#jordy’s doodles
tamakishoochie · 8 months
Starting off strong with some Pennywise!Kirishima
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I don't need college i need to draw lego girls bloody and bruised
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codecan · 3 months
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Me and the silly pens in my drawer vs the world
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karkod-art · 1 month
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Feliç Sant Jordi!
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toonirl · 8 months
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I thought of something funnier than 24 :3
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mvtchayam · 2 years
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hes an anxious adult hes just like me fr!!
went through 5 stages of grief accepting the fact tht my lvl5 doctor ass wouldnt be able to clear any stages above SN-2 which means i wouldnt be able to get my fish boy...
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jordi-bobo · 7 days
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pumaskulls · 10 months
technically ive still got like ~20 other pieces i did for artfight, but im too tired to go thru and make sure i tag them all, so that's it for this year's AF posting </3
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tamakishoochie · 1 year
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Mirko my beloved 🫶🏾💕
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Jordi tries so hard to be the ninjas enemy when euphrasia is right there
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codecan · 3 months
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My cat was being very helpful
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jccatstudios · 3 months
dude i love the way u draw jesper so much??? like it just fits him so perfectly?? something about the hair and face shape he just like looks so alive
Thank you! Jesper's one of those characters that I love more and more every time I draw him. Same with Matthias whenever I have the chance to doodle. Unlike Kaz and Inej, whose expressions I already amp up a bit more than canon, Jes lets me do some bold expression work like the comics I'm inspired by. Thought I'd take this opportunity to share some design notes.
Hair and freckles - Both a callback to Jordie. Jesper and Jordie don't have the same hair texture, but as you'll see on the next set of pages (working on them finally!), they have the same hair part, which is opposite to Kaz's. I love a good moles and freckles character design dynamic.
Earrings - Little Kaelish worldbuilding thing. If I ever get to drawing Colm and Pekka Rollins, they'll have earrings too. Simple small gold hoops or studs.
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Vest - I like adding dark side paneling to all his vests. Jesper's described as tall and skinny, and that panel alters his silhouette to accentuate that. I also don't add a lapel to his vests like I do with Kaz's, and that's just to make him look more like a cowboy.
Revolvers - I've got to solidify the designs for his guns at some point. All I got so far is that they're pearl and gold with jurda blossom filigree.
Boots - Cowboy boots with a heel! Regular dress shoes seemed more like university Jesper than Barrel Jesper. I already draw Kaz shorter than his canon height, but the heels also add to that difference.
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hampurrger · 2 months
I plan to draw more aiden drawings and doodles, hopefully I can make a full drawing of him soon
I've just been doing doodles of him and Jordi for now to figure out how I can stylized them in my art style without making them look. Not like themselves. If that makes sense, yknow?
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toonirl · 1 year
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I'm OUT bitches!
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ask-neontiger · 2 years
Hiatus Announcement
Hello everyone! As the title implies, I'd like to come out and say that all of my blogs are officially on hiatus. As many of you probably know, I've got a book inching closer and closer to being published + a videogame in development with my girlfriend. These things, along with the webcomic I've decided to start scripting, take the most of my priority. I've been askblogging for 2+ years now and while I've loved every minute of it and all the wonderful people I've met through it, it's just not what's making me happy right now, ya know? This isn't the end, I love these stories far too much to give up on them, but right now I want to focus on my original content because it's what I've always dreamed of doing.
What does this mean for your blogs?
Right now, it just means that I won't be posting story updates on any of them for the foreseeable future. I may still participate on Mundays, post doodles of the characters, and even do a Fanart Friday here and there. But don't expect anything to be frequent or predictable.
Do you plan on coming back to them?
Absolutely! If I didn't want to continue them, I would outright say so. I love these characters and their stories and I'll most definitely be coming back to them when I have the motivation!
Where else can we find your content?
If you'd just like to see more of me in general, my mainblog is @emotionalsupportpuma !
If you'd like to see just my art, my artblog is @pumaskulls !
If you'd like to follow the webcomic, it's @somebysickness !
I haven't made an official blog to post progress of my videogame yet, but when I do I will edit it here!
And lastly, I want to thank each and every one of my followers for giving me love and support through this journey! None of my blogs would be what they are today if it wasn't for you all and I can't say enough how much I appreciate that. One day, I'll come back here and I hope you all will still be here waiting to see the next updates! Until then, I hope y'all have a lovely day/night!
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Because im tired, today’s been shit and I’m really petty…. Shoutout to my fsvorite white people 🤭
Jordie @jordie-is-definitely-sane: My sister and my resident therapist since Eleanor’s not here.
Lilly @bean-doodle: My other lil sister
Ella: my other lil sister who sadly deactivated
I would tag other moots but idk yall races because it’s not fucking important! Yall are humans and i love you sooooo….
Micah: one of my friends irl. You’re a lil annoying bro but i love you
Caleb: You. Are. Literally. The. Best. Human. Being. On. Earth.
Carley and Kelsey: Kelsey is amazing kn violin and Carley is so freaking smart. Also than you for correcting my pronounciation of Eyre
Isabella: You’re just freaking adorable. Even if you did say you were going to guillitine me
Micah (different one): You’re amazing and hilarious
Raylynn: We don’t talk but I’m sorry i hurt you.
Grace: *sighs* You’re a freaking mess but I can’t not love you so
Benjamin and Jonathan Carlin (2 of my favorite youtubers). Some of the most humane and greatest humans ever.
Whoever the heck that guy on the smarty pants youtube chanel is 😂
Mike Shoobert from The Newest Olympian Podcast
Trenton Lee Stewart, author of the Mysterious Benedict Society
Rick Riordan, author of the PJO and spinoffs
Ms. Crystal (my 4 grade teacher).
Actually all of my teachers pre 6th grade (all were white women). Except Kindergarden. You sucked and destroyed my faith in adults. Thx for that
William Shakespeare (Willy, we share birthdays! Also is Othello racist!? Also is Taming of the Shrew Misogynist!? Don’t talk to me about Merchant of Venice. I already know, Bill)
Artemesia, rape victim, artist, badass, inspiration: take no shit. give no fucks 😎
Abagail Adams
Thomas C. Forster, author of How to Read Like a Professor (changed my reading life)
Jane Austen, need. I. Say. More.
Alec Benjamin, singer
Nico Collins, singer
Shawn Mendes, singer
Taylor Swift, singer
The Men from King and Country
Dallas Jenkins
Plato, philosopher
Socrates, philosopher
Aristotle (bro! Were you fucking misogynist or not!? Answer the damn question!?), philosopher
Sappho of Lesbos, poet
Emily Dickinson, poet
Walt Whitman, poet
Elizabeth Hamilton, just a normal woman who was amazing
TobyMac, singer
I really could keep going. And i probably will
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