inhumanrobot · 6 months
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8" x 8" Mixed Media on wood panel
Part of my "Katharsis" series on sale Dec. 9th at Ashton Gallery in San Diego
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distortionmewtwo · 2 months
*sigh*, this is all, not very fun, maybe Giratina or Dialga will listen though if we explain that well Palkia has had all this extra time to choose a champion and that gives them an edge and let's not forget while I mean no offense Dialga is the ruler of time and could've, ya know peaked into the future? Easy to get an edge when you can see what happens if that's within their power range, no disrespect meant of course I'm sure Dialga is more honorable than that but if one had the power the temptation to use it and peak and see must be there.
It'd make more sense for them to just have to pick a starter route pokemon of the same species each just on the spot no preplanning no premeditating you all get a Ratatta and then the Ratatta can play fight it out but of course much like how this situation isn't fair on Uv it wouldnt be fair on the Ratatta to have to fight because some Gods asked them too. Plus with like random stats one will have an advantage and one will win and they could start arguing over that since I can't really see anyone save the one with the winning champion being satisfied by the end of this.
Sorry about being a downer and all it's not my intent I'm just rambling trying to think of a solution while also trying to judge and consider their reactions in it all. I'd suggest maybe they could talk it out since they're all so important they're all needed and everything would fall apart without them doing their respective part and surely they can agree on that and just go we're all needed without one we all fall that must mean we're equal. But I get talking it out probably won't work and there's the whole "all animals are equal except some animals are more equal than others," eventually one of them will want to be more equal and this whole hullaboo starts all over. Unfortunately we can't all shake hands and be done with it.
Urghh respectfully, Fuck, this sucks, sorry for the bad language and I'm sorry Uv for my rambles I know this probably isn't fun to listen to I'm just trying to spitball anything that could work.
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"Soon, I will... tomorrow, perhaps, right now, I just.... I need to.... I... I don't know...."
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Getting away from all this sounded very nice right now. Ultraviolet glanced back at Katharsis to see her reaction to JJ's invitation. While she looked very curious about the portal, she shook her head.
"I don't think it's my place to accompany you now. We can go our separate ways here for now... it was good to meet you, Ultraviolet, even with the circumstances... or maybe, because of the circumstances..."
He nodded in agreement. "W-Without you, I might.... never have found out about all this... and while I don't like a-any of it in the least... I must still thank you for that... and for being kind to me in the middle of this."
Katharsis nodded back, expression sympathetic. "Sorry for jumping at you earlier."
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"Haha, I'll try."
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With that, Katharsis turned and bounded back into the forest she'd first appeared from. Ultraviolet stood still for a moment, steeling himself, before he turned with a nod to JJ to go through the portal
...He'd never actually been to space before.... and the sight beyond the portal was so staggeringly beautiful that for just a moment, all that had happened was chased from his mind.
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But that could only last so long. He felt small here.... naught but a pawn of the gods.
Ultraviolet still seems very upset. What do you do?
(Asks are officially open again!)
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thegodwhocums · 5 months
thursday night: stayed up late listening to an explanation of how abuse dynamics work in actual relationships (while being snuggled, for morale)
friday night: drove to the goth night an hour away and closed out the motherfucking club
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66beherit · 2 months
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rozdarte-serce · 7 months
Przeżyłam małe katharsis. Spory kawał głazu spadł z hukiem na ziemię wprost z mojego serca. Oczywiście dalej bolało i jeszcze przez jakiś czas miało boleć, ale każdego kolejnego dnia odrobinę mniej.
Anna Klimczewska, Masz nową parę!
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ufolvr · 6 months
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Kit Karyotype
Aliases: Krait, Nekrom
Age: 36-42
Pronouns: he/they/it/she*
(if I feel like it. please dont use it yourself.)
Species: Anguipera Venenata
Height: 1,75m standing, ~70cm on all fours
Alignment: this specific version is Good!
Media: SMTAS, AEMH, TSSM. Tl;dr Marvel Toons
(f/os are sorted by color too! To make things easier :-])
Necrotic venom
Wall climbing
Camouflage/color changing
Extremely precise scent recognition
Thought projection + suggestion/behavior influence. Not exactly hypnosis or mind control, but a strong suggestion that leaves the mind malleable. He's also not a telepath; his only skill is making you hear His thoughts.
Medicine and caregiving
Mac Gargan, Sarah (Gargan?), Curt + Martha Connors: romantic
Rhino, Otto Octavius, Quentin Beck, Flint Marko, Adrian Toomes: platonic
Hank Pym, Janet Van Dyne, Ultron, Vision, Whirlwind: Eddie Brock, Shocker: it's complicated/undecided
Peter Parker: truce in SMTAS, allies in TSSM
The Avengers: depends on the narrative. Enemies for now.
Since Kit is the only oc I have for Marvel, he has at least 3 different backstories, and I don't have time to write down each one! This is for TSSM only, because it's what I'm focused on at the time of making this! That one is also a bifurcated road, though; this is the non-villain version of it. We'll get to Electro later, promise 💛
Kit is an amnesiac alien that crash landed somewhere in the New York Bay a year before the series kicked up. With no memory of his origins, abilities, or even name, Kit crawls out of the water to seek help on land a few days later.
However, this only served to get him cornered by police since his odd looks were stirring up trouble. Scared, alone, and afraid for his life in a place he didn't know, he lunges at one of the officers, and bites his arm with strength he didn't know he had.
Everyone, Kit included, watches, horrified, as the cop's arm melts away in less than a minute. It's a disgusting mess, and Kit is even more scared now that he knows there's no way they're letting him out alive. Exhausted and desperate, he can only bring himself to curl up and mentally shout for them to leave him alone.
Surprisingly, this seems to work - every officer surrounding him is stunned, frozen in place. Had Kit been graced with more time or a working memory of his powers, he would have definitely taken advantage of the situation to make sure they didn't remember this traumatizing event. Since he had neither at the time, all he did was run off, hoping he wouldn't be followed.
Nothing of interest happened in the following year. There were rumors about a monstrous fish creature circulating now - they called him 'Krait' apparently, some even jokingly referring to the creature as 'Nekrom' if they knew about what happened that night - but Kit's life wasn't interesting because of it. All he did was try to survive in this noisy, unfamiliar world without, living off of weird hiding places and less than pleasant food sources. He did take to calling himself "Krait", though - it sounded familiar enough, and he didn't have anything else.
Eventually, we jump to the night of "Natural Selection", where Kit's hideout for the day is the Reptile House at the nearby zoo. He witnesses the whole lizard mess, of course - and he watches long enough to see the beast transform back into Curt Connors.
As the commotion ends, Kit is struck with an idea to give himself a lead into learning his identity, since he wasn't getting anything alone - he'd seen Curt in the news before, and, as far as he knew, a geneticist was his best bet at discovering the truth about himself. Better yet, a geneticist that was very much not likely to call the cops now, after everything he'd done.
Kit hangs around the campus in secret from then on - having rediscovered his camouflage and wall climbing abilities in the meantime, he puts them to good use - and waits out for a night where Curt enters the lab alone. One person was easier to convince - besides, however horrible it made Kit feel for doing things this way, Curt's guilt was the only somewhat solid footing he had in this situation, and he was banking on it for his own safety.
The rain is pouring as Curt hurries into the lab because he forgot something, doesn't matter what. Unbeknownst to him, Kit is already in the room, and plans to keep him there until he complies with his terms - he's desperate.
The doors are locked and the lights suddenly go out. Curt isn't really alarmed - not until he notices there's a person in the lab with him. He's ready to fight for his life, if he has to - he was in the military, after all.
But before Kit can say anything, a particularly deafening thunder surrounds them, making the windows shake hard enough that they seemed close to shattering. Kit let's out a loud yelp, and scurries under the nearest table, trembling.
This lessens Curt's apprehension - it's hard to be scared of someone who's afraid of something your son got over his fear of years ago - and he turns the lights back on. Not willing to leave whoever it might be in his lab alone, he approaches the table he saw them hide under - carefully, of course.
And, well. That's how they meet! Kit does end up talking it out with Curt, and they come to an agreement since it's hard to turn down the offer to study something you'd never seen before, even harder if you know they might not be from your planet. Over the months, Curt, Martha and Kit get closer as they work together to figure out Kit's origins, and since Kit has nowhere to go and doesn't know anyone else, he mostly sticks with them one way or another.
Ik this ending is a bit abrupt but I don't wanna keep u here even longer ^^;;
Before recovering his memories, Kit is terrible at fighting. His expertise is manipulating people and situations so things go his way.
Because I don't care for making more than 1 Marvel oc, Kit's story is all over the place. Seems to me like his basis of operations is New York no matter what, though. Also, the TSSM one is more interesting to me atm, bc I get to explore a Kit that had the privilege of being treated with kindness and patience.
Kit also knows who Spider Man is, and this makes some things complicated while simplifying others. If Peter wants to, he can get his internship back without exposing his identity, no problem. But he feels insanely uneasy when he bonds with the symbiote, for reasons he can't pin down...
He'll get his memories back, eventually! He's very eager to tell Billy (and everyone else, but he really does love this kid too) everything he knows and all the planets he's been to :)! The truth is that Kit has a little bit more in the works, but I'll wait till I finish the series to write more!
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onlyhurtforaminute · 1 month
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kyanitedragon · 4 months
As a Hidetouken shipper, it makes me so emotional that Unravel is the Hidekane song and Katharsis is the Touken song
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i-likeparrots · 1 year
"Babel: an arcane history" is my new "The secret history" and i don't even try to hide it
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distortionmewtwo · 3 months
(@ask-the-fogbound-serpent) Vourison watched the two silently for a moment before letting out a loud groan of annoyance, "If you ask me, the three of your so called 'gods' are all incompetent and petty, but at least the Giratina seems to be marginally better then the other two." He rolled his eyes, "Honestly, they're so small-minded and unable to let anything go that they decide to drag others into their conflict? That is the same kind of attitude that causes realms to collapse in on themselves. At least these ones aren't fighting directly."
With a huff, he turned towards Ultraviolet, his hard voice and expression softening a bit, "But, if you ask me, that previous person had a point. Your Giratina may have saved you for the originally stated purpose, but that does not seem to be the case now. He probably loves you very much, and did not want to tell you the original reason as to why you were saved. It may be a similar deal with the 'champion' of space since they seem to be hidden too, but then again I can't know for sure. I suggest you ask your Giratina and see what he says."
He winced, "Though you should probably take some time to calm down before then. It may not be the most welcoming of places, but now that the Obsidian Gate is open anyone peaceful can visit. Fell free to enter the Hallowed Woods if you like. It'd probably do you both some good being surrounded by the soul energy."
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Katharsis bristled. "You have NO right to speak about Dialga in such a manner!!"
"Katharsis, please," Ultraviolet pleaded. "You are speaking to a god perhaps more powerful than Giratina and Dialga alike-"
"That doesn't mean I have to stand by as it slanders them!!" Katharsis was showing no signs of calming down, even tensing like she would jump Vourison, so the frightened and exhausted Mewtwo did the only thing he could do- he put her into a time-out bubble. As she struggled and cursed, he turned back to the Rayquaza.
"P-Please forgive her, Vourison, she is very passionate..! Um- th-thank you, for your words..." He bowed his head as he considered them. "A-ask my father... I can do that... after I calm down, yes...." The very thought twisted the anxious knot in his chest. "Th-thank you for your kind invitation, I will take you up on it sometime..." While he didn't like how Vourison spoke of his father either, he didn't have it in him for more arguing.
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angeldevilorprincess · 2 months
she's a masochist to the point where when she's sad she'll watch/read/listen to things she knows will make her cry even more just to prolong the pain
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thegodwhocums · 2 years
[…F]oolishness, which is our second nature and seems to be inherent in man, might freely spend itself at least once a year. Wine barrels burst if from time to time we do not open them and let in some air. All of us men are barrels poorly put together, which would burst from the wine of wisdom, if this wine remains in a state of constant fermentation of piousness and fear of God. We must give it air in order not to let it spoil.
Excerpt from a circular letter of the Paris School of Theology, 1444, quoted in "Dancing in the Streets: A History of Collective Joy" by Barbara Ehrenreich
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orange-s-mario · 2 years
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they were neat
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zombie-rituals · 5 days
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