#just got a little splash of paint for modern consoles
Link's Awakening is like a fever dream. This game is so unserious. Why are there telephones
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honestsycrets · 5 years
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❛ request | bonding with bjorn in the last trimester of pregnancy [ floooof ]
❛ pairing | modern!bjorn x reader
❛ warnings | none
❛ type | oneshot
❛ gif | not mine
Buckets of paint lined carefully taped walls. The crinkly newspaper was lined down over the crisp hardwood floors, ensuring that no speck of paint would get on the floors you loved so much. Frosty blue dripped from Ivar’s brush as he painted the edges and corners that you left only to him. Bjorn and Ubbe were left to the greater task of painting the rest of the room while Sigurd discussed stupid design options. Hvitserk was probably out somewhere getting pizza for lunch. Probably. Unless he got distracted again.
“We could do paper flowers on the wall.”
“Oh, you don’t think that would be too feminine for my little bjørn?” You say, your hand on top of the round swell that brought them all here today. Sigurd supplies you with his sketches upon his tablet, contrasting greys and whites to go with the blue that you both picked out.
“No,” Sigurd says. “It will be wintery like you asked.”
“It’s going to be prissy,” Ivar says under bated breath, outlining the bottom of the wall. Your head snaps around and suddenly-- so suddenly your eyes water over like a flip of a switch.
“It’s going to be prissy?” You squeal, the upset in your voice is now audible. “Bjorn said it wouldn’t be prissy.”
Ubbe tilts his head and slackens his jaw as he looks at his smallest of brothers daftly. The exhaustion in dealing with you was one thing-- and this baby wasn’t even his! Bjorn drops the roller of paint into its holding place, a splash bouncing onto his jean capris that he always used for painting.
“Babe.” He stops short of your stomach bumping against his firm body. “Don’t listen to him.”
“I just want to make his nursery before he comes.” You say. “One that he’ll like!”
Your lip quivers, pouting out as if you were going to sob right there on the spot. Bjorn leans up and lays a chaste kiss upon your forehead, smoothing his thumb over the top of your palm to console you. Leave it to Ivar to make you worry about manliness or some shit theory.
“It’s a room. Nothing more.” He says.
“Are you sure?” You murmur, bringing your hand over your stomach.
“Yeah, I’m sure. It’s the hormones and paint fumes you’re inhaling. Go lay in bed and wait for me.” He motions you with a raise of his unkempt beard toward the door. You would have gone to lay in bed and wait for him-- but you were always laying in bed waiting for him. Pregnancy was a nightmare with a man who thought that he knew best.
“I’m always in bed.” You complain, teaching to take his hands. “I want to be with you.”
“You’re pregnant. You’ll put him at risk?”
It’s like arguing with a doctor. No matter what you would say, you wouldn’t win. You sigh, looking around the room. Sigurd props open the window before setting his hand to your back. He still has his tablet in hand when he leads you toward your shared bedroom with Bjorn.
For hours, Sigurd lays in bed looking at stupid Pinterest rooms with you. You love your Bjorn, but he wouldn’t do the same. Whatever you want, babe, between watching the game with Ubbe. It was virtually impossible to get an answer out of the man.
At some point after several glasses of warm milk and questionable varieties of week-old popcorn, you succumb to sleep. Again. Your days were fleeting. The crisp daylight, the chirp of young birds and rowdy Ragnarssons had filtered out of your home. What replaced the wonders of the day was your husband beside you, huffing as he slept.
“Bjorn.” You grab his shoulders. “Wake up, baby.”
“Mmm.” He groans, a boulder like grip on his pillow underneath his head. Your tummy prods against him, round with his newest arrival. It’s been a long day of work with his brothers-- and the last thing his ass wants to do is get up, but his eyes spread apart opening despite being weighed down by exhaustion.
“I want to see his room.”
“Righ’ now?” He grunts, stuffing the pillow more stubbornly under his head.
“Right now, right now. So I can pick the decor.”
“Alright.” Bjorn shifts around his pillow, pushing himself up on his muscular arms. Not a sigh leaves his lips as he looks around the room and clearly questions his life choices in that exact moment. With his baby in your stomach though, how could he exactly say no? Bjorn reaches over, pawing your round stomach fondly.
“You want to see your room too?” He asks.
“He does!” You answer for your son. It’s good enough for Bjorn to grab his pants from the floor, sliding them up his ass before helping you off the bed.
“It should be safe now.” Bjorn lets his fingers lace with yours. Down the hall from your large room. Passing the formal living room is the room that was meant for your little boy. Bjorn pushes the door open, slipping behind you with his hands cupping your eyes like a mask.
“What are you doing?” You laugh and take a step forward. You incur small giggle when Bjorn sets one small kiss to your shoulder with his scratchy beard.
“Showing you the room.” He muses softly. “Not a peep.”
“I thought it was just painted!” You peel away his large fingers from your eyes. Before you is a frosty nursery decorated with all the grey faux-aged wood and fluffy white additions that Bjorn wasn’t so fond of. For you, though, he would put god damn flowers on the wall. Well, not really. Thankfully you weren’t that extreme! You step up to a mobile draping over the grey wood of the bed, tickling the furry white bear feet.
“Aw, it's a little bear!” You giggle. “For your little cub.”
“Now he’s my cub?” Bjorn reclines against the wall, arms folded. He hopes no paint will stain on his shirt but it wouldn’t be the first time that he got wet painting the house. You were a woman who liked everything how she liked it and most of the time that meant that he was the one to do the work.
“Of course he’s your little bjorn.” You say. “You’re my winter bear.”
You run your fingers past his crip to the rocking chair in the corner. It's complete with a furry pillow that must have been Sigurd’s doing. In fact, most of the room had to be. The chandelier of antlers would have been all of Bjorn’s touch, though.
Or maybe Ubbe’s.
“Did you do all this?” You ask.
“And the boys.”
For all that talk about a prissy room, it came together in a way that was effeminate for you… but manly enough that Bjorn wouldn’t be utterly terrified by what he had for his son’s room. The boys-- all four of them had pitched in some way or another. It quickly occurs to you that Ivar’s little snip was to get you out of the room as soon as he could. The ass! “Now are you ready for the birth?” Bjorn comes to your side, rocking your chair back and forth playfully so.
“Now I am.” You say. “Winter is coming.”
@igetcarriedawaywithyou, @kylobien, @titty-teetee, @breathlessouls, @nejijjeoroo, @bcat1291, @readsalot73, @mslothbrok, @romanchronicles, @captstefanbrandt, @ailucascen, @michaeliskindahot, @cbouvier23, @naaladareia, @cbouvier23, @the-geeky-engineer, @dorned, @lisinfleur, @funmadnessandbadassvikings, @tephi101, @akamaiden, @ethereallysimple, @venusloviing, @happylittlepuppydog, @beyond-the-ashes, @slutforrpg, @hipsternoionlylikeunicorns, @mixedwiththemoon, @sparklemichele, @alicedopey, @lif3snotouttogetyou, @rubyquartzshades, @noregretsandyeteveryregret, @dangerous-like-a-loaded-pistol, @deathbyarabbit, @unacceptabletatertots, @beyond-the-ashes (no sig), @babypink224221, @ivarandersen, @queen-see-ya-in-valhalla, @moose-squirrel-asstiel, @icarus-fell-in-spring, @end-of-night, @gruffle1, @lol-haha-joke @arses21434,  @smileyparrots, @Moosemittens13, @miss-artemis-wild, @two-unbeatable-beaters, @wonderwoman292, @wish-i-was-a-mermaid, @fangirls94, @mcuimxgine, @killerb00sdeath, @heartbeats-wildly, @boo20017, @acacheofstrange, @shaelyn102, @astoryoffireandlight, @smokealone, @shaelyn102 @laketaj24, @peaceisadirtyword, @ly--canthrope@cris101071 @daughterofthenight117 @unassumingviking , @inforapound @wichesterwife27 , @ladyofsoa
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day Two Hundred Twenty-One: Jagged Edge ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata ] [ SasuHina, blood ] [ Verse: Best Years of Your Life ] [ AO3 Link ]
Risk, it seems, can exist anywhere. One moment, she’s just riding her bike along the sidewalk, minding her own business. It’s been beautiful weather lately. Not too hot, no rain for a week or two, a pleasant breeze fluttering through the neighborhood. Old enough she may be for a driver’s license, but Hinata doesn’t see the rush. Getting to cruise the streets around her home astride her lilac bike suits her just fine. Besides, it’s not like she usually needs to go far. And if she does, her father just typically gives her a ride. If...he’s in a good enough mood.
And with Hiashi, that can be a bit of a gamble. But for the most part, she gets on all right.
Today she’s heading to the nearby convenience store to get some snacks. She doesn’t have what she needs to make anything herself, so...off she goes to spend some of her allowance on goodness knows what. She’ll make up her mind when she gets there.
Or...she would.
Because the next moment, Hinata’s afternoon is thrown for a bit of a loop. Out from under a car streaks a cat, right in front of her! Squawking in surprise, she attempts to veer away to keep from hitting it, and that...costs her any semblance of balance she had before. For a few more feet she manages to wobble, and then down she goes with a crash and a clatter. A tangle of limbs and bicycle, she winces as several separate pains register at once. Oh...this isn’t going to be good, is it? At least, from what she can tell, nothing is broken - not judging from the initial screaming from her nerves, at least.
For a minute or so she just sort of...lays there, catching her breath and trying to make sense of what the heck just happened. Cat...wobbling...falling. Right along the lip of the sidewalk, too.
Gingerly sitting up, she manages to get her bike away from her enough to start looking herself over. There’s gravelly grit in both palms from her attempts to catch herself, the torn flesh pulsing lightly in pain with her heartbeat. One shin is already bruising - she’s...really not sure how she did that. The fall happened so fast, she’s not really sure of how anything happened, specifically.
But what really catches her eye is her left forearm. From halfway down the limb to her elbow, a great, wide gash is bleeding rather freely, dripping as she holds it aloft and feels just the slightest wave of nausea. Hinata isn’t exactly new to the whole bumps and bruises thing, but...oof, that looks pretty nasty. And the more she looks at it, the more she swears it hurts. Glancing around, she figures it must have scraped along the rather jagged, worn edge of the sidewalk. Part of her expects to see a huge chunk of her arm left behind.
Okay...she needs to get up. And...make her way home and get patched up. Ugh, there’s already a big smear of blood on her shirt...this is a brand new shirt, darn it!
“Holy shit!”
Jolting at the sudden words, she looks up and freezes. Having jogged down the lawn, none other than Sasuke Uchiha - local high school heartthrob - stares down at her in clear surprise. “...uh -?”
“Are you okay? That looks pretty bad!”
“I-I, um...I’m fine, I just -”
“Here, let me help you up…” Getting a little closer, he offers a hand, but hesitates as he sees the rough shape of her own. “Uh...hold on.” Stepping around her, he instead makes to lift her from under the arms, not wanting to take hold of anything injured.
Wow...he’s strong! Hinata’s not the thinnest among her friends (though she is rather short), but he props her up like it’s nothing!
“C’mon, we’ll go clean you up inside. We’ve got a first aid kit in the bathroom.”
Still rather taken aback at his appearance, let alone how helpful he’s being, Hinata just sort of...nods, following like a dazed puppy behind him into the house.
Quite obviously, she’s never been here before. It’s really nice…! Mindful of her wound, she cups a hand under it, not wanting to drop crimson on anything. Sasuke doesn’t stop to remove shoes, instead beelining for the nearest bathroom. And it’s not like she wants to try to do so with no hands, given her questionable balance at the moment.
“Here...go ahead and rinse stuff off in the sink. I’ll find the kit.”
Another nod, carefully turning on the water and easing her hands into it. There’s a wince as it hits the roughened skin of her palms. She gingerly washes out the debris, thankful to see it’s not too bad. It just stings.
Her arm, however, is another story.
Shying a bit from the gore, she eases it into the stream, gasping in pain as it reacts. “Ah!” Ugh...she really needs to get all the blood off...but it hurts so bad…!
Setting her jaw, Hinata tries again, ignoring the complaints of her nerves and carefully rinsing the wound. The skin is completely shredded, and she can’t help a small whine of distress. Her father is going to be so mad...hopefully her bike wasn’t damaged…
It’s then she realizes they left it by the sidewalk. “Oh…”
“M-my bike…”
“Oh, uh...one sec, I’ll go bring it up to the house.” Setting a first aid box on the counter beside her, Sasuke jogs out of sight.
Left alone in a relative stranger’s house, Hinata just...sheepishly keeps rinsing. Is anyone else from his family home…? What should she say if they find her here? The truth, she supposes...but it still feels invasive to be here without her inviter present.
Thankfully he’s not gone for long. “Okay...let’s see it.”
Her palms don’t require much attention. He gives them a splash of hydrogen peroxide, earning a small hiss, but otherwise they’re fine. It’s her arm that’s going to be the real problem. Gently dabbing at it with some paper towels, he studies it rather keenly, brows furrowed. There’s still some bleeding. After his little assessment, he wets some gauze with antiseptic, giving the wound a rinse after a warning for pain.
Yelping, Hinata almost yanks her arm out of his grip, but he keeps hold. “Hold on, almost done.” Placing the gauze, he then wraps it and secures it all in place. “...there. That’ll keep it clean for a while, anyway.”
Looking to the patch job curiously, Hinata murmurs, “...thank you.”
“Don’t mention it.”
“I...didn’t know you knew so much about, um...this sort of thing.”
“My brother’s dating a nurse. She likes to give lessons,” Sasuke replies with a humored snort. “Guess it came in handy, huh?”
“Y-yeah. I should - I should, um...g-get going home. My dad’s going to be furious…”
“Well, if it’s any consolation, your bike looks fine. Nothing’s bent or anything, but some paint got scraped off.”
“T-that’s okay. Thank you for grabbing it for me.”
“Sure thing. Didn’t want anyone nabbing it. It’s a decent neighborhood, but...anyone can be an asshole.”
“G...good point.”
“Sure you want to take that thing home? I could drive you.”
“Oh, n-no - you’ve done enough -!”
“It’s not far, right? Better than walking.”
Having no retort, Hinata sheepishly follows as he puts her bike in a car trunk, letting her in the passenger side and heading toward her house at her directions.
All the while, she’s otherwise quiet. She’s never really spoken to Sasuke before...she had no idea he was so...nice? He’s always a bit closed off in school, almost aloof. But today he seemed just...normal. And certainly helpful. Part of her wonders why he puts on airs at school…
“All right...hop out, and I’ll get your bike.”
Carefully accepting the handlebars, Hinata offers, “Thanks again, for...for everything.”
“Sure. Just be careful, huh? And wear a helmet next time,” he replies, one corner of his lips lifting in a smile. For good measure, he gives her forehead a flick.
Startled, she can’t help a flush of flustered pink. “I...I-I will.”
With that, he gives a wave, heading back into his car before making his way toward home.
Watching quietly, Hinata muses for a moment before wheeling her bike back into the garage. Well...no snacks today, and she’s a bit worse for wear. But...overall, she can’t say she regrets it. She has to wonder when she’ll...see him again. The real him, not the bravado at school.
...Sakura and Ino will never believe her.
     Some random modern shenanigans - not really tied to anything previous, a little standalone thing. I've done a plot...vaguely similar to this? Though with some darker themes. I think for last year's SHM, I can't recall.      But anyway, it's very late and my eyeballs are screaming - time to sleep! Thanks for reading~
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dawnjeman · 5 years
Beautiful Homes of Instagram: Painted Brick Exterior
  Hi, everyone! How are you today? I had such a wonderful weekend. I baked with my husband and even attempted to make some cheese… but don’t ask about that! LOL. Anyway, I am super happy and excited because the weather is finally changing and the sun is shinning. I am also so very happy because I adore Callie of ceshome6 and her style so much that this is the second time I have her on my “Beautiful Homes of Instagram” series. The first time, I shared her formal home (you can see it here) and it became one of my most-pinned posts! Today, I am proud to be sharing Callie’s new home and I am sure you will enjoy seeing and knowing all details as much as I did!
  “My husband and I were originally from a small town in North Texas near Oklahoma. We have known each other since kindergarten but didn’t start dating until our junior year of high school. After graduation we moved to the Dallas area for college and have stayed close ever since. We will have been married for 15 years this July and have 4 beautiful children; a 17 year old daughter, a 14 year old daughter, a 9 year old son, and a 5 year old daughter. I feel very blessed to be able to stay at home with them and take care of our family and home.
We had planned to build a home again but during our search I found this spec home and the moment I walked in I loved it. It was my style with the color selections and it was the perfect size for our family. Another bonus was that it was already complete and ready to move in. We went for it and two months later we moved into our new home.
My favorite part of the home is the long open kitchen, dining and living space in one and we spend the most time gathered in this area as a family. I’ve always loved to decorate my homes to really feel cozy and welcoming. I don’t have one specific design style but like to incorporate in different pieces I like. My home is a mix of modern, rustic, farmhouse and french country. I also try to be minimal in my decor because with having 4 kids I don’t want to have to worry so much about moving things all the time or things getting broken.”
I hope you enjoy our house tour!
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  Beautiful Homes of Instagram: Painted Brick Exterior
What first caught my eye about this home was definitely the white exterior. There’s something about a white home! I was sold before I even walked in. The 2 porches in the front were also a huge selling point because we love to sit outside and watch the kids play. We have a huge open space in the front of our home that’s almost the size of a football field and perfect for football, baseball or soccer.
The exterior brick paint color is PPG Atrium White and shutters are PPG Black Forest.
Front Porch
We love that this home has 3 outdoor spaces including a front porch, a patio balcony and a side patio. 
A pair of outdoor chairs make this front porch feel even more inviting.
Beautiful Patio Sets: here, here, here, here, here & here.
The front porch also features brick flooring in a beautiful pattern.
Adirondack Rocking Chairs: here – similar.
Callie’s home feel happy and welcoming from all angles!
“Home-Sweet-Home” Doormat: Target.
I absolutely love Callie’s kitchen. It’s open and spacious without feeling overwhelming.
White Kitchen with Character
The kitchen backsplash tile is Emser Tile 4×10 Metro Honed with an accent over the stove in Emser 12×12 Metro Mosaic.
Counterstools: Target – no longer available – similar here – Others: here, here, here & here.
Magnolia Wreath: here – similar.
The kitchen countertops are Granite in Lennon.
Beautiful 3 Tiered Wooden Trays: here & here.
Kitchen Cabinet
The best part of the kitchen is the long buffet countertop that’s perfect for entertaining because we like to host parties.  This counter space runs almost 15 feet long so it holds all the food you could eat.
Cabinet Paint Color
The cabinet paint color is PPG Gypsum in semi-gloss.
Appliances: GE.
Dining Room
This entire space is perfect for entertaining.
Linen Chairs: RH – similar here & here.
Dining Room Furniture
Kitchen Table: Restoration Hardware – Other Beautiful Dining Tables: here, here, here & here.
X-back Dining Chairs: RH – similar here (huge sale!).
Vases: here – similar.
Fruit Spray Olive Branches: here.
Table Runner: here & here – similar.
Great Room
The floors in the main living areas are Red Oak hardwoods scraped lightly with the grain and stained ebony.
Beautiful Hardwood Flooring: here, here & here.
Splash of Color
I keep with a pretty neutral theme throughout the year and add in pops of color depending on the season using florals, pillows or artwork. For spring this year I’ve added in light pink, yellow, and teal.
A Little Friend
This is Jinger – pronounced Ginger… we had to change it to a “J” so she would have the same as the other kids!! I got her own couch for her to go in the living room because she’s been scratching up our leather couch with her nails and she loves it!! Target has the cutest doggie beds! I loved this buffalo plaid one and it goes so well with all my other decor!
Metal Cabinet: Universal Furniture Bannister Display Cabinet – similar here & here.
Chairs: Ashley HomeStore.
Side table: Target – similar here.
Furniture Layout
What an inspiring furniture layout! The large leather sectional is perfect for the entire family to relax and watch something at the end of the day.
Credenza: Bassett Furniture Emporium 92″ in Compass Northern Grey – Others: here, here, here & here.
Rug:  here (9×12)- Other Beautiful Rugs: here, here, here, here, here & here.
Wall & Trim Paint Color
The walls and ceilings throughout the home are painted PPG Whiskers in flat. The trim throughout is PPG Gypsum in semi-gloss.
Home Ideas
This home is a little unique because when you first walk in the front door you walk right into the living room, dining room and then the kitchen area. It’s one long space.
The leather sectional is Bassett Furniture Ellery L-shaped sectional in Stone – similar here, here, here & here.
Side table is from At Home – similar here.
Beautiful Coffee Tables: here, here, here, here & here.
Furniture & Decor
I like to shop for larger furniture pieces at Bassett Furniture, Nebraska Furniture Mart or Restoration Hardware. I’ve found that they all have great quality furniture. Most all of my small furniture and decor pieces come from Hobby Lobby, Kirkland’s, Homegoods or Target.
Decor: Console table – RH – similar here.
Throw: Target – Others: here & here.
Floral Pillow: here & here– similar
Blush Pink Pillow: here – similar.
Wood Scrabble Letter Tiles
My gallery wall is still one of my favorite things in the house!! The way this house is built this wall is hidden unless you go up the stairs! Sometimes I’ll go up there just to look at it!
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The wood Scrabble letter tiles feature our names and birth dates.
Wood Scrabble Letters: here – similar.
Master Bedroom
The master bedroom is located in the back of the house.
Magnolia Inspiration
I decided I wanted a black a white theme when I saw a photo from Magnolia Home that had beautiful black wood arched frames behind the nightstands. I like to save money when possible so I found my own version from Kirkland’s (similar here) and spray painted them black to get the same look for over half the cost.
Bed & Bedding
The bed set is from the Magnolia Home line at Nebraska Furniture Mart. The bedding and lamps are from Target.
There’s a small corner in the room that was bare so I found this cute macrame wall hanging (similar here) and an olive plant at Homegoods. It’s very simple but I love it.
Faux Olive Plant: here.
The study is in the front of the home off to the side when you come in the front door. I recently completed a makeover in my study by adding Weaber Lumber white washed wall boards from Home Depot to a focal wall and I love how the transformation turned out. It makes the room so bright and open. I also added greenery with these hanging macrame plant hangers from amazon. I decided to save some money by painting a few terra cotta pots from Hobby Lobby to match my decor and filled them with IKEA plants.
To really make the room pop I changed out the lighting to a beautiful wood bead chandelier from World Market. I found this desk at Restoration Hardware a few years ago and both the chair and rug are from Nebraska Furniture Mart.
Similar Desk: here – Others: here, here, here & here.
Similar Desk Chair: here.
John 10:10
Metal Sign: Vintage Metal Co.
  I hope you enjoyed the tour of my home! 
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  Many thanks to Callie for sharing all of the details above.
Make sure to follow Callie on Instagram to see more of her beautiful home!
  Best Sales of the Month:
Thank you for shopping through Home Bunch. I would be happy to assist you if you have any questions or are looking for something in particular. Feel free to contact me and always make sure to check dimensions before ordering. Happy shopping!
  Serena & Lily: New Spring Arrivals! Gorgeous Pillows, Bedding & Rugs!
  Wayfair: Up to 75% OFF – Huge Sales on Decor, Furniture, Rugs & Outdoor Furniture!!!
  Joss & Main: Up to 65% Off on Outdoor Furniture & Decor!
  Pottery Barn: 20% Off Furniture, 25% Off Everything Else + Free Shipping. Use Code: LUCKY
  One Kings Lane: High Quality Design Decor for Less – Limited time only: 20% Off Furniture with Code OKLFURNISH
  West Elm: 20% Off your entire Purchase + Free Shipping: Use Code: EARNEDIT
  Anthropologie: Take an extra 40% off all sale items! See Joanna Gaines Exclusive line here!
  Urban Outfitters: Hip & Affordable Home Decor.
  Horchow: The Big Sale: 25% Off Furniture & 30% Off Sitewide!
  Nordstrom: Up to 40% OFF – Free Shipping!
  Arhaus: Save up to 30% plus Buy More Save More!
  Posts of the Week:
Beautiful Homes of Instagram: Fixer Upper.
Home Bunch’s Top 5: Kitchen Design Ideas.
Before & After Bathroom Renovation.
2019 New Year Home Tour.
Full-scale Home Remodel Inspiration.
Kitchen Renovation with Before & After Pictures.
Beautiful Homes of Instagram: How to Build your own Home.
Connecticut Beach House.
Interior Design Ideas: Colorful Interiors.
New England Home.
Interior Design Ideas: Home Renovation.Classic Colonial Home Design. Family-friendly Home Design.
New Year, New Beautiful Homes of Instagram. Georgian-Style Manor with Traditional Interiors.
Transitional Home Design.
Grey Kitchen Paint Colors.
Follow me on Instagram: @HomeBunch
You can follow my pins here: Pinterest/HomeBunch
See more Inspiring Interior Design Ideas in my Archives.
“Dear God,
If I am wrong, right me. If I am lost, guide me. If I start to give-up, keep me going.
Lead me in Light and Love”.
Have a wonderful day, my friends and we’ll talk again tomorrow.”
with Love,
Luciane from HomeBunch.com
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“For your shopping convenience, this post might contain links to retailers where you can purchase the products (or similar) featured. I make a small commission if you use these links to make your purchase so thank you for your support!”
from Home http://www.homebunch.com/beautiful-homes-of-instagram-painted-brick-exterior/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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illustratedtapes · 5 years
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Welcome to Illustrated Tape’s favourite releases of 2018 that sounded and looked good, chosen by this year’s contributors. We’ve put together a playlist featuring one track from each of the releases featured so you can check out the sounds we were digging this year. Happy listening! 
➔ spoti.fi/2LCgrQp Listening in order recommended
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Delta Sleep - Ghost City Big Scary Monsters, 10 August  Artwork: Owen Findley at Or8 Design Selected by Megan Reddi // IT014
This is my favourite music/artwork combo of 2018! The whole album is just amazing - it is beautifully arranged and has this lovely dreamy quality to it, with repeated musical motifs woven throughout to really pull the whole album together. Not only is Ghost City musically fantastic, but the artwork is beautiful and so fitting for the album. It is designed and screen printed by Owen Findley and the warm colours, imagery and textures are just spot on.
Definitely my favourite release of 2018. It is my go-to driving album and I will be blasting it while we’re driving around this Christmas!
➔ Listen to Illustrated Tapes 014: Nautical Dusk by Megan Reddi
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Okay Kaya - Both Heavy Body, 1 June  Artwork/design: Kaya Wilkins, Aaron Maine, Phillip Wong
Selected by Hannah Buckman // IT016
Okay Kaya’s Both as an album that came out this year which I enjoyed, and which I feel has a strong visual component to it. To me the album feels sickly (in a good way), gloomy but still pop. I think the mood is conveyed really well through the Adinah Dancyger directed music vids and the album art. 
I liked finding out more about Kaya’s thinking behind the project, like how the twin in the videos is like a physical manifestation of trauma... it’s something that once I read I couldn’t stop thinking about. The idea of something traumatic inducing this birth of a second self, a kind of split off part that is still attached in some way to the whole, but there being a kind of safety in acknowledging what might be a darker part of yourself, from a distance. Also the album art kind of conveys the idea of duality and how that relates to race/sexuality, but I didn’t feel like that was really explored as much. I think I like this album ‘cos it kind of ties in with things (mentioned above) I’m currently interested in, but maybe it feels a bit surface-y at times.
➔ Listen to Illustrated Tapes 016: Protect Your Extremities by Hannah Buckman
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Quavo - Quavo Huncho Capitol / Mowtown / Quality Control, 12 October  Artwork: Mihailo Andic 
Selected by Conner Perry // IT020
I think my favourite music/design combo of this year has to be Quavo’s Quavo Huncho. Not only is it full of bangers, the cover by Mihailo Andic is just brilliant. It really sets itself apart from the Migo’s visuals and changes the way you listen to the record. Definitely check out the rest of his work, especially the stuff for Lil’ Yachty. 
➔ Listen to Illustrated Tapes 020: Nice one bruva by Conner Perry
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Parquet Courts - Wide Awake! Rough Trade, 18 May  Artwork: A. Savage
Selected by Holly St Clair // IT021
I was really late to the Parquet Courts party, but actually both of my initial encounters with their two recent releases have been solid arguments for the importance of decent album artwork. For both Wide Awake! and Human Performance I ran into - literally - the artwork before the music. Twice, two years apart, whilst wandering around London I turned a corner and came face to face with Adam Savage’s superb cover work. He smacked me in the face with poppy colours and amorphous dancing forms and I loved every moment. Add in an anarchic use of type and you’ve got me shouting, “Oh shit! A new Parquet Courts album!” to no one in particular outside an old meat market in Shoreditch.
A. Savage is both front man and painter and that adds a special flavour to the whole affair. Album marketing can be a laboured, commercially driven affair, there’s something authentic - a little DIY flavour - about this relationship between artwork and music. It’s a nice parallel to the musical throwbacks typical of the bands style. Wide Awake! dropped earlier this year and it’s fab. (Although, I love the artwork so much even if it was god awful I’d still buy the record and hang it on my wall.)
➔ Listen to Illustrated Tapes 021: To: You, Love: Me by Holly St Clair
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D.A.L.I - When Haro Met Sally Burning Witches, 23 May  Artwork: Luke Insect
Selected by Thomas Hedger // IT017
According to my recently played, I’ve been stuck on a pre-'90s loop. I've crept slowly into 2018's releases picking out albums like books - by their covers - and it really paid off! I don’t often delve into electronic but I love this album, it’s a perfect blend of hopping on your bike and hitting the tracks, nailing the look of how the album feels in all its haze. A solid sunny day good time.
➔ Listen to Illustrated Tapes 017: Sink by Thomas Hedger
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Young Fathers - Cocoa Sugar Ninja Tune, 9 March  Artwork: Tom Hingston
Selected by Katie Chandler // IT003
This cover was immediately striking and memorable to me. Upon listening to the album, I found that the artwork resonated with this feeling of odd, unrestricted expression. It's a little unsettling, ultimately bold and intriguing. Much like the music, it feels hot and cool all at once, like a burst of energy that leaves you in a sweat. It's the exhilarating soundtrack to your runner's high, and you're not really sure why you're running or what you're running from.
➔ Listen to Illustrated Tapes 003: Porch Light by Katie Chandler
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Gesu no Kiwami Otome (ゲスの極み乙女。) - Suki Nara Towanai (好きなら問わない) Taco Records, 29 August  Selected by Greg Stasiw // IT009
Although it’s not the ambient and electronic fare I usually enjoy, Suki Nara Towanai (好きなら問わない) by Gesu no Kiwami Otome. (ゲスの極み乙女。) is a hoot. The artwork features a stylized neon pachinko machine. Or maybe it’s a console in a rad indie pop spaceship, which would also make sense for this funky fresh group! It feels somehow familiar, somehow alien, and altogether really, really cool.
The neon suggests something retro, and there are some retro leanings in their funkier tracks, but it's definitely neon as seen in 2018. Modern pop (and J-Pop) tropes emerge, but infectious basslines, tight drumming, and smart keys make this album something special. Some math rock even surfaces at times, and the remix included proves that this group goes for whatever feels fresh. One look at the artwork reminds me that this is one of the funnest albums I've listened to in a while. “Funnest” is definitely a word when you’re talking about this band!
➔ Listen to Illustrated Tapes 009: Atmospheres by Greg Stasiw
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Aphex Twin - Collapse EP Warp, 14 September Artwork: Weirdcore
Selected by Alex Vissaridis // IT002
2018 was a great year if you grew up listening to the music I was into. Some of my all-time favourite artists released new stuff this year, and they didn’t disappoint. The artwork was pretty excellent too, but nothing grabbed my attention like the world created around Aphex Twin’s Collapse EP. Album art doesn’t seem to mean as much as it once did, so it’s always exciting when it appears outside of the little square on your screen in unexpected ways. 
This year, Aphex Twin logos appeared all over the world, from Elephant & Castle tube station to the side of a record store in Tokyo, designed in a way that made it look like the logo was collapsing into the environment around it. I’m a sucker for stuff like this; random cryptic messages that send internet detectives into a frenzy. It was eventually announced as marketing for the Collapse EP, but they kept the ‘collapsing logo’ visual going on the EP artwork, in the music video for the track ‘T69 collapse’, and even through to projection-mapped videos around London (again announced in typical smoke-and-mirrors fashion) and a collaboration with Crack magazine. Way more than just a collection of pixels.
➔ Listen to Illustrated Tapes 002: Tape Fuzz by Alex Vissaridis
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Flohio - Wild Yout EP Alpha, 2 November Selected by Rachel Maughan // IT012
I got into Flohio after I saw her on COLORS in January with 'Band'. She's fucking explosive on that track, you can feel her spitting straight into your chest. She's been savvy with her producers and killed her work with God Colony - 'SE16' was my most played track of the year. Her 2018 EP, Wild Yout is a cocktail of perfection. 
Mashing up genres it's a high energy listen with punchy, grimey hip-hop that is uniquely South London. The artwork is beautiful simplicity - her achingly slick androgynous aesthetic, the clean photographic composition, with a flowing chain to bring it tightly back to SE. Gorgeous.
➔ Listen to Illustrated Tapes 012: High Rise by Rachel Maughan
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Sudan Archives - Sink EP Stones Throw, 25 May Photography: Jack McKain Design: Jeff Jank
Selected By Tom J Newell // IT004
Sink submerges the listener in flowing loops and beats, with splashes of violin and vocals floating above the sunken monolith, which stands tall on the deep blue cover art. The composition is reminiscent of two of Jank’s other iconic Stones Throw sleeves, Donuts and Madvillainy and continues his striking yet varied art direction for the label.
Check out the ‘Nont For Sale’ video from the EP too, which adds powerful choreography and styling to create another successful visual accompaniment to the music. Much love to Sudan Archives and hats off to Jeff Jank. I painted a tribute to the cover art on a 12x12” piece of wood.
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➔ Listen to Illustrated Tapes 004: FEAR. by Tom J Newell
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Drinks - Hippo Lite Drag City, 20 April Selected by Molly Fairhurst // IT015
Hazy, dazed, an album I hold dearly to 2018 (and many strangely lit walks in a then new, unknown city).
A collaboration between Cate Le Bon and White Fence’s Tim Presley, the pair took an (isolated) retreat to St Hippolyte-Du-Fort in the south of France to record, frankly, crudely, seemingly, whatever the fuck they wanted to. Hippo Lite is born, a joyful, playful, sometimes quiet, sometimes screaming object.
What senses like an eavesdrop through closed doors rightly has a cover that can’t be quite understood- a narrow column of, at the glance of the reader, ‘nonsense’ notes, which flank photos of Le Bon and Presley. Both are snapshots of an absurd holiday we have been invited along to, so long as we sit across the table. A tender and private piece.
➔ Listen to Illustrated Tapes 015: The Wilder Woman by Molly Fairhurst
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Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs - King of Cowards Rocket, 28 September Artwork: Sophy Hollington
Selected by Drew Milward // IT010
First off, this album is wall to wall, solid gold bangers. Kind of like the lovechild of The Fall and Black Sabbath, who has been cautioned by the police for possession of a massive bag of skunk, a bong in the shape of a skull and a copy of ‘The Holy Mountain’ on DVD. 
Aside from the fact it’s a full on riff-o-rama, the artwork by Sophy Hollington is absolutely incredible. It summons up the sound of the band, via folk horror infused wildness. It really captures the sonic landscape of the album, yet completely avoids any of the cliched imagery that could so easily have taken its place. It really is the whole package.
➔ Listen to Illustrated Tapes 010: BE GONE, YOU CREATIVE GREMLINS! by Drew Milward
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Djrum - Portrait With Firewood R&S, 17 August Artwork: Michael Mitsas
Selected by Sam Ailey // IT001
Portrait With Firewood is one of those rare gems within the electronic genre - a true ‘album’. With holistic production, emotional range, and a captivating narrative, this really is a stunning listening experience from start to finish. Felix Manuel combines electronic and acoustic sounds seamlessly on this intimate record, with exceptional attention to detail in his sampling and tender piano sections played by Felix himself.
Michael Mistas’s cover art is a real departure from the typical design aesthetic of electronic albums and caught my attention straight away. I love its composition and rough, imperfect execution. To me these feels reflective of the range and depth of emotional states explored across the album, and the feeling that some things are easier to express through your craft than with words. Plus I’m a sucker for pink things.
➔ Listen to Illustrated Tapes 001: Quiet by Sam Ailey
4 notes · View notes
newssplashy · 6 years
Finance: The 2019 Volvo XC40 hits a sweet spot in the compact luxury SUV segment — and it's already bringing a new generation of customers to the Swedish automaker
Volvo's newest and smallest crossover SUV arrives with lots of creature comforts, leading-edge safety technology, and a punchy engine, all wrapped in a right-sized package — and it couldn't have shown up at a better time.
The Volvo XC40 is the newest and smallest addition to the Swedish automaker's SUV lineup.
It arrives at the perfect time for Volvo, as the luxury compact SUV segment evolves in the US.
The XC40 is a tasteful, high-quality and exceptionally well-packaged small SUV for a starting price of around $33,000. It's also available via subscription through the Care by Volvo program, which lumps the car payment, insurance, and scheduled maintenance into one monthly fee.
The Volvo XC40 is the newest addition to the Swedish automaker's SUV lineup and it joins a growing segment of compact sport-utility vehicles and crossovers currently dominating the market.
Now eight years into its relaunch as a luxury brand under the Chinese automotive conglomerate, Geely Holding Group, Volvo has launched seven new models, three of which are SUVs: the XC90, XC60, and now the XC40.
The 40 is built on Volvo's proprietary small-car skeleton, denoted as the Compact Modular Architecture (CMA) platform which was co-developed with Geely.
As automobiles go, being the smallest and least expensive model in a lineup usually means you'll have to make some compromises — the evidence of which might manifest itself in lower-quality materials and fewer options than the pricier models.
That is not the case here. The XC40 feels nearly every bit as premium as a compact luxury four-wheeler should.
From the moment you pull open its hefty doors, plant yourself into the sculpted, leather and Alcantara-wrapped driver's seat, and grip the thick-rimmed steering wheel with the stoic chrome-plated Volvo badge planted dead-center, you realize you're about to pilot a very capable, exceptionally well-built machine.
At the same time, it's also quaint. And comfortable.
Unlike its larger siblings, the XC40 has no plug-in hybrid variant yet. It can only be had with one of two versions of the company's four-cylinder, turbocharged, gas-powered engines — available with 187-horsepower, or a more energetic 248-horsepower variant. An all-electric version is currently in development.
Volvo recently loaned us a fully loaded XC40 R-Design for a weeklong drive in Los Angeles. These are our impressions:
In pictures, the XC40 looks deceptively small. In reality, it's compact enough for city driving but has plenty cargo and passenger room for longer trips.
The Volvo family resemblance here is unmistakable. By now, you've seen what Volvo lovingly calls the "Thor's hammer" effect prominently featured in the automaker's signature headlights. Up front on the XC40, it gives the car a subtle, unique flair that makes it instantly memorable.
The inscribed "VOLVO" badge on the reflector lens is a nice touch.
Our Crystal White metallic test-car came with several panels and trim pieces, including the front grille seen here, painted gloss black.
You're probably seeing a lot of cars with this aesthetic on the road right now: side-view mirrors, roofs, rear decklid spoilers, side and hood vents — both fake and real — and, in some cases, door handles — all painted black. I have mixed, mostly negative, opinions about it.
But here on our R-Design model, it works.
The entire roof, and a portion of the D-pillar, are also painted black. Again, it works for the R-Design, but still feels just a little bit contrived. Call me boring, but I'd prefer the entire car painted one color.
Overall, this is a very handsome package, as equipped.
In keeping with the current mode for modern SUVs, a striking pair of shoes are a must. These are Volvo's 20-inch, 5-double spoke matte black diamond cut alloys.
Current-generation Volvos are some of the few luxury cars that boast a family resemblance from the front and the back. The upswept tail lights are instantly recognizable. Even from a distance, everyone will know you're driving Swedish.
Broadly speaking, the mighty turbocharged four-cylinder engine has become a staple in the modern auto industry. You get a very capable one in the XC40. Our tester was equipped with Volvo's 248-horsepower T5 variant. It's quick, quiet, and efficient.
Gas mileage was as good as I expected: 23 mpg in the city and 31 mpg on the highway, according to Volvo.
During my time with the XC40, I took a weekend road trip from Los Angeles to San Francisco. Starting with a full tank on both ends of the journey, I only needed to top off once, roughly halfway between the two metropolises. I'm certain I could've kept driving for a while before the tank got too close to empty.
The interior is really well done, and a pleasant surprise for any compact SUV starting in the $30,000 range.
Granted, our test model was loaded with every option available, but that doesn't negate the consideration Volvo's designers gave to the tactile feel of nearly every interior touch point — from the seating surfaces, to the chunky metal interior door handles, and the knurled center-console knob just below the nine-inch touch screen.
And for maximum practicality, there's a small rubbish bin in front of the center armrest.
And this is probably one of the best steering wheels in the segment.
The XC40's sportier R-Design package equips the seats with a rather typical combination of leather and a suede-like Alcantara. Also typical of Volvo specifically: the seats are a deeply satisfying place to be.
The splash of orange on the interior door panels and carpet help break up the visual monotony of what would otherwise be an all-black-everything interior.
On paper, you'd think a splash of orange would turn an otherwise handsome interior into something rather undignified, but that's not the case here. It livens things up just enough, without feeling cheap or gratuitous.
And, of course, there's a panoramic sunroof for good measure. Full disclosure: I've driven dozens of vehicles with these extra-large openings overhead, but I never drive with the roof open.
I like the aesthetic, though — and sometimes I will retract the sunshade.
Our test XC40 also came with Volvo's Pilot Assist semi-autonomous drive feature. It keeps the car within its own lane on road, and maintains a set speed and distance from the car ahead.
Unlike Tesla's Autopilot, Volvo's almost-but-not-quite-self-driving technology will not let you drive for any length of time with your hands off the steering wheel.
While testing the feature in freeway traffic, we observed that it took the XC40 mere seconds to recognize there was no driver input on the steering wheel, and it gave visual and audio prompts to reengage.
I would argue — as many automotive journalists before me have — that Autopilot is a more advanced semi-autonomous driving system that handles steering, acceleration, braking and lane-change duties in real-world traffic more gracefully than most other systems on the road right now.
But the system is not perfect. And in my personal experience, Autopilot is far more permissive of longer stretches of handsfree drive time. Autopilot does deploy a set of alerts that gradually escalate if drivers go hands-off for more than 30 seconds.
Sensus, Volvo's infotainment interface, is fantastic system. One of the best vehicle UIs in the industry.
It merges the car's systemwide settings and features with Apple CarPlay and Android Auto. The drawback to that is you get a screen with multiple layers of pages and tabs that require a sizable share of your brain's attention to navigate. It's a fine system nonetheless.
And, as is typical of Volvo, the Swedish automaker always adds just a splash of patriotism
You can see that here, with the rubberized miniature Swedish flag affixed to the front left fender.
The Volvo XC40 really hits a sweet-spot among the current crop compact luxury SUVs. It's large enough for cargo and crew, but remains nimble and responsive on the road. The available active safety and driver-assist features are well-executed.
It's an attractive and capable vehicle that's distinctively Volvo, and comes in at a price point that positions the company to reach new customers.
Coincidentally, Volvo says it has already seen such an influx with the XC40, which is available by subscription, via the Care by Volvo program.
Subscribers can order an XC40 and pay a flat monthly fee that includes the car payment, insurance, and scheduled maintenance. "We’re proud that 92% of subscribers are completely new to the Volvo brand," company spokesman Jim Nichols told Business Insider in an emailed statement. As of July 2018, the automaker has sold more than 6,600 XC40s — surpassing all other models in the Volvo lineup.
All that's missing is an electric variant. Given the current obsession for these compact luxury SUVs, and the growing demand for affordable electric vehicles, an all-electric XC40 could conceivably dominate the market once it hits the road.
source http://www.newssplashy.com/2018/08/finance-2019-volvo-xc40-hits-sweet-spot.html
0 notes
plsdontfightme · 7 years
I Wrote A Thing
Hi, yes, hello. I wrote a thing for a creative writing class I took last year, and I thought I’d share it with you, the good people of tumblr. I’m hoping you might read it and tell me what you think! It would be greatly appreciated. 
Beautiful Memories
Art galleries were not on Daisy’s list of “Top Ten Places to Bring a Date,” and a small voice in the back of Alexis’s mind kept reminding her of that. She stood uncomfortably near the corner, studying a piece that looked very… something. Both the title and artist’s name were in a language she didn’t know, and, if she was being honest, the piece itself just looked like a bunch of criss crossing lines of varying shades of blue, green, and black.
She turned from the painting as she searched for her date, Matt. He’d gone to get them something to drink fifteen minutes ago, but Alexis was sure he was just looking for a chance to chat up the woman running the bar. Alexis couldn’t bring herself to be jealous, the woman was pretty, for sure, but it looked like she was about as interested in Alexis’s date as she was. Which is to say, not very. It was a blind date one of the girls from across the hall had set up. She hadn’t told Alexis what to expect, just his name, so she hadn’t dressed up very much. That was one thing she was regretting now, feeling very out of place in her simple pink and white sundress. It was a beautiful night for mid-fall, almost unseasonably warm, and she’d been hoping to do something outside. Dinner on the patio of that little Italian place she and Daisy went to whenever they could afford it, or a picnic on campus, she knew a great spot up behind the football field. She even would’ve been down for a round of mini-golf tonight, anything but a stuffy art gallery full of pretentious rich people.
Alexis moved from the piece she had been absentmindedly staring at to the one next to it. It was thinner and longer than the other and much lighter. The bright blues and reds splashed against a white and gray canvas made Alexis think she might be able to actually see something in this one. A fond memory rose from the back of her mind, causing a natural smile to grace her lips for the first time that evening.
“Come on, Daisy!”
Alexis grabbed her best friend’s hand, pulling her towards the door. The rain had finally stopped, the sky had cleared, and both girls were excited at the prospect of finding a rainbow. The fact that most of the other girls at their school thought that thirteen was too old to go chasing rainbows did nothing to deter either of the girls, both certain that her prince charming was waiting at the end.
“Wait a second, ‘Lexi,” Daisy laughed, struggling to pull on her other boot. “I can’t go out with just one boot.”
With an exaggerated huff, Alexis let go and waited for her friend to finish pulling her second bright yellow boot on. It matched her yellow rain coat, which her mother insisted she wear in case it started raining again. Alexis herself had matching red boots and coat, though her boots were patterned with ladybugs instead of the bumblebees on Daisy’s. As soon as Daisy had both boots on, Alexis had the other girl’s hand in hers again.
As they splashed through the puddles in the driveway, Daisy’s father appeared in the door. “Don’t go too far, girls,” he called after them, “and make sure you’re back by two!”
“Alright, Dad!” Daisy responded, waving over her shoulder as Alexis dragged her along. Alexis barely slowed as she also turned to wave before dragging her best friend off into one of the many adventures the two girls shared.
Alexis blinked, smiling at the memory. Daisy had never failed to make her smile in the past, and this was no exception.
Looking over her shoulder, she spotted Matt still leaning over the bar, chatting at the woman behind it. The woman looked up and spotted Alexis, sending her a slightly apologetic look as she glanced between the oblivious Matt and his “date”. Alexis just shrugged in response; it wasn’t like she was that into him anyway.  She turned back to the wall, ready to study another painting. The next piece on the wall had a bit more structure than the last, or maybe Alexis’s imagination was more active this time. It was darker than the other two, but not in an unfriendly way. It was dark reds, browns, oranges, and maybe a little purple. It reminded her of her old bedroom back when she was in high school. In fact, she thought she could see the outline of a bed off to one side, and there was stuff all over the floor. Suddenly, she wasn’t standing in an art gallery anymore; she was back in that bedroom.
They’re both supposed to be studying. They were sitting on the floor of Alexis’s bedroom, textbooks and notes mingled with the junk food wrappers spread out across the floor; mugs of now cold coco sitting dangerously close to both notes and elbows. Both girls have exams the next day and neither of them feel very prepared despite the many hours of studying they’d been putting in. Daisy’s head drooped onto her chemistry textbook while Alexis attempted to make sense of one of her practice calculus problems. Noticing her friend was falling asleep, Alexis poked her in the side.
“Wake up, sleepy head,” she whispered, barely restraining a yawn.
“No,” Daisy grumbled, burying her head into the crook of her elbow.
“Come on, it’s only-” Alexis grabbed her phone to check the time, eyes widening when she saw it. “Oh my god, it’s almost three. I guess we’re as ready as we’ll ever be, huh, 'Z?” Daisy made a noise that Alexis took to mean she agreed. “Come on, lets go to bed.”
She pulled Daisy off the floor and helped her onto the bed. They settled in and turned the lights off, but Alexis just couldn’t sleep. She tossed and turned for a few minutes before Daisy told her to cut it out.
“We’re more than prepared for these exams, 'Lexi, I’m sure we’ll be fine,” Daisy consoled her. “Plus, in fifteen days we will officially be out of high school, and then we’ve got the whole summer before we have to go to college, and you’re going to be just fine there too, because I’ll be right there with you, okay? Now, can we go to sleep?”
Alexis took a deep breath. “Yeah,” she whispered. “Thanks, 'Z.”
“Anytime. Now shut up.”
Alexis smiled fondly at the painting before feeling eyes on her. She glanced around the room and saw a woman in a tight deep purple dress staring at her. It wasn’t a nice kind of stare, either. It wasn’t a “Do I know that person?” stare, or an “I wonder where she got that dress, it’s nice” stare. It was a “She’s not good enough to be here” stare. Alexis felt her smile disappear. Unfortunately, this was a stare she had encountered before, around her college campus. It was a nice school, a really nice school, and she and Daisy didn’t really fit in with all the sophisticated rich kids. She shopped at thrift stores, they wore designer flipflops. There was a definite difference in lifestyles between them. Feeling a sudden chill in the room, she wrapped her arms around herself and turned toward the next painting.
She was met with bright greens and blues, rich browns, and streaks of white. Something about the brushstrokes told Alexis that this painting was moving. Or rolling, more like. She found her smile returning as she was pulled into another memory.
It’s a joint family picnic. Alexis, her older brother Dan, Daisy, her younger sister Lila, and both sets of parents had come together for a summer afternoon, one of the last before Dan headed off to college and the girls back to high school. They had spread blankets on the ground in the shade of an oak on top of a hill just outside their town. It was a popular hiking spot, and it was the perfect day for it. Ham and cheese sandwiches had been distributed once they’d reached the top, and the kids had quickly consumed theirs. The game of tag that ensued shortly afterwords could be considered childish by some, but Lila was only nine and therefore still a child, so that made it all okay.
“Bet you can’t catch me,” Lila had challenged her older sister before taking off at a run. Daisy had chased after her for a few minutes, then circled back to the blanket to tag her best friend instead.
“Unfair!” Alexis exclaimed, brushing crumbs out of her lap as she stood. Her brother took one look at her and took off after Daisy, and the game began in earnest. It continued until Daisy tripped over her own feet and ended up rolling part way down the hill. Alexis threw herself down the hill to join her, both giggling like they were five years old again. They lay in the sun for a moment before hearing Dan start to make his way down the hill after them.
Daisy grabbed Alexis’s hand and pulled her up. “Run!” She shouted, and they did.
What had started as a small smile had broken into a flat out grin over the last few minutes, and Alexis found she didn’t care what the other people in the room thought of her anymore. She watched the painting for a few more minutes, replaying the memory in her head. She was pulled back to the present when she felt rather than heard her phone buzz with a text. She would be lying if she said few moments ago she hadn’t been hoping for an excuse to leave, but she found herself enjoying the art a bit more now. She still wouldn’t protest a game of mini-golf and maybe something to eat, but the gallery wasn’t that bad.
Pulling her phone out of her pocket, Alexis smiled at the name that popped up on her screen.
Text from: Daisy-Doll
11/11/16 6:32pm
How’s the date going??
11/11/16 6:33pm
Do you need me to give you an out?
Alexis laughed softly as she sent a text back.
Text from: 'Lexi-Love
11/11/16 6:33pm
I haven’t actually seen him in a while, he went to get drinks
11/11/16 6:34pm
We’re at an art gallery, Daisy
Text from: Daisy-Doll
11/11/16 6:35pm
On a night like tonight?
It’s gorgeous out!
Text from: 'Lexi-Love
11/11/16 6:35pm
I know!
The arts cool, I guess
It’s super modern
Text from: Daisy-Doll
11/11/16 6:36pm
I know how much you like dusty old stuff.
Text from: 'Lexi-Love
11/11/16 6:36pm
Hey, you like “dusty old stuff” too
“I can’t believe my Dad roped you into this. Aren’t we supposed to be doing crazy stuff over Spring Break now that we’re college students?”
Alexis laughed at her best friend’s words, setting another box of junk near the top of the stairs. “Maybe, but I don’t mind cleaning, and, to be honest, I needed to get out of the house for at least an afternoon,” she said, moving back across the now much cleaner attic space to get to where Daisy was going through another box of what looked to be old toy trains.
Daisy looked up at her sympathetically. “Dan’s girlfriend?” She asked.
Alexis nodded. “I mean, don’t get me wrong, I like her, but she’s very…” She trailed off, looking for the right word.
“Excitable? Peppy? Not Dan-like?” Daisy suggested, closing the box she’d been going through and labeling it.
“Yeah,” Alexis said with a sigh, taking the box Daisy held out to her, checking the label before putting it under the window on the far wall with the other antique toys and things. “This place looks good, 'Z.” She added as she looked around the room.
Daisy turned to observe their progress. “It’s better than it was,” she decided after a moment, looking unconvinced. Alexis rolled her eyes and grabbed Daisy’s hand.
“I think we deserve a break.”
Daisy laughed and allowed herself to be pulled towards the stairs. “Okay. But, we’re coming back up here after, right?”
“Sure,” Alexis agreed, “but first, lemonade.”
Shaking her head at her friend’s serious tone, Daisy smiled, adding, “I think we’ve got some cookies, too.”
Alexis’s cheerful squeal could be heard on the street below as she ran down the stairs.
Text from: Daisy-Doll
11/11/16 6:36pm
This is true.
11/11/16 6:40pm
You still there, or did your date turn out to be a serial killer?
The texts pulled Alexis out of her memories again. She seemed to be spending a lot of time lost in her own mind tonight. Looking up from her phone, she saw Matt heading back towards her, looking vaguely disappointed about his failed attempts with the woman at the bar.
Text from: 'Lexi-Love
11/11/16 6:41pm
No serial killers, just thinking
He’s coming back, I’ve gtg
Text from: Daisy-Doll
11/11/16 6:41pm
Okay, have fun!
If you need me to have a mental breakdown so you can come back and comfort me, let me know.
Alexis laughed, tucking her phone back into pocket. Again, she thought of how Daisy never failed to make her smile.
“Hey,” Matt said brightly, finally returning, but seeming to have forgotten her glass of water. “Come on, I want to show you something.” He reached to take her hand, and Alexis became unreasonably glad that this dress had pockets.
“Lead the way,” she said, forcing a smile and keeping her hands firmly in her pockets. It didn’t seem to faze him, though, as he simply looped his arm through her’s instead and lead her to a painting across the room. He was talking about the piece he was about to show her, but she wasn’t listening. Her mind kept wandering back to Daisy, and- Oh. They’d stopped in front of a painting that covered the wall almost completely. It was a square that stretched from floor to ceiling, splashed with brilliant oranges, reds, yellows, and rich light browns. It was beautiful. Though she didn’t know much about the world of art, even she could tell this was exquisite. Matt was going on about the time he’d gotten to meet the artist during his semester abroad in Italy, and Alexis was trying to pay attention to him, she really was, but she was drawn into the painting in a way she hadn’t expected.
Alexis was running. It always helped to clear her head, and it felt like everything was crashing down on her all at once. The dorm room she shared with Daisy had suddenly felt too small, and she’d just needed to get out. So, she’d changed into her running clothes as fast as possible, left a note for Daisy, and then she ran. There was no destination in mind, just a need to move that drove her further and further from the room she’d come to call home. She wasn’t even sure what she was running from, she just knew that she needed to.
Eventually, she found herself at her favorite little picnic spot up behind the football field, and she slowed down. There was a perfect view of the sunset from up here, and for a moment she got lost in the colors. Soon, though, she was brought back to the present and all her thoughts came crashing down on her again. It had all become real in the last few minutes. The fact that she was turning twenty in a few weeks; that she was in college, preparing to do the thing she was going to do for the rest of her life; that life passes in the blink of an eye. She could still remember being a kid, still felt like a kid sometimes. The idea that she’d never be nineteen again-
“You know, the whole existential crisis thing seems like more of a Dan thing than you, if I’m being honest,” Daisy spoke from behind her.
Alexis turned and gave a small laugh, unsurprised her best friend had found her. “I know,” she said quietly, “but it all just kinda hit me, you know?”
Daisy nodded. “Yeah, I know.” She grabbed Alexis’s hand and smiled. They stood in silence for a few minutes, watching the sunset, hand in hand. “Come on,” Daisy added, “they’re doing breakfast for dinner tonight in the cafeteria.”
And then Alexis was running, but this time she wasn’t alone, and she was running to something instead of away.
“Don’t you think?”
Alexis jumped a little at Matt’s question, not having expected it. “Hmm?” she responded, not wanting to say the wrong thing and make a complete fool of herself.
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Matt didn’t seem bothered by having to repeat his question, he wasn’t even looking at her.
“Yeah,” Alexis agreed, the realization dawning on her slowly, “she is. I’m sorry, but I have to go.” Ignoring Matt’s confused protests, Alexis ran out of the art gallery. She needed to find her Daisy.
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newssplashy · 6 years
Volvo's newest and smallest crossover SUV arrives with lots of creature comforts, leading-edge safety technology, and a punchy engine, all wrapped in a right-sized package — and it couldn't have shown up at a better time.
The Volvo XC40 is the newest and smallest addition to the Swedish automaker's SUV lineup.
It arrives at the perfect time for Volvo, as the luxury compact SUV segment evolves in the US.
The XC40 is a tasteful, high-quality and exceptionally well-packaged small SUV for a starting price of around $33,000. It's also available via subscription through the Care by Volvo program, which lumps the car payment, insurance, and scheduled maintenance into one monthly fee.
The Volvo XC40 is the newest addition to the Swedish automaker's SUV lineup and it joins a growing segment of compact sport-utility vehicles and crossovers currently dominating the market.
Now eight years into its relaunch as a luxury brand under the Chinese automotive conglomerate, Geely Holding Group, Volvo has launched seven new models, three of which are SUVs: the XC90, XC60, and now the XC40.
The 40 is built on Volvo's proprietary small-car skeleton, denoted as the Compact Modular Architecture (CMA) platform which was co-developed with Geely.
As automobiles go, being the smallest and least expensive model in a lineup usually means you'll have to make some compromises — the evidence of which might manifest itself in lower-quality materials and fewer options than the pricier models.
That is not the case here. The XC40 feels nearly every bit as premium as a compact luxury four-wheeler should.
From the moment you pull open its hefty doors, plant yourself into the sculpted, leather and Alcantara-wrapped driver's seat, and grip the thick-rimmed steering wheel with the stoic chrome-plated Volvo badge planted dead-center, you realize you're about to pilot a very capable, exceptionally well-built machine.
At the same time, it's also quaint. And comfortable.
Unlike its larger siblings, the XC40 has no plug-in hybrid variant yet. It can only be had with one of two versions of the company's four-cylinder, turbocharged, gas-powered engines — available with 187-horsepower, or a more energetic 248-horsepower variant. An all-electric version is currently in development.
Volvo recently loaned us a fully loaded XC40 R-Design for a weeklong drive in Los Angeles. These are our impressions:
In pictures, the XC40 looks deceptively small. In reality, it's compact enough for city driving but has plenty cargo and passenger room for longer trips.
The Volvo family resemblance here is unmistakable. By now, you've seen what Volvo lovingly calls the "Thor's hammer" effect prominently featured in the automaker's signature headlights. Up front on the XC40, it gives the car a subtle, unique flair that makes it instantly memorable.
The inscribed "VOLVO" badge on the reflector lens is a nice touch.
Our Crystal White metallic test-car came with several panels and trim pieces, including the front grille seen here, painted gloss black.
You're probably seeing a lot of cars with this aesthetic on the road right now: side-view mirrors, roofs, rear decklid spoilers, side and hood vents — both fake and real — and, in some cases, door handles — all painted black. I have mixed, mostly negative, opinions about it.
But here on our R-Design model, it works.
The entire roof, and a portion of the D-pillar, are also painted black. Again, it works for the R-Design, but still feels just a little bit contrived. Call me boring, but I'd prefer the entire car painted one color.
Overall, this is a very handsome package, as equipped.
In keeping with the current mode for modern SUVs, a striking pair of shoes are a must. These are Volvo's 20-inch, 5-double spoke matte black diamond cut alloys.
Current-generation Volvos are some of the few luxury cars that boast a family resemblance from the front and the back. The upswept tail lights are instantly recognizable. Even from a distance, everyone will know you're driving Swedish.
Broadly speaking, the mighty turbocharged four-cylinder engine has become a staple in the modern auto industry. You get a very capable one in the XC40. Our tester was equipped with Volvo's 248-horsepower T5 variant. It's quick, quiet, and efficient.
Gas mileage was as good as I expected: 23 mpg in the city and 31 mpg on the highway, according to Volvo.
During my time with the XC40, I took a weekend road trip from Los Angeles to San Francisco. Starting with a full tank on both ends of the journey, I only needed to top off once, roughly halfway between the two metropolises. I'm certain I could've kept driving for a while before the tank got too close to empty.
The interior is really well done, and a pleasant surprise for any compact SUV starting in the $30,000 range.
Granted, our test model was loaded with every option available, but that doesn't negate the consideration Volvo's designers gave to the tactile feel of nearly every interior touch point — from the seating surfaces, to the chunky metal interior door handles, and the knurled center-console knob just below the nine-inch touch screen.
And for maximum practicality, there's a small rubbish bin in front of the center armrest.
And this is probably one of the best steering wheels in the segment.
The XC40's sportier R-Design package equips the seats with a rather typical combination of leather and a suede-like Alcantara. Also typical of Volvo specifically: the seats are a deeply satisfying place to be.
The splash of orange on the interior door panels and carpet help break up the visual monotony of what would otherwise be an all-black-everything interior.
On paper, you'd think a splash of orange would turn an otherwise handsome interior into something rather undignified, but that's not the case here. It livens things up just enough, without feeling cheap or gratuitous.
And, of course, there's a panoramic sunroof for good measure. Full disclosure: I've driven dozens of vehicles with these extra-large openings overhead, but I never drive with the roof open.
I like the aesthetic, though — and sometimes I will retract the sunshade.
Our test XC40 also came with Volvo's Pilot Assist semi-autonomous drive feature. It keeps the car within its own lane on road, and maintains a set speed and distance from the car ahead.
Unlike Tesla's Autopilot, Volvo's almost-but-not-quite-self-driving technology will not let you drive for any length of time with your hands off the steering wheel.
While testing the feature in freeway traffic, we observed that it took the XC40 mere seconds to recognize there was no driver input on the steering wheel, and it gave visual and audio prompts to reengage.
I would argue — as many automotive journalists before me have — that Autopilot is a more advanced semi-autonomous driving system that handles steering, acceleration, braking and lane-change duties in real-world traffic more gracefully than most other systems on the road right now.
But the system is not perfect. And in my personal experience, Autopilot is far more permissive of longer stretches of handsfree drive time. Autopilot does deploy a set of alerts that gradually escalate if drivers go hands-off for more than 30 seconds.
Sensus, Volvo's infotainment interface, is fantastic system. One of the best vehicle UIs in the industry.
It merges the car's systemwide settings and features with Apple CarPlay and Android Auto. The drawback to that is you get a screen with multiple layers of pages and tabs that require a sizable share of your brain's attention to navigate. It's a fine system nonetheless.
And, as is typical of Volvo, the Swedish automaker always adds just a splash of patriotism
You can see that here, with the rubberized miniature Swedish flag affixed to the front left fender.
The Volvo XC40 really hits a sweet-spot among the current crop compact luxury SUVs. It's large enough for cargo and crew, but remains nimble and responsive on the road. The available active safety and driver-assist features are well-executed.
It's an attractive and capable vehicle that's distinctively Volvo, and comes in at a price point that positions the company to reach new customers.
Coincidentally, Volvo says it has already seen such an influx with the XC40, which is available by subscription, via the Care by Volvo program.
Subscribers can order an XC40 and pay a flat monthly fee that includes the car payment, insurance, and scheduled maintenance. "We’re proud that 92% of subscribers are completely new to the Volvo brand," company spokesman Jim Nichols told Business Insider in an emailed statement. As of July 2018, the automaker has sold more than 6,600 XC40s — surpassing all other models in the Volvo lineup.
All that's missing is an electric variant. Given the current obsession for these compact luxury SUVs, and the growing demand for affordable electric vehicles, an all-electric XC40 could conceivably dominate the market once it hits the road.
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