#jewish fanzine
fanzines · 2 years
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Pages from mini zines about Jewish folklore (the series includes zines on golems, dybbuk, malachim and sheydim) by illustrator / zinester, Ezra Rose. Buy them here and pay what you like.
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hiddurmitzvah · 1 year
This is a jewish tombstone
from a small hungarian village, Tuzsér. It is standing in the middle of litter, as the place of the jewish cemetery is nowadays used as a garbage dump.
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When I found this place, I knew I should include it in the zine that we created on the Art of Abandoned Jewish Cemeteries of Hungary, since we wanted to raise attention to the sad state of jewish cemeteries of the country. As it is visible by the blessing hands symbol, this tombstone belongs to a kohanite person, who is a descendant just like all other kohanites, of the high priests of the Temple.
What we can read at the tombstone is just a short line, which says Here lies the elderly Yehuda, son of Cvi Ha-kohen, died in 1906.
This is how it ended up eventually in the Art of Abandoned Jewish Cemeteries zine, the symbol was reproduced with lino cut and the surrounding text explains the symbols and share a bit about the history of the community of Tuzsér:
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If you wanna support our project to preserve the memory of the former jewish communities of the hungarian countryside along with the cemeteries themselves, you can order from the zine here:
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basu-shokikita · 1 year
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The last day of Hanukkah has arrived, and with it, 'The Three J's: Jewish, Jersey & Ginger, a Kyle Broflovski Zine' too! 🙌💚
Get your copy of this digital and free Kyle-centric fanzine here: https://never-trust-raccoons.itch.io/kyle-broflovski-zine and share it with your friends!
Promotional art by @mirrorshards ✨
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hey i noticed an anon mentioned submitting a lot of arcana characters and i wanted to pop in to say that that game is a racist, fetishizing mess. not only do they have a brown character who is kept literally in chains and is a vessel for one of the writers’ thinly veiled bucky barnes slavery kink, one of the bad endings features their fantasy-jewish-coded character turning into a literal bird, not to mention his numerous bird motifs.
between asra, nadia, and julian, asra and nadia are clearly more sexualized throughout the course of the game, even when fans have asked them to tone it down and stop fetishizing their “exotic” brown characters.
the fandom is and has been historically overwhelmingly hostile to fans/people of color who try to mention these problems. fans of color trying to dissuade people from writing nadia as a step on me dommy mommy queen have been shut down by elle trying to spin it into a “women can be dommes too!” issue, when the problem is that nobody would be treating nadia like this if she was white. asra gets his paid scenes hijacked by the white LI and then is painted as the toxic one in his and julian’s relationship (of which is only there due to elle’s mlm abuse fetishization) because god forbid their favorite white boy isn’t a perpetual victim.
outside of the game itself, dana rune has run a fanzine about an incestuous fire emblem fates ship (corrin/ryoma/xander) and further information can be found at the relations_zine handle on twitter. she may have scrubbed her name from it but it’s clearly her art style lmfao, and iirc she’s still in the followers/following list on that account. elle has a long history of fetishizing mlm abuse/slavery/“yaoi” on their tumblr that they’ve since deleted, but like. i googled “elle thalassiq fetishizing mlm” and immediately found posts with thorough screenshots so it existed lmfao. and even if it didn’t, it’s very evident with how they treat asra/julian/muriel.
this is heated and not thorough, but i’d like to end this by saying that this is coming from a former fan who eventually had to leave the game and fandom altogether because of the compounded issues that were never addressed, brushed under the rug, or actively encouraged time and time again. do not play the arcana. there are better games out there. and the last i was in it, the fandom was a toxic cesspool that would attack anyone, especially fans of color, who ever voiced a dissenting opinion about anything in the game. i hold my queer media to better standards and you should too. this game does not treat dark, heavy topics with respect, it treats them as fetish fodder.
Okay, I figured something like this would hit this blog eventually. The point of this blog is not for me take a stance and say what media is good and what media is bad. I am not brushing off your concerns - that’s a whole lot of awful information, and from me posting your ask, people can make their own choice about wether they want to engage with the game or the fandom. But I am just one person, and I don’t know anything about 90% of the media that is submitted here. If I excluded every piece of media that someone said was below a standard, I wouldn’t have any media left. This blog is simply a recognition game, I’m not trying to promote these pieces of media. I’m not saying that because they have queer characters that they’re fantastic or anything like that. I’m not taking any stance on any of it, actually.
This isn’t about the quality of a media, the quality of a fandom, or the quality of the representation that a character represents. It’s just a recognition game.
I am not going to get into any of these debates myself, since I know almost nothing about most fandoms here, but if you have serious concerns with a particular media posted here, send in an ask like this detailing the problems and I will post it, so that people looking at this blog can see valid criticisms before diving into a new piece of media.
As a further note, racist and antisemetic comments or tags on any post will be blocked on sight.
I will tag all asks like this with “media critical”.
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void-flesh · 1 year
do you have any favorite zines?
Omgggggg. Ok. I'm bad at favorites bc I just love. A lot of things. Mcr and bandom are what im focused on intentionally collecting but theres so many cool ones oit there, so here are some I like a lot and would define recommend:
On music and Bandom
Sing It Like The Kids That Are Mean To You- fans of color in the emo scene. I just can't recommend this one enough.
Muchacha Fanzine- this is probably my favorite ongoing series
No Bystanders Zine- Creating safer spaces in artistic communities
Building: - A DIY guide to hosting events and building radical communities
I have a whole post on MCR zines here and many more I haven't photographed, so I'm going to leave most of them off but rest assured
My Pussy Demands Attention:- an info zine about the Used and Bert McCracken styled as a parody of a chic track which are like those little booklets that Christians give out and tell you you're going to hell. (Distro Twitter is linked bc their store is currently down)
One of the prizes of my physical collection (bc i keep scans and links as well if they are the only ones I can find) is this issue of Stars and Scars with the My Chemical Romance interview from 2004 Skate & Surf Festival. You can read the article on their archive, its a great one bc its from the era when Gerard wasn't used to being famous yet and would just say shit
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Other topics
Here are a few of my other favorites! I also have a fairly large collection of political zines about prison abolition, mutual aid, sex work, and disability, and I like them a LOT and really value them as resources but they aren't my favorites bc a lot of them are really heavy. An also bc this post is already so long lol oh no. Ok so:
Coop: a zine of chicken poetry. I just really love chickens and how ppl talk about them i think they are very sweet. Also a lovely example of why people should self publish.
Eternal Nap: A zine about all the cemeteries and graveyards the author has visited (also distributed by Crapandemic Goth Distro, site currently down)
Tentacle: A mini zine on the history of tentacle porn.
Malachim: A pocket guide to Jewish Angels.
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Anyway, those are some of my favorites but there' s so many other amazing ones! Categories I haven't even touched on. But as always if you have questions or ideas for zines you want to talk through or MCR titles to recommend plz say hi!
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dragonomatopoeia · 9 months
Do you have any recommendations for zines?
I ended up writing a pretty long front-matter to this ask, so I've put it all under a Read More. If you only want the resources, feel free to skip to the end
So: I am always going to be a little too pedantic and autistic for a comprehensive, unambiguous rec list. Someone asked me what my favorite book was once, and it felt like my brain stalled and rebooted five times.
Don't get me wrong! I love putting specialized recommendations together, like puzzle-box mystery novels, or horror genre video games with thematic emphasis on grief, or documentaries on sewage treatment
But I am very, very bad at recommending general purpose Media full stop. alas I am a fussy and particular creature who hisses at five star rating systems on review websites because I think using the same Quality Metric regardless of genre and medium and purpose is Silly
Making recs gets even more difficult with things like zines, where they are small press by nature. A lot of my favorite zines are DIY projects with Very Small Distributions. One of my prized possessions is a small, hand-drawn zine of one hundred cats the artist drew with their eyes closed, which they gave to me for free because they liked my shirt. But that's a zine that means something to me because of circumstance and taste and my own ability to pick it up in person
Your mileage tends to vary with this stuff. If I found a Repo The Genetic Opera zine that ranks every organ in the human body, I have friends that would love that WAY more than I would, and I'd probably send it their way. If I found a zine about Gundam and gender and disability and idealized bodies that have been shaped into weapons, then I have dozens of friends I would need to send copies of it to, but that wouldn't make it any less niche. Zines are for VERY specific audiences. That's one of the best things about them!
That Being Said! There ARE popular, more-accessible, or more well-known zines and artists with broader appeal, and I mean that in an enthusiastic, complimentary manner.
I've even seen zines being advertised on my tumblr dashboard. Zines like:
Oh No! A kidpix zine by Louie Zong (Pay what you want- all proceeds donated to LA Foodbank)
Golem Zine is a publication by and for Jewish creatives living in areas where Jewish life is challenged. Their Out West issue sold out before I could grab a copy ($10 per issue, physical)
FYMA: A Lesser Key to the Appropriation of Jewish Magic & Mysticism goes hand in hand with the previous zine, I think (Pay what you want)
But you're more likely to get something that caters to your specific interests and artistic sensibilities by getting in touch with your community members, asking friends who have similar tastes, or checking out some of these resources:
Your Local Library (I'm being serious here-- your library likely has connections to local artists, galleries, resources, and e-resources that can set you on the path to zines you'll enjoy)
Any local art walk or small press events near you (your library can help you find these)
Itch.io's Zine Tag (Adding more tags will help you filter these)
Papercut Zine Library's Virtual Library
Internet Archive's Zine Collections
The DC Punk Archive Zine Library (Specific to punk and DIY interests, as you might imagine)
The Library of Congress Online Zine Web Archive Collection
QZAP (The Queer Zine Art Project)
POCZP (People of Color Zine Project-- and they're on tumblr!)
Hevelin Fanzine Collection (Literally a bunch of sci-fi, horror, and fantasy fanzines that were all collected by one guy which are now being digitized)
From Staple to Spine: A Compendium of Zine-Related Books (This doesn't have zines itself, but the books included can be a great starting point for where you should be looking and what will be of interest to you)
I also recommend making your own zine! It's fun to make things and put words and images on paper.
And if you downloaded the bundle for Racial Justice and Equality off itch.io, you already own the Electric Zine Maker (Warning for brightly colored, glitched, and moving visual elements that may cause eyestrain. I would also be wary if you're prone to migraines)
I know this has been a Lot and I got a bit carried away, but I hope that this helps you in your quest for finding cool, obscure art made by people who care deeply about niche topics. Personally, that's my favorite kind of art
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zine-garden · 10 months
Tagging Guide (optional)
In addition to the official event tags that allow me to find your submissions, I would also love for you to include tags that will help with categorization and searching! I hope to be able to update this page with links after the event! I am especially adamant about supporting racialized artists!
Here are some common zine categories
#art zine #comic zine #collab zine #fanzine #info zine #litzine #perzine #political zine
Identities (of the artist):
Race: #BIPOC; #Black; #Indigenous; #Asian
Ethno-Cultural-Religious: #Latinx/#Latin American; #African American; #Muslim; #Jewish; etc.
Gender & Sexuality: #Woman; #Trans (Man, Woman, Non-binary, Gender Queer); #Gay #Bi #Lesbian etc. (will add more as they are used).
As you might have guessed, there is no perfect way to categorize topics and identities, which is why it’s important that the artist has choice over this! Feel free to be more specific!
Image Descriptions: #Described in Alt #Described in post
(Links TBA)
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marjoriestotch · 2 years
Thoughts on kyman?
whats your thoughts on the south park ship kyman? (kyle x cartmen)
Omg how did I only see this now!!! I'm so sorry 😭 i hate this website. But yeah to answer your question I'm, like, neutral on it? I think there's people who ship it in an honestly harmless enemies to lovers way and then there's people who ship it in an incredibly icky oppressor x oppressed way thats just 🤢. Personally I could never get invested in it because antisemitism plays a big role in their dynamic, but I also don't just assume that's appealing for someone who does ship it. The people that do eventually show their true colors, there was an incident just recently with a kyman fanzine of gross antisemitism.
On a lighter personal note, in high school I had a best friend who was Jewish. We were both super into south park for a few months and anything Kyman related made us laugh our asses off frankly. We would watch that Judas amv during free periods and cry laughing at how absurd it was. Since she was Jewish and I was the Fat Friend (tm) we'd project onto Kyle and Cartman in an ironic, joke-y way, we even had matching Kyman icons on whatsapp at some point. So kyman is also weirdly this like fond inside-joke to me, idk.
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popculturelib · 10 months
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Schmear the Queer #1 is a 2001 fanzine/perzine by Scott Berry, featuring articles written by queer Jews about being queer and Jewish. A transcription of the introduction is below the read more.
The Browne Popular Culture Library (BPCL), founded in 1969, is the most comprehensive archive of its kind in the United States.  Our focus and mission is to acquire and preserve research materials on American Popular Culture (post 1876) for curricular and research use. Visit our website at https://www.bgsu.edu/library/pcl.html.
(introducing schmear the queer)
welcome to the first issue of schmear the queer. a new queer-n-jewish fanzine. perhaps journal, but definitely not a magazine. what’s the difference? this endeavor is committed to including as wide a variety of voices and visions as possible, with no regard whatsoever for target marketing, advertising revenue or focus groups. if you appreciate these priorities and like what you see here, then please spread the word and better yet, submit something to the next issue. i decided to put this together a couple years ago when i was meeting other jewish activist & artist types and we would kibbitz about how many wonderful queer jews we all knew and how there should be outlets for us: potlucks, film festivals, ‘zines and the like. so, here’s something, and i hope you like it. issue #2 is going to be the “superhero/heroine” issue. as all folks who do ‘zines say: i hope to put out 3 or 4 issues per year, but it’s largely up to you> (sic) the more interest there is, the more issues will materialize.
i'd like to think that some wide conceptions of what is queer and/or jewish were used to put this thing together. obviously Jewishness is cultural, religious, aesthetic and gastrointestinal. and queerness is definitely related to sexuality, but I also think to being an outsider. the call for submissions stated “queer-n-jewish are how you define them”, and I hope that future issues continue to explore the overlaps, similarities, and differences.
the title of this ‘zine comes from my childhood, a grade school experience at edward j. dekeyser elementary school in sterling heights, michigan. the version of dodge ball that was played during recess where there were no boundaries and people could get as close to you as possible and hit you with that awful red ball [overinflated, of course] was called ‘smear the queer’…guess who got smeared?
this issue is dedicated to three women whose lives ended much too soon: my mother, elsie rachelle miller berry; my nana, clare jane abrahams miller pecis; and my cousin rachelle [shellie] ethel kasoff leitson.
special thanks to all the contributors, and all who contributed. to jesse sanford for office access, all who helped design pages, may height for the cover, all of the readers who have given so generously of their time. my heartfelt appreciation to brian kay, who has assisted me along the way with editing suggestions, and his usual candor, verve, wit and wisdom.
- scott berry
new york
may 2001
hand silkscreening: matt height/artstrike press
on the cover: yigal amir
page layout: rodrigo chazaro, john fanning, sarit m., jesse sanford
shiksa goddess ‘zine insert: brian kay
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Art Spiegelman - Self-Portrait with Maus Mask, cover for Village Voice, 6 June 1989
Art Spiegelman (1948) is a Jewish American illustrator and graphic novelist. He was born in Stockholm, Sweden. His parents were survivors of the Auschwitz death camp and his family immigrated to the United States in 1951. Spiegelman grew up in Queens, New York. At just fourteen years of age, he was already contributing art to comic strips, fanzines and minor publications. He even created his own magazine, “Blasé,” which he distributed at his junior high school.  In 1966, Spiegelman began illustrating for Topps Chewing Gum Company, creating baseball cards, stickers and wrappers. He continued to work for the company for 20 years. His parents wanted him to become a dentist, but Spiegelman enrolled in Harpur College, New York to study art and philosophy. Unfortunately, he never finished his college degree. After two years, he experienced a severe nervous breakdown and spent a month in Binghamton State Mental Hospital. Shortly after his release, he learned that his mother had taken her own life. Spiegelman began to withdraw from his remaining family and, in 1971, moved to San Francisco. Spiegelman became involved in the underground comic scene and self-published mini-magazines and comics.
In 1975, Spiegelman moved back to New York City and began doing drawings and comix for the New York Times, Village voice and Playboy. He also became an instructor at the School of Visual Arts. In 1979 he co-founded RAW magazine with his wife, Françoise Mouly. It was an avant-garde comic magazine. From 1980 to 1991, Spiegelman seriealised Maus, a graphic novel which described his father's recollections of living in Jewish Ghettos in Poland and as a prisoner in an Auschwitz concentration camp. The comic won the 1992 Pulitzer Prize. It was the first and only graphic novel to be honoured with the award.
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fruity-theatre · 3 years
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Leonard Simon Nimoy (March 26 1931 - February 27 2015) was an American actor, author, singer, songwriter, director and photographer. He is most well-known for his role as Spock in the sci-fi franchise Star Trek, though he had an embellished 64-year career.
Nimoy was born in Boston, Massachusets to a Ukranian Jewish family. He started taking drama classes at the Pasadena Playhouse as a young adult, though he dropped out after realising that his previous acting experience was far more valuable. After years of starring in B movies, he decided to pursue more supporting roles. Eventually, he landed the role of Lieutenant Spock in 1966, which skyrocketed his career. Out of all the characters, his was the most beloved by fans, for many different reasons. After the end of the series in 1969, he played many roles in various productions, such as "The Great Paris" in the fourth and fifth seasons of Mission: Impossible, also reprising his role as Spock in later Star Trek movies.
Aside from his acting, Leonard Nimoy was also interested in photography, music and directing. He was very involved in the Jewish community, and actually based the vulcan salute on a Priestly Blessing he saw performed in an Orthodox Synagogue as a child. Nimoy was a keen activist, advocating for freedom in religion and gender equality. Notably, he stood up for Star Trek co-star Nichelle Nichols and demanded that she got an equal pay. He also earned a honorary Doctorate in Humane Letters for his activism concerning Holocaust remembrance.
Unsurprisingly, both Spock and the actor portraying him are fan favourites. The former was especially loved by queer and neurodivergent fans, who sympathise with his struggle to be accepted in a world where he is considered strange and different. Leonard Nimoy accepted his character's significance and often expressed words of advice and encouragement to young fans who wrote to him.
As well as an amazing artist and performer, Leonard Nimoy was a compassionate person who cared about the people around him, co-workers, family members and fans alike. He leaves behind an extraordinary legacy, and his and his signature character's cultural impact is immeasurable.
He attended several fan conventions and was very supportive of fanzines. A lot of times, these fanzines contained short stories pairing Cpt. Kirk and Spock, usually referred to as 'slash fics' ,and were typically written by young female fans. This idea of writing fiction based on an already-existing piece of media became more popular through the years, and from it - for better or for worse - spawned many a movie.
Although our modern idea of 'fan fiction' originated quite recently, similar trends have been observed in theatre and literature for many centuries. For example, most Ancient Greek tragedies were based on already well-known stories and myths, but usually focused more on the relationships between the characters. In a way, Euripides' Helen is the first example of fan fiction in western history. Many modern retellings of classic plays depend on changing the dynamics between the characters, the overall tone, or the setting.
TL;DR: Leonard Nimoy is a fanfic god
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fanzines · 2 years
One of four mini zines on Jewish folklore made by illustrator / zinester, Ezra Rose. Buy them here. This one is called 'DYBBUK: The Possessing Spirit In Jewish Folklore'. Video stolen from pink peacock (די ראָזעווע פּאַװע) on Twitter - a queer yiddish anarchist café & infoshop in Glasgow, Scotland. Give them a follow.
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hiddurmitzvah · 1 year
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Here is the Art Of Abandoned Jewish Cemeteries of Hungary Zine that we worked on last year, its finally finished and ready for you to order and read it. We did a lot of research and work into this lovely little piece and we totally love it!!
You can order it here through Etsy, only a few in stock now!
Couple of words, why is it important to us, and in general: We created this zine with goals in mind – our one aim was to present and preserve at least a small part of the very rich cultural and and artistic values that we can find in the jewish cemeteries of Hungary. Our goal is to introduce the reader to the fascinating and interesting world of symbols of the jewish cemeteries, and also to preserve the memories of the former rural jewish communities of the country through this zine.
The zine’s aim also to raise attention to the state of jewish cemeteries in Hungary (and in Eastern- Europe in general). Today in Hungary there are approximately 1600 jewish cemeteries, most of them, according to some estimates close to 1200 of them are abandoned, neglected cemeteries. Due to the Holocaust and the extermination of the rural hungarian jewry, these cemeteries remained without owner and caretaker, and slowly they are going towards destruction. In many cases, these cemeteries are the only remained build heritage or sight that left of the once thriving rural, hungarian jewish communities.  A lot should be done in order to save this unique and important heritage – and this zine is only a small step in that direction. 
Also please check out the Behance page of the zine:)
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basu-shokikita · 1 year
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Together with @mirrorshards & @drabesacraben we've been working on the Kyle fanzine, and we're finally ready to reveal its title and logo!
'Jewish, Jersey & Ginger, a Kyle Broflovski Zine' is a project meant to showcase the multiple aspects of Kyle's personality, so we thought this line would perfectly reflect that. We're very excited to release it!
The date of publication for the zine is actually going to be announced very soon, too, so keep an eye out! And just like our previous projects, it will be 100% free and digital only 💚
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longforyesterday · 2 years
Paul McCartney and Linda Eastman wed on March 12, 1969. McCartney’s status as the last Beatle to marry, coupled with the supposed suddenness of the event, greatly upset Paul’s fans. As Apple Scruff Carol Bedford conveyed in her memoir, “Every McCartney fan felt he would never marry. Even if he were to do so, they all expected the bride to be Jane Asher, his girlfriend for many years.” If Beatlemania had been predicated on boundless joy and energy, then the mass of girls that greeted the new Mr. and Mrs. McCartney as they appeared at the doorway of London’s Marylebone Registry Office was marked by anguish and despair. The night before the wedding, Paul could hear girls crying just outside the gates of his home. Some fans, however, did far more than cry. The bad press that Linda McCartney would receive in the years following her marriage to Paul—especially when she joined him in his post-Beatles band Wings—seems to have some origins within this group of fans. Derek Taylor, who was an early publicist for the Beatles and later was the press officer for the Beatles’ enterprise Apple Corps, remembered that content within the Apple Scruffs Monthly Book fanzine—which some of these fans had started producing—was at times “particularly mean about Linda.” Unlike the reputation that Jane and Paul had enjoyed as a golden couple, journalist Paul Du Noyer rightly states that Linda was initially “welcomed” as much as had been another American divorcée, King Edward VIII’s beloved Wallis Simpson. Though Linda Eastman was Jewish, minimal attention was paid to this aspect of her identity. Erin Torkelson Weber has noted that there was some reference to her as a “Jewish Princess” in the press. However, this part of her background was not a focal point. And, though worldwide pockets of antisemitism have never fully disappeared, this particular prejudice was not something that publicly affected the McCartneys’ marriage in any distinct way.
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aftgficrec · 3 years
Anonymous said: do you know some christmas aus/fics?? or maybe november/decemberish?? or even just some winter aus pls❤️ i love your page :))
Annnd we’re back with part 2, Christmas! There are many more one-shots for this, so y’all feel free to ask for more. Plus, December staff recs are coming; care to guess the theme? 🥰- A
Here’s part 1 of this ask, winter
previous recs with Hanukkah
‘Blessed Are You’ (Jewish Neil) here
‘I get why Aaron and Neil aren’t friends…’ (Jewish Neil) here 
‘seven years that andrew minyard does not catch fire …’ (Jewish Neil) here
(find our Jewish Neil Josten tag here)
previous recs with Christmas
‘white sleeves’ here
‘First Christmas’ here
‘happy holidays from the foxes’ here 
‘Son of a Exy!’ part 17 here
‘Andrew and Neil Family's Adventures’ part 14 here
‘The thunder for the storm’ here
‘All the Little Lights’ here
‘Love and Other Assorted Foolishness’ here
‘Amnesiac Christmas AU’ here
‘Twelve days of Christmas music’ (kandreil) here
‘Douce Nuit (Sainte Nuit)’ (neil/andrew/jean) here
‘Under the Christmas lights’ (nerik & twins) here
‘It’s Not Family Without Love’ (chapter 8, nerik & twins) here
‘traveled down the road and back again’ (AU) here
‘Bigger Than A Hexadecimal’ (AU) here
‘Settled’ (kandreil) and ‘hearts’ series (AU) here
‘Absinthe makes the heart grow fonder’ (AU) here
‘Surreal But Nice’ (AU) here
‘paint my body gold’ (jerejean) here
‘Coupure Électrique’ (jerejean) here
‘my midwinter sun’ (jerejean) here
‘rayons du soleil’ (jerejean Hanahaki disease) here
‘Whispers in the leaves, shadows in the moonlit night’ (Nightmare Before Christmas AU) and ‘feels like tragedy's at hand’ (werewolves) here
‘morbid stuff’ part 2 (kevineil, fantasy) here
Snow Angels by ihaveacleverfandomurl [Rated G, 1394 Words, Complete, AFTG Winter Exchange 2019]
The Foxes aren’t going to let Neil spend Christmas alone this time.
Twelve Days of Christmas by nothingbutajunkie [Rated G, 4283 Words, Complete, 2020]
Neil didn’t understand why Andrew was suddenly giving him all these gifts.
Life of the Party by MusicandDancingThroughLife [Rated G, 1560 Words, Complete, 2020]
Erik and Nicky spend Christmas Eve with each other, decorating for the holiday. Lots of fluff.
Happy Together by wesawbears [Rated G, 1034 Words, Complete, AFTG Exchange 2017]
Just in time for Christmas, Nicky and Erik's family grows unexpectedly.
25 Days of Foxmas (2018) series by kiraisstillhere [Not Rated, 8509 Words, Incomplete, 2018]
A 10-fic series (to date) of holiday vignettes featuring Andreil, Katelyn/Aaron, Renison, Jerejean, Kevin/Thea with Wymack, and Nerik
Renison Christmas prompt fill by @zeniksnina [Tumblr, 2017]
- Normally they and Dan go up to see Dan’s sisters, but Allison and Renee just bought their first apartment together so they host this year!
tw: past eating disorders
my midwinter sun by poetatertot [Rated T, 3307 Words, Complete, AFTG Holiday Fanzine 2019]
Even with Jean’s initial effort to keep to himself, he knew too much. He knew how Jeremy liked his coffee (sweet); he knew Jeremy preferred citrus over chocolate. He knew Jeremy was the eldest of five children, and that he majored in business. He knew his favorite color was red.
He knew how Jeremy smiled, bright and dimpled. He knew how that smile made him feel—something terrifying, like a trapped bird that ached to fly free.
Jean swallowed hard. How could he give a gift better than that?
tw: implied/referenced abuse
Hang a Shining Star by @nekojitachan [Tumblr Fic, 2017]
“I got u in an office secret santa and i no Nothing about u so now i have to get to know u so i can buy u a gift”
Christmasy things to think about hc by @higgins5 [Tumblr, 2017]
You know, I think we should take a moment and think about how, before the foxes Neil, Kevin and Andrew probably never had a real Christmas
tw: implied/referenced rape/non con
Christmas to Andrew Minyard by @bramlouisgreenfeld [Tumblr Fic, 2016]
Christmas to Andrew Minyard is chocolate shaped like a bearded man, cold weather, and an excuse for people to preach about love while practicing intolerance. He can’t say he’s a fan of any of the above. Even the chocolate - he’s more of an ice cream kind of guy.
Andreil under the mistletoe art by @coldcigarettes
Andreil, Sir & King under the Christmas tree animation by @psuvevo
it makes me happy thinking about these losers on Christmas art by @snackboiminyard 
“Enjoy your last Christmas, junkie” comic by @requiemofkings 
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