#kay is a musical theater nerd
I KNEW I WASN'T INSANE and maybe this is old news but listen to the part in The Underworld where Odysseus's drowned men are screaming to him, "When does a man become a monster? 558 men who died under your command"--you can hear ATHENA'S PIANO IN THE BACKGROUND because not only is she someone he's lost ("I lost my best friend, my mentor, my mom") their deaths were the direct consequence of Odysseus not listening to her
"This day, you sever your own head..." And the heads of his men with him.
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the-ninja-legacy-whip · 2 months
What clubs, teams, and other extracurricular everyone is in/will do?
Associated Reading: Past Extracurriculars!
Kai: Kai's only extra thing was temporarily being on the track team his first year, which ofc he quit when he dropped out. Doesn't take up anything new rn due to having his hands full with looking out for Lloyd (and just trying to get through school in one piece), but might get back into track for his final year.
Jay: Is still trying to make Robotics Club a legitimate thing, but until then, Sunni manages to talk him into getting back into doing science fairs (which also feeds into his upcoming extra credit project upupu). Might wind up doing Quiz Bowl or something similar in his last year too, if I'm feeling spicy.
Cole: Was into sports until The Dodgeball Incident, and doesn't take up anything new because a) he hates school, b) it's his last year anyway and c) most of his extra time will taken up by his part-time job at the Rockshot Club (does that count as a club? lol). Sometimes thinks about joining the art club, climbing club, or a dance club, but is lowkey afraid of how he'll be received. Might be able to be talked into doing climbing as a last hurrah, at least.
Zane: Obviously is on the student council, and is a member of the archery club (which has been mentioned in passing a time or two!) and the chess team. Probably would join more stuff if he could/wanted, but being on the Student Council (and the cold reception he receives) is already intimidating enough.
Nya: Also obviously on the council, would join every club if there was enough time in a life, but for now councilwork and her future job at the autobody shop takes up most of her extra time (thank goodness). ...Don't tell her a Debate Team exists, please. (Also might rejoin gymnastics down the line, should the opportunity arise)
Lloyd: The Green Ninja doesn't have time for such frivolous things, tch. ...that being said, his presence as a band member might lead to shenanigans in the future hgffgdd (buuuut he might join archery alongside Zane down the line, since while his bow and arrow skills are pretty good courtesy of his mother, he can still use the extra practice)
Jesse: Beyond councilwork, does not have anything extracurricular due to his job working at his family's place (and eventually furthering his career as a performer), buuut with the former being out of commission rn due to Great Devourer Aftermath, he's got some free time to spare...maybe by joining in on a little ninja training at a certain dojo? (He also was in choir but had to quit because he was too good. The music teacher still mourns his loss.) Might join the theater club for his final year.
Antonia: Beyond councilwork, is/will also be: in the newspaper club, on the yearbook committee, in photography, on the cycling team, on the swim team, runs a very informative blog, and yoga club. She gets up to a lot when not keeping up with ninja or keeping her best friend(s) in one piece hfdfdfghd
Harumi: Right now is just focused on her councilwork, but over the years she also gets into: VOLLEYBALL, National Honor Society (or the Ninjago equivalent), tutoring, history club, math league, debate club, martial arts, occult club, and AP classes...She and Antonia are out here doing the most.
Olivia: Has phased out of her extracurriculars due to the Shark Army being an active threat again, but was in the occult club and the dnd-equivalent club. Also probably should not be told about the Debate Team.
Miranda: Nerd. Pioneers a social media club, eagerly joins Jay's fully realized robotics club down the line, joins the soccer and ping pong teams, and does film club, a coding/website-making extracurricular (easy for her with her hacking skills), anime/manga club, and a graphic design club.
Sunni: Does science fairs like Jay, but also joins the student council cabinet after Zane graduates (Nya becomes Prez, Jesse becomes Vice Prez, and she slots in as the new secretary), partakes in spelling bees, charity work, volleyball (at least for one year, just to try it–she's not very athletic otherwise), tutoring, science bowl, and photography. Just, not all at the same time.
Harleigh: Is not academic smart whatsoever, but finds ways to flaunt her skills in other ways such as: jewelry-making club, fencing team, swim team, and the ceramics club. Also attempts volleyball but only because Sunni is there
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raspberrysmoon · 3 months
what if i told you i made it? | inevitable - the guy who didn't like musicals | 8/8
"what if i told you a story, that settled all the dust? i'm still the man you trust. it's inevitable, for us."
kai drew, fighting.
kai, his kai– his baby girl, his little performer, gone.
thats what she wanted. she left them. on purpose.
she left them, for him. for her. for a plain, entirely uninteresting office worker and a mean barista.
a regular man, who doesn’t even like musicals. a man, who has no way to get her what she wants. a man, who despite being so close to death, despite having so little time, was still a coward about his feelings. a man, who despite being so close to death, was still fighting for her.
still fighting against him. against assimilation, against life. for her.
for the family that, a week ago, he didn’t have. for the family that paul matthews did not deserve.
what paul matthews did deserve? a slow, painful, embarrassing death.
what if i told you a story,
but his baby girl would never allow something that was hers to be injured. to be harmed. to be taken.
she learned that from her papas, of course. no better teacher for possession than the originators of it.
..shes angry at him. he can feel it, deep, somewhere in his soul. shes pissed. at him.
still, he has a show for her. whether she likes the words coming out of his puppets mouths or not. if he can’t put on any other show for her, he’ll give her this.
and she will like it.
she does not like it. in fact, she quite hates it.
he’s puppeting her dad. gods, why couldn’t have it have been her? she’s done this. she can fight it. dad can’t do that.
..he doesn’t even know whats going on. he’s probably scared.
that settles all the dust?
all she can do is claw her way into the theater, dragging too-long nails along flesh of long-gone friends, digging her teeth into anything she can reach to pull herself forward. she makes note of how quickly each chunk of flesh moves, how each one has to get around.
not-charlottes weak point is her intestines. if she were to dig her nails into not-charlottes abdomen, the woman would drop, even if its temporary.
not-teds weak point is his throat. he’s one of the loudest voices– ted was always loud, its a spankoffski gene– and if she can take that out, then not-ted is no longer a threat.
not-bill, too, is simple. a girl’s body follows close to him, with long brown braids and tear-stained cheeks. alice, her mind tells her. thats not-alice. the poor girl had been dead before she’d had even seen her. before they’d gotten to her. she wonders, briefly, what the girl would’ve been like in life.
it doesn’t matter. a not-cop is coming towards her, and she has her priorities straight.
get to paul, and get.. not-paul out of here.
get pokotho out of here.
he’s smiling at her. he’s smiling at her through ever vessel he has. theres something resigned, in the way he puppets her dad. something that tells her he knows the ending of his story.
she does, too. she always has.
she digs her teeth into another not-human– a lanky boy that looks a bit like ted, if ted were 16 and a nerd– and forces herself not to wince at the taste of slime. not blood. not anymore.
not-paul meets her eyes with a steadiness that only pokotho could have created. paul is too nervous, for that. she bares her teeth, and demands her legs to move.
he doesn’t flinch. in fact, he doesn’t move at all. she can’t make it to him. paul had genades, on him. around his chest. not-paul does too. pokotho has no qualms with killing his vessels.
..but he should have qualms killing her.
and so, she screams.
i’m still the man you trust.
not for paul, no. that will make him move quicker. no. she screams for her papa. she pitches her voice up, just enough, and forces tears.
he can’t hear what she really wants to say to him. he never will, she hopes. dad will, later. when they’re safe, and out of hatchetfield.
she screams and sobs for a father she no longer wants. he doesn’t know that. she doesn’t, either. he.. he is still her papa. that didn’t disappear when she left.
but taking her dad? taking all of his friends, too? hurting him?
unacceptable. absolutely unacceptable.
papa tinky had taught her, once, that other people don’t get to touch your toys. they don’t just get to take things away from you without a punishment.
this? this is pokothos punishment.
watching his daughter cry out for him, surrounded by things ordered to kill her. watching her cry out for help, for him to save her. watching her cry out in fear.
whether he knows its acting or not doesn’t bother her. a parents’ instinct doesn’t care if the child is really in danger or not.
and he falters. his puppets begin to drop, one by one, with loud spats. she can hear guns hit the ground, glasses shatter. he makes no move to hurt her as she climbs towards him. as she burrows herself into not-pauls arms, chanting papa, papa, papa. he doesn’t seem to register her tensing as he pulls not-pauls arms around her, pressing not-pauls face into her hair.
he doesn’t notice her dropping the act. digging her nails into not-pauls back with one hand, and slipping a grenade out of the holder with the other.
the blast will kill her, paul and emma. for good. emma’s probably barely conscious outside, now. she may not even notice the blast. she may not even have made it this long.
the blast wont hurt pokotho. he may not even feel it.
its inevitable,
but losing her? she can only hope it will.
but he won’t be able to come for her parents, now. he can’t come for dead people. not if she kills them.
and she will.
grenades are loud. kai knew grenades were loud. realistically, they had to be. and they had to hurt.
she underestimated how badly they hurt. how loud they were.
pokotho could never have heard her whispering i love you, dad. i’m sorry.
for us.
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blue-kyber · 2 years
🌟🌟⭐Hey, Everybody. My name is Kay Gilbert (Blue Kyber), and welcome to my official Writeblr intro! ⭐🌟🌟
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It's about time I did one of these.
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🌟⭐ ⭐🌟
My official pen name is "Kay Gilbert." You'll find my original works on Wattpad under this name.
🌟 My dad is the reason why I got into sci-fi and fantasy when I was a very little girl. He's always encouraged my creativity. "Out There: The 1K" is dedicated to him.
I go by she/her.
I'm a millennial
I'm demi-heteroromantic-ace. Sex is great and all, but have you tried going off-the-wall bonkers at a trampoline park???
I have ADHD and high functioning autism. I was recently diagnosed in mid Sept. 2022. It's nice to finally know why my life has been so hard, and why I always thought I was a broken human, and "wrong."
📕 I've had a novel published in 2011: "Itara: Son of C'reseth." - a sword and sorcery story. I consider it my biggest accomplishment while simultaneously my biggest failure.
🎙 I'm an audiobook narrator.
I have a spiritual side, yet keep myself based in science.
🎬 I've worked on movie sets and been in a couple of films. I have a music theater background.
I got to meet Carrie Fisher - who was absolutely a pillar of confidence. Princess Leia was the first strong female role model I had.
STAR WARS. I am an unapologetic nerd who has crushes on both Luke Skywalker and Han Solo.
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I love space! :) 👽 Sci-fi and fantasy are in my blood. If given the chance to go to space, to see home from orbit, I'd take it in a heartbeat. In my next life, I want to be a pilot and explore the galaxy. 🌌
🎙 I love to sing. :)
I like to roller skate
I like shiny rocks. :)
I prefer pie over cake🥧
I'm a cat person😸
I like coffee ☕
Can't stand cilantro
I love heights. 'Flying' is the superpower I've always wanted ✈
I put the toilet paper roll over (under is for monsters) 🧻 Even the emoji shows it over!
Tacos are a gift from God. 🌮
🌟My favorite tropes are:🌟
found family
profound bond
chosen one
last of their kind
kind-hearted himbo
reluctant hero/rogue who hates that they have a heart of gold
space jalopy that's a homeship with a soul
the power of platonic love
slow burn.
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"Out There: The 1K." is a sci-fi fantasy adventure novel containing all the aforementioned tropes and more. :)
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These are the four MCs - (top left to bottom right) Yune Darrak, Selka Kelnaris, Terra Kitridge, and William Kade.
Here's a Link to "Out There: The 1K" on Deviantart under AuthorKayGilbert.
I accepted a challenge to describe my story in the worst way possible, and came up with this:
It's about a reluctant disaster space found family running from people out to throw two Terran-human ten-year-olds with powers from an extinct human species at their collective galactic problem.
One thousand children prophesied to save a galaxy embroiled in war are taken from Earth at the turn of the 21st century. The children are scattered throughout Alliance worlds to hide them from the terrifying, unseen antagonistic force that would destroy them, the keth.
This story follows the frightening and fantastical adventures of two of those children - Will and Terra - who are genetically altered to possess a strange power for a plan to end the war.
Yune Darrak - a lone spaceship pilot who ekes out a living as a salvager, bounty hunter, and treasure hunter, and Selka Kelnaris - a disillusioned, empathic, Ai Hiri bounty hunter - accidentally rescue them from a Regent secret lab while on a bounty hunt. They travel to a remote agrarian planet where Yune will hand the kids over to Selka once he gets her ship back from the planet's leader, so he can get his life back. A simple plan spirals into a deep, confusing mess involving a mysterious blue light known as the Source Field, a political coup, and more questions about the kids and Yune himself as all four are inadvertently caught up in the middle of a battle they never wanted to fight.
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weekend-whip · 2 years
What’s everyone’s favorite media/song/whatever they consume or like to do?
(not me being able to do complex character analysis chronicling how a character develops over time yet being completely stumped when it comes to what stuff they like—)
We're breaking it down by strictly media then cuz tryna give everyone a favorite song would kill me and I have never been good with specifics:
Kai: Likes movies, video games, and occasionally music. Doesn't really have any particular favorites due to only getting into this kind of stuff relatively recently (eventually and especially including social media), but he definitely likes rock music, and Fist to Face 2 is "his game". Also has been known to indulge in Teen Idol magazine.
Jay: Likes video games, movies, and comics, if he's not in the middle of inventing. He'll endure a sappy romcom if it's something Nya's into, but he's actually a superhero movie junkie. Loves anything action-y. Faves for both comics and movies is Starfarer, and fave video game is Lava Zombies.
Zane: Likes books and movies, both because it opens up ways for him to broaden his horizons on peoples' experiences. He finds both romance and horror hilarious (and comedies confusing), but his real adoration is reserved for things that have taught him something new (which...also includes cookbooks...what? he likes learning new recipes!)
Cole: Likes music and video games. Doesn't quite have attention span for books/movies, but will go to a movie if the premise interests him. Obviously has at least a bit of a taste for classical stuff when it comes to music/dancing, but also enjoys songs he can dance to or songs Jesse is willing to sing. Favorite video game is Sitar Legend!
Nya: Likes books, music, and the occasional movie. She's an avid attempter / enjoyer of just about everything, so like Kai she doesn't exactly have any favorites (but for different reasons). But, she does have a special fondness for anything she's made a good memory with (like amusement parks, for example). ...her movie tastes may be slightly skewed in favor of Jay and Olivia, however.
Lloyd: Likes essentially anything that can occupy his attention, but especially comics, cartoons, and video games. Obviously likes Starfarer (and where Jay likes the movies, Lloyd prefers the comics), but when it comes to video games he likes the fighting ones. Mindless violence is always fun, but games where you gotta 'be a hero, save the world!' all the time...nah, pass. He gets enough of that.
Jesse: Likes music, movies, and the occasional video game. You already know he's a huge theater/musical nerd, so that's just like music + movies mashed up into one right there. And no, I can't pick a favorite for him because *I'm* not a theater buff and all musicals I know are generic mainstream ones snksnksnk (...Chapter 20 is literally a Hamilton reference I'm—) Likes any video game his sister can't best him at (which is...not a lot haha)
Antonia: Likes...well, everything. Reading and writing especially and obviously, but with trying to always be on top of what's mainstream (as practice for a future journalist career) she tends to try and consume whatever's popular while it's popular (hence her brief obsession with Samurai X). Avidly listens to the Top Pop 40, but actually prefers alternative and indie artists. Same with movies and books—she keeps up with the latest release, but some of her favorites are the most underground things you've never heard of. And in the case of video games...she's a fighting game enthusiast. Living the dream.
Harumi: Really likes books. Doesn't watch a lot of tv/movies as it is (though she does like watching horror/thrillers when she can) nor does she have a phone (her parents have plans to surprise her for her next birthday in April, though), so a good chunk of her personal entertainment is via reading. Primarily enjoys fantasy and mystery novels!
Olivia: Does not get a whole lot of time for herself (ironically still only goes to school just to not have to think/work so hard) but when she does miraculously have free times, she likes movies. Primarily ones were there's an animal going on a rampage, or zombie/alien invasion movies. Gets freaked out by scary movies but watches them anyway because they're entertaining. Likes rock, but of the screaming, metallic variety. And she likes DND and other related campaigns 👀
Miranda: Likes video games and...computers, essentially. Most of time she's absorbed in her own projects (especially when she has little else to do), but when she needs a brain break, video games are the go-to. And she likes all of them–puzzles, RPGS, adventures, Tactical, FPS, monster-collecting, collect-a-thons, racing, fighting, mystery, strategy...anything except sports games. She also listens to a lot of electronic and dubstep music (which Jesse cannot understand how that happened, but okay. At least they both can agree on the legend that is Owl City)
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eden-regained · 2 years
Terror-Trio hcs bc I still adore those shitty rat kids
-The gang are not friends per se. Kai (Killa K) stays around the other two because he’s secretly a big shy softie, quite insecure and he needs validation bad. Saskia (Missy Master) tags along because she suffers from chronic boredom and is also highkey amused by the boys’ dumbfuckery. And Benny? Dude’s a trainwreck on two legs with too much charisma for his own good.
-One of the few other kids apart from Daka and Silvania who is not completely terrified of Benny is Ludo, infact, he’s wholly unimpressed by that Watermelon-Yeeting-Overlord. 
Ludo can not only see the souls of the dead, he also has heightened intuition and he can somewhat feel what a living person is thinking and what emotions they’re experiencing, though this part of his abilites is comparatively limited. Thus, the tough exterior Benny more or less unconsciously puts on every day are just flat out shallow waters for Ludo, he can read the guy like a book without having to exchange words with him. Benny in a way already suspects something about Ludo is off and he doesn’t dare lay a hand on the smol guy. But that’s not the only reason he leaves him alone.
Ludo weirdly is the only schoolmate Benny allows near him on a rather frequent basis as Ludo’s non-judgemental, calm and patient nature comforts Benny immensely. In a way, Ludo is the truest friend Benny has for a long time as he’s always listening.
-Missy, whilst not looking or behaving like it for that matter, is the best student in her class, if not in the whole seventh year. She’s the only one in the Trio who regularly does her homework and most of her grades are top tier. For the teachers, especially the strict and demanding Ms Renneberg this is a dilemma; she’s a little shit but she’s, like, the only student in that thoroughly demotivated class who cares to significantly and pretty much effortlessly contribute to her lessons.
-Killa has the singing voice of an angel. Yes, he is a soprano and also yes, he’d rather die than have his classmates find out he was “that choir kid” in elementary school.
-Daka and Benny have suprisingly similar music tastes. Their first non-hostile, even somewhat amicable interaction ever was Daka complimenting the ear-shredding punk-rock screeching and oldschool hip-hop beats occasionally echoing from Benny’s headphones during lunch break. Benny of course tried giving her the coldest shoulder he could muster up after having been scared shitless by Silvania and her yeeting him up a tree but Daka was persistent enough to coax a genuine conversation out of the guy. Long story short, she ended up recommending Krypton Krax to him. He gave them a shot right that same day when he got home and really enjoyed what he was listening to. That was, until he heard Onko’s voice and subsequently got this sense of dark nostalgia, loneliness and sorrow and he couldn’t quite point his finger as to why that was the case...
-Missy’s a horror movie nerd. Whilst Helene is more of a classics-person and Daka the slasher-type Missy is into both Avantgarde and parodies. She, along with Helene and Daka after surprisingly being asked out by them, went to see a rerun of the first Scary Movie and had a good laugh. Soon the girls lowkey made a habit outta marathoning the spooky stuff in theaters.
-Whether it’s an addiction to the adrenaline rush, a deathwish or plain stupidity, Benny loves to pick fights with pretty much everyone he thinks can pack a punch. He once got into an all out brawl with a few upperclassmen who of course whooped his ass, though he put up a somewhat good fight and wore that nasty black eye, busted lip and contused swollen arm with pride. He had a jolly good time annoying the shit outta Daka, wanting to see just how far he could push her until it’d all crash down on him. However, he didn’t calculate her and Silvania being literal half vampires.
-Killa’s part of a catholic household with his dad being a bishop. Neither are his parents really strict with him nor is he actually religious himself, but he does enjoy the “Catholic aesthetic” and so he especially likes wearing rosaries, that almost gothic looking one once belonging to his paternal grandma is his favorite.
-Benny’s father only spent a very short time with Semele as he simply did not get along with that quintessential (in the worst way possible) girlboss but he did make an effort in regularly seeing their son for a few years. Sadly, he passed away when Benny was around three to four years old due to an overdose mysterious circumstances. The memories of him are fuzzy; barely tangible anymore yet Benny still has a much closer bond with him than with his mother, though one could argue that’s not saying much considering Benny almost despises Semele for deliberately ingoring or avoiding him.
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planets-and-prose · 3 months
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Meet My OC's: Deborah
Picrew linked here, and as always, more info under the cut!
Physical Description: Deborah is about 5'2" and very pale. She has auburn hair that's kind of in a shaggy, overgrown bob because she cut off her super long hair by herself and it didn't turn out AMAZING but she doesn't care that much anyway so it lives. She wears kind of bulky clothes, slowly leaning a little more butch but "acceptably" so, jeans and flannels vibes. Green eyes, wears glasses, and has hearing aids because she has quite a bit of hearing loss (since she was young). Is more heavyset, definitely the least athletic type build out of all of them.
Blogs+ New
planets-and-proseTossing My Writing Into A Galaxy of Shining Stars
sneeple-confirmedSix Nerds With A D&D Blog
kireii-yumeToo Many Fandoms
candied-fluff-and-angsty-muffinsWe're Drowning In OC's
beneath-our-masksWe've Put On The Masks
raeoflightsketchesMask Up, Pokemon!
Get a domain
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Summary: As many of those who've attended one know, college campuses are some sort of insular world of their own. They're tiny communities, full of burnout, existential crisis...and, well, in the case of a mid-sized private college known for its environmental studies and biology programs, there are...things beyond human understanding.
In a series of short stories, follow five individuals in various stages of their own journeys as they band together to keep their community safe from any forces that choose to harm it, and attempt to better understand this new world that they've been thrust into. And...also, try to maybe not die in the process. That's important too.
Genre: NA...Urban Fantasy
Themes: Found Family (if I ever don't put that, please assume I've been replaced), the American college system, stages of life, personal growth, marginalization, lgbt+ relationships, community.
General Triggers: mentions of discrimination, probable violence, definite body horror (transformations specifically), general trauma, language, more will be added as discovered and all excerpts will be tagged appropriately.
Dr. Semira Adams, a sweet 46 year old Southern environmental studies professor/monster hunter specializing in the...unique biological features of the surrounding forest and how it's shifting to adapt to them.
Briar Rackham, a 28 year old TA and graduate student for Dr. Adams. They're a model grad student--straight A's, volunteering with nature camps for kids in the nearby cities, working on an excellent dissertation, LGBTQ+ rights advocate...and a recently turned werewolf.
Also: Worldbuilding re: werewolves!
Achaemenes (Kay),a 24 year old super-super-super senior in pre-med who's delaying his studies as long as humanly possible. Because graduation means there's no excuse to keep away from his hometown, a tiny rural community that's a well-hidden cult, half-populated by fae.
Also: Worldbuilding re: fey!
Dawn Solace, a...well, her body is 21 but her actual age is 39. So let's go with 39-year-old vampire who continues to work with music and theater at this college that she now calls her home.
Also: Worldbuilding re: vampires!
Masumi Yoshida,a 26-year-old whose whole life is a lie. According to her family, she's working on two very intense double majors and holding down an excellent internship on the side. In reality, she works at the chain burger joint on campus, telling her coworkers that she had to drop out due to a family tragedy and is just saving to enroll next semester when that's the last thing on her mind.
Deborah McCaen,a 20 year old junior, dual majoring in history and anthropology, with a focus on oral tradition and mythology. After being homeschooled her whole life, she moved away to college and found a love in understanding the "demonic creatures" told of in the fantasy books she wasn't allowed to read as a child.
To be added as more is posted!
#continuing ed sots#wip intro#new wip#paranormal#supernatural#supernatural elements#werewolves#no vampires yet#yet#fey#fae#urban fantasy#fantasy#continuing ed: sots… See all
Last Line Tag
I was tagged by @the-down-upside-finch (their post is here)! So here this is! :)
Half of [Briar] wanted to help Dr. Adams and make sure their favorite professor, basically their surrogate mom, made it back safe, and the other half wanted to run home, go back to bed, and hope this was all an awful, fucked-up dream.
No tags for now, basically an open tag, bc I have like two more of these that I'll do throughout the evening! :)
#tag game#continuing ed sots#thank you for the tag!!#oc: briar
Meet My OC's: Dr. Semira Adams
Full Name: Semira Naomi Adams (Maiden Name Baker)
Age: 46
Gender: Cis Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual (yes I know, I finally made a straight OC)
Occupation: Tenured wildlife biology professor/researcher by day, monster hunter by night.
#oc: semira#oc: dr adams#ya bitch cannot decide on a tag#continuing ed sots#continuing education#meet my ocs#oc questions… See all
Continuing Education: Vampires
Basic Info: Vampires are undead creatures who are mostly human, but whose bodies function essentially like someone in a coma’s would. They can transmit vampirism to other individuals as well.
Creation: Vampires are made by one vampire sharing blood with another. In rare, occasional cases, saliva can do it, but this has only been recorded in highly immunocompromised or immunosuppressed individuals. For this to work, saliva would have to enter the bloodstream directly during a bite.
#continuing ed sots#my worldbuilding#worldbuilding#my ocs
Meet My OC's: Deborah
Full Name: Deborah Esther McCaen
Age: 20
Gender: Female. But said with all the confidence of that person raised super sheltered who just learned about gender being a spectrum. (Spoiler: a they will sneak into the pronoun list at some point in this story. Not at all based on real experiences--)
Sexuality: Straight. But, again, said with the confidence level of someone who has never understood what sexual attraction is much less how it might apply to someone of the same gender. (Spoiler: this too will change lmao)
Occupation: Student, studying a fun little history/anthropology double major, focusing on oral tradition and myths. And who maybe reads a bit too much about cryptids.
Physical Description: Deborah is about 5'2" and very pale. She has auburn hair that's kind of in a shaggy, overgrown bob because she cut off her super long hair by herself and it didn't turn out AMAZING but she doesn't care that much anyway so it lives. She wears kind of bulky clothes, slowly leaning a little more butch but "acceptably" so, jeans and flannels vibes. Green eyes, wears glasses, and has hearing aids because she has quite a bit of hearing loss (since she was young). Is more heavyset, definitely the least athletic type build out of all of them.
Personality: Deborah makes the word "awkward" seem put together and smooth. She was homeschooled and oh boy it shows. She does not know about most social norms and was INCREDIBLY sheltered from anyone outside her church, so like...making friends? Normal conversation? Not really. She also definitely has a touch of the 'tism, and that manifests in both struggles reading social cues and not quite realizing that when people ask "what type of stuff do you like?" that a 30 minute rant about Mothman is not perhaps the most socially acceptable response. But she takes promises and bonds seriously, a stayover from the religion she was raised in, and is loyal to a fault to the people who give her time of day.
Other Important Stuff: My lovely little disclaimer here. I don't mean any disrespect to the way that I'm portraying the LDS faith, I'm just portraying some experiences that people who had adverse experiences with the church might have had, particularly as a queer person. I know a great number of individuals who find a lot of comfort in the church, but as someone who did not, I want to tell that story too.
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alisterofwonderland · 9 months
so some days i wonder, why are theater kids the weird ones at school, why not outcast the jocks, or the band kids-no never the band kids I gotta keep them out of this- why is it always the artsy kids being picked on, WHO CARES IF YOU CAN RUN A MILE IN A MINUTE< KAI JUST DID A 12X12 PAINTING OF THE CLASS AND IT DESERVES TO BE IN A MUSEUM! but no we put sports, and athletes, on a pedestal-not that there is anything against jocks, just let us artsy, musical, theatrical nerds have just a bit more of that funding, the school treats sports better then everyone else, just give the others who shine in different ways a chance.
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azure-firecracker · 4 years
Is there anything you'd like to see added to Hadestown, a change you'd enjoy to see?
Hmm. Keep in mind that I haven’t seen the show and that I think it’s perfect the way it is.
I would have liked to see Persephone’s deleted verse from Chant II. I get their reasons for cutting it, but it’s just...the emotions. We need them.
Also how awesome would a Hades/Persephone flashback have been? Just think about that.
Also M O R E O F T H E F A T E S B E C A U S E T H E Y A R E S O U N D E R R A T E D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There you go!
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aylinaliens · 4 years
assumption: chicago the musical would be one of your favourite plays!
usjdjd i never talk about musicals or theater on this blog but...that assumption is correct. it’s in my top 10 list of favorite musicals
send me an assumption you have based on my blog and i’ll tell you if it’s correct or wrong
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lunarifie · 3 years
Not very popular but very specific headcanons for the hollow #2
(Ill keep updating this and part 1)
Part 1
Vanessas really into theater. She just loves being the center of attention. And it isn’t necessarily a bad thing.
She gets Kai into theater too after catching him singing a song from a musical and acting it out well.
They’re both really great at acting but Kai’s anxiety is the worst when it comes to going onstage. Many panic attacks have been caused due to this. But he wouldn’t trade theater for the world, he’s honestly glad Vanessa pressured him into it.
Reeve does photography. He takes the best photos of his friends and gets pissed off when they can't take a good photo of him. He lends his old cameras to Kai as extra parts.
Miras in a book club and in an organization to save the planet and help animals. Shes probably the most well adjusted individual in the group.
Mentioned in the other post Adam’s dad is a science teacher but I forgot to mention he teaches Adam’s grade.
Skeet does track and field.
Vanessa and Kai both know French and definitely talk shit in front of everyone just for laughs.
There's times where the whole group has party sleepovers where they all gather up. (Usually at Kai's house because I mean look at all that room) And do a bunch of stupid shit. Like slide across the marble floors in socks or bake a huge cake. Binge watch a random series and play Mario cart. Just friend things.
Reeve actually really likes anime, including Mira, and they binge watch shows together all the time.
Mira and Reeve are secretly in the anime club at their school.
Mira and Vanessa definitely have girl sleep overs where they watch stupid movies and do each others nails and make up as they summon a being from the underworld.
Because Adams mom owns a diner he’s picked up a few things cooking wise. He’s the best chef in the group and likes to test out new recipes with his mom and friends.
Kai grew up on a strict plain diet from his parents. Eventually when they gave up on him he forgot to eat a lot. Of course when Davis came in the picture he had Kai eating again but he was also pretty strict on eating healthy. Not as bad as his parents but still. when Kai met up with Adam and Mira for the first time at the donut shop. That was Kais first time eating a donut and now it's his comfort food.
Kai cannot ride a bike. Was never taught. The hollow kids learn this and they just spend a day trying to teach him.
Kai and Vanessa bond over tech. The only difference is that Kai is into building tech and Vanessa is into coding/improving tech.
Mira has a bunch of plants and frogs. She just gives that vibe. She names every plant and frog something cute or weirdly chaotic. She named a few plants and frogs after her friends :)
Vanessa’s parents don’t allow her to have pets. But if they did I think she’d get a talking bird or a lizard.
Kai’s parents also never let him have a pet, but because they abandoned him, Davis allowed him to have one. Kai eventually gets a chicken because he wants to get over his fear of Mabel.
Adam has his dog puddles, which is canon. He got puddles when he was around 10 meaning if puddles lives up to 14 Adam will be 24.
Before Kai gets a pet whenever they go and visit Adam at his house. Him and Vanessa always calls Puddles serotonin. Due to dogs releasing serotonin chemicals in the brain. Adam hates it because he's scared that puddles will eventually stop responding to his name and start responding to serotonin. (He finds it absolutely hilarious though being a science nerd but he would never admit it.)
Reeves grandma is an old cat lady so he’s grown fond of cats and has a bunch in him and his grandmas home. Hes the type to call them ‘lil shits’ and just bully them in an affectionate way.
Skeet would definitely get a turtle as a joke but then get attached and name him speedy.
Vanessa's mom is a fashion designer, she picked up a thing or two. She's the go to person when you want fashion advice. She also knows a bit of sewing.
Everyones in their sophomore/Junior year of high school, everyone being 15-16 excluding Kai who’s 14 and skipped a grade.
Skeet knows how to skateboard, this is a pretty common headcanon but I like to think he taught Mira to skate as well.
Skeet surprisingly gives very good advice.
Reeve gives his friends royalty mocking nicknames.
Adam: King (duh) “don’t you know, you apparently always have to give the king what he wants.”
Mira: handmaiden (because she takes care of them all) “why thank you handmaiden.”
Vanessa: highness (because shes ‘high maintenance) “Im sorry but you cant get everything you want your highness.”
Kai: Jester, (we all know why) “we’ll just have Kai juggle like the jester he is.”
Skeet: The royal Advisor (bc he gives good advice) “Listen idk shit go ask the royal advisor or smth.”
He always uses it as a way to tease them but they’ve accepted their roles proudly.
Weirdy’s main job is hosting for game shows but he owns a mini restaurant/music venue as a side job.
When Reeve, Skeet, and Kai band together to start a prank war. The world is going to end.
Fire powers in the hollow is really difficult for players to learn to control with their memories wiped. Its really powerful, but most players don’t figure it out and when they do its too hard to learn how to use it. So not many people pick it. Thats why Kai loves it, because even if he figures it out a bit later in the game, he still learns it quicker than most people so it somethings he’s proud of. Which is why the fact that Nisha (the other fire user on the other team in season 2) got it so easily bugged him.
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How did I not catch that our favorite underworld prophet Tiresias is the same prophet who gave the oracle to Oedipus in Oedipus Tyrannus...he's in the underworld in Epic/the Odyssey because his character has died since the events of Oedipus! And at first I thought this was just Jorge being a genius and making connections to other ancient plays (because fanboy behavior) but this is canonical like the ancient Greek writers just went "yeah, y'know that prophet character? We're gonna keep him around" and shunted him between stories lol
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goldenavenger02 · 3 years
Cony Island for Ninjago?
Jay gets hurt a lot but in like, really stupid ways. He trips over his own feet and will fall down the stairs on like, a weekly basis.
Kai is an unashamed Taylor Swift fan (I know Taylor Swift doesn't exist in the Ninjago universe, but let's pretend she does). His favorite album is 1989.
Nya is one of those people who has opinions on all award shows and is very passionate about it. She also feels the same way about competition shows.
Kid!Lloyd was a gremlin at it's finest. Lloyd now is still a gremlin, but he's a little out of practice.
Jay is one of those people who plays a song over and over again because it scratches an itch in his brain. Nya and Cole were ready to strangle him because he kept playing Popular from Wicked.
Did I mention that Jay is a secret musical theater nerd? Well, he is.
Cole and Wu are the closest out of all the ninja. Lloyd is a very close second.
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littlelegoman · 3 years
I'm hearing that some people don't like the legacy shorts, and um assuming its because its a sepereate canon, like TLNM, an alternate universe. I like it, I like Gold Rush's showing of Kai And Nya as siblings and their rivalry and how close they are when they think they have lost each other.
I like the Golden Legend as it shows how the world becomes without protectors, how the world is corrupt. The ninja have quite literally been turned to stone, or well, gold.
I like A Day In The Life of a golden ninjago because it's funny and silly and all the previous shorts were dark man.
I like the Sweatin' to the Goldies because it was the ninjago style we know and because as a theater nerd I love the bash on musicals. Also jay x zane energy
I like Golden hour because it explains the time element/ gives different insight of what happened that time with wu, it even showed that they went in the future.
Anyways, that was my thought on the Legacy shorts.
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flameleads · 2 years
Meet the Mun
tagged by: @shiroi---kumo​ tagging: commit meme theft
Tumblr media
NAME / ALIAS: Kai BIRTHDATE: a day in August ZODIAC SIGN: Leo Sun / Pisces Moon HEIGHT: 5′0″ HOBBIES: Writing, reading, RPing, dancing, skiing, ice skating, trivia, board games, photography. FAVORITE COLOR: Blues. FAVORITE BOOK: Too many to list. LAST SONG: Non-Stop from Hamilton. LAST FILM / SHOW: Leverage: Redemption. Because I’m a nerd. INSPIRATION: I take inspiration from all sorts of places. Literature, music, theater, shows, mythology (various kinds), and more. STORY BEHIND URL: Honestly, I was stumped when thinking of a URL last year. When I said as much in one of the servers I’m in, Cosmos made a joke of matching, and I was like, “You know what? I’ll do it.” I also liked the symbolism of the URL. I think of it like someone holding a torch and leading the way, which is what Roy is trying to do. It’s simple, easy to spell, and it’s short. It met all of my criteria just like that!
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khope8011 · 3 years
Airbender Headcanons
~This is my first post so i thought i’d start with my favorite people Air baby's! There isn’t a bunch i haven’t thought about for Rohan and Meelo so they don’t have a lot written. ~
Jinora: Jinora is the Alexander Hamilton of the family. Wouldn’t go to sleep unless Kai or Korra dragged her out of the library or study. She would write until three candles would burn out. She never took breaks unless someone made her. She had perfect handwriting and great grammar. She first kept the writing a secret until Ikki was searching through her closet and found the writing (Mostly addressed to Kai) 
when Jinora grew up she got tougher and threatened to hurt of her sibling. The Master Airbender would take no mercy. If Ikki stole a shirt she was getting her neck snapped. Meelo stole a book, cold showers. Jinora didn’t touch Rohan he was to precious. She snuck out a lot without/with Kai. She would go to parties and got good at makeup. She covered her tattoos when she didn’t want people to notice her while partying. To Jinora’s nieces and nephews she was known as the Demi Aunt. 
Ikki: Ikki was very immature. She was the last sibling to get her tattoos. Weirdly. She loved to dance and was very good at it. She would run off and go dancing at night with her friends and sometimes with Jinora. She used to be very stubborn when she was younger but when she got older she was terrified of Jinora and Rohan. The two were so alike it was scary. 
She and Asami would fix extra things in her workspace to pass time while their girlfriends worked. Yes Ikki’s the Gay Aunt. She met her girlfriend Yin after she joined the air benders. She was a year younger than Ikki though. Jinora was her maid of honor at the two’s wedding. They did a traditional Air bending wedding.
Meelo: Meelo was good at acting and developed a love for theater like Bolin and Wu. The two could talk about the new musical “Kila get your Water” for hours. He and his family would go see musicals every weekend because it was only 2 yuan's per person. There was even one about his family!( Jinora complained it showed nothing true about her and Kai’s relationship.)He was closet with Ikki out of all his siblings. They were the middle children always ignored. 
Rohan: Rohan loves pro-bending. When Air bending was finally added (Thanks to Council Women Jinora) he immediately made a team and signed up. He and the Hog Eagle’s won their second year championship. He and his oldest sister Jinora were always close. Both sharing the same interest of books. Ikki and Meelo always called them nerds which quickly changed when the two through books at them during training with their father ( They were later grounded)
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