#jackie blathers
frecklesandfanfics · 2 years
Listen, I hate ship wars and find them irritating beyond belief. That being said, I’m finally catching up on Stranger Things and y’all tryna tell me that Mileven isn’t endgame? The look on El’s face when she sees Mike get off the airplane? The way he stutters over telling her excitedly about the flowers he picked for her? These kids adore each other and you will not convince me differently. 
(Also, poor Will. That awkward hug hurt my soul.)
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hoss-bonaventure · 4 months
nat and jackie’s relationship drives me NUTS! you’re telling me that nat was the one who buried her bones? the one who wrapped her so delicately in cloth and carried her across feet of snow just to make sure she’s at rest? the one who sat down with her in the wreckage of the plane and give her the most meaningful sendoff she could’ve gotten? nat didn’t NEED jackie the way those girls did. they way they wanted her was carnivorous and clinical, one-sided. they ripped away her sanctity, her autonomy, her literal flesh. they feasted on her and tore her from shred to shred because even in death, jackie gives. nat didn’t NEED to put jackie at rest, but she did because she knows what’s it’s like. after all, isn’t nat also just a pile of bones in the middle of the forest, just giving and giving and giving? nat didn’t NEED to give jackie that good-bye, but she did cause she’s a giver and a lover and she knows that’s going to kill her the way it killed jackie.
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arthurwilde · 5 months
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imadhatt3r · 2 years
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sapphic-lottienat · 5 months
guys mari's a little hater but i love her so much LIKE dont u remember when they first find the lake she like blathers on to jackie about how when they get back they should totally put their lockers together now that theyre bonded and friends BRO SHES SO CUTE
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Runaway - A Manny (Mayans MC)/Hannah Gray (OC) Story.
I said I would wait to begin posting this, but I’m just starting chapter eleven and I absolutely cannot wait! It isn’t going to be epically long, and I have also made the chapters much more bitesized (2k or less on the word count) so you guys aren’t bombarded by my usual long reads and blathering on (lol!) 
Since I know that Manny is very popular, I’m going to set the unlock at 50 notes to get the first chapter (which will begin being posted after BTBT is done) this just the prequel, so you have plenty of time to make that happen. Now, I don’t mind a bit of system cheating, but I would like to see how much this can happen organically, with everyone participating in the likes, comments and reblogs. So, with that being said, on with the show!
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Taglist - In the comments
Words - 1,104
Warnings - 18+ content throughout, minors DNI!
“Do you, Hannah, take Michael, to be your lawfully wedded husband? To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, ‘till death do you part, according to god’s holy law?”
Did she?
Hannah felt as if she were going deaf to all around, other than the ringing in her ears, a wave of heat rising through her as her heart hammered. The minister sounded like he was speaking to her through water, his voice distorted, the weight of the stare from the entire congregation upon her as she opened her mouth, swallowing when she began to salivate excessively.  
Did she?
Because this was for the rest of her life. Of course, if it didn’t work then there was always divorce, but should she, the bride herself, really go through with such a commitment if the word divorce was coming to her as she stood there at the altar, unable to speak? Her eyes flitted over to the stable forces that were her dad and stepmom, both of them staring back at her with concern, Jackie mouthing ‘are you alright?’, Hannah still stood there, gaping like a fish out of water, her legs tingling.  
“Babe?” Michael spoke, nudging her. “Come on, don’t leave me hanging here.”  
She turned again, looking out to her side of the church, so sparse compared to the small army that was Michael’s friends and family, with it dawning on her as every second stretched out.  
‘I’m sorry, pumpkin. I can’t do it. I can’t go ahead and watch you make a mistake, and I think it is, you marrying him.’ Shonda. Her ride or die, and she wasn’t there looking beautiful in jade green satin as a bridesmaid, because she couldn’t stand Michael.  
‘Grampy and I won’t be attending, sweetheart. I’m sorry.’ Her grandmother. Ethel Gray was much too polite and mild-mannered to come out in as many words and say it, but she and her husband Bill had never liked him either. Hell, her parents were only there because she’d pleaded with them. Rob and Jackie Gray were also upon the side that said Michael Hansen was a completely unsuitable choice for their beloved daughter.  
‘Sorry, Han. Ain’t coming. I don’t like that dude, never have, never will.’ Steve, her elder brother hadn’t been so discreet. Neither had her younger, Jack.  
Standing there, it was the moment it hit her, how wrong it was. Her best friend, her brothers, her grandparents, most of her cousins, everyone who had refused, they should have been there. This was her wedding day, and they weren’t there, all because they saw what she refused to, or rather did and instead, stuffed down, excused away, tried to convince herself she could live with. It was her last shot at happiness, she’d convinced herself it was. But was it? Really?  
“Hannah, would you like me to repeat the vows again?” the minister asked quietly, breaking the deathly silence that had fallen over the church.  
She shook her head. “No.” Her bouquet slipped from her hand before she’d even turned to look up at her fiancé, roses and lilies shedding their petals upon the parquet floor. “I can’t, I’m so sorry.” Turning, she gathered her dress, reaching to take the small, oyster lace clutch from her now-never-would-be sister-in-law before running back down the aisle, a chorus of gasps echoing through the sacred space, Hannah praying that her ankles didn’t buckle, having to run in five-inch heeled Manolo Blahnik’s. She’d chosen the very same Hangisi royal blue stilettoes that her heroine Carrie Bradshaw had worn to marry Mr Big. Except she was the one doing the jilting in this instance.  
“Hannah! Wait!”  
Michael’s voice propelled her faster down the steps, people all around stopping and pointing as they witnessed it, a real-life runaway bride situation. Her heart hammered hard with every step, her armpits beading with sweat as she felt her stomach lurching, swallowing hard, knowing she had to escape him.  
“Hey lady! Fucking watch it!” the man behind the wheel of the car she ran out in front of through the traffic yelled, Hannah swerving, realising how stupid and perilous her decision to cross the highway was, her head spinning as her eyes darted around, looking for a cab, turning back to see Michael hurtling down the grass bank that flanked the church.  
“Hannah! Get back here, now!”  
“Fuck!” Panic flooded her, dodging between the cars, horns blaring even though the traffic was slow moving that morning, looking for her escape when suddenly, it called out to her.  
“Hey darlin’, you need a ride?” Turning her head in the direction she’d heard the smooth, husky voice call, she saw a tall man aboard a massive black Harley. The trepidation she felt when noticing the Mayan kutte lasted all of five seconds, hearing Michael yelling at her again. It wasn’t the cab she’d been looking for, but an outlaw on an iron horse was perhaps the better option for making a speedy getaway.  
“Yes! Thank you!” she cried, moving around the front of the white Lincoln Navigator that had kindly stopped to let her cross into the next lane, hoiking up her dress a little further as she straddled the back of the motorcycle.  
“Where you wanna go, mamas?” the man asked.
“As far away from here as possible.”
He pulled back the throttle, the bike sounding like thunder in her ears. “I gotchu.” Over eighteen hundred cc’s roared ferociously as he pulled out and cut through the traffic, the all-black Street Bob thundering away down the highway, Hannah yanking her veil off before wrapping her arms around his slender waist, her heart still going ten to the dozen as she left a shocked, angry looking former fiancé in her wake, her veil fluttering down at his feet as he watched her ride away.  
“You okay there?” he asked as they took a right at the intersection, feeling that she held onto him with a shaky grip.  
“Yes... no... erm...” she floundered. “I’m Hannah, by the way.”
He chuckled a little. “I’m Manny. Sounds like you need me to take you to the nearest bar, Hannah.”
“Immediately, if not sooner!”
He was planning on going home, lighting up a joint and maybe calling his regular no strings attached girl for some afternoon fun, with little else to do with his day. Rescuing a bride who’d obviously had some very last minute second thoughts was certainly a very random derailing of that initial plan, but one he wasn’t mad about.  
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prettybluelites · 8 months
Thoughts: Impossible Birds
Okay, to hold me over until Thursday, I'm going to rewatch and blather about each of the existing three episodes, one each, today tomorrow and Wednesday. It won't be true "reaction" because I'm on...oh, the 6th rewatch? But I'll try to cover the stuff I know I was thinking when I watched the first time.
Action right out of the gate. Love a good dream sequence. Rhys looking alarmingly Branagh-esque.
First lols of the new season: "You absolute twaaaaaaaaa..." and the tackle hug. That just looked like it hurt.
More on this bit in the previous post, where I wrote about "I Love My Baby."
This scenery was well worth the wait, goddamn
Not gonna lie, I'm not a fan of fart jokes, but it got them back to reality pretty quick. So I guess I have Wee John's farts to thank for the outstanding pacing so far.
THEY PIMPED THE SWEDE OUT TO JACKIE, omg, I fucking DIED at Roach practically pushing him into her lap. "He's single!"
Also lmao at Buttons' plaintive "May we go back to the sea now?" The flip side of "Are we there yet?" They really are just little children.
I know I'm supposed to be caught up in the "Trust No One" tattoo but I'm distracted by Taika's waist
Jesus Christ there's a lot to unpack in that wedding officiant's speech. "Elevate the common human rabble," yeeesh. I mean, I know that was a thing, like, "people of our standing" or whatever. But yeesh.
That close shot of Ed's eyes when he says "I'm the fuckin' devil"--that's something that grabbed me when I first watched the trailer. Or teaser, whichever it was. There's not a single glimmer of light there. He's so tired and broken and it's all there in his eyes.
The wedding raid is probably a vaguely inappropriate time to mention that Vico is still, as I believe Nathan Foad put it, the hottest human being on the planet
Obsessed with Archie
Obsessed with Susan/Zheng Yi Sao
Obsessed with Auntie
I'm not going to analyze the Izzy stuff much at this point because there's already been a lot of that and I haven't fully processed my feelings so right now I'm just going to leave it at, Con O'Neill is fuckin incredible
Swede has assimilated well, I see
Firm believer that everybody looks cuter when they're wet. Stede looks cuter but mostly sadder
"Could be, could be, mate" - I screamed
Ricky is obviously ew and I hated sitting there helpless while he played Stede like the proverbial fiddle
Stede's look when Swede says "husbandly duties," equal parts Oh no, TMI and Aw, that's our lil boy
Feels wrong not to say anything about Izzy's sort-of confession to Ed, but like I said, I'm still processing. Did I mention Con is incredible?
Taika is scary in the scene that follows, it's actually kinda hard for me to watch, but goddamn he nails it. When can this show win all the Emmys it deserves?
Fun fact, the lime rickey was invented in 1883 :D
Leslie Jones is awesome and gorgeous, and I love Jackie and Susan squaring off in this scene
I absolutely love that Jim, the orphan raised by a nun to be a killing machine, is the character that has made me laugh the hardest, like until I literally cried, on every single viewing of this season so far. And Fang and Archie laughing at Jim's telling of the story just adds to the moment, there's so much joy in the middle of that awful, awful situation they're all in.
And on the other hand is Ed's speech about the bird, just heartbreaking, especially the way he's gasping his way through it. Treading water, waiting to drown.
The song here is fucking gorgeous too, they just keep hitting the soundtrack out of the park
I love soup too, friends.
And here endeth the episode, not including the extended bit of Jim's Pinocchio story, but I've said all that needs saying about that.
Stay tuned for Episode 2 tomorrow!
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nothere2010-blog · 6 months
college Jackie 1st chapter by Natatat
Prologue to Juicy Jackie:
Jackie had chosen a catwoman type suit made of something akin to latex. It was black and she had the cat ears and tail very stereotypical sorority girl costume. However Jackie wanted it to be sluttier so she purchased one that left her chest and stomach completely open aside from crisscrossing cords that you could pull tighter if need be. The outfit also had these scandalous detailing on the front of the thighs going up almost to the stomach. Essentially it was "here's a taste of what I got." All of this was topped off with her insane heels. She screamed sex. The costume highlighted her best assets, her butt and her boobs respectively. Jackie had a long torso and short powerful legs and a big butt. She had a kind of pixie nose and an oval face. She believed this costume would set her apart from her sorority sisters and get her the man she had been chasing.
"I look sexy as fuck" Jackie struck poses in the full length mirror in her dorm. She decided to curl her long blonde hair which was stick straight. "This is sure to get his attention." She adjusted her costume tying it tighter to push her boobs together. "There, that is much better" she pulled out the curlers and struck another pose viewing her butt. She slapped it and nodded at her reflection and checked her makeup.
"Jackie hurry up! We are going to be late!" Sam yelled at her roommate from downstairs. God that girl takes forever to get ready. I bet she is checking herself out in the mirror again. All we had to do was wear a simple cat costume for this stupid sorority thing, how hard is that?
"I'm coming!" Jackie grabbed her little purse and once again checked her reflection and blew herself a kiss in the mirror. "Perfect"
"Wow! Damn girl that's a lot of skin!" Sam had to admit Jackie looked gorgeous.
"WHat is it too much?" Jackie looked worried.
"No, you look amazing! I was just surprised is all. And I mean I would have gotten more dressed up if I knew you were going all out." Sam laughed.
"I mean I'm trying to get Taylor to notice me." Jackie tied the string a little tighter and adjusted her boobs.
"So are you going for sexy with a bit of slutty?" Sam asked laughing.
"No I was just going for sexy, okay yes I was more going for slutty. I want him. He will be mine."
"How exactly do you intend to 'make' him yours?" "Hello, with my nice fat ass!" Jackie turned around and stuck her butt in Sam's face then slapped it. Then turned around and struck a pose. "No man, or woman can resist this baby!" Jackie leaned against Sam and laid her chin on her shoulder. "Not even you" Jackie laughed.
"Damn it Jackie you pulled my hair. Get off." Sam shoved Jackie off her not without some effort. Jackie was heavy. "Uffh god you are heavy, don't do the dead weight thing. Let's get going."
"Yay party party!"
"Yes okay let's go!"
"I'm gonna get my man hahaha!" Jackie yelled.
"SHhhhhhhh be quiet." Jackie kept blathering on about Taylor and how she was going to get him and all that jazz. While she was talking Sam couldn't help but notice the softness of Jackies' stomach. Jackie had always had a flat stomach but never toned. If she's not careful she will start to get mushy. Oh well she's a big girl she will figure it out.
At the party things were swinging. They met up with their sorority sisters, all dressed as cats. It looked a little weird. Sam saw her friend Josh and waved to him. He was standing with a handsome guy, very tall, very perfect. Sam was suddenly jerked to the side.
"Sam quick how do I look?" Jackie squeaked. Sam looked Jackie up and down.
"You look amazing, why are you freaking out?" Sam was confused and her wrist kind of hurt from Jackie jerking her to the side. "Oh is that Taylor?"
"Yess duh. Help me" Jackie was flustered.
"Shhhh calm down, here," she grabbed a shot of vodka for Jackie. "Drink this." Jackie looked at it apprehensively. Then looked at Taylor.
"Okay I'm going to need two more of these to get up the courage to go talk to him." Jackie looked longingly at Taylor.
"No no you don't need more, you are great now let's go. We have the perfect excuse because I know his friend Josh." Jackie looked relieved.
"Thank god! That's so much easier." They made their way over to the boys.
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brwnicons · 3 years
Character roster and Masterlist
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Fandoms coming that I need to add here: Sherlock, Spyxfamily, Moonknight, Harley Queen DC, Addams Family, Good Omens, Edward Scissorhands...
I like LOTS of characters and I will write for lots of fandoms soo scroll, scroll, scroll
I'll keep adding more as I take interest in more characters
I can also quit writing for some of them, so it'll be kind if you check that the character you want is here <3
☆ Characters in bold are the ones I'm specially excited to write about! ☆
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- Hawks / Keigo Takami
- All might / Toshinori Yagi
- Endeavor / Enji Todoroki
- Eraserhead / Shota Aizawa
- Nighteye
- Present Mic / Hizashi Yamada
- Kurogiri
- Himiko Toga
- Fat Gum
- Twice
- Rumi Usagiyama / Mirko
Poly relationships: Endhawks, Erasermic...
- Joe
- Cherry Blossom
- Shadow
Poly relationships: Matchablossom, Shadoka...
- Nanami Kento
- Ijichi
- Muzan
- Enmu
- Susamaru
- Rengoku
- Uzui
- Inosuke (platonic)
- Tanjiro (platonic)
- Zenitsu (platonic)
• GHIBLI (soon)
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- Freddy Krueger
- Jason Vorhees
- Brahms Heelshire
- Tiffany Valentine
- Hannibal (NBC)
- Pennywise
- Chromeskull
- Asa Emory
- Bubba Sawyer
- Vincent Sinclair
- Bo Sinclair
- Lester Sinclair
- Candyman
- Billy Loomis
- Stu Matcher
- The Grabber
- Bonus: Musical!Beetlejuice
- Bonus: Joker (Arthur Fleck)
Poly relationships: Chromeskull x The Collector, Ghostface...
(Other killers or horror characters)
- Travis Hackett
- Erik destler
- The Daroga / The Persian / Nadir Khan
- Cherik (Charles dance's Erik from 1990)
Poly relationships: Erik x The Persian...
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Ask about anyone
- Brewster
- Blathers
- Tom Nook
- Redd
- Gulliver
- Ask for your fav neighbor!
- Jean descole / Desmond sycamore
- Hershel Layton
- Grimsley
- Giovanni
- Maxie
- Archie
- Ghetsis
- Nanu
- N
- Guzma
☆ Also fluff platonic scenarios with your fav pokémon!
Poly relationships: Maxie x Archie...
- Papyrus
- Sans
- Grillby
- Mettaton
- Toriel
- Asgore
• GENSHIN IMPACT -> I won't write NSFW for the youngest characters
Ask about anyone
- Ningguang
- Jean
- Sara
- Ei
- Xinyan
- Xiangling
- Sucrose
- Keqing
- Yanfei
- Hu Tao
- Beidou
- Amber
- Zhongli
- Kaeya
- Itto
- Tartaglia
- Thoma
- Gorou
- Diluc
- Bennet
- Razor (platonic)
- Fischl (platonic)
- Chongyun (platonic)
- Baizhu
- Dottore
Poly relationships: Childe x Zhongli, Ayato x Thoma, Beidou x Ningguang...
- Almond Cookie
- Expresso Cookie
- Mushroom Cookie
- Lilac Cookie
- Herb Cookie
- Clover Cookie
- Vanilla Cookie
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- Izzy Hands
- Blackbeard / Ed
- Stede Bonnet
- Lucius
- Spanish Jackie
- Frenchie
- Fang
Poly relationships: Steddy Hands, Ed x Stede...
Ask about someone anyway even if they're not here!
- Hughie Campbell
- Starlight
- Maeve
- Billy Butcher
- Stan Edgar
- Homelander
- Soldier Boy
- Boba Fett
- Darth Vader (Not Anakin)
- Din Djarin
- Armitage Hux
Poly relationships: Kylux...
- Tony Stark
- Dr. Strange
- Bruce Banner
- Natasha Romanoff
- Peter Parker (Tom Holland) (Platonic only)
- Deadpool
- Eddie Brock & Venom (they're a pack!)
- Otto Octavius (Doc Ock)
- Norman Osborn (Green Goblin)
Poly relationships: Otto x Norman...
- Silco
- Viktor
- Sevika
- Jinx (sfw)
Poly relationships: ask!
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- Eda
- Raine Whispers
- Alador
- Hunter (platonic)
- Luz (platonic)
- Amity (platonic)
- Willow (platonic)
Poly relationships: Raine x Eda...
- Blitz
- Stolas
- Fizzarolli
- Asmodeus
- Alastor (sfw! Gotta respect the ace king)
- Sir Pentious
- Millie
Poly relationships: Asmodeus x Fizzarolli, Stolas x Blitz...
- Flugg
- Black Hat
- 505 (platonic)
- Demencia
- Ford Pines
- Stanley Pines
- Dipper & Mabel (platonic)
- Reagan
- Brett
- Rick Sanchez
- Double Trouble
- Bow
- Scorpia
- Hordak
- Entrapta
- Shadow Weaver
Poly relationships: Entrapta x Hordak...
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uchihashisuii · 3 years
speechless, chapter 4
the final chapter has arrived! Catch up on Ao3 here!
okay this is nothing but a blathering of Soft nd Tender EMOTIONS there was originally gonna be another sex scene but i scrapped it (sorry) cause i got super emo abt these two and their FEELINGS enjoy thanks for reading this i love you
V wakes with a groan, rubbing her eyes with the heel of her palm as she rolls over in bed. She feels exhausted, as though she didn't get any real rest. It confuses her for a moment as she scratches at her ribs, sleeve falling well past her fingers and she realizes, oh. She remembers with sudden clarity the events that unfolded the evening previous, as well as those in the early hours of morning.
She sits up in bed, carding her fingers through her hair as a smile unfurls itself. That really happened, then, huh? V laughs breathlessly, casting her gaze about the motel room. Vik is nowhere to be seen, but the sound of water running in the bathroom let's her know he didn't leave her high and dry. The thought eases a bit of anxiety she didn't realize she was holding on to, and V lets out a breath as she throws her legs over the side of the bed. Their clothes are still strewn about, she notes with a small smirk as she stands. V steps gingerly over his jeans, shrugging out of his shirt as she goes, when she spots something peeking out of the back pocket.
Her eyes shoot to the closed bathroom door, teeth digging in to her bottom lip. Before she can think to hard about it she's bending to pick up what turns out to be a tarot card.
It's slightly creased and faded from use, and when V turns it over she feels her breath catch.
The Lovers.
Oh, Misty, she thinks to herself, chuckling quietly as she slides the card back into Vik's pocket. V throws the shirt onto the bed and takes a deep breath, moving to the bathroom door. It opens with a quiet swish, and she steps inside the steam-filled room before she can stop herself. The shower has a glass sliding door that she can barely see through, though what she can make out causes her cunt to clench. Vik has a palm against the wall, head hanging down beneath the spray of water. V takes a shuddering breath and steps forward, reaching to slide the door open.
Vik tenses and turns his head to look at her, eyes wide. His gaze roams up and down her naked body, stopping for a moment at her cunt. He lets out a breath, smirking a bit as she fidgets under his gaze. V opens her mouth, then closes it. For the first time since she'd known him, she has no idea what to say; which is terrifying for a myriad of reasons. Before she can agonize further, though, Vik takes a step back in the tub, nodding for her to come in.
Well. That makes her life easier.
V shoots him a smile as she steps inside, closing the door behind her. The water is almost hot enough to burn, and she groans deeply as she turns to face Vik, head tilted back to soak her hair. He's watching her with a smirk, wet hair pushed back and his muscles glistening like he knows exactly what he does to her.
Breath catching, V reaches for him even as he steps forward, her arms going around his shoulders. His wet hands slip against her waist as he pulls her close, mouth seeking hers. They kiss softly beneath the falling water, and her heart feels so goddamn full at the feeling that she sags against him, knees going weak. He holds her up as he's always done, a pillar of strength and warmth.
They don't need words, not now. It's enough for them to hold and kiss and touch gently, lost in the intimacy they've discovered together.
V exists the bathroom with a laugh, pulling her hair into a messy braid. She perches herself on the edge of the bed, still naked as she reaches for her phone. Vik watches her silently, smile indulgent and tinged with more than a little affection. Her phone chimes in her hand, making her cock a brow.
"It's Jackie," she explains with a frown. She quickly types something before throwing the phone on the bed and immediately starts collecting her clothes. "He got a gig from Wakako, needa rescue some corpo from a scav den." She pulls her skirt up and grabs her shirt, frowning slightly before shrugging and putting it on. "Told him where I am, he's on his way to pick me up."
Vik is frowning as he towels the water dripping down his chest, biceps flexing. V gets momentarily distracted at the sight, her mouth going dry as her fingers slip on the hem of her shirt. She clears her throat and looks away, face burning as she tucks in her top. They're both silent for a time, V going over her mental checklist to make sure she has everything as Vik slowly gets himself dressed. She keeps glancing at him, willing herself to say something, anything. But the words wont come, her mouth remaining uncharacteristically shut as she gathers her phone and sidearm. She's apprehensive about breaching the topic even as she internally claws at the walls; the last thing she wants is to complicate their friendship. She treasures what they have so much that even the mere thought of distance between them is enough to tie her stomach into a knot. He's the calm to her storm, the level head when she needs it most. He's one of her best friends, someone she trusts so implicitly. They click and connect so easily, everything flowing between them effortlessly. She loves him, so much, and she's so fucking terrified of falling in love with him.
V's fingers slip on the zipper of her shoe at the direction her thoughts have gone. She shakes her head hard, ignoring the tremble to her hands as she finishes pulling her heels on. She looks over to see Vik with the towel around his shoulders, wearing pants and nothing else. It's a hell of a sight, and she cant help but ogle for a minute before she stands.
Her phone chimes just as she holsters her pistol. V checks it with a heavy sigh; Jackie letting her know he's waiting out front. She internally groans a moment before stepping over to Vik. He immediately reaches a hand out to run down her arm, because she wasn't breathless enough, I guess.
"Come home safe," Vik tells her with a smile, reaching out to tuck a lock of hair behind her ear. V takes a shuddering breath at that, lashes fluttering. She tilts her head up to press a warm, lingering kiss to his cheek.
"I always do," she replies with a soft smile. Vik shakes his head at that, kissing her forehead. She bites her tongue, hard enough to taste copper, to keep herself standing. The tenderness in him threatens to make her melt into the floor, but she has a job to do.
V forces herself away from him, walking to the door. Before stepping over the threshold, she looks back over her shoulder, seeing Vik watching her with a strange expression on his face. He looks wistful, almost. She tries not to think too hard about that, instead raising her hand in a small wave before stepping through the door.
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frecklesandfanfics · 2 years
random obx thoughts
The scene where they come to arrest Pope is one of the best-written, well-acted scenes ever. You watch Pope descend into a panic attack without a word at all, barely able to comprehend what’s going on while the blood rushes in his ears...and then our unlikely hero JJ puts a stop to the madness by yelling “I did it!” and bringing the world back into sharp focus. 
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thestray · 3 years
100 Martial Arts Movies
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I’ve made a list of 100 martial arts movies that I recommend watching...
100 Martial Arts Films: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSE8r14KZlNpcrhqLGWIdqW5USZipGuc_GULB4ZfR-v8sbikTCc3aPorcNAlVMfeEFsCyzNxFxlcPOr/pubhtml
Why did I do this?
I love film in general but martial arts films, or “beat em ups” as I sometimes like to call them, are my main jam. I’ve always enjoyed a good beat em up, but I don’t think it became a full blow obsession until I saw Jackie Chan’s Drunken Master as a teenager, the original 1978 version, and I’ve been voraciously seeking out and watching these types of films ever since. You can safely say I’m a connoisseur, and like most connoisseurs I never shut up about the thing I’m obsessed with, I’m always blathering on about martial arts movies, so naturally I often have people who are looking to get into the genre ask me what they should watch. I LOVE recommending things, but it’s really hard for me to just give 3 or 4 movies when I’ve watched decades of films and there’s so much variety within the genre, so I thought hey I’ll compile a list of 100 martial arts movies that I recommend. Why 100? I feel like that’s a good big round number that’ll span multiple decades, different stars, different styles, from old period kung-fu films to gritty hyper violent modern stuff, from iconic classics to some hidden gems and indie films.
What is & isn’t on the list?
While there might be a couple of hidden gems even for diehards, the intended audience for this list are people who have maybe only seen some of the more major stuff that has crossed over to the US and are interested in diving deeper into the genre. With that in mind I didn’t include a lot of really popular obvious things (so don’t ask me why there’s no Bruce Lee), and I also didn’t include much American films either aside from a few indie films, so don’t expect to see Van Damme or Jason Statham included. I also didn’t include any pre Jackie stuff, because while I enjoy a lot of it like I said I didn’t become obsessed until post-Jackie films. This list also doesn’t focus on swordplay, mainly films that include hand to hand combat and the occasional knife or blunt object.
Also please note this is not a list of the 100 “best” movies, and not even my 100 favorite, it’s more of an intro to the genre list, something that can hopefully serve as a jumping off point to help you explore on your own. I tried to make this as easy as possible, I included links to the trailer, where you can stream the film, and in some instances a direct link. There’s only a couple of movies on this list that you’d have to pay money to rent and they’re typically independent films that I think are worth supporting so those artists can continue making content. The list is VERY Jackie heavy, because most people I talk to have seen like the Rush Hour films, maybe Rumble in the Bronx, and a lot of his best films are hard to find so I did that legwork for ya’ll. Also since the major streaming services are kinda trash I had to rely on some pretty off the beaten path streaming platforms, most of these are channels I found on my Roku tv or add on channels on Prime. 
I put a lot of time and thought into this list, revised it several times, really wanted it to have some balance. There are movies on here that I think are all around masterpieces, and then there others that might have some flaws in terms of story or acting but make up for it in my mind with some really well-crafted action sequences. There are movies I really wanted to include but you just can’t find them online unless you’re going to torrent them or you have a VPN where you can check other countries. I could probably make a 500 martial arts movies list if I wanted because I’m still thinking other films I’d like to include, but like I said this list is not a be all end all, it’s a jumping off point. 
I thought about providing some brief thoughts on each film but it would just be too time consuming. But if you have a question about a movie on the list ask away, if you have a question about a movie NOT on the list ask away, I obviously love talking about this stuff.
Hope you find something you enjoy. If you manage to watch all 100 films I guess you can call yourself a connoisseur as well.
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arthurwilde · 1 year
The way Jeff was like Shauna you are losing it. I think the best thing for you is to go hang out with your plane crash friends you committed acts of cannibalism with for awhile
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imadhatt3r · 2 years
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Fanfiction idea I have on my phone since mid January :
Johnny S. / Male V (mostly platonic ) and maybe male V/Kerry E.
Song fic maybe, had the idea after hearing "I put a spell on you" (Nina Simone)
Pov Johnny S.
Johnny think about his relationship with V, he seems to be concerned about how V accepted every of his requests, listen him blathering about Arasaka,...
He can tell the difference between how V help his friends and how he help him.
(he compared how V don't always say yes to everything his friend ask him to do or at least not directly aka mostly with Panam and Judy quest were he tell them it's a bad idea and will have bad consequences but help them reluctantly because he don't want to lose them like Jackie)
how V is always honest with him, telling Johnny about his fear, his dreams, his past,...
He confront V about it
V told him he just a simple man who wants help his friends.
And then Johnny finally understands that V is a SIMP for him and maybe a little bit for kerry too.
The fic would probably end with the fear the reaper route where Johnny understood that V gave him the love he never knew he wanted and try everything to dissuade V to give him his body, tell him his feelings but in the end fail...
Also English is not my first language + I wrote this on my phone without my auto-corrector so if there is some part you don't understand tell me and I will correct it
I will maybe write in French some days if I have the time...
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esculentevil · 4 years
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Wood Nymph Anti
I have had the idea to draw Anti with leaves for hair for... EVER, All.
And I finally did it!!! =D xD This ended up being Anti from my MythJSEAU, lol. He's basically a Dryad/Wood Nymph; mostly because he seems the most earthy of all the Egos, I almost always see him related to forest green, and I just see moss and leaves and ancient trees when I think of him in a myth context.
I might draw the other Egos in this AU since I outlined what they'd be below, but... not confident about that... xD;;;
Blathering under the cut~!
This was originally gonna be a fairy!Anti, but I’ve seen a lot of people do that and I wasn’t sure if I might be, you know, stepping on anyone’s toes if I did it too. There’s the possibility, of course, that someone’s done this too but I didn’t see it. (or I did and I don’t remember; in which case: sorry! I don’t mean to steal!)
I also don’t think Anti would be a fairy.
I think Marvin would be a (clover) fairy; Jackie would probably be a (fire) sprite [Edit: Confirmed by Anti when he captured Jackiefire-Sprite for his 4th brithday!]; Jameson would be a (dolmen) pixie (or maybe this is where BansheeJJ lives); Chase would be the poor human that trips into Marvin’s Fairy Ring; and then Henrik would be Chase’s bestie who thinks Chase is crazy until he trips too.
But anyway: I had a lot of fun =)
The gif came out more grainy than I wanted, but this is the best version I got.
I’m weirdly proud of his hair—like, not his leaves but the scruff on his face. That’s actually made of moss; and I don’t know how well I managed that one, but it came out way better than I thought it would as I struggled with his ‘stache!
I also experimented a bit with... what’s it even called? When you put in details like blush/flush? Contouring? xD;;; Sorry: I’m an English Major, not an Illustrator! Anyway: I finally tried drawing him with a black flush/blush like I said I would in my spiel in Daemonic Deal’s cover. I actually really like it. It suits him as well as gives him some more definition than just applying a darker green like before.
SO: (my) Anti has black blood confirmed! xD
(Also "loki” proud of his nose: I think I finally got it right this time!)
Anyway, yea! I’m happy! And he looks surprisingly good~ (♦#>` ω´<#)
xD Thoughts?
((AO3 Version!))
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