#its mochi!
sparksnevadas · 1 year
wiggles on in… drops a thing from my pocket
He takes off running, chasing after the image of the man. He pushes his way through the crowd, determined not to lose sight of him. It’s easy to follow his purple coat since it’s such a bright color, and Grian keeps his eyes trained on it. “Hey!” he yells out to the man. He ignores anyone he knocks into, nearly stumbling a few times as he does. He trips over someone, he’s sure of it, his body tumbling toward the ground.
Grian hastily catches himself, just narrowly avoiding colliding with the cobblestone laid in the ground. A few people side eye him, and apologies leave Grian’s mouth without his realizing.
The old man turns a corner, and Grian just manages to make out the tail end of his coat. He has to find him, he has to know if he was involved in Taurtis’ attack. How else could he have warned Grian like that? Maybe finding him will give both himself and Mumbo a hint as to who their murderer is. Or maybe he is the murderer. Grian’s thoughts feel like they’re racing as he runs through the Black Market, body moving on adrenaline.
haha wow, I’m so clumsy :p
could it be???? isthis the next chapter of songbird au??? the one releasing in just (checks clock and dms) 70 minutes from now?!?!?
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chipsncookies · 4 months
If Koraidon/Miraidon ate Pecharunt’s Mochi do you think they’d do the Driftveil City Toothless dance instead of the chicken dance?
Why would you say this now it won't leave my head 😭 i had to draw it
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mochinomnoms · 5 months
Do you think humans in twisted wonderland have periods? What if they don't...
What if AFAB!Yuu is the only one in twisted wonderland to have periods and it freaks everyone out
Evolutionarily speaking it would make sense for the humans in twisted wonderland to reabsorb the unused egg for extra fuel for magic
[cw] - discussion of periods/afab!Yuu but still written as gn [wc} - 1,792 Added the rest under readmore as it got a bit long. I think there's a fic somewhere on here with this idea, but I can't remember the blog or name, I'll edit and link it later if I find it. I can see the point of the egg being reabsorbed, though personally I think TWST humans are biologically the same as Earth humans, minus the ones with magic maybe having a bit stronger/heighten senses and strengths. After all, there are plenty of humans who aren't magic, I think it's mentioned some point in their book 2 or book 5 that a majority of the population is either magicless or aren't privy to the privilege of formal magical education.
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Even if a majority of the human population is magic, there's still a good chunk of them that don't and if that's the case then they at least would have periods.
However, that's explicitly the human population, and in reality it makes absolutely no sense for beastmen or merfolk to have periods. Especially when they have things like heat/ruts or mating cycles. Fae I think would actually make the most sense for the headcanon you're mentioning! They are completely and utterly magic, made from the magic of the earth, animals, and flora given sentience and forms. They are utterly magic, through, and through, so it would make sense for those with uteri to recycle the egg back into them for magical fuel.
And say we're going with the assumption that there are no other afab students in the school, or there are, but they're only beastmen, merfolk, and/or fae, then an afab!Yuu comes as quite a shock.
The beastmen are the first to notice something off with them, as they have the most acute sense of smell. This is followed by a very close second with the merfolk (particularly the predacious ones) and an even closer third by the fae. All the boys from those dorms, minus Lilia who's lived long enough to know what a period is, clock in on their friend who reeks of blood and flesh (because you're also shedding pieces of your uterine lining).
Lord help you, as you're in a crowded area, the cafeteria, with not only them but the rest of their classmates that also smell your blood, because their immediate thought is that you're fucking dying.
Sebek is surprisingly the first to launch himself at you, shouting at the top of his lungs, “WHERE IS YOUR INJURY HUMAN?! YOU ARE SEVERELY INJURED YOU SHOULD BE IN THE INFIRMARY—” Before he is yanked off by a wide-eyed Jack, who's looking more and more like the dead as he leans down to sniff at you.
The blood from his face drains (ha) as he turns to look at Leona and Ruggie, as well as a small group of other beastmen—friend's you've made during the tournament—and nods. This causes them to all look horrified and gaze at you like a wounded puppy. Minus Leona, who just looks amused.
“It's coming from them.”
Still confused, you stare at the Heartslabyul group—who'd been eating breakfast with you—in bewilderment. They also look at you in confusion, except for Riddle, the latter of which pinches the bridge of his noses and takes a deep sigh.
“I think you're all being a bit dramatic, they're just on their—”
Floyd grabs you from behind, spinning you and shoving his face so close to yours that you noses are smushed together.
“Shrimpy… you gotta tell me who did it, cause I could tell from aaaaall the way in the hallway that ya hurt. Com'on! Tell Floydie, I promise I won't be mad.”
Jade placed a hand on his brother's shoulder as he leans down to chastise Floyd.
“Not now Floyd, the poor thing is hurt, we should take them to the infirmary. Then we can hunt down the dreadful soul that hurt our friend and have them trade their spot.”
You felt yourself being lifted from the ground, yelping and latching your arms around Floyd's neck as he cradles you in his arms. Effectively yanking you from Jack's grip, who immediately growls.
“Floyd! Be careful!”
“Ehhh? Yeah that sounds like a great idea! Let's go now, I'm itching for a good fight, ayhehehe!”
Leona and Riddle shared a look, the former sighed to try and explain.
“Look you idiots, they're not injured, they're—”
“What are you waiting for?” Ruggie interrupted him, annoyed by Leona's unconcerned attitude, instead gesturing to Floyd. “Let's go before they bleed out even more!”
The small group clamored out of the cafeteria, a few more concerned students following after them as they started to hear bits and pieces of the conversation. Leaving Leona and the others in the dust. Deuce piped up.
“… Uh, do they not know—”
“No, most beastmen aren't familiar with periods.”
“I'm guessing merfolk and fae don't either, based on the twins and Sebek.” Riddle sighed, feeling sorry for you.
Leona's ears perked as he heard the shrill shriek of a certain octopus in the distance. Riddle and the others also seemed to hear it as they winced.
“Probably not…”
“… should we?”
“Yeah, we probably should, before my boys wreck the school. Let's get Crewel.”
It took a whole hour of you reassuring the small crowd that had formed around your bed in the infirmary before anyone calmed down. Floyd and Jade were being constantly pulled back into the infirmary by the ear by the nurse, who kept telling the two to stop trying to go beat up the imaginary person that, quote unquote, “hurt you”.
“What do you mean Shrimpy isn't hurt? I can smell the blood from all the way down the hall!”
“Yes, it's quite a potent scent, and distinct to our dear Prefect.” Jade held his hand to his chest as he sniffled. “We've smelled it before when they've gotten hurt, but this is a whole different level.”
“Yeah! Almost all of Savanaclaw could smell it” Ruggie nodded in agreement as Jack followed.
“They must be really hurt if we all could smell it from that far away! You need to help them nurse!”
Their voice's grew again in volume, Sebek in particular, as he vowed to also hunt down the “ruffian who would dare harm a fellow student on the campus Master Malleus attended!”
The nurse, growing more and more annoyed trying to corral the group (she wondered how ethical it would be to use a silencing spell and another to stick them to the ceiling), sighed in relief as the echo of Crewel's whip commanded immediate silence.
“Oh, thank the Sundrop, Professor Crewel, please control them. I am up to here with their foolishness—”
“Foolish? The Prefect might be dying!” Azul cried out, surprisingly attached to your side. She'd tried to yank him off of you earlier, but was met with a shocking amount of strength as his grip on the metal bed frame caused an Azul-sized hand indent to form. His strength, easy to forget in his slender frame. Now, he was trying his best to coax the name of the student responsible with promises of free drinks and discounted food.
“No I'm not!” You cried out in exasperation. “I've been trying to tell you, but y'all won't listen!”
As you tried to get up from the bed, trapped in a blanket cocoon made by Azul, the boys started up again. Half urging you to stay in bed and rest, while the other half argued with the nurse, and now Crewel, about healing you up.
A near ear-shattering rumble of thunder caused another silence to fall over everyone. This time, though, the group shrunk into themselves as Malleus, standing proud and tall, entered the room. Sebek perked up, rushing over to meet him.
“Young Master! I've ensured that the human was taken to the infirmary, but so far they've refused any healing—”
“Thank you, Sebek. I will speak to them myself.”
Malleus, his school jacket flourishing behind him (one of the students murmured that he felt like a background character in a romance movie), flew to your side. Where you had been squirming your upper body out of the blanket cocoon, smacking at Azul's hands as he kept attempting to swaddle you back in.
Now freed waist up, you turned to face Malleus, who had elegantly kneeled down by your bedside (you could hear Sebek muffled a shriek) and held your hand like a delicate piece of china.
“Child of Man, my friend, what happened? Are you alright? Did someone hurt you?” Malleus cooed at you, green eyes peering into yours, full of concern.
So it was a surprise to everyone in the room when you groaned, which morphed into a soft scream.
“Uh… Child of Man?”
“I'm fiiiiiine!” You sighed, slumping back into the bed. “I'm just on my period, you guys.”
The room remained quiet, a bit too quiet as you lifted your head back up to look at the room of confused looking men. Crewel had a hip cocked as he looked unimpressed over the crowd. The nurse was rubbing her temples. You heard Azul clear his throat, drawing his attention as he asked,
"What's a period?"
Finally, the crowd had settled, all of them huddled around your bed as you tried your best to explain what a menstral cycle was.
"So you like, bleed every month? Randomly?"
"Amount 28 days, so once a month yeah. And now it's not random, it's part of the reproductive cycle. It's my body preps for a new egg—"
"But, I though humans didn't lay eggs?" Floyd asked, leaning against Azul's right shoulder.
"We don't, it's different the egg turns into a baby itself so there's no egg to lay—"
Ruggie spoke up, "We get that, but I don't get why the egg makes you bleed? It can't do that can it?"
"No, no, no. It's not the egg itself, it's my body. In order for the egg to get fertilize it needs a good environment to grow, so the uterus grows a fresh lining once a month for the egg to latch on to, so—"
You sighed as once of the other fae students interrupted.
"Fresh lining? Like, the skin? Of the uterus?"
You nodded, trying to keep your patience as you attempted to explain to your friends that, no, you were in fact not bleeding to death.
"Yes, that's the blood, the skin is shedding to make a fresh one for the next egg."
You don't think it's working, as that last sentence caused a wave of mortifcation amongst the crowd.
"That... sounds like it hurts." Malleus, still holding your hand, softly asked. "You're not hurting though, correct?"
Pursing your lips, you looked up at the ceiling, avoiding eye contact. Wow had that cobweb always been in that corner?
Malleus's voice, calling out your name for once, was full of questioning.
"Yeah Horns?"
"it doesn't hurt, correct?"
You started whistling a little tune, studying the dirt under your nails.
"Dear Prefect," Jade this time. "Answer the question?"
The group leaned in closer as you grumbled under your breath.
"Speak up Shrimpy."
".........not always."
"Come on, stop being shy, you act like a puppy most of the time" Ruggie was getting annoyed.
".....cramps..not move...not always."
"It's okay Yuu, you can say it." Azul cooed.
"...Sometimes the cramps makes it hurt too much to move, but not always."
You braced yourself as the crowd once again riled up.
The nurse off to the side still, leaned over to tell Crewel, "I told you we needed an interspecies health class."
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hehe this was fun, comments appreciated. I may be inclined to write more since writing different between species like this is fun
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musubiki · 2 months
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more timeskip mochi outfits and doodles 🐈‍⬛
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agentc0rn · 5 months
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I love this thing a bittt too much
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kofuii · 24 days
There's nothing between those eyes.
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startistdoodles · 11 months
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Prisma's 1st year 💜
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quikyu · 5 months
Can you draw Pecharunt with no eyebrows?
Yeah I sure can.
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But here’s one with eyebrows instead
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viveela · 1 year
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Wanted to draw Yuichi w his ears loose but it turned into this lol
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runs up to these two like a dog owner “WHAT DO YOU HAVE IN YOUR MOUTH?”
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ask-prismaknight · 8 months
O-oh dear ^^;; I think Mochi might've imprinted on more than one person when he landed 👀 Is DMB prepared to be a "father figure"?
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"I think it's best that he stays with Prisma...I don't want him to...
...be like me."
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sparksnevadas · 1 year
hi. hello sparks beloved. I am prancing into your inbox like a fancy cat.
anD I AM SHAKING YOU!!!!!!! HI I BINGED ALL OF GIHASM AND IMMMMM???? ahems. hi yes. I am Completely Normal about this fic. mhm mhm.
first of all, your character voices???? Fucking Superb what the fuck. sparks give me your secrets. I am looking at you with big pleading eyes.
shout out to scar for being the Biggest fucking flirt ever I love him.
I love it. I adore your writing. I love the story you’re crafting up. I’m excited to watch these three idiots get together <3
Oh man this isso !!!!!! Mochi this is so weird im so torn between “you literally got me in mumscarian im having a full on fan moment rn” and also “keep calm sparks, this is literally your friend that you talk to in a chat basically everyday” im just So !!!!!
First off i need to say the dance scene in the recent chapter? Completely and utterly inspired by crime au. Once a decided to write a mumscarian fic, i knew i needed a ball scene. (Okay sorry, fan moment, anyways-)
Second AAAAAGH IM SO HAPPY YOU LIKED IT MY DUDE character voices are something im really proud of and im always happy when people point it out. Like okay, maybe my plots a little too silly sometimes but at least i can hear Their voices saying this? Which gives me the bravery to click publish every single time. It also means alot, considering how we both get about ooc-ness
grumbo my beloved <3
aaaAAA im still fanboy— fangir- fanBUGing over here moch!!!! I havent stopped smiling since i read the first line. Love ya my dude!
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fleetways · 6 months
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response to this. chimera baby has her shounen moment
does she have what it takes? find out next time on dragon ball z @sonic-oc-showdown!
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mochinomnoms · 6 months
Cling azul clingy azul clingy azul. Kisses for azulito. Azulito deserves many kisses
If you're like me, and insist on showering Azulito (he begs that you don't call him that in front of others, especially the twins) with kisses and kisses galore, you better commit to it!!
You better let him cling to you as you cuddle and smooch in his large bed, he's exhausted after a long day's work. He needs this, he needs to wrap his arms (just the two never seems enough sometimes) around you as you lay on his chest with his weighted blanked on top of you both.
Complain that it's heavy, but he insists if he's to take you back home that you start becoming accustomed to the pressure of the ocean and his 8 tentacles around you. No, you are legally obligated to spend at least one hour with him every day after 5pm per your relationship contact.
(Note that, it's not an actual contract. He's made very few since Leona destroyed his collection, saving them for emergencies and things of personal importance. He has one waiting for you to sign in the future, glittering gold with the words ENGAGEMENT CONTRACT on the top.)
For now, though, he demands that you let him indulge in your affections, exclusive to him (and maybe Grim). Leave lipstick marks on him, one specifically on his collar, Why are you so surprised? It's so that he can brag about getting such a wonderful, beautiful, enchanting, loving partner. Azul's so surprisingly affectionate in public, an arm wrapped around your waist so that his hand rests on your hip, rubbing any exposed skin there. He's bringing you closer, preening when you place a hand on his chest for stability. That's right, he's YOUR stability in this crazy world. He's delighted that everyone else can mope and stomp around, jealous as you place another kiss on his cheek. All these single-fucks can seethe and cry about how he, the Azul Ashengrotto, can show off his pretty eye-candy of his arm with a self-satisfied smirk.
You're his partner, his beloved, his his his! You, to be frank, had the opportunity to choose celebrities, princes, heirs, future kings. You had the cream of the crop, really. But none of them met your standards, only him! He wins! Ha! Ha ha ha! Now, let's go back to the bedroom, he's in need of your sweet embrace and would like to make out with his partner! HIS!!!
Ha, ha, HA!
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musubiki · 5 months
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cat-shaped bow came to me in a dream
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agentc0rn · 5 months
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This thing is stuck in my head
Edit: prankster might not be the best word idk what I thought of it, but out of context chicken dance seems like a funny one
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