#it's totally okay if you don't like this ship I just wanted to point out how cool Phee is now that we know her better
carionto · 6 months
C'mon, Really? Look, Just, Let Me Help You!
Humans: We need to have a talk about your secret war plans against us.
Aliens: W-what? No, that's not it, how-
H: Our intelligence operative are very good. Don't pretend these [throws folder on the table that scatters hundreds of pages of classified documents all over] aren't yours.
A: F-Fine! Yes! We made plans about how we should fight you if we ever got into a war. We admit it! What do you want?
H: Huh? No, what I'm trying to say is, why do your plans suck?
A: Err... what?
H: Yeah, compared to our plans and war games, you don't seem to utilize all the advantages you have against us. There's not as much coordination and specialization of forces as we expect in our simulations. What gives?
A: You've lost me.
H: Look, every civilization should run military simulations against EVERY existing party, not just the ones you're natural competitors, or ones you see as antagonistic. Hell, while we were "vanished" our military literally had nothing else to do and spent a solid 200 years making up every kind of scenario against every single potential power we might end up encountering once we "reappeared".
Honestly, there are so many things we are shocked about once we got our hands on your plans, I legitimately don't know where is the best place to begin.
Okay, for starters, why don't any of your plans include making use of our superior technology? It would work, we tested it as well. We built a scale model of one of your capital ships, plopped one of our fusion reactors in and BAM, shields and weapons instantly became on par with our Destroyers, and could even do some serious damage to our Dreadnoughts (for a few seconds before our counterattack vaporizes it, but that's besides the point), so we know your technology is fully capable of handling us.
A: For the millionth time, we are not using unstable power sources that could totally blow us up at any point!
H: It is safe! Those things only have a 0.002 percent chance to fail, and a one in six hundred thousand chance of THAT resulting in an explosion. We've only had twelve incidents the entire time we've been using them.
A: No.
H: Well you ain't winning a war against us with that attitude.
But anyway, one other thing your plans never do is blow up Earth and irradiate the shipyard orbits, what gives?
A: That's an abominable crime against, well, EVERYTHING!
H: Weak. But okay. One other thing though, and this one is just baffling, your deployments and gathering locations are always in the most obvious and convenient places. Those are, no joke, where we would place recon units and prepare ambushes the moment we even got a hint of a whiff of hostility from you. How come you never seem to account for us expecting you to do the obvious and pre-emptively counter that. And inversely, you never expect us to not be in the logical places where we should be.
A: I think my head is spinning from that. What?
H: Reverse psychology? Predictive behavior, or whatever it's called, not a psychologist. If you want to win against your enemy, you have to think like your enemy first.
You look dizzy. I know it's a lot to take in, but we'll guide you through this. Think of it as homework. After we have a more thorough meeting on this subject, we'll wait and let you figure things out back in your secret HQ's. But, if the plans we acquire later still won't account for the things we discussed, we'll be very disappointed.
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eddiezpaghetti · 4 months
Okay, so my experience with Stranger Things is a weird one.
I didn't care when it first came out, started to watch it out of "might as well" in 2020, wasn't interested in it enough to make it past S2, forgot about it outside of going "oh, hey, cool, there's a lesbian in it now, I guess," in S3, got really annoyed when "Running Up That Hill" got popular from it because it was a song I listened to on fucking loop after one of my best friends died in high school and I fully expected its appearance in the show to ignore the whole survivor's guilt theme of the song (and was very happy to learn later that it did the exact opposite of ignoring the lyrics), saw people drawing Eddie, suddenly got a lot more interested, watched just the fourth season like a fucking psychopath because I was seriously only there for Eddie, then got interested enough to start the show over properly, having mostly forgotten what I did watch of the show before.
And let me tell you something from the perspective of someone who started with the complete fourth season, who wasn't there from the start, who wasn't tainted by ship goggles or this internal battle of hope and despair, who wasn't theorizing about what the painting could be or expecting Mike and Will to kiss when Volume 2 happened or rooting for Mike and Eleven's relationship to go down in flames or whatever the fuck. Just someone who went blind into Season 4.
It's really fucking obvious that Will and Mike are gonna be endgame.
Like holy fuck. It's so fucking blatant I don't even know why people are nervous.
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No sane fucking person would shoot this scene this way if they wanted the audience to care about El and Mike as a couple. Despite being all blurry in the background, Will's reaction to what's happening here is smackdab in the fucking middle, clearly showing that the important part is what's going through his head here. What he's feeling. It's like the opposite of that scene from Kingdom Hearts II where Sora and Riku reunite and Kairi just fucking vanishes into the aether while it's happening because, despite the fact that she was standing between them when the scene began, she doesn't matter to the scene, so she's just kind of gone when the camera angle changes. Will could have been behind one of their heads, or so far in the distance he blends in with the background, but he's not. He's so obvious that despite being massively blurred out, he's still the first goddamn thing you look at. What, you think that's an accident? You think he's in the middle of this dramatic fucking scene because of a mistake? He basically has a big flashing neon arrow pointing at him with "THIS IS THE POINT" being screamed through a megaphone.
And then this?
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They're paired up like they're taking fucking prom pictures. Each one of these pairs is so fucking close to one another and so fucking far from everyone else. It's not, "Oh, they're standing vaguely near each other in a group shot," it's fucking Noah's Ark out here. Again, there's no way to take this as an accident. It's not just a framing issue. If they wanted to make the shot look balanced while still not hiding anyone else behind El, they would have scattered people around much more naturally. Even if they wanted to keep Nancy with Jonathan and Hopper with Joyce, there's so much room on that hill for three people to stand on El's left and three on her right. But they didn't do that. They put Mike and Will together on purpose in the most obvious way possible.
Like I get that coming up with crackpot theories is fun in and of itself and I'm not blaming anyone for having fun. I totally get the appeal of arguing a point and reaching for every stupid little thing to pull into it because it's like a game, okay? I've done that. But if you're trying to actually convince someone (whether it's someone who wants to believe or someone who's pissed at the very idea that Mike and Will could be in love), stay away from blue and yellow lights, stay away from costume design, stay away from the existence of closets in backgrounds. And don't worry about whether Mike's gay or bi when he's in love with Will either way. I'll give you a little tip about persuasion: You're only as strong as your weakest argument. Even if you've got strong stuff in there, too, the person you're trying to convince is going to dismiss anything you say as complete insanity the second you start going on an entire tangent about the shape of a character's fucking pocket.
Sometimes, clothes are just clothes. Sometimes, there's a closet in the background because it helps establish that a character is in a bedroom. Sometimes, blue and yellow are just a couple of colors that look nice together. And sure, it might be set designers and costume designers and cinematographers smirking and winking at the audience from behind the camera. But if the show was just those things, instead of those things in the context of everything else, they wouldn't be saying anything of note.
But this?
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This tells a story all on its own. Someone with no context can look at this and automatically assume that each paired person is standing with someone they care about deeply, seeking comfort as they watch some sort of disaster unfold. And yeah, romantic couples usually come in twos, and we live in an amatonormative society, so that's going to be the first association anyone makes seeing a bunch of people paired off.
It's the same reason you look at this
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And go, "Oh..."
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"Those two are probably a couple."
And I genuinely don't understand how people could have watched S4 Vol. 2 and gotten scared. Because as someone who went in with no investment whatsoever, I just looked at these two--
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--and went, "Oh, those two are a couple. Good for them." And I moved on. Shut up about the trees for five seconds and just see the forest for what it is.
Oh, and if you're still nervous? Little thing from a storyteller here: You don't leave a hanging thread like "Will confessed his romantic feelings for Mike by projecting them onto El, but Mike either didn't understand or at least didn't say he understood," without coming back to that later. That's Chekov's gun hanging on the wall, babes. It's gonna fire at some point. If Mike was going to reject Will's feelings, if they weren't relevant, they would have had that discussion in Argyle's van. There'd be no reason to leave you in suspense.
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nocaptainonthisship · 6 months
This morning, I unfollowed my third person in as many months for complaining about their ao3 engagement, and I regret nothing.
The moment I allow myself to start thinking about how many people are reading my work over how much joy I bring into a space, the quality of my writing goes down the drain. And seeing this kind of thing from people who I share a fandom with(thereby knowing the degree to which their last fic outpaced the sum total of my last three by hits) makes me a bit crazy. Because I don't want to be the kind of author who obsesses over status! I want to write stories I'm proud of, and that bring me joy. If someone out there likes them, that's great! But it can't be what drives me.(Notice how I'm really driving this point home for myself, because it is HARD not to fall into this trap and I am trying to do better.)
But I see people complain about the hits or the kudos or the comments, ESPECIALLY in relation to other authors(again, a callout for me specifically- I'm trying to do better!) We're not in competition with each other, babes. We're on the same team! We like the same show/movie/ship(s)! Just because you play tight end and I'm a kicker doesn't mean we aren't wearing the same jersey. By using stats as the marker for your success, you are wildly underselling the value of what you made. With nothing but a little inspiration, your imagination and likely a fair bit of caffeine, you created a story that is entirely your own. That is an incredible achievement on its own. Did one person tell you it meant something to them? I'm so glad you found each other. Two? How lucky you are to have been able to touch people's lives. Three feels like the sweet spot- perfect number for a virtual happy hour to scream in the group chat about headcanons.
Point being, I guess- you owe me nothing! If you want to read my fic and leave me a comment, I would love that. Comments and kudos and all of that do bring me joy. Don't want to comment? Totally fine! You owe me nothing. Don't want to read what I write? Also totally okay! You owe me nothing.
Now, here's what I owe to myself- the peace of mind that comes from not playing the comparison game, and protecting myself by not allowing in voices who are at odds with that aim.
(As a final note, if you want to complain about "cool in groups" in fandom I have excellent news: no one is cool! We're all a bunch on mangy nerds. Please say hi! Or don't! You owe me nothing.)
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aidaronan · 2 months
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Blood red eyes, point-sharp nails Reptile skin, prehensile tails Come one, cum all... to Monsterfucker May Details beneath the cut.
What is this?
It's pretty much what it says on the tin. Take your blorbo(s), monsterfy them, and put them in (sexy) situations. I'm calling it a Spicy Six challenge, but I did throw an asterisk (technically a dagger bc of its superior aesthetics) out beside that because you can totally also write, like, Selkie Joyce or Mothman Mr. Clarke. Or Jeff CorrodedCoffin getting his shit rocked by Mermaid Heather Holloway. I pretty much wanted to indicate that this particular challenge excludes the younger characters and there's not a great catch-all term for "every legal adult in Hawkins/Chicago/California."
How sexy does my fic/art have to be?
As sexy as you want. This IS a monsterFUCKER challenge, but... Maybe the sex is fade-to-black in your fic. Or maybe your monsters have sex in a very unique way. Maybe your art is just a ring-covered hand white-knuckling fur. Maybe it's fanged faces contorted with bliss. Sometimes anticipation and suggestion are plenty. That said, I also encourage the most unhinged freaknasty shit you can think up, if that's what you wanna do.
What counts a monster?
You tell me, pal. 😏
(Feel free to use the word loosely to include any kind of creature, fantasy/mythological being, or even random sentient concepts e.g. Death or Time.)
So how do I participate?
Write a fic and/or create a work of art that fits the challenge. Fics can be any length, and you can create as few or as many creative works for this challenge as you want. On tumblr and all other sites where hashtags are used, tag with #STMonsterMay and #STMonsterMay24 On AO3, add your work to the collection, searchable as STMonsterMay24 when posting a new work. This will open on May 1 at midnight US EST time. Please only add works posted in May to the collection/tags. (Sequels are okay! So are new works of art for existing fics/universes.)
Is it okay if I write/draw [character/ship/dark concept/etc.]?
I wholeheartedly and passionately do not give a shit. As long as it fits the parameters of the challenge, it's fair game. Just tag and warn appropriately. That said, I will kindly request people are a bit conscious of what they're doing. I'm thinking of things like not using Native/Indigenous monsters if they don't belong to you. Etc.
* Will this be moderated? This challenge will be 95% unmoderated because I expect people to act like the kind and conscientious adults they are. I also have no idea how successful or unsuccessful this will end up being yet and if it would even be possible to keep an eye on Everything.
However, if something really egregious happens re: cultural/racial sensitivity, or a serious lack of tags for a rough topic, people are encouraged to message or inbox me, and I'll look into it and make whatever call seems to fit the situation re: removal from the collection, talking to the creator, requesting additional tags, etc.
For things posted outside of the ao3 collection, there won't be much I can personally do except attempting to have a productive conversation with the creator (if there is a way for me to do that.)
Feel free to reach out if you have any Qs! Otherwise, I'll see you all in May. 😈
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photogirl894 · 2 months
Hello! Don't know if you're still taking requests, but would I be able to request 8 and 33 from the physical affection prompt list with Crosshair? I can totally see him using that to spend time with his SO!! 😁
Hey anon! I know it's been forever since you sent this in, so I really hope you see it! Sorry it took a long time!
"Close to You"
8. Play fighting/wrestling
33. Playful shove
Pairing: Crosshair x fem reader
It was a nice day on the planet, Naboo, and you and the Bad Batch were taking some downtime there for a little bit until you received your next mission. As you were about to get off the ship, Crosshair arm-checked you in the doorway and pushed past you. You cast a perplexed look at him, but he simply looked back over his shoulder and smirked at you as he went down the ramp.
He'd been doing that a lot lately, giving you light shoves as he'd walk by you and you couldn't quite understand why, but then he'd grin at you after doing so. His peculiar behavior peaked your curiosity. You'd seen him and his brothers push each other around often, but he never grinned at them like he did with you. At one point, you went to Hunter to see if he had any explanation behind Crosshair's behavior. All he had to say was that Crosshair was more physical with people he likes or feels comfortable around, hence why he shoved his brothers around all the time. It was just how he was; how he expressed himself. When you asked why Crosshair grinned at you the way he did, Hunter didn't really have much an answer other than, "Maybe he just likes you a little more."
If that were true...you wouldn't mind it at all.
You had found your gaze drifting towards Crosshair a lot more recently. Something about his stoic, quiet personality intrigued you and you really wanted to try and get him out of his shell a little more. You wanted to know him more; you wanted to see a side of him that even his brothers didn't know. That and you found him particularly handsome. Something about the sharp curvature of his cheek bones, the way his lips pressed together with a toothpick between them, the way the light hit his brown eyes...you were well and truly smitten with the sniper.
He tended to like to stay up a little later than the rest of the squad, so you decided to try something out once everyone else had retired for the night.
Soon, night came and you spotted Crosshair sitting outside by a space heater. His armor had been removed and he was just in his blacks, just like you were in yours. You carefully made your way down the ramp of the ship, but he heard you coming and stood up upon seeing you.
"Everything all right?" he asked you.
"Yeah, I'm fine," you responded as you walked up to him. Then you playfully shoved him in the arm and said, "Just checking on you and making sure you're okay."
He looked a bit taken aback at your gesture before saying, "I'm...fine."
Motioning to his arm where you'd hit him, you stated, "Hunter says that's how you show people you like them. I thought doing it back would do the same thing."
"Yes, but...it's different with you," he admitted.
"What do you mean?" you asked.
He flashed a grin at you; a softer, more sincere one that you had never seen from him before that made him almost glow even more in the light of the space heater. "For me...it's just another way to be close to you," he told you.
Surprised, you blurted out, "Then why didn't you just say something before?"
He smirked again and replied, "This was more fun," as he then nudged you again in the arm with his shoulder.
You figured two could play at that game. With your mouth agape at his gesture, you decided to gently shove him back. That only made him grin even more as he gave another push, a little harder than before. When you went to retaliate, however, he caught your hands in his, holding them in place and wrestling against them.
"Hey, no fair!" you cried.
You pulled your hands free, but as you turned to try and move away, he pulled you back, grabbing you around the waist with his arms and pulling your back against his chest as he lifted you just a little off the ground and walked backward slowly.
"Where do you think you're going?" he asked tauntingly in your ear.
"You know, if you just wanted to be close to me, all you had to do was say--aah!"
Suddenly, you found yourself falling as Crosshair seemed to trip over something as he walked backwards and you both tumbled to the ground with a thud. You heard Crosshair groan from not only the impact of the ground, but also of you landing on top of him before rolling off.
"Are you okay?" you inquired, crawling over to him.
"Never...better," he groaned as he sat up. However, just as he got all the way up, he was suddenly pushed back down onto his back, but not because you had shoved him...because you had leapt onto him and were hugging him around his neck. His arms stiffened at his sides at the sudden, unexpected closeness he was receiving from you, not to mention with you being on top of him.
"If you wanted to be close to me...I would've obliged right away," you said softly to him. "I care a lot about you, Crosshair. I hope this is what you want."
His arms gradually enclosed themselves around you, embracing you closely, and you could feel his body relax underneath you. Then he responded, "Not quite."
When you pulled back to question him further, his hand was immediately on your cheek for a brief moment before it slid to the back of your head and he pulled you down to him, lifting his head a little to meet you partway as he joined his lips softly with yours. There was a delightful shiver that ran down your spine at how sweetly he kissed you and you couldn't help but smile into the kiss as you deepened it.
After a moment, he pulled back, a new light in his eyes upon realizing you had kissed him back and were smiling adoringly down at him. "Now, I've gotten what I wanted," he then spoke, a content grin on his face. "This was everything I'd hoped for...and more."
Pleased with his reply, you bent over, kissed him once more and then laid your head down on his chest, cuddling up to him. His arms held you safely against him, right where he wanted you to be.
Photogirl894's Physical Affection Prompts
Photogirl894's 1,000 Followers fics
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stinkysam · 5 months
Buggy the Clown - It's getting expensive.
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Warning : spoilers for opla only
Genre : fluff
Synopsis : “Ok, so funny thought based off of sugar daddy! reader but imagine when buggy joins the cross guild and reader just looks at crocodile and Mihawk for a minute before asking buggy, if they need to pay them as well. Because reader can tell that Mihawk and crocodile are expensive bishes. It would be funny watching all their reactions to this especially crocodile and Mihawk since someone is offering to spoil them because I can see crocodile immediately going no in the most deadpan voice and I'm cackling over it.” - anon
Reader : male (you/yours)
A/N : Part ONE
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Buggy didn't really want you to meet them. Despite acting like they were all good friends in front of you, he knew they would very quickly reveal the truth if you ever met them.
Yet, this day had to happen.
“God, you have a lot of people working for you now.” You said with a smile, looking at all the pirates wearing his Jolly Roger happily.
Buggy puffed his chest proudly, laughing a bit.
“Of course. That's only what I deserve !”
You grin and nod, walking inside the ship to get to his quarters. As you get in, you spot them. Mihawk and Crocodile.
“Shit.” Buggy thought.
You stared at them, Buggy pushing you forward in hope to get you to his quarters but you refused to walk. Their bounty appeared before your eyes.
Crocodile 1,965,000,000 berries.
Mihawk 3,590,000,000 berries.
A total of 8,744,000,000 berries with Buggy.
“Do I have to pay them as well ?” You ask with curiosity, eyes shining, pointing to Mihawk and Crocodile as you walk toward them.
“What !?” Buggy yelled, stopping you from walking further as Crocodile raised an eyebrow, Mihawk staring at you too surprised to say anything.
“Pay us ?” They thought.
“Why would you pay them !?” Buggy whispers-yelled to you.
“Aren't they with you ?” You simply replied, not caring about being discreet.
That's where it clicked for them. You were Buggy's… boyfriend / sugar daddy.
“No.” Said Crocodile. “We aren't.” His tone was cold, almost disgusted by your supposition.
“This is just a partnership.” Added Mihawk but you stared at him as if it didn't clear anything up and he sighed already tired by this conversation. “It's just an organization.”
“Oh.” You tilted your head to the side. “I thought you were all a thing.” You laughed. “That would've been expensive, ahah !”
“We gathered.” Said Mihawk, walking away. He had heard enough, and didn't want to inflict himself with you two any longer.
Buggy grabbed you by the collar, shaking you roughly while crying, yelling unintelligible things.
“Huh ? I don't understand what you're saying…” You said, which seemed to make things worse. Thought you managed to catch the essence “Me with them ? Scary.”
“Alright, alright. Let's go.” You say, now pushing him to his quarters, Buggy too upset about what you thought to walk on his own.
You continued pushing him until you arrived in his room and as soon as you closed the door Buggy yelled, falling on you with all his weight, making you fall on the bed.
“I lied !” He sobbed, throwing his hands in the air before grabbing you by the shoulders and shaking you. “They're not my subordinates !”
You blinked. That, you had guessed.
“We're even less a fucking thing !” He yelled now angry before returning to his sobbing state, grabbing you by the collar once again.
“They accepted me as the leader but I don't know why !”
“They beat me up after the Cross Guild pamphlet got out ! As if I had a say in it !” He exclaimed. “And they beat me up again after seeing the ship ! They hung my head on Crocodile's hook by the hair !” He sobbed again, trying to make you understand the true dynamic between them, rubbing his face against your shirt, smearing snot and tears over it. “All that because they didn't like the ship my subordinates maaade ! It wasn't my fault they got carried away, these dumbasses ! I almost got sold into slavery ! Me !”
“What !? Are you okay ?” You asked, grabbing his face.
“I'm fine.” He sniffed. “I need more than that to be killed !” He smiled confidently through the tears.
“I'm gonna have a talk with them.” You announced, pushing him away and standing up, ready to walk out before Buggy grabbed you, pulling you back down.
“No !” He pleaded sobbing again. “They'll do the same to you ! Don't you understand !?”
You sighed. He was right. They are pirates after all. And a bit unpredictable at that.
“Buggy… Be careful.” You said, grabbing his face again.
“Tell that to the idiots who made the pamphlet and the ship ! I swear I wasn't behind it !”
“Okay, okay, I get it.” You kissed his forehead, wrapping your arms around him.
“What do you want to do then ?” You ask, fingers combing through his long hair.
“This is nice here.” He replied, rubbing his cheek against you. “Let's stay here.”
For a moment, you two say nothing, enjoying each other's presence and closeness, the silence only broken by his sniffing.
“You really thought I was seeing other people ?”
You shrugged.
“Not really. But since they work with you and as you told me you were the bestest of friends, I thought maybe it was like a pack.”
“A pack !?”
“Yeah. Take one, get two more.”
“We aren't a deal you can buy !”
“I kind of bought you. ‘Buy my time’ you said. And I did.” You kissed the top of his head and he grimaced, annoyed.
“That's different.”
“Not really.”
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phantomrose96 · 7 months
hi your short story is giving me absolute brainworms it’s DAMN good. I don’t have anything of real note to add so I’ll just ask: is there anything you really want to say about the story but haven’t yet (like trivia or whatnot)?
(938 Seconds Per Second)
Probably that I'd very nearly abandoned it!
The idea started from an article I was reading about time dilation - the gist of it being "okay but what's to stop you from accelerating infinitely? Up to and past the speed of light?" and the conclusion was kind of "you sort of can... from YOUR frame, from YOUR perception of time, potentially. but from a resting frame, you will appear to only ever approach the speed of light." So even if you could perceive yourself traveling 100 light years in a month... to every resting body, 100 years have passed.
So I was like cool! Fucked up potential! I really liked the concept of "you can notice your mistake after 5 minutes and already be 100 years too late to fix it."
I toyed with a few ideas and ended up gravitating towards "what if one shipmate intentionally leaves another shipmate behind... and by the time this is discovered days later, the left-behind shipmate is long dead." I also settled on "what if your shipmate sucked so bad that he causes you to snap and leave him behind"
So I started writing with that as the core idea. Main character Mendoza has the Worst Coworker in the World Universe, and he snaps and leaves Carson behind on a planet.
...But then I was a little lost. I was struggling with the substance. The "what makes this interesting" and the "what ties this all together." Sure I could just write Carson being an ass for 3,000 words and then... Mendoza leaves him behind the end?
I was even struggling with the first draft because part of me was like "what's even enjoyable about reading about a completely insufferable person...?" Even Mendoza himself is no peach. Maybe the whole concept was just unpalatable. I kinda just... ditched it where it was.
Then I came back to it this weekend and decided to kind of rethink it, fresh. And the absolute biggest difference between the early stumbling draft and what I ended up with was Sampson. He actually solved so much. (He existed in the early draft, but not importantly.) He introduced the character stakes and the tying thread to the story I was missing.
Now it wasn't just Carson annoying Mendoza. Once Sampson's tome enters the story, the stakes change. Mendoza is now in the middle of Carson actively destroying the thing Sampson is even alive for. Mendoza is now in a position of actively needing to make choices--he could intervene and try to save Sampson's tome. He could tattle. He could do anything--but he doesn't. Because "not letting Carson win" is the single most important thing. Mendoza doesn't need to be any kind of hero. He chooses not to be.
And now the reader is captive to this conflict, privy to everything Mendoza knows, and does not act on, as Sampson unravels in the background.
And now we have a thread that leads to Carson and Mendoza ending up on-planet together. Carson isn't out there for shits and giggles, he's out there because the plot point about Sampson's tome led to this. Now Carson knows about the cargo, and now he's offering Mendoza the chance to not just be passive witness, but be accomplice to Sampson's destruction.
And it's enticing. It's unimaginable wealth, and it's getting off the shitty ship, and it's never seeing Carson again. Mendoza has the chance to stick to his every-man-for-himself ideals and go along with Carson. And it's interesting to explore Carson's reasoning for why they deserve this! They're the ones who sacrificed 300 years for this journey! Don't they deserve this over some fucker who wasn't even born when this mission started?
And then it reaches one pivotal moment--Carson's gleeful declaration that Sampson will totally kill himself once he discovers what they've stolen. Because now there are consequences to this action. If Mendoza follows through with this, it's with the knowledge that he's gotten Sampson killed. (And maybe he shouldn't care. Maybe it doesn't matter. As he's asserted this whole time.)
Mendoza doesn't do it. He pulls up the ladder after Carson.
He doesn't let Carson win.
And then the ending... the ending where Sampson very much was witness to Mendoza following Carson out of the ship. If Sampson were every-man-for-himself, he could just comply and tell Major Kensington what he saw. Mendoza knew Carson was outside the ship. Mendoza came back. Carson didn't. The ship took off. Sampson knows this all.
But, Sampson has an idea of what, may, have happened. He knows he accidentally revealed too much to Carson. He knows Carson stole the tome which contains information about the cargo. Sampson, maybe, knows what decision Mendoza made.
So Sampson lies to Kensington. Sampson will swear on his life he never saw Mendoza that evening. No one will ever know.
And just!!! It was delightful to find the piece that ties the WHOLE story through. It's not just "your coworker sucks and you booted him to live out 40 years on a planet for your next 2 weeks". It's character-driven now. It's about choices and consequences and the fucked up implications that the time-dilation travel throws in.
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caligvlasaqvarivm · 1 month
Has anyone asked you about erisol?
If no, then what's your opinion on them! :-)
I feel like people will be upset at me for this, but a completely platonic and completely lukewarm mutual dislike... they don't really like each other, but take no great issue with each other either. The boys are not fightingggg
So like. A common thing in fandoms is taking things at face value and not really reading any deeper into them. You see this a shitton with Eridan in general - lots of people take it 100% at face value that he's a casteist genocide liker, when it's pretty clear upon further examination that he's pretty much lying about being casteist and doesn't actually want to murder his friends. So, at face value, Eridan hates Sollux, and either wants to do spadesies with him, or go ashen with him. And so this has become a really popular ship, but the thing is... at basically every turn, the story kind of goes out of its way to point out that there's actually nothing between them. At least romantically.
See, Eridan does not actually hate Sollux, at least not to the level of pitch/ashen. TWICE before Sollux and Feferi start hanging out all the time, we see Eridan commenting on Sollux in a fairly neutral-negative way - the first time calling him "a drama machine" and noting that "it is fuckin pathetic," and the second time as "the dead guy who saved [Feferi]". And let's be clear about the former, Eridan is just kind of Like That, he's rude as fuck even about people he LIKES (calling his BFF Karkat an "assblood" and sarcastically referring to Feferi by her royal titles), so that's actually one of the less nasty things he's said about someone.
Meanwhile, on Sollux's end, he LITERALLY says "not interested" to what he perceives as pitch/ashen advances from Eridan. Like, actually just says those words out loud. Not even in a pesterlog, he actually just says those words with his mouth.
So it seems to me that there's a pretty clear case to be made here that Eridan and Sollux kind of just... don't really give a shit about each other, and probably wouldn't have interacted in any substantial way if not for Feferi's involvement. Especially because Eridan's chosen method of hitting on Sollux is with casteism, something he's already faking in the first place.
If we really want to dig into this, though, it's kind of - in my eyes - a lukewarm case of the hedgehog dilemma. They're a bit too similar, and it winds up causing them both mild pain to get too close.
They're both nihilists that kind of hate themselves. Sollux's mutated brain causes him a not-insignificant amount of discomfort, his visions of the future and of the "imminently doomed" have made him lose a lot of hope, and he blames himself for killing Aradia, something so painful that he didn't tell anyone else she died, to the point where most of the team - including Terezi and Tavros - had to find out after entering the game. Meanwhile, Eridan struggles with the perceived inevitability of a lifestyle that causes him nothing but distress, and his constant, overwhelming anxiety about it leads to constant stressing over whether or not he's "good enough"; whenever he's in severe emotional distress, he starts beating up on himself.
They also both front at being more okay with their problems than they actually are. Sollux has his 1337 hacker, two cool for you persona that he puts on, and Eridan is always trying to be the big bad sea dweller. For example, Sollux goes "I'm not trolling the humans, it's beneath me," but he's in Jade's trollslum, so the implication there is that he totally did try trolling, it went badly for him, and now he's pretending that he was always better than that. And I don't think I need to tell you how hard Eridan works to try and present himself as badass and scary and totally not deep in the throes of emotional anguish at all times.
And these are the similarities that ultimately make Erisolsprite so stable. Erisolsprite speculates that maybe the reason he hasn't exploded yet is that deep down, he loves to suffer. The truth is, there's nothing between the two that's really so objectionable that they would ACTUALLY hate each other; Eridan isn't actually casteist, and Eridan never really hated Sollux in the first place.
Neither would they bring each other any comfort or joy - Eridan doesn't have any sympathy for Sollux's baggage, since, like, what, he only killed ONE person, and was even under mind control, so it's not like it was really his fault. He's a drama machine. And Sollux wouldn't have sympathy for Eridan's problems, partially because they manifest in such cringeworthy, embarrassing ways (and Sollux is highly sensitive to not being cringe, seeing as he's always commenting on other people being embarrassing or overly earnest), and partially because - I mean, fuck it, he's a rich-ass sea dweller who doesn't need to worry about being harvested to be a battery for a living ship. And also he's an idiot.
That's kind of what their relationship is to me, you know? A tepid and lukewarm dislike. They're just similar enough to each other to understand the other, and just different enough to be like "ugh, but that guy suuuuuuuucks". It's very funny, but not really a ship, hahaha.
So what you really get from that is two guys that just kind of dislike each other. Not vehemently or diametrically enough for pitch or ashen, and not a trace of the requisite pity for flushed or pale. When you throw the two together into one sprite, it won't shut up about how much it hates itself, how each part of itself is flabberghasted by the other, and how much practically the only reason it doesn't explode is a resounding "meh."
Eridan likes to validate his despair; ironically, since it's all he's ever known, it's where he feels comfortable - and nobody would provide better doomscrolling material than the doom player. Similarly, Sollux likes to torment himself, suffering his guilt in silence, and Eridan has SO MUCH to feel guilty over. Combine them into one entity, and you have a guy who can reach SUCH levels of revelling in his own misery, you don't even KNOW.
Not that it's healthy or positive for either of them... just that it would be incredibly stable. It's their worst tendencies being satisfied by each other. Maybe that's a form of leprechaun romance, but it's certainly not a quadrant.
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swashbucklery · 7 months
Out of curiosity why do you ship sabine and shin ?
Okay anon so I am trying to figure out how to approach this ask because I know that this fandom has a real problem with bad-faith actors looking to troll Wolfwren shippers and I do not have the patience to deal with that, but also I do want to talk about them because they're lovely.
So. If you are asking because you're a troll, the answer is that I'm a big mean lesbian who likes ruining Star Wars and gets off on making innocent fanboys cry, #sorrynotsorry, it's part of my Terrible Queer Ruining Agenda and I am going to be doing it every second Tuesday until society as you know it has crumbled into gay dust.
If you're not a troll: because they hit this very particular combination of Trope Buttons that makes me ever so happy, anon!
Because it's about - like, there are ships that I love because they are a type of loving partnership that entrances me, where I see myself or see the type of love that speaks to my soul and want to enjoy the process of rolling around in it like a cat in nip. Then there are ships that I love because I'm attached to a particular character where like - this blorbo deserves the world and that includes a healing love, a warm love, a love that cultivates a space for them to rest after the harsh world around them has bruised them ever so.
THEN there are ships where - the dynamic fascinates me and I want to dig deeper into it. Where it's not about cultivating love as much as it is taking what's on screen to its gayest and most extreme possible endpoint, and that's where Sabine/Shin really gets me.
It's about the deep obsession of nemeses and the way that can feel inherently queer. It's about the ways that they are both mirrors and opposites. The way that Sabine carries so much anger and self-loathing and shame and guilt in her little heart and constantly pretends that she doesn't. The way that limits her throughout the series is riveting to me.
It's the idea of Shin, who in may ways is a more successful Jedi but in other ways is a sad, lonely little weirdo who has no community except for this weird old man and pretends that she's fine with it but can't be.
The way that they are both successes and failures in ways that mirror each other, the way that they orbit each other as nemeses and fight constantly but in their darkest moments have a weird little glimmer of - not love, but the beginnings of compassion.
And I have seen lots of writers and artists who look at that glimmer and see it as the beginning of a 200k slowburn story where they bicker and argue and slowly tenderize each other into being people who can be vulnerable, who learn to soften their prickly edges to fit around each other. And that's wonderful, and that's a beautiful way to ship Sabine & Shin.
For me, it's more about digging into that weird, fucked up little place of what if they didn't. What if they stayed fucked up and didn't soften but those orbits got closer and closer together. What if it wasn't toweringly romantic what if the orbit was the path of a comet colliding with a moon. What if that was somehow what each of them needed even though they both hated needing it. What does it feel like to confront the fact that sometimes our desires and what we want our desires to be don't align? What would it be like to envelop that in the complex ten-dimensional web of denial that both of them embody; desiring but pretending not to desire, indulging but pretending not to indulge. How far could that go before it hit a crisis point? What would that crisis point be?
There are so many stories there and that's fascinating and a thing that I find fun to explore in fiction, anon. If that's not for you, that's totally alright but there might be other dimensions that I described above where they ping with your interests more.
Or, they might just not be for you, and that's also okay.
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carionto · 8 months
It's smaller on the Inside
I find myself going down the Warhammer 40'000 route of scale for this verse I'm apparently building. It's silly, and I like it that way. I don't want to give myself a ceiling for anything I might throw in here :p Continuation of this
From the outside, the Human ships are astronomically massive. Most, we guessed, doubled as population centers, something akin to a floating colony fleet. With their planet as hostile as they come, we had no doubt most of Humanity had moved into orbit.
"Hmm? Oh, no. The colony ships aren't ready yet. They'll be bigger than even the Dreadnoughts. I'd say the entire Space Force has around 300'000 active members. The Space Teamsters Union has about 8'000 members, and us science ships house just under 2'500 employees. There's maybe a few thousand unlicensed folk out and about, no doubt that number will skyrocket once we get some trade routes going with you guys, or, err... you know. Sorry, just a common expression."
Captain Knoslark explained. This didn't make sense. The Coalition delegates were informed Earth was home to 12,3 billion Humans. By reasonable estimates, their current fleet should easily be able to accommodate at least half that.
Okay, fine. The revelation their reactors were stupidly massive would drop that to around 3,8 billion, but still! What were they using all this room for?
Perplexed, the Captain itemized:
"Well for one, armor plating accounts for between 20 and 45 percent of the total mass, depending on the ship. For that you need sufficiently strong engines, plus reactors to power them, so there goes another 15 to 35 percent of mass and upwards of 50% of space. Military ships tend to go for extra everything minus luxuries, so taking that and all their additional weapon systems, a Dreadnought has maybe 0.7% of its displacement left for personnel."
The delegates just couldn't. What? Why? Nobody is even pretending that Human ships aren't vastly superior to everything in known space. Even halving all their bulk and power, no-one could take them on.
Sheepishly, the Captain answered:
"Well, yeah... I guess I can't disagree since you're saying it yourselves. But what about the unknown space? What if someone comes up with something better? We're doing that constantly. I mean, that's some of the reason why we have the science ships like the one we're on."
"But I can see your point. If safety protocols didn't demand all these winding bulkhead hallways and modular room structure and all that other stuff, something like a standard issue 3km Cruiser could house a crew of 45'000 instead of a maximum of 1'400."
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phantom-of-the-501st · 3 months
And we're back!
Initial thoughts on TBB S3 Eps 1-3
3x1 Confined
Final season premiere let's go!!!
Storms are never a good sign
There's creepy shit on Tantiss (crocodile thing from the trailer maybe?)
Although Hemlock counts as creepy enough
He's the creepiest thing on the whole planet 😬
Tbf there's a stunning view, it's just a shame about the prison window blocking it
Omega blood sample? That's gotta come back later in the season!
Are these blood samples labelled? How tf does anyone know which is which??? That's just bad lab practice 🙄
Oh the weird machine knows. Nvm
"Replicate the genetic M count" and they want Omega's blood???
Nala Se is protecting Megs. Slenderbitch may actually be of some use
Force senstive Megs?
This feels like this is linking with the cloning plot in The Mandalorian
The animal welfare standards here are abysmal 😠
BATCHER?! Oh that's adorable 😍
And I thought Omegas's room was bad holy shit 😭
The grid across Cross' room is casting a crosshair on Omega's face. I love little details like that
21 tallies on wall = 21 rotations? That doesn't seem like very long
Why are there blood drips going into each sample? This seems like a contamination issue
At least 150 tallies now 😭
Subject will be terminated if they don't heal. Feels very much like the clones when they were on Kamino, which just shows how much the clones were treated like animals
"I belong here" *sobs*
Cross don't make me cry istg. I can't do this at 8am on a Wednesday 😭
Okay but the droid kind of had a point about Batcher struggling in the wild because of Omega domesticating her. One thing you learn about working in a zoo environment is that hand-reared animals have no idea how to behave like their wild counterparts and basically turn into little psychos (like you can't actually be in the same room as some of them levels of bad). That or they rely on people too much and have no idea how to fend for themselves. Either way, the droid wasn't entirely wrong
Hemlock is a bastard 😒
Omega's theme!!!
Season premiere and only two Batcher (neither of whom are Hunt or Wreck). Interesting!
1x2 Paths Unknown
Fucking Roland Durand?!
Did not expect that in episode 2 omg!
Hunter and Wrecker being mercenaries for the Durands?
Ah okay it seems to be a one off
Hunt and Wreck be looking a bit scuffed
Echo and Rex mention!
They won't be available for 2 rotations? Well we're not seeing them this episode then...
Hunter's emotions are making him impulsive and that's not really a good thing
Wrecker is actually the one holding back, which is an interesting dynamic. Wrecker can see how bad Hunter is coping and is probably having to keep him in line as much as he can so that they don't lose another brother
These ones actually have New Zealand accents as well
The slither vines were genetically made and got out of hand? This is what we mean by invasive species, people. Very much not good
Okay so we have one called Box and one called Stak
Are the cadets not affected by the chips? Do they only active in fully trained soldiers?
We need to get these kids to Echo and Rex
Poor Gonky is stuck upside down.
These vines are making vocalisations somehow and it's confusing me. Plant voice boxes?
They look like weird green versions of the slogs from Abe's Oddysee
Why are you breaking into the Marauder???
You better not be stealing it. That's already happened and we can't do it again
Okay clone cadet 3 is Deke
Ayyyy rescue time!
Okay, I'll let them off for getting on the ship
Because we totally needed a swampy sarlacc thing rn 😭
*Remembers invasion of Pabu in trailer* FUCK
1x3 Shadows of Tantiss
I'm going to throw hands if Echo isn't in this episode 😤
Ooh mystery clone(?) who everyone thinks is Tech!
Nala Se is helping again 👀
The special guest is probs Palpatine
Le Palps is back
Project Necromancer - bringing back the dead?
So is this to do with the cloning stuff or something to do with Tech?
Probs the cloning thing tbf
*Angry mouse droid squeaks*
Missed watching this guy fight
Cross and Omega team up let's go!!!
Cross doesn't question why Omega only mentioned Wrecker and Hunter. Has Omega told him about Tech or did he just not question why she only brought two up?
And in that case has she told him that Echo is with Rex?
Cross went for the stun not the kill. Very different from 2x3
Do you think Hemlock has a scar or does he just choose to shave a slit in his eyebrow? 🤨
Oh great a big green monkey cat. Just what we need!
Cross is missing shots because of his shaky hands :(
Oooooooh they're adding blood with midichlorians in to the samples to see if they would take. That explains the blood being added to the samples
Overall I love these episodes! It's nice going back and forth between Cross and Omega, and Hunter and Wrecker. We're going to get some interesting dynamics
This is a very sad day for Echo stans though. I feel like we're going to be suffering a lot this season 🥲
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And here's the bingo card as of rn!
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So overall I don't like the OFMD Reddit. I've tried to create a post about why narratively I felt S2 didn't work ignoring the Izzy stuff, one only about the Izzy stuff(since there are very few Izzy-focused fans on there), then another talking about Olu/Jim/(Archie/Zheng) talking about why I was disappointed in it. If it's a negative post, moderators won't approve the post to go live. Which I don't love. But okay, if you want a positive echo chamber to offset Tumblr and Twitter about this season, sure.
I still check it out of curiosity when I stumble across this GEM.
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We've had quite a bit of time to debate this. Almost two years, and this was posted 11/15/23. Yes, the OP was very kind (I agree that Ed thought that Stede was cool cause he beat Izzy, and was a new pirate on the scene. Then once he realizes how dumb the crew is the plan springs up into place), and I'm not hating on them specifically. Just that some social media places are just still at this point.
I blame a large section of the fanbase for not EVER reading any Izzy POV meta. Who are now scrambling to go back to rewatch S1 knowing what we know about Izzy now.
If you want to see all the responses, ranging from those I agree with to those that are just wild, let me know, I might put the link in the comments my favorites range from. 'Blackbeard wanted to but Ed didn't' to the usual Izzy is a superhuman being. To 'ALL THIS WAS JUST TO KEEP IZZY ON THE SHIP'?
Do they not see how INTERESTING the dynamic between Ed and Izzy is? That their relationship is giving and pulling at just the right times? Izzy trying to maintain their shield and Ed desperately trying to find a life where he doesn't hate himself? Both of them DON'T REALLY WANT THIS-Ed being openly suicidal to Izzy keeping his head down and working- living day by day- each NOT talking about their issues.
That hiding behind the Blackbeard name is the only way they'll survive? That killing Stede Bonnet could genuinely give Ed the out he craves. Izzy could then Captain a ship full of a crew that (theoretically) already fears and respects him?
[Not that Izzy would be good at it, or even want to be away from Ed, but you get my point. This was a *change in their lives* that is VERY tempting to two men who have been in survival mode for YEARS-
Also, it's very obvious Jenkins didn't plan Izzy's character out, so Izzy wanting to captain to me can just be written off as Jenkins not knowing the character yet, since he NEVER PAYS THE SCENE -WHERE IZZY IS FLATTERED AT POTENTIALLY BEING GIVEN TITLE CAPTIN-OFF (cough cough Izzy could have been the captain/first mate S2ep8)...moving on]
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If Lucius didn't stumble in, Ed would have killed Stede here. He was aiming for a fatal spot in his neck and actively swinging down, I couldn't find a gif and had to take a photo on my phone, but you get my point.
Ed then realizes that not only was he willing to kill a guy who, overall, had been very kind to him, but then gets the Kraken as a reminder that he HAS killed. That he's spent his entire life killing to put himself into a better spot. Slowly rising up the ranks, and it's never been enough to keep him happy. Be it his dad, or fuck, even killing this rich dude and stealing his identity.
Izzy is SO EVIL guys, Ed doesn't want to kill Stede! He just has to pretend to be violent in front of Izzy so Izzy doesn't mutiny or leave him!! Doesn't that TOTALLY make sense? Ed's struggling since he never wanted to kill Stede, and he's struggling with the 'order' Izzy gave him!!
[Ignoring how Ed wanted to help him retire in the first place, how Izzy nudges Ed to follow the fisherman thing, and how Ed wanted Izzy to *stay* in the first place.]
The reddit is FILLED with takes like this, btw. Sorry if it seems like straw-manning, but I can find the posts if you need them.
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hetalia-club · 7 months
I'm not normally one to rant or anything but here goes.
I hesitate to tag this. but I feel it needs to be said, in fact I feel it HAS to be said or I think this fandom is just going to be done for within the next 5 or so years. People need to read this and understand what is happening within the fandom and not continue this behavior or turn a blind eye to it.
This fandom has a SERIOUS problem. I don't say that lightly either. I feel like 99% of this fandom are sweet and caring people. but we have that 1%.
This 1% is killing the community in this fandom. How is it okay to message someone, demand they make a statement on THEIR blog and when they say they don't want to talk about it you then tell them you wish they would die a horrible death?
TW for suicide and SA! (you have been warned) Long rant below. (preempted note to let everyone know that I am fine, I am not posting this for people to feel bad for me. I am using my own experiences as examples, but this is not a 'me' issue this is a fandom issue)
Why is that so normalized here? The vague blogging and the call to arms people in this fandom do is actually disgusting. Picking one person and just beating them down until they eventually leave the fandom and at the SAME people will be like. "Why is the Hetalia fandom so small?" Who wants to be in a fandom where making one statement that's not even bad could get you death threats?
I don't think the fandom realizes how hurtful what they say can be. Sure you might not have liked a post someone made because you disagreed. Well then scroll down, hit the block button and carry on with your life. Why do some of you feel it is acceptable behavior to make mass posts calling out someone or going into their inbox to tell them you wish they would kill themselves?
I say I don't like Spamano and people say they want me dead. I say I don't want to talk about IRL politics on my parody Hetalia blog and my life and entire country is threatened.
I say we shouldn't insert our ships into everyone's lives and let people ship what they want and not feel forced to appease you. and you guessed it people wish terrible things onto me and my body.
I feel the only way this behavior will change is if we start calling it out more. I know it will feel repetitive but I think ignoring it is only making it worse at this point.
I know a lot of people would read this and think "If you don't like it then leave the fandom" well YOU'RE the issue. This is not normal behavior. These are not actions of someone who is mentality well. Why should I leave a fandom I've been in for 10 years because some idiot cannot handle that I don't like shipping characters together? How is that impacting their life at all?
a few months ago I made a post and it was highjacked and someone totally just took it over and added their own thing onto it talking about SA. Totally out of left field not related to what I posted at all. I simply messaged them and asked them if they could please remove the comment as I am a survivor of SA and it don't think it was funny or appropriate to add onto my post and they just said. "No I can say anything I want to. I was talking about Hetalia so it's fine." like what do you mean no!? Who responds that way? What a normal considerate person would do is say "I'm sorry of course! I can just go make my own post." but no they just left it there. It's still there, won't say which post or who it was because it doesn't matter anymore.
But this is the kind of behavior I'm talking about. This weird entitlement of everyone being so defensive and angry all the time. Just wanting to pick a fight over nothing. You never know if simply saying something like (Example) "I don't really like Austria" Could land you 100 anons all saying they wanted you to off yourself. It's like a game of Russian roulette. It's a very stressful environment for a big creator to be in. All it really takes is the wrong person to see a post you made and disagreed with and all of a sudden they are making posts about you without mentioning your name but are CLEARLY about you saying "This person hates all Austrians, they are a neo-nazi and we should all block them and send them hate and also let's just reword what they said to make it sound 100x worse because people won't read the original post and they will just believe us." Who would want to be a creator in an environment like that?
would you believe me if I told you I still to this day am getting someone in my inbox calling for my r*pe because of the stupid fucking beauty pageant poll I did? Is that not insanity? Who is that person? Wtf is their life? I personally could not imagine sending hate to anyone for any reason, and if I did it would be off of anon and I would say it with my chest. Because in order for someone to push it that far they would have to saying some absolutely terrible stuff to make me take time from my day and life to give them negative energy.
The fandom is shrinking because of the 1% driving them away. They come after artists who draw a character in a way they don't like. They come after writers for depicting a character in a way they disagree with. They go after shippers for portraying their ship 'wrong'. They will comment on people's fun little head canons and just leave the rudest most unnecessary comments thinks like "He wouldn't do that" like okay?? Thanks for your insert betty sue. And it's always when you were never trying to set someone off is when they lose their minds. They do not understand even if a blog is big and has a lot of followers it is still THAT creators blog. they are a person not an identity who just churns out content for just you and they have to say and do whatever you want.
Another thing the 1% like to do on here is they will wait for you to say something and then they will jump to attack a person who does the thing you said you dislike and they will tell that person "blog name XYZ said you are a horrible person and I agree kill yourself" That one is a near direct quote I got not too long ago. I got several like that and actually had to message said creator and say "Why are you mad at me?" and they were completely confused, had no idea how they decided to attack me because of what they said. When I tell you that the 1% are sitting there frothing at the mouth wanting to send hate and death threats I mean that 100%
It's not JUST me either. All creators in the Hetalia fandom I'm sure could tell you about upsetting hate they received and had no idea what they even did or said wrong. I have spoken to former Hetalia blogs ones who I used to call my pals before I went on my hiatus and came back. They all said they left not because they started hating Hetalia but they left for their mental health because the 1% got too bold and unchecked. This was never an issue before quarantine. I know it brought a lot of new fans and that's great! But I also feel along with bringing in some wonderful people it brought in some really dark minded people as well. Saying "Just disable anons and move on" is also not a solution. these people are still here and if they're not bothering me or you they are tormenting someone else because that's what these people do. That 'someone else' may only need the tiniest nudge at the edge and they may just actually hurt themselves. You don't know people. You don't know what everyone is going through. You don't know what someone's life is like outside of here.
PLEASE Please! stop telling people to kill themselves. Stop telling people to go get R**ed in a gutter. Get some help talk to a therapist, a friend, a trusted teacher, a life coach, your parents, your sibling. anyone! And if you don't have anyone in your life you can talk to you can message me and we can talk about what you're going through. I'm sure any other Hetalian on here would say the same thing. Bloggers are real people.
International suicide hotlines
Website to help you find a therapist in your own country and in your price range
I know I will more than likely get hate for posting this. Which is upsetting to just know is going to happen but someone needs to say this because it's getting kind of out of control these last couple months I feel.
if you read this through reblog it, spread it around let the people who NEED to see it see it.
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sassy-bi-latina · 1 month
I have a new ramble incoming that might get me in deep waters with some bl stans. I'm sorry, I TRULY mean this with no hate.
First and foremost, I want to say I in NO WAY, SHAPE OR FORM mean hate towards Fourth nor Gemini
If you know me, you know I'm a ff reader, if you don't know me, well now you do. I mainly use AO3.
I'm currently watching 23.5 degrees, I love it so I went to read some fics.
There are 115 fics under the show's tag. I got excited thinking people work fast, absolutely not realizing the pilot trailer was out in 2022. I knew I've been waiting. I just didn't realize how long.
Previously to 2024, there were only 3 Ongsa fics.
Okay I'm rambling here and I'm not gonna edit the post. I write as I think.
So this is the context. Which brings me to my point.
I'm actually happy Fourth and Gemini are not part of the project anymore. I don't know them as actors. But I'm sure they would have done great. But I'm glad they aren't here.
As I said, there's 115 fics in total as of right now, Sunday 31st of March, but once you filter out Night/North you are left with 37, and that still leaves you with some other mlm tags. If you filter those out, you're left with 22. TWENTY. TWO. fics in TOTAL. And excuse me but I find that sad. And you might think, oh maybe you filter out some Ongsa/Sun fics when filtering everyone else. Yeah, I did, like 3 where they weren't main. And not even the ones left are only theirs but they're sapphic ships of the show. It's 25% of the totality of the fics made, in a show THEY ARE STARING.
Look, I'm the first to say, ship whoever you want, don't let canon cut your wings. I'm okay with people shipping, I'm happy people love something so much they decide to make art about it.
And this post isn't about going against these two actors or their fan base. It's mostly a I'm tired post.
I'm tired that sapphics in media always come second or third or whatever place but never first. Not even in their own shows. It's discouraging.
I'm tired of popular sapphic shows in western media getting cancelled left and right. I'm tired of barely there rep in the asian countries' media I watch. I'm tired of being shadowed by the latest pretty mlm couple.
So yeah, I'm happy they're not here. I know their fans could have brought more views which is a bonus. But I feel we would have media flowing with people talking about them and we want companies that GLs can have the same pull.
I'm happy that we still have gay men rep because I don't want that being pushed aside. But I prefer this approach where the focus are not one but two sapphic couples.
I also like that the boys aren't models and that they look nerdy. And soft and just, I just like this approach better.
If you read all this, thanks!! If you read all this and you're a fic writer. Continue that fic you left forgotten or are unsure to finish. You're marvelous and I love you. Y'all kept me sane during hard times.
Final note, I want to remind, once again, no hate to the actors nor their fanbase.
I also don't know how much sense this all made. Sorry for that.
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Rarepair Nominations are Now Open!
Alright everyone, it is time! I realize I'm posting this at what is likely an inopportune time, as it's the middle of the week and my posts aren't even showing up in tags yet, but that's okay! I just wanna go ahead and make this form available. I will leave this open until Sunday (May 5th) so get your choices in there.
Invader Zim Rarepair Nominations
Do not nominate ZaDR (Zim/Dib), ZaGR (Zim/Gaz), ZaTR (Zim/Tak), ZaSR (Zim/Skoodge), DaTR (Dib/Tak), TaGR (Tak/Gaz), or RaPR (Red/Purple). These are all big ships in the fandom, whether we take into account past or present shipping trends, and so they are the ones I am disqualifying. Everything else, I will take.
What is considered a "rarepair" is totally at your discretion! It could be two characters who literally only showed up once, or it could be two major characters who nonetheless don't have near as many fanworks as one of the big ships I listed above. I will not be policing what ships are nominated. If it's not one of the above, I'll take it!
Only nominate pairings (two characters), no OT3s or more, please! Perhaps if this goes well we can do a special OT3 bracket later on.
When writing in a pairing, please actually write their names, for example Zim/Keef instead of just ZaKR. This is so I can know for sure exactly which pairing is getting nominated. If you just say ZaZR, I have no way of knowing if you mean Zim/Zim or Zim/Zita, as a random example. So just use the names, please.
You have to nominate at least one pairing, but you can send in up to five different pairs! One pairing per line.
Do not spam the form! I won't be requiring logins because I want people to have their anonymity, so I am requesting that you be reasonable, please. Only fill it out once, and if you happen to have more pairs you want to send, then I can't stop anyone from sending in a new form with those different pairings. But please don't use it as a way to duplicate ones you've already sent in. I intend to seed the bracket so I want the numbers to be accurate to what's actually being nominated.
No ships are off limits! If it's two Invader Zim characters who have appeared at some point in the show, movie, or comics, you can send it in! I understand this may mean some unpleasant or disturbing ships could be nominated and become part of the bracket. It comes with the territory. But Invader Zim is a dark show and the fandom has always embraced more twisted, grotesque themes. I will embrace it as well. So please do not send me requests that (insert badwrong pairing) be disqualified. If the presence of problematic ships in this bracket will bother you, please do not take part in the tournament.
You're more than welcome to start a good clean wholesome rarepair tournament of your own if you like :)
But yes, I think that's it! Go ahead and send in your nominations, and please share this far and wide. We can get wild but ultimately I want us to have fun here.
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the-s1lly-corner · 6 months
Can I pretty please have some SFW romantic headcanons for Zooble with a humanoid biblically-accurate angel (S/O)? 🥺👉👈
The angel look is just their digital look, though it comes with a perk (Hovering a few millimeters off the ground, though it took them a long while to do so without crashing into someone.)
Also, let me say the angel look is entirely ironic, the (S/O) is a cheeky flirt. Basically the dynamic is “Shut up.” “Make me~!”
(You don’t have to do this, I just think Zooble is neat. I have an OC who is like what I just described. I ship them together and I’m curious how you would write this out-!)
Zooble x biblically accurate angel!reader !
So so so sorry it took so long to get tto this anon ! I've been in a little motivation slump and between fighting intense allergies and taking baking orders, I only really find the time to answer requests late at night 😭😭
Evil so, I hope you enjoy this !!
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Honestly I think theyd think you look cool!
I always say that zooble is into the supernatural and the macabre, and even though Angels dint fit the macabre... and actually I'm not 100% sure if they fit the supernatural..? They still find your look to be very interesting!
Obviously they understand that you're not actually an angel in real life
Gives you a very creative name
I can already hear them saying it in their tired, "I'm so done with everything and everyone" voice
Likes holding your hand and letting you glide next to them
Usually you guys talk while walking around... not really speaking about much
Now onto the flirting
The flirting!
Okay I believe I may have said this somewhere, but zooble does not like PDA
Like I feel like anything more than hand holding is out of their comfort zone... please don't be overly flirty with them in front of others
It's not like theyre embarrassed by you or the relationship or want to hide it, they just dont like the.. vulnerability that comes with being publicly flustered.. gotta keep up the "I'm so done" thing and they don't like being percieved as anything else
You're the only exception ^
When you teo are alone, that's an entirely different story
I like to think their antennae twitch when you get them all flustered... sure I usually hc that they twitch when they're irritated, but I think the flustered twitching is cute too
Their spiral eye spins slowly when you decide to give em some kisses!
Careful not to overwhelm them, they're probably going to fall apart.... literally
Honestly I love the idea of zooble trying to act cool, even when it comes to romance only to just not be used to it at all
Like they're not helpless or totally inexperienced, but... you know...!
I think if I had to rate the characters in order of who takes flirting like a champ and who cant, I think I would put it like...
Caine takes it like a champ, then its ragatha, jax, kinger, zooble, pomni, and gangle who immediately holds and melts
So I guess zoobles a middle point! Just depends on what all you're doing to them !
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