#jaqing off
listening to a podcast from fedsoc on anti-anti-suit injunctions (part of a fascinating new form of economic warfare btw) and there was a fair bit of "well, it's china, can you expect a fair trial anyways", the one law professor on the panel said that maybe we should change the legal system here to one where judges are appointed only by way of exam, all of our nominations are political anyways, "look at the recent controversies on the Supreme Court" and told the judge on the panel "we know you weren't made a judge because you were a good lawyer, that helped, but that wasn't why" which turned the podcast into a polite shit show
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himitsu-medusa · 5 months
It's been a while but my new years' resolution is to ask less questions
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autistichalsin · 2 months
So recent events have made me realize:
I am fucking Old and didn't realize people thought of long responses as correlated to emotional intensity nowadays, I always thought of a long response as showing mental engagement in the content (which might also be a failure for me to code-switch from my graduate studies) rather than emotional investment
My neutral tone comes off as aggressive for some fucking reason (not necessarily new information but I had forgotten), so I will now be adding tone indicators in replies to people
Despite Tumblr being geared to younger people, there are still situations where swearing is going to be perceived as aggressive (which is bad news for people like me who swear like Roy Kent) which means it's less "swearing is fine here" like I thought it was, and more like that grey area of having a conversation with people but in public so you have to figure out if swearing will upset passersby or not
Bad actors have made it so some people can't tell the difference anymore between being asked a genuine question and someone JAQing off at them, and will always assume the latter even when it's the former because they've been burned too many times (which sucks when you are asking a genuine question you actually want the answer to and no amount of saying "I actually want to know so I can understand" will convince them you AREN'T JAQing off)
I am fucking Old and I really don't WANT to see the old style of Tumblr where people wrote essays to each other disappear in favor of shorter form, TikTok-influenced quips. :/
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rook-jemmy · 19 days
it's SO funny how turning the 'JAQing Off' technique on Sealions immediately makes them clutch their pearls and cry about the lack of civility and proper manners on the internet. just tell me if you've stopped raping your dog or not, it's a simple question.
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thosearentcrimes · 8 months
I'm on record as being functionally in favor of ignorant speech, and I stand by that. I don't think there's a possible satisfactory delineation of "sufficient" expertise to speak on a topic. In closed domains in which a dogma exists, including academia, it may be acceptable to ask that someone either dismiss the dogma/domain entirely or express familiarity with its terms in order to take part, but this closure should be explicit and justifiable. Besides all that people do have a right to declare their opinions if they want to even when they're wrong obviously, though just because you have a right to do something doesn't mean you should.
There's a fairly interesting special case, where perhaps I'm being a bit hypocritical but I have a great rationalization. When someone is Just Asking Questions, saying a bunch of obvious nonsense under cover of pretended intellectual humility, I do think there may in some cases be grounds to be annoyed at them, and here's why. Part of the usual Just Asking Question pose is a (often explicit) claim of intellectual curiosity, and if the person's conduct shows they are not remotely trying to learn anything about the topic, whether outside or within the conversation, then it begins to seem like they are perhaps just lying or at least acting in bad faith. And I think it's a lot more reasonable to be mad at someone for lying than it is to be mad at them for being wrong (I know some disagree with this perspective, and they're free to be wrong).
It is a bit of an irony here that the behavior I'm denouncing, the pose of intellectual humility/curiosity, is meant to secure legitimacy for something that I think it's fine to do in its own, that is, speak ignorantly in public. Cover-up is worse than the crime stuff. But I think I'm justified in claiming this is the case. If you look at how people react to anon hate and reblogs, people's responses to the belligerently stupid tend to be much more cheerful and amused than their responses to those who are JAQing off (except when the JAQing off is itself so absurd and incompetent as to constitute belligerent stupidity).
To be clear, this only applies to those people evidently uninterested in learning anything whatsoever. If someone is interested in learning, you should either humor them or not respond (nobody can force you to respond). But if someone is lying to you to waste your time, well, yeah, it makes sense to be mad. It might not be healthy or productive to be mad, but that's up to you.
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miraclemaya · 2 months
i had always thought that JAQing off was like a commonly known tactic but i think my time on sv and sb have just ruined me as a person enough to have seen it a hundred thousand times
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liroyalty · 1 hour
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The day is young, &... hot. Thank the gods she had a folding fan prefect enough to match her muted purple dress. Her hair was as always, a loose but stylish french braid, & she took care to make her jewelry as minimal as possible, clear Camellian diamonds & nothing more. She did not need so much bling, or so much makeup, she was a natural beauty. Today was her sister's day, not hers. And besides, she had others things to keep track off.
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She's waiting to hear from her chief intelligence officer. Until she hears from Jaqe, being still & calm will be difficult. Guests enter at the walls of the royal palace to come to the garden, & Sue hides under the shade of a gazebo, fanning away the heat of the coming summer just... waiting.
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Are they JAQing off or do they genuinely not understand what you're talking about
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yessoupy · 7 years
thanks for the list! I'm curious about the inclusion of whoknows, though? I'm strongly anti-larrie but I've followed her for years and have always thought of her as someone who refuses to engage with conspiracy theories even though she gets a lot of messages about it. just curious as she's one of the h/l shippers I still read and I'm wondering if I should not anymore...
There might be more, but here are two asks I saw (on mobile so not pretty links): http://crazyupsetter.tumblr.com/post/157379928185/so-im-newer-and-i-didnt-realize-that-you-were
The list is a guideline. If looking at those asks you are satisfied that whoknows is not-larrie enough for you to continue supporting her work, that is your decision. Here is why whoknows is included:1. Their work is some of the first work that would be read by a newcomer (lots of kudos, prolific). 2. If a newcomer ventured to tumblr they’d see someone who is fence-sitting - “forever undecided” about whether larry is real. Even more dangerous than conspiracy theorism is JAQing off (just asking questions) or “I just don’t know"ing their way around the question.
Louis and Harry and everyone in their lives has denied that larry is real. There is no room to say that you haven’t decided if they’re lying about that.
whoknows’ position is one that gives cover to the conspiracy theorists. A new fan reading fic and then heading to tumblr to read their asks is going to see someone who seems reasonable express that they doubt L and H and their words. That opens the door for inquiry where there should not be any.
The night the list hit larrie blogs, I’d had an author on it and got a message from them demanding to know why they’d been put on the list as they keep out of the drama. I reluctantly removed them from the list after the conversation, even though I was not satisfied with their answer. They would not come out and say they weren’t a conspiracy theorist. But generally CT’s are proud that they’re tinhats, so this one probably isn’t one… So why do I regret their removal? Because they refuse to take a stand. They don’t want to lose readers. But here’s some info: larries are incapable of understanding that people can ship larry and write larry fic and also know it’s not real. When they make a larry rec list, they include non-CT’s because they can’t comprehend that an author couldn’t be a larrie. I’d view a move by an author trying to remain "drama-free” as cowardly. We don’t make money off our fic, so your livelihood isn’t at risk. Take a stand.
But again: how you use the list is up to you. Want to keep reading whoknows’ fic? Have at it. I’m not policing how antis use the list.
Thanks for the message!
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lonewolfel · 2 years
SWTOR Alliance Commander Ask Game
Thanks for tagging me @callavia. 
I actually have two commanders for two different legacies. So I’m going to do the Commander that I am working on right now. If I get tagged again then I will do my other Commander.  
1) Who’s your Alliance Commander? What class are they? Alignment? Random other facts you wanna share?
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Yes that Thexan (I’m counting him as an oc considering they only did like 4 things with him and he still doesn’t have much of a personality or presence.) At first he just acts as a companion to my Jedi Consular Onorshash Haly. He actually becomes the Commander to ensure that she is saved from her carbonite prison. He has a neutral alignment. He focuses on practicality of a situation though sometimes his emotions do strongly influence his actions. 
2) What’s a reason or two you like that this character is your Commander?
I like him as the Commander cause it gives Thexan a chance to have more impact on the story beside being dead but also brother vs brother.
3) What’s a reason or two you don’t like about them being Commander?
It kind of makes it seem like the only Valkorion’s family matters in SWTOR.
4) Why did this character of all your OCs become Commander?
I’ll be honest the idea came from this post made by @bluezeri. I was like I really like that idea and ran with it.
5) Who did they side with? Did they stay loyal or go saboteur? Or maybe you headcanon they defect properly?
Thexan sides with the Republic. 
6) Are there any NPC’s from the class stories you’d like to see/HC join the Alliance? Ex: Master Timmns, Ardun Kothe, Watcher One, etc.
Uhm...Yuon Par after you defeat Vivicar she just kind of disappears from the story in a way that none of the other mentor characters from the prologue did. She was the only one that I can think of mostly cause I have rarely played any of the alliance recruitment missions. 
7) How’s your OC feeling about the current Malgus situation?
(Uhm...I have no idea what to put here. My computer died a while ago before the newest expansion so I haven’t gotten to play it and I have been trying to avoid spoilers as much as possible about that. So I have no idea what the current Malgus situation is.)
8) Are any of your other OC’s part of the Alliance? If yes, what do they do for the Alliance? Do they get along with your Commander?
Yes, Allianya (Darth Oculus) Kallig, Battlemaster Ere Trotargu, Master Onorshash "Barsen'thor" Haly, Major Jaqee Soti, Jritth'enun'iseg (Thenuni), Empire's Wrath Jaideva Romapark, Bounty Hunter Ciece Kal, and The Shadow Broker are all at least at one point a part of the Alliance. 
Allianya acts as a teacher in the Force enclave and a diplomat between the Alliance and the Sith council and she understands that Thexan has the best intention but she is reluctant to trust him completely. After all he is someone that has always had political power.
Ere is a late joiner to the Alliance. He is reluctant to follow orders from the Emperor’s twin brother but Thexan had managed to gain the Jedi’s trust. He runs a special force user strike force within the Alliance.
Onorshash  is the main reason that Thexan is even a Commander. She is the Outlander and acts as a diplomat and head of the medbay. She is Thexan’s best friend.
Jaqee joined the Alliance after a Republic mission that she disagreed with. She quickly gave her loyalty over to Thexan and is currently the head of a specialized unit.
Thenuni holds really no loyalty to Thexan though he is to the Alliance. He acts as a spy to first Zakuul then the Sith Empire.
Jaideva actually doesn’t like the Alliance. She believes that it is run by too soft individuals you won’t do what is necessary. The only reason that she is in the Alliance is because of her girlfriend. She is on the strike team with Ere.
Ciece started off as a paid bounty hunter but once the Mandalorians join the Alliance they become a permanent fixture. They still mostly act as a bounty hunter just only taking jobs in the Alliance’s best interest. They are indifferent towards Thexan. 
The Shadow Broker and Thexan do not see eye to eye. (All I can say about their relationship without giving away spoilers.
9) How does your OC feel about Odessen? (Bonus: how do you feel about it)
Thexan likes Odessen. It reminds him a lot of Zakuul but at the same time it is so different. It feels freeing in a way that Zakuul never had and for the first time he wasn’t isolated and under the will of his father.
10) How does your Commander feel about being the Commander?
Thexan doesn’t really feel like he deserves to be the Commander. He doesn’t feel like anyone in his family should be in power. He becomes the Commander out of necessary to ensure that Onorshash is saved and he has the most knowledge of Zakuul.
11) Favorite place in the Alliance base?
Thexan actually likes to be in the forest outside the Alliance base. There he isn’t the Commander. He can be himself and it reminds him of when he was a kid with his brother and sister.
12) Favorite mission in KotFE?
Battle of Odessen
13) Favorite mission in KotET?
Where Dreams Die
14) Least favorite mission in either? Why?
The Gravestone it just felt so tedious and when you aren’t romancing either Lana or Koth it just feels like a bore with the only good thing happening is Hk dealing with those spider creatures (I’m too lazy to look up their name).
15) Is your Commander successful because they’re skilled? Or are they perhaps just really lucky?
Thexan is a skilled fighter and battle strategist. Part of his success is that he has people that are skilled in the areas that he lacks around him.
16) From our OC’s point of view, SoR -> KotET wasn’t a fun experience, did they develop any fears as a result?
Thexan is scared that the power will go to his head turning him into his father. 
17) AU time! If your Commander wasn’t Commander, which of your other OCs would have likely taken their place?
Onorshash would have probably ended up becoming the Commander. 
18) Who’s someone your Commander hopes they never have to deal with again?
Valkorion duh and The Shadow Broker
19) Does your Commander hold on to/still use any titles they earned before KotET?
Not really though the people outside the Alliance and are either Republic or Empire call him Twin Conqueror once it comes out that he is Arcann’s twin brother. Zakuul calls him Prince or Fallen Prince.
20) Share something, anything at all, you want about your Commander that you’ve not really gotten the chance to share before but really want to.
I’m currently debating whether or not he steps down from being the Commander to guide Zakuul after the war.
I don’t know who has been tagged and who hasn’t. So anyone who wants to participate please feel free. This is an open tag.
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sparkylurkdragon · 2 years
I still think “JAQing off” (a pun on “just asking questions” and “jacking off”) is a more straightforward and evocative term for the phenomenon in question than “sealioning”.
Like, they both make sense in context, but JAQing off is a little more intuitive to me.
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feotakahari · 2 years
Seriously, when someone is Just Asking Questions about male crimes, think of when a person is Just Asking Questions about black male crimes. What do you think that person trying to do? Where is the conversation going to go?
And if you think that’s not fair because institutional power: do you really think someone who’s JAQing off about male crimes is going to allow AMABs to be called anything other than “male”?
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doberbutts · 2 years
Man, I'm sorry that anon is being a dick to you--and the focus on weird counterfactual cropping really does highlight just how much of that is JAQing off.
Thought you might like a cute photo or three to take the nasty taste out of your mouth. Here are Arthur (left) peering hopefully for snuggles, Tribble (right) being a grumpy old lady, and Benton insisting on very pointedly snuggling Peter the cat (below).
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Thank you, it's just that it was annoying at best when Creed was alive but now he's dead so why continue to annoy me about it?
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sgtscholar · 3 years
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Asking questions is an important first step in #CriticalThinking and #skepticism. However, asking questions is useless when someone uses contrarian doubt to dismiss cogent and well-supported answers. Skeptical doubt is doubt when there is a lack of robust evidence, especially when the claim is extraordinary. Contrarian doubt is doubt for the sake of doubt; it assumes the best answer is to contradict the empirical evidence. And in the case of conspiratorial speculation, contrarian doubt is used to construct an assumption that the evidence is actually a lie (even though evidence for this alleged lie is lacking). Asking questions without the honest intent to analyze evidence is known as JAQing off. (JAQ = just asking questions). A related term is sea- lioning. Sea-lioning is a tactic used by some contrarians, where they ask many repeated questions in a spuriously civil manner in order to exhaust the opponent. Again, no attempt is made to seriously consider the answers. And many of the questions may be nonsensical or frustrating, contributing little to meaningful #dialogue. The takeaway message: asking questions is a meaningless endeavor without honestly reflecting on answers. Carpe Datum and Semper Sci! [Sgt Scholar Actual] Promote: #logic #reason #STEM #philosophy meaningful #argument #scicom #science #civics #metacognition #selfawareness Attenuate: #misinformation #pseudoscience #CognitiveBiases #snakeoil #bs #fakenews https://www.instagram.com/p/CVVeoEAloxG/?utm_medium=tumblr
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jewishsnickets · 7 years
lemony has his own house right...or at the very least an apartment...i think when he starts having to travel and be on the run he still owns the place and tries to get associates to check up on it every so often but it’s definitely got a reputation as Really Haunted. when he lived there it was a “kids think it’s haunted but adults know he’s just a guy who decided to live right outside a graveyard but he’s pretty nice actually and recommends good books” situation but as soon as he left it skyrocketed to MEGA HAUNTED. 
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wurstigdurstig · 3 years
OC Personality Sheet
Tagged by: @give-them-cakes (fully ignoring it's about dragon age to talk about shura soz)
Tagging: YOU! Whoever want's to do it.
Shura Jaqeli
Alias: Prince of Vezila / last of his name / The last Oracle
Age: 26
Species/Nationality: Human / Vezilian
Zodiac: Bro idk
Abilities/Talents: traditional sword-fighting / cool oracle stuff / 'dark magic' / traditional dance
Alignment: lawful / neutral / chaotic / good / neutral / evil / true
Religion: the uh Vezilian one that worships the nature of death
Sins: envy / greed / gluttony / lust / pride / sloth / wrath
Virtues: charity / chastity / diligence / humility / justice / kindness / patience
Languages: Trade / Vezilian / Alviteran / learning Nordic
Family: Amiran (deceased Father) | Meri (deceased Mother) | Iuri (deceased Brother) | Lucille (half-sister)
Friends: Izolda (his sister-in-law) | Gwangbin Kim (ambassador in Nordheim that's kinda nice) | that's probably it, he is quite difficult
Sexual Orientation: heterosexual / bisexual / pansexual / homosexual / demisexual / asexual / unsure / other
Relationship Status: single / dating / married / widowed / open relationship / divorced / not ready for dating / it’s complicated
Libido: sex god / very high / high / average / low / very low / non-existent
Build: twig / bony / slender / average / athletic / curvy / chubby / obese
Hair: white / blonde / brunette / red / black / other
Eyes: brown / blue-gray / green / black / other (red)
Skin: pale / fair / olive / light brown / brown / very brown / other
Height: 175 cm (5 ft, 8.9 in)
Weight: 70kg? (154lbs)
Scars: mostly battle scars on his body, lots of scarring on his thighs
Facial Features: resting bitch face, puffy lips, big eyes with dark circles,
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Tattoos: none
Dogs or Cats?
Birds or Nugs?
Snakes or Spiders? neutral feelings on spiders
Coffee or Tea? needs caffeine.
Ice Cream or Cake? they constantly try to get him to eat snow with syrup in Nordheim and he is sick of it.
Fruits or Vegetables? Why are there only root vegetables in Nordheim? Shit hell country.
Sandwich or Soup? Warm...
Magic or Melee? He is trained to do both interchangably. Though is probably more of a sword fighter than a mage.
Sword or Bow? He probably needs glasses anyways.
Summer or Winter? Fuck off cold in Winter in the country he resides in at the moment. In summer it at least has spring temperatures.
Spring or Autumn? Autumn is just another winter in Nordheim. Spring at least brings some sun.
The Past or The Future? There is no future for Shura anymore, despite him being able to see glimpses of it. After he got his revenge he hopes he can die in peace. He misses his childhood.
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