Logan."
"I told you, you don't have to, Pat."
"Well I wanted to."
*In a vision*
Hailey looked up from her book in an angry matter."What if you wanted to!? You realized you out dad in a lot of misery! He had to drop everything cause of us!"
*Vision ends*
"She wanted to do that. She wanted to baby trap Keith...and that causes him to go angry and find a witness."
"Isabel mentioned that her and Keith met on January, little more than 5 month ago. And according to her apparence, she's pregnancy. Turns out he was planning to raise the baby with her and leave the family."
"So she sent the divorce papers but got him back."
*Hailey's interrogation*
"Isabel said you were with her for the last few hours of your mother's murder."
"I was. I was overly excited to be her new daughter since Dad found the divorce papers. That's when we got a call from Jennifer saying that we both rot in hell."
"So Jennifer hated Isabel."
"Dearly with all her heart. She always says that Isabel ruined the family, but in reality, it was mom. She baby trapped him with me and his life was screwed."
"And when was this phone call?"
"Around 2:54 to 3:00, she kept ranting."
"The murder weapon wasn't present. She was poisoned." Logan said, from behind Virgil.
"We couldn't identity it. But we knew it was dangerous and the name is so Russian I can't even say it. But it was used for tea and other liquids."
"Isabel did used to work at a factory, for poisoning goods. She stopped once she became Pregnant..."
"It was a gift. So I accepted it and then one day I found it missing. Both Jennifer and Hailey were with me but Keith payed a visit and ..."
"Hs stole it and he used it on her coffee...she drinks it around 3:00, her coffee break.."
*The final interrogation*
"So, it wasn't easy to crack."
"It's was so."Virgil said, standing up."You stole Isabel's poison from her place and used it on her coffee, and then you gave it to her and took her to the park and saw her faint down as she drink her whole coffee, organs and brain stopped working and she was dead. This was so you didn't have to pay her for child support and the funds you owe her after the divorce."
"Exactly. She baby trapped me twice and you think I was gonna let that slide?! She ruined my life and my family's reputation as a whole cause she wanted me all to herself."
"Keith Margolis, you have the right to remain silent, anything you or say will be against you in court."
Something sparked inside me when I was said those words. It reminded me of me...when I was with Roman. I did kiss him accidentally but it wasn't a regret, like how Melissa fooled her husband. It was a need, but needs can be poisoning and some lead to unsatisfactory in a person. But there's was one thing I didn't regret? Going to that boat party. If I haven't gone, I would never learn anything about myself with the help of the brains I have eaten, I would never face myself to tell Logan about me being a zombie. And now I'm back to be with Roman again....so... somethings you may regret could be things you'd never regret cause who knows what impact it has on your life. Good or bad....
Virgil came home to find Roman.
"Welcome back."Roman greeted.
"Hey, can we talk...I've been thinking about...us, we've drifted since that boat party and now we're back together...so I don't regret being with you again cause it opens my eyes for the past year of us being together...it made me miss out on the things we...loved .. about each other and..."Virgil's voice started to break and Roman pulled him into a tight hug.
"I know you do...but since we dated... And now we're back to were we are..and now I've decided...to.."Roman picked out Virgil's old wedding ring out of his pocket."Thank we try again...for marriage?"
Virgil's tears couldn't stop rolling down and nods."Of course...I'd regret it if I did say no,.... I love you so much."
Roman pulls Virgil into a warm embrace and kisses his forehead and said,"No matter who you are, Zombie or human..I will love you no matter what..."
This took 5 hours....but I'm glad I did it!...but ouch..
But enjoy this little segment to my favorite show ever.
(if you wanna watch it, it's on Netflix)
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(Conversations around consent, sexual activity, and descriptions of torture and attempted suicide. I will put a little - before a paragraph with torture/assault and another - when its over. May or may not also include implied consensual activity. We'll see where this goes.)
Curtis wakes up to soft little regular whimper-moans from behind him. Unsure if his lover is dreaming of torture, or if it's a happy kind of dream, he shifts back a bit, pressing into Takashi to check. Smiling a little in relief it's definitely not torture. Sighing a little, he's awake now. And hungry. They didn't eat dinner last night. They'd gone to bed. Worth the missed meal in Curtis' opinion. However, he's ravenous.
Digging through the cupboards he finds oatmeal, spices, and dried fruit. Surprised to find so many seasonings in the cabinets of a man who rarely cooks, Curtis wonders if it's a holdover from living with Adam. Especially considering Takashi doesn't even buy himself proper self grooming products. Probably just habit to keep the spices around.
The fridge has a few flavors of almond milk. Some non dairy creamers, and not much else in it. Overall the food choices are somewhat depressing. There's more in the freezer, thankfully. Frozen meat, vegetables, and fruit. Shaking his head a little, he sighs.
But another look through the pantry shows plenty of rice, beans, potatoes...cereal. He's feeding himself.
Finding a flat pan, he starts some of the last of the bacon. Whisks some eggs in a bowl. And adds vanilla almond milk to the oatmeal with cinnamon, nutmeg, and fruit. It can sit until Takashi wakes up.
Curtis likes the simple ritual of preparing food. He doesn't mind doing this. Although once they live together he figures if he cooks, Takashi can do the shopping. He usually already does the cleaning up.
Some time later he hears a weird noise somewhere between "blech" and "ugh" accompanied by soft but vehement cursing.
"You okay?" Curtis calls when the swearing doesn't stop but he hears water running. "Did your dream not have a happy ending?" He asks, heading into the bedroom.
"If you can call it that," Shiro snaps back, voice cracking.
Takashi is naked from the waist down and he throws the washcloth into the sink as Curtis comes in. His face is red and his eyes are full of tears.
"What's wrong? You okay?"
"I don't know."
"What happened?" He gently thumbs a tear off Takashi's cheek.
"I don't know. My body never did this. I was, I was finally feeling like I was in my own skin and then this happens!"
"What, as a teen you didn't get wet dreams? God you were lucky." Stroking back Takashi's hair he gently kisses his cheek.
"I didn't even know this was possible," he protests.
"It is," Curtis assures him. "It happens. Not super common, I don't think. But yeah. It's normal."
"Not for me," Shiro protests. "Maybe the clone?"
"You had his memories and he thought he was you, right? Do you remember that happening?"
"This makes sense to me, love, I'm sorry. It's been years, right? And you have been so stressed, and so anxious, and so sick... You got a little last night... And your body wants more. Is that so awful? Years and years without any.... What'd you dream about anyway?"
Shiro turns red again, scar livid across his face. "You." He swallows. "Us."
"Oh yeah? You wanna tell me what we did that rocked your world so hard it made you come in your sleep?"
Ducking his head down, the tips of his ears are red, too. His silvery hair just makes the blush look even brighter.
"Is it embarrassing?" Curtis asks gently. "Or are you just shy about this stuff?"
"I never really talked about it with anyone. My family was.... Traditional. It was really hard to get used to the idea I liked guys at all. Adam... Had to be patient for a long time. I came out because of him. I admitted to myself... Who I was. I get to be with you because of that," he says softly. "But ... I'm not as... Blase about it as you."
"Am I allowed to ask you about it? Or tease you if it's just us? Will you be okay talking about stuff? 'Cause I'm... I'm not comfortable sleeping with you until we hash out do's and dont's." He meets Takashi's eyes. "I can wait. It's no rush. Nothing like that."
"We can talk about it," Shiro mumbles, leaning into Curtis. "I was dreaming about...us. You were um, your mouth...I think that time we talked about it has been in the back of my head this whole time."
Curtis smiles and kisses his temple. "The real thing will be a lot better," he promises. "Put some pants on, breakfast is almost ready." He slips away to make sure nothing's burning and to heat the oatmeal mix.
Shiro comes out in different sweats, still embarrassed. Still he's done worse in front of Curtis. Such as thrown up on himself in his sleep back on the Atlas. One of the first nights Curtis started checking on him. He hadn't even really woken up, either. Curtis had had to help him clean up. Change the sheets. He'd brought tea to help with his stomach. And never said a word to anyone about it. Not once.
They eat relatively quietly, seated at the counter with their knees touching.
"What time is it anyway?" Curtis mumbles, mostly to himself. Glancing at his watch he blinks. "We woke up early."
"Its 0600. I usually get up closer to 0700. Guess I have time to lie around." He smiles a little.
"What'd'ya want me to pick up at the store?" Shiro mumbles. Already trying to decide on what kind of grooming products he needs. He knows most of Curtis' favorite snacks already. The man has a sweet tooth.
"Something not frozen or dried...how long am I staying?"
Turning red he shrugs. "We haven't really had a chance to talk and I don't want to do that before work if that's okay."
"Fine by me," Curtis agrees.
Done with his food he hops up, taking the now empty dishes and heading to the sink. He cleans up automatically, glad to have something to do. For all it's a hair harder with just one hand. He has to set the dish down to swab it out. Then he loads them into the dishwasher.
Curtis contentedly watches him move around the kitchen. They've only been together a few months as a couple now. But this feels right. He loves this man. Scars and all. And he knows Takashi feels the same way. After all he's been through, it's nice to let himself again. It's nice to be loved. It's nice to know the person he's letting himself be with is worthy of it. After his partner had died, Curtis had had a string of one offs and bad decisions. And he'd treated them and himself like trash.
One of the absolute best things about Takashi is that he makes Curtis feel so loved. So wanted. So incredibly safe and special and like he matters more than anything else in the world. Takashi has this special way of focusing on him that makes him feel like he's the only other person in the world.
"If I go in early I can leave early," Curtis says, and Takashi nods a little. "Gives us more time tonight?"
"Yeah. Sounds good." He smiles a little.
It seems a little forced but they've been through a lot. "Hey how's your back feeling?"
Blinking in surprise, he stretches a little, his hand on the small of his back. "Good."
"Lemme feel," Curtis smiles. When Takashi comes around the counter and leans over to present as much of his back as possible to his partner.
"Hey look, still not purple," Curtis teases, running his fingertips up and down Takashi's back. He laughs when Takashi arches under his touch, just like a cat. "I love you so much," he says affectionately.
"I love you, too. Please don't stop," he adds.
"Well. I will have to eventually. I can't be late." But all the same he scratches up and down his partner's back. He enjoys the way Takashi shifts under his hand. Deciding that both hands might be best in this situation he shifts on the stool to make it easier to give scratches.
Eventually it's time to go. They kiss goodbye and head out together, but part ways outside the building.
Shiro sends Keith a message.
Stuck going to the store. You need anything?
Probably should grab some basics. Meet you at the store?
Sounds good. No plants.
Mom says you should bring 'your mate' a gift. Yes plants. Apparently. Or the skulls of your enemies. But that seems excessive.
That would not match his decor, no.
See you in 10.
Keith finds Shiro in the personal grooming section of the store.
He looks up when he notices the Red Paladin. "Curtis also has a problem with my taste in body wash."
"I see."
"Problem is I have no idea what to pick," Shiro shrugs.
Keith peers over in the basket. It looks like Shiro has managed to pick up fruit, vegetables, and some kind of meat in the time it took him to wait for a train to pass. "Sorry I'm late, by the way."
"Stuck at the tracks?"
"Yeah. Slowest train I've ever seen. Couldn't have been going much over 80."
"Seems like you're mostly done."
"Still need snacks. And candy of some kind. Curtis is an addict."
"Where's your protein crap you always used to get?"
"I always hated it. And medical says I'm healthy now... So. I didn't buy any."
Keith looks over at Shiro and notices some things that disturb him. For one, every time he reaches out to maybe pick a bottle, there's some kind of tremor in his hand. Two, he's sweating and the store is chilly. Three, he's a little flushed. Four, his eyes seem glassy. Getting in closer, he lightly squeezes Shiro's shoulder and hides his expression. Shirt is damp. He's been distressed for a while.
"What about pine? You always had some weird thing for forest scented crap."
"No, that was Adam. I was the one who liked spearmint and wintergreen."
"So why did you always smell like-.... ? Ah."
Shiro turns red. "I know Curtis likes cinnamon. But I don't see that here."
"There's stuff that's kinda minty," Keith points out. "You can buy whatever you want." Personally he thinks having to change your scent to please your partner is ridiculous. Probably why he's not much for dating. "See this one?" He cracks the lid to sniff and then hands it over, watching Shiro's hand like a hawk.
The shaking is still there. He's still beading sweat around his hairline and his hair is starting to stick to his face.
"That's kind of the problem," Shiro mutters, sniffing the bottle. It smells nice. Shampoo. Okay. So now just body wash. Maybe something for dry skin? He's been itchy lately and Curtis is probably right. He's probably drying his skin out. He can take care of himself a little better for Curtis. "Is there matching body wash?" He asks, trying to read labels without giving away the entire aisle is swimming. He's so stressed out. Which is how he ended up just grabbing a random bottle and bailing the first time around.
Keith looks at him and back at the shelf quizzically before picking it up from right in front of Shiro and handing it to him. "Says ultra cleansing. Isn't that code for: will dry your skin out?"
"Oh. Maybe I should pick something else."
Unsure of what to make of this, he shrugs. "You could just get the same brand you used to, and pick a different scent."
Shiro shifts uncomfortably. "I can't remember what it was," he admits. "I'm missing a lot here and there," he tugs absently on his bangs. Remembering how his skull had been cracked open.
"It's this stuff in the red bottles. It's got some stupid names, though." He tries to keep his expression neutral. He knew Shiro had issues remembering everything that happened while he was enslaved as a gladiator. He had no idea Shiro had also lost any time before then.
"Whatever's there is fine."
"Maybe Lance would be more helpful," Keith suggests. Then they both look at each other and laugh. "Okay so definitely not. But hey there's only four options, so."
They test out each bottle, Shiro hates the first. Keith the second. The third and fourth take a while to decide between. Shiro just picks up the matching shampoo and dumps it in.
"Do you think I need more clothes?" He asks hesitantly.
Keith kind of stares. "Judging by your apartment? Probably." Watching Shiro looking over at something on the other end of the men's care aisle, he realizes he doesn't want to help shop for the next thing. "What kind of candy? I'll grab that while you finish up here."
Realizing Keith figured it out, he turns red. "Uh. He'll eat pretty much anything that isn't black licorice. But he's kinda partial to anything sour and then chocolate with almonds or peanuts."
"Got it."
"Thanks." Shiro wanders down to the other end of the men's aisle. There's an overwhelming amount of things and he's realizing he's not sure if Curtis has preferences. And his personal comm is off at work. And Shiro isn't going to call him about condom brands on a Garrison line. They're all recorded. While he's not sure if it will be days, weeks, or months until they need any supplies he'd rather have them on hand.
Thinking about what he's used before, he doesn't see any familiar packaging and the aisle blurs in and out of his vision for a minute. There, he grabs a few things. He's not into anything all that interesting, and looking at some of the grocery-store approved toys makes him feel uncomfortable. A few things look like something the Galra would have found a way to weaponize and use and while he's sure before all this he would have been game... Now he isn't. He realizes he doesn't even really want Curtis on top of him, either. Or at least, not inside him.
He can still feel the blood running down the inside of his thighs. Sometimes just dripping steadily down without touching his body at all. They'd ripped him open in a new way. Trying to find some other way to torture and scare him. He has no idea how they guessed that, or if it was half accidental. They hadn't realized that human joints really weren't that flexible when they broke his elbow. Just testing his limits.
Shuddering he's terrified of the scarring ripping open again. Of just anything tearing into him.
Trying to imagine if he could go down on Curtis his throat tightens and he swallows hard against a gag. What if it feels like the feeding tube they'd forced down his throat? He'd been refusing to eat after. Had tried to hide the bleeding. When it stopped he'd been so depressed he'd given up hope and reopened the wound. Tore skin. Hadn't cared. He'd wanted to bleed to death. They'd stapled the wound shut, drugged him with a paralytic that did nothing about the fact he couldn't sleep, shoved a tube down his throat, and chained him spread eagle so he couldn't move so much as an inch and inflict more damage.
Keith finally can't spend more time in candy and goes back to find Shiro. He's worried. He recognizes the stricken look he sees and gently takes Shiro's hand and pulls him away. "You can't get pregnant anyway, you don't need those."
Blinking and coming to, "school really failed you, didn't it?" He asks absently.
"You're cleared of any and all diseases and so's he. Nothing he can give you or vice versa."
"Maybe he doesn't like to swallow," Shiro says conversationally, still shaky. He knows Keith hates when he talks bluntly about this kind of stuff. So it'll stop the conversation in its tracks.
Keith makes a face. "Let's go find you a shirt that isn't black or grey?" He suggests.
"I look good in those colors."
"Yeah Shiro everyone does. What colors does Curtis like?"
Everything, Shiro wants to say. Curtis is full of life and color in spite of everything. "Purple. Galaxy purple like in those hubble telescope photos..." He says softly, thinking of the prints he's seen in Curtis' apartment. "Dark blue..." His bedroom.
"Great. There you go."
"Black and grey used to bring out my eyes..." Shiro teases, fluttering his eyelashes and trying to recover from earlier.
"And match your hair." Keith just shrugs and smiles blandly.
They wander over to the clothing section and browse. Shiro ends up with a simple deep purple henley, a dark navy vneck sweater, and Keith convinces him to try a maroon vneck tee and deep green henley, too. "Add some color old man."
They drop the groceries off, Shiro throws the meat and some seasoning into the crock pot. He can't bake to save his life but he can dump things in a pot and walk away. While he's busy Keith discovers Shiro's battered running shoes. After lecturing the other man about his knees and feet taking unnecessary damage he forces Shiro back out to get new shoes.
Then he drags him to get some nicer towels, a second set of sheets, and some actual jeans, and some nice button ups so Shiro can dress up a little without going full uniform. Shiro only has 2 pairs of black pants and Keith feels odd realizing what they're doing. Maybe he he should have let Curtis do this. But Shiro started on his own. Keith just helped him finish. And made sure he had more than just the absolute bare minimum cheapest crap he could pick in two seconds.
When they get back Keith helps him load all the fabric into the wash so it'll be ready before Curtis gets back. He has a feeling the other man will appreciate all the changes. Looking at the clock he's surprised its only a little after 1400 hours.
He notices Shiro never really stops shaking, and he seems uncomfortable the whole time. Not unwilling just not himself, either. "Do you remember forcing me to pick out clothes?" He asks suddenly.
"Yeah you were a real shithead."
"Thanks for not returning the favor."
"Wouldn't know how to be that obnoxious even if I tried," Shiro smiles.
"So magnanimous."
Shiro shakes his head a little. He flops tiredly onto the couch unsure what to make of all of it.
Keith lets Shiro sleep, fear mounting in his chest cavity. He switches the laundry into the dryer. He's not sure what to do to help Shiro. But at least the man has food. Nice sheets, soft towels. New, clean clothes. The food smells good, and Keith finds himself puttering around looking for things to do, because he's afraid to leave Shiro alone.
Eventually he settles on the couch, putting a hand on Shiro's chest to feel his heartbeat. It seems steady. Normal. Healthy. But the tremors, the sweating, the indecision... It's all so concerning.
Eventually the dryer dings softly. Keith gets up and finds himself remaking the bed, folding clothes and more or less pacing around again. Somewhat amused he's the one taking care of Shiro for a change, he settles back down on the couch when the housekeeping is done, watching him sleep.
He dozes off eventually, and wakes up to the door sliding open.
Curtis smiles as Keith hastily exits, and sniffs the air appreciatively.
Kneeling down by the couch he presses a gentle kiss on Takashi's forehead. "Hey handsome," he smiles gently. "Wake up, love."
Takashi blinks awake, and smiles when he sees Curtis. Curtis gently strokes his cheek and kisses him.
"You hungry?" He asks gently. "Food smells good, what is it?"
"Brisket, and I have veggie salad in the fridge. Just needs dressing."
"Sounds good to me, you ready?"
"Yeah. Keith ran me ragged."
"I can see that. Once we eat do you just wanna go back to bed?"
"No, we should talk."
"Okay," Curtis agrees. Kissing his forehead again he stands up. Watches Takashi shift an arm under himself and sit up, and ease his body off the couch. He seems like he's moving easier. Less stiff.
Takashi quietly gets out plates and silverware, still half asleep. Pulling the salad out he has 2 choices for dressing and lets Curtis pick. Dumping food onto his plate, he settles at the counter and waits for Curtis to do the same.
When he's done serving himself, he unbuttons his uniform, and settles the jacket across the back of his chair. "Thanks for dinner."
"Of course," Takashi smiles back. They bump knees as they eat. He's happy to eat quietly, the hustle and bustle of running errands and dealing with people has him drained. The nap helps but just sitting there with his leg against Curtis' makes him feel better. That and not being required to talk around the food.
Half wondering if they should have talked first, in case he made himself sick, he breathes out a sigh through his nose.
"You okay?"
"Yeah. I didn't mean to wear myself out so badly, though. Sorry."
Curtis nudges his leg, "it's fine."
When he finishes he rinses off his dishes and loads them.
"You cooked, I would have cleaned up."
"You do most of the hard work in our relationship, I think," Shiro smiles. "I can handle some dishes."
Curtis frowns a bit, but decides that can be part of their conversation later. He's absolutely not going to let that slide. Their needs just look different. He smiles when Takashi pulls out a sack of candy. And then laughs when he realizes how full it is. "Trying to fatten me up?"
"I just... There'll always be some here for you."
Holding out his hand he takes Takashi's gently as he comes around the counter and tugs him in close, between his legs. Tipping his face up they kiss for a few moments. Soft and gentle. They pull away and smile. Takashi is a little pink and Curtis smiles. Seems like everything works fine now.
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sp4c3-0ddity · 5 years
If you're taking prompts... Can I ask for Hunk and a space chicken? 👀
i’ve been waiting my entire life for this prompt. thank you for enabling my Hunk + birds habit on top of my love for chickens ;_;
also timeline in this is all over the place so let’s call it canon divergent. ~2000 words, and i hope you like it
If there was one thing from Earth - beside his family - Hunk missed it was chicken eggs.
Sure, there were other foods and herbs and spices he couldn’t quite replicate with ingredients from alien plants - although he found capsaicin in the exoskeleton of a beetle-like insect thing and ground it to season curry for Shiro…not that he’d tell him that was the source - but he never found anything resembling a chicken egg.
The consistency would be all wrong, the yolk a strange color, too much cholesterol or too little protein, a shell even the Yellow Lion’s foot couldn’t crack (and Hunk really didn’t want to know what would hatch from an egg that tough)...
Hunk just wanted a quiznaking omelet.
“Are you sure these are edible?” Pidge held an oblong object that barely fit in the palm of her small hand up to the kitchen’s light. It seemed to reflect the lights overhead, with the darker spots of pigmentation absorbing.
Hunk carefully snatched it from her hand. It was soft and squishy, sort of like a water balloon, under his fingertips, and he guessed he’d have to puncture the...skin to get at the edible flesh.
And when he shone a light through it, a round core absorbed the rays, the flesh almost translucent.
Hunk set it beside the others in a large platter. “You and I have both scanned them,” he pointed out, “and they might be a little protein-rich for fruit, but they don’t contain anything toxic to humans.”
Pidge folded her arms on the counter and leaned towards the platter. “Seems a little...risky though,” she mused. “Remember that spotted fuzzy fruit you tried to fry like plantains?”
His shoulders sagged, renewed guilt making his heart sink, but he couldn’t help retorting, “It’s not my fault Lance ate half of them before I could warn him that too many would probably have side-effects.”
Pidge’s eyes narrowed. “He couldn’t walk further than five meters from a bathroom for almost a movement.”
“And I still feel bad about that!” he protested, his stomach twinging with a sympathetic nausea.
“Not as bad as he did,” she retorted. She prodded one of the water balloon fruits with a fingertip. “Where did you find these anyway?”
“Under a tree,” Hunk said. He rummaged through a drawer until his fingers closed around a small knife - something with a bit more point than a spork. “Kind of in a ring? And they definitely feel ripe.”
“Really?” When he turned to face Pidge, her eyebrow was raised. “Why do you think that alien fruit would follow the same rules as Earth fruit?”
“Because so far other rules have been pretty consistent.” Hunk clutched a balloon fruit in one hand and pressed the tip of the knife into its flexible skin, watching how it puckered under. Just a little more pressure... “I mean, it seems like photosynthesis is pretty universal, for one, and for another--”
He broke off when the knife’s point punctured the skin, a triumphant grin pushing at his lips when a viscous white fluid oozed out. He transferred the fruit to a pan on the stove and sliced open the rest of the skin.
The dark core was a deep yellow and definitely not hard enough to be a pit.
Hunk stared at the blob of clear white fluid with its soft yellow center. “Uh...quiznak.”
“Um, Hunk? Something’s happening with one of your so-called fruits.”
He spun around, the tension in Pidge’s voice making his heart race as he turned his attention to the remaining balloon fruit sitting in their platter.
One quivered in place, as if shaken by tremors that only affected it. Its skin rippled before something pointy poked it from the inside.
Hunk stumbled backwards away from the counter, raising the knife in his hands and wishing he had his bayard . “Oh God we’re in a horror movie!” he realized. “I knew it, I knew it, I knew--”
The fruit exploded.
Pidge gasped, arms raised to shield her face, while something wet hit Hunk’s forehead. His eyes pinched shut as a fluid trickled down towards them, and when he dared open them again his breath caught in his throat.
“I-I think I prefer this to Alien,” Pidge commented, eyes wide behind her glasses as she leaned over the platter and the tiny fuzzy chick cheeping in the center.
Pidge insisted on slipping the rest of the water balloon eggs underneath a lamp to incubate and see if they’d also “hatch”, but when the noisy baby that enjoyed pooping on Hunk’s palm proved the only survivor (or the only fertilized) of the clutch, he happily cooked the rest.
“Are those eggs I smell?” Lance wondered. He skipped across the kitchen from the doorway, a dreamy smile on his face as he loudly inhaled. “Poached?”
“In a manner of speaking,” Pidge said. She flashed a teasing smirk at Hunk.
He scowled and, rather than retorting, watched the eggs - that, now that he had the opportunity to cook and examine them, had an odd green sheen to their yolks - cooking in boiling water.
Lance peeked into the saucepan. “You have ham to go with those green eggs?”
“As soon as Hunk finds a green pig,” Pidge told him.
“Hey, Pidge, can you make yourself useful and check on Ramsay please?” Hunk cut in before she and Lance could get a little too into their teasing.
“Ramsay?” Lance raised an eyebrow. “You have an Egyptian pharaoh hiding in the pantry?”
“That’s Ramses,” Pidge corrected, although she obediently hopped off her stool and walked over to the bin in the corner with the lamp shining over it. “This is Ramsay.”
She scooped up the chick in all his fluffy, cheeping, magenta glory and wandered back towards them. The baby’s eyes slipped shut when she stroked its head, a soft smile on her face.
“Get him out of the kitchen before he poops on his siblings’ remains!” Hunk said, raising a spatula in alarm.
Pidge turned, shielding Ramsay from him and with her lower lip jutting out in a pout. “You’re the one who murdered them.”
“And we both agreed they were never alive!”
“Okay...” Lance glanced between the two of them. “This sounds like some weird science thing I don’t want to get in the middle of.”
“And how do you know Ramsay is male anyway?” Pidge wondered. She lifted the chick to eye level, squinting at his underside. “It’s a chick!”
“There are ways,” Hunk pointed out.
“I’m sure,” she said, rolling her eyes, “but do you know them?”
“Ooh, actually”--Lance raised his hand as he broke out into a broad grin--”if he’s anything like a baby chicken from Earth, I can sex him.”
“You can?” Pidge set Ramsay on her shoulder...just so she could cross her arms.
“Uh, sure?”
“He can milk a cow,” Hunk reminded her. “Why not say if a chick is going to be a rooster or a hen?”
“Huh.” Pidge passed Ramsay to Lance, who...
Well, Lance squealed like a little kid. “Aw, he’s so cute! Just like a chick from Earth!” He poked the tiny barely there tail and ran a finger down the chick’s back.
“So he’s a boy?” Hunk said.
“I didn’t even look yet!” Lance lifted the chick and... “Oh, Hunk, I think you gotta change his name to Rachel Ray or something.”
“Yep.” Lance grinned and said, “But if it gets us more eggs...”
A gasp escaped him, excitement gripping. “Lance, you’re a genius!” Hunk clapped a hand on his shoulder.
“You can tell that’s a girl,” Pidge said, her eyes wide and incredulous, “but it surprised you when I said I’m one?”
Hunk laughed when Lance only scowled.
Ramsay - name unchanged, despite Lance’s suggestion - ate anything.
She was a hen after Hunk’s own heart.
“Not a very good critic, is she?” Lance commented.
“She’s growing fast,” Allura said. She smiled, cooing over the chick sitting in her lap while the mice looked on with what Hunk guessed must be jealousy.
(He’d have to watch them around Ramsay.)
Predictably, the smile twisted into a disgusted grimace when the chick dropped one on her dress.
“I suppose pets do have their...drawbacks,” Allura mused with a frown.
Hunk scooped her back up and smiled sheepishly. “I’ll keep her confined.”
“And away from Keith’s wolf?” Lance said with a nod at the door.
“Keith’s wolf teleports,” Pidge piped up. “If he wants to eat unripened chicken for breakfast, doors won’t stop him.”
Hunk’s stomach twisted unpleasantly. “I’ll...talk to Keith about that.”
Keith, however...
“You have time to raise a chick on top of being a Paladin?” Keith wondered.
Hunk raised an eyebrow. “I have time to cook for you guys, Lance has time to milk Kaltenecker, Pidge and he have time to play video games, you have time to train till you put too much strain on every muscle in your--”
“Fine, I get it,” Keith cut him off with a hand covering his face.
“Hey, I just wanted to let you know that Kosmo is not allowed anywhere near Ramsay,” Hunk said.
As if summoned by the sound of his name (which...well, he was something like a dog), Kosmo teleported into view in a burst of light. Hunk reflexively stepped away, cradling Ramsay between his hands, but when the cosmic wolf’s nose twitched in curiosity, he extended his arms.
He held his breath as Kosmo sniffed the obliviously cheeping chick. He stiffened when the wolf’s tongue flicked out.
Kosmo licked the chick’s downy feathered back.
“He likes her,” Keith said.
“Yeah b-but how?” Hunk said. “He’s about to give me a heart attack...”
Keith smiled but clicked his tongue. Kosmo spun around at attention, ears on end. “He won’t eat her if that’s what you’re worried about.”
“Oh! Oh good.” The tension trickled out of Hunk’s shoulders, and as soon as Keith and Kosmo left he fell into a boneless relieved heap with Ramsay sitting on his stomach.
Ramsay grew to be the size of a chicken in only a few movements. But unlike a chicken from Earth, her down feathers gave way to scales.
“Well, birds on Earth descended from the dinosaurs,” Pidge said.
“She’s really ugly this way,” Lance said.
“Excuse you, she’s my child and she’s beautiful!” Hunk retorted, shooting a glare at him.
“But she looks like a chubby and flightless pterodactyl!” Lance gestured at where Ramsay foraged through the meadow alongside Kaltenecker.
The not-chicken - space chicken, they all, except for Allura and Coran, took to calling her - gathered scraps of grass into a heap, almost like...
“She’s building a nest,” Lance observed with a grin. “Aw, look who’s getting ready to lay eggs!”
“What, already?!” Hunk shot up with alarm, a sudden lump lodging in his throat. “I-I’m not ready to be a grandfather!”
“Relax!” Lance said, standing and patting him on the shoulder. “We’ll be here to support you, but only if I get to be the chicks’ godfather.”
“Uh, you guys are kind of forgetting something important,” Pidge said as she joined them.
“Ramsay doesn’t have a mate to fertilize her eggs.”
Hunk exchanged a glance with Lance, then he looked at Pidge. “Oh,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck as embarrassment filled him. “I knew that.”
Hunk never had considered chickens a viable pet before, but Ramsay followed him everywhere. She trailed him through the Castle’s hallways, leaving poop he’d have to clean up later in her wake, and hopped into his lap when he sat down. Her eyes closed in contentment when he rubbed her vicious beak, and she perched for the “night” on his bed frame.
And if Allura, Pidge, Lance, and Keith could have pets, why couldn’t Hunk think of this strange space chicken that imprinted on him as one?
He’d see about Shiro adopting a cat later…once Ramsay learned to lay her eggs in a nest and not on the kitchen floor where a certain princess’s mice could steal them.
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maandags · 6 years
Headcanons for the paladins + Allura and Lotor with a theatre geek s/o
Request: Wow! Your first batch of headcanons so amazing, you have no idea! Would you be willing to write headcanons for the Paladins + Lotor having a theatre geek s/o? Extremely extroverted, affectionate, and eccentric! Thank you if you decide to, but I’d understand if not! I wish you luck! 💞 - A fellow Voltron Imagines Blog
Hello love! Thanks for requesting, sorry I only got to it now. Made them extra long to make up for it! Hope you enjoy!
(I also just noticed I added Allura. oops?)
~Mod Water
thinks you're awesome
will just look at you while you jump around reenacting your favourite play all by yourself with this fond smile on his face
will never get tired of your energy
cuddling is a Must
especially when he's had a rough day
you get him to loosen up a bit
will use the sappiest theatre pick up lines because he's a huge nerd (my only dream role is being with you)
he learned them from lance
but can and will always count on you to keep a lighthearted mood
loves to just curl up on the couch and watch your favourite plays and musicals that you guys found in the space mall for 2 bucks
when u guys first met, Keith was kind of intimidated  by u because wow introvert alert
like he just didn't understand how someone could be so energetic when there was a war going on so he just kinda avoided you
but then he got to know you
and WOW did you blow this mullet man off his feet
like the first time that you guys really started talking of course he asked u what u liked and of course you said theatre
and the smile that lit up your face made Keith die a little on the inside
he doesn't care that much for theatre/musicals himself but he does enjoy them when he watches them with you
helps you take some things a little more seriously and you help him find the fun side of some things
you are very big on PDA and you slowly warm Keith to the idea (from hand holding to hugging to cheek kisses to actual kisses)
but behind closed doors
Cuddle Fest
you guys are goals tbh
let's be real, if you are a theatre kid so is lance
when he finds out you are just as, if not more, into theatre as he is he's so pumped 
immediately organises a musical marathon where the two of you just spend 6 hours watching musicals and quoting like half of the lines
you two hit it off right away and literally nobody is surprised when y'all start dating. nobody.
lancey lance is an extrovert too so he thinks it's really cool that you can keep up with his thoughts and conversations
soon the majority of your conversations consist of 75% musical/play quotes. it drives everyone nuts
is also very affectionate and doesn't mind PDA
hugs from behind and resting your head in the crook of his neck make him melt please do that
it finished badly last time, hunk almost had a stroke
thinks you're so pure
you just brighten up a room by being there and quite frankly so does he so you two are perfect for each other
the childlike excitement that lights up your face every time you talk about the theatre just has him grinning like a lovestruck fool
Hunk is pretty extroverted as well but has to calm you down every once in a while because you would get a little annoying honestly 
is the only one who understands your weird rants and is the best listener
is your #1 hype man
gives the best hugs
also doesn't mind PDA
his favourite are cheek kisses
they're just so sweet
also will join you in the reenactment of your favourite plays. he actually loves it
you two have the purest relationship and are too goddamn cute
was kind of confused at first when she met you
you were a ball of energy that zipped from one end of the room to the other and never seemed to get tired
like the literal only thought in her head was what the shit 
and then she caught you dancing and singing to one of your favourite musical numbers
Matt used to be a theatre kid as well so she kind of picked it up and secretly loves it
so when she makes a musical reference, your jaw drops and you suddenly get heart eyes
you guys are joined at the hip from then on
will spend hours talking to you about the tech stuff that happens behind the scenes of every play
you're actually really interested (it makes her so happy that she's able to talk tech with you) and the two of you will talk for hours about it
honestly loves listening to you talk before going to sleep, she says it's relaxing but she just loves your voice
PDA is fine with her as long as it's not in serious situations
loves to sit/curl up on your lap
you guys are a weirdly good match
okay so Lotor has had a pretty tough childhood
chances are he doesn't even know what theatre is
you are SHOOK
you kind of take it upon yourself to teach him everything you know about theatre
you: okay so I found the book with all the completed Shakespeare plays, sit down bud we've got work to do
Lotor becomes weirdly passionate about it
at first is kind of exasperated by your immense amount of energy
but slowly finds that he really enjoys your company
you are just never boring
even though he doesn't understand half of the stuff that you're talking about
won't do much more than hold your hand or kiss you on the cheek in public
but once you two are alone he becomes the clingiest cuddler
loves you a lot ok
at first, doesn't quite know how to act around you
is just confused and a lil weirded out
but once you two start talking and you explain human theatre to her she gets so excited
will also teach you about the Altean equivalent of theatre
you love hearing about Altean theatre because you love learning about your girlfriend's culture!! 
when you learn that there isn't an Altean version of a musical you gasp in shock
you immediately organise a marathon
allura ends up absolutely loving them
quoting them the following days to see your face light up
hand holding!!!!
always holds your hand. always.
you two are the most adorable couple
bonus :
*after allura stopped you from charging a galra soldier with nothing but a sword that you don't know how to use*
You: I would have had him, 'lura! 
Allura: fencing in theatre is not the same as sword fighting in battle, y/n
You: *annoyed huff*
111 notes · View notes
hailqiqi · 6 years
The Future in Snippets
AO3 - Chapter One - Chapter Two - Chapter Three - Chapter Four
Chapter Five: ...Must Come Down Somewhere
Words: 4902
So it turns out that the ghosts of actions past bite. And not in the way you’d want them to.
@blue-hawkeye A Lannister always pays her debts.  Shout out to @mistyhollowpro for reading this through for me like ten times over the last week, and the lovely people on the Pidgance Positivity Server for listening to me whinge about the writing process!
This chapter is SFW
For the fourth time in three days, Pidge woke up wondering how the fuck she was going to face Lance.
Especially since the last thing in her face had been his—
She cut her thoughts off with a squeak and buried her face back in the pillow, cheeks burning.
Frustrated irritation washed over her a moment later. Why was she still so embarrassed about this? Last night she’d been rubbing against it. (‘It’. His dick. D-I-C-K. She was at least going to think the damn word, even if she couldn’t say it.)
It was definitely too late to play the shy card, so if her cheeks and morals and whatever the hell kept making her want to run away giggling like a grade-schooler could just get with the damn programme that’d be great. Whatever the programme was.
She was still blushing when she forced herself to the sink, but she ignored it to frown at her half-undone braid instead. Sighing, she began work on undoing the other one, making a mental note to check her bedsheets later for the missing hairband.
Being shy about it didn’t have to be a bad thing, she reasoned. Maybe she just wasn’t the type of girl who could be straightforward about things like that. Then again, Pidge had never thought she was the type of girl to lose her virginity against a wall, but...
Her fingers stilled, eyes going wide. Was that where it had been heading last night? If Lance hadn't said her name and freaked her out, would they have gone all the way?
Yes, a little voice whispered. Just thinking back to his touch was making shivers dance across her flesh, her breath catching in her throat and heat curling in her belly at the ghost of the sensation. The way his fingertips had roved over her skin, leaving fire in their wake. The strength of his body pressed against hers. The passion in his lips.
...The clumsy sweetness of those first kisses. The way he'd blushed when she kissed his cheek, as if that had meant more than the frantic making out (foreplay, she forcefully corrected herself) just minutes before. The way he'd given her space the picosecond she'd said she was uncomfortable.
Those memories stirred up a very different kind of warmth, and a smile tugged at her lips.
She used her fingers to comb her hair out into messy waves, still smiling as she studied her reflection in the mirror. If Lance had been the one to yell stop, would she have had the self-control to back off that quickly?  Somehow, she doubted it — all she’d wanted was to be closer.
But Lance had, and she'd always heard it was meant to be harder for guys. That had to mean something, right?
She reached for the toothbrush almost absently. That had to mean something might be a redundant question when he'd flat-out admitted to liking her in the lounge.
A memory flashed in her mind: his jacket around her shoulders, and the gentle hands that had put it there. When she closed her eyes, she could almost feel its warmth again, and that realisation gave her pause.
The girl in the mirror had wide eyes, pale skin and messy hair, and for once Pidge didn't think she looked like a boy.
But did she look like a girl in love?
 Pidge was still dwelling on the answer when she tripped over Lance on the way to breakfast.
"Woah!" He reacted quickly, abandoning his shoelaces to whirl around and catch her before she faceplanted. "What the cheese, Pidge, look where you're— ah, Pidge! Uh..."
His hands were still on her shoulders, helping to steady her even as his cheeks rapidly darkened. Pidge could feel her own cheeks heat up to match as the memories of the night before -- both the dreams and the reality -- came flooding back.
Shit. He stared at her, wild-eyed, looking as lost as she felt. She had to say something to break the tension. Anything. Anything— "Uh, hi."
Lance nodded, releasing a breath she hadn’t realised he’d been holding. "Yeah. Uh, hi."
"Well, now I know what you two were dreaming about last night," Hunk said, grinning, and they leapt apart.
Lance let go of Pidge (she wasn’t disappointed she wasn’t), punched Hunk on the arm, then shoved his hands in his pockets and started stalking down the hallway towards the dining room. "Shut up, buddy."
Hunk waggled his eyebrows. "Just sayin'." Turning to Pidge with a laugh, he gestured for her to walk with him as Lance disappeared through the doorway. "Seriously, my dreams aren't nearly as interesting. Last night I was talking to Coran about upgrading the castle's system."
“That is interesting, though!” Pidge protested, immediately interested in the word ��upgrade’. “Do you remember what you were doing with them?”
“No idea. Just something about Planck’s Constant,” he replied with a shrug.
“6.62607004 × 10-34 m2 kg / s?” She frowned. “What do photons have to do with the castle’s systems? The particle barrier?”
Hunk froze, his hand inches away from the door panel. “Okay, look, I’m smart and I’ve known you for about two years now but it’s still scary how you can just rattle things like that off.” Pidge smirked, and he wiggled a finger at her. “Also, the particle barrier would make sense, but I didn’t see that much.”
The door whooshed open. “Okay, but the only thing in this castle that utilises that much electromagnetism is the particle barrier, so—”
“Are you kidding? I leave you guys alone for five seconds and you’re already talking nerd stuff?”
Pidge made a face and flipped him off without even looking, instead edging around the table towards the kitchen. “As I was saying, it’s—”
“—nice knowing some things haven’t changed.”
Both members of Team Punk froze, turning towards the source of the voice as one. Keith sat at the table next to Lance, a grin on his face and one hand held up in greeting. “Morning.”
The flood of emotion that threatened to overwhelm her caught her off-guard, but the next moment Pidge practically ran at him, tackling him in a hug so exuberant it almost knocked him off his chair. Keith grunted with the impact and tensed up, but a moment later she felt his arms wind around her back as he returned the embrace, murmuring “Are you okay?” against her hair.
Pidge nodded, tightening her grip and breathing in. Keith was the one who’d spent hours teaching her how to fight, who offered her his silent company when she was up late working on difficult programs and always helped her work out her frustrations when she needed to hit things but didn’t want to talk about why.
She’d missed him.
A second later they both yelped as Hunk got in on the action and lifted them into the air, though Pidge’s laughter quickly turned into wheezing when she found her air supply cut off. She wriggled out of the group hug, landing on her feet ungracefully but saved from a meeting with the floor by a hand on her back again.  Surprised, she turned to see Lance watching them, his other elbow on the table propping up his chin.
He returned her grateful smile with a raised eyebrow. “How come I never get greeted like that?”
“Disappear for four months and you might,” she replied, rolling her eyes.
“Okay, one,” Hunk chimed in, releasing a grateful Keith from his hold and wiping his cheeks, “nobody is stopping you from getting in on this action, you just think you’re too cool for hugs. Two, you got a giant quiznaking hug from Pidge yesterday, and I think that counts.”
Pidge froze.
“She was crying! That’s not the same!” Lance protested, and Pidge let out a breath she hadn’t realised she was holding. Right. The morning thing. That dream, and not the...other thing.
Hunk hummed non-commitantly, gesturing for Pidge to follow him to grab some food goo, while Keith frowned at Lance. “Pidge was crying? Why?”
“Those two have been having a bunch of dreams about each other,” Hunk offered, saving him from having to think of a reply. “You know, the prophecy ones? From the quintessence on this planet? But trust me, you really don’t wanna know the details.”
“I don’t even wanna know the details,” Lance muttered as Pidge slid into the empty seat next to him.
Pidge shrugged and scooped up some of her breakfast, pausing with the spork halfway to her mouth as she felt eyes on her. She looked up to see Keith studying her. “What?”
He frowned. “Are you sure you’re okay? You’re not normally that...happy to see me.”
The question made her think. Was she okay? She glanced sideways for a cue but Lance’s attention was focused on his breakfast, so instead she turned back to Keith and forced a half-smile. “I guess? Life is just really weird right now.”
That must have been the right answer, because Keith chuckled in response, his shoulders relaxing. “When isn’t it?”
Breakfast proceeded fairly normally after that, the sound of sporks scraping plates interspersed with idle chatter as they caught Keith up on all that had happened with Team Voltron and he shared some anecdotes about his time with the Blade until the door whooshed open, admitting Coran.
“Ah, there you are! Lance, I’ve input those designs and the measurements from your armour into the fabricator so we should have those outfits for the ball in two quintants!” He stood at the head of the table, his hands on his hips as he surveyed them, expression brightening even further when his gaze landed on Pidge. “Number Five, I daresay you’ll look like a Groggorian beauty in that dress!”
Her spork landed on the table with a clatter as panic seized in her throat. “Dress?! What dress?!”
“It’s a different dress!” Lance yelled, eyes wide and face pale. “A totally different dress!”
Pidge stared at him, her heart pounding a mile a minute, trying desperately to calm the panic in her mind. Lance stared back, equally flustered.
Wheezing laughter broke the tension — “O.M.G., was Pidge wearing a dress in the last one?!” — and embarrassment hit Pidge like an ion cannon.
“Oh no!” she squeaked, hiding her face in her hands and slamming her head on the table. “Why is this even happening?!”
She heard Lance groan beside her, and the sound of Keith smacking Hunk on the back as his laughter turned into choking (good, maybe then he’d shut up). Her face felt so hot part of her was afraid the table would melt through, but — whatever. Pidge was staying there even if it did. In fact, this was where she was going to live out the rest of her life now, face buried in a hard table until someone developed a cure for abject mortification.
“Did Pidge and Lance dream about each other again?” Coran sounded confused.
“Are you kidding? Pidge is all I’ve been dreaming about! Seriously, I thought I was gonna get all these cool dreams about cool things I’m gonna be doing but no, it’s all Pidge—”
“To be fair, Pidge is pretty cool, Lance.”
—Hunk was gonna die. She’d have to do it when he was asleep, because there was no way she could overpower him, but if she tied him up first and woke him then she’d at least get to see the fear in his eyes—
“They’re together a lot in their free time, so it’s not that strange, is it?” Keith pointed out.
“No, it’s still unusual…” Coran said, slowly, and Pidge looked up from her homicidal fantasies to watch him twirl his moustache. “Normally the dreams are cyclical in nature; we should be ‘taking it in turns’, so to speak…”
“Are all of our dreams these prophecy dreams? And do we only have one a night, or do we have a bunch and just can’t remember most of them? Like how normal dreams work?” Lance asked, his spork pointed towards Coran as he waited for an answer.
Pidge frowned. “Are you talking about REM and non-REM cycles?”
Lance blinked. “I dunno. Am I?”
“I’m not sure what a remming cycle is, but Number Three is right in that you typically only remember the last dream you had before you wake up. And since we’re all new to Miskira, we should each be having three to six prophetic dreams a night, even though we only remember one or two.” Coran studied them, obviously thinking carefully before choosing his next words. “Still, it’s rather strange that you’ve only dreamt of each other. I’ve shared dreams with a different person every night.”
“Come to think of it, I haven’t had a dream with either of them in it,” said Hunk. “Guess they’re too busy—”
“Don’t finish that thought, buddy,” Lance growled, leaning across Keith to brandish his spork at him.
Before anyone could react, Allura’s voice echoed over the PA.
“Paladins to the bridge. Immediately.”
Everyone in the room exchanged a glance, then shuffled to their feet as Coran began herding them out the door, clapping his hands like a kindergarten teacher. “Up, up! Let’s go! You too, Keith, you’re still a paladin!”
 Lance caught her just outside the kitchen, tugging gently on her wrist while waving the others ahead. “Uh, about last night…”
Pidge’s thoughts abruptly screeched to a halt.
Last night. The changing room. The kisses, the touching, the everything. Her cheeks were burning when she squeaked out, “Um, yeah?”
He chuckled, a smile briefly gracing his lips, before glancing away and scratching the back of his neck. Dark red dusted his cheeks, his fingers were warm on her wrist, and Pidge suddenly found his proximity very distracting.
Distracting enough that she was thrown for a loop when he pinned her with a look and asked: “What are we?”
“Uh… What?” Shit. “Um. Friends? We’re friends.” Right?
“I… Friends?”
“I guess…?” Pidge blinked. “I don’t—”
“Pidge, I don’t do that kind of stuff with friends.” He let go of her wrist to gesture between them, and Pidge resisted the urge to grab his hand. “We’re not…?”
Wrapping her arms around herself, she dropped her gaze to his shoes, breathing through her mouth in an effort to ignore his scent and regain some semblance of clarity. “Look, Lance, I’m just—” Breathe, Pidge. “ — I’m confused, I don’t know what I want or—”
“I know what I want,” he said, and the conviction in his voice made her gaze snap up to his.
“I do know what I want,” he repeated, voice firm. He lifted his chin, straightened up and squared his shoulders, hands held sharply at his sides as he said, “I want you.”
The breath left her lungs in a rush. “I—”
She what, exactly?
Blank. Her mind was blank.
Lance held her gaze steadily, his entire attention focused on her, and she suddenly felt very, very small.
He was waiting for an answer, but she didn’t have one. Panic began to set in and her thoughts started tumbling over each other in a never-ending waterfall of useless fragments as she searched for something to tell him. Did she—? Yes? No? She had, but, she did—?
“Okay you two, are you coming or not? Cause Allura won’t be happy if you’re late.”
They both spun around at the intrusion, and the tension snapped.
Maybe she’d forgive Hunk for earlier after all.
 The walls were made of space bamboo, and it was making it very difficult for Pidge to keep denying that the Miskirans did kinda look like pandas.
Lance, of course, had been fucking delighted the moment they’d pulled up an image of the hideout. It was probably only the facts that Shiro and Allura were running on zero sleep and already wanted to kill him that kept him silent, but Pidge hadn’t missed the way his features lit up when Hunk said: “Is that...bamboo?”
It turned out there was a healthy chunk of metal in here too, but the middle of a mission wasn’t really the time to dwell on it.
“Two bio-signatures coming up on the right.”
They ducked into an alcove, pressing themselves against the sides as the guards — probably some of the Miskiran rebels — walked past the end of the hallway. Hunk gave the all-clear on the comms and Keith signalled for them to get moving.
She saw Lance moving to bring up the rear with his rifle as she skulked back out into the hallway, following Keith’s lead. The three of them moved swiftly and silently through the dim halls, pausing to avoid patrols before setting off again.
The mission itself was simple. Infiltrate the collaborators’ hideout, find their server room, and steal all their intel. The hideout was dimly lit and heavily guarded, but that was nothing the Paladins hadn’t faced before. It was almost routine by now.
The formation was new. Shiro and Allura were strictly off the mission as they hadn’t slept in over 24 hours; though Allura was waiting in Blue in case they needed an extraction. Hunk was on the comms, providing back-up from a stake-out spot a hundred feet or so away.
“You’re gonna be caught between two patrols if you go that way. Wait where you are.”
Pidge grit her teeth. Lance should have been on the comms, really. His rifle was much more reliable than the BLIP sensors they were using, but the Miskirans had insisted that Lance be in the ground team with her, so here he was. Insisted, as in, threatened to withdraw their support for the Coalition if he wasn’t.
These were the same Miskirans who had point-blank refused to entertain the idea of joining the infiltration, claiming it was ‘too dangerous’. They’d even wanted to pull Keith off the ground team; he was only with them because Shiro was adamant that Pidge have some close-quarters back-up and had sworn to pull the plug on the entire alliance if they tried to send her in with only Lance.
Of course, the Miskirans didn’t really care if Pidge died on the mission. That was probably the point, as Keith had cynically pointed out.
The Minister was dead. Pidge and Lance were the chief suspects.
Though why that made the Miskirans think they were the best choice for this mission, Pidge had no idea. If they really were working with the rebels, infiltrating rebel HQ wouldn’t have been hard for them. Allura said it was likely a test of their loyalty. The idea made Pidge want to punch something.
Preferably a panda-alien.
“Once you turn this corner your target’s straight ahead. No hostiles currently within range.”
“Roger that,” Lance replied softly, and they exchanged a glance as Keith gave the signal again.
The code on the server room door was easy to hack. They quickly ensconced themselves inside, Lance wriggling up into the rafters by the door while Keith took up a defensive position at her back.
Pidge always secretly hated this part. Hacking into the mainframe, finding the data and downloading it was never a problem, but data transfers always took time. And Pidge, as the resident computer genius, had to monitor the download — lives often depended on the download going smoothly — which meant she needed to rely on the others to watch her back.
And they would — this she knew without a doubt. Right now, Keith stood beside her and Lance was watching over them both, and both of them would throw themselves in the line of fire for her without a moment’s hesitation — as she would for them. But there was always this tiny part of her that hated it, repressed animal instincts that flat-out rebelled at the thought of being deliberately vulnerable in a dangerous situation. Of giving up control over her own defence.
Sixty-seven percent. Ten minutes remaining.
“One bio-signature heading towards the entrance.”
A sharp intake of breath from Lance. Keith glanced at her. “How long will that lock hold?”
“Five minutes, max,” she replied, eyes fixed on the screen.
“How long left on the download?”
A thick silence fell over the room.
Hunk’s voice was quiet. “Guys, they’re at the door.”
The faint beeps of the keypad floated through the door, followed by the sound of familiar cursing and thuds against the metal.
Eight minutes left.
“Second hostile approaching. I think he’s called for back-up.”
“They probably think the lock’s broken,” Lance said, armour rustling as he shifted in the rafters. “How long, Pidge?”
Seventy-four percent. “Almost Seven.”
“Maybe they won’t figure it out and we’ll get out scott-free.”
“Unfortunately, that’s our only exit,” Keith said.
“Unless there’s another way out. Hunk?”
Lance sounded optimistic, but Pidge knew the answer before it came. They’d all studied the blueprints. “That’s the only entrance. I think they know something’s up, there are a lot of hostiles moving in your direction very quickly.”
“Six,” she chanted, answering the question before Keith could ask it.
Nerves threatened at the back of her throat, but she forced them back down as Keith dropped into a defensive stance, his voice steady as he said, “Allura.”
“Be ready. We might need that extraction.”
“Standing by.”
The sound of metal and wood clashing reverberated throughout the room. Pidge curled in on herself, trying to make herself as small a target as possible without losing the connection. They needed this intel. At the very minimum, it would exonerate her and Lance and save the alliance.
Eighty-five percent.
“Don’t worry Pidge, we’ve got your back.”
There was confidence in Lance’s voice, and Pidge felt a fleeting desire to see him. “I know. Four minutes.”
“How many outside, Hunk?”
“I’m counting ten, with more incoming.”
Keith swore and moved out of her field of vision entirely as the noises through the door grew louder, likely taking up a position at her back. “Get ready.”
Not much I can really do. Fighting the urge to grab her bayard, she inhaled deeply and focused on the screen. Eighty-nine percent. Three minutes.
The pounding grew louder. A single bead of sweat dripped down her brow.
“Allura, get in the air. How long, Pidge?”
“Two minutes.”
She briefly heard Allura’s confirmation, and then all hell broke loose. The door gave way with the sound of splintering wood and an almighty crash, then a roar filled the room as footsteps pounded towards them and Keith yelled, “Get down!”
Hunkering down further, she forced herself to focus on the download. Ninety-four percent. Less than two minutes.
A pop, a heavy thud, and she knew Lance had just taken down someone who got too close. The body didn’t move again. Must be Galran.
“Don’t kill the Miskirans!” Keith yelled, and Pidge found herself hysterically wondering why the fuck they’d sent a sniper and a swordsman in with the instructions to ‘wound, not kill, under any circumstances’. Miskiran lives were precious.
More precious than theirs, apparently.
One minute left.
“C’mon c’mon c’mon…” she chanted. Groans of pain reverberated in her ears, so more than a few of the too-precious-to-die Miskirans must have been littering the floor. Keith was still fighting, Allura was in her ears reporting that she was less than two minutes out, and the bar kept ticking upwards…
Ninety-eight… Ninety-nine…
“Yes! Done!” She slammed the gauntlet down and spun, hand flying to her holster and ready to join the fray.
She didn’t get the chance. Her bayard flew from her grip as she was hoisted into the air, sharp claws slowly digging through her suit and into the flesh of her neck. Pain exploded in her throat and she gasped, struggling to breathe, hands coming up to scrabble at the armoured hand of the Miskiran who held her.
Glittering gold eyes glared from a black-and-white patched face, sharp teeth far too close for comfort as her captor hissed: “You won’t get out of here alive. We’ll have—”
The world exploded in red.
 Later that night, Pidge tossed and turned, unable to sleep.
The blood had taken forever to wash off. Her armour was in the steriliser — the last time she’d seen it, it had been more pink than white. At least her helmet had stopped any from getting in her hair. They’d had to check her blood for contaminants, though, as her suit had been compromised.
She shuddered as she brought a hand to her throat. Her windpipe had been crushed, but a quick stint in a pod and now there weren’t even marks.
Somehow that felt wrong.
Pidge was the lucky one, though. She remembered all-too-well the helpless frustration of seeing your teammate lying injured on death’s doorstep. All Pidge remembered was everything going red, and then she was waking up to her brother’s waiting arms.
The pods always made her sleepy, so after that it had been food, a shower and then bed, in quick succession. She’d woken up sometime after dinner, refreshed after her blessedly dreamless sleep, only to be accosted and dragged into a tight, lingering hug by absolutely everybody she came across.
Even Keith had grabbed her and held on tight, raising the number of Keith-initiated hugs she’d experienced to one. She must have looked like death when they got back.
Lance had been conspicuously absent, though, and as Pidge reshaped her pillow for the third time in five minutes she couldn’t help but wonder if that was why she couldn’t sleep.
Sure, she was probably going to see him in her dreams again, but she kind of wanted to see him now. At the very least, she owed him a thank you for saving her life.
Pushing herself out of bed before she could think too much, she slipped on her lion slippers and started gathering supplies. Lance was probably awake as well, and she had a hard drive with 200TB of movies on it. A movie night sounded like a good distraction.
She took a step and paused, computer in hands, as the cool air of the hallway hit her bare shoulders.
First, she had to get changed.
 Less than ten minutes later she was settled on Lance’s bed in her Altean pyjamas, leaning back against the wall as she watched him try to hook her laptop up to the screen in his room. Something about the way his brow furrowed as he glared at the wires was endlessly entertaining: she could watch him do that for hours and not get bored.
“You know, I could do that in two ticks, right?” she offered, eyebrow raised, inwardly wincing when the effect was ruined by a jaw-cracking yawn.
“You sure you won’t fall asleep?” he replied, shooting her a smirk over his shoulder before going back to it. “Besides I think I’ve...aha!”
The screen flickered to life and Pidge cheered when he returned to her, grinning proudly as he handed her the laptop. “Check it out, the cable’s even long enough!”
“Of course it is, I brought it,” she said, rolling her eyes. “What do you want to watch?”
“Something light. Family-friendly.” He paused. “Nothing with blood in it.”
The implication hung heavy in the air. Pidge hesitated, then clicked on the folder labelled ‘Disney’. “Have you seen Frozen?”
“I have a niece, Pidge, I’ve seen it a million times.”
“How do you feel about seeing it a million and one?”
Lance laughed, and the tension vanished. “Yeah. Good.”
When they settled back against the wall — laptop safely on the floor and out of accidental kicking range — Lance startled her by wrapping an arm around her waist, his expression sheepish but his eyes haunted when she glanced at him for answers. “Look, I know we still have to talk and you said you were confused, but is this okay? Just...for now?”
She hesitated for only a second before snuggling into the embrace, flopping one of her legs over his as she curled up against his chest. Lance quickly drew her closer, pressing a kiss against her hair, and Pidge couldn’t stop the giggle from slipping out. “Okay. Now watch the movie.”
“Yes, Katie,” he chanted, sitting up a little straighter. “I’m pretty sure I can recite this movie word-for-word, though.”
“Just don’t sing,” she said with a laugh. The ice men were finishing their manly chorus on screen, and as the shot panned out to the stars Pidge was irrepressibly reminded of the view from the baths the night before.
Which reminded her of something else. “By the way,” she said, “it’s Caterina.”
“My name. It’s Caterina,” she repeated softly, suddenly feeling shy. “That’s what Katie’s short for.”
His shoulders began to shake, and she smacked her palm against his chest, eyes narrowed. “Don’t call me that though. Seriously. The only person who calls me that is my nonna, and even then I only tolerate it.”
“Really? Your mom doesn’t say something like Caterina Maria Holt, get down here when you’re in trouble?” Lance pitched a falsetto on the name, eyes overflowing with mirth as he pushed her bangs back off her face.
“Oh my god, Lance.” She buried her face in his chest to hide from him. “I am not telling you my middle name.”
Laughter spilled from his lips, making his entire body vibrate. “Is it really Maria?!”
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guillotinedangel · 5 years
Day 02. ANCIENT.
Based on the January 2019 prompt list published by @downwithwritersblock
Author: @blackpaladintshirogane aka @guillotinedangel
Characters: Allura, Lance, Keith, Hunk, Pidge, Shiro and some original ones added by me which are Rajhet and his soldiers.
Ships: None.
Summary: The paladins find themselves in a planet devastated by the Galra. While they try to find survivors, Hunk and Allura walk into a hallway that takes them back in time.
"I don't even know what are we doing in this desert. This place is dead! Can't we go back to the castle now?" Lance whined, kicking a rock as him and the rest of the paladins walked across the dusty empty street of the collapsed city they've been patrolling for the last hour.
Keith growled at the Cuban's words but he didn't say a thing. Shiro smiled down at him, proud that the red paladin had been able to control his impulses for once.
"You know we can't" Allura stated, handling the situation.
"We picked a weird frequency coming out of this planet. I tried to decript the message, but I wasn't able to, so we have to check this the old fashioned way"
"And get killed in the process?" Lance replied, closing the fingers around his bayard tighter. That place gave him the chills even though its warm weather, "We don't know if it was the Galra or something worse to lure us here"
"It could also be a distress call" Shiro slowed down his pace to walk besides the blue paladin, "As paladins of Voltron our duty is to help anybody who is in danger"
"I get that, but we should care a little bit more about our lives if we're so important. We didn't even brought the lions!"
"They can scare people away" Keith stated dryly.
"Yeah! Precisely!"
"Uh. Guys?" Hunk stopped walking and called everyone's attention, pointing his finger at a huge piramidal construction that had seemed to appear out of nowhere, "Has that thing been there all along?"
Lance detained his steps right before crashing against the yellow paladin's back, and peeked over his shoulders to see what he was talking about.
"It definitely wasn't"
And indeed the building seemed to have popped out of nowhere, like an illusion.
"Should we check it out?" Keith suggested.
"No way! One thing is wander an abandoned town and another getting into a creepy alien piramid; ah, ah, no, just, no! "
"I'm actually with Lance on this one" Hunk mumbled, twisting his fingers with a worried look on his face, "It doesn't look welcoming"
"We still haven't found the source of the emission and this place looks like the only thing standing in miles. Maybe it's worth our while" Pidge was already looking at the construction with shiny eyes, "Who knows what we can find in there"
"Mummies and deadly traps"
"Lance, won't you shut up for a second?" Keith snapped.
"Look, mullet, I don't know if your emo soul is driving you to the darkness, but I don't wanna die young, even thought I'd make a beautiful corpse"
"You two, shut up" Shiro intervened, "We will go inside and look for survivors. Just grab your weapons and don't split up"
Grinning his teeth and not very convinced, Lance followed the rest of the team inside the piramid but, as expected, the place was huge, filled with twisted paths and narrow passageways. All the walls looked the same, and, as they walked deeper into the core of the construction, some paintings started to decorate them, so beautiful and luring that soon enough, Allura and Hunk found themselves alone at a dead end.
"Um, Allura?" Hunk called his partner with a trembling voice, looking around at the cold darkness, "I think we're alone"
The princess also took a quick look at the empy space, but she didn't seem to be as shaken as the paladin who quickly tried to contact any of the other pilots, without succeeding. Only static was heard on the other side of the comms.
"We're alone, lost and alone! We're gonna die here!"
"This is so weird" Allura mumbled, taking a step towards the adorned wall, ignoring Hunk's ranting, "Some of the paintings seem to be... glowing?"
She elongated her hand to touch them, but before Hunk's warning could reach her ears, a blinding beam of light swallowed the room.
When they opened their eyes again, the hallway had slightly changed. I wasn't dark anymore, as some torches were pending from metallic ornaments on the walls, the flames licking the rock on a scintillating motion that seemed hypnotic. Also, there was a sweet scent in the ambient, nothing like the tainted and thick air they had been breathing seconds before.
"Where are we? What just happened?"
"I told you not to touch it" Hunk said, with his back against the dead end, gazing, mistrustful, to the long hall ahead of them.
"I couldn't help it, it's like if I was driven--"
Allura stopped talking as soon as her sharp hearing caught some other sound in the air. She tried to focus, after shushing Hunk, just in case there were any of the other paladins, but she wasn't able to recognize the voices... Or the language.
" Hunk, do you have your bayard still with you?"
"Yes, why?"
"Because we may have to use it"
Both of them stood in silence while the approaching beings' steps started to echo in the empty room. Their hearts where racing like wild horses, sweat dripping down their foreheads... Until a dark skinned alien's head popped out of a passageway.
When his eyes met theirs, he barked something in a rough language and another three like him showed up, blocking the only way Allura and Hunk had to escape.
Looking at them, you could say they were scary nonetheless. They had long snoots garnished with a long row of sharp teeth, black furred skin and pointy ears they were laying back, in a threatening way; the three of them dressed with nothing but a colorful garment similar to a skirt and several golden jewelry adorning their limbs and neck. Also, they were armed with long spears, that were pointing at the intruders.
They looked canine, or so Hunk thought.
"They're gonna eat us!"
"We are here to do you no harm" Allura spoke in a soothing tone, "We received the transmission, we just want to help"
The four soldiers exchanged looks and one of them, that looked like the leader because of his strong presence and bigger and more richly bejeweled necklace, addressed them in a low husky tone.
"Are you Altean?"
His question took Allura by surprise, who rose her hand to touch the marks on her cheeks without even noticing.
"I am. How do you know that?"
With a quick wave of his hand, the leader dismissed the other soldiers who lowered their weapons.
"Our planet is a strong ally to yours. My name is Rajhet, guardian of this temple. How did you get in?"
"We received a distress frequency from this planet" the princess explained, "We patrolled the city for survivors until the temple appeared out of nowhere. We thought the signal may come from here, so we walked in"
"Survivors? Walked in?" Rajhet raised and eyebrow and looked at them in disbelief, "We have suffered no attacks, our city is golden and prosper as ever. And there's no way you could have just walked into the temple without the permission of the gate guards"
"Gate guards?" Hunk repeated, "There were none. And the city is destroyed, we guess the Garla attacked it"
Rajhet turned around, enraged, to look at his soldiers. One of them, the shortest, seemed to shrink even more under the threatening gaze of his superior. He mumbled something with a scared voice before Rajhet turned back to the princess and the paladin.
" My soldier says no attack has befallen our planet, and why would the Galra attack us? They're as much as an ally to Altea as we are. You're making no sense" as he spoke, his volumen rose to a point were a low growl started to creep on his throat. At the first sound of it, the soldiers rose their weapons again, "You better explain yourself right now, or else"
"Lance was right! We're gonna die here!" Hunk shrieked.
"Wait! You don't understand!"
"You're intruders in our temple! Liars! What are you doing here!?"
As they started to get more angry, the soldiers slowly reduced the space between them and Allura and Hunk, with their weapons ahead.
"We are not liars!"
"Allura!" Hunk tugged the princess' arm and signaled the wall behind him to her, "The wall is shinning again, do what you did before!"
"Just touch it!"
"Wait!!" Rajhet shouted, but his words died in the void, as the light flooded the room again like before.
When Allura and Hunk opened their eyes, the hallway was dark again, the air tainted and they were alone.
"Hunk! Princess! Come in!" Shiro's familiar voice sounded on the other side of the comms.
"Oh thank the stars!" Hunk sighed.
"We are here" Allura responded.
"Are you okay?"
"Alright, Pidge found a way out. Just stay still, we're coming to get you."
"No. Don't worry, we're not moving a finger until you get here" Hunk said, sitting on the floor and leaning away from the wall, looking at it with reticence, "leave alone touching anything"
But Allura was not listening anymore, but thinking about Rahjet's words. Allies to Altea? Like the Galra? And he had recognized her as altean, even though no one had seen one of her species for centuries.
"Here you are" Shiro sighed with relief upon seeing his teammates safe and sound, "What happened? We tried to contact you, but we only got static. Where have you been?"
"I think..." Allura stammered, still in shock by the only explanation her reasoning was giving her "I think we just traveled to the past"
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general-kogee · 6 years
Klance - Don’t Think Twice
The rest can be found here :D
         Lance— with his large gleeful smile entered the small café on 10th. He was meeting up with a couple of friends from school. The boy gave off an aura of joy, it was hard not to smile when you saw him. Sitting in the back by the window were two of his friends, Pidge and Shiro. Unexpectedly was a third person sitting at the table beside Shiro. Lance wasn't sure who it was.
         The boy had a raven black mullet— Dark blue eyes and a plain black T-shirt. Lance approached the table as Pidge smiled and motioned for him to sit down.
          "Lance, this is Keith, he's my a younger brother, he's only a year older than you," Shiro explained as Lance raised an eye curiously. He smiled. "I didn't know you had a younger brother," Lance said as he took a hold of Pidge's drink and took a sip. Pidge tried to grab it back but lance just leaned to the side.
          Lance handed back Pidge's drink. He looked at Keith, who sat a little awkwardly.  "So, what do you like to do? Tell us about you," Lance smiled as he looked up at Lance. He thought for a moment. "Um, I collect knives," He said as Pidge almost choked on her drink. Lance raised an eyebrow. "That's an… interesting hobby," She spoke her voice raising in pitch slightly. Shiro chuckled and shook his head slightly. "He isn't as weird as he looks, He's just socially inept. Once you get to know him, he's not so bad," Shiro explained.
          "Hey!" Keith looked at his elder brother. Lance chuckled. Lance grinned as he looked at Shiro. "So how are you and that girl coming… Allura was it?" He asked. Keith snickered to the side as Shiro glared. "He—" Shiro leapt to cover Keith's mouth. The two fell off their chairs as Shiro basically tackled him to the ground. "Shut up," Shiro said.
          To no one's surprise, a waiter came around and asked the group of four to leave because of the disruption. Now they were all sitting outside in the burning hot heat of July. "Thanks a lot, you two," Pidge glared at Shiro and Shiro specifically. Shiro scratched the back of his head as Keith crossed his arms in a small pout. "Sorry?" Shiro said.
          "Nothing we can do about it now, let's go to my place it's nearby," Shiro continued. Everyone nodded. They walked in the beaming heat sweating. Pidge posed a question for Lance on the way to distract from the horrible heat. "Hey, Lance? Are dating again yet?" Lance yawned to allow fresh air into his system. He shook his head. "No, not after Daniel," he replied. Pidge stuck her tongue out in disgust. Shiro and Keith raised an eyebrow.
          "I hated that guy!" She explained. Lance grunted annoyed at his friend now. She and he were really good friends, he just wished she'd stop inputting on his relationships. "You hate every guy I date," Lance rolled his eyes. Keith raised his eyebrows in surprise.
         "You're… gay?" He asked. Lance shook his head.            "No I'm bisexual, if you need a label, I don't really care for them though," Lance Explained. Keith nodded as Pidge butted in again.
          "I hate every guy you date cause they're assholes," She turned her nose. Lance released an annoyed sigh. "Come on Don't fight," Shiro smiled trying to stop an argument from ensuring as the three glared at him. "Says the guy who got us kicked out of the café," they all spoke simultaneously.
          Shiro backed off a small tear in his eye.  "It was an accident," he sighed. Keith chuckled in response to his brother's sigh.
         "Are they really all that bad?" Keith asked directing his question at Pidge. She nodded. She certainly thought so. Lance was over talking about his personal life. It was getting to him now.
         "You guys don't understand, and he wasn't that bad" he mumbled turning his head. Lance tugged at the strap of his backpack. Pidge clicked her tongue. "Lance! How can you defend him! He—" Pidge shouted she was shaking slightly with anger. Lance glared and shouted her name at her and she stopped what she was about to say.
         "Katie! That is personal, I trust you so just… don't" He placed a hand over his left shoulder. Pidge frowned and released a breath. "I'm sorry... But I care about you and I don't want you defending something who treated you like that okay. Let's just leave it at that,"
          Luckily they were at Shiro's apartment building now so that conversation could end and they could just head up.
         Lance slipped off his shoes when he got into the apartment. Pidge was the one who put them away neatly does, and dramatically to show how annoyed she was. Lance grinned as she rolled her eyes.
         They sat on the couch. Shiro looked in his cupboard for a couple bags of chips."So… wanna play Mario Party?" Lance suggested.
           3 hours later, at the end of the 3rd game, Lance and Keith were at each other's throats. "What the fuck was that! We had a bonding moment, I gave you a star!" Keith shouted grabbing onto Lance's Collar. Lance pulled away putting his hand over his chest. He paused a moment. "Nope, don't remember didn't happen, You're the one who made me lose my coins first anyways," He glared at the boy. Keith groaned annoyed as Shiro tried to pull the two apart. "Seriously guys it's just a game," Lance stepped back before Shiro had to push him back.
         "It's not just a game, this is a betrayal of trust," Lance pointed, his finger nearly touching Keith's chest. Keith swatted it away. "You didn't get mad at Pidge when she stabbed you in the back!" He gestured to the small girl who just snickered at the two.  "That's to be expected though! She's a small demon in girls body!"
        "Hey!" Pidge crossed her arms offended.          This argument went on for another 20 minutes before they decided to never play Mario Party again.
         Tired and late. They decided to just sleep at Shiro's place. Shiro brought out his mattress for her and Keith to share in front of the TV. Lance and Pidge took the leather couch. Pidge was small enough it wasn't a big deal and she trusted lance more than enough. It wasn't like they hadn't shared a bed before anyways.
          Shiro put on Mulan to watch as they fell asleep. He had a strict no talking rule while Mulan was one. No one was allowed to mess with Mulan. It was his favourite movie.
         Shiro ironically was the first to fall asleep. Lance found he and Keith deeply asleep by the end of the movie. Lance, however, was still perfectly awake. He browsed his phone as the credits came to s close.
         "Lance, are you okay?" Pidge asked. The boy shook his head. He was in fact —Not— okay. "Katie, I can't sleep yet," Pidge sat up. When Lance used her actual name it usually meant he was serious.
         "Talk to me," she rubbed her eyes. "I guess I'm still not over it," Lance explained as he played candy crush. He still wore a smile. "Get over it? If anyone tells you to get over it, I'll personally beat them for you," She spoke tiredly but seriously. Lance chuckled nodding. He knew that.
           "I'm sorry for what I said earlier, it's just... Still, a sensitive subject and I'm still processing what really happened even now," He turned his phone off and laid his head on the pillow behind him. "I'm sorry for bringing to up," Pidge yawned. It wasn't long before the two had also fallen asleep. "Sweet dreams," Lance whispered before he fell asleep. It's to bad his dreams were not as sweet as he'd of liked them.
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panda-noosh · 6 years
Can I request scenarios for the guys, where they're talking with their s/o about something and just kinda rambling until they notice s/o is staring at them with a adoring smile, the guys are like "what??" And s/o is like "you're cute when you ramble" and gives them a soft kiss on the cheek
  Here you go! x
  There wasn't a lotof things that got Shiro talking at the speed he was currentlyspeaking.
  Slav had been a bittoo much today. Even for Shiro, the man who everybody believed hadthe most patience out of the entire group. For the entire day, Slavhad made it his duty to make Shiro want to rip his own hair out infrustration, and Shiro was feeling the frustration.
   He tried to hideit. With everything in him, the last thing he wanted to do was showSlav that his melodramatic ways were having an affect on the leader,but it was getting more and more difficult to do just that.
   It had started outslow – Slav flicking Shiro's upper arm before adding in a commentabout how 'muscular' the black Paladin was. Shiro could handle thatwith a simple roll of his eyes – nothing new from the weirdcreature that was Slav.
   But then the dayprogressed, and with the incoming darkness came along Slav's moreannoying side. He started to throw himself around the room in anattempt to get Shiro's attention, yelling about how much 'emotionalpain' he was in after leaving the Galra ship. He went into greatdetail explaining how he had made friends with the crickets thatmanifested in the walls, and how curious he was to how they weregetting on right now.
   Shiro had had totake a time out in the other room before continuing on with his work.
   The end of the daycouldn't have come around quick enough. Shiro bombarded himselfthrough the hallways, carrying his plate of spaghetti bolognaise withhim to the bedroom the two of you shared. He knew that eating on thebed wasn't allowed, but he didn't have the energy to care at thismoment.
   He pushed open thedoor to the bedroom, ignoring the way you awkwardly fumbled with yourfood in an attempt to hide the fact that you were already breakingthe one rule the two of you had set out for one another – no eatingon the bed.
   Shiro didn't speakas he slumped down next to you on the mattress, immediately digginghis fork into the meal and slurping up his first forkful ofspaghetti.
   You cautiouslyglanced at him, a noodle hanging from your mouth that you didn'tbother to move just yet. Shiro hadn't greeted you with the usual peckon the cheek, or the usual groan of discomfort after a long hard dayof working. He was simply eating – quite furiously, if you had todescribe it.
    “I hate thisbit,” you say, shattering the tense silence which had settledbetween the two of you.
   Shiro looks up andgrunts in question, clearly confused about your comment.
   You set your plateof spaghetti to the side, wiping your hands on your jeans. “Thisbit. The bit where you refuse to tell me what's wrong.”
   Shiro raises abrow, though he knows you're right. That was a problem he had, evento this day. Even after nearly two years of dating you, he still hadtrouble telling you when things got too much – especially when thereason behind his overwhelmed state was over something as stupid asSlav.
   Nevertheless,it always felt good to talk about it when he was finally able to, somaybe he shouldn't hide todays events from you. Maybe he should justlet go.
    Heslurps up his forkful of noodles and sighs groggily, letting his headfall back against the headboard. “Slav is seriously just – he'ssomething else, you know? He's completely and utterly – somethingelse and I hate that he gets to me so easily. It's what he wants,which is the even more annoying thing. He wants meto react. He wants meto get annoyed, and it's working, but I can't just show himthat. So I end up messing up my work because I'm trying so hard tonot listen to him, but his voice just goes right through me. It'slike – how does he even do it? Idon't understand! I'm the damn leader and I can't even get people'sattention like he does!”    Shiro runs is hands through hishair roughly, tugging on the strands gently before continuing.
   “Itry so hard to get on with him. I really do. You know Ido.”
   “Ofcourse I do, babe.”
   “-buthe's like a god damn infant! Needs so much care and attention or elsehe starts whining and kicking and being frustrating.”
   Shiro'svoice falters as he realises the extent of his outburst. His eyesslowly drift over to you, his own heartbeat speeding up when henotices the way you're looking at him – adoration. Even though hehad just completely lost himself in complaining about something sosimple, you're looking at him with that glint in your eyes that youonly ever held whenever you were looking at him.
   Ofcourse he noticed this side of you. He loved this side of you. Theside that made him feel special when he didn't feel special himself.You were the only person who was ever able to make him feel likethat, and even though he had had a bad day, you still managed tobring him down from whatever anger high he was on a minute ago.
   “W-what?”he stammers. You smile lazily and shake your head.
   BeforeShiro has a chance to respond, you've leaned across the mattress andare pressing a soft kiss to the space right behind his ear, leavinggoosebumps to tingle on Shiro's skin at the contact.
   You'vebarely pulled away when you whisper, “You're cute when you ramble,”your lips still grazing his skin and his entire body heating up.
   Maybehe should get annoyed at Slav more often.
   “Ineed someone to rant to and you're the only person I could think of.”
   Keithdoesn't even say hello. He storms into your office without knocking,letting it slam closed behind him and making your shoulders jolt atthe sudden sound ringing through your previously quiet quarters.
   Youslowly turn around in your seat, eyes narrowed and eyebrow raised inconfusion. You had seen Keith like this before, of course. Contraryto popular belief, he often had these outbursts, but it was only everyou who had to endure them.
   Itwasn't as if you minded, though. You often found his rants quiteamusing.
   Hesits down roughly in the spinning chair beside your own, turningyours around so you're facing him completely. You can't hide thesmile which makes its way onto your face at his eagerness to talk,his hands clamping on your knees and gently massaging the area as away to get his own nervous energy out.
   Yourest your hands atop of his and listen.
    “So,you know like I was telling you about the left overs I left in thefridge a few days back?” he begins, and you frown. “Well, youknow how excited I was about those left overs. They were basicallyall I was looking forward to when I was on the mission this morning,and I got home earlier on just in time to see Lance throwingthem in the bin.”He tuts his tongue, turning away as if the words had physically hurthim to say. “He said that they were left in there too long and thatI would get sick if I even tried to eat them. Can you believe that?Him acting as if he knows my body.”
    “Areyou talking about the left over wings you were telling me about?”you question and Keith nods, eyes wide. “Keith, that was nearly aweek ago. It's not safe to-”
   “Youtoo?” Keith exclaims, flinching his hands back into his lap as ifyour jeans had burned him. “Not only are my friends going againstme, but so if my girlfriend?Whocan I trust on this god damn ship if I can't trust you guys? Am Igonna have to go off on my own again, because I've done it once andI'll do it again.”
   “You'rebeing dramatic.”
   “Yeah,that's what happens whenever a man gets hungry,” he grunts, foldinghis arms over his chest and slumping back in the spinning chair. “Ijust can't believe this. Now I have nothing to eat for dinner and I'mtoo polite to ask Hunk if he'll cook me something, since I've alreadytold him I don't want dinner because I thoughtIhad wings to come back to. Now that's gone the drain, I'll probablyhave to end up making noodles or something once everybodies gone tobed, and we both know how that turned out last time. The burn markstill hasn't gotten off the counter, and Shiro stillrefusesto be in the same room as me whenever there's anything even mildlywarm around.”
   Hebites down on his lip, looking away from you and you can't help butstare at him in absolute adoration. Even as he continues to babbleabout nothing and everything all at once, he still manages to makethe butterflies erupt in your stomach and you have to fold your armsacross your stomach to soothe them even a little bit.
  It'sonly then that Keith realises you are, in fact, staring at him insuch a way. His sentence trails off in the middle of his words andhis eyes click down to look at yours, you not breaking eye contactnor wiping the smile off your face.
   Heraises a brow, feeling a blush creep up on his face. “What are youlooking at me like that for?”
   Yougiggle slightly, lean forward and press a surprise kiss to his cheek,watching as the blush finally takes over, washing over his everyfeature.
   Youpull back, this time with his hand intertwined with yours. “Noreason. You're just cute when you ramble. Please, tell me more aboutyour lack of left overs.”
   When Lance got anidea in his head, it was hard to banish that idea.
   He was what a lotof people called 'adamant.' With his overactive mind and imagination,the possibilities of the world were open to him and he used everysingle one to his advantage. Even the most bizarre of suggestionsnever failed to slip past his lips and make themselves known into theworld. Sometimes it was as simple as rolling your eyes at his wordsthat got him to drop the idea; other times, it was a bit morecomplicated than that.
   Like today, whenLance had bizarrely offered up the idea for you and him to startraising a puppy together.
    There were manyissues with this idea, you knew. First of all, Lance was far fromcapable of raising a puppy with his busy schedule, and yours wasn'tmuch better. Second of all, neither of you had any idea how toraise a puppy. And third – you literally lived in space, on amassive ship that was constantly under attack. Bringing a puppy intothe mix would only add to the hectic aura the ship already held.
   Lancedidn't seem to understand these simple reasons behind you're denialof his request. Which was why he was currently sat beside you now,one hand placed on your elbow. You refused to look over at him. Hispleading eyes had a way of making you crumble into his hands.
   “Okay,tell me one thing,” he says, rubbing circles on your elbow in anattempt to get you to agree with him. It wouldn't work. You wouldn'tlet it. “Would you not love tohave a dog? Just a little one? I'm hardly gonna go out and buy analsation, but something small. Would you not love that?”
   Youpurse your lips, continuing to keep your stubborn gaze on the work infront of you. “Lance, we can't get a dog. There's nothing you cansay that will change that.”
   “Ionly asked a question!” he exclaimed. “We've been together fornearly two years, okay? Think of this as – like – a pre-proposal.The dog is the ring. It's a commitment thing.”
   Youshake your head.
   Lancepouts, bringing his hand back into his lap as he gazes at you. Youcan tell just from his aura that he's getting worked up, desperatefor you to understand and as much as you would love to be able toshare in such a commitment with the man you loved, there was otheraspects to think about – most of which included the safety ofyourselves and others.
   “Iwasn't going to beg, but you've given me no other choice,” Lancemumbles, suddenly. You snap your gaze to him, mouth opening a littlebit. “Y/N L/N, love of my life, beautiful person with whom I am sohappy to call mine – can we please geta puppy?”
   Yougo to reply, the word 'no' still playing at your lips, but Lancenotices your facial expression and dives forward before you have achance to deny his request all over again. His fingers grab for yourhands, tugging them away from the work which litters the desk andpulling them into his lap.
   “Wecan give it such a cute name, Y/N! Think about it. Think about itrunning around our room, all cute and small. And at Christmas we'llput a bow on it and we'll take loads of pictures – we can do afamily Christmas card! You'll hold the puppy and we'll be on eitherside of it and we can send those out and make every other familyjealous, because they have to deal with children and actual humansand we get the same feelings but with easier consequences, you know?Like, I'm really thinking this through. I'm really, reallythinking this through, whetheryou believe me or not.”
   Youraise a brow, shocked at his sudden outburst.
   “Youcan even name it if you want. I won't argue, but the name Cliffordsticks out to me a lot – but you can name it! I won't interfere!And we can buy it a little bed, yeah? Put it beside our bed and itwon't even wake us up in the night because it's a dog and dog's don'tdo that.”
   You'resmiling by now, amusement bubbling at your stomach as you listen tohim ramble on.
   “Iknow you're thinking about the others, but I'm 90% sure the only onewho's allergic to dogs is Keith, and we don't even mind if he gets anallergic reaction, do we? So it's fine. Nobody else will care and –what are you smiling at?”
    Youshake your head numbly, the smile still playing at your lips as youreach your fingers up and curl them in a stray strand of his hairwhich had become loose from the long day of work he had been doing –plus the rambling rampage he was on right now.
   Henarrows his eyes, pulling away from you for a second as he inspectsyour still amused expression.
   “You'renot taking me seriously, are you?”
   Youchuckle. “I'm sorry, okay? We can't get a dog, and you know wecan't. It would be cruel for the poor thing to live in theseconditions. Maybe after everything's settled down, yeah?”
   Lancepouts, but you can see the fight dying from his eyes as he realisesyou're right. You've been right this entire time.
   Hesighs and leans forward, resting his head against your collar bone.You wrap an arm around his shoulder, playing with the thin strands ofhair at the back of his head.
   “You'recute when you ramble, by the way.”
   Hunkcared a little too much about what other people thought of him attimes, and it was a quirk of his you had been trying to brush out ofhis system from the moment you had noticed it.
   Evenbefore the two of you were officially dating – simply awkwardpeople barely smiling at each other when you passed one another inthe halls – you had been trying to get Hunk to stop caring so much.Stop worrying about what other people thought of him to do what madehim happy.You knew he had hobbies, but you also knew he never portrayed them totheir full potential due to his paralysing fear of being judged.
   Youhad always been the one to nod at his suggestions, give them a go.You had always been the one to encourage him to speak duringmeetings. You had always been the one to scold others for judging himeven the slightest bit, because he didn't deserve any of it.
   Ithad been a long process, a road filled with bumps and some that werestill prominent. He hadn't been completely cured of this worry ofhis, and today was just showing you that fact in full view.
   Hehad stumbled into your and his shared bedroom a little earlier thanyou had expected. You had been in the middle of setting up thecomputer system, a laptop sat up on the bed where you had just beenworking. Whenever you heard the door open, you hesitantly turned,shocked to find Hunk walking in with his cheeks beetroot red and hishands covering them.
    “Hunk?”you say, straightening up. “What are you doing here? I thought themeeting was meant to go on until-”
   Hecuts you off with a groan of despair before throwing himself towardsyou. You barely have time to drop the remote in your hand before hisbody has replaced it, his head leaning against the top of your own ashe continues to groan in embarrassment of whatever event had happenedthat day.
   Younarrow your eyes, gently running your hands through his hair. “What'swrong, Hunk?”
   Hesniffles, pulling away from you. He doesn't look to be too upset –just embarrassed, though that doesn't stop you from taking his handand messing with the rings on his finger in the way you always didwhenever he was about to tell you something that may be hard for himto admit.
    “Ijust – the meeting didn't go quite as I had planned and I had toget out of there.”
   Heinhales, and it is then that you knowheis about to let go. The way he tilts his head back to reveal theveins in his neck, or the way he grits his teeth as he thinks aboutthe event which happened. He was about to let go, and you had to beprepared for it.
   Hishand squeezes yours once before he begins his rant. “I was tryingto speak up because I had a suggestion on how to fix the ship up, butI got shy and I couldn't do it. I ended up just pulling myself intothe background again and listening to everybody, and I don't mean tobrag, but nobodies idea seemed as good as mine and I reallywantedto speak up, but I couldn't. It was like my mouth was genuinelyclamped shut or something. So throughout the entire thing I was justtrying so hard to speak up, but the Blade of Marmora guys look reallyintimidating and I didn't want to just embarrass myself in front ofthem, so staying quiet seemed like the best option. But then theywere about to pull the plug on the meeting, and I knew it was now ornever, so I stepped forward to speak and I ended up just hiccuping.”
   Hecloses his eyes and your own bulge from your head, a choked gaspescaping your lips at the words that just passed through his. It wasfar from what you were expecting, and you had to cough to hide thelaugh that was threatening to make it's way to the surface.
    “Andthen I tried to get away, and I was apologising and bowing and Iended up tripping over Keith's chair. I just fled from the room afterthat.”
   Hunkshakes his head, finally unclasping his hand from yours to rub at theback of his head, a groan escaping his lips again. You bite down hardon your bottom lip, shaking your head slightly as you stare up at thegoof of a man you were very grateful you had fallen in love with,because it was stories like these that reminded you just why you hadfallen in love with him in the first place – he was so human.Wheresometimes you could genuinely forget Shiro was born and raised onplanet earth due to the amount of inhuman skill he showed, Hunk neverfailed to remind you that making mistakes was perfectly fine – evenfor big, bad Paladin's like himself.
   Hunk'seyes flitter down to meet yours, and you see him visibly relax whenhe sees the amused grin on your face. He sighs and shakes his head,lazily grinning back at you.
    “Ijust did it again, didn't I?”
   Youstep forward. “By 'it' do you mean go off on a rant aboutabsolutely nothing again?”
   Henods, mumbling in response.
   Youchuckle, lean up on your tippy-toes and press a kiss to his cheek.“Don't worry. You're cute when you ramble.”
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ohahahahaha · 7 years
Fic idea that won't leave me alone: Lance comes from a family that isn't healthy. Dad is an alcoholic. And when dad gets drunk he's emotionally abusive. So team gets back to earth and Lance is ecstatic to see his siblings and the team stays at the house for a while. But things are weird with lance and his dad, like lance is waiting for the shoe to drop. And that night the team takes siblings out, but when they come back dad is yelling at lance and he just takes it like 'Okay dad, you're right.'
Consider it done!
TRIGGER WARNING!!!!! ***hints at abuse of alcohol and verbal abuse*****~~~~~When Allura told the team they were taking some time off to visit Earth, the team were ecstatic, especially Lance. “I’m afraid we won’t be able to stay too long, so we can only visit one place and stay there. But you will all have a chance to contact your families!” Lance rushed forward, excitement filling his eyes. “We can all stay at my home in Cuba! We have a tone of extra rooms where my older siblings moved or left for college!” Allura smiled and clapped her hands together. “Alright, team, it’s decided! Coran, set a course for Cuba!” Coran saluted her and gave Lance a wink. “Right away princess!” Lance was bubbling with excitement and relief. He was so happy to see his family and for his team to meet them. *My family…oh quiznak, I didn’t think.* Lance thought, frowning. *Maybe he’s changed since I’ve been gone..* Lance was lost in thought as the stars and planets passed them by, bringing them closer to home.~~~~~When the castle touched down on the soft sand, Lance bolted out of the door, arms wide as the smile on his face. “Come on, guys!! My house is just up that hill!” The chased after Lance as he ran up the hill, sand crunching underneath their feet. As the team continued to run, the house came into their view. It was a large, wooden house that had clearly been there for years. It appeared to be quite old, but it was very homey. Lance began to run faster, making the sand fly from underneath his feet. “Maria, Lucas, Teo, Marco, Selena, Tia, mama, guys!!! I’m home!!!” The team watched with wide eyes as a small mob came stumbling out of the house. “LANCE!!” Small children ran toward Lance, sprinting madly. I small sturdy woman with skin the same color as Lance’s leap from the door, tears flowing down her face. “Oh Lance! My sweet boy! Lance, oh Lance, you’re okay!” “Mama!!” Lance cried, running to her with his arms open wide. She picked him up in a bone-crushing hug as his siblings talked him to the ground. “Lance, where have you been?” “Is your hair longer?” “Did you lose weight?” “Did you bring me any presents?” His mother laughed, eyes sparkling from unshed tears. “Children! Give your hermano a chance to catch his breath! I’m sure he will tell us why he left with no explanation.” His mom said accusingly. Allura stepped forward and cleared her throat. “I believe that part is my fault. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Allura, Princess of Altea. It is a pleasure to meet you.” Allura bowed respectfully to Lance’s mom. “Mama, since you’ve already met Allura, meet the rest of my team and friends. This is Keith, Shiro, Coran (the gorgeous man), Pidge, and Hunk!” Lance introduced, gesturing to each one. “Guys, meet my mama, Marcia.” Marcia nodded at them. “Well, let’s not just stand out here in the heat! You all must be starving! Come on inside and I’ll get you-” “Marcia, what is all that noise out there?!” Came a grumbling voice from inside the home. The team noticed as Lance turned stiff and clenched his fists as the voice interrupted. They heard staggered footsteps as a tall figure walked out of the house. The man had a full mustache and his skin was a couple of shades darker than Lance’s and his mom’s. “Who are all these people?” Marcia cleared her throat. “Diego, these are Lance’s friends. Lance has come home, isn’t that wonderful?” Lance’s dad eyes him up and down, and grumbled. “Well, come here boy. Give your dad a hug then.” The team watched as Lance stiffly walked toward the man. As Lance gave him a short hug, his nose crinkled. *He reeks of alcohol. I guess somethings just never change.* A small voice spoke up. “Mama, can we pleeeeease take Lance’s friends down to the beach? Please please please please pleas-” “TEO!! Ahem, if they wish to then go right ahead.” Teo whooped and pounded his fist in the air. “Let’s go you guys! Mama, will you come with us?” “We’ll alright, let’s head that way!” The team began to head toward the beach when Lance’s dad’s voice rang out. “Lance, you stay here with me and help clean up. You’re mother just finished dinner.” Lance looked in between his father and the others. With a sigh, he nodded. “Okay. Guys I’ll catch up with you guys later. Welcome to Varadero beach!” Lance waved at them and followed his dad into their house.~~~~~The team had separated from Lance’s family, headed back toward the house exhausted from playing in the sand and water. Allura giggled. “Lance’s family is quite large.” “And energetic!” Coran added. The rest of the team laughed along when Pidge suddenly stopped, raising a finger to her lips. “Hey guys, shh. Do you hear that?” The team crept toward the window where they could hear voices. “…leaving the family like that was disrespectful. You’ve always been disrespectful. And I hear I thought some time away would fix that.” Diego’s voice rang out, speech slurred. “You’ve done nothing for this family, but bring us down. Honestly, you’re pathetic Lance. Always have and always will.” “Of course, papa. I’m sorry.” The team looked at each other in anger and shock. “Did he just say-” “Lance doesn’t really believe that does he?” “Surely he doesn’t really think that-” “Allura, where are you doing?!” Allura ignored them, rushing her way into the house. She burst through the door, fire in her eyes. Lance jumped at the noise and turned away from the dishes he was washing. “Allura? What are you doing? Is everything oka-” “Diego, sir. I’m sorry but you are wrong.” Diego lifted an eyebrow. “Excuse me?” Allura set her jaw. “You. Are. Wrong. Lance is one of the best Paladins I have ever come to know, and his talent and bravery has saved me and our team numerous times, which means he has saved the universe multiple times. You should be proud of all the things he has accomplished. He has been nothing but respectful and he has done your family proud.” The rest of the team joined her, crossing their arms and nodding. Allura raised her chin higher. “These things you say about Lance, about my Paladin, our friend couldn’t be farther from the truth.” Lance eyes began to water as he smiled softly. “G-guys..” Keith stepped forward. “And if you have a problem with Lance or any of us, you have a problem with me.” Lance’s dad eyed them and angrily huffed. “Whatever. Lance, finish cleaning. I’m going to bed. Tell your mother.” With that, he stumbled his way upstairs. Lance sat down the wash rag and wiped away the tears from his face. “T-thank you guys. For everything. He just gets like this sometimes, so-” Shiro cut him off. “That doesn’t excuse for the things he said.” The team nodded in agreement. Lance let out a wet chuckle. “I think we need a group hug now.” The team giggled and wrapped there arms around Lance. “Without our Blue Paladin, team Voltron wouldn’t be the same. You’re the heart and soul of this team, Lance. You hold us together. Don’t let anybody tell you otherwise.”
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