#just got boba
tuxebo · 5 months
hiii! I hope ur having a good daaayy I just wanted to ask u if u have plans for future pjo botssssss? any scenarios you've got in mind?
-salt girl
hello! i did, hope you did too!! and you're opening a can of worms here babes, sour jelly worms cause these worms aren't dirty worms. anyways, yes, yes i do.
i want to make a lot of bots with the actual gods and goddesses themselves. {{user}} meeting her godly parent, being a hunter of artemis, things of that sort. but also like being mars' badass former orphan sidekick who's also close friends w his babymama (venus,) the lore runs deep.
i also want to send the characters on more quests, quests galore.
my problem, however, is how specific {{user}} gets. powers, special items, history, godly parent. like, there's no way i can incorporate all that even w the new character cap, it's still too much.
it's also a LOT of work. coding pjo bots, by far, has been the most taxing fandom aside from avatar. there's so much potential here, but i feel like i can't do it much justice, yk? i don't have the time or capacity currently and i'm kinda bummed out by that.
i want to do more w new rome, spqr. problem is, no one's from there. we know very little about how it works, over all, i need to conjure up most of the stuff in my brain. i have no problem w it, i just don't have enough time.
i'm working on an old idea, taking up a lot of my time, but it'll be an event. currently going to be exclusive to percy jackson, harry potter, and across the spiderverse or call of duty (yet to decide.)
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omaano · 6 months
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“How’d you get stuck with babysitting duty anyway?” Boba asked one day during dinner. “Oh, I volunteered for this,” Fox told him. “Why the kark would you do that?” “Language,” Fox admonished. “Well, I was just living my normal boring life and I thought to myself, ‘I don’t get called an ugly piece of banthashit often enough.’ So I decided to adopt you.” Boba snorted. “You’re a psychopath,” he told Fox. “I’ve been called worse,” Fox replied breezily. Boba doesn’t find a new family and Fox doesn’t become anybody’s dad; an adoption story.
@bilbosmom-belladonna commissioned me to illustrate a scene from her delightful fic Trying to Escape What You Can't Let Go. She was amazing to work with and you should absolutely check out her fun little found family story!
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syn0vial · 3 months
funniest part about the bounty hunter wars by K.W jeter is how palpatine thinks he's screwing boba fett over by hiring him to take down the bounty hunters' guild, completely ignorant to the fact that boba is a sicko who thinks making himself public enemy #1 of every bounty hunter in the galaxy sounds like the most fun he's had in ages.
it's literally like,
palpatine: that fool boba fett doesn't know that he is but a pawn in my nefarious plot to sow desperation and discord among the bounty hunters of the galaxy. he will be completely unprepared for the torrent of violence and retribution he is about to unleash upon himself. how wonderful it is to make a creature complicit in the workings of its own destruction! >:) boba, like 2 pages later: i can't wait to sow desperation and discord among the bounty hunters of the galaxy 😊 it's going to be sooo fun when my actions unleash a torrent of violence and retribution against me 😃 can't wait!
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skialdi · 2 years
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Feeling sad? Hug a Noodle, hold them close and rub your face in the soft Tooka fur. Just some advice from Ahsoka
Noodle belongs to two2_suns on Instagram
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stuckinapril · 4 months
so unimpressed w men rn. it’s just so whatever
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swan2swan · 6 months
"Oh the power dynamic, ha, yeah, bad writing George, he PURCHASES her, frees her, and then MARRIES her, oh, that's a healthy dynamic"
Okay I need you all to think about this:
If he buys a woman who has nothing (because she's a SLAVE on the CRIME PLANET)
And then says "You're free"
and follows that up with "ON THE CRIME PLANET"
What happens next?
What happens if you just turn a woman loose with nothing on the CRIME PLANET?
Yeah. Yeah.
"Well he could get her a ride off-planet" with what, the money he used to free her? To send her where? To his friends off-world? Why is he still living on the CRIME PLANET (that has nothing but SAND, where he FARMS WATER) if he has friends on other planets and the money to travel offworld?
Does Cliegg Lars have a spaceship parked out back?
Can he take her a few lightyears to Naboo? Set her loose on Theed? I mean...the fact that Naboo and Tatooine are in the same sector does raise some questions, but also, again, Naboo is the Peace Planet and Tatooine is the CRIME PLANET.
The point is, he said "Hey, you're free. Hey, come live with me. Move in with me. NOW YOU HAVE EQUAL CLAIM TO MY PROPERTY THANKS TO THIS LEGALLY BINDING DOCUMENT, do whatever you want."
Man was rickety and old and in a Space Wheelchair. There was no Unfair Power Dynamic. This dude was not Taking Advantage of Shmi. He said "Girl you deserve better, come live on a farm in the desert. I mean...you still deserve better, but this is the best I can do, hope it's enough."
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roychewtoy · 1 year
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scarletv0id · 2 months
The fact that Bad Batch is doing Fennec Shand better than Book of Boba Fett and The Mandelorian really says something about the state of Star Wars right now.
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auxxrat · 10 months
Star Wars community as a WHOLE needs to talk about the constant disrespect that Tem has gotten.
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marathedemonoverlord · 10 months
So I think I'm over my Obey Me Phase or like at least over Nightbringer because it's Season was shit but just you know food for thought...
Aint it funny how MC is now completely isolated from other humans/their friends/family/pets?
Like my friend and I were talking about it and like imagine MC has HUMAN/MORTAL family and friends that they talk to every time they were separated from the brothers. Like whenever the Immortals really tries them or pushes them they can go to their human friends for like a palate cleanser and a clear head/remind themselves and ground them to the reality of their situation/support from NOT blind lemmings. Like sort of remind them that they're still human and not on the same playing field as immortal Demons/Angels/Sorcerers
But now in Nightbringer that's literally stripped from them; MC has NO ONE outside of the Brothers/Immortals they're literally FORCED to bond with their circle of dysfunctionals and its like now you are stuck in that toxic friend circle because literally your circle of support hasn't been born/exist yet. That's fucking horrific.
No wonder MC is far more clingy and annoying in Nightbringer than they are in OG; Every lesson is a chip away at their original personality and sanity to replace it to the codependent creep MC is now lol.
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omaano · 1 year
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Without warning, the creature bites down hard onto his index finger, and Boba grinds his molars together to keep from reacting. “I leave you for two minutes,” Fennec sighs from across the room. “Thirty-two,” Boba replies evenly through gritted teeth. “Same difference.” “We’re bonding.” “I can see that. Going well, is it?”
OR: What's a Daimyo to do, when presented an Eevee?
I am so so happy that @saltsprite commissioned me to do this pair of drawings for their fic curiouser and curiouser - which is an absolute delight and I cannot recommend it enough! Boba getting fierce little Baya to love on, and be lovingly bullied by to take better care of himself is the most precious thing ever and you definitely need it in your life too!
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syn0vial · 2 months
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in which boba fett hates loud noises
bonus: bitty!boba hates loud noises, too!
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daimyosprincess · 1 year
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miss ma'am @rexxdjarin inflicted beach!AU Boba thots on me and now it's EVERYBODY'S problem 😈
Explicit content, 18+ only — MINORS DO NOT INTERACT
Quick notes: f!reader is younger than Boba and Boba has the tattoos in the pic above because tatted!Boba makes me i n s a n e 😩🥵
You're walking down the beach with your favorite cousin, lugging a cooler in between the two of you with a sneaky grin plastered across your face
When Boba catches your eye and starts toward you, you wink at him and whisper something to your cousin which makes the two of you erupt into giggles
With a dark brow cocked, he flicks his eyes between you. "I'd offer to help you girls with that but I think it's the only thing keeping the two of you from whatever scheme you're planning."
Your cousin informs him it's too late to escape your clutches and you complain that your arms are just so so tired, and he scoops the cooler onto his shoulder like it weighs nothing, rolling his eyes like he wasn't planning to carry it all along
You just know he's flexing the thick muscles in his arms just a little bit extra for your benefit and you make a show of praising what a big, strong man he his all the way to where the rest of your family is camped out on the beach
When everything is settled in, you make sure Boba is watching as you untie the knot holding up your swim wrap, letting it fall into the sand at your feet. As many times as he's seen you naked, Boba has never seen you in a swim suit, and this one is your favorite because it hugs you in all the right places, making you feel nothing short of a beach goddess
Based on the way his eyes nearly pop out of his head, you'd say he thinks you look the part too
"Kark, mesh'la, you're making me feel like a goddamn teenager all over again in that," he whispers gruffly in your ear when he wraps an arm around your hip for a group photo
"Aw, you gonna come in your pants, too?" you snark back after the photo, wriggling out of his grasp before he can do anything about your sass and running towards the ocean waves with peel of laughter
When you peek over your shoulder, Boba is giving you a look that means you'll definitely be paying for that comment later and flash of heat shoots down your spine
Boba is soon covered in a small gaggle of your younger cousins who adore him--much to his confusion--who want big, strong uncle Boba to pick them up and toss them into the water over and over again
You float in the shallows with your cousin and her girlfriend, talking and laughing as you catch up on each other's lives, watching Boba get climbed on like a piece of playground equipment by the little ones
The way his bronze skin positively gleams in the sun, his tattoos rippling with his muscles, (and if you're honest, the way he's good with the kids, even if he's a lil gruff around the edges) has your mind wandering and heat pooling in your belly
When your little group heads back to shore for some drinks and snacks, you take mercy on Boba and extricate him from the numerous little hands clinging to his arms and legs
You mercy, however, is short-lived. After arching your back and toweling off nice and slow in front of him, you slink over to your bag and pull out your sunscreen
Batting your lashes at your handsome boyfriend, you start rubbing in your sunscreen a little more suggestively than necessary before asking him to get your back for you with a flirty smile
He obliges, and when he's done, he grabs the back of your neck in a firm grasp and whispers in your ear with that sinful, graveled tone of his. "Have all the fun you want now, little princess, because I second I get my hands on you I'm not stopping no matter how much you beg and cry."
Craning your neck back to look at him over your shoulder, you give him a wicked grin. "Mmm, I just hope that's a promise." You place a quick kiss on his jaw flounce away, smug as ever
This time, he joins you in the waves, the kids having pounced on another uncle. You relax for bit, enjoying his company and the salty air
Eventually, however, the heat simmering inside you begins to bubble up again at the sight of his perfect smile, sun-kissed features, and dripping wet body. All those beads of saltwater running over his broad chest make you want to lick each and every one up with a slow tongue
You link your arms around his neck and he wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you flush against him. He's so warm perfect you could melt right into him
The opportunity to grind your hips against his proves too tempting but he locks his large hands on your hips to press you still before you can get too out of hand. "Just can't help yourself can you, sweetheart?"
"At least I'm not the one getting a hard on in front of my whole family," you retort with a smirk. Boba pinches your ass under the water and you squeal, slipping out of his arms and wade your way back to the sand as Boba chases behind you
You're pushing your luck and you know it
You duck behind where a group of your aunties are drinking and chatting so he's waylaid by them wanting to talk while he's conveniently dripping wet and glistening
As nonchalantly as possible, you open one of the coolers and unwrap a popsicle and pop it in your mouth
Being behind the women he's talking to, only Boba can see the way you start to slide the icy dessert in and out of your lips, letting the juice drip down your chin and neck. Only he can see how you hollow your cheeks and roll your eyes back as you suck on the popsicle with wanton delight
When you pop the treat from your lips and circle your tongue around it's tip, you see the way he snaps: his brown eyes darken and his jaw clenches, the muscle in his neck jumping
He smiles down at your enamored aunts and excuses himself. "I'm sorry ladies, my lovely girlfriend just let me know we need more ice."
He flashes a predator's grin and catches you by your bicep when you slip in the sand trying to get away again. "Oh no you don't, little brat," he hisses in your ear, "I told you what was going to happen if you kept acting up and you didn't listen. It's time to pay up, sweetheart."
You half-heartedly struggle in his tight grip as he pulls you along to his truck, your insides knotting in arousal-fueled anticipation. He yanks open the passenger side door and pushes you in the seat
Shoving a hand underneath your swimsuit, you both groan when his rough fingers slide through your slick folds. "Fuck, princess, you really are dirty. Getting this wet from being a karking brat, you really want me to bend you over and fuck you til you're sorry, don't you?"
Y'all I am truly incapable of shutting up so tell me if you want a part 2 because I had to cut myself off somewhere or I would never stop 🥴🫠😮‍💨 also this might have been inspired by professor Boba from Ex Libris because when @acatalystrising said we need some Boba near water it never left my mind
UPDATE: Read Part 2 here!
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Taglist & additional Boba lovers 💖
@agirlnamejacq @burningfieldof-clover @marierg @acatalystrising @dukeoftheblackstar @imarvelatthestars @saradika @baufraus @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @historianwithaheart @andrakass2 @samspenandsword @liadamerondjarin @sleepingsun501 @sgt-morgan @rescuethewretched @rexxdjarin @ladytano420 @writingwintermoon @pheo-nixpas-calian @erinthevampire @xxladysquishyxx @rain-on-kamino
@thirsty-boba-fett-posts @ghostvizsla @vorpan-yaimi @pickleprickle @wings-and-beskar @extra-standard-deviation @kimiheartblade
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zhongrin · 3 months
i wish not drinking alcohol is normalized on social gatherings. yes i'm sure i don't want any alcohol. yes i'm good with my fruit juice. no it's not because or religion or tradition or anything along that line.
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ziipzeepzop-eez · 16 days
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moregraceful · 3 months
do it scared and do it alone but do it anyway...
I went to a softball clinic by myself and that was very scary but ultimately very fun!! And got claimed for a team immediately, I think because I was uhhh trying so hard but had a good attitude about being so bad at everything. They made me choose a number so I choose 55 😭 NOT a pitcher tho, they tried me at second base and the outfield and while I fear I am destined to be an outfielder due to not knowing how to do like anything, second base was so much fun. Someday I will be a infielder 😤 Also my parents are so excited for me in ways they have not been excited about me in years. Apparently they were both softball players which I did not know, but it is very charming to me...they were a pitcher and catcher...omg they could have been batterymates... they were like we are coming to all your games and I was like PLEASE don't.
And I went to a Bay FC season ticket holder thing by myself yesterday and made one whole new situational friend...I'm very excited. It's a very exciting time for Bay Area sports (me making friends and going to sports games that are outdoors.) I still have not bought all my tailgating gear, due to the ordeal of paying taxes, but I'm planning to get it all + all my softball gear after I get my last paycheck from the job.
Today, I got so fed up with how dissatisfied and listless with myself I was feeling and made my to-do list to with my productivity color-coding. Of course all that shit worked for me and I've got through almost half of it already. Always so shocking to me when the productivity tools I developed for myself to work with my dumbass brain work so well...wow... anyway I got through most of the annoying stuff and now just have one (1) psychologically taxing text message to send to do before I get to do the fun stuff. Always nice when things like, work as intended and now I can feel proud of myself for getting lots of things done.
Been a weird WEIRD couple of weeks with this job ending and too much hockey and being fully off my ADHD meds and just everything and everyone, but as always the sun comes out and it feels like everything is manageable for a little bit. Hoping it continues for a while.
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