#just rewatched the Toby Maguire movies
olibensstuff · 11 months
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I need to get off of the internet.
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shellxrls · 4 months
what started ur obsession with spiderman? Mine was the og movies tbh and then TASM like 😍
i love anything spiderman related omg yay.
so i’ve always been into marvel/superhero movies, i watched the toby maguire movies when i was rlly young (which i have very vague memories around) bc my parents loved them and then i watched the TASM movies when when they first came out (i remember convincing my parents to get the DVD’s and rewatching the first one so many times, it’ll always be my favourite). but at that point i wouldn’t say i was ‘obsessed’ yet, i just rlly enjoyed the movies as someone would normally appreciate media they liked.
but then a couple years ago (3-4) i rewatched the TASM movies and something just clicked inside me (idk if this makes sense??). following that rewatch i was rlly into spiderman. i consumed as much spiderman content as i cld, i got posters, i started buying merch and i read a lot of fanfic too 😭. so it rlly started with andrew garfield’s spidey and the TASM movies.
then when nwh was coming out, my hyperfixation peaked. i was obsessed (even that is an understatement, its more like my being was literally wholly consumed) with spiderman - to a level that it was a defining trait of mine, every single person in my life knew (family, friends, even teachers 😭) - and i wld always get spiderman related gifts and etc. that was the strongest my obsession has ever been and i think after that point was when i truly got involved in the fandoms too - i wasn’t just being interested in spiderman as a ‘hobby’, i guess.
i’ve always resonated with peter parker though, even though we’re very different irl (obviously) i feel like i truly understand him and the nuances of his character a lot. alongside that peter parker is just my exact type of men (im not joking. at all. i could not even tell you how many guys i dated/crushed on who were basically peter parker if he didn’t have powers).
regardless of peter though, i also rlly love most of the character in the mcu spiderman franchise. namely mj watson, i can definitely relate to her character and seeing her being adored and praised across the entire fandom even though she’s a very standoffish character at times rlly makes me happy - bc a lot of her less likeable traits i see in myself. AND last not definitely not least, spideychelle is my favourite ship in any media in all contexts. i love them together so much and i’ve read so many earth-shattering (im not even joking they changed my perception of love) spideychelle fics that it would be stupid not to include them in this.
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robrae-is-forever · 11 months
Not going to lie, I am super disappointed with the new Spiderverse movie.
Spoilers btw but I’m just gonna ramble
It’s pretty clear that Sony wanted a trilogy and forced the writing team to stretch the film out into a duology, because this film is fucking bloated with nonsense and time wasting stuff, and that cliffhanger sequel baiting ending left me going, “That’s it?” 
When it slows down to compensate for the script being torn into two movies, it slows down and man you can feel it. It doesn’t slow down for anything important either; I get that the emotional moments need some levity but goddamn they go on for way longer than anything in the first film, and for a lot less important stuff, too. The first film was fast paced and kinetic, and after rewatching today I can say that it was never as dull as this when it slowed down.
Miles feels really generic after “growing up” and accepting his role as Spiderman, and I wasn’t expecting his usual dorkiness to wear off on me so quickly in this film.  He was an awkward teen being forced to fill the large shoes of the hero before him, and the first film didn’t have to play it up to sell his character to us. How can he be as good as Spider-Man when Peter already exists?
With good writing, which the first film had, and this film, whether due to how stretched thin it is or something else, doesn’t have it. Honestly, I really can’t stand how everyone is in love with Miles. Gwen shows up to Miles universe and goes, “It’s always so nice talking to you” and it really bugged me because I’m just like 
“bitch you haven’t talked to him in months, and you barely talked to him in the last film what are you on about”
And then the Peter from the first film shows up with his new daughter and is like “I had her because of you because I thought she’d grow up to be like you because I think you’re cool” and I’m like
“that’s fucking weird, maybe you should let your daughter grow up to be her own person instead of the awkward kid you barely mentored and don’t know anything about at all other than he’s a spiderman”
I don’t know anything about Miles in the comics or in the recent game because I’m a spider enjoyer not a spider fan, but there isn’t enough about Miles for me to like in this new film. He’s upset that he can’t be Spider-Man and himself, which is something Toby Maguire figured out all the way back in the early 00′s, and this film doesn’t do anything new with that plotline.
The first spiderverse film was good because it tread new ground with a well known backstory, about an outcast kid getting powers and learning to use them for good. The addition of a version of a burned out character we know and love, as well as the new spider people helping Miles as a person and fledgling hero, was entertaining. What does he have now that he’s grown up? Not much.
Now he’s just going through Toby’s phase, in a stretched out movie, where everyone loves him and thinks he’s so great despite not having as much of an interesting personality this time around, and also not doing anything important, either. He doesn’t stop the main villain, he just complains a lot that he isn’t getting his way. Don’t get me wrong, he’s still got some good jokes, and I like the Spot and Miguel, but this film was way too long with way too little happening in it. This film also focuses way too much on the side characters instead of on Miles, like it wants Gwen and Spot to be the main character, and as a result it really doesn’t feel like there’s a main character at all.
There are some other stupid things I don’t like, too. Why is there a pregnant black woman riding a motorcycle and fighting? Babies are soft and should not be exposed to battle with superpowered characters, and pregnant women have trouble moving around. Like, seriously. They can have trouble standing up in the later stages of pregnancy, because they can’t rotate and push themselves up because of the baby bump sometimes. So how am I expected to believe that she’s being a super bad ass, even with powers? I don’t know who she is, and I really don’t care. The first film gave us a quick rundown on all the spider people when they showed up, and I don’t know a single thing about this chick. At the very least, she didn’t have to be pregnant, it added nothing to the film while it was in motion and was genuinely distracting.
The whole spider society thing just made me think of the early Rick and Morty seasons with the whole “council of ricks citadel and evil morty” bullshit. I did not go into this wanting to think about that cartoon, and unfortunately it’s all I could think about in the quarter of the movie that it takes up. Try and tell me it doesn’t remind you of it a little bit.
Now, as a big ol shipper who loves well written romances, I can firmly say I’m not buying this “will they won’t they” shit with Miles and Gwen. She had barely warmed up to being Miles’ friend by the end of the last film, and I already outlined why above that I think it’s stupid, but to add to it, all Gwen thinks about is Miles in this film and I’m like “damn bitch have some agency”. They keep trying to insert all these little tidbits to make Miles jealous and whatnot and I’m just sitting here like
Here are some choice quotes from the first film to remind you of what Gwen thinks of Miles: “You know I’m older than you, right? 15 months older, but that’s pretty significant if you ask me”, “You don’t get to like my haircut”, “I don’t think you know what puberty is”, “Friends”...
Funny lines of dialogue to be sure, but definitely not romantic. Especially not when she lost her version of Peter Parker, then reunites with another one. I’m not saying she had to fall for burnt out Peter, but the fact that the first film did nothing with it, and then this film for the most part just makes her a one note track about Miles, really rubbed me the wrong way. Especially when she points out that nothing good happens to the Gwen’s who fall in love with Spider-Man.
I guess it’s all about expectations, ironically. Miles didn’t know how to step into Spiderman’s suit, and this sequel doesn’t know how to follow up it’s excellent predecessor. It barely has an antagonist, it’s bloated with filler, the dialogue is stupid in many places, and it’s nice visuals aren’t enough to make up for it.
The only thing I personally think will save the third film would be to subvert those expectations. Have Miles turn down/reject Gwen because she lied to him about his dad’s impending death, have him turn away from Peter for being in on it, and have him step into his own shoes.
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josephandjamie · 2 years
Hiya! So I was the one who asked about your favourite Joe things and I have follow ups lmao. I hope you don’t mind, I have a new fixation 🫠🥰😂 What’s your favourite role you’ve seen him in? Is there anywhere on the internet I can watch Dickensian cause he looks cute as beans. What future roles do you think he’d be good in? Like anything marvel? Star Wars? I heard he’d love to be in the lord of the rings remake!
Ofc I don’t mind!! Let’s dish
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Omg favorite role..let me think..after Eddie ofc, i think Arthur (Dickensian). It’s a v unlikeable character but you start caring abt him and his terrible choices…I’m just kicking my legs and twirling my hair every time Arthur shows up, he’s so darn cute. thinking abt rewatching it actually bc i grew so attached to the story and the characters lol.
i loved Tom (make up), he was soo funny in Timewasters (only two eps unfortunately but i might watch the other eps too, loved the humor). Howard’s end i mostly just watched his scenes, I’m watching Catherine The Great now and there’s few scenes w him but I’m enjoying it. my mans got the range™️. I only have Les Mis left i think.. you can watch Dickensian and some of his other work on primewire*mx. let me know if it works for you!
Omg i want to see him in a comedy! That’s the one thing we don’t have enough of yet. Ugh i really don’t care abt Marvel movies, idk how ppl keep up w them, honestly!! Last spider man i’ve watched was toby maguire... star wars even less..lord of the rings EVEN less lmao but I’ll watch literally anything he’s on. V excited to see what Hoard will be like
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Nothing can compare the amount of fun I had last night rewatching Spiderman directed by Sam Reimi for the first time in almost 8 years.
This will not be a post about how it stacks against other films in the sonyverse or the mcu. This is primarily about this movie and the nostalgia I have for it. And since I'm not gonna get to much into it, I definitely cried multiple times.
Right off the bat I can tell that it takes its heaviest inspiration from the earliest issues of Spiderman comics. Some call it the "ditko era." Especially Amazing fantasy #15, which is the debut of our favorite wall crawler. I read an ok amount of these older arcs around my senior year of high school to grow a larger appreciation for the golden era of comics and I have grown quite fond of them. You can really see the inspiration from these early issues in this movie. Aunt May and Uncle Ben are almost identical to their comic counterparts. Toby Maguires take on Peter Parker really seems like a giant nerd with a growing chip on his shoulder. I love it. I recommend reading these early works of Spiderman and then Rewatching this movie to compare and contrast. I once saw a really good video about just that but specifically with amazing fantasy #15. That issue is more than worth reading if you wanna just look at one issue.
Sam Reimi put so much love and care into the physical aspect of this movie. The sets are absolutely amazing. The parkers home looks like your caring paternal figure's home. Peters room breathes character as you see periodic tables, globes and other academic decorations scattered around. I like the pens and papers on his desk showing his talent of art as well making his creation of the costume more palpable. It really feels like a high schoolers bed room. Compare this to the Osbournes home. Dark. Looming. Littered with scary masks and other odd decorations. It doesn't feel like as much a HOME as Peter's which shows how Sam wanted the sets themselves to help characterize the characters further.
Jumping from that probably my favorite thing about this movie in general is how much of a 2000's time capsule this movie is. Macy Gray at the festival. Product placements. The grimy feel. The extras. Gosh the extras are amazing. Some of them are so stunted and odd it just adds to the movies charm to me. I love it. It's hard to explain honestly but as a person born in the 2000s I love seeing this time period on screen. Such an odd time compared to now.
And then of course there's the characters. It's hard to not say what has been said before but they are all perfect. Just in the ways they act and react to each other. People hate Mary Jane in this franchise but I love her in this movie. Her character growth in this movie is excellent. It's the little things honestly. Every single time Peter talked to her and well gushed over her and was just so positive to her it warmed my soul. He truly supported her and her dreams. Following this, one of my favorite scenes was when Peter saved her as Spiderman in the rain. She asks him about everything being said about Spiderman and expresses support and trust for him. He says well, it's nice to have a fan. And that's a hint as how she feels to peter. Hinting at her actually being in love with him. It's a small thing you don't notice. Much like how the movie shows the mask she puts up, which is incredibly comic accurate. Mary Jane Watson puts on a mask of this popular party girl to hide from her abusive home life. When Pete and MJ talk in the backyard (my favorite scene) Flash comes to pick her up in his new car. They end their conversation and she skips out expressing loudly and positively to Flash which is entirely different than how quiet and personal her and Pete were talking by the fence.
That's just the icing on the cake. There's so much more. You can see how Harry and Peters friendship slowly grows into a rivalry due to their love as Mary Jane. The scene where Norman figures out who Spiderman is. We got the Vulture car scene around ten years earlier and we didn't even realize it. The reputation of don't tell Harry. When Pete and MJ converse outside the dinner and plan going to grab lunch and they jokingly say don't tell Harry, hinting at Normans haunting final line: Don't tell Harry. The name drops of Jonah grills Robbie on why they aren't getting good pictures of Spiderman and Robbie says Eddie has been on it for a week. They set up Eddie Brock 5 years before Spiderman 3. The godlike musical score by Danny Elfman. So much
I guess the most important thing Sam Reimi nailed was the ethos of Peter Parker. No matter how much good Peter Parker does his life will always suck. But he HAS to be Spiderman. Because great power comes with great responsibility. People he loves will get hurt. But it's the price he must pay. It's his gift and his curse, he says. He cannot be with Mary Jane no matter how much he wants to because it will only put her in harm's way. It's perfect Peter Parker. It's just perfect. Side note after they kiss you can see MJ realize Peter is Spiderman because of their kiss in the rain. Cool little thing there.
In all, Peter Parker kicks ass. Spiderman kicks ass. There is a reason he is the most popular superhero in the world. Watch this movie again. Notice little things you couldn't as a kid. Appreciate how it's aged well and not so well because without it we wouldn't have the movies we have now.
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adiarosefandoms · 2 years
No Way Home 2nd Viewing
I’m heading to theaters to watch No Way Home again with my father. A fellow Marvel lover, he caters to my obsession. He has to, he’s the one that got me into it, so all of this is his fault. I just finished rewatching all the Maguire and Garfield Spiderman movies and I am so ready to find more stuff in the movie that I previously missed. The theater was so verbally responsive last time and that makes watching movies that much more enjoyable because you know everyone else is just as caught up in the flick as you are, it’s so much fun. I like going twice to see movies I’m super passionate about like this one so I can give my full attention to the screen during the first viewing and people watch during the important moments at the second. Nothing is greater than seeing a long term spiderman fans reaction to seeing the Spidermen they grew up with on screen again. Or watching new fans get really confused because they didn’t know there was a live action Spiderman before Holland, and everyone is screaming for these two “random” guys. 
I still can’t believe I actually got to, and get to, see Toby Maguire and Andrew Garfield as Spiderman in theaters. I missed their first runs as the character, but I will happily take this opportunity to see them swinging across the big screen.
I’m going back to see the spidermen!!! I’m so freaking excited! 
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msawesomegeek · 3 years
Alita battle angel – Movie review
A/N: look at me, watching a movie. Yay. However it might be me thats hungover and procrastinating doing an exam. Anyways. I have a lot of thoughts on this movie.
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SERIOUSLY SPOILERS AHEAD, skip the whole first section if you wanna avoid.
Okay, so, Alita battle angel, is a two hour movie that came out last year. It is about Doctor Ido, who in the scrapyard finds a core that's still alive and gives her a body. Alita wakes up and doesn't remember who she is. She learns the ways of this world in Iron city and about the floating city Zalem, and we meet (I'll be honest here, I liked him but I cannot for the life of me remember his name right now so let's call him whatshisface for now.) whatshisface, he is the love interest and he really wants to go to Zalem. We are also introduced to Vektor a rich guy who runs motorball, a popular sport. He is working with Ido's ex wife and she also has a hard on for going back to Zalem. A bunch of stuff happens, Alita finds out she's a marsian warrior, gets in a fight with a bounty hunter after becoming one herself. Enters the motorball tournament to get money to give to whatshisface so he can go to Zalem, action happens. She finds out no one goes there intact only in the creepiest way possible, talks to the person whose been the puppet master all along. Enters the big tournament to become an ultimate champion to go to Zalem. The end.
Mostly spoilerfree zone now.
So. Normally I do not go into that much detail about a movie's plot, but I wanted to do it here to show just how much this movie is just far too complicated. It suffers, sadly like a lot of action movies these days, from sequel syndrome. In which you can tell they wanted to cram a lot of info into this movie but also have a lot of exposition for the sequel, which ends up needlessly complicating and confusing the plot of the movie that you're already watching – think Suicide Squad or Justice League. The worst part of this is you're watching a movie hoping for an ending and then you're not getting it. A movie should be a story told from beginning to end, not beginning and then we reveal that there is a final boss and you just killed the small boss.
Besides that, I also wanted to write out the storypoints to show how weird and confusing it gets. I get wanting to build tensions and conflict, but I honestly felt like it tried to do everything, meaning we didnt really have time to get interested in any of the plot points in depth. (oh my god I just remembered whatshisface's name!). And that way it also feels like you're not watching a cohesive plot but like a sequence of events that are sometimes related. That lack of focus even extends to the characters. Alita spends the first half of the movie really wanting to kill this dude, and then just forgets about it until the end of the movie. Like, what?
And that also brings me to another problem with this plot, *sighs* it suffers from Spiderman 3 disorder – and by that I mean, this movie, has a villain problem. The villains are far too many, and also almost constantly has weird motivations, like there are logical motivations that would make sense for them to become antagonistic, but the movie just opts for the weirdest ones. Like the bounty hunter, wants to kill Hugo (whatshisface), and they spend like 10 minutes on it, and it seems like it is because he wants revenge on Alita from earlier, but then he just does not try to kill her or anything when she shows up! I had to rewatch those scenes, and I still have no god damn clue why he wants to kill Hugo! And that is a problem! AND then, you have Vektor sending all these other bounty hunters to kill, which is, fine. But again, I have no f*cking clue why HE wants to kill her? Why does the evil overlord that controls everyone want to kill her? Like, the fact that there are this many villains is a problem on its own, but then I at least need to know WHY all these villains are there (okay I am gonna do something that is normally illegal on the internet); I mean at least in Spiderman 3 we all knew WHY they wanted to kill Toby Maguire! How, just, how, do you mess up something so fundamental?!
Sadly the next problem is kind of related. Most characters. Look I get that there are some conflicts that are needed. But like, especially Hugo, what?! Like I get his crime thing being wrong and why it would create some conflict, but it seems so forced somehow. And like, when his girlfriend wants to do something really dangerous to make his dream happen, he tells the others he quits. But then why from there not just come clean to Alita, and be like, sorry babe I used to do this because I was in a desperate situation, but now I have learned something. It would have been compelling for his character. Because honestly he has some sweet moments, but otherwise I feel like he is just selfish. And that is fine, but make it compelling selfishness! Also except for the last 10 minutes of the movie, why does the Ido's wife have to be there? It seemed weird. The only antagonist I actually enjoyed was bounty hunter guy because he had just a pinch of a personality sprinkled in there. Alita is fine, maybe a little op, like let her train or something. Ido was good and honestly probably the best character in this movie, but his motivations are so weird sometimes.
So, uhm, what was good? Well, the fight sequences weren't bad, I liked them. The special effects were pretty cool. I loved what they did with those extreme zoom ins on her eyes. The acting was good. Cinematography was pretty good, not noticeable, but also weren't any scenes where I didn't know what was going on. The soundtrack has a very James Cameron vibe to it, which was okay.
Overall, did this movie suck? Yes. For multiple reasons, the story is weirdly paced and put together in a way where it feels like they wanted to cram like three books into one movie (or as I like to call the "opposite Hobbit effect", I'm sorry, I dont know why I have started making weird names for things to amuse myself during this review but here we are I guess.). And a lot of the plot points seemed forced, there are too many villains and all characters need to be tweaked so we actually understand their motivations for things. But visually it was pretty. But I'll be honest, I dont even recommend watching this as a its so bad its good. It is just weird, confusing and bad.
1 out of 10 stars (and that one star is for the actors and the visual teams only.)
So those were my thoughts, tell me what you thought? If you disagree with me and I completely misunderstood your favourite movie! Or if there is any other movie you wanna talk about or want me to watch and review – send me an ask. :)
- Em
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oodlyenough · 3 years
Great Spider-Man list! I also recently rewatched Toby Maguire's Spider-Man and they really held up for me as well. His Peter Parker is poor, smart, dorky, and down on his luck. He also had to tackle being a superhero with his other responsibilities (school, Aunt May, MJ). I feel like Spider-Man 2 especially addressed this. I haven't seen enough of Tom Holland's Spider-Man to form an opinion, but a lot of people like him. I know you were ranking all the Peter's, but where would Miles Moralis fall on your list?
Yeah, the Tobey Maguire movies are just super fun. Literally the only thing I didn't enjoy in the trilogy was the stupid Sandman stuff in SM3, the rest of the trilogy is fun af. Peter was always going thru it lmao... every movie a struggle. I remembered there being a happy ending too but it was really just bittersweet LOL
I feel kinda bad ranking Miles against the Peters, so I'm not sure; kinda apples and oranges.
Spiderverse Miles would probably come behind Tobey and Tom but above the others. Game Miles... hm. I had a lot of complaints about the writing Miles game tbh, similar to my complaints about game Peter. Not sure whether I prefer game Peter or game Miles. I prefer game Miles to Andrew Garfield Peter though lmao.
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oxfordsxbrogues · 5 years
“The Amazing Spider-Man”: What it Means to Be Awkward
Ever since Tom Holland swung his way into our hearts as Peter Parker, people have been trashing on the Amazing Spider-Man series (2012-2014), which is really weird because when these movies came out, people couldn’t get enough of them. People loved the action and intensity, blending comic book wonder with intense realism. The acting, the visual effects, the story... people loved it all!
Well, almost all.
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The one flaw that die-hards almost universally agreed upon was the characterization of Peter Parker (played by Andrew Garfield). People loved his quipping, confident Spidy, but once the mask came off people thought he was too cool and confident to be Peter. He simply wasn’t nerdy enough. When I first saw it I didn’t really mind, but with all the recent hate these movies have been getting and the fact I haven’t rewatched the first one in a few years, I decided to rewatch it and see if there was anything I was too lenient on at age thirteen
First of all, this movie is still fantastic. Real talk, it ties with Homecoming for my second favorite Spider-Man movie after Into the Spiderverse. I think all the hate that’s been popping up is a byproduct of the recent fandom trend of “Piling Unwarranted Hate Onto Something Good To Praise Something You Think Is Better,” a la pitting Bohemian Rhapsody (2018) against Rocketman (2019) or Aladdin (2019) against Beauty and the Beast (2017). This is a really mean-spirited aspect of fan culture that’s been really “in” recently, but that’s the topic of another article.
Secondly, when people said that Peter wasn’t awkward enough, I think they were looking for awkwardness in the wrong places. Look at his mannerisms in his introduction scene:
He can’t make eye contact. Nothing he says registers above a mumble and he can’t get through a sentence without stuttering. Between the teacher, the couple making out, and Flash he can’t get a word in edgewise until he shouts at Flash, and even then his pacing is uncertain and stilted. His clothes are muted compared to everyone else’s and he sinks between his shoulders. I wasn’t able to find this clip, but in class he sits in the back of the classroom and buries himself in his arms.
There’s no way around it. Peter is definitely awkward, insecure, and severely emotionally stunted. The difference is that this has nothing to do with him being a nerd.
Peter’s original otherness stemmed from the fact that he was a nerd, which worked for 1962 and even 2002, but this was made in 2012. Arguably, the true dawn of the Age of the Nerd. Suddenly it was cool to be smart and have niche interests and wear big thick glasses. In that, this Peter’s still a nerd, but that’s not where his otherness stems from. Between these mannerisms and the backstory established in the first five minutes of the film, his otherness stems from having severe emotional issues linked to his parents’ deaths and some degree of undiagnosed social anxiety.
Compare this scene to the basketball scene, post spider bite and when he’s gaining confidence in his abilities:
His posture is better. He looks Flash in the eye as he taunts him and his voice doesn’t shake. For the first time, he’s actually smiling. And even with all this, his voice is still soft, his clothes are still muted- even wearing the same thing he was earlier in the week. He’s still the same character from before, but through finally getting to seek answers about his parents (and a little spider science) he’s been able to grow and develop.
Y’know, like how characters (and by extent, people) are supposed to.
Were audiences so distracted by the traditional semiotic markers of “coolness” (skateboards, spiky hair, being more traditionally attractive, etc.) that we all just overlooked these traits? Or were people expecting more of the over-the-top awkwardness from Toby Maguire’s portrayal, and when they didn’t get it they automatically marked Andrew Garfield as a bad Peter? Or is it that this characterization could be better understood in today’s day and age, were we understand more about teen mental health and can better recognize the signs of someone struggling emotionally? Whatever the reason, I hope we can move past this hatred phase and remember this movie for the gem that it was.
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starker-stories · 4 years
Quarantine Tag Game
I got tagged by the wonderful @frenchfrostpudding​ . Thank you for this. Looks fun. Ran on a bit as usual. Sorry. :)
Are you staying home from school/work?
Yes. I’m pretty home-bound, so it’s not much of a change. But it’s more complete now. No outings, no gaming nights, no shopping. I do go out to play Pokemon Go (yes, I’m lame, I still play) so that I see something other than 3 grey and 1 purple wall.
If you’re staying home, who is there with you?
My angsty x-box-addicted 18yo son. He takes care of our chicken flock and the rest of our zoo. He’s got a wickedly quick wit and is a talented artist who draws in a manga style
My 16yo autistic daughter, who is kind and loves animals like crazy. But is as lazy as the day is long like a typical teenager. But when she’s bored she’ll go into her room to sing quietly because she’s embarrassed to do it, but I can hear her from my room. She has the most beautiful voice. I don’t tell her I can hear her because I never want her to stop singing.
My ex wife and mom of the kids. We had a complicated relationship for 15 years (duh, I’m very gay) but came out of the divorce friends still. About five years ago, Katie was having very violent behavior problems and I needed help with her, so she moved into our spare room. She still has to work outside the home, so we worry about covid exposure a lot.
We have pets. There are the chickens -- 6 indoor bantam silkies (the 2 boys Ruby-roo, Danny Partridge, and the 4 hens S.W.A.N. [silkie without a name], Blue, Onyx, and Silver [who is the runt and lays the teeniest eggs!] and 6 outdoor darlings: Eggsy and Darkness [ameraucana], Yuki [Hampshire red], Pandora [silverlaced wyandotte], Elvira [black australorpe who is SO SOFT], and Emu our giant brahma rooster. The label when we bought him said ameraucana hen. NOPE. GIANT FUCKING ROOSTER! Who is an absolute sweetie and has the tiniest little crows of our 3 roos.
There are the budgies Kiki and Dot. My son has a bearded dragon named Loki. Then we have 2 fish tanks converted for mixed reptiles & amphibians. We have a toad and a tree frog, three anoles, a little gecko and a salamander. And that’s it. For now. Alex wants a snake. I want a dog. We’ll see.
Are you a homebody?
I’ve always been ‘anti-social’. Gimme a computer and I’m good. A long time ago, I’d’a said, gimme a typewriter. I gotta be able to write.
An event that you were looking forward to that got cancelled?
I love going to the monthly Gaymer’s gathering at the LGBT center with my family, who all fall into the LGBT categories. Miss that a lot. Also the monthly CAH game at the local gamer bar. A few other gaming events.
What movies have you watched recently?
Well, there’s the continual comfort-watching of the MCU. Rewatched Toby Maguire’s first Spider-Man. Zombieland. I Am Legend, Enemy of the State, and Leon/The Professional.
What shows are you watching?
Just finished Ragnarok, Picard, the first season of Jericho, Ozark, Lost In Space (of course I watched that. There’s a pet chicken!) Tried watching The Witcher, couldn’t get past the horrible wig, stopped after 1 episode. Currently watching s3 of The Man In The High Castle. Bored af looking for a new show to watch.
What music are you listening?
Romantic era classical piano music. A bit of bel canto opera. Legendary Pink Dots and Tear Garden, Random goth/industrial stuff.
What are you reading?
Fics are my usual reading. But I’m reading ‘Filthy Shakespeare’ as my current book.
What are you doing for self-care?
Taking my meds so my writer’s block stays far, far away.
Any big projects you’re working on?
Writing the Messages Series. Trying to get the mojo back to write the one remaining chapter of An Accord that isn’t finished, the 2nd to last one. RPing a lot, which is massively fun, creative, and detailed, but prevents the writing much. Need more self-discipline to make me do both. 
Plans for when the quarantine is over?
Go back to the gamers’ meet-ups. They were pretty much my only ‘get out of the house’ things. Visit my mom and step-dad. We can’t go see them because mom has COPD and my dad has lung cancer. So since my ex-wife is still out there working and exposed, we can’t risk exposing them.
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wall-krawler · 5 years
Spidersona Week! Day 2: Equipment (Minor spoilers for upcoming fanfic)
Due to living in a two bedroom apartment Marcus was forced to keep most of his gear in a secretive and secluded “lair.” A safe haven much larger than his closet.
Toni’s bleached curls bounced as she jogged down a hallway while turning on her video camera which was facing her. She studied the lenses before smiling and turning the small device, aiming it right at Marcus. “Video log 15, the spider Caveee! Spooky~” She chuckled behind the camera as Marcus looked up and smiled.
“It’s not a cave, it’s just a chill spot.” Marcus told Toni before giving the camera a glance over. He’d gotten used to this by now, the filming and random questions. Out of the little friend group Toni seemed to be the most curious about Marcus’ new powers and life.
“Mmhm, well cave or not it’s still spooky. Only weird inventors do their hero work in secluded places.” She teased him as she panned out to show off the little room they were in. Various tools were scattered on the table he was working on while sketches and sticky notes filled the rest of the room. It looked like a bunch of teenagers rooms clumped together. Or at least some type of messy work room.
She zooms in close to catch sight of what Marcus was so concentrated on. It looked like a slim steel wrestling belt. “What are you working on?” She asked, getting him to look back up and smile into the camera.
“It’s a spider belt, I wear it underneath the pants.” Marcus explains while showing off the smooth design. He had Peter’s help to designing it but the usage was all up to him. “It has six back up cartridges of web fluid just in case I run out of my own.”
He clips the belt on and does a quick demonstrate of switching out the cartridges without fumbling around too much. But to add a little excitement to the video Marcus fires a few random strands of webbing into the air just to have them splatter all along the ceiling. It was pretty cool to see how the web-shooters worked without being covered.
“Wow that’s so cool.”
🕷🕷🕷🕷(Gadget Headcanons)
- Due to having organic webbing Marcus only wears web-shooters to help direct the web he’s firing into a straight line or into a small pellet. But in a few instances when he’s used up a large amount of webbing at once he has to rely on the Web cartridges until his own organic webbing comes back.
- The spider belt is exactly like Peter’s old one except Marcus ditched the spider light to build a little compartment for breakfast bars. (He’s a growing child, he needs to eat)
- Peter loaned a few spider trackers to Marcus in case the bad guy ever got away. They look like small magnets with clinging legs.
- Besides his cell phone Marcus carries his old PSP around in his book-bag to play around on boring patrols. Sometimes he just ends up rewatching the Spider-Man movie dedicated to Peter. He strongly believes Toby Maguire played a great Ben Riley.
- Now for the important equipment:Suits!
- Marcus has three suits in total.
- Homemade: This suit actually isn’t anything special. It’s just a pair of blue jeans, faded red converse, a $6 Spider-Man T-shirt with a black black long sleeve underneath, and then a very cheap red ski mask with eye holes cut out. People thought he was a bad guy at first.
- Retro: Peter’s younger years as a hero were spent on sowing a lot. Always having a spare costume throughout high school Peter began to upgrade, leaving the old suit behind and never returning to it. Through some interesting events (keep a secret for fanfic) Marcus stumbles upon the old suit and decides to “borrow” it. Although in the end karma did strike when Marcus though the underarm web wings would actually make him glide. Spoilers: They didn’t.
- Unlimited: Marcus needing a real costume goes to Peter to ask for help. He wanted something that stood out so that the two wouldn’t get mixed up as each other. Peter understood this and went through all the suits he’s created or collected over the years as Spider-Man. The one he landed on was the unlimited costume, a dark red, blue, and black futuristic looking suit he unfortunately damaged. The nanotechnology used to retract the suit into a watch were fried in a fight with Electro. Ever since then it’s just be hanging up in one of the displayed vaults. Marcus, without hesitation, chose that one.
- Unlimited benefits: The suit is skintight and still comes into parts which makes it easier to wear underneath clothing while stuffing the rest into a book-bag. The lenses within the mask is extra thick to help from breaking or being blinded by bright lights. There’s a camouflage mode but it only works for about 20 seconds. The web-shooters and belt fits perfectly beneath the suit as well. As for built in communicators, Marcus can link up with Peter and talk through an earpiece designed into their masks. So that Marcus never feels alone when in battle.
A/N: I’m not the best when it comes to designing costumes and what not, I’m just a writer. But it dawned upon me that Peter from into the spiderverse (Blonde one. The one I’m basing my fanfic Peter from) has like a whole bunch of suits! Heck Miles basically borrowed one from the lair and made it his own. It just makes sense to me that Peter wouldn’t mind giving out older suits to those who would make use of them. The suits he’d never wear again. So that’s why I chose the unlimited costume. It has a great design, totally stylish, and It’s one of my favorite suits of all time.
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My picks 3rd week of April 2019 part 2/3
Ok that was weird my phone just glitched and i had to start over..which is kinda ironic because of something in this section...ok anyway we're on part 2/3 so I'll try to be quick before it glitches again.
This section will be MOVIES:
1. Wreck it Ralph: Ralph Breaks The Internet
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Ok so this is why i said my phone glitching was a bit ironic (those who don't know watch the first movie and you'll know why) Ok! This movie like the first one was really good (and because the characters are already developed perhaps even better than first one) it is a really cute feel-good movie that is definitely rewatchable. I'll definitely watch this one again!
2. Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald
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I enjoyed the first movie (i thought the characters and the relationships were cute) so this past week i finally got around to watching the sequal. It was alot darker and kinda got a creepy vibe at some parts. I won't give anything away but this one unlike the first one takes place in Europe. A few things: Newt is cute, Dumbledore is hot and dang there's a big twist at the end that i did not see coming!
3. Green Book
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First off I'm a sucker for a good historical film, even bigger sucker for those that are based on true stories, and love the ones that are about the outsiders fighting descrimination to stick it to the man! So from reading synopsis of this film it definitely sounded like one i would like. It turned out to be a really enjoyable film. I could see that some people may not like it because i could see how it can seem a bit slow paced to some (although it didn't to me) i don't really know what to say other than : great actors and a good story. I personally always enjoy watching historical film based on true stories so i can learn a little about some pretty cool people. I really liked how at the end credits they showed photos of the real people.
4. Spiderman: into the Spider-Verse
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This was a movie that i really wanted to see because i really like Spiderman movies (Toby Maguire Spiderman was the first superhero DVD i bought back in the day at Blockbuster with a Blockbuster giftcard so it holds a special place in my nostalgic heart lol) and I've heard so many great things about this movie! The animation is awesome!! I've never seen a movie with animation quite like this and having the variety of animation styles in one movie was really cool! I know the Spiderman story but i didn't know this one and it kept me on the edge of my seat throughout the entire movie! This movie had me laughing so much that I cried, to feeling sad and to feeling worried. This movie had it all action, drama, suspense, humour...all in all a great film, definitely will watch it again! Oh!! If you do watch it there's a short post-credit scene!
Alright done part 2...onward to final part!
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dollwritesarchive · 2 years
Omg doll pleaasee watch the original spiderman movies!! Ik you're into Andrew Garfield's spiderman rn which same but I would literally sell my soul just to breathe the same air as toby Maguire's spiderman lmaoo. Also I wanna fuck norman Osbourne and doc ock way more than I should lol, I would die if you wrote for any one of those three!!
I haven’t seen them in so long, since I was a kid for sure!! I didn’t know y’all simped for tobey???
I also don’t know if I’ll rewatch simply bc jf ruins Harry for me 😭
But that doesn’t mean that I won’t write for tobey’s Spider-Man too! I think the only one I wouldn’t write for is Hollands
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little--leaves · 2 years
Hi :)
I just came back on Tumblr after a while XD .
I saw that you watched Spider-man: No way home. I waited so much to be released just to see that I don't have time to go to the cinema. How was the movie? Even if I saw some spoilers already I will still watch it, it made me more unpatient. You look like a fan of Marvel, I would like to know your opinion about the movie.
I will watch it later when I have time 🥲😭 (not fair).
I'm fan Marvel and DC 😆
Hope you had a good day ^^
It is incredible. I actually watched it twice already lol. I'm not gonna talk about it because I don't want to spoil it for you but there were a couple of scenes that were IMMACULATE. The whole movie was but wow. I'm actually gonna rewatch the Andrew Garfield and Toby Maguire movies because I felt like it 🥰
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jojo-javabean24 · 6 years
Top 10 Movies!!!
Tagged by @cyanide-cynicism
Soooo, this is my first time posting something on Tumblr, ever! My friend above tagged me in this, so hopefully I’ll get this post right. :3
1. War of the planet of the apes
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I grew up LOVING the entire Ape series, and it saddens me to see that this may be the last one. The acting in this movie was incredible, the CGI was on point, and I was rooting for the apes till the end. Caesar is forever the greatest ape and leader in my eyes!
2. Spiderman: Homecoming
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I’ll admit that I was very hesitant when they announced another reboot of Spider man. I wasn’t sure about Tom Holland at first because I grew up as a dedicated Toby Maguire Spider man fan, but after watching this movie I absolutely fell in love with this kid! He’s so precious, and dedicated to be an Avenger, and the father/son interactions between him and Tony are to die for! I can’t wait until the sequel! XD
3. Thor: Ragnarok
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Thor is by far my #1 favorite superhero in the Marvel Universe! This movie was awesome, and I adore the love-hate relationship he has with Loki. Loki is probably my favorite Marvel villain? I’m not even sure if Loki is actually attempting to be a good guy or not. *shrugs* Well, then again, he is the Trickster god. XD
4. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows
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Ah, yes! My boys! (Mikey’s forever my precious favorite!) :D
Now, this movie did get some hate from the audience, and I will agree that the storyline could have been improved just a little, but the cool character designs and voice acting was what took my breath away in this movie. I heard that there might be a reboot, but I hope that they keep these designs and the voices! D:
5. Casino
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Yes! Robert De Niro and Joe Pesci in the same movie is an absolute must watch! I loved watching Mobster movies growing up, and this definitely takes the cake! Wonderful acting, wonderful story, but it all resulted in every character’s downfall, sadly. :(
6. Goodfellas
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Like I said before, I LOVE Mobster movies! And I think that Goodfellas was the second one I ever watched that was mafia related. The storytelling was astounding, and it kinda made me wish I was one of the ladies living the lavish life in the movie, minus the whole abuse and drug-related stuff! XD
And as I mentioned before, a movie with  Robert De Niro and Joe Pesci is a MUST WATCH!!!!
7. The Godfather
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A pure classic! The very first mafia movie I ever watched, and I seen the whole trilogy about a hundred times! XD
Actors, amazing! Story, outstanding! There’s probably nothing about this movie that I don’t love. The Godfather really got me obsessed with anything mafia-related, including Goodfellas, Casino, Scarface, and the Sopranos.  
8. Chocolat
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This movie right here became an instant favorite of mine before I even declared it a favorite. I stumbled across Chocolat when I was trying to search for something to watch one day, and just the name itself brought me in (Because I love chocolate and anything related to sweets! :3) and I suddenly had the urge to bake after watching it!
Chocolat was a fun story that teaches a lesson near the end, and you can’t help but grow attached to the characters all throughout the movie. But be warned! You will grow hungry near the end! XD
9.Waiting to Exhale
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Honestly, it was this clip above that I saw on Youtube that made me want to see the whole movie! (Plus, I love Angela Bassett!) XD
I was pretty young when I first saw it, not really getting it at first, but once I rewatched it as I got older I finally understood what the heck the lesson was throughout the movie! :P
This is a movie that should make every woman going through struggles feel strong near the end. There are scene for everyone here! They’ll make you laugh, they’ll make you cry, they’ll even make you angry! This movie is one huge emotional rollercoster, and it’s definitely  worth the watch. 
10. Marie Antoinette 
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And last, but not least, the movie that got me obsessed with one Queen forever. Marie Antoinette! It’s sad what happened to her, and I wish that she had been spared in real life, but other than that I think that this movie represents Marie to a T! 
Yet again, another movie that will make you hungry AND make you wish that you were there to attend those lavish parties the last Queen of France attended! I loved this movie and have watched it nearly a hundred times. It’s fun yet sad at the same time, and you have mixed emotions about it near the end. I must watch in my opinion, though!
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