#its just one of those things i cant explain to cis people
chimcharstar · 1 year
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Trigun Bookclub: Vash's Speech (FLOP EDITION...)
all bookclub posts
so i wrote this entire thing over a span of a day and a half. and found out just as i was finishing it that the ultradeep™ vash lore analysis point i wanted to make is actually NOT in the og trigun. [here's my mental breakdown post lol]
but i spent so much time and energy on this that i cant just say whelp! and delete it... so i'm posting it anyways. the straight-up incorrect parts are crossed out and some post-realization notes are in red. theres also a few paragraphs of postscript commentary/rambling in purple at the end of the post.
read it if youre bored i guess. but take it all with a grain of salt.
in the future (once we get to trimax vash+knives interaction) i will write the version of this that my memory intended, with an actual conclusion that makes sense lol
Mini-entry this time because I got consumed by linguistics brain worms :P But I wanted to make sure I talked about Vash's speech and his usage of pronouns!
A bit of background before we get into the analysis:
Japanese pronouns are very different from English. As the Wikipedia page puts it, "The use of pronouns, especially when referring to oneself and speaking in the first person, vary between gender, formality, dialect and region where Japanese is spoken."
The styles of spoken Japanese in general are another can of worms.... They're similar worms so I'll be touching on them a little, but it's not that relevant yet.
In real life, people have multiple pronouns (and speech styles) that they switch between depending on the situation, like with friends and family, at work, in front of kids, etc. For example, I primarily use 俺 online (along with joke/slang pronouns for funsies like 漏れ or おれっち), 自分 or 僕 in public depending on the person, and 私 in closeted situations. My cis male JP-school classmate uses 俺 with friends/family, used to use 私 in class at first, and then transitioned to 僕 as he got more familiar with the teachers.
Although this sort of code-switching happens all the time IRL, it's way less frequently illustrated in fiction, both for consistency's sake and because fictional characters just don't care as much about status. That's why I thought what's going on with Vash is particularly interesting!
Details continued below...
--original readmore position--
Here are the connotations for the two first-person pronouns that Vash uses (pulled from Wikipedia):
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ore/おれ/俺 - informal - males - Frequently used by men. Establishes a sense of "masculinity". Can be seen as rude depending on the context. Emphasises one's own status when used with peers and with those who are younger or of lesser status. Among close friends or family, its use conveys familiarity rather than "masculinity" or superiority. It was used also by women until the late Edo period and still is in some dialects. Also oi in Kyushu dialect.
boku/ぼく/僕 - formal/informal - males - Used by males of all ages; very often used by boys; can be used by females but then carries tomboyish or feminist connotations. Perceived as humble, but can also carry an undertone of "feeling young" when used by males of older age. Also used when casually giving deference; "servant" uses the same kanji (僕 shimobe). Can also be used as a second-person pronoun toward male children (English equivalent – "kid" or "squirt").
(the usage of boku as a 2pp is actually part of a different phenomenon--if you're interested in that kotolabo's video explains it better than i ever could (eng captions available))
And these are the notes for every time Vash has used a first-person pronoun in the span that I've analyzed so far, which is until Chapter #06. I'll be adding onto this in the future as my annotations continue. no need anymore. i skimmed the rest and found out that, aside from a childhood flashback, vash uses exclusively ore after chapter #05.
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The first instance is in Chapter #02, when he cries in French.
「なぜ僕がこんな目にあうのママン 何も悪いことしてないのにみんなが僕を狙うよママン」(独り言) "Why do things like this keep happening to me, maman? I don't do anything bad, but everyone's always after me, maman!" (to himself)
Here he uses boku, the softer pronoun. However, because he's putting on a "helpless French boy" persona, this one actually doesn't say much about Vash (other than that he's being silly).
The second time is later in the same chapter, when surrounded by the women of April City.
「奴に…会うまでは!! 俺は立ち止まる訳にはいかないんだ!!」(主婦たち) "Until I see him again... I cannot afford to stop moving!" (Housewives)
This time he uses ore, the rougher and more masculine pronoun. The situation is very tense; he has several guns pointed at him. This is also the first instance we see the trauma and hurt Vash holds inside. Overall he's very desperate here. We can see in a bit that ore is his "default." He drops his usual polite/kind tone to be as sincere as he can with the women. I think he can't afford to code-switch and be polite because this is a very personal and emotional moment for him. This doesn't mean his tone is necessarily rude (in-universe!!! probably better not to talk to strangers like this IRL); he still uses relatively soft language.
The next two are in Chapter #04, both when he refuses the sandsteamer guy's job offers.
「やだやだやだやだ 僕は争いごと嫌いなの!!」(砂蒸気の人) "No, no, no, no! I don't like trouble!" (Sandsteamer guy)
「僕は客なの!!この車の警備態勢にはチョーー期待してるから ヨロシクね!!」(砂蒸気の人) "I am a passenger! I have great faith in your security, so I entrust everything to you, okay?" (Sandsteamer guy)
He uses boku here. As we'll see in future instances, this is the pronoun he uses in front of other people and is the one he chooses most frequently. He constantly avoids trouble, so he always uses soft language and the humbler pronoun. nope it was just out of politeness towards a stranger and trying to sound less assertive/more harmless(?) to get out of the situation
In the next page, Vash talks to himself during his piss break.
「…まったくもう���保険屋の2人組といい… 俺(おら)ァもっとひっそりとやってきたいのに」(独り言) "...Jeez! As if those two insurance girls weren't already enough... I was hoping for a nice, quiet trip." (to himself)
Although the pronunciation here is oraa, it's a reduced form of ore wa (wa is a grammatical particle). His tone here is sort of laid-back (and tired, as you can tell). Again, this is his default 1st-person pronoun.
A few moments later, on the last page of the chapter, he says,
「よく分かった ツラかったろう!!大丈夫だ 僕にまかせな 悪い様にはしねえぜ!!」(カイト) "I understand. It must have been so hard! It's okay... I'll take care of you. I won't let anything bad happen to you again!" (to Kaito)
Here he switches back to boku. He does this in front of almost everyone, but this is especially the case because he's speaking to a child he wants to protect. Using the boku pronoun gives a softer, more approachable vibe.
In Chapter #05, he goes back to ore when he talks to Kaito about No Man's Land.
「時々考えるよ この惑星に…来た事が本当に俺達にとって幸せな事なのか ってね」(カイト) "I sometimes wonder... Was our arrival on this planet actually something for us to be happy about? ...Y'know?"
From here on Vash is more familiar with Kaito, enough to open up a bit about his true feelings about humanity. It is also partially Vash talking to himself. irrelevant/coincidence
In Chapter #06, Vash talks to himself in front of Kaito.
「間違いない!!俺にゃー死神か貧乏神が2ケタ以上ついてるんだ」(独り言・カイト) Overhaul: "Why do death and destruction always follow right behind me?!" Literal: "I swear, I have at least 2 digits’ worth of death-gods or poverty-gods haunting me!!"
He uses ore here again. At this point, he's pretty much completely familiar with Kaito, and considers him a friend/teammate. The speech here is very casual. Skimming through the later chapters, I was able to confirm that from Chapter #05 on, Vash uses exclusively ore.
AAAND CUT! this is where my dumb ass realizes that vashs speech is different between trigun and trimax, and that the conclusion i planned on making was trimax-exclusive :) now forget everything you just read in this post past the wikipedia table screenshot because itll be completely irrelevant in less than a week!!
trimax vash uses boku 99% of the time and ore exclusively in front of knives as far as i can remember. i wanted to say stuff about how he is always wearing the kind persona as a mask and shows his true emotions (aka his sheer trauma and rage) in front of knives and knives only
but like. he really doesnt in og trigun. thats just him being kind to strangers??? and barely has any deep meaning to it. it doesnt mean the individual analyses are wrong but theyre definitely not making the point i was going to make at the end of this post and it just aint that deep.
very frustrated with myself rn... but the 2 good things i got out of this are 1) i wont have to write the pronoun explanation again and 2) i skimmed through all of trigun so future annotations might be faster/cost less spoons since i already have some things to write down in mind.
This will definitely get a part 2+ in the future, especially once we get to see Knives. the redo will just be a new single-part post. this stuff will most likely only become relevant once we see knives+vash interaction in trimax The Meryl speech analysis we mentioned in a past post is currently in the works, and will also be part of this speech series!
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matoitech · 4 months
it’s obviously important for ppl to criticize misogyny particularly transmisogyny in trans male communities since thats a trans community issue but if ur also tme and the only thing u ever exclusively talk about trans men for is talking abt us as bigoted misogynists (usually there’s a ‘binary’ slapped in front of it) i genuinely think you need to put the phone down go outside and remember that whatever insane misogynist guys online are saying is not a necessarily a reflection of like things adult men outside of a weird fringe group of freak transmisogynist dudes on tumblr who think the boys should get our own word JUST like the GIRLS or its NOT FAIR!! or whatever (and one coined by a fucking terf at that..) are saying, or justification for behaving weirdly about an entire diverse community of trans people.
again i do not say this to like dissuade ppl from discussing legitimate problems but like a couple points- 'binary' trans men r capable of talking about it ourselves, and we do, and we’re not the ones whose posts get shared about it. and second: if you’re only bringing us up to talk abt how shitty particularly TRANS men are you might have a problem you need to deal with? this is not a shocking statement. like at some point someone has to point it out to you and sit there and take the shit and patiently explain to you it’s that the problem comes when its literally the ONLY thing you bring us up for and act like we're not capable of talking abt this ourselves, and that its a problem how comfortable ppl r for letting ppl speak over/for us if the only similarity they share w trans men is.. an agab and not being cis (yikes!). or if theyre transmasc and male aligned in some capacity but dont have any interest in engaging with or considering themselves a part of like trans men, THEYRE the ones who need to talk abt it, bcuz the (usually 'binary') Trans Men wont (not saying those ppl cant or shouldnt but they may be treated differently for doing so)
first ppl liked using transmeds existing to throw up justification for treating us like a bigoted monolith you (uniquely) Just Dont Feel Safe Around and its normal to make assumptions abt us being transphobic especially if we don't identify by labels deemed 'safe' and Inherently More Radical, and now its pretending we all collectively cant recognize our privilege thru our intense blinding hatred of women and its up to you to save us from ourselves and beat some common sense into the inherently bigoted stupid about gender patriarchy dicksucker boys. like i dont know im tired of it when trans men being accused of only existing bcuz we want to be patriarchy bootlickers i guess is always what radfems have thrown at us, so its not like this negative perception of trans men filtered thru a supposedly progressive lense is new. a lot of adult trans men dont talk abt like particular hot shit thats discussed a lot on here rn (the 'trans misandry' shit for example) bcuz its was not a problem in the spaces we're in and we knew it was stupid as fuck right away and barely worth talking about to say 'yeah you know that thing we all know is stupid and bullshit? its stupid and bullshit'. bcuz we're not fifteen years old or weird misogynists. we have brains, don't hate women, and we dont all know and hang around the same people.
anyway dont take this post as a stand in for serious discussion and calling out misogyny (again especially transmisogyny) w other men, those posts do need to exist, i am not trying to say this stuff shouldnt be talked about. what i'm specifically pointing out is a frustrating pattern in the perception of and discussion of trans men that ppl probably dont realize theyre participating in. i do think it is very important to talk abt community issues and criticisms but if its literally the one thing you bring up trans men for i think being aware of that behavior has no NEGATIVES here. also do have to bring up i specified other tme ppl early on bcuz this isnt smth ive experienced or seen from transfems and their position as like the affected party of transmisogyny is automatically like .. if they have issues w trans men it is pretty inherently coming from a different place than like, a cis womans, or a tme nonbinary person, or a transmasc person with issues with trans men, or a cis mans, etc. tme ppl who are on a very different ground here, whose behavior is straight up different anyway
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gayspock · 6 days
i need to stop freaking it um
in myheadi know what people must fucking think of me and the derisive fucking thoughts they most surely have whenever id even briefly mention that. no i do not want to go into fucking therapy ever again. it does not fucking help me and in facct i am fucking telling you it categorically makes it worse. i mean everything makes it fucking worse. im patiently waiting for a fucking suggestion that does not make it fucking worse. but peopledont like it when you point out it genuinely, genuinely is a fucking lost cause. oh woophy doo. and something soemthing. its not fucking bad experiences im not that fucking stupid . i mean well yes, in fucking fairness there Have been those.
(re: the whole waiting for a fucking suggestion. just a small, simple fucking thing that wont make everything. so much worse. i cant help it. everything just fucking exacerbates every little fucking thing. i cant find anything. even stupid shit like fucking breathing exercises just make me fucking lose it . any attempt t o do anyhting just makes it worse worse worse. i feel like a fucking quittter and a n idiot and like theres something so fucking wrong with me. i know youre meant to go through hardship and its not easy but i cant fucking do it any more. i cant fucking keep doing it when i keep trying these thingsfor years and it just keeps slipping back and theres no one fucking there but the vcague judgement from some people who see snippets of you consistently fucking failing . ytoure not doing wenough youre not trying hard enough why cant you just fucking accept that it takes work. i dont know i wishthe effort mattered for once i wish it made a single difference nothing has meant anything and i just feel like im going crazy and its so fucking meaningless and its not even worth it any more. just one fucking day where itpicks up just a little fucking bit one fucking thing that wont solve anything but relieves it slightly but i cant fucking find any of it and i feel like im just being fucking worn down repeatedyly and its still never meaning anyhting ive said it i'll say it again its not fucking worth it and its never going to be worth it its never going to make up for it i dont fucking care or . Whatever)
but whatever the fucking therapy ting how do youfucking explain yes bad bad fucking experiences shitty fucking experiences ones that have never done anything but made irt worse. (oh so why dont you go seek help. easy i have never felt any smaller, or worsde as a fucking person after attempting to seek help proffessional or not. so no fine fuck me i guess i fucking have my reservations) but also just a fucking structural issue. a fucking trhis is just not fucking feasible issue. people just fucking say Go to therapy! :) at you like its some fucking magic fucking spell and tyhats the tsame thing with everything. people dont actually want to know. people dont actually fucking care what happens to you.theres that One Single fucking solution and if it ius not fucking helpful or god forbid even ccessible what do you fucking do. i feel so fucking helpless and fucking want to give up i really fucking need to give up sometime fucking soon i dont care any more . i havent cared what am i talking about. my point is fucking christ itds always the same fucking thing. i dont know how to even fucking describe it. fucking like
like jsut that samer fucking unifying issue of epople slapping some empty fucking platittude in your face without fucking listening to you. no i cannot fucking go to therapy where the fuck am i meant to access anything like that. and if i did what would it help. i can barely fucking communicate i cantbarely fucking talk any more. i cant explain anything i cant stand my fucking ground in a room i feel like im dying all the time. but thats just me not being ready and not trying hard enough and im not committing enough i thni k. but ci cant get there i keep trying i keep fucking trying to get there and im getting nowhere and i jusst fee l like im stupid and i am stupid and people get angry with you for saying that when they dont tereat you like youre aything BUT stupid . and i need helpo i know i need help but im jsut going in circles people telling me im not doing anything for help people telling me that i need help epople telling me im not good enough for help and whats that you feel worse you feel run down you dont have any faith in any of this youre a fucking stupid idiot you want this youre making it worse for yourself what the hell else is there and what good is there and why why why what else do i fucking do at this point i dont have anything else i feel like im going crazy you need to be stable to try and be in peoples lives you needd to be a fully formed person to be loved ands something thast isnt just a black fucking hole i dont know ui cant do anything by myself i keep trying and it doesnt help but i dont think iot mattrers i say its such a fucking lost cause
like i dont fucking know i cannot possibly think of anything thatr would push me closer to fucking pitching myself off the tyne bridge than being forced into cbt what am i meant to say other than this fucking feels like a living fucking nightmare and im fucking telling you activelty how fucking much this fucking approach fucks with my head hohhhhhh. thank god that 90% of the time the nhs does not only offer this and only this most of the time because its cheap and easy to push out, and if you dont feel comfortable doing it youre most likely axed or maybe a another few years of waiting and more hoop jumping, a several year long waiting list. and then what its still never going to fuckin wwork out you cant fucking talk still you cant fucking mnage anything its so ufcking uncontrollable and the truth is theres nothing anyone could fucking say to you. theres no talking your way out of it oyou cantalk for hours and fucking hours to yourself and it never makes a difference theres never been a fucking moment of fucking this will be afine you can talk to people it makes it worse what do they say theres nthing to do i am not fucking dpressed and i am going crazy because people call me crazy lets get on a waiting list to be told that its probably one longer than it is to get with a fucking Dentist in this fucking country ( to eventry anything else when youve already waited several to get where you are and you dont think you have that much longer left you think youre dead yesterday . oh sorry whats that. whats that come again? oh you dont fucking. oh thats it right but what sorry you jsut havbe to keep doing it and doing it and doing it and if you give up thats your fault i dont FUCKING CARE MAN PEOPLE MAKING FUN OF YOU, youre a self pitying asshole for not doing it for not trying hard enough for not having people who love you why dont you go out and fucking talk to people )ikeep trying i keep trying ) its like nobody believes that yes it is jsut this fucking hopeless it is this fucking pointless i do keep trying but its just so so fucking stupid endless fucking circles
the dentist bit is funny i think thats funny i wonder i feel like that se exact same people would say that you know i lost two teeth in the end because of how fucking stupid the fucking healthcare system is in this country sorry i should have fucking sat there and just Did it Faster and how you jsut cant fucking get onto anythin g but no no come on fucking sit there and fucking tell me thet thers a way out i should have just waited longer and tried reall y hard! guess what hint hint thw waiting the never having anything to f it is what made it worse is what made it unsalavegabel there is no magic make this better fucking button when its so fucking far gone when everything just rejects it when there is no fucking other way but to rip it out and fucking chuck that cunt away but i dont know i dont know i think i never had a chance sometimes i think there was never going to be a way out i think im just so upset i think i keep criyng like this knowing how fucking wrong i was for not ending i i think i feel like an idiot i think about all the fucking years of ttuying to what ther conclusion is never changing it wont fucking chance i think im crazzzzzyyyy maybe
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engiiiiiii · 3 months
post mentions bottom dysphoria and related stuff. not 'really' nsfw but its worth saying regardless.
my past increasingly makes zero sense, but unpacking it is kinda useful. I remember - mid teens maybe 15 or 14 even I remember distinctly thinking: I dont connect to my genitals at all, its just sexual. I'm pansexual oc, I dont have to explain it in detail. But I attributed it to masturbation, thinking it was dirty and somehow misleading me. Yknow, purity stuff.
Years later, its the exact same as the bottom dysphoria I feel to this day. Except with more outright discomfort. in a weird way, yeah, it makes sense. Its one of the harder aspects of being trans to explain to cis people, but I now know its not purity. And I'm very much not het, so there's nothing there. I don't like having a penis, simply. If I look at it for too long or in the wrong mood it's so painful. being sexual only leads to disgust after, from knowing Im not who I want to be. And, on the matter of selection, do I really want anything? And I think I know part of why.
I don't have self expression irl. Trans issues are a joke to those around me and I prefer having the current terrible state of my mental illness. I do prefer living if its not too dark. I have a lot of agenderness due to it- quite simply if I cant express my assigned gender but also cant associate comfortably with my preferred gender than what do I even have? I have too much body dysphoria too to do anything.
I'm still not sure why I decided to grow out my hair. At a young age subtly hate body hair growing, until now where its so obviously masculine. But in some ways I probably was always less cis than I give credit for. I mean, I was always trying to live up to masculinity and hating it, and just giving up on it has been the best thing to happen to myself. I mean, I now have a self - something I never used to have.
just kinda my thoughts on agenderness, bottom dysphoria, and etc. bit of a long post but I've been thinking over this for a couple weeks now, and a big part of this blog is being comfortable with expressing how I navigate through new issues, now that I'm living at least partially under my correct titles. (⁠;⁠^⁠ω⁠^⁠)
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femmedionysus · 1 year
why cant transmascs use the t slur? we're all transgender whether we're nonbinary, trans men, agender, transfemme, trans women or whatever. why does the assigned birth gender matter? we've all experienced transphobia and the t slur is used the same against transmascs as it is transfemmes.
yes, we have all experienced transphobia, you’re right! can you guess what we haven’t all experienced though?
that’s right, transmisogyny! while all trans people do face transphobia, trans women & transfems face a unique intersection of transphobia & misogyny greater than the sum of its parts. I don’t say that to downplay transphobia - transphobia is dangerous & horrrible to experience, genuinely.
when you are in a community with many different people, sometimes you share one axis of oppression with some people, but they may experience a different type of oppression too, one that you don’t experience. that doesn’t mean that you stop experiencing the type of oppression that you share with them, it just means that they experience other forms of oppression, and sometimes those are connected to each other. sharing one form of oppression with someone doesn’t give you the experience of other forms of oppression that person has.
for example: all non-straight people experience homophobia. all women experience misogyny. as a lesbian, I get both homophobia and misogyny directed at me, & where those two things intersect, I experience lesbophobia. this doesn’t mean that every time I experience oppression, it’s automatically lesbophobia - sometimes it is “just” homophobia or “just” misogyny. I share the experience of misogyny with cis & trans women of all sexualities. I share the experience of homophobia with gay & bi people of all genders. the fact that I am a target of lesbophobia doesn’t make the homophobia that a gay man experiences any less dangerous or awful; it would still be inappropriate for him to reclaim the word dyke for himself, because that word was never meant as a slur against him. the fact that I experience lesbophobia doesn’t make the misogyny a straight woman faces any less dangerous or awful, but it would still be inappropriate for her to call herself a dyke.
the t slur originated as a hateful term used against trans women. when it is used towards tme people, it is not meant as an insult for being transmasc, it is meant to insult us by grouping us in with trans women. do you see why it’s different for someone affected by transmisogyny to reclaim a transmisogynistic slur than it is for someone who is not affected by transmisogyny to use it?
you sound young so I am genuinely trying to explain here. I’m not your dad, I can’t tell you what words you can or cannot say, you are a complete stranger to me. I’m just letting you know that when you use a slur that is not targeted at you, the people around you who are targeted by that slur will probably feel less safe around you, & a lot of people around you will probably think you sound like an asshole.
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kuiperror · 6 months
i watched the 2015 film "the danish girl" for my english class and i have to write an essay thats due eod tomorrow SO to get my juices a flowin i'm gonna review the movie here first. spoilers from here on out duh
So this movie was kind of 😐. i knew about lili elbe and gerda wegerner way before this movie , im not like a historian on them but i know that gerda supported lili in her transition and they were still very much together and in love up until the last years of lili's life in 1930 shortly after their marriage was dissolusioned since lilli transitioned and their marriage couldn't be recognized anymore. Also like gerda was a huuuugee woman lover she painted a lot of lesbian erotic art. i was actually really confused most of the film like "ok when is gerda going to start accepting lili and theyre going to be happy with eachother?" but i guess portraying gerda as anything but straight is too much somehow and she needs to rely on a man to help her process the horrible situation of her wife discovering who she is and medically + socially transitioning :(
obviously that was sarcasm , but that does happen in the film. Ok to be real, i will probably finish writing this post, draft a few pages of my essay and rewatch the film again in the morning because im having trouble processing this movie. its earnestly coming off as a nothing burger to me. i was keeping an open mind about how they portray lili's gender awakening and her subsequent female persona as a different person where lili can only be "einar" or "lili" depending on what she is physically presenting as, because this is set in the 1920s and obviously they do not have the same vocabulary and terms for things we do, hindsight is 20/20, that sort of thing. but like. i really expected them to steer away from that way of presenting things, because in the modern-day most (and yes. generalizing but thats how the cookie crumbles in analysis situations) transgender people view their agab self and their "transitioned" self as the same person, because. you really are the same person, you just look differently, a way that is more conjunct with your perception of your gender identity. so i was really expecting lili to start thinking of herself as both "lili" and "einar" or like explain to gerda that she is still the same person she knew, just different, in a way. but no, they keep going on with the "two identities" thing, and while that probably is the way that Real Life lili thought of herself, if the story is going to divert from reality then you can absolutely use fictionilization to your advantage to more clearly explain transgender identities to your cis audience .
one thing i did Not really like was the fact that lili's gender euphoria was always tied with her sexuality. and like. yeah gender ties with sexuality, duh, i would be a fool if i acted like they were seperate, but for lili biggest moments of gender euphoria are portrayed as sensual sexual pleasure. like when a naked gerda pulls off lili's male clothing to reveal a silky camisole underneath or when lili goes to a live peep show and mimics the girl inside, trying to learn to act feminine but stops when the girl sees her (as lili is presenting masculine and doesn't want to raise suspicion) but eventually she loses herself in the pleasure and continues to mimic the girl until she reaches down and remembers she has a penis instead of a vagina and its like... normally i would be cool with this kind of sexual portrayal if this movie was written or directed by a trans person or like 1:1 based off of a trans person's experience but this movie is Obviously made for cis people by cis people. and i would say that a LOT of cishet people, even those who are "allies", think that queer identities are inherently sexual. thats why they say that "children can't be in queer relationships" or that "all trans women / trans people are perverts" because they cant imagine divorcing queerness from sex. and just like the way that the movie refers to lili as having "two identities", this REALLY isnt helping cis audiences understand transppl better.
i think that this movie is helping american society step away from the bare minimum idea that trans ppl (but basically just trans women) are manipulating / abnormal and should only be used in media to point and laugh and say "EWWW the main character had sex with them that's disgusting!!" or "this Trans character is the Villain and they are SOOOO unhinged!" in horror and shit. but it isnt that good at representing like. nuance in gender identity or things like that .
K going to take a break and then continue slaving away at my keyboard
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dykeyote · 9 months
💔 + 🎥 for tpo or rgu (or both!!)
also maybe 📜 for rgu cause i’m trying to get into it
i assume u mean tpp bc idk what else tpo would be tho i may be being stupid ...... so i will do both bc i like to talk >:)
one of my least favorite characters from penumbra and why: oh god i really cannot stand mick mercury . i really cant . i just really dont like himbo characters or anything adjacent ..... unless its handled INSANELY well or in a really new and compelling way i just Do not like cis guy characters where the whole thing is that theyre like incompetent and dumb and thats their main thing and often feels like their Only thing i just Do not like it they immediately get on my nerves and i dont like his voice either so whenever hes on the show i am Displeased ...... theres interesting aspects to him and idk i get why people like him i suppose but i cannot stand him . at all . he just is like the biggest example of a trope i really hate </3
one of my least favorite characters from rgu and why: this ones tricky because like .... i like most of the characters that dont do awful shit . like i can be like "oh i hate akio" and ur gonna be like yeah duh ......
fav scene from penumbra: i did this a while ago in this post but ill also throw in one that i forgot which is that i do quite like juno and cassandra's interactions in murderous mask also .... its quite entertaining and puts an interesting lens on both characters . and also theyre both really fucking funny
fav scene from rgu: okay like.... there are many INSANELY good scenes in rgu . so beautiful so cool so fucking thought provoking it is an AMAZING show . however ngl the scene i think and talk the most abt (i literally was talking abt this to my friend the other day who was thinking abt watching it) is the goddamn scene in the dub (idk what its like in the sub i havent seen it i might after i finish watching the dub thru bc i struggle w paying attntion to captions) where they like . show this like triple angle shot of utena and all the girls are staring at her with heart eyes and shit and then they go in the silliest fucking anime dub voice "Shes So Cool" when it is so obvious that they all want to say shes smoking hot and they need her rn . love that scene . i think abt it all the time . its so funny . why would u censor the lesbians of ohtori academy which is apparently all the girls ever
plotline of rgu and what kind of media it is: revolutionary girl utena is a late 90s anime that was heavily influential on the anime that came later and on animation in general (: the plot surrounds utena tenjou, a teenage girl (ish . her relationship to gender is VERY complex and she is at the very least clearly butch to me . bigender utena 4eva) who wants to be a prince and who is sort of unintentionally drawn into a duel for (among other things) the hand of the rose bride, anthy himemiya, a teenage girl with some magical capacities who is treated more as an object than a person by those who want to win her. utena wins the duel, and continues to have to defend her spot as champion despite not particularly Wanting anthy to treat her as her owner and bride-to-be. things obviously spiral down and get way more complicated from there but thats the basic synopsis of the beginning without spoiling later stuff (: (and obligatory warning for anyone intrigued by that that it gets very heavy later on check the warnings ideally on smt besides does the dog die bc there is a Large amnt and imo the does the dog die doesnt really cover them properly or explicitly explain how intrinsically tied to the narrative some of said warnings Are)
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t4tdnf · 1 year
I dare you to explain how George is more masculine than Dream without sounding queerphobic or gender essentialist as fuck.
You cant btw. Because both are masculine because both are men.
prefacing this by saying i know its a long post but if you sent this ask or agree with the asker id appreciate it if you read!
look i dont mean it as a negative or anything its just how i see it
like the only ways i see people presenting george as feminine is through his body and parts about his physical appearance that he himself cant change, but through his choices in how he dresses for example hes typically more masculine
dream i feel tends to be more accepting about engaging in typically "feminine" things, he has his ears pierced, was talking about dying his hair as examples
i was talking overall about how people seem to depict george as being very feminine due to his body and his body only, i brought dream in as a comparison because i rarely see dream being treated the same, and they are the two that i usually see paired together, nothing to do with sexuality. that was my point. they are both cis men but its george who gets weirdly fetishised for any display of femininity
obviously this is going off of traditional ideas of femininity and masculinity which i didnt say i agreed with, its just what people are more familiar with and how they treat him
to address the rest of your ask:
i think its very unfair to accuse me of being queerphobic and gender essentialist. obviously i dont expect you to know this since im not the most comfortable talking about it here, but i myself am a trans man, im the same height as george and a very similar build and i myself identify as masculine and try to present so, and often end up dressing pretty similarly to george bc of this, which i view as typically masculine clothing. this is a big reason why i personally am very uncomfortable with people saying george is feminine due to these things, as i believe that is a more gender essentialist take from a very cisnormative perspective
additionally i disagree with the whole "theyre bith masculine because theyre men" thing, gender identity and gender presentation are not the same?? it wouldnt be a bad thing if either of them were feminine, that would be fine too, its just presentation
the point of my post wasnt to call dream feminine. but to criticise the idea that george is much more feminine when as i see it he isnt. this is just my opinion as a trans man and im not expecting everyone to agree, or trying to suggest its problematic to not agree, but i di think its incredibly unfair to accuse me of being queerphobic snd gender essentialist based on one opinion that i have that you dont share. you dont know me or my opinions and its extremely weird to just jump to those conclusions
ive deleted my post because honestly i jsut dont care that much, ive said before that i dont think george is feminine and got similar responses. i think we all just need ti go outside more maybe
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Ah fuck now im thinking abt how fuckin lonely it is 2 be transmasc. Bc suddenly all my girl friends see me as Something Else and a fucking Threat even tho im literally the same fucking person only happier. And like how. When i wanted to explore femininity as a girl, my friends loved to show me everything and do my makeup and whatever and like now theyre like. Are you sure ?? Dont you think that will make you uncomfortable LIKE UR THE ONE MAKING IT UNCOMFORTABLE !!!! IM THE SAME IM THE SAME IM THE SAME AS I WAS BEFORE I JUST GOT A NEW HAT AND NOW U ALL HATE ME !!!! and its not like i have boys to go to either because if anything, im now friends with LESS guys than i was before transitioning. Because before i was just a girl and like yea there were a ton of sexist guys who didnt really see me as their equal, but they saw me atleast as a Person. But now its like. Im not one of the girls they can tolerate, im claiming to be one of the boys ??? But it doesn't fucking fit for them because like. Im still at the equality level of a girl but even LESS now. Why cant i just be a Normal girl or a Normal guy. Why do i have to be a guy that also looks and acts like a girl according to the rules in their head ??? LIKE ITS SO FUCKING ANNOYING. I DONT WANT TO BE ONE OD THE GIRLS I DONT WANNA BE ONE OF THE BOYS I WANNA BE ONE OF THEM !!! JUST FUCKING ANYONE !!! BUT NOBODY SEES ME AS ON THEIR SIDE BC GIRLS WHO TRY SOOO HARD 2 BE "TRANS INCLUSIVE" ALSO CANT LET GO OF THEIR IDEAS OF "MAN = DANGEROUS AND BAD AND OTHER" SO HOW DO THEY BE INCLUSIVE OF ME ???? BY TREATING ME LIKE FUCKING SCUM !!!!! SO I CANT BE ONE OF THE GIRLS ANYMORE BECAUSE IM "DANGEROUS". BUT IM SURE AS HELL NOT PART OF THE BOYS BECAUSE IM FUCKING OPPOSITE PINOCCHIO AND NOT A REAL GODDAM BOY EVEN THO HES WOOD AND IM FUCKING FLESH AND BONE MOTHERFUCKER !!!!! AND NOW THERES SOME SECRET CODE TO BOTH SIDES I CANT SEEM TO FIGURE OUT AND IT DOESNT FUCKING HELP THAT IM AUTISTIC TOO DOES IT ????? SO LIKE. ALL I HAVE ARE OTHER TRANS PEOPLE BECAUSE EVEN MY CIS FRIENDS JUST DONT SEE ME AS EQUAL. THEY TRY SOOOOO HARD TO FIT ME IN ANY OF THEIR BOXES TO THE POINT I HAVE TO JUST TRY SOOO HARD TO ACT LIKE IM A FULLY BINARY GUY JUST SO THEY CAN STOP SEEING ME AS A FULLY BINARY GIRL. BUT IM NEITHER OF THOSE THINGS MOTHERFUCKER BUT I CAN BARELT EVEN TELL MY TRANS FRIENDS THAT BECAUSE THEYVE FUCKING INVENTED ANOTHER BOX WHERE THEY ASSUME NONBINSRY MEANS A THIRD FUCKING GENDER AND IT DOESNT !!!! WHEN I EXPLAIN MY GENDER IT DOESNR MEAN I NEED YOU TO SAY "soooooo youre genderfluid" NO IM ME IM ME IM FUCKING ME DONT YOU FUCKUNG GET IT IM DRESSING UP IN FUN CLOTHES BUT YOURE 5 AGAIN AND SAYING IM A GIRL FOR WEARING PINK AND A BOY FOR WEARING BLUE !!!!! IM WEARING A FUCKING PINK SHIRT AND BLUE SHOES WHAT DO YOU WANT MOTHERFUCKER IM EVEYTHING IM NOTHING IM JUST FUCKING ME !!!!
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sereniv · 2 years
vegans have to remember that from a non vegans perspective, we are a mariad of different definitions most of which are negative. and that within those definitions, is us being people who want to take away something that is part of their life
I think thats why ive gravitated more towards focusing on the non vegan aspect of veganism than the full on Earthling Ed approach. As in focusing on tradition, religion, and the possible and practical part instead of just trying to switch to more plant based eating.
Because its easy to spit the facts and provide resources and find alternatives, but i feel theres no active support and conversation for people who "cant go vegan". there is, but its nothing concrete and big. just individual conversations
Like someone who has a religion who requires the killing or use of an animal, or a tradition or a culture.
I just feel like these people are alienated, even though they are talked about in reference AND there are vegans who fall under that category of course. but because white/cis/straight/rich/abled types of ppl tend to get more focus, it drowns out everyone else out and even though i KNOW veganism is diverse sometimes it doesn't feel like it. then again, im only on tumblr
but i also feel the alienation can come from the non vegan too, with no willingness to have a conversation and figure these things out. but its also understandable like i said in the first paragraph.
obviously if the talk was with me, id have someone tell me their situation and it would be more about them talking and me listening, since i wouldnt be in the same identity as them and therefore cant have that "same hat" convo people have within their own community
- but also there NEEDS to be a place or network of different marginalized identities so that non vegans can talk with vegans of their same culture/religion/etc.
and i mean im just on tumblr so im limited in what i see. so maybe this exists?
idk how to explain this properly. i just never see anyone double down on these, and focus on people who's best includes animal products, like i do (not saying im better for doing that, i just feel odd one out)
i feel that the more symapthy and understanding for those situations would help drive out the people who claim to be vegan but arent. to get rid of people who try and say veganism is 100% plant based, who shit on others and are racist with their veganism.
to really drive in the importance of "possible and practical" and checking in with yourself and being honest with yourself.
idk there just needs to be...MORE.
i feel there is an emotional/mental/spiritual aspect not talked about enough.
i was watching Earthling Ed and this one guy said that the only options on campus were tofu and it was gross. now with the rest of the video, this guy probably doesnt try hard to find other options.
But i sympathize. But Ed said that theres always options and basically said that he could choose the tofu
But im thinking, what if the only option was mushrooms. I either eat that or dont eat. Now i wouldn't eat animal products, but mushrooms make me gag. I would dread looking forward to eating. it would ruin my day. it would drain me, and thus it wouldnt be practical for me to keep trying to eat it bc of them varying affects it has on my health (mentally or emotionally)
which may seem extreme, but you wouldnt get to say that someone in that situation can just suck it up. there has to at LEAST be sympathy and understanding.
now for someone else if they chose chicken instead, is it worth the life of a chicken? No, but it also shouldnt be at the expense of your wellbeing. This is why we tell people who have ED's who cant eat plant based, to focus on their wellbeing. because its all goes off of situation by situation. Its not about "the life of a chicken for aomeone who has an ED" its about doing your best within the situation you have, and to focus on doing what is necessary for you, and try and avoid unnecessary harm.
And if youve exhausted all other options then i dont think anyone can blame you. Because who is anyone to say that its possible for you to eat the tofu? Whos to say its possible for you to do something you say you cant do? We have to trust people with what they say and work with them, even if they are lying.
Thats why there needs to be symapthy and encouragement of self reflection. And to do that often. check in with yourself every month and ask if maybe you can change something that you couldn't before
idk. i just never see ppl focus on this as much as i do and i keep wondering if im like idk. wrong for it?
and to be clear, when i talk about religion or culture im talking about the individual. Because within every religion or culture i assume, there are going to be people who view it differently. Religion and culture can be personalized while also being a community. i mean cultures change and religions change and its usually bc of one person. this is NOT to say we should aim to change an entire culture or religion, just simply stating that just because someone is from a religion or culture doesnt mean they cant..idk the word..go over their views and stance and see if theres room for change. like "do i actually believe this, or would an alternative work?" and sometimes they come to the conclusion that there can be no change, and sometimes they find things they can change. both are fine
So while culture and religion as a whole are not valid reasons to cause unnecessary harm (unnecessary being individually defined. this is about animal use only), individuals within that culture or religion get to decide whether its necessary or not
Because otherwise youre talking about pushing colonialist ideas and genocide, if you are to say that killing an animal isnt necessary for someones spiritual connection to their religion or culture. Or to say that wearing an animal isnt necessary for a ceremony. Because even though a life is taken, and it might not seen necessary to you, why do YOU get to decide for that person?
2 people within the same religion can have 2 different approaches to it, 2 different views. same with culture. i mean thats how religion and culture change over years. how traditions change
I just wish there was a place where ppl could talk about that with others like them, to get out their worries and their frustrations and also help establish even, a stronger connection by finding out what truly is a necessity for them.
which sometimes will be using animals.
and i support that. and i think someone can still be vegan even if they use animals if they deem it undeniably necessary.
idk maybe ill make a discord server. bc this bugs me. no slight at any other vegans, but it bugs me that non vegans have such bad experience with veganism (whether its actual vegans or not), and i feel that connection is needed.
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aiko-kpwc · 20 days
i see, im sorry to hear that. i understand both sides here because i can imagine it gets frustrating to feel like someone doesnt believe in/understand your existence, so i can get being a little block-trigger-happy about it. but even if theyre not comfortable being the one to explain it to you there does need to be some space to be able to ask respectful questions
i didnt really understand it either, at first, to be honest. my entire understanding of gender has changed since then. we're taught by society at large to associate certain things together- what we know as gender roles. but societal stuff, linguistics, none of it is like, a natural state of being, if you get what i mean? theres no law of the universe that men must use he/him pronouns and women must use she/her. in fact, in english, there used to only be one gendered singular pronoun! he/him was originally used for men AND women. arguably she/her pronouns were invented out of oppression a very long time ago, to denote women as separate and lesser. some languages dont even have gendered pronouns! quote from wikipedia: "In Armenian, neither pronouns nor nouns have grammatical gender. The third person pronoun նա (na) means both he and she, and նրանք (nranq) is for they."
most cis people have no reason to question these societal rules, because its comfortable for them, and thats totally fine too 👍 queer people are just more likely to have complicated relationships to gender norms. some lesbians like being called by he/him pronouns, but dont feel that they are men. its like... he/him being for men, is like pants being for men, or the name "john" being for men, or something. theres no real reason you cant name a girl john. societal norms just decided it was "weird." some butch lesbians especially consider it a part of their gender expression as masculine women- a butch lesbian named john who wears pants and uses he/him pronouns can do all three of those things while still being a woman. his personal idea of his own womanhood is just very different than the common one.
i hope this helped give some insight to you on why someone may use pronouns you dont expect, but ultimately, i think being kind is more important than understanding. you dont need to understand someone to show them kindness. so, i think youre doing just fine by saying you have no issue with them as people even though you dont really "get" it. thanks for reading & have a nice day!
I'm glad you understand and I do see how I can be rude, I'm not implying that they *have* to use specific pronouns at all. And thanks, I hope you have a pleasant day aswell:)
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casperillion · 4 months
i cant post the orignial context because i think op blocked me but thats fine, i just want to air my thoughts and tbh if theyre not looking anymore im happier abt that.
to summarise a little bit of what this is abt, i replied to an article that very much implied that all trans men are loud misogynists, especially towards trans women which is not something i agree with. my reasons for not agreeing with this is very much based on my real world and online experiences of growing up in the queer community with many trans people around me. I stated that i dont think that misogynistic trans men (which look, i know they exist, ive met them) should be considered the majority and on top of that it feels very weird to focus so heavily on that when trans men do not hold a position of power over other trans people, especially not systematically.
to be fair to op i didnt explain this as clearly as i could originally since my first response to the article was very much an emotional response.
anyway op told me the world would be better off without me in it and that i should kill myself, that im a transmisogynist, and that im the reason they hate that theyre trans masc. someone else told them to back off bc while they agreed with op they thought it was a bit fucked up to say that, i responded to them and clarified my points and this person also ended up agreeing with me.
op then messaged me privately with this
Tumblr media
okay context done here are my thoughts, i'll try to split this up so its a bit easier to read Original point
so for this one, trans men and our issues are very often erased or only ever brought up as an after thought. I dont feel like i need to explain why erasure is bad but the biggest issue i find with this is lack of resources and lack of coverage or even knowledge about the shit trans men deal with in a cisnormativity society.
this article was rough for me to read because it described every trans man that the writer had met as someone who became a loud misogynist and the conclusion was that all trans men were that way, if not openly then secretly. I know this is not the case because i know many trans men and trans masculine people, many of those men are very passionate supporters of trans women, nb people, and cis women. honestly i think these experiences say more about the person who wrote the article than trans men as a whole.
this attitude is used by TERFs to harass trans men who they see as "traitors" and its where i see this sort of thing most often. its very weird to be this focused on this subject especially without discussing how complex being trans masculine is.
its kinda hard to put everything into words, i'll add on more when i remember it later
To the person who posted the article that is now harassing me
im not gonna name them but looking through thier blog actually... made me really sad. they are the type of people that have fallen victim to this kind of thing. they hate men, and they hate themselves even more for being one.
its so sad to me that they see themself like that, its kinda hard to even know if theres a way i can help them, i want to though. even though they were incredible weird towards me.
digression into them being weird actually bc ive been thinking abt it.
they were very quick to judge who i am as a person without knowing anything about me, made a lot of assumptions that arent true. it felt a lot like projection because like?? idk its wild to doubt that i care about my close friends???? you dont know any of us?? you dont even know what community i come from?? i know trans women from like, actually idk the youngest age but roughly from 20 years old to 40+, most of the trans men i know are in their 20s, and i dont even know what the range for nb people i know is because ive met too many and i stopped keeping track. I've lived with other trans people in person of all genres (idk i dont have a better word) , ive volunteered in places where ive met and helped trans women get back on their feet while experiencing financial hardship. as a teenager i was involved in creating safe spaces for trans and gnc teens in my city to meet each other and hang out. less relevant but ive also be outright told by women im close with that they value my perspective when we have discussions about misogyny, actually that was literally 2 nights ago while we were discussing the best way to create a safe space for women and trans fems. obviously op knows none of this but its wild that they just.. assumed so much and decided that my voice was not important or worth listening to.
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emptym0rgue · 5 months
Okey so my mother is a straight, cis, white, christian, woman, how do i explain to her that even if a minority group calls themself a slur, she still cant call them that.
She watched a video where a lesbian called themself a d word and she then said for me to “watch this d***”.
I tried to explain to her that she cant call jewish people the j word because some of them consider it offensive. She then said “but they call themselves that all the time !”
She once quoted a movie where a guy was antisemitic and she quoted the part where the guy called the other guy “fucking k***”
I have a patch on one of my pants that says fag and she not only calls them my fag pants but she also says its an ugly word that i should never use. I try to tell her im literally a gay guy and she says “but you still shouldnt say it”
Heres the thing though, with the n word she says no one should use it including black people. And with queer, which isnt a slur anymore, she gets so offended when she hears it because for her growing up in the 90s, “it was the worst thing you could be called”
And dont even get me started on the g word used against the roma, or the e word used against the inuit, i told her those are slurs and she just doesnt believe me/doesnt care.
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ickie-vicky · 1 year
just read your response and whilst i appreciate the time you put into it, i cannot appreciate the 'argument' put forth. the idea that gender = oppression of women is....well its flawed.
the idea that the gender binary is a social construct designed to oppress i can agree with (which is why I'm a gender abolitionist...not a terf), however that does not mean that gender in and of itself is a social construct designed to oppress. gender binary ≠ gender. they are separate things.
in my opinion gender is an extremely personal felt sense, hard to even put into words. its a combination of so many factors. intrinsically it has nothing to do with society, or others. the way I feel internally about my gender is just that, how i feel. how ive always felt. that is not harming women.
HOWEVER, we live in a society that has forced the gender binary down our throats from birth. shit, even before birth. so it is completely logical that some people will use these binary ideals as a way to reinforce the validity of their gender in the eyes of others. or, in a kinda sick way, in their own eyes as a sort of "right of passage". i can understand how that can be perceived as potentially harmful.
what i cannot understand about your view is that you then direct your hatred of the gender binary at those most affected by it. you, as a cis woman, have not experienced the depth of oppression of being a trans person. i say that as someone that was raised and socialised as a girl, but is not one. since transitioning i have had to face so much more violence and discrimination, and i still get gendered as female most of the time! but the "otherness" of my expression is enough. my deviation from the binary is enough.
there is no logic around directing this venom you have for the patriarchy at trans people. it just doesnt make sense. noone is trying to steal your gender or make women not important. we are all important.
im not sure what your point was about clothes and gender.....a man in a dress is a man in a dress and thats great! but thats not a trans woman. i cant just wear "masculine" clothes and feel comfortable because its deeper than that. i have required hormones and surgeries for my dysphoria. but im not a binary trans man, im non binary. the gender binary isnt even a factor in my identity (im also autistic so...thats that haha). the argument youve made, which i see made a lot in terf spaces, rests on the belief that gender dysphoria is either a)not real or b)can be "fixed" through......conversion therapy essentially. both of which are false ideas aimed at controlling trans people's bodies. why is someone transitioning harmful? why is someone identifying as something other than the binary gender imposed on them at birth a harmful thing? you havent actually explained that.
we need to stick together and create understanding to fight against these oppressive systems, not punch down and harm those with less privilege than us. your hatred is misguided and i hope you see reason one day.
have a read of my first response again as you have admitted you don’t understand it
gender is sexist, so transgender ideology is sexist
you have made no argument against this
you can’t even define gender apart from saying it’s some nebulous internal feeling or identity that is hard to put into words
if your definition of gender is *feeling* like a man or a woman or non-binary that’s still sexist
what does a woman feel like? what does a man feel like? the whole concept of gender is bioessentialist sexist bullshit
i have no hatred or venom towards trans people specifically. i feel bad for you that you feel you must change yourself or change your ‘gender identity’ to align with society’s sexist expectations. do whatever you want but gender isn’t a real thing - it’s a sexist ideology.
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buggybee48 · 3 years
little rant about something that's been on my mind for a while in the tags ❤️
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