#just some of my faves
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caruliaa · 1 year
staff still hasn't given me polls, what should i do?
🟪🟪🟪🟪🟪🟪🟪🟪🟪🟪 their moms 69%
🟪🟪🟪🟪🟪🟪🟪 their dads 31%
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grace image os i get to look at her
#edit: edited the og post to what i want but to set the record straight i edited to the post to be mathematically correct right after the#first person pointed it out which was like ten mins after i posted the og post. now fuck offf !!!!! the rest of the tags r from the og post#for some reason i feel very immature making your mom jokes about tumblr staff. which i shldnt !!#bc they suck nd they still havent given me polls. but i ig i feel imature bc it a your mom joke 😭 but still i tihnk its kinda funny#EDIT: edited the post to what i want bc yall were getting annoying . but to set the record straight i edited to post to be mathematically#also its *mum* not mom okay i am NOT !! an american . but if i say mum everyone will j be like 'omg british' like i dont know i am#anyway. i want polls please. give me the rigght to force my mutuals chose between the most inane things#also i tihnk it wld b cool for the cs weekly blog. like w each episode#i cld do a poll of like. out of five stars what do u think of this ep#and it wld b a cool thing of which eps r ppls faves#also i cld have like. whose ur fave in team red whos ur fave in acme etc#id prob just have to go with vile faculty bc theres more than 10 ppl in vile. and ppl wld kill me if i didnt include nel the ell or whoever#it wld b fun !!!#oh btw csweekly thats i thing i want to start. prob on uhhh the 11th of feb ill post abt it more but its basically#a tag/blog for watching cs one ep a time watching one ep every saturday#ya !! :3#flappy rambles#inaccessible#ask to tag#(<- idk. just in case)
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time-woods · 5 months
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wall breaks for the bug for sensory reasons
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nocek · 10 months
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Is it a stupid idea? Yes. Did I have to go overboard and animate it? No.
But I had to and I'm not sorry ;P
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thottybrucewayne · 11 days
I think what I want to get into with the "Anyone can do harm." thing that I keep beating yall over the head with is that literally anyone, anyone at all can do harm it's not "in your DNA" to be an abuser or written in the stars that you'll be a predator. Whatever image you have of an abuser in your head, drop it and replace it with your favorite person in the world and you'll probably be closer to the truth than you realize. It's easy to address harm when it's coming from someone you already hate. I see it happen all the time. Someone you couldn't stand for no real reason does something heinous then all of a sudden here comes the avalanche of "I always knew they were a fucked up individual." No, you didn't. There is no possible way you could have known, you just already didn't fuck with them before they started doing something you could use to justify your hatred of them. I'm guilty of it too! I'm petty, mean, vindictive, and yes! I'm way quicker to believe something bad about someone I hate versus someone I love because I'm human. Still, y all gotta learn to move past that initial "Well, they were always nice to me!" gut feeling and understand that nobody truly knows anyone and anyone can be capable of anything. Even victims. Even you.
#thotty speaks#thotty rants#I was thinking about that Christine chan post and its like yeah yall really don't know how bad it got for her before she did what she did#It reminded me of that thing on tiktok where people take 'cringy' cosplayers videos (most of whom are literal children) and put racist or#bigoted text over it then reupload it to call them out then the og creator gets a flood of harassment mostly from people who hated them for#the crime of being weird on the internet but now they can use 'oh but they're a bigot!' as an excuse to tear them down until they come out#and say 'hey i didn't say this someone stole my shit' and nobody takes their vids down nor apologizes because they didn't fuck with them#anyway so wash rinse repeat#idk I just wish that people had the same smoke for people they actually like#mostly cause I'm tired of being accused of 'switching up' every time I cut people off or stop fuckin with an artist#like this is what we should be doing!!!! ACG ANYBODY CAN GET IT!#It should be smoke for ANYONE who does harm every your fave people!#otherwise you create this world where taking people to task for the harm they've done is less about the harm#and more about justifying our own actions#anyway keep that same energy across the board that's all I'm saying#cause if it comes out tomorrow that somebody close to me did some fucked up shit I'm out of there period#aint no talkin bout shit and that's on me growing up as a child told that certain grown folks can't be alone with me#but they allowed in my house...#Idk about yall but i'm ending that generational curse with me
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cosmicrhetoric · 7 days
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carpe jugulum / small gods / lords and ladies / night watch
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ot3 · 1 year
I'm not the kind of person who thinks there is only one correct interpretation of a character or dynamics because seeing how much you can do within the established parameters of these things is one of the best parts of fandom. But some people don't actually have anything I could meaningfully call an interpretation of a character, they just pick one to three of the characters established traits and then puppet them around based on how they think that particular character archetype should behave. And it's infuriating to watch. It's not even "he would not say this" it's "nobody would ever say this, you have created something that is so derivative and generic that it fails to even crudely mimic human behavior." And yes believe me I understand that this literally doesn't matter at all but this is where my peak autism lies, and bitching on Tumblr is the most socially acceptable way to channel those feelings.
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nostalgia-tblr · 9 months
One thing New Who doesn't really have that Old Who did was the thing where everyone (audience included) thinks the Doctor is this amazing genius from space with the best spaceship of all time, and then someone else from Gallilfrey shows up and goes "Oh, it's you. Did you get expelled from our university or did you just fail your degree? Is THAT what you're driving around the universe in? How does that thing even still work? And why are you dressed like that?"
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I cannot get over how much this one scene informs us of Tech's priorities, personality, and how much he cares about his squad.
THE SCENE: "Replacements," season 1 episode 3; the Marauder is in dire need of repairs
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This scene is often played for laughs (and let's be real, it IS hilarious). There's Tech, completely ignoring Echo's not-so-subtle hints to help fix the ship, instead prioritizing tinkering with his gadgets because his definition of "critical systems" is apparently vastly different than others'. Result? The ship crashes.
But... Tech is RIGHT to be concerned about the chips.
He has been warning his brothers about the chips since Order 66, multiple times throughout "Aftermath" and "Cut and Run."
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2. He suspected Crosshair was susceptible to the effects of the chip early on.
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3. He saw firsthand the friction caused between Crosshair and the rest of the squad due to the chip, with the ultimate result that Crosshair attacked the squad and shot Wrecker.
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OF COURSE he is going to prioritize creating a device that will test the functionality of their own chips - and I think he has two reasons for this.
First: Prevent further catastrophe by making sure no one else on the squad is at imminent risk of acting out like Crosshair did.
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Can you imagine what could happen if anyone else became susceptible to the chip's effects? (Oh yeah, we can: we see exactly what happens with Wrecker on Bracca.) Tech's not losing another family member the way he just lost Crosshair.
Second: Support his theory that Crosshair's actions ARE a result of the chip. (Omega talked to Crosshair about this (in a roundabout way) in the brig, but it's Tech who mentions this possibility to the squad.)
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And if they can find a reason, a solid explanation, for why Crosshair has turned on them, maybe they can find a way to help him.
Tech is logical and rational. He understands people by analyzing them, finding reasons to explain their motives and actions; and by understanding them, he can come up with a plan to fix the situation. And that's exactly what he's doing here: by proving his theories about the inhibitor chips, he can better help his family.
So, as much as I still laugh over Tech's nonchalant "We're fine" as they're LITERALLY CRASHING, I also find it so dang heartwarming and sweet that Tech was SO focused on saving his team in other, equally crucial ways ❤️
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slavonicrhapsody · 2 years
massive shout out to environmental storytelling and esoteric lore in video games. if I don’t look like this while playing a game then what is even the point
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cryptid-time-bby · 7 months
My fave genre of ship is genuine asshole x loveable asshole
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karofsky · 3 months
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What We Do In The Shadows (2019 - )
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queenkinqs · 3 months
people love to talk about invincible for it's over the top gore and violence, but i really do think the show's writing is at it's best when it's just two people have a conversation
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sorry if you’ve already been asked, but what’s your favorite FNaF game?
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I’m a “Pizza Simulator” truther, it’s just the best one, though I’ll be honest “Help wanted 2” has really risen through the ranks for me, its probably my second favourite (that might update if the DLC pops off)
Sister location and FNAF 2 are close behind, they were OG faves
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aro-aizawa · 9 months
i like to think everyone has a colour associated with them, whether its just your fave colour or what you generally wear most of or what colour your bedroom walls are. i always associate the name sophie with dark blue, my mum is always a nice turquoise, i like to think my colour is a bright sunflower yellow.
if you have a specific shade pls tell me i adore when ppl have associated colours and tell me them, bc i think of them when i see that colour
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theashenphoenix · 3 months
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