toasty-pyro · 7 years
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Cosplayed Soldier76 at Fanime this year with @joemamainc as Mercy.
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aviselan · 7 years
joemamainc replied to your post: i’m a goddamn embarrassment
If it makes you feel any better I told a dude who I liked that was flirting with me to stay hydrated when I wanted to flirt back
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lenaoxtonarchive · 7 years
Mass Effect Asks: All of them! If you want to of course you can always skip some if there are too many ^.^'
oh my god.. thank you?? i’ll put this under a read more tho sdfajdf
3. favourite class to play? vanguard
4. colonist, earthborn or spacer? honestly idk… i’ve only done colonist and spacer so far
6. your favourite paragon interrupt? uhhhh i don’t know tbh… there’s a lot and none of them are really… Iconic yknow
7. your favourite renegade interrupt? hands down the one where you kill kai leng
8. share a headcanon about your main shepard. she’s very messy.. she’s the type of person who always leaves the towel on the floor and refuses to throw any of her receipts
10. who is your shepard’s best friend and why? tali because they’re both optimistic and sorta idealistic and have a similar sense of humor :>
11. your favourite romance? i’ve only done one complete playthrough with a kaidan romance and i’m currently in the middle of a garrus romance so idk yet :0
12. what kind of pet would shepard probably buy? (besides fish and         hamsters^^) my shepard specifically? probably a dog :>
13. who would be in your perfect squad? (choose 8) 8 people? hmm… liara, kaidan, tali, miranda, garrus, jack, kasumi, and samara
14. is there a squad member you disliked in the beginning, but started to appreciate later? if yes, who and why? i guess ash?? i didn’t really care for her at first (never hated her or thought she was racist, i just didn’t really like her that much). but especially after seeing how much some people hate her for no reason, and now that i’m doing a playthrough with her instead of kaidan, i appreciate her a lot more
15. who should’ve been a romance option? ash and tali should have been femshep romance options bruh!!! as for characters who weren’t romanceable for either shepard…… i guess james? like a real romance, not a creepy implied-daterape scene ://
18. character you really dislike? hmm.. udina i guess?
19. favourite planet? besides earth, thessia :’]
20. favourite weapon? the n7 crusader… the best shotgun
21. do you like to use biotics? HELL YEAH biotics are fucking COOL
22. citadel, illium or omega? citadel
23. mako or hammerhead? the mako, of course
24. enemy you really hate? BANSHEES.. GOD
25. creepiest enemy? STILL BANSHEES
26. favourite moment in the games? hhh i guess tali returning to rannoch? or shepard killing kai leng... there’s so many good moments tbh
27. worst moment in the games? legion’s death.. :(
28. favourite quote from the game? i’m too lazy to find the exact quote but it’s the one that’s like “we will fight, we will sacrifice, and we will find a way. that’s what humans do.”
29. list three things you really liked about me/me2/me3? three for each one or one each??? i’m just gonna do one each because i’m too lazy to do three for each one: for me1, the story. me2, the suicide mission and the mechanics of it. me3, the combat system tbh skjdfklajdf
30. something you disliked about me/me2/me3? i guess... the limited number of f/f romances.. let me romance tali you assholes!!
31. overall, which one is your favourite game of the me series? honestly i know people talk shit about me3′s ending but... me3 tbh
32. is there a choice/action you regret doing in the games? i do a ton of research before i make any decision bruh so no lmao i always know exactly what i’m doing
33. what’s your favourite alien race and why? the quarians because honestly i just love tali and the quarians/their culture is really interesting to me?? also one time my friend said that if i were a mass effect alien character i’d be a quarian so
34. favourite non-shepard OTP? god.. i don’t really have one?? i guess edi and joker :0
35. do you create fanart/fanfics/gifs/other cool stuff? i make gifs and edits all the time :>
36. share your favourite screenshot(s). hhh i’m too lazy to dig through my folders to find some sorry
38. what are you worried about in me: andromeda? i guess just that it won’t meet my expectations?? i really really want to love it but there’s so much we don’t know yet :’T
39. what will be the name of your ryder? ava!
40. do you already know how your ryder will look like? describe them or share fanart. yes!! she has red hair (in a braid, but idk if andromeda’s cc is gonna let me give her a braid) and green eyes and she’s very impulsive and has a short temper and i guess?? she’s kinda like peebee in that she loves adventure and discovering new things
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joemamainc · 7 years
Do you have an instagram? I wanna see more of your cosplays :D
I’m so so so sorry I answered this so late, I JUST got back from vacation ^.^’
I’m literally crying right now ;u; Thank you so much!
I do have an Instagram, but I made it very recently and I’m not quite sure how it works still 
I also do not have many good pictures of older cosplays so i will try to dig for some good ones to add. 
I’ll add more to it later now that I’m home but here: https://www.instagram.com/Joemamainc/
thank you very much!
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barnflufff · 7 years
i was tagged by @nikkifromtabs! <3
one insecurity: my weight 
two fears: that i’m driving people away, elevators
three-turn ons: when a rag tag group of misfits become family, being told im wanted, scratching the itch right in the middle of my back (i didnt take this literally lol) 
four life goals: start a family, become a nursery school teacher, finish (start oml) my web comic, be happy w who i am
five things i like: pasta, birds, space, the ocean, long talks about everything and nothing
six weaknesses: refuses to believe im worth standing up for, people who are genuine, characters w ptsd, im ticklish, melts at neck kisses, crying children, baby smiles
seven things i love: sun bathing, quiet moments w someone i care about, when my cat sits on my chest and purrs really loud, helping others, green tea with lots of honey, caressing someone’s knuckles when i hold their hand, smiles
i tagg @joemamainc @juuzous13donuts feel free to do if u want <3 (change #3 if it makes u uncomfortable or dont take it literally like i did) 
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joemamainc There’s a google chrome extension for that! Sorry I don’t know what it’s called since I’m not on my computer rn but it exists and it works!! Only for computer tho unfortunately
I use firefox esogijmks but thank you lol
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persephinae · 7 years
joemamainc replied to your link “People Magazine on Twitter”
You're doing the lords work
i try.  that was so low and despicable though for them to try and do her dirty like that when she’s fighting for her life, so have at @peoplemag because they’re fucking gross  ✌️
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theherocomplex · 7 years
Ficlet Replies!
joemamainc replied to your post “for; against (mass effect, shakarian)”
servantofclio replied to your post “for; against (mass effect, shakarian)”
ahhh why this
theravenofwynter replied to your post “for; against (mass effect, shakarian)”
Why did you hurt me like this?
dearophelia replied to your post “for; against (mass effect, shakarian)”
this is immensely rude, I'll have you know.
bethadastra replied to your post “for; against (mass effect, shakarian)”
hotmilkytea replied to your post “for; against (mass effect, shakarian)”
thievinghippo replied to your post “for; against (mass effect, shakarian)”
However much you hurt reading it, I hurt more writing it! I promise! 
...though I doubt that is comforting, or very convincing. 
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wovenstardust · 8 years
For the unusual ask thing: 1,4,6,9,17,20,34,42,49,50 and whatever else you'd like to answer!
1- spotify
4- I sure hope I like my name im the one that picked it
6- “Oh god why”
9- I mostly shop at target, tbh
17- I try to shower at least three times a week but chronic illnesses sometimes get in the way. 
20- i’m 5′6″
34- oh god my favorite actress atm is Rosario Dawson
42- I take 600 mg of Gapapentin 4 times a day, I take plaquenil once a day, and I take my anti depressant at bedtime. 
49- I got “you’re cute” from Rae the other day but I don’t know if friendly banter really counts as compliments
50- “Ah” to Teela
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joemamainc · 7 years
i was tagged by @adrischirping ! <3
one insecurity: everything
two fears: Crowds, never achieving my life goal
three-turn ons: Financial stability, confidence, lizard. Wait. Those aren’t turn ons? 
four life goals: Become a doctor (endocrinologist), find love and have kids, own as many dogs and lizards as I can, cook like a god (with all those recipe posts I have saved Cries)
five things i like: Reptiles (specifically Odin at the moment), my bed, video games, cosplaying, food
six weaknesses: I’m lazy af, not that good at video games, can’t remember for shit (unless it’s some random ass fact), does a weakness for animals count, I want contact but I don’t know how to, not very good at keeping up with people, also my pancreas doesnt want to exist 
seven things i love: sleeping, ODIN, friends, video games, food, music, rainy days with blankets 
I tag anyone who wants to do this cuz I’m sorry but I’m lazy af pls send help Just say “I was tagged by @Joemamainc” and I will run n read about you <3 
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barnflufff · 7 years
music tag
i was tagged by @nikkifromtabs (<3333)
Rules:Shuffle your music and write down the first 10 songs. No skipping (or else)! Tag 10 people
1. Heavydirtysoul - Twenty One Pilots 
2. Smash! - Starbomb
3. Haruka Kanata - (it says “Anime Project” but like, its a Naruto OP) 
4. Discord: The Living Tombstone Remix - Caleb Hyles
5. Tightrope - WALK THE MOON
6. Crasher-Vania - Starbomb 
7.Feeling Myself - Nikki Minaj, Beyonce 
8. Ode to the Bouncer - Studio Killers 
9. Tear in My Heart - Twenty One Pilots 
10. Electric Love - BORNS 
I feel no shame. My music taste is what it is. 
I tag! (only if yall want to) 
@clubfootloose @clssified @juuzous13donuts @joemamainc @nutboy @mlgranny72 @bambiexxmichelle @eccentricemmers (i cant think of anyone else so if u wanna do it!!! feel free!!) <3
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vimmark · 8 years
I'm sorry you're getting so much hate (for something really stupid). Just know that you're right and there's nothing wrong with speaking out about something and whoever argues with you or calls you bad names is a weenie and you should make me a list of them. Have a lovely day please!
i laughed at ‘weenie’ thank you you have a great day too!
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grandenchanterfiona · 8 years
Happy birthday! Hope you have a wonderful day ^.^
TY! :D 
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persephinae · 8 years
joemamainc replied to your post:tbh i would have a hard time writing fanfiction...
I feel this on a personal level
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genericbanana · 9 years
Are you okay?
im fine thank you im just really psyching myself out right now
everything’s just happening at once and i honestly dont sleep enough to deal with this stress
my gre is tomorrow and the first draft of my thesis is due in 10 days
but literally as soon as the 16th comes around everything will be better and ill just have to worry about grad school apps
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lynxinia · 9 years
1,5,7,10,11,15,17,19,23,25,28,30 for the assassin's creed thing
1. Favorite Assassin? edward kenway for sure
5. Jacob Frye or Evie Frye? it is impossible for me to decide
7. Sassmaster? usually my answer would be haytham, but i think jacob wins this one
10. Assassin or Templar? assassins hell yes
11. Worst Assassin ever? if this means least favourite, sorry guys, but i’m gonna say ezio 
15. Best crossover with other fandoms? i never played watch dogs, but it’s pretty cool how that guy (can’t remember his name) from ac4 was in it
17. A character who needed a sequel. Really, really badly: honestly i don’t think anyone needs a sequel, but i’d love to see edward in another game (even if his story is finished)
19. Greatest DLC? definitely tyranny of king washington
23. Hardest mission ever: the optional objective in ‘the giant and the storm’ in ac3 was pretty frustrating
25. Something you felt was needed in a game: a hood toggle, it’s such a simple mechanic that for some reason we still don’t have
28. Saddest story/backstory: i’m gonna say edward’s, he lost basically everyone he ever loved. he still breaks my heart
30. Favourite quote: there’s so many! i’ll go for "Caution's nothing without charisma. If a man plays the fool, then it's only fools he'll persuade. But appear to be the devil... and all men will submit."
thank you! :)
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