#italy was a break up u cant change my mind
when u break up so bad u gotta kill him
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sxmu-suma · 2 years
Paragraphs For Jimmy Because Hes Sleeping!
Daily Paragraph for the one i love, i'd do anything just to make you happy, you're so cute, and genuinely amazing. I love you more than i love myself and everything else, I wanna spread affection to you in any way i fr don't care if its irl or online idc, i just wanna make u feel special because you are ya know? I've never been happier since i met you! I love you<3 I hope you know your my everything and i would do anything for you. I would block every boy,shut them out, drop anyone you don't like, i try my best to make you happy. I'd do anything to make you laugh.....even cheesy jokes. i literally love u so much, your always on my mind and i just cant stop thinking about you. you mean so much to me i honestly can't predict life without you!! I honestly think wow i'm with this lad, he's so perfect, and the fuck am i like- you manage to put a smile on my face all the time even if i'm in a dark spot and i am so happy u entered my life because u have made it so much better in every way, you need to sleep though more my love<33 sorry to break it to u. I'm sorry i keep saying these things so much but i'm in love with you and nothing will be able to change that. Serious talk for a second, Honestly i never thought we would be this close and now that i know you are literally the best person ever. Thank you so much for everything, I swear i'm trying to stop Cutting myself aka playing fruit ninja. My day could be so bad, and it was yesterday because of time zones and you slept through two thirds of my day, Then you dmed me and i got butterflies<333 When i see ur name pop up i blush, YOU MAKE ME FOLD BRUV, LIKE KICKING MY LEGS BLUSHING. I wish you could see how beautiful you make the world. How you light up every room you walk into And make this world seem a little bit kinder. I wish you saw yourself the way i see you. babe..i have to tell u how much i love you. also baby u so god damn fine. But like omg yes, i hope your asleep right now or this will be really awkward but like u came into my life when i felt like everyone was leaving and life wasn't at its finest, you made me feel wanted and Let me talk to you when i wanted to.i I can only use so many words in the dictionary to show you how much i love you and you are always on my mind, putting a smile on my face and making my heart skip a beat. There are only so many ways to express my love and i plan on showing you just how much i love you. Ik you had an okay day bc u said Good ig, ISTG IF IT LOOKS LIKE I'M ANNOYED AT YOU,I'M NOT. you deserve the whole world, i mean it. you've done sm for me(Not physically,mentally) I don't want to fight, if we do i'd prob blame myself. I miss you when u sleep, but im glad your sleeping<33(this all was an accident i swear i just wanted it to start with a simple i love you) I love you so much you're the kindest most genuine person i have ever met, you're genuinely one of the best things to happen to me. I cried a bit re-reading this. I feel like this isn't enough so ima keep going<333 I feel so lucky to have you we have only been dating for a tiny bit but you've made me so hppy in that little amount of time, i cant think of anyone else i would want in my life i love uuuuuu. Okay honestly People in Italy are slaying, Even though theres a 72 foot tsunami coming or smt and theres like 2 missing volcanos, a child been kidnapped and like 17 missing pizzas.
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sirjustice293-blog · 4 years
Tractors and hell fire
Why tractors take those who use to firm with them to hell, is the art of being selfish as a plot that can be tilted with 100 people to make their ends meet is selfishly cultivate with 1 person yet there are many willing and longing 4 the above job in their lives without getting such ending up with broken heart. Now to avoid the above we can use the hand held mini-walking tractor tiller as in the link below
The non-touch screen automated vending machines where the whole cashing and selecting process placed on ya phone as its in-sync with the machine above, bringing ya soda or cold drink to a nearby temperature reader digital scale to opt 4 it or select another b4 it rolls to pick it up to avoid reproach as we want to make our clients fully satisfied in their selections as far as temperature is concerned and with hot drink, coil like wire gets into the drink b4 u do the same above to maximize profits like with Starbucks as few people will be employed to work.
Even grinned guava in the boom process makes cloths as with other fruits as explained below
You can buy mini-maize peeler machine 4 ya household as u get to the firm directly to avoid consuming artificial 1 making illicit business operators rich overnight so by doing the above bar the same as u go ahead and buy the mini-maize miller as in the links below
If ya nation produces/harbors not seldom apple u can use break fluid and still it gives u the airplane in the boom process as what is hurled.
The monies the govt pays people in KAZI KWA VIJANA should be long over due as now a job that 100 people do manually like slashing with E-lawn mower 1 man can do who has that machine or the county can buy 4 the same b4 employing some1 to reduce corruption rate on that money as the wage payable u give a % as a ransom of being selected to fund other activities unknown to us as in the link below
They force people with marriages to increase kids number as they had known how to make like kids body wash, star-soft, baby powder and applying oil and even the bottles which contain the same using cut flower solution but if we market the same gimmicks used to make such to many tribes reduces the same so resorting to open hungers as they cant move on as previous and even the 1 4 washing carpets so wanting people to marry to buy the same to fund their agendas. To reduce such the govt should cater 4 the above 4 every poor child born so as not to increase population which on the other hand is pressed as their tribe population shrinks to benefit. Even parts of plastic containers placed in yogurts makes the same not broken parts like basins, cups in the boom process.
The E-cargo drone in the link below can be used to hurl big made like pavement style rocks to form islands to build cities with suspended bridges like NY i suppose dude where u dig holes using the dredger described in tumblr sirjustice199 a/c b4 pumping out all the water as it has a lid/opening 4 the same and pumping in sewer water mixed with nails, bolts or garbage the in the boom process in darkness erect pillars like those of skyscraper on above the water to form framework to place the pavement like big bare rocks made and not to mention, Gold rust not so u can induct the devil to make the inner linings of the erected pillars to be gold instead of iron which rusts and will not make the compacted effect last. U locate places near the shore with shallow water even like 2 Km from the main-land and build ya city and stop the NY wonder, the island can even be like 300-500 meters depending to the plan of ya city as how many people it can hold as in the link below, u can use submarine technology to fix the above under water at sea bed. Mfalme wa ya whodi to imbue us with confidence
Cut ripe bananas, pineapple, mfenesi or cassava as well can take the place of cabbage in making of clothes likes in the boom process as options. WORKER and vineyard parable to cement the truth dude.
Wamekula maiti ‘mosingi’, kumenuka bro, yameenda mrama now disforming their countenances. Got to get that b4 saying 1 has bewitched u yet u r a corpse eater and even with white men or overseas blacks people don’t rush to point fingers dude as Colombians are good in that act to stop corpse eating once and 4 good/better.
Like now with different people in other nations and the govt cant chase the away the best is 4 such governments to have bracelets on such people to monitor the night movements cause in the dark night or room even during the day can make the same dude and employs dimmers in those people every room houses which are switched automatically to reduces the chances of making the same above that can be used against a nation like with the Uganda missile found in Italy to warn many nations to stop playing and hearken to the above truths.
Hindu got my postings on how to make gadgets along time and have made the same while kept them, so angered by other nations they despised similar advances, so wants to recruit lame excuse as they white got them into their agendas as they could make the same faster and dude that’s ya shit as even with the missile in the link below was just kept, get to ya country dude, stop reproaches homey. That’s ya shit dude, ya problemo not mine, whether u eat fast or slow provided within the stipulated time u finish don’t make the 1st to finish supreme or be 1st as much as with eating. Mind your business dude!!!
Don’t tell me if i comment on this and that social media it will go well with me, leave me all alone or as i walk in the dark night shoot me from behind. U cant control me dude. I get to any social media i like bro!!!
With the vending machines not armored, u can make a casing armored glass to cover the machine with and make holes 4 bolts and nuts on the floor to fix it just the same with smartphone casings. While armored glass technology can be used to make airplanes where they aint colored but only on the windows. Flower grinned to make solution with water can make the above in the boom process where u insert a piece of broken parts to make such 4 houses and u can even hurl cold milk on ice water with the photo of the broken piece above to make the same. This eliminates the dependency on rye which makes many to forge bad alliances with such countries that grows the same like Germany in the link below. Reason why people love Germany if u know not or them, so lets place time in between to see if the above syndrome will shift 4 the worse as when the dubious plan known
Exhume graves like 4 Malcolm X and MLK and bury such in deep sea to eradicate the corpse eating spirit of the believers of the same that if u eat such u became intuitive and innovative to stop the pretense puzzle that USA is bad or good on TV as many long to get there out of the same.
The same way tumblr need no email confirmation and hard to hack is telling u how defeating NY state is hard. Thought u will finish us, the likes of Florida with embassies money built and Texas with internet money, Arizona with ammunition money while Texas with oil money now finished by gas powered machines as well as E-machines. Click the song links below to bring us home
Me wanted to finish their lame excuses as saying they are 4gotten yet their lands contributes to much national wealth yet with me not employed they get not, so want to finish flower export with other options as explained below to they relent as with no excuse 4 being lazy. Guys, i hope u know whom we are addressing. U dude, ya face dull, eat boiled groundnuts, may take ya to hell as u enjoy good things if others don’t take the same, symptoms with 1 who has slept with a dead walking 1 without knowing.
Just say i had a fever, little did i know that they changed my 4head b4 taking deep fried hot Nile perch to make the act above irreversible. May acquit ya out hell fire as an excuse. Not all u think will get to hell fire, what made u do the same i will the reason 4 the day as prostitute with, i had no where to turn to to make Christ say many prostitutes will get to heaven ahead of ya as we want not in the new world others who disturb as u rather get to hell fire and be magma 4 i one week and we forget about ya. MALACHI 4 to bring reality of the above truths not just guess work as many might think with kebi.
When every state separates in the USA those with much interstate visits will deem such as tourists and have the day and on the other hand, USA will not have like 2-5 entry points 4 international tourist but every state with her own national carrier to bring visitors to the airport taking those profits previously held by like Arabian airways, Eu airways or Asian airways as those states with entry points as airports to connect to the mainland will be affected as the flights which ought to land to their airports now lands in every state capital as they also wants to stay afloat and grow their economies as much as with sea ports with introduction of E-cargo drone fitted on big aircraft to eliminate the run 1st thing b4 a plane takes of or touch down to stop dude. Not myth but reality dude
The crime in the bible is the ten commandments as u commit them, Mr Hindu stop antagonizing people with what u think, u r at liberty to think at anything and with many nations has made innovative advances ahead of ya makes u not more superior than them. If so u ought to have come with the same b4 Nigeria, China, SA, Rwanda, TZ, Ghana, Togo, Jamaica or Bangladesh who don’t behave as much as u do as if u r portraying to be Kikuyu, their main cash crops can be made in the boom process as much as tea so we don’t give a hoot. Any1 who thinks profoundly will deem u hungry or gays.
The old not glass walled NY building attracts much tourist more than the like phoenix glass 1, so makes u dwindle in the city much as don’t understand why, cause they resemble the olds and how they can stand 4 long and that’s the NY wonder dude if u did not know homey. So they want to demolish the same without the Negros there as they can see how they are made and eliminate the sad fact that no African tribe built USA to deem like mlk sermons useless as they were saying things they know not well which like the luo or Kikuyu as well as coast tribes have hold dear to get pride or 1st recognition and they want not and pals that’s it. Looking as well 4 those they can sacrifice with the online money failure to pay using their voodoo medicine unknown to those people they claim are to be here like the Negros.
USA can even set 1 point in Africa where their many small aircraft or from other companies bring people to like with Cairo, Tunis, Tripoli or Rabat, where connecting airplanes comes from allover the continents capitals to coverage in the mentioned above cities b4 boarding 1 big USA E-airline plane to take them there in-case their is no separation of “these united states“, if so every state does it personally and even with other continents finding the uppermost cities to converge planes from lower cities b4 getting to USA to save funds.
When u find ways to make artificial eggs, fruits that do not affect the body, kinda u see SA cities like Durban skyline falling as well as with other pay-TV eliminating Dstv u see Jo’barg falling as well as with artificially made timber, poles they used to sell as though cut in her forests yet made artificially. Dude they will meet their ends together, their dirty gimmicks as games known to the ones they entertain the same to.
Kinda, u see 1 hitting ya kisigino/ankle with a rectangular metallic rod/bar directly straight on the ground and the ripple effects gets to ya head as if u r heading a football kicked from another person to u to signal only thing remaining 4 Britain is football betting, jersey and shoes as u have finished them with what they buy in Africa like flower and sell back to ya without knowing getting super-normal profits thinking people will not fathom it and even to selling EU. King of the jew to make the above suggestion a truth that was seen long dude. And even USA pay-TV will loose market as other nations or state have learnt to make theirs they are subscribing to, to save their state Forex as in the link below and even with every machine like Auto-mobiles u see likes of Detroit cities collapsing dude
To avoid theft of receipt not paid online by like hiking a little bit the bill like with water or electricity, it ought to be paid online to avoid the same loophole to get rich tricks faster among the lazy govt officials where they create a website with every house number like with sports betting, where it has every household, building and hotels as well as institutions paying the city bill on it, so u can get to know those who have not payed yet and those who have pay to add all their total pay shown on screen to bar the above and breeds accountability in govt operation synonymous with units 4 electricity which has be launched in few African nations as well as same technology applies to digital water meter which its bill can be paid online even on mobile.
Uganda/TZ seized missile, so think twice if an alien is in ya nation, don’t play insane or any local tribe of a country in another land like Mr Hindu in Pakistan, dude believe me u, it will not be business as usual.
Hussein Bolt ahead of USA, will be that way dude but not 4 one year but 4 more than 5, Malachi 4, nyamawho fresh mouth herb artificially made 1 as described in following tumblr a/c of sirjustice199, seldom apple with making airplanes, as what is hurled as its solution dude, bike dynamo, stater comp with inverter to produce electricity dude and other nations software u can google but God dont leave his people behind we got E-machines like cars, airplanes, generator to solve the puzzle below like uncle Nellies of the south siad in 1of MLK sermons as in the link below
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sirjustice126-blog · 4 years
The above signal end to tyranny as cheap affordable life crops in if such are put in payment plan its much more cheap. Like in the link below but should be more cheap cause aint imported if sold in Kenya, now leave china made ones bro
Like a lady A sat on her bed legs apart helding kebis head like being on a staring hands moving from the back part of the staring wheel like spanking the back of his head, kebi licking that things, do u know what she utters in deep enjoyment or pleasure “ don’t bite it babe and if u r biting it without my consent continue biting it softly as i know it“
Utensils and the modern jikos, stoves and motors or pumps and more just try with any gadget not made in other ways provided above or below are made after placing the offering on the dough like broken parts pieces, where women talk on each other face as same as men, kinda, wanting like to kiss and boom they are formed even with electric kettles, cookers, mags, coffee making machines, some fridges, gas cylinders, nail cutters, bottle openers etc Gold and jewels as well are made this way by placing hard mafi or inside of guava, corpse of people who suffered they exhume in a container, add much water and do the above or spit saliva and boom any product u want is formed as caskets, bling, rings, study as earrings etc
The grave slabs explained below can be made of metallic iron rods to avoid break outs and to be strongly glued to the earth it can have wings like long metallic projections from sides to hold firm to the ground to give hard time in trying to uproot it.
They liaise with power company to create black out conducive 4 sweet escape and people who view things on their eye to see into ya compound guard position to fly the drone like to ya balcony to get into ya house them ambush ya and thats why now their should be no power black out which will not facilitate the above situation which even they kill you in. They use the open drone from another compound to get into ya compound or house in the link below
Bank give me all that money to give to their big wing so they feel nice and leave me all alone, bad conduct they wanna put ya in. Anyway life has been made easy with the latest innovations in Africa, so i don’t give a hoot of living big/large. Up to ya if u wanna do the same, hustle by ya self don’t incorporate me into it, wanting good from me but u cant help me, instead give me dirty names.
Dont dude, discussing 1 past, spoils ya face and its known that way, kinda, u look malnourished yet not. If they are good at this time as don’t disturb ya again leave it to pass and thats maturity and can happen to any1 or any1 kid in times futurity.
Along the road behind Dala hera where water collects after a short downfall is where Herod was buried and john body while at where palmers hotel family lived and thats the reason why so i know was where Goliath and King David was buried, in fact when u r there, kinda, if u look down, the earth crust seems to divide into 2.
Aluminum foil, wires or plates as sufuria when placed in dough makes double door fridges, automated vendor machines or milk processing equipment and storage.
At Night when sleeping u see the spot of green-light as in ya dreams to tell ya that its green-man who told these white-men per country how gadgets are made and some writings we love are by them as well as song given to them to do it in their own way.
The door of submarine described below should not be on a protruding end/side as a house veranda or balcony but like a small partition done inside with its own door so if 1 from outside don’t see an extension but just as a cylinder in the link below which can be made into a submarine
Emery asking delanu “Ule dem mwenye kepi anamtaka, tayari ameshampatia kitu amemeza au la asha“ Babo Mtu wangu, nikujikakamua tu kisabuni while kebi says as he gets into the conversation, in Broken luo “An adong’o ne blina, kedo kal pidho thuol apidho manda mond kiko-okomplain kaka okomplain sani ne home girls ne eti she is contented but not satisfied“
Adwalo mochanda gi magdalin, to gitamle miya golo na gimolo mondo aswo gi koyo ni, Kebi molocha was heard complaining.
How machines or gadgets as equipment should be priced, measure 30% weight of the above which is the minimum high quality placed dough used b4 cold sewer water is hurled synonymous with some fridges, pick ups or the lighting up garbage Lory where cut other color glass pieces is place on the dough above and boom that machine formed. The price should be 30% weight of that machine translate it to wheat flour price of that 30% used to make that very machine and multiply by 100 as 100 x while the multiplied times is the profit, the hard task derived from making such as the lost sheep parable cements the truth. If dough worth 1 buck was used let the gadget be 100 bucks period cause they are just made. Pick ups are also made with maize cobs as eggs, i mean placed in different styles, Christ with division to bring out the reality of what he meant or signaled. Beyond 100 times can take ya too hell as u see hell door being lowered, no kidding jo, its not guess work but pure truth bro.
With every gadget u can use egg as the being placed on the dough, with double door fridges u place 2 standing on the tip, king of the jew to bring out another version reality, cookers u place it like sleeping on the other side, stereos u cut the boiled egg into pieces as well as Tv, with drones u place them in circles with big airplane u place it in a rectangular form with choppers in square form, u can try with any shape placing the egg on dough and after partaking mwarubaine/neem leaves with meditation u visualize the gadget that can be made using such pattern.
If u were to be paid 5% of the total cost of every gadget made using Ae technology or the no fuel generator theorem, then in many nations which has bought from like china Alibaba or Italy Linz generator and more have sold much pieces but why haven’t u been paid or taken them to court esp those manufacturing countries described in the following tumblr of this a/c. Stop dude, look 4 other ways to hustle esp coast province blooded fellows such as many luyas, dont expect water out of Euphobia tree but white Gum as dont look 4 the dead among the living with the Christ tomb, free things locators yet with ya money they want ya to join their things yet when u got none, u dont see them around or go in circles giving ya silly defaming names, as join and dont do this, eat corpse. Corpse can save ya ass, as dont make ya cleaver 4 such explained, it was just the German gimmick to delude ya to destroy ya mind further.
They are coming up with simbapay to allow u get many a/cs like with African phone lines so as to withdraw much from 2goinvoice since they got the software. They have been blocked in dubious ways and cant move on so resort to daytime lies as seen dubious ways. Let it be 1 or 2 line per person and i know if that is done many company wanna come in so they got other many options to open from to get many lines to do the same just as with Pay Tv decoders per countries. Britain u r digging ya own grave and sitting on a tickling time bomb. Click the link below 4 more
They get into submarines with 2 doors to get into the inside like the 1st door if u open u get with water but still inside there their is a water pump that the crew sitch it one to let out the very water that got in with you out, which if has gotten out the space remain free with you just inside b4 u open the 2nd door that gets into the inside of the real drone minus the water that got with ya as explained above. Submarines are just airtight heavy wall drones that instead of cold air being blown from below the gas cylinder to take it up, the reverse is done on the top of the siren gas cylinder to take it down the water b4 another cold air blown from below of the same magnitude as the 1 blown from above to keep it at the same level in water, the same technology as well applies to airplane in air as another cold air blow from behind the siren gas cylinder to keep it moving ahead. To negotiate a corner or a U-turn cold air blown from the tip or the end most of the cylinder from beside and to get back cold air blown from the rear part of the cylinder and thats as well the rocket, drone, submarine or chopper science. Weed parable, Beatitude or little kids, with Christ and lost coin parable to bring reality of the above. Click the link below to get a glimpse of submarine and inside ya air travel u can opt 4 one tied on a parachute once the fall develops an hitch to fall u get out while inside the drone with the parachute described above b4 u open it to make u land on the sea then u start ya journey.
Yet people follow engage in fights in the aftermath yet these folks are friend and what they champion is just games they discuss at night like in the link below where their will be no stealing of election if ballot boxes are locked with finger print padlocks unless the returning officer is near then the same done or if Has not taken Ginger with Skali ngulu or mbuta to avert the changing of body parts by Mr Hindu as the finger can be given to another to do the same as allow rigging and ballot boxes weighed immediately after election then a rough calculation done based on the weight to find the number of total votes cast b4 counting like a sample of 1000 ballot paper weighs this so what about the weight of ballot papers cast in this ballot box minus the weight. they are looking 4 other dubious loopholes to more confuse the folks
Robinson those Gemini the twins on ya chest are big who are touching them Robinson, don’t hide me, u r my homie or may it not be Lil wayne, Knowles those hooves from ya besides are to big and wide, who is caressing them, Mrs Knowles, don’t be afraid i wont tell girl or may it not be u have harbor an African in ya house whose skin is dry and rough like in the song below, Excuse me, excuse me Mrs Robinson is Obama hitting that thing right or just play with it, i long to do the same but no jest with it Mum- am delanu mkubwa
Minaj dont or never feel a shamed i wont tell as well, then tell, i know like u r saying, kinda, “things can be resolved, nothing beyond us, their is always a solution to a predicament” those booty are to flabby and too big than as we saw them in yester years, tell me girl who is touching them, may it not be Lobinson has tought u the same as u harbor an Africa in ya crib doing that work. Tell me women, where are u taking them booty if not to me am in owe and perturbed.
Buy even small of the linz No fuel generator in the link bellow which is more cheap the the protruding end make a gear on it like with mountain bike chain system to rotate the other gear slow to rotate the wind turbine so u can use it even to power the whole school or 5 star hotel as it got much watts rather than placing the turbine on poles creating bad name on ya side as u don’t build the country as pay electric bill something which is cheap. Dont tint ya name. U connect the wind turbine of many watts as u select to buy with the same powerful inverter, like 10,000 watts shown in the link below
With no fuel Generator above like the Linz u can use a solar panel mounted on a solar charger controller to turn the motor during the day and at night use its battery to avoid staying out of power when battery reduces in voltage not to turn the turbine to produce power. U CAN USE A Technician
Bones of animals in dough or ice cubes placed in different patterns or styles make as well office or home appliances, furniture or small hand driven or operated machines like grinders or drills. Barafu as women with Lazarus comes handy to cement de truth. With Egg u use peeled off egg like with the explanation below
Double door fridge made with 2 boiled egg place standing next to each other on the specified dough. Africans as Kenyans where have u reached as well as Negros, Minafika wapi with frustrating kebi and u have been warned slogan after being told the money making online gimmicks. Lake Victoria can be reduced via from below the earth crust dig hole to make some water flow out until its Kenya part reduced completely to be out cause the Negros are eye this part as it of leisure they place yacht and speed boat on it after all has been made like the innovation of E-engines which uses no power, so they feel good as also the Hindu left so they can get to another country if they commit crime as opposed to their country deep lakes with high security features of committing crimes.
They want cities in the E-African regions to have many people, as many banks and many cheque cashing centers as hotels and bureau de changes so they being built close to the lake to enable sweet escape as now they have known how to make submarines like with Tz choppers, they rob and not long b4 the city police alerted they jump into the lake or seas like with Malindi, Dar es salam, kilifi, mogadishu and mombasa to the submarines and get out at lonely places just the same with how they were fishing b4 Lake Victoria get in points were fenced shipping the fish to Europe and America markets via the underground fissures described in below following tumblr a/c
List of cities around E-African coastline and around lake Victoria basin
Now their is 1 loophole left, they can steal water at night or in lonely compound and place them in trucks like in the link below and organize per houses as they want to stay afloat to buy the flat septic tanks to store the above water then u minimize ya house water intake by half as half they provide, to use the money gotten from many households of such deals to put like E-buses, vans, taxi on the road to reap huge profits to buy others to still put a swag that they are blessed. Its done in a half way mentioned above to remove all doubt that were are u getting ya money but to give another sense u have lowered ya water use. The kisii are eying on this to capitalize it to stay afloat like explained above. The link below shows how many tanks u can use as calculated by your monthly bill which show how many cubic/m2 u r using, if more they can even place many under ya house ceiling to meet the same
Like in the links below, the airplane gas nozzle sometimes fail even to ooze out gas after stop or in along journey leads to airplane fall even for household, so this below technology can be of big help big time where the nozzle made like the home water nozzle while a tip is place with many hole like the normal cooking gas nozzle but hard 1 4 planes to avoid the described above as airplane fall
Water pegler or gas nozzle can be digital as blue-tooth enabled to be controlled from ya phone or the city water center to monitor an authorized utilization of same resource as with of airplane or as blue-tooth controlled padlocks in the link below
When all goes well, they thought it will be all darkness to me, what i will do, is to take “wasichana wangu” the head to another nation the come back if the dust of shame has settled like Christ going to Egypt and coming after herod death- the death of rod/penis, root of David Rodeo
Buy Brazil weg alternator generator as show in the link below
Buy SA elegen generators in the link beside  
South Korea doosan generator link beside  
Italy mecc alte alternator generator in the link beside
Buy polystar Home appliances like double door fridges from Nigeria in the Link below
Now we got it in Africa, Obina, Obina, Obina, dont buy sony, Lg or Panasonic stereos from oversees in ya supermarkets buy it from Nija as Nigeria, an young to-kendo anmawacho mano an kevin in the house now in the link below
Made in Tanzania electric car in the link below
Few fish or cattle meet, if u partake not artificial daily like in the link below u risk getting to hell and most people came to ya brick, stone or block house to see if they are artificial or from quarry destroying the earth as u help in that and it will help in ya judgement in life after death. They r taking notes whether is u r mad or denied a right man love to love ya and give the same to criminals
You of little faith, how kebi likes made it to either Europe or US using such avenues, standing to defecate and taking along with u military food that makes u not want to visit the toilet frequently or piss not
Polystar same sorted after Sony or Lg stereo in Africa same quality in the link below and vending machine as well. Exchange rate 2 Nira equals1 khs and so forth so on same sorted after like the Panasonic also in the link below
Buy GNA Home appliances made in Ghana as shown in the link below
Buy as well Papua new Guinea Home appliances in the link below
Buy USA amana products in the link below
Is it true that loving many women get u off the things of this life as i google like u dont want to drive a car solo as u want 1 to do it for u or makes ya to like walking not even commuting. Or just people wanting to be heard!!!!
Buy thermocool, okayama or bobo or optima Nigeria made generators in the link below
Artificially made building stones technology in the houses in the link below here in Kenya
Buy Australia OX products like Fans or e-bikes in the link below
Buy Nigeria made Century home appliances in the link below or Amaecom
The pay in small amount method to buy gadgets should be incorporated in KENYA likewise to buy affordable gadgets to bridge the gap between the rich and the poor in-terms of ownership is concerned.
The Submarine vessel below needs stored oxygen inside 4 the crew inside breathing but u aint free in breathing as u find difficulties in it, so comes up periodically in lonely places to facilitate the above as open a lid to allow much fresh air inside without the enemy noticing as they can fire or bomb it as capture it lest its armored of glass or metal. So the sand lifting truck technology like the pulled radio areal can be employed so it dont draw close to upper water creating security concerns but does it from like 20-30 meters below water as the extending system to get air from above the waters to the vessel is automated like in the link below
The shinny metal like radio are can harbor camera and a gun to monitor and shoot intruders respectively at the same time.
If they don’t listen up nothing we can do, they have played with us but just engage them in warfare as in the song below, no time 4 silly romantic illusions like instead of pro-acting and resolving the whole situation they resort to songs as if when they were above u, they never wanted to just sleep with u but now with ya u want to do the same, not having it in mind we have not yet seduced them, but they take it that way as they want that. Be prostitutes once and 4 all, stop games and dilly dallying. Now we got fresh mouth herb nyamawho which deterred many a white women and ya kid cant suffer as like has been subsidized with latest African innovation and buying methods of machines that makes life comfortable
Buy as well Nigeria made scanfrost home or kitchen appliances as described in the link below
Buy Kenyan made kevitron home appliances in the links below
Buy dishwashers online to eliminate ya from squatting or standing washing ya many dishes if u got much friends, once and 4 good in the link below
No time 4 stupid romantic illusions  stupid and sick, death awaits ya, sitting in a time bomb just the way we have learnt ya dialect, no time 4 pity period. we will kill you if u don’t take heed, together with your sick kikuyu. am stopping ya business ways as described in my following tumblr a/c sirjustice50, your wicked ways, am trumping in the long-run, thought u knew much, even am sweeping china presence in the world. where r u with gimmicks which are old. Got to think twice. now sending folks to monitor my eating habit at my doorstep, u will not maneuver me unless u kill me. I want to revenge
Made in Nigeria drone, tractors, choppers, Trains and boats in the link below where yacht is plastic containers placed under floating slippers or dough then paraffin, pain or kerosene hurled instead of water or sewer water but cold as well, try any other chemical like thinker 4 products which dont come out as u use cold water or u can even try with plant juices like sugar cane, fruit or yorgurt
Nigeria Defense industries 1st made drone
Kebi rather stevo saidia maskini, help pita yaani kal pass by nyagu imemshinda kukula vyema na yeye si mchoyo, msaidiye wajamani na kebi pia hasaidiye chali wa brina, kuwa na respect tafadhali, help him chew/tafuna the maize to big and hard 4 him, he will be seen glutton as adrian delanu is helping sam kokudo down there.
Even kid toys can be made big into real machines if u do the above in the dark of hurling cold fluids or spit on them many people
Buy Nigeria nexus home appliances in the link below
Buy Morgan Malaysia home made home appliances in the link below
Buy vidhata alternator Generators from India at Affordable prices or AEPC oR CHINA mad hac106
Many duck placed on dough the cold liquid like yogurt hurled makes jets and choppers while many like mad fish or tilapia under the same procedure above makes even electric trains and drones even the toy counterparts.
assembled houses  and e-bikes 
buy china alte generators  
E-screw driver images in the link below and buy
Click the link below to get a glimpse of Cameroon made buses
Since u got cash, u promote open dubious things, u as well being monitored, anyway its a blessing in disguise. Russia dont do what u r doing, dont put money online then u bar access to other people while the people who have the software to withdraw r on ya neck or looking at you in awe like after a month of putting on like cloths or shoes that they are too old so u dont belong cause them they buy them in 1 week and it doesn't cost a thing from online sources they withdraw it and buy. Usa do the same so kids and people leave their shoes 4 African market to sell much resorting to tricks above cause much a dubious ways are blocked. Burn ya shoes or clothing and stop used cloth business as it facilitates the above. We dont afford a sleep dude, no kidding, business dont move on out of this, they got voodoo if they look at u, your body comes small and if u persist wearing such, kinda, they, threaten ya like wanting to ambush ya next. Like in the link below, most hardworking people dont love new things, they mock ya and if u buy they follow u got money, which character is that. Folks dont overstep, its not done that way dude, mind ya business bro, it now calls 4 annihilation as siren gas, too much too bear if they dont relent
All below are Nigerian made alternator or no fuel generator links
watt fueless generator 
Buy nigeria made Eco fuel less generator in the link below
Tritech fuel less generator   
Contact the suppliers of the alternator generators in the beside link
Fuel-less gen images  
You Negros u wanted good things and other dont have, so want to pride ya self in ya movies and songs, so now every country got the same, now pride ya self with thing so cheap to us and now we have, we wanna see ya dude, go ahead and release ya many movies and songs to pride ya self and Mr White man now seat in-front of Tv screen and write books to cheat us again with or show us u r superior. Weeee, it will be war if u desist to serve justice and accept equality
Christianity alone cant liberate ya if u dont know the truth of the following of this tumblr a/c sirjustice50
Buy freezeclime appliances made in Nigeria like shown in the link below
Buy Nigeria owned Tstv like in the link below
Buy OGB copiers made in Nigeria in the link below
Buy Nigeria otutu or profit or kariakoo fuel less generator in the link below
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sirjustice125-blog · 4 years
Kenyafrican Tv made cheap prices
The above signal end to tyranny as cheap affordable life crops in if such are put in payment plan its much more cheap. Like in the link below but should be more cheap cause aint imported if sold in Kenya, now leave china made ones bro
Like a lady A sat on her bed legs apart, kebi licking that things, do u know what she utters in deep enjoyment or pleasure “ don't bite it babe and if u r biting it without my consent continue biting it softly as i know it“
Utensils and the modern jikos, stoves and motors or pumps and more just try with any gadget not made in other ways provided above or below are made after placing the offering on the dough like broken parts pieces, where women talk on each other face as same as men, kinda, wanting like to kiss and boom they are formed even with electric kettles, cookers, mags, coffee making machines, some fridges, gas cylinders, nail cutters, bottle openers etc Gold and jewels as well are made this way by placing hard mafi or inside of guava, corpse of people who suffered they exhume in a container, add much water and do the above or spit saliva and boom any product u want is formed as caskets, bling, rings, study as earrings etc
The grave slabs explained below can be made of metallic iron rods to avoid break outs and to be strongly glued to the earth it can have wings like long metallic projections from sides to hold firm to the ground to give hard time in trying to uproot it.
They liaise with power company to create black out conducive 4 sweet escape and people who view things on their eye to see into ya compound guard position to fly the drone like to ya balcony to get into ya house them ambush ya and thats why now their should be no power black out which will not facilitate the above situation which even they kill you in. They use the open drone from another compound to get into ya compound or house in the link below
Bank give me all that money to give to their big wing so they feel nice and leave me all alone, bad conduct they wanna put ya in. Anyway life has been made easy with the latest innovations in Africa, so i don’t give a hoot of living big/large. Up to ya if u wanna do the same, hustle by ya self don’t incorporate me into it, wanting good from me but u cant help me, instead give me dirty names.
Dont dude, discussing 1 past, spoils ya face and its known that way, kinda, u look malnourished yet not. If they are good at this time as don’t disturb ya again leave it to pass and thats maturity and can happen to any1 or any1 kid in times futurity.
Along the road behind Dala hera where water collects after a short downfall is where Herod was buried and john body while at where palmers hotel family lived and thats the reason why so i know was where Goliath and King David was buried, in fact when u r there, kinda, if u look down, the earth crust seems to divide into 2.
Aluminum foil, wires or plates as sufuria when placed in dough makes double door fridges, automated vendor machines or milk processing equipment and storage.
At Night when sleeping u see the spot of green-light as in ya dreams to tell ya that its green-man who told these white-men per country how gadgets are made and some writings we love are by them as well as song given to them to do it in their own way.
The door of submarine described below should not be on a protruding end/side as a house veranda or balcony but like a small partition done inside with its own door so if 1 from outside don’t see an extension but just as a cylinder in the link below which can be made into a submarine
Emery asking delanu “Ule dem mwenye kepi anamtaka, tayari ameshampatia kitu amemeza au la asha“ Babo Mtu wangu, nikujikakamua tu kisabuni while kebi says as he gets into the conversation, in Broken luo “An adong’o ne blina, kedo kal pidho thuol apidho manda mond kiko-okomplain kaka okomplain sani ne home girls ne eti she is contented but not satisfied“
Adwalo mochanda gi magdalin, to gitamle miya golo na gimolo mondo aswo gi koyo ni, Kebi molocha was heard complaining.
How machines or gadgets as equipment should be priced, measure 30% weight of the above which is the minimum high quality placed dough used b4 cold sewer water is hurled synonymous with some fridges, pick ups or the lighting up garbage Lory where cut other color glass pieces is place on the dough above and boom that machine formed. The price should be 30% weight of that machine translate it to wheat flour price of that 30% used to make that very machine and multiply by 100 as 100 x while the multiplied times is the profit, the hard task derived from making such as the lost sheep parable cements the truth. If dough worth 1 buck was used let the gadget be 100 bucks period cause they are just made. Pick ups are also made with maize cobs as eggs, i mean placed in different styles, Christ with division to bring out the reality of what he meant or signaled. Beyond 100 times can take ya too hell as u see hell door being lowered, no kidding jo, its not guess work but pure truth bro.
With every gadget u can use egg as the being placed on the dough, with double door fridges u place 2 standing on the tip, king of the jew to bring out another version reality, cookers u place it like sleeping on the other side, stereos u cut the boiled egg into pieces as well as Tv, with drones u place them in circles with big airplane u place it in a rectangular form with choppers in square form, u can try with any shape placing the egg on dough and after partaking mwarubaine/neem leaves with meditation u visualize the gadget that can be made using such pattern.
If u were to be paid 5% of the total cost of every gadget made using Ae technology or the no fuel generator theorem, then in many nations which has bought from like china Alibaba or Italy Linz generator and more have sold much pieces but why haven’t u been paid or taken them to court esp those manufacturing countries described in the following tumblr of this a/c. Stop dude, look 4 other ways to hustle esp coast province blooded fellows such as many luyas, dont expect water out of Euphobia tree but white Gum as dont look 4 the dead among the living with the Christ tomb, free things locators yet with ya money they want ya to join their things yet when u got none, u dont see them around or go in circles giving ya silly defaming names, as join and dont do this, eat corpse. Corpse can save ya ass, as dont make ya cleaver 4 such explained, it was just the German gimmick to delude ya to destroy ya mind further.
They are coming up with simbapay to allow u get many a/cs like with African phone lines so as to withdraw much from 2goinvoice since they got the software. They have been blocked in dubious ways and cant move on so resort to daytime lies as seen dubious ways. Let it be 1 or 2 line per person and i know if that is done many company wanna come in so they got other many options to open from to get many lines to do the same just as with Pay Tv decoders per countries. Britain u r digging ya own grave and sitting on a tickling time bomb. Click the link below 4 more
They get into submarines with 2 doors to get into the inside like the 1st door if u open u get with water but still inside there their is a water pump that the crew sitch it one to let out the very water that got in with you out, which if has gotten out the space remain free with you just inside b4 u open the 2nd door that gets into the inside of the real drone minus the water that got with ya as explained above. Submarines are just airtight heavy wall drones that instead of cold air being blown from below the gas cylinder to take it up, the reverse is done on the top of the siren gas cylinder to take it down the water b4 another cold air blown from below of the same magnitude as the 1 blown from above to keep it at the same level in water, the same technology as well applies to airplane in air as another cold air blow from behind the siren gas cylinder to keep it moving ahead. To negotiate a corner or a U-turn cold air blown from the tip or the end most of the cylinder from beside and to get back cold air blown from the rear part of the cylinder and thats as well the rocket, drone, submarine or chopper science. Weed parable, Beatitude or little kids, with Christ and lost coin parable to bring reality of the above. Click the link below to get a glimpse of submarine and inside ya air travel u can opt 4 one tied on a parachute once the fall develops an hitch to fall u get out while inside the drone with the parachute described above b4 u open it to make u land on the sea then u start ya journey.
Yet people follow engage in fights in the aftermath yet these folks are friend and what they champion is just games they discuss at night like in the link below where their will be no stealing of election if ballot boxes are locked with finger print padlocks unless the returning officer is near then the same done or if Has not taken Ginger with Skali ngulu or mbuta to avert the changing of body parts by Mr Hindu as the finger can be given to another to do the same as allow rigging and ballot boxes weighed immediately after election then a rough calculation done based on the weight to find the number of total votes cast b4 counting like a sample of 1000 ballot paper weighs this so what about the weight of ballot papers cast in this ballot box minus the weight. they are looking 4 other dubious loopholes to more confuse the folks
Robinson those Gemini the twins on ya chest are big who are touching them Robinson, don’t hide me, u r my homie or may it not be Lil wayne, Knowles those hooves from ya besides are to big and wide, who is caressing them, Mrs Knowles, don’t be afraid i wont tell girl or may it not be u have harbor an African in ya house whose skin is dry and rough like in the song below, Excuse me, excuse me Mrs Robinson is Obama hitting that thing right or just play with it, i long to do the same but no jest with it Mum- am delanu mkubwa
Minaj dont or never feel a shamed i wont tell as well, then tell, i know like u r saying, kinda, “things can be resolved, nothing beyond us, their is always a solution to a predicament” those booty are to flabby and too big than as we saw them in yester years, tell me girl who is touching them, may it not be Lobinson has tought u the same as u harbor an Africa in ya crib doing that work. Tell me women, where are u taking them booty if not to me am in owe and perturbed.
Buy even small of the linz No fuel generator in the link bellow which is more cheap the the protruding end make a gear on it like with mountain bike chain system to rotate the other gear slow to rotate the wind turbine so u can use it even to power the whole school or 5 star hotel as it got much watts rather than placing the turbine on poles creating bad name on ya side as u don’t build the country as pay electric bill something which is cheap. Dont tint ya name. U connect the wind turbine of many watts as u select to buy with the same powerful inverter, like 10,000 watts shown in the link below
With no fuel Generator above like the Linz u can use a solar panel mounted on a solar charger controller to turn the motor during the day and at night use its battery to avoid staying out of power when battery reduces in voltage not to turn the turbine to produce power. U CAN USE A Technician
Bones of animals in dough or ice cubes placed in different patterns or styles make as well office or home appliances, furniture or small hand driven or operated machines like grinders or drills. Barafu as women with Lazarus comes handy to cement de truth. With Egg u use peeled off egg like with the explanation below
Double door fridge made with 2 boiled egg place standing next to each other on the specified dough. Africans as Kenyans where have u reached as well as Negros, Minafika wapi with frustrating kebi and u have been warned slogan after being told the money making online gimmicks. Lake Victoria can be reduced via from below the earth crust dig hole to make some water flow out until its Kenya part reduced completely to be out cause the Negros are eye this part as it of leisure they place yacht and speed boat on it after all has been made like the innovation of E-engines which uses no power, so they feel good as also the Hindu left so they can get to another country if they commit crime as opposed to their country deep lakes with high security features of committing crimes.
They want cities in the E-African regions to have many people, as many banks and many cheque cashing centers as hotels and bureau de changes so they being built close to the lake to enable sweet escape as now they have known how to make submarines like with Tz choppers, they rob and not long b4 the city police alerted they jump into the lake or seas like with Malindi, Dar es salam, kilifi, mogadishu and mombasa to the submarines and get out at lonely places just the same with how they were fishing b4 Lake Victoria get in points were fenced shipping the fish to Europe and America markets via the underground fissures described in below following tumblr a/c
List of cities around E-African coastline and around lake Victoria basin
Now their is 1 loophole left, they can steal water at night or in lonely compound and place them in trucks like in the link below and organize per houses as they want to stay afloat to buy the flat septic tanks to store the above water then u minimize ya house water intake by half as half they provide, to use the money gotten from many households of such deals to put like E-buses, vans, taxi on the road to reap huge profits to buy others to still put a swag that they are blessed. Its done in a half way mentioned above to remove all doubt that were are u getting ya money but to give another sense u have lowered ya water use. The kisii are eying on this to capitalize it to stay afloat like explained above. The link below shows how many tanks u can use as calculated by your monthly bill which show how many cubic/m2 u r using, if more they can even place many under ya house ceiling to meet the same
Like in the links below, the airplane gas nozzle sometimes fail even to ooze out gas after stop or in along journey leads to airplane fall even for household, so this below technology can be of big help big time where the nozzle made like the home water nozzle while a tip is place with many hole like the normal cooking gas nozzle but hard 1 4 planes to avoid the described above as airplane fall
Water pegler or gas nozzle can be digital as blue-tooth enabled to be controlled from ya phone or the city water center to monitor an authorized utilization of same resource as with of airplane or as blue-tooth controlled padlocks in the link below
When all goes well, they thought it will be all darkness to me, what i will do, is to take “wasichana wangu” the head to another nation the come back if the dust of shame has settled like Christ going to Egypt and coming after herod death- the death of rod/penis, root of David Rodeo
Buy Brazil weg alternator generator as show in the link below
Buy SA elegen generators in the link beside  
South Korea doosan generator link beside  
Italy mecc alte alternator generator in the link beside
Buy polystar Home appliances like double door fridges from Nigeria in the Link below
Now we got it in Africa, Obina, Obina, Obina, dont buy sony, Lg or Panasonic stereos from oversees in ya supermarkets buy it from Nija as Nigeria, an young to-kendo anmawacho mano an kevin in the house now in the link below
Made in Tanzania electric car in the link below
Few fish or cattle meet, if u partake not artificial daily like in the link below u risk getting to hell and most people came to ya brick, stone or block house to see if they are artificial or from quarry destroying the earth as u help in that and it will help in ya judgement in life after death. They r taking notes whether is u r mad or denied a right man love to love ya and give the same to criminals
You of little faith, how kebi likes made it to either Europe or US using such avenues, standing to defecate and taking along with u military food that makes u not want to visit the toilet frequently or piss not
Polystar same sorted after Sony or Lg stereo in Africa same quality in the link below and vending machine as well. Exchange rate 2 Nira equals1 khs and so forth so on same sorted after like the Panasonic also in the link below
Buy GNA Home appliances made in Ghana as shown in the link below
Buy as well Papua new Guinea Home appliances in the link below
Buy USA amana products in the link below
Is it true that loving many women get u off the things of this life as i google like u dont want to drive a car solo as u want 1 to do it for u or makes ya to like walking not even commuting. Or just people wanting to be heard!!!!
Buy thermocool, okayama or bobo or optima Nigeria made generators in the link below
Artificially made building stones technology in the houses in the link below here in Kenya
Buy Australia OX products like Fans or e-bikes in the link below
Buy Nigeria made Century home appliances in the link below or Amaecom
The pay in small amount method to buy gadgets should be incorporated in KENYA likewise to buy affordable gadgets to bridge the gap between the rich and the poor in-terms of ownership is concerned.
The Submarine vessel below needs stored oxygen inside 4 the crew inside breathing but u aint free in breathing as u find difficulties in it, so comes up periodically in lonely places to facilitate the above as open a lid to allow much fresh air inside without the enemy noticing as they can fire or bomb it as capture it lest its armored of glass or metal. So the sand lifting truck technology like the pulled radio areal can be employed so it dont draw close to upper water creating security concerns but does it from like 20-30 meters below water as the extending system to get air from above the waters to the vessel is automated like in the link below
The shinny metal like radio are can harbor camera and a gun to monitor and shoot intruders respectively at the same time.
If they don’t listen up nothing we can do, they have played with us but just engage them in warfare as in the song below, no time 4 silly romantic illusions like instead of pro-acting and resolving the whole situation they resort to songs as if when they were above u, they never wanted to just sleep with u but now with ya u want to do the same, not having it in mind we have not yet seduced them, but they take it that way as they want that. Be prostitutes once and 4 all, stop games and dilly dallying. Now we got fresh mouth herb nyamawho which deterred many a white women and ya kid cant suffer as like has been subsidized with latest African innovation and buying methods of machines that makes life comfortable
Buy as well Nigeria made scanfrost home or kitchen appliances as described in the link below
Buy Kenyan made kevitron home appliances in the links below
Buy dishwashers online to eliminate ya from squatting or standing washing ya many dishes if u got much friends, once and 4 good in the link below
No time 4 stupid romantic illusions  stupid and sick, death awaits ya, sitting in a time bomb just the way we have learnt ya dialect, no time 4 pity period. we will kill you if u don’t take heed, together with your sick kikuyu. am stopping ya business ways as described in my following tumblr a/c sirjustice50, your wicked ways, am trumping in the long-run, thought u knew much, even am sweeping china presence in the world. where r u with gimmicks which are old. Got to think twice. now sending folks to monitor my eating habit at my doorstep, u will not maneuver me unless u kill me. I want to revenge
Made in Nigeria drone, tractors, choppers, Trains and boats in the link below where yacht is plastic containers placed under floating slippers or dough then paraffin, pain or kerosene hurled instead of water or sewer water but cold as well, try any other chemical like thinker 4 products which dont come out as u use cold water or u can even try with plant juices like sugar cane, fruit or yorgurt
Nigeria Defense industries 1st made drone
Kebi rather stevo saidia maskini, help pita yaani kal pass by nyagu imemshinda kukula vyema na yeye si mchoyo, msaidiye wajamani na kebi pia hasaidiye chali wa brina, kuwa na respect tafadhali, help him chew/tafuna the maize to big and hard 4 him, he will be seen glutton as adrian delanu is helping sam kokudo down there.
Even kid toys can be made big into real machines if u do the above in the dark of hurling cold fluids or spit on them many people
Buy Nigeria nexus home appliances in the link below
Buy Morgan Malaysia home made home appliances in the link below
Buy vidhata alternator Generators from India at Affordable prices or AEPC oR CHINA mad hac106
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foreveragayicon · 7 years
u trying to kill me ma man. ill just leave out the ones i already answered k
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?
i honestly dont know…i never hold hands
2. Are you outgoing or shy?
shy with strangers, outgoing w my friends
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?
my friend rosalynn who i met on here and has turned out to be one of my best friends, who has been dealt a bad deal of cards and also @ice-kookie because she is a saint 
4. Are you easy to get along with?
i hope so
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?
i dont drink and i dont plan to so…
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
fuck fuck fuck dont make me go into this…
someone who is nice to their friends and doesn’t treat them like shit, considerate and knows how to flirt hella well, gets good grades and actually cares about their future, doesn’t smoke, drink, or do drugs (i joke but that is nasty as fuck sorry if u smoke and ur offended soz man its my opinion and i practically choke whenever i pass by someone smoking oop), messy hair but NOT greasy u know what i mean, morning voices, why are shirts a thing???, 
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?
i hope so but no
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
this guy in my history class i need to get over him that little shit
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
my friend ashleigh
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?
“goodnight” lmao im so typical
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
changes on the daily but (not in order)
caroline- aminé
dive- salvatore ganacci
oui- jeremih
sweet child o’ mine- guns and roses
money for nothing- dire straits, sting
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?
only if theyre attractive r my best friend and they dont mess it up too much
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?
hell yeah
15. What good thing happened this summer?
a lot of good things i cant pick :)
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
fuck no
17. Do you think there is life on other planets?
we cant really be that self-centered to think they is no one but us in the world
19. Do you like bubble baths?
bring on the bubbles i say
20. Do you like your neighbors?
dont really know them…they are interesting i guess
22. Where would you like to travel?
everywhere!!!! i really want to go to the bahamas, bora bora, uganda, austria, argentina, el salvador, japan, canada, spain, etc.
i have been to ireland, england, italy, france, germany, mexico, ecuador, australia (just got back a few days ago!!!), cayman islands, galapagos island :)
23. Do you have trust issues?
is that even a question
24. Favorite part of your daily routine?
going to bed hA
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
my boobs tbh literally theyre so small whenever i wear a bathing suit it just doesnt fit right jiniew
26. What do you do when you wake up?
go back to bed HAHAHHA
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?
wish i was a little tanner but im good
28. Who are you most comfortable around?
my friend ash and rosalynn
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?
30. Do you ever want to get married?
yes :) i want a big white wedding
31. Is your hair long enough for a pony tail?
my hair is soooooo long its insane
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
33. Spell your name with your chin.
sikderfrfzzza = sierra
34. Do you play sports? What sports?
horseback riding, skiing, basketball, volleyball, track and field, etc i love sports man. is scuba diving a sport?? bc
35. Would you rather live without TV or music?
tv. i could not live without music 
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
37. What do you say during awkward silences?
i just tap my fingers tbh unless its my friend then i do something embarrassing because why not
38. Describe your dream girl/guy?
plays volleyball and runs track, is sweet with words, considerate, loyal, doesnt have to be popular but confident, knows what they want to do with their life, cares about their grades, doesnt do drugs, smoke, drink, whatever, knows how to party, respects my morals…okay lets get into the good stuff hehhee….pleasant to see without a shirt ;), great kisser, knows how to treat me, can afford my expensive sport- horseback riding, horses are expensive as shit-, has hair i can run my fingers through, fuck i love people just give me someone
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?
brandy melville, topshop, BP in nordstrom, express, target!!!
40. What do you want to do after high school?
it changes everyday tbhhhh.
i want to a large animal veterinary surgeon, plastic surgeon, dermatologist who specializes in cosmetic surgery, physical therapist, I DONT KNOW THSI SI TOO STRESSFUL
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
it depends on the situation tbh
42. If you’re being extremely quiet what does it mean?
im super nervous and dont know what to say…thats what it means… or i like you… or i hate you
43. Do you smile at strangers?
of course
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
ive been to bottom of the ocean many times so outer space hehe
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?
my mom yelling at me :)
46. What are you paranoid about?
the question should be what am i NOT paranoid about
47. Have you ever been high?
48. Have you ever been drunk?
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?
not really im p good
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?
ill post the rest tomorrow im so tired
ask away
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snoobydoo · 7 years
who the fuCK (thank u tho
1. WHO WAS THE LAST PERSON YOU HELD HANDS WITH? - my little sister!2. ARE YOU OUTGOING OR SHY? - id be pretty outgoing if i didnt have social anxiety but yeah,, im shy af3. WHO ARE YOU LOOKING FORWARD TO SEEING? - AAA DREN IS COMING OUT IN THE SUMMER!! Allynah will also be hanging out with us for a bit while theyre here, too!! im so excited to hang out with both of them oml4. ARE YOU EASY TO GET ALONG WITH? - id hope so ? idk tho5. IF YOU WERE DRUNK WOULD THE PERSON YOU LIKE TAKE CARE OF YOU? - theyd probably be drunk too but yeah i think so? id probably take care of them more fhgdhf6. WHAT KIND OF PEOPLE ARE YOU ATTRACTED TO? - man,, fuck if i know,,, everyone, really?
7. DO YOU THINK YOU’LL BE IN A RELATIONSHIP TWO MONTHS FROM NOW? - fuCK NO lmao,, id love to be but its unrealistic8. WHO FROM THE OPPOSITE GENDER IS ON YOUR MIND? - opposite gender dbdsfdhgdsf9. DOES TALKING ABOUT SEX MAKE YOU UNCOMFORTABLE? - it depends, really?? on like who im talking to and how in depth it is? casual mentions of it are chill with me but if its very specific like,, things they like and/or have done before im,, im good dude10. WHO WAS THE LAST PERSON YOU HAD A DEEP CONVERSATION WITH? - fuck idk11. WHAT DOES THE MOST RECENT TEXT THAT YOU SENT SAY? - ‘HELLO ILY’12. WHAT ARE YOUR 5 FAVORITE SONGS RIGHT NOW? - oh shit uhh probably?? Someone in the Crowd from La La Land, Under My Skin by Jukebox the Ghost, I Know by Tom Odell (even tho it makes me Sad? ????), LGBT by Cupcakke, and We’ll Meet Again by Vera Lynn13. DO YOU LIKE IT WHEN PEOPLE PLAY WITH YOUR HAIR? - YES but i always feel super self conscious about it too oh boy14. DO YOU BELIEVE IN LUCK AND MIRACLES? - nah15. WHAT GOOD THING HAPPENED THIS SUMMER? - uhh i cant remember last summer very well rip but this upcoming summer Dren is coming out here for two weeks!!! and thats a v good thing B)16. WOULD YOU KISS THE LAST PERSON YOU KISSED AGAIN? - lmao N/A17. DO YOU THINK THERE IS LIFE ON OTHER PLANETS? - hell yeh but its not as advanced as we are/hope18. DO YOU STILL TALK TO YOUR FIRST CRUSH? - lmfao no i lost contact in like 3rd grade rip19. DO YOU LIKE BUBBLE BATHS? - i havent had one in years so im not sure?20. DO YOU LIKE YOUR NEIGHBORS? - yeah they all seem really nice but ive never met any of them21. WHAT ARE YOUR BAD HABITS? - Everything I Do22. WHERE WOULD YOU LIKE TO TRAVEL? - ooh anywhere, really?? travelling seems so heckin cool. id love to go to Canada and Amsterdam and Italy n stuff,, just anywhere23. DO YOU HAVE TRUST ISSUES? - l m a o24. FAVORITE PART OF YOUR DAILY ROUTINE? - going to sleep25. WHAT PART OF YOUR BODY ARE YOU MOST UNCOMFORTABLE WITH? - everything26. WHAT DO YOU DO WHEN YOU WAKE UP? - dissociate and/or go back to sleep27. DO YOU WISH YOUR SKIN WAS LIGHTER OR DARKER? - eeh my skin is hella pale so if it was just a little bit darker thatd be chill B)28. WHO ARE YOU MOST COMFORTABLE AROUND? - uhh fuck idk probably Dren and Allynah?29. HAVE ANY OF YOUR EX’S TOLD YOU THEY REGRET BREAKING UP? - N/A lmao30. DO YOU EVER WANT TO GET MARRIED? - maybe?? im not sure31. IF YOUR HAIR LONG ENOUGH FOR A PONY TAIL? - yeah but some pieces dont fit in it32. WHICH CELEBRITIES WOULD YOU HAVE A THREESOME WITH? - no thanks my dude33. SPELL YOUR NAME WITH YOUR CHIN. - ksatre
34. DO YOU PLAY SPORTS? WHAT SPORTS? - im Super unathletic,, id like to play a sport but i dont. im struggling in p.e. lmao35. WOULD YOU RATHER LIVE WITHOUT TV OR MUSIC? - tv36. HAVE YOU EVER LIKED SOMEONE AND NEVER TOLD THEM? - haha yeah every damn time37. WHAT DO YOU SAY DURING AWKWARD SILENCES? - i just laugh or stay silent38. DESCRIBE YOUR DREAM GIRL/GUY? - okay this is gonna sound crazy but.. th- they Like Me Back,, i know, Whoa..39. WHAT ARE YOUR FAVORITE STORES TO SHOP IN? - Target ?? it just feels really familiar for some reason,, prob bc i used to go there a lot as a child40. WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DO AFTER HIGH SCHOOL? - die41. DO YOU BELIEVE EVERYONE DESERVES A SECOND CHANCE? - no42. IF YOUR BEING EXTREMELY QUIET WHAT DOES IT MEAN? - i dont have anything to say, im having a panic attack, or im holding in whatever i want to say43. DO YOU SMILE AT STRANGERS? - yeah!44. TRIP TO OUTER SPACE OR BOTTOM OF THE OCEAN? - SPACE45. WHAT MAKES YOU GET OUT OF BED IN THE MORNING? - i dont lol46. WHAT ARE YOU PARANOID ABOUT? - everything, my dude,, everything47. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN HIGH? - no48. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN DRUNK? - yes49. HAVE YOU DONE ANYTHING RECENTLY THAT YOU HOPE NOBODY FINDS OUT ABOUT? - no? i dont think so?50. WHAT WAS THE COLOUR OF THE LAST HOODIE YOU WORE? - black51. EVER WISHED YOU WERE SOMEONE ELSE? - constantly52. ONE THING YOU WISH YOU COULD CHANGE ABOUT YOURSELF? - Everything?53. FAVOURITE MAKEUP BRAND? - lol fuck if i know54. FAVOURITE STORE? - already answered above ?55. FAVOURITE BLOG? - i like that one blog that posts unflattering pictures of cats (im not gonna tag them tho rgdgfsdf)56. FAVOURITE COLOUR? - yellow57. FAVOURITE FOOD? - peaches or coffee tbh58. LAST THING YOU ATE? - cereal59. FIRST THING YOU ATE THIS MORNING? - cereal60. EVER WON A COMPETITION? FOR WHAT? - no i dont think so61. BEEN SUSPENDED/EXPELLED? FOR WHAT? - nope62. BEEN ARRESTED? FOR WHAT? - nope63. EVER BEEN IN LOVE? - fuq that, idk64. TELL US THE STORY OF YOUR FIRST KISS? - n/a
65. ARE YOU HUNGRY RIGHT NOW? - no66. DO YOU LIKE YOUR TUMBLR FRIENDS MORE THAN YOUR REAL FRIENDS? - what is the difference tho,, if we mean online vs offline then yes my online friends are better but theyre still my Real Friends ya feel67. FACEBOOK OR TWITTER? - twitter68. TWITTER OR TUMBLR? - tumblr69. ARE YOU WATCHING TV RIGHT NOW? - no70. NAMES OF YOUR BESTFRIENDS? - Dren, Allynah, Grace, Eli, Allison71. CRAVING SOMETHING? WHAT? - nope72. WHAT COLOUR ARE YOUR TOWELS? - we have a lot of different colors72. HOW MANY PILLOWS DO YOU SLEEP WITH? - two73. DO YOU SLEEP WITH STUFFED ANIMALS? - no74. HOW MANY STUFFED ANIMALS DO YOU THINK YOU HAVE? - none75. FAVOURITE ANIMAL? - cats76. WHAT COLOUR IS YOUR UNDERWEAR? - im too lazy to check77. CHOCOLATE OR VANILLA? - vanilla78. FAVOURITE ICE CREAM FLAVOUR? - mint chocolate chip for sure79. WHAT COLOUR SHIRT ARE YOU WEARING? - black80. WHAT COLOUR PANTS? - red81. FAVOURITE TV SHOW? - the walking dead probably82. FAVOURITE MOVIE? - CAPTAIN AMERICA: TFA83. MEAN GIRLS OR MEAN GIRLS 2? - theres a second one?84. MEAN GIRLS OR 21 JUMP STREET? - ive never seen 21 jump street,, so mean girls85. FAVOURITE CHARACTER FROM MEAN GIRLS? - DAMIAN86. FAVOURITE CHARACTER FROM FINDING NEMO? - Squirt87. FIRST PERSON YOU TALKED TO TODAY? - n/a88. LAST PERSON YOU TALKED TO TODAY? - n/a89. NAME A PERSON YOU HATE? - m e90. NAME A PERSON YOU LOVE? - see #7091. IS THERE ANYONE YOU WANT TO PUNCH IN THE FACE RIGHT NOW? - ME92. IN A FIGHT WITH SOMEONE? - no93. HOW MANY SWEATPANTS DO YOU HAVE? - one pair i think?94. HOW MANY SWEATERS/HOODIES DO YOU HAVE? - two95. LAST MOVIE YOU WATCHED? - if a musical counts, then Heathers. if not then i think how to train your dragon 2?96. FAVOURITE ACTRESS? - Lauren Cohan probably? idk97. FAVOURITE ACTOR? - andrew lincoln or chris evans98. DO YOU TAN A LOT? - nope99. HAVE ANY PETS? - YES i have four. three cats and one dog100. HOW ARE YOU FEELING? - sleepy101. DO YOU TYPE FAST? - yes102. DO YOU REGRET ANYTHING FROM YOUR PAST? - everything ??103. CAN YOU SPELL WELL? - fairly104. DO YOU MISS ANYONE FROM YOUR PAST? - yea105. EVER BEEN TO A BONFIRE PARTY? - we’ve had small parties with a little bonfire but ive never been to a BONFIRE PARTY,, i wish106. EVER BROKEN SOMEONE’S HEART? -probably not107. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN ON A HORSE? - uhhh i dont remember?? maybe?108. WHAT SHOULD YOU BE DOING? - i actually have no obligations right now,, thank god109. IS SOMETHING IRRITATING YOU RIGHT NOW? - me110. HAVE YOU EVER LIKED SOMEONE SO MUCH IT HURT? - yeah i have bpd111. DO YOU HAVE TRUST ISSUES? - this was already asked112. WHO WAS THE LAST PERSON YOU CRIED IN FRONT OF? - my brother i think113. WHAT WAS YOUR CHILDHOOD NICKNAME? - just? Kate? or i think Petuna was one too114. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN OUT OF YOUR PROVINCE/STATE? - yeah115. DO YOU PLAY THE WII? - we had a wii one time but i only used it like twice116. ARE YOU LISTENING TO MUSIC RIGHT NOW? - i was but then it ended and now its just silent and i didnt even notice.. im gonna change the song117. DO YOU LIKE CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP? - yes118. DO YOU LIKE CHINESE FOOD? - yes119. FAVOURITE BOOK? - perks of being a wallflower120. ARE YOU AFRAID OF THE DARK? - i get paranoid yeh121. ARE YOU MEAN? - yeah122. IS CHEATING EVER OKAY? - no u piece of shit123. CAN YOU KEEP WHITE SHOES CLEAN? - no dgfsfs124. DO YOU BELIEVE IN LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT? - infatuation, maybe, but not love125. DO YOU BELIEVE IN TRUE LOVE? - no126. ARE YOU CURRENTLY BORED? - nah this is keeping me busy127. WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY? - being included128. WOULD YOU CHANGE YOUR NAME? - im not sure? probably not129. WHAT YOUR ZODIAC SIGN? - sagittarius130. DO YOU LIKE SUBWAY? - sure131. YOUR BESTFRIEND OF THE OPPOSITE SEX LIKES YOU, WHAT DO YOU DO? - opposite sex,, and heck, if anyone liked me id doubt it and/or panic132. WHO’S THE LAST PERSON YOU HAD A DEEP CONVERSATION WITH? - idk but this was also already asked133. FAVOURITE LYRICS RIGHT NOW? - I wanna take you somewhere so you know I careBut it’s so cold and I don’t know whereI brought you daffodils in a pretty stringBut they won’t flower like they did last spring134. CAN YOU COUNT TO ONE MILLION? - i could but i dont want to135. DUMBEST LIE YOU EVER TOLD? - i dont remember136. DO YOU SLEEP WITH YOUR DOORS OPEN OR CLOSED? - closed137. HOW TALL ARE YOU? - 5′6138. CURLY OR STRAIGHT HAIR? - i have curly hair139. BRUNETTE OR BLONDE? - im a brunette140. SUMMER OR WINTER? - summer141. NIGHT OR DAY? - day142. FAVOURITE MONTH? - october probably?143. ARE YOU A VEGETARIAN? - no but id like to try it some time144. DARK, MILK OR WHITE CHOCOLATE? - milk chocolate145. TEA OR COFFEE? - coffee but both are good146. WAS TODAY A GOOD DAY? - idk i just woke up147. MARS OR SNICKERS? - ive never had a mars bar so snickers?148. WHAT’S YOUR FAVOURITE QUOTE? - “you’re not a sad story. you are alive.”149. DO YOU BELIEVE IN GHOSTS? - idk150. GET THE CLOSEST BOOK NEXT TO YOU, OPEN IT TO PAGE 42, WHAT’S THE FIRST LINE ON THAT PAGE?  - How can you use a topographic map to interpret information about an area?
thank u for these questions im sorry this post is so long dgdfgsffdquestions
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