#just menopause symptoms
entity9silvergen · 1 year
Me: Since t causes menopause-
Transfem: Tea causes menopause??? What kind of tea are you drinking???
Me: Testosterone. I’m on testosterone.
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cervinelich · 10 months
And afab people in general. There's gonna be some TMI here so I apologize in advance.
So, I was using some nipple suction things for sex reasons when I noticed that a tiny bead of sticky fluid had come out of one of my nipples - and, firstly, you should always tell your doctor if you are having nipple discharge.
I told my doctor about it and she referred me to get a mammogram and breast ultrasound because this can be a sign of cancer or infection. It can also be caused by hormone irregularity (for instance, if you are on testosterone).
Due to a bunch of insurance shit I wasn't able to get in to my mammogram/ultrasound until 5 months after the initial discharge and in the meantime I was still using the nipple suction bc 1. I like it and 2. I kind of had a morbid curiosity about the discharge tbh.
Here's the MOST important part.
It wasn't until I spoke to the ultrasound technician 5 months later that she told me under no circumstances should I be intentionally expressing the discharge.
My results all came back negative and it turns out it was just hormonal, however my regular doctor had not told me that expressing the discharge opens up your mammary ducts to infection. The more they open, the more likely they are to get infected. And, according to the technician, it is not easily treated with antibiotics and is extremely painful - and sometimes requires surgery.
Unfortunately for me this means no more suction devices, rip, but since my doctor had neglected to tell me about this I thought it was worth spreading the word.
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actuallyistj · 25 days
why did I not know until now that HRT is also used to treat menopause symptoms?????????????? why would people hate on HRT if it's not only for trans people but also for just other people who need it and just so happen to not be trans???????? WHY DID I NOT KNOW THIS
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vamptastic · 11 months
its like so fucked to me that PCOS is almost always diagnosed in middle aged women bc of fertility issues unless the person in question has a very obvious and severe case or lobbies their doctor at length about it. this would not be so upsetting to me if PCOS didn't massively increase your risk of developing type 2 diabetes in a way that is largely preventable! or if PCOS didn't make it damn near impossible to lose weight, meaning many people have their symptoms dismissed be it for other health problems or PCOS symptoms themselves over something they have next to no control over.
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mylittleredgirl · 1 year
so it’s not great that one of my ears has been ringing for two months and it’s not great that the other one started ringing this morning BUT they are ringing at two different pitches and they harmonize nicely
(yeah i’m finally going to a doctor)
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jay-arts-t · 5 months
Cold gf/hot bf, not Yenralt. Yennefer? Furnace. That woman has no uterus, she has menopause. Geralt? Furnace too. He grew up in the damn mountains. Sleeping in bed together is unbearable. Yes they both want cuddles but no!! Because!!! it's too!!!! Hot!!!!! When they adopt Ciri and she wants to cuddle in bed with them, she quickly learns why she shouldn't! It's like a sauna in there. Even though Yennefer would probably enchant her bedsheets to always stay cool, they both Still manage to make it unbearably hot. This results in Geralt getting kicked out of bed a lot, or voluntarily sleeping on the hardwood floor. And/or Yennefer opens all of the windows.
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theygender · 2 years
I'm doing it. I'm gonna get a fucking hysterectomy
#its something ive talked about half jokingly for years bc the idea of ever being pregnant or giving birth makes me INCREDIBLY dysphoric#so it seems completely fucking pointless to have to go through so much pain and sickness every month for absolutely no reason#this past month where i couldnt get my medication already had me seriously thinking about it tho#bc even if im managing my endometriosis okay with BC i dont want to have to worry about going through hell if i cant fill my prescription#i was looking into the side effects and etc bc i was thinking about asking my doctor about it next time i went in#and the only thing that had me concerned was that a full hysterectomy or oophorectomy sends you into menopause which seems like itd suck#(but smaller surgeries like tube ligations dont actually stop you from having periods)#BUT i was complaining about this at work and one of my coworkers told me she had a hysterectomy for endometriosis#and her doctor gave her a partial hysterectomy so it stops periods and prevents pregnancy but doesnt send you into menopause#and that sounds fucking GREAT honestly so i wanted to ask my doctor about it even more#but now that roe v wade has been overturned? the deal is sealed im getting this hell machine out of me one way or another#im hoping that my doctor will be understanding as a woman herself but if not my coworker said she'll give me her doctors info#and if THAT doesnt work. i just checked out r/childfree and theyve got a list of doctors in my area who are willing to help#i dont want to keep suffering through chronic illness symptoms every month for absolutely no reason#i dont want to run the risk of getting pregnant and having to live through my worst nightmare as someone with dysphoria#AND like my gf just pointed out to me. ive got other health issues that im trying to get sorted out#im chronically underweight and i either have pots or some kind of hypertension. plus a low immune system and etc etc etc#being forced to carry a pregnancy could fucking kill me for all i know. AND i would have to go off of a lot of my meds??#all this thing does is cause me chronic pain and put my already precarious physical and mental health at risk#im GETTING it fucking taken out#rambling#ive got an appointment with my therapist on tuesday and i think im gonna ask about getting an official diagnosis of gender dysphoria#and im already in the process of getting tested for pots with my primary care doctor#so hopefully those diagnoses combined with my endometriosis will help speed it along... 🙏
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viriporne · 1 year
S2g why do ultrasounds take so fucking long to process goddamn can I know if my uterus is possibly defective or not yet pleaseee
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liesyousoldme · 2 years
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also the feeling of winning a politically based argument with my dad is soooo fucking good
#talking about bitchass sunak and how he's proposed a £5-10 fee for if u wanna go to the doctors#and i am EXTREMELY against that shit#the nhs is free for a fucking reason. nobody should have to drop a single PENNY to be able to live#anyway i said that (without the swears) and he started to tell me why actually it would “reduce nhs strain!!” cuz apparently ppl just go to#the hospital to “get out of the cold”#and then i said but dad you see how that's entirely another problem. to solve that problem you fix the cold ???????#(ie. drop heating bills. like come ON it doesn't take a 200IQ to figure that out)#at this point he walks outta the room and closes the door. reopens the door upon me yelling that he was avoiding saying im right#then he comes back and tells me (very patronisingly) that coming out of the cold means just coming into hospital with unnecessary problems#to which i said well i have not heard of anyone doing that (we are indian and won't go to the doctor unless like. we are fucking dying)#and he says you'll be surprised... and i was like ok. i bet its just ppl who are lonely. which again !! another problem entirely !!#and i said well putting the fee in place won't actually stop that. ppl who are lonely will keep being lonely#and maybe we'll see an increase in elderly suicides. or more reports of houses that people just stop coming out of#or MAYBE we'll start hearing reports of ppl who die of entirely treatable diseases and illnesses cuz they couldn't afford to go#or were in the middle of choosing between food for their kids and heating one (1) room and decided fuck it this recurring stomach ache#might just be menopause or whatever the fuck. i goes to my dad people play down symptoms all the TIME#and it starts from youth !!! from school !! we are told if u have a headache or a stomach ache just come in ^_^ its better than missing !!#like wtf. what kind of shit system is that. it feels horrible to come to school when people are very clearly ill#you deserve to be resting not suffering through a whole day in pain & not able to breathe & honestly u don't learn shit on those days#didn't tell my dad that. but. he responds by saying there's ppl whove said that stuff like milk bread eggs should be free. and i said yea#and bathroom products. by which i mean toilet paper and pads and tampons#and he was clearly expecting me to disagree with this because he said um ok. well yeah ! exactly#mans changed his tone SO fast once he figured out he was not winning this. it felt so good#i love being a semi adult in this household where despite always being treated like one not actually having the opinions to feel like one#anyway thats my storytime. moral of the story is basic necessities should be free. full stop
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chimxra · 6 months
my period has genuinely had such awful symptoms while coming to an end that if i didn’t know that it passes I would have called an ambulance
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liiionhearted · 6 months
i get ✨hormonal disturbances✨ whenever i get my covid booster except this time i think its turning me into a dude 🤪✌️
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resllala · 8 months
got my period life is sad :(
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Heat Intolerance
This disability pride month I'd like to talk about heat intolerance. Because honestly although it's not the first health issue that presented symptoms in my life. It was the first time I was like "I don't think my body works right".
And honestly given disability pride month is during one of the hottest months in the year. It seems fitting. Especially because there's a lot of disabilities and medications that cause it.
What is heat intolerance?
Simply speaking it's the inability for the body to regulate it's temperatures especially in hot settings to cool itself down.
Why is awareness important?
Because gaslighting people or worse not providing them a place to cool down just because you "feel fine" is extremely fucking dangerous.
What are the medicines that can cause heat intolerance?
Antihistamines (Allergy medications) . Decongestants (Sudafed or any medication that has the D at the end of it). Stimulants (ADHD medications. Steroids. Caffeine.) Beta-blockers (blood pressure medications). Overactive bladder treatment. Psychiatric medications (including but not limited to medications for depression and anxiety). Pain relievers. Antibiotics.
What medical conditions can cause heat intolerance?
EDS (Elhers-Danlos syndrome). Autism. ADHD. Migraines. Brain/spinal-cord injury. Sensory processing disorder. Chronic fatigue syndrome. Endocrin problems. POTS. Menopause. Hypothyroidism. Diabetes. Heart Disease. Multiple sclerosis. Mental health disorders.
What should I do if I suspect I have heat intolerance?
Reduce time outside during hot months. Keep your electrolytes up. Drink plenty of water. Stay out of the sun whenever possible if outside. Be aware of the symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke.
Clothes that are best worn for heat intolerance. Loose lightweight breathable fabrics. Natural fibers. Long sleeves that protect from sunburn as sunburns will increase your risk. Light clothes that reflect light. Wide brimmed hats that shade the face and neck.
Cool. So what are those symptoms I'm supposed you be looking for?
Headaches. Excessive fatigue. Mood changes. Muscle cramping or weakness. Nausea/ vomiting. Rapid heartbeat. Excessive sweating or not sweating at all.
When should I do to the doctor?
If you suspect you have heat intolerance you can go to your PCP to discuss what medications you may be on and what you can do about it. Otherwise, please go to the emergency room if you have symptoms of heat stroke.
This is good information and all but why are you making this post?
To raise awareness. Not just for the people that have it but weren't aware of what it was called. But for all of the idiots that tried to gaslight me when I was in school because I was like "I don't think this is normal. Every time we do our mile run outside I vomit all over the place but other kids aren't doing that."
Also because people always blame me for over heating if I wear long sleeves or pants. I always like to take notes from what people in the middle east wear because they literally live in the excessive heat and spend long hours in the excessive heat. Often in clothing that covers most of their body. They've gotta know what they're doing, right?
I have some type of xenophobic comment about why people from the middle east cover up
Shut the fuck up 😊
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autisticchangeling · 1 year
A bit of good news on the mystery condition front! Still have no idea what it is, but I have discovered that it seems to be temperature sensitive, and if I am starting to have symptoms sometimes a little bit of exposure to a hot or cold pack will help. But not too much exposure or that will trigger symptoms.
I have been mostly ignoring temperature stuff because my apartment is like 70 years old and the heating system does what it wants so I just figured any weird hot or cold was just from that, but I guess not.
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gentlefxlk · 2 years
I think one of the best examples of how health and illness are also somewhat socially constructed is the way that we’re handeling monkeypox. When kids and women get it, people call it chickenpox, but when MSM get it, it’s monkeypox. They’re two different viruses of course, but it’s still socially constructed
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