#its not very readable but cross is making new pancakes
shittyutmv · 5 months
I am determined to be the third one of these- WE MUST MAKE IT A CHAIN-
ask: *blows up pancakes with mind*
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good riddance !!!!!!! killer by rahafwabas cross by jakei95
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silver-wolf-karma · 7 years
Comfort in the Years
Fluffy FACE Family!
You asked for some Fluffy FACE family and here it is.
I have no idea what the hell this is, honestly. I apologize.
They aren’t kids here they are teenish?
This is in Canada’s point of view, I’ve written something else sorta like this before (Here: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8273341/1/Comfort ) where they are kids and it’s shitty. (Yes even shittier then this one!)
But a long while ago I started another one like it where Canada was older and I saw fluffy FACE and thought of this so I finished it really quick whoops.
It's kind of an extension from the older one except it can be read as a stand alone.
  So Summary: Canada is afraid of thunder storms. But he can always rely on his family to come to his rescue. (In their own dorky ass way)
It was summer vacations, all the nations were taking a week off of work stress to have some fun and see friends and family, which meant that I was in England at Arthur’s house.
I liked Arthur’s house, though it was much quieter than my house.
Alfred was lounging across the couch reading a comic book. Arthur was sipping at some tea while reading the newspaper as Francis cleaned up after supper. As for me, well I was sitting on the window seat sketching Arthur’s garden.
It might seem odd to most people that we weren’t interacting much, considering that we didn’t get to see each other much due to our busy work schedules but at this moment everyone in the family was quite content and happy. We didn’t need to talk or interact to know that we were together.
Arthur makes a tsk noise and breaks the silence when we look at him, “There was an attack in Belgium. 7 dead.”
“Another?” Alfred asks frowning, pushing up his glasses.
“So it seems.” Arthur nods.
“That poor girl, we should send her something.” Francis says as he walks to the kitchen door drying his hands.
“She likes Tulips.” I hum and they all look at me.
“Perhaps some flowers, tea, and candy.” Arthurs agrees.
“And a fluffy blanket.” I smile. She loves fluffy blankets.
“That sounds quite nice, we’ll put it together tomorrow.” Francis says.
“But for now, it’s bed time. It’s been a long day.” Arthur states rising from his rocking chair.
“Awe, come on pops, it’s only 11! You’re too old man.” Alfred wines like the baby he is.
I stretch as I get up and bring down my sketch book on Alfred’s head. He yelps and glares at me as I grin mischievously.
“Come on Al, don’t be so hard on Dad. He obviously wants some alone time with Papa.”
In tandem Alfred yells Ew, as England Sputters, and Francis laughs.
I grin and head towards the stairs only to have Alfred wiz past me, “I get first dibs on the Bathroom, Mattie!”
“NO! You take too long! You’re like a girl!” I screech as I chase after him only to have him slam the door in my face.
I huff and rolls my eyes.
“Baby!” I yell.
He laughs at me through the door and I head into my room. I set my sketch book down and change into my pajamas.
Lifting Kuma up and setting him onto my bed and pulling the covers back.
I text Providences a quick goodnight message before going and using Arthur’s master bathroom where I brush my teeth.
Arthur walks into his bed room and pops his head in, raising his eyebrow at me.
I grin and spit into the sink, “Alfred is hogging our old bathroom.”
“You too haven’t grown at all have you?”
“Probably not.” I grin and shoo him out so I can pee.
I walk out of the bathroom to see him now sitting on his bed reading.
I walk over and kiss his temple and his smiles at me.
“Good night, dad.”
“Good night, Matthew.”
I head out only to walk into Francis who was outside Arthur’s door. I kiss his cheek, “He’s reading Pride and Prejudice, good luck!”
He laughs as me and ruffles my hair. “Goodnight, Matthieu.”
“Goodnight, Papa.”
I laugh as I walk to my room only to see Alfred swing open the bathroom door.
“Geez, about time.” I huff smirking.
“Dude, were you waiting out here the entire time?”
“No, I left when I heard grunting. Are you okay? Should I get you Prunes for Christmas?”
He sputters as his face turns red as I laugh at him.
“You’re such a prick.”
“I learned from the best.”
We high five and head to our respective rooms.
“Night Al!”
“Night Mattie!”
I shut my door and go plop down on my bed.
I turn on some soft music and read a bit before I fall off to sleep cuddling Kuma.
A few hours later something wakes me up.
I stir and my eyes adjust to the dark, I squint at my clock and the hazy letters seem slightly more readable.
I think it’s about 2:56. Or is that an 8? No, it’s a 6…
I look around the room trying to figure out why I was awake only to hear a slight rumble.
I glance out the window and see a storm brewing... And fear sets in. No matter how much times passes I could not stand storms. When I was in my own country I either got up and would go to a nearby café and order pancakes or my provinces would invade my house.
Lightning flashes coating the room.... thunder rolls... it’s going to get louder I just know...
After a particularly loud crack, I flinch squeezing Kuma who whines at me, and my door creaks open.
I look up, “Hey... Mattie...” Al’s there in his night clothes and has a pillow.
He crosses the room and sits on my bed... I glance up at him.
“Mind if I stay here tonight?” Alfred asks quietly
“Why?” I hum crinkling my nose.
“I know you hate storms... so I figured I might come in like when we were kids....”  he states blushing slightly as he grins at me. “You know, be your hero and all!”
I nod slowly and grin, “Were you up watching horror movies?”
His face flushes and he stutters, “N-No! I was not! I was just trying to be a good big brother and protect you! This has nothing to do with the fact that I think my room might be haunted.”
I laugh and he smacks me.
“Sorry! Sorry! You can stay, I just it’s beneficial for us both.”
He grins and crawls under the covers with me.
  “G’Night Mattie.” He hums hugging me tightly around my waist.
“Night Al.” I laugh making him loosen his arms so he isn’t strangling me before snuggling into my pillow.
Alfred soon falls asleep and twists a bit and I end up smack against his chest, him snoring loudly in my ear and his one arm around my waist his other over my shoulder with his hand resting on my face.
I huff irritably but can’t help but laugh at the dork.
I twist to get my back to him and brush his hand off my face and grab earphones for music to drown out his snoring, Kuma helps by resting his head on my shoulder and giving Al his butt and a mouthful of fur, before contently drifting into a light sleep, storm forgotten.
I don’t know how long has passed but I wake up to Alfred screaming bloody murder.
I jolt from surprise and Alfred falls off the bed screaming about a haunted book.
Arthur and Francis burst into the room. “What’s going on!?” Francis is in his boxers... French boxers with roses on them... some green face cream on his face towel wrapped around his head and he’s holding a vase as a weapon and Arthur has no shirt revealing his scars and has on long pj pants with fairies and green flying bunny slippers with a baseball bat in hand....
My brain stops....
I sputter out laughter... I just can’t help it I laugh so hard I fall backwards out of bed landing by Alfred and clutching my tummy laughing on hysterics.
Everyone stares oddly at me.
“What the bloody hell is going on and Matthew what the hell is so damn funny!”
“You two! Francis why are you holding a vase?” I laugh
“It was for a weapon! I thought someone was in here!” Francis yells face heating with blush
“Oh! Trust me, you wouldn’t need a weapon! Those outfits would make the perpetrator die... from laughter!” I crack up laughing again, both start blushing, “It’s a wonder that your marriage has survived because how either one of you can be turned on looking like that is way beyond me!” I crack up harder. "Or maybe that's why it survived! To ensure its kept a secret and no one else ever sees!"
Arthur takes off his winged bunny slippers and chucks one at me, it hits my face then lands in my lap... I look at it seeing it has a smile and is totally detailed and I just burst out laughing harder. Alfred cracks up too...
“Dude! Bunny shoes? Really? And Francis what the fuck is on your face! HAHAHA!!!” Alfred laughs hysterically and Arthur blushes more and a bunny shoe smacks Al’s face, “Ah! Child abuse!” he yells jokingly.
“Will you two stop laughing and explain the bloody screaming? And Alfred why are you in here?” Arthur asks frowning but his face is beat red...
“Alfred remembered my storm anxiety and came in to sleep here, as for the screaming...” I shrug, “I was asleep when Alfred suddenly was screaming which caused me to wake screaming and he started scream something about a book? Or something?”
“Oh! Right! OUR HOUSE IS HAUNTED!!!” Alfred yells
“What?” they ask
“I saw a book floating! Over there!”
Everyone looks to where he points...  The ground was spotless, nothing was there.
“Nothing is there Alfred...” Arthur states and sighs...
“He probably dreamt it and woke up mid thought and believed he really saw it but it was only imagined... either that or he’s hallucinating...” I giggle
“No! I swear there was a floating book!!!”
Everyone looks at Alfred...
He pauses... “Or maybe I was seeing things...”
I giggle as Francis and Arthur groan annoyed for being disturbed.
“Well! Bad news is that Alfred might be going crazy! Other bad news this woke the entire house. Other other bad news is that Alfred is probably watching too many horror movies for his own good, and for our sanity and patience levels. Good news, I feel soooo much better!” I start laughing again.
Both Arthur and Francis roll their eyes but smiles play at their lips.
“Well, I’m happy this is amusing to you.” Arthur says sarcastically, “Now, I’m happy you are feeling better but back to bed now and if this is ever spoken of-“ he references his clothing and Francis’s clothing, “I will embarrass you both so bad in front of your friends and other nations you’ll regret it!”
Alfred cracks up, “You got nothing on us!”
“Hm?  Nothing? Very well, Mr. Super Hero who wetted the bed until he was 11.” Arthur smirks
Alfred sputters choking wide eyed. “You wouldn’t dare!”
“Oh, I would!” Arthur cackles and Francis sputters with laughter at the ridiculousness of it all.
“You boys have nothing on me. I don’t get embarrassed by past details and I never wetted the bed.”
Arthur hums thinking... “What about the time you were jamming out to the sex pistols while cleaning while singing into a feather duster?”
“I was 9! And I love that story! I told Feliks and a bunch of my other friends about it. It sure gets a laugh.” I grin, “I’m an open book boys!~ I can’t be embarrassed!!”
“What about your crush on Gilbert when you were young?”
I sputter, “Awe come on that isn’t fair!”
They all laugh at me.
I huff pouting.
“Why don’t we all go downstairs, seeing as how it’s already after 5am, and discuss how our poor Matthieu can go about getting a date.” Francis sings.
“W-What?! I don’t need a date!”
“Dude, you so need to get laid.” Al laughs punching my arm
“Ugh, I don’t want to hear about this from my sons!” Arthur huffs.
“Come one Iggy, even after all this time you’re still a stick in the mud. It’s a wonder you get any at all, Mattie this is what you’ll turn into if you don’t get any.” Al laughs
“Please boy, I get more than you!” Arthur snorts
“What?! No way!”
“Oh my god, just stop. Please.” I groan
  Yeah, perhaps we haven’t grown at all…. But it certainly made family dynamics interesting.
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agilenano · 4 years
Agilenano - News: 20 Of My MOST Favorite Things {January 2020}
Can I tell you a secret?
Ive been planning and looking forward to todays post for MONTHS!
After almost 7 years of sharing my favorite things on the blog each month, I went back through ALL my previous Favorite Things posts and hand-selected 20 of my MOST favorite things to share with you for the start of 2020!
These are the cream of the crop. The products I use daily (even 7 years and 3 more children later). They are products I recommend regularly on the blog and in real life. They are my most favorite and worth every penny (in my opinion!)
Im also using a new format this month one that I hope will make the post more readable and more easily shoppable. Simply click the button link under each description to be taken directly to the sales page on Amazon (or whatever website the product is available through).
And if youre interested in reading my original review of each product, Ive included that too. Just click the dated link directly under each picture.
Ex: Originally shared in September of 2016.
DISCLOSURE:None of these products are sponsored; however, some of the links below are affiliate links which means that at no cost to you, I may get a smallcommission. Please know thatI use these products dailyin my own home and life. Readmy full disclosure policyfor more information.
Also, check out myAmazon Marketfor all my favorite things.
I wont make you wait any longer
Here are 20 of my MOST favorite things!
(In no particular order.)
USA Pan Bakeware
Originally shared in April of 2019.
The USA Pans are so fantastic, I recommend them for any kitchen and any cooking style. They are 100% completely non-stick, super heavy-duty, and cook very evenly. Plus, they are made in the USA!
I have the 8" loaf pans, the mini loaf pans, the XL sheet pans, and cookie sheets -- and I'm always looking to grow my collection as I use them all on a weekly (sometimes daily) basis.
I honestly cant say enough good things about this brand!
NOTE: Here's how I prep, store, and reheat all my roasted veggies.
Shop USAPan Bakeware on Amazon
Wet Brush Hair Brush
Originally shared in April of 2015.
Many years ago, after mentioning Nora's extreme sensitivity to having her hair brushed, many of you recommended the Wet Brush... I am forever grateful!
Literally, the very first time I used the brush on Noras hair, she was a completely different person. She didnt whine, complain, and cry ouch the ENTIRE time I brushed. Instead, she just sat there and even made the comment this brush doesnt hurt my head!
We now have 3 Wet Brushes (one in each bathroom) and 2 Mini Wet Brushes for traveling.
They are, hands-down, the best hair brush I've tried -- perfect for children and adults, straight or curly hair, thin or thick hair, wet or dry hair.
NOTE: Here's a link to my homemade hair detangling spray, and here's a post about my favorite hair styles for little girls.
Shop Wet Brushes on Amazon
Velvet "Huggable Hangers"
Originally shared in October of 2013.
Our family uses velvet hangers exclusively for all our closets (we use heavy-duty plastic hangers in the mudroom).
I have adult size hangers for our closet, kid size hangers for the older 3, and I even found baby size hangers for the nursery.
They are so slim and they really "hold on to" the clothing so well.
We have had a handful break over the years -- but that's a byproduct of 4 children who like to pick their own clothing out!
I've always recommended velvet hangers for all my organizing clients, and I will continue to use them in my own home.
NOTE: Here's a link to all my posts about clothes clutter!
Shop velvet hangers on Amazon.
The 5 Love Languages Book
Originally shared in February of 2018.
I first read The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman when I was in college, after Dave and I got engaged. He read it too, and we quickly realized we have very opposite love languages!
Since then, I've reread this book many times.
I think both Dave and my love languages have morphed and changed a bit (Im totally acts of service now, and I used to be more gifts) but I cant tell you how valuable it has been for us to not only learn the other persons love language, but also realize that we both have very different love languages.
I think it saved us lots of frustration in the early years of our marriage and even still today.
I highly recommend this book to all dating, engaged, and married couples, as well as any of the other books in the growing "5 Love Languages" collection.
NOTE: Here's how I make more time for reading (even with a very busy home and family!) And here's one of my simplests "secrets" for a happy marriage.
Buy This Book on Amazon
Gecko-Loc Shower Hooks
Originally shared in July of 2017.
Several years ago, I replaced all our suction shower hooks with Gecko-Lock Super Suction Stainless Steel Double Hook, and we LOVE them!
They are so easy to install and VERY strong. Plus, the stainless steel looks so much nicer with our Chrome shower fixtures than the plastic hooks I previously used.
We've never had any issues with them losing suction or falling down and if/when I want to move them, I just unscrew the knob and the hook immediately comes off the shower wall with no pulling or tugging on my part.
NOTE: Get the recipe for my homemade shower cleaner (it's one of the most popular posts on my site!)
Buy These Hooks on Amazon
got 2b Hair Products
Originally shared in October of 2016.
Dave and I both use the got 2b hair products every day (for years and years)... and we have no intentions of switching to anything different.
He uses the got 2b Styling Glue.
I use the got 2b Spiking Wax and the Glued Blasting Freeze Spray.
They hold amazingly well all day long, they wash out easily each night, and they are extremely frugal compared to salon products!
NOTE: here's a video tutorial of how I style my short hair!
Shop Got 2B Items on Amazon
Topseat Child's Toilet Seat
Originally shared in January of 2018.
I'm certainly not an expert when it comes to potty training. However, I have found some really great tools to help simplify the process a bit!
The Topseat toilet seat has been a life-saver for our busy bathrooms these past several years. It's such a simple, convenient way to always have a child's toilet seat available when needed -- and out of the way when not needed.
It's much cleaner than removable potty seats, and it looks a lot nicer in our bathrooms too!
NOTE: Here's a before/after look at the kids' bathroom upstairs.
Learn more about these seats.
3 Citrus Face & Eye Cream
Originally shared in March of 2013.
This was in the very first Favorite Things post I shared way back when... and I still use this exact same product every single night after I get out of the shower.
I've been using the 3 Citrus Face & Eye Cream from Prairieland Herbs since 2010, and I just LOVE it!
We also use their Ultimate Healing Wand for all minor cuts, burns, bites, rashes, etc. It's the best and works SO well.
Their all-natural products are all hand made in small batches by a mother-daughter team, and I just love supporting their work through my purchases.
NOTE: They have offered an exclusive discount to my readers!! Get 20% off your entire order from their Etsy Shop with the code PAMPER (now through 2/29/20)
Visit Prairiland Herb's Shop
Vera Bradley Crossbody Wristlet
Originally shared in September of 2018.
I've used a Vera Bradley Wristlet as my main "purse" for probably close to 10 years now, and although I'm not one to be brand loyal, I REALLY love these wristlets (and I researched several other brands).
They can be pricey, but considering I'm only on my 2nd one in 10 years, they are worth it for me.
I love that my phone fits inside (along with everything else I need to carry around) and that there's a clip for my keys. Plus, I can wear it as a wristlet OR a cross-body bag depending on which strap I use.
It looks like my polka-dot fabric isn't available on Amazon right now, but there are TONS of other really fun (or simple) fabrics to choose from.
NOTE: Here's how I use this wristlet in conjunction with our diaper bag.
Shop VB Wristlets on Amazon
Presto Electric Griddle
Originally shared in July of 2018.
I use our electric griddle almost daily... and this one is HUGE! I can easily make 12 pancakes or 9 grilled cheese sandwiches at one time!
I love that this specific griddle is a square (not a longer rectangle) so it fits in my kitchen cabinets better.
I've taken this griddle on many family vacations, and even thought about trying to smuggle it in my suitcase when we fly! It's probably my most-used small appliance.
NOTE: These are our favorite whole grain oat pancakes... and these sourdough pancakes are the perfect use for leftover sourdough starter.
Buy This Griddle on Amazon
Big and Easy Colouring Books
Originally shared in November of 2018.
After years of coloring with little children, these Big and Easy Coloring books are still my most favorite (and my kids' favorite).
Even the older kids love coloring the extra-big, simple pictures!
We've given SO many of these as gifts, and oftentimes, the parents text or email me to ask where we found such a nice coloring book!
NOTE: Here are 10 of my favorite NON-MESSY crafts for toddlers and young children.
Shop Big and Easy on Amazon
Nutrimill Artiste Mixer
Originally shared in December of 2019.
The Nutrimill is the one and only mixer I use for everything from homemade whipped cream and butter to whole grain bread dough -- and anything in between.
Its so powerful and has a huge mixing capacity, but its much more compact and lighter-weight than KitchenAid Mixers so its easier to store and lift and carry around my kitchen.
NOTE: Here's my recipe for 100% whole grain bread dough, and my recipe for monster cookies (a HUGE batch that I've never been able to mix in anything other than my Nutrimill!)
Learn more about the Nutrimill
Britax B-Agile Single Stroller
Originally shared in May of 2018.
After almost a decade of pushing babies and toddlers around in various strollers, bike trailers, etc. my most favorite single stroller is the Britax B-Agile.
This is the stroller I use most often for the last 2-3 years as it's very light-weight and SO easy to push around.
The wheels glide everywhere and turn on a dime. Its technically considered a jogging stroller, but you know I dont jog! I just really do like having 1 wheel in the front as its easier to push.
We are nearing the end of our need for strollers -- but I have a feeling I'll keep this one around for a few years in case we have baby visitors who need to be pushed around.
NOTE: Read about all our favorite strollers and bike trailers, learn how to clean strollers and bike trailers, and see how we organize all our kids' gear in the garage.
Learn more about this stroller
Preen Weed Preventer
Originally shared in July of 2016.
If I could onlypick one product to use in my garden all year long, Preen would be it.
Year after year, Preen continues to save me hours upon hours of pulling weeds because it STOPS the weed seeds from germinating, which means there arent many weeds to pull!
I apply Preen to all my planting beds 4 times every season:
1. Mid-March, right after the weather starts to warm up.
2. Early May, after we spread mulch
3. Mid to late July
4. Late October, to hopefully prevent weed growth in early spring.
In May and July, I use the Preen + Fertilizer, and then I use the regular Preen in October. The added Fertilizer is great for perennials, annuals, shrubs and trees, and even in vegetable gardens.
The only caution is that you do NOT want to spread Preen in your veggie garden until all the seeds have germinated as Preen PREVENTS seeds from germinating.
NOTE: Here are a few more of my favorite weed-fighting tools (pictured above). And here's a post about our sort-of crazy way to prevent weeds in our vegetable garden (since we don't always use Preen around our veggies).
Shop Preen Products on Amazon
MAM Baby Products
Originally shared in June of 2016.
I first got hooked onall the amazing MAM productsway back when I FINALLY got my almost-2 year old, Nora, to drink water from a MAM sippy cup. She previously refused all sippy cups, bottles, water bottles, etc. so it was a BIG deal!
Since then, we've used the MAM brand of bottles, pacifiers, teathers, and sippy cups exclusively for our babies and toddlers.
I also still use the MAM bottle cleaning brush to clean all our water bottles and other long, skinny kitchen items. That thing is the best!
We give MAM goodies to all our friends and family members who have new babies!
NOTE: Here are several more of our favorite "Kids' Kitchen Gear" items -- as well as how I store and organize them all in our kitchen and pantry.
Shop MAM Products on Amazon
OLUKAI Footwear
Originally shared in July of 2018.
As many of you know, I buy the vast majority of all our family's clothing from local thrift stores for pennies on the dollar.
And I rarely ever spend anywhere close to "full price" on anything.
However, one thing I'm willing to pay a bit more for is good quality footwear (especially since I've had lower back problems for the majority of my adult life).
The OLUKAI line of women's footwear is one of my favorites -- I live in their flip flops in the summer and their slippers in the winter (slippers pictured above).
Their shoes are SO supportive, so comfortable, and actually pretty stylish too! I've had mine for years and they still look brand new!
Shop OLUKAI Footwear on Amazon
Originally shared in June of 2013.
This bouncy seat is one of my most-used baby items EVER! I used it daily for all 4 babies -- and honestly, Clara still uses it now (at 27 months).
It is THE BEST bouncy seat around... the only downside is the price tag.
Thankfully, I was able to find my Baby Bjorn used on Craigslist before Nora was born... and it has served us well for over 8 years now. This bouncer is one of the very few baby things I plan to keep for whenever babies visit our house (and if I'm willing to hang onto something we don't necessarily NEED, you know I really really love it!)
I love that the fabric easily comes off to wash, and that it folds completely flat for storage. I love that it doesn't require batteries or installation or assembly. And of course, the fact that even small infants can easily bounce themselves in this chair is just the icing on the cake!
Start looking for a used one, or splurge on this amazing bouncer for yourself (or a new parent in your life). You will not regret it!
NOTE: Here's a list of things I'm SO glad I had for my babies... and another list of things I wish I had found/purchased sooner.
Research these bouncers here.
Glad Press'n Seal Wrap
Originally shared in July of 2013.
If youve ever been frustrated with plastic wrap that doesnt stick or sticks too much you definitely need to make the switch to thePress'n Seal wrap.
I use this every day in many different ways obviously to cover food dishes and plates, but also to line my paint trays, wrap paint brushes, and many other random things all over our house.
This wrap sticks amazingly well with just a little bit of firm pressure and (at least in my experience) it can be used over and over again without getting ruined or getting jumbled up into a sticky balled mess (can you tell I absolutely hate traditional plastic wrap?)
NOTE: here are 10 clever uses for Press'n Seal Wrap.
Buy Press'n Seal on Amazon
Originally shared in January of 2018.
I've been using a Personal Planner for 7-8 years now (Dave uses them too) and it's still my favorite.
I love that there are so many customizable features and the fact that it always seems to function perfectly for my schedule, my family, and my life.
Since I remember best when I write things down, my planner is an invaluable tool to help me simplify and better organize my life!
There might come a day when I switch to a digital system, but for now, you will always find a Personal Planner sitting on my desk!
All my Personal Planner Posts
Wsthof Knives
Originally shared in July of 2019.
I am not a professional chef, nor do I aspire to be one but having GOOD knives to use in my kitchen has made a huge difference for me over the years.
Ive slowly switched almost all my knives (and kitchen scissors) over to the Wsthof brand, and I can honestly say Ive never once been disappointed. They are super sharp, they feel amazing in my hand, and they cut, slice, and chop better than any other knife Ive used.
Heres a short list of the 3 knives I would recommend starting your collection with (all pictured above):
1. Micro-Serrated 4.5-inch Utility Knife
2. 6-inch Serrated Utility Chopper Knife
3. 10-inch Classic Bread Knife
I use these 3 knives EVERY single day usually washing them in between meals as I use them SO regularly!
Shop Wsthof Knives on Amazon
One runner-up item was my braided rugs but I cant find them on the website anymore, so I didnt include them in my list.
Whew you made it!
I hope you find at least one item on my list youd like to try.
Also, SO many of you tell me these posts are some of your favorite posts is that still true?Im trying to decide if these posts are something I should continue writing each month or not your opinion is very helpful!
As always, check out my previous months favorite things and let me know if youve tried any over the years!
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The post 20 Of My MOST Favorite Things {January 2020} appeared first on Andrea Dekker.
Agilenano - News from Agilenano from shopsnetwork (4 sites) https://agilenano.com/blogs/news/20-of-my-most-favorite-things-january-2020
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