#javy is too good of a best friend honestly
pollyna · 2 years
For a little, long, while Jake has abcdefu as ringtone for when Bradshaw calls. Javy laughs the first time he hears it but then he realised Bradley calls a lot, like really a lot. On the other hand he always knew his best friend was dumb, so he shouldn't be very surprised by everything.
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roosterforme · 5 months
The Younger Kind Part 44 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: Bradley swallows his pride and seeks out a conversation with Admiral Simpson, but he's surprised by the response he gets. You keep everyone on their toes, and you do it so effortlessly, Bradley knows it's time to go shopping. And he uses Skittles as the perfect cover.
Warnings: Swearing, angst, fluff, smut, and age gap (18+)
Length: 4000 words
Pairing: Single dad!Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x babysitter!female reader
Check out my masterlist for more! The Younger Kind masterlist.
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When Bradley parked at work a little early on Monday, he sat in the Bronco for a few extra minutes. He had just witnessed you and Noah making breakfast together, and it was making it really hard to be away from you right now. When he walked into the kitchen, you were brewing coffee and singing the dinosaur song with his son while the two of you spread that weird avocado stuff that you liked so much on some toast. He had started to love it, too, and Noah would eat anything you made. 
He removed his aviators and pinched the bridge of his nose. There was so much he wanted to get done this week, including looking at a few engagement rings, but he knew better than to make any sort of excuses to get some time alone. That had nearly backfired on him when he went to get Skittles. He was going to have to get creative somehow.
When he pulled out his phone to call the animal shelter about getting Skittles' cast removed, he froze. Across the parking lot, Nat and Javy were both getting out of his car. "Interesting," he muttered to himself as he watched his best friend groping their coworker, and he grimaced. He'd already seen too much. 
"Hello, this is the San Diego shelter. How can I help you?"
Bradley nearly dropped his phone; he'd forgotten he was making the call. "Yeah, hi. I need to schedule an appointment to have my dog's cast removed?"
"Oh! Are you talking about the Yorkie?"
He smiled as he climbed out onto the already hot pavement. "Yeah. Skittles. I'm hoping she has sufficiently healed."
"Why don't you stop in on Wednesday and we can check her out."
"Sounds good, thanks," he replied, following Nat and Javy at a very conservative distance. But apparently he wasn't cautious enough. 
"So," Nat sighed once Bradley joined her in the hangar, "you saw Javy and I in the parking lot." It wasn't a question, so he decided to just nod and roll his eyes in response. "Oh, come on, Rooster. I'm just having some fun."
"Look at him," Bradley muttered, glancing to where the man in question was smiling at Nat. "Are you serious right now? You want to make him cry or something?"
Now she was the one rolling her eyes. "I'm not taking advice from you. You're historically terrible at dating."
"I'm doing a pretty good job now," he said, smiling as he thought about you.
"You can't even get Cyclone off your girl."
Bradley covered his face with one big palm. "You noticed that?"
Nat laughed. "Everyone at the botanic gardens on Saturday night noticed that."
"Fuck," he groaned. "If she wasn't so young and so fucking hot, I wouldn't be about to embarrass myself by trying to get him to let me fly in the air show."
She just shook her head as she reached for her helmet and muttered, "Oh, cry me a river."
"Hey." Bradley turned just in time to see Javy greeting the two of them like a puppy looking for Nat's attention. He was honestly worse than Skittles at the moment. "The guys are talking about a beach day this weekend. You know, since the summer is ending."
"We don't need to do another beach day. We live in San Diego," Nat replied as she sipped the coffee she wasn't supposed to have inside the hangar. "It's the same season all year round."
Javy laughed like she was a comedian, and Bradley looked back and forth between the two of them, completely baffled by this dynamic. There's no way you and he made a couple this wild. 
"Yeah, but it's still the end of August," Javy said, now smiling at Nat as if she was the most adorable thing in the world. "Rooster, you can bring your girl and your kid. It'll be fun."
"You know what," he replied, "I think I'll go if Nat goes."
Then Bradley strolled away as they started arguing, because he saw Admiral Simpson on his way to the tower. He just needed to get Cyclone alone for a few minutes, swallow his pride, and try to head Jake off for the air show. The opportunity arose after lunch when Bradley caught him checking his phone outside the rec room door.
"Admiral Simpson, sir," he greeted before grinding his back teeth while he thought about you. "May I have a word?"
Cyclone glanced up before pocketing his phone, a look of vague amusement on his face. "Lieutenant. What can I do for you?"
"It's about the upcoming air show. Sir. I was hoping you could tell me if you'd made selections regarding who would be flying in it."
His look of amusement grew. "I have not. I believe that was on my agenda for today or tomorrow." He paused before adding, "I've been meaning to thank you for that glass of bourbon on Saturday night. Woodford Reserve is one of my favorites."
Bradley remained unflinching. Although he had no idea what Admiral Simpson was talking about, he thought it better to simply agree with him. "Yes. The Woodford Reserve." 
He nearly took a step backwards when the other man started laughing. "You'll have to thank your girlfriend for me, too. And I'm assuming the reason you're here is because you want to fly in the air show?"
"Yes...sir," Bradley replied slowly, feeling very off balance now that Cyclone was being so agreeable. 
Still chuckling, he said, "I'll see what I can do," before turning and walking away. 
Once he was out of earshot, Bradley pushed through the door to the rec room as he muttered, "What the fuck was that?"
It was almost fun for you to pick Noah up from daycare now. Not that you would ever admit that out loud. But the enjoyment you found in the way Casey pouted at you was a bit of a guilty pleasure, and besides, you got to have Noah greet you like you were the most exciting and interesting person in the world.
"Mommy!" he called out as he ran across the lobby and into your arms. "Guess what my craft is!"
"A dinosaur?" you asked as you shot an extremely fake smile at Casey before heading outside.
"A... dog? Did you make Skittles?" you asked as you put him in your car.
"The solar system?"
"Hmm. Will you give me a hint?" you asked, brushing his soft curls away from his forehead and giving him a kiss. But he was already unzipping his bag and pulling out his newest painting. There was a big, light blue shape that looked like it could have been Bradley's Bronco along with a man who appeared to be sporting a mustache. "Is that Daddy?"
Then you noticed a little brown blob. "Is that Skittles?"
"Yes! She's his best friend!"
You laughed, because Noah wasn't wrong. Skittles seemed to love Bradley the most, and as much as he tried to fight it, the dog won him over. "She is," you agreed before buckling him in. "She's his best friend besides Aunt Natasha."
Noah shook his head. "She doesn't count, because she's an Aunt."
"Right, right," you said, not wanting to fight his childhood logic when Skittles wasn't even a human. "You're completely right. Should we go home?"
You started singing the dinosaur song as you drove, and because of a detour, you had to drive past the park where Meredith had chased you down. A shiver rippled through your body as you remembered falling and scraping up your arm in your haste to get Noah safely in your car. You hated coming home this way. There was a reason you never did it.
"Mommy, why did you stop singing?"
You glanced in the mirror at Noah's face. "Sorry! Where were we? The part about how the dinosaur stomp, stomp, stomps?"
Bradley was already home when you pulled into the driveway, and you found him dozed off on the couch with Skittles curled up on his chest. Two seconds later, he was jolting awake with the dog in his hand as Noah ran for him. "Daddy! I made you! Out of paint!"
"Cool," Bradley told him, pulling Noah onto his broad chest as well. "And how's Mommy?" he asked, his voice a little raspier just for you. "How was your day, Princess?"
You shook off the last remaining thoughts of Casey and Meredith as you leaned down to kiss him. "Pretty good." He chased your lips for more, but his arms were too full of Noah and Skittles for him to be able to reach for you. "Looks like you're still tired from the weekend," you said with a wink.
"I had a nice conversation with Cyclone today." 
"Oh? About what?" you asked as you started to head to the kitchen to make dinner. 
His expression remained completely neutral as he told you, "Bourbon. Woodford Reserve, to be specific." When you said nothing, he added, "We can chat about it later."
So you made spaghetti, knowing you'd been found out. You had been tipsy on Saturday night at the retirement party, but you were pretty sure you remembered what you did. Probably. You hoped Bradley wasn't mad at you over it, but he seemed to be in a good mood as he ate dinner and offered to give Noah a bath while you walked Skittles. 
She was stubborn for you at first, plopping down on the front porch and whimpering for Bradley while you tugged gently on her leash. "Come on. You're making me look bad! You were my idea. Mine and Noah's." When she remained in her spot, you had to reach into your pocket and say, "Treat?" That did the trick, and you got her to take a slow lap around the block with you while you broke a milkbone into little bites and gave it to her. 
When you returned home, Skittles bounded into the house to get to Bradley where he was sitting on the bathroom floor, looking comically enormous with Noah's rubber duck in his hand. You stood in the doorway and watched him automatically reach down to pet the little pup, taking caution with her casted leg while he rinsed the shampoo out of Noah's hair. 
"You want to go to the beach this weekend, Bub?" he asked softly. "With Aunt Natasha?"
"Can Skittles come?" Noah asked, and you watched Bradley place a soft kiss on his wet forehead that left you reeling. Suddenly you couldn't wait for Noah to be in bed so you could have him all to yourself. 
"Maybe. If she gets her cast off on Wednesday," he replied softly as the dog fully plopped down with her head on his thigh. 
"Daddy?" you asked from your spot in the doorway. It was almost a whine, and when he looked up at you, you were certain he knew what you were thinking about by the little smirk on his lips.
He reached into the tub to drain the water as he asked, "Do you need some attention?"
You just nodded, still in your scrubs from work, but you felt too warm now as you pressed your thighs together. "Yes."
"Fifteen minutes, and then you can have it," he replied with an edge to his voice. "Can you wait that long?"
"I can try," you murmured before you turned to go into Noah's room and get his dinosaur pajamas ready. Anything to expedite bedtime. You listened while Bradley took his time reading three stories, and then you kissed Noah's forehead before you tried to pull Bradley toward the hallway.
He chuckled and whispered, "I'll meet you on the couch."
"Oooh, the couch," you said before running from the room. Before you could even decide what you wanted to do, Bradley was behind you wrapping his arms around your waist and tickling your neck with his mustache.
"I kind of miss those nights when I would help you study."
You moaned softly. "Anatomy really is your specialty."
You felt him pull his right hand away from your body, but before you could complain, it reappeared in front of you with a bag of Skittles on his palm. When you spun in his arms and kissed him, you whispered, "You're so sweet."
Bradley lifted you up and took you the few steps to the couch where you settled in straddling his lap while you opened your candy. "If you're this excited about something I picked up at the gas station, I wonder what you'll do if I buy you something a little more expensive."
You met his soft eyes and leaned in to kiss him. "How much more expensive are we talking?" you asked, treating him to the orange Skittle you pulled out of the bag. He parted his lips and you slipped it between them, watching his jaw work as he chewed it up. 
"A lot more expensive," he replied as you ate three candies. "Hey, this is a 50/50 relationship here, Princess."
You shoved a small handful into his mouth and kissed his cheeks as he sputtered and chewed. "I'll share everything I have with you. Too bad I don't have much."
Bradley swallowed down the treat and reached for your free hand. "You give me everything I need. Everything I want, too."
You basked in the warmth of his words as your eyes closed, and a welcome heat crept into your cheeks. "I love you."
"Then I think you'll love what I'm planning on buying for you," he whispered as his mustache grazed your chin and jaw. 
You grinned, hoping you already knew what he was talking about, but too afraid to say it out loud. So you pushed the thought from your mind and scooted a little closer toward him on his lap. "What's this I'm hearing about a beach day? And Skittles getting her cast off? This is all news to me."
He didn't miss a beat as he wrapped his big hands around your hips and said, "What's this I'm hearing about some bourbon at the retirement party? It's all news to me."
"Oh," you whispered softly before eating more Skittles, buying yourself a little time to think. "Well, you see... I wasn't exactly sober."
"You're joking," he deadpanned. 
You rolled your eyes and shoved more candy into his mouth. "I may have had a glass of bourbon sent over to Admiral Simpson, courtesy of Lieutenant Bradshaw and his girlfriend..."
After a few quiet blinks, Bradley's head tipped back in laughter so loud that Skittles the pup came running into the room. "You didn't!" Bradley said. "I have to work with that man!" 
"Somebody had to make the big move, Daddy! It cleared the tension!"
He met your eyes, still shaking his head and smirking. "It also made you look like Daddy's good little girl."
Your heart skipped around in your chest at his words, and you set your candy aside in favor of wrapping your arms around his neck. "Am I not? Daddy's good little girl?"
"Oh, you absolutely are," he replied as he lifted your top inch by inch. "I just never thought my boss's boss would see it that way." 
You raised your hands up in the air, eager to lose your shirt, but he took his sweet time about it. "Daddy."
"You can be patient," he whispered, smiling when he saw your purple bra. "Pretty." Your top dropped to the floor as he cupped you through the lace, finding your nipples right away. "You feel like going to the beach on Saturday?"
Bradley's lips found the tops of your breasts, and you could no longer formulate real words. You just hummed in response already knowing he was going to take expert care of you right now and on Saturday as well.
"You could wear your purple bikini and tell all the other guys to fuck off," he said as he ran his nose softly along your skin while he unhooked your bra and let it fall next to your top. 
"Would you like that?" you asked as your fingers tangled up in his hair. He answered you by nodding as he took your nipple between his lips. Bradley was all big hands on your bare skin and just the perfect amount of roughness. "Oh god," you whined. 
And then he had you on your back in the middle of the area rug with his body over yours. His thigh was rubbing you through your thin pants, and you bucked up gently against him as his heavy weight pressed deliciously against your body. "I love you," he grunted as you tugged at his hair. 
"I love you so much, Daddy," you gasped as he yanked your pants and underwear down and off, leaving you in only your socks. He fumbled with the front of his pants for just a few seconds before pulling his length free, and you spread your legs wide for him.
His lips and tongue were wet on your neck as you held him close, lost in the domesticity of having sex here now. Just like your first time with him. Right next to the snag in the rug. But this time you could hear Skittles' claws tapping across the kitchen floor, and you could see some of Noah's crayons that had rolled under the couch while Bradley fucked you. You could smell the lingering scent of the pasta sauce from the dinner you made. You could taste Bradley's now familiar tongue as it met yours. And you could feel his rough hands on your hips and belly where he'd now touched you hundreds of times. 
You fell in love with the flood of familiarity he brought to your senses, and it left you smiling up at him when he broke the kiss. "Jesus," he grunted, cupping one cheek in his hand. You kissed the side of his thumb as he stroked your skin, and you watched him slowly come undone for you. "I'll get you there," he promised, changing his angle so he rubbed your clit with each movement.
Just like the first time, he filled you up as soon as you came, and your name was all over his lips as you smiled at the lost crayons before closing your eyes. Bradley collected you against his body as he eased himself down onto his side, and you sighed contentedly. You held onto his wrist as he ran his hand along your hair and kissed you. In that moment you would have agreed to anything he said. 
"Baby, I'll be a little late on Wednesday night. I have to take Skittles to get her cast off, and then I need to stop at the store."
You hummed softly in response, pressing your lips to his. "Sounds good."
The only time Bradley heard from you on Wednesday was when you told him that one of your patients came in with an emergency, and you wanted to let him know you'd be helping Dr. Kelly with a minor surgical procedure. He was excited for you, but he didn't want to bother you. Even though he had good news.
"Congrats," Jake drawled in the locker room after a very long day of flying. "Don't know how you managed to pull this one off, but I heard you're flying in the air show."
Bradley ran his towel over his chest before tossing it into his locker. "Thanks," he grunted, trying not to smile. He'd be able to take you on the tour of the hospital with him, and then you and Noah could watch him fly. His son had never seen him in the air before, and it gave Bradley goosebumps knowing that the two of you would be able to do that together. 
Jake gave him one last appraising look before he got dressed. Honestly, it was probably the fact that you upped the ante with Cyclone that Bradley was chosen over the others. Perhaps now things could be called even. You managed to keep everyone on their toes in the best way, and it made him smile even now. 
You were in rare form this week, luring him in for living room floor sex when there was a perfectly new bed in the bedroom. And then last night, you got him to watch a Disney princess movie with you, even after Noah was in bed, and Bradley had begrudgingly enjoyed it. You were laying across his lap on your back when the end credits rolled, and you said, "If you're a good boy, I'll make you beignets just like Princess Tiana."
Bradley had smirked. "Do those have cream filling?"
"No," you whispered as he eased your shirt up so his palm was flat on your belly. 
"Do you want some?" 
He had been thinking about getting you pregnant as he made you bury your face in the couch pillows to keep you quiet.
And that was just one of the many reasons he was about to leave work and head home to grab Skittles before stopping at the jewelry store across town. If Casey managed to bump into there and ruin this surprise as well, he would probably lose his mind. But the jeweler near the animal shelter was one of the best in the city, so that was where he would go. 
Bradley awkwardly held Skittles while he drove, and eventually she curled up with her head on his thigh while he sat in traffic. She seemed to be doing great, so he hoped that was a good sign that the cast could come off. You and Noah were delighted with her, and she somehow made Bradley fall in love, too. 
"Yeah, you're sweet," he told her, scratching her behind the ears while he drove. He parallel parked the Bronco with one hand while he continued to pet her, and when he took her inside the shelter, he held onto her a little tighter. It was hard to believe she'd been here just a few weeks ago, completely unwanted. 
Bradley pressed kisses to the top of her head as he waited for the receptionist to finish her phone call. When she hung up, she asked, "And who do we have here?"
"Skittles Bradshaw," he replied, nuzzling his nose against her fur and wondering how on earth he had gotten so attached to this little pup. "Hopefully she can get her cast off today."
He only had to wait a few minutes, and then he watched as they examined her before cutting into the cast plaster. Once she was free, Skittles took a few tentative steps across the exam table, and then she jumped right back into Bradley's arms. 
After he paid the monstrous bill for such a small creature, he carried her down the sidewalk, enjoying the cooling temperature as the sun set. When he checked his phone, he saw that you'd finally texted him again.
My Princess: Noah and I are going to play at the park near the beach. Leftovers when you get home?
He typed out a quick message letting you know that sounded perfect. Thoughts of you and Noah together filled his mind as he entered the jewelry store, and two women looked up at him and Skittles. "Is it okay if I have her in here?" he asked, but they both immediately rushed over, practically screeching about how cute his dog was. Honestly, the pet would have probably worked out better than the dating app had for him.
"What are you looking for?" the first woman asked as she petted Skittles on her head. 
A soft smile made its way to his lips as he said, "An engagement ring."
"Oh! Of course, let's just head over here to see what you like best. Do you have anything specific in mind?"
Bradley followed behind her as he nodded and said, "A princess cut diamond."
A princess for a Princess. Also, there is no way Skittles wouldn't be a magnet for all the ladies. A big man with a small dog... just fuck. Thanks to @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls
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creedslove · 10 months
how would some of the pedro boys react to their s/o wanting to go out on a picnic together?
Featuring: Javier Peña, Joel Miller, Agent Whiskey, Javi Gutierrez, Dave York x f!reader
A/N: I love this idea! And I love this multi character headcanon! ❤️
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Javier Peña: if you two were on his ranch, he would be so pleased and happy to go on a picnic with you, it reminds him when he was a kid and he would go on picnics with his friends and cousins in Laredo, but in Colombia? He could be down to it if you find a nice place, like a park or something, and you'd better take alcohol too, otherwise he ain't going. Jk, he is because he loves pleasing you
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Joel Miller: Joel is not a nature kind of guy, well, when he was younger he used to like camping and all of that, but back then his back didn't hurt as much, so when you mentioned a picnic he was like 🧐 thinking that maybe you would want to have a picnic in the backyard? Like, if Sarah was little or if you two had kids, he would understand, but just you and him? Of course he'll say yes, he will say yes to anything you ask him to, but he's not gonna lie, he is a tired man, he would much rather spend time in a comfortable place like his couch or something other than on the ground, but he's not gonna lie, he might act a little grumpy but he enjoyed it and yes, he posed the pictures with you
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Agent Whiskey: are you kidding him? That man loves picnic!!!! It's actually surprising that you were the one who suggested it first because honestly, he loves it! He's always done picnics ever since he was a little boy and once he grew up he found out a good way of charming pretty girls and going to the second base with them, would be taking them out for a picnic. Jack gets all excited at your invitation and tells you he has just the perfect place. You two go for a horse ride, having fun and appreciating the landscape, spending hours together and just in time to enjoy the snacks and watch the sunset, Jack shows you the spots. There's trees and flowers and you spend some time together. Picnic sex isn't off the table either and Jack makes sure to make the snacks as homemade as possible
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Javi Gutierrez: Javi G is such a beautiful sweet puppy, of course he'll enjoy a picnic with you. He knows the best, most beautiful places in Spain to take you and he will let you pick what kind of picnic you want: out in the woods, in a green field, among flowers in a breathtaking garden, or on the beach, it's your call and he'll make it happy. Most likely Javi G will actually make all these picnics happen, every afternoon he will take you somewhere. He will ask his employees to prepare a big, fancy picnic basket containing several kinds of bread, toast, pates and jam, small brioche sandwiches, muffins and slices of cake, and of course, champagne among other drinks 🍷
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Dave York: Dave isn't against picnics, it also brings him long almost lost memories of happy weekends as a kid with his parents somewhere sunny and flowery. He immediately says yes to your invitation, being eager to have a moment of normality with you, he can forget about his job, about the deaths about everything, he can just spend sometime out in the open with you as you enjoy the sweet treats brought in a basket and he often daydreams of having a little York running around your picnic
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honkytonk-hangman · 1 year
Hold The Line
Platonic Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x OC/Reader
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Summary: Jake presses his lips together as he lets out a sigh. He leans forward on the railing again, eyes once more following the little boy who was quite happily playing by himself in the sand. “I just thought that Baby Goose deserved to grow up knowing his dad.”
Warnings: mentions of burning in, jake thought process centric lol
Notes: this is a companion piece to my fic Meet You All The Way, focusing on Jake's friendship with reader and most importantly his duties as Uncle Jake. its not overly necessary to read that first, this does kinda function on its own, but probably read that first hehe
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Jake is hit with intense dread the moment Rooster steps foot in the Hard Deck that night. Maybe that's why he reactively starts doing his best to get under the other man’s skin as much as he can, as fast as he can. Jake jabs and pokes and thoroughly pisses Bradshaw off to the best of his not insignificant abilities, but even when he succeeds, it doesn’t do much to stop the pervasive unease that gnaws at him.
Not that he really believed it would. It doesn’t even make him feel any better either, in fact it makes him feel much, much worse.
Things hadn’t always been this way. They had been, for a long time, but the past couple of years or so Jake’s relationship with Bradley Bradshaw had softened, somewhat helped along by his friendship with a certain Dr Lamb, who just so happened to be Bradshaw’s wife, as well as the mother of their kid, a kid that Jake loved just as much as, if not more than, any of his actual family. Stuff like that tends to bring folks together, no matter how resistant.
But Jake hadn’t expected to see Rooster back in San Diego along with the others, the enormity and riskiness of the mission seemingly apparent only to Jake, even if he lied through his teeth when his colleagues mentioned similar concerns, if only to try and tell himself this one was just like the others. In the back of his mind though, Jake knows the Navy doesn't make a habit of building special mission squadrons of their top 1%. It was too risky, if something went wrong, all your top aviators could burn in, leaving you with the other 99% that weren’t chosen for a reason. 
Which is precisely how Jake knows this mission is bad news. Sure, it had to be done, but from a pilot’s standpoint, any time the plan allowed for error, for casualties, it was a bad plan. If every member of the special squadron needed to be the best to ensure the mission was completed, despite the fact that some of them were not expected to make it home, then that told Jake everything he needed to know.
Honestly, Jake didn’t think much about burning in. He knows that kind of hubris usually ends poorly, but the fact is, he was good at his job, one of the best, and everything he ever bragged about was something he could back up. It's partly why many people disliked him. The only thing more annoying than unjustified confidence was completely justified confidence.
The other part was that more often than not he was playing the jerk just to get a rise. The fact is; Jake had flown many missions he’ll never be able to talk about, missions that had been dangerous, missions he’d been lucky to just make it out of, let alone live to continue flying. None of them had him worrying the inside of his lip so badly he’d only realise he was doing it when his whole lip was swollen and sore, and he'd taken to fiddling once more with toothpicks just to stop himself from causing even more damage.
By the time they’ve been introduced to the mission instructor, Captain Pete ‘Maverick’ Mitchell, and they’ve gotten an idea of exactly what they would be training for, Jake is at his worst, toothpick not exactly helping people soften to him, his constant barbs more pointed than he would generally be okay dishing out. Even Javy was keeping his distance, sitting in the row of chairs behind his closest colleague and longest friend, instead of in one of the two available spaces beside him.
Jake knows why too.
For once, it’s not about him, though with the way he’d been carrying on you wouldn’t know it.
Jake would never wish to lose any of his squadmates, let alone any of Dagger, most of them people who had come to know and who had put up with him, eventually even accept him. That was a feat worth protecting in and of itself as far as he’s concerned. But Jake had never found himself so fixated on the safety of one squadmate, nor with their grasp and awareness of the realities of their mission, and for the first time in his career feeling, Jake feels properly powerless to do anything but watch Rooster continue to sit on his perch, where he would almost certainly become target practise for a SAM.
The only thing Jake is able to do is push, and needle and either convince Rooster to get his shit together, or be harsh and direct enough in his criticism that even Maverick won’t be able to deny it.
Either way, the outcome is the same: an innocent kid doesn’t lose his father.
He knows that the likelihood of remaining close to Rosie or Goose in the aftermath of his behaviour is extremely low, and if he was acting out of anything except repressed fear, he might’ve chosen to go about this whole nonsense in a far more measured and reasonable manner. But Jake had never been a fan of measured responses, his need for control too much for him to do anything but the most. As the weeks go on and the mission begins to hang dark on the horizon, Jake decides that he could live with never seeing the Bradshaw’s again after all this. As far as Jake is concerned, if it meant that two people who meant more to him than members of his actual family wouldn’t end up burying their husband and father, then what other choice did he have?
Things start to shift and change slightly when he overhears Phoenix asking Rooster about his history with Maverick, and Jake realises exactly who they are to one another, or at least who they used to be to one another.
Something along the lines of Maverick more or less having been Rooster’s adoptive father up until he’d applied for the USNA, after which Rooster had cut Maverick from his life completely. Jake realises then that Maverick, Rooster’s apparent father figure throughout most of his life, had no idea about Rosie, which meant that he had no idea about Goose.
Jake considers breaking out the big guns, exploiting this clear vulnerability, hitting two birds with one stone as not only would Rooster be rightfully furious about his family being brought up and used against him, but he’d also have his little secret revealed, and have to deal with that fallout. It was cruel, and Jake isn’t ashamed to admit he considers it for several days, sitting on the idea, mulling it over, picking his exact angle, choosing the one that would hurt the most and cause the biggest emotional fissure, something even their superiors wouldn’t be able to let go as simple pre-mission tension, something that would end up with Rooster dismissed from this posting, and sent back home. Hell, Jake could even be dismissed for his part in it, but again, he’s not so worried about his own glory this time around.
He’s sitting in the ready room, still contemplating the nuclear option when his phone buzzes. He hadn’t scared Javy off yet today, so his friend glances over at the noise just as Jake unlocks his phone.
His heart drops at the message from you, joined by several photos, which is how he knows he can’t go through with his plan. Never had he received a text from you, especially one with updates on his favourite nephew, and wished he hadn’t. Javy snorts and makes an ‘aww’ sound, not bothering to hide the fact he’s spying on his friend’s screen.
“Man, that kid is going to be so disappointed when he grows up and realises that Uncle Jake is lame,” Javy jokes, pointing at the picture currently on screen, of little Goose in his prospective halloween costume, a flight suit you’ve clearly made for him, complete with sets of patches. In one picture the little replica insignias are identical to Roosters, in the other, they’re a copy of Jake’s own. Your message tells him that Goose was going to wear one out trick-or-treating and the other to a Halloween dress up party at the kids club he attended when you were working late at the hospital.
Jake knows Javy doesn't mean anything by it, he knows how severe his friend can be when he really wanted to needle, but his words hit him with the realisation that if he were to go through with this plan, to expose the existence of Rooster’s family and cause this possibly career stunting blow out, Goose would grow up and find out that his “Uncle Jake”, who he apparently put in the same tier as his own, admittedly pretty great, father, absolutely did not deserve any of his admiration or reverence.
Jake swallows thickly and shuts off his phone without replying. He’d probably call you later, anyhow. Javy frowns at him, but shrugs lightly and watches as Jake pushes up off the couch, moving towards the far wall, needing to just think for a minute. For the first time in weeks he feels enough of his deep-seated dread leave his system, at last letting him think somewhat normally, combined with a clarity that really doesn’t make him feel any better about his recent conduct, definitely making him feel worse about what he’d been planning to do.
He stares blankly at the photos on the wall in front of him and scans each image as he tallies up alternatives, some way to get through to Rooster, make him understand that the way he was flying now would only end badly, it could only end badly, as everyone else seemed to grasp, and struggle with. His eyes flicker over a few grainy faces and move on, before quickly flashing back, blinking in surprise at what he realises he’s looking at.
The surprise pulls him out of his thoughts, away from his tallying and doomsday planning, almost making him forget completely as he stares down at a familiar face that stares back.
“Yo, Coyote, take a look at this!” Jake hears himself call over his shoulder, his eyes never leaving the spot in front of him. Javy approaches casually, leaning down to get a look at the framed photo Jake is transfixed with, easily picking out their instructor, though thirty years younger.
“The man. The legend. There he is.” Javy says lightly, though there is genuine respect lacing his tone. Jake glances over at him and shakes his head.
“No, no, no. Next to him.” Jake says, waiting as Coyote moves slightly closer, his own frown deepening as he gets a good look. “Does he look familiar to you?” he prompts after a moment, before he hears Javy let out a surprised little huff.
“What have we here…” he asks rhetorically, lifting a finger to trace the list of names beneath, until he finds the one that matches.
A new plan begins forming in Jake’s head then, and he straightens up, mind whirling. Javy snorts again and looks back at Jake over his shoulder.
“You realise your little buddy was named after him?” He asks, gesturing to the immortalised image of Rooster’s father. Jake hums. 
He’d known Nick was named for Bradshaw’s father, and he knew that the man had died in an aviation accident when Bradley had been little, but he had never realised where ‘Goose’ as a nickname had come from. He’d just thought it was a play on his Bradshaw’s callsign and Rosie’s surname, Lamb. He hadn’t realised the significance behind it before, and it makes him feel worse..
All the information he’d picked up over the last few weeks suddenly begins to make sense, like he’d finally found the one clue on his mental conspiracy board that suddenly connects all the dots, revealing the bigger picture at last. Whether or not it was the correct image was another thing entirely, it wasn’t even important to Jake’s new plan. It didn’t matter if he was right, in fact it would be better if he was completely off base, in the end, the only thing that really mattered to this new method was that Jake’s underlying point was made clear. Jake knows that if Rooster was able to just get the hell off that damn perch of his, then he’d fly this mission better than maybe anyone else, and give Maverick a run for his money at the same time.
And if that didn’t work, then hopefully Maverick would realise that sending Rooster may as well be signing his death warrant.
Jake takes a long sip of his beer and lets out what might be the first truly relaxed breath he’s had in weeks. Leaning forward against the railing that circled the Hard Deck, Jake keeps his gaze fixed firmly on the five-year-old playing in the sand a few metres away.
“Don’t go too far now, alright buddy?” He calls, knowing that Goose wouldn’t stray on purpose, but also knowing that the boy had a habit of getting so wrapped up in his sweet little head that he’d lose all sense of surroundings.
“Okay, Uncle Jake!” Goose replies cheerfully, dropping to begin digging through the top layer of sand in search of seashells.
For several moments Jake simply basks in the ocean breeze, briefly glancing away from the toddler to scan the horizon, but quickly turns back to him again, far more interested in watching the way Goose sorts the shells he’d found into separate groups. In fact, Jake watches on so attentively that he becomes the one who loses track of what’s going on around him, jumping when you manage to sneak up beside him at the railing, clearly looking pleased with yourself at having caught him off guard.
“Y'all moved in now?” Jake asks, ignoring his brief lapse in chill and choosing instead to glance over at you, clinking your beer with his when you offer it out.
“Yup,” you say, popping the ‘p’ in a way Jake would absolutely find infuriating if anyone but you were to do it. “Mav came around with Penny and Amelia yesterday, and we got it knocked out in a couple of hours.” You tell him, before your face turns more mischievous.
“Why, you weren’t planning on coming around under the guise of helping, just so you could mess with my husband, did you?” you ask teasingly, and Jake rolls his eyes.
“I don’t need to come around to do that. I have his number.” Jake says petulantly, though it reminds him that he hadn’t yet found a good time to actually settle things for good with Rooster. Jake may have saved his life, but he’s enough of a grown up to recognise that an actual apology might be necessary given the nature of the situation.
You laugh at that, and Jake feels an easy smile pull at his lips.
The two of you proceed to lapse into a comfortable silence then, both of you just watching as Goose flutters back and forth, occasionally moving back to the deck to place particular shells for safekeeping. You seem to wait for your son to be fully focused on his self-appointed task again before you speak.
“Rooster told me about your reprimand.” You say lightly, voice devoid of any emotion. Jake purses his lips and squints at the water ahead of him.
“Tattle-tale,” he mutters, before taking a large sip of his beer. You turn your body to face him then and cross your arms over your chest.
“You know, he told me that he wasn’t even really upset you brought up his dad…” you continue, and Jake turns his squint on you, finding your words a little hard to believe. “He told me he barely heard what you actually said, he was so convinced you were about to out him about Goose and I in front of Maverick… he said that was why he reacted the way he did.” Once again your voice is light on any clues as to what you might be thinking, and it makes Jake throw back the remainder of his beer before he speaks again.
“I thought about it. Figured with all things considered, Mav would never choose him if he knew about Goose. Probably would have worked, too.” He admits slowly, choosing his words carefully.
“And remind me again why that was plan a?” You ask dryly and with a healthy amount of ridicule directed towards him. 
Jake shrugs.
“I think you’re seriously overestimating the thought process that went into this, which for the record, was not a single one.” he replies truthfully, shaking his head.  “Could have gotten my ass DD’ed for pulling that shit.” Jake grumbles, both at his previous behaviour, and at how differently things would have gone if Maverick was the type of Commanding Officer who concerned himself at all with little things like direct insubordination.
You hum your agreement then, seemingly satisfied that he was aware of how stupid he’d been. Jake sighs heavily then, and runs a hand through his hair.
“My thoughts on Rooster’s capabilities as a pilot versus the way he actually flies aren’t exactly top secret.” Jake states, readying himself to explain to you what exactly had been so important to him that he’d wound up with an official reprimand over. “The way he was flying the sims wasn’t going to cut it, and frankly, he seemed more preoccupied with proving something to Maverick—” he cuts himself off at that, shaking his head again, and you don’t push him to finish.
Jake presses his lips together as he lets out a sigh, and leans forward on the railing again, eyes once more following the little boy who was quite happily playing by himself in the sand.
“I just thought that Goose deserved to grow up knowing his dad,” Jake confesses at last, feeling slight nerves bubbling in his belly at the frankness of his thoughts, but he can’t help himself from eventually glancing over at you in order to gauge your reaction as you consider what he’s said.
Your expression remains thoughtful, but otherwise unreadable, and for several more seconds the two of you stare at one another, until at last you shift your eyes away from him, and back to your son on the beach.
“I’m gonna suggest that next time, you should try giving communicating at a basic adult level a go first,” you say at last, your voice dripping with even more ridicule now, even more deserved this time. “And then I guess if that doesn’t work, you can move on to starting a fight in the middle of a debriefing with your Commanding Officer.”
“I’ll keep it in mind.” Jake tells you, his tone sarcastic purely out of habit, but he really does mean it.
A beat passes and it occurs to Jake that Rooster must not have told you any details about how the mission had ended up playing out, how despite Jake’s best intentions and worst behaviour, the thing that almost meant Rooster didn’t make it home to you and Goose, had been entirely out of his control, and that it was Jake’s actions that had meant Rooster would be able to return to your family after all was said and done, just like he’d been pushing to make happen from the start.
He blinks down at you, brought out of his thoughts when you bump into his side, nudging his arm with your elbow.
“Thank you, for not saying anything before he got the chance to tell Maverick himself… and for trying to look out for him.”
Jake nods solemnly, before he lifts his arm to wrap around your shoulder, giving you a brief squeeze as you both focus back on watching Goose again.
“For the record, it wasn’t him I was looking out for.” Jake cuts into the silence after a few minutes. You barely move to acknowledge his words, except for the roll of your eyes.
“If you keep ruining the moment, I’m going to tell Rooster that you complimented his abilities as a pilot.”
Jake glares down at you, but promptly clamps his mouth shut. To your credit, you don’t gloat about your victory, already focusing back on the apparent moment you were sharing, giving up all pretence of sourness when the sun begins peeking perfectly through the clouds, and Goose takes off running toward the two of you, a large collection of seashells gathered in his hands, shouting that he’d found one for you, following up right away by asking if you’ll put it on your desk at work. Jake takes that as his cue to release you, moving to instead swoop Goose up in his arms.
You watch as Jake carries your son back down to the sand, listening intently as he shows him each of the shells he’d found and chattering away about each of them as Jake asks. You smile a little wider when you sense Rooster stepping into place at your side, and he wraps his arm around your shoulder. You hum contently, and rest a hand against his chest.
“I think I’m willing to reconsider this whole ‘Uncle Jake’ topic.” Your husband tells you, earning an incredulous laugh from you.
“I’m sorry to ruin your illusion of control, but that ship sailed a while ago,” you chortle as Rooster grimaces and shoots you a look. You pat his chest sympathetically, and he covers your hand with his own. You both watch Jake and Goose for a few more peaceful moments, until your boy notices Rooster standing with you. “Daddy! Come play!” Goose calls out. Rooster grins widely as Jake begins talking loudly about how he isn’t brave enough to come out onto the sand. You watch as Rooster vaults the railing, and your heart grows soft as both aviators begin to give chase to Goose, with Rooster eventually gathering him up and holding him still for Jake to tickle.
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thelightsandtheroses · 10 months
Secret Smile: Chapter Five - Unsteady
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Summary: Before returning to Colombia to get things right this time, Javi’s childhood best friend asks him to keep an eye out for his sister while they’re both stationed in the embassy. Only you don’t need Javier to keep an eye you her. Your role as a new legal advisor is all about keeping an eye on him after all. Sparks fly, lines will be drawn and broken and there’s everything to lose.
Word Count: 3.5k Chapter Warnings: 18+ blog, language, reader has a nickname (Blue) but no physical descriptors used Author Notes: As always, thank you for all your feedback, likes and reblogs so far – it means a lot and I’m having so much fun writing this fic. I’d love to know what you think of this next chapter so please feel free to comment, reblog or even send an ask!
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It’s clear to you now that you spend more time in Javi’s office than your own. Once again, you’re sitting on his chesterfield couch at an unsociable hour, wondering what on Earth the job you’ve taken actually is.
As a lawyer, you’ve almost always been involved with a case after the arrest is over. When you worked as a prosecutor, you helped get warrants, but were never involved in the planning of an arrest. Your job is crafting the arguments, responding to surprises, making sure the case is solid and you can help people achieve justice. You duck and weave and argue and make the case real to a jury. That’s your job.
This is new to you.
While planning the operation remains the responsibility of the DEA, you’ve been observing, supporting where you can by working with Martinez’s office to confirm the legal arrangements, but mostly just taking it all in and trying to fight your exhaustion.
Ever since you went to his apartment, something changed for the two of you. It feels like some element of your friendship from before has started to return.
You notice him sometimes as you walk down the corridor and you can’t help but smile at him.
He’s not the same Javi you remember, but he’s getting closer.
“And you’re sure you can trust him?” you ask, folding your arms as you speak.
“Blue, Martinez is one of the only people I could trust with this.”
“Calderon worries me.”
There’s a lot more than Calderon bothering you. What Javi’s planned will be a significant blow to the cartel, one that will start to fulfil the people’s need for justice, for consequences.
However, you’re not naive.
This could destroy the negotiation. This could cause significant pressure for you and Javi at the embassy too. The ambassador and Stechner have made it clear that they endorse this negotiation, the bloodless transfer of power.
And of course, you don’t want there to be blood. Justice though, you want there to be justice.
“So, Martinez is arriving in Cali separately - and you need to go soon to make your flight, Javi. I’ve been talking with Martinez’s office; mostly him and his secretary and trying to get this warrant sorted discreetly. The chances of success are higher if less people know.”
“We won’t get a chance like this again; this needs to work.”
 “I know. Javi, there will be consequences to this, even if it goes off perfectly.”
“For you?” he asks, furrowing his brow.
“No, it’s by the book. I mean, I don’t know if Stechner will be my biggest fan by the end of the week, but I can live with that.”
“I like to think that it’s a good thing if you’re on his bad side,” Javi jokes, “but honestly, just tell me you won’t -“
“I’m a big girl, Javi, I’ve got this. And if you and your team can pull this off? All bets are off.” You exhale slowly.
“We’ve got this, we’ve planned for this,” Javi looks over at you and smiles broadly, “We’re arresting Gilberto Rodriguez.”
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It’s not your mission but you feel like it might as well be. Despite the mountain of paperwork, warrants and legal documents you need to complete today, you spent your morning thinking about what might be happening in Cali the whole time.
You couldn’t help thinking about Javi too.
Now, you regret that indulgence though and wish you’d got some work done.
Your phone won’t stop ringing, the paperwork is piling up. The arrest of Gilberto Rodriguez hasn’t so much caused waves as complete and utter destruction. If you thought the Duffy and Lopez situation was stressful, this is a whole other league.
In a way, you’ve missed this. You’ve missed the adrenaline rush of a case; the artful interplay between you and the other side as you bat arguments back and forth and hope to win. Small things have often stressed you out, but when you’ve had to go through bigger things; the adrenaline raising things that should be terrifying? You handle those with ease.
One of your old university tutors had said you were designed for this career path. You wonder what they’d say if they saw you now.
You take a gulp of water when you finally hang up the phone after a particularly tense conversation with the Colombian justice department.
The negotiation might be ruined. Gilberto was the one pushing for it, they say, you and the DEA might have just started another war.
It shouldn’t be this hard.
Linda looks over at you with a sympathetic expression. “Rough day?”
“Definitely not dull.”
“They’re airing the press conference from earlier now,” she says, indicating to the tv in your office.
You shrug and indicate the pile of paperwork and your phone on your desk. You simply don’t have the time. You take a gulp of cold coffee and move on to the next call.
After you finally finish the urgent calls and things start to feel slightly calmer, you make your way to Javi’s office. You haven’t seen him since before he left for Cali and that feels like a lifetime ago.
The walk to his office feels familiar now, you feel like you could make all of the right turns, know exactly where the stairs are, with your eyes shut. You pass Martinez leaving Javi’s office as you go to knock on the door.
“I think they’re going to be toasting you at the bar,” you say gently as you walk into his office.  Judging by the empty glasses on the desk and Javi’s expression, he’s already got started though. For a second, you’re annoyed that you’ve been fighting fires and had to find solutions, while he’s been toasting success, but then you realise his face tells another story.
You expected Javi to look happy at the clear victory his department has just achieved, but something’s clearly wrong. You doubt he’s spent his evening being yelled at in multiple languages, but you’re not sure how the arrest went, whether everything had been accounted for, or what Martinez has just told him.
“I hear you’re man of the hour, got yourself on TV and everything. It’s a good result, Javi,” you persist.
“What’s wrong? What’s happened?”
“Martinez - they’ve set him up, he’s had to resign.”
“Because of the raid?”
“I think it was in motion before, but probably didn’t help.”
“He’s a good man and -”
“Javi, should you be drinking that on an empty stomach?” you ask, looking at the glasses at his desk. There’s a difference between a drink with people toasting you and drinking alone in an office.
“I could have eaten today,” he argues half-heartedly.
You cross your arms and point at the dirty ashtray. “I may not be a doctor like Rafael, but even I know cigarettes aren’t food.”
“Fine, do you want to get something to eat then?” Javi asks, looking up at you with wide eyes.
You reply without thinking, “Okay, yeah. That would be nice.” You eye the glasses. “I’ll drive.”
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You weren’t sure what to expect when Javi asked if you wanted to get some food. Would you end up at the usual bar people went to after work, or some street food stall perhaps?
Whatever you had been thinking, you hadn’t expected Javi to direct you here - you’d insisted on driving after eyeing the empty glass in his office. It’s a small restaurant a short walk from your apartment, there’s only one other group eating but it’s getting late and you think it may have been a lot busier earlier. This is the sort of place it would be easy to walk past but clearly that’s a mistake.
Your ex always used to say you could tell a lot about people by the food choices they made; the restaurants they were drawn to, or wherever they chose for an outing. You used to just think that was because Sam was a chef, but now you’re not sure.
The food here is delicious; that perfect combination between home cooking and something more elevated. The spice level is just right, the flavours and colours rich and welcoming. It’s easily one of your favourite meals since you arrived in Colombia.
How did you not know about this place? How did Javi?
You take a bite of food and sigh cheerfully. “This is so good.”
“Told you,” Javi says lightly, taking a sip of his drink. “I’ve lived here a while; I know the best spots by now. Haven’t been back here since I got back though, so thought it would be a good choice.”
“Well, considering I haven’t seen you subsist on anything but alcohol or cigarette in recent weeks, I wasn’t sure what to expect.”
“Subsist? Wow, okay, you’re just showing off that fancy law school education now.”
“It has to come in useful sometimes,” you say, “Scrabble. It can be useful for scrabble.”
“You played a lot of scrabble in the evenings back in DC then?”
“There’s nothing wrong with scrabble. But I wasn’t - I wasn’t boring, if that’s what you’re implying.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” Javi says before flashing one of his winning smiles at you. It’s disarming, Javi’s disarming. You can see how he’s good at his job, how he’s good with people.
You briefly wonder what this scene looks like to people who don’t know you. Do you look like colleagues, or friends? Perhaps people would even think you were together, as laughable as the idea may seem to you in the moment. There’s a small pang of anxiety about this that rises in your stomach but you swallow it down. Not here, not now.
You’ve spent the evening getting to know Javi all over again and vice versa. Neither of you are the people who left Laredo years before, and perhaps neither of you had realised the ways you had changed.
This Javi is looser and lighter, he seemed to subtly shift the further away from the office you got and for the first time in a while, you feel like you’re with the person underneath all Javi’s masks.
You’ve talked about music, hobbies, things that aren’t work. You’ve somehow even promised to lend Javi a copy of the book you’ve just finished reading after enthusiastically describing how much you’d enjoyed it, how it had made you think and feel and do everything a good book should.
“Did you prefer Austin or DC?” he asks suddenly.
“I don’t know. I went to law school in Austin and it was my first real job as a lawyer after graduating and passing the bar. It was fun, I mean, I liked my life there - lots of music and it was so much bigger than Laredo. In DC, it was a whole other world entirely though. I was not prepared for the winters.”
“Oh no?”
“Javi, we’re Texans, do I look like I can handle snow?”
Javi laughs, full and deep. You want to tell him about the first snowfall you remember in DC, about how you stepped outside, taking in the beauty of the fresh blanket of snow and how it concealed so much and made you feel like a child again for just a moment. Wonder, that was what it was. Everything felt so full of possibilities and opportunity. DC had quickly quashed that naïveté though.
“Not really a problem here - you’d have to head up to the Andes for that.”
“I think I’ll survive without that. I’ll leave it to you, Javi, what with your adventures all around the country.”
“Absolutely not.”
“Have you been based in other places than here?” you ask in a low voice, curious about what had inspired his original question. The other group have left now and the people who own the restaurant are back in the kitchen; this is as close to a private setting as you could get, but you’re never sure how much you can trust your surroundings.
“Mexico, briefly  - wasn’t long after I graduated, but then I came back to the US and they sent me out to Colombia after that. Most of my time has been here though.”
It’s hardly surprising Javi cares as much as he does about getting things right here, about bringing down the Cali cartel. He’s spent most of his career out here; it’s as much as a part of him now as Laredo is.
You think you understand him a little more now.
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“Wait, you’ve got to be kidding me,” Javi says in a low voice as you unlock the main apartment building door and walk towards your front door.
Somehow after dinner, you had insisted that you should give Javi the book you’d mentioned straight away and that he could order a cab from your apartment.
“I’ll just get the book and you can call a cab,” you say breezily, becoming surprised as Javi follows you, shaking his head the whole time.
“What number do you live in?”
You reply without thinking and notice Javi’s eyes bulge. Without concentrating on it, you move to unlock your front door.
“I’ll get that book,” you say quietly, “it’s late.”
“This - this was my apartment,” Javi says softly, stopping by the phone but not lifting it.
“What? What are you talking about, Javi?” you ask, dropping your handbag by the couch as you head for the bookcase to find the book you mentioned. Javi closes the door behind him and looks around your living area with wide eyes.
“Before. This was my place the last time I was here. I’m in a different building now. Well, you know that, you turned up there.”
“Oh, right.” You scan a shelf and then add, “Really? Here? This apartment?”
You’re concentrating on finding the book, focused on your mission and his words aren’t quite connecting. What does he mean - that this was his apartment?
“Where are the dog pictures?” he asks, wandering around the open plan living area. “Did they get rid of them?”
The dog pictures? It suddenly clicks.
“You were responsible for the dog pictures?” you ask incredulously. “The dog pictures were yours, Javi?”
“No, no. They uh, came with the apartment. And even if they didn’t, what was wrong with them?”
Oh, they definitely didn’t come with the apartment when Javi moved in.
You laugh as finally find the book you were looking for and take it off the shelf.
“I don’t remember you being such a dog person back in Laredo, Javi,” you tease, turning back around to face him. “Wait, so you lived here? As in here, in this exact apartment?”
“Yes. I’ve said that already. I lived here, Steve was upstairs … fuck, this takes me back. It’s barely changed. How did you end up here?“
“It’s just the apartment the embassy assigned me when I got here, luck of the draw, I suppose.”
Javi lived here? You look around, suddenly horrified. It suddenly sinks in - Javi once lived in your apartment.  You’re rapidly filled with horror at the rumours you’ve heard from Linda and Judith about Javi’s reputation with women over the years and oh - please will Javi at least tell you that the furniture is different? You cannot think that he might have slept in the same bed as you in the past.
“Please tell me they deep cleaned and changed the furniture because … no, I don’t - why are you smiling? Oh god, what did you do in this apartment, Javi? Stop laughing! What did you do? I’m going to have to burn everything, aren’t I?” Javi’s leaning on the end table, doubled over as he laughs.
You haven’t seen Javi laugh like this in years. It immediately transports you back to when you were younger, back to your childhood home in Laredo and the few times you would hang around with Rafa and Javi.  He’s younger, lighter, and as disturbed as you may be by the revelation, it’s almost worth it to see him like this.
“The comforter’s new,” he says sweetly. “It looks like they changed a few things around.”
“I bought the comforter,” you exclaim, arms folded.
”Oh.“ Javi holds his hands up in mock defeat.
“I can’t believe this.”
“You’re telling me!”
“How long were you here?”
“A while. The whole time I was here before.”
“Wow, that’s - wow, I don’t know what to say. I uh - ” you trail off. “One hell of a coincidence, huh?”
“Yeah. Of all the apartments in -”
“It’s fate, right? Like my friends says.” There are too many coincidences now, too many signs from the universe that you and Javi were meant to collide at this moment in time. You’re not sure what that exactly means, only that it surely means something.
“Maybe it is.” Javi replies thoughtfully. “Can’t believe this, Blue.”
“You know, I thought you’d want to spend tonight differently,” you say suddenly, changing the subject from whatever Javi has done or not done in this apartment before.
You’re leaning against your dining table as he moves closer to you. His eyes are bright from the moment before and you can smell the slightly spicy aroma of his cologne.
“Oh, yeah?”
“Yeah, at a bar with your friends, or … I don’t know, with different company perhaps. Celebrating the win.”
“Is it a win?” Javi asks, suddenly serious. He meets your gaze with his deep, questioning brown eyes.
You lower your voice instinctively, even though it’s only the two of you in the apartment. ”You did something everyone else didn’t think could be done. This needed to happen, people need to see consequences. We talked about it.”
“I fucked over the negotiation. You weren’t here before, Blue. We can’t go back to those days.”
Suddenly he doesn’t look comfortable here, as though being in this apartment has resurrected ghosts he had long since forgotten and the laugh has entirely faded from his face. 
“You arrested a criminal, a leader of a cartel. Javi, it was a win.”
“Martinez has been set up. He’s not dirty, there’s no way. And that’s on me - it was my choice to bring him in.”
“It was his choice to accept,” you say, “He strikes me as the sort of person who wants to do the right thing. Reminds me of a couple of other people I know.”
“Oh, yeah?”
“Yeah, I mean my brother’s a doctor and everything.”
“I hate you,” Javi says, shaking his head and fighting a smile.
“No, you don’t.”
“Not at all.”
“You’re a good person, Javi,” you say, because suddenly it feels like that’s what he needs to hear, to know. And he is a good person, of course he is.
“I’m not the kid you remember from Laredo anymore.”
“Neither am I.”
“No, neither are you.” His voice is lower, heavy like molasses and it sends heat pooling in your stomach. “You - you’re something else, Blue.”
Somehow, he’s right in front of you now and your back is against the table, a hand stabilising you and he’s here.  You can hear him breathing, feel the warmth radiating from him next to you. He’s so close, and he smells so good and you could easily kiss the freckles on his neck, you could easily meet his lips and -
You haven’t been with anyone in months; you’ve barely allowed yourself a moment to even think about intimacy, to think about missing this. You hadn’t realised how much you missed being next to a person, so close to you, and knowing what’s about to happen, the anticipation, the impending fires and soaring heat.
Maybe this is the reason why you’re both here. Maybe this is what’s been written on the cards for the two of you.
You close your eyes and part your lips slightly and it’s going to happen -
Immediately everything in you runs cold. What are you thinking? What’s wrong with you? You can’t do this.
You cannot possibly do this.
After everything that went down in DC, pursuing this would be one of the most stupid things imaginable. After everything that went down in DC, it’s reprehensibly foolhardy. After everything that went down in DC, you cannot believe you are still this stupid.
You move away rapidly, fast enough that Javi looks at you with worry.
“Are you-”
“We can’t do this. What - that - that would never happen, Javi.”
“Why not? Because I know your brother?” Javi asks, a bewildered expression on his face.
“No, because we work together. I can’t - I don’t - I won’t cross that line. I will not be that woman.”
“What woman?”
“The woman that fucks around at work. Please go, Javi, please. Let’s just forget this - our emotions are heightened, it’s been a long day, we’ve both been drinking.”
There’s a rising panic in your body, you can feel how your palms are sweaty and how your mind is getting muddled between then and now, between DC and Colombia.
It’s just the food, just the alcohol you tell yourself. It’s familiarity and all sorts of things confusing the receptors in your mind. It’s not real. That moment between you and Javi was just a blip.
“I’ll call that cab,” Javi says sombrely as he walks over the landline.
There’s a tension in the air and you feel guilty, confused and upset all at once. He’s not standing so close to you now, he seems to be keeping as much physical distance as he can from you.
“Are you-”
“I’m fine, Javi, just tired and - please let’s just forget this. Please?” The two of you had made so much progress and in just one moment, one stupid moment, you feel like everything’s ruined.
“Of course, Blue,” he says.
It is only after  Javi has left, book in hand and confusion in his eyes, that you finally allow yourself to break down.
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Tag List
Secret Smile tag-list @darkroastjoel@sullyosully @catsickyellow @spishsstuff @casa-boiardi @living-for-jesus-and-telenovelas @pastelnap @babeincolor @iamskyereads
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planetpiastri · 1 year
hi!! happy vday celebrations <3 💝 could u do #21 from the are we friends or more list for bob? ik everyone makes fun of him and he doesn't care all that much but i wonder how he would react if he heard of/saw someone defending him
hi anon!! i thought long and hard abt how best to do this and eventually decided on this after rewatching the movie hehe<33 hope u enjoy! | [wc - 0.9k]
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The Hard Deck was loud, but not overly loud; the bar-goers were tipsy, but not sloppy drunk; conversation flowed freely, but not into the realm of oversharing; people were good at pool, but not great. And you were here with your coworkers, having a lovely evening.
You stood with Coyote against the wall, both of you sipping a beer and chatting about the day’s training. Phoenix was kicking Hangman’s ass at darts, which was oddly satisfying, and Fanboy, Bob, and Payback were playing a three-way version of eight ball. It was a night like any others. Rooster hadn’t arrived yet, but you knew he would soon, and he’d rally the bar around the piano and bring up the energy.
There was nothing unique about this night.
“You sure you don’t want to join us?” Fanboy asked, holding his cue out towards you.
Across the table, Bob’s eyes flickered towards you before dropping away again. He was sure you’d noticed anyway. No one ever noticed him the way you did. No one ever really noticed him, period. But then you’d showed up, and seemed to notice everything about him. He liked it, but it scared him, too.
Fondness and fear went hand in hand when it came to most of his feelings for you.
“I’m okay,” you said, waving Fanboy away. “We’re busy keeping score. Right, Javy?”
“Right,” said Coyote with a sharp nod, half-smiling.
“Alright,” said Payback. “Who’s winning, then?”
“Bob,” you said without missing a beat. You locked eyes with him briefly and he was sure that everyone could see the red flare in his cheeks before he glanced down.
“You guys obviously aren’t paying attention,” Payback scoffed, exchanging a glance with Fanboy and shaking his head before turning back to the game, leaning over the table to take his next shot.
Bob stepped back to chalk his cue, glancing sideways at you and Coyote when he thought you weren’t looking. You looked so comfortable, so at ease here with everybody. He was honestly jealous. You melded with the group in a way he’d never been able to, and you’d been here half as long. Everyone was drawn to you, Bob included. He knew he wasn’t the only one infatuated by your quick wit and earnest heart; Hangman especially had made his interest clear. But you’d never offered any of your coworkers anything in return.
Why did he think it’d be any different with him?
He puffed his cheeks up and exhaled, shaking himself and realizing that he’d over-chalking his cue. Tapping it against the table, he came around the far side, grateful to turn his back on you but nervous at the idea of you watching him bend over to line up his shot.
At that moment, however, the darts game apparently wrapped up, because Hangman and Phoenix came back to join the group. And as Bob leaned over the table, Hangman said loudly, “How’s there only three playing? Here, I’ll join a team.”
The cue was pulled from Bob’s hands, interrupting his shot. Hangman bumped him with his hip, leaning over and pocketing the ball that Bob had been eyeing. Bob shuffled backwards, invisible once again.
There was nothing unique about this night.
Bob’s head snapped up. The casual conversation around the table faltered. Even Hangman, who’d been smirking and making some snarky remark at Phoenix, seemed to freeze. Because you’d pushed off the wall, and your normally relaxed posture had straightened into a harsh, tense line.
Hangman glanced sideways at Phoenix, who was looking like Christmas had come early. “Hey?” he said.
“Go get your own cue, Hangman,” you snapped, yanking it out of his hands. “They’re literally all over the walls. It would take you two seconds.”
Slowly, Bob realized what was happening. Hangman seemed to recognize at the same time, because his eyes slid from you to Bob, growing wide. “Seriously?” he said.
You moved the cue to one hand, using the other to wave Hangman off. “Go on, shoo! Get your own if you want to play so bad.” Then you turned and walked over to where Bob was standing with his back pressed to the wall, half hoping it would open and swallow him so everyone would stop staring.
But he kind of liked when you stared at him. Like the way you stared at him now.
You held out the cue. “This is yours, I think.”
“Thanks.” He took it, and his fingers brushed yours, sending a shiver up his arm. “You didn’t need to—I mean, he always—it’s not a—”
“I know that he does it all the time,” you said. “I just think he needs somebody to stand up to him sometimes. He pushes you around too much. They all do.”
He was positive you could see his blush. “Oh,” he said. “Um—thanks. For…yeah. Thank you.” He scratched nervously at the back of his neck. “Can I buy you a…beer or something? As thanks?”
You beamed at him, and he was worried everyone would be able to hear the way his heart started to pound. “One second,” you said. You walked back over to Coyote, who was holding your beer, and took it from him. As Bob watched, you drained the last few gulps of beer from the bottle before turning and walking back over to him with a shy smile.
“Now you can buy me a drink,” you said.
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A Fic Recommendation Extravaganza
as promised, (or more like voted) I'm going to share some of my favorite fics and authors in this post.
I joined Tumblr in 2012, but only started posting my writing in 2018, never thinking people would actually read it. Now here we are, 5 years 6K people later and I couldn't be more thankful!
These will be heavily Pedro centred (what a surprise lol), but there's some other people who I have been following for years before too.
Let's go!
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@radiowallet whole Masterlist but especially her Oberyn series. I love to hate to love stubborn soulmates who get heir happily ever after. And I can not wait to hold PWC in my hands.
@something-tofightfor currently very in love with undercover future king of Mandalore Din Djarin falling in love in a christmas town. But honestly check out the whole masterlist. So many good stories, and I haven't even read everything yet
@wheresarizona Arizona makes me yearn for fictional Javier Peña in Learning to live like no other. Not only is this the fluffiest love story ever, no it's fucking filthy
@jazzelsaur Frankie and Ellie will have my heart FOREVER and ever ever.
@tilltheendwilliwrite was probably one of the first authors I followed on here. Her Blessings of Magic series is one of my most favourite stories ever and it still keeps growing.
@lavendertales oh where to start? Frankie Angst? Or Enemys to lovers with Javi P? Honestly, the whole Masterlist ist just chefs kiss.
@whiskeynwriting Dave fucking York and his daughters best friend. If I could drop real life whenever an update is posted I would (okay I mostly do)
@oonajaeadira PATS my beloved. I'm in love how you build this tiny universe with a character we haven't even seen just listened to.
@absurdthirst ooookay. I don't know what's my favorite. Just like... everything. And Werewolf Pero.
@wardenparker every single Soulmate series had me in a chokehold. Just... read it all here.
@chaoticgeminate Don't make me decide between Dragon Pero and sub Dave. Or Javi and Solecita. Or...
@whatsnewalycat you don't know that, but I read your Javi series almost completely when I was on vacation last year without knowing that you were on Tumblr too. I literally stopped breathing during the last chapters. And now I am loving to hate Frankie in Designated Person.
@guess-my-next-obsession Dr. Javier Peña my beloved.
@fuckyeahdindjarin If Palomino was a person, I would be on my knees. Cowboy Jack is like.. the perfect man and it's kinda rude of him but I love him.
@whataperfectwasteoftime is where I go to to get my Marcus Pike fix. And I can not wait to read your book either!!
@keanureevesisbae the mental picture of John Wick hanging up those paintings in one cappuccino and a chocolate brownie please has been burned into my brain. The amount of fluff you are able to put into words is unbeatable and I love it.
@supernaturalgirl20 whole Masterlist is to die for. The one story that stayed with my was Ezra in Bookshop by the coast. I think I read that three times.
@psychedelic-ink The amount of Joel fics that seem to show up daily from you have me in awe. Masterlist here.
@coastielaceispunk I fell in love with all Max Lord fics, and stayed for the rest. Check Masterlist here
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Someone tell me which WIP I should work on instead of studying for my finals
You Have the Wrong Guy - in which everyone is giving Jake the shovel talk when it was Bradley who broke off their first relationship - Exs to Lovers, ft. dagger squad and class of 86’
Unpacking - how each of the daggers (and Mav) find out about trans!Jake - not romance centered but has the development and destruction and ultimately getting back together of Hangster, Javy is the best friend ever and deserves all the love, this is very self indulgent
Running - Jake has ran his whole life. If no one can catch up to him no one can leave him. Then he meets Javy. The man seemingly has unlimited  patience and always seems to be a step ahead of Jake. - character study, Macheresin, Jake has an absent father and issuesTM
Ballett AU (unnamed) - In which Ice is a Ballet instructor and Mav takes care of Amelia for Penny when he’s not test piloting the military’s newest planes. - plenty of misunderstandings, Icemav endgame but mistaken Mav/Penny, Penny&Sarah friendship
Dinner for Three - when Beau gets an invite to the Mitchell-Kazansky household he figures it’s something to do with the dagger squad, after all the first (and only other time) he was invited over was to celebrate the success of the dagger mission, what he was not expecting was a fancy dinner cooked by the handsome couple that are blatantly flirting with him. This is some cosmic joke, right? - Cyclone/Maverick/Iceman, might end up being smut but won’t promise anything, ft. Cyclone having a massive crush on Ice and reluctant feelings (ew) for Mav, surprise they like him too, Bradley shows up in here for some reason
Dadmral - the obligatory fic in which the dagger squad finds out Mav is married to the COMPACFLT - Pov Phoenix which is different for me lol, some texting, dagger squad and class 86’, Icemav, Ice is alive, Rooster gets smothered by his uncles who have missed him
Coming Home - Rooster fixes his relationship with Mav while working on the Mustang and getting awful (and some good) relationship advice - Icemav, Hangster, Mavdad, Icepops
Goose Been Knew - in which Goose has to deal with idiot pilots who clearly love each other (twice), don’t worry he has a lovely wife and partner to go complain to. - Goose lives, Icemav, Hangster, Slooserole, really just short bits of Goose putting up with Mav and then Rooster
Guitar - Bradley owns a guitar for reasons completely unrelated to his ex who he’s definitely not still in love with. That would be crazy. They’ve been apart for years. - Hangster Exs to Lovers, bitter Hangman, Phoenix and Javy are DONE, the rest of the dagger squad are confused
A Series of Weddings - Tom and Pete get married for the first time in 91’ despite what the world tells them they can do, they talk about it in 2011, they get married legally in 2013 when Ice is diagnosed with Cancer, talk about redoing vows and throwing an actual celebration in 2015 (they don’t), redo their vows in the spring of 2021. In 2023 they attend the Bradley’s wedding. - this is honestly one of my favs, inspired by this post, Icemav, no relapse of cancer, lots of weddings, love, and fluff, Hangster at the end, class of 86’
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missathlete31 · 1 year
Work In Progress.... Thursday?
This little conversation came to me when, (shockingly) I was thinking about Hangman angst. Basically it's a conversation between Javy and Nat after the mission, where Javy can't seem to take everyone bashing his best friend anymore (aka fandom Javy is the best Javy).
It paints Hangman in a good but sad light, (sorry I can't help it, I'm VERY BIAS towards him). But I would love to hear what people think about it.
Fair Warning: It's a very rough first draft! Also some adult language in here.
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"Are you really all that fucking blind" Coyote spat, an unusual show of animosity dripping from his tone.
"Excuse me?"
"It's an act, Jesus Christ, it's a fucking act" Coyote looked her right in the eyes, any drunkeness she thought she saw was long gone, "he acts like a dick, he acts like the world's cockiest asshole but god he doesn't know any better."
"Don't excuse his bullying-"
"It's how he gets you all to fly better Phoenix, and don't even try to deny that it didn't work. He a shitty communicator but he gets results."
"Why would he bother-“
"Because he cares, shit he cares. He worries non-stop about all of you, about all of us. He brought up Bradshaw's father, a dick move I know" he cut in before Natasha could, "because he was petrified that Rooster wouldn't fly fast enough without it. He knew Mitchell was picking him for the mission and he needed to get him motivated."
"Maverick wasn't even team leader then, don't tell me Hangman knew-"
"Of course he knew, we all did. Everyone saw there was history, everyone saw the way Maverick chased after Rooster on the tarmac that first day. It was obvious he was on some sort of apology tour and was going to use the wingman spot to curry favor- I'm not saying Bradshaw didn't deliver in the end" Javy raised a hand to stop the argument she was about to make, "but you cannot tell me that he was the right choice prior. He never made it through the course under the time. He constantly ignored his group to make a point that slower was fine."
Natasha's gaze turned to Rooster who was chatting with Omaha, Fitz, Fanboy and Payback at the pool table. All was good now but Phoenix remembered the fear in Payback's voice over the comms when he knew Rooster wasn't flying fast enough; wasn't leading them fast enough. Coyote was right; she was blinded by her loyalty at the time but choosing Rooster was clearly Maverick's attempt at making amends, a decision that could have resulted in people not making it home. She turned back to see the other pilot was watching her gaze, "You knew it too,” Coyote told her softly some of his anger burned away, “you just didn't want to accept it."
"I couldn't" she looked down, "not at the time."
"I get it."
But Natasha raised her head, her own anger coming back, "Of course you do," she chided, "you’re blinded by your best friend too. You can't honestly convince me that his actions are because he cares. He insults us regularly.” she spat bitterly.
“He pushes you, in the only way he knows how.”
"Believe whatever you want" Javy shrugged, "he prefers you think the worst of him anyway."
"I mean it's just- he's-"
"I know what he is" and again that sobering look was on the man's face, "I know better than anyone and if you or any of the other's would bother to take a second to really look, you'd see it too."
"He's horrible to everyone, can you blame them-"
"Who is always the first one to text you for your birthday Natasha, no matter where either of you are stationed?"
"Okay but-"
"Who sent flowers for your grandmother's funeral? Who drove you six hours to your parents that time you were stuck four years ago? Who helped Yale get the leave he needed by trading in his own? Who made sure Rooster got to the hospital the night of his car accident in flight school? Who salvaged Halo's birthday party when everyone got reassigned at the last minute? Who fought those guys that jumped Omaha despite having no other backup? Who cleaned up when we all got trashed after the dogfight football game so Penny didn't have to on her own? I know it's easier to think of Jake Seresin as a dick but don't deny he hasn't been a friend all these years as well. I thought better of you."
"That's not fair-"
"Isn't it?” His eyes narrowed dangerously, “tell me, do you know when Jake's birthday is?"
The woman couldn't help the heat that rushed to her face from her lack of answer, "I- I don't" she admitted.
"Do you know anything about him? His family? His hometown? Anything? Did you know he never goes back home during leaves or holidays? He stays on base alone or he goes with me if I'm off the same time."
Again Nat shook her head, "I- I never realized-"
"Yeah" Coyote finished his drink and stood up from his barstool, "I didn't think so."
"Where are you going?"
"I'm going to go check on him. I want to make sure he's alright-"
Her brow furrowed, "Why wouldn't he be?"
"Just forget it."
"No wait," she pulled at Javy's arm so he couldn't walk away, "I’m serious. I know he didn’t come out tonight but I figured he had other plans or something. Is that not the case?”
Coyote looked her dead in the eye for a moment and Phoenix felt like she was taking a test she didn’t know how to pass. Finally Javy seemed to lower his defensives, “He didn’t come out because he was trying to get some sleep” the man shared carefully.
“Oh-“ Nat couldn’t contain the surprise, “he’s having trouble sleeping?”
“Something like that.”
“You’re worried about him” she observed softly.
“Someone has to” he shot back tightly, “because he sure as shit isn’t going to worry about himself.”
The statement caught Natasha off guard but she opted to not question it. She always thought of Jake Seresin as self centered but clearly from the stress in Javy’s posture, it seemed that cockiness was just another part of the Hangman show. Phoenix cleared her throat to get her companion’s attention, “do you think-“ she huffed out a breath, not sure how her request would be received, “do you want some company to go check on him? Maybe I can help?”
Coyote stayed silent for a moment as he watched her with a frown. His eyes shifted to the other Daggers still having fun before they rested back on the female aviator, “don’t you want to get back to the others?”
“I want to check on my friend” she amended with a raised brow, relieved when Javy matched her expression but didn’t exactly contradict her. “He’s not going to like it” Coyote offered instead, “Jake didn’t want anyone to know.”
“When have I ever done what Hangman likes” she tried to joke. It barely landed but Phoenix counted it as a win when Javy gave the tiniest of a nod towards the door, “alright, let’s go.”
Part 2:
Javy headed into the gym quickly, immediately reaching for the speed controls on the treadmill and slowing it to a walking pace. Hangman offered a weak nod as he staggered off the machine. "Thanks man" the man's voice was breathy as he panted, "went a little too hard."
"'A little hard?'" Coyote mocked, "you look ready to collapse-"
The blonde waved him off, reaching for his water bottle and taking a big sip, "I'm fine- what you doing here anyway?"
"When I didn’t see you in your bunk, I figured your dumbass would head to the gym, do you have any idea what time it is? What are you doing Jake? The treadmill says you’ve been running for 11 miles already! Are you crazy?”
The blonde pilot bristled in indignation but Javy could see the touch of embarrassment that colored Hangman's cheeks, "It’s fine” Jake argued, “It’s just a work out, don’t get all upset-"
"I will get upset because you’re meant to be trying to get some sleep" he emphasized the other man’s sweating body, "this doesn't look like sleeping."
"Just needed to get my body a little more tired before I try again-"
"Jake this is the fifth night in a row-"
"It's getting better, I was able to get twenty minutes before-"
Javy shook his head sadly, "You need to talk to someone man,"
"I'm handling it-"
"No you're not, you haven't gotten a decent night sleep since we docked and I'm getting worried.”
Hangman opened his mouth to respond but stopped when he noticed another figure in the gym, a dark haired woman standing just a few feet back, "Phoenix?" he gaped out in surprise, “what are you doing here?"
Nat offered a weak wave as she stepped closer, "Hey Bagman-"
Jake’s green eyes narrowed onto his best friend, cold with betrayal, "Why did you bring her?” He asked sternly.
Javy shrugged, "She insisted."
"For what?” Hangman asked, “ I texted you before that I was fine. I told you to enjoy your night-"
"And I wasn't. Not with you here not sleeping- come on man, let me help-"
"There's nothing to help" Jake turned to Phoenix, his voice short but with more emotions than he normally showed, “I don't know why you felt the need to come but you can head on back to the bar now, nothing to see here."
The woman refused to be deterred, "I heard you’re having trouble sleeping-“ she began.
Jake’s shot Javy another nasty look before turning back to Nat with a smirk on his face, “no actually,” he retorted icily, “I felt like a late night workout. It takes a lot to look this good-“
"Jake-" she couldn’t contain her eye roll, “you don’t have to lie”
“Lie about what Natasha?" He opened his arms like he welcomed her argument, “I’m sleeping fine okay? Javy is just being ridiculous. I’m good-“ but he cut off when Natasha’s hands grabbed his. “Jake” she whispered, waiting until his green eyes finally met hers, “please. I'm not here to judge you. It’s okay.” she motion to Javy and herself, “we both just want to help you.”
“I don’t need help!” The man continued to argue. “I told you I’m good- I can sleep anytime I want okay,” his composure started to slip, his words becoming more frantic, “I can. It’s fine. I’m fine-“
She squeezed his hand tighter, “it’s normal what you’re going through” she reasoned but the blonde aviator only shook his head, “it’s not” he finally admitted, voice broken, “I don’t know what’s wrong with me” he let out a loose sob.
“Oh Jake” Nat pulled him into her chest despite their size difference, “there’s nothing wrong with you. I get nightmares too you know-"
But it was clear she said the wrong thing as Hangman jumped from her embrace as though burned. He scrubbed at his face, erasing any evidence of his breakdown. “It makes sense you have nightmares” the man explained, his tone softened at the woman’s admission, but he kept his distance. “You had the bird strike, you flew the mission. Your nightmares are warranted.” He shook his head, “I was just the spare, I never flew the course-“
Nat's eyes widen as she stared at the exhausted man in front of her. One look at Javy and she could tell that he felt just as horrified at Hangman's rationale. “Jake- you flew the mission-"
"I didn't. I was just a dick to everyone and compromised the team.”
She shook her head, "You saved Bradley and Mav, you got a confirmed kill, you saved the day-"
"And I was almost too late, the missile... I-" he trailed off, his face contorting with emotions before he was able to pull the Hangman mask back on. Jake steeled his features, “look I don't need your concern alright? Go back to the others, both of you. I'm fine-"
"Jake-" Javy argued reaching forward and gripping his best friend's arm. Jake gave it a second before he shook of the touch, "Leave me alone, I mean it."
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aki-draws-things · 9 months
Well, does someone want angst?
I swear, it's only an au because I wanted to hurt ronnie...
And because I've fell in love with Chris I can't stop writing him!
"I've been called back to top gun."
That's the first and only thing Jake told his dad. Chris knows better than ask for more knows Jake can't tell him anything else. Besides, if he's been called back, it must be big. His boy is old enough. His boy is strong enough. Chris still is his father, he worries.
"I know you can't tell me more," he told him instead. He pulled Jake closer before he walked toward the plane that would take him to Miramar. He hugged him tight. "Promise you'll be as safe as you can, chickie, okay?"
Jake can only nod tearfully. Chris almost never called him that, it's usually Jake. Jakey. Baby. Never chickie, unless--
"I promise papa. I love you."
"So do I."
Chris slipped not so discreetly something in his pocket. When Jake was sitting on the plane, javy at his side, he pinned the medal to his jacket.
"Any idea why we've been called there?"
Jake shook his head.
"As much as you do, Jav. Uncle is so busy that he even missed dad's birthday."
"You're kidding, I hope. He never--"
"I'm not expecting a text for mine either. Look, Jav, honestly... ever since Papa's--"
"So he just cuts you two off? Seriously?"
Jake doesn't tell him that last time he saw his uncle Ice, at least six months before, he could read him so well, and what he saw was raw pain. Something not even maverick could fix, something Jake only ever saw on his dad.
"The commander is busy..."
Jake said instead, and Javy scoffed. He looked at him, at the medal pinned to his jacket. He gently knocked twice on the medal.
"Admiral kerner, Sir, just in case you can hear me, there's an ass to kick, if you wouldn't mind."
Jake choked a laughter. He knew javy was trying to make him laugh. He also knew he would ask his father that, too. Except if his father was there, javy wouldn't need to ask him.
Seeing Maverick was weird, too. It wasn't like he stopped visiting, he still did it, and he still worked on cars with dad. But he was captain Mitchell there. And he was lieutenant Seresin.
Fuck. He wanted to change his name, he.thpught of that ever since papa and dad got married.
"I wanna take both. Can I?"
He never did, in the end. His name was still Jacob Seresin, and nothing else.
Captain Mitchell gave him a little smile, and Jake smiled back. And that was it. Jake stopped just a moment longer, staring at the pictures in the hall. Just one, long enough to feel himself tear up, and Javy wrapped an arm around his shoulders.
"He's proud of you. I know he is. And--"
He hesitated, waited for a group to pass behind them, shielding Jake from their prying eyes.
"He'll watch over you, like always."
Jake knew his best friend meant well, it didn't help him, though, not as he wanted to.
"Don't want him to watch over me, Jav." He sniffled quietly. "I wanted him there with me and dad."
Javy simply held him tight, so tight that Jake wished to disappear into his arms.
God, he missed him so, so much.
Jake almost got mav. God, he got so close to lock on him that it's almost scary. Mav knows he can't pick Jake. He can't play favoritism. Hell, if it was for him, he would pick none of those kids. He would fly out himself, on his own.
Jake almost got him, he's the one who got the closest, no wonder, he has one confirmed kill, too. The kid is good, and he's always been good.
Jake almost got a lock on Maverick, and all he could think as he initiated evasive maneuvers and got a lock on him was how crazy familiar that was.
Jake almost got Mav, the first time round, and it was so fucking painful. Two and half years had passed and Mav thought it was alright, he thought he was alright. He knew Chris would never be, nor would Jake. And God forbid Tom. But he thought he-- God, how wrong he was.
Mav swallowed as he passed the boys doing push up after losing. He didn't look down at them, his back straight, his eyes set ahead.
"He flies like him."
He doesn't say hi when Tom's face appears in the phone screen. Mav's crying, he can't stop, he can't fucking stop. Ice frowned, he tilted his head to the side.
They haven't talked to Bradley in years, he saw the photos, he looks exactly like Goose. Down to the last bit. It's like seeing Goose over and over again, there was no other way Mav could react, after all.
Mav shook his head, a louder sob escaping his lips, he wiped his face.
The sound is almost strained. Choked.
A plead.
"Tom, he flies just like Ron. I can't-- I can't even look him in the eyes without seeing him."
Jake had always looked like Ron. Not physically perhaps, but in the way he talked, and moved, amd, yeah... apparently flying, too.
"Never thought I'd say it, you know? But I miss him. He should've--"
He shook his head.
"Forget I said it, baby."
He muttered when he saw Tom's eyes get glassy.
"I know, Pete. I miss him too."
For once, he spared him of the blame and guilt he felt every time.
Tom still felt guilty, he will always feel guilty. He sent Ron there, he sent him in the mission that ultimately-- he sent him to his death. It was a suicide mission, one with no ways to come out victorious. Or, well, they were victorious, there was no way to win AND come back too. Ron knew, Ron accepted.
Ron kissed his husband, and their son. He kissed Mav on the top of his head. He kissed Tom a moment longer.
Ron knew the risks. Ron knew there was no other way. He could've refused. He didn't.
Tom had to hand out the folded flag without a single tear on his face. Tom had to say a speech he wrote down, a paper where the ink was smudged by thousand tears and the page was crumpled. Tom-- the commander of the pacific fleet had to take off his wings and punch them.
Chris dared to forgive him.
"I miss his every fucking--" he broke.
Tom almost called Mav off when he decided to fly as team leader. He flew to Miramar, burst into the room like a fury, screaming at Maverick before even setting his eyes on him.
"It's suicide. You know it is."
"That's why I can't have the kids do that, don't you think?"
The commander almost called off the mission. Oh, if only he could.
"I can't lose you. I can't-- I've lost enough already, don't make me lose you too."
"I do the impossible, Mr Iceman. You're not gonna lose me."
Tom prayed. For the second time in his life. He begged them to bring his husband home.
Mav was down.
Tom felt the world spin and shrink around him. Not his husband.
Rooster was down.
Tom felt like he was going to die. Not him too, oh God, not him.
They were back. They were airborne again. A miracle, Cyclone muttered.
Tom knew that miracle really well, and it had golden wings, large enough to shield them.
He promised. He promised, amd they were his pilots. Heavens, he could swear he almost saw a golden shine.
Jake flew like him. Tom realized the.moment he took off and killed the enemy aircraft, emerging from the smoke. It was I'm the mathematical precision he took the shot. It was in the way he inclined his jet to return on the carrier.
But it wasn't everything.
Jake looked like him.
He took his helmet off and hopped down of the jet with a little jump, he rushed to Mav and Bradley. He didn't stophe picked Bradley up, the man gave a strangled squeak as Jake's arms wrapped around him, he held onto him when he spun him around twice, setting him back on the ground, kissing him like that was the last day on Earth. Or perhaps the first.
Tom could see Ron run up to Chris. He was his son down to the last bit.
Mav wrapped himself on him as Tom took out his phone, he closed his eyes, his nose against Tom's neck, he vagiely heard the soft sound of a call in waiting.
Mav looked up.
Jake looked back, his face finally detaching itself from Bradley's.
"Hey, Chris, darling... I'm taking our boys home."
Mav saw Chris break in a tearful smile.
"I never doubted you Tommy. Not one time."
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oh-surprise-its-me · 8 months
I have so much love for Tom biting his men. Like let that man turn his partners into pretty art with his bite marks. I feel like if they could (probably after they all retire) Ron and Chris would flaunt the marks. And Jake would be so bitey with his boyfriend as a result of growing up with them.
Viper being Jake’s grandpa/grandpa figure is one of my favorite things. Viper would definitely be so proud of him and take him to see planes as a child. He’d be so proud of Jake following in his footsteps by winning top gun (I think viper was the first ever top gun).
Jake as baby being held by all his dads in his little chickie themed onesies is to cute for this world. I bet when Tom and Ron shows up to like family days with him (they’re pretending he’s Toms nephew) everybody falls in love with him. Tom and Ron probably have all the wife’s of their coworkers fawning over Jake cause he is the cutest baby/toddler/kid there. And then Jake starting to speak in polish when he’s tired probably have them even more in love with kid cause he’s so cute as a child and he can speak more than one language which is so adorable to everyone.
Chris gets so used to being covered in bites that when they go to beaches he entirely forgets that some people are horrified by it. He gets some weird looks over the years. A few nurse friends of Lucas ask if he’s in a safe environment. He can only laugh and tell them he’s fine. His boyfriends just like to get possessive some days.
Oh Jake is insufferable. It’s not only Bradley that gets bit but Javy too. Bradley gets more permanent marks but Jake will bite Javy’s shoulder if he’s just passing by. He’ll also bite Tom’s shoulder. The first time Cyclone saw it happen he thought he was having a stroke. Genuinely couldn’t figure out what was happening.
Oh Viper loved that kid. He showed up to most of Jake’s things when he could. Was there some days even Tom and Ron were deployed. He helped a lot in California with Jake before David and Lucas moved out. Jake cried at his house when he was 18 and telling him he was gay. Viper could only hold Jake and tell him he didn’t care, but by god be careful in the navy. He’s not there to protect him but his dads will do everything they can.
Jake was a little con artist. He’s a good kid don’t get me wrong but he’s as evil as Tom and Ron both can be. But he has all the wives wrapped around his fingers. His feet honestly never touch the ground when they’re at a navy gathering. Little 8 year old Jake speaking polish at Chris asking when tata will be done shaking peoples hands and the wives all melt and tell Ron he’s an incredible brother in law. (Another lie they came up with) Chris just wings it from place to place and banks not no one asking too many questions and if they do he just lies whatever comes first.
Most people figure it out though. They see the way the three of them watch each other. Know they all love Jake more then an uncle would. More then a best friends kid. No one ever really says anything though. Can’t do that to them. Knows it hasn’t ever affected their flying. Viper helps them out here with that again. He protects them as long as he’s in the Navy. Always stations them in Texas when they’re off the ship. Always puts them together. Later on puts Wolfman and Hollywood down there with them.
Jake get a shit ton of Chick themed things when he’s younger. Some when he’s older as well. None of them ever let him live it down that he marries someone with the call sign rooster. That’s just too perfect.
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Hello, friend.
You know I'm gonna ask for a 🥰
And I'm in my Javi G feels (surprise surprise) so I'm going there.
Hello, friend!! Thanks for dropping in and playing!! I hope you’re having a lovely weekend so far!
And, you can’t have “we do soft here” as your tagline and then go asking for angsty HCs. Well, actually, you can because you’re a grown adult person who can do whatever the fuck they want - especially here on the tumble - but you’re right, it was not a surprise to see that you wanted a sweet take on the sweetest man to ever be involuntarily associated with a life of crime.
A romantic HC for Javi Gutierrez: When it’s his turn to pick what to eat on date night, his go to (unless it’s a special occasion) is sloppy joes.
Now, I know this may seem like a strange choice, but hear me out.
Javi has lived a life of extreme luxury. Name a delicacy and he’s tried it. He’s eaten at several Michelin star restaurants. His palate is so damn refined. He wines and dines with the best of them, and loves when he gets to take you to fancy or exciting places, because even though they’re old hat to him in a way, he gets very excited to see you experience a place or taste a dish that you never have before. And it’s not at all about being flashy with money or flaunting his wealth, it’s genuinely about giving you new experiences and sharing his world with you.
But just because he’s a billionaire and has tried some of the most extravagant and luscious and sophisticated food there is doesn’t mean that he doesn’t also like cheap food when it tastes good.
He first heard about sloppy joes when he was still with Gabriela. The name of the dish intrigued him and made him laugh, and when he was told that they’re actually quite tasty, he just had to try one. When he made the suggestion to Gabriela though, that they have them for dinner one night (Javi even offered to cook, which honestly could have gone terribly… for the surfaces in the kitchen, anyway) she said she didn’t want to eat something that was called “sloppy”. Always one to try to please his partner, he dropped the pursuit of the sloppy joe.
Until he met you.
Because you never scoff at his ideas or dismiss the things he tells you he wants to do or try. You never expect things to be a certain way just because of what his last name is or how many (so many) zeros trail the number in his bank account. You understand how curious and adventurous he is, and you support and encourage those parts of him. You love him for those traits. And he knows that.
That being said, you did chuckle a little the first time he brought up sloppy joes for dinner. You didn’t say no, though, and when he asked what was funny, you shook your head and smiled. “It’s not funny, Javi it’s just… unexpected.” And then you kissed him and explained why it was unexpected, telling him that the name of the sandwich is literal, and that there’s no graceful way to eat them.
“So the sauce is very messy?” He asked, one eyebrow quirked high enough to disappear beneath the curls that fell over his forehead.
You told him it was.
Nodding slowly, his eyes started to shine and a grin started spreading over his lips. “It gets on your fingers?” He picked up your hand and twined it with his much larger one.
“Mmhmm,” you hummed, tongue flicking out to wet your lips. “And on your face.”
He pulled you closer by your joined hands to nuzzle against your cheek before leaving a quick kiss there. “And what about your shirt? Your clothing? Does it leave stains?”
Still holding your hand, he let his free fingers slip under the hem of your shirt to skate over the skin of your stomach. The contact made you sigh around a smile, a sound that he absolutely cherished. You confirmed that yes, the sauce stained everything.
“Well then I am sure it will taste delicious on your fingers.” He brought your hand to his lips and pressed them to the tip of your index finger. “And on your lips, too,” he murmured before kissing the corner of your mouth. Grasping the fabric of your shirt, he dropped his voice and leaned in to speak directly into your ear. “And if anything gets messy? We will just have to take it off and put it in the laundry.”
When he put it that way, you were convinced that sloppy joes were in fact the perfect date night dinner.
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justjavi · 2 years
Nov. 13, 2022
Javi, you are sad.
At this point, it feels like you are no where close to being where you want to be (or at least where you dream of being), and quite honestly, you're really not that special. You're probably just depressed -- news flash! You're living in what's barely even a semblance of a post-COVID world, so literally everyone is.
You never leave your bedroom these days, not even to eat or shower or use the restroom, only to workout but lately even that's rare. You are a borderline agoraphobe, if you ask me, which is pretty funny because we barely learned that word. How pretentious you are, always pretending to be smarter than what you actually are. It's a miracle you even know how to tie your shoes, you fucking moron.
However, on a less condescending note, at least you are talking about what's going on in your head now. That's gotta count for something, right? You fear there's something clinically wrong with you, almost like a bomb waiting to go off, but at least you've spoken about it to your closest friends and they provided some supportive feedback. But the truth of the matter is that you really don't want any help, do you?
You don't deserve help. You deserve a distraction.
That's why you're so obsessed with Tyler and why you let him treat you the way that he does, why you're still around, why you can't even leave when every sign is telling you that you should and why it's not good for you. But do you wanna know why you stay? It's because deep down, in your core, you know you are not capable of being loved, nor do you deserve it. Iris loves you, your mom loves you, your friends love you, but no one will ever really love you that way. You were already damaged goods from before the moment your balls even dropped.
The first boy you ever loved was a 13 year old named AJ (the irony). He was the son of the man your mom married and he sexually abused you from when you were 5 until you were 8, maybe even sooner than that but you can't remember. He took your virginity before you even knew what it was, gave you your first kiss in the dark during hide and seek, and told you your mom would stop loving you if you told her what the two of you would do whenever she went to sleep. It wasn't long until your own brother and cousin joined in on the fun that the dots slowly started to connect. It was dark, but that's when you finally knew something was really wrong.
It took you a good 10 years to realize you were raped, several times, repeatedly, almost every night for 3 years. Sometimes your mind wanders and you think maybe that's why you're so small, can't be too far outside the realm of possibility that they broke something deep inside you when they've already broken your spirit. From then on, you explored yourself sexually whether it was an act of vengeance by sleeping with your brother's best friends at age 11, giving seniors who didn't even remember your name blowjobs in the backseat of their cars at age 14, or truly risking your life by sneaking out and sleeping with men old enough to be your father for money at age 17.
Aww, you're 22 now, aren't you proud? Sometimes you would like to tell yourself that you were just rewriting your narrative and reclaiming ownership of your mind, your body, your sexuality ... but we both know the only thing you've done is prove to yourself that you've been nothing more than a sloppy degenerate slut before you could even spell your own name. You spent each and every moment after you realized you were being abused under a false sense of security, that it only happened because you were a defenseless child and that it could never happen to you now.
Until it did.
You kept saying no but he didn't care, even had the audacity to tell you he's had better once your mind returned to your body. You didn't even know you were assaulted until you found the right words to verbalize your experience. Then it was at that moment, after sitting with it, that you feel like you died. It's been two years, two months, one week, and three days since that happened to you and you still feel dead or at least like a part of you is. To put it more accurately, you feel like a snake who can't shed its skin anymore.
You don't just replay that moment in your head constantly. You live in it, you feel it, you are drowning in it -- smoking and drinking anything you can get your hands on just to stop living in that place, even for a couple of hours. It's consuming you, eating at you like hors d'oeuvres. Your anxiety is constantly flaring, your emotions are out of control, your trauma is locking you in place, but you didn't come this far just to come this far.
Javi, yes, you are sad pero ponte las pilas.
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Eddie, Javi P, and Marc Spector for the ask game!
Ooo this list 👀 This is a good one, cheers babe 😘
Javi P, my beloved, but @the-ginger-hedge-witch ‘s Crush Javi, one who’s done with the DEA because Jesus, my nerves couldn’t take active duty Javi.
One Night Stand
Honestly I keep going back and forth about where to put Eddie. “Realistically” he’s too young for me. Yes, sure, @acrossthesestars and I are writing Eddie x Reader smut but in my head that’s him and our OFC, Briar. Let’s say older Eddie, Joseph Quinn aged Eddie, and then yes fucking please.
Best Friend
Marc Spector. I want to be friends with him and Layla (and if they decide they want a unicorn I am DOWN).
✨Husband, One Night Stand, Best Friend✨
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elliegoestodownton · 1 year
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I miei post migliori nel 2022:
Let’s stop for a second and fully appreciate the face that Violet makes the first time she sees Hawkins. Like a kid in front of a yummy snack.
12 note - Postate 20 agosto 2022
Honestly pissed off at Netflix right now as they cancelled The Babysitters Club. 😭😭😭 That show gave me so much joy in two seasons and they did an honestly brilliant job in adapting the books, one of my fave reads while growing up, and making the stories relevant to the present. It was SO GOOD.
And now no more heartwarming stories about the BSC. And mostly how dare they cancel it before Richard and Sharon, my awkward babies, could get married on screen??? Imagine that. I will forever treasure their perfect clumsiness. And the girls’ costumes. I will treasure those too because fashion!
If you haven’t watched it, go catch up with it.
12 note - Postate 12 marzo 2022
Stella greeting Trudy with “Hey Lady!” on the phone. That’s everything I needed for this week.
13 note - Postate 13 ottobre 2022
A few hours to S11 to here’s my wishlist for Fire 🔥🔥🔥
No drama for Stellaride. Just let them be hot and happy.
Ritter to have a real storyline and not just play the BFF on the sidelines. He is a great character, who has grown a lot even in the little time he is afforded to be explored and has great potential to be developed even more. He needs to.
I love Violet, she’s a badass and I would love for them to write her not just as a love interest but as she science nerd kickass woman she is in relation to her career.
Javi to be officially adopted by Cruz and Chloe with no drama. He fits with the family, he’s happy, so don’t come up with the aunt who comes back from the dead to reclaim him!
I expect nothing less than some shenanigans from Mouch and Herrmann, better halves friend version. Let them be their usual lovable and cranky selves and I’ll be happy.
More of Capp and Tony, underrated comedy duo.
Papa Boden. That’s the tweet.
With Kylie keeping him in check.
I love the chaotic trio of youngsters and their friendship. It would be great to see them continue working together on business plans without the Gallo/Violet thing in the middle.
I will sincerely miss Tuesday, my best girl. 💕😭 I hope that if is she is gone narratively as well, they will find a way to honor her sweet furry memory.
I have come to appreciate Seager towards the end of S10 and you know what would be great? To see her budding friendship of sorts with Stella develop a bit rather than her playing the third wheel.
A guest appearance by Pelham, my beloved.
I’m still waiting for a The Real Housewives of 51© (Trudy, Donna and Cindy) wine night because that would be absolutely hilarious, highly gossipy and slightly filthy. But we all know it’s not gonna happen. You read it here first, though.
I’m also still waiting for a Trudy vs Herrmann over Molly’s but I have lost hope there. This would be also hilarious.
I would gladly accept a game night on screen in exchange.
21 note - Postate 21 settembre 2022
Il mio post numero 1 del 2022
Diane and Kurt
Thanks for the ask!
Who said “I love you” first: Not in those exact same words, but canonically it was Kurt. I think he was the one to also utter ILY first later on as Diane probably needed a bit more time and reassurance.
Who would have the other’s picture as their phone background: Kurt even though it took him ages to switch to a smatphone because you know the man. I imagine that if she has a non-work phone, Diane also has a picture there with quite the gallery from their dates and vacays.
Who leaves notes written in fog on the bathroom mirror: Diane would totally leave sweet and ironic stuff on the mirror for her fave cowboy to see. The word cowboy might actually feature in those messages as well.
Who buys the other cheesy gifts: Hands down Diane. But they both have a good track record of cheesy gifts, as we know.
Who initiated the first kiss: Again, canonically Kurt. Not that she minded one bit.
Who kisses the other awake in the morning: I feel Diane peppers his face with kisses in those instances when he is still sleeping.
Who starts tickle fights: Kurt because he loves her laugh.
Who asks who if they can join the other in the shower: I think they might take turns there. Probably Diane does this more often than he does.
Who surprises the other in the middle of the day at work with lunch: Kurt. Because Diane never leaves work 🤣
Who was nervous and shy on the first date: She was definitely the most nervous of the two, trying to babble her way through the date and fill the silence also to avoid hearing her brain and her ancestors telling her that it was a very bad idea.
Who kills/takes out the spiders: Kurt gently takes them out as the good country boy he is. Diane is not a fan.
Who loudly proclaims their love when they’re drunk: Oooh, Diane probably gets tipsy a bit more easily but I feel that Kurt would be the one yelling it from the rooftops when really drunk.
31 note - Postate 27 febbraio 2022
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aromanticaries · 2 years
Okay. I'm writing some critique reviews with a huge DAMPENED SIGH about Yellowjackets Season 1, Episode 8.
1. VAN. VAN. VAN. I love all characters in YJ BUT VAN's got to go before it becomes predictable and maybe parody (kinda already have been). Have you seen her mauled face?! At the same time, she was in excruciating pain. Hard to watch and even more impossible to live, like eating and more medical attention and supplies are needed. However, Van to me NOW, is IMMORTAL. I predicted she will live maybe till the finale of season 1? Again, she's AN IMMORTAL BEING. Never know. Nonetheless, her acting was top-notch and it wouldn't be funny without her.
2. Akilah! Wow that girl will grow up to be a Plastic Surgeon. Adult Akilah I really hope she's alive. That's a brave scene of her suturing Van's face with no facial reconstructive background. Her character is developing. 🥰
3. Coach Ben-gay. Haha. My heart went 💙💚💛💜🤍🤎♥️ awwh. Nat's straight gaydar was on point.
4. I'm brainwashed by the show, and the more reviews that pointed Adam is Javi, I refused to believe still, but we shall see.
5. Blackmailer - Jeff. Period.
6. Misty & Nat (adult version) - This time round I am team Misty and will be supporting her. I know she has some cells not functioning in her brain but have you seen how she cares so much about her friends. Misty scores this round and will continue to. Nat needs to knock some sense onto her head and go back to rehab. She should reflect back regarding Misty, how nice of her to go the extra mile to help a friend. I know Misty is a psychopath but she's helping and trying her best to be a good friend to Nat and others. In a simple context, she just needed acceptance from friends and she's good.
7. Carigula - Misty loves you.
8. Jackie and Shauna - Jackie will, without a doubt, plan a lot of candid act of vengeance on Shauna. She's bottling up all her rage/sadness/betrayal. I don't blame Jackie.
9. Taissa Turner - okay my favourite character. Sadly, my BB Tai isn't my favourite in episode 7 and this episode 8. Also, how come no one bombarded her with tons of questions and make her feel guilty? Tai needs to step down and be less cocky/stubborn. Well, In her defense, I can't hold her too liable as she has her own sleepwalking PTSD (parasomnia). That's why we see adult Tai seems more caring. Young Tai, hopefully will learn something from all the mistakes and change gradually, acknowledging her parasomnia and seek the help of her teammates.
10. Young Tai and Shauna evolved and the sweetness of Shauna to stay awake for Tai, is true friendship goals. Same goes for adult Tai and Shauna.
11. LAURA LEE- OMFG! WHYYY?! Yes, we all can foresee that she will die eventually but it was ruthless. I was expecting Van to die first(but that woman is immortal so nothing can finish her). Honestly, I was filled with anger and a shattered heart by Laura Lee's death. All her teammates were running with excitement to see her fly "successfully" until smokes began to show and seconds later exploded in front of their very eyes. I can see another new trauma now. 1st death out of the main characters.
12. Wait, come to think of it, maybe Laura Lee is still alive??! I am beginning to figure out that all the girls are IMMORTAL, (thanks to Van hahahaha) NO FATALITIES. Who knows, right? But I know the chances might be slim.
13. So, next week's episode 9, cannibalism needs to happen already. The pace is pretty slow.
Okay. My ongoing, ice-cold heart melted for Laura Lee's demise. RIP, RICE AND CHEESE. 🤍🍚🧀🕊️
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