#john sheppard would be.
sga-owns-my-soul · 4 months
thinking about baby john sheppard growing up riding horses and listening to country music
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lesbiandarvey · 8 months
Stargate Franchise Top Relationships Bracket - FINALS
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can0n-fodder · 9 months
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orion-kenobi · 1 month
love that in season 3 of stargate atlantis John has fully become a weird little guy.
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hearteyesmcgarrett · 9 months
that Search and Rescue gifset i just reblogged reminded me once again that we were robbed of one of my favorite whump tropes: collapsing into somebody's arms
my man john was running around trying to be a badass after being literally impaled by something and we couldn't have had a moment at the end where he just wipes out and someone catches him???
robbed, i tell you
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the-mushroom-faerie · 2 months
i love how rodney keeps calling john "kirk" when hes very clearly tom paris
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atlantis-scribe · 1 year
LOVE that one reblog of the Two Dumbasses post where they say in the tags that Daniel would hate Sheppard because YES. let's all spread the Jackson-Sheppard Fated Enemies agenda. it's gonna be an epic Pretty Boy on Pretty Boy violence
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sga-mcshep-4ever · 9 months
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"It's been trapped here for thousands of years, alone." "It's not alone anymore." "It doesn't think on that level. It thinks about eating. That's it." "You would know." "If we stay, it will kill us." "Not unless we can kill it first." "Well, I don't see how." "Then either we must go, or it must. Maybe it wants to go. If we open the Stargate…"
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mathgirl24 · 7 months
For @mylittleredgirl, the OT3 we all need:
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twotales · 8 months
Another character? Then drop it in the tags
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sga-owns-my-soul · 4 months
You're so right about elizabeth/john/rodney that ship feeds my soul
they're actually everything tbh i love elizabeth and her idiot war crime committing husbands that she actively encourages to commit war crimes <3
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acrowbyanyothername · 5 months
decided i need to write a ‘Rodney meets John’s toxic ex, Todd’ fic. like it would heal me
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fixitwithwhat · 2 years
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okay, going through sg:a caps and i came across some for the game where john and rodney play chess in the end
and taking a closer look at the position on the board i realized for the first time john actually gets him with what looks to me like a variation of the scholar's mate which is just the most HYSTERICAL THING ever because either
a) rodney was lying his ass off about having trouble finding good opponents and actually s u c k s at chess and doesn't know the very first thing about it
b) he really is so distracted by this flyboy that he is getting got by the most basic trap you learn not to fall for when you first start out playing
and both options make me very happy
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chaniis-atlantis · 1 year
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Okay can we talk about what a masterpiece SGA's "Vegas" is?
I rewatched it recently and WOW I am blown away.
From a creative standpoint, its genuis because it's obviously only there to write the writers out of a corner. The only way the show can end is if the Wraith find Earth. But a subspace broadcast is impossible in the Prime universe. And instead of making up some technobabble bullshit, they went all out and created a whole new, fleshed out reality just to get the finale rolling.
Then of course theres the camp. The twangs whenever Sheppard walks through the door? The eagle screech too!! And the fucking Wraith cosmetics and the poker game??? It reads like fanfic which is about the highest compliment I could give an epiosde.
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But the meat is Sheppard.
Sheppard's character is also so on point. Even in this different reality he still had his core traits (accidental chosen one, socially awkward, and self-sacrificing dumbass). He's still just some guy who stumbles onto the Stargate program and somehow becomes the most important player in a game he just learned existed! (Again)
Whats more, it's almost a Universe where he decides "thats not for me." Almost one where he gets out unscathed, undeveloped. For a second you think "thats not the Sheppard I know." And then he turns around, and we see him speed through a character arc in less than 10 minutes. He goes from a solitary man, to a part of something, to an action hero, to a Shakespearan tragic hero in the blink of an eye.
Then he (dies??) Alone, saving the day oh my god
His fate plays out like all the other times he risked his life should have. Its a redo of Rising and The Definant One and any other episode where we know there should be no way out for John. It's as if its fulfilling some guns blazing prophecy or promise. Our Sheppard is on borrowed time. He knows it and we know it. Vegas acts as the should-be narrative end to his arc.
It's the one where he decides to take full action, to save the day. He does it with no help and in the end it kills him. He fulfills some sort of destiny, but only in this universe. In Prime his efforts play out exactly as they always do. We get to keep him, and the writers get to finish his story.
And of course its better that way, because our John has friends, and a life, and everything he might have dreamed about. He can't very well die in the last episode, not after five seasons of growth.
Maybe this is way off the mark, but that's how I read the epiosde. A tragedy and a comedy about one man against the world. A classic action hero story for a man who can never be that character (and never should be)
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cherish--these--times · 8 months
I just read Joe Mallozzi's post about the never to be seen Atlantis movie and saw that John and Teyla would have finally gotten together in it!! AND HAD IT BEEN A SEASON 6 TWO PARTER WE WOULD HAVE HAD AN ENTIRE SEASON OF SHEYLA GOODNESS OH MY GOD WE HAVE BEEN SO ROBBED I'M DEVASTATED!!!!
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nimuetheseawitch · 1 year
Therapist: you either have a hero complex or a death wish.
John Reese:
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