#it's wild that ppl like that think I'd trust them in any way
anonymous-gambito · 10 months
"Anyway, I think every abuser must surely be a mentally disordered freak like you but also you flap your hands and miss social cues so I see you more like a vulnerable cute little puppy wagging its tail than an actual person but also don't you dare do anything I dislike or shake the assumptions I have of you in any way or else I'll see you as just as bad as all the other disgusting monsters with all the icky Evil Mental Disorders™ and– wait whERE ARE YOU GOING–"
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snekdood · 6 months
thinkin about a post i saw earlier of someone saying they get really weak when they go vegan... my friend, you are doing everything wrong if that's the case. aside from whatever health issues you may have that prevents you (i've yet to actually hear of any specific health issues that prevent someone from going vegan, maybe being allergic to legumes and soy? or an allergy to nuts etc.? otherwise... i remain kinda skeptical when someone says this, I often feel like ppl say this so they dont have to keep thinking about it), there's lot of things to consider when going vegan and its really important to talk to a nutritionist if you can before you do it.
some things to consider:
you will need to find a source of iron. theres plenty of veggies when eaten in high enough quantities that will provide iron (spinach, an obv choice). it's also wild to assume that you're supposed to get iron from ONE source of food, ideally you eat multiple things throughout the day that have an ok amount of iron that when added up over the day = the daily value you need, you dont need one big block of iron rich food to get all of your iron (and this goes for all food honestly, no reason you need to get all of your nutrients from one food per se. I dont think convenience should ever really be favored over whats ethical)
you'll need a source of omega vitamins. typically this can be found in seaweed, seeds or nuts, but ultimately it might be easier to just buy some supplements (if ur like me and dont like eating nuts a lot :/)
you'll need a way to get vitamin K2, I trust that you're able to do your own research enough to know where to find it, for now I'll tell you it can easily be obtained from saurkraut, natto, kimchi, and dandelions
there are multiple types of protein. this is probably whats tripping you up if you've already covered everything else. these proteins, or more specifically amino acids, are: histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, and valine. you will need to eat complete proteins that have all of these covered, which is why often people tell you to pair rice with beans since together they are a complete protein. there used to be a website I knew of that listed the different sources of each amino acid, but if you're up to it (im not rn) id suggest looking each amino acid up and finding what food sources have them in it, you'll likely find that multiple amino acids are in one food and that another food has the rest of the amino acids- combined they make a complete protein. oh and also there are some protein powders out there that have all of the amino acids you need, so i'd suggest searching those out (make sure to look at the nutrition info, I used garden of life protein powder) bc you can easily dump that in a smoothie and there ya go.
the problem with going vegan isn't not getting enough nutrients typically, it's that it can be very hard and costly to buy everything you need. it's likely not that you CANT go vegan (unless you have specific allergies or something) just that you were never taught the best way on how to. it all boils down to nutrition, and if you're able to get all these nutrients locked down and be consistent about eating all the nutrients you need, you'll likely not have any issues being vegan, if you do that's something to bring up to a nutritionist, because vegan diets are healthy insofar as you can get all the nutrients you need, and some of us are too poor to consistently be able to buy all these different things. in that case, i'd suggest being a "reducetarian" (thats basically what I am, i'm vegan philosophically and would be more vegan if I had the cash...), rely on vegan alternatives but eat eggs or something here n there if necessary. what I do know is most people dont need to eat meat consistently every day and distrust anyone who tells you otherwise, quite frankly. eating it 2-3 times a week is sufficient from what I've read.
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willowser · 1 year
Hey hey Willow heyyyy ✨ I'll apologize in advance for coming with silly tots only!
But you know when you admire someone and you like the way they think and everytime they say something you're like !!!!!!!! YES EXACTLY!!! and you giggle at silly lil things they've said or how they've said them cause it makes you feel so pffttt 💓 and you live up in your silly lil head like ah yes I'd love to be their friend, and all that?
I know you know where I'm going lol but yeah that's how I think of you because I apreciate you and what you do so!! much!! and it's insane? I mean cause I'm just an internet peep (lol) and we dont know each other and that's wild to my silly lil head!!!
Art and love for it can do so much I'm sighing big sighs.
I guess what I'm trying to say is thank you for sharing what you do and the way you do it and and and for being so kind as you do it. And yeah also I'll go to war, bake a cake and even do the laundry for you.
Also sorry I'm being so INTENSE!!! And basically writing a love letter under candle lights lmao I just never do this talking to ppl I think are cool kinda thing lol
I hope you have a great day/night forever and ever. Mwah!
oh, my heart and my soul — you are so correct !! art and the love for it !! how it connects across this great big world, across time-zones and reservations and insecurities and blooms fully in the great volume of our joy !!! you mean so much to me. you really, truly do.
you know, it's not just about our fanfiction, our blorbos and our 2d men and even our little stories; it's about the community and the love it brings ! especially in the wake of my little upset LOL my heart is so full at those of you that came out of the wood works to be there for me — those of you that have ALWAYS been there for me, on my worst days. i'm just an internet peep too ! just a guy on my puter !! and yet here we are ! how far we've come ! the love we have !
this little space is just such a haven of joy for me, and, again, it's not even necessarily about the writing itself or bakugou, especially not about the notes or refrogs or any of that; i say this all the time and it probably sounds childish and silly, but i really view this little corner here, with all of you, as our little space to sit together and hold hands and take turns talking about the things we like, what excites us, what nestles into our hearts and lives there, what pains us — all of it ! i feel so connected to all of you ! and as someone that was shamed and made to be embarrassed of fanfiction when i was younger and growing up — i'm so happy we've all managed to find each other here !
i want this to be a safe space where our creativity can flow together ! i want us all to be included, i want us all to be appreciated, i want us all to be heard, and it means so much to me that yall have done that for me as well ! day in and day out. rain or shine. this is our clubhouse ! and negativity isn't allowed in ! there's no place for it, i won't acknowledge it, i enjoy living my life trying to be as kind as i can, and i want to spread all of it to you, as best i can !
i sound so unhinged !!! LOL !! i am writing furiously in the candle light in my return letter to you, so quickly that ink is getting everywhere and that my handwriting is illegible akhfakhfa but i am always so grateful, to all of you ! and whenever i get such heartfelt messages like this — from those of you that have said before that you don't usually reach out, that this is the first time you're sending messages — i'm so honored that you would trust me with that ! that you deem me worthy of your vulnerability !! i have just so much love in my heart for all of you he he and thank you for being here with me 🥺
and thank you to YOU especially, dear. your message will live inside my lil brain forever. you are my friend. we do know each other, in ways that transcend identity and physical presence ! we are baking the cake together. we are folding the still-warm laundry side by side 🥺
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mittensmorgul · 3 years
Some ppl are again talking about how Dean's anger at Jack in season 15 wasn't justified or it was ooc, and I'm just so tired. Like... Can you imagine if your child lost their soul? And then killed your mother? And then that child was a potentially unstoppable danger to the world you worked so hard to save? And then you find out that the entirety of your free will was a lie? And then imagine that you have a history with struggling to controlling your anger? Idk. I think anyone with empathy should be able to take all those things, and rationally add them up to Dean's reaction 🤦 Sorry, I'm just seeing this drama for this first time since the episode aired, and it's just as annoying as the first time.
Yeah... that's just one more resolution Dean was denied in canon. It's like Dean's arc was just... plonked down on a receipt spike and written off as unnecessary in favor of basically memory wiping him and giving him a personality transplant so that Sam could wear a bad wig and have a blurry wife and we were supposed to feel bad for his son who was a Replacement Dean who was on screen for less than three minutes instead of caring about Actual Dean... Wild...
But okay, finale wank aside... This really was something I assumed would be resolved in the finale, or at least in 15.19. Like Dean would get to have that conversation with Jack and actually apologize and tell him he was their family and he mattered. It's literally the only way Dean's entire arc would've made sense. But Dean was denied ANY resolution. For anything at all. For Cas, for Jack, or even with Sam.
DEAN WAS READY TO SHOOT *SAM* OUT OF DESPERATION. He had to be PUSHED to that point by Chuck's manipulations. Just like he had to be pushed to be willing to sacrifice Jack. He HAD to rationalize his relationship to Jack as being "not family" to even be able to justify his own actions to himself. Because that's just how desperate Dean was, and the lengths he'd been driven to.
I mean think of Dean as a character going all the way back to s1. What is the ONE thing he never doubted? HIS OWN IDENTITY. His free will. His choices. Sometimes they were good, sometimes awful, but he'd always believed they were HIS.
And then 14.20 and Chuck's revelation to him made him doubt even that. How could he trust that anything was real? Even his own identity? HORRIFYING.
I would invite anyone who has never experienced a psychotic break to step the fuck down on this one and shut the fuck up about how this was so ooc. This was literally the confluence of events for Dean that finally broke him completely, and the narrative decided that was how best to abandon him at the end of the story.
I'd also like to remind people that generally Dean's anger is how he reacts to fear. Fear is a useless emotion, but anger is fire under his feet. So when Dean is angriest, it's also usually because he's most afraid. He's not always rational in that anger, but that's sort of how anger works...
gah, mostly I just ignore folks who don't get this. I'm personally happier for it.
and lol, I've got 6.09 on the tnt loop, and Sam and Dean are having the conversation about how having a soul equals suffering, and I feel that a lot right at this moment :'D
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