#it's still alive.... I guess
fagexe · 8 months
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I thought he said he was going to stop dragging that corpse around
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rongzhi · 10 months
Wuling vans
English added by me :)
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avenoirn · 1 year
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admiration 🌸
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teenytraveler · 2 months
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i rewatched ATLA recently and zutara still hits strong like always :")
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Have a late valentines gift from the automaton au guys♡ they love you
(I love you too)
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kitamars · 4 months
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gins and ginhiji
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shima-draws · 3 months
OH?? OH MY GOD??????
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pixlokita · 9 months
In the cannon timeline do you see C.C forgiving Michael?
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Not at first :’v but he stays with him the whole time and knows he’s sorry :’C
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epiphainie · 4 days
a gay man making a daddy kink joke. fork found in kitchen.
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royalarchivist · 13 days
Pac: I saw that there will be a QSMP event on the 24th, right? Some people messaged me asking if… if I would participate, and what I have to say is: we will see on the 24th. I'm not going to say anything else. Because you know how I am, if I start to talk here, no matter how much I try not to talk, in 10 seconds I'm going to say more than I should, you know?
[Reading a Chat message] “Since when can the dead participate in an event?” WHAT?! WHAT?! [Reading chat] "Ghost Pac." [He makes a doubtful expression] What are you trying to say here? What are you trying to say here???
It’s ok, ok, alright, alright, alright, it’s ok! I'll talk since you won't drop it, ok, fine, here's the thing: Felps– Felps appeared and... resurrected me. I'm kidding, I'm kidding, it has nothing to do with that, it has nothing to do with that, I'm… [Laughs]
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(BIG thank you to sebbs12 for the translation help!)
[ Full Subtitle Transcript ↓ ]
Pac: I saw that there will be a QSMP event on the 24th, right? Some people messaged me asking if… if I would participate, and what I have to say is: we will see on the 24th. That's all I'm going to say, that's what I'll say. We'll see on the 24th, we'll see on the 24th.
And that's it, that's all I'm going to say, that's all I'm going to say, that's it! What I'm going to say– I'm not going to say anything else. Because you know how I am, if I start to talk here, no matter how much I try not to talk, in 10 seconds I'm going to say more than I should, you know? We'll have to see on the 24th. That's what I'm going to say, that's all I'm going to say, I can't say more than that. I'll leave it at that, yeah… We'll see, we'll see, on the 24th, on the 24th, on the 24th. You will have to wait.
[Reading a Chat message] “Since when can the dead participate in an event?” WHAT?! WHAT?! [Reading chat] "Ghost Pac." [He makes a doubtful expression] What are you trying to say here? What are you trying to say here?
Anyways, write it down on your calendar, mark your calendars guys, the 24th is the QSMP event. It’s ok, ok, alright, alright, alright, it’s ok! I'll talk since you won't drop it, ok, fine, here's the thing: Felps– Felps appeared and... resurrected me.
I'm kidding, I'm kidding, it has nothing to do with that, it has nothing to do with that, I'm… [Laughs] Oh, don't watch, because later you're going to clip this and put it on Twitter, it will be taken out of context, the whole world will think it's true– I'm kidding! I’m joking about the Felps business.
On the 24th, the QSMP event, we'll see how it goes, we’ll see what happen, ok?
[He reads chat and laughs] "You're crazy, bro" you guys are crazy too. Ay, ay...
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haunted-xander · 2 months
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travellingtribble · 14 days
I'm in my feels thinking about how fucked up the TOS crew ended like
Kirk got stuck in the nexus from ~2293 to 2371 only to die again, for good, as soon as he got out? Come on. come on man.
Bones got old. like really old. and didn't get to see Kirk again??? It's been a while since I watched the TNG episode with McCoy, I don't remember what he says, but he was like 150 years old. Did he ever even see Kirk before he got stuck in the Nexus. Did he ever see Spock? (I'd hope so, Spock disappears years later, in Picard if I'm correct?)
Spock was... around doing Spock stuff. And then Kirk died and did Spock even know? did someone tell Spock that his literal soulmate died. twice. and then Spock got stuck in another universe, a reality slightly different from his own, where everyone is younger than him and Jim is not really Jim and he has his own Spock anyway and his planet is gone and he lived the rest of his days in the Kelvin timeline, alone.
And Scotty got stuck in a transporter buffer for 75 years. That's so long. They had to tell him Kirk was gone? (although, they were together when that happened, weren't they? they were on the Enterprise-B, technically Scotty knew that Kirk was "dead" didn't he? I guess spending 75 years stuck in a buffer mode will screw up your memory though.) Did he see Spock again? Did he see Bones again before either of them died?
Basically the only ones we didn't see explicitly (or implicitly) die or disappear of the OG crew are Uhura, Chekov and Sulu. Where were they? what were they doing? did they know about Kirk? about Scotty? about Spock?
Sorry but like. that is so fucked up. why does nobody talk about this!!!
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finzphoenix · 2 months
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aseuki · 5 months
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Posting it on main too, but here's my contribution to the @hoshinokaabi-secretsanta with a gift for @mastercrowned!! All of the given prompts were So Delightful, but in the end I had to go with drawing Morpho ordering a Kirby Burgie (or maybe 10) asdlkgjn
version without the text bubble under the cut!
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This whole event was a Delight to participate in! Had I more time and energy I would have Defo scribbled out more, but for Now pls enjoy my Favorite part of the image that Unfortunately got masked by the completed piece which is.
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Scrungle Dee
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kalaidosnail · 2 months
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day one of replicating dungeon meshi panels to the best of my ability (the days will not be consecutive)
this panel is in chapter 70, volume 11, page 14.
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azmaarts · 2 years
And That's How I Met Your Dad (Part I)
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Recently read some really fluffy RoyJay fanfics. So, here's a mini fancomic AU where Roy meets Jay who came straight back after the Pit and continued his studies!
If you see any wackiness in coloring... please ignore. I was half asleep drawing this. (Legit fell asleep while coloring Roy. IDK how I did that.) :,D
Out of curiosity, who do you guys ship with Jason (or is it just no one)? I might try some ship drawings, so please list any you guys like in the comments. Thanks!
Edit: (Cuz my dumbass can't figure out how to properly reply to a reblog :,D)
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Thank you for cleansing my soul with those tags. XD
Edit 2: Bro. I am wheezing reading the reblog tags. I love the collection. We've got the straightforward ones, the sweet-and-I-wanna-hug-you ones, and funny-AF-tags-that-could-be-a-whole-post ones. Thanks, guys! (ᕑᗢᓫ∗)
Here's the link to Part II now! :D
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