#jeno nct dream
202232033 · 2 months
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ㅤㅤㅤ (theㅤㅤlastㅤㅤdayㅤㅤofㅤㅤsummer)
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ໒᪲᪲ㅤㅤ 永遠敵.ㅤㅤ60⬚͒❀ㅤㅤ᱙
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wontune · 30 days
Jeno ㅤㅤ[ 케이팝 ] ♡ nct dream lockscreens
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nanazluvs · 9 days
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nct dreams id pics oh i feel FAINT
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elzoui · 1 year
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﹙♡﹚hi elf's!! you can like or reblog ,, please dont repost without permission && cr!!﹙♡﹚
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haevchie · 10 months
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neo-my · 6 months
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𝓙𝖾𝗇𝗈 𝗶𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘀 ’ ˡᵉᵉʲᵉⁿ-ᵒ-⁴²³
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furtillas · 11 months
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te he escrito mil poemas. ⬮✧
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wicoois · 4 months
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𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟢𝟦. 𝖨 𝖼𝖺𝗇 𝗌𝗆𝖾𝗅𝗅 𝗒𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝗌𝖼𝖾𝗇𝗍 𝖿𝗋𝗈𝗆 𝗆𝗂𝗅𝖾𝗌, 𝗃𝗎𝗌𝗍 𝗅𝗂𝗄𝖾 𝖺𝗇𝗂𝗆𝖺𝗅𝗌. 🍷 ☆
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izzluv · 3 months
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𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐎𝐒 𝐃𝐄 𝐀𝐑𝐄𝐒 — As visitas de Kyrios eram sempre muito bem vindas, faziam a garota querer se entregar de braços abertos para seu homem.
[ ⚠️ ] jeno!dom x sub!reader, Jeno é filho de Ares e seu nome grego é Kyrios, mitologia grega!au, uso de "princesa", a leitora é uma semideusa, size kink (?), Jeno ciumentinho no início, menção ao Jaehyun (Jason).
𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐒 𝐃𝐀 𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐀: estou amando escrever com os neos x mitologia grega, espero que estejam gostando também. tive que mencionar o jaehyun nesse smut, provavelmente o jeno será citado no do jae tbm. 🤓☝🏻tamojunto lek, amo vocês. tenham uma boa leitura.
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— Quem era? – a grande sombra se fez presente atrás de você, te deixando assustada.
— Kyrios! – exclamou, batendo contra o peitoral do homem. — O que você tá fazendo aqui? Você quase me matou de susto.
— Não entendo o espanto todo, sabe que eu venho te visitar. – se aproximou do corpo menor, afastando os fios de cabelo que caiam em seu rosto. — Quem era aquele homem? – perguntou mais uma vez.
— Era apenas um senhor, ele veio buscar as cenouras que eu prometi para ele. – o rapaz não disse nada, apenas sorriu convencido.
Kyrios, filho de Ares, queria ter a semideusa apenas para ele, levar ela para o Olimpo, viver com ela, queria ter sua princesa somente para si. Mas ela recusava esse pedido, preferia ficar com sua mãe, Deméter, que ainda estava sentida com a falta de uma de suas filhas, Perséfone, que foi sequestrada e levada para o submundo pelo maldito Hades. A garota não queria se afastar de sua mãe, que cuidava dela tão bem, mas Kyrios também sabia cuidar de sua garota.
— Me desculpa, princesa. É que eu estava com saudades. Eu fico para matar um quando vejo qualquer homem perto de você. – te pegou no colo, os braços fortes se entrelaçando em sua cintura, levando você até seu quarto, o cômodo sendo somente iluminado pela luz da lua e por uma vela no canto dele. Te colocou na cama, se posicionando em cima de você, o corpo praticamente cobrindo o seu.
— Você sabe que eu não tenho olhos para nenhum outro homem. – deixou um selinho em seus lábios, arrancando um sorriso de Kyrios. Por ser filho do Deus da Guerra, todos viam Kyrios como um homem tenebroso, ele era forte, alto, isso causava medo nas pessoas, mas ele gostava de saber que as pessoas viam ele assim, era exatamente essa imagem que tanto ele quanto o pai dele passavam, de medo. Mas para as mulheres, ele não era somente medo, ele também era encanto, os músculos chamavam atenção, o jeito marrento e a cara fechada eram motivos de inveja. Kyrios era o desejo de qualquer pessoa.
— Você é muito bonita, isso chama atenção dos homens, eu discuti com o Jason por causa disso, sabia? – o jeito como ele falou que discutiu com o próprio primo por sua causa te arrancou um suspiro surpreso.
— Você discutiu com seu próprio primo por minha causa?
— Jason se acha o melhor dos melhores por ser filho de Apolo. Vive com aquele narizinho empinado achando que pode tudo, até querer roubar a minha mulher. – ser chamada assim te deixava boba, ele só tinha olhos para você, nenhuma outra mulher teria o privilégio de ser chamada de ��minha mulher” por Kyrios, somente você.
O homem deixou um beijo em sua bochecha, descendo pelo seu pescoço, chegando até sua clavícula, onde deixou um beijo mais demorado e desceu mais uma vez, chegando em seus seios cobertos pelo tecido do vestido. As mãos grandes foram até o tecido macio, apalpando os seios ainda por cima dele. Apertava com uma certa força, a força natural dele. A junção da sua falta de paciência e da sua pressa culminaram no tecido sendo rasgado, mais um de seus vestidos que foram arruinados por Kyrios.
— Porra Kyrios! – gritou. — Mais um vestido que você rasga. – o rapaz nem prestava atenção em suas falas, praticamente hipnotizado pela visão dos seus seios, se abaixando para poder colocar um deles em sua boca, te roubando um gemido manhoso, não sabia não ficar manhosa quando Kyrios te tocava, te beijava, te chupava, o corpo logo ficava quente, uma vontade imensa de querer se acabar naquele corpo forte, de sentir as mãos apertando as coxas, você logo mudava.
Kyrios se posicionou entre suas pernas, usando a mão livre para afastar elas, a ereção tocando em sua intimidade, mais um gemido rouco escapando de sua garganta. O homem foi rápido em tirar a boca do seu seio apenas para se livrar de suas vestes, ficando totalmente nu, o peitoral e o abdômen trincado chamando bastante a sua atenção. Não demorou para sentir a glande passando por seus lábios maiores e menores, espalhando toda sua excitação, logo penetrando em seu interior, te dando mais uma vez a certeza que não era somente os braços de Kyrios que eram grandes.
Os olhinhos revirando com tão pouco, as mãos apoiadas nos ombros, descendo para as costas definidas. Aquele homem era uma perdição. A primeira estocada fez a cama balançar junto com seu corpo, um gemido saindo dos lábios. Kyrios voltou a atenção aos seus seios, uma das mãos tocava o seu clitóris e a outra se mantinha firme em sua cintura, apertando enquanto estocava sem dó em seu canal, dando até a sensação que sentia bater no seu colo.
Estava sendo estimulada em vários pontos, ficava mole a cada movimento que recebia no clitóris, ou com a boca de Kyrios trabalhando em seu seio, que já ficava vermelho e todo babado. A visão meio turva, vendo estrelinhas enquanto olhava para o teto meio iluminado do cômodo. Era uma verdadeira bagunça, o quarto estava cheio dos seus gemidos, misturados com os barulhos das estocadas. Aquilo era tão sujo, mas você gostava mesmo assim, amava as visitas que Kyrios fazia. Vocês dois eram uma bagunça, não aguentavam ficar um minuto sozinhos sem realizar um toque inapropriado.
— Princesa… – a chamou, a voz rouca, tirando seu peito da boca e a mão do clitóris. — Você é tão apertada…tão quente… – as mãos agora seguravam sua cintura, as estocadas ficando mais fortes, até que ele conseguiu atingir aquele ponto, te fazendo revirar os olhos e chamar pelo seu nome em um gemido dengoso, as pernas ficando fracas e doloridas, o suor de ambos molhando a cama toda. O rapaz deixou um tapa em sua de suas coxas, o local ficando vermelho e a marca da mão sendo desenhada. Estava ficando cansada, apenas soltava gemidos misturados com suspiros, o corpo se movimentando no ritmo de cada estocada que recebia, o seu pontinho sendo atingido várias e várias vezes.
Até que o orgasmo de ambos os atingiu, o seu interior se contraindo enquanto sentia o esperma de Kyrios sujar as suas paredes. O rapaz saiu de dentro do seu canal, se deitando ao seu lado. Ambas as respirações ainda tentando ser reguladas, as pernas fracas tremiam enquanto tentava fechar elas, ainda doloridas. Kyrios se virou, te abraçando, fazendo um carinho no seu cabelo e nas suas costas. O abraçou, retribuindo o carinho que recebia, se sentindo mais leve e mais calma.
Já imaginava que no dia seguinte receberia mais uma visita de Kyrios, não que estivesse reclamando, poderia ver o homem todos os dias. É que as visitas de Kyrios eram únicas, ninguém fazia que nem ele, ele era único e suas visitas também. Os encantos dele te conquistaram, poderia se entregar de braços abertos para seu homem.
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wrongtturn · 1 month
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beclipoe · 8 months
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202232033 · 19 days
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ sourㅤtimeㅤㅤᬀ⃨݃ㅤ︎︎ㅤ🛍️ั᳟ㅤㅤ❀ᮬׁ࣮ 
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ 18—20ㅤ .  ゚* ˖ ㅤ†ㅤ ♥︎ ҉
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wontune · 1 month
jeno ㅤㅤ[ 케이팝 ] ♡ nct dream lockscreens
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nanazluvs · 7 days
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i know hes associated with dogs but thats not stopping me like LOOK at these pictures
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acescavern · 8 months
Quiet ( Lee Jeno x Fem!Reader )
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navi - m.list
Paring: Lee Jeno x Fem!Reader
Genre: smut (MINORS DNI), fluff, pure filth, smidge of humour, Non-Idol!AU
Warnings: I've never written smut before so feedback is much appreciated,  Boob worship, Pierced!Jeno ( eyebrow and 🍆), that one Jeno hair style with the undercut and the raven hair, Big dick Jeno, They fuck in a tent, degradation, praise, pussy slapping, Jeno folds the reader in half like a pretzel, finger sucking, light biting, unprotected sex ( booo! wrap before you tap), He spits in her mouth, exhibitionism, a hint of dumbification? reader gets cock drunk basically, he makes her taste herself, his hand is around the readers neck but he doesn't apply pressure, dare I say: softdom!Jeno?
Blurb: When the night gets cold whilst camping with your friends, Jeno knows a great way to warm up or It's fucking in-tents 
Word count: 2,329
Note: Hey, Ace here. You've been graced by my 3rd fic in a week. I say i've never written smut before, not technically. any feedback is welcome! or to just let me know if you liked the fic! My asks are open! I would like to say that I take requests, but I honestly think that would only be possible if I get inspiration from the request. I also work full time, and I'm filling in for my manager AND the second in line at the same time next week, so you may not have many fics until after. This hasn't been grammatically checked or anything. Just read over once by me. If I've missed any warnings, let me know.
You loved camping with your boyfriend and his friends. Being in the fresh outdoors near the lake, sharing stories by the campfire. You loved the quality time with your friends. 
What you didn't love was how cold it got at night, by the water. It wouldn't be surprising if the rest of your friend group heard your teeth chattering over their boisterous laughter. Jeno had insisted on unzipping both of your sleeping bags to join the zips together as a cover after being in your respective sleeping bags the night before.
Jeno didn't like that he felt like a worm, constantly wriggling to stay close to you. Even going as far as to ask you what you would do if he turned into a worm overnight. 
Now, usually your boyfriend is like a furnace. If only he didn't sling his best friend, Jaemin, over his shoulder to jump in the lake just before coming to the tent to sleep. Jeno hadn't even dried his hair, his whole body a cool temperature. 
After a while of lying there, your whole body trembling in shivers, an ice-cold hand drifted its fingers up the length of your spine under the oversized shirt you wore. A sharp inhale of surprise left you, a small sound accompanying the noise. 
"Jen, you're cold.." You whisper-whined at the male behind you, arching your body away from him. 
"Shh, I'll warm up soon." He dismissed, certainty in his tone as if he had other plans. 
Jeno's fleeting, cool touches slid around to the expanse of your stomach where his fingers teased feather light touches. The touch almost made you squirm against his chest, where he had pressed his hard, toned torso against you. 
"Really, Jen? Right now? … everyone's still outside.." You turned your head to look at him in disbelief. Sure, you two had sex when his housemates were still home, but this is different. You felt a lot more exposed in the outdoors with nothing but the flimsy nylon of the pop-up tent between you and the others.
Soft lips pressed against the back of your head and again on your temple, trailing all the way down to your neck. "They can't see you, we can be quiet, can't we?" Jeno almost pleaded, his hips shifting forward to grind his hard length against your behind. 
"I can, you can't-oh…" your teasing halted when his fingers brushed your puckered nipple. 
The feeling heightened because of how cold you were. Honestly, if it wouldn't ruin the moment you'd have made a joke about being so cold, you could engrave glass. Your resolve crumbled when Jeno's mouth left quiet, wet kisses along your neck, his index finger and thumb hardening their pinch on your erected nipple. 
You felt your heart thundering in your chest, breathing getting shallower the more aroused you became. The flood of heat between your thighs just from Jeno rolling and tugging firmly at your breasts was almost embarrassing. 
"You can, can you?" Fuck. You may as well have challenged him. 
Jeno lifted his head from your neck, hand leaving your breast in favour of smoothing down your body, making sure to at least grab a handful of your behind before giving it a light smack. The noise was covered by the commotion outside of Haechan laughing at Mark for dropping his marshmallow into the fire. 
You didn't protest when your boyfriend rolled you onto your back. You didn't protest when he shoved your shirt up your body and over your head. The sudden change in temperature made you shiver, teeth biting into your lip to prevent them from chattering again. You also didn't protest when his head dipped, lips latching onto your left breast with an almost sated sigh. 
Teeth grazed over your sensitive flesh, followed by a wet tongue to soothe the sting. Your legs fell open to allow your boyfriend to settle between them, your hand delving into his short, dark hair. Jeno fought not to make a sound when your nails scratched at his scalp, his eyes nearly rolling to the back of his head at the sensation. 
Jeno had always loved your boobs. He always said he wasn't a boob man until he met you. Oddly, you saw that as a compliment. You never felt insecure about the size of them now… You couldn't when Jeno worships them the way he does. His mouth switched to your right breast now, teeth biting down on the neglected nipple to tug. This was slightly harsher and firmer than the treatment given to the other one  – this one made you fight a moan, back arching to follow his mouth as more heat rushed through you. 
"Please…" You whispered, begging your boyfriend to put your poor throbbing clit out of its misery. Jeno's teeth let go of your swollen nipple with a quiet pop. You leaned back on your elbows and forearms to watch his next move, reaching out to stop him when he began to crawl down your body. "No, Jen. Please, inside." you pleaded. 
The plea had Jeno flashing you the smuggest of grins, his hands settling on the waistband of your pyjama pants. "Are you sure?" The edge of concern lingered in his voice. Jeno knew he was big, and quite often, he would have to work you up to get you ready to take him. You'd never had anyone as big as him before. It took you months to be able to take his full length and girth inside you. 
Jeno watched as you nodded almost frantically, your eyes looking beautifully glazed with lust. "I can take it." a strange burst of pride swelled in his chest at the determination in your voice. It made him coo at you softly as he pulled your pyjama pants down your legs. 
"Oh, baby, I know you can." he praised, "My Good Girl always takes what I give her… Even if she's a greedy mess" The last word of his degradation was accentuated by a strong palm coming down to lightly smack you over your panties, the sound wet from your arousal. 
Your teeth sank further into your lip to stop the whimper caught in your throat. Instead, you watched your boyfriend undress in the darkness of the tent. His shirt came off first, the material nearly getting caught on the silver barbell through his left eyebrow. Next came his pants and boxers. Your breath caught in your throat when his hard cock sprang up to touch his stomach. Jeno's red, swollen, pierced tip almost touching his belly button. 
Your mouth fell open in shock. Sure, it'd been a while since you'd seen your boyfriend naked but it never crossed your mind that he had gotten his cock pierced! Had it really been that long? 
"Surprise…" Jeno grinned, his hands already working at slipping your panties down your legs. 
A palm landed on each knee to spread your legs wide for him. The sight earned you a curse of praise. "fuck…such a pretty swollen clit baby…" he groaned quietly, one hand leaving your knee in favor of lightly circling your swollen bud with his index finger. 
The action had you squirming beneath him, quiet whimpers threatening to spill from your mouth. Another smack was landed, directly to your clit. It was accompanied by a warning glare from your boyfriend. 
"You said you could be quiet." He stated, his tone almost mocking your earlier words. His fingers toyed with your sopping heat, spreading your arousal. Jeno dipped two fingers into your entrance, gathering some of your mess. 
Those same two fingers were soon pressed to your lips, your mouth opening to greedily lap at them. Your eyes fluttered closed as you worked his fingers, your tongue collection your own arousal from them whilst simultaneously covering them with your saliva. 
You were so preoccupied with his thick fingers that when the cold metal of his piercing pressed against your entrance, it made you shiver. Jeno shoved his fingers into your mouth deeper, reminding you that you'd stopped sucking. The action made you gag slightly, being unprepared, but soon enough, you were easily back to deepthroating Jeno's fingers.
"Ready baby?" He warned, his voice thick with arousal, raspy almost. His lips spread to a smile when you nodded around his fingers, taking that signal to slowly push into your entrance. 
Jeno made a small sound as your velvety walls stretched around him. He wasn't even halfway inside yet, and your walls were hugging so tight around him. 
Jeno went slow, the metal ring of his piercing dragging forward over your sensitive spots. It heightened the feeling, your teeth accidentally biting down on Jeno's fingers to keep the sounds at bay. 
"Ah!" He winced, pulling them from you, a long line of spit stringing from them. "That wasn't very nice of you, Angel." he scolded, moving the drool-covered digits down to smear the residue over the rest of his cock. 
Dark eyes met your own… With the hard look on his face, you knew you were in for it now. Jeno's hands moved, pressing on the backs of your thighs. His hips shifted as he moved over you, the burn of your thigh muscles distracting you from the way you were being stretched out. Jeno held your legs there, and your thighs nearly flush with your torso, your knees by your ears. 
Your boyfriend leaned forward, your knees hooking over his shoulders as he slid home, fully sheathed within you. His forehead dropped to your own, hips stilling to let you adjust. You felt full, so deliciously full. The angle he had you at, folded in half like a human pretzel, you felt fuller than ever. 
He'd never bent your body to this extent before. You couldn't move anything but your arms and head. Jeno's shoulders and torso keeping you in position. His hand cupped your jaw gently. 
"You good?" He murmured in question, lips drifting over your temple. You couldn't think of coherent words, your eyes so glazed they'd put a doughnut to shame. All you managed was a fast nod. 
You tried to string together a sentence. Honestly, you did.. but all that went through your brain was how much more full you felt in this position. "Full…" You whined. 
Jeno's proud grin widened his hold on your jaw firming, fingers digging into your cheeks until you had no choice but to open your mouth. "You're so good to me, Angel.. taking me so well." He cooed, his hips drawing back only to sink back inside you, deep. 
A needy whimper sounded from you, slightly louder than you would have liked. It made Jeno pause, the ruckus outside too chaotic to even register the sound. His thrusts became measured and precise, the pierced tip of his cock pistoning the spot that never fails to drive you crazy.  Small sounds continued to escape you, no matter how much you tried to keep them at bay. A grunted curse left your boyfriend, shaking his head as he rose an eyebrow in warning. 
"Stick your tongue out." He demanded gently, sucking on his own tongue to create a glob of saliva. You did as asked, watching Jeno stick his own out. You welcomed the line of drool that dripped from his tongue to yours, your cheeks flushing a deeper red at the filthy action. That never stopped you from swallowing what he had to offer.
"Fuck, you're so perfect.." He moaned softly, hand smoothing down your jaw to sit just around your neck, his thrusts gaining speed as you leant into the hold. 
"J-Jen!" You cried out, brain fogging over in pleasure. You'd momentarily forgotten where you were, the feeling too intense to keep quiet. 
"Thought you could keep quiet, hm?" He taunted, his hand removing from your neck to plunge three fingers into your mouth. He hoped this would keep you quiet. You'd never hear the end of it if your friends heard the both of you like this. 
Your breathing was frantic around his fingers, mouth sloppily working the three digits with your tongue. You were a mess of drool, and you weren't going to last much longer. From the way Jeno's neck and chest flushed a pretty pink, neither was he. 
He shifted you slightly, pressing your thighs just a bit further back — Your knees were nearly touching your shoulders from the angle, but it felt so good. A pitched gasp around the obstruction in your mouth let him know he had exactly the right angle he was looking for. 
Jeno's hips worked harder and faster, each hit home punching the same place over and over. Your walls clenched harder around him, nose huffing around your heavy breathing, your mouth preoccupied.
"I can feel you squeezing me so hard, It's okay, baby. You can come." He cooed through quiet grunts, his movements growing slightly sloppy but still having an effect all the same. 
Your thighs shook, body trembling. It's as if the permission was all you were waiting for to explode. Body tensing, hands clutching at Jeno's shoulders, you came. Toes curling and muscles tensing, your nails clawing into the skin of his broad shoulders, making him hiss. 
Your climax triggered Jeno's own, grunted curses huffed out as he stilled, spilling into you. Neither of you noticed through your highs just how loud you'd gotten nor the utter silence that filled the makeshift campsite. 
His fingers slid from your mouth, hands gently manoeuvring you to a more comfortable position. Jeno Couldn't help but chuckle at your fucked out, flushed expression. His spit covered hand gently tapped your cheek as he dipped toward your lips to claim them. 
Your arms immediately wrapped around him, hugging him to you as you both floated down to earth from the climax you'd just had. 
It was a blissful silence, soft touches, warm embraces, and gentle words. After a beat of comfortable silence, a voice spoke up from outside the tent. 
"Sounded like two bears rubbing their backs on a tre–"
"Chenle!" Jeno dropped his forehead to your collarbone with a defeated groan, a smile playing at the corners of his lips.
 Never a moment of silence. 
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yizaicons · 4 months
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✦ reveillon icons 💬 like/reblog if use ✦
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