#jacob frye x reader imagine
reddeaddamnation · 7 months
Are you still taking requests? If so…some headcanons on Jacob freaking out during his child’s birth…I feel like he would be a completely out of his damn mind and end up doing…well Jacob type of things
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♡ Doctor Nightingale took one look at the condition he was in when he brought you into the delivery room and was like "Hell nah you're staying out here."
♡ How is it possible that you, the person who is LITERALLY about to give birth be calmer than the dad who is freaking out as if he is the one who is gonna deliver the baby?
♡ Being stuck outside makes him even more nervous. What the hell is happening in there? How long is it going to take? He hates that he can't watch over you and hold your hand.
♡ But his pacing and loud voice is going to make the midwives nervous too and things could go wrong.
♡ "Jacob either stay still in your chair or stand up and go get some fresh air!" Evie scolded him. The fact that he was bouncing his leg up and down was driving her nuts.
♡ Yeah, he should just get some air.
♡ He was so deep in thought he bumped into an intern who dropped all his notes and books at the door and the wind blew some of them away.
♡ Despite the cursing of the intern, Jacob walked around the perimeter of the hospital, coming back every ten minutes to ask Evie if the baby is here.
♡ He bumped into another impatient father and in his efforts to apologize, he knocked over a large ceramic vase, which shattered into a million pieces.
♡ "Why shouldn't I be in there? I just want to peek. To give some reassurance."
♡ Thousands of what ifs and scenarios that he babbles about and just makes Evie create her own little happy place in her mind away from Jacob
♡ "Sir, please stop talking, this is a hospital." One of the nurses scolded him gently.
♡ "Oh, right...right" Silence "But what about..."
♡ Florence Nightingale brings him his newborn child herself with a wide smile on her face, congratulating him.
♡ Jacob faints in his chair and falls back along with it at the thought of a baby this size coming out of you.
♡ Evie revels in the silence, holding the baby and whispering sweet things to them.
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gaminggirls · 1 year
Dating Jacob Frye:
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such a soft boy
loves having you close at all times 
physical touch is absolutely his love language 
would do anything for you 
kissing and making out all the time
once is never enough for Jacob 
super protective of you 
sometimes overly protective 
teasing each other loads
honestly the banter is top shelf 
he always has your back
Jacob is a great listener 
loves having you on his arm 
Evie for the life of her can’t understand how anyone would date her brother 
but she’s never the less happy for you both
Jacob loves you so much 
he’s always playing with your hair 
loads of sex
loves seeing you in his clothes 
Jacob has great respect and love for you 
he’s so in love he wants to shout it from the roof tops
no literally
one night the assassin got drunk and climbed to the roof and shouted about his love for you for half an hour 
he tries to be romantic
but in reality he more of an adorable dork 
constantly flirting with one another 
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While I'm talking about Yandere Assassin's Creed, I genuinely feel like Jacob just wouldn't take the hint that his darling doesn't like him. Like he either purposely ignores it or he's just delulu like that but once they enter his peripheral vision, he stops whatever conversation and immediately runs to flirt with you and tries to woo you. He orders his Blighters to watch over you and intimidate anyone who thinks of bothering you, even if you seem to enjoy their company and try to tell them that person is fine, they're under Jacob's orders.
He knows your entire day by heart and if you try to change it to shake him off, it won't be long till he adapts to that. Like you'll walk down a different city street more than usual and then you'll feel someone grab your waist from behind and its just Jacob whose all: "Boo!" and you push him away and he's all: "Sorry, luv! But this is such a dangerous street, I can't see why you'd ever want to walk down here!" but then he looms over you and is all: "Unless you were trying to avoid me." and if you look nervous or scared, he just laughs and assures you that he was just joking. Because why would you ever avoid him? He loves you! You're his soulmate♡
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valenli · 11 months
Headcanons for some of my favourite men in franchises (Games)
As I said I made more, and i need more ideas from games. However here are a few
Jacob Frye (ACS)
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Jacob loves being sarcastic. He often teases his S/O lady with his funny remarks, though he does his best to time them right
Jacob goes drinking with his S/O in order to have fun, and fight off any templar crooks who may try harming her
Even when he's older, his charismatic nature doesn't hide from his S/O. He let's her know by telling her jokes quietly or with letters filled with jokes
He boasts about his S/O to Evie though he used to tease her about 'Greenie'. However he does seem very compassionate about his S/O
Jin Sakai (GOT)
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Jin is pretty protective of his S/O. He let's her know this by holding her wrist in dangerous places or by holding his blade handle
Jin enjoys visiting hot springs with his S/O. Often to recover after his many battles with the Mongols and to get through his worries
Jin brings S/O with him to shrines they visit. Petting foxes is a must on their travels when passing through nature
Jin limits himself when drinking to make sure he's always sharp, but he let's S/O drink comfortably, even joking with her
Ignis Scientia (FFXV)
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Ignis often makes S/O her favourite dishes in order to avoid having to go to expensive places, also because S/O prefers his cooking
Ignis takes S/O around Altissia when possible, showing her the nicest areas and buys her small gifts with significant gifts
Health is important to Ignis. He makes sure his S/O is maintaining her health and staying clean
Even after losing his vision, he often let's his S/O know that it doesn't stop him from his old hobbies and he still does his best
Joseph Seed (FC5)
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Joseph often does bible studies with his S/O. They share their favourite verses together or discuss meanings
Joseph talks about his S/O to the followers, but mainly to his siblings. It's clear he loves her as he describes her in great measures
After the collapse, he'd probably live with his S/O. Enjoying the beauty of the Eden tree or the water from the waterfall
Joseph and his S/O would help the village against the highwayman as they'd have experience through the years against the foes
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swanimagines · 8 months
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Ezio Auditore da Firenze
Jacob Frye
Ratonhnhaké:ton/Connor Kenway
(Any of the other characters don't have any requests written nor pending as for now, so I'm unable to have serieses for them as AO3 requires you to have at least one oneshot written to be able to add it to a series, and I can't promise serieses for characters who don't have requests pending/I have no ideas of my own for them)
For anyone who's concerned, THESE ARE NOT ONESHOT COLLECTIONS, they are made using AO3's "series" feature.
If you want to be informed about new fics for Assassin's Creed or its individual characters, create an AO3 account and subscribe or bookmark any of those serieses listed above. There are buttons at the top right corner for those, or on top on mobile. I do not do Tumblr taglists anymore.
Also, if you're wondering, requests are ALWAYS open and you're welcome to leave one or multiple. Just remember to read my rules and pick a request type from this list.
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gauntletsandflowers · 2 years
Contemplating writing a Jacob Frye fan-fiction where he meets a bubbly and eccentric painter who just moved to London.
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kiatheinsomniac · 2 years
I love it when your requests are open! If it sparks any interest could I get the reader just really, really needs a hug from Jacob Frye? It's only Tuesday and I'm already over it. You're the best!! Hope your week is going better than mine!
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notes: sorry that it took me a while to get around to your request! I hope that your week got better in the end and that you're doing much better now <3
pairing: Jacob Frye x Reader
word count: 1.9k
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You let out a content sigh against Jacob's chest, inhaling deeply and taking in his scent of gunpowder, smoke and whiskey. Your bodies rocked slightly with the swaying of the train as the two of you stretched out on the sofa, Jacobs arms wrapping around your waist as his body cushioned yours.
"I could sleep for a year." You mumbled against him, yearning a small laugh and an adoring smile from him.
"Then rest for a while now." He murmured, his voice low and soothing in your ears as one of his hands came up to stroke through your hair, gently detangling it as he went, fingers massaging against your scalp in a way that had you melting against him even more.
Beyond a few chants in the pub, Jacob was by no means a singer, but he began to hum a small melody for you as he held you close, continuing to play with your hair as you drifted off on his chest. Only once he was sure you were asleep did he close his eyes and allow himself to rest too, knowing that you were safe and in his arms.
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☾ ⋆゚ Buy me a coffee?
🏷️@gojohater101 @daddyadler @writing-noah @havatnah @aarnodorian
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Rooks, you say? (Part 1) A Jacob Frye x Reader Imagine
This night was unlike any other night you’ve had, it was colder and quiet. The streets weren’t busy as it used to be, but at a distance you can hear the sounds of guns firing and men groaning. You assumed there’s a Gang War going on and you would love to take a peek at it, but you were somewhat not in a mood not to.
You entered a pub, your favorite pub, then quickly sat, facing the bartender. He motions to you and you quickly said, “The usual, please.” The bartender nodded and hands you a pint full of that bitter beer, which you have come to love the taste.  
You gulped down your drink like it was nothing, you decided to sit still for awhile and fancy some eavesdropping. This was also the way you gather intels or irrelevant rumors. Nothing interesting came up so you just sat there, sulking.
“What the bloody hell was the Council thinking!? I’m a trained Assassin! Almost a Masterassassin to be infact, but nooo,” you exclaimed to yourself, “Stay discreet, they say. Wait when the time is right, they say.” you mocked thougtfully. Then you made a Pffft sound from your lips and gulp down another pint of beer.
Just as you were enjoying yourself, the door bursts open with a hard force and in came four men with red coats. “Filthy Blighters.” you thoughtfully commented. Without looking back, you sensed them approaching to where you sat, but their heads on the bartender.
 “Oi! Be a nice chap and bring us some pints over here.” A Blighter ordered.
 Then he turns his face towards you, examining your figure with his distasteful, lustrous eyes. “Don’t want to disappoint a lovely lady over here.” he grins mischievously towards you.
The bartender hands them their drinks. 
“Cheers to us, m’lady.” he cheered whilst raising his pint at you.  
As the men began to drink, you quickly scoffed at them and look face to face at the annoying Blighter beside you. Then you retort, “Pity, your face alone is enough to make a lady disappointed.” He spouted his drink and gave you a glare. “What did you say!?” he asks seemingly pissed off. The Blighters close in on you, preparing to give you some havoc, but you know better.
“Now now lads, why don’t we take this outside. You might hear me clearly from out there.” you assured them with a fake smile.  You quickly stood and walk calmly with the menacing Blighters behind you outside the pub.
Once you were all outside, you erased that fake smile of yours and start threatening them with a serious tone, “All right you filthy maggots, if you wish to see another day, leave.” 
They scoffed. “Looks like we got ourselves a feisty bint over here, mates.” he turns to his gang and laughed. 
“Fancy some bruises? I’d love to see them when you wake up.” You smirk and prepared yourself for a brawl.
You examined your enemies first, two of them upfront and the other two behind. Blighter number one has his right hand inside his coat, probably reaching for a revolver. You hoped. Beside him, Blighter two was unarmed but has his fist ready and a position to pounce at you. Good. Three and four were the easy targets, one might possibly hope they would flee. And so it was done, let the brawl begin.
Just as you predicted, Blighter two pounce at you swinging his fists, but you swiftly dodge his moves and punched him at the guts, hard. With him holding his stomach, groaning in pain. You took him out with a punch on his face. Now off to number one, he was nervous and rather slow. Thankfully you were quick enough to stop him before reaching whatever it is in that coat of his and headbutted him and lastly punch him. The Blighter who teased you began to flee, leaving his friend behind. You loot the unconscious Blighter, thankfully, a revolver off his coat and pointed it straight at the Blighter who fled then you pulled the trigger and down he goes. Now you were left with enemy number four, who knelt down and begged to be spared. You were having second thoughts on whether or not you’ll let him go, assuming he’ll come back with more Blighters to take you down…or not.
“Spare my life, m’lady. I just did what I’m ordered.” he begged.
“An order that your lads obeyed,” you say promptly. “And look at them now, all roughed up and the other one dead.” you gestured at the unconscious Blighters and a corpse. Then you look back at the remaining Blighter and you saw the look of horror on his face on what you will do to him, but you decided to let him go. 
You gave a sigh and said, “ Fine. I’ll spare you, Meater. But the next time I see you, I will end you for good.”
He nodded then hastily runs away from you. 
After your brawl with some Blighters, a man in odd robes and a top hat approaches you with an impressed look on his face...
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☆ * • * • * • * • * • * • * ☆
The Hobbit & Lord of the Rings 🍃
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• Excuses - (Thorin Oakenshield x Child!Reader) Part One, Part Two & Part Three
• LOTR/TH Characters as wrong number texts! - Part One, Part Two & Part Three
• Sleepless Nights - (Fili x Reader)
• Insecurities - (Kili x Reader)
• Softly - (Kili x Reader)
* • * • * • *
Assassin's Creed 🗡
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(*mainly writing for Assassin's Creed III, Rogue & Syndicate )
• Aesthetics - Evie Frye , Jacob Frye , Henry Green , Jacob + Evie , Shay Cormac , Haytham Kenway , Liam O'Brien & Chevalier de la Verendrye
• Torn - (Liam O'Brien x Reader)
* • * • * • *
Hogwarts Legacy 🪄
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• Incorrect Quotes - Punch in the Crotch
• Aesthetics - Ominis Gaunt & Sebastian Sallow
• The Greatest Heist of All - (Slytherin Boys x Reader)
* • * • * • *
Van Helsing 🦇
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• Night Terrors - (Van Helsing Boys x Reader Imagines)
* • * • * • *
Being Human 🩸
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• Dancing With Death - (John Mitchell x Reader) Part One, Part Two & Part Three - COMING SOON
* • * • * • *
Star Trek 🪐
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(*mainly writing for AOS movie series - 2009-16)
Writing requests status - CLOSED.
(PLEASE NOTE ! - This is both a writing and personal blog. To be tagged in any fics I may write in future from the fandoms above*, let me know and specify which fandoms, characters, etc. you'd be interested in. Thank you 🥰❤).
(*more fandoms may be added/removed at any time).
(DISCLAIMER! - Any writing or other works published above are mine, based on their franchises which I do not own. I also take no ownership of gifs or images that I use in this post (or any I make), unless I specify my ownership. All credits for gifs and images go to their creators).
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causenessus · 1 year
Two Halves. | Jacob Frye
jacob frye x reader
anon req: "could you possibly do one with a female assassin reader where they have been friends for awhile but realizes he’s grown feelings for her and is just “OH NO” but doesn’t realize she likes him too?"
she/her pronouns
song recc: for the first time by mac demarco
word count: 733 words
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what are soulmates? what are humans, that we are not made whole without our other half?
Don't let feelings compromise the mission.
That was something his father had said.
Probably to keep him from being more reckless than he already was. Emotions could cause impulsive, dangerous actions if they could not be composed. Feelings for another person meant a weak spot that could be used against him and another life at risk.
That was probably his father's thinking.
But that wasn't even the problem.
It was realizing there were feelings and that he had no idea how to deal with them. Only that they were heavy and longing.
Longing for her.
It was the first time they had been separated in a while, with her on a mission in another district outside of London. It was only for a day, two or three at max, yet as soon as he had seen her off at the train station everything had dulled. There was a breath caught in his chest, hoping to be ambushed by her at every corner.
Perhaps it was a feeling of incompleteness.
Without her there was no one to make sense of his thoughts, finish his sentences, or devise schemes with.
It was during a hijack two days after her departutre, as he was maneuvering a carriage full of cargo through people and nearly missing lampposts, when he felt rather apathetic with no one to share his thrill with that it really hit him.
Perhaps his feelings were stronger than he realized. Being around her for so long, he didn't realize how much of him was missing without her.
But surely he was the only one who felt this way. How embarrassing would it be when she returned completely normal because she could live without him just fine?
That had done it. He couldn't live without her. That's what had caused these feelings.
His father's words had then reluctantly came to mind. But he was never one for following them, anyway.
It wasn't like his feelings were compromising anything, though. He had delivered the cargo just fine, but he was distracted. Never thinking of the mission, just her.
But it would be too complicated to try and find her in a foreign district. Where would she stop first when she returned?
A train blew as if to respond and he followed.
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He awoke in a daze, not even sure when he fell asleep, to light footsteps on the roof of his train car and sat up squinting. It was dark outside and the wall scones barely glowed, flickering as if they were about to give out. He almost thought he had imagined hearing something when a shadow swung into the doorway and ran towards him.
He stood up in surprise before the figure came clear and his heart jumped.
"[Y/N]," he breathed. Overcome with surprise and joy, he could only open his arms in time to receive her body which had thrown itself into him. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he spun her.
"Jacob," she murmured, squeezing him tighter and moving one hand to run through his hair.
They stood in the pale lighting of the train car silently, like lovers in a kitchen at midnight, they enveloped each other, with her arms draped around his shoulders, face pressed into his coat while he rested his hands on her hips.
After another moment of stillness, he gently brought a hand to rub her shoulder, trying to tell himself everything that had happened was normal. This was what friends did. "Everything go well?" he asked softly, feeling rigid from all the unexpressed emotions inside of him. He wanted to lift her up, kiss her, tell her he loved her, and so much more.
She only pressed her face further into his coat, shaking her head to dismiss the question, "I missed you so much."
He was so torn between the lines, was missing someone so much a normal friendly thing?
"Jacob," she whispered again, pulling back from his coat but keeping her arms around his neck, inches away from him.
He couldn't stop himself from gingerly caressing the side of her face. And whether they both moved or one closed the gap, it had been instinct, a product of two hearts that had mourned for each other.
It resolved all of Jacob's unrequited feelings and he felt that he was once again complete. Everything felt whole with his other half in his arms.
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thatcrazycrowgirl · 1 year
hey saw your post and i have a couple thoughts...
So i think about this a lot but cuddling on a rainy with a bunch of blankets and some tea and perhaps a fire🫠
Or maybe when theyre running about in London while it rains heavily and then seeking shelter and waiting for it to stop and Jacob only has shenanigans in his head 😂🫠
My dear anon, Jacob Frye and rainy days are ALWAYS a combination I can get behind! <3 The amount of times I've imagined Jacob seeking shelter with his beloved (or me *coughcough*) is innumerable. lol
Whether it's cuddling and/or making out in front of a warm fire, wrapped up in blankets and enjoying some tea, or indulging in certain "shenanigans" to warm back up, after being caught in the rain, any of those situations is welcome brain fodder! ^_^
If you haven't read them already and are interested, I did actually write a few Jacob x Reader fics involving such things, so feel free to check them out!
Out in the Rain, But in Your Arms (SFW; light sensuality)
Small Comforts for a Rainy Day (SFW; light sensuality)
A Morning Mess (N-SFW; descriptions of physical intimacy)
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tabbycatto · 10 months
Hello, babes. It's been a long time and i apologize, but I can't promise I won't dip out again. Right now, i will try to write again on the asks in my inbox. I won't be active much though!
I updated the masterlist :) probably will keep updating
NO incest!!!
i'm open to yandere/stalker/dark themes and mature themes
Evie Frye
Jacob Frye
Corvo Attano
The Outsider
Satoru Gojo
Eddie Gluskin
Waylon Park
Miles Upshur
Blake Langermann
Leon S. Kennedy
Claire Redfield
Albert Wesker
Karl Heisenberg
Dimitrescu daughters
Alcina Dimitrescu
Ethan Winters
Tanner Grayton
Joseph Oda
Sebastian Castellanos
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lurking--shadows · 3 years
A/N: I keep seeing people like my old Jacob Frye x Reader post and now I'm low key simping for him again so I figured a lengthy drabble would suffice to get me back into this game. If you have any suggestions, even if for random characters don't hesitate to ask! I do apologize for not putting much interaction with the battle scenes. It's not my best area and rather go straight to their interactions outside of it.
Word Count: 1,374
Characters: 7,424
Prompt: "I think I'm in love with you."
"Not the best idea you ever had, but I'll happily take it."
Why did you have to join along with Jacob and his shenanigans? Why must you torture yourself? If it weren't for his dashingly good looks (don't ever tell him that, he already had a substantial ego as it is, no need to further enlarge it), you wouldn't be in this situation at all. 
He had pleaded for your assistance in taking out a Blighters hideout in the heart of Westminster. He explained that conquering the hideout would benefit in conquering all of Westminster. If it had been a random hideout you would've declined. However given how much of a hindrance they've been as of late, on top of Jacob giving puppy eyes (an adorable sight, you may add), it was impossible denying such a request; though you had claimed you were only doing it as part of your duty as an assassin. 
You had known the twins for quite a long time during your time in the British Brotherhood of Assassin's. You had trained alongside them up until the twins' father had passed. During that time you developed a long-term crush on the younger twin, which Evie had noticed. For years she would tease you about it. Well, she did, until you began teasing her about Henry once he came around. All of a sudden she would hush you with a red face. Anytime he needed help, you were right by his side. You didn't know if it was due to that crush of yours or if it was because you knew how reckless he was. 
Probably both.
It was no easy battle either, much to your displeasure. Jacob had decided going in with a bang would be the best bet. Note: it was not; a bad decision really, but it's from Jacob, what did you expect? It was harder for you to stealth your way in since they were alarmed and already heading your way. A lengthy battle filled with scattered dead bodies and a bountiful of curses towards Jacob, which he laughed at when able to. You did get the occasional hit, however, the worst damage you had gotten was a deep gash on your arm. You had focused entirely on the blight in front of you, giving the blight on your side to slash his knife on your raised arm. You had hissed in pain, the burning sensation worsening after handling the blight in front of you. Jacob noticed your hiss and took out the blight before he could do more damage. Luckily that had been the last blight needing to be taken down. A successful mission, excluding that hefty gash on you. 
While awaiting for rooks to come and establish themselves, Jacob began tending to your wound. Well, tried to at least. It was entertaining seeing him struggling to find clothes and water in the hideout. You weren't sure if it was due to fatigue or worry. Regardless, it somewhat resembled a headless chicken running about. While he was busy searching, you took a blight's shirt and tore a strip to wrap around your arm in order to stop the bleeding. You ended up searching for an aide kit as well since you figured you would have better luck finding it than Jacob, who was spewing curses. If you weren't so lightheaded you would have laughed. Minutes had passed and your search was uneventful, causing you to slightly panic. 
In the midst of your panic, Jacob came behind you and grabbed your shoulder. You jumped before turning around and grabbed his arm with your injured one, pain shooting up your arm. With a hiss, you released his arm to cradle your injured arm to your chest. 
"Now what was the point of doing that, knowing it was going to hurt?" Jacob scolded, his eyebrows furrowing while he squinted. 
"What's the point of grabbing me, knowing it was a bad idea?" You retorted, sarcasm oozing in your voice. A scowl formed on your face as you glared at him. Jacob could only roll his eyes, "Just sit down so I can tend to your wounds unless you wish to let it get infected." He warned. You glared at him once more before letting out a sigh and sitting on a nearby crate. There was no point in arguing with him, with him being as stubborn as a mule it was futile. It didn't help you get more light-headed by the minute either. So, you caved in and let him tend to your wounds with no remarks. 
It was silent as Jacob tended to your wounds while you alternated between looking at him and looking at your wound. For as reckless and thoughtless as he is, you were impressed by his skill in cleaning out your wound and bandaging it. You couldn't help but watch his skilled hands tending to you and let your thoughts wander.
"You're staring," Jacob mumbled, his eyes not once leaving your arm. Your eyes widened and looked away as you ignored the burning sensation on your face. 
"So? How else am I supposed to make sure you don't do more damage to me?" You raised an eyebrow, though a smile toyed with your lips.
"I'm wounded that you believe I'm incapable of catering to injuries. How do you think I can fight after every mission?" A frown took over his face, his eyes glancing up at you before dabbing your wound with antibiotics. You hissed in pain, getting a small apology from Jacob in the process. 
"I figured it was either Evie or a rook cleaning your wounds if it were dire enough."
“Continuing to wound me, I see? The least you could do is tell me what you’re thinking.” He let out a small chuckle, dropping the antibiotic rag and unwrapping the bandages.
You had grown silent, chewing on your lip. You were debating telling him, though you feared losing the relationship you have with Jacob. It wasn’t just your crush that lured you to him. No, it was his personality. With him, you felt so carefree and able to joke around (even going as far as pranking each other). He was really the only one you felt you could let your walls down besides Evie.
“I think I’m in love with you.” You blurted out, looking up at him and watching his reaction. His eyes weren’t on you and instead focused on finishing up bandaging your arm. Though he had no real emotion on his face, he was quiet. Nerves began to eat at you. What if it wasn’t mutual? Did you ruin it? 
"Not the best idea you ever had, but I'll happily take it." He looked up at you with an eyebrow raised, a smirk on his lips. 
Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “And joining you in this foolery was better than being in love with you?”
“A poor mistake, really.”
You let out a snort. You mulled over his words, butterflies flowing through you. ‘I’ll happily take it’. You paused, “Wait, so you’re fine with this?” Confusion was written all over your face. It wasn’t exactly a rejection, nor was it really an acceptance. What..?
Jacob stood up, and before you could react, he placed his hands on the side of your legs, effectively trapping you. Your breath hitched as he leaned closer to you. “As if my response weren’t any clearer, let me give you a more concrete answer.” He leaned closer until your lips connected. Your hand instinctively went to cupping his face as you reciprocated the kiss. Your lips felt as if they were perfect for his own. If you were able to, you would kiss him all day if he permitted. He pulled back, much to your displeasure. Slightly panting, you look down at his lips before staring into his ocean blue eyes that was staring into your own.
“Did that answer your question?” That cocky smirk was still on his face, causing you to scowl.
“Just shut up and keep kissing me.” You gripped his shirt and crashed your lips onto his. He let out a small laugh against your lips. He listened to your demand and deepened the kiss. After all, who was he to deny such a request from someone he’s been enchanted by?
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recreationalfanfics · 10 months
Do you have any thoughts on older/jack the ripper dlc jacob? Personally i think older jacob is hotter than young Jacob- both are hot, but older jacob does something to me fr 😮‍💨 I honestly think Jacob would send his darling off to Evie during the whole thing or away with their children (if they had any) but still. I just like the thought of Jacob being a little more chill with his darling but also still being completely delusional over how the start of their relationship was love at first sight and totally perfect while their darling is just like 🤨 Jacob tells his kids that you and him just instantly connected whereas you’re biting your tongue from pointing out that you almost threw at a beer mug at his head 😂 I’m so curious on your thoughts- i just love this man lol
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- I can imagine that first and foremost, he would definetly send you and any children you two have (should you want any) over to Evie or somewhere far away where Jack can't hurt you when he gets threatened by him.
- Also, since Jacob adopted Jack, imagine Jack being sort of like a platonic yandere but the kind of yandere who thought it would be more merciful to "free you" from Jacob by killing you, so Jacob being conflicted but also feeling guilty for not recognizing Jack and the darkness in him sooner (or even making it worse by filling his head with his ideologies).
- But yeah, no, at that point you have Stockholm Syndrome so you're honestly relieved when you return home and quickly become concerned when you see Jacob and when Evie leaves to go back to India, you caring and tending to Jacob and helping him adjust.
- And even without his other eye, the intensity of his obsessive passion for you is not dimmed by any means. It burns as bright as they cursed day he laid eyes on you for the first time. He's so happy to have you back in his arms safe and sound.
- Also, yes, older Jacob becomes a bit "fuzzy on the details" of how you two meet. He often jokes about how you "played hard to get" and by that, he meant "you literally tried to flee the country but his rooks cut you off and then brought you to him where he trapped you and kept you locked away from the rest of the world" and how you've given up on correcting him because he's so convinced that's what happened.
Older! Jacob: "I was determined to make sure they weren't the one who got away!"
Older! You: "Yes. Yes he was. Very determined. Scarily determined, some might say."
- Both couples old and young envy the both of you and women of all ages tell you how lucky you are to have married a man who was so handsome and so obsessed with you. If you were younger, you would've looked at them in disgust but instead, you nod your head and say: "Yes, there is no one quite like my Jacob" and when Jacob hears, he feels his heart skip a beat and he's suddenly back to being the love sick puppy he was when he first "courted" you.
- But yes he would be rather chiller the older he becomes and this is mostly because you've finally accepted that you're never getting away from him. If you make any bitter or passive aggressive comment, instead of pouting or being upset, he will chuckle or roll his eyes before kissing you because for all that sass; you both know that he won in the end.
- He also trusts you enough to go on morning strolls with him, his arm linked around yours as you both walk down the city just for the view or go to the market together and he isn't worried to let you out of his sight for a bit (Younger Jacob would've been stressing and wouldn't calm down until you were back in his line of sight) and he enjoys how the two of you have conversations instead of screaming matches, conversations where he is reminded of why he loves you so much and how he simply will never let you go.
- The mornings are nice the older you two get, your chairs next to each other as you read the paper and you feel Jacob's eyes on you, admiring you, studying you, enjoying the fact that you were finally his and his alone. Then he'd grab your hand and tenderly rub his thumb on top of your knuckles before he sits up to kiss your cheek. When you were younger, he would've had to grab you by chin to keep you from moving away but instead you stay still and turn to give him a peck on the cheek which makes him hum in delight.
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valenli · 11 months
Jacob Frye x (Fem) Reader
Imagine you help patch up Jacob Frye after a fight club, but he confesses it was for good reason? (and it is your birthday no less!)
(warning: blood, stitching)
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Jacob Frye, what a force of nature was he. Jacob was either the best person to be around, or he'd cause you to be behind bars. As his supervisor on the train (as demanded by Evie Frye) I'd often have to patch him up whenever I'd stop by Whitechapel to get groceries for the Rooks aboard the train. But this time it was different, I looked for Jacob left and right around the fight club but he was simply missing. This wasn't good as he could easily have lost to a templar crook and been dragged out, and seems my theory wasn't far fetched as when I walked around the alleyways I found Jacob surrounded by templars. I carefully hid behind some wooden crates and looked through my pockets for anything I could use, having only one smoke bomb, a cherry bomb, and a single throwing knife, I had to be creative. I could see at lease five men, one of them being the fight club champion. I decided I'd get them to separate, I threw the cherry bomb down the alley and got two to depart from the other three. I then threw the smoke bomb at the threw and one blade directly to the head of the fight club crook. I managed to strangle the two men and once the smoke bomb cleared I picked up Jacob by his under arms and dragged him to the nearest carriage. Some time passed before I got aboard the train and placed Jacob in the bed, looking through his injurys I found something in his pocket, a large amount of money, made sense why they wanted so bad. Soon I began stitching in the injuries and heard groans from the big man baby.
Jacob had woken up with a big startled yet tired expression. I frowned softly, letting him know that I had been rather disappointed.
"the.. The coins! Where are they?" he exclaimed
"calm down your highness Frye, I have them put away, if you hadn't noticed we're safe in the train. Your welcome"
I sighed finishing my words and gently wrapped his arms in a bandaid. He calmed down and wouldn't stop looking into my eyes with that childish puppy eyed look he often gave Evie when talking about the rooks.
"whats the matter Jacob? Tell me would you.. I'm trying to finish up" I held his arm closely to my lap and put down the bandaid roll
"well I wasn't just beating away at those punks for my own entertainment, though it was quite fun I admit. I was going to get you something" he said smiling, I noticed the blood in his bottom lip and pouted. I got a needle and thread and got closer to patch the lip up. "well, what was your goal then? Mmm? Carry all of the rooks money so you could lose it all gambling away in that godforsaken fight club?" i said as I stitched his lips as best I could. Seeing his face red all over with his eyes blueberry colored wasn't something I enjoyed knowing I could've stopped it by telling him to stay put on the train.
"i was going to get you a gift, your highness Y/N. Not just any actually, buttt.. Oww, can't tell you now can I?" he smirked all smugly like the jester he can be sometimes. I knew asking him what it was would lead me to a cat and mouse game of words. I rolled my eyes and continued to patch him up in his arm with the bandaid roll, I could see in the corner of my eye he was looking at me still, waiting for me to speak. "look, whatever may be the reason for your foolish games better be good" i looked at him and frowned. Getting up as I finished helping me but I felt his weaker hand hold mine, I looked over slowly towards Jacob. A smile drew on Jacobs face as he sat up, "i think your the perfect reason to get beat up for, Y/N". I could feel myself get red on my face and I sighed softly. "look, your highness Frye. I'll let you go just this once since it is my important day, alright?" I smiled, deep down his ridiculous manner was to my liking. Jacob stood up as best he could and carefully placed his hand on my face, his hand was roughed up greatly but there was a gentleness that I felt in his hand, he smiled softly when I held his hand closer to my cheek. I could feel his lips meet mine as we closed eyes, after a minute or so I heard Evie chuckle softly. Jacob jumped and looked over.
"whatcha doin there Jacob?" Evie teased her brother, this was the first time she'd ever seen him kiss someone. He chuckled softly, "just wishing her happy birthday is all, why?". Jacob had a mission to get to it seemed, once Evie headed out. Jacob held me carefully, smiling, "seems as though the early morning crow has yet another fight to attend, Y/N" he kissed me once more, I kissed back and placed his top hat on his head, smiling widely. "you have a city to save my Jacob dear, you should get going" he walked out the door and followed to watch. He stood on the roof of the train. "happy birthday to the wonderful Mrs Frye to be" he said jumping away to his mission fast as the night
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reddeaddamnation · 3 years
Imagine: Being Jacob’s lover and Jack the Ripper abducting you [part 3]
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Warnings: Stockholm syndrome, attempted suicide by poisoning, knife play, drug abuse, NSFW. Yeah, this is Jack the Ripper, don’t expect cotton candy clouds and romantic dinners
A moment to yourself was all you needed. In your crazed state, reality meant nothing to you anymore. In the weeks that passed, you felt that nothing mattered to you. As an assassin, you encountered countless of atrocities and had to do many yourself. But the defenselessness, the loneliness and anxiety finished what was left of your shattered soul and Jack the Ripper noticed. 
The first time you felt the cold caress of his blade against your skin, you thought that this time he was certain on killing you. But as the feather-light stroke of the metal ran up your thigh, not hard enough to cause bleeding, but enough to leave a mark, you realized... this was arousing him. He was enjoying watching you squirm and whimper...
You were disgusted with yourself, with what you were doing. But most of all, you hated yourself for loving it. You closed your eyes, falling away into a blissful state, as his gloved hand caressed up your thigh. A sharp sting brought you back from reality and looking down, you noticed a small incision on your left thigh. His hand left your body and gripped your chin in a surprisingly gentle manner. “Keep your eyes on me.” you could hear the grin in his voice “Otherwise I’ll have to blindfold you.” His tone was low, seductive.
You swallowed hard and nodded your head in understanding. Jack pressed you against the wall and hoisted you up so that your legs wrapped around his waist. The scar you had left on his face had twisted from the grin on his lips and was illuminated by the single candle he brought with him and the sight made you shiver. He reminded of a demon. 
The knife glided down your throat, slicing away at all the garments you wore. You dared not move, taking small, shallow breaths. His hand caressed up your body, where the knife had sliced, gently, teasing, barely touching the skin. You closed your eyes, heat pooling between your thighs. You wanted to grind against him, but were unsure of his reaction. A short, ever so slight thrust was all you had the courage to do, looking at him straight in the eyes and he seemed to like it, because he kissed you passionately.
You were afraid of admitting to yourself. Were you falling for him? Or was it just this side of him you liked? But you didn't intend to leave Jacob and Evie to die because of this monster. You knew they were counting on you to help. Yet Jack was so sweet to you, as if he truly cared. He brought you different little presents and talked to you, telling you about himself and asked about you in return...
Another sharp wave of pain brought you down to earth when Jack pressed the tip of the knife against the underside of your breast, just enough to draw blood and withdrew his lips from yours, only to latch them onto the wound, sucking on it. "Jack!" You moaned his name, receiving a hum in return. His knife danced all over your body, leaving small cuts here and there, but never too deep or dense. He wanted to mark you.
He ripped the rest of your dress off and unbuckled his belt. He bottomed out in a single harsh thrust, making you bite your lip and dig your nails in his back. His pace was merciless, pounding you into the wall with unmatched strength until you were limp, leaning on his shoulder, moaning and drooling. You lost track of time by the time he pulled out of you and came on your thighs.
Jack set you down and tidied himself up, before leaving the room. That was when you looked at yourself for the first time. Cuts littered your breasts, belly and thighs, as well as bite marks and hickeys here and there on the upper half of your torso. He came back with a small bottle in hand, placing it on the small table nearby. You read the label. Morphine. "In case you are in pain." He explained, sitting down next to you and taking you into his arms again.
"Now. Evie Frye has arrived in London yesterday and must have already started looking for her brother. I want you to earn her trust enough. And kill her." At that statement, you jumped and pushed him off yourself, heart sinking to your stomach, eyes wide in shock and all the hatred coming back in a milisecond. "I will never!" You shouted, but he easily overpowered you, grabbing you by the hair and whispering in your ear menacingly. "Yes you will. Or I swear, I will kill your beloved Jacob right here in front of you in the most slow and painful way. Would you rather hear him screaming instead?"
You were shocked. Tears threatened to leave your eyes and you shivered uncontrollably. "You have all the time in the world to think about it." He let go and left the room with an angry, heavy step. You slumped to the floor again, still shocked, streaks of tears painting your face. Your eyes landed on the morphine bottle on the table.
No, you weren't going to play his sick games. Standing up slowly, you walked over to the table and grabbed the drug with shaky hands. The first gulp burned your throat. The second... Several more gulps and the bottle was downed "Jacob's life depends on you. I wouldn't even think about what you're doing." Jack's voice filled your ears as he grabbed the glass container out of your hands. With every breath you took, the urge to vomit became stronger. Your eyes watched him with hatred, disgust.
"You know what to do."
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