#just unzipping stuff and following instructions
emeraldcreeper · 8 months
Holy shit hacking a 3ds is easy and honestly not that scary I should’ve done this years ago because holy shit it does it all by itself and it’s done now how the fuck did that happen now I can do infinite crime so long as my crime is the right file type
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peachsukii · 3 months
Okay I’m back I’m sorry your writing is like cocaine to me idk you’re awesome-
Bakugou x reader where they’re on a mission and it involves a teams of heroes to dress up like Dynamight to confuse the enemy??? Just like Bakugou’s reaction to seeing his girlfriend decked out in his gear like 😭😭😭
but like picture like reader trying to fit Bakugou into a version of her costume too-
Ohkay I’m going even further now- Bakugou and reader wearing formal wear modeled after each other at a Hero’s gala to debut their relationship to the world???? I can just imagine after the mission they just really like wearing each other’s stuff-
Anyways you’re amazing have an amazing day!!
I’m so so sorry this took me so long to get to! You’re the sweetest!! 🥰 thank you so much for rec and coming back! I’ve enjoyed the ideas you’ve suggested so much and hope you like this one. 💖✨
Substitute Gear
『 ♡』  k.bakugo x fem!reader ꒰ pro-hero au | age 24 | lovers (bf/gf) ꒱ ⇢ bakugo and reader are joking around in their apartment one night when they decide to try on each others costumes! this leads to a fun inspiration for the upcoming hero gala as their agencies recommend for them to reveal their relationship officially. Why not do it in style?
꒰ tags & warnings ꒱ no cw minus cursing | fun & fluffy ꒰ cross posted to ao3 | wc; ~1.1k ꒱ -`✧ katsuki bakugo masterlist
“Ugh, what an ugly shift,” you complain as you’re walking through the front door of your apartment. You’re kicking off your dirty boots in the entryway when Katsuki comes to greet you.
“Long day?” He asks, analyzing how filthy your hero suit is. It doesn’t stop him from giving you a light peck on the lips to welcome you home.
“More like what didn’t happen today. A kid threw up on me, and when I washed that off, some asshole bled all over me when I cuffed him! To top it all off, I tripped and fell into the mud while in pursuit of a robbery. Head first!”
As you’re rattling off the laundry list of shitty things that happened during the day, Katsuki’s silently instructing you to take the suit off. He spins you around, unzipping the neck piece and carefully removing all of your components and accessories.
“I broke my damn helmet in that fall,” you groan, wiping dried dirt from your cheek.
“Better than your head, dumbass,” Katsuki counters. “Ya got extras, no use cryin’ over one of ‘em.”
You shimmy the suit off of your shoulders and pull out of the material one limb at a time.
“You’d think as heroes, there’d be a professional laundry service or something,” you complain, letting your suit crumple on the floor. It comically puffs out a dried cloud of grime.
Katsuki stifles a laugh. “Weird way of sayin’ I do all your laundry. Get your ass in the shower, you reek.” He smacks your barely-covered ass to get you moving, continuing to snicker to himself as you waddle down the hallway.
After a long and hot shower, you emerge from the bathroom with a dramatic haze of steam following you.
“Ya done yet, peach? Dinners done,” Katsuki calls from the kitchen, dishes clattering as he’s prepping plates for the two of you. You scamper down the hall to meet him in the kitchen, a delicious aroma filling your senses when you approach the stove. He hands you one of the plates of beef and peppers stacked high on a bed of rice.
“Mmm, you even made me extra peppers!” You chirp, flashing him a cheesy smile. He grins in response and slips past you to sit on the couch.
The news channel is droning in the background during dinner, the news anchors excitedly discussing the upcoming annual Hero Gala - the glitz and glamour side of it, anyways. The Gala itself is an enormous event to celebrate Japan’s hero society and to announce the year’s hero ranking; however, everyone treats it as one extravagant event, red carpet and all.
“I’ve never been to the gala before,” you say before taking another mouthful of rice. “I never qualified to attend until this year. I’m kinda nervous to be…debuting us, if I’m being honest.”
Your agencies had caught wind of your relationship - rather, Katsuki’s assistant accidentally caught you two kissing in his office - and wanted to use you as an opportunity to introduce the “new hottest hero couple.” Agencies care about appearances and tabloid drama just as much as actual hero work. What's hotter than a top hero dating a lower - much lower - ranked hero?
The gala is in two weeks and the two of you haven't settled on what to do about it.
“Th’ agencies wanting to use us as an attention grab is fuckin’ stupid," Katsuki mumbles, brows scrunched in frustration. "Who gives a shit who we're dating? Doesn't affect my ability ta do my job."
He had a point, of course, but that didn't make you any less nervous about it. You were being pressured to have an extremely public date and let "fans" know that Dynamight was off the market. The thought of fans metaphorically bashing your head in wasn't ideal, but whatever gets "ratings," right?
"We might as well just show up in each others' costumes," you joke, rolling your eyes as the news anchor shifts topics to the latest update on another nonsense story.
"That's...not a bad idea!" He shouts, putting his plate on the coffee table and excitedly jogging down the hall to the bedroom. "Where's your backup suit?"
"In the closet, why? There's no way your muscular ass is getting in that tight suit."
"No, dumbass! C'mere!"
You place your plate next to his and get up from the couch, waltzing to the bedroom to see what he's on about. Both your hero suit and his are laying on the bed next to each other.
"What if we swapped colors?" He asked, pointing to the suit designs. "You wear mine and I wear yours. That'll give the media somethin' to yap about."
That's actually...a brilliant idea! The media would absolutely eat up the "bad boy" Dynamight strutting into the gala with his partner's color pallet, especially because your colors were pinks and purples.
You raise an eyebrow to him, smirking as you begin to imagine him in a sharp pink and purple suit. "You do look good in pink, the few times you've worn it."
Katsuki cackles and winks at you. "Course I do, I make anythin' look good."
He immediately calls his agency to request the garments - they agreed wholeheartedly and offered to fund both outfits.
The night of the gala has finally arrived! There are plenty of news crews from all channels present, huddled around the main red carpet entrance. The scene is bedazzled with flashing camera lights, the shutter sounds of multiple cameras capturing photos in tandem. Your complimentary custom outfits are pristine and Katsuki's hand is in yours as the limo pulls up to the gateway, giving you a soft squeeze to gather your attention.
"It'll be fine, sweets. Jus' follow my lead, 'kay?"
You nod while taking a deep breath to calm your nerves. "Thanks babe."
The limo attendant outside skips to the door, opening it for the two of you and ushering you to the entrance. You're both standing in line behind other heroes awaiting their turn to enter the building, attention already building in your direction. A few minutes go by before one of the hosts motions for the two of you to proceed to the entrance.
Your heart is racing, threatening to burst right through your ribcage as the hot spotlights are covering the two of you. Cameras are flashing rapidly, waves of unintelligible shouting invading your senses - "Dynamight! Over here, look this way!" "Just one this way, you two!" "To the left, please!"
Katsuki's jaw is tense as his eyes are roaming around to satisfy multiple camera men, the resting glare he normally sports on patrol adoring his features. Your attempting to keep a soft smile, posing and waving gently. Suddenly, you're tugged into Katsuki's side, his hand leaving yours and wrapping around your waist, pulling you into his personal space. He spins you to face him, cupping your chin and dipping you backwards as his lips grace your own, holding you in place.
The world around explodes with surprise, the peanut gallery clamoring with questions about the two of you - "Are you two an item?" "Oh! A higher ranked hero and a brand new one!" "What a scandalous amount of PDA!"
When you part, he pulls you back to his side and keeps his hand on your waist while the two of you continue into the gala together. The paparazzi outside are tailing the two of you as they're stopped at the door, shouting for answers as he flips them off over his head.
"Told ya it'd be fine. Now let's fuckin' eat and enjoy the damn night."
thanks again for the suggestion @queenpiranhadon ! ✨
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chishiyasleftnut · 3 months
Hi! („• ֊ •„) This is a long one (divided into two parts), inspired by various bots from Cherubin on Character AI. I hope you’ll enjoy it!!
Stuck With You (part 1)
🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤 Warnings: none, but smut in part 2. Pairing: Chishiya x fem!reader.
Plot: After getting separated from Arisu and the others when the King of Spades attacked, Chishiya and fem!reader camps out together on the outskirts of Tokyo.
Part 1 word count: 2000. Part 2 word count: 2793. (Click here to read!) 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
Ever since the King of Spades attacked for the first time and split up your group, you and Chishiya had been stuck together. Sure, you weren’t physically stuck, but the thought of being all alone in the borderlands was far from pleasing to you, so here you were: camping out with Chishiya.
You had decided that staying in the outskirts of Tokyo where nature had completely taken over, was probably safer than staying near the centre. There was less of a chance of a surprise attack from the King of Spades, was Chishiya’s conclusion. You, not wanting to argue with Chishiya - which once he was set on a plan was much like arguing with a wall - just agreed and followed along.
“What is it?” you asked curiously. When he walked closer you finally saw what he was holding. “A tent?”
“Yep. A two-man tent, perfect for us.”
“Mm…” you hummed, causing Chishiya to tilt his head.
“What’s wrong?”
“You know how tiny two-man tents are, right?”
“What do you mean?” he asked, confused. “They’re for two people, no?”
Of course, Chishiya never seemed like a camping guy but still, surely he had at least been in a tent once? Tents were notoriously small, that was common knowledge.
“Well, technically yes, but we won’t have a lot of wiggle room.”
Chishiya looked down at the tent he had so proudly brought back with him, his eyebrows furrowed so much that deep wrinkles formed between them. “It’s better than nothing. It looks like it’s going to rain soon.”
There was no disagreeing there; the clouds looked dangerously grey. You grabbed the box and began unboxing the contents, neatly putting all of the many pieces on the ground in front of you. Chishiya watched curiously as you shortly read the instructions before getting to work.
“You’ve done this before, I take it?”
You hummed, too focused on setting up the tent correctly to reply with words. It was important to you that it was done right: mostly because you enjoyed being dry, but also because you didn’t want to give Chishiya any chance to be snarky if you made a mistake.
Once the tent was up, you both admired your work in silence until Chishiya spoke up.
“Mh. It is tiny.”
It was in that tiny tent that Chishiya and you spent the next few (very rainy) days in. By day 3, you had begun running low on supplies, so Chishiya had left the dryness of the tent to find food and other essentials. You wanted to go with him but had firmly been told that it was safer if he went alone. You “made too much noise” and “was slow” apparently.
Although you were originally quite pissy about it, you were now enjoying the karma of Chishiya wandering the rainy streets of Tokyo while you were nice and dry. Was it nice to be basking in the thought of him being uncomfortable? Probably not, but you had never claimed to be nice.
Just as you had become quite pleased with the outcome, Chishiya unzipped the tent, threw in three 7/11 plastic bags filled with stuff, and crawled in before zipping up the entrance again - giving you a chance to look at just how soaked he’d gotten.
“You look like a drowned cat,” you half laughed.
His blonde hair, which had gotten multiple shades darker from soaking in the rain, was sticking to his face, constant trickles of water dripping down his skin.
“Don’t be too happy now,” he mumbled while brushing clingy hair out of his face. “It’s your turn to run for supplies next time.”
“Absolutely not. That’s a man’s job.”
You felt Chishiya’s eyes stare at you, trying to sense if you were joking or not. You knew that if he looked you in the eyes, he would read you immediately, so you pretended to be busy with looking through the bags.
“A man’s job? I thought women were supposed to be the gatherers.”
“I’ll gladly be your gatherer once you hunt down something that isn’t out of date protein bars.” you complained as you went through the subpar supplies Chishiya had found. Was it really so hard to get something enjoyable to eat?
Amused by your clap back, Chishiya didn’t argue further but instead chuckled. And that’s when you heard the sound of his zipper. Your head snapped around so fast that it hurt, producing a small popping sound.
“Wait, hold on, why are you undressing?”
“I’m wet,” he concluded with a smirk. “Do you want me to catch a cold or something?”
“Well, no, but I don’t want you to be naked either.”
You thought that that was a fair wish. The tent was already awkwardly cramped with the two of you almost always constantly touching somewhat, you didn’t need to add nakedness to the mix.
“Grow up,” he chuckled while continuing to undress, pulling his shirt over his head with one swoop. “You’ve surely seen half naked men before.”
“That’s not the point!” you argued with a blush spreading across your cheeks at the comment. “I don’t want to see you naked.”
“Then look away.”
The suggestion was so simple that you had no argument against it, turning your head back around. With your eyes strictly focused on the wall of the tent, you heard as Chishiya laid down and got comfortable, sighing contently as he waited for his clothes to dry. Eventually, curiosity got the better of you, making your eyes dart as far left as they could go to catch whatever vague glimpse of the body that he was so unapologetically flaunting.
“Looking is fine too,” he said when he immediately caught you looking. Urgh, why was he always so observative?
“Shut up.”
By day 4 you were completely over being around Chishiya. You missed the Beach; missed the many people, the comfortable beds, and even missed the chaos. A small tent in the outskirts of Tokyo was no match to the vibrant life at the Beach - a life you would never go back to.
“I miss Kuina,” you mumbled while throwing a protein bar wrapper into the designated trash-can plastic-bag before crossing your arms.
“Wow, am I not enough for you?” Chishiya joked, acting as if your comment hurt him. Of course, you knew that it didn’t. It would take way more to actually hurt him.
Chishiya snorted at your honesty. He liked that about you: you weren’t afraid to talk back at him. It was more fun that way, he thought. So many people were desperate people pleasers and it was annoying to be around. If he had to be stuck in a tent with someone, he was glad it was you - even if he weren’t about to admit that aloud.
Not wanting to exist in silence longer than you had to, you began rummaging through the plastic bags. It was mostly just to keep your hands busy, and your mind occupied with something that wasn’t how god awfully close you were to Chishiya right now.
“You’re shit at getting supplies,” you groaned when you realised that he had brought nothing but protein bars and strawberry gummies with him. “Couldn’t you at least have gotten other flavours?”
“What’s wrong with strawberry? It’s a classic.”
“It’s so basic,” you complained while almost throwing the rustling plastic back down on the ground out of frustration. “Everyone knows grape is the superior gummy flavour.”
“I’m sure you’ll survive.”
The tone of his voice ticked you completely off. He seemed to enjoy your frustration, almost considering it prime entertainment - perhaps because it was his only entertainment. Under normal circumstances, you would march away to cool down, but that wasn’t exactly an option now: the tent was too small to escape him, and it was absolutely pouring outside.
“Just bring grape candy next time.”
On day five of your ‘camping trip’, the weather had finally seemed to clear up. Of course, this was only temporary, but you didn’t know that yet. You zipped open the tent and stepped outside to stretch your legs, reaching your arms high up in the air which caused your shirt to lift up too, exposing your abdomen. It felt good finally being able to move around.
“I need a shower,” you exclaimed when Chishiya joined you outside of the tent. He immediately zipped it up behind him, not wanting to risk any mosquitoes getting in.
“There’s a lake 300 metres away,” he said while also stretching.
“A lake isn’t a shower.”
“Sorry, princess,” he chuckled, making sure to add a condescending nickname. “I can’t magically make you a shower. It’s a lake or nothing.”
You didn’t look super satisfied with the truth. Truth be told, you missed the Beach a lot. The Beach had hot water, electricity, private rooms, and you weren’t forced to spend every waking moment with Chishiya of all people.
With a groan, you began walking down the path behind the tent towards the lake, stopping up and looking back towards Chishiya when you noticed he wasn’t following you. 
“You need a bath too,” you noted. “Besides, I don’t want to be alone out there.”
Begrudgingly, Chishiya followed you to the lake, his hands never leaving the comfort of his pockets. Once at your destination you both awkwardly looked at the lake, neither of you wanting to make the first move to undress.
“Didn’t you want to bathe?” Chishiya finally asked with an amused look on his face. “Or are you too shy?”
“Shut up,” you mumbled before beginning to undress. Once in your underwear, you again looked awkwardly between the lake and Chishiya. “Don’t look.”
Chishiya raised both of his hands in the air and turned around to give you some privacy. Of course, you weren’t entirely sure that you could trust him to not take a peek, but you also really needed a bath so you had to take the chance. With quick movements you completely undressed yourself and stepped into the cold lake, hissing at how chilly the water was but nonetheless quickly moving far enough out into the lake, so your body was covered by the water.
“Okay!” you yelled back to Chishiya. “You can turn around!”
And he did just that, turning back around and walking closer to the shore. Before you had a chance to even react to his decision, you watched as he too stripped down, throwing his clothes next to yours on the ground, and stepping out into the water. You quickly averted your eyes, looking far away at nothing in particular just so you were sure you didn’t accidentally stare.
The look on your face was absolutely priceless, he thought. Your entire upper body was turning red from shyness and your eyes were so big that they looked like they were about to pop out of your head.
With long, nonchalant strides through the water, Chishiya walked relatively close to you and settled down in the cold water. He didn’t mind your shyness, he actually found it cute how you were still worried about modesty when every second could be your last.
“Relax,” he said confidently before beginning to scrub his body. “It’s just a bath.”
You didn’t respond but instead sunk deeper into the water, making sure Chishiya could see nothing from your chin down. You missed the private shower you had at the Beach. Back then you at least never had to be confronted with full-frontal male nudity from Chishiya.
Slowly, you began scrubbing your body too, wanting to at least be clean after this awkward situation you had placed yourself in. Although you tried to keep your eyes to yourself, you couldn’t help but catch a rare glimpse at Chishiya’s body, silently admiring the way his wet skin glistened in the low sun. Chishiya, too, occasionally peeked when the opportunity arose - could you blame him, really?
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may i request some tordedd with bottom edd and hypnosis kink, pretty please with a cherry on top?
Yes you may, kisses and smooches, I hope you like it because I've never written anything on hypnosis stuff before so hopefully it's at least ok lol (nsft past this point, proceed at your own risk)
"I'm just saying, don't get your hopes up" Edd said with a little smile as he sat down, crossing his arms. "I'm telling you it's gonna work, don't worry though, you won't regret giving me consent" the norsk smirked a bit as he glanced at Edd while setting it up. "Assuming you remember anything that is, you're kind of a guinea pig for this one so I'm not sure yet" he mumbled that part, not wanting to freak him out.
Edd thought the idea of hypnosis was a little silly, but if anyone could do it Tord could, so he was willing to let him try. "So are you gonna show me a pocket watch and tell me I'm getting veeery sleepy?" He was clearly trying to be silly, but Tord didn't laugh, he seemed too in the zone to be discouraged. "No no, way better"
He turned on the screen he had set up, it was a bunch of weird stuff hooked up to the shitty TV he kept in his lab. It showed varying shades of purple that slowly moved and twisted. It was pretty cool and Edd was a little surprised honestly. "Just watch, totally focus on the screen"
Edd mumbled ok and got a bit more comfortable in his chair, watching. It only took a minute for him to start feeling weird, kinda tingly, and like his thoughts were getting further away in a sense. Tord tried his best not to break Edd's concentration, but it was so hard to contain his excitement.
To have total control over the little brunette, he couldn't wait. Edd stared at the screen, it was purple and weird static, but the longer he stared it started to make shapes, not that clicked together or meant anything, but it seemed weird that they were there.
He couldn't think about it though, it was like all his thoughts were getting muffled more and more. It was so strange. Tord watched, doing his very best not to disturb the process. He hoped so badly that it would work. The idea of having Edd completely in his power and control got him so excited.
Edd seemed a bit different, before he was watching, but now he was just staring. So, Tord crossed his fingers that meant it was done and he could step in. "Edd? Hey? You there?" He waved his hand slowly in front of Edd's face, but nothing happened. His eyes didn't even follow Tord's hand, so he took that to mean it worked.
He smiled brightly and was practically bouncing up and down as he stepped back a bit, clearing throat a bit before speaking "alright, Edd, once I snap my fingers you're going to do whatever I tell you" he explained, mentally crossing his fingers.
The idea was that, with his brain completely shut off but still active, he would be incredibly vulnerable to simple commands. Slowly, Edd moved to look at his hand when he snapped, then into his eyes. "Ok... Stand up" the brunette did as he was commanded, hopping down from the stool, and Tord was ecstatic.
He balled his fists up tight and sort of waved them in front of his chest for a second smiling brightly, as if doing a happy dance. He tried to regain his composure, taking a step forward and gently bringing a hand up to cup Edd's cheek. He decided he would start with something simple.
"Alright, I want you to get on your knees, ok?" He leaned a bit closer, Edd nodding and simply saying "ok." Tord let him get down onto his knees then look back up at him, simply awaiting his next instruction with a blank expression.
Tord chewed on his lower lip as he ran a hand into his lover's hair "good..." Honestly, he was already starting to get hard. It was something about the control, not only Edd's raw submission in this state, but the fact that he was completely and totally under Tord's command, looking up at him like this. It gave him goosebumps.
He unzipped his jeans and took his cock out, holding it in front of Edd's mouth. "Go ahead and suck on this for me Eddie" he spoke sort of softly, watching with great interest as the artist opened his mouth. He gently and carefully takes it into his mouth and starts sucking, beginning to bob his head after a minute.
Tord huffed a little and gripped Edd's hair a little tighter. "Good..." He mumbled, pushing his head a little further to which he complied, humming slightly and trying to accommodate. It wouldn't have made sense to say it felt even better than usual just because he knew Edd was all fuzzy and under his control, but it really felt like it.
"Look at me" he spoke sort of sweetly, but it was still a command, and the brunette complied, looking up at him as Tord moved his bangs back a bit. Tord rocked his hips a bit as he could feel himself getting closer, Edd just continuing to bob his head and let Tord use his throat however he please, not seeming to care much if she gagged.
It didn't take long for him to reach his climax, holding Edd still for a moment as he did, taking a moment before telling him simply "swallow." And Edd did so without hesitation, tongue loling out for a moment after Tord pulled out, then just looking up at him.
"Come here" Tord gently pulled him to his feet as he got up, he didn't want to wait to fuck him any longer, carefully having him bend over one of his work tables, the one with the least clutter so he could easily clear it. Then he pulled Edd's pants off along with his boxers. Interestingly enough he was already hard as well.
Tord could look into that more another time though, for now wasn't for any proper research. "Open up... " He whispered as he grabbed a bottle of lubricant he kept in the lab, because of course he did, and used the other to gently push his lover's thighs apart.
He poured some of the watery lube onto his hand, covering his fingers, and slowly pushing two digits into Edd's perfect puffy little hole. He started pumping them in and out, using them to stretch the boy out. Tord soon added a third to do the same thing, and he couldn't see Edd's face but it scrunched up in pleasure for a moment.
Soon enough Tord decided it was good and took his fingers out, he could hear the breath that got caught in Edd's throat when he did. Very quickly, the norsk lubed up his dick as well, just for good measure.
He gently pressed the tip against him for a second before slowly pushing inside of the brit, biting his lips and giving a quiet groan. "God... You're still so tight" Edd was definitely still pretty snug around his cock, the norsk holding his hips as he pushed the rest of the way in.
"Are you hurting?" He asked, leaning forward a bit as he rubbed the boys back. "No..." Edd answered, Tord nodding and leaning back again. He started moving his hips, starting slowly for only a brief few moments before he started getting harder, Edd giving little "uh-"s and "ah"s as he did.
He actually seemed to be enjoying himself a good bit, holding the table tight and panting, making soft noises every time it was pushed into him. He kept the sort of vacant look in his eyes, but his head rested against the table and he was drooling, cheeks bright red.
Tord just got harder, squeezing his lover's hips tight as he sped up. He leaned down to kiss his neck, letting his teeth graze his skin as he mumbled "so pretty" then biting into his collar bone, listening to the way his breath caught in his throat when he did.
Tord smirked widely, gently reaching down with one hand to hold and stroke Edd's cock, it had been twitching and drooling pre so the attention was likely very needed. "Who's a good boy, hm?~" Tord purred softly, giving his dick a little squeeze to encourage an answer. "I... I am" Edd breathed softly, Tord chuckling and placing a big smooch in the crook of his neck, mumbling "that's right, my perfect good boy"
Edd came almost right away, giving the cutest little shiver as he twitched. Honestly Tord didn't know if it was related to his words or not, again, time for research later. At the moment he was much more concerned with the way Edd squeezed around him, pushing as deep as he could before he came as well, filling the brunette up.
Tord was panting softly, Edd was as well, staying bent over the table as Tord rubbed his hands up and down his sides in a comforting manner. "Ok... I'll snap my fingers, and you'll be back to normal, alright? But I can put you back under later the same way" he explained, figuring it would be easier than having to redo the process every time, and if Edd let him he'd really like to do this again, this was just a test run, he had so many ideas.
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poolnahas · 2 years
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I would use FLAC for lossless stuff since it's a smaller file. LPCM is "lossless" but needs much more space. But outside of Apple-ware, it still needs more time to mature in the general market. MP3 needs less space than AC3 and plays almost anywhere on all devices today, but is usually not associated with the best quality.ĪAC has among the best compression - better than AC3 and MP3. Usually AC3 comes with "special MKVs" since it's usually the original audio track from the disc it was ripped from - so expect great quality in that case.
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It's a widely accepted standard to the point where MP4 finally gave in and accepted it too. MKV is only a container (like the glass I described) which can accept almost anything.ĪC3 is the "Cadillac" of audio formats - a bit old and fat but very luxurious. It runs on its own set of codecs.Īs for best audio, it all depends. But ffdshow is still very good too, and free.Īnd if all you want is playback of the most important stuff without any codecs - VLC VideoLAN will do just fine.
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(I would also install either the DivX or Xvid codec for other color space compatibilities as well.)Īs for ffdshow vs CoreAVC, well I would give the edge to CoreAVC. All you really need is ffdshow and Haali's splitter and you're set. They put "stuff" on your computer and are total junk. Stay away from codec packs - they are EVIL. What is the best drink for my glass? Does my glass care what I put in it? The MKV Codec is a format which provides support to a large number of audio and video files so that they can be played on the user's Windows Media Player, etc.
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The video output and audio input features are of the best quality and you can enjoy the full benefits of using this software by installing the Matroska Pack Full Loop Machine.What is best audio codec for mkv files? AC-3? is there any better? All your favorite formats such as AVI, MPG, MP3, and JPEGs are converted to their analog Video formats and are ready for use. You can watch all your favorite movies using Matroska Pack Full decoder and you can even watch all your music and pictures in the best format available on the market - the WMM. Lazy Mans MKV 1.0.1 alpha 8 OBSOLETE License: Freeware Size: 1.
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This is a software that can be useful for both Windows and Mac users and comes with various features. K-Lite Mega Codec Pack is a free collection of codecs that allows you to play all your video files and online media contents. There is an optional component called Virtual Decompressor that can be installed to speed up the operation of the software. It also features Diverse decoding technologies that help to decode files in different audio and video formats. With this tool, you can play all video and audio files without worrying about their compatibility. Not only is this codec pack powerful, but it also doesn’t negatively influence the performance of your system. Other features of this video codec include: it supports Windows Media Player decoder and can be used to stream audio as well as video files from the Internet. K-Lite Codec Pack is a collection of various video and audio codecs that are useful for the Windows operating system. However, other media players might not support them. such as full color thumbnails, preview pane for popular file types, and MKV playback on Extenders and. These files are similar to other codecs such as AVI and MP4. Codec Packs/ Video Codecs > STANDARD Codecs.
Mkv video codec pack Pc#
Download it from the website and then unzip the pack to install it on your PC by following the instructions. As one of the most popular and comprehensive codec packs, it can provide nearly all the audio and video codec. MKV Video Codec Pack is almost all you need to play. Among various MKV codecs, K-Lite Codec Pack is the one that you can refer to. The software provides fast and smooth operation to both Windows XP and Windows Vista. MKV Video Codec Pack is a lightweight and powerful media interface that enables You to access and play MKV files. The package includes various famous video codecs including: Media-VOB, DivX, and MPEG-2. All the files can easily be accessed through the built-in online player. Matroska Pack Full is a nice free software for Windows that mainly are used for streaming videos, downloading media from the Internet, and viewing photos.
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factbanana · 2 years
Minecraft xbox 360 modding tool download
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Minecraft xbox 360 modding tool download how to#
Minecraft xbox 360 modding tool download zip file#
Minecraft xbox 360 modding tool download update#
Minecraft xbox 360 modding tool download mods#
Minecraft xbox 360 modding tool download zip#
It also provides more advanced tools such as Avatar Award Unlocker, Game Adder, and Achievement Unlocker. Horizon contains numerous handy tools, currently featuring 23 different game save editors ranging from Super Meat Boy to Halo: Reach. Increase your gamerscore, unlock all your avatar awards, unlock in game items, get on top of leaderboards, get infinite health, change an avatar's colors, the possibilities are endless! It enables you to do things that would either take a long time or do things that aren't even available normally. Horizon is a tool that modifies files saved to the Xbox 360's memory. The program is updated frequently with the latest and greatest tools, making the possibilities endless, and modding for you, a cinch. With a few clicks you can unlock those achievements and avatar awards for games you just can't beat while using Horizons incredible user interface, built with the casual gamer in mind. In seconds you can achieve 100% completion along with unlimited health, endless ammunition, bank loads of cash, and so much more for your favorite games. It will take a while.Horizon is the most up-to-date and innovative Xbox 360 modding tool on the market.
Minecraft xbox 360 modding tool download zip#
Head inside the zip file, and select everything, and copy. Press the Start button, and wait for it to download.Īfter it downloads, open the Local Storage folder. Make sure that it starts with Local Storage! For example, Local Storage/mod.zip. Paste the direct download link, and name the file in the bottom input bar. Head to Download From Link, and go to Xbox One Smartglass on the computer. In this section you will find game save editors for the xbox 360. Horizon easily lets you extract and inject content in to your Xbox 360 hard drives.
Minecraft xbox 360 modding tool download how to#
In this video i show you how to use the newest mod tool for minecraft xbox 360 edition using a usb. Download: Download Horizon Ver. Below is a screenshot of the Horizon interface, you can easily browse the content on your Xbox 360s internal hard drive, or external USB hard drives which have been formatted for use with the Xbox 360. With it you are able to easily unlock game achievements, give yourself max gold, infinite ammo and stuff like that. Horizon is a tool that will certainly come in handy for Xbox 360 users who want to mod their profile as well as a very large number of games. zip and go to the next step.Īfter you have a zip file, host he file on a file hoster (eg. Minecraft Xbox 360 Modding Tool / Over 130+ tools for modding games like call of duty, fifa, and forza motorsport. Review by Alexandru Chirila on June 14, 2017. If both are labeled, great! If they aren't labeled, label them. If the contents are two folders, check if they are labeled as behavior and resource. Remember to label the folders as resource or behavior. mcpacks, unzip the file, and follow the instructions for. zip section.Ĭhange the file extension from. If the contents of the zip is a single folder, continue to the next step.Ĭhange the file extension from. Xbox is Microsofts game console, and besides a large catalog of games, it offers some interesting. If you want to softmod Xbox games, download Horizon for free, an easy and affordable modding tool. With Horizon you can create modifications for Xbox games. This is an incredible mod that will allow you to edit mob health This can be used on maps or to just fool around with on your friends Register or Signin to view external links. 8/10 (392 votes) - Download Horizon Free.
Minecraft xbox 360 modding tool download mods#
Zip the file again, and make sure that there is a single folder inside the zip, and the addon is inside the folder. Minecraft Xbox 360 Mega-Thread All mods w/ downloads TU11+ Posted: Sat 10:08 pm.
Minecraft xbox 360 modding tool download zip file#
If the contents have a manifest.json, unzip the zip file into a folder. There are multiple file extensions of the mods. Some examples are 7z and WinRAR.įirst, download the addon on a computer. Any program that can ZIP and UnZIP files Īny archiver will do. Downloading mods manually can be risky and is very time-consuming. Instantly get more hours of additional playtime from your gameseven ones you thought you were done with. Download now to maximize your gaming experience. Xbox app is needed to paste the download link. Horizon is the 1 all-in-one modding tool in the world. My Files Explorer will open the Packages folder. MC Addons Manager makes the management of your Minecraft Bedrock Edition addons easier.įile Downloader will download the addons. You will need the following programs to follow along with this tutorial: This tutorial will cover installing addons on the Xbox One. This tutorial is meant for people who have Bedrock Edition on their Xbox One.
Minecraft xbox 360 modding tool download update#
Please update this page to reflect recent updates or newly available information.
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fyvewor · 2 years
Sims 3 cc folder ownload
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Not sure where to find mods and CC for The Sims Medieval? Check out my Resources page.
And you’re done! Enjoy your new mods and CC!.
package files in Program Files (x86) > Origin Games > The Sims Medieval > Mods > Packages
Its always a good thing to delete the file in the download and the DCBackup folder as well but that won. Follow any specific instructions the creator outlines. Sims3Packs need to be uninstalled through the launcher. Download your mods and CC and unzip them if necessary.That’s it! You’re all set up to start putting mods and CC in your game now! Change “TestingCheatsEnabled=0” to “TestingCheatsEnabled=1.”.Find the file called Commands.ini and open it up.Navigate to Program Files (x86) > Origin Games > The Sims Medieval > GameData > Shared > NonPackaged > Ini.This way, you will have a backup to revert to in case you mess anything up. IMPORTANT: Anytime you are editing game files, you should first copy the file and paste it in a secondary location on your computer for safekeeping. This requires some very simple coding but I promise it’s really easy. Some of the more powerful mods need the debug options to be enabled in order to work. You’re probably going to want to enable advanced debug options as well. Next, copy the d3dx9_31.dll file and paste it into Program Files (x86) > Origin Games > The Sims Medieval > Game > Bin.Copy the Resource.cfg file and paste it into Program Files (x86) > Origin Games > The Sims Medieval.Right-click the TSMSetup.zip file and select Extract Here.They’re the files I’m using in my own game right now. Next, download the TSMSetup.zip file from SimFileShare.Make sure it is capitalized and spelled correctly. Inside the Mods folder, make another folder called Packages.In this folder, make a new folder called Mods.Navigate to Program Files (x86) > Origin Games > The Sims Medieval.You will have to manually set up the game to read.
And the second every time before you launch your game.It is very possible to install CC and mods for The Sims Medieval however, the game is not set up to allow the use of modded content by default. I strongly recommend doing the first clean up, once a month or week. Plus they will regenerate when you start the game. As for the Start up and loading screens, go to your My Documents-> Electronic Arts-> The Sims 3 and delete, CASPartCache.package| compositorCache.package| scriptCache.package| simCompositorCache.package| socialCache.package| files.ĭon't worry, these caches are just a bunch of backup files of all the package files ever used in the game which you obviously don't need.If it makes you feel better, you can keep a backup of the folder and test it yourself. Basically, you go to your My Documents-> Electronic Arts-> The Sims 3-> DCbackup.So I deleted them and my game played a lot better and faster. I tried many things and mods to speed up my game until I found out that the problem was caches holding all the items used in game for easier access. Right-click the link and choose 'save link as. Youll need to download this FrameworkSetup.zip file. You might need to click on Electronic Arts from the My Documents window first in order to find the Sims 3 folder. Not to mention how long it took it to start. The first thing youll need to do is find your The Sims 3 folder in the My Documents section of your computer. sluggish, that it was painful and annoying to play. I'm personally addicted to clutter, it's never enough clutter for me. Installing mods for The Sims 3 can be very tempting where you'd end up just downloading a whole bunch of stuff, and eventually cause your game to lag.
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savorysatori · 3 years
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“choke me, spank me, look at me, thank me.”
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— sypnosis: working as a maid in a new house is very exciting, you get the money and everything goes well. although, once you’re introduced to the son of the parents, everything goes down hill.
cw, warning: size kink (?), creep!ushi, pictures without consent, nipple play, gn!reader, non-con, somnophilia, sloppy sex, dry humping, praise, panty stealer ushi.
% wc: 2234.
↷ a/n: y’all have no idea how long this was sitting in my drafts, for fucking 5 weeks plsssss- anyways I hope you all enjoy! this was rlly fun to do. also! shoutout to daisy, this collab was really cool! congratulations on 1K bb. <//3
— @daisy-bakugo, PORNSCAPE EVENT! ilyy.
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You were everything he wanted, everything he fantasized about.
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That’s how much they were paying.
It was enough to have you accept the job immediately. It was enough to have you choose between two of the slightly revealing maid dresses and enough for you to be standing in front of the wakatoshi mansion. Briefcase in hand with a bucket of supplies you were instructed to bring. Everything was just right, you were prepared to clean, everything would go well.
The frilly material of the skirt swayed around your thighs and glided against the softness of your thigh-highs. Glistening jewels of your gold bracelets glimmering in the hot sun shining down on your skin. The thin line of thread held up the damp clothes, shredding any of the excess water soaked into them. All of the Wakatoshi’s clothing were fancy. Gold lining stitched in the middle or at the end of the cloth, it was clear they were wealthy. But, it somehow amazed you when your eyes glided to the very end of the line — some shirts & shorts were childlike. Pictures of guns and cars were painted onto a black shirt, it looked like something a 5th grader would do. ‘Maybe they had a child?’ You didn’t know, you only met the parents. Folding up the dry ones, you’d stuff them into the cart and push them towards the other line of clothes swishing in the breezy wind.
You finished doing the daily chores, slipping into their kitchen that was designed well with a beautiful interior. Cold marble was felt up against your skin as you tipped the bottle of wine into your glass, clacking against it. Your glossy lips propped up against the cup and took small sips of the fruity flavor. It slid down your throat and surged a zing of bitterness back up to take in the taste, so sweet and yet so unpleasant at the same time. You’d lick the juice off your lips and place it down steadily on the counter, looking up to see a heady gaze sharped on you.
6’2 and steady build towering over you with dark olive hair — was the wakatoshi’s son. Ushijima Wakatoshi.
Your body stayed still, unmoving. He wasn’t anywhere near a 3rd grader - more like a full grown adult. Tongue peeking out from your teeth to lick the dryness seeping between the cracks, your eyelids hooded.
“Uh- Hello! You must the wakatoshi’s son, I’m the new maid.” Extending your hand out to meet his; his hand stayed at his side, not seeming to shift to engulf yours. You’d drop it back beside you and nipped at your lip when the silence between you both continued.
“Well, I’ll see you around. Nice to meet you.. Ushijima! Your parents told me about you.”
You’d excuse yourself away from his intimidating gaze and close the door behind you. Maybe it’s a good idea to introduce myself another time.
The same look from before followed you out of the kitchen, watching you as you’d take up the laundry basket. His eyes kept gawking at your every move. Staring with every bit of emotion nobody could decipher, Toshi wasn’t a very talkative man and it was visible. He situated himself in the shadows and looked from above, staying out of any scandals his parents were exposed to. He did keep his eye on you. Stepping out of his secure area and making every note to try and approach you without seeming like a creep. His creep intentions did creep up back into his system when you started staying at his house, sleeping in a guest room 8 feet away from his room. It was easy; so easy to sneak into it when the moon raised in the dead of night.
Soft thuds of his feet against the carpet thankfully didn’t alert anyone, giving him the time to steal peeps at your sleeping state. Comforter pulled up. Oversized shirt to cover up the intimate parts of your body he dearly wanted to explore. Soft breaths left your pink lips to breathe it in again, his cock stirring at the sound of it. Toshi knew what was right from wrong, he knew that doing something like this would cost his life — but, dear god you were everything he dreamed of. He couldn’t stop now.
His calloused hands raised the shirt for him to be able to see your tummy, sliding his fingers down to the waistband of your panties. They were so simple and adorned your skin beautifully, keeping the heat between your legs warm just for him. His free hand unzipped his jeans and let them pool at his ankles, such as his boxers. You stirred slightly at the foreign touch, brows creasing forward. He stilled until you relaxed back into slumber, his fingers separated your thighs, and slowly slid the oozing head of his cock between them.
“Ah, princess, f-fuuck.” breath ragged, eyes shut closed to take in the bliss. Contentment streamed through him, his hips rocking against you to feel more, more of you. He was greedy. Toshi was insatiable, he wanted everything of you. He didn’t just want — he needed you. It was a plea. A whine for you, a need. The selfishness ran through his family, that’s how he inherited it. From his family. Was he ashamed? No. Not when you felt so good right now, not when he was about to reach the orgasm he was climbing to.
Sweat fanned down his toned chest, abs glistening with droplets of precipitation. His hips rocked forward one last time, cum spurting from his head and between the soft flesh of your thighs. It was sticky and slimy, rolling down to cover every little spot.
The sight of you sleeping soundly while his cum leaked from between your thighs, made the flaccid touch of his cock stir. You were just so pretty, a pretty little something he wanted to scoop up for himself. And he would do it with no trouble whatsoever. His hand slid down to grab his phone from the floor, lying face down. Toshi aimed right in the frame, snapping a picture for later. He stuffed it into the back pocket of his jeans and scurried away from your room, not bothering to clean up the mess of his dry cum smeared on you.
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Pressing the ‘start’ button you watched the clothes in the machine swirl with bubbles of soap clouding over them. One hand on the machine and knocking it occasionally to make it turn on again. “Barely working.” You’d mutter.
Despite the Wakatoshi’s being filthy rich, their laundry room wasn’t at all cooperative. There were brown pieces of wood peeling off the wall with stains of what seemed to look like dry substance splattered on it. A bunch of plastic bags and socks were pushed to the corner of the room, dirty ones to be exact. Not much laid in the room other than the things you had listed — except for the posters of lewd manga hanging from the cluttered shelves.
The cool air of the basement door opening brushed up against you, your eyes drifting to see who it was. Standing there was Toshi. He was still wearing the same clothes from yesterday. His expression was the same as always, stern and uninterested. You were both met with the silence from yesterday, uneasiness creeping up back to you.
Bothering not to talk, you turned back to the machine to see it at twenty-one minutes. It was almost done and you could leave to wrench away from the awkward silence you were sitting in. You could still feel his presence, you knew he was there and it was uncomfortable. So many questions were left unanswered in your head, you couldn’t understand them.
The back of your skirt was flipped up to meet your back, his clothed length pressed against you. He was hard. There was no doubt he wasn’t big, and that was what made your eye sockets almost swell out. He slowly rocked the fabric of your panties along with his bulge. Fingernails digging into your hip and pushing you up more to gain more access and spread your legs.
“Ushijima-“ words of confusion scrabbled out from your mouth quickly, “w-what are you doing?”
“Shh.” He jabbed the curve of your back and made you lay pressed against the cold exterior of the rattling washing machine. His words flustered you, it provoked you to stay quiet. You had never heard his voice before and a situation like this only shook your brain into a deeper hole of complication. “J-Just — let me do this, let me try it out. Once.”
And you did. You let him try it just once, you let him delude into the fantasy he had been dreaming of. You let him do it. Once.
You calmed down from the aftershock of his tongue sending you to see stars, arms jerking when the feeling of his hot touch pressing your face against the door of the machine. Your fingers tightening around the handle and pulling on it slightly, cheeks swelling up with heat. The sounds of your whimpers and tiny jolts sent him to push along more, arm encircling around your stomach, his voice breathy against the shell of your ear. You were like a succubus, a being he couldn’t leave nor escape, so alluring, sweet and he had just met you not too long ago.
The smack of his cock meeting his stomach caused you to crank your head back, looking over to see a beautiful sight. Ushijima’s cock was thick, curving gently upwards. The skin was a light shade of cream, and the head was large, pink, expanding tip. “Ushi-“ your voice was wavery, unsure paring with it.
He’d shush you again, angling your leg up as his lips pressed a kiss to your glistening cunt. Toshi took notice of your expressions when he slid into the warmth delves; brows creased together and little words scampering out from your lips. Latching onto the handle and pulling it ever so often when he hit a certain spot, whenever the tip of his cock caressed against your cervix- it was so beautiful seeing you be reduced to a quivering, blubbering mess. A surreal sight he would only see.
“You’re so damn tight. So wet, so willing.. just like that baby.” The pump of his hips made you lose yourself over and over again, a mixture of sounds that were all kinds of slobbery and slurred due to your dizziness. His pace picked up with renewed energy, slick and wet sounds fill the air, sweaty bodies clamping against each other. The whines and pants of his name being drowned out, so pathetic- clinging to the latch and crumbling under his touch. It drove him like a mad man, his brain clattering, the way you took him in with no problem amazed him, you were so inviting and supple.
“S’too b-big! Ushi- ah! -“
The whines of him being too big impaled itself into his brain, your shivering body and cunt wrapped around all together had already made him blank out, now with your pleas, it caused a switch in his head to flip and jack-hammer himself into you. Pump after pump. It made your eyelashes flutter with droplets of tears risking to stream down the fat of your cheeks. His hands holding you firmly, brows furrowed with grunts flowing into your right ear. A grunt rippled from him as his cock throbbed harshly inside you, the feeling making him come undone right there.
“Just like that, ah, fuck you make me feel so good.”
Wrinkled skirt falling to the floor, his cock pulling out of you slowly with globs of cum dribbling out of you, he’d shuffle around till you faced him fully now with a perplexed look on your face. The shirt becoming loose as Toshi’s lips wrapped around the sensitive nipple, suckling and easing any leftover moans out from your throat. His hands placing you on the machine and attaching his lips back onto your nipple, tongue flat against your sweaty skin.
“Fuck, U-Ushi! holy- fuck, just like that.” Your back straining as you leaned back, gasping and threading your fingers through his hair to balance. Toshi wasn’t one with words, his statue being quiet and still. But, words poured out from his lips at the sound of your moans, when you were so good for him.
“So, good.. pretty. pretty, like a beauty.” He pulled off of it with a squelch, standing up high and cupping your chin to stare in your love drunk eyes. “You were so good for me, yeah?”
You nodded, vision hazy and eyes occasionally blinking to peer up at him with a blurry image. Your head rested in the crook of his neck, sniffling as he picked up the soiled panties from the floor and stuffed them into his back pocket. They were red and pink, swirly designs on them, he found them so cute. He slid your legs around him and walked out of the room, leaving the washing machine to rattle in the background with soap and water overflowing onto the ground.
Ushijima just couldn’t leave you after that day, he stuck to you like glue. Who could blame him? You were everything he wanted, everything he had fantasized about.
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cheri-translates · 3 years
[CN] Gavin’s Wind and Waves Date
🍒 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for a date, 风浪之约, which has not been released in EN! 🍒
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[ This date was released on 3 June 2021 ]
An early summer breeze causes the papers on the desk to flutter. After doing a stretch, I pick up my phone, realising that it’s already late at night, past 11pm.
Tapping open my messages out of habit, I see that the newest message is a reply from Gavin in the afternoon -
Gavin: Let me know when you’re done with work.
Staring at the chat, I release a long sigh.
Recent overtime work has left me slightly overwhelmed. Because of this, I had no choice but to reject several dates with Gavin.
Thinking about this, I type a response hastily.
MC: I’m getting ready to knock off. Did you have a busy day?
After pressing the “send” button, I stuff my phone into my pocket quickly, turn off the laptop, and carry my bag.
Before I leave, I turn off the single remaining light in the company.
My phone remains silent even after I step into the elevator. Looks like Gavin’s already asleep.
Half-leaning against the wall of the elevator, I massage my slightly sore shoulders.
Fortunately, the remaining work has entered the final phase smoothly. Once this is over, I’ll make up for all the missed dates.
With a “ding”, the elevator doors open slowly. When I lift my head, I see a familiar figure. He’s also the person I’ve been wanting to see most during this period of time...
MC: Gavin?!
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I walk towards him in disbelief. He reaches out, pulling me into his arms.
A familiar scent encases me tightly. I subconsciously relax, leaning on him wilfully.
MC: Gavin, why did you come?
Gavin: I missed you.
These words float into my ears slowly, then descend heavily into my heart.
Faced with Gavin’s absolutely unconcealed longing, I laugh contentedly, hugging him tightly and forcefully.
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Gavin: Do you still have to work overtime after this?
I lift my head from his chest region, shaking my head with a smile.
MC: There are still a few things to settle, but they aren't as urgent. If things go smoothly, I’ll be able to fulfil the dates I owe you either tomorrow or the day after. Let me properly “make up” for them.
Once I finish speaking, Gavin’s brows arch gently.
Gavin: How do you plan to make up for it?
MC: Ooh... I’ve been flaking on you several times. So when the time comes, I’ll satisfy you no matter what you want!
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Suddenly, a soft chuckle is at my ear. 
Before I can react, Gavin has already interlaced our fingers tightly, bending his knees slightly as he lifts up the travelling bag on the ground.
Gavin: Let’s go then.
When I see the travelling bag that I didn't notice earlier, I’m both shocked and confused.
MC: Hang on. Where are we going?
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He turns his head over, lifting his sculpted chin.
Gavin: Didn’t you say you’d satisfy me no matter what I want to do? In that case, the rest of the time will belong to me. 
MC: But I was referring to after the program is done...
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Gavin: I don’t want to wait a moment more.
Gavin doesn’t wait for me to finish, tightening his grip on my hand and pulling me over. My body tilts along with the inertia, drawing me closer to him.
My silhouette fills that pair of amber eyes, turning all the more clear and bright.
In this moment, I forget about the fatigue from work, and my entire heart is filled only with the person before me.
Originally thinking Gavin was simply taking me on a stroll, I didn’t expect that we’d be sitting in a train which is about to set off.
Scanning my surroundings, it seems that it’s currently the off-season for travelling. Gavin and I are the only two in the soft sleeper compartment.
Seeing the luggage Gavin brought, something occurs to me. I stare at him, stumped for words.
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Gavin: What’s wrong?
He seems to sense my gaze, turning his head and meeting my line of sight.
MC: Gavin, you planned this way beforehand! The train tickets and luggage were prepared really comprehensively!
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Gavin: Traveling requires adequate preparation, doesn’t it?
Gavin seems to deliberately avoid my unspoken implication.
MC: But this surprise attack of yours makes me feel completely unprepared...
Gavin: Isn’t such a “surprise attack” good? You've done it a few times before. Now, it’s my turn.
Wind whistles outside the window, pulling the hidden thoughts in his words to my mind.
I subconsciously recall how I deceived Gavin into coming to the airport and heading to Los Angeles on his birthday.
MC: O-of course it’s good. I like it very much. But that’s not how you were supposed to use the spare key to my house...!
I lower my eyes, grumbling softly.
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Gavin: How was I supposed to use it then?
His expression of “earnestly seeking knowledge” seems to be teasing at something gently, and the temperature of my cheeks rises instantly.
I pick up the travelling bag and place it on my lap, face flushed as I change the subject.
MC: ...let me take a look at what you prepared.
I unzip the bag and gently rummage through the objects inside, unable to bear messing up the luggage he had worked hard to pack.
After looking through it for a while, I realise that Gavin was especially conscientious in his preparation.
The clothes I often wear have been stacked into a pile, and the snacks I enjoy eating have been placed in a separate corner.
I can’t help but imagine Gavin shuttling back and forth alone at home -
Him being at a loss as he stands in front of the packed closet. Him being confused as he faces dozens of makeup bottles and skincare products.
His shuttling figure seems to morph into a sense of security filling my heart continuously. The corners of my mouth lift upwards uninhibitedly.
When I touch a hard, square-shaped object, I take it out in curiosity.
My notebook laptop is currently lying in my hand. I lift my head stiffly, blinking at Gavin slowly.
Even before I can speak, he explains.
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Gavin: With it, you can handle unexpected situations that crop up at work.
I nod silently, flipping open the notebook laptop subconsciously.
MC: That’s fine. I’ll settle some work then. Do you want to rest for a while?
Right after saying this, Gavin takes the laptop away, placing it into the travelling bag.
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Gavin: You’ve been working non-stop. It’s time to take a break.
MC: Don’t worry, I won’t take long~
While saying this, I reach for the laptop. In the end, he shields the travelling bag behind him.
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Gavin: I didn’t bring the laptop just to let it replace me. It can only be used when faced with unexpected situations.
Gavin’s dead serious expression gives me the impulse to tease him.
MC: If you don’t give it to me, I’ll have to snatch it!
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Just as I stand up, the train suddenly jolts, and the floor beneath my feet rocks sharply.
I instinctively lift my arms to maintain my balance. Unexpectedly, Gavin grabs my hands, and my body leans backwards from the inertia -
By the time I regain my senses, I lift my head from atop his chest, blinking in a dazed manner.
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He stares at me, a teasing smile on his lips.
Gavin: How do you plan to snatch it?
MC: I... I’ll snatch it by force, of course.
Right after saying this, he imprisons me tightly with both arms, as though wanting to put an end to my idea of snatching it by force.
Gavin: What about now? How are you going to snatch it?
Not knowing what to do, I can only blush while struggling in a perfunctory manner.
MC: I...
Gavin: If you don’t plan to give up, I won’t let go.
MC: Fine, I promise. Unless it’s really necessary, I won’t work!
A soft laugh burrows into my ear. He releases his grip slightly, but keeps me in his arms gently.
In the next second, the train finally leaves the tunnel, and starlight from outside the window enters my vision.
MC: Gavin, there are so many stars outside!
Following my words, he looks out of the window.
The starlight and night scene outside the window seem to soften Gavin’s sculpted features. He suddenly chuckles.
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Gavin: I actually wanted to take you to see the stars in the planetarium a while back. In the end... you had to work overtime. The weather was great last week, and it was very suitable for taking a stroll in the park. But there was an accident at the filming site, and you were called away at short notice. 
Softly, Gavin talks about the countless dates we missed because of work over the past half month.
MC: Gavin...
Feeling a little guilty, I have no idea what to say.
Gavin turns his head to look at me directly, his eyes brimming with a smile.
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Gavin: And then, I suddenly understood. If I were to keep waiting without an end, I wouldn’t know how long I’d have to wait. So I should simply take you away at an appropriate time. Just like the many times before.
After disembarking from the train, we sit in the rental car Gavin arranged for in advance, and we begin our long car ride.
When the car makes a turn, what enters my vision is a large patch of blue.
The faraway waves roll onto the fair and clear beach in layers, reflecting sunlight and emitting dazzling rays of light.
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Pleasantly surprised, I turn my head, meeting Gavin’s eyes.
MC: Why did you think of bringing me to the seaside?
Gavin: You’ve been staying in the office during this period of time. So I’m taking you to a more open place.
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Gavin: But there are many places I want to take you to. This is only one of them.
His voice is akin to a wave, rushing into my heart and creating ripples of tingly sweetness.
Very soon, the car halts at the seaside. Gavin leaves some instructions with the driver, and the latter sends our luggage to the hotel first.
Gavin and I walk along the beach leisurely. When a sailboat leaning against the harbour appears before us, he finally stops. 
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Gavin: We’re here.
MC: Are we going out to sea?
Gavin: Mm. I’m taking you on a “stroll” on the sea.
It seems he has already rented the boat in advance. After exchanging a few words with the person managing the sailboat, he supports me onto it.
The sailboat isn’t large in size, and I’m able to see it completely with a sweeping glance. The areas we can sit in are the two sides of the boat and a narrow deck.
The sailboat sways along with the waves, and I hold onto the railing as I sit down carefully.
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Gavin: Sit tight.
With light-hearted steps, he walks to the end of the boat and starts the motor, both hands holding the steering wheel as the boat gradually leaves the harbour.
After that, he grips the rope tightly to raise the main sail, sunlight pouring onto his frame, outlining his edges.
When the main sail is raised up high, he shuts off the motor, and the boat is propelled forward with the help of the wind.
Seeing this series of practised movements, I exclaim in admiration.
MC: Gavin, if you were to participate in a sailing competition, would this be considered "cheating”? After all, you need to know the direction of the wind at all times to sail properly.
Gavin ponders on my question seriously for a second before giving me an answer.
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Gavin: Yes. But even if I don’t use the ability of wind, I’m still more sensitive to wind than ordinary people.
He says such “enviable” words with ease while continuing to work on the rope in his hands.
All of a sudden, a gust of strong wind comes from the right. The left side of the boat tilts downwards fiercely, almost sticking to the surface of the water.
MC: Will the boat overturn?!
I grab onto the railing firmly, looking at Gavin with slight worry.
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Gavin: Of course not.
Gavin continues operating the steering wheel, a fearless expression on his face.
Gavin: Although I can make the wind stop, that would reduce the fun of sailing in the first place. Trust me. I won’t let you fall off.
A proud smile appears on Gavin’s face. The corners of his shirt are blown up wildly by the wind as he stands steadily on the boat.
After that, he stretches out his hand towards me. Immediately understanding his intention, I grip his hand without any hesitance. 
He pulls me behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist. 
Gavin: Don’t let go. Hold tight.
Just as another fierce gale arrives, he tugs on the rope, causing the sail to change directions deftly.
Very quickly, our sailboat is akin to a drifting racing car, continuously changing directions in his hand, and accelerating in movement. 
We allow ourselves to get swept along with the wind and waves, continuing to move headwind.
Without realising it, my initially anxious emotions have turned more and more excited.
MC: Gavin, let’s go!
He doesn’t speak, but the boat beneath his feet speeds up, as though using his actions to respond to me.
Gradually, the whistling at my ears disappears, and the waves grow peaceful.
Small ocean sprays lap the boat gently, as though telling us that our “surfing” experience has come to a temporary end.
I hurriedly pull on Gavin as we sit on the deck, and I massage his palms gently.
MC: Tired?
Gavin: Nope. What about you?
MC: I’m doing okay, just that my legs are a little wobbly from being nervous.
While saying this, I lean on Gavin’s shoulder, relaxing completely.
All of a sudden, a force pushes me gently on the shoulder. My body slides down slowly, and I find myself lying on Gavin’s lap.
Startled, I look at Gavin above me. With a pad of his finger, he pushes away strands of hair from my face.
Gavin: Lie down and rest for a while. I’ll make the wind a little quieter.
When I open my eyes again, what I can see is the azure sky and Gavin, who is resting with his eyes closed.
I can’t bear to disrupt such a beautiful image, so I simply purse my lips into a smile in secret.
Suddenly, Gavin’s eyelashes quiver, and he opens his eyes to look at me.
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Gavin: What are you smiling at?
I realise that he might have noticed my peeping since early on, but simply allowed me to observe without making a sound.
With this thought in mind, the temperature of my cheeks involuntarily grow hot.
MC: I... I was smiling because the sun is really warm, and my fatigue seems to be swept away completely!
The deck reflects a dazzling light from the sun. Struck with an idea, I shift away from Gavin’s lap, then pat the deck.
MC: You must be really tired from sitting for such a long time. Let’s lie down and bask in the sun together!
I tug on Gavin gently, getting him to lie down beside me.
Perhaps due to the narrowness of the deck, we’re pressed together tightly.
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Gavin: Is it a little cramped?
I shake my head quickly, afraid that he’d sit up to make space.
MC: It isn’t cramped at all. It’s just nice!
Gavin might have guessed my intentions. He stirs slightly, lying down sideways and facing me.
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Gavin: Lying down like this will be a little better.
I heave a secret sigh of relief. Mimicking Gavin’s actions, I face him while lying down too.
MC: Even though it’s no longer cramped like this, we can’t see the sky in this position.
Gavin chuckles, embracing me gently.
Gavin: I just want to look at you. Other things aren’t as important.
All of a sudden, a shadow hangs above our heads, and sunlight gradually vanishes.
Puzzled, I turn my head towards the sky, only to realise that a thick cloud has completely covered the sun.
MC: The wonderful big sun has been blocked.
Despite the complaints from my mouth, my smile doesn’t leave.
Being with Gavin like this makes nothing worth regretting no matter what it is.
Gavin: In that case, I’ll make it leave temporarily.
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Gavin straightens up, and a gentle gust of wind brushes my face.
The sailboat sways, as though sensing this force in the air. The waves sweep up, lapping the sides of the boat gently.
Even that cloud in the sky seems to float forward slowly with Gavin’s wind.
Gradually, rays of fine sunlight pass through the remaining tail of the cloud.
Sunlight pours over Gavin, leaving a pale shadow, making his facial features even clearer.
He lifts his chin, letting the wind sweep his hair into a nice-looking mess.
When the cloud has completely let the sun go, Gavin shoots me a smile.
Gavin: We can continue basking in the sun now.
After saying this, he lays back down on the deck, pulling me into his arms.
He closes his eyes, and all that’s left is the soft sound of his breathing. I can’t help but lift my chin, sticking to his ear carefully.
MC: You’ve worked hard over the past two days to prepare so many things. Is there anything I can do for you?
He opens his amber eyes slowly, the corners of his lips turning upwards in indistinct arcs.
Gavin: You don’t have to do anything. Just lay with me for a while.
With this, he tightens his grip, caging me in his arms.
I don’t insist further, laying by Gavin’s side obediently.
Seeing Gavin before me, I suddenly feel that this moment is so beautiful that it doesn’t seem real.
Last night, I was working overtime in the office. Today, I’m lying atop a boundless stretch of ocean.
Most importantly, the person I’ve been missing most is within reach.
I hug him fondly, tightening my grip.
MC: Gavin, thank you for bringing me here. Even though I still have some relatively unimportant matters waiting for me to handle, I think I really needed a break. Working overtime without an end can make one’s mind turn increasingly stale. If you hadn’t pulled me out from the endless loop, I might have been working inefficiently for a very long time.
Gavin listens as I reveal my thoughts bit by bit. His expression seems to become even more relaxed.
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Gavin: Got it. When such a situation happens again, I’ll drag you away like this.
A breeze lifts up my hair quietly, as though agreeing with Gavin.
Even though I can’t hide the smile on my lips, I deliberately pinch his palm.
MC: Even so, you have to tell me in advance next time!
A teasing glint flashes across Gavin’s eyes, and he closes them.
Gavin: We’ll talk about it again when the time comes. I don’t want you to sink into that condition again.
He speaks indolently, but a resolute tone is in his words.
MC: Got it. I’ll take note of my working hours, and will definitely not overexert myself!
Gavin doesn't respond, but the smile on his lips is a clear indication.
Suddenly, a strong wind charges over fiercely, causing the main sail to rustle.
MC: Gavin, the wind seems to be getting stronger again! Will anything happen if our boat remains still like this? 
Gavin closes his eyes without a care, holding me tightly.
Gavin: Nothing will happen. Let me hug you for a little longer. We’ll set off later.
His voice gradually dissipates along with the waves, leaving behind a breeze that leaves one reluctant to part with.
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queenshelby · 3 years
The Last Semester – Part Fourteen
Pairing: Cillian Murphy x Reader
Words: 1,867
Warning: Smut
Previous Parts:  Part One; Part Two; Part Three*; Part Four*; Part Five*; Part Six; Part Seven; Part Eight; Part Nine; Part Ten; Part Eleven; Part Twelve, Part Thirteen
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You were surprised to see your father and, just as he leaned in to give you a kiss on the cheek and a hug, you pulled away slightly.
‘What are you doing here?’ you asked surprised and your father informed you that he had a meeting in London and was staying until tomorrow. He wanted to surprise you.
As Cillian walked out of his office, he was just as surprised as you were and when your father shook Cillian’s hand, you couldn’t help but cringe knowing where his fingers had been just moments earlier.
‘It’s funny that I run into you both at the same time’ your father said somewhat surprised.
‘Yes, what a coincidence’ Cillian said, clearing his throat before he did while looking rather flustered.
‘I just had to discuss some uni stuff with Cillian’ you said, feeling the need to explain yourself and your father nodded without any suspicions.
‘Well, since you are both here, I was going to ask you whether you wanted to have dinner with me this evening at the hotel’ your father then asked, causing Cillian to look at you as if he was asking you a question.
‘Unless you think it is too inappropriate having dinner with one of your students’ your father then said to Cillian with a slight chuckle.
‘Y/N isn’t really my student John. I am just involved in providing some practical assistance with the upcoming play’ Cillian was quick to explain while your cheeks turned rather red. If he only knew that there were far more inappropriate things that you had done together.
‘7 o’clock then?’ your father asked and both you and Cillian nodded and agreed.
An hour after your run in with your father, Cillian called you and asked you what you wanted to do about your father. Cillian was of the opinion that you would have to talk to your father soon about your relationship with each other.
But, you were nowhere near ready to do this and explained to Cillian that he shouldn’t put this onto your plate until after your exams.  By that time, you both would be back in Ireland and you were in better position to deal with this.
Cillian agreed but also suggested that you should keep your distance from each other until your father went back to Ireland the following day.
No sleepover, no kissing and no touching that evening.
When you arrived at your father’s hotel for dinner, you were surprised to learn that your father had brought a woman along.
Her name was Melissa and she had beautiful long blonde hair, freckled skin and dark blue eyes. She was in her late thirties and, according to your father, she was single.
‘Uhm alright?’ you giggled, unsure what all of this was about but, when Melissa excused herself and went to the lavatory, you soon learned from your father that he had brought her along to meet Cillian.
‘He’s been single for a while and I have just engaged her for the new play in Dublin’ your father explained and you couldn’t help but swallow harshly.
‘So, you thought you would ambush him with a blind date while you and me watch things unfold?’ you asked almost angrily.
‘Nah, we can leave after we eat and leave them to it’ your father laughed, but you certainly didn’t see the humour in it all.
Just as Melissa returned to the table, Cillian arrived and your father was quick to introduce them to each other before telling Cillian about Melissa’s engagement for the new play.
As usual, Cillian was oblivious about what your father had planned and about the way Melissa looked at him continuously for the first thirty minutes.
Throughout dinner, you all talked without minimal interaction between you and Cillian and this was something you struggled with now that Melissa was there. Cillian was yours and you desperately wanted her to know that.
Your father happily watched the situation unfold as Cillian was eating his dinner and Melissa wouldn’t stop talking to him, about art, music and wine.
You, on the other hand, were getting rather annoyed and shook off your heel beneath the table somewhat sneakily before lifting your foot up, running it across the inside of Cillian’s thigh.
Cillian inhaled sharply as you did and you were pressing slightly against his crotch beneath the table which, luckily, was covered with a large white table cloth.
As you were playfully rubbing against Cillian’s inner thigh and crotch with your foot, Melissa asked your father and Cillian whether they wanted to come for drinks at the hotel bar after dinner.
Your father quickly declined the offer, explaining to her that he had an early flight to catch.
‘Cillian?’ Melissa then asked as he didn’t respond to her question. He was concentrating hard not to groan as you continued to tease him.
‘Uhm, I have an early morning too. Another time maybe’ he barely managed to force out, making you giggle.
‘Well, we could share an Uber back in about ten minutes if you like Cillian?’ you then suggested and Cillian quickly nodded.
Finally, you removed your foot from his crotch and stepped back into your heel before pulling out your phone and ordering the Uber.
It was obvious to you that Melissa was rather disappointed but, nonetheless, she gave Cillian her business card which contained her mobile phone number and email address.
‘If you ever want to have this drink with me, call me’ she winked before getting up and thanking your father for the invitation to dinner.
‘Man, what is wrong with you? Are you back with this woman you were seeing?’ your father then asked Cillian just after Melissa had left.
‘Yes, I am actually’ Cillian then said all while his erection was still straining against his jeans.
‘What woman?’ you then asked and your father explained to you that her name was Y/N also.
‘Hmm I see’ you giggled before also excusing yourself in order to attend the lady’s room before collecting your jackets.
‘That was really naughty of you’ Cillian whispered into your ear as his hand was running over your thigh in the back of the Uber just before the driver pulled up in front of your house.
‘Are you coming up for an hour?’ you asked quickly and Cillian couldn’t help but chuckle.
‘What about your roommates?’ Cillian asked.
‘The guys are in Manchester until the weekend and Emma is at work until midnight’ you smirked.
As soon as you opened the door to your apartment, Cillian pinned you against the wall, telling you again how you misbehaved in the restaurant earlier, getting him all wound up beneath the table right in front of your father.
‘I just didn’t like this woman flirting with you’ you said, biting your lip just before Cillian pressed his lips onto yours for a passionate kiss.
His hand moved down your belly, beneath your dress and then straight on a trajectory to your pussy.
‘No panties?’ Cillian then asked after he pulled his lips away from your mouth while he continued to hold you against the wall.
‘No panties’ you moaned as his fingers skimmed over the smooth area preceding your slit.
‘Naughty girl’ Cillian huffed as his fingers wedged into you, entering your folds, gliding through them towards your entrance. His touch felt good, it was firm, but not forceful.
‘Fuck’ you moaned, wanting him so badly.
‘Open up for me’ Cillian then whispered. His voice was deep and quiet and your heart sped up again.
‘Open your legs Y/N’ he repeated his instruction. Your breath caught at the mention of your name. You loved when he talked to you like this, dirty and dominant.
Cillian pressed his palm up on your thigh, pushing your legs apart since you failed to respond to his verbal instructions.
His fingers slid down into your pussy, filling you. You could feel your body react, your juices soaking his hand. His digits slid in more easily on his second pass and your passage seemed outright slick on the third. He continued to work his finger in and out of you while his cock seemed to rock gently against one of your thighs, hard and aching to spring free. The sensation was wonderful, tingling, igniting sparks inside you. You soon felt your legs open wider, splaying you out to him as you stood there.
‘Fuck, look at you, soaking wet for me’ Cillian grinned just before he picked you up and threw you onto the lounge.
With your back facing him and your chest pressed again the back of the lounge, you leaned forward while, from behind you, Cillian lifted up your dress before unzipping his jeans.
It wasn’t long until you could feel his cock which was now aligned with your entrance. The tip was gliding through your folds, building up to something more intense until, with one loud groan, Cillian shoved the length of his cock inside you unexpectedly.
You yelped at the sudden intrusion and Cillian was thrusting deep inside you, filling and stretching your pussy in a way that, although pleasurable, was very intense.
‘Fuck Cillian’ you moaned loudly before reminding him not come inside you as you had told him earlier that you were late with your shot and therefore not on birth control for the moment.
‘Don’t worry, I won’t’ Cillian groaned as he was thrusting inside you hard and fast, grunting occasionally with effort.
‘Oh god fuck me harder’ you moaned, loving his dominance and the sounds of pleasure escaping his lips.
Cillian brought his hand up to your breasts, pushing your dress and bra down before running his fingers over one of your nipples, twisting it between his fingers, creating another instance of that stinging pleasure that you had already felt between your legs.
You whimpered under his touch and he soon moved his hand down your belly, reaching for the sensitive bundle of nerves above the place where he continued to ram you with his cock. He circled it, increasing the pressure until you felt an explosion of pleasure radiating from his fingers. You felt your body shudder and your channel contract around his cock, gripping him tightly. He groaned again, thrust deeply, and halted before suddenly, pulling out.
You quickly turned around and, just as you did, he started to jerk his cock, aiming for your already open and waiting mouth before filling it with his sweet cum.
Just as the last drop of his warm seed hit your tongue, you heard the door knob turn and, all of a sudden, Emma walked inside the living room.
‘Holy fuck, oh my god’ Emma said, turning around quickly while Cillian pulled up his pants and you wiped your mouth with a tissue.
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stylesberries · 4 years
My Princess
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Summary: You tag along with Harry to his Vogue shoot. The dress is definitely a turn on.
Genre(s): purest smut of all
Word Count: 1.5k
Warning(s): smut??? use of butt plugs, sub!harry (not a warning, more of a welcoming sign)
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“Harry! A little more to the left! Yes, great!” the photographer kept giving Harry instructions on adjusting his poses for the December Vogue cover photoshoot. You sat next to dressed up Gemma on the bench in the field of tall grass chatting and observing from a distance.
“He’s pulling the dress off better than I ever could.” You told Gemma, letting your gaze go back and forth from her to your boyfriend.
“Same. No way I could ever feel confident enough to wear that. It’s so puffy.” Gemma giggled, diving deeper into the blanket wrapped around her shoulders.
“He looks like a princess.” You announce, looking at the man with adoration.
Harry caught your creepy stare and wondered what was going through that pretty little head of yours.
“Whatcha thinking, pretty?” He asked, smirking at you, knowing exactly what you were thinking.
“You look like a princess!” You exclaimed loudly, smiling widely at Harry. Your words surprised him and caused a dimple to appear on his smiling face. Harry put a hand on his defined waist and stroke a silly pose to make you laugh.
“A princess, huh? Well, would you be my Prince Charming then?” He shamelessly flirted with you, flapping his lashes at you.
“I’m down to be your Prince Charming any day.”
Harry swears he could feel his dick twitch in his briefs.
Thank God I’m wearing a dress.
Harry kept posing and for another 30 minutes and the whole time you’d keep shamelessly flirting. Gemma had to stop herself from throwing up at how disgusting you two got. At some point, she snuck away to talk to Anne on the phone (at least that’s what she used as an excuse) and left you and Harry on the verge of foreplay.
“This dress would look beautiful on you, you know,” Harry said, turning his back to you, obviously asking you to unzip the dress.
You two stood in the middle of his trailer that parked in the open of the field. Harry had to change into the other outfit his stylist picked for him to continue the photoshoot.
“You know I don’t wear stuff like that.” You answered him, slowly unzipping the back of his dress, looking into his eyes through the reflection in the mirror.
Harry felt the mood rapidly change. He watched your eyes darken as you kept prolonging the unzipping of the dress, slowly dragging your cold fingers against his skin behind the zipper.
Harry couldn’t help but let out a soft moan as he felt the tip of your tongue leave a wet trace along his spine.
“Ah, please,” Harry whined, letting you wrap your arm around his waist holding him from running away from your wet tongue.
“Please what, baby?” You teased him further, running your nails against the wet trace along his spine.
“Please, touch me.” He begged, pushing his back against your chest in hopes that your arm would move a little lower and touch his crotch even though he knew how much you hated it when he wasn’t patient.
“What do you think you’re doing, huh? You should be patient. And here I thought you were a good boy.” You added the last words knowing that it would make him go crazy.
Harry’s eyes went wide as he no longer felt your hands or tongue on him. You completely retreated and walked to the couch on the opposite side of the trailer. Harry felt cold and his naked back only added to it.
“No, no, please.” He turned his face to you as you watched the look full of regret on his face. You sat back against the couch and watched your boyfriend slowly walk up to you.
“Stop.” You commanded.
Harry didn’t dare go against your command and stopped the second you told him to.
“What do you have to say when you’re being bad?” You asked him, looking into his sad eyes. His lips trembled as he stood in the middle of his trailer.
“I’m sorry for being a bad boy, mommy.” He whispered the last part to himself but you still heard it loud and clear.
“What do bad boys have to do for mommy to forgive them?” You ask Harry, getting comfortable in your seat, getting ready for what was to come.
Harry understood you right away and his eyes went straight to his tote bag. He walked to it and pulled a small sunglasses case from it. Inside the case, there was a small bottle of lube and a butt plug with a green stone on its end.
You didn’t say anything and just watched as Harry fell on his knees, his back facing you. Harry opened the lube bottle and poured some lube on the butt plug, some on it dripping on the front of his dress.
You stayed silent throughout the show, watching as he presses his face against the flood of the trailer and pulls the puffy dress out of the way for you to see his ass covered with the fabric of his briefs, a visible dark spot on the part covering his hard dick.
Harry waited for your “blessing” with the lubed-up butt plug in his one hand and pulling his underwear down his legs revealing his twitching cock and his gaping hole with the other.
“Start.” You commanded, moving to the edge of the couch to see Harry slowly insert the tip of the butt plug into his hole.
A deep whine left Harry’s mouth as he felt himself spread welcoming the wet cold metal inside.
“Silent. Only good boys get to make noises.” You growled at him.
Harry kept his mouth shut, pressing his face against the floor to muffle his moans, taking the butt plug in completely. His hand left the green-stoned end and pushed his upper half off the floor to stand on all fours.
“What a nice view, H.” You cooed, looking at the pretty green stone - the evidence of the fullness your boyfriend was feeling.
You got up from your seat and made a U-turn to stand in front of Harry, facing him on his fours. You pressed your fingers under his chin, pushing his face up to look at you.
Harry’s face was covered in tears that kept dripping from his eyes from how turned on he was and how much he needed to cum.
“Awww look at this. What a filthy slut, huh.” You kept teasing Harry and watched his face contort in pain as he felt his dick twitch and his hole squeeze around the butt plug.
“Would you want to say something?” You asked, raising your eyebrow from curiosity.
“Mommy, I’m so sorry. I’ll be a good boy. Please let me cum. It hurts.” Harry begs on his knees quite literally.
“Hm. You have been following my commands so far. Get up and put your briefs back on.” You think out loud and step away, letting Harry get up from his knees. The dress puff fell back in place and covered his filthy wet hole and hard dick. Harry bent over to put his underwear back on. When he was ready he looked back at you standing in front of him, waiting for your next instruction.
You sent him a smile, walking up to him and reaching between you two to push the front dress ruffles up and sneak your hand in his underwear to free his painfully swollen dick out of its prison.
Harry just stood there waiting patiently this time.
“Oh. You’re so hard, baby. Does it hurt?” You ask, looking into his eyes with a pitiful look.
“Yes, mommy,” Harry whined.
“Good.” You quickly say and spit onto his almost-purple cock, getting it wet and letting go of the rubber band of his underwear. It painfully snapped against his lower abdomen and caused his dick to be pushed back tightly against the wet fabric. A desperate moan left Harry’s mouth following your actions.
You proceeded to walk out of the trailer before turning around and looking at Harry one last time before opening the door to leave.
He stood there, his dress - pulled up, the light fluffs of the expensive dress - a mess. Some puffs had drops of dried lube on them and Harry’s face was red from the shame of what just happened. The tears had already dried on his cheeks. He was still squeezing around the now-warm butt plug and thinking about how much his dick hurts. Pathetic.
“What a pretty little princess you are.” You coo at Harry before turning your back to him and exiting the trailer.
You walk away from the trailer and make your way back to where you have last seen Gemma.
“Oh, hey, Y/N. Is Harry coming? We have a couple more pictures to take. He’s taking a while.” The photographer asks you the second he sees you.
“Um. Not sure. You could check his trailer though.”
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© all right belong to stylesberries. do not repost or modify.
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lebrookestore · 3 years
𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐭
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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐞𝐨 𝐑𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞
Collab hosted by @heartyyjeno and @neojaems
𝐁𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐓𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐈𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐞 𝐛𝐲 𝐄𝐝𝐦𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐋𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐨𝐧
Pairing: Qian Kun x reader
Themes: richkid au-ish, royalty au-ish, slight humour, ANGST, strangers to lovers, betrayal, suspense, drugs, murder, cruises, pride and prejudice
Warnings: angst, mentions of murder, drugs, smoking, betrayal, drugging, making out, messed up stuff honestly
Wc: 17.1k
Taglist:  @danishmiilk @channoticedmeuwu @chicksung @1-800-seo @blueprint-han @jenosslut @cupidluvstarrz @kkakkdugi @sweetlyjaem @vera-liscious @leetaeyonglover @kunrengui @unknown5tar @kisshim @the-rooftop-fight @rueyins @kiri-ah @sly-merlin @alicanta77 @rouiyan @jae-dreamin @peachyyjaes  @girlwithmightymuses-deactivated @jenoleemonade​ @radiorenjun​
Summary: Many things can happen on a cruise ship, most of them are unexpected. Secrets are exposed, arrangements are brought to light and love can bloom- but when the secrets and arrangements clash, will the love survive? [loosely based on the Opera; Tristan and Isolde]
Playlist: here
Authors note: My first collab fic!!! I honestly really love how this turned out, and I hope you do too! Take this as a thank you for 400 as well, since I have literally nothing else planned rip. Thanks to Mina for letting me scream about this fic to her and feedback would be really appreciated! Without further ado, I present to you: Love Shot!
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“Lady Y/n”, the woman greeted you, bowing respectfully. You smiled softly, touching her shoulder to indicate that it was alright. “Winter”, you said fondly, “You know I don’t care for formalities”, you reminded the girl, who nodded eagerly, and took your bags.
Sighing tiredly, you stood at the entrance, waiting for Winter to return and guide you to your room on the cruise ship, where you would be staying for the next three months. The air was crisp, more breathable than it was in the city. Crossing one hand over the other, standing up straight, you exude confidence and an air of authority, something everyone around you acknowledged and respected.
Your family was and would always be one of the most respected families in Japan. You had money, a name, and many many enemies. There was always someone on the prowl, ever ready to steal your family’s worth, to ruin its reputation. Your father had gotten the family estate when the wealth had been divided amongst him and his brothers, and that had only added up to your net worth. As the daughter of one of the richest men in the world, you had big shoes to fill, especially since you had no siblings. 
You had had your fair share of bad publicity, and drama. Scandals always lazily floated around, and at this point, you welcomed them like an old friend. Added some spice into your otherwise very structured life. 
A year ago, your father had died, leaving all the responsibilities to fall upon you. He had been found dead one morning in his bed, your mother shaking as she sat on the edge, looking on at her dead husband with a crazed look in her eyes. There were rumours and suspicions, but you decided to pay no heed to them.
And with all these new responsibilities, you made the news more times than you cared to count, and the way the media preyed on the tragedy, highlighting it, using it against you. Your mother was at her wit’s end, a broken shell of the commanding woman she was before. You heeded every request of hers, and fulfilled any wish, no matter how idiotic. Your life had changed, but at the same time, it hadn’t. You were still the same filthy rich girl from before.
Winter returned, a rosy hue on her cheeks as she greeted you once more. “This way Ma’am”, you grabbed her arm, glaring mockingly, “Y/n”, you asserted, “You’re never this formal Win, what happened?”
“It’s my job”, she said sheepishly, “And I’m a little out of it, please don’t pay any attention to it”
You wanted to prod her further but decided to respect her privacy, and silently followed her down the halls of the ship, studying your surroundings. It was clear the place was dripping with money, nothing you weren’t used to. With the gold plating and jewel-encrusted chandeliers, you felt more at home than on a vacation.
Well, it wasn’t really a vacation now, was it?
This was business, for your family. A set plan, rules and things you had to do. Even thought it was all arranged, you still had to look pretty and smile and be nice to him.
Stopping in front of a door, she fished out a pair of keys and inserted one of them into the keyhole, opening it and leading you into your room for the stay. It was one of the first-class cabins on the cruise, more spacious than the others. Bowing once again, Winter left you, promising to return to call you for dinner. Sitting down on your bed, you inspected the room, noting its features. It was all the same.
Deciding to get ready for the dinner, you unzipped one of your bags, picking through the garments you had brought along with you. You knew dinners were a big thing, especially if you were of your status, and today would be monumental, especially since you would be meeting someone, and that someone was very important. Finally choosing a silk dress, you slipped it on, retouching your makeup and checking your phone for any updates, you left your room making sure you had your keys with you. The hallways were pretty chilly, so you decided to turn back and get your pullover just in case. 
Waiting patiently by your door for Winter, you checked your phone, reading over the message your mother sent you. A list of instructions, a code of conduct for the evening.
You had to impress them.
Once again, Winter showed up, still donning the rosy blush as she regarded you, and began leading you through the winding halls of the ship. She seemed to be very out of it, not completely focusing on the task at hand as she tripped over her own feet. You reached out, grabbing her arm and stabilizing the girl.
“I’m sorry”, she squeaked, “Forgive me”
“Be careful Winter”, you said, “And stop patronizing yourself, you’re never like this”
Flustered, she nodded a little too fast, “I’m sorry Y/n, just following orders”
“Whose orders?”, you asked incredulously. She rested her hand on the gold plated doorknob, turning to you.
“Your mother of course”, she said, before pushing the door open. Hushed whispers traveled across the room at your arrival, the room falling into silence.
Dinner was served.
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Kun walked into the dining hall, his eyes dark and alight with amusement. He slipped his hands in his pockets, leisurely making his way to one of the tables. He observed the scene, taking note of the crowd. Jazz music played softly in the background, setting the mood. Clicking his tongue, he pulled out a chair taking a seat at the table he had chosen. 
He wasn’t alone, there were two other men sitting there, and a woman. One was his brother, Chenle, who was six years younger than Kun. He looked intimidating for an eighteen-year-old, with a square-ish jaw and large eyes. They were set in a blank stare, as if he was used to this, and was tired of it. He regarded Kun with a nod, before going back to his food.
The other was his uncle, Akira, who was only ten years older than Kun himself, being the youngest brother from his mother’s side. He was dressed in an expensive suit, eyes covered with his dark sunglasses. He didn’t even acknowledge Kun, instead, he had his eyes trained on the door, presumably waiting for someone.
The woman was sitting next to Kun, his sister, Yuxi, younger than him by a year. She didn’t even spare a look at Kun, but he was used to it.
A server walked up to the table, handing Kun a menu, and bowing respectfully. He was wearing a white suit, in pristine condition, hair slicked back, shoes polished to the point of reflection. Kun studied the boy, who seemed a few years younger than him. His tag read ‘Heesung’, and he looked bored out of his mind.
“Heesung”, Kun said, “I’d like a glass of Dom Pérignon please”, he requested, to which Heesung nodded, taking note of it in his notepad. “I’ll come back with your drink and order”, he informed Kun as he left.
The doors opened, two women standing there. One was obviously the help of the other, dressed in a black and white uniform. She opened the door wider, exposing the other women to the crowd. She was obviously of some high status, the air around her seemed to hold some sort of authority. She walked down the stairs, her help close behind as she scanned the room to spot a table for herself.
You soon found the table you had been assigned to by your darling mother and walking towards it. You held your head a little higher, asserting a sort of silent dominance over them. Winter pulled out a seat for you, and you thanked her softly, turning to the man on your right.
“Akira, I suppose”, you said, lifting your hand up and shaking his hand. He smiled, “The lovely Y/n”, he said, “I presume your mother has told you about me”
He was handsome, you supposed, in an oldish way. You nodded, “Yes, she has”
“And I hope you are intrigued”, he suggested. You forced a smile, biting down the initial disgust at the older man. “Very much so”, you assured him, turning to the other two, “And you are”, you asked, desperate to avoid any further interaction with Akira.
“Yuxi”, the lady sitting next to Akira introduced herself, holding up a glass of some sort of drink, looking at the other two men.
“I’m Chenle”, the one on your left greeted, smiling slightly. You returned the gesture, looking at the other one expectantly.
“Kun”, he said, disinterest apparent in his tone. “A pleasure to meet you, Y/n”, he said coyly, leaning back in his chair and observed you. Nodding at his curt response, you waited in silence for the waiter to come and take your order. “So who are you?”, Kun asked, to which you blinked in surprise. “You mean you don’t know?”, you asked, not meaning to sound as vain as it came out. You were genuinely shocked at the fact he didn’t know who you were.
“Kun”, Akira warned, “I told you about the lovely Y/n”, he explained, “You know about the deal”
“Was I expected to know her?”, he asked, “To be fair, she's like every other woman here, just richer”
Your eyes widened at his blatant disrespect, as his lips upturned into a smirk, somewhat enjoying your obvious discomfort.
“Ahem”, Heesung interrupted, “Your order?”
Mildly put off, you asked for the meal you wanted, trying not to sink into your seat from embarrassment. If your mother was here, she would’ve given you an earful if you slouched.
Always hold yourself to a higher standard Y/n, she constantly reminded you, Head a little higher than the rest.
Ignore him darling”, Akira advised you. The nickname set a bitter taste in your mouth.
“Excuse me”, you said, “I’m not feeling well”, getting up, you called for Winter, asking her to get your food to your room. 
You walked out gracefully, not missing the sly smile that Kun gave you.
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Mornings were something you had always looked forward to. You woke up early on most days, while your mother was still asleep, to be alone with your thoughts. It was hard to think with your mother droning on about responsibilities, and things she wanted you to do for her. You had to mindlessly listen, and accomplish every task she set out for you. You were beyond thankful for Winter, who helped you, and single handedly kept you sane. She was your friend, more than a servant, which was why her sudden formality was confusing you.
While your mother wasn’t with you at the moment, you still decided to leave the confines of your bed, and explore the cruise in peace and quiet, perhaps get an early breakfast alone. You changed into acceptable clothing, casual instead of the finery you were used to and tired of, and headed out to the deck. The cool sea breeze was welcoming, making you feel refreshed. You sipped the tea in your hands, cupping the mug to provide some warmth to your fingers, as you leaned against the railing of the ship.
The floors were made of wood, giving it a rustic feel to it. It contrasted the marble interiors, giving it a simpler look. It was homely, more so than your own home. You smiled wantonly, the silence of the scene comforting.
You mother came to mind, as you remembered the deal, the entire reason why you were on this cruise, it wasn’t a happy vacation, on the contrary, it was a welcoming, an introduction to a new family, one you would soon be thrown into. 
“You're alone”, a voice observed. You turned around to face the man from yesterday.
“Qian Kun”, you said politely, “It appears so”
You weren’t particularly angry at him for not knowing who you were, in fact, you would go as far as to say, you were relieved.
“Relax, I know who you are, I’m just teasing you”, he said, which destroyed all hopes of you being an unknown person. You raised an eyebrow in the question of his doings, to which he grinned, “Y/n Osaki”.
You nodded, looking down at your tea, not quite knowing what to say. You didn’t know Kun very well, but from the short encounters you had with him, he confused you. You studied him for a moment, trying to understand him. He seemed to be put together, content with himself, yet he took pleasure in trivial things, like getting a reaction out of you.
“Well, I don’t truly know you, other than the fact you’re this rich girl my uncle is interested in”, he quipped, standing at your side and looking out at the sea, not sparing you another glance.
“Uncle?”, you asked slightly horrified. Kun seemed to be around your age, so the thought of Akira being his uncle sounded very messed up, especially since your mother was also rooting for the older man.
Kun hummed in agreement, “he was ten when I was born”, he continued. You decided to ignore that fact, for now, focusing on the subtle dig he had thrown at you. “You’re rich too, or so it seems. Certainly, you’re wealthy if you can afford this cruise”
You hadn’t meant to sound vain or stuck up, but it was true. This wasn’t a cheap stay, especially since you knew they were staying on the first-class level of the ship just as you were. Your mother had told you almost everything about them.
He seemed amused, his dimples appearing as he smiled, “We’re comfortable”
You scoffed at the statement, deciding to take a sip of your tea instead of retorting. The conversation, if you could even call it that, fell into a silence. You tapped against the porcelain of the cup, looking blankly at the water.
He was attractive, dark hair splayed across his forehead, dark grey eyes, lips that seemed to upturn into a smirk easily. He had an easy going demeanor, with a touch of underlying darkness, you supposed. It piqued your interest, but you made sure not to show it. 
“See you around Y/n”, he said, walking away, seemingly bored. You watched him disappear under the deck, and suddenly, you were all alone.
Alone with your thoughts.
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“And school? How is that going?’, you asked, switching your phone to your other hand as you flipped the page of your book. Your brother bristled at the other end of the line, clearly not pleased with the turn of the conversation, “It’s fine”, he said, “Same old. Sungchan is still trying to woo that lower class girl”, he said this with a snicker, “It’s pathetic really.”
“Tsk”, you clicked your tongue, “Don’t belittle her, she’s smart”
“And not to our standard”, he replied, “Sungchan should know better”
“Shotaro”, you said in a warning tone, “Leave it alone, he’s probably just messing with her. You know how we do things”
“Of course, but it’s turning into an infatuation of sorts, he only talks of her! I’m tired of it”
“Maybe he’s in love”, you suggested, turning the next page. The line went silent, you didn’t worry too much as this gave you time to read a few paragraphs properly, instead of the skimming you had been doing. “And what is love Y/n, hmm?”
“Am I supposed to know?”, you bit back sarcastically. You could hear Shotaro scoff on the other side of the line, “You’re the one getting married, dear sister, and isn’t the eldest sibling supposed to teach the younger one?”
“I am not in love”, you said, “I do not need to teach you anything, pay attention in school instead”
“Love you too Y/n, goodbye”, he said flatly, deciding that if you were to talk of school, he was not going to have any part of it. You shook your head amusedly, placing your phone down and continuing to read. Shotaro was your brother, you were close to him, even with your constant bantering and seemingly formal conversation. It was just how the two of you had been brought up- in a very classy way. You had a reputation to uphold, and a family name to flaunt. 
You shifted in your seat, hearing three knocks on the door. “Come in Winter”, you called out, and the girl walked in, holding a box that was wrapped in ribbon, a pretty bow sitting at the top. You placed your book aside, taking the box from her hands. “What is this for?” “Sir Akira sent it”, she explained, dusting down her generic uniform, “Hesaid he would like you to wear it tonight”
You raised an eyebrow at this, skeptical, but nodded. Winter made motion to leave, but you held her hand, “Sit”, you said with a smile, “Talk to me”
“Y/n”, you reiterated, “Please Winter?”, she sighed at your request, taking a seat next to you on the bed. “You’re keeping your guard up, we grew up together, stop”, she sighed, “I know, I hate this too”
“Do you? This is my room, no one is watching here, now”, you moved over, patting your lap and she grinned, laying her head down on it. “Aren’t you going to open that?”
“Mmhh”, you hummed, pulling the ribbon, letting the cover loose as a pretty red fabric peeked through. You pulled out the dress, studying it.
“It’s pretty”, Winter observed, looking up at your skeptical face. “What happened?”
“I hate it”, you muttered, “It’s tasteful, sure, but I don’t want to wear it”, you folded it and placed it to the side. “I have several of these.” You wondered how Akira had gotten your size perfectly, let alone the similarity in your style of clothing so on point.
“You still have to wear it tonight”, she reminded you, prospering herself up on her elbows, “How’s your brother?” You glanced at her, picking your book up again, “He’s fine”
“Oh what are you reading?”, she asked, “Will you read to me?”
You nodded with a smile playing on your lips, opening the cover of Pride and Prejudice, leaning back and searching for the line you had finished on. The musty pages welcomed you back like an old friend as you indulged in the love story of Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy. You read about the part, those five chapters where her feelings matured and her opinions changed over time for the man, who she had positively despised before.
You wondered if you’d ever fall for Akira, who you despised too, and was forced into marriage with. Maybe you were a lot like Lizzy Bennet, except you didn’t have a father to back you up.
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The Osaki Family was very familiar with this term, it was like every second day you heard it. With your family name came responsibilities, expectations and a warped sense of reality. Warped because your reality was very different from most people.
Duty came in different forms. For Shotaro, it was completing his extensive education and taking over the business side of the family, succeeding your father’s work. Your mother’s was to sit there and look pretty, the face of the family as of now, a sympathetic heroine of sorts ever since your father deceased. Yours was to extend family relations, and keep the prestige. You were going to take your mothers place, not something you were particularly looking forward to, but it had to be done.
It was your duty, after all.
The cruise was a way to get away from these duties, by keeping them at the forefront of your mind, replaying like a broken cassette tape. 
“Y/n Osaki”, someone called out, and you looked up from your seat. You were sitting on the deck of the ship, reading in peace with your phone by your side in case of emergency. You recognized the woman as Kun’s sister.
“Yuxi, If I’m not mistaken?”, you asked, moving aside on the bench to give her room to sit.  She crossed her legs, propping one hand on the backrest of the bench and smiling, “Tis I!”, her voice was cheerful, “I’m terribly bored of being surrounded by my brothers, so I thought I’d find you and talk to one of the female specimens”, she joked, causing your lips to upturn into a smile.
“Talking seems wonderful”, you assured her, “What would you like to talk about?”
“Anything honestly, something that isn’t about ‘who’s the man’”, she drawled, an unamused look on her face as she supposedly referenced her brother's banterring. Her eyes cast down to your book, “Jane Austen hmm? My brother loves that book”
“Which one?”
“Kun”, she answered, shifting in her seat, “He can argue for hours about whos the better character,” she smirked, stretching out her legs, “I love my family, but I’m tired of them”
“I understand that far better than you think”, you said, “I sometimes wish we weren’t related”
“You’re one to talk”, she snorted, “You have just about everything you’d ever need and more.”
“I’ll be losing it all in a little, I assume you know this”, you smiled sadly. She nodded, “Alright”, she said, “Perhaps you have everything except freedom”
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Kun was tired.
 In the event of having to deal with his brother and uncle’s ‘nonsense’ as he called it, he left the table at dinner to search for some quiet. He walked down the hallways of the ship, the soft rumbling of something he couldn’t quite make out reached his ears. 
He passed his own room, and several others, before coming to the room he was looking for. It had a red door, washed out and dark so it didn’t really stand out. He pushed it open, entering a sort of mini hallway, with another door at the end. 
He walked to that one too, entering a small, dark room. There were boxes and suitcases in there, all from his family.
 But they weren’t all luggage.
 He scanned the room, trying to remember something, it was like there had been an itch ever since he saw you. Like you had opened a door to a memory, but the memory was hazy, he couldn’t quite catch it. It was like a connection had been established, and he couldn’t quite shake it off.
 He sighed in defeat, leaving the room and walking into the hallway once again, only to be met with you, donning a red dress, hair done up in curls. You startled, blinking on seeing him emerge from the side, “Oh”, you said, looking him up and down, “Hello, Kun.” 
He took in your pretty features, wondering how you got roped into this. 
“Shouldn't you be at dinner?”, Kun asked you, lips turning into a sly smile. You looked at him, seemingly unfazed, “Shouldn’t you?”
 “Dinner is nothing special I can assure you that”, he muttered bitterly, “I take you're procrastinating getting there?” 
You nodded, “As much as I enjoy your family's company, I am not entertained by your Uncle, no offense”, you rubbed the side of your arms, “This dress was given by him.”
 “So that’s why he was talking to your servant”, Kun said, “Alright, let’s skip dinner then.”
 “Skip it? My mother would-”
 “We won't tell her”, he said, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. “We’ll make up a convincing story.”
 You studied him, deeming him sincere and nodding, “Lead the way then”, you gestured, and he took your hand, smirking and leading you down the hallways, “There’s a lounge somewhere here”, he mused, “Ah here.”
 The two of you entered a fancy looking lounge that definitely matched the entirety of the cruise ship. There was a bar at the end, and couches in the center. You took a seat, leaning back as he went straight for the drinks
. “Want anything?”, he called, taking a bottle down.
 “French 75”, you requested, “You sister told me you liked Jane Austen?” 
He raised an eyebrow at you, “I do”, he agreed. “Why?” There was that odd feeling again, as if you held some sort of importance, but he couldn’t pinpoint why.
 “I mean”, you looked over at the bar, “dinner isn’t going to get over anytime soon and we’re stuck with each other, friendly banter might help pass the time since I don’t have my phone or book with me.” 
He hummed in agreement, “Which book are you reading?” “Pride and Prejudice.”
 “High class families and their literature”, he hummed. “Alright, what about it?”
 “You don’t seem very intrigued by the story”, you observed, taking the cocktail he handed you. “What do you think of Lizzy Bennet’s and Mr. Darcy’s relationship?”
 “Lizzy Bennet, in crude terms would be considered a high class bitch.” 
“Excuse you?”, you asked, slightly outraged in a playful manner. “She is smart and funny and has some brains, unlike the rest of the sisters.”
 “She judged Darcy all too fast don't you think?” He raised his own glass to his lips, keeping his eyes on you as he spoke. “She blatantly disregarded his affections.” 
You felt heat rush to your face, mostly in indignant anger, an urge to defend one of your all time favorite heroines of any sort of story. You had always stood by her. Seeing someone ridicule her, though you had invited him to do so, was irking. “She did not! He bitched about her family and confessed, expecting her to be okay with his idiocy?”
 You asked him hotly, leaning forward in anticipation for his answer. He seemed amused by your irritation, “He’s a man of class, he’s going to judge a not so upper class family. I mean, you would know of this right?”
 “Not if my family was belittled”, you said with a frown, “I see Darcy as the prick who refused to back down because of his goddamn pride.” 
“I always thought Elizabeth was the one with pride, and Darcy held the Prejudice against her family.” His argument was strong.
 You nodded. “I suppose you’re right, but Lizzy Bennet-”
 “Can’t do any wrong?”
 You muttered some not so ladylike things under your breath that your mother would’ve had your head for, glaring at the man who sat across you. While you were all up for playful arguing, being interrupted was something you weren't used to—nor did you appreciate it. 
“Would you let me speak?”
 He smirked, “I suppose you’re defending her because”, he looked at his glass, studying the clear liquid inside it, “you think of yourself as her.”
 “I’m done here”, you said quietly, placing your drink down and getting up, refusing to look at him, knowing his smug expression would just irk you more. His accusation, while probably lighthearted, did not sit well with you. 
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The sun was out the next afternoon, casting its golden rays on the deck of the ship, giving it a lovely, summery feel. Guests bustled and walked about, chatting in groups. A small band played their merriment off to the side, setting the mood with their joyful tunes.
Winter stood off to the side with the rest of the servants, a pensive expression on her pretty face.
You stood with the rest of the crowd, next to Akira’s family, returning the warm smile Yuxi sent you. Apparently, there was supposed to be some sort of performers on the ship to entertain the folk. 
You sighed, watching the scene with a polite, yet bored gaze. You would rather be in your room reading, instead of out here. But of course, this was all done from obligation, you had to be there.
Akira shuffled to stand next to you, “I missed you yesterday”, he said, “I was looking forward to seeing you in the dress I got you.”
“I wasn’t feeling too well last night”, you fibbed, eyes meeting Kun’s for a fleeting second, “I appreciate the dress.”
You could feel Kuns smirk, even if you weren’t looking at him. Shifting on your feet, you leaned towards Winter, requesting her to get you a glass of water. 
You were still so uncomfortable around Akira, with his easy smile and underlying words. You knew he was being nice because he had to. You were already his, whether you liked it or not. Shivering at the thought, you took the glass from your friend, taking a sip and trying to focus on the band that played a jazz rendition of ‘Seven Nation Army’.
You wondered for a moment, how it would be if you weren’t from the Osaki family. If you were just another girl, instead of leverage for your family. Once Shotaro was of age and finished his schooling, he would take your fathers place, your mother would remain a shell of herself, useless and forgotten.
You would be like her soon.
Yuxi called Akira for something, giving you room to breathe.
“I hope you’re not still angry at me”, Kun’s voice came from behind, an amused lilt to his voice, “About our little miff yesterday.”
You turned to face him, shaking your head, “I’ll admit, my storming off was a tad immature.”
He frowned, studying you. “Why are you so formal all the time?”
The question took you aback, “Sounds like you have a stick up your ass, reminds me of my friend, Ten.”
“You literally just apologized to me, only to insult me once again?”, you asked, wondering how his mind worked. He was so confusing, one moment all proper the next he acted like a regular kid with a crass sense of humour.
A smile stretched out on his lips, “I never apologized Y/n”, he reminded you, “I only asked you if you were still mad.”
“Loosen up a bit”, he said, “Don’t be so high strung all the time.”
You raised an eyebrow at this, “Oh do tell me how”
He grinned, taking your hand in his, intertwining your fingers, “Let’s go then, I have an idea.”
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“Oh hell no”
“Oh hell yes”, Kun smirked, “Are you telling me you’ve never had a water balloon fight?”
“You’re telling me this is a regular occurrence for you?”, you asked incredulously. He shook his head, “No, but it's fun, so lets start”, he handed you a bunch of balloons in a bag.
“How the fuck do you even have these? We’re on a cruise?”, your confusion was comical.
The two of you stood in an empty hall in the cruise, and Kun had locked the door so no one would barge inside. Somehow he had accumulated a bizarre amount of balloons all filled with water. You could foresee the mess that was about to befall you.
You silently wondered why the fuck you agreed to this madness. Maybe it had something to do with Kun;s pretty smile.
He shrugged, “Don’t question it. Yuxi me and Chenle fight this way when we want to get away from our Uncle”, he swatted you away, “Now go! Unless you want me to destroy you from the start.”
A challenge.
You never backed down from a challenge.
You thanked yourself for deciding not to wear that summer dress Winter had initially laid out for you, opting for some pants and a shirt instead. 
Grabbing the bag, you hurried to the other end of the hall, hiding behind one of the heavy curtains and picking up one of the balloons, getting used to the weight in your palms. All you had to do was hit him right? Seemed simple right?
Wrong. So wrong.
As soon as you felt as ready and slipped out of your hiding place, you were hit on your leg, a cold wet feeling creeping up on your leg. The impact of the balloon made you stumble a little bit as you regained your footing, shooting Kun a dirty look. He smirked in response, “Pay attention L/n”
You felt another hit on your arm, realizing he had taken advantage of the fact you had been distracted. Narrowing your eyes, you flung your own balloon and gracefully missed him, the balloon ending up rolling on the ground sadly. 
Embarrassed, you retreated back behind the curtains, grabbing two of your weapons, and scurrying to the other curtain before you could be hit again. Your left pant leg was soaked through, still smarting from the hit and your arm was damp, but your focus was on hitting your opponent.
He chuckled, “Hiding just prolongs this, you know that right?”, he was taunting you, and you scowled, coming out from behind the curtain and throwing your balloon, hitting his calf and making him grunt. 
It was your turn to smirk, pleased at your successful attempt. 
Your triumphant feeling lasted about for five seconds, until you were hit again.
Damn Qian Kun and his quick thinking.You staggered back and he walked closer, “Gonna stay behind those curtains?”, he asked coyly, “Okay, fine you need incentive.”, He threw another at you, making you whine at your own slowness. “Lizzy Bennet needs to be more forgiving”
He had brought up your argument. He knew it would tick you off, making you want to justify your own point of view.
“Mr. Darcy needs to stop being such a prick!”, you exclaimed, flinging your own balloon at him, hitting his side, making him wince, “And you need to stop being so stubborn.”
“I’m the stubborn one?”, he said, almost whined. Another water missile landed next to your foot, bursting and spraying you with water. 
After a few minutes, the two of you were soaked to the bone, your clothes stuck to your skin uncomfortably, but a tired smile stretched out on your lips. His expression mirrored yours as he tried grabbing your arm. The two of you had finished all the water balloons and had been chasing each other around the hall like kids.
For the first time you actually felt like a kid.
You squealed as his fingers wrapped around your wrist, pulling you down with him as he tripped. Falling into him, his arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you close to him and entrapping you in his embrace.
Laughter bubbled from your lips as you struggled against him, “Leave me!”
He laughed into your hair, “Truce. Lizzy and Darcy are both idiots.”
“That's established!”, you said, “Let me go idiot”
He did, a wide smile on his face, “You’re more comfortable around me now”, he observed.
You realized he was right, you were more comfortable. You liked the smile on his face, the lilt of relief in his voice. The hall was wet in some places. One of you hiding places, the curtains had a big splotch of water on it, you silently wondered how the staff would react to the state at which it was in.
“I am”, you stated, “Not so strung up now?”
He snorted, “I destroyed you in the water balloon fight, I practically knocked you down from your high horse.”
He looked at the smile on your face, liking it. Even though your hair was wet and messed up, he thought you were beautiful, now that your face wasn’t set in a semi permanent haughty expression.
You hit him playfully, not finding it in you to glare at him. His dark hair was wet, and it fell in front of his eyes as he looked at you, feigning a look of hurt. “You wound me.”
“My mission in life”, you snickered. A silence fell upon the two of you, as you rubbed your arms, the cold biting into your skin. You would have to leave soon, take a shower and show up and dinner, all prim and proper again. The thought made your stomach sink, because you had had fun for the first time in a long time.
You met Kun’s eyes, which were sparkling with a mischievous glint. Raising an eyebrow at him, you crossed your arms, “What?”
“We both have to agree”, he started, “That Mr. Bennet is the best character.”
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Winter scurried along the hallways, clutching an envelope, hiding it under her apron lest she ran into you. Her nails dug into the paper, guilt welling up in the pit of her stomach. She stopped outside the door she had been summoned to
Knocking on the throat thrice, she took a step back, waiting for it to be opened. 
A man opened it, narrowing his eyes at her, “Yes?”
“A letter for you sir”, Winter squeaked, “Sir Akira. From Mrs Osaki.”
Akira grabbed the envelope from Winter, swatting her away. The girl bowed and scurried off, not wanting to have anything to do with the contents of the letter. She had already been swayed by your mother enough.
Akira shut the door and locked it, tearing open the letter, desperate to get to it. He pulled it out, fumbling with the paper and reading it hastily.
Dear Akira,
                I would first like to thank you, this wasn’t easy to do without you. Don’t worry, everything will fall into place, and no one will be the wiser. Y/n, my darling daughter, doesn’t know the whole story, only about the wedding, and we shall keep it that way. When our families unite, it shall all be sweeped under the rug.
I shall forever be grateful to you for helping me get rid of him. My debt is free I suppose now, as you read this letter our plan has been put into effect. In return for helping me you shall have protection and a new reputation.
Thanking you, 
                  Mrs. Osaki
Akira sighed in relief, knowing his fate was sealed. He had been skeptical at first, when he saw how distant you were. You didn’t even give him an inch, and he suspected you knew what he-his family did and had done.
But supposedly you didn’t.
When your mother had asked him for his help, he was surprised. The Osaka family? Not happy? How could it be?
How could a wife have murderous intent as much as your mother did?
Folding the letter, he stuffed it into the pockets of his pants, pulling out his lighter and setting fire to the envelope. He watched the tongues of fire snatch onto the paper, bright yellows and blues emerging from nothing. Throwing it in the bin, he crushed it under his heel and pulled out a cigarette.
Kun walked into the room, rubbing his hair with a towel. His and Chenles rooms were connected to Akira’s on the cruise, so that he could check up on them. A frown appeared on the older man's face as he studied Kun’s bedraggled appearance.
Kun’s parents weren’t like Akira, they were respectable and wealthy nonetheless, but still dabbled in the darker aspect of things from time to time, not that many people knew of it.
“Why do you look like a wet rat?”
Kun scowled at this, “I went for a shower”, he said, “You look like a rat more than I do”
It was no secret that Kun, Chenle and Yuxi despised their uncle for his dealings and amoral nature. But of course, Kun didn’t know the whole story, he didn’t know everything, all the letters, the truth about you and your family.
Even you didn’t know.
The only reason they were there was because if the plan didn’t go through exactly as it had been planned, their family’s reputation would be ruined for possibly forever. It was risky business, one that was going to be fixed, no matter how vile and wrong it was.
“Get ready for dinner, and for goodness sake, clean up”, Akira instructed, ignoring the dig and gesturing towards the door that connected his room to Kun’s, “Be on time.”
His nephew obliged and left, leaving Akira alone. He took a deep breath and walked out into the hallway, travelling along it quietly so as to not attract any attention. He stopped outside a red door, opening it and travelling along the dark little hallway it led into. Opening the final door, he found himself in another room, one that was dark. 
There were several boxes there, and a few suitcases. Akira’s, Kun’s, Chenle and Yuxi’s extra luggage. The boxes were not luggage though, they were Akira’s job. The dark side of things. He fished the letter out of his pocket and put it on the top of one of the boxes, next to the rest of the letters.
Leaving the darkness with the dark.
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“You’re quite fun actually”, Yuxi said, chattering away to you during dinner. You smiled, returning the compliment.
You were grateful for her talk, which distracted you from the burning stare that Akira held on you, and Kun’s occasional glances. Not that you were against the latter, but it was slightly unnerving. Of course the two of you were much more comfortable with one another, but another feeling had settled in, a prickling on that settled in the bottom of your stomach.
Did you like it? You didn’t know.
Chenle indulged in conversation as well, you learned that he went to the same school your brother went to: Culture Academy. Apparently Kun had graduated from there just before he left for the cruise. Yuxi went to a finishing school, but you expected that, their family seemed the type to send their children to finishing schools.
You had graduated a few months ago as well, but from another high class school, while your brother attended Culture Academy.
“She’s terrible at water balloon fights”, Kun quipped, a smirk on his face as you glared, “Excuse me-”
“You guys had a water balloon fight without us?”, Yuxi asked, in mock offense, “And to think I actually trusted you for a moment”, she said, turning away from you and jutting her bottom lip out. “The betrayal.”
You laughed, “He dragged me, I had no say in it.”
They weren’t as cold as they had been when you had initially met them. It almost felt as if they were your friends. Taking a bite of whatever Winter had gotten you, you met Kun’s eyes, taking in the amused look in them.
Akira cleared his throat, “I assume you’ll be there for the dance next week?”
You raised an eyebrow, “What dance?”
“Instead of a regular dinner there is going to be a sort of dance”, he explained, “I expect to see you there.”
It was a command, not a request.
There was that constricting feeling again, you gave him a tight lipped, curt nod, looking away again. You hated being around Akira, he made you so uncomfortable, and even though you couldn’t avoid him forever, you would try.
He made you sick.
You took a sip of your drink, letting the burning taste trickle down your throat. You were barely past your first glass, not being a heavy drinker. Your mother had told you it was not respectable to drink too much, so you stuck to her rules. You always stuck to her rules, but god, you would’ve loved to drown the entire glass and ask for another at that moment.
Or throw it at Akira. But that probably wouldn’t have been very respectable either.
Winter walked up to you, tapping your shoulder timidly to get your attention, “Miss”, she said, leaning down to your ear to speak in secrecy, “Your mother has called.”
Pressing your lips together to avoid making a displeased face, you excused yourself from the table and followed your helper into the hallway, taking your phone from her. She gave you an encouraging smile as you began speaking.
Her harsh voice brought you back down, “Y/n”, she said sternly, “Why did you not go to that dinner?”
You fisted your hand, clenching your jaw. Of course she found out, “I wasn’t feeling well.”
“So you tell no one?
“I wasn’t aware of the fact that everyone was supposed to know about my health”, you couldn’t help the bitter undertone in your voice. She didn’t care whether you were sick or not, she cared about why you skipped.
“Not everyone, just the Qian family”, she hissed, “Y/n focus. Duty.”
You knew there was no point in arguing with your mother, she was as stubborn as an ox. You could never be right against her.
“Yes mother, I’m sorry”, you said through gritted teeth. You could hear the smile on her face at your surrender, “Remember darling, you need to impress them”, she reiterated, “It’s for-”
“The good of our family, yes I know”, you sighed, “I’ll follow the rules.”
“Don’t just follow the rules Y/n, behave”, he tone of voice made you feel like a little girl. “You may not know it, but our family name depends on it.”
This took you aback, leaving you mildly confused. What did this stupid vile plan have to do with anything? Sure your family didn’t have the cleanest record (those scandals tainted it a little bit), but otherwise it was extremely respected all through Japan and other parts of the world.
The question sat at the tip of your tongue, but you knew better than to press your mother for answers. If she wanted to be vague, she would. Ending the call politely, you walked back into the dining hall, sitting next to Yuxi. Whatever momentary joy you had gotten from talking with them vanished, instead it was a reminder of your cruel fate, the bitter reality you had to face whether you liked it or not.
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“You’re insufferable”, you declared, leaning against the railing, “Poor girl, you guys really made her jump into a pool?”
He laughed, “Yeah, you should have seen the look of anger on her face. And in full clothing too?”
You frowned, “You monster!”
“Hey, she signed up for it, she wouldn’t have gotten in if she refused”, he reminded you. Kun was currently telling you stories of his schooling at Culture Academy, particularly about a club he was in. You listened intently, enjoying yourself more than you would like to admit. He was definitely entertaining.
Maybe it was because you never experienced half the things he did.
You looked at the ocean, the sun shining down on it and sparkling. “I suppose she did”, you whispered, letting the words float about in the air as a silence settled upon the two of you. It was comfortable, you didn;t feel the need to fill it in. He took out a lighter and a cigarette, lighting it and taking a long slow drag.
“You smoke?”, you asked, unable to keep the surprise from your voice. You had never seen him do it before. The revelation was something you hadn’t expected.
Another thing your mother drilled into you: never smoke. It’s unladylike and very unbecoming of a person, and also because the news would latch onto it and create a scandal that was not needed. In general you had never seen the appeal of smoking.
He raised an eyebrow at you, nodding as if he expected you to know this. Almost as if he was bewildered with your surprised response. And he was, Kun was confused as to why you were so shocked with the fact. It was just a cigarette, nothing that terrible. Didn’t you know what Akira did-
Oh no.
“Yeah, occasionally”, he said, brushing it off quickly, dropping the cigarette and crushing it under his heel, “Want to head back in?”
You nodded with a shrug, “Okay.” 
He smiled brightly, and a fuzzy feeling made its way into your stomach. You returned the smile, pushing away the feeling away to the back of your mind, far away in a dark corner of your mind, simply because it wouldn’t be right. You couldn’t even afford to think that way.
Not with the arrangement that had been set up, that was for sure.
You followed him inside, another thought blooming in the same dark corner of your mind, no matter how much you tried to push it away.
God it was wrong on so many levels though. 
“She got in”, Kun said, continuing his story from before, “It surprised everyone.”
You smiled, “I’m glad, poor girl, I hope she didn’t get hypothermia or something.”
Kun smiled, “She took my place as I left, you know, graduation and all”, he said, reaching his hand out and grabbing your own, leading you down.
“Your friends sound like fun”, you said fondly, even though you didn’t know them, “Especially that Hendery guy. Did he actually do that?”
Kun laughed, nodding, “He’s mad. I miss them”, his voice turned wistful, but only for a moment, before that pretty smile stretched across his face once again, “I have to tell you about the time Dejun…”
As you went back under the deck and the warmth of the hallways hit you, you decided you would deal with the feeling later. You decided to listen to him instead, liking the way his eyes lit up talking about his friends. You were starting to realize that you were now one of them, one of his friends.
That though stayed in the forefront of your mind, refusing to be pushed back.
And somehow, you didn’t mind.
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Kun stepped into Akira’s room, eyes narrowed at his uncle. The tension in the air immediately raised tenfold. 
“She doesn’t know, does she?”
Akira sent his nephew a questionable look, “What do you mean?”
Kun sighed, running a hand through his hair, “Y/n”, he said, your name rolling off his tongue easily, yet there was a sort of anger that settled into it. Why didn’t you know? You should’ve known.
Why did he care this much?
Akira sighed, “What about her?”
“She doesn’t know who you are, not the entire truth.”
Akira let the statement hang in the air, his silence answering. He leaned back in his chair, humming an idle tune. “You’re right, but what prompted this?”
“She saw me smoking”, Kun said, “And was confused, she definitely didn’t look pleased. Tell me, how would she react when she realizes the man she has to marry is a fucking drug lord?”
His uncle winced at Kun’s words, “I know, but she won’t ever know.”
This was madness.
Kun knew of course, of the plan, but he didn’t know the whole story. He knew you were to be married to Akira, an arranged marriage that had been, well, arranged by your mother. And Yuxi had confirmed you knew of it as well. You had never seemed too keen on it, and this worsened everything.
“Sit”, Akira ordered, “And I’ll tell you.”
Holding back a grimace,  he complied, sitting opposite Akira. He waited for the older man to go on, wondering for a moment how it would be like to be in your shoes. You were around his age, and had to marry his uncle? The thought itself was mortifying.
“The Osaki family”, Akira started, “Well known, you’ve heard of them”, he didn’t wait for Kun to respond in any way, “They’re practically perfect, are they not? You’ve seen Y/n, you’re closer to her than I am. With her airs and graces, you’d think she’s perfect too, wouldn’t you?”
Of course Kun though you were perfect, but that's besides the point. He didn;t see how this made any sense.
“It’s all a lie Kun”, Akira said, “They’re unhappy, so unhappy. Her mother was a miserable, poor lady, forced to sit on the sidelines while her bastard of a husband ignored her.”
Wasn’t your father dead? 
Akira cleared his throat, “They’re perfect on the outside, a dollhouse, but through the curtains, it's all a mess. She asked me for help.”
Kun frowned, “Y/n-?” “No”, he said with a smile, “Her mother.”
It was slowly coming together, a puzzle so horrifying Kun didn’t want to believe it. His uncle had done many horrible things, many illegal things, but fuck, he prayed this one wasn’t real.
This was murder.
“So I helped”, Akira’s voice went hoarse, “I helped the way I could. I slipped a drug into a package and sent it to her, one so strong that could kill.”
Horror. This was madness.
“The next day, Mr Osaki was found dead”, a slow sadistic smile stretched out on Akira’s lips, “And Mrs Osaka was overjoyed! She thanked me profusely for helping with her plan. She promised to repay me somehow for my kindness.”
Kindness. Crime. When had the line between the two grown so blurry? Kun was frozen in his seat, frozen in fear. In fear for himself and his siblings, in fear for his family for being related to such a monster. He feared for you, the unsuspecting girl who had walked into his life and brought out things from the shadows he wished he left there. The girl, who’s own mother had been the reason behind her fathers death.
Fuck it was so wrong.
He knew the world he lived in, the wealth and the riches always brought trouble, but never in his life had he ever foreseen this much trouble. The clock on the wall of Akira’s room ticked slowly, every second seeming like an hour. Kun wanted to leave, but he was frozen in his seat, glued there.
His curiosity had gotten the better of him. He needed to know more. What was the ending to this tragic tale?
“And this is my repayment”, Akira said, “I marry Y/n, and everything gets sweeped under the rug. I can start a new Kun, I don’t have to be this person. I know you hate me, but listen, this could change everything.”
Kun felt sick.
“No”, he muttered, “This changed nothing you…”, he studied his uncle's tired expression. Akira’s eyes held a triumphant glare, and that made everything worse.
“You sick man”, he whispered, getting up, “She doesn’t deserve this. You don’t deserve a fresh start Akira, you have blood on your hands.”
Akira groaned, “I don’t expect you to under-”
‘Good”, Kun said, “I’m leaving and I want nothing to do with you for the rest of this trip.”
“Don’t tell your little friend”, Akira sneered, “If you tell her I won;t be the only one affected. Her mother will be brought into the light as well, and you really think no one will suspect Y/n?”
It was a losing situation from all sides.
“She doesn’t know who I am”, Akira said, agreeing with Kun’s earlier statement, “let's keep it that way, shall we?”
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Dearest Akira,
                    Thank you for sending me the drug, I’ve slipped it into his drink. He shall be gone soon, and I shall be free. My son will take his palace when he finishes school and Y/n will be yours. A lovely full circle. I won’t have to deal with a man I hate anymore, a man that pushed me aside for everything.
Once upon a time I truly loved him you know? I trusted him and I gave him my heart. He trampled on it and now all I’m left with is a shell.
He forgot I existed, I am but a placeholder.
Not for long.
Thanking you,
                     Mrs. Osaki
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You sat on your bed, reading yet another chapter of your beloved Pride and Prejudice in silence, as Kun sat on the other side, looking at his phone and occasionally stealing glances at you.
The friendship the two of you shared was….odd to say the least. You didn’t have to talk, even the silence was enough. You enjoyed his company a lot more than you cared to admit. Turning the page, you decided to stop for the day, placing your bookmark in the middle and shutting the book, turning your attention to Kun.
He couldn’t help the guilt that bubbled inside him, even though he had done nothing wrong. It was the heaviness he carried around for possessing the truth, and was hit with the consequences everytime he looked at you.
“Yes?”, you asked.
He blinked, “What?”
“You’ve been staring at me oddly”, you clarified, “I’m wondering if I did anything to offend you.
“No, no!”, he said a little hurriedly, “I apologize, I’m a little out of it today.”
“Do tell”, you said, propping your chin up on your hand, eyes meeting his with an expectant gaze. He gave you his easy smile, “It’s nothing I promise.”
“I don’t believe you for a second, you’re terrible at lying”, you declared, “Oh come on, I thought we trusted each other?” You tried guilt tripping him into telling you, but he was surprisingly stubborn.
“Do we now?”
“You wound me”, you muttered dryly, “Alright I won’t press you for answers.”
“Thank you for this kindness, oh Lady Y/n”, he said, making a show of pretending to curtsy, which was comical since he was sitting. You couldn’t help the amused smile that made its way to your face at that.
You stood up, placing your book on one of the side tables, brushing down your pants, “We need to be at the deck in five minutes, so I suppose we should make a move.”
He followed suit as the two of you made your way up to the deck. The dinner was out there tonight, so it was bound to be a little bit more casual than the usual dinners in the dining room. This also meant that you didn’t need to sit with the Qian family, which was a mix of relief and disappointment. You liked Kun and his siblings, but at the same time…
The night was a little chilly, so you had pulled on a sweater, finding a table and taking a seat, watching as Kun walked over to his own family, looking stiff. You took the menu from Winter, eyes scanning over the food.
You looked up from the menu, only to be met with Akira’s disapproving gaze. “Y/n”, he greeted, “How are you feeling today?”
You swallowed your contempt, forcing a tight pained smile, “Very well, thank you Akira.”
“I’m glad, then why don’t you sit with us?”
Your lips twitched as you tried to think of a way to get yourself out of this. “I’m quite fine here, thank you for the offer.”
He smiled widely, leaning down to your eye level, resting his elbow on the table and effectively capturing your attention. “It wasn’t an offer, sweetheart.”
The nickname made your skin crawl, as you reeled back, “Akir-”
“You will sit with us”, he said firmly, “What would your mother say if you refused?”
Your eyes widened as you realized he knew, fingers gripping the menu. He knew how your mother was and fuck, him knowung that scared you even more. Clearing your throat, you pushed all your confidence into your voice, “I’m quite comfortable here Mr. Qian.”
You didn’t use his first name, you used the family name, hoping to settle the argument, to show that you were not moving.
He took the menu from you, “Come along Y/n, its for the be-”
“Let her be.”
Akira turned around, facing his nephew, “Kun”, he said, voice falling into a tone that screamed it was a warning, “I am not talking to you.”
“But I’m talking to you”, Kun narrowed his eyes at Akira, “She wants to sit there, let her sit there. She is not obliged to follow your every instruction.”
Akira sighed, glancing back at you and smiling sickeningly sweet, inclining his head and walking away, going under the deck. You let out a sigh of relief, looking at Kun who looked oddly guilty.
“Thank you”, you said, “I could’ve handled it, though.”
“I know you could’ve”, he acknowledged, “I just felt like stepping in and helping.” His explanation was curt as he pulled out the chair opposite you, “Do you mind if I sit here?”
“Not at all. I suppose you’re wondering why I let you sit and wanted nothing more to do with your uncle?”
“I’m not”, he said, “I know what's happening there. And the position you’re in, better than you do.” A sad smile stretched out on his lips(not that you were observing them or anything), leaving you slightly bewildered. What did he mean by that?
You studied Kun, his attractive features and dark eyes. They looked like they held a secret, one you couldn’t figure out.
“Why did you help me?”, you asked again, meeting his eyes. He held your gaze for a few minutes, before they dropped to your lips for a split second. You held your breath, waiting for his answer, and mildly overwhelmed.
Did he feel the same way you had been feeling lately? Why did the prospect of that make you feel elevated? Fuck, you couldn’t think like that, it would ruin everything-
“I can’t tell”, he muttered, “I just care.”
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The truth chases a lie with fervor, no matter how small. Like a lover in the night, chasing its partner with passion even in the darkest times.
You observed yourself in the mirror, studying the black dress you were wearing. It had a gold trim at the edges, and lace at the back, giving it the perfect combination of classy and scandalous.
Winter took a step back, curling iron in hand as she marvelled at her own handiwork, a smile adorning her pretty face, “You look lovely Y/n!”, she praised. You really did look lovely, the picture of what you were always supposed to portray: perfection.
“Thank you Win”, you smiled at her, “why don’t you wear one of my dresses tonight?”
Her eyes lit up in surprise and confusion as she placed the iron down, shaking her head, “Oh I couldn’t Miss, I’m a part of the staff, I will be helping out for the evening.”
“You don’t want to pretend you’re not just for a few minutes? You can change after fifteen minutes and go back to your work”, you enticed her, wanting your friend to have some fun.
She hesitated, “No miss, I could get in trouble.”
“Alright”, you relented, standing up from your seat and turning to the door, “Thank you Winter”
“Your very welcome miss, now go, the Qian family is awaiting you.”
You nodded, walking into the hallways and following the few people who were already going to the dance.People of repute, people who would look at you and incline their heads respectfully, as you did for them. They were from your world, after all, everyone was rich and important.
Standing outside the doors, you took in a deep breath and walked in. The hall had been decorated, changed drastically. The tables had been pushed to the sides, for the seating, and the center was left as the actual dance floor.
You walked over to the tables at the side, greeting a few people you knew. You spotted Winter standing at the sidelines with the staff. On reaching the refreshments table, you took one of the glasses of champagne and brought it to your lips.
Jazz music played as couples took the floor, swaying to it. You watched the Qian family, noting that Akira was looking for someone, probably you. Turning your back towards them, you took another sip of your drink. You looked at the starters that had been placed out for the guests, wondering what your mother would think if you took a plateful and sat alone in a dark corner eating. The picture of her horrified expression was enough to tickle you.
Distracted within your own thoughts, you failed to notice Kun standing next to you, an amused expression on his face as he watched you. To him, you looked absolutely breathtaking in your dress, even more so than usual.
You jumped slightly at the sudden intrusion of your thoughts, facing the man. He was dressed in a suit, hair done slightly messy, but on purpose. His dark eyes met yours, amused as he smirked, “Hey.”
“Hey”, you breathed out, snapping out of checking him out. He looked extremely attractive tonight, a thought you couldn’t shake off. “Kun.”
He nodded, inclining his head towards the table, “I’m sure the refreshments are extremely interesting but”, a slow grin stretched out on his lips, “Would you like to dance?”
You suppressed your own smile, nodding and taking his hand he had offered you. Kun led you to the dance floor, a little off the centre so you wouldn’t be seen easily. Resting one hand on your waist, the other grasped your own, bringing it up mid air. He took the first step behind with you following him as the two of you danced.
“I’m not great at dancing”, he confessed, “So I have to warn you, I’m running off ballroom dancing class from school when we had our Formal Dance.”
You smirked, “Do you want me to lead or something?”
“Only if you twirl me”
You laughed at this, “Alright, brace yourself.”
He gave you a horrified look, “NO, nevermind, I’ll twirl you instead”, he muttered, retrieving his hand from your waist and raising the other so you could turn gracefully. You didn’t make any attempt to bite your giggled away at this, turning and facing him again, back into your former position.
“That was actually quite fun, wanna try?”
He gave you a look that screamed ‘really?’, shaking his head, “I thought we established that I was fine without twirling.”
“Fine”, you made a show of being upset over it, saying something about he was missing out on his youth and that twirling during ballroom dancing was one of the few fineries of life he would never experience if he didn’t do it right now.
That, for some reason, still didn’t entice him.
Oh well, his loss.
You bantered lightly, as you swayed to the music together. You melted together almost, in the midst of your laughter and smiles. You felt so comfortable with him, but every moment you felt like that seemed like a curse, reminding you he wasn’t what you were there for. Whatever you felt towards Qian Kun was wrong, so wrong.
He led the two of you off to the side, away from the dance floor, still in each other's arms for some reason, even though you had finished dancing. He lifted your hand, twirling you once again just for the effect and grinning.
Once you faced him, you realized how close the two of you were. His hands were on your waist anyways, one of your hands was around his neck. Your other hand was intertwined with his, making the contact seem even more intimate.
The smile melted off your face as his eyes flickered to your lips. It was as if he had read your mind, and you wished he'd do it again. You wished he woul-
He leaned forward hesitantly, and in that dark corner of the dining hall, while the others danced around, while Akira looked for you somewhere, behind the tables and everyone, Qian Kun kissed you.
It was a timid kiss, his lips barely brushed against yours, before he pulled away, blinking at you. You stared back at him, equally as surprised, but not in a bad way. He dropped the hold he had on you, but kept holding your hand, as if he was figuring out what to think.
You grew slightly impatient with this, leaving his grip and cupping his face, bringing him back into a kiss. This one was much less innocent, it didn’t feel like he was exploring something for the first time. It felt real, and it felt right.
“Not here”, he muttered softly against your lips, pulling you along with him, out into the hallways. You followed him, giddy from the kiss, giddy from the fact that you had even kissed him. How did that happen? When had that happened? The incident that had taken place mere seconds ago seemed days old, almost as if it had happened several times before.
You wanted to kiss him again.
Resisting the urge to stop him right there and there, you let him lead you to wherever. He stopped outside a red door, almost rust in colour, hesitating for a moment, before he seemingly decided to fuck it all and opened it, pulling you into the little corridor it opened into.
He kissed you again, once, twice, thrice, until you lost count. Pushed up against the wall, your senses seemed to heighten. The low buzz of the cruise ran through you as your fingers tangled in his hair, pulling him closer. All the banter, the teasing, the way he would trap you with his words had built up to this.
You wouldn’t have it any other way.
The only way you could describe the kisses was breathtaking. You felt as if you were struggling for air, yet you didn’t want to pull away. Your lungs screamed for air, but you didn’t want to heed. You didn’t want to break the spell he had put you under. You liked the burning feeling, the way his lips felt against yours, the way his body felt against yours. Drowning, you were drowning but fuck, you wanted no one to save you.
You wanted to drown.
He pulled away finally, letting you suck in a breath. 
“This is wrong”, you whispered, and he nodded, agreeing, “Doesn’t mean I don’t want to do it again.”
He took a step away from you, studying your features. You leaned against the wall, letting the silence overtake the two of you. You breathed heavily, making up for the air you had lost, albeit willingly.
Soft footsteps made their way down the hallways, you could hear it. Kun looked alarmed, glancing at the door, “Wait here.”
You frowned, but nodded as he left, closing the door after him and supposedly speaking to someone in hushed tones, further muffled by the barrier between the two of you. You sighed, looking along the corridor you were in at the moment, walking to the end and opening the other door, lest the person he was speaking to burst in and found themselves in a very awkward situation.
You found yourself in another room, one that was dark. Using your sense of touch, you managed to navigate around it, noting that there were suitcases and boxes. You stumbled into one, wincing slightly as a sharp pain travelled through your shin. Using the box to steady yourself, your eyes were drawn to the little labels on the sides of them.
Squinting, you brushed over the names, trying to make out what they were.
Qian Akira, cocaine.
Reeling back, you blinked. Were those drugs? Looking at a few other boxes, you had forgotten about the pain in your leg as horror filled your senses, reading the names of drug after drug, all with the Qian’s names on it. The man you were being forced to marry was a criminal.
You had been thrown into a trance of some sort, a trance of absolute dread. For some reason you couldn’t look away as you kept reading, realizing that whatever was happening was much more serious than you had thought.
The next box had a few papers on the top of it, kept haphazardly one on top of the other. Letters of some sort, envelopes and receipts. You picked one up, eyes scanning over its content, or whatever you could make out in the darkness.
Dear Akira
                It’s set in stone! He’s gone, thank you so much. I promise you that this time next year you will be with my Y/n and everything will be solved.
Thanking you,
Mrs Osaki
The sight of your mothers handwriting and her name at the end of the letter made you sick. The other letters were much like the first, each one releasing more and more information, letting you piece together its words to form a cohesive thought.
You dropped the letters, breathing going heavy as you heard more footsteps. Someone was entering the room, they were coming inside and they would find you. You weren’t supposed to be here, you could tell by the way you had been written in the letters. 
You should have listened to Kun when he told you to stay where you were-
Oh god.
The room seemed to close in on itself, the stacks towering above you. You felt trapped, claustrophobic and disgusted. Disgusted by the fact would ever put you in such a repulsive situation. You ran your fingers over the dust covered boxes, reeling back at the names and information that was on them. Bile rose to your throat as you choked back sobs.
He was responsible for it all, all the misery that had been thrown upon you, the odd requests all made sense. This wasn’t an innocent union, it was an elaborate cover up, and you were the leverage.
Tears sprung to your eyes as you staggered back, leaning on the wall behind you for support. Shouts echoed from the other end of the dark room, and your breath hitched in your throat in fear of being caught.
Shutting your eyes and clamping your hand over your mouth, you counted to ten in your mind, praying that whoever it was wouldn;t find you. The voices resided, the footsteps growing farther and farther. You opened your eyes, only for them to widen in a mixture of relief and fear.
“What are you doing here?”
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Kun had made a big mistake, he had led you to the worst possible place he could have taken you in his daze. He had gotten distracted by you, and now he had to deal with the consequences.
If he could fucking find you.
After thwarting Akira’s attention by telling him you had gone on the deck for some fresh air, he returned into the corridor, before realizing it was the one place he wasn’t supposed to take you.
And you were nowhere in sight.
He looked around in alarm, before Akira’s voice called out again, “What are you doing Kun?”
He turned around, “Nothing, just checking, I want something from my suitcase,” he said quickly. His uncle narrowed his eyes at him, “And what is that something?”
“I left my book inside the suitcase, and I’m not interested in the dance so I thought I’d go read.”
“Y/n is not on the deck.”
“Am I supposed to keep tabs on her?”, Kun bit back, “She’s probably back at the hall Akira.”
Akira raised an eyebrow at Kun, “I don’t know what you’re playing at, young man, but I don’t like it”, he said, raising his voice. Kun felt like a little kid again, even if his uncle was just ten years older. Clenching his jaw he stood his ground, “I don’t know what you’re talking about, old man.”
Akira left Kun alone, deciding that he wasn’t worth it. 
Kun walked into the room, looking around for you, praying you weren't there. He walked to his suitcase, and narrowed his eyes, trying to make out the outlines in the room.
He heard something shift, and turned on his heels, squinting. He could just about make out your figure standing in the corner, hand over your mouth, eyes squeezed shut. You trembled slightly as you stood there.
He walked over just as you opened your eyes, to meet his own in horror. You were definitely shaking, lower lip trembling in what looked like fear as you tried backing away from him, even though you were already against the wall.
“What are you doing here?”
He took a step forward, reaching out to hold your hand, eyes shrouded in concern at your state, but you shrinked away. “Don’t.”
“No”, your voice was shaky, “Stay away from me.”
Your mind was a mess, thoughts racing. You felt used and exposed, so vulnerable. Everything you knew had been a lie, you had been betrayed. Just a few moments ago you were happy, now everything you knew had been shattered, including your own heart.
“You knew didn’t you”, your voice broke in the middle, “You knew.”
Kun’s fake smile melted off his face as he realized what had happened, taking a step away from you. The tears in your eyes made their way down your face as you sucked in a breath, crouching down with your hands over your ears.
All you wanted to do was block all of it out, block reality out and not think of it, but that was hard when reality was staring back at you with a guilty expression.
Suddenly everything clicked into place, why he had been so nice, why he kept helping you. I was all out of guilt, everything was a fucking lie. Half truths and twisted words, secrets and scandals.
It was sick and twisted and you had fallen into the trap unwillingly, and didn’t know how to get out. 
You rocked yourself slowly, trying to compose yourself amongst the madness. You wanted to scream, to cry and tell Kun that you hated him, that you wanted him to leave and never talk to you again. Maybe that’s what hurt worse, the fact that you were attached. 
You had trusted Kun, you had fallen for him like the idiot you were, only for it all to come back for you, slapping you in the face. You felt so stupid for letting yourself believe anything good would come out of this. You should have listened to your conscience when it told you this was wrong.
But this...this was worse than wrong. This was murder. The betrayal of it all hit you hard, and it took all of your willpower not to fall over and give up.
“It was all fake”, you muttered, “all of it”
“Y/n I-”
“You were pitying me”, you spat, “You knew and yet”, sucking in a breath, you swallowed the lump in your throat, ignoring the heavy feeling in the pit of your stomach, the hole that seemed to have been ripped out from your chest. “You still played me.” 
Kun pressed his lips together in a tight line, regret eating away at him. Of course it wasn’t all for his uncle, but you wouldn’t listen even if he tried. You were much too distraught, too far gone for that. Instead he composed himself, leaning down and resting a hand on your shoulder.
“We need to get out of here.”
The harshness of the statement made it worse. You looked up at his serious face through your hazy eyesight, wanting to push him away, but neither did you want to be alone. He sighed, helping you up to your feet, “We have to go or they’ll find you here and it won’t be pretty.” 
Taking your hand in his, Kun pulled out of the room, raising a hand to his lips, silently telling you to keep quiet. “If you don’t want Akira to find you here, go straight to your room, say you were sick.”
He was pity helping you again.
You nodded, sniffling slightly and pulling yourself together again, rubbing your arms. You hated it, fuck, and that moment you hated your own mother. You hated the fact that you had to depend on the boy who betrayed you. The boy who you kissed, and was willing to forget that it was wrong, until the world crashed down upon you.
Walking with you, he decided to part ways where the two hallways met, repeating his instructions from before, refusing to meet your eyes.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered, before walking away in the direction opposite where you were supposed to go.
How had so much gone so wrong so fast?
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You were locked away in your room, refusing to get out of it. The only person you let in was Winter, who came in with meals and other information. You ignored every one of Akira’s presents, declined your mother’s calls and avoided the rest of the Qian family like the plague.
It was like you had spiralled, down into this hole you couldn’t climb out of. Your father was dead, it wasn’t natural. He had been killed and you were amongst the murderers. Your mother had worked with them.
Your brother was back home, going about his life as usual. The world revolved as it always did, but yours has stopped.The little bubble that you had lived in for most of your sheltered life had finally burst. You had been thrown into real life before you could even say anything about it.
“Come in”, you said, watching as Winter entered with a plate and her own phone, “Y/n”, she greeted you, with that same funny formal tone, “It’s your brother”
She handed you her own phone, and you frowned. Why hadn’t Shotaro just called you? Why had he called Winter?
Brushing those thoughts aside, you held the phone to your ears, “Taro?”
“Hey”, he said, “hold for a second, would you?”
You didn’t reply, patiently waiting for him, but instead you were greeted with another voice, a voice you definitely didn;t want to hear.
Your throat seemed to close up, mouth going dry as you gripped the phone even tighter, looking at Winter in alarm. She looked away, and began setting your things straight on the little table next to your bed.
“What has happened to you?”, she asked, voice cutting through any thoughts, “I thought you understood the gravity of the situation. I have told you countless times-”
“I understood what you told me before I found out I was a pawn,” your voice was remarkably steady, almost scarily calm as you leaned back, “I don’t care anymore.”
“Y/n”, your mother warned, “I told you, our family name depends of it, even if you don’t how how or why-”
“I do know”, you interrupted her smoothly, “I know that my mother is an amoral bitch and the fact that you killed father, without thinking of the feelings of her children, and went on to throw her daughter into a dangerous position.”
You were met with the static from the other line. Had you finally won? Your mother stayed silent at your sudden outburst.
“How did you find out.” It was a question, but it came out as a statement. That helplessness returned, your level headedness disappearing all of a sudden. How could she be so insensitive? She didn’t care at all.
“Doesn’t matter”, he continued, “Now you know it's imperative you marry Akira, or our secrets will be exposed and the family name will be tainted. This also saves the Qians.”
You fisted your hand, spite coursing through your veins. Fuck, you were so angry, angry at your mother for never doing your job, for expecting you to comply with her twisted plans. You were tired of playing along, you were fed up of being perfect, or at least, fed up of portraying that image.
“I hate Akira”, you said for the first time out loud, making them real. You despised him and everything he was, and the new information you had gathered about him had just made you hate him more. You wished you had never met the Qian family, Akira, or Chenle, or Yuxi, or Kun-
That was a lie. You didn’t regret meeting Kun, you regretted trusting him. You regretted not listening and going into that room. You regretted so much, but you regretted knowing the truth the most.
You wanted to live the lie again. 
“And I don’t care if you get in trouble mother, you deserve it.”
“It’s not just me Y/n”, she said, “It’s the Qian family as well, and it’s you and your brother.”
“He still doesn’t know?”
“We’ll keep it that way. He’s still in school.”
Pursing your lips, you sighed, “I don’t want this”
It was as if she knew she had hit a weak spot, she could feel your resolve wavering. “Do it for Shotaro, if no one else. He hasn’t met life yet.”
You couldn’t understand how she was so cool about it, how she didn’t seem to care that there was blood on her hands, blood of her husband and no less. You supposed crying and screaming wouldn’t accomplish or change anything. This was your reality, and you just had to accept it.
Clicking off the call, you handed Winter’s phone back to her, burying your head in your hands. Decisions, decisions.
Winter stood there with a pensive look, biting her lower lip, before sitting down next to you, “I’m sorry Y/n, but what is troubling you?” Her soft voice mixed with the concerned look on her face was enough to make you break, leaning into her as tears built up in your eyes. She wrapped an arm around you, keeping you steady and holding you up.
She figured she owed you as much.
“Everyone I know has destroyed me”, you whispered hoarsely, choking back a sob, “They’ve either betrayed me or destroyed me and I’m so tired.”
“Who has done so?” She asked, rubbing your back comfortingly, prompting you to go on without actually asking you. You took in a shaky breath, thinking of everyone that was to blame for your misery.
“My mother”, you spat, “Akira, Kun-”
Sucking in a breath, you nodded, “Kun. He-he knew. He knew and he still led me on, fuck I feel so stupid”, you laughed at the bitter irony, wiping away your tears, “And the thing is, the fact he did it hurts much more than anything else.”
“And why is that?”, Winter whispered.
“I trusted him”, you said, squeezing your eyes shut as if that would help somehow, “I liked him, I gave him my trust, even when it went past my duty.”
Duty, you were starting to realize, was slowly destroying you and everything you held dear.
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Yuxi raised her hand so that the light fell on it, the pretty red nail paint glowing as she inspected it. Her right hand was a little messier than her left, she decided she would fix that later. Her hair was perfectly straightened, not a strand out of place, she looked perfect. Her appearance paired with her pretty airs and manners made her slightly intimidating, a little better than the rest.
Finishing school had been fruitful afterall.
Clicking her tongue, she dropped the act, sitting on her bed, hunched over her phone as she scrolled through her messages, catching up on whatever she was missing back home.
Truth was, she didn’t want to get on this cruise, none of the Qian siblings did. Spending time with their uncle? They hated the few dinners they had to tolerate anyways, but a whole three months? That sounded like torture, a torture they were enduring at the moment.
Akira had insisted, saying it would be a good experience for them now that they were adults, well, except Chenle. The boy was still sixteen, but was very much on their level. Their parents had unfortunately agreed, and so they found themselves where they were.
Kun walked through her door and into her room, pacing around, before taking a seat next to Yuxi and looking at her expectantly.
“I fucked up”, he confessed. His sister wondered if he was waiting for her to ask the question just to dump that on her.
“Thank you for that eloquent explanation”, she said, “Mind telling me exactly how you did the fucking up?”
He sighed, running a hair through his hair as he leaned against the headrest and told his sister the whole story, from the arranged marriage (though she knew this), Akira’s plan and what he had done, to the kiss and you finding out. Yuxi listened intently, placing her phone aside as he went on.
Once he reached the end of all the events, Yuxi looked pensive, confused almost. “I’m not sure there’s anything you can do to fix this,” she said truthfully, “It’s royally fucked up and I don;t want to have anything to do with our uncle dear ever again.”
“You’re telling me”, Kun groaned, “I feel terrible, and I didn’t even do anything.”
“You did do something”, his sister said, walking to the little table and picking up her little bottle of nail paint, “You stayed silent.”
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Winter burst into the kitchen, walking over to the drink area. She inspected them, figuring out which one was yours, and which one was Kun’s. Producing a small vial of some sort of liquid, she took the two drinks and placed them on the counter opposite, opening up the vial.
Guilt had been eating away at her for weeks now, especially when she realized that there might be more to the story than she thought. She had complied with your mothers orders, but now she didn’t care. 
Heesung walked into the room, “Idiot, what are you doing?”
Winter ignored him, putting a few drops in each glass and mixing them in. Heesung took the vial from her when she kept it down, inspecting it, “What is this?”
“Took it from the luggages”
“You stole? You could get fired!”
“I know that!” She snapped before sighing, “But I stole it from a criminal, so it’s even.”
Heesung raised an eyebrow, lowering his voice, “The Qians?”
Winter nodded, “A drug.”
The boy wondered if he should ask, if it was worth it to do so.  Winter took the glasses and placed them back on the tray, turning back to Heesung, pointing to them. “Kun and Y/n. These two glasses are for them.”
“Right. Why should I listen to you again when you’ve spiked their drinks?”
“Because”, she said, “What you’re holding is an infatuation drug.”
Heesung snorted, “So it’s a love potion? I knew you were a romantic Win, but you do know she’s marrying Mr. Akira right?”
“Not if I can help it”, the girl muttered, “She doesn’t deserve it, and is in love with someone else. And it’s not a love potion, it’s a drug.”
Rolling his eyes, the waiter picked up the tray of drinks, “So it’s a love shot then”, he asked, proud of his pun, “And I suppose you think it’s Mr Akira’s nephew?” Still, he pushed the two glasses a little away from each other so he remembered what he was instructed to do. He still thought it was ridiculous though.
“It is, she told me herself, well not that bluntly, but I know it.”
Heesung pinched the bridge of his nose, “And what if your meddling backfires?”
“Wouldn't change a thing., everything is fucked anyways”, she said, “I just want her to have one thing going right for her.”
Winter took the vial back, stuffing it into the pockets of her uniform and straightening out her apron. The smell of whatever was cooking wafted through the air as she composed herself again, “See you later Heesung, don’t mess up the drinks.”
Winter hoped her meddling would pay off
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You walked into the dining hall, head held high as you made eye contact with the Qians. Akira gave you his sickly smile, Yuxi with her worried gaze and Chenle still oblivious. Kun looked confused as he watched you approach the table, taking the seat you usually did, before the entire truth came out.
Sitting down, your eyes flitted to Kun’s before you looked down at your lap, plastering on a fake smile and looking at Akira, greeting him.
“I take it you're better?” He asked this, leaning forward, “You must have been really sick, staying away for so many days. It's been a little over a week?”
You nodded, “Yes, I apologize for my absence.” You realized someone, probably Kun had covered for you. The waiter approached, handing everyone their respective drinks, before bowing and leaving.
You raised the glass to your lips, inspecting the table, eyes meeting Yuxi’s who averted her gaze immediately.
She knew too.
Suppressing a scoff, you decided to address the elephant in the room and announce what decision you had come to. You still weren;t completely happy, but it was better than nothing, and you had stood your ground against your mother, who finally agreed, albeit begrudgingly.
“I revoke our little arrangement Mr. Qian”, you said after clearing your throat. He raised an eyebrow at this, a sliver of panic visible in his eyes, “And why is that?”
“I know”
Those two words had held so much, his eyes widened as he stared at you dumbfounded. That dumbfounded expression morphed into one of misplaced anger. “You are not the one to say that.”
“Yes I am”, you said cooly, “I am the one getting married, well not anymore. My mother has agreed and I want nothing more to do with you.”
He clenched his jaw, visibly trying to control his anger. “A deal is a de-”
“Alright, I’ll tell you why you should agree”, you said with a mocking smile. Somewhere in the back of your mind you began to feel slightly drowsy, but you pushed it away, looking at Kun once more.
You didn’t want to look away.
The two of your eyes locked and it felt like you were falling. You could almost feel his lips on yours, his hands on your wait, the way he kissed you-
You snapped back to reality, looking away. 
“I have a message on the top of my fingers ready to be sent right now”, you said, “To the police about your little dealings and the fact that you killed my father”, the words rolled off your tongue easily, almost as if you were talking about something as mundane as the weather, “And then you’ll be ruined.”
Akira paled, and it was clear who held the ropes over the conversation now. You decided to give him proof, raising your hand that held your phone, finger hovering over a number.
“But this can be avoided! You see, just call off the deal”, you took another sip of whatever the waiter had given you, mind going ever so slightly fuzzy once again. “And I’ll keep silent. No one will ever know.”
He clicked his tongue, “You were my repayment.”
“I know, I was a prop hmm?”, you said, “Not anymore, call this off right now Akira.”
He sighed, as if he knew he had lost. There was no point in fighting anymore. “We’re done”, he said finally, and you smirked in triumph, taking another sip of your drink, “Thank you.”
Winter came around with the food, looking suspiciously at you and Kun, before walking away. You sighed, that feeling of blankness returning. You still had to deal with Kun, of course you did, but you didn’t want to do so now. That would make everything messy, but fuck, for some reason all you could think about was the way he kissed you.
This was bad. You had to stop.
You looked at your food, pushing it away and getting up, sighing, the adrenaline from confronting Akira. Did you expect to win? No, but now that you had, your head swam as you got to your feet, glancing at Winter, nodding your head slightly.
“Goodbye”, you said, “I have no business with you anymore.”
Leaving your dinner and the table, you walked into the hallways and sighed in relief. It felt as if a weight had been lifted off your shoulders and you could finally breathe again. You made your way to your room, before stopping outside a door, freezing in your place.
That door led to the hall where you and Kun had that water balloon fight. You took a step towards it, placing your hand on the knob, but not opening it. You didn’t want to open it, just wanted to reminisce.
“Trying to run away from us? Or me? Because you’re still slow.”
You whipped your head around, meeting Kun’s gaze, “something like that.” Your voice was cautious as if you were walking on nails. As if you weren’t trying to not stare at his lips.
He leaned against the wall, staring at you as if he was trying to crack a code. His mind went fuzzy as well, the drug taking effect as it had for you. But both of you were fighting against it, desperate to win.
When did winning come at the cost of losing everything you loved?
You bit your lower lip, averting your gaze. The tension in the room had risen tenfold, the way the two of you tried to navigate the gray area you had fallen into.You wondered why the world couldn’t be simple, black and white. Why couldn’t it be bad and good? Why did it have to be so complicated?
“I’m sorry”, he whispered, just loud enough for you to hear. You snapped back to attention, forcing yourself to get out of your little headspace. Looking up, you met his eyes, and by god, you had never regretted doing anything more than that.
His eyes, they were dark,  voids of nothingness. They didn’t sparkle like they usually did, shining in the light. Instead they were like pools of ink, no light let in. Gone was the smirk you were so used to.
“I know”, you said simply, realizing it was true. You acknowledged the fact that he was sorry.
A bitter chuckle fell from his lips, “I hate myself for not telling you the moment I found out, but everything was so-”
“Messed up?” You finished his sentence, giving him a crooked smile, “Yeah, I get it. It’s all over now though”
“Over”, he repeated, “Right.”
“I don’t want it to be over”
You looked at him, a sigh escaping you, “Kun-”
“You’re you, and I don’t want to lose you”, he said bluntly, “You can hate me-I hate myself, but I don't want it to be over.” You began to feel drowsy again, all you wanted to do was walk away and forget the past two months, because now you were attached. Emotionally.
“But I understand if you want nothing to do with us, with me-”
You took a step forward, leaning towards him and pressed your lips to his, mind going completely blank now. You wanted to melt into him, as he kissed you back in surprise, to forget.
You couldn’t do that.
He cupped your face, kissing you again. There it was that feeling, that feeling of drowning. Make it stop, stop, I want to breathe, you thought, before giving up. You liked the breathlessness, even if you tried not to.
Pulling away, you looked at him one last time, before pushing yourself off of him, away from the door that led into the hall, away from him. Kun watched you walk away, down the hallway, before you turned the corner.
And then you were gone.
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You leaned against the railing of the deck, watching the water below you. The ripples were somewhat soothing, as you hummed an idle tune.
“Y/n Osaki”, you turned around to face the owner of the voice, Kun himself. He smiled taking position next to you, “Remember when I said I didn’t know who you were?”
You chuckled nodding, “Yeah.”
It had bewildered you at the time, the way he pretended he didn’t know who you were. Now you wished he really didn’t. That seemed so long ago.
It had been a week since the confrontation, a week since the last kiss. The effects of the infatuation drug had long worn off, but what was real was left behind. All the drug had done was amplify it. You didn’t see the Qian family much after it, making a point to avoid them. You didn’t have a reason to see them anyways, you were done.
Yet you still had unfinished business.
The cruise was coming to an end anyways, so what was even the point? Your life would go back to normal like nothing had happened, even though your world had been ripped apart and was holding itself together by threads.
Kun cleared his throat, “We need to talk.”
“We’re talking right now”, you said, avoiding the heavy meaning in his words. 
He sighed, letting it drop for a second before speaking up again, “I didn’t know myself until I asked Akira”, he said, not specifying what exactly he was talking about, but you already knew. “I asked him if you knew who he was and he told me the whole story, and I was….”, he trailed off, searching for the correct word, “horrified.”
“I believe you”, you said softly, “I’ve forgiven you.”
You haven’t forgotten though, you doubt you could ever forget something like this.
Kun didn’t know if that made him feel any better, but he knew he had to get it off his chest. He wondered how he could get you back. You seemed cold again, like the day he met you, closed off and wary of everything. You had a right to be, but he wanted the Y/n he had grown accustomed to, back.
“So”, he said, “Mr. Darcy or Elizabeth Bennet?”
“I thought we agreed on a truce?” You let a smile slip, amused. He grinned, “We did, but I have to know.”
You thought for a second, before inclining your head with a sheepish smile, “I’ll eat my words Qian Kun, Mr. Darcy has grown on me.”
“I’m glad. I won after all”, he said childishly, and you couldn’t help but scoff. “Keep telling yourself that.”
“Why don’t I tell you something? Infact, I’ll say it in the words of Mr. Darcy himself”, he declared, “I found myself in this mess before I could do anything about it Y/n, and I can’t take what has happened. I cannot fix on the hour or the spot, or the look or the words, which laid the foundation. It was too long ago, I was in the middle before I knew it had begun.”
Your eyes softened as you shifted closer to him, meeting his own. Yours sparkled with mild amusement as you slipped your hand through his, “You do know that’s how Mr. Darcy tells Lizzy he loves her, right?”
“Is it?”, his eyes held the same mischievous glint yours did as he raised your held hands, pressing a kiss to your knuckles, “I suppose it’s fitting then.”
And then he kissed you properly, fingers intertwined, wind in your hair. 
Were you happy? Not entirely, not yet. You still had duty, you still had to bear the weight of your family name. You had to live with knowing your mother was responsible for your fathers demise, you had to keep it a secret for Shotaro. You had to be perfect.
No, you weren’t happy, but you were getting there.
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Flower to Bloom (softdom!spencer)
Request?: Yes!
I mixed two requests together, and this is what I got!!
@give_me_meth: "maybe one where we get hurt during seggs and spencer stops and like takes care of us and stuff"
@anxietyler: "maybe some angst bc reader has a flashback to a time she got sa or r@ped when spencer is intimate with reader and he does everything to make them feel comfortable again & comforting them?"
AN: Thank you all so so much for your requests!! I have so many on the way!! I am so sorry for people that have waited months, I am trying to work on yours right now! ALSO if you are triggered by anything regarding SA or r@pe, PLEASE move on to the next one-shot!! <33
Word Count: 2357
CW: penetrative sex, flashbacks to SA (r*pe), crying, angst, comfort fluff, panic attack, after-care, light choking (trigger), innocence k!nk, innocent reader (somewhat), grinding, (kind of) mention of reader's weight (Spencer carries reader)
Reader's POV:
I was so excited about tonight.
Spencer had been gone for three weeks because he was out on a case, and it was absolute torture.
Sure, we chatted on the phone, but it wasn't the same..I couldn't wait to be with him again.
Thus, when the doctor himself had texted me around eight thirty one Friday night, saying he was five minutes away from seeing me again, excited butterflies began to flutter in my belly.
"Hi, love," Spencer chuckled as he hugged me, kicking the door shut behind him.
I pulled away, peppering his lips with small kisses before pressing a long, and passionate one to his mouth. We smiled softly as we held each other, and he began to kiss my jaw then neck. I tilted my head back so he could have free landscape to do whatever he wanted to me with his lips--or body. Desire burned between us so strongly that it was surefire sign that we would be having a long night.
"I missed you," I whimpered softly as Spencer picked me up, littering kisses all over my neck and chest as he took me to our bedroom.
"I missed you so much, Bunny," he spoke against my skin, the vibrations that began to crawl up my neck and spread throughout my chest making my back arch slightly. He gently laid me down on the bed.
"Were you a good girl for me while I was away?" he asked intently, running his hands up my sides as he looked up at me with doe eyes.
I nodded fervently, grasping onto his tight work shirt, urging him to get on top of me.
"Words, sweetheart," he kissed my nose softly, causing it to scrunch up lightly.
"I-I was very good for you, Spence. Very good," I babbled as he placed his knee between my thighs, prompting them to spread.
"Yeah?" he asked almost condescendingly, but it only egged my desire on further as he pulled my sleep shorts and cotton panties down.
"Y-yes! S-so good," I drawled out hazily as I began grinding on his thigh, the only thing separating me from him were his slacks and boxers. My hips rocked against his thigh, my body tingling and craving his touches. However, Spencer went at his own pace, pulling my long-sleeve sleep shirt down under my breasts, running his fingers over my puckered nipples before attaching his lips to my right breast.
"Ah!" a crackly moan fell from my lips, and my core only went in rapid and quick strokes up his thigh as I felt my orgasm approaching. Just as I was about to find my release, Spencer pulled away, causing me to whimper; my head falling back into the soft pillows behind me.
Spencer rose from my trembling body as he examined his clothed thigh. He tutted lightly before placing his index finger and thumb on my chin to guide me to look at him.
"Look at the mess you've made, Bunny," I felt my cheeks glow bright red at the sight of his slacks that were now dampened by my arousal. "Have you missed me that much, darling?"
He knew my answer already.
He knew how much I had missed him, but still- I answered quickly.
"Y-yes, I've missed you so much," my breathing was quick and hard, and my skin turned into goose-flesh because of the cool-and sharp-air hitting my naked skin. He brought his warm hand to my hair, combing through it with his lithe fingers as I went on babbling about how much I loved and missed him. I played with the digits of his fingers bashfully and kissed his fingertips once in a while, my thighs tightening at the feeling of his free hand running up and down my inner thigh, dangerously close to where I really wanted him. Each time I would stutter, he would drag his pinky finger across my clit causing my whole body to shudder in response. He loved to watch me be helpless and flustered when it came to our sexual activities--and to be fair, I secretly loved it too.
"Uhm, Spence?" I whispered, wrapping my hand around his fingers as he looked down at me with so much love and lust, it made my heart leap.
"What is it, Bunny?" He kissed my chest softly.
"I n-need you inside of me," I whined, fidgeting with the silver watch on his hand now. "Please!" I squeaked.
Spencer took pity on me as he kissed my lips sweetly. "You want me, Bunny?" he asked, unzipping his slacks, the sound filling me with pure excitement. I nodded, squirming a bit as I tried to rock against my thighs to help the dull ache that was lingering in my core.
He unbuttoned his work shirt down most of the way and took notice of my rocking hips, spreading my legs apart, and then lowering himself down below me. He kissed my inner thigh, his beard scratchy against the delicate skin, but only fueling my lust for him to grow. My hips rutted and he smiled softly, pulling himself back up and hoisting himself up on his forearms on either side of my head.
He then stroked his hard dick a few times once he pulled himself out from the restraints of his boxers, making my eyes water with want.
Spencer rubbed the tip of his already leaking cock against my pussy, his and my breath getting caught in our throats. He put his arm behind my back, his cold watch pressing against my spine and his other hand was pressed firmly on my hip as he suddenly snapped his hips forward, causing me to cry out, a soft moan falling from his throat.
"Fuck, I've missed you so much, Bunny," he whimpered softly at the feeling of my walls fluttering around him, my heart hammering against my chest as he began pounding into me. "You always feel so fucking good for me, don't you?" he whispered, kissing my lips softly and bringing a hand to encase around my throat.
His head leaned in between the crook of my neck as I felt my stomach churn at the feeling of his hand around my throat.
It was so sudden...The way the panic had settled in my gut so fast.
Tears stung my eyes as I remembered that horrific night four years ago.
His gelled hair brushed against my neck as I laid there, wanting to scream for help but unable to move.
I need to move.
I can't move.
I'm stuck like this.
His hand is wrapped around my throat tightly, his hot breath beating against my neck as he uses his other hand to clamp over my mouth.
All I want to do is scream.
To cry.
Please, get off of me.
I feel tears fall from my eyes as Spencer's hips snap forward at a quicker speed. His head is still placed in the crook of my neck as he kisses the skin softly, his hand falling from my throat as I lie there.
I can't do this.
No, no.
It's just Spencer.
It's just Spencer.
He would never ever hurt you.
Just tell him to stop, he won't be mad.
He is so sweet.
He'll stop if you ask him.
I can't tell him to stop.
He's going to be so disappointed.
My sudden silence must have caused Spencer to look up, because-- although everything looks blurry around me, the room spinning slightly-- I feel him withdraw immediately from me, gently putting his hands on either side of my face as I feel a broken sob fall from my lips.
There's a ringing in my ears, and his voice sounds as though he's talking to me but I'm underwater.
"Y/n? Baby, what's wrong?" he asks, his eyebrows strewn together in worry as he kisses my forehead lightly, laying down next to me as he tries to get me through my panic.
I didn't even realize that my breathing was quick until he calmly instructed me to follow his breathing patterns.
"I-I'm-" I can't even finish my sentence without my voice cracking, and he adjusts my shirt before gently bringing me into a warm hug, his scent calming me down as he shushes me. I melt into his touch.
"Hey, hey, it's okay, love. Just breathe. Everything is okay. You're okay. I'm here." he speaks softly, kissing the side of my head.
I try to calm my breathing as he holds me, rocking me slowly back and forth as he hums softly.
"I love you so much, Y/n. So, so much." he whispers, and I pull away slightly. His thumbs wipe fallen tears from my eyes tenderly as he kisses my cheeks where the salty tears fall, then places a small kiss on my nose.
"I-I'm sorry," I cry softly, but Spencer only shushes me.
"You have nothing to be sorry about, love," he murmurs, kissing my lips. "You understand me? Nothing to be sorry for." I see a few tears form in his eyes, but he tries to blink them away for the moment.
"W-we can go again, I-I'm okay now," I whisper, lying back down on the pillows and beginning to spread my legs.
A small tear falls from the kind man's eyes as he shakes his head, using his hand to lovingly pull my legs together, laying down next to me.
"No more tonight, baby," he whispers, pulling me in for soft kisses. "Okay? What would you want to do tonight, love? I'm happy as long as I'm with you." he says, cradling my face.
I meekly shrug, my bottom lip still trembling. He kisses it softly, lightly dragging his thumb across my pout. "What about.. What about a bath? Do you want to take a bubble bath, love?"
My head is now pulled into his chest as I try to pull him impossibly closer to me. I then nod at his offer.
"Yeah?" he whispers, kissing the top of my head. "Come here, I'll carry you there."
He helps me wrap my arms around his neck as he carries me to the bathroom, then sets me down on the counter, kissing my lips softly.
"I'm sorry, Spence. I-I just had a flashback," I mewl, but he shushes me.
"Don't apologize, angel. You did nothing wrong, okay? I'm nowhere near mad or dissapointed. I only want to..be with you if you want to... be with me." His left hand runs over the top of my left thigh.
"Okay. Thank you." I hug him, feeling his hands run softly up and down my spine as he kisses my shoulder.
"You don't need to thank me. You deserve everything good, Y/n." he murmurs against my skin, pulling away to turn the water on and put bubbles in the bath water. He kisses my lips once more as we wait for the bath to fill up, and I feel myself getting very sleepy and calm at his touch. "I love you." he says carefully.
"I love you," I whisper back, and the bathroom is quiet besides the soft sounds of Spencer's lips on mine and my skin, and the liquid purl of the bath water running.
"Ready to get in?" he asks, turning the bathroom light off and instead switching on the small, yellow-tinted, lamp light on the counter.
I nod, and Spencer kisses my cheek before getting in, helping me lie my head down on his chest as he combs through my hair with his fingers, my eyes fluttering shut.
"You're so beautiful," he murmurs, kissing my forehead.
I sit up and straddle his thigh, putting my arms loosely around his neck. I smile softly, causing him to smile as I kiss him, and the pads of his fingers draw up and down my spine soothingly. I lay my head on his shoulder, kissing his neck softly.
Throughout our time in the bath, he rubs my shoulders and litters small kisses on the skin that make me giggle, and makes him smile against me at the sound.
We stay like that for some time before getting out, and Spencer puts on the tea kettle as I get ready for bed once more. Spencer and I drink our tea outside on the small terrace of our apartment. I sit on his lap as he sits on the outside cushioned bench, my head lying against his shoulder as he recites the first three chapters of Ray Bradbury's, Fahrenheit 451 (from memory of course).
Because of the chilly autumn air, we head back inside with the fluffy blanket we brought out and cuddle on the couch.
He reads to me as I begin to fall asleep in his arms, our limbs intertwined like a beautiful vine as he lays soft kisses on my skin for the hundredth time that night. (Not that I'm complaining, because I certainly am not.)
We fall asleep on the couch, and Spencer doesn't wake up until sunrise where he carries me back into bed with him, kissing my lips softly and cuddling next to me under the soft morning glow of the tired sun.
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tetsuwhore · 4 years
𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐚𝐧 | 𝐤𝐮𝐫𝐨𝐨 𝐭𝐞𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐨𝐮
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Night Club AU! Series: Vol i.
‘It wasn’t a normal occurrence for him to lose his composure, the collectedness that he worked so hard to maintain. And yet, here you are, shattering it like it was the easiest thing in the world to do.’
Description: having had enough of you teasing him in front of your friends, Kuroo decides to remind you of your place.
Warning: explicit smut - hard dom!Kuroo, daddy kink, degradation/dirty talk, lil bit of brat taming, overstimulation, semi-public sex, accidental exhibitionism, unprotected sex, alcohol consumption
Word Count: 4.3k
Song Rec: What I Want by She Wants Revenge
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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
He was thinking.
He sees you at the bar, casually leaning against the table. You’ve got an elbow on the bar top, lithe fingers twirling around a loose lock of hair as you lightly sway your head along to the beat of the music. It’s some kind of electropop, but he’s not really paying attention.
He was always thinking. 
Suddenly, you still. Turning your head around, body still facing away from him, your eyes lock on his. Your gaze is intent, as if you were trying to tell him that you knew he was watching you. His eyes trail down your face, captivated by the sight of your thumb nail slightly slipping between your lips. Then, the moment passes, and you turn back away from him. 
Kuroo’s mind was constantly working, like cogs in a well-oiled machine. His thoughts always moved steadily; never rushed. He took in what he could sense around him, chewing it carefully, meticulously picking at the little details before deciding how to act. It wasn’t a normal occurrence for him to lose his composure, the collectedness that he worked so hard to maintain. 
And yet, here you are, shattering it like it was the easiest thing in the world to do. 
You’re walking towards him now, taking slow steps as you playfully sway your hips along to the tune. He finds himself fixated on your face again. His eyes can’t tear away from your pretty, pretty lips, lightly pulled into a mischievous smile as you advance closer to his form. 
“Here you go, babe. Black Russian.”
Accepting the glass from you, he shifts on the leather sofa, giving you space to resume your previous position, nestled into his side. Sipping the drink, he allows the bittersweet taste to dance around his tongue as he vaguely makes out the conversation happening before him. You have an arm loosely looped around his shoulders as you lean into his chest, laughing at something Bokuto is saying. 
(He’s been too preoccupied to focus on the topic of conversation. He hopes Akaashi doesn’t notice.)
“Kuroo-san, are you alright? You’ve been rather quiet.”
(For fucks sake, with how obvious he was being, of course Akaashi would notice.)
“Yeah, baby, you feeling okay?” 
Your voice is so deceptively saccharine when you look at him, lashes fluttering innocently as you join Akaashi in voicing your concern. They have no way of knowing that your hand, currently perched on his shoulder, is lightly pulling at the small hairs on the back of his neck. It’s right where he’s sensitive, and just the way he likes it.
(And you know this. He knows you know, and he knows you’re getting such a kick out of leaving him so agitated.)
Lightly nodding, he brushes it off, saying he was just a little worn out from all the dancing. Shrugging in acceptance, Akaashi and Bokuto continue their conversation. 
And you continue what you’ve been doing all night.
Your lips are so pretty, but so, so dangerous. Especially when they’re right up against his ear, whispering all kinds of filth. They’re in your native tongue, and he can’t understand them - not explicitly at least. 
He doesn’t need to. Not when you’re practically purring them into his ear, words slipping off your tongue in a silky, sultry tone that sends a flaring heat crawling up all the way from deep inside him, to the back of his neck. 
He grips your other hand, stopping it from moving any higher up his thigh, squeezing it in warning. Hearing you huff and pull away, he almost breathes a sigh of relief. Almost, because you immediately follow up with another sentence. 
One that makes him tense up, as he catches the very last word. 
Kuroo was always thinking. He could be bold in his actions, yes, but it was after careful mental consideration of the risks. The things he said or the way he behaved - they were always done consciously, deliberately, strategically. 
Kuroo was not an impulsive person. 
And yet, he finds himself turning to Akaashi and Bokuto, stumbling over some half-assed excuse about how he needed to find a bathroom because he ‘wasn’t feeling very well’. 
He ignores their bewildered expressions as he grabs your hand, pulling you up with him. He ignores the knowing look Akaashi sends Bokuto as he drags you behind him, maneuvering past the sea of dancing bodies, scouring the area for an isolated corner away from the flashing lights and prying eyes.
You groan as he slams you against the wall, melding his lips against yours in a bruising kiss. Before you can get too lost in his hold, you push him away. Curious, you ask, “Why didn’t you just make up some excuse so we could leave altogether? I mean, Akaashi already-”
“You think,” his voice is gruff as he snarls, “that I can wait long enough for us to get home?” His eyes - dark and stoney as they lock on yours in a scorching gaze - make you shudder. He’s breathing heavily, jaw clenched tight, and a visible vein on his forehead, as he glares down at you. 
He looks like a wild animal gone feral. And right now, you’re his prey. 
Glancing warily at the group of people walking just down the empty hallway that he’s pulled you into, you attempt to protest, “Wait, Tetsu, we can’t just- not here-”
“Don’t even try to tell me that the little stunt you’ve been pulling all night wasn’t you begging to get fucked right here. You knew exactly what you were doing.” 
And then he’s on you again, hot mouth pressed hard against yours. The bruising hold he has on your hips makes you moan - from pain, or from arousal, you don’t know. You don’t have time to care either, not when he’s deepening the kiss, making it grow hungrier, more animalistic. The grip you have on his shirt tightens as his tongue darts between your lips, licking against the back of your teeth before melding with yours. 
It’s him who pulls away this time, ignoring your whine at the loss of contact. 
“What, you thought you could just rile me up in front of our friends and I’d let you get away with it?” Clicking his tongue, he continues, “Since you seem to enjoy behaving like a slut, you’re going to get treated like one. On your knees.”
Glancing down at the floor, you grimace at the thought of your naked skin touching the muck and grime collected at the surface. Looking back up at him, you protest, “But, Tetsu, it’s filthy.”
“Dunno why the fuck you care about that. After all, you seemed sure okay with spewing absolute filth in my ear only minutes ago, huh, sweetheart?”
Seeing you attempting to complain again, he sneers, “Would you prefer if I fucked my fist instead? And left you with nothing?” 
Chuckling sardonically at the sight of you frantically shaking your head, he orders, tone firm and commanding, “Yeah, didn’t think so. Then don’t be a brat. On your knees.” 
You obey him this time, sinking down to your knees so you’re face to face with his clothed crotch. He watches you intently, remaining silent - you know what you have to do without needing further instruction. Making haste, you unzip his pants, moving his boxers down so you can grab a hold of his cock. 
Smearing the moisture pooling at the tip with your thumb, you place wet kisses along its length, lubricating it enough for your hand to begin slowly pumping it at the base. Casting your eyes up at him, you wrap your lips around the tip, mentally patting yourself on the back when you hear him hiss at the sensation.
He watches as you begin moving your head up and down his length, your hand pumping the rest from his base. “C’mon, sweetheart, you can do better than that,” he grunts, saying nothing more. He doesn’t have to - you already know what he means. You take your hands off his cock and place them both on the outside of his thighs to steady yourself. 
Taking a deep breath, you slowly inch yourself forward, taking in as much as you can. You feel tears prick the corners of your eyes as you keep going, willing yourself not to gag when you feel him reach closer to the back of your throat. Opening your eyes, you almost choke in surprise when you realize that he’s barely halfway in. 
He bites his lip as he looks down at you, struggling, but nonetheless forcing yourself to work his entire length into your mouth. You’re so, so pretty, knelt down, with your lips wrapped tight around his dick, stray tears streaming down your face. He can’t help the prick of pride as he watches you work yourself ragged, pushing and fighting to stuff more of his cock into your warm mouth.  
All for his pleasure. 
Taking pity on you, he gently taps your cheek, speaking breathily, “Alright, tha-that’s enough.” You pull away, lips leaving behind a string of saliva still connected to the head of his cock. Wiping your mouth with the back of your hand, you hold on to his forearms and pull yourself back up. 
“Since you were so obedient, I think you deserve a little reward, hmm?” he coos, smirking as he drinks in your current flustered state. It’s such a stark contrast to the seductive temptress from earlier, and he has to hold back an amused laugh.
You’re breathing unevenly, face flushed pink and swollen lips slightly open as you release shallow exhales. Hearing his question, you nod hesitantly. 
“Nuh uh, use your words, baby. What do you want me to do?”  
“I- I want you to fuck me, Tetsu.”
Shaking his head, he tuts, moving his face to your ear before whispering, “Nope, not ‘Tetsu’. I want you to say it exactly like earlier.”
Understanding flickering in your eyes, you sink into his embrace, murmuring, “I want you to fuck me… daddy.”
His reaction is immediate. Pulling you back into his chest, he jerks your chin up to engage you in a needy kiss. Meanwhile, his hands frantically reach under the hem of your skirt, fingers looping into the band of your panties before yanking them down your thighs. Helping him, you rustle around, kicking it down to allow him to pick it and push it into his pocket. 
With his lips still pressed hard against yours, Kuroo nudges your legs apart, giving him space to place his free hand between them. He groans as his fingers lightly trace your slit, feeling the slickness dripping down from your heat. “Fuck,” he grunts against your lips, “you this worked up just from choking on my dick?”
Licking your lips, you glance up at him, murmuring breathily, “Been worked up for a lot longer than that, daddy.” God, that fucking word again. He doesn’t know what it is, but hearing it from your lips has him tensing up, releasing what almost sounds like a growl.
Moving his fingers upwards, he begins rubbing tight circles on your clit, ignoring the sting as you sink your nails into his forearm in an attempt to remain steady. Your form is hunched over slightly - without his arm supporting you, you likely would’ve fallen over, legs too weak to hold you up. 
A shiny sheen of sweat covers your skin as you close your eyes, bottom lip pulled in between your teeth in a pathetic attempt to hide your moans - it’s useless, with how he’s increasing the pace of his fingers against you. You can’t hold back your needy whines as he works faster, amping up the pressure to the point where you can almost feel the knot in your stomach come undone.
“Tet- daddy,” you quickly correct yourself, “W-What if someone hears?”
“Let ‘em. Then they’ll get to hear all the pretty sounds my girl makes,” he grins wickedly before adding, “But, if it bothers you so much, maybe I should gag you with your panties?” Screwing your eyes shut at the humiliating thought, you shake your head quickly, prompting another chuckle from him. 
Right when you think he can’t do any more, Kuroo slips a finger in, nudging it around until he finds the sweet spot inside that has you crying out aloud. And then, just as you’re tethering on the edge of falling apart completely, you suddenly hear an unfamiliar laugh. Your eyes shoot open as the horror quickly sinks in. 
There is a man standing at the end of the hallway. 
There is a man watching as your unsuspecting boyfriend, still knuckle deep in your hot cunt, keeps going, completely oblivious to the unwelcome eyes ogling you. 
And before you can speak up, warn Kuroo of what is happening, you feel your orgasm convulse through you. 
It’s so, so humiliating, feeling your body shudder involuntary as you come to terms with the fact that this stranger had just seen you at your most vulnerable. The smug smirk on his face only makes matters worse as you feel the back of your neck grow scorching hot with embarrassment. Weakly calling out to Kuroo, you nudge his chin to the side with your head, alerting him. 
All it takes is a single sharp glare from Kuroo to send the man running. 
You breathe out a sigh of relief, allowing yourself to relax a bit. That is, until you feel your boyfriend resume the ministrations of his fingers against your sensitive core. Gasping in disbelief, you attempt to push his hand away, a complaint on the tip of your lips as you look up at your grinning boyfriend in shock.  
“B-But he just- he just saw us! What if someone else-”
“Aw, don’t give me that bullshit, angel,” he interrupts, tone mocking, “If it bothered you so much, then why can I feel you getting wetter, hmm?” He smirks as he keeps pumping his finger into your soaking cunt for emphasis, snickering at your embarrassed whine upon hearing the loud squelching sounds of his motions. 
“Mhm, look at how tight your pretty little cunt is, all clenched up around my finger,” he continues, feline eyes fixated on where his digits continue moving between your thighs, “You’re practically swallowing me up. You like the idea of some creep watching as I make you cum?”
Hearing you whine in response, he laughs, “Oh, baby, you’re just so easy to rile up.” 
He’s spewing the filthiest sentences, humiliating you to no end, all while still donning that shit-eating grin. And yet, you know he’s right - you hate how right he is. You hate how easy it is for him to get you so painfully needy and soaked with just his fingers alone. You hate how he could flip all the teasing on to you, using his domineering tone to turn you into a pliant mess. 
And you especially hate how quickly you find yourself giving up control and allowing him to do exactly as he pleases. 
You gasp out in surprise when you feel him pull away and flip you around, positioning you so your back is pressed up against his chest. His fingers move back to you, abandoning the lazy pace from earlier and instead, opting for a quickened tempo that has you crying out in ecstasy.
The movements of his fingers are brutal, rubbing hard against your clit, circling over it again, and again, and again. You’re trying to speak up, tell him that it was too much, that your clit was already too sensitive from your previous orgasm from only minutes ago. But the words remain choked up in your throat, your lips too busy releasing the most whiny noises. 
Noticing your garbled speech, Kuroo moves his face so he’s at your ear, voice laced with mock concern, “Sorry, sweetheart, trying to tell me something?” Hearing you whimper as you try to muster up a response, he lets out a dark laugh, voice taunting as he speaks.
“You were all talk when we were with Akaashi and Bokuto. What’s wrong now, kitten? Cat got your tongue? Or maybe you just needed daddy to put you in your place, hmm?” 
“D-Daddy, it’s too- too much... please...”
Realizing that your weak whisper wouldn’t do anything to stop him, you make the pathetic attempt to close your legs, trapping his hand between them and slowing (but not quite stopping) his movements. 
(God, you should’ve known better.)
“Oh, you really shouldn’t have done that, baby…”
As you feel his free hand move under your thigh, prying it away from the other and lifting it up until it’s pulled taut against your abdomen, you quickly realize what a big mistake you’ve made. 
Not only were you now forced to balance all your weight on a single (very shaky) leg, your core was now fully exposed for his fingers to explore. And explore he does, pushing a second finger inside you while grinding his palm against your clit. Your predicament was only made worse as he pulled your thigh tighter against your chest, opening you up further to his touch.
“Daddy! D-Daddy, please... let my leg down, p-please!”
Humming in amusement, he asks, “Hmm, I don’t know. Do you promise to keep ‘em open for me?” 
“Yes! I-I won’t stop you… I p-promise…”
You gain some semblance of stability now that you’re back on your feet and have his arm wrapped around your midriff again. Just in time too - you feel yourself reaching close to your second orgasm, body squirming and writhing involuntarily in his hold. 
The way his fingers are curling and uncurling inside you is so, so delicious, and you can practically taste the sweetness of your impending climax. The sensation of his hot mouth, licking and biting as it trails along your neck, isn’t helping either. All previous thoughts about oversensitivity abandon your mind as you find yourself growing dizzier with every passing second, desperate for that high. 
And he gives it to you. No. He does more than just give you your orgasm.
Allowing you to dig your nails deep into his forearm, he ruts his palm faster and harder against your clit, giving you more, and more, and more, until he’s practically wrenching your orgasm out of you. It’s much stronger than the previous - more explosive - and you find yourself screaming for him when you finally, finally cum.
Kuroo tightens the grip of his arm when he feels your knees buckle, chuckling as he watches you loll your head back against his chest, your eyes lidded in a heavy daze. But then, as his eyes trail down and catch a glimpse of your lips - swollen and red from how much you had been biting them -  he’s reminded of how painfully hard he is, cock throbbing from having been neglected for so long. 
“C’mon, baby, up against the wall so daddy can fuck you.”
You’re so fucked out, you let him maneuver your body as he likes, allowing him to press your pliant form against the wall. Pulling the fabric of your skirt over your ass, he inches forward, grinding his length along your soaked core in an effort to lubricate himself. Kuroo lets out a sharp hiss at the contact, allowing himself to get lost in the sensation - so much so, that he doesn’t catch you weakly calling out his name. 
“T-Tetsu, wait!” you try again.
This time, he hears. Alarmed by your distressed tone, he makes quick work of turning you back around to face him. Cupping your cheek, he presses, “Hey, talk to me, sweetheart. Is it too much? You wanna stop?” His tone is laced with concern as he worries that he has perhaps pushed you too much. 
Shaking your head lightly, you respond, “No, I don’t want to stop.” Kuroo waits patiently, allowing you to speak at your own pace. “Just, uh… Can we do it,” gesturing down to the front of your body, “like this? Please, I- I need to touch you.”
“Of course we can, sweetheart,” he chuckles, moving your arms to loop them around his neck. Bending slightly, he grips the back of your thighs, lifting you up and shifting so you can comfortably wrap your legs around his waist. 
Kuroo is quick to sense when you’ve burnt out, sharply reading your body language and changing his approach accordingly. So when you’re looking up at him like you are now - eyes practically pleading for him to go softer - how can he deny you?
“Mhm, you’ve been such a good girl for me. Now, how about I take care of you, hmm?” Kuroo murmurs quietly, the gentleness of his voice a stark contrast from the raspiness of earlier. Softly pressing his lips against yours, he lines himself up with your core, swallowing your gasps as he inches forward. 
“Tetsu, you’re so b-big...” you whimper, eyes screwed shut. “I know, baby, but look at how well you’re taking me,” he breathes against your lips, “T-Taking, all of my cock like, uh- like a good girl.” Nodding vigorously, you whine, “Gonna take all of it. Wan- wanna be your good girl.” 
“That’s right, my good girl,” rolling his hips into yours, he grunts, “Mine. All mine.” 
Freeing one of his hands to caress your cheek, Kuroo whispers, “Hold on tight, yeah baby?” You only have time to increase your grip on his shoulders before you feel him move. Digging his fingers into the plush of your thighs, he pulls his hips back. 
And then, in one powerful thrust, he’s completely inside your heat. 
Your eyes widen, mouth falling open in a silent scream as your body reels from the force of his hips colliding into yours. Then, he does it again, And again. And, again. You’re conscious of the ache in your thighs from gripping his hips so tight, but you choose to ignore it, instead reveling in the euphoric sensation of his cock hitting the little spot inside you. 
He’s grimacing at every thrust, groaning, “Fuck, how are you s-still, uh, still so fucking tight?” Your walls cling tightly to his length, making it a struggle to even pull out. Driving himself into you with merciless abandon, he focuses on your sweet moans, incentive enough to push himself to give you more. 
Your breath is hot against his skin, and you’ve reverted back to your foreign tongue as you sob into his ear what he assumes are sweet nothings. Kuroo makes a conscious effort to jut his pelvic bone upwards, grinding it against your clit with every thrust. All his energy is now solely focused on pushing you over the edge one final time. 
And it’s all completely worth it when you do. He bites his lip as he watches the spectacle before him - you’re crying out, head thrown back, eyes tightly shut as you allow the waves of euphoria to course through your veins. You’ve clamped up completely, making him grit his teeth as he fights to reach his own release.
You’re barely coherent, babbling with your face buried in the crook of his neck. “Tetsu, please, I can’t hold on for much longer,” you beg, tears freely streaming down your eyes in response to the overstimulation, “I need you to cum for me. Oh, god, please, daddy, please... Cum for me and fill me up!”
It’s exactly what he needs. With a rumbling growl, he bites on to your shoulder as he releases into you. His cock continues inching in and out of your slopping cunt, painting your walls white with his cum. 
When he finally feels the shocks of pleasure subside, he allows his forehead to rest against your own, feline eyes looking straight into yours.
Your features break out into a soft smile as you tenderly cup his cheeks, tilting your head up to plant a soft kiss on his nose before trailing your lips down to place them on his. 
Pulling away, you chuckle, “God, I can’t believe we just did that. Who knew your nerdy ass was capable of fucking my brains out at some seedy nightclub, huh.”
Rolling his eyes jokingly, he slowly plants you back down on your feet, sniggering at your whimper when he pulls out of your sensitive core, leaving behind a trail of his milky emission. Adopting a more serious tone, Kuroo asks, “It wasn’t too much though, right? I didn’t go too far with the dirty talk?” 
Shaking your head, you reassure, “It was good. A little overwhelming towards the end, but no, I liked it.” A mischievous grin crawls on to your face as you look up at him, tone teasing.
“So… daddy, huh?”
Groaning, he quips back, “Hey, are we not going to talk about how you practically came all over my dick every time I called you a good girl?”
Looking up at him, you grip on to his shirt, murmuring, “I mean... I like being your good girl.”
Biting his lip at your alluring tone, his voice is quiet as he whispers, “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” you giggle back. 
Chuckling lightly, he presses a soft kiss against your forehead. “Let’s go find the bathrooms so we can get you cleaned up, hmm?” he murmurs absent-mindedly as he turns his head, peering into the hallway in search of a bathroom. 
In retrospect, he should’ve known. 
He really should’ve realized that you wouldn’t simply let this moment pass without seizing the opportunity to fluster him again, now that he was back to his easy-going self. And so, he feels more than a little foolish when he chokes on air upon hearing your next words.
“Forget the bathrooms. Like you said, you need to teach me my place, right? So what better way to do that than to have me spend the rest of the night walking around with your cum dripping down my thighs?”
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whumpurr · 3 years
Adrien and Sawdust part 8
cw: non sexual nudity, brief references to past non-con, pet whump, conditioned whumpee, self harm aftermath, ear whump aftermath, bathing
Adrien blinked, almost pulling back when Sawdust held onto his wrist. Sawdust still seemed to be a bit out of it, but the pet looked Adrien in the eye,
“M… Master, please don’t get rid of me.” He squeaked out, pleading. “Please, please, Master!”
“Huh?” Adrien looked at Sawdust, confused. The pet shifted, and tried to get down from the couch. Dropping onto his knees in front of Adrien, Sawdust trained his eyes on the ground,
“Please, Master! I’m sorry!” He cried. Adrien was confused, he wasn’t sure what Sawdust was apologizing for.
“Okay, wait, wait,” Adrien inched back away from Sawdust to give the pet some more space. “I understand that your previous uh, Master wasn’t especially good to you. I don’t want to hurt you, okay? Can you tell me what you’re sorry for?” Adrien kept his voice as soft and nonthreatening as he could. Sawdust flinched, and kept his head down, but he spoke.
“I-I’m your property and- and I damaged your property.” Sawdust whimpered.
“Hey, that’s alright, I’m not mad at you. I just would prefer you don’t uh, do that, because I don’t like seeing you hurt.” Adrien kept his hands firmly in his lap, not wanting to spook Sawdust any further. “Can you tell me why you did that?”
Sawdust fiddled with his hands, squeezing his fingers.
“I- you- my ears… I w- if you couldn’t see my second ears you- you might give me real ones back.” His voice grew quieter and quieter, and Adrien figured that he shouldn’t push him too much more.
Adrien thought for a moment on what Sawdust could’ve meant by ‘second ears’. He looked over at Sawdust, eyes tracking over his body. It all clicked into place; the false ears that were originally on top of Sawdust’s head weren’t there. Adrien had taken them off when Sawdust collapsed in the hallway.
“Oh… Oh, my god, Sawdust I’m so, so sorry. Wait here, I’ll go get your things.” Adrien was quick to turn and leave, running upstairs. He soon returned with Sawdust’s duffel bag, putting it down between him and the pet, unzipping it. “Here, here take your- anything, this is all your stuff.”
Sawdust kept hurriedly glancing between his own hands and back up at Adrien as he reached in, looking like he expected Adrien to rip the bag away at the last second. Sawdust didn’t bother searching, he just grabbed the first pair of ears that was on top of the pile, hardly even looking at them before putting them on.
“Okay, I know now that I should’ve done this way before now, but we gotta establish some ground rules.” Adrien kept his expression neutral, trying not to appear too stern, “One: you eat with me, every day. I need to see that you’re eating. Two, uh, you have to tell me if you want something. I’m not going to punish you for asking for anything. And, um… Three is that you can talk whenever you want. You won’t get punished for that either. You understand?”
Sawdust nodded his head and Adrien just had to hope that the pet actually took in what he was saying.
“Okay, right, and uh- from now on, you need to stay with me in my office while I’m working. I can’t just… I can’t let you roam around the house and risk something like this happening again.” It felt like he was taking away Sawdust’s privacy, his freedom, but he couldn’t allow the pet to injure himself again. “Those are the rules for now. If they change, I’ll tell you.”
Sawdust gave a shaky nod, bottom lip still wobbling and eyes still wet.
“Y-...” Sawdust started before falling silent. Adrien waited patiently and when Sawdust realized that he wasn’t going to be told to keep quiet, he continued, “You won’t get rid of me?”
“If you don’t want me to, no.” The words came out with a sigh. “I wouldn’t just throw you out onto the street, you know. I was talking about finding someone better for you to live with.”
“But-! But I like it h-here.” Sawdust lurched forward, “Please, Master!”
“I won’t! I won’t get rid of you or give you up, okay?”
Sated by that answer, Sawdust fell quiet once more.
“You’re covered in blood, Sawdust. We need to clean you up. And…” With a gentle, careful hand, Adrien reached out and took one of the mats in Sawdust’s hair in his fingers, “We can cut these out, if you want. Give me a second.”
Adrien stood and disappeared into the kitchen, returning and urging Sawdust to follow him, which he did. Sawdust climbed up the steps with Adrien, following him into the bathroom.
“Alright, stand up.”
Sawdust stood on his shaky, unused legs. Pets weren’t meant to walk on two legs, that was reserved for humans. Being so far from the floor made him feel unsteady, he felt like he was going to fall over. He wondered briefly if Master was making him stand just so that he could throw him down again.
“You’ve got all kinds of tangles in your hair.” Master said behind him. Sawdust glanced up into the mirror, finally seeing what Adrien had gotten from the kitchen. A pair od black handled, sharp scissors. Sawdust tensed, shoulders rising and a whine building in the back of his throat. Was Master going to take his other second ear, too?
“This might pinch a little bit, alright?” Master said. Sawdust squeezed his eyes shut, knowing that he couldn’t possibly bear watching in the mirror.
The pain he anticipated never came. All he felt were a few tugs on his hair. The cool air around him was suddenly hitting his neck. Briefly, his ears were removed and there were some tugs at the top of his head before the ears returned. Then Master put something crinkly over his hurt second ear.
“It’s a little patchy, I’m no hairdresser, but it should work for now. What do you think?”
Sawdust cracked his eyes open and looked at himself in the mirror. His shoulder length hair had been cut short, the mats that were clumped in it were gone. It felt strange, so he looked away from the mirror, slumping back down onto his knees.
“I’m going to go get some towels and stuff, come with me.” Master stepped out of the bathroom, heavy footsteps tracking around the house as he visited the small door in the hallway for some towels, then his bedroom for clothing, before coming back to the bathroom.
Next, the rushing sound of water filled the room as Master began allowing the white bath tub to fill. Sawdust didn’t quite understand what was going on. Master poured something into the tub and it began to bubble.
“We’re gonna get you all nice and clean,” Master said, rolling up his sleeves and dipping his hand into the filling tub. Sawdust stared at the bubbly water. This was for him, right? He’d never been bathed anywhere except with a quick splash from the hose outside. He waited for his master to pour bleach or something into the water before forcing him under it. Maybe that was what that bubbly stuff was. Sawdust couldn’t stop himself from whining from the stress.
“Shh, it’ll be alright. Water’s not too hot, come feel.”
Sawdust crept over next to his master and dangled his hand over the water. He froze for a moment before allowing his fingertips to dip below the surface. The water was warm and, much to his surprise, it didn’t burn or hurt. He swished his hand around in the water, looking up to his grinning Master.
“Nice, right? We can get you in there as soon as you’re ready.” Master flicked some water off his hand and stood up, “I can face this way while you get undressed.” He said, turning to face the door.
Sawdust didn’t know why exactly he was looking away. As the pet began to pull his tattered shirt over his head, he pondered. Master probably didn’t like his body anyways, it was all beat up and ugly. His pants came off next and then, hesitantly, his ears, which he set on top of the pile of clothes outside the tub. Then he kneeled outside the tub, waiting for Master’s next instructions. After a little bit, Master turned around and quickly looked away.
Master not wanting to see Sawdust hurt even more than if he did stare at him. Sawdust was at least used to people looking at him like this, he had nothing to hide anyways- pets had no dignity, after all.
“Okay, come on, let’s get you in here.” Master stood up next to the tub and offered a hand to Sawdust. Sawdust shakily put his paw in his master’s hand and climbed into the tub, trying his hardest not to tip over on his stupid mutt legs.
“That good?” Adrien asked once Sawdust got seated in the water. Sawdust contemplated for a moment before nodding slowly. Adrien took a plastic cup that he brought from the kitchen and began to scoop water into it. “I’m gonna… I’ll pour some water on your back now, okay?”
It felt like he was taking care of a child. He tried to think of it that way, it was more preferable than imagining he was bathing a dog. The soapy water cascaded down Sawdust’s back and Adrien realized that this was the first time he was seeing such expanses of his pet’s skin.
Sawdust’s back was littered with marks, many of them looked like scratches from animals, many more looked like cigarette burns. Some were newer than others. Dividing them were the mountainous peaks of his spine, nearly poking through the skin.
“I have some soap here, it smells nice, I think you’ll like it.” Adrien picks up the washcloth and adds some of the body wash. “I’m going to rub this on your back, it shouldn’t hurt, I don’t think you have any open wounds here.”
Adrien cleaned Sawdust’s back slowly and carefully, the white washcloth getting smudged with dirty brown before Adrien would dunk it into the water. By the time he was rinsing off Sawdust’s back from the soap, the pet had relaxed, chest no longer tight with held breaths, and spine no longer strung taut.
“Here,” Adrien handed the cloth to Sawdust, “I put some more soap on it, you can do the rest of your body.”
Sawdust simply held the sopping cloth in his hand, fingers curled around it like a claw. He looked up at Adrien with a confused look.
“Like- uh, like this,” Adrien made a rubbing motion over his own forearm, and Sawdust mimicked it. Gradually and slowly, Sawdust managed to wash his own body, but he looked… Out of it.
“Is something wrong, dear?” Adrien asked from where he knelt outside of the tub. Sawdust flinched and looked away. “If something’s wrong, you can tell me.”
Sawdust’s jaw was set and his whole body was all tensed up.
“Master didn’t- didn’t want to l-look at- at me,” His voice was wobbly and full of unspilled tears, “Pet is ugly.” Those words came out as a squeak, but more certain than anything else he’d said.
“Oh,” Adrien didn’t know what to say to that, “I don’t- that’s not why I didn’t look at you, I just thought you’d uh, you’d like some privacy. Trust me I don’t think that you’re ugly or anything, okay?”
Sawdust gave a warbled little ‘mmh’ in response, and Adrien wasn’t quite sure what he meant.
“Do you want me to wash your face?” Adrien held up a bottle of his own face wash, “I’ll be gentle, and next time you can do it on your own.”
Sawdust agreed and Adrien wet his hands and began washing Sawdust’s face, the pads of his thumbs gentle against his pet’s hollow, pale face. Sawdust shivered the whole time.
Adrien washed Sawdust’s hair next. He’d put some plastic wrap and extra gauze over Sawdust’s injury, so it remained relatively dry. He was as gentle as he could be with Sawdust’s hair, washing it a couple of times until the suds were white, rather than a murky gray-brown.
The rest of the bath passed in near silence, with Adrien making the occasional remark and Sawdust never truly responding. Afterwards, Adrien helped him dry off, and gave him some of his own clothing to wear for the time being. Even though the items were the smallest things he owned, they were still grossly oversized on Sawdust.
Finally, Sawdust’s ears were put back on top of his head, and Adrien tied his tail around his waist for him.
“We can go shopping tomorrow and get you some clothes and stuff.” Adrien said. “I think we should eat some breakfast- lunch? Is it lunch time? No matter, come on, I’ll get you fed.”
Sawdust moved to follow his master out of the bathroom, but he couldn’t help but catch a glimpse of himself in the bathroom mirror. He simply stood there for a moment, looking at himself.
He was all clean. His wound was bandaged. He was wearing his master’s clothing. Pets like him didn’t deserve such things. They didn’t deserve proper grooming, but there he was with a new hair cut. It made him feel disgusting in comparison to the care that’d been given to his body.
He’d have to make it up to his master somehow.
taglist: @starnight-whump @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi@neuro-whump @whump-me-all-night-long @cupcakes-and-pain @whumpzone @whumpcreations @dancinglifeboat @pinkraindropsfell @looptheloup @cowboy-anon @meetmeinhellcroutons @thingsthatgo-whump-inthenight @firewheeesky @maracujatangerine @it-will-all-whump-out
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prolestariwrites · 3 years
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Ashes [3] by lickitysplit
Fandom: Resident Evil Characters: Jill Valentine/Carlos Oliveira Rating: M (Mature)
Summary: A year after the destruction of Raccoon City, Jill is ready to put the past in the past and get back to her life. When she and Chris are recruited to go after Wesker, it seems like the perfect opportunity... until she's partnered with the last person she ever wanted to see again.
Chapter Three: Jill and Carlos disagree on what their relationship is, until they find themselves in a familiar situation
Read below or on AO3 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
They don’t speak again until El Paso, except for what is absolutely necessary. She hides her curiosity when he hands over a driver’s license at the security checkpoint, but doesn’t ask any questions. The flight is uneventful except for the obnoxious way the flight attendant had tried to flirt with Carlos. To his credit, he had been simply polite in response, but Jill isn’t in the mood to give him that much credit.
On the way out from picking up their guns checked with the luggage, Carlos turns to the lockers instead of to the car rental. Jill follows, frowning as she watches him scan the locker numbers. “Ah, sixteen, my lucky number,” he says, reaching up to spin the combination lock.
The little door swings open and Carlos pulls out an envelope. He reads the front before ripping open one end and shaking a car key out onto his palm. “What’s that?” Jill asks.
“Our ride,” he replies.
The locker door swings shut with a bang, and he turns and starts walking to the parking lot with her on her heels. “How did you know that would be there?” she demands.
Carlos glances out the corner of his eye. “I was given instructions before we left. Feds didn’t want us renting our own car.”
Jill frowns as she continues to follow. “How come I didn’t know about that?”
“You’ll have to ask them.”
Her eyes narrow as they approach a black Jeep Wrangler parked in the third row. Carlos opens the driver’s side and tosses their bags inside, but Jill scowls as she watches. Does he think he can just keep her in the dark like this? Does the FBI? Not being clued into everything can make things dangerous. Jill is not about to be a damn liability, not on a case like this, and not the first case she’s been able to do since the outbreak.
“What do you think?” Carlos asks. He leans his arms on the top of the Jeep and peers inside. “Think we should take the top off? It looks easy enough.”
He slips into the driver's seat and feels around until he pulls the lever to release the soft top. “I’m not a damn accessory,” she says, folding her arms.
“You can’t keep stuff from me. You should have told me about the keys.”
She raises her chin and cocks her hip as he straightens and leans against the car. “Uh… okay. Sorry.”
They stare at each other for a long moment before she asks, “What else don’t I know?”
Carlos shakes his head. “Nothing. We both got briefed on this.”
“Except you also got keys,” Jill scoffs.
“You know, I asked you last night if you wanted to chat,” he protests. “You said we would on the plane, only you made it clear you weren’t interested in talking.”
He shuts the door of the Jeep hard and walks around to the back, unzipping the windows. Jill watches as a flush heats her face. He’s right, of course, but that doesn’t do anything to cool her temper. So instead she watches as he pulls at the canvas, his brows drawn together. “You’re doing that wrong,” she sighs.
“Just move.” Jill finishes removing the back window before releasing the sail flaps, and Carlos watches as she pulls the last two releases and finishes rolling everything up. She stashes it in the back of the Jeep before finally shooting him a look. “Didn’t they teach you that in mercenary school?”
Carlos chuckles. “Must have been absent that day.”
She huffs in annoyance before climbing into the passenger seat. He joins a minute later, turning on the ignition. “Want to grab the map out of the glove compartment?” he asks. “Need to find the highway.”
Jill pops it open and finds the map as he weaves through the parking lot. “Look for Montana Ave on your left,” she says after a minute. “It’s a straight shot to the border crossing.”
“We’re using the one in Santa Teresa,” he says. Jill looks at him in shock as he holds up one palm. “Hey! Don’t get angry at me just because they didn’t fill you in!”
“This is ridiculous,” she hisses. Jill takes a moment to study the map before snapping, “Look for 273 North. And you better tell me what else I don’t know.”
“How am I supposed to know what you don’t know?” he laughs as he weaves into traffic. “I wanted to compare notes.”
“You didn’t want to compare notes,” she argues. “You wanted to catch up. I told you, I’m not interested in making friends.”
Carlos doesn’t answer. They fall into silence again on the drive, getting to the crossing in under an hour. Jill can see why they would be instructed to go there; only a dozen or so cars wait for entry, unlike the more bustling crossing in El Paso. She fishes her passport out of her bag as he drums his fingers on the steering wheel of the Jeep, the car inching forward slowly.
Jill’s brows go up when it’s their turn and Carlos produces his own passport. She cranes her neck a bit to see that it is in fact US issued, trying not to look curious as the agent takes her own. Carlos answers the standard questions about where they are heading and how long they’ll be there, and after a quick lookover they are waved through to enter Mexico.
He doesn’t ask for directions this time, heading onto another highway minutes later. The sun is hot for the late afternoon, and Jill shifts uncomfortably as she unbuttons the top two buttons of her blouse, wishing she had worn something comfortable like he had. She crosses her legs and folds her arms, looking at the landscape that grows flatter and drier the more they drive.
And the longer they drive, the more annoyed she becomes. Is he even going to talk to her? Tell her where they are going? The agenda didn’t mention Santa Teresa so she has no faith that her itinerary is at all accurate. Carlos doesn’t acknowledge her at all, and unlike his demeanor on the way to the airport, he doesn’t fidget with the radio or attempt any small talk either.
Finally Jill has enough. “Where are we going?” she asks.
Carlos doesn’t look over. “Las Caleras.”
That does sound familiar, so she sighs. “How much further? I could use a drink.”
At that he gives her a bit of side eye. “Couple hours, maybe less if we don’t get jammed up. What kind of drink?”
“Water,” she deadpans. “It’s hot out here.”
He chuckles. “Las Caleras probably gonna be even hotter.”
Carlos is smiling when she looks at him. “Where did you get a passport?” she asks.
“Same place you did,” he replies.
“Don’t bullshit me. You said you’re from South America.”
“I thought you weren’t American.”
“I’m not.”
Jill raises a brow. “So then how did you get the passport? And the driver’s license?”
Carlos chuckles. “Funny what the government is willing to do in exchange for help. Even push some paperwork through in a flash.” Then he glances over, pointing his chin. “What’s the matter? You don’t like refugees?”
“I don’t like Umbrella.”
His lips twist in a bit of a grimace. “I told you a hundred times, I didn’t know. I had to get clearance to work. They ran backgrounds, financials, checked everything, I even had a visa. Everything was legit. How was I supposed to know what they were really doing?”
Jill leans towards him, her arm propped against the back of her seat. “You never once wondered why a pharmaceutical company needed hired soldiers?”
“Look, where I’m from, you’re paid to shoot a gun and not ask questions.”
She gives a loud huff and eases back into her seat. The ride continues in silence for another minute before Carlos asks, “What about you?”
“What about me?”
Jill scowls as she watches him shrug. “I read your file. You could have done anything. Why’d you choose that hick town?”
Her eyes go wide as she bolts upright against the seatbelt. “How the hell did you get my file?” she demands.
“I asked for it. I wanted to know more about you. I wanted…” He clears his throat, and Jill glares at him as he swallows. “I wanted to contact you, you know,” Carlos admits. “Try to call you or see you or something. Never got anywhere.”
Her mouth opens in surprise before she realizes and quickly shuts it again. Is that why he thinks she is annoyed? Because he didn’t visit her? Jill decides to ignore the unasked question that is clear behind his words: whether she ever got his messages at all. “Don’t flatter yourself,” she says with a derisive laugh. “Last thing I needed was you coming by for a visit.”
With a curse Carlos swings the Jeep onto the shoulder. Jill gives a shout as she is jerked against the door, and a bit of dust kicks up that quickly settles when he sharply pulls the parking brake into position. The highway is empty except for them, and she looks around for a moment before exclaiming, “What the hell was that for?”
Carlos’ fingers flex on the steering wheel. “I don’t get you, supercop. I thought we had an understanding. That we were partners in this.”
She presses her lips together tightly. “I told you in Raccoon City I didn’t need a partner,” Jill mutters.
“So we’re not friends, we’re not partners… then what are you doing here?” He looks over at her, and Jill shrinks back a bit before she remembers herself. She lifts her chin and gives him a cold look as Carlos studies her, leaning to the side a bit to draw closer. His expression isn’t angry, though, or even hurt; there is definitely aggravation, but mostly Carlos looks curious as he searches her face. “What happened to you? I know you cared back then. You wouldn’t have saved me otherwise. You would have taken that shot.”
Jill swallows uncomfortably. He leans in even closer, so close that she can get a small tease of his aftershave, can see a few beads of sweat under his bangs, but she refuses to move away. The heat feels oppressive as he inches closer, but Jill won’t let herself be intimidated, if he’s even trying. “You’re Umbrella,” she replies.
“Was Umbrella,” he says. “And that didn’t bother you then.”
“Things change.”
After a long moment he nods. “Good to know.”
A small bead of guilt forms in her stomach as he turns away, putting the Jeep into gear. They pull back onto the highway and Jill sinks into the seat, turning her face away so he can’t see the way it burns. Is it fair to push this Umbrella thing? Maybe, maybe not… he did save her, after all. But after everything she’s learned about Umbrella and Wesker and the lies that brought about the end of Raccoon City, how can she believe anything he says?
Still, she feels unsettled, and as the sun begins to set her anger turns sour in her stomach. Jill realizes she hasn’t eaten except for a snack on the plane, and between the travel and the argument and her semi-hungover state from that morning, her stomach is protesting. “How much further?” she asks.
Jill half expects him not to even reply, but he says, “Should be there soon.”
“Good. I’m starving. I hope the hotel has a place.”
Carlos murmurs something in response. Jill leans her head back and closes her eyes, thinking of how nice it will be to put on something comfortable and eat her weight in fajitas. Maybe a cheap bottle of tequila will help salvage the day.
“Can I ask you something?”
Jill peeks at him through an eyelid. “Okay.”
“That guy. Redfield.”
She shifts a bit, lifting her head. “What about him?”
“He’s one of your S.T.A.R.S. friends, right?”
Jill clears her throat. “Yeah.”
“You guys uh…”
He lifts his eyebrows and glances over, and when Jill gets his meaning she rolls her eyes. “No.”
“Just friends. Partners.”
“Ah.” Carlos nods as she regards him suspiciously. “So you don’t think he has anything to do with this Wesker guy?”
“Are you kidding?” she yelps. “If anyone hates Wesker more than me, it’s Chris.”
He puts on the turn signal, and Jill spots a sign for the exit to Las Caleras. “So you trust him?” Carlos presses.
Jill makes a face. “Yes, I trust him.”
“But he wasn’t in Raccoon City that day, was he?”
She nearly chokes as she furiously shouts, “Are you freaking kidding me? You are out of your mind. You think Chris had something to do with it?” His one shoulder shrug just infuriates her more. “He wasn’t there because he was in Europe. Investigating Umbrella.”
“Just convenient is all.”
“Don’t say another word,” she warns.
Carlos laughs. “Weird how you trust him and not me.”
“I’ve known him for years,” Jill argues. “He was at the mansion too. He saw what they did. Barely escaped, same as me.” She throws up her hands. “Why am I even arguing with you? You don’t know what the hell you’re talking about.”
“I don’t know?” he presses, surprising her when his voice holds a tinge of anger. “Hell of a thing to say to me. I lived that hell just like you.”
“That hell wouldn’t have happened if it wasn’t for your people.”
“For the last time, they aren’t my people!” The sky is starting to turn purple, but Jill barely notices, focused instead on her anger. There are no other cars on the road as Carlos drives on, raising his voice as he shouts, “If they were my people, you think they would have left me to die?”
“Like you said, it’s convenient,” she retorts.
“Yeah. Real fucking convenient.” Carlos takes a turn and the town comes into view up ahead. “You still haven’t answered me, you know. If I’m the enemy and you don’t trust me, why the hell did you bother saving my life?”
Jill scowls, her gaze darting away.  They enter the town, the edge marked with a line of cream-colored buildings. “Just because I don’t trust you doesn’t mean I’d just let you die.”
Carlos barks out a sarcastic laugh. “Don’t go getting soft on me now, supercop.”
“I’m not soft! You’re delusional.”
“And you’re…”
His voice fades as Carlos hits the brakes. The Jeep rolls to a stop in the town center, the dirt road widening into a market square flanked on all four sides with colorful two and three story buildings. The center is paved with bricks that fan out from a circular fountain that sputters out a trickle of water from the top. The sun is nearly down, twilight covering the buildings that show no movement, strings of lights hanging between empty balconies, no sound except the hum of the Jeep’s engine.
But it isn’t the quaintness of the town, or the stillness, or even the lack of people and voices that catches her attention. Instead, her eyes move in horror over the red that stains the brick and the side of the fountain. By the lanterns she can make out a body laying on the ground. There is little left beyond a pair of unmoving legs, and on top of the torso that is only partially attached, a man covered in blood eats from the open chest of his victim.
“Carlos?” she whispers.
“Get the guns,” he hisses as the dead man lifts his head.
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