#just tuuli things
tuuliivanovas · 5 months
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Behold the conduit of my self love 🥰
Tuuli by @kissingagrumpygiant
She is perfect and I love her 💕
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mimble-sparklepudding · 11 months
FFXIV Swap Poem Thingy
I had the honour of being matched with the very marvellous @paintedscales for the FFXIV Swap. I really enjoyed learning about Nomin and her backstory and it's given me the opportunity to do a lot of background reading on Xaela lore and the history of the Azim Steppe. Definitely worth reading Nomin's Carrd if you want more detail on the events described below.
However I was a bit worried that a poem might not be as exciting as some of the beautiful artwork created by others for this project, so I took the liberty of commissioning a custom character banner for Nomin as a little extra.
Anyway Poetry Time (mostly under the cut as it's quite long).
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The Nameless Child.
The nameless child, left by design,
Bound tight with rope to sacred pine,
As tribal customs did dictate,
But was resolved to change her fate,
And once she had her bonds untwined,
She chose to leave her tribe behind,
From that day forth, without regret,
She was no longer a Tumet.
Having swiftly named herself,
Quietly and with practiced stealth,
She made her way across the plains,
To the lone town the Steppe contains,
Where, seeing one so young exiled,
They grudgingly took in the child,
Gave her food and clothes withal,
And raised her as a young Saghal.
The traditions of this peaceful tribe,
Among many other things proscribe,
The killing or the subjugation,
Of beasts with whom they share creation,
And thus, bitter irony indeed,
The adherents of this gentle creed,
Were enslaved, or left for dead,
Their lives destroyed by the Jhungid.
Having beheld her brother slain,
She had to work quite hard to feign,
Any form of acquiescence,
As she grew through her adolescence,
Under the watchful, callous, eyes,
Of custodians who she despised,
So she knew exactly what to do,
When battle dawned with the Kharlu.
As each tribe faced the other’s host,
In battle for the Eastern coast,
She drew the arrow in her bow -
And turned her back upon the foe,
Without pause, without remorse,
She shot her leader from his horse,
Before riding back to burn their yurts,
Administering their just deserts.
Having freed her former tribe,
She knew that she must circumscribe,
Her kinship with them all thenceforth,
To keep them safe, so journeyed North,
And West across the Steppe alone,
In search of tribes as yet unknown,
And, from spending time with each,
She’d learn all that they had to teach.
Whether across a glacier,
Travelling with the Angura,
Or racing upon an Oroq Sled,
She absorbs all that they’ve done and said,
And be it Himaa, Gharl or Mol,
Each colour's blended in her soul,
And every one that she recalls,
Is carried forth in her footfalls.
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(For those that are interested in such things I opted for rhyming couplets as the nearest form I could find to traditional Mongolian Epic Poetry (known as tuuli). There are six variations of narrative in these epics, and (extremely loosely) I opted for The Mythicised Epic, where the hero fights to restore order, as the basis for Nomin's tale. The most famous version of this narrative in Mongolian Folklore is the Epic of King Gesar, but there are lots of other ones. Definitely worth learning about if you enjoy cultural history.)
Many thanks to @paintedscales for their patience in waiting for me to pull my finger out and finish this - and also for helping me with the pronunciation of the various Xaela tribes with which Nomin has been associated. Needless to say, until this assistance, I was apparently getting most of them very wrong (aside from the Mol - I could manage that one!)
I hope you enjoy my silly poem and the nice Custom Banner!
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wayfarers-ger · 5 months
Wayfarers' Ger in 2024
I'm going to make an effort to actually make use of this Tumblr. \o/
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What Is Wayfarers' Ger?
It started out as a weekly storytelling RP event with a steppe theme ICly set in a ger/yurt on the Azim steppe, then we started adding bigger events every so often, like our summer event "Steppes on the Beach", but as altaholics, we've also tied in some of our other projects like The Approving Seal and The Ankhai Tribe.
I am an enthusiast of steppe culture & really want to bring some appreciation for the real-world steppe cultures and base a lot of my RP around its culture. I am far from an expert & I take some artistic license like the devs did because it's Mongolia-influenced, not a re-creation.
What's The Plan?
More events in 2024, starting with Tsagaan Sar, the new year. More use of the Approving Seal and the Ankhai Tribe.
I also want to make better use of social media (like Tumblr here), the wider community and our website.
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Plans for the Approving Seal
The Approving Seal is a Terncliff-themed cafe & charity and we just did our Starlight event with it. With the Approving Seal, we like to try and offer a more wholesome kind of RP and this year we want to use it for actual charity fundraisers for real-world charities.
We have a charity page set up for it for people to give their own donations to our selected charity (we'll have separate pages if we do a fundraiser for a different charity): https://www.justgiving.com/page/approving-seal
Plans for Wayfarers' Ger
On the Wayfarers' Ger side, I want to lean more & more heavily into the culture stuff, this seems to be the stuff people respond best to, which I am happy for because it's the part I care most about & want to dive deeper with.
As much as I would like to keep a fortnightly RP, we do find they get a variable turn out and I have mused on it & I know we've tried getting them working again, like in the early days, but my energy may be better placed in themed events with more attention to quality.
And I have a few ideas I am toying with for things we could do, including opening the floor for more people to get involved with contributing, because I realise I can sometimes do things on a bit of a whim.
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Plans for General Steppe Stuff
I also found some of my "The Real Steppe" blog posts get some popularity and even got a mention in Mirkes Menagerie for my comments about magic on the steppe. So I want to put out more things like it & share them with the Wayfarers' Ger & general Steppe RP community. And I want to go back & spot-check my old blog posts to make sure they're to a standard I am happy with & that I triple-check any facts.
The motivation for triple-checking is that I have learned that not all sources on Mongolian culture are reliable. For example: UNSECO has information about tuulis and the practice but the information confuses different types of Mongolian storytelling & other sources seem to give similar info & frame it in totally the wrong way. And I have better sources who don't mind me asking questions.
Plans for the Ankhai Tribe
The Ankhai tribe is a custom tribe inspired by Tuvans, Mongolians and Siberians, who come from north of the tail mountains and the Dalvalan Grath. Like with how FFXIV approaches cultures, there is still artistic license, so not all ideas/customs are grounded in the real world, but include FFXIV-appropriate flair, to keep it within the realms of fantasy.
We spent some time introducing some of the characters into the general community & ran individual RP's & events to establish IC connections and working through the story arc that allows us to open up the tribe to more people to create their own characters. For 2024, I want to do smaller RP's & events where the tribe is a focus, with room to recruit people into the concept.
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Closing Note
I realise I made it a long post. But the new year brings new opportunities and I am still passionate about the RP's we run and want to not neglect things I've started and instead not only keep doing what we do, but aim for something cooler. Plus, with my focus on visiting Mongolian in 2025, learning the language and spending time in groups relating to Mongolia, it's traditions & culture, I hope to work with you all to create greater RP experiences this year and clear out the crickets & cobwebs from both our Tumblr & Discord.
If I don't keep up my promise, hunt me down and slap me.
Peace and love,
Yesunova Hotgo and many, many alts
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solarsavoy · 2 months
Huh... hard to pick something out of that many thing... XD
Well. How about The Shuffle?
This is the fanfic idea I'm least attached to at the moment, mostly because of time, so if someone else wants to do it, go for it!
The Shuffle is meant to be a series where Disney (and other) princesses switch stories. And in an isekai way, not like they were born there. These are the pairings for the first series. [Story - princess]
Beauty and the Beast – Mulan Tangled – Moana Mulan – Rapunzel Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs – Anna Brave – Elsa The Little Mermaid – Merida Aladdin – Snow White Moana – Belle Frozen – Jasmine and Tiana Princess and the Frog – Ariel
This was really more of a random thought kind of thing, but I really liked some of the things my brain concocted with these. Mulan riding the beast into battle like a badass also proving that he does not need to be human to be loved and appreciated. Moana basically bitch slapping Mother Gothel. Merida wondering where the heck her legs went and why she'd ever risk her voice just for "some guy". Ariel thinking she has devolved into a frog as some lesson from her father. Jasmine and Tiana arguing over the kingdom and Hanz never having a chance. Belle wishing she'd read more about how to survive at sea.
I originally wanted to call it The Princess Shuffle, but then my imagination got carried away and thought doing a round 2 with the "princes" except not all Disney. And then I wanted to do more princesses that weren't Disney either, but anyway, here's the "prince" list.
How to Train Your Dragon - Hiro Treasure Planet – Sinbad Sinbad – Percy Big Hero 6 – Milo Rise of the Guardians – Mike (April Fool’s Day) Percy Jackson – Jack Frost Atlantis – James Hawkins Peter Pan – Hiccup Monsters Inc – Peter Pan and Miguel Coco – Sully
The chances I'll ever sit down and really commit to this are pretty slim, considering all the other projects I want to do (especially original stuff), but it's still there, floating in the way back of my mind...
Thanks for the ask tuuli!
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amskvaris · 9 months
(slams fist down on my silly pso2 ngs dolls!npcs au)
Nex Aina
or i guess an attempt to get to her as a host. Attempt. she's too powerful for that though. we'll see after i get through act 5. i just think she should become incredibly important. but anyway.
renus hadi:
so like... he seems pretty kind? i think he'd possibly try to be positive and give hosting renus a chance even if nadereh (and retem in general) will Not Be Okay with that. at all. what a nightmare that will be over there.
ams tuuli:
meanwhile tuuli wakes up with a huge headache and bright golden eyes and the other four are incredibly worried and confused. ilma probably has to be the one to figure out whats going on and meri probably the one to suspect it (via intuition.)
even putting aside the sheer, negative shock, i don't think tuuli reacts well to suddenly having a weird headmate (the least angering thing about the situation) and now cannot really be left alone mentally lol. but if ams was somehow lonely and interested in people (it's human shaped and all?) then thats funny AF i love it.
nils hibana:
maybe she was just There with nils all this time, but not really... active? until it got properly wiped out by crawford and glen and co. and then i suppose it Has to use her. they might not even survive if separated, considering hibana actually Died and nils got wiped pretty hard by like the Most Capable people in arks.
im sure they get along a lot better than the other 3 doll!npcs, given the length of time... but its probably not helpful if the region boss with tons of dolls being Made becomes "here's a completely absurd plan! it will definitely work out!" after getting the host. (iirc that's what hibana was like?)
but this also gives a "queen of dolls" feeling as a result which i absolutely love and justifies making her a borderline crown. fits well with the other two of her squad partners being incredibly important, right?
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tuulikannel · 2 months
So I updated the soulmate fic for Toufu! Now we have both endings. ^^
The second ending... eh. It became... kinda long ^^;; As in 8649 words. It just... happened. >_>
I guess I could just share my other recent fics here, too... Why not?
This one's short, just ~1200 words. It might be bad for your heart, based on the comments, though. (Seriously, I can't help being amused about how the two comments I've got for this both say stuff like "this did things to my heart - I love it!" Aren't we all just masochists XD)
And then the murder mystery with a touch of supernatural (and some karushuu) that I personally just love! WIP.
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ncisfranchise-source · 7 months
What do you think of when you hear the word Australia? “If you speak to anyone around the world, one of the first things they talk to you about is that everything can kill you,” cracks Morgan O’Neill, executive producer of NCIS: Sydney, originally developed to stream on Paramount+ Australia but too good for CBS to pass up. O’Neill then lists (with clear Oz pride) his native land’s deadly snakes, the spider that “makes the black widow look like a lamb” and, of course, crocs.
Two-legged baddies aren’t in short supply, either, on this fifth entry in the massively successful military crime franchise. Smugglers, drug dealers, and the like are in the crosshairs of the eclectic new team led by NCIS Special Agent Michelle Mackey (Olivia Swann). “She’s very hot-blooded,” Swann says. “It’s her way or the highway.” In the November 14 opener — the first of eight episodes — Mackey was serving as an agent afloat when a U.S. Navy sailor died in Sydney Harbour. To solve that case, she was partnered with savvy sergeant JD Dempsey (Todd Lasance) of the Australian Federal Police (similar to the FBI). “He loves banter, but he’s also a fierce operator,” says Lasance. (He and his costar spoke about the series earlier this year.)
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(Credit: Daniel Asher Smith/Paramount+)
They first got on like, well, two wrestling crocodiles. “You have the might of the American military and this proud, plucky, antiauthoritarian Australian facing off,” O’Neill says. Still, their successful joint investigation (which ended thrillingly with Mackey commandeering a chopper and swooping over Sydney Harbour to chase the perps) results in the formation of a new office: NCIS Sydney.
“With Sydney, we have a unique opportunity the other franchises didn’t — to see these guys on Day 1, establishing this team,” O’Neill says. “They end up being a good fit. JD works under Mackey, but in some ways runs the team while Mackey is freed to approach things in a maverick way. You’re going to see team building, bonding, and cracking — what people do when they’re forced to trust one another.”
Their unit counterparts are a chill American agent who trained as a lawyer, DeShawn Jackson (Sean Sagar), and AFP liaison officer Constable Evie Cooper (Tuuli Narkle), who teases him nonstop. “It’s a really Australian way of showing affection,” O’Neill says. On November 28, they go undercover as an engaged couple in an investigation that begins when a shark spits out an arm wearing U.S. Navy gear.
Clues come via a new set of NCIS geniuses: anxious forensic scientist Bluebird “Blue” Gleeson (Mavournee Hazel), who, despite her brains, has impostor syndrome, and AFP forensic pathologist Roy Penrose (William McInnes), who’s given up on life for reasons that will be revealed. “Blue reanimates Doc Roy’s emotional beating heart. He pretends to be curmudgeonly. But when she walks into the room, his world lights a little bit,” O’Neill says.
Blue pulls evidence from the mysterious arm’s dive wrist computer that leads to the start of a longer story arc. “There might be something nefarious going on,” O’Neill says. “While NCIS is wrestling order from chaos, this other organization is trying to wrestle chaos from order. They’re working to undermine the security of the special relationship [between America and Australia], the stability of the region.” U.S. Department of Defense attaché Richard Rankin (Lewis Fitz-Gerald) is already prompting questions: “Is he a good guy, a bad guy, just hard to read?” O’Neill says.
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jackiewepps · 1 year
Asking for Karma, if I may! ^^ Let's say… 1, 2, 11 and 23.
Sorry for taking a while. Thank you for asking ^^
Karma, huh? It has been years since I first watched Assassination Classroom, but I'll do my best to answer.
My first impression of them
As I mentioned, this is far back. I think I watched AC for the first time in 2016 so... I think I was simultaniously interested and a little nervous. I think I thought he was a troublemaker, both to the class and to the story (if that makes sense). I wasn't sure whether to like or dislike him at first.
2. when I think I truly started to like them
Again, this one is tough. It happened over time the more I learned about him. I liked his introduction and the role he was playing. I liked seeing a normal side of him when he and Nagisa went with Korosensei to see that movie in Hawaii. But I think my favorite side of Karma, the one that makes him stand out the most, is the sadistic side. I love the crazy things he does and he knows they're wrong but he does them anyway without a care. Putting down an exact point is hard, but I'd probably say around the time of the Okinawa trip. But I liked him to begin with and he had been growing on me a lot.
11. What's the first thing you think about when thinking about the character?
A master of torture.
23. Future headcanon
A lot is already given about his future. Aside from that... honestly I have never really thought about it, but let's give it a shot.
Of course he goes to high school and gets into a good university. I'm not sure if it's canon that he goes to high school with Asano or not, but they probably go to the same university too, and probably the best one in Japan. He will advance in education, get his dream job and get into a relationship with Nagisa eventually.
Where would he live? I think he would live at his parents' home until they move back to stay in Japan permanently or his place of education is too far from there to justify him staying. If he needs to move because of education, he will find a place of his own for several reasons. I don't think he's the type who can share in the same way you have to when living in a dorm, and I think he'd want a place where he can live even after graduating. He wouldn't care too much about where he stays, there just needs to be room for all the things that are important to him.
What about a car? He'll definitely get a license the moment he can, but I think he'll hold off with the car until he has a job. He wouldn't want the trouble of finding a place to park it while studying, but I imagine his workplace has plenty of parkinig oppertunities, and I think he does want a car because he wants the independance that comes with it, but holds off on buying it because of practical reasons.
As for a part-time job? No, he won't get one. I can't imagine him working in customer service, which are the most common part-time jobs, I feel like. Besides, I don't think he'd feel the need to. I think his parents would help him pay for the license and the car, and he probably has savings too. Maybe, if he really had to, he might apply for a job at McDonalds. But that would only be for the sake of getting free access to condiments (I hope this never happens!)
Thank you for the ask Tuuli! It was fun reflecting on this.
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erigold13261 · 1 year
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"Tatiana's Family Tree"
Wooh! Here's The family tree for Tatiana, Cyril, and Ilma (who I will make stuff for soon).
Gonna put some random stuff under the cut of how this family is.
Tatiana's name used to be [Redacted] Matveyevich Vremyanov, but she changed it to Kul Fyra later on, and then to Tatiana Alyonaevna Qwartz after her mother and grandmother once the Goolings disbanded.
Tatiana's mom, Alyona, died when Tatiana was a teen (I'm picturing early teen). So Matvey ended up remarrying Calina. Before they had Anatoli, Tatiana was already out of their lives because of her father's abuse and resentment towards her.
However, Matvey already started off on a bad start with Anatoli because Calina made sure to name him after her own father, instead of a name that Matvey wanted. So Anatoli, though was treated better than Tatiana as he was not trans, was still treated like shit for the most part.
Anatoli ended up dating and marrying Hibiki, taking on her surname to start fresh away from his own family. This caused a huge argument with Anatoli and Matvey, which turned to Anatoli cutting his family out of his life and moving with Hibiki to England.
There Cyril would be born. Hibiki was fine having Anatoli name him as the two would have her last name still, so Anatoli named him Cyril.
Onto the maternal side of things.
Tatiana's mother, who died, had a sister Iskra. She was not present in Tatiana's life as much as she wanted because once Alyona died, Matvey pushed that whole side of the family away. Breaking Tatiana's heart and isolating her from a good support system.
Then as you can see, Iskra married a man named Armo and they had a son named Petrov. He married a woman named Tuuli and they had a son daughter who changed her named to Ilma (she's trans :3).
Ilma is a character I want to introduce more later on whenever I have time. She is technically Tatiana's first cousin once removed, while Cyril is Tatiana's half-nephew.
I think Cyril and Ilma are half-second cousins? Or at least they would be? Cyril is not related to the Qwartz's at all except through Tatiana, and that's only a kinda. So technically Cyril and Ilma are not related, but they would be 2nd cousins on the family tree if they were.
Anyway, there is probably a lot more people I could have added. Like Calina, Hibiki, Armo, or Tuuli's side of their families. Plus I feel like Matvey and Alyona had other siblings who they just didn't associate with (at least Matvey). Also Tatiana's grandparents would definitely have siblings. But these were the only ones important for the story I want to talk about! :3
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tada-no-honzuki · 2 years
Ascendance of a Bookworm Fanbook 4 Q&A [3/?]
This translation is not supposed to replace the official releases of the series. Please purchase the official fanbook when it becomes available!
Contains spoilers for Part 4
Ⓠ Am I correct to assume that Tuuli prepared more armbands than asked for, because Rozemyne said they would be “gifts for her friends” and therefore Tuuli felt she would need more than the one she had ordered?
Ⓐ That’s right. Tuuli has a lot of friends, so she believed, “She is definitely going to need more.”
Ⓠ Rozemyne compared the people around her to various objects. What would Charlotte be?
Ⓐ I wonder. She is cute and precious, and just looking at her makes her want to work hard… Maybe a beautiful ornament that’s worn on formal occasions? To wear it without shame, she must carry herself appropriately. To Rozemyne, Charlotte is something she needs to put the effort into even when it’s already within her reach.
Ⓠ Why is Rozemyne still prohibited from entering the library until she passes all her exams in her second year? Wilfried’s thoughtless words caused a lot of trouble for her fellow classmates in their first year after all. I don’t believe it’s necessary to ban her from entering the library to make the better grades committee a success.
Ⓐ In their second year, the requirement that all her classmates had to pass was dropped. Rozemyne is banned from going to the library until only she passes all her exams. Archduke candidates cannot go to the library alone and her parents and guardians agreed that she would neglect her studies were she allowed into the library any sooner.
Ⓠ When they were discussing the magic circle in the bible, what would Ferdinand have done had Rozemyne said, “I want to become King”?
Ⓐ Since there are many things he could do without directly opposing her, I think Rozemyne would likely have climbed the towering staircase soon after the dedication ritual.
In Part 4 Volume 7, in “planning for the tea party” Rozemyne, Charlotte, and Hannelore are discussing Royal Academy Love Stories. Who is the story of “the apprentice knight who stayed resilient even after failing many times” modeled after?
Ⓐ Heisshitze.
Ⓠ In the side story Rendezvous at the Gazebo, what does the sentence “the God of Darkness spread his cape and enveloped the Goddess of Light” imply? Something like giving someone a hug or sitting very close to them?
Ⓐ The exact meaning depends on the situation and sexual knowledge of the person in question.
Ⓠ In “The Ditter Match” of part 4 Volume 7, the attack that Hannelore launched at Ferdinand at the start of the match appears to be a physical attack, but what did she hurl at him? Also, did she throw it by hand, or did she use a weapon of some sort?
Ⓐ Rozemyne couldn’t see it, but Hannelore used a slingshot like the one Judith uses to shoot a magic tool at Ferdinand.
Ⓠ Did no one find it suspicious that Ferdinand did not react to Rozemyne’s mana when she healed him during the ternisbafallen attack at the Interduchy Tournament?
Ⓐ The repulsion would only be felt by Ferdinand, who is being infused with mana, it’s not something others around them can feel. To Rozemyne it just felt like washing black sludge off with magic. Since it’s a rare feybeast, others may wonder whether such purification is necessary, but would not question the healing process itself.
Ⓠ Is it necessary to be trained as an archduke candidate, or to have more mana than the user/concealer to be able to discover the traces of usage of the teleportation circle of old Werkestock?
Ⓐ One would need to have taken the archduke candidate course and have a keen eye for spotting subtle differences. Thanks to Gundolf’s report, Anastasius was able to confirm it was used, but without that information, he likely would have missed it.
Ⓠ They found evidence that the teleportation circle of old Werkestock had been used, but the location of Werkestock’s foundation is still lost, right? Does that mean it was used by someone who received permission from the previous Aub Werkestock before the purge? Or did someone else manage to dye the foundation? Do they know anything other than “it was used”?
Ⓐ The location of the foundation remains lost. The investigation of the Sovereign knights revealed that it was used by someone with an authorization stone. Whether the terrorists received their stone directly from the previous Aub Werkestock or obtained it through illicit means is unknown.
Ⓠ Should I envision the translation of Dunkelfelger’s history book mentioned in Part 4 Volume 7 to be like a modern translation of a text originally written in classical Japanese or entirely in kanji? (If you don’t know the specific rules, you cannot read them right away.) Or is it more accurate to say it’s like translating Chinese into Japanese?
Ⓐ It depends on the age of the text. Since Dunkelfelger is one of Yurgenschmidt’s oldest duchies, it feels like making a modern translation of a text originally written in man’yo-gana, an early Japanese syllabary composed of Chinese characters used phonetically.
Ⓠ Rozemyne’s translation of Dunkelfelger’s history book was well received, but am I right to assume it’s different from a translation their archducal family would make?
Ⓐ Since the mentality to “read the original to study!” is in their nature, they eagerly welcomed an easy-to-read modern translation.
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tuuliivanovas · 6 months
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Tuuli by @beezhive to make life better on this planet 🥰 she's so pretty and I lover her dearly. Thank you soooo much!
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i was also wondering if you have anymore facts abt Finland?? i just read the one abt names and then abt the big differences in accent and dialect,, so interesting 🤔
There are a lot of fun facts about Finland I could tell you! The one that comes to mind right now is one that confuses a lot of people who try and lear our language is double letters. The words: "sata", "sataa" and "saattaa," or "tuli", tuuli" and "tulli" look similar but mean very different things. (Translations: hundred, it's raining, it follows, and: fire, wind and customs) To a native it's easy to identify the long vowels and consonants, but they can be very tricky to someone who's not familiar with them. In Finnish, a word is always split at a double consonant, but with vowel sounds identifying a double long sound can be hard.
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leeenuu · 1 year
im watching the women’s individual (obvi bc tuuli p6) and apparently yday after the men’s individual, robert heldna (our men’s team fourth number, i’d say) said to the reporter some critical things abt the team coach.
and today our federation’s sports director had to clarify some things abt the team, if there is some beef between them. and he said that heldna’s emotions got the best of him bc it’s his first wch.
and i was like khuul. no drama after all. and then i opened fb and lit the first thing i saw was this.
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[“Heldna is not a team player, only thinks about himself, throwing aside others without hesitation.”]
this team is lit a circus. no thoughts, no vibes, no results, just drama once in awhile.
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solarsavoy · 1 year
Fandom Saturday, Astra: Lost in Space
Recommended to me by Hailey.
I'll admit, the overall idea of the anime intrigued me, but I started to get a little bored during it, until some of the big reveals came...
I did not expect it to go that way.
I listened to most of this anime in the background until the reveals came and at that point my eyes were glued to the screen. I almost want to rewatch it just because of the stuff I missed the first time.
I do have a few qualms with it though. I felt like for a bunch of kids that don't really know what they're doing, they had it extremely easy. Traveling 5012 lightyears away to get to home as ill experienced as they are should've come with a lot more losses, but they point that out in the end and I can appreciate the overall message they were trying to portray with that. Yes, it can be dangerous. It can be scary. But it's important to always move forward and to interpret things for yourself. If they had filled the trip with more hardship, then people would be more hesitant to travel and less curious.
Also, absolutely love Luca! I won't spoil why, but I really love how they a person like him. If you've seen the anime and enjoy his as well, I recommend reading this fic from tuuli, as she has a character going through a similar situation. (Don't you dare click on it tuuli! Spoilers. No!) But I also love his attitude about it. So many awkward scenes only made more awkward by him playing into it. XDXDXD Anyway, I love this kid. Not enough to adopt him into my harem, but I love him. He's my favorite. 💙 Incorrect quote, but... "What will you always remember?" Luca: "I'll remember being forced to strip naked in front of everyone at gunpoint on the beach." XD Oh my god, I'm dying...
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I really liked it though. They were really creative with the habitats of the different planets they visited and it actually made me wonder for a moment if the creator was inspired by this space documentary on Netflix because they shared a lot of ideas with each other. 😅 But like I said, the twist? It really catches you by surprise. So I recommend putting it on in the background, paying some attention to it, and right around the last few episodes, it'll probably have you restarting the episode so you can watch it. It's just so good. And it's only 12 episodes long. Highly recommend. And yes, Kanata, it needed to have an ear pick and not a gun upgrade. XD
Have a lovely day everyone!
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veterveter · 2 years
Hello Tuuli!
2, 3, 5, 11, 13, 17, 18, 20, 30, 33 for Fic writer ask game
That's what I'd like to know 😃
Hi Max!! Thank you so much for popping by with these!! <3
2. How do you spend your time when it comes to fanfiction? Are you primarily a fic reader, writer, or a perfect 50/50 split of both?
I mainly read, but when I'm actively writing I read less. I struggle not to hold myself to the impossible standards of my favourite writers, and usually I just reread the same favourites again and again. (my old ff.net account still exists with 2k favourite stories, so clearly I used to read more back then)
3. Are there any fics that inspired you to write what you do?
I think if I had to name one, then it'd be Breaking and Entering by Resonant. This is one I've, like, analysed, and it's beautiful how many things are said between the lines, and I've been trying to imply more things than I write out ever since. Sometimes I try to imply too many things, for sure, because I'm not a master of it. But maybe some day. (if I had to name more it'd be everything @sorrydearie has ever written, that's the energy I wish to convey when I write Berlermo specifically but that's honestly not a standard me or anyone else should ever hold me to and that's why this is in brackets)
5. What are your fanfic pet peeves? Do they have a huge effect on whether or not you decide to read something?
I can't deal with bad grammar. Like it's not such a big issue nowadays but back in the ff.net days you'd have perfectly good stories absolutely ruined by atrocious grammar. Other than that, I don't really like it when people use a trope but don't bend it to fit the ship they're writing for, that kind of thing. I've a lot of squicks obviously but these are things that I think are a bit more universal?
11. How do you come up with your fic titles?
I put Panic! at the Disco on shuffle until inspiration strikes. Well, sometimes a title comes to mind before that, and I totally have come up with some myself, but this is simply foolproof. Panic! has never let me down.
13. Do you outline your fics? How much of a headache would someone get if they just looked at an outline of yours without reading the fic?
I don't :))) I write whatever scenes come to mind and then I try to fill in the gaps that don't inspire me. I bother my boyfriend to proofread and tell me what doesn't make any sense. Well, sometimes I pitch my ideas to friends and honestly that's the closest it comes to an outline. So maximum headache, you'll have to trust me that it makes sense in my head.
17. How obsessively do you sit and stare at your fic after you’ve just posted and wait for feedback?
Used to be verrrrry obsessively but now it's less so because I already know there won't be much of a response :'D that being said, nowadays I content myself when I hear that one (1) person other than myself liked a thing. That has to be enough.
18. Do you have a WIP that you keep telling yourself you’ll eventually get back to, but deep down you know that’s probably a lie?
Oh yes. I wish to finish my Hollywood fic. More so now that I've actually been to Hollywood. But I don't feel skilled enough to execute it to where I want it to be. I have the vibe so clear in my head, but whenever I try to commit it to paper it just doesn't... work.
20. What’s your favorite part about the fanfiction writing process?
Editing beloved <3 I love not having the stress of figuring out a plot. Plots freak me out and so the less the better. So editing is me living my best life.
30. Post a snippet from your current WIP without context - no more than 300 words.
Below the cut, have this exchange from what will hopefully be my Berlermo AUgust fic. It's 303 words but sue me.
When Andrés suggested they go to a football match, simply because it was a thing a lot of people did, he had conveniently forgotten about one very important detail. 
"Who's playing?" 
"Hmm? I have no idea." 
Martín actually cared about football. 
"It's crucial," Martín insisted. "I mean, of course I'll go, but we need to know who's playing, so we can pick the correct side of the stand. Don't look at me like that, this is important."
Andrés laughed. "Look, I'll leave the organisational side of it to you." 
Martín glared at him, as though Andrés's lack of passion offended him personally. 
Anyway, that's how Andrés found himself a week later, with Martín tying a yellow and blue scarf around his neck, three hours before the game.
"These aren't my colours," he complained. 
"You're right," Martín agreed, "They're my colours. And you're going to be a good fake boyfriend and support my team." 
"I'm surprised you found an Argentinian team playing here." 
"Not just any Argentinian team!" Martín insisted, "It's Boca. That is important, because I'd rather die than show any support for Los Millonarios." 
"Would you ever want to go back to Argentina?" Andrés asked, and Martín's hands stopped moving. Unfortunate, really. 
"If I did, I'd go for the Superclásico and nothing else," Martín said, bringing the topic back to football so smoothly it could have fooled someone else. 
"So you won't abandon me here all by myself?" Andrés asked, aiming for jest but realistically - this was the reason why he was asking. They'd be finishing school in a year, and Martín was smart, and if he wanted to go back, he could probably get accepted by any university he chose. 
"No," Martín said, needlessly solemn, "Till death do us part. Provided you don't say anything offensive at the match, anyway."
33. What do you like writing better: one shots or multi-chapter stuff?
One-shots (no plot vibes only), but actually my favourite thing to write is 1+1 so the fic and the b-side that's the other POV. Even better if they've complementary but slightly different vibes (ruining this banquet // spike the punch beloved). This is mostly because I always wish to see the other side of all my favourite fics so I try to deliver that + it allows more exploration of all the background stuff I enjoy implying. Win-win, really.
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tuulikannel · 1 year
New Assclass fic! I got to say I like this one. ^^ And here's the thing: I wrote the whole freaking thing (over 20k words) in five days. After the writer's block I've been struggling with, that sure felt nice. ^^
Summary: Akabane Karma was 10 years old when his parents bought a house in Tokyo. At first everything seemed quite perfect. The house was spooky and exciting, its neglected garden like made for jungle adventures. If only his parents had stayed there with him and not just left him with a nanny… but at least there was this other kid living in the house too. Shuu was pretty weird, sure – he studied too much and never wanted to go anywhere – but despite everything, Karma was just happy for the company.
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