#ive been very lazy
toxictoxicities · 2 months
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a silly aggie sketch I did bc bored
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akinachiri · 3 months
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style experimentation stuffffff
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xxxemogrrlxxx · 9 months
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let this girl wear other clothes!
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zooophagous · 8 months
My stepmom met Egon for the first time today and while he was a sweet little gentleman she says to me "wow he's hyper, are you sure you should have him?"
And I'm just like :|
Idk it bummed me out. I sink a lot of time and effort into this dog. I take him to a professional trainer, I walk him five times a day (actual structured walks up and down the street, not just let outside into a yard) not even including game time where we play fetch, I take him to a groomer on a six week schedule just to make sure his nails get cut by someone competent, he sleeps indoors and doesn't even need to be crated anymore.
I feel like I'm doing very well as a dog owner thank you very much. You're going to have to forgive the boy for being excited to meet new people.
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opens-up-4-nobody · 1 year
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laugh with me while i make my own posts real
tha fuckin outfits under the cut
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zariyen · 1 year
Do you have any art tips for beginner artists?
hi! i'll do my best to list the most useful ones for me from the top of my head! but if you're asking about something specific, lmk too!
always use references! this is 100% the fastest way to improve quickly! and don't forget if you're posting artworks using references, to always ask for permission if needed and to credit the reference! here's a very good post with links to various art tutorials and references :) try to do things out of your comfort zone!
i remember my sister drilling this into my head as a kid lmao: if you're going to draw people, make it a habit to draw the whole body, not just a face or bust. this way you can improve drawing the face and body at the same rate, rather than perfect the face and have like. a shoddy body HAHAHA (<- speaking from experience - my sister warned me but i still did not listen) here's an example from when i was 12 lol i went so hard on the eyes but my anatomy wasn't great so the drawing looks kind of goofy
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if i'm being honest nothing has really changed even now HAHAHA you can still tell i spend too much time on the faces and neglect my anatomy studies a lot 🥲
3. don't worry too much about building a signature art style if you're a beginner! experiment and imitate art styles that you like, and it'll eventually develop into something you're comfortable with
4. speaking of art styles, Naoki Saito-sensei does very in-depth art videos for people looking to develop and improve their art, and he covers a variety of different topics! the link i provided is for his new YouTube account, since his first one was unrightfully terminated :( since it's new, there aren't a lot of videos up yet but he'll be re-uploading all his old ones soon
5. this video by tppo is also a useful tutorial/explanation for style breakdowns, using Mika Pikazo-sensei's artworks! also another good reference for building art and colouring styles
6. unless you're going for a specific art style, try not to use black colours for shading. Instead, try using a darker version of your base colour with the hue slightly adjusted. it's a little difficult to explain so i made a tiny diagram underneath:
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it makes the colours pop a lot! Kurahana Chinatsu-sensei and Akiakane-sensei are really good at doing this 😭💖 that can also apply to lineart! but again, only if you're going for this kind of colourful art style :') do what feels right to you!
7. lastly try to enjoy drawing! if you do what you enjoy, learning and improving will come so much easier to you :) i can understand the urgency to improve (it's like my default state of mind 🥲) but if you keep focusing on that, drawing will eventually just start to overwhelm and frustrate you. try to combat it by doing something self-indulgent! i like to draw my ocs whenever i start getting burnt out :')
8. actually i lied this is the last one!! never give up!! it's so easy to feel bad or frustrated about your art no matter where you are in your art journey, so what i like to do to try and fight that is to look at my old art and compare the improvements! here's one of the earliest oc drawings i could find from my childhood vs my most recent oc drawing :pensive:
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stellar-jay · 3 months
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"She was born to rule! Born to it, and somehow now she has awakened to it! It could not have come at a better time! She may yet save us all!"
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spookythesillyfella · 2 months
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i really love them and i needed to redraw those two photos that kessoku band took because erm silly :3
★ [ original frames under cut ]
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suffarustuffaru · 7 months
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so um. this is how the genderbend if is going right.
(also big thanks to @mynameisrobiniamadumbass for letting me use his really cool genderbend designs for fem otto and pridebaru <3)
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venbetta · 7 months
Here a fnaf idea that i want to give you too draw: kh3 sora vs glitchtrap but glitchtrap has the pricess quest key as a keyblade( he is mimicng his abilities to figth him☝️🤓 ), im wanted to give his idea to people but i dont have money for commisoins, not even had luck request, but if you like this idea, i leave it to you👍( also i like to imagen that the music that is playing in the background if the data young xeanorth battle or the tensing risin but the tangled version )
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I won't lie,,, I was procrastinating on this cuz of the slight complexy but-
I did the best I could
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puppyeared · 6 months
if you're walking at 5mph, but your feet are on sideways, and the sky turns green at 2:53, and Keanu Reeves has been sent to Neptune, what's your favorite video game
i cant walk 5mph in the first place, im only 5'4 and i have to walk like marvin the fucking martian everywhere i go
if my feet were on sideways i would still manage to get my shoes on wrong because i cant tell my left from my right
if the sky turns green that means every single car on the road is allowed to go at the same time
keanu reeves cant be sent to neptune with an expired passport
my favorite videogame MIGHT be professor layton and the diabolical box just because ive never been able to get over the ending, but mario galaxy and deltarune also come to mind
#this was very fun to answer thank u :o) ive always loved multiple choice questions#maybe if i had more multiple choice in my life id be able to get things done faster just closing my eyes and hoping for the best#its amazing that i dont own a magic eight ball. it would do wonders for my natural indecision and superstition#also to be fair ive only played the first two layton games even though i have the 3rd and 4th games on my cracked cartridge#BUT thats because my copy of unwound future is ass and it freezes on the opening cutscene so i cant even play it. sigh#maybe i should consider getting the mobile remastered versions but im lazy and i dont even know if i have enough storage space#there should be enough space on my ipad though so maybe. or ill back up some files to make room idk#i would have also answered undertale bc i had a huge undertale phase when it came out but im gonna be honest. ive never actually played it#im actually wondering if i should buy a copy for myself for xmas using grays steam account#the only thing im worried about is my motor skills are bad with keyboard and im dreading the asgore fight bc i heard its hard#but ive also never watched a full playthru so i feel like id be going into the game blind which sounds exciting. and ill prbably cry a lot#besides that ive been replaying mario galaxy with gray and i forgot how good the game is.. i love the ambience and game mechanics#although the races are so nerve wracking and i hate the controls sometimes. did u know i died on loopdeloop galaxy TWELVE FUCKING TIMES#also deltarune because i love EVERYTHING abt it i love the lore i love SUSIE i love the whole thing kris has going on#yapping#ask
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catgirlkirigiri · 4 months
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Yaay new fursona design + finally a nice looking ref sheet for them :D Had a lot of fun reworking the colors and making their markings read a bit better for a clouded leopard :3
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narcissisticnugget · 1 year
rb to prove you were an evillious fan before the engpjsk aku no taizai collab release
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im-smart-i-swear · 6 months
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Stickbug and his awkward i-didnt-even-want-to-be-in-this-photo smile
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