#juvia day 23
rosavatar · 11 months
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Happy Juvia Day!!
(sorry its so late ghkdjsgh)
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sofya-fanfics · 2 years
Il la protégera toujours
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Voici ma participation pour le Flufftober 2022. J’espère que ça vous plaira.
Résumé : Gajeel avait toujours considéré Juvia comme sa petite sœur. Elle était la seule personne avec qui il s’était lié après la disparition de Metalicana. Comme lui, elle était seule et avait du mal à se rapprocher des autres. Il avait tout de suite ressenti le besoin de la protéger.
Disclaimer : Fairy Tail appartient à Hiro Mashima.
Gajeel se dirigea vers Juvia. Elle dansait avec Gray et elle était rayonnante dans sa robe de mariée.
« Est-ce que je peux danser avec la mariée ? Demanda-t-il. »
Gray sourit et acquiesça. Il s’éloigna et rejoignit Erza qui lui demanda une danse. Gajeel prit Juvia dans ses bras et ils dansèrent lentement.
« Comment va Madame Fullbuster ? »
Un immense sourire illumina le visage de Juvia.
« Juvia n’a jamais été aussi heureuse. »
Gajeel ne put s’empêcher de sourire. C’était la première fois qu’il la voyait ainsi. Il était heureux pour elle. Il avait toujours considéré Juvia comme sa petite sœur. Elle était la seule personne avec qui il s’était lié après la disparition de Metalicana. Comme lui, elle était seule et avait du mal à se rapprocher des autres. Il avait tout de suite ressenti le besoin de la protéger. Lorsque Bora lui avait brisé le cœur, il n’avait pas pu s’empêcher d’intervenir et de lui faire regretter de l’avoir blessé.
C’était grâce à Juvia s’il avait rejoint Fairy Tail et qu’il avait rencontré Levy. Il avait tout de suite remarqué que Juvia était tombée amoureuse de Gray. Il aurait fallu qu’il soit aveugle pour ne pas voir les sentiments de son amie. Gajeel s’était inquiété. Les sentiments de Gray n’avaient pas l’air d’être réciproques et il craignait que Juvia ne souffre à nouveau. Il la connaissait par cœur et quand elle aimait quelqu’un, elle pouvait se montrer extrême dans ses sentiments. Il ne connaissait pas assez Gray pour savoir comment il allait réagir face à Juvia.
Il avait vu leur relation évoluer. Il voyait Juvia essayer de se rapprocher de Gray et le mage de glace s’ouvrir peu à peu à elle. Quelque chose avait changé pendant l’année où la guilde s’était dissoute. Juvia et Gray avaient vécu ensemble pendant six mois et l’attitude de Gray avait changé. Gajeel avait l’impression qu’il était enfin prêt à avouer les sentiments qu’il avait pour Juvia. Lorsqu’il était revenu de la Quête de 100 ans, il avait dit à Juvia qu’il l’aimait, ils s’étaient mis en couple et ils étaient désormais mariés.
Au fil des années, Gajeel avait vu la femme que Juvia était devenue et la voir heureuse était ce qu’il souhaitait pour elle.
La danse se termina. Gajeel l’embrassa sur la joue et il alla retrouver Levy et leurs jumeaux. Même si Gray était là pour Juvia, Gajeel continuerait de la protéger.
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petri808 · 9 months
To help with writer's block: #12 Nalu!
I hope it helps cuz I can already see it in my mind!
“You kick a ball and your shoe flies off, hitting them in the back of the head.”
Nalu Week- 7/30/23 Shenanigans @allaboutnalu
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Magnolia Park, so called for the large flowering trees that dot its landscape is a favorite place for many residents of the mid-sized college town. Forty acres of grassy knolls and walking trails with park benches along the way, at any given time during daylight you’ll likely run into kids playing, joggers and bikers, and people simply taking in the fresh air. Just like a group of friends who are spread out on a large colorful blanket having a picnic on this sunny Sunday. 
It’s just one of those spurs of the moment events when they ran into each other at the local supermarket that morning. They rarely have a day off that coincides, so, Lucy Heartfilia suggests they all have a picnic in the park.
“We were just about to head there, so you guys should join us!” The blonde woman beams.
Natsu Dragneel, Lucy’s boyfriend smiles. “Yeah, unless you’re busy.”
“Nah,” a male named Gray Fullbuster shrugs, “no plans.” His new girlfriend Juvia Loxar nodding in agreement as she hangs onto his arm.
Levy McGarden, another female smiles. “It’s a perfect day to hang out, right?” She turns and looks up to her taller husband Gajeel Redfox who just grunts in return. “We’re down for it.”
They pick a spot under one of the magnolia trees, thankful for the shade it provides. There’s a very light breeze that comes by now and again, but nothing that will send their blanket flying. The combination is enough to keep them cool under the warm late spring afternoon. Each couple has supplied a fair share of offerings, snacks like chips and dip or cookies, some popcorn chicken and rolled sushi from the deli, and half a dozen donuts that Gajeel tries to say are Levy’s, but they all know that’s a lie. 
For a couple of hours, the friends chat about everything and nothing, catching up on how each are doing. Levy is four months pregnant, so the girls are happily chittering, asking how things are progressing. Aside from month two’s morning sickness, nothing else has been troublesome. She also relays that they hope to find out the sex in a couple of months, and the names they’ve been tossing around for whether the baby is a boy or girl. They eventually made a deal that if it’s a girl Levy will pick the name, and if a boy Gajeel, and they can’t complain about the choice. This leads into a discussion of what Lucy or Juvia would name any future kids they may have. The guys are discussing an upcoming MMA fight and who they think will win the main event. Well, mostly bickering over which fighter they think is better. It’s just a laid back, vegging kind of day where the biggest excitement is a bee that wouldn’t leave them alone for a time. 
Well, that is, until Natsu suddenly grabs everyone’s attention by tapping a key from his keychain loudly on the side of a glass juice bottle. They all stop talking and turn from their conversations to see the man sitting back on his haunches, seiza style with a big smile and the reddest blush alighting his cheeks. “I’ve got an announcement.” He states plainly with a slight cracking in his voice. “Lucy, could you come closer?” He accentuates the request by gesturing to the spot in front of him. 
“Okay…” Lucy’s tone drips with hesitant curiosity as she heeds the request. “What is it?”
Natsu then pulls out a single shoe from behind his back. Everyone’s eyes narrow in confusion, head tilting, or brows furrowed wondering what in the world is their friend doing. The shoe is a woman’s flat sandal, light beige with an inch deep cork/leather platform sole bottom and crisscrossed straps running over the top to secure it to the foot. It’s open-toed and an open backed slip-on sandal that Lucy recognizes instantly as her own. He holds it perched on the flat face up open palm of his left hand while cradling the side with his right as if presenting a gift. Which he is.
“Natsu why do you have my shoe?” Lucy queries, but her eyes and focus are on the tiny item tied with a ribbon to the strap. Knowing, yet not knowing exactly what it is.
“Because it’s special,” he grins. “It’s the one you wore the day we met, remember?” 
“I remember, but what’s that?” She points towards the strap with a head shaking, smiling laugh. “Please don’t tell me you’re doing what I think you’re doing.”
He nods as he replies. “On a day two years ago, the wearer of this sandal stood above me as stars danced around her head and light haloed like a golden angel from Heaven…” 
“Oh my god!” Lucy mutters and palms her face despite the heat flushing her cheeks and brimming smile of embarrassment overwhelms. 
His grin widens even more and eyes sparkle in the sunlight as he puts the sandal down and undoes the ribbon holding the ring. “Lucy Heartfilia,” Natsu holds the ring up. “Will you be my star for the rest of our lives?”
Lucy snorts a laugh and pushes him lightly on his shoulder pretending to try and knock him over. “You total weirdo!” But also presents her left hand to him. “Of course, I will!”  
After Natsu slips the engagement ring onto Lucy’s finger, he pulls her in for a sweet kiss, cradling her cheek and resting his forehead on hers as she whispers words of love through the embrace. Their bonds strength is one that couples wish for, dream of; a connection where unspoken words are communicated simply with a look in a language only known to them. It’s an endearing scene made all the sappier with the oohs and ahhs of their friends and the wows from the women over the white gold band and 1/8 carat solitaire diamond ring. It isn’t a large or fancy ring, but for Lucy, just the fact it is from Natsu is all that matters. 
“But Juvia is still confused,” the woman breaks through the chatter. “Juvia doesn’t understand about the sandal.”
“Oh,” Levy laughs, “it’s about how they met.”
“It was long before we met,” Gray takes over the explanation for his girlfriend. “Lucy’s sandal hit Natsu in the head and knocked him down.” He laughs too. “It was pretty funny at the time ‘cause he had a welt on the back of his head for a week so he couldn’t sleep on it, and the guys at the academy teased him mercilessly for it.” 
Juvia turns back to Lucy and Natsu with genuine curiosity in her voice. “How did it happen?”
Even for Lucy this is a memory that she’ll be sure to tell her grandchildren about one day. Of all the ways to meet someone, this is not something anyone would recommend. But it does make the story a whole lot more memorable.
Natsu perks up at Juvia’s question. “Oooh, I’ll tell the story!” He sits cross-legged and leans in with gusto. “Gray and I were jogging through the park that day ‘cause we were in training for the fire departments physical exam…”
In Lucy’s mind a vision of that long ago day floats back into her consciousness as Natsu’s voice slowly fades away and she’s transported back in time. It was sunny and comfortably warm that day in July, not too hot like a typical summer day could get. She’d done an interview earlier that morning for a magazine article she needed to write later, but since the rest of her day was open, Lucy decided to relax in the park. It’s something she often did, taking a new novel to read and finding a bench along the walking paths of Magnolia Park. That day passed along quickly unfettered to Lucy as she lost herself in the fictional story, so by the time a soccer ball rolled up and bumped her foot, she hadn’t realized three hours had already gone by. 
She’d put her book down on her lap and looked up at the kid’s voices, calling to Lucy to kick their ball back to them. There was a group of children of various ages between 7 and 14 playing soccer in the adjacent open field approximately 50 feet away. It Was perched on a hill with a slight incline of about ten degrees, but sure, why not? It shouldn’t be too difficult to kick the ball up the hill. So, she stood, lining up the shot so it should go in the correct direction.  
And it did! The ball headed straight towards the center of the group. 
But Lucy didn’t notice the children’s squeals of joy. She only heard the cry of “Watch out!” by someone nearby. She turned to her right in the direction the male voice had come from and saw a black-haired male standing next to and over another male who’s lying on their back in the grass with their palm pressed against their forehead… and her sandal lying next to his arm. Lucy’s eyes widened in realization.
True, the ball had gone towards the kids, but her shoe flew in another direction striking a hot, pink-haired guy in the back of the head hard enough to knock him down. “Oh, no, I am so sorry!” Lucy rushed over to the two men twenty feet away, dropping to her knees. “Are you hurt?!” 
The male rolled over and groaned, his eyes still blocked by his hand. “What’s that thing made of wood? It hurts like hell, but I’ll live.” He moved his hand and looked up towards the female voice, squinting as his eyes readjusted to the sunlight. He blinks a couple times and tips his head slightly. “Did I die and you’re an Angel taking me to heaven?”
“Oh, brother…” The black-haired male rolled his eyes at the lame pick-up line. “Idiot.”
Completely flustered, Lucy’s face turned cherry red. It had been a while since a guy had tried to talk to her, and this one was certainly in the top 5 of hottest guys who’ve hit on her before. “N-No, not an angel,” she stammered, “a journalist.” She reached over and helped him to a sitting position. “Maybe I should grab some ice,” she suggested when noticing the angry bump developing on the back of the man’s head. 
The man shook his head no. “What you can do is tell me your name.”
“Lucy.” She responded. “And you are?”
“Nice to me you Lucy,” he held out his hand, “I’m Natsu…” 
The memory of him flashing his pearly white smile that sent a shiver through her soul, fades away back to the present, and being surrounded once again by their best friends. If someone had asked her if two years later, she’d be back in the same park being proposed to with the same shoe by the guy who’d been hit by said shoe in the head Lucy would’ve said they were in a fairytale. Well, and here she is. She smiles as Natsu reaches the end of the story. 
“And that’s when I asked for her number, and we’ve been together ever since.” Natsu proudly proclaims. 
“Juvia thinks that’s such a sweet story!”  
Levy chuckles. “I remember when she called me that night to tell me about Natsu. She couldn’t stop talking about how hot he was.”
Lucy squeals and dives to cover Levy’s mouth, but Levy ducks and continues. “She was known for her soccer kick in high school,” she laughs, “but never would’ve guessed she’d catch a guy with it!”
“Ha Ha,” Lucy rolls her eyes feigning that she’s not embarrassed despite the blush in her cheeks. “It’s not like I was trying to, but at least it’ll be a funny story to tell the kids one day.”
Natsu suddenly perks up in confused excitement. Did he hear what he thinks he heard? “Huh, kids?!”   
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newgeht · 2 years
Juviajane (Juvia x Mirajane) + #23 please!! Thank you so much & have a wonderful day!
For Juvia, walking into the guild hall was going to be another typical day. Another day, where her musings would be lost to the cacophonic flood of music. Another day, where she would be lost in the fights and brawls of her fellow mages. Another day, where she would get lost within herself, pick up another mission and leave. 
Juvia began this loop not too long after the events of Alvaros. All she could do was wander about until something new could find her. But what was “something new”? The fresh new faces that adorned the bar tables? Or the never ending workload that appeared after the devastation? None of this had satisfied her. 
What had been a long, drooling half of year could only be summarized by what had lain out of sight for so long. Juvia could feel her legs shake at the sight of the bar, swooning into the nearest stool. Every interaction with the bar maiden inundated the fiber of her being. From the first hello after these events, Juvia could only feel soothed in her presence. Maybe it came from being the eldest in her family. 
“What would you like today?” Mirajane’s voice piqued around the corner. How could she have known she was there already? 
“Ummm…,” She couldn’t think of anything. Juvia was never the type to imbibe often but she had just finished a grueling mission. Irrigating water for fields wasn’t an easy task. 
The maiden’s fingers swirled around an empty glass, giggling from her attempt at an answer. “We can try something new today. I can give you a mocktail. Or maybe something from the top shelf? I know you just finished that top dollar mission.” 
Measly, she gave Mirajane her typical order. “Juvia wants water and a cup from the stout, please.” 
Both came right as she finished her sentence. “I should have known all too well.” 
And there it was, the smile she had been waiting for. Mirajane’s glistening lips uplifted to the soft smile she loved. It was as if a spotlight had shone and made her the only person in the room. Every moment in her presence blocked the dark remnants from her mind. The lengthy conversations they shared on late nights before she left were the only words that pulled her back to Fairy Tail. Much like the light and airy exchange that floated between them. 
Mira put down Juvia’s fourth and final drink in front of her, “Well Juvia, I have to start closing everything up. I’ll see you tomorrow before you go?” 
Before she could lull over her thoughts, the words began to tumble. “Juvia wants you to know something,” pausing as Mirajane fixated on her. She should just forget it, Mirajane wouldn’t care. 
“Did you need something else?” Her all knowing eyes seemed unsure of the answer. Mira’s doting weighing upon her.
“Well Juvia…,” She scrambled about for her bag of jewels. Juvia could just as well pay for her tab, instead of saying her silly thoughts. She pulled out two blue ones, “Here, take these and keep the rest.” 
Mirajane flicked one of them back playfully, “No, no. One will be enough, your time spent here is more than enough for a tip.” 
“But…,” and the freight train of emotions hauled, erupting frenetically, “You make me so unbelievably happy! You must take it.” 
She had never seen Mira so red before, the heat in Juvia’s face rising so intensely. Frantically she stumbled, “That’s not what Juvia meant. Juvia did but-” 
Mirajane’s finger settled over her lips, “I’ve seen you drink more than that but let me close up,” the barmaid inching closer with each word. “I’ll call Elfman and let him know I’ll be walking you home tonight. You got it?”
Mesmerized by her cool words, Juvia nodded. Instead of running away, maybe she could stay in Magnolia for a week or two.
SO glad I could get this requests started so quickly! This was a joy too write and I hope you enjoyed it!
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entomjinx · 1 year
Before you continue: Eat something, drink something, take your meds, and get some rest if you haven't. This blog will still exist tomorrow. <3
I don't think I ever had a proper pinned post for this blog, so I'm doing that now! (Last updated: 9/23/2023)
My name is Jinx, and I use all pronouns. You may perceive me however you see fit to, and it is impossible for you to be incorrect.
This blog is for my orginal content. I do not reblog things here unless I am adding to it, or doing an ask game of some sort. The blog where I reblog literally everything and anything I see is @jinx13gxa2 . Follow that one at your own risk, because there is so much spam.
My ask box is always open, and anons stay on. I'm to anxious to leave asks on people's pages 99% of the time so I want to keep that curtesy extended for others like me. I'm a loser with too much going on in my head and I'd love to talk with you! Honestly, I'm probably as anxious about answering you as you are about sending something!
This links you too all of my socials.
I mostly write fics on Ao3, but I occasionally post doodles and such here too. I love to do headcanon lists, but I haven't made any in a long time.
Fandoms I currently create content for:
Fairy Tail (Link to the post about the LGBTQIA+ friendly server that I help run (still semi-active: 2/28/23)) (I don't currently plan on coming back.)
One Piece (Main Fandom as of 2023)
Fandoms I previously created content for, but likely will never return to:
Edens Zero (No new posts.)
I would like to keep this blog as discourse free as possible, as every time I've been thrown into it, I've been harassed, told to kill myself, and in two cases, doxxed. Some of that harassment still continues to this day, and I regularly have to delete anon asks with disturbing content. I will block drama causers without response, as I no longer feel the need to try and back sass you to "one up" you like I did as a teenager. I'm 22, I've grown passed that, and I'm tired. We can coexist quietly and amicably or we can block one another and move on.
Below this is the context of the previous discourse I was involved in, because I'd rather be transparent for anyone just showing up. Warning: It's not as short as I'd like. (TWs: mentions of stalking, harassment, death threats, and suicide baiting)
I will not be deleting any old discourse. It is something I was involved in regardless of how much I wish I wasn't, so I refuse to just erase it despite my personal growth. Everyone may do stupid shit as a teen, however, that will not stop me from holding myself to a higher standard explicitly because it's me. 2019-2020 ish is where the last of the public responses end, I believe.
When I first joined the Fairy Tail fandom, I had a real life stalker, who used the ship Gray/Juvia (and many others) as an example of why I would have to fall in love with him eventually. I was fourteen. This fucked me up beyond belief.
Because of that whole fiasko, I politely asked shippers of the ship and people who really loved Juvia's character to DNI. I wanted nothing to do with it because it brought up all of that trauma and fear. I immediatly began recieving harassment and I was being told that the only reason I didn't like them was because I shipped queer ships in the fandom and thought Juvia was "in the way." The latter didn't bother me much, but the mass amounts of messages telling me to kill myself was incredibly straining.
I fully acknowledge that none of the following was the correct way to go about things, even if it was much better than the alternatives(ex: harassing back).
So I started putting out little anlyses showing the toxicity of the relationship and Juvia's various mental health issues that are never dealt with in the series, and I've even written fics about it. The harassment only grew worse.
I couldn't---and still really don't---understand why people would seek out people who don't like what they do just to harass them, and vice versa. That's why I and a few others who didn't enjoy the ship created a vent blog to keep all of the dislike for the ship contained, and even encouraged shippers to block us, which unfortunately, did not work. We wanted it to stay away from anyone who didn't want to see it, but to be there for those who needed that space to vent about it without it being traced back to their blogs where they could be harassed and sent death threats for disliking something. (This blog is no longer used by anyone. it's been fully shut down, as it should have never existed at all.)
It backfired greatly, and even now I get 15-20 anon asks a week telling me how I should end my life. Sometimes they spike up randomly into 100 a week for shits and giggles.
Because of the way that the harassers treated my friends and I, I believed fiction affected reality on a 1:1 ratio for a long time, which it doesn't. I thought the whole "Anti vs proshipping" discourse was a firm stance on your morals because no one corrected me, yet I was being harrassed by both, which is what forced me to come to terms with the fact that I was being played like a fiddle for a fool.
The entire thing was incredibly immature and ridiculous. Fiction does not affect reality on a 1:1 scale, and it's better for dark topics to be explored in fiction than in real life. That doesn't mean I should have been harassed for not wanting to interact with a certain aspect of it, but that also means I should have just blocked people who were harassing me instead of giving them the angry responses they wanted.
I will fully admit to many of my responses being made out of anger, fear and with more generalizations than they should have been because of the above. Those people were also harassing my friends and I, so I do not feel remorse for being unkind, only for being unfair with my comparisons of fiction to reality.
I have never told anyone to kill themselves, that they should be caught in an accident, or harassesed anyone. I hate the way it feels to be told those things, and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemies nor the people who harassed me.
Should you scroll down into my blog, you may encounter some of this very angry discourse, and you will, due tumblr showing you the most recent posts first, encounter some of the final, angriest pieces of that discourse without the context for any of it. So here's your context, make of it what you will, and I can only hope that you don't judge me solely on 14-18 year old me's poor descisions and reactions.
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mamiinmiumiu · 1 year
Ulta Haul & Review - March '23
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Slight reup! [+tt included]
Author's Note:
Hi babes, this haul actually happened in February [and was supposed to be released then] but ya know how shit gets. I still wanted to share this though, especially now! Since I've had time to actually try the products out.
I've updated the blog to have my reviews ;)
Ya girl has been itching for new makeup and luckily, I was blessed with an Ulta gift card 🫶🏽 So y’all already know, I raaaan to Ulta! I bought majority drugstore products & one high-end item.
I watched a few YouTube vids and TikTok’s to get me up to date with what’s new since I don’t really keep up with makeup news like that anymore. And, honestly? I’m super happy with my purchases + can’t wait to try them out.
Here’s what I bought,
NARS Radiant Creamy Concealer — Soooo excited to try this! This is my second (I’m pretty sure) NARS product and it’s honestly been a cult favorite since I got into makeup in 2015/16. Type embarrassed it took me so long to try 🫣
The Verdict: Don't fight me cause I know y'all like to tussle but honestly.. this ain't all that..? Like it’s def creamy and thick but I don't understand the hype over it..? It's a regular concealer. I'd pass and save the $$. It does what any regular concealer will do. 5/10
Elf Holy Hydration Makeup Melting Cleansing Balm — I use the Versed Day Dissolve Cleansing Balm but this one peaked my interest so I decided to give it a try.
The Verdict: Does what it states but that's it. It's nothing special. I won't be repurchasing and will be going back to Versed. 5/10
L’Oréal Infallible 24hr Fresh Wear Foundation — I really want to perfect my base make up this year and wanted something medium-to-high coverage & all the reviews were raving about this one so I’ll let y’all know!
The Verdict: AMAZING! It's medium to FULL coverage, doesn't dry immediately, doesn't feel heavy on the skin either but covers everythingg! It def lives up to the hype and has become my go-to foundation. 10/10
Elf Power Grip Primer — Been meaning to try this primer for a minute now! I heard it’s a dupe for the Milk Hydrogrip Primer and I can’t wait to test it out.
The Verdict: Another 10 outta 10. Lives up to the hype and really grasps onto your base, helping it last!
LA Pro Girl Concealer — My old reliable. I’ll never stop using this concealer. Ever. I love using this as my “foundation” too.
The Verdict: A cult classic. I'll always recommend. 10/10
Juvia’s Place Blush Duo in Volume 4 — Another dupe 🫣 This time apparently for the viral pink Dior blush! I def want to get the Dior one but I want to save up and do a big high-end haul. Plus, I’ve heard amazing things about Juvia’s Place so why not give them a try? The lighter pink seems pretty similar to the Dior blush and even if it’s not exact, it’s still pretty af! The deeper shade is pretty as well, I’ll probably leave it for Fall time though..
The Verdict: Such a beautiful blush. Super pigmented and lasts long. Alsooo, lives up to the hype. 10/10
NYX Butter Glosses — In shades: Fortune Cookie, Crème Brûlée - I love these glosses! Affordable but amazing quality! Not sticky & super pigmented.
The Verdict: I already knew I loved the formula so I picked up some new shades I didn't have. Perfects shades to make the prettiest nude lip. 10/10
Milani Gilded Eyeshadow Palette in shade: Whiskey Business — Okay, so this is another dupe.. alleged “dupe” because I’m not 100% sure. BUT, I thinkkkk it’s similar [enough] to the Artist Couture Mini Supreme Nudes Matte Eyeshadow Palette! I wanna splurge on it but $30 for a MINI palette with 8 shadows? Mmm.. Chile.. Anyway;
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As y’all can see, the shades are pretty similar! I think I’ll def be able to achieve the looks I’m going for if the pigment pay off is good!
The Verdict: I wanted to love this. I wanted this to be amazing. It.. was not. The color story is perfect but the shadows lack soo much pigment. I really had to pack the shadow on and even then, it didn't make much of a difference. That being said, it's not WOC friendly. Ugh, ode wack. On top of the poor pigmentation, the shadows were chalky + had a lot of fallout.
While the price point is great, the product itself could be better. I think this could work with someone with very, very fair skin but if you got any type of color to you, pass on this. 3/10
Until next time,
I hope y’all enjoyed this latest post! Let me know your latest pickups, current faves, and your opinions on the products I picked up! Did they work for you or na?
H 💌
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miyu-writings · 1 year
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I posted 447 times in 2022
That's 447 more posts than 2021!
308 posts created (69%)
139 posts reblogged (31%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 332 of my posts in 2022
Only 26% of my posts had no tags
#writing rambles - 133 posts
#fic: ic au - 45 posts
#fairy tail - 44 posts
#youtube - 42 posts
#musings - 38 posts
#gratsu - 38 posts
#rl stuff - 23 posts
#music - 14 posts
#ft fanfic - 14 posts
#writing - 14 posts
Longest Tag: 77 characters
#because i'm in the not so great place of feeling like my writing is worthless
My Top Posts in 2022:
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Fairy Tail Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Natsu Dragneel/Gray Fullbuster, Natsu Dragneel & Gray Fullbuster & Happy & Lucy Heartfilia & Erza Scarlet Characters: Natsu Dragneel, Gray Fullbuster, Mirajane Strauss, Happy (Fairy Tail), Lucy Heartfilia, Erza Scarlet Additional Tags: April Fools' Day, Pranks, Silly Summary:
It's April Fool's Day and Natsu decides to pull a prank.
4 notes - Posted April 1, 2022
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Fairy Tail Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Natsu Dragneel/Gray Fullbuster Additional Tags: Post-Tenroujima Arc, Established Relationship, gratsu/natray day 2022, Fluff Summary:
After the battle against Hades, Natsu and Gray have a moment to reconnect.
Finally finished this little piece. Happy Gratsu/Natray Day people!
These two silly mages deserve our love. 
4 notes - Posted July 29, 2022
Happy Natsu Day.
I wanted to post something but I don't think that will actually happen.
But here's to Natsu Dragneel, one of my favourite charas who deserves it all.
4 notes - Posted July 2, 2022
I'm probably making a mistake by following the ao3gratsu feed. Welp, gonna get depressed real fast.
I mean, I can always unfollow. But the slight perusal I did kind of showed how much the fandom is slowing - which is totally understandable, sadly.
The good thing is that seeing some depressing things from N/G fandom helped me forget the wtf fic I read. I thought I could stomach it but... it was so fucked up that I'm still thinking of it! 😂
I hope LetoaSai posts a new FT fic soon. Theirs was the last one I read that felt like a good read. I've been trying with the current batch (that isn't filtered, at least - bless AO3 skins!!) but... it doesn't quite read well. Though I haven't seen the latest oneshot there yet. Maybe it'll be a good read.
At this point, anything to keep me from thinking of Sunday's oneshot... OTL
I'm procrastinating. Yep, that is me.
Also, looks like I have 2 people here on tumblr who enjoy my stories. That made me smile. 😊
5 notes - Posted May 7, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Ah, really want to have someone who can hear me scream (figuratively) about gratsu and the plots I want to write!!
Today I read and interacted with an author (hope they come up with more gratsu fics 😈) and it was great but I was so getting the urge to talk about plots.
There's this Demon Slayer Gray plot that kind of wants to come out too but uuugh. I mean, it's a bit of a different spin. Hey, maybe I could use it for TbC? Then again, I'm not too sure about what I'm going to be doing with the arcs and time skip and Zeref. Because the big bad for that one is more in line with Acnologia, power-wise and that's a huge mess.
But, Juvia needs to grow to be her own person. Heck, I might not be as squicked by gruvia, were it not such an awful relationship and dynamic. I like Juvia! But her obsession/need to live for Gray needs to go. It's not cute or romantic.
Damn, that fic got me heated. XD
The fic in question is
Deals with a bit of a heavy topic but I liked it.
Here I am, slowly getting back into reading FT fic... fingers crossed... 😂
12 notes - Posted August 9, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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rockkcityboy · 6 years
Ep 116
"Juvia, snap out of it!"
-Juvia is immediately awake-
"If Gray happens to meet that cross-dressing old man-"
How many times do we have to tell you that Ultear IS a young woman, she was disguised the FIRST TIME you met her.
"I'd this really the time to be having an easy-going conversation?"
That cat is always right
"Damn it... My ice magic is useless..."
Then get over there and hit her, full force, in the face. Do it.
Did he just.... Infuse his ice with his own blood so that it's technically a part of him?? That's hardcore and also such a mood.
"Give a man rope enough and he'll hang himself."
Is he really that shocked that she knows ice magic?? Of course she has a normal magic, and her mother was Ur so of course it's ice. She wouldn't only have a Lost Magic, that would be insane.
I bet the other 6/7 only have their Lost Magic just so that they're insane.
Imagine what would've happened if Ultear had run to to her mother anyway? If she just went "fuck it, she's still my mother" and ran down. Been taken back in by her mother, gained two adopted brothers. Not been evil as hell. Would Ur still have died? Would Ultear have joined Fairy Tail?
How is she getting these memories? Is it literally just cause Ur is one with the sea now? Cause that's sad but also beautiful.
Holy shit that's actually why. That's so tragically beautiful.
Ur went through too much. Far too much. She deserved better
While I love the sweetness of it being Ur and Urtear to sound like "Ur's Tear", Urtear just doesn't sound right. Ultear is better.
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fairytailevents · 2 years
Fairy Tail Spring Events 2022
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April 1-7 - Gruvia Week - hosted by @gruviaweek
April 3-9 - Rare Pairs Week - hosted by @ftguildevents
April 6-12 - Gajevy Week - hosted by @gajevyagenda
April 10 - Erza Day
April 10-17 - Nali Week - hosted by @naliweek
April 21 - Laxus Day
May 1-31 Fairy Tail Reverse Bang 2022 Posting - hosted by @ftguildevents
May 9 - Lisanna Day
May 23 - Dobengal Day
May 23 - 29 Nalu is Bittersweet... (Angst Week) - hosted by @thenaluarchive
June 3 - Juvia Day
June 4 - Lucy Day
June 9 - Rogue Day
If you know of an event that isn’t on this list, please let us know. We’d love to add it!​
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dragonshost · 3 years
23 + 82 for Totovia or 24 + 97 for Cojeel?
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23: Performer AU
82: Second Love
After the misdeeds of the Phantom Lord Troupe came to light and it subsequently disbanded, it became very difficult for the members to find work. Juvia and Gajeel landed in Fairy Tail's Fantasia show, but the others split off to vastly different places. Totomaru became an instructor rather than set up with a new group and be forced to learn a new dynamic. After a number of years, and a failed romance with fellow performer Gray, Juvia decides to look up her old friends and see how they're doing. In so doing, she reunites with Totomaru and new feelings surface between the changed man and changed woman.
24: Soulmate AU
97: Time Travel
It was well known that Gajeel, along with the other first and third generation dragon slayers, had traveled through time twice - but what wasn't known was that Gajeel had accidentally done so much more than that. It wasn't much - up to an hour at most and only once per day - but it had been enough to avoid his death a number of times (if not every other humiliation). But then something strange happens - Cobra happens to "hear" the echoes that one of young Gajeel's time shifts causes, all the way back at the Tower of Heaven. Compelled to track down the source, Cobra begins to hunt for the sound that has come to echo in his own heart.
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okitagumi · 2 years
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I posted 3,671 times in 2021
183 posts created (5%)
3488 posts reblogged (95%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 19.1 posts.
I added 764 tags in 2021
#shut it dee - 119 posts
#dc - 92 posts
#bias tag - 88 posts
#haikyuu - 87 posts
#gallery - 72 posts
#art by op - 71 posts
#otp - 66 posts
#oisuga - 61 posts
#sugawara koushi - 55 posts
#kim minji - 53 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#this is like that one time a friend told me she doesnt think she can still be friends with me and i was like. okay if that's what u want
My Top Posts in 2021
remember when tumblr gave us direct messages but instead of doing it normally, we had to spread the feature around ourselves like the plague
52 notes • Posted 2021-10-30 14:31:35 GMT
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everybody shut up it's his day
75 notes • Posted 2021-11-04 23:22:27 GMT
all gray does in 100yq is confess his love for juvia at least once every 5 chapters
197 notes • Posted 2021-07-06 17:14:49 GMT
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just want to say this is oisuga
225 notes • Posted 2021-04-29 20:43:31 GMT
society needs to stop pretending that french sounds sexy
425 notes • Posted 2021-05-27 19:35:04 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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ejm513 · 3 years
1-I know there is now a cannon child for edo Nalu and edo Gruvia with names and everything. I also know that Gajeel and Levy have twins and Levy is currently pregnant in 100 Years Quest.  I love it and their names and everything about those precious babies-but I’ve had these ideas and characters and backstories growing and developing in my head for years so I’m being the stubborn Taurus that I am and sticking with it.
2-Also please forgive any misspellings and grammar mistakes as I am dyslexic and my school failed us at teaching spelling and grammar. I did my best.
Hello my lovelies!! 
So I’ve spent most of the day working on the first two ships and editing everything so I figured why not just post the second one right away. 
And the next ship we’re doing on this crazy journey is my personal favorite my OTP to end all OTPS 
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Ah yes people... I’m in my happy place. 
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  Nicolai Sliver Fullbuster- Nicknames- Nick, Nicky, Nicky Bear (gotta love little sisters)
Birthday: March 15th, 797 (Bonus points if anyone gets the reference :P)
Magic: Ice Make Magic
-Height: 5’10 (same height as Gray)
-Hair: Dark and thick like Grays, slightly wavy curiosity of his mother.
-Eye color: Dark blue and large like he’s mother’s.
-Built like his father.
-He and Gray are the closest to clones.  
-Gray doesn’t want his boy to deal with the consequences of being a demon slayer… so he doesn’t teach him how to be one. At least not completely. He does pass on some techniques and skills but nothing more.
-For example he teaches him Ice Make Sliver. 
-He got the name Nikolai Sliver from both of his grandfathers-I chose a Russian name because I have this idea in my head that in the real world Juvia would be Russian and nothing can convince me otherwise.
-Though he got over it eventually poor thing hated the cold and having to strip in the snow.
-He too got the illness Ultrear had, and while he didn’t get through it as easily as the Dragnell children he got through it in the end.  
And before anyone ask yes… he stripes.
-Loyal (but maybe not to a fault)
-Laid back like his father
-A little moody and temperamental at times
-Can be a bit reserved but more or less wears his heart on his sleeve like Juvia.
-Very imaginative like his mother… which sometimes lead him to being a little ditzy and spacy.
-Very loving
-Very protective of those he loves
-Definitely inherited Juvia’s possessiveness-when his sister was being introduced to the guild for the first time after she was born he grabbed hold of her little blanket, stood in front of her and said
“No! She’s MY baby sister!!”
-Gray QUICKLY helped him get it under control
-A huge romantic like Juvia…like MAJOR romantic. He even enjoys reading her romance novels (but don’t you dare tell anyone)
-He also enjoys drawing, doing anything in the snow and ice
-Very intelligent and did well in school-given his magic he was particularly skilled in art. No one understands how he managed to do so well in school because his note books are covered in doodles
-In general just a much more open and expressive person than his father or sister, much more like his mother.
-Extremely close with both of his parents-the Fullbusters are known for having a very close knit and loving family.
-Like almost every boy in this generation he is a total mama’s boy and you better not call him out on it.
-Also idolizes his father and wants to be just like him
-Absolutely adores his little sister is very gentle and sweet with her. He’s extremely protective of her  and one of the only four people he can be a little possessive over (the others being Lila and his parents).However, she can get on his nerves because like most little siblings she follows him everywhere and wants to do everything with him. Plus they can both be temperamental and stubborn. They are also so much alike yet express themselves in such different ways that it causes clashes.  As a result, they bicker the most out of any of the siblings in the next gen-but their fights never, EVER turn physical. But the bottom line is they are exceptionally close-so close in fact they are one of the only pairs in the next gen that can successfully pull of a Unison Raid.
-Real he just wants Eliza to stop calling him Nicky Bear… in public at least.
-The first of his two best friends is Simon Scarlet. At first it was a matter of convenience because he was the only boy in the guild close to her age, but it didn’t take too long to become genuine friends. They love to bond over their love of sweets. The other of course is Lila.
And naturally Happy… Happy is everyone’s best friend
-He has loved Lila pretty much his entire life-before he even understood what that feeling was. When he learned what the concept of marriage, he knew right away she was the one he was going to marry. As stated before he constantly referred to her as his wife as children and when they were older (like almost 20 or older than 20) he would say “You know I’m going to marry you one day Dragnell right?”
Elizaveta/ Eliza/ Liza Ur Fullbuster
   Birthday: November 23rd, 801
Magic: Water.
Height: 5’2 (a couple of inches shorter than Juvia who is 5’4 according to the Wiki)
Hair: Long, thick and wavy like Juvia’s, dark like Gray’s
Eyes: Juvia’s shape but dark like Gray’s
-She has the same gifted build as Juvia, but somehow a little more fragile looking
-Has her father’s smile
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-Yes that beautiful beautiful smile 
-Has heard from Gray that despite her strong resemblance to her mother something about her reminds him of his mother
-Elizaveta or Eliza Ultear got her name from Juvia’s mother and obviously Ultear. Eliza is what she goes by and only those closest with her call her Liza
-Eliza was born five weeks early and this caused… problems. She was extremely sick as a baby. She ended up becoming dyslexic. Finally, it messed with her powers. She has water powers like her mother, but because she was born so early they are technically incomplete because her body isn’t completely made of water like Juvia. This means she’s not impervious to physical attacks, but she makes up for it in other ways.
-Due to being born early and being a little sickly, when she got that infamous illness all the children in the next gem see to get Ultear’s illness (I have no idea what else to call it) she got hit the worse. She actually came close to dying and Gray and Juvia were told to expect the worst.
-Because of this, despite obviously being a skilled and well trained wizard, Eliza is more known for her emotion strength and endurance rather than her physical strength (at least until she was almost an adult)
-Is definitely no ice wizard and can’t stand the cold, but did learn some tricks including how to freeze her rain into snow or freezing rain.
And yes… she is absolutely forbidden to strip under any and all circumstances unless she doesn’t want to see the outside world until she’s 30 or until Gray is dead… which ever comes first
-Massive, huge heart of gold
-Very sweet
-Very shy and introverted
-Extremely reserved, keeps everything close to her chest like her father
-Appears laid back but is a ball of emotion and anxiety and occasional bouts of depression
-Comes off as an ethereal, sweet, Mary Jane type of dainty princess when she is anything but
-Actually, has a very snarky, sarcastic sense of humor a la Gray and is just funny like her mother.
-Is never willing to start a fight but if you push her enough she follows the same line of thought as Lila;
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-Is very stubborn, moody and temperamental at times
-Very ambitious and always smiling despite everything that’s happened to her.
-Is quiet laid back with her language when she’s older and has been known to swear.
-Is also great at impressions.
-Has Juvia’s quiet astounding imagination and is definitely a dreamer.
-Is a HUGE romantic, openly reading her mother’s romance novels. Otherwise she’s very good at hiding it… mostly.
-Exceptionally smart but struggles with math and is a slow reader because of her dyslexia. She excels in history and music.
-I have a head cannon that Juvia can sing because of all the hydration she gets from having a water body, mermaids/sirens luring sailors with their voices and because apparently Juvia’s voice actress can sing. So Eliza inherited that gift but never sings on stage for the public.
-Because of how sickly she has always been, and because she was the first girl born to the guild a string of boys, and because of how bad she’s treated by kids at school, Eliza is utterly spoiled and a little coddled by all. No on one minds though because she never acts spoiled. She just loves having such a safe and warm space to fall.
-Like her brother is super close to her parents.
-Juvia is her rock and the pair are inseparable.
-She is also daddy’s littler girl though don’t you ever get her to admit it. They love joking around with each other and just talking.
-She adores and idolizes her big brother-her Nicky Bear. She always wanted to follow him around and do what he did-which after a certain point would get on his nerves. She also sometimes get annoyed with how protective he can be. They can both be a little possessive over each other and their parents.  As mentioned before they have many of the same personality traits but express them in different ways, so they bicker a lot. But in the end she would be lost without him.
-Like her mother Eliza was unfortunately bullied badly by kids outside the guild and even more unfortunate a few kids in the guild. So her three closest friends are Lila Dragnell, Hazel Redfox and much to her chagrin Iggy Dragnell.
-Iggy is the only person who can flare her temper on the daily and who she has fought with-he never fights with more than words but from time to time she will blast him with water just to get him to leave her alone. He is more or less the annoying younger brother she never asked for but similar to her own brother would be lost without him.
-And before you ask no she has not and will never have a crush or any romantic feelings for Iggy… but Simon Scarlet on the other hand….
-Has a love hate relationship with Happy after he was flying her around ounce and dropped her from pretty high up which gave her a fear of heights.
 All right my lovelies!! That is it for this round! I’ll be back soon... hopefully with the next ship!!! 
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thewritingstar · 4 years
Star’s Master Fic Page!
Updated: 11/19/2020
This is where you can find all of my fics!!!
Current Fic Count: 200
Original Content Count: 6
Fandoms: Fairy Tail, My Hero Academia, Miraculous LadyBug, The PowerPuff Girls, The Promised Neverland, Ducktales, Gravity Falls, Original Works
Bold are Chapter fics!
My asks are always open for requests!!
Commissions are open!!
Fairy Tail
1. Lying - Gruvia
2. It Should Have Been Me - Gruvia
3. Of All The Colors: 1 - 2 - Gruvia
4. Blue Skies -Gruvia
5. My Savior - Lucy and Aquarius
6. Little Notes - Lucy and Aquarius
7. Movies - Gruvia
8. Books - Gajevy
9. Candles -Nalu
10. The First Snow -Nalu
11. Letting Go - Gruvia
12. Written In The Stars Au. 1  2-Nalu
13. Fine- Gruvia
14. Reassuring- Gruvia
15. Melt for Me- Nalu (Candles pt 2)
16. Marshmallows- Nalu
17. Book Shelves- Gajevy
18. Flower Crown- Gruvia
19. Sweatshirts and Coffee- Gruvia
20. Bloody Smile- Nalu
21. Water Body- Gruvia
22. Balloons- Gruvia
23. Marriage- Gajevy
24. Can’t help falling in love with you- Nalu
25. The Siren Song- Gruvia AU. 1
26. Mario Kart- Nalu
27. Beating Hearts- Nalu
28. Mint- Gajevy
29. Can you feel the love tonight?- Gruvia
30. Clock- Nalu
31. Show me whats behind your back. -Nalu
32. Just Smile- Gajevy
33. Can we?- Nalu (Adult Content)
34. Broken- Gruvia
35. Immortal- Gruvia
36. Russian Roulette -Gruvia
37. Sit Down -Gruvia
38.Don’t Cry- Gruvia
39. Water Lily Wedding- Gruvia
40. Cycle Of the Rain -Gruvia
41. Lost -Gajevy
42. Forgiveness -Jerza
43. Auto Shop Hearts -Gajevy
44. Valentines Day?? - Gruvia
45. Music- Gajevy
46. Past and Future -Gajevy
47. Leave me alone -Gruvia
48. Valentine Exchange -Nalu
49. Cold Feet -Gruvia
50. Silence -Nalu
51. You’re Hurting Me- Gruvia
52. Magic Trick- Nalu
53. Damp Skin- Gruvia
54. Mall Adventures- Gruvia
55. I prefer blondes- Nalu
56. The Secret Admirer- Gruvia
57. Forgiving- Gruvia
58. Missing You- Gruvia
59. Ill Keep You Warm- Nalu
60. Ive Got You- Gruvia
61. Adventures In Lush- Fairy Tail Girls + Others
62. The Anniversary To Remember - Gruvia
63. A Chance Meeting- Gruvia
64. Do You Have A Ride Home?- Nalu
65. I Can’t Trust You- Gajevy
66. You Could Have Warned Me! -Nalu
67. SnowBalls- Gruvia
68. Stuck In The Elevator- Gruvia
69. Labor- Gruvia
70. Rescued- Gruvia
71. Liquid Locket- Gruvia
72. Very Happy- Gruvia
73. Gruvia Week: Proposal
74. Gruvia Week: Surprise
75. Gruvia Week: Devotion
76. Gruvia Week: Sport
77. Gruvia Week: Heartbreak
78. Lost- Gruvia
79. Mortifying Merch- Gruvia
80. Never Stop- Gajevy
81. Blind Date- Gruvia
82. Fates Desire- Gruvia: Chap 1 Chap 2
83. Stairwell Kisses- Gruvia
84. Stolen Shirts- Nalu
85. “Kiss Me”- Gruvia
86. Happy Birthday- Nalu
87. Enough- Gruvia
88. The Moment- Nalu
89. Are You Safe- Gajevy
90. Bruises- Gruvia
91. The Ex Boyfriend- Gruvia
92. Double Date: Gruvia/Nalu
93. A Royal Heart- Gruvia (Big Bang Event)
94. One More Time: Gruvia
95. Deserving of Love- Gruvia
96. Kiss As a Lie- Gruvia
97. To Ignore the Rain Would Be A Pity: Gruvia Chap 1 Chap 2
98. Go Get Your Happiness- Gruvia
99. Death n Diamonds- Gruvia
100. Drabble- Gruvia
101. Silver Shorelines- Gruvia
102. Gruvia Day 2019
103. Fire n Water- Navia
104. Starsoba Fictober- Candy- Gruvia
105. Chained With Love- Nalu
106. A Years Difference- Gruvia
107. Grains Of Purple- Gruvia
108. Truly Beautiful- Nalu
109. Dress- Nalu
110. Back to those Summer Days- Gruvia
111. The Legend of The Lake- Gruvia
112. Upon the Frozen Lake- Gruvia
113. Waiting in the Rain- Gruvia
114. Only A Fairy tale- Gruvia
115. Learn to Love Again- Gruvia
116. Toxic in Trade: Chap 1 Chap 2- Gruvia
117: Gruvia Week 2020- Day 1
118: Gruvia Week 2020- Day 2
119: Within The Darkness- Gruvia
120: By Your Side- Nalu
121: A Touch of a Hand- Gruvia
122: Scars- Gratsu
123: Promise Me- Gruvia 
124: Ice Ice Baby?- Gruvia 
125: The Melody of Loving You- Gruvia 
126: Holding You Close- Lucy x Juvia 
127: Gruvia Day 2020
128: Beautiful Revelations- Gruvia 
Miraculous Ladybug
1. Why Can’t You Just Love Me Back?- LadyNoir
2. Fallen Heroes -LadyNoir
3. Regret -Adrientte
4. Lights- LadyNoir
5. Not the Time -Adrienette
6. Reason to Live - LadyNoir
7. Indigo Tears -MariChat
My Hero Academia
1. Credit Due -Kiribaku
2. Angry Kiss -Kiribaku
3. Tell me you need me- Kacchako
4. Bath- Kacchako
5. 3 A.M - Kacchako
6. Sick Days- Kiribaku
7. Dance Dance Revolution- Kiribaku
8. A Confession- Kiribaku
9. The Assassin Code- 1
10. No Time To Waste- KiriBaku
11. KiriBaku Week: Dance
12. KiriBaku Week: Scars
13. KiriBaku Week: Support
14. KiriBaku Week: Soulmate
15. My New Dream- KiriBaku
16. 90’s- KiriBaku
17. Best at Boasting -KiriBaku
18. My Everything -Kacchako
19. StarSoba Fictober: Pumpkins-KiriBaku
20. Gift Swap- BakuDeku
21. Gift Swap: ROCKin Around the Christmas Tree- Kiribaku
22. What It Could Be- Kiribaku
23. Sleepover Secrets- Jiroumomo
Powerpuff Girls
1. Own Escape- Blossick
2. Up In The Clouds- Blossick
3. Pretty Sparks- Butchercup
4. Miss Americana and the Heartbreak Prince: Chap 1 -Blossutch
5. Green Light District- Butchercup
6. Enchanted For a Moment- Chap 1, Chap 2 -Blossick (orphaned)
7. Valuable Possessions- Butchercup
8. Bite my Tongue- Blossutch
9. Tease-Blossick
10. Cute- Butchercup
11. Come Get Me: Butchercup
12. Hair Twirling- Blossutch
13. I’m a Mess- Butchercup
14. Stay- Blossick
15. Fireworks- Butchercup
16. Shields and Sparks- Butchercup
17. The Talk- Butchercup
18. Spa Night- Butch and Bubbles
19. Roomies- Butchercup
20. Desperate Hugs- Butchercup
21. Incinerate- Blossutch
22. Bounce House Blues- Brickercup
23. Bruises- Butchercup 
24. Tender Kisses- Butchercup
25. Like Ashes We Burn- Blossick
26. Little Red Bow- Blossutch
27. More than you Think- Butchercup
28. When The Night is Still Young- Prinbrute
29. Like the Weight of the World- Blossick 
30. Enchanted For A Moment (Revamped) Color Code- Chap 1
31. Falling Back to You- Blossick 
32. The Freedom of Being Yours- Blossick 
33. Until My Heart Stops Racing-Mike x Mitch 
34. Blue With Envy- Boomubbles
35. Drawn That Way- Blossucth 
36. Don’t Panic, I Got You- Boomer and Blossom 
37. In The Depths Of The Deep Sea- Blossutch 
Duck Tales
1. Drive Thru- Fentonald
Poems/ Original Work
1. Red
2. A Fateful Friendship
3. Head Held High
4. Turn Your Back on Me
5. Ashamed
6. Like A Rainbow
The Promised Neverland
1. To See Her Smile- RayEmma
Gravity Falls 
1. Mystery Mom- Wendy’s mom commission 
174 notes · View notes
petri808 · 3 years
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1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33-Epilogue
— I just wanna say thank you so much to everyone who followed along, your comments and suggestions along the way really helped to bring this story to life! It’s my longest fic to date, and to think it started as a one-shot for nalu day 2020 lol. YOU GUYS HELPED MAKE THIS HAPPEN! 🥳🥰🥰 ILY YOU ALL!💜💜💜💜
@mcornilliac special shout out for you help with the toughest part 😘
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Even after all these years, riding on a train still brought a small flutter to Lucy’s stomach as she remembered the long ago evening when she’d met her husband. From an innocent meeting to a death defying experience, talk about a roller coaster ride. And yet, if she had to do it all over again, Lucy wouldn’t change a thing. Crazy sounding yes, for why would anyone not want to avoid what she’d gone through? Touka had truly pushed her sanity to the breaking point, but well, the therapist was right in the end and Lucy felt almost invincible now. All that pain, all the struggle she’d pushed through had made her the strong and resilient woman she was today. Happily married to Natsu with their fraternal twins Nashi and Ryuu. Mrs. Natsu Dragneel, Lucy smiled to herself, there was no way she’d change a thing.
Of course, it hadn’t been easy. After Natsu proposed and Lucy had accepted, there were still a lot of work to be done. But that measure of acceptance and affection did wonders. Any worries she’d had that he wouldn’t want a broken woman melted away and gave her the confidence to get better. With each passing therapy session, her strength grew, and by the time they graduated college, Lucy could honestly say she’d been cured to a functional degree. No longer struggling through nightmares and panic attacks, her anxieties were under control and the debilitating depression a distant memory where it belonged.
Yeah... Lucy sighed happily as she watched the landscape pass by from her train seat. Meeting Natsu was the best thing to ever happen in her life, well, aside from the kids. They’d married about a year after graduation on the anniversary of their meeting. It was a beautiful affair at an indoor venue, with close friends and family to join them. They’d gone a more modern route for the ceremony but did take pictures at a garden dressed in the traditional attire for sentimental reasons. Lucy wore the shiromuku white kimono while Natsu a montsuki haori hakama. And no, it wasn’t train themed! Levy was the Maid of Honor and Gray was the best man. By then, Levy and Gajeel were also married and Gray in a serious relationship with a girl named Juvia Lockser. Lucy was so happy for them both. All of their lives were moving in the right direction.
Everything was perfect. Great jobs in their fields of interest, lives settled into a comfortable routine, when 5 years later Lucy was pregnant with fraternal twins. It was a total surprise since twins didn’t run in either of their families. Always the jovial optimist, Natsu joked that they’d been doubly blessed because of what they’d gone through, and Lucy couldn’t help but love such a concept. Of course, once the euphoria of the motherhood prospect waned, reality set in that she was having twins! Two! Double the babies meant double of everything, from the pregnancy concerns to raising them. Growing up without a mother and as an only child, Lucy didn’t have a lot of experience with small children. But Natsu patiently assured her, that she’d do just fine. Think of it as a new challenge, and after overcoming one pretty tough situation, this would be a walk in the park. On the bright side, Levy was also pregnant with the couple’s first child so the two best friend’s kids would grow up together.
And Natsu was right, there were a few bumps in the road but nothing too difficult. During her fourth month Lucy was diagnosed with gestational diabetes as well as some minor gastrointestinal issues, so Natsu swayed the doctor to put her on bed rest. Better safe than sorry. The babies were healthy, but by the 7th month, she really couldn’t move much, and she was miserable being stuck at home all the time. Lucy missed her job because she genuinely enjoyed working for the magazine. But in the end, it had been a good thing. She could manage her health easier that way and it gave her time to do something she’d thought about doing as part of the healing process. With Natsu’s support and permission, it was time to put her writing skills to good use and write a book about their experience.
It became an instant hit, especially with female readers. The book was not only an autobiographical reflection of what had happened to them but focused on shining a light on the dangers of stalkers, as well as the importance of taking the warning signs seriously. Lucy didn’t hold back in her re-telling, even pointing out the serious flaws in Japan’s laws in protecting citizens from stalkers which at the time were nonexistent. Feminist organizations working to change those laws used her story with permission for their cause. She had no intentions of becoming a poster child for the movement, but in the end her role may have played its part, because 2 years after the publishing, Japan finally adopted anti-stalking laws making it easier for police to string together harassment cases, as well as for victims to get the help they needed.
Her life was nothing but exciting to say the least! And with two young children, now age 10 certainly kept them on their toes. Their daughter Nashi was just like Natsu, very outgoing, friendly, but a bit of a daredevil while her brother Ryuu born 4 minutes after her was the quieter of the two. He preferred books like his mother to adventure. Of course, that never stopped Nashi from dragging him into shenanigans! But the best part was how close they still were and fiercely protective of each other. Lucy and Natsu couldn’t be prouder of them and hoped this would continue throughout their lifetimes.
Fifteen years... come to think of it, their wedding anniversary was coming up shortly. With Natsu now a senior fire inspector for the Tokyo prefectural government, he was often busy. Lucy did mind it, because frankly it gave her some peace and quiet. She chuckled at the thought. Not that it was all that peaceful with the twins. But she digressed. His success meant their lives were very comfortable, and her own journalism successes while not as financially based, were still celebrated in their relationship. Natsu never waned in being the dutiful and supportive, always loving husband that Lucy felt blessed to grow old with.
‘Two more stops, pick up the kids from school, stop at the grocery store for dinner...’ Lucy tapped out on her phone a to-do list of ingredients to pick up at the store. Perhaps katsudon... ‘Mmm, or maybe nabe,’ hot-pot soup since it was expected to be a bit chilly that evening.
Lucy looked up briefly, really just spacing out in thought when someone catches her eye. At the other end of the train car, she noticed a woman facing slightly away, but enough to where she couldn’t quite see a face. It couldn’t be... Lucy looked away not wanting to stare, but somehow... for some reason the woman was awfully familiar... looking exactly like Touka. Well, not exactly, but enough to make the hair on the back of her neck stand up. It was a blonde, with a different hair style— and that could always be changed. Similar body type, the facial side-profile features that Lucy could see resembled Touka...
Now despite being better, her anxieties still bubbled up from time to time, so she immediately switched to her coping techniques to calm them down. ‘You’re fine,’ Lucy talked herself through it, ‘no point in getting riled up.’ The woman hadn’t done so much as looked in her direction, so it must be okay. Contrary to popular belief, things like depression and anxiety never fully goes away, especially when someone has experienced a severe level of it. Those emotions and irrational thoughts are forever programmed into the brain, but there are ways to keep them at bay and Lucy’s successfully done just that for 15 years.
‘Just go back to what you were doing. Katsudon or nabe? And don’t forget you need to pick up milk...’ But, fifteen years... could Touka have been released by now? Lucy shook the thought away again. ‘Stop it! Everything is fine. It’s not her!’ The train was semi-full of passengers all minding their own business... including the woman. There was no reason to start panicking now. Lucy adjusts her position on her seat away from the woman’s direction. If she couldn’t see her, she could pretend she didn’t exist. ‘Maybe I should pick up ingredients for both, that way I don’t have to shop tomorrow.’ Lucy thought to herself, and with the kids with her, they could help in carrying the shopping bags. ‘Yeah, we’ve got a plan…’
After figuring out her shopping list, Lucy pulled up social media to keep herself distracted and for a few minutes it did the trick. Silly videos of entertainers never got old. The train reached the next stop and she felt it come to a stop. Since it wasn’t hers, she didn’t pay it any mind as she scrolled through her feed. But as the disembarking passengers funnel past Lucy, her eyes pick up on a pair of pink high-heels peeking from over the edge of her phone. Her body instantly stiffened up from the similarity to the ones worn by the woman, while her curiosity slowly got the better of her. ‘Breath, act nonchalant!’ Lucy’s eyes tracked the high-heels moving past her until they left her periphery. She then slowly sat back up, pretending to readjust her position, when she caught a pair of eyes looking back. Lucy’s breathing hitches with a shaky exhale. “Oh, my god—"
Standing at the doorway with one hand on the frame, the blonde woman smiled at Lucy then winked before stepping off the train.
It was Touka!
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natsubeatsrock · 3 years
The Rewrite of Fairy Tail: Part 32 (Meredy)
What else can I do with Meredy?
Here's another question: why is this part of the series? Why isn't this a bonus section? Why not just hold off on talking about Meredy until I talk about the rest of Crime Sorciere? (read: Oracion Seis minus one)
It's not as if Meredy is so important to the series that I need to give as much attention to her as I have Ultear or Jellal. It's also not like I plan to make too many changes to Meredy. For the most part, I plan to keep Meredy as we got her in canon.
However, I feel as though Meredy, similar to Lisanna, serves as a great example of what I can and can't do with a character in the rewrite. With Lisanna, the issue was how I can handle a character who people argue had little reason to exist in canon. Lisanna's a character that doesn't have as much love from fandom as other similar characters. I've already made the argument that she deserves to stay in the series and explained ways she can be used.
Most people recognize that Meredy isn't and was never going to be as relevant as either of the other original Crime Sorciere members. I've yet to see someone unironically argue that we didn't get enough Meredy in Fairy Tail. However, if I'm going to add stuff to Fairy Tail, it's not as if I can't do more things with Crime Sorciere or Meredy individually. There are enough gaps of time to fill within what I'm working with that it's within the realm of possibility for me.
But, where should I draw the line? After all, I'm not allowing myself to write in new major moments or arcs. I have to work within what exists within the series. Consider that I don't have much to work with Meredy. I feel that this serves as a perfect case study for me in this regard.
Let's start with who Meredy is in canon.
Meredy was a survivor of Crime Sorciere attacking where she came from. She was effectively adopted by Ultear, despite her being responsible for the destruction. They grow especially close over the years.
As you may expect, Meredy feels indebted to Ultear. The thing is, Meredy takes it to an extreme. She sees her own life as irrelevant. 
Looking back, it's kind of hilarious that her opponent was Juvia on Tenrou Island. Juvia also had someone she highly valued. She was also willing to fight for them. 
The difference is that Juvia still valued her own life. Juvia wasn't willing to throw her life away for Gray. (*Restrains specific urges for 29 more days*) So, when she sees Meredy willing to throw her life away, she easily sympathizes. Juvia is the one who helps Meredy recognize that her life has value.
We see the effects of this throughout the series. The arc ends with her stopping Ultear from killing herself. When we see her seven years later before the Grand Magic Games, she's much more emotional than she used to be. I don't mean that in a sense of mood swings. I mean, she's more like a person and less like a robot.
And then, we get to the Alvarez Empire arc. Here we get some of her coolest moments in the series. Meredy finally gets her team-up with Juvia during the battle against the Historias of Zancrow and Keyes. And at the end of the arc, her magic is what ultimately helps Lucy's side of the Acnologia fight win out in the end.
Oh, yeah. Sensory Link.
What does it say that Mashima thought to give someone who wasn't emotional the power to link people's emotions together? It wasn't just a matter of emotions, but also the pain receptors. (Weirdly enough, Kiznaiver would do something like this the same year I got into Fairy Tail.) Meredy's empathy powers ultimately played a large part in her initial defeat. Juvia was quite literally able to reach Meredy on an emotional level because they were linked together with her power.
It turns out that Sensory Link's true power wasn't making people feel pain or emotions. By linking people together with Sensory Link, their magic power is combined. First, Meredy and Juvia use this to beat the Historia ghosts. And, at the end of the series, Meredy uses it to bind everyone on the continent together to make Fairy Sphere work.
It's worth remembering what a big theme of Fairy Tail is: the bonds between people. I know that we all joke about the power of friendship.  However, both sides fighting Acnologia are using their bonds to beat him in different ways. I think this way is the more sensible of the two. (Natsu uses the power of seven dragons to beat a man who unceremoniously killed someone using the power of eight.)
So, what do I want to do with Meredy that didn't happen in canon?
You have to consider a couple of things. First off, I can't shove Meredy or the rest of Crime Sorciere into situations that they weren't already in. Even if I wanted to, what would I do? Crime Sorciere visits Fairy Tail during the time-skip? Jellal helps with the Eclipse Project? (I already talked about Meredy as a potential part of the Avatar arc.)
Second, it would be wrong of me to make Meredy into a character whose importance is much higher than she was in canon. I'm not going to make Meredy beat Mard Geer or solo a dragon. No one would seriously argue that Meredy could have ever done those things reasonably.
However, there is one rather important thing that I can add with Meredy that she didn't do in canon. I want her to be the reason that Juvia wants to confess to Gray. After all, they do meet before the Grand Magic Games starts. Why not have her inspire her to share her feelings for Gray? (I say this as if I've shared positive prospects for my handling of Gruvia.) I think that addition works for her character and relationship with Juvia.
Is that a big change in the long run? Certainly not, especially compared to many of the other things I’ve talked about throughout this series. However, I’m not trying to make large drastic sweeping changes to the series. I want to keep as much the same about Fairy Tail as possible. However, if I can add something that I think will make sense of the series, it wouldn’t hurt me to do it.
Introduction | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Part 18 | Part 19  | Part 20  | Part 21 | Part 22 | Part 23 | Part 24 | Part 25 | Part 26 | Part 27 | Part 28 | Part 29 | Part 30 | Part 31
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watcher-ofthe-sky · 3 years
9, 15, and 23 for the salty ask game thing! (Any fandom or multi fandom, whatever you feel like :D)
Omg, I am so sorry. I did not think that anyone will actually send an ask so I forgot all about it and didn’t check my inbox until now. But thank you for sending it!! I’ll go ahead and do FT.
Salty Ask List
9. Most disliked character(s)? Why?
Juvia. I am pretty much transparent about my dislike towards her. To keep it brief, it’s mostly how her entire character is centred around Gray without any footing of her own. Her clear disrespect of his boundaries and claiming to do so in the name of “love” bothers me because it’s just not funny at all. It diluted and drained away the little development she had in the beginning. See, there is one thing to enjoy some aspects of relationship and romantic love which heightens in fiction and do not condone to real life representation. I can completely understand this indulgence. Juvia’s hero-worshipping and devotion towards Gray who saved her could have been filed under that upto some extent if that said devotion constructed a larger part of the story, say thematically serving loyalty or faith or a belief in other--considering the fact that Gray is a person who struggles with self-worth and atonement. Juvia could have been someone who would have helped him with that, while at the same time grounding her own issues for the same. 
For a mostly character-driven plot, Fairy Tail did not succeed in pulling this devotion to a greater use. Hence, making her seem as an obsessive woman with no personality of her own. Which was evidently not the case in the beginning because she did have her own traits. But rather than exploring those, everything was flattened into her being someone who would stop at no cost to get the person she loves without regarding that said person’s feelings.
Especially, as I have said above, Juvia’s ignorance of Gray’s boundaries only showed that she disrespects him and made it seem to the audience that he in turn owe her the return of feelings simply because she has been turned down many times before.  
I can go on and on about gru//via and how much it sucks. So, in the end, it’s just a pity how much her character got butchered for the sake of an unhealthy ship. She could have been great and that’s why it makes me mad.
 15. Unpopular opinion about the manga/show?
I can hardly call it unpopular but as we know, there is a polarity of opinions regarding Fairy Tail as a show. Of course, not everyone will like everything but I've noticed how quick people are to dismiss FT in the name of the power of friendship. Which doesn’t make any sense because most shōnen do have this as one of the main element. While I know FT often does go overboard with it, it needs to be remembered that at its core, it’s a show about found family and the bonds that we make with people. It’s about believing in other people and let yourself be loved by those people; forgiving and moving forward in the hope that there will a warm place to welcome you some day. 
At the same time, since it is about friendship, I think the fandom keeps forgetting that aspect and lean towards shipping more. Now look, I have dozens of ships for every character and enjoy digging them out as much as the next person, and while I know that there is nothing wrong in characters having a romantic subplot, people need to remember that the plot itself is about friendship. 
Lastly, it is just the fact that people tend to forget that the show has tones of flaws (which are what most of us are aware of) and is not above criticism. Being aware of the flaws and able to keep an open mind of the content you are consuming is necessary. And it does not need to take away from you the aspect of enjoying it. 
23. Unpopular character you love?
Lol, I think I mostly love who are popular enough--Erza, Ultear, Jellal, etc., and that in FT most of the characters have their fair share of popularity. Assuming that Lyon too comes in that spectrum, I’ll say Erik. I think he is a really interesting character and we could have seen more of him had his potential been utilised more. He is a snarky and sarcastic but at the same time, he is quiet too, as seen after the time skip. He looks like a layered character to me. His relationship with Oracion Seis members was great and had the foundation of trust and care. Seeing how after being released from the prison, they all stayed together. His dynamic with Crime Sorciere would have been really fun to see too but they never got the deserved screen time.  (Crime Sorciere spin-off when?)
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