#just rambling more in tags hnng
riddle-me-ri · 11 months
okay, everything should be working and updated lol. I even finally got around to updating my masterlists so that should be up to date as well!
I'm gonna try and get some wee writing done before I have oral surgery Saturday and probably be radio silent again for a few days asdfgh
Thanks for the understanding and patience as always!
Feel free to check out my new Request Info post here and again feel free to ask any questions or if you wanna talk about some of the new fandoms I added I'm all ears. This is still a tried and true mostly batman/rogues fandom. But I like variation and exploring other characters and their dynamics!
Thanks again! 💚
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fumifooms · 1 year
Mithrun x Marcille
Second part of my “Dunmeshi rarepairs I will birth with my own hands if I have to” series
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Marcille and Mithrun… No no HEAR ME OUT besides chap 94 I think Mithrun was the most emotional when confronting Marcille about the whole situation of her maybe being on the edge of becoming dungeon lord AND he seemed to empathize with her?!! Look at his face! Listen to his words!
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He desired to save her. The ex-dungeon lord who lost everything and the newly dungeon lady about to walk herself into a trap and lose everything. They seem very compatible to me attitude wise, without mentioning that they seem to be each other’s type (Marcille’s succubus, Mithrun’s love). Marcille could even put an eyepatch on him lmfao. I feel like his very blunt attitude (most shown when he confronted Thistle about the flaws in his plan and perspective, but also the whole interactions with Marcille at Thistle’s home) would be good for Marcille, both in a ‘convincing her’ way and just in a general relationship & dynamic way. They’re both pretty tragic characters, who need the same kind of comfort imo. They’re mirrors of each other, he reflects what she would become. The Marcille that has been tempted by Power and desires and is left wrecked from it, regrets, is filled with nothing but vengeance. The Mithrun of the past that might yet still be able to be reasoned with, to be saved. People who wanted to live in an utopia with their loved ones. Listen, everyone by the end is left needing to find themselves a new dream and goal, that’s sorta the point with character arcs and it’s very in theme with the series’ message of constantly desiring new things, BUT I just think it’d be cute if specifically Marcille & Mithrun found a new purpose together ok <3 Mithrun could walk over to her to apologize for the murderous behavior and an acquaintance would start from there. Hnng idk idk it’s understated quiet romance and I love that I’m sorry!!
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THIS POST’S TAGS YES YES YOU GET IT!!!!! Listen my fave thing in ships is when the characters surprisingly have that 1 fundamental thing in common like a fear or desire and that is them!!! I love them sm. This is currently the dunmeshi ship I like the most, sorry. I wanna do a full character and dynamic analysis and write a longfic and do fanart and- Edit: here’s some fanart and more rambles about them hehe!! I make some new points I like in it, like how Marcille’s a mom friend who likes caring after her loved ones.
Somewhat related but I think Mithrun overall is a closer allegory to PTSD and brain damage than depression, and ye I do think that would work well with this dynamic’s potential as well- but that’s a topic for another day
Ok btw ship name wise what are we thinking mithrille to be close to “mithril” or “myrtille” which is essentially french for blueberry? Gonna use mithrille esp since it’s an unique word for practicality but there are fun little motifs we could use with their names there
The leftovers </3 The abused second heir bastard that a demon didn’t deign to finish eating and the girl who’ll always outlive everyone she knows and loves.
They met each other when they were both at a mental low, and they can get better from there. It’s a special kind of intimacy when you both intimately know each other’s lowest moments idk. They’ve fought to the death like 3 times they can drop the formalities at that point lmao. (she never wanted to kill him btw, only "overreacted” as instinctive self-defense). I love how everyone had to keep pulling Mithrun off Marcille bc it looked so bad and he couldn’t stop going straight for her throat lol
Presidential alert the babygirls are fighting
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kickitupanotchbug · 5 years
Since you get this, you have to say five things you like about yourself, publicly, then, you have to send this to ten of your favorite blogs (non-negotiable, positivity is cool) :)
(I’m going to take a page out of @inevitablekickline‘s book and turn this on its head slightly.)
I’m ever so grateful that I have these amazingly talented people who allow me to rant and ramble and come up with various angsty ideas. @bookworm3741 @anxioushufflepuffsstuff @stjernfaerie @messrwolfmcwolf @askdeanthomass @inevitablekickline
I’m thankful for those who have gone before me (oh my gosh that makes them sound like they are dead…sorry. wording choice) who constantly inspire me (whether they know it or not) to try a little something new @marvelousmisterscamander @didyaputyanameinda-gobletoffiya @cheapenigma @thatredlipped-classic @scamandergenes (I’m horrible at tagging. There are so many more. You rock.) (update I forgot about @stuff-of-pi because I tried to tag you as “slice of pie” hnng)
So those who are traveling this rp road with me. They come on with a love for the characters and starkid and rock it! @sweeetiebear @averystarkid-rper @kick-my-head @eyesonthefuckingprize
Annnnddd to all my supportive friendos who drop in to say hi, swap theories,and  are so freaking kind and adopting half of the fandom ;)
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berylliumliumite · 6 years
Here's some rambles about the newest TOA
I usually don't do this for books but this one just hurt me and I can't not say anything. Spoilers under cut. It's just rambling so don't expect a constant structure.
Okay, so first of all I LOVED Lester/Apollo's character development from the first book. Even in the beginning pages!! We see him comfort Grover, (he picked up on how tired he must be too.. A+ for emotional recognition!!) actively try to help in battle, (yeah he's still pretty useless but he's trying and he helps). I haven't seen anyone really talk about how he almost sacrificed himself and honestly? First book he would not have, and not even in the second book. He reflects on it later as being very a very cowardly move and how everything was his fault, but he did manage to distract them for just a few seconds.
The deaths- all of them hurt me. I'll be honest, Crest was stacking up to be one of my favorites. I didn't even feel his death in full because by that time I was mindlessly reading and not really absorbing anything (thanks, Uncle Rick >:/ ). Jason hurt me the most though, like it did with MOST of the fandom, and I've been scrolling through the tags and seeing things people have rebought up (the scene in HoO where he envisions him and Piper with their grandkids especially) and that just made me even more sad. All week I've been going through the stages of grief, starting at denial and ending at denial. And Leo never got to say goodbye?!? Like seriously he goes off to an island and everyone thinks he's dead and he comes back and I'm expecting a whole scene where they reunite and joke and be bros but NO. NO. Uncle Rick has personally stole that scene from me. And Piper. I feel so bad for Piper. I was SO excited to see them again. (You can ask anyone I know; I was freaking out because we got to see Jason and Piper and Mellie and Coach Hedge again.) Ugh.
On a lighter note, we have cactus dryads?! I mean, it was probably always a thing and I was just missing out this whole time but seriously. Succulent dryads! I love dryads- they're so serene and pretty but succulents are just amazing!! I had so many possibilities for amazing characters but no.. I wasn't thinking hard enough..
Meg. MEG. She's also grown so much since the first book, though it's not as noticeable. She is able to open up to Lester, and you can tell than even though he's a dumb idiot he's also the only good parental figure she's had since her father died and I am HERE for it. Parental fluff? Heck yeah.
Honestly, the book was one of the best books Rick's ever written. It was worded so well and everything just fit together perfectly. Like seriously, the pure quality that this book was is incredible. Rick is an amazing writer and this book really showed it.
This Oracle was one of my favorites. It was terrible, but I love how she's being portrayed. On this same topic (kinda), I love how the book wraps up. The whole house gets restored and Meg actually shows some sort of happy emotion? Amazing. Meg plants her magical ash trees? Heck yeah. Meg? GOOD. I.. love Meg.
EDIT NO. 1: Okay no one has even seen this and I have something else to add on.. I'm headcannoning Piper as aro from now on. Honestly, being forced into a romantic situation with your friend because it's expected? Wanting friendship more? A lot of this is just to soothe my aro soul but the daughter of love- who's aro?! I'm here for it. Even if she isn't, I want a daughter of Aphrodite who IS aro. Someone who realizes that they don't feel romantic love and gets comforted by their cabinmates. A daughter of the god of love who spreads friendship and smiles and buys everyone yellow roses for Valentines Day because they know how it feels to be left out and from now on no one will feel left out again.. anyway Piper is aro/ace and I'm here for it.
That's all I got to ramble about right now.. feel free to add on (but tag your spoilers please if you do) I'll probably add some things later when I have the book again but hnng The Burning Maze was an amazingly well-written book that stole all of my emotions thanks for reading.
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Maybe goodbye kisses with Analogical?
A/N: hnng what are endings? Never heard of her. Anyway, enjoy this kinda sad human au.
“Please don’t go,” Virgil uttered breathlessly. He clung to Logan, burying his face in the crook of Logan’s neck. Logan sighed, and ran a hand through Virgil’s hair.
“It’s just a business trip, Virgil. I shouldn’t be gone for more than a few days,” Logan replied softly. Virgil pulled back to look Logan in the eyes.
“I know, but what if something bad happens? What if your flight home gets delayed? What if you run into trouble while on your trip? What if-” Virgil rambled, but was cut off by Logan putting a finger to his lips.
“I will return home to you, safe and sound. I promise,” Logan said, moving his finger from Virgil’s lips to instead cup his face. Virgil leaned forward, and placed a shy kiss on Logan’s lips. He then pulled away slightly, lips nearly brushing against each other. There was a beat of silence, and Logan reached out and tugged Virgil closer, lips pressing firmly to Virgil’s. His hands shifted from gripping his hoodie and cupping his face, to splaying against his back. Virgil’s body curved against Logan’s, his fingers winding into Logan’s hair.
They would pull away every so often, gasping for air, but then quickly diving back in, kissing more fervently than before. That is, until Logan placed a gentle hand on Virgil’s chest, keeping him from leaning in again.
“Virge, I do need to be going,” Logan murmured. Virgil sighed and leaned his forehead against Logan’s.
“I know,” Virgil replied. Logan placed a kiss to Virgil’s cheek, and let go of him. Virgil did as well, although reluctantly.
“Promise me you’ll call when you land?” Virgil asked.
“I promise,” Logan replied. He then gave Virgil one last fleeting kiss, and walked away.
Tag List: @thuriweaver @bloodropsblog @justanotherpurplebutterfly @cosmic-chu @lynlinked @save-me-oh-dream-of-mine @lollingtothemax @sombraplayslazertag @softbludemon @musicsavedmefromdeath @treblesanders @hanramz-the-fander @loganpatton @fandomsandanythingelse @didsomeonesayprince @emphoenixcat @sanders-trash-4ever @loverofpizzaandallthingssweet @every-day-insomniac @freekiphotography @sweetinsomniac @purplepatton @shygirl4991 @bangthekobrakid @coffeestudylive @backatthebein @thisrandomperson102 @mewsicalmiss @freepaperie081 @ironwoman359 @romanssippycup @look-its-meme @royallyanxious @cyndaquil17 @thagrinbery @le2712 @littlemiracle05 @mystrangedarkson @kanejandkrudge @kitsuneprideleader @allthemetalsoftherainbow 
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kyluxtrashpit · 6 years
Writing Meme
So I wasn’t actually tagged in this, but I saw it going around a while back and I was trying to write but it turns out writing + muscle relaxants is not a good combo, thus instead of actually writing I’m just going to talk about my writing because why the hell not
What’s your total word count on AO3?
286801. Which, uh, um, wow, excuse me while I pick my jaw up off the floor. And that’s not including a number of tumblr only fics for both this fandom and my previous one. I honestly feel like I haven’t written a lot because 90% of my fics are short and I’ve only been writing fic since 2015 (we’re not going to count those fumbles back when I was like 14 on quizilla lmao), but I guess if you write enough short things, they do eventually add up haha
How often do you write?
I make random notes of ideas and such all the time, but as in actually sitting down and writing? It depends on my mood. There are times I write for hours every day for a week. There are times when I haven’t touched a single document in weeks. Writing is, unfortunately, a hobby for me and when irl gets stupid or the brain gremlins are acting up, it’s one of the first things that falls to the wayside because it does take a lot of mental energy. But the groove does always come back eventually. I only force myself when I can take it, mentally, so mostly I’m just floating on inspiration
(The rest is behind a cut because I really rambled a lot here, wow. And if you’re on mobile, I am so sorry)
Do you have a routine for writing?
Not really. I basically sit down, make sure I have a beverage and maybe some snacks (usually something like chocolate chips or m&ms - simple sugars help you think by giving you energy without taking much to digest them. It’s a trick I used for university), and put in headphones with music. For music, I tend towards instrumentals, be that classical or video game soundtracks, just because having lyrics can confuse my brain if I’m not focusing well. Atmospheric (storms, ocean, etc.) also sometimes work. I also tend to have a game of solitaire open in the background, for when I need to pause and think but I need to still be doing something just to keep the flow going
What are your favorite kinks/tropes/pairings?
I mean, I am all about d/s dynamics, sub!Kylo especially, in case you hadn’t noticed lmao. That’s my bread and butter. So mostly I like anything that goes with that (also like, not necessarily orgasm denial proper, but any sexual act where only one party gets gratification out of it is hnng). Here’s random list of other kinks I like in no particular order: begging, desperation, dirty talk, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, weird kinks, objectification, petplay, etc. I love far too many to ever list them all lmao
As for tropes, I love to say I’m a fan of slow burm and mutual pining but in truth I’m suffering the whole time lmao. I think there’s no further proof that I’m a masochist than the amount of them I read. Forced proximity is always fun, especially with unintentional bonding/intimacy. Love love love themes with mental health issues. Hurt/comfort and angst with a happy ending are also like, the good shit. Oooh and let’s not forget touch starvation. Although one of my favourite tropes in the kylux fandom is the ‘overly specific au’ fics that we have. It’s like a specialty here and I love it
As for pairings, I tend to only write one at a time, so right now it’s just kylux. I like some others (finnrey, stormpilot, benpoe, reysma, etc.) but my general fandom experience is one ship grabbing me by the short hairs and that’s just what I do now haha. I have branched out on occasion before, so who knows, maybe it will happen again?
Do you have a favorite fic of yours?
This is... really difficult tbh. There’s a handful that have special places in my heart (as in mostly the long ones lmao; anything 10k+ is a miracle for me). But if I had to choose, I would pick Fractured. Not necessarily because I think it’s my best story or the one that I would most want to read if I hadn’t written it, but because from a storytelling standpoint it is by far the most difficult and ambitious thing I’ve ever done. Because of the way I did it (and I honestly believe the way I did it was the way I had to do it) with the flashbacks basically made it 2 stories in one, except those 2 stories were also part of a larger, third story that combined them both. Editing was a nightmare (reading just the present scenes, just the past scenes, and then the whole thing together to make sure the flow worked after every chapter, plus all the usual nightmares of editing), the subject matter was heavy and hard to write, and the whole thing took me a year to actually get ready to even post. It was gruelling and it was basically just me sitting by myself for a year bouncing ideas around until they congealed enough to actually be a story lmao. I have never outlined so much in my life. But I’m also obscenely proud of how it turned out given all I went through to make it exist, which is why I’m picking it
Your fic with the most kudos?
This award goes to Touch which, while I’m not really surprised by that, is a fic I still have a complicated relationship with. It was my second ever kylux fic and the first with smut and also my true introduction to the absolutely insane amount of feedback you can get in a big fandom (as compared to my previous one, at least). However, it was also the fic where I had accidentally copied another writer in a few sections. Even though we worked it out, I apologized, both publicly and privately, and made some edits as well as giving credit to the author, I still feel bad about it nearly 2 years later. It’s the one fic of mine I really don’t think about often as a result, despite it’s success
Anything you don’t like about your writing?
I wish I was better at holding the flow/continuity. This is a large part of why I don’t write a lot of long fics, but I just have so much trouble with it. As a result, you may have noticed that I do a lot of timeskips, which leaves my longer fics as basically just all the scenes I thought where important with nothing between them except horizontal lines. And I know a bad scene transition is worse than just doing a jump, but damn, I really wish I could get things to flow better in that specific regard. Inside a scene? Easy, I can do that. But getting my scenes to link together into a coherent narrative with an overarching plot? Eh, not confident I pull that off very well. I think the way I do it does work, but I also think the stories would be better if I could find a way to not do that
Now something you do like?
I really do think I do a good job at writing in character and particularly in getting inside the character’s heads. From what I can tell, I tend to write more like an rper than I do an actual author in that I’m basically getting into the character’s heads and letting it evolve organically from there. Sure, I have a basic plan as to where things are going, but the little details and the introspection tend to be more gleaned in the moment from what the character wants. I love getting into deep POV and I think I do a good job of it. I’ve had some people tell me my writing is too introspective but like, that is what I enjoy in fic, both reading and writing. And also that is how I experience the world; my ultimate goal is to make the reader really understand what it’s like to experience the world as the character who’s perspective I’m writing from. And I think I am moderately successful at that, though I’m sure I still have more to learn
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veloxaraptor · 6 years
Training Day (Captain Errol Flynn)
(Lapold Reul belongs to @schrammes-ramblings and is used with permission.)
“Alright maggots, listen up.” Errol strides out, front and center of the troops daily formation. “You've been receiving training under the commander and I for a while now. But that's all pointless if you never get to test the things you've learned. So today, we will have a real, live-fire simulation.”
The troops all side eye one another and a quiet murmur breaks through the ranks. A tic goes off in Errol’s jaw and she immediately calls them all to attention. “Oy! No talking in formation! How many times must we cover this?!” It was true, she had. And each time they messed it up, only served to infuriate her more. “All of you! Drop! Rifles on your hands, give me twenty! The Lieutenant here will keep watch. Any of you screw up and you start back over. As a group. Lieutenant.” She turns to her randomly selected accomplice. “Once they’ve finished their exercise satisfactorily, escort them to the training grounds out back.”
“Yes, ma’am.” He offered a snappy salute and Errol marched off, hands clasped at the small of her back.
Half an hour later, the troops began to putter in, looking sweaty and tired. Errol, on the other hand, looked well rested and quite refreshed. She stands up from the random lawn chair she had managed to produce with a clap on her thighs.
“Ah yes, my little gizka. Perhaps next time you’ll remember to keep your trap shut.” She claps her hands together and then gestures to a table full of water bottles. “Hydrate yourselves and take a few moments to catch a breather while I explain today’s training.” Gratefully, the men stampeded over to the table and drank as they turned to focus on their Captain.
Once she was confident she held the men’s attention, she gestured behind her to the open desert where barricades were set up. “Today’s scenario, gentlemen, is a small scale riot. Now, as I am sure you’re aware, sometimes our leaders make decisions that are not popular with the general populace. For example, putting down a group or sect of people because they feel they’re no longer relevant and pose a threat.”
She clenches her fists behind her back and takes a deep breath before continuing. “Other examples are changes to laws, or tax raises that the local populace doesn’t agree with. Sometimes, this causes such dissent, that locals will arm themselves and revolt. They’ll take to the streets, gunning down anyone they perceive as a threat or opposition. Anyone they think is supporting the leadership.” Errol pauses to make sure the men were registering so far. Pleased with their responses, she continued. “It’s in these scenarios which men like you and I are called into action to protect not only the leadership, but the law abiding citizens in harm’s way. So today’s exercise is two fold. One; put down any violent rioters. Two; protect and avoid civilian casualties.
“Things can get pretty hectic.” She continued. “Sometimes you don’t always have a clear shot at a target because they are using a hostage. In that case, you need to use your better judgement. Sometimes it is better to let the target go than risk the life of an innocent bystander. Sometimes it’s not. Today’s trial won’t put you through that, however. Just don’t shoot civilians, yeah?”
With that, she waves the group over. Beyond the barricades which were meant to simulate buildings and kiosks, was an array of droids. Skytroopers, target dummies, and protocol droids. The men seemed a bit confused for a moment and looked towards Errol for explanation.
“Alright, mites. Here’s the scoop. I had some defunct Skytroopers shipped here and repaired with training protocols. The Ras was kind enough to loan us some of his outdated protocol droids, and I bought some training droids. I think they’re defunct HK models…. ANYWAYS.” She claps her hands again. “The Skytroopers represent heavy duty rioters who may take more than a few shots to take down. The training droids are standard folk who are just dumb enough to try and fight with no training. And the protocol droids represent civilians.
“NOW. I have programmed these droids to shoot at you.” There were gasps and murmurs amongst the men. “Oh stop it.” Errol waved a hand. “They’re programmed to shoot weak bolts at you that’ll feel no more painful than a punch. The point is, don’t get shot. If you get hit in the chest or head, you’re down. And I’ll know who because it’ll hurt.”
Errol’s grin widened as a collective gulp rippled through the company. “These barricades represent buildings and kiosks you’d likely encounter out in town. Use them for cover while you wait for an opening. And DONT,” She stressed, “Shoot any civilians. These droids are on loan from the Ras with the strict understanding that any damages will be paid for out of the Commander’s pocket. I really don’t want to deal with his rage when he finds out what I’ve done behind his back if one of those droids get destroyed. Because then I’ll take it out on you.”
“You have two minutes to get into position. Starting… NOW.” And with that, the men scurried off to find a place to hide from incoming fire. Or at least tried. Several ran into one another trying to get to spots, others tried to cram too many into one spot.
By the time the scenario began operating, only three quarters of the company were behind solid cover. Immediately, three individuals were tagged in the head or chest by incoming fire. Errol used the force to pull them to safety while the remainder of the troops continued the exercise.
Several managed to adapt to the situation remarkably well, almost as though they had had training before. Errol made a point of taking note of who they were to pass along to Lapold. Others seemed to struggle, but she hadn’t expected a well oiled machine. This drill was to see where the men stood and what needed to be worked on most. A couple panicked. They had either hid behind cover, cowering the whole time, or would pop up, spray and pray, and then hide again. Errol also took note of who they were, so that she could make recommendations and pull them aside for personal tutoring if necessary.
Finally, at the end of the hour long session, the “rioters” were down, more than half the company had “survived” and only a few “civilians” had tragically lost their lives. Luckily, she had been joking about Lapold having to pay for them. Mostly. Errol was mildly impressed. The company had fared better than she had been expecting, though not as good as she would have liked. Still, she was proud of them and called them all over for post-scenario debrief.
“Alright, everyone. Take a knee and put your safeties on.” She stood in the center as they all formed a half circle around her, ready to listen to what she had to say. “I’m honestly impressed with you lot today. You did much better than I had expected. But you still have a long way to go. So I’m going to address what went wrong first, and how to improve, then tell you all what you did right so we end on a high note. Hmm?
“Now,” Errol had begun when suddenly the sound of a weapon firing echoed through the field. Suddenly, there was a searing pain in the Captain’s gut. It took a moment for her to register what had happened and the congregation sat there silently, looks of pure shock and terror on their faces.
From his office window, Lapold had looked up just in time to see the events unfolding in slow motion. One moment, Errol had been addressing the men, the next, a stray blaster bolt whizzed by and pierced through her abdomen, just below her ribs. He was on his feet in an instant, rushing to the scene.
Errol looked over to where she had suspected the blast had come from, to see a cadet holding his weapon, looking petrified. “I-I’m sorry, Captain. I… I was trying to turn the safety on and hnng--” His words were cut off as Errol reached out with the force and began to choke him.
Finally, the men had snapped out of it and one stood and rushed off, shouting behind him. “I’ll go get the Commander!”
“GET A GODS DAMNED MEDIC. I CANT HEAL MYSELF.” Errol roared, tightening her grip on the cadet’s throat. Her free hand gripped the hole in her gut that had gone clear through. Bad day for her to have chosen her Scion’s gear over armor.
Lapold rounded the corner as Errol was shouting, medic already in tow. The man had impeccable timing, Errol thought to herself as the pair rushed over to her. Lapold placed his hand on her outstretched arm, gently trying to lower it.
“Captain, let the cadet go. You need medical attention.” His voice was soothing, at least to her.
“No shit, sir.” Came her response through gritted teeth. “Choking the everloving life out of this buffoon is the only thing keeping me from collapsing right now.”
“Let go.” Lapold repeated himself firmly. “I will deal with his punishment while you’re treated.”
Errol didn’t want to let go. She wanted to wring the life out of the little fool with all of Tyth’s rage. She wanted to snap his little neck. But alas, her injury finally took its toll and weakly, she released the young private before crumpling into a heap on the ground.
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otabekskitten · 7 years
A Dozen Roses Ch 1
Otayuri I G-Rated
Yuri works in the flower shop. Otabek is a business man. This is how they fell in love.
Fluff, Falling in Love, Mutual Pining
Word count: 5.1K 
Read on AO3
((Also this one is dedicated to @sleepyams thank you vilm darling for helping me bring this to life and encouraging me to make this a fic so please do send her some love too if you feel like it x3))
Yuri hears the door chime go off with his back facing the door as he prepares a wedding bouquet order. He says his greetings and asks,
“Would you like any help in searching for something specific today?” and as soon as he turns around he feels like the world is moving in slow motion.
He has never seen someone so handsome in his life till he laid his eyes on this man in front of him. Otabek was looking around as he was curious as to what in this store caught his eye and soon realized what it was when he made eye contact with this angel that appeared in front of him.
Yuri totally forgot what he was doing just a second ago and had his eyes set on this beautiful man, that he started to stutter. Yuri tried his best to snap out of it and compose himself and he tries once again to gently ask this gentleman if he needed any help. Otabek lands back to reality and has to blink his eyes a few times to make sure that this wasn’t a dream. Otabek tries to come up with a clever answer or remember his actual reason that he came here but he got distracted once again when he saw this man in front of him smile so cutely.
“Ah actually I totally forgot what I came in here for and then something else in particular caught my eye.”
Otabek was hoping that the hint in the air carried through as he read the guy’s name tag reading Yuri. He wanted to say that name over and over as if it was music to his ears. Yuri was thinking Otabek was possibly flirting with him but he was more convinced that this man has to be taken right?! Yuri clears his throat and says
“Well we are currently in a flower shop with all types of flowers that are great for all types of occasions.”
Yuri laughs a bit wondering if Otabek is catching on to the joke he’s trying to convey but he just starts to ramble in his head that maybe he’s just overdoing it.
After a few seconds of realization Otabek laughs and Yuri laughs with him. Their laughs together sounded like music to each others ears. Otabek decides to take this chance to say
“Thank you for informing me... Yuri? Is it?”
Yuri was surprised at hearing his name that he almost forgot he had his name tag on for one reason or another and says
“Oh yes that’s me, at your service!”
“I’m Otabek its very nice to meet you Yuri.”
As he extends his hand for a handshake Yuri is hesitant at first but gladly takes it and they feel a tingle across both their spines that they wonder if the other can hear how loud their heartbeats are sounding right now.
Neither really want to let go but Yuri is the one who decides to take the plunge and let’s go first. He swoops it in his hair to try and act natural but instead awkwardly laughs. Otabek notices the time and is sad he has to go so soon already, he’d stay here the whole day if he could. But alas work calls so he proceeds to tell Yuri,
“Ah I have to go now my break today is much shorter than I thought but I hope to see you again tomorrow! Maybe then I’ll remember what I was looking for.”
He manages to sneak in a wink causing Yuri to almost hiccup at the final realization that hit his heart.
So Otabek is flirting with me!!!? What??? Since when? I’m just, what I’m... Yuri gets out of his own head and catches his breath and says,
“Oh yes I hope to see you again tomorrow Otabek.” as he smiles so big he can’t even try to hide it.
Otabek’s heart goes hnng and waves goodbye and Yuri does the same. Otabek runs over back to work and is so ecstatic, he didn’t expect to find someone so beautiful as Yuri. He wanted tomorrow to be here already so he can see that angel again.
Yuri almost falls over as he holds on to the pillar next to him for support. He starts to talk out loud rambling to himself,
“Did that just happen? Did I just flirt... successfully?! I was just a nervous wreck though. What does he see in me? I know what I saw in him. I’m just so in awe but WOW! I’m really excited for tomorrow. But oh my heart needs to stop beating so loud.”
The next day rolls around and Otabek is right on time which surprised Yuri for a second since he didn’t get a chance to double check if he looked good or not. He managed to do a quick check and tried his best to look natural, it wasn’t like he was eagerly waiting for Otabek to show up. (He definitely was c;)
“Ah so you’ve returned. Welcome back, have you found what you were looking for?”
There is a slight pause as Otabek notices Yuri standing in what seems to be a slightly awkward position but decides to not point it out and just laughs for a second.
“You know I’m honestly not sure yet. I was wondering if you could show me around. Maybe then I’ll figure out if I’ve found what I’m looking for.”
Yuri is a bit flustered since he wasn’t actually sure what he was expecting to hear. But he somehow finds it in himself to compose a sentence.
“Oh yes of course we have a lot of lovely options I’m sure we can find it together.”
Yuri continues as he goes in depth about a section of flowers as their first lesson, which will soon turn into many. Otabek looks on both the flowers but also at the ever so lovely Yuri in front of him. He admires how much he knows and is willing to share with him all these little details. Yuri on the other hand was so immersed that he didn’t get a chance to sneak in a few glances at Otabek as he wished but he was glad Otabek was here to listen and hopefully enjoy.
Otabek unfortunately has to end this session and says,
“I’m sorry, I have to get going now. Work calls. Thank you for everything and I hope we can do the same tomorrow?” giving his killer smile that he himself doesn’t realize the effect it has on people.
Yuri feeling slightly breathless from both his rambles and this gorgeous smile and says,
“Of course I would love to.”
They both stand there for a bit just smiling at each other when Yuri’s co-worker brings them both to their senses and Otabek says a final goodbye for the day. Both are left with such a warm feeling in their heart that they hope it doesn’t go away anytime soon.
Their short time spent together during their respective breaks went from days, to weeks, to now a few months. They became so comfortable with one another that they found countless things to talk about throughout the flower lessons. Such as talking about a lame joke that they both laughed a bit too hard at when they were together. They found out they had similar tastes in music especially when Otabek brought up a playlist he had to show to Yuri. They even had similar interests in figure skating they both had such a special connection to it that they felt like they somehow must have done that in a past life or something.
It was crazy, all the little things that added up and they wouldn’t trade it for the world because they got to spend it with each other.
One day though Yuri came to realize just how much he didn’t stop to think of how this could possibly end. Yuri got so caught up in getting to know Otabek that he was nervous of what he could think if he ever found out that Yuri was not this gentle happy soul all the time. Yuri can get pretty loud if he’s pushed to the edge.
Yuri is never really sure how to describe it himself he’s in a way sensitive or how others have said quite peculiar. He was told these things at a very young and impressionable age and ever since he's been quite self aware. So he has been in a constant worried state when kids started to stray away from him or thought he was something else than what he acted like.
Due to this he’s had some trust issues and letting people come in close to his personal bubble. But Otabek was different he had such an energy, Yuri has felt nothing but comfortable with him. He was sure he’d be different from the others who got close and decided it wasn’t for them but Yuri was still nervous. He doesn’t want to mess this up... Otabek means so much to him that he will do his best till the end.
As Yuri was getting ready to close up the shop for the night he began to reflect on how he got to this point in his life. Yuri is a gentle being in the flower shop but this was not how it has always been. he has worked several jobs before this comfy one he’s found a place he likes to call home. He’s had this creep follow him from place to place for a while now but this time he’s had it. As soon as he got the vibe and knew he was near him once again he didn’t want to deal with it anymore so he finally let loose.
Little did he know that Otabek was across the street seeing the whole thing. Otabek notices Yuri before Yuri notices him about to ask,
“Hey do you need some help?” right when Yuri yells at the creep.
“Would you just fucking back off once and for all. I’m so tired of your bullshit. I’m finally in a good place in my life so stop ruining it.”
In this moment he was so sick and tired of trying to play this “nice guy” to this lowlife creep who has apparently followed him throughout all the jobs he’s had prior. Since Yuri was yelling so loud to make sure the creep understood he accidentally yelled, “WHAT?!!” to Otabek as he turned around.
He was shocked to see Otabek there and was like, fuck I ruined another damn good thing in my life huh... He gets shy at the hit of reality and tries to go back to the gentle side of him that Otabek knows replying, “I’m fine.”
Luckily the creep finally gets the picture from not only the yelling but also from the intense glare Otabek is giving him and runs off. Yuri ended up staring at the ground trying to hide from his embarrassment quickly says,”I have to go.” and runs off in any direction that is away from here taking the chance wisely as he hears Otabek’s friend calling his name.
Yuri makes sure the coast is clear and catches his breath and he rubs his eyes to try and get over his tears that he knows are about to form. He was really hoping to keep this thing with Otabek pure and maybe turn into a real relationship. But he’s so convinced that he ruined it like everything else before. So he stops at the nearest convenience store and gets his favorite treat on his walk back to his apartment and tries to sleep everything off.
Yuri calls in sick to the flower shop not wanting to face Otabek after what happened. He hears his cat Scorpio meow and decides to ask,
“Did I make another mistake again?”
“I did, didn’t I? I really hope he could have been different from the others but I guess I was wrong.”
Scoprio gives a certain look causing Yuri to say,
“You’re right I shouldn’t think like that I’m sure maybe someday I’ll find someone better… but I still just want him though……”
Yuri paces back and forth for the rest of the day going about business as usual just trying to take his mind off of Otabek. He would stare at his phone from time to time and was almost thankful they somehow managed not to exchange numbers yet because if they had, he’d be so tempted to call him right now.
He hears his cat meow next to him as if she knows what Yuri is thinking so well.
“But what would I even say to him ‘Oh sorry you saw that side of me I hope you don’t think of me differently. I know I’m trying to avoid you right now but can you forgive me’”
“What if he’s like (deep voice impression of Otabek) “blah blah What The Fuck who are you again? I only knew flower shop Yuri blah blah”
Yuri ends up angrily sighing and gives up for the day.
One week has passed and Yuri is still the same frustrated self, he continues to ramble to his cat in hopes that maybe he’ll find an answer. He’s tried to talk to some of his friends about this but he felt at peace with his cat. Although he only heard meows every time, over the years it has become a comfort for him and deep down he felt like his cat knew just what to say. No matter how crazy that might seem he really was thankful to have really anyone to listen to him with no judgement.
Yuri was now reaching the two week mark and today he’s finally going to decide whether or not to finally come back. He had to ask the right person or in this case feline to help him make this important decision. He rarely did this and he still doesn’t really remember when or why he bought these outfits but he found the perfect one to put on Scorpio. He had this suit outfit for cats and it fit her so well that he couldn’t resist using it.
First Yuri snapped a picture of Scorpio sitting and posing so purrfectly. Yuri straightened up and asked Scorpio, in a very serious tone mind you, if he should finally start going back to work. He heard a long meow in response, in which Yuri assumed that as a yes. Yuri was nervous though and started to ramble as he does.
“But what if Otabek does show up though? What do I say? What if he doesn’t show up? Will I be okay with either outcome that comes my way? What do I want to see by coming back?...”
As Scorpio was yawning she just so happened to put her paw on Yuri’s hand and meowed as if she knew it was going to be okay. Yuri thought at first, what the hell just happened is my cat actually trying to hold my hand right now. But then he realized that,
“Yes I can do this. I’ll prepare for whatever outcome. thank you so much Scorpio for listening to me, now let’s get you out of that suit and I will reward you with an extra treat for being such a good girl.”
Meanwhile Otabek walks into the shop as normal but partly on high alert worried about Yuri. He wasn’t able to catch up to him that night and he really wish he did. He looks around and starts to fidget in anticipation when Yuri’s co-worker comes up to him and asks Otabek if he needed anything. Otabek turned around hoping he’d see Yuri but was very disappointed to not see him there.
So instead to be polite he said he was just looking around and was curious about if she had seen Yuri come to work today. She’s noticed Otabek come in from time to time and decided to let him know that Yuri called in sick. But said to come back tomorrow to keep him hopeful for Yuri’s return. She asks if there happens to be anything else he might need while she’s here.
Otabek looks around for a bit until he sees the perfect flower, a rose, a red one to be precise. He asked the girl if she could have this flower on reserve for Yuri, so he knows that he stopped by. The girl happily obliged his request and said that she was sure that Yuri would love it. Otabek thanked her kindly and soon left to go back to his work but he still had Yuri in the back of his mind. He hoped he was doing okay, he thought about him constantly.
He stopped by everyday at their usual meet up time in hopes that today would finally be the day that he’d see this angel again. The girl working there gave him a sad expression and said that he was still out sick. Otabek started to pout and sigh after the first full week passed but he never gave up hope. He knew he would have to come back sometime so everyday on the dot he walked on over and requested to leave one red rose every day so Yuri can see them when he does return.
Today is the day that Yuri makes his fateful comeback, he’s grateful for his coworker that covered his shift. He noted to himself to make it up to her sometime. Yuri is convinced that Otabek has probably given up by now right? Pfft like he’d even come back after the scene he saw. As he was getting everything in the shop prepared and was about to continue his rambling thoughts. He was pleasantly surprised to see two dozen roses in bloom and is amazed and in awe immediately saying “Wow!” and notices Otabek peeking behind them and they both blush.
Yuri is the most shy he has ever been when Otabek says
“They’re for you, I’ve been coming in like usual asking to leave a rose for every day I came. I also wanted to make sure that creep didn’t come back. But overall I just wanted to make sure that you were okay (shyly smiling)”
After a slight pause still in awe over the roses Yuri says, “Thank you they’re beautiful.” Now once again rambling in his mind, “Shit he’s right in front of me this has to be good to be true right?...”
An awkward silence falls over them both and Otabek says,
“So I’ve been meaning to ask you, Would you like to go on a date with me?” (As they have been casually flirting for the past 3 months now so it’s about damn time right c;)
Yuri who is in complete shock replies, “Wait are you serious??!”
“I would never joke about something like that to you.”
“But you saw how I was, How I can be…. I’m not a gentle being you probably imagined and...”
He slowly gets interrupted by Otabek who takes Yuri hand and kisses it sending shivers down both their spines.
“I like that side of you as well, if anything I think I started to fall more in love. I’d love to get to know all sides of you, if you’d let me and same for you with me if you are willing.”
Otabek didn’t let go of Yuri’s hand until Yuri decided to yank his hand away out of both confusion and happiness and says,
Otabek feeling happier than he has been in a long while replies, “Do you mean it??”
Otabek feels like a smitten kitten who just got a new toy. Yuri keeps the hand Otabek kissed close to his heart in attempts to cover up his loud heartbeats and quietly says,
“You heard me idiot.”
Otabek is so glad to see Yuri again after so long. Otabek just feels like the luckiest guy in the world right now and says, “I will see you tonight then.”
Yuri nods and Otabek says he has to go but that he’s really excited for tonight as he puts down the new rose left for today. Yuri sighs of relief when he hears the door ding knowing Otabek has finally left and brings his hand close to his lips and says,
“Someone pinch me this can’t be real life I must be dreaming right?”
He then takes a moment to smell the beautiful roses Otabek presented just for him.
Yuri was on cloud nine throughout the rest of the day that he couldn’t stop giving glances here and there at the bouquet of roses. To think that Otabek thought of him every time he came here and to leave a rose for him he just couldn’t believe how much love he felt through them. He was helping customers all throughout the day humming and dancing whenever he had the chance.
Otabek was so lost in thought as well thinking about Yuri and how he was finally able to convey his feelings properly. He wanted to tell him everything and more but he knew he had to be productive today to not fall behind. So they both were able to continue their work days just fine, leading to preparing for their date that night.
Read here for Ch. 2
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riddle-me-ri · 1 year
This is not a request, but... rather an interest in your thoughts on this matter. How do you think BTAS Dork Squad will react if S/O dies, but receives "Jason Todd-style treatment", that is, rebirth through the Lazarus Pit, and returns to them? How quickly will they find a new mate, if at all, will they look for a new mate?
Hey anon! First of all thanks for sending this! It's nice to know people are interested in my thoughts and takes! So I appreciate the ask and interest!
Now...onto the a wee bit of angst cause that's what it will most likely be hnng. And because I tend to ramble, I'm adding a read more tag..so sorry lol
There's no doubt that for each of the members of the Dork Sqaud...they would be absolutely distraught at the loss of their significant other. We kind of plump them together as the Dork Squad in the fandom for numerous reason, one of them being, I think, is because they are in fact dorks...they're socially awkward and unsure about interactions...especially (again, allegedly) in terms of romance.
The time, effort, devotion, and process to get to that point with each member...is no easy feat for any of the guys or their partners. But it's absolutely worth it when they're able to be their most authentic selves and still be loved and supported for who they are.
All the more reason why the loss is absolutely tremendous. I highly doubt they would be in a rush to find another partner. It's just...they don't think the odds of finding someone like their original partner is exactly in their favor. Not that they were particularly looking when they met their late partner, but that's what made them so special, a miracle in all honestly.
Much like how their partner just...came back to them...I can imagine it's a bit...shocking and startling. I don't doubt the Dork Squad will think their mind is playing with them. They won't believe their partner is real.
Jervis has dreamt of his partner being back with him, they were always so real...he'll think it's another dream. Jonathan has a new fear, and it's feeling his loss over and over again, and its a repeated nightmare. Edward believes it's his sleep deprived mind playing tricks, trying to trick him to go to bed...to sleep alone.
For their partner to miraculously be alive...it'll take time for them to accept it as truth. Even when they're newly alive partner tries to explain, its just all so overwhelming and too much.
However, once the shock is over, and it really sinks in that their partner is back...back just the way they were before the dork squad lost them. The guys are overjoyed, and relieved. You can be believe they won't let anything happen to their partner again.
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