platingbypia · 10 months
Japansk Inspirert Kyllingcurry
Denne enkle currysausen med masse gode grønnsaker passer perfekt til den saftige kyllingen! Server med nykokt ris og bare nyyyyt! Japansk inspirert kyllingcurry By på en enkel og deilig curry til middag! Marinade6-700 g kyllingfilet1 ts hvitløkspulver1 ts løkpulver1 ss brunt sukker3 ss oljeCurry2 stk løk3 stk hvitløksfedd20 g ingefær (revet)45 g smør30 g mel3 ts garam masala2 ts karri8,5 dl…
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salainen · 11 months
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Uncovered Deck in Stockholm An example of a medium-sized, open-air Danish backyard deck
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jupitergarden23 · 1 year
language journaling schedule 📖☡✍
mon, sun - japanese
tues, thurs, sat - spanish
mon, wed, fri, sun - norwegian
passive languages 📖☡✍
・ welsh, chinese, icelandic, turkish, hebrew
🍋 will include vocab i’ve learnt as well as any questions or notes i may have
🍋 passive languages are focused on vocabulary so i won’t have a ‘from 0’ start when they’re no longer passive
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nupaintings · 1 year
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minebilledertumbler · 9 months
Anime street
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shinkleitus · 1 year
Nossa Irmã Mais Nova (2015), dir. Hirokazu Kore-eda.
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Review originalmente postada: 14/Fev/2023 no Letterboxd.
Me senti tão leve depois de assistir esse filme e muito feliz por ter conhecido essas quatros irmãs. Esse filme confirmou ainda mais o meu respeito pela a sensibilidade do Kore-eda em retratar a temática do drama familiar. Sinto como fosse um Mikio Naruse contemporâneo.  Perpassa por um otimismo tão natural que faz bem para alma. A escolha do local fez toda diferença também, a área rural japonesa transmite uma calmaria, junto de conversas junto de bom prato de comida, mudanças de estações e funerárias agridoces, molda este filme como algo especial.
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405blazeitt · 2 years
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sovereignad-blog · 11 months
Japansk reklambyrå för utomhusreklammed SovereignAd- specialiserat på Out-Of-Home /OOH annonsutrymmen, som erbjuder hela spektrumet av Japan media alternativ såsom skyltar, digitala LED-skärmar, flygplatser, bussar, tågstationer, taxibilar och köpcentra i hela Japan. Vår omfattande och heltäckande annonsplanering täcker hela landet och inleds med en begäran om förslag (RFP).
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atsvensson · 1 year
Asiatiska kungsmakrillar
De kungsmakrillar som finns i Indiska Oceanen och de västra delarna av Stilla Havet fiskas i betydligt större utsträckning än de atlantiska kungsmakrillarna. Den art som fiskas allra mest är smalrandig kungsmakrill (Scomberomorus commerson). Andra arter som det bedrivs ett omfattande kommersiellt fiske på är japansk kungsmakrill (Scomberomorus niphonius) och indo-pacifisk kungsmakrill…
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pseudowho · 7 months
Kento Comes Home Drunk
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(help me find the Nanami artist in the banner, for crediting and thanks/permission!)
The reader manages her drunk, horny fiancé, Nanami Kento, like an absolute champ.
Link to the sequel here: Reader Comes Home Drunk
WARNINGS: 18+, soapy handjobs (F to M), mutual masturbation, cumshots, ethics of consent, Kento being a sloppy drunk
Hope he's having a good time, you mused to yourself, nursing a late cup of tea. The clock ticked well past midnight; you were the overnight on-call for Curse-related shenanigans, so whilst you had wanted to join Satoru, Shoko, Ino, Ijichi and Kento for drinks, you had, instead, waved Kento off, and settled in for a night with your phone on loud, and late-night game shows.
"Hate to see you leave," you'd sighed at 6pm, bobbing upwards for a kiss. He had traded his work attire for a buttoned black shirt, and simple dark jeans. Effortlessly handsome. You buried your face in his chest, breathing his cologne, and gave him a playful shove on the chest, like trying to push a truck.
He stepped backwards, with a lopsided smile and his hand reached out to pinch your chin affectionately.
"But love to watch me go?" You winked at him. You were wearing his favourite outfit; your oldest pyjamas. He found something so sexy about you being comfy. You preened at him, cradling your first tea of the night.
"You know it." He chuckled, but became serious immediately after.
"Call me if you're called out overnight. I want to be around if anything...happens." You nodded, hand on heart.
"Good luck beating off other women with sticks. Hope you've practiced your comedy rejections."
Kento hummed sagely, "Bold of you to assume I'm a man? My doctor said I shouldn't until the smallpox has cleared up? Undskyld, jeg taler ikke Japansk?"
You laughed, gave him one final kiss, and waved him out of the door.
Firmly lost in late-night TV and stifling a yawn, you noted the time; nearly 2am. As you smilingly hoped Kento was having fun, there was a firm tap at the door. You rose to answer it, and you paused to hear shuffles, bumps, hushed voices and fumbled keys. Rolling your eyes, you opened the door to a waft of whisky fumes dressed as your fiancé.
"Fiancé delivery service! Sorry for the late call ma'am, I tried to throw him over the gate but he was too heavy." Satoru heaved Shoko higher onto his back, and she groaned, face first in his shoulder. Ino and Ijichi swayed behind him, quietly huddled over Ino's phone and arguing over what food to order.
You smirked up at Kento, who was possibly more gorgeous while dishevelled, shirt half untucked, sleeves rolled, and stumbling into the hallway to kick his shoes off. He walked the confident walk of a drunk man back towards the door, possessively looping an arm around your waist and planting a sloppy kiss to your neck. Glaring at Satoru, he gripped the doorframe.
"I didn't need you to get me home, Gojo. I'm not drunk." Kento shuffled his whole face into your neck, gripping your pyjamas hard. You thanked Satoru, and sent him off to deliver the other drunkards home. Kento slammed the door hard, and backed you up against the wall while you laughed, slapping at his chest as he mumbled incoherent greetings against the side of your face.
"Behave yourself, buddy, you're hammered. Let's get you to bed." He groaned cheerfully, taking this as an invitation. His eyes met yours, unusually playful, and with a wink started to slowly unbutton his shirt. You rolled up a nearby newspaper and swatted his hands. Mouth watering at the sight of his abs, you sternly told yourself off.
"It is unethical to have sex with drunk people when you're sober. I don't know what you think you're getting tonight, but you should adjust your expectations." Bodily manhandling him, you turned him around while he grumbled at you, urging him towards the bathroom. He sat against the counter, bum accidentally setting off the tap in the sink, while you set the shower running. He stumbled and cursed behind you, trousers now wet and clinging to his muscled thighs. You heard him stripping while you waited for the water to heat up.
He thinks he's being sneaky, you thought to yourself as Kento pressed himself into your back, erection now full and visible against his underwear, and his hands slipped boldly under your pyjamas. While one hand reached up to cup your breast, the other snuck down to graze against the top of your mound. Involuntary shivers of pleasure ran down your spine, his wet mouth on your neck smelling of hot whisky and smoke.
"I have full capacity," Kento purred against your neck, tongue trailing up to your ear now, "and I'm so delighted my girl is still home, and I'd love nothing more than to make her the final taste on my tongue tonight." He stopped, musingly, his gaze at you still drunk and fluttering.
"Unless you don't want to," he pondered, taking his hands from your body. You pouted up at him, crossed arms and faux-angry, and nodded towards the shower.
"You smell like a bar. Behave yourself." Kento chuckled at you, cracking his neck and sighing, absent-mindedly palming his erection through his underwear. His cock sprang up as he finished undressing, pink-tipped and perfect, and you couldn't resist looking him up and down. He stepped into the shower, hot water cascading down his broad shoulders. Leaning one hand against the glass, he eyed you ruefully again.
"I'll manage myself then, shall I?" Still leaning on the glass, his eyes drifted shut as his other hand trailed down his body to grip his wet cock. "Please don't feel obliged to stay." You tried to appear unaffected, and moved to turn, but paused as you heard the slow wet strokes of him pumping himself under the running water. The drink lowered his guard, and he let out a long, slow moan of relief as he pleasured himself, now totally oblivious to your presence.
You felt heat pool between your legs, your arms covered in goosebumps and your nipples pebbling under the cool pyjama fabric. You considered your options.
Still stroking himself, and gradually increasing the pace, Kento was imagining you riding him on the sofa, like you had done only days before, his hands on your eager hips as you told him how deep you could feel him. He groaned to himself, desperate to feel that intense intimacy and pleasure again, enhanced by the alcohol running through his system.
Thoughts interrupted by a tap on the shower glass, he opened his eyes to you, leaning against the bathtub, one hand moving slow circles over your clit and another rolling your nipple between your fingers. Lower lip between your teeth, you blushed as you watched Kento pleasure himself.
Kento moaned unashamedly, swiping his thumb over his tip, cock twitching furiously in his hand.
"I'll return the favour, I promise," he begged you, eyes fully focused on where your hand moved steadily beneath your pyjamas, feeling his pulse quicken as you flushed and moaned, legs weakening against the tub, "I know what you're like when you come home drunk, you're a nightmare, saying no to you is a chore."
Lip still between your teeth you smiled at him, and, now feeling especially naughty, you moved to straddle the lip of the bathtub. Kento's jaw dropped as you began to ride it, sighing his name as if he wasn't there, now slipping your pyjama top down to release your aching breasts.
"Shit...please get in here before I lose my mind," and he stopped stroking himself, hand gripping the base of his cock as pre-cum trickled out, merging with the running water. His head was still spinning with the alcohol, but his senses were sharpened by your performance, so he watched you hungrily, determined that he'd cum inside you if he had any say in the matter.
You continued to hump the side of the bath, shuddering, eyes glinting with mischief.
"How can I trust that you know what you're asking?" You replied breathlessly, "It is unethical. I'd be taking advantage. I'd hate for you to regret me in the morning."
Kento grinned at you. "But watching me is fine? It seems worse somehow. Regret you," he scoffed. Humour aside, Kento shifted uncomfortably, grunting as his cock continued to throb in his hand. "Get in here," he wheedled, "and stop fucking the bathtub in front of me, and use me instead."
You acquiesced, resolve cracking. Stripping quickly, you slipped into the shower, pressing against him and immediately gripping his pulsing shaft. He stuttered and whined, hands pressed back against the glass, panting as you squeezed him.
"Alright, you win," you breathed against him, licking the flat of your tongue across his nipple, tasting the sweat and nightclub on his skin, "but I will absolutely remember this when I'm the one who's drunk and begging."
You spun Kento around again, and reached around his hips to grasp his cock just as he would as he pleasured himself. He continued to pant, whining and begging you for relief. You rubbed his tip with the flat of your palm, teasing, before starting to stroke from the head to the base of his cock in well-practiced motions.
Kento moaned and murmured sweet praise. His hands pressed against the glass, fingers flexing and unfolding as you fondled his bum lovingly, nipping his shoulder blades and sweeping your wet hand up and down his cock, gently twisting and squeezing at the head until he was gasping. You kept a steady pace, Kento occasionally thrusting forwards into your hand, calling you his good girl, his sweetest thing, being so good to him.
Head swimming with the alcohol, Kento gladly accepted the handjob, overwhelmed by the pleasure and steam of the shower. As he was about to turn to insist on bending you over against the shower wall, your second hand crept round to his throat and squeezed just hard enough for his moan to catch in his chest. Balls tightening and abdomen twitching, Kento gasped as you whispered into his ear; "be a good boy and cum in my hand".
Kento broke, wave after wave of pleasure rushing through him, strengthened by the drink, as thick spurts of cum shot into your hand and against the shower glass. He moaned your name, hips thrusting sloppily, one hand reaching round to squeeze your waist. Your pace slowed, squeezing gently as you pumped every last drop out of him.
Kento slumped against the glass, a dopey satisfied smile on his face, and hummed happily as he felt a soapy sponge start to clean his back. By the time you had gently scraped your nails through his hair, rinsing him of the last suds, he was barely awake in the steamy bathroom.
"Come on, big guy. Let's get you to bed." Kento frowned at you, looking faintly guilty.
"But I haven't done anything for you." You stroked his cheeks, full of affection.
"Trust me, that did plenty for me. I'll be storing that in my head for a long time."
Kento blushed, but allowed you to lead him to bed and dry his hair. He was face down in bed and asleep within seconds, his body relaxed, his tense muscles loose and softened.
You hesitated before checking the time; if you hadn't been called out by now, you probably wouldn't be, you convinced yourself. Pulling on one of Kento's shirts, you sat your phone by the bed and slipped under the sheets, tucking close to his warmth with one knee lifted over the small of his back.
"Still think I took advantage of you," you mumbled to Kento, before falling asleep to his warmth and deep, soft breaths, safe and happy in the dark.
This best boy deserves a soapy handjob
And the sequel, Reader Comes Home Drunk, link here.
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ybon-paramoux · 1 year
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Japansk nakenmodell (Japanese nude model)
Carl Olof Larsson, 1914.
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whitewaterpaper · 3 months
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Denna månad har jag sett klassisk SF, klassisk fredriksdal och en remake på en klassisk Hitchcock. Det blir svällande muskler, svingande svärd, sjungande värjor, damer som försvinner och one liners som haglar.
Arnbergs Korsettfabrik (2000) [👍🔁🆓🎭] Eva Rydbergs klassiska omstöpning av Poppes Oskulden från Mölle. En fortfarande genuint charmig och rolig pjäs jag tycker om att återkomma till.
Battle in Outer Space / Uchû daisensô (1959) [👍🆓] Japansk SF, väldigt gediget producerad. Bra story, och bra special effekter. Regisserad och skriven av samma man som skänkte världen Godzilla.
Dark Star (1974) [👎] John Carpenter, över lag bra special effekter och produktion. Dock konstigt manus som gör att jag tappar intresset snabbt.
En dam försvinner / Lady Vanishes, the (1979) [__] Överlag sevärd remake på Hitchcock-klassikern. Mer hysterisk än spännande, Cybil Sheppard (i rollen som Kelly) och Elliott Gould (hennes manliga kärleksintresse) tenderar slå över på överspel men Angela Lansbury gör en bra roll.
Freelance (2023) [__] Vill väldigt gärna vara en "Jakten på Stenen"-actionkomedi, men blir mest konstig.
Gullivers Resor / Gulliver's Travels (1939) [👎🆓] Klassisk animerad film uppskattad av många. Dock då ej mig.
Herrskap och Tjänstehjon (2006) [👍🔁🆓🎭] Ännu mer klassisk fars på Fredriksdal. Rydberg är i högform.
Samson and the Slave Queen / Zorro contro Maciste (1963) [👍🆓] Varför plockade amerikanarna bort Zorro Från titeln kan man undra. Väldigt underhållande film jag med all säkerhet kommer se om.
Sinbad: The Battle of the Dark Knights (1998) [👎🆓] Oinspirerad film som började med att konstatera att Sinbad behöver vara lite mer tonåring...
Sinbad of the Seven Seas (1989) [👎🆓] Rörigt och på gränsen till osebar film med Lou Ferrigno i rollen som Sinbad. Lou Ferrigno som Sinbad är typ det enda positiva som finns att säga om filmen.
Sinbads Tusen Äventyr / 7th Voyage of Sinbad, the (1958) [👍🔁🆓] Klassiskt Sinbad-äventyr.
Warcraft: The Beginning (2016) [🔁] Mindes den som överraskande bra, men upplevde den nu som tämligen avslagen. Kanske för att den här öppnade för uppföljare mot slutet som aldrig kom?
Har man, som jag, en viss fäbless för Zorro tycker jag man skall satsa sina minuter denna månad på Samson and the Slave Girl. Känner man att man vill sikta lite högre ser man med fördel Battle in Outer Space som är väl värd en chans.
Edit: Glömde emojisarna.
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mymoominblog · 3 months
A very kind person has uploaded all episodes from the 90s Moomin in (Finland)swedish to YouTube and I am very grateful for thatl!!!
Please note that 15 episodes were “banned” in Sweden for various reasons.
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adito-lang · 6 months
Lytteøvelse - Hvilket språk syns du er det fineste i hele verden?
Hvilket språk syns du er det fineste i hele verden? - Welche Sprache findest du am schönsten auf der ganzen Welt? - Which language do you find the nicest in the whole world?
6x fransk, 3x italiensk, 2x norsk, 1x islandsk, arabisk, portugisisk, engelsk, japansk, og spansk
morsmål (et) - die Muttersprache - native language
å ha store formeninger om … - starke Meinungen über … haben - have strong opinions about ...
å være innarbeidet i andre språk - in andere Sprachen integriert sein - be integrated into other languages
Jeg er veldig glad i … - … gefällt mir sehr. - I really like ...
Hva liker du med det språket? - Was gefällt dir an der Sprache? - What do you like about the language?
å ha gode assosiasjoner til ... - gute Assoziationen mit ... haben - to have good images/associations of ...
høres fint/stygt ut - hört sich schön/hässlich an - sounds nice/ugly
fine å høre på - schön sich anzuhören - nice to listen to
å etterligne - nachmachen - to imitate
å ligne litt på ... - ein bisschen ... ähneln - to be a little similar to ...
å banne - fluchen - to swear
Hvordan har du vært i kontakt med det språket? - Wie hattest du Kontakt mit der Sprache? - How have you been in contact with the language?
å være tiltrukket av ... - von ... angezogen sein - to be attracted/drawn to
gjennom reise - durch Reisen - through traveling
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ifindus · 6 months
har du sett den ene episoden av jul i svingen hvor klara tror ho er i japan? (ho er selvfølgelig ikke det lmao) ho møter på noen japanske turister og tar bilde med de, når ho kommer hjem igjen sier ho til foreldrene at ho har vært i japan, de sier bare til henne at ho må slutte å lyve sånn, og så på slutten av episoden blir de helt forbauset når de finner bildet😂
det er flere andre episoder som er veldig morsomme, jeg liker spesielt den hvor åsa og viktoria skal passe på butikken, det tror jeg er min favoritt episode✨ Jul i svingen er så ikonisk😭♥️ (og stakkars Linus som tror han skal få noe kult i julekalenderen men så er det bare en ny eske for hver gang han åpner den😂)
Er så jævlig lenge siden jeg har sett Jul i Svingen, men dette høres veldig kjent ut 😂 Jul i Svingen var såå bra da jeg var liten, husker at alle episodene var så gjennomførte og hadde så gode plot, uten at det tok vekk fra helheten ✨ Usikker på hvor mye jeg hadde likt den om jeg så serien nå da 😅 Men ja, ikonisk
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Norwegian Bokmål for Total Beginners (January 2024 Crash Course)
25. Nordic Countries
Welcome to day 25! We're doing pretty well here, huh? :D Today we're learning the names for the nordic countries!
land (n) - country
Norden - the north (specifically the nordics)
Norge - Norway
Danmark - Denmark
Sverige - Sweden
Finland - Finland
Island - Iceland
Færøyene - The Faroe Islands
språk (n) - language
nasjonalitet (m) - nationality
Grammar: Language & Nationality
Unlike English where we can change the word of the country in any number of ways to get the language/nationality (France -> French, Germany -> German, Norway -> Norwegian, Sweden -> Swedish, China -> Chinese etc), it's pretty easy in Norwegian: it'll always end in -sk:
Norge -> norsk (Norwegian)
Sverige -> svensk (Swedish)
Danmark -> dansk (Danish)
Finland -> finsk (Finnish)
Island -> islandsk (Icelandic)
Færøyene -> færøysk (Faroese)
This pertains to both the language and the nationality:
Han er norsk. Han snakker norsk. (He's Norwegian. He speaks Norwegian)
Vi er finske. Vi snakker finsk og svensk. (We're Finnish. We speak Finnish and Swedish)
Den islandske mannen snakker islandsk og dansk. (The Icelandic man speaks Icelandic and Danish)
Er dere færøysk? Snakker dere færøysk? (Are you Faroese? Do you speak Faroese?)
Note: all countries are capitalised just like in English, but languages and nationalities aren't.
Your turn!
Here's a list of countries in alphabetical order. Find your country and tell me what languages you speak! If your country or language isn't there, you're welcome to look it up, reblog and add it (there's like 200 countries and over 7000 languages in the world so I'm not gonna list them all, sorry. I chose the countries I did because I have or have had followers of those nationalities)
I'll go first!
Jeg kommer fra Storbritannia. Jeg er britisk. Jeg bor i Japan. Jeg snakker engelsk og norsk, og jeg lærer meg japansk. (I come from the UK. I am British. I live in Japan. I speak English and Norwegian, and I'm learning Japanese)
Argentina/Argentinian -> Argentina/argentisk
Australia/Australian -> Australia/australsk
Austria/Austrian -> Østerrike/østerrisk
Belarus/Belarusian -> Hviterussland/hviterussisk
Belgium/Belgian -> Belgia/belgisk (Flemmish = flamsk)
Bosnia & Herzegovina/Bosnian -> Bosnia og Hercegovina/bosnisk
Brazil/Brazilian -> Brasil/brasiliansk
Bulgaria/Bulgarian -> Bulgaria/bulgarsk
Canada/Canadian -> Canada/kanadisk
China/Chinese -> Kina/kinesisk
Croatia/Croatian -> Kroatia/kroatisk
Cyprus/Cypriot -> Kypros/kypriotisk
Czechia/Czech -> Tsjekkia/tsjekkisk
Egypt/Egyptian -> Egypt/egyptisk (Arabic = arabisk)
England/English -> England/engelsk
Estonia/Estonian -> Estland/estlandsk
France/French -> Frankrike/fransk
Germany/German -> Tyskland/tysk (Yiddish = jiddisk)
Georgia/Georgian -> Georgia/georgisk
Greece/Greek -> Hellas/gresk
Greenland/Greenlandic -> Grønland/grønlandsk
Hungary/Hungarian -> Ungarn/ungarsk
India/Indian -> India/indisk
Ireland/Irish -> Irland/irsk
Israel/Israeli -> Israel/israelsk
Japan/Japanese -> Japan/japansk
Korea/Korean -> Korea/koreansk
Latvia/Latvian -> Latvia/latvisk
Lithuania/Lithuanian -> Litauen/litauisk
Mexico/Mexican -> Mexico/meksicansk
Moldova/Moldovan -> Moldova/Moldovisk
The Netherlands/Dutch -> Nederland/nederlandsk (Frisian = frisisk)
New Zealand/New Zealander -> New/Ny Zealand/new/ny zealandsk (Aotearoa = Aotearoa)
Palestine/Palestinian -> Palestina/palestinsk (Gaza = Gaza, the West Bank - Vestbredden)
The Philippines/Filipino -> Filippinene/filipinsk
Poland/Polish -> Polen/polsk
Portugal/Portuguese -> Portugal/portugisisk
Romania/Romanian -> Romania/rumensk
Russia/Russian -> Russland/russisk
Scotland/Scottish -> Skottland/skotsk (Scots = skotsk, Scottish Gaelic = skotsk-gælisk)
Serbia/Serbian -> Serbia/serbisk
Slovakia/Slovak -> Slovakia/slovakisk
Slovenia/Slovenian -> Slovenia/slovensk
South Africa/South African -> Sør-Afrika/sørafrikansk
Spain/Spanish -> Spania/spansk
Thailand/Thai -> Thailand/thailandsk
Turkey/Turkish -> Tyrkia
The UK/British -> Storbritannia/britisk
Ukraine/Ukrainian -> Ukraina/ukrainsk
The USA/American -> USA/amerikansk
Vietnam/Vietnamese -> Vietnam/vietnamsk
Wales/Welsh -> Wales/walisisk
Zimbabwe/Zimbabwean -> Zimbabwe/zimbabwisk (Shona = sjona)
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