#just ask rajan
i-lavabean · 5 months
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chaoticstabby · 6 months
I am now obsessed with the Rajan-Oscar dynamic. Expect some insanity about it
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valiantstarlights · 1 year
Chef Hob's family and the food truck's origin story
Hob is half-English and half-Indian. His father, Mr. Gadling, is from London. His mother, Mrs. Dandekar-Gadling, is from Mumbai. Hob was born in the UK.
Unfortunately, Hob was orphaned at an early age. And since his father had no remaining living relatives, (his paternal grandparents died a long time ago and his father was an only child), Hob was taken in by his maternal uncle's family in Mumbai.
His uncle, Sanyam Dandekar, is the current head of the family-owned and operated restaurant in Mumbai. It's small but thriving, and is well-regarded in the community. As the restaurant is on the ground floor of the building where the Dandekar family live, it's hard to escape the tantalizing smell of food wafting constantly from below.
It's from Sanyam that Hob learns to love food, to cook well, and to love making people happy through his cooking.
His aunt, Priya, always encourages him to go after his dreams. She was there for him every step of the way when he applied for a scholarship to go to a fancy culinary school in the UK. When he was accepted, she was the first person he told the news to, and she was so proud of him that she immediately called up her friends to share the good news with them. (Hob had had to endure maybe half a dozen aunties trying to introduce him to their daughters and nieces.)
His female cousins, Kala and Daya, love Hob very much and treat him as their older brother.
Kala has always been very intelligent even as a child, and she got bullied for it at school. Hob was quick to put an end to that and told her to reach even higher so she can leave everyone in the ground while she sails among the stars. Kala shyly told him she would build a spaceship for their entire family so she wouldn't have to sail the stars alone.
Daya was the more easy-going sister. She tried her best to teach Hob to dance, and never made fun of him even when he eventually accepted that he had two left feet. When she was rejected by a boy who told her she was so ugly that she'll never find anyone who'll love her, Hob got in trouble for beating the shit out of him, but he has no regrets about it. (Kala did not get in trouble for setting the boy's schoolbag on fire because she didn't get caught.)
Hob was so afraid when he found out that he was bisexual, but his family accepted him and treated him the same as they always did. His aunt Priya even promised not to matchmake him with anyone even though he's such a catch. They'll all just wait and see who he brings home. No judgment or pressure whatsoever.
He misses them fiercely when he gets to the UK. Especially when Kala gets married and he couldn't travel back because he had back-to-back exams, both theoretical and practical.
Still, he pushes himself to study hard, graduates with distinction, and eventually becomes a professional chef at a fancy hotel.
Hob's family are very proud of him and always call him to tell him so. Daya begs him to return and cook for them. Hob says he's still saving up enough vacation days. Rajan, Kala's husband and the current CEO of a major pharmaceutical company, offers to pay for his transportation. He graciously accepts because he's not an idiot.
After a couple of years, he finally accumulated enough vacation days to travel back to India for a long visit. The first thing he did is to cook a feast for his family (which now includes Rajan). He cooks traditional Indian food as well as food from other countries that he thinks they'll like.
(He adjusts the recipes to fit into their religion-based dietary restrictions, and adjusts some more when some ingredients are not readily available. He's a professional chef, after all.)
Daya is all about the taiyaki. Kala is in love with the vegetable lumpia. Rajan has strategically rearranged the dishes on the table so the plate of jollof rice is always close to him. Priya asks him to give his uncle his recipe for the vegetable moussaka. Sanyam is in tears because of how proud he is of Hob and how delicious everything is. He tells Hob that when he dies (far, far into the future), Hob is welcome to take over the restaurant.
Hob spends most of his time in India in the restaurant's kitchen with his uncle, and they experiment and add new things to the menu. Hob gets to talk to customers he's known ever since he was a child. They are all very proud of him and sing praises for the restaurant's new menu items.
Hob leaves India a month later with a much lighter heart.
When he returns to being a chef in the fancy hotel though, he finds that he is increasingly frustrated and unsatisfied. He feels like he should be happy and grateful. Instead he feels burned out.
He calls Kala, who is the closest to him age-wise, for advice. She simply asks him, "What do you want?"
He sighs and says, "I thought I wanted to be a chef. But now that I am one, I feel lost."
Silence. Then Kala says, "May I say something potentially controversial and not have you hang up on me?"
Hob chuckles and tells her to go ahead and say what she needs to say. In fact, maybe he needs to hear the potentially controversial thing to snap him out of this wretched state.
"I don't think you really want to be a chef."
Wow. "So far, so bad. Go on."
"No, listen: you have always loved cooking for us. You and dad. It's how you show your love. But where you're working currently, it's like you're a machine. Day in and day out, you're just completing orders. How many times since you started working there did you go out of the kitchen to talk to the guests? How often do you get to experiment with new culinary creations without anyone trying to stifle your creativity?"
Kala's tone implied that she knew the answer. "You might say that it will get worse before it gets better, but will it really? If I ask you now what your happiest memory is of your workplace, what will you tell me?"
"I--" Hob clears his throat and blinks away the tears that had snuck up on him. "When the hotel called me to tell me they had accepted my application. I immediately called home and all of you were so proud of me. I even heard Uncle announcing it to the entire restaurant in the background."
"Oh, Hob..." And now Kala sounded like she was gonna cry too. "I wish I were there so I can give you a hug."
"Virtual hug accepted. Is that the end of your controversial pep talk or is there more?"
"I think that's enough controversial things for now," Kala says. "Rajan and I are going to London in a couple of weeks for pleasure. We should meet up so you can show us all the good spots to eat at and then we can talk more."
They said their goodbyes soon after. Hob spends a lot of time that night just looking at the ceiling, not wanting to go to work but inevitably has to when his alarm goes off.
Kala was right. Being a chef granted him all sorts of qualifications and symbolized that he is a master in the field, but he isn't in it for the title. His uncle isn't a professional chef, yet Hob wouldn't claim to surpass his skills. And between the two of them, he knows who the happier one is.
Rajan and Kala arrived with a couple of bodyguards named Vikram and Wolfgang. Hob remembers them from his visit to India. Vikram is as stoic as bodyguards come, but Wolfgang has a different, more dangerous kind of intensity.
Hob shows them all the good dining spots he has discovered over the years, and all five of them eat well.
It was during their outing that Hob notices the food vendors on the street. They look...happy. They work just as hard as the other chefs in the hotel, with the main difference being that the customers are right in front of them, and they get to see their reactions.
It was very heartwarming to see tourists trying the local street food and seeing their faces light up after their first bite.
At the end of the day, Hob tells Kala of his food truck idea. It's almost embarrassing how excited he sounds, but Kala is excited too. She grabs Rajan and tells him about it. Rajan grabs Wolfgang and asks him about it. Hob almost expects Wolfgang to grab Vikram too, but Vikram just looks on, looking amused.
In the end, Wolfgang shrugs and says it's doable, and just like that, they're drawing plans and trying to come up with names.
("What about 'Gadling's'?"
Kala hummed. "I guess...I mean, that is your name. No one can argue that."
"I feel like you just insulted me, my father, and my paternal ancestors."
"Hob, our family restaurant's name is Dandekar. We are all basic here.")
("Glad Tidings?"
Wolfgang huffed a laugh. "No, Rajan."
"I think it's a good name."
"I think you need to go to sleep. How many hours has it been since you slept? Forty-eight?"
"Are you the sleep police now, my wolf?"
"Kala, I'm taking Rajan to bed."
"Alright," Kala says distractedly. She is currently looking at the kitchen plans, specifically the stove set-up. "Have fun. Don't hog all the blankets."
Hob's eyebrows have migrated to the ceiling. He doesn't think they quite know what they let slip, but he isn't going to pry until they're ready to talk to him about it. He looks at Vikram to see his reaction, but the man just looks like this is a thing that happens often and isn't bothered in the slightest.)
They videocall six people all over the world--mutual friends, Kala says--and all of them put their heads rogether to make Hob's food truck idea into a reality.
Hob is overwhelmed by their support. Rajan has promised to fund everything if Hob lets him eat for free when he's in town. Sun from Korea seconds him and agrees to lend monetary support as well, and to help him expand to Korea if the venture is successful. Capheus, the matatu driver from Nairobi, is flying to London to help customize the food truck. If possible, he sounds even more excited than Hob himself. Nomi from San Francisco and Will from Chicago volunteers to get the papers and forms sorted. Actual famous actor Lito Rodriguez from Mexico promises to promote his foodtruck when he goes to London to shoot a movie.
"When and where did you meet and befriend all these people?" Hob asks Kala. They all sounded like old friends and had inside jokes that Hob didn't understand. (What in the world is a tequila-squared?) Kala just smiles at him and says, "The internet exists for a reason, you know."
"Let me guess," Hob said in a low voice so the others won't hear. "An online dating site?"
Kala shrieks with laughter and hits him with a throw pillow.
Soon, the food truck is ready and Hob is in awe of everyone who pitched in and helped. He literally could not have achieved this so quickly without any of them.
Kala hugs him tight. "You deserve to be happy, Hob."
Hob hugs her back. Every person they videocalled (and Wolfgang's brother Felix) is coming to visit with their plus ones and twos to try out Hob's menu to taste-test before opening, and will stay until the grand opening a week later to help in promoting the foodtruck. They even have Riley from Iceland going to DJ for them.
"Should we invite aunt and uncle and Daya?"
"Do you really think we could stop them if they want to be here?" Kala asks him incredulously. "Have you met our sister?"
Hob has handed in his resignation notice as soon as the food truck's kitchen had been operational. That had been two weeks ago. He feels like a huge burden has been lifted from his shoulders the moment the e-mail was sent.
It can only get better from here.
P.S. I'm basic as hell at naming, so if you have ideas on what Hob's food truck should be called, speak now or forever hold your peace.
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vexing-imogen · 5 months
Elsie sees to him last, at his insistence. Rajan has never been overly fond of doctors (with one notable exception), and whatever she had done in the tunnels below Greyslate has kept him from death's door for now.
"I'll be back," she says, once he's settled on the sofa, assurance and threat in one. He won't be weaseling his way out of this one.
He regards the crumbling ruin of his torso and thinks that is probably for the best.
Rajan settles in to wait for Elsie to return, knowing it may take a while, given the extent of Cosmo's injuries alone. He closes his eyes, tilts his head back, relaxes into the cushions of the sofa, and...does not sleep. It is not the pain in his chest that keeps him awake, rather the yawning ache of emptiness. Stillness and quiet where there is usually a low drone of activity.
It reminds him far too much of their his house that sits abandoned in Briar Green. The only difference being that he knows the swarm will eventually return.
Soft footsteps draw him out of thoughts that are spiraling into maudlin. "Raj?"
He cracks an eye open, takes a moment to focus through the kaleidoscoping fractals. Elsie stands in the doorway, her black bag in one hand, still covered in dirt and blood, her hair falling from its pins. Beautiful.
"Elsie." He gives her a half smile, sitting up straighter, wincing as the movement pulls, close to tearing.
She brings a stool over to sit in front of him, sets her bag on the sofa beside him. "How are you feeling?" she asks, tracing cool fingers over the scars above his eye. He leans into the touch for just a moment.
"I've been worse," he tells her. That gets him a raised eyebrow and an annoyed twist of her lips.
"Right, of course." He can see the muscle working in her jaw as she turns away from him. Her hands clench and unclench in her lap. "You promised that you wouldn't make this difficult."
He hadn't really, not in so many words, and certainly not with any degree of sincerity at the time. But he knows when to swallow his pride, and so he takes one of her hands in his, strokes his thumb gently over her knuckles, his touch lingering on the indent where a ring used to sit.
"What do you need from me, darling?"
Elsie turns back to him with a sigh, pulling her hand back. She steels herself before pulling open the tattered remains of his shirt and jacket, exposing the gaping wound on his chest.
"Tell me how I can help you," she pleads. "How do I-" Her hands flutter nervously for a second. "Is there anything I can do to fix...this?"
Whatever Rajan may have been expecting, nothing could have possibly prepared him for Elsie reaching her hand into his chest and stroking along the torn edges of the hive. All of the breath leaves his lungs on a gasp, and something hot races down his spine. He meets Elsie's wide eyes, and realizes belatedly that his hand is clamped, vice-like, around her wrist.
"I'll take that as a 'no'," she says breathlessly, withdrawing her hand.
"The swarm will return," he says after a moment, his extremities still tingling, "and they will take care of...internal repairs." And expansion, but she needn't worry about that. "The most you can do for me is close the wound."
"Okay." She nods, reaching for her bag, all business. "Lie back."
She works in silence for several minutes, cleaning the edges of torn skin, numbing the area as best she can, and starting to stitch him up. The sensation is uncomfortable, but never painful. He allows himself to relax into it; her hands delicate and precise, her gaze intent.
"I-I didn't realize-" She starts and stops tentatively. "How long has this been a part of you?"
He doesn't answer right away. "Since the night I lost my sister."
"Raj," she breathes. He has to look away from the pity in her eyes. "Why did you never tell me?"
He hums. "I suspect for the same reason you never told me about your illness," he says. She freezes, and he reaches up to tuck an errant curl behind her ear. "It was my burden to bear, Little Bird."
She is nearly finished before she speaks again, working on the last few stitches. "I never wanted to hurt you, Raj," she whispers, loose strands of her hair tickling his bare chest.
"Nor I, you," he says. "And, yet, here we are."
"Where do we go from here?" she asks, once he is stitched and bandaged, his shirt mostly back in place.
Rajan sighs. "To sleep, Elsie."
"Be serious."
"I am," he insists. "It's been a long day, we're both exhausted. Anything else can be left for the morning."
He watches her shoulders slump, the stubborn set of her jaw relax. "Fine." She finds a blanket for him and turns off the lamps. Then he watches as she frees the rest of her hair from the pins, removes her shoes, and curls up like a cat on the opposite side of the sofa.
"What are you doing?" he asks, incredulous.
Elsie huffs. "All of the guest rooms are occupied," she says, adding in a softer voice, "and I don't have the energy to climb the stairs to my room tonight."
He hums, can feel sleep finally coming to claim him. "Sleep well, Elsie," he murmurs, running his thumb over her ankle; once, twice. "May your dreams be free from shadows."
She pokes him in the hip with her toe. "And may the morning come swiftly."
Rajan wakes just a few hours later, as the sky is starting to lighten in the pre-dawn. There is a warm weight pressed against his side, and he finds that he and Elsie have migrated towards each other in the night. Her head is on his shoulder, her arm flung across his waist, and he barely has to move his head to be able to smell the traces of jasmine and honey on her skin.
She mumbles something unintelligible and snuggles closer. He inhales deep, catching the underlying scent of petrichor and bleed, closes his eyes again, allowing them both a moment of comfort before they have to face a new day and whatever lies ahead.
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adaineabernantsfrog · 3 months
16 of the 100 ways for Rajan and Elsie
Elsie shouldered open the door, trying to contain her coughing. She wanted to burry herself in the bathroom until it passed, as she did every time this happened, but instead was greeted by the smell of old books and sweet honey behind her. Rajan. If she wasn’t embarrassed before, her face flushed pink, and not just from the coughing this time.
It was the smell of several long nights tucked in corners, in rooms in his many houses nobody else knew about but those two. It was the smell of comfort after she lost a patient, curlled in his arms until she stopped sobbing. At some point recently, she had stopped sobbing. Once or twice, she would let a tear fall, but more often than not, her tears were quiet, contained, and non-existant. They existed in the tiny box in the back of her head that contained other things, things she couldn’t focus on right now, things that surely, if she let out, would ruin her in every way possible. Things that would ruin her in all the best ways. 
God, how she wanted Rajan to ruin her in all the best ways. In a way, she had ruined him. She had broken him when nobody else would, she had torn down his walls and then was the one to build them right back up. She had had him, in all the ways a person could be had, and then left him when things got  hard. Now, like so many nights, he was outside her door. 
“Do you need anything, Little Bird?” He asked. God, that voice. The low rumble accompanied by a small hum. Her favourite sound. It took everything in her to not turn and bury her face in his chest.
Tomorrow was never guaranteed, and Elsie didn’t have everything in her right now. All her rash sense and the idea of belonging with someone, to someone, them knowing her- All the desire came flooding back in two short seconds and she turned and did it anyway. 
The second she did, she realised he was in a nightshirt. God, he still smelt like him. It was a ridiculous thing to appreciate someone's scent. It was like appreciating the way they looked, though. Elsie never really tired of it. His arms came up to wrap around her waist and hold her as she half-coughed, half-sobbed, into his chest. His hive? She didn’t know (or care). He hummed to her. An old song he used to do when they were still together. It was so, so damning and too damn comforting to be worth any of the damnation that came with it. His hand in her hair, her face in his chest. This was all so oddly familiar in the best-worst way possible. 
“Did I wake you?” She asked. 
“It’s ok,” It wasn’t a no, and it wasn’t a yes, but it was a reassurance, “I couldn’t sleep anyway.” Her hands ran down along his body and found his own, taking it in hers. 
“Go back to bed.” She begged. Eventually, she looked him in the eye. One of his eyes no longer existed, replaced instead by a hive, and the other one, the other one was, well, beautiful. It was the eye she remembered from days long past. Knowing that he was so damn pretty and she was so…Undeserving of attention from a man like him almost made the pain worse. Her next breath was a howl, her next words a whistle. She could feel the beast wiring inside her. A new kind of feeling. A beg. “At least come back with me, if that helps.” She looked at him, eyes wide and empty. Hopeless and hopeful. Everything and nothing. When he used his one eye to blink, it was slow. Methodical. 
“Of course.”
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if anyone wants to play the game is send me a candela duo/trio/group (platonic or romantic) and a number from this list and I'll write it!
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resetting37 · 2 months
The tension between Advik and Sean (revised)
hey hey I'm back with more retconning, this time I'm changing a few things with Advik's backstory, specifically his relationship with the Ellocast Project and its favorite subject Sean.
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idk how many people remember the original story I had of Advik causing an accident that injured Sean, leading Advik to be privately relocated into the village he lives in the present day story. But if you kind of do, well, I'm getting rid of the accident and a lot of knowledge Advik had about the project.
New story: Advik, despite being the clone of one of the project's main creators, knew very little about it, and this was on purpose, as he was always a clumsy and irresponsible person and his "father figure" Rajan (Rajan is the son of the person Advik is cloned from. Yes this is confusing.)
And plus, when Echo was introduced to the subjects many years ago, it led to one of them trying to kill them. (not the one in this picture. Adam may have faced the aftermath, but he's off the hook this time lol). So they weren't eager to be continually introducing new people to these lab grown guys the same age.
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(I'd say the other exception is Aurora, whose father helps fund the project and she kind of gets whatever she wants, so she got to meet some of them.)
So though Advik knew vaguely of the project, I'd say slightly more than what the public knew, he was excluded until the present day in which he was introduced. But they only got to meet Sean. At this time, the only other subjects were Celeste and Trinity, and Advik was made aware of their existence, but never got to meet them until the events of my story. (Yes this is all """"backstory""")
But that's all they did. Was just meet each other. The situation overwhelmed Advik, he was freaked out by Sean's nature (unfairly, asking "is he even human ?!") And insulted the project and Sean's existence. And so he wanted no part in this, packed his bags, and willingly left his home on his own to live alone in the outskirts of Evelow.
From there, things are the same. Sean would hate Advik for his words (instead of this being a story of "Sean was physically vulnerable" it's instead "Sean experiences hurtfulness for the first time and it's through words") and still torment him when they reunite. And Advik does get over his fear of the subjects (especially when he meets more of them, because he will meet them all eventually !)
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Varamaatayo? (1)
"What Anna?" Thundered the Princess of Uraiyoor. She whirled, her eyes flashing damgerously. "Why do you wish me to marry in that family!? So that you can have the power and you attack Thanjai? Why Appa? Just because Ilaiyapiratti rejected Anna and married Vallavarayan?"
"Thangai! Don't forget you are speaking against our Father!!" Manmathan thundered at his younger sister.
"What type of Father wants to marry her daughter off for his own benefits?! Which Anna? Tell me! You are selling me to that Rashtrakuta King!!!" She yelled again and a loud sound echoed in the whole room, silence befalling.
Tears gathered in her ears as she looked at her Father, the red hue making it's way over the place his hand had collided with her face. Her Father heaved heavily, his eyes flashing and burning with anger. "You will be marrying the Rashtrakuta King. That's final. Raja Rajan won't be marrying a girl like you who just knows how to run their mouth even against their elders. You are no match for him." He yelled at her face.
"No... If not him, nobody else ..." She said and ran away, wiping her tears. Her feets took her to her room, sliding down in front of the small podium where the Krishna idol was kept.
"Kanhaa, oh Kanha.." she joined her palms. "You took away Rukmini when she didn't willed to marry Shishupala.. Oh Dwarkanaresh, I do not wish to marry the old Rashtrakuta King, for my heart is already won over by the King who rules Thanjai, Sivapada Sekaran Raja Raja Chozhan. I have given my heart and soul to him, this vessel is only thing left which I do not want for anyone to have... Please help me Kanna.." She wept and wept, her breath faltering as she choked.
"Abhimaanavalli..." Came the soothing voice of her sister, Amruthavalli. "Kanne, vaa, here have this water first." Amruthavalli made her sister drink water.
"Akka! I do not wish to marry the King... I already see Thanjai Chakravarthy as my husband Akka..." Abhimaanavalli wept like a baby, exact opposite to the Warrior Princess she was trained to be.
"Abhimaana, I will help you... If no one will I will help you.." Amrutha said and wiped her tears.
Abhimaanavalli suddenly wiped her tears and got up, going to her writing table. Taking a Parchment, she dipped the Quill into ink and started writing something. Soon flipping it close, she beckoned Neelima, who was her trusted maid.
"Neelima, take off to Thanjai at once with this Olai to the Chakravarthy. If not him, give it to anybody who's in his close circle. Be it Ilaiya Pirattiyar, Udaya Pirattiyar or his any of Arasi. This letter, must reach him." Abhimaanavalli said in a strong commanding voice, and Neelima nodded sprinting out of the room.
Abhimaanavalli turned to look at the idol of Krishna once again. Crouching down in front of it, she again started crying heavily as she laid down on the podium, her ink-stained fingers opening out as she wept for her love, yearning for her Love and soon passed out.
Amruthavalli joined her palms. "Oh Krishna... Please, fill my Thangai's life with Love.. let her be with whoever she wishes to be with..." Amruthavalli prayed.
Two days. It took Neelima two days to reach Thanjai as she walked inside the Fort, looking around in awe. Thanjavur Fort was a spectacular Architecture, which made her realize that Chakravarthy Raja Rajan was a man who loved Architecture. She could point out various stories carved out of the stones with perfection and finesse. With a mouth slightly ajar she walked, failing to notice the sturdy man who looked at her amusement as she dashed into him.
Quickly taking several steps back Neelima bowed 90 degrees, unable to look at the man in embarassment. "Ayya, my apologies. The Beauty of this Thanjai Fort took my attention and I didn't see you." She apologized red with embarassment.
He laughed loudly, and asked her to stand up. Neelima stood up and saw a man looking as regal as a King, but the godly aura that Abhimaanavalli has mentioned about Chakravarthy was missing. "Ammani, do you wish to meet the Chakravarthy?" He asked.
"Yes Ayya, for I bring a urgent message from the Uraiyoor Ilavarasi." Neelima said.
"Uraiyoor Ilavarasi?" His eyebrows came together. He remembered how his wife once told him about an alliance from Uraiyoor for her.
"Yes Ayya. But I apologise deeply that I can't show you the Letter, for I have strict instructions to give it to either Chakravarthy, Udaya Pirattiyar or any of his Arasi, his Thamakkai Kundhavai Pirattiyar or anyone trusted who can hand him the letter." Neelima apologized again.
He smiled all amused. "Then Ammani, forgive me for I didn't introduced myself. I am Vallavarayan Vandiyadevan of Bana Clan, husband of Kundhavai Pirattiyar and Commander of Thanjai Army. Chakravarthy is busy with some Court Hearings, if you want I can take you to Anthapura where you can meet Udaya Pirattiyar." Vandiyadevan said with a smile.
Neelima bloomed with a big smile on her face. "Please Ayya, please take me to Udaya Pirattiyar. For this is very important." Feeling the urgency in her tone, he took her to Udaya Piratti Thiripuvana Madeviyaar, or Vanavan Mahadevi, the Chief Consort of Thanjai Chakravarthy Mummudi Chozhan.
When I first met you, I was nothing but Princess of a small Kingdom of Chozha Naadu, while you were the one who was above my Father, the Lord of this Chozha Nadu, who's Amaravathi was Thanjai. I was a Vishnu Bhaktha, who's heart was stolen by he who wears Holy Ash and Rudhraksha. While you sat at the Throne with your Patta Arasi, I couldn't help but feel if I, a small Princess, can get a place in your Kailasam.
Chakravarthy, my Father wants me to marry a man who has more unmarried women in his anthapuram than having an actual wife. He doesn't have a Patta Arasi, but women to quench his lust. Women who die in his Palace. Thanjai Chakravarthy, pray, please pay heed to my request, and take me away with you. Accept me as your bride and give me a place in your Anthapuram as your Dharmasangini, for I can't see any one other than you as my Swami.
I will be waiting for you, you have two weeks time. Come and take me away from this unwanted relation. If not, I shall surrender myself to the holy fire.
The letter fell from Vanathi's hand as she slumped down on a chair, tears gathering up in her eyes. Panchama and Loka immediately ran to their sister-wife while Kundhavai and Veeranarayani Devi; who was betrothed to Raja Rajan, stood a little away, running to her too.
"Akka? What is written in the Olai?" Lokamadevi asked, her hand holding one of the Palms of Vanathi.
Vanathi instead handed her and Panchama the letter, the two reading and Kundhavai and Veeranarayani joining them. Panchama gasped loudly. "Swami must know about this at once! Vandhiyare, where is Swami?" She asked Vandiyadevan.
"Arasi, Chakravarthy will be free in some time. I met this girl going towards the Court and brought her here feeling the urgency in her tone." Vandiyadevan told Panchama.
"Vandiyadeva! I am sure Swami is free by now. Can you bring him to the Anthapuram?" Lokamadevi asked and Vandiyadevan nodded before going out.
"What's your name Devi?" Kundhavai asked Neelima.
"Ilaiyapiratti, I am Neelima. Trusted maid of Ilavarasi Abhimaanavalli of Uraiyoor." Neelima replied. Kundhavai asked a few more Questions from Neelima, until Vandiyadevan returned with Raja Rajan and everyone stood up except his Queens and Kundhavai and bowed.
"Vanathi, what happened? Why did you called me in haste?" He asked and noticed Neelima. "Who is this Girl?" He asked.
"Swami, this is Neelima. Maid of Uraiyoor Ilavarasi Abhimaanavalli. She brings her letter." Vanathi said and handed him the letter. His eyes went through several emotions and he slumped on bed.
"Swami?" Loka tenderly put her hand on his shoulder.
"I am going to Uraiyoor as the sun touches the horizon tomorrow."
@chiyaanvikram @willkatfanfromasia​ @whippersnappersbookworm​ @thatacademic​ @celestesinsight​ @curiousgalacticsoul​ @hollogramhallucination @nspwriteups @yehsahihai
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omgkalyppso · 6 months
Your OTP as GIFs
from an old game, but I'm not doing it exactly the same way as before because search engines have greatly deteriorated since then.
Tagging @umbralstars, @boghermit, @lucius-the-sinful, @lovely-english-rose, @jackalopedread and YOU.
Étoile x Astarion
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Originally posted by nancykali
I wanted to find a gift related to the keyword Trust but had to give that up after like an hour of fruitless search. So instead we have the moment from Bram Stoker's Dracula where after attempting to refuse Mina his blood because he was feeling guilty about corrupting her, Mina says to her monster, "Take me away from all this death." And. Well.
Étoile x Halsin
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No idea what this gif is from, but I couldn't resist. While ultimately I do think it was part of the writer's insensitivity to polyamory to have Halsin be relationship averse, and then turn his epilogue content into fan service — I really like aromantic Halsin expressing love in his own way and not wanting "a relationship" or labels.
Étoile x Zevlor
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I don't remember what's being said in this scene, but the romance in the movie Snow Cake is a Very Small part of the movie, but Alan Rickman's character does have a complicated relationship with Carrie-Ann Moss's character — a win for "fucking that old man." The main character of the film is dealing with life after having assaulted (and accidentally killed) the drunk driver who hit and killed his child. He is also present / indirectly responsible (but feels greatly responsible) for the death of a hitchhiker, which brings him to Wawa, Ontario where he meets the hitchhiker's mother, a disabled (autistic?) woman played by Sigourney Weaver. It's a really heavy movie that I only saw once but the layers of it and the fleeting comforts and difficult intimacy of it made this a good gif for what's going on with Étoile and poor Zevlor.
Étoile x Komira x Locke
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Another Sense8 gif. The woman in the middle, Kala, had a lot of anxiety about being in love with the man on the left Wolfgang, while living a life that was leading her to be with her betrothed, the man on the right, Rajan. This is also an extremely small sideplot of this show that was hastily wrapped up in the movie / final "episode." It was kind of silly but tbh I enjoyed this particular "unrealistic" resolution where Rajan was willing to explore what love would look like (even initially in an extremely sexual sense) with Wolfgang if it meant Kala's happiness / not losing her heart. A fair, if inaccurate, comparison to be made for how in my primary canon-compliant state for Étoile, I'd ship them with werewolf!Komira but leave Locke to his fate in the House of Healing; though I'd imagine the three of them would have very enthusiastic joy and supportive love in other au's.
Étoile x He Who Was
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I wanted to find a gif of love of someone/thing that was not completely human for He Who Was. I first thought of Meet Joe Black, and the few surreal moments, and the moment when his love interest asks him to stay, but I couldn't find a gif of the exact moment I wanted. I'd only seen The Time Traveller's Wife movie once and it was straighter than I remembered, the dialogue in the gifs I found was all wrong for Étoile and He Who Was' dynamic. I just wanted reference to the waiting, to the loss, to the not knowing if your supernatural love would return. Oh well. Instead I was looking up characters described as masochists (intended for He Who Was, but I guess observations can be made about Étoile which would be ... entirely correct), and found Marko from The Lost Boys, like the rest of them. In the scene I chose, they're initiating a (the?) protagonist into their vampire gang, jumped from a bridge and hanging to the beams while a train rushes overhead, scaring their initiate and having the time of their lives. I think He Who Was has a manic excitable laugh in his euphoria and that he enjoys the presence of danger, negotiated and known not to be a sincere threat against him and his holy missions. He and Étoile have a lot of fun in the limitations of a relationship across planes.
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heavensenthale · 11 months
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just set the table for me, please
fandom: sense8 relationship: Wolfgang/Kala/Rajan rating: gen word count: 2.2k
Written for @polyamships PolyamShippingDay for the prompt 'food'
Wolfgang was never really a chef but he wasn’t a bad cook either. He had to learn to cook for himself at a young age after his mother left and his father would be too drunk to feed him anything. It was one of those things he never questioned about his life: he cooked because he had to eat if he wanted to survive, it was not a big deal. Except, it felt like a big deal now as he stood outside of Kala’s father’s restaurant, mustering the courage to go inside and ask if he could help Wolfgang cook something for their anniversary. Rajan had already made plans for dinner, but Wolfgang was sure he could manage to make them a decent lunch that didn’t rely partially on a microwave. He paced outside for a while, trying to make out what words to use, because the cluster teased him for a reason: he was not good at asking for help when he needed it. Wolfgang was about to leave when he heard Sanyam say, “you’re scaring the customers, Wolfgang. Just come inside.”
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mahoushoujotechsupport · 11 months
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ok lets get started
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ok so starting off, something that i've been wondering since suletta tested out calibarn, why did lfrith have these layers but not calibarn? i'm guessing maybe that has something to do with calibarn having no filter or maybe the layers kept you at a lower permet score since elnora asks dr. cardo to raise the score and dr. cardo scolds her about it. like yea the scenes are supposed to be be parallels to each other but the way calibarn works when hooked up to someone is so different it seems
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who'd have thought on first watch everything this little gremlin would get up to
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the samaya sisters sure do love fucking spanking people wtf
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honestly really love nyla and wendy. i'm so happy we got to see them one last time in episode 24
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i know the actual earthian vs spacian subplot of the series bores some people, but i do wish they'd gone into it more than they did. like i remember when i first saw this shot and was wondering if they'd get more into class issues but they really didnt at all. i know expecting radical politics from a mainstream series is kind of setting yourself up for disappointment, but at the time it seemed promising
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i wonder if the light novels or anything will ever go into elnora's past. she claims here that dr. cardo saved her life and that without her gund prosthetics she'd be dead and i've gotta wonder if maybe she wasn't lying about the mining accident she brings up in episode 2, or if she really was the daughter of mercurian miners
also worth noting that elnora's voice as she speaks to eri here uses the same loving tone of voice she uses with suletta over so many of their phone calls later on. i know a lot of people hate on prospera but its so hard for me to dislike her at all. she went through so much and lost basically everything.
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has anyone ever caught this before? so nadim helped to get ochs earth to invest into the vanadis institute?
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look at her stupid little faces
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so like we can just safely assume this was probably belmeria, right?
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little brat. really though, i hope suletta and miorine start celebrating her birthday at some point
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nadim's reaction to both elnora and eri missing from their living quarters is honestly heartbreaking once you know what's about to happen. did he have any idea what was about to transpire in the next few minutes?
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like he had to have known he wasn't coming back once he got into that lfrith
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the pre-production lfrith bits remind me so much of the pharact's bits. *screams in el5n*
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yes, yes, i know the main theme of the series was forgiveness but goddamn i wanted this stupid asshole dead
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sarius' face here as he's likely being told about the folkvangr massacre really is something. gotta wonder what it was like for him those 20+ years having to work with delling. i wonder if the grassley orphanages came to be because of this tbh
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the birth of milfchar
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there is absolutely nothing that can do this scene justice if you're not just watching it. the music, elnora's horrified look at realizing eri is the one to synchronize with the lfrith.
i've rewatched the prologue probably a handful of times over the last like half year or so and this scene just always gives me goosebumps lol
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just awful shit lol
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so back in early december or so, when i finally decided to check gwitch out, i watched the prologue while i was really fucking high and i cannot tell you how much this scene fucking wrecked me lmao
i reached image limit for this post but god i hope hearing people sing happy birthday just fucking haunts rajan for the rest of his life
man, i still remember watching the prologue for the first time and really just not knowing what i was getting myself into since i had never watched a gundam series before, but like even as a standalone watch, the prologue fuckin delivers
ok onto episode 1
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queenofalpaca · 2 months
WIP Folder Game
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
@voidcat-senket tagged me because they wants me to SUFFER, go thank them
Why are there so many
Splitting them by fandom because otherwise this would be a huge mess (I say, as if it isn’t regardless). With that said, in no particular order:
Jedi Fallen Order/Survivor
Cal’s Sith Buddies
Baby Cal’s Sith Buddies
Medic Cal
Reverse AU
Sleep Dep
Came back Loving
Big Sis Trilla/Inquisitor Cal
Injured Villain
Bode’s Force Background
Go to Sleep, Scrapper
Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss/Mansplain, Manipulate, Malewife
Bode kidnaps a Padawan
Tanalorr’s Child Protective Services Or: how Bode opened up a daycare on Tanalorr
Mermaid Bode (concept)
Duty Calls
Duty Calls: Bode edition
Bode from HR
Sekiro Plunny
Trans Bode
Little Omega, Big… Omega?
Hades AU
Big brother Raj (Candela version and Star Wars version) [Jedi Survivor and Candela Obscura]
Trans Bode and Rajan [Jedi Survivor and Candela Obscura]
DC (Green Lantern)
Marie does a magical oopsie
Oblivion (one shot collection)
The De-aging Incident
Oblivion and Parallax
Knight au
5+1 White ring
Blind Kyle
DC (other)
The Omelette (Jason* gets a dragon) *Jason Blood, that is
The Gray Sons
The case of the fake guns
Marvel (Mysterio)
X times Tony flirted with Quentin
Mysterio Witch Edition
Enter Stage Right: Mysterio
Miscellaneous (fandom in brackets)
Apparently HFW now? [Horizon Forbidden West]
Zodiac [Zodiac, as in the movie with RDJ and Jake Gyllenhaal]
It’s Rain(ing) [Mortal Kombat, Rain]
Do I have too many wips? Yes. Have a touched most of them within the past six months? Nope. Am I ever going to write all of these? Probably not. Do I love and cherish every single one of them regardless and could be convinced to write/continue most of them if you ask real nice and throw in a treat? …perhaps.
I don’t even know enough people on tumblr to tag as many as I have wips so I’m just going to inflict this on @azu-mog and move on <3
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Round 1 Match-Ups
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I made 2 brackets and cut both in half in hopes this will make it easier to zoom in and read, but there's no side A or side B, which is why they aren't facing each other.
(reminder, i am willing to change stuff up if ppl ask nicely, so you can ask but there's not guarantee that i'll do it - these were randomized)
Masterpost has been updated, but here's a list of the match ups under the cut:
Kieran/Ray/Gemma (Trigonometry) vs Nicky/Joe/Andy/Booker/Niles (Old Guard)
Eugene/Rapunzel/Cassandra (Tangled the Series) x Sasha/Anne/Marcy (Amphibia)
Neal/Peter/Elizabeth (White Collar) x Jade/Dave/Karkat (Homestuck Epilogues)
Anzu/Kazuki/Junta (Romantic Killers) x Pyrrha/Commander Wake/Gideon The First (The Locked Tomb)
Syenite/Innon/Alabaster (Broken Earth) x Breq/Mercy of Karl/Seivarden/Ekalu (Imperial Radch)
Taylor/Theo/Josey (3) x Tessa/Will/Jem (The Infernal Devices)
Kieran/Cristina/Mark (The Dark Artifices) x Sofiane/Victor/Luisa (Mortel)
Jack/August/Rina (The Wicker King) x La’gann/Coral/Rodunn (Young Justice)
Roguish Semiotician/Infamous Mathematician/Player Character (Fallen London) x Alphonse/Seth/Listener (Bittersweet)
Emiya/Saber/Rin (Fate Stay/Night) x Winter/Moon/Qibli (Wings of Fire)
Amber/Reese/David (Adaptation) x Jack/Emma/Izzy (You Me Her)
Camina/Michio Pa/Serge/ Berthold/Oksana (The Expanse) x Enrique/Hypnos/Sofia (The Gilded Wolves)
Max/Jack/Anne (Black Sails) x Keiko/Miles/Kira (Star Trek)
Shikimori/Izumi/Ai (Shikimori is Not Just Cute) x Quincey Morris/Jack Seward/Arthur Holmwood/Lucy Westenra (Dracula)
Camille/Nyra/Dendro (Muted) x Turtle Heart/Melena/Frex (Wicked)
Storm/Helen/Mira (Love and Luck Podcast) x Neptune/Venus/Jupiter (We Know the Devil)
Nathan/Vlad/Ursula (Hunger Pangs) x Leif/Thorn/Kale (Leif and Thorn)
Haruka/Michiru/Setsuna (Sailor Moon) x Ichika Hoshino/Saki Tenma/Shiho Hinomori/Honami Mochizuki (Project SEKAI)
Sadie/Walt/Anubis (The Kane Chronicles) x Sherlock/Watson/Mary (Sherlock Holmes movies)
Dianda/Simon/Patrick (October Daye) x Caleb/Astrid/Eadwulf (Critical Role)
Arthur/Guinevere/Lancelot (High Noon Over Camelot) x Mukai Naoya/Saki Saki/Nagisa Minase (Girlfriend Girlfriend)
Dashawn/Steve/Jose/Cupe R III/Otto/Arturo/Gregory/Quackers McQuack (Bojack Horseman) x Fluorite (Steven Universe)
Logan/Jean Grey/Scott/Emma (X-Men) x Uzui/Hinatsuru/Makio/Suma (Demon Slayer)
Eddie/Venom/Anne/Dan (Venom) x Ben/Ryn/Maddie (Siren)
Nathan/Gabriel/Annalise (The Bastard Son and the Devil Himself) x Peter Quill/Aradia/Mors (Guardians of the Galaxy)
Aizo/Yujiro/Hiyori (HoneyWorks) x Kyle/Rogelio/Lonnie (She Ra)
Princess Glisselda/Seraphina/Lucien (Seraphina) x Tess/Jacomo/Margarethe (Tess of the Road)
Daniel/Sam/Jack/Teal’c (Stargate SG-1) x Quanxi/Pingsti/Cosmo/Long/Tsugihagi (Chainsaw Man)
Wu Zetian/Li Shimin/Gao Yizhi (Iron Widow) x Tree Trunks/Mr. Pig/Alien Husband (Adventure Time)
Miss Piggy/Kermit/Gonzo (Muppets) x Rajan/Wolfgang/Kala (Sense8)
Megaera/Thanatos/Zagreus (Hades) x Rilla/Arum/Damien (Penumbra Podcast)
George/Gilda/Thomas (Design for Living) x Asmodeus Alice/Clara Valac/Iruma Suzuki (Mairimashita, Iruma-kun!)
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Okay, let's make that pinned post x)
This blog is for sharing about polyships, polyamory in media, and just generally to have fun and geek out.
This is not exclusively an adult blog, but there will be adult themes. I will tag +18 content as "minors dni", so if you're a minor, please block that tag! If you want me to tag something specific, feel free to ask.
Just so we are clear, all identities, genders and pronouns are valid. Also I am proship, which means I do not condone violence over fiction. If any of these statements bother you, I believe you will enjoy yourself more on a different blog.
My favorite polyships include :
DRLAMP (Sanders Sides) AKA DLAMPR AKA polysanders : Janus x Remus x Logan x Virgil x Patton x Roman
Royono (Roleslaying with Roman) AKA Blood Red Song AKA the galaxy polycule : Roman x Youngblood x Noise
Stomco (Star vs the Forces of Evil) AKA Startomco AKA Starcotom AKA Tomstarco : Star x Tom x Marco
FameBlue (Steven Universe) : Holly Blue Agathe x the Famethyst
Lapamedot (Steven Universe) : Lapis Lazuli x Peridot x Amethyst
Chariskriel (Undertale) : Chara x Frisk x Asriel
Rajalagang (Sense8 [R17+]) : Rajan Rasal x Kala Dandekar x Wolfgang Bogdanow
Hertoni (Sense8 [R17+]) : Hernando Fuentes x Lito Rodriguez x Daniela Velasquez
The Boyfriends (Boyfriends webtoon) : Goth x Prep x Jock x Nerd
Main 6 poly route (The Arcana) : MC x Asra x Julian x Nadia x Portia x Muriel x Lucio
The cul-de-sac (Dream Daddy [R17+]) : Dadsona x Damian x Craig x Mat x Brian x Hugo x Robert x Joseph x Mary
Polyclan (Nu:Carnival [R18+]) : Eiden x Aster x Morvay x Yakumo x Edmond x Olivine x Quincy x Kuya x Garu x Blade x Dante
Johnlockary (Sherlock) : John Watson x Sherlock Holmes x Mary Watson
Elams (Hamilton) : Elizabeth Schuyler x John Laurens x Alexander Hamilton
Lunatic Bee (Helluva Boss [R18+]) : Loona x Vortex x Queen Bee
Chaggily (Hazbin Hotel [R16+]) AKA Charlie's angels AKA two and a half halos : Charlie Morningstar x Vaggie x Emily
A non-exhaustive list XD
I love to talk about ships, so if you like the same ships as me, don't hesitate to send an ask or a message! We can also talk about other ships, of course! ^^
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sodascribbles · 11 months
two weeks of whump: day four
(read on ao3 here!)
Definitely not late! For @.promptsforyourwhumpfic's Two Weeks of Whump Challenge!
Belt | Gas Mask | Cage
characters — murray, the contessa, misc. guards, sly mentioned
contains — cage <3, stress position i think??, again the furry equivalent of dehumanization
notes — some helpful inspo :] ok don’t question the logistics of non-sentient and sentient animals co-existing we KNOW that’s canonically how it works (see muggshot’s bulldogs, rajan’s elephants, various nonsentient rats) but. don’t. don’t think about it too hard okay
In a fucked up way, he's almost proud.
Sly’s learned how to keep his head down. Murray has not. He fights his way through a good half of the guards on-duty before they can pin him down, bruised and battered but smiling, shouting, “Is that all you’ve got?!”
He’s wrestled into a space much too small for him, kicking and screaming all the while. It’s a cage, a literal fucking— Murray doesn’t know a lot about the technicalities of things, but that can’t be legal, right? (Eventually, both him and Sly will figure out that it didn’t matter. In the prison, the Contessa was the law.)
He’s not even really able to stand, hunched in on himself in the tiny space. It’s like he’s a caged animal— well, okay, Murray supposes that technically he is a caged animal, but semantics really aren’t his concern right now. Small as it is, he’s curled in the corner.
It’s almost vulnerable. Murray’s kind of a big guy, and to be forced to feel so small…
Physically it sucks, too. He doesn’t really know how long he’s been sitting in here, but he’s started to ache; his back’s protesting, throbbing outward from where his shoulders are pressed to the wire. He thinks his knees are bruised, too, both from the cage itself and from sitting so long on the cold concrete below.
The blood on his snout has dried, crusted uncomfortably against his upper lip. He reaches up to rub it away— but there’s still not a lot of room to move here, and he elbows the wire and knocks himself in the jaw. He eventually just drops his hands back into his lap, sighing.
At some point, the skitter of too-many-fucking-legs lets Murray know that somebody’s finally come to visit him. (Not that he really wanted her of all people to visit. He would have much preferred Sly.)
The Contessa tilts her head at him, smiling. She did that a lot, he’d noticed, always sickeningly sweet. He can’t wait to whack the look right off of her. “That’s quite the predicament you’re in!” She steps forward, and Murray draws back, face twisting into a snarl. He must really look like a caged animal now, huh?
“Do you want out?” Her tone pitches up, light and mocking, and Murray realizes that’s exactly what she’s getting at. She’s talking to him like one might a particularly stupid (wild) animal. He winces at the thought and tries to straighten up, but the cage makes it impossible.
The Contessa laughs. “Oh, you must,” she says, watching him strain against the wire. She reaches up to reveal a ring of keys in her hand, taking one between her claws, and for a moment, Murray dares to hope.
“You’ve been causing quite a lot of trouble for my guards,” she says, her smile unfaltering but her jaw tight. “I think you should do something to make up for that, first.” His hope pops like a bubble on a blade.
She pretends to muse over this for a few moments, analyzing him. “Perhaps we’ll start with asking nicely.”
Murray narrows his eyes at her, internally weighing his options. The idea of it burns, red-hot and nauseous— he’d taken down a whole squad of wolves, and now he was considering playing nice because, what, she’d asked him to?
…but he aches. If he wants to fight his way out of here (and what else could he do?), he’s going to need to be in top shape. And this? This is not top shape.
Unsatisfied with his hesitation, the Contessa clicks her tongue. “So be it,” she sighs. She reaches forward, reaching a claw through the wire to tip his head up— Murray winces as his head’s pressed to the top of the cage. “I suppose this does take care of some things. You’re quite a bit more… tolerable, like this,” she coos, smiling once more.
Oh, I’ll show her tolerable, Murray thinks, and then he bites her hand.
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adaineabernantsfrog · 3 months
18 Raj/elsie/oscar??
This takes place in my College AU! 1 year later than we are now!
Rajan walked into the familiar hospital room to find his Elsie and his Oscar, one lying back on the bed, with the other older her hand, his thumb passing over her knuckle again and again. Oscar looked up when he saw Rajan enter, nodded to him. Rajan walked over first and kissed Elsie on the head, and then moved to kiss Oscar on the head, having to take off his hat to do so. 
“How is she?” He asked. It was a silly question, but it still felt important to ask. Oscar glared at him and looked at Elsie, who was wincing on the bed. Her eyes opened, and she looked between the both of them. When she sighed, it was a rattle, and she glanced at Oscar.
“I told you not to tell him, I didn’t want anyone else worrying.” There was a spot of blood on her bottom lip. Rajan reached out and stroked it away with his thumb, but she caught his hand before he could react it. “I’m fine.” Rajan wondered when she had gotten so skinny. She had always been small, but this was a change. A rather dramatic one, in fact. 
“I didn’t tell him.” Oscar said, “But I’m happy he’s here.” Elsie, judging by the bleak expression on her face, was not. “El. Come on.” Her thumb traced over Rajan’s as Oscar traced over her knuckle, and sighed, looking up at the lights. She hated hospitals, Raj remembered her telling him, when they first met. 
“Fine. He can stay.” Raj smiled as Elsie resigned to him being there, knowing that if he left he would just be thinking of her. It was such a strange thing to be ashamed of when over the past ten months she had seen him naked and prone (and he her) in several different ways. Her voice was horse. 
“Are you allowed to drink?” He asked. She nodded. Grateful for the small things, as always, he pulled out a bottle of tea and poured a cup. “Drink this. It’ll make you feel better.” 
“Is that a promise or a threat?” Oscar said, in the tone of voice he only used when they were alone. Raj helped Elsie sit up and laughed at his partners stupidity. 
“Why can’t it be both?” He asked. Elsie took a drink and glared at them. 
“You two are impossible.” She said. Her voice already sounded slightly better. She took another drink. Oscar shrugged. 
“You chose us, El.” Raj laughed as Elsie squinted at him. 
“Funny, I seem to remember you showing up at my door. What was it?” She pretended to think. “Oh, yes. You,” She looked at Oscar, “showed up at my bedroom door and begged me to have you.”
“I didn’t beg.” 
Raj would not stand for that, but soon he was Elsie’s next victim. 
“This one,” He rolled his eyes but kept smiling, “said he would give me everything you couldn’t. I said to Delia ‘He’s gonna last three weeks not kissing Oscar’, Delia disagreed.” 
“How many did Delia say?” Oscar asked, genuinely curious, and Elsie let out a raspy laugh. 
“I think she suggested locking you two in a room together and waiting. So does that sound like I chose you, or you both showed up at my door?” It was rhetorical, she could say the word and they’d both leave (though they wouldn’t be happy about it), and she kept them around. Raj kissed her temple and she melted into it. “I’ll be out of here soon.” She promised, holding both of their hands. “I swear.” 
lil' angsty, but its impossible not to be with these three!!! if anyone wants to play the game is send me a candela duo/trio/group (platonic or romantic) and a number from this list and I'll write it! (feel free to send me asks about this au too!!) (please give me an excuse to talk about it) (love y'all)
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resetting37 · 7 months
i forgot the name of Rajan's son and I felt bad so I should talk about him. Arun.
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this is the only picture I have of him, I should give him another drawing, but to be fair, he doesn't quite have the same presence as other sibling-figures of my main ocs do. If anything, Advik's mentor Echo is more of an older sibling than Arun is.
In actuality, Arun is technically Advik's nephew ? Though he's seven years older, so he's kind of like an older brother. The older brother that everyone else seems to like more, the cooler, more charismatic, smarter one. Which is fine to Advik. Kind of works out perfectly since Rajan is the current seat of the council and while the next should be Advik, everyone kind of agrees it should go to Arun. (including Advik, he didn't ask for any of this and would kindly leave the aristocratic lifestyle. and he does ! though the story behind that is pretty dark and not the ideal route.)
But all of this description kind of makes Arun sound... boring ? In reality, he's a fun guy to be around, that's why everyone loves him, but that's kind of it. (Rajan, despite being a worse person, is much more interesting to me, as an oc creator who likes writing about ocs who are bad people.)
Despite the Tandon's association with the science (specifically gene therapy and pharmaceuticals) department of Evelow, Rajan's speciality as a councilman is communication and education. He's just sucked into genetics because of his dad. Arun, however, is trying to be involved in the science field and makes a much contender for inheriting the position being thrown on to Advik. Will he get it though ? And will he want it still after finding out the details of the Ellocast project ? we'll see !
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