#jade bern
haljathefangirlcat · 23 days
On the subject of Widsith, I'm not sure if this is the author's opinions, or if he was considering the situation of the narrator, but Widsith describes Emanaric as an ideal king, alongside the glories of the historical Alboin and the quasi-legendary Nibelungs. He also mentions Theuderic the Frankish king, but not Theodoric/Dietrich the Maering/Ostrogothic king. Unless he was equating the Frankish king with Dietrich, it almost feels like he subtly resents Dietrich for overthrowing Ermanaric.
Which would be a funny in-universe dynamic to have. Dietrich von Bern? No, Widsith isn't gonna sing anything about that bastard. Shame on you for asking about him. Don't you know he was dragged into a volcano by the Devil's own horse for his sins? Have some nice stories about Ermanaric's glory instead.
On the subject of crossovers, now I want Widsith (or whatever German equivalent to his name) to be some sort of baby poet or poet apprentice at Ermanaric's court, all excited to meet his idol Volker on his trip to Burgundy. And then for maybe the two of them to run into Vainamoinen or something.
Oh, I love this!! Baby poet Widsith being all about his kind benefactor Ermanaric and fanboying over Volker (I mean, who wouldn't XD) sounds all kinds of adorable, and then an older, more jaded version of him going against the grain by resenting Dietrich and refusing to sing about him sounds both really funny ("yeah, down in Mount Etna, I'm telling you!") and really angsty at the same time. So bittersweet!
Honestly, running into Vainamoinen is just a recipe for bad luck and misadventures... which is I'd feel really bad for Widwith but at the same time I'd also love to see it. XD Also, I feel Volker might get pretty into the idea of songs of power to use to fight against one's enemies... hmm...
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queerponcho · 3 months
get to know me tag game!!!
tagged by @eelqueen
no pressure tags : @my-secret-shame @soft-girl-musings @lemongirl5910 @basicalyrandom @spacecowboyhotch @honeypotsworld
last song : goodbye~ by Corbon Amodio
current song : one and only by adele
currently watching : youtube lmao, just recently finished watching 'The Maid' on Netflix and lemme tell you that show had me STRESSED!
three ships : see i am a 'reader x ____' typa gurl but i'll tell ya about my past ships and how i started out as an avid fanfic enjoyer.
Wolfstar- of course cuz wtf else was i supposed to read on Wattpad.
Catradora- cuz its about two women loving each other (even if controversially) cuz i was starving for some gay rep lol.
and last one which is pretty recent are kit and jade from WILLOW- truly such a good rep for sapphic couples. like them kissing SEVERAL times and still not being sure if the other one likes them is so fucking accurate its not even funny. (also not sure if they have a ship-name tbh)
favourite colour : purple and pink 💜💗
currently consuming : (in types of content i am guessing...) Youtubers like "not even emily" , "salem tovar" , "film cooper" , and very frequently also listen to "critical role" to sleep or while drawing cuz its really creativity inducing ngl. (the youtubers mentioned are commentary youtubers- but the fun, feminist cool kind...not the problematic, womenhating kind)
first ship : see i could just lie and say smth nice like wolfstar or smth but i am soso sad to admit that it was actually "adrinette"- PLEASE I DIDN'T KNOW BETTER DON'T TAKE THIS AS A REFERENCE FOR MY CHARACTER - i was like twelve okay -
place of birth : this tiny town in the canton of Bern, Switzlerland
current location : Bern (Capital of Switzerland)
relationship status : single and desperate (yes, this is a cry for help)
last movie : charlies angels i think??? i really wanted to see Kristen Stewart in all her lesbian glory-
currently working on : "Transfixed" my moonknight series hehe. Its my baby and i am having alot of fun writing it. I am thinking of writing new things aswell! if anybody wants to send me any requests i'd love to write them!
also working on becoming better at playin the saxophone, been playing for over ten years now but i still have a lot to learn and love to get better and practice.
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roraruu · 1 year
YOTO: April
Ignatz/Dorothea. Canon divergence/“no I’m not dating your brother”.
Derdriu was the last place Ignatz thought he’d ever seen Dorothea Arnault.
It was a momentary glance, as he left a client’s business on behalf of his parents. The gold jingled in his pockets, hitting against his thigh. His eyes trained to the ground, he focused on the salty, sour scent of the nearby sea, the cool winter air, the sounds of merchants advertising their wares and people passing and—
The softest, sweet tone took to the air. He listened harder. He knew that voice.
A pair of jade eyes looked back at him, pleading and overjoyed.
Dorothea is as charming and bewitching as she was in the academy. And she eats—her manners impeccable and conduct befitting of a lady—like she hasn’t seen food in a month.
The restaurant is warm and bustling. After noticing the cut of the dress Dorothea wore and her pale complexion, Ignatz requested a table closest to the hearth and speedily ordered a pot of tea.
She is all graces and thank yous, gentle inclines of her head in which her bangs fall into her eyes and she continuously pushes it behind her ears to stay away from her lovely mouth.
She explains, between a delicate sip of her tea that she had helped with the dispersal of the Enbarr Opera House and the Mittelfrank Opera Company, her alma mater.
“I wanted to help people.” She murmurs. “But…”
“I understand.” Ignatz says as another bowl of bread arrives, and with it another refill of the teapot with hot water..
“My finances aren’t exactly liquid. I managed to find a way from Enbarr to here. Bern was kind enough to convey me, without her father’s knowing, but she couldn’t come with me.”
“Why the Alliance?” Ignatz finds himself asking.
Dorothea’s face takes on a grave countenance. “I love Edie… Loved. But I cannot stand by while she murders innocents.” She says softly. “And the Kingdom did not seem much better.“ She forces, what he expects was to be a chipper giggle, but it’s a defeated chuckle. “I’d probably freeze passing over the border.”
“So you came here.”
“I had the pleasure of taking tea with Claude once or twice, and unfortunately, Lorenz too. They made this place sound beautiful.”
“It is quite breathtaking.” He says, glancing out the far-off window. If he squints, he can catch a glimpse of the grey sea.
“I crossed the Bridge of Myrddin and came here. Most of my funds are gone, but…” She forces a smile. “I’m here.”
“Are you going to stay with Claude?”
“My housing situation is… it isn’t fixed.”
“Well then you must stay with us.”
Ignatz nods. “My family.” He explains. “My brother is studying beneath my father to inherit the business—the Victor Trading Company—and he sends me out on small jobs.” He makes himself sound brighter. “Like today. I had just finished a commission before crossing paths with you.”
“I couldn’t impose.”
“Dorothea,” Ignatz says firmly. She meets his gaze. He notices that she’s grown thinner, her face pale. “I must insist.”
She heaves a sigh, reaches across the table and pats his hand. He feels his face heat. “At least… At least let me ask.”
Ignatz smiles. “Whatever you please.” He agrees and encourages her to take the last sweet bun.
A plan is worked out over steaming cups of tea. It takes a little lying—but with Ignatz’s newfound confidence—it is nothing more than a bent truth.
With his cut from the commission, he puts Dorothea up in an inn for the evening—specifically the Kristen Cottage run by his best friend, Raphael. When the jovial brawler sees Dorothea and Ignatz he pulls her into a bear hug and twirls her around. His little sister, Maya, almost drops her dishes upon seeing the famed Mystical Songstress herself.
Raphael closes the tavern, insists that Ignatz stay for a drink while Maya helps Dorothea upstairs and tends to her. They talk, and when Dorothea returns, she relays her story to the Kirsten siblings. At the end, Raphael asks the crucial question:
“So, what happens now?”
“Well, Raphie, that’s where you come in.” She says. “I need work. Have you any need for entertainment? I can sing, dance, I’ll even help in the kitchen!”
“But what about…” Ignatz falls silent as Dorothea grabs his hand beneath the table.
“Of course we do!” Maya exclaims happily.
“My, Grandpa hasn’t approved—”
Maya turns back to Raphael—she’s tinier than him but just as loud. “Raph! A former opera star in our joint? That would drag! The! Customers! In!”
Dorothea smiles softly. “It would…” she says. “I remember all of my best roles!”
Maya turns to Dorothea, eyes wide. “R-Really? Oh, even as Marguerite?” She asks. “She’s my favourite one of your roles… The songs were all so sad, I cried buckets!”
“Well I hope you have a pail,” says Dorothea with a wink. “if Raphie has me, I’ll sing them all for you.”
“Please?” Maya whines.
Raphael gives in. “Alright, of course.” He says. “But we can only put you up for a while. It’s sorta packed in here tonight. You could stay with us, we’re downstairs in the basement.”
Dorothea’s eyes grew glassy. “It’s more than I could’ve ever hoped for. Thank you Raphael.”
As the night drew to a close, Ignatz begins to say his farewells, promising to check-in on them the following day. Dorothea, unexpectedly, throws her arms around his neck and hugs him tight.
“Thank you Ignatz. For everything.” She whispers softly.
He feels himself blush again and promises anything for her.
Over the course of the next few days, in between Dorothea working tirelessly as the new—and showstopping headliner for the Kirsten Cottage—and Ignatz’s own duties keeping up client communications and other duties, they met a few times in the warm tavern.
It was after close and Ignatz comes for a sole glass of wine. Dorothea sits beside him, humming softly under her breath.
“Do you still draw?”
His ears grow hot. Guiltily, he replies. “W-When I have a moment of privacy, yes. But those moments are few and far between.”
“That’s sad.”
He remains quiet. “It must be gratifying to do what you love as a career.”
“I mean, look where it got me.” Dorothea muses. “Getting into Enbarr during the military lockdown was a nightmare, and then to break up my family… It was hell.”
Ignatz inclines his head. “I’m sorry Dorothea. I should’ve been more prudent.”
“It’s fine.” She says before tapping her nails across the table. “But…”
He looks at her encouragingly. She leans closer, glancing towards the kitchen where the Kirsten siblings clean up for the night. “Somedays I wished I never sang at all.”
“Mmhm.” She nods. “It’s… I love it, but constantly singing over and over… It takes all the meaning out of it.”
“But you do what you love.” He asks, surprised.
“Yes, and I get tired of it.” Dorothea says before hastily adding, “but I’m eternally grateful to Raphael and his family for giving me the work… I just wish… I wish I weren’t so tired of singing.”
“You…” Ignatz murmurs before meeting her gaze. “And it isn’t like you can afford to take a break.”
“No.” She confirms. “Unless I make up a paycheque in another way.”
Silence falls between the two.
“I still… I can’t believe you don’t love singing anymore.”
“I do it so much, the joy is stripped from it.” She confesses quietly to him.
The words stalk him all the way home and up to his room where he gazes at his painting tools before succumbing to sleep.
Ignatz’s mother—Cressida—and his younger sister a year his junior named Celeste—are more shocked when he says he’s met someone.
Cressida’s eyes widen and she lowers her teacup very quickly. Ignatz has always known his mother to be refined and ladylike: calm, quiet, watchful. He feels her brown eyes—the only thing he got from her—on him as Celeste prods him.
“A lady friend?” She smirks, at the age of 19, and still as annoying as she was at seven. “When do I buy a new parasol and lace and welcome a sister?”
Quickly, he insists, “She’s an old friend from Garreg Mach.” Ignatz explains, watching Celeste’s mischievous look.
“Probably some baron’s daughter. You could do worse, I suppose, Brother.”
“She’s passing through Derdriu.”
“Where to?”
“Gloucester. She will be singing for the Count and his son.”
Cressida studies her son’s face. He’s gotten too good with lying; for years, he’d fidget with his hands or look away… A small tic that would render him guilty. “She is a singer?” She inquires.
“Formerly of the Mittelfrank Opera Company.”
Cressida looks intrigued. “Oh. I recall seeing the company when they were in Derdriu before the war and when you were at the Academy.”
“You would have missed her. She was one of my classmates.”
Cressida remains silent.
“So why’s she talking to you?” Celeste prods. “If she’s some big opera star…”
“She confessed that she always enjoyed my company.” He lies. “And I enjoyed hers, so we have spent a little time together.”
Celeste smirks, then murmurs under her breath, “here comes the bride…”
“Celeste.” Cressida says quietly. Celeste stops humming and turns back to her eggs which are now cold.
Her brown eyes fall on Ignatz, encouraging him to go on.
“I would like host her for a meal.“
“Very well.” Cressida agrees. “Your father and Atticus will be dining out tonight, so bring her around.”
Ignatz tenses. The plan was to have both his father and brother around. Without him, his mother will never offer accommodations, at least not without a push.
So Ignatz, for the first time in his life, pushes.
“Might she stay the night?” He asks, his face reddening. Celeste’s eyes go wide as if she’s about to snort at him. “I would like her to meet Father.”
Cressida narrows her gaze on him. “Why?”
“I think they would get along, Mother.”
Cressida pauses, sips her tea and then acquiesces. “Very well. Bring her to the manor at five and no later.”
If there was ever any doubt as to Dorothea’s charms, it was dispelled in the moment she met Cressida.
Ignatz had always known his mother—like his father—as hard-to-please, but Dorothea was the most satisfying creature to her ever. Even Atticus, who had always been her favourite, was quickly forgotten when Dorothea engaged her in conversation.
As Celeste serves the coffee, she murmurs to Ignatz, “Okay, maybe I doubt you, but never again.” She promises. “She’s gorgeous.”
Ignatz acquiesces. “She is. And she’s quite kind.”
Little lies and bent truths are shared that evening. Dorothea explains that she’s passing through to sing for Lorenz and his father—the name drop impresses Cressida—and then she details her roles, and as they sit in the drawing room, Cressida insists that Dorothea sing for her.
“Oh, that’s not necessary,” Ignatz insists, turning to his mother nervously. “We wouldn’t want to impose on our guest…”
“No,” Dorothea says gently. “I’d love to sing for you.”
Ignatz thinks back to the conversation in the tavern. How she began to loathe singing. But as she sings her bars and warms her voice up, Ignatz cannot help but long to paint her. Those jade eyes, that chestnut hair, the willowy frame and ruddy cheeks… She is an artist’s dream, walked off the canvas.
She sings beautifully for almost a half hour. Cressida is highly impressed and gives her ready approval, and even Celeste is shocked when Dorothea proves not only to be witty, beautiful and talented, but also kind.
Cressida insists that she will stay the night and tells Ignatz to set her up in the east wing of the house, prefacing that she may see the lovely sunrise that pales in comparison to her beauty. After they say goodnight, Ignatz offers her his arm and leads her up the staircase.
She reaches for his hand and smiles at him. She gives it a reassuring little squeeze, and he gives one back. As they reach the top of the stairs, Dorothea whispers to him:
“Will you show me your paintings?” She asks quietly. “I know art’s a personal thing… I don’t think I could ever show a half-finished song to someone else…”
“Y-Yes…” He finds himself taking her hand and leading her to his room. The moon streams into through the lone window of his sombre little room.
He turns to the closet and pulls from it a few sketches and his tiny easel which has a half-finished still-life of the view outside his window. Blushing and embarrassed, he practically throws them at Dorothea, hurriedly insisting that he knows they’re not good, that they’re nothing special.
“Ignatz…” Dorothea barely breathes. “These are beautiful.”
He looks up in shock. “B-But…” He scrambles for words. “I was so insensitive to your feelings about art!”
Dorothea smiles gently and touches his hand reassuringly. “Ignatz, I’m not me, and you’re not you.” She says gingerly. “We’re different people with different outlooks… You want to become a painter, right?”
He nods sheepishly.
“Then I hope, with all my heart, that you can become one someday.” She turns her eyes back on a sketch of Saint Cethleann. “You’d be a wonderful artist. I’m certain you would be.”
Ignatz blushes softly and moves closer as she asks a question about the next sketch—of Saint Cichol, his wife and their daughter—and he explains the details. His hand brushes against hers, their fingers intertwining briefly—
“And who is this?”
Ignatz jolts at the deep voice, his blood running cold. His face goes red. In the doorway is his elder brother, Atticus. Dorothea glances his way and smiles softly, curtseys and introduces herself as the evening’s guest and her credentials.
Atticus studies Dorothea before making a comment beneath his breath about his “useless drawings” and leaving the two. Dorothea’s smile fades.
“He’s exactly the type of man I’d hate to be with at the opera…” She whispers to him. “And exactly the one who’d pay for a dinner with me.”
Ignatz’s stomach rolls with anxiety.
Dorothea steals a glimpse at his expression and laughs softly. “Don’t worry, I’m not dating your brother.” She promises.
“Thank the goddess…” Ignatz whispers.
She hugs him. “Thank you. Thank you so much.”
He hugs her back and smiles. “Anything for you.”
He shows Dorothea her room, and upon returning to his, takes charcoal to paper and attempts to sketch the likeness of her face, falling asleep in his art before long.
Ignatz’s father, Augustus, makes quick decisions. It is, perhaps, what has kept him in business for so long, and flourishing for just as long. And that morning, when Ignatz nervously introduces the two, he immediately takes a liking to Dorothea.
She turns on the charms quickly, and as she’s about to collect her bags and return to the Kirsten’s Cottage, Augustus asks to see her in his study. She winks at Ignatz and he waits nervously outside, in the drawing room with Celeste as the plays the piano.
When Dorothea emerges, she wears a self-assured smile. Ignatz quickly gets up and meets her in the hallway.
“Your father says the garden is pretty. Will you show me?” She asks.
“Of course.” They go outside to the frosty garden and walk a few paces away from the windows.
“Your father… he asked that I shadow you. He thinks that we could be a good selling team.” Dorothea says. “What do you say, Iggy?”
“You needed a nickname. Your name, though it is handsome, is a bit imposing and long.” She says. “You okay with it? You can call me Thea, if you’d like?”
“No no,” He declines respectfully. “Your name is too beautiful to be shortened.”
She smiles softly. “You think so?”
He nods. “I do. And as for the partnership, I don’t think I could ask for a better match.”
Dorothea smiles, and then stands on the tips of her toes and pecks him on the cheek. Ignatz goes bright red.
Gazing at her, he smiles and confesses, “I don’t think I could either.”
In Imperial Year 1185, on the day of promised meeting, Ignatz Victor and Dorothea Arnault arrived at Garreg Mach Monastery together. The three years since their reunion in Derdriu had proved fruitful: Dorothea joined the Victor Trading Company as a sales agent, working alongside Ignatz. She easily used her wit and charms to seal deals with particularly hard-to-please clients. She’d also passed on that charm and confidence to Ignatz, which his former classmates noticed immediately.
In addition to his newfound confidence, Ignatz had gained a deeper reverence for his artistic side. After being found one night attempting to paint Dorothea’s likeness, she modelled for him. His parents, finally understanding the depth of his talent, allowed him time off—though minimal—to study and paint.
In their moments of peace, it was said that Dorothea and Ignatz would share their talents together—Dorothea, who had retired from the stage, would sing only for him, and Ignatz would happily draw anything she wished.
After the war, when Dorothea completed an opera—called the Crimson Flower, based upon her late, dear friend—Ignatz was the one to paint the posters and served as creative consultant. While not singing, Dorothea directed the opera to critical acclaim, and acted as a guardian to the new talent she selected for the show.
When the two had grown tired of the stage, they departed for new lands. Ignatz’s work, which grew in popularity thanks to the production and his own skills, was in demand and often peddled by Dorothea. It was often remarked, by friends and complete strangers, the couple were an odd, but well-suited match.
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millin21 · 2 years
As of now, this is how I feel the strongest over the TWST characters
Ruggie and Jamil: tied for favorite character.
(One is simple, just give him food or pay him- which would immediately go to pay for food- and hes a happy hyena. And even then he surprises me. Wants to hug him, pet his head, trying so hard not to be weird and touch his ears. Also wants to feed him doughnuts and milk. Thats apparently a genuine desire he has.)
(The other captured me when he was fixing dinner in chapter 4. And after finishing said chapter, I've felt like I've had a magnifying glass trying to learn more about him, wanting to see him revealing his true potential and release his true emotions. And I'm liking what im seeing so far in ch5. Would absolutely help remove insects from the room.)
Kalim: holds gently. Baby. Must protec. (But pls. I cant handle huge parties. Want to tell him even small gatherings could be just as equally meaningful parties)
Leona: I admit. Hes handsome. And incredibly intelligent. But I'm about as asexual towards him as I am towards a sunset.
Idia: this is how i feel so much. Pls. I wont speak with you I'll text or message you in game. I just want to stay in the same room as you and recharge. (Ortho pops in and I'll ask how his day has bern.)
Ace: brat energy I've lost track how Many times I wanted to strangle him (not as intense now bit still brat)
Deuce: more likely of the two to admit is boyfriend material.
Jack: is good boy and I get happy when he forgets to be cautious and shows his eager smile. I keep forgetting he has a floof for a tail and it fills me with steretonin.
Epel: I love seeing that country bumpkin side of him. Please. I want to nurture that side of him. Why does he have to cover that up? (I havent gotten far in chapter 5 but ive seen enough of his lines he is my favorite of his dorm)
Riddle: one of favorite dorm leaders, want to brush hankerchief on his tears. The moment he fixed Yu's tie in chapter 2 my heart jumped. He's so considerate.
Malleus: I want him to stay a friend. Thats enough for me. I wouldn't mind talking about gargoyles. (Or grotesques) they're both a fascinating thing. I'd offer hugs.
The rest I dont have much thoughts on??? Maybe that might change the more I look into their vignettes. I do like Jade and Floyd though. I think they're neat :3 (never a dull moment with those two)
Bonus: Grim is Yu's little brother. You cant change my mind.
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blcssom · 11 months
hi hi hi i’ve got some test muses i’d love to play w/ a lil more under the cut so pls like or dm me if interested !! i also posted some opens with a few of them here, here, here, here, and here xoxoxox
aaron goldman || david corenswet // 30 // line cook // v much golden retriever energy -- used to work in corp. america but got so burnt out he started over at 25 and went to culinary school ?? much to the chagrin of his fortune 500 daddy !! and now he just kinda works wherever the vibes feel right, even if it’s a shitty dinner 
elias berggren || alexander skarsgard // 45 // retired tech developer just the most unserious man to ever walk the earth :’ ) made a social media start up into a multibillion dollar corporation and then sold it all at the age of 30 when he realized he actually ?? hated it ?? v much adrenaline junkie trying to find some sense of purpose/excitement -- absolutely would’ve been aboard the titan sub HE’S A SHELL OF A MAN !!!  
fiona berne || daisy edgar jones // 26 // travel photographer actually allergic to staying in one place too long !! runs from anything that feels stable and prone to uprooting her life in a moment’s notice. v troubled childhood she doesn’t like to talk about, still calls people she’s been friends with since high school her ‘acquaintances’  rip just always waiting for the shoe to drop
jade khanna || megan suri // 25 // veterinary tech // foster kid who likes animals more than almost any human on earth, v pessimistic and generally unpleasant but she’s observant and nosy so she makes friends and enemies alike without really meaning to !! genuinely surprised whenever people are kind to her
joaquin santos || michael cimino // 23 // bartender // grew up the oldest of four in a parentless household -- dad had skipped out shortly after the baby of the bunch was born and mom isn’t sober long enough to tell a bedtime story so he’s !! mr. mom !! and mad abt it... v jaded, but v protective even if he’s mean when he gives advice :’ ) tough love bb thru and thru
maggie rawlins || laura harrier // 32 // prosecutor //  ironically so scary and cold at work but actually the biggest baby to ever exist like genuinely cries when she kills a bug !! has a v strong sense of justice and will absolutely throw hands if she thinks she can get away w/ out a charge -- unfortunately spineless when it comes to asking for or going after what she wants in her personal life c’est la vie
ruby perkins || natalia dyer // 28 // art teacher // nervous nelly homebody baby !! had big dreams of running off to nyc and becoming an artist but her dad got sick her junior year of hs and her bleeding heart absolutely wouldn’t let her leave him so she settled for community college & a masters in education and she’s ~ mostly ~ happy teaching kiddos how to shade but has a lot of !! regret !! she refuses to admit to
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mw-537 · 1 year
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Dreams Are Meant To Be Chased by Jade Bern
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honey-milk-depresso · 3 years
What if Tweels switch places for a day? What's the worst that could happen?
You mean like switch bodies?
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Y e s.
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anchorshots · 3 years
okay yeah im bored enough im writing this up now
while i want to see nekodamashi-hen before making any theories about the actual mystery and identity of the culprit, i genuinely believe higurashi gou is going to be a bernkastel origin story based off of... well, her backstory. my knowledge of umineko is admittedly shaky, so i might miss a few details, but i think get the big picture, mostly?
so to recap:
featherine begins a witch's game, presumably with lambdadelta acting as her opponent. rika is featherine's piece, while takano is lambda's.
featherine at some point commits a logic error and abandons the game. her piece is relegated to solving the logic error all by herself. considering lambda "hasn't finished reading higurashi" by the time umineko rolls around, i imagine she eventually got bored and left too, missing the miracle.
saikoroshi-hen happens at some point, and rika purges bernkastel from her consciousness. within the game world of higurashi, life goes on. bern is left to wander the sea of fragments, and is eventually discovered by the witches. she becomes featherine's miko, and is used by her to tear game boards apart.
bern becomes the witch of miracles, and the cruelest witch of them all.
at some point, i imagine featherine's curiosity is piqued and she wants to see how the logic error was resolved for herself. so she returns to the hinamizawa gameboard and asks lambda to join her and inserts bernkastel as a piece, intending for her to play the role of rika furude once more. hanyuu, as a piece in the hinamizawa game world, has no idea what's going on or how rika died, only that all she can do is send rika back to 1983. bern, not quite yet the trollkastel we all know, is not pleased about having to start looping again, but resolves to win rika's future back as she's done it once before.
lambda knows full well that featherine abandoned this game, and that if her curiosity wanes halfway through she may do so again. so to stave off boredom for the both of them, she selects a new piece to control... satoko hojo. how exactly she is sponsoring satoko is still unknown, but given how extremely sus she's been acting, i wouldn't be surprised if she's been in contact with the witches. whether she has also become a looper and we're headed towards looper thunderdome is still up in the air, but i imagine her motivations are either "save rika" or "find satoshi". or both.
as a result of gou, no matter how it turns out, i imagine this is where featherine will get the idea of using bernkastel to investigate every square inch of whatever game board she pleases, and as time goes on, bern will become the jaded, cruel witch of miracles that participates in umineko.
admittedly this is all me speculating so i'm proooobably wrong, but i think the idea that gou was advertised as a reboot but actually being new content can reflect featherine expecting a rehash of everything, and lambda sweeping the rug out from under her to keep them both interested.
either way, it was fun enough to think about and kept me occupied on my break at work!
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queensgaybeach1d · 4 years
Is a Page on Twitter Igo predicts Who said that another one d member Will have a baby do you think is about Lou and Eleonor
Hi love!💖
Mhhh....I took a look at her account yesterday and the things she said are pretty 'predictable.' For example, she said that Gigi and Zayn are going to get engaged. I got an anonymous ask in my inbox (about the same thing) the same day the 'pregnancy' was announced. Not to mention that I think there have bern evrn rumors about them getting 'engaged' is is a common stunt, but the wedding never really happens.😊
Moving on, I do not think Louis will have another babygate at all. 'He' said in an interview that he does not want kids right now (even though Freddie is not his real son and he and Eleanor have never been together). Not to mention that it would be the insanest stunt they could come up with. 🙂
As for her other 'predictions', they are too 'broad', my love. I will give you another example to enlighten my previous comment. The account said "Jade Thirlwall will find love again" that could mean she will find a man or she will buy a pet and declares it the love of her life. There are too many directions you can go with these predictions :)
Also, she said that Louis will shock the world with some crazy news about his personal life. We know that there are shocking thing going to happen.....if they will end it..., and Louis' father might write something about the personal life of the Tomlinsons. So that could be a reason too.
Oh, I almost forgot to add this one; accounts like that give us 10000 predictions and only around 10 of them come out. Not to mention that directioners try to predict what happens in the future too, am I right? ;)
Do not worry, if you have any other question/worry, I am right here! Have an amazing day and stay safe! ❤💖🙂
Kind Regards,
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sodomyordeath · 4 years
Queen of Drags
Finally the post many of you asked for since the show went into heavy promotion.
This is going to be long. To keep this from being too boring I decided to publish it in form of an ongoing conversation between myself and the one and only Chiara.
Me: So let’s start with the cast and the jury.
Chi: On the jury side we have Conchita Wurst.
Me: Guess we have to disclaimer this?
Chi: She’s our friend, She knows and loves Drag and is a talented and amazing performer. So disclaimer done.
Me: Next we have Bill Kaulitz.
Chi:  Wasn’t he in some kinda child band?
Me: Yep Tokio Hotel, they are still around. he was also a judge on an music casting show back in the early 2010s. 
Chi: Garbage music[1]?
Me:  “Deutschland sucht den Superstar”. So nothing you or I would call music.
Chi: Right. Garbage music.
Me: And we have guest judges.
Chi: One per show right?
Me: Yea even in the final episode. They use a point system. Each of the for judges awards points. The highest number per episode is the number of contestants left.
Chi: The lowest is one or 0?
Me: Normal people start with one.
Chi: So decimal system than?
Me: Smartass.
Chi: I am smart and I have an amazing ass.
Me: No arguing with that.
Chi: So who are the guest judges?
Me: In order of appearance:  Olivia Jones, Amanda Lepore, Leona Lewis,  Pabllo Vittar, La Toya Jacksona and for the final Laganja Estranja
Chi: So 4 judges that know there shit and 2 professional singers. That’s a lot better than a typical Drag Race season.
Me: Yes and they actually do matter due to the point system they used.
Chi: So what do you expect from our 3 permanent judges?
Me: Obviously the best insights will come from Conchita and some of the guests. Bill will focus on overall performance aspects, stage placement, lip-sync etc. and Heidi... well looks and she brings the “girl at the drag bar” perspective.
Chi: Well we cheated here didn’t we?
Me: Yes because that was how it played out and Conchita felt like kind of the head judge the entire season but what we expected because of the pre show PR was Heidi dominating the show and giving us her model casting show 2.0.
Chi: Did Pro 7 fuck it up with the trailer where they framed Heidi as the head judge?
Me: Well at this point in time I don’t think they tried to provoke the backlash they got. They just tried to frame the show in a way so there usual audience sees someone they are familiar with.
Chi: So you don’t think the baited the queer community and press into a push back just to get the buzz going?
Me: You mean a PR campaign that would exploit a marginalized community to sell a commodity? That would by cynical!
Chi: ...
Me: Moving on. Let’s talk about the artists.
Chi: I honestly didn’t know much about any of ‘em.
Me: Not even your “home girl”?
Chi: Do I have to remind you that I’m from Zurich and  Hayden Kryze is from Bern? Plus I wasn’t in Switzerland for an awful lot of time in the last 2 years.
Me: Right and she's rather young isn’t she?
Chi: 20
Chi: Speaking of age Catherrine Leclery is the oldest cast member with 48 and seems to be the one who’s in the business the longest, Hayden is the youngest.
Me: Hmm, what I noticed is that anyone but Catherrine is under 35.
Chi: I feel old now.
Me: I knew about the 3 Berlin girls but never worked with any of ‘em. 
Chi: That’s Bambi Mercury a bearded queen not related to our friend Bambie the high priestess of gore. Candy Crash a funny bitch who paints her face on youtube and the “infamous” Katy Bähm.
Me: You know Candy had me when she renamed Katy into “Käthe Baum”
Chi: *lough crying* me to bitch!
Me: But really Candy is a miracle she managed to age 5 years since she was in a documentary in 2018 
Chi: *sings* Forever Young, I want to be... forever.. 
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Me: Still I like her and people I know, who worked with her, like her.
Chi: Too bad she doesn’t make wigs...
Me: *spills drink* *side eyes Chiara*
Me: Looks like we both are not turning into Käthe Baum fans any time soon.
Chi: I learned a saying from the southern United States “Bless her heart”
Me: Moving on. Janisha Jones.
Chi: We didn’t know her before the show
Me: But our good friend Ephe Drine knows her and as a Munich queen with spanish roots (like Ephe) she’s somewhat of my “home girl”.
Chi: We did run into her however and she’s a lovely person,an true artist by heart and a way better drag performer than it came across on the show.
Me: She sadly was the first one that went home but if you get a chance to see her. Do it. She doesn’t disappoint.
Chi: Next up is Samantha Gold.
Me: Oh yea our full figured Bar Queen from Hamburg with Austrian roots.
Chi: Old school drag. She was the second one out. 
Me: She did sing live on episode one and her performance was...
Chi: ...not as strong as we would have expected from someone who does that for a living.
Me: Moving on.
Chi: Now my “home girl” Hayden Kryze.
Me: She’s young.
Chi: She sure has talent but it felt...
Me: Aimless and her performances where sloppy
Chi: Unpolished. She sure can move and the whole “I can be a manly man but also a hot drag queen” segment was...
Me: She’s young
Chi: Speaking of young Aria Addams.
Me: Not related to my drag daughter Wendy Addams
Chi: That we know of. I mean age wise she could be hers.
Me: And they sure have the same fire and undeniable talent.
Chi: She was the big one for me. She grew episode to episode was never afraid to try something new and wasn’t annoying. I’d love to work with her at some point.
Me: Speaking of people one wants to work with, Vava Vide.
Chi: I had no idea that there even was a drag scene in Stuttgart.
Me: There were 3 standouts in the cast when it comes to drag as visual performative art form, Vava Vide, Bambi Mercury and, to a lesser degree, Aria Addams.
Chi: I do agree but I would also include Janisha. Alas her time on the show was too short for her to really show it.
Me: We are missing one.
Chi: You clearly had a nap under the shade tree my love. You forgot Yoncé Banks, the first Queen of Drags.
Me: Oh you are right but I really forgot about her because, and that’s just me, her kind of pretty girl drag packaged with rather limited dance performances and the most questionable tuck since Jade Sotomayor on Drag Race season one is very very boring to me.
Chi: You never tuck.
Me: I don't do pretty girl drag so I don't have to.
Chi: ...
Me: Come on it’s not only the tuck it’s the fact that her tucker underwear was clearly visible ever single episode. Make sure that your stage outfits do fit kids.
Chi: So you don't agree with her winning?
Me: Well, and that once again is just me, she’s a one trick pony that never stepped out of her comfort zone in any meaningful way and she should have gone home for her Horror/Halloween performance.
Chi: You sound like Michelle Visage.
Me: Oh my dark lord you are right.
Chi: lol
Me: Anyway I would have loved to see Aria Addams win because from the top 3 she has the most potential and showed the most growth.
Chi: I have to admit for all the lip service production was paying to Drag as an art form during the season and even when the sent the other “pretty girl”  Katy Bähm home over Bambi Mercury I had hope. Handing the win to  the rather conventional Yoncé Banks felt like a let down.
Me: That’s what I’m saying. It felt like “We want a mainstream compatible winner for our sponsors.” and the medical problems Aria had sure helped create the perfect pretext to do just that.
Chi: My background is in marketing and the cynical voice in my head does agree with you but do we really want to know?
Me: Does it actually matter in the end? I think not. This show sure had it shortcomings but it managed to do 2 things. First it felt a lot more relaxed and “real” than Drag Race ever did. I loved it when they all went out partying. Second to give the German public an idea of how wide contemporary drag as an art form is.
Chi: On the competition side I liked the point system they used. I loved Conchita who was an amazing head judge and all the guests did really really well. Amanda Lepore is in deed one of the sweetest humans alive and Laganja Estranja is a grown up now.
Me: And she single-handedly gave a masterclass in how a dance focused Drag performance looks in 2019.
Me: There was a little too much crying for me and we never got into any depth about the problems we as a queer people face. Only this snippets with the “same old same, old” mainstream media always pulls when they talk about us.
Chi: That’s a narrative problem in wider media and the editing sure felt exploitative in some parts. Especially you as a long time activist pick up on such things almost intuitively.
Me: Yes it felt a little odd that Katy’s sob story had more screen time than real activists like Vava got and I absolutely loved it that Bambi refused to part take in the trauma navel gazing.
Chi: Oh yes Bambi had a couple of power moves in this season and I love the fact that she had the trans flag on stage with her in her opening performance.
Chi: Any last words?
Me: Aria Addams should have won the title. Candy Crush should have stayed longer and the top 3 should have been Aria Addams, Vava Vide &  Bambi Mercury because I greatly enjoyed what they brought to the table.
Chi: I’m not mad that Yoncé Banks won but I’m underwhelmed by it. I want to put the focus a little on  Catherrine Leclery[2]. She was never afraid to try something new and turning her Fairytale performance into a political statement about the rights of Indigenous people to a fucking Disney musical song was very very smart.
Me: Over all where do we stand?
Chi: Better than expected. The artistry was there the talent was there the presentation was fine for the most part. Going clubbing and having that spa night made this show more real and honest than all seasons of Drag Race combined.
Me: They did have a budget for the show and they used it well. For the future I hope they can get rid of some of this tired reality TV tropes like this fake and over exaggerated conflicts and keeping around contestants because they are a source of drama. I want to see the performances in full not this snippets that look like they’ve been edited by an hyperactive 10 year old who got his hands on 6 cans of red bull. Season 2 will show if it will evolve or turn into the usual shit show that passes as tv entertainment these days.
Chi: I fully agree.
Me: Congratulations to Yoncé Banks for being the first “Queen of Drags”
Chi: Congrats!
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Picture: Martin Ehleben / ProSieben
Instructions: To get our voices right read her lines with a Swiss accent and mine with a Bavarian one.
Note: The content of the post is edited together from conversations Chiara and I had over the last couple of weeks since the Show started airing. I translated and rephrased when needed so she ends up sounding a bit like me at some points. I’m sorry about that. 
[1] For those of you reading this and are not in the know we both are multi instrumentalists and vocalists with a spectrum from delta blues & early jazz all the way to technical death metal and post industrial 
[2] She hails from Brazil with black and Indigenous roots
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mazin-empress-g · 5 years
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Surprise hugs! :D First one is some good ol’ Jade/Alice, and the other is Dogma with @the-midnight-cat‘s OC Bern.
I was reading some old RPs and stuff and I got nostalgic ngfnsfgfnd
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nudeemogirlfriend · 2 years
When I see people like bern watts post “thanks for treating me like a queen” all I can think is that he’s cheating on her and she’s complacent. Maybe I’m just jaded. I don’t trust men but ESPECIALLY a man who looks like they have good intentions.
“No one really knows the ones they love. If you could hear everything they thought I bet you’d wish that they’d just shut up.”
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mhvarchive · 2 years
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Black Mobilities in the Atlantic World Conference
Institute for Black Atlantic Research University of Central Lancashire, UK 13-14 January 2022  
Online via Microsoft Teams
For a full programme please visit the IBAR website
The conference takes place online via Microsoft Teams. 
Attending the entire event or individual sessions is free of charge and open to the public. All registered participants will receive the access links to the conference sessions shortly before the conference.
To register, please send an email to Dr Andrea Sillis:  asillis1[at]uclan.ac.uk
Speakers include: Anna-Leena Toivanen, University of Eastern Finland; Barbara Gföllner, University of Vienna; Mapule Mohulatsi, University of the Witwatersrand; Astrid Haas, University of Central Lancashire; Bergit Arends, Courtauld Institute of Art, London, and Joy Gregory, Independent Artist and University of the Arts, London; Jeanne Essame, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Christine Eyene, University of Central Lancashire; Gigi Adair, Bielefeld University; Marcelo José Cabarcas Ortega, University of Pittsburgh; Claudine Raynaud, University of Montpellier; Katherine Burns, University of Edinburgh; Elisa Moris Vai, Independent Artist and University of Lille; Pamela Kea, University of Sussex; Jennafer Holt, University of Central Lancashire; Carmen Dexl, University of Regensburg; David Bousquet, University of Burgundy; Hakeem Adam, Independent Artist and University of the Arts, Bremen; Elisa Bordin, Ca’ Foscari University; Cristovão Nwachukvu, University of Florida; Dirk van Rens, University of Eastern Finland; Marian Ofori-Amoafo, University of Bayreuth; Valeria L. Carbone, University of Buenos Aires; María del Pilar Ramírez Gröbli, University of Bern; Hannah Jeffery, University of Edinburgh; and artists Adam Lowe, Jade Montserrat and Tayo Aluko.
image: courtesy of IBAR
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padansk · 3 years
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Down by the river. The water is the colour of Jade, it’s quite extraordinary. #eymattcamping #bern (at TCS Camping Bern -Eymatt) https://www.instagram.com/p/CS4wGpwMf-1/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Some say that erika is a polite girl. But she a really crazy person. Is it true?
I’m not sure why you would think the two are mutually exclusive and what exactly you mean with ‘crazy’ as I get you mean she has mental problems but there’s a moltitude of them which come with various deegree of difficulties in interacting with others and in behaving in what we consider the ‘normal’ way.
Still being polite isn’t the insurance that one is mentally healthy so I fail to see the connection between the two statements.
Also a good thing we should remember is that we know very little of the TRUE Erika or PrimeErika if you prefer to judge her mental health
All we know about her is that she believed her boyfriend might have been cheating on her she exibited a behaviour that some would label borderline to paranoia (very, very likely her boyfriend was cheating on her and therefore her fear was justified and not a delusion but the way she perlustrated his house was overboard... although she didn’t stalk him so maybe it wasn’t so bad as it seemed) but we can’t really say for sure as we really have not enough elements to judge nor we’re doctors.
It could be that what too us look like her excessive checking of his house was merely dictated by circumstances (maybe she was in charge of cleaning it so for her it wasn’t that weird to check it up) and by an overabundance of observation ability from her part.
It’s speculated that PrimeErika didn’t just fell off the boat but tosses herself off of it so she could have been suicidal and therefore suffers of depression... but again it’s just a speculation. It makes sense thematically but it’s nowhere stated in canon.
In short it’s possible and actually likely that Erika wasn’t in the best psychological conditions prior to her death but there are no proofs about this and anyway nothing we can speculate exclude she was a polite girl.
Going on.
What we get to know better are:
Piece Erika from Ep 5
Piece Erika from Ep 6
Meta Erika.
You might have noticed I didn’t consider Piece Erika from Ep 5 and Piece Erika from Ep 6 as the same person and the same applies for Meta Erika.
That’s because they’re NOT the same person.
Let’s dig in the pieces first.
The pieces are nothing else but MetaErika playing a roleplay game. She doesn’t bother doing things like staying in character, she plays the game the way she finds it more functional.
When you’re roleplaying you can decide your alignment is chaotic evil and go around murdering people in the game and planning to become an evil overlord... but this doesn’t mean in real life you’re willing to do the same. It’s a game and you just pretend to be chaotic evil during the game but this doesn’t mean YOU HAVE TO BE in real life.
So, in Ep 5 Erika decides her piece will be very polite. Now... her behaviour might be a little odd to us but that’s only because she’s actually playing the role of the detective and not even being subtle at this. In detective stories we see many detectives doing the same Erika does but the story usually covers the oddities of their behaviour up so that we don’t question how everyone let them do as they please.
Umineko had fun lampshading how a detective is actually behaving in a very unnatural way so it sets her up as ‘odd’, but that’s Umineko’s narrative choice. Erika fits the detective trope perfectly. The detective is normally as intellectually intrigued as her in face of a murder, questions everyone, inspects everything (usually even more than Erika did), his authority isn’t questioned but actually he’s consulted and he deliberately eavesdrops any possible conversation even prior to the happening of a crime.
Of course this works only because a mystery asks us to suspecnd our disbelief and accept this as normal behaviour. Umineko didn’t, so it felt very odd... and Umineko had fun making it seem even odder as PieceErika is genre savvy and MetaErika even uses her to talk with the gamemaster.
So well, to other pieces, who’re not genre savvy, Erika's behaviour might look very odd and questionable but still PieceErika isn’t ‘Erika’. She’s just a character in a game which defies its own rules (like it or not Umineko is a mystery and the fact it pretends not to be in Ep 5 is rather funny) and therefore she can act as she pleases.
In Ep 6 MetaErika decides for her piece to play a completely different role.
She doesn’t bother to have it be polite and even goes to use drastic measures to avoid losing and trapping MetaBattler in a logic error by having her piece decapitating other pieces.
This Erika is definitely not police and she’s definitely mentally disturbed but she’s not the real Erika. Would the real Erika have done it? We don’t have the slightest idea. What we know is that, so far, Prime Erika was never accused of being a murderer but hey, if MetaErika decided on having her piece being a motiveless murderer for the sake of winning a game who we are to blame her? It’s just a game, no real person was killed.
So you might claim Ep 6 Piece Erika is seriously mentally disturbed (I won’t try to analyze her here) but the truth si that Ep 6 Piece Erika is fundamentally a piece who’s moving in the way that’s more useful to Meta Erika in order to win a game. She’s not real, nor her murders are real.
To Meta Erika it’s all a story. We don’t go and accuse Ryukishi of the murders happening on Rokkenjima nor we doubt his mental health for writing such a story so we shouldn’t do the same for Meta Erika.
Now... what’s the psychological state of Meta Erika? And is she a polite girl?
Well, Meta Erika went for a polite approach with Battler in the beginning, but he rejected her. She wasn’t so bad with Ange or EvaBeatrice either and she’s definitely polite with Bern and Lambda.
So I’ll say that Erika can be polite if she wants to especially with who she views as superior to her or equal.
What Erika clearly isn’t is kind.
She’s not kind, she can be polite but she doesn’t really care about who’s around her. This doesn’t stop her from being polite when she want to/have to.
What about her mental health?
Hard to say.
She’s not in a normal situation that requires normal behaviour.
She’s undoubtedly beyond bitter and overly vengeful but there’s to say there’s Bern behind her forcing her to act a certain way under threats.
Erika isn’t FULLY free to act as she wants, she’s manipulated and threatened and she’s in an environment where ‘normal’ means something very different from what ‘normal’ means in our world.
After all people (and even ships!) can fly, can use magic to appear or disappear, goats have human body, Bern can turn into a cat, mosters walk around and can eat a full island making it disappear, people can but torn into one million pieces and then being sewed back together as if nothing had happened.
All this is far from ‘normal’ and yet everyone in the story accepts it as ‘normal’ because that’s how that world work.
So... judging Erika is really hard. Personally I wouldn’t call Erika’s condition as the condition of a person who has a good mental health. She’s too jaded, too negative, too abusive and too submissive even for the world she’s in.
There’s something broken in her.
But I come from a world where ‘normal’ means something completely different and, anyway I’m no doctor and therefore not supposed to give a medical opinion... and, at the end of Umineko, Erika seems to be in perfect health while she’s with Bern and Lambda so... it becomes even more difficult to put a label on her.
So I think if you want an accurate, detailed and trustworthy psychological analysis of Erika you should probably knock to a person who’s into the medical field. My three years of psychology are nowhere near enough for this. I can only point out the problems in her behaviours I can’t really give a diagnosis.
Sorry about it.
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honey-milk-depresso · 3 years
I saw a cartoon scene about twins in my country so I made this
Me: "You both are sync. I like that in twins-"
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