#it's so instantly boring to me. why do you even want a fancy title. why do you care. do you even have a reason or are you a cardboard cutou
incesthemes · 2 months
why does lucifer want to be the ruler of heaven anyway. he comes back from the apocalypse world crying to cas about stopping michael and then promptly fucks off to ? ? ? ? randomly try to usurp heavenly power. i really need him to get clearer and more consistent motives. or rather, i need there to be a wider variety of villain motives that aren't wanting power for power's sake
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squishycheekanon · 3 years
It’s Just Business - one
Werewolf Steve Rodgers x reader series
Warnings for the series: fluffness, Bucky and Sam bickering like five year olds, smutty smut, bad language.
Part two
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“Buck, I can feel her here.” Steve spoke, his figure frozen as his wolf tried clawing his way out. Fighting to find it’s mate.
“The only people here are the servants.” His beta replied patting his shoulder. “She’ll reveal herself soon enough.”
“Dinner is served.” An old man dressed in a penguin suit said poshly dragging out each syllable. Everyone gathered around the table taking their seats.
The woman of the house whispered something to the older looking maid, though to everyone else except her husband, they all heard it as though she shouted it.
“Get my daughter down here.” The maid scurried off and the woman plastered a fake smile upon her face. A few moments of waiting later, a sweet scent of vanilla, old books and rain filled Steve’s nostrils.
I walked into the dining room my hair swaying behind me, my outfit was too revealing for my mother’s taste, I could see it in her eyes when I walked in, but I suppose that’s why I wore it. Just to see her pissed off expression, it gave me a giddy feeling inside. Flashing a smile to the participants of tonight’s show. I couldn’t wait to see how my parent’s had planned to brag today.
“I apologise for being late.” I spoke clearly, sitting down at the end of the table, opposite to my father who gave me a small nod. I returned the gesture. Food was placed in front of me and my stomach lurched at the fancy pancy sustenance.
“Would so kill for a burger.” I grumbled quietly, but a muffled snort had me looking at a brunette. He wore his hair in a low man bun, his blue eyes deep. His black shirt suited the dark demeanour he held. Blinking away from our locked gazes, I tuned into the shrill sound of my mother’s voice as she conversed with their wonderful benefactors.
That’s who this meal was for. My father, the Mayor, had only a small handful of people he trusted his affairs to. The three people sat at this dining table were some of them. They gave my father his protection against politisions that might try and weave their way into his office. The three men lead an organisation that I wanted to stay far away from, one that snuck inside other organisations and gained power from knowing their secrets.
The other two groups of people gave my father his money and his immunity to do whatever he wanted to people and get away with it. It wasn’t that my father was a bad man, he had just done certain things to get where he was now. Certain things that gave him his status as Mayor, that gave him his money, that gave him all the secrets that filled his pockets.
My parent’s invite their benefactors over for dinner frequently but I always avoided them, with the excuse of studying or extra curricular activities. However this one I couldn’t get out of, I didn’t think of an excuse quick enough. Was too tired that day and now I had to munch on leafy soup instead of my usual burger and fries from my favourite diner.
I took the chance to look around at the other two men. One was a man who I’d actually met before, once at my Father’s office. His name was Sam, he was kind and funny. Made the meeting we had to sit through bearable with his jokes and the gift of sharing my sarcastic language. His dark purple shirt made him look some what posh, though the bored look in his eyes could of made me laugh until my stomach hurt.
The third man was absolutely gorgeous. He was the kind of man I wanted. All rugged and lumberjack like. His dirty blonde hair slightly overgrown, but not enough to be able to tie it back like the brunette. His beard had me clenching my legs together at the thought of beard burn on my thighs. Damn. How can someone be so hot? I didn’t know it was physically possible for a shirt to stretch that much. The dark blue material was clinging to his body for dear life, trying desperately not to break as he moved his arm up and down gulping down the green soup.
It seemed he was trying to eat it quickly, almost getting it over and done with. Better than having to endure the rath of my mother for refusing her ‘finest’ chef’s qu’usine. He seemed to noticed me staring at him but ignored it. His eyes were blue, they reminded me of the ocean. There was something reassuring about it.
“Miss Alexandra,” I looked to my left to see Martha my personal maid, “there’s a very important call for you.” She could hardly contain her excitement, too loud that everyone heard what she said. I glanced towards my mother who nodded, instantly I was out of my seat practically jogging to answer the phone.
“Hello?” I spoke, cringing at the eagerness in my tone.
“Miss. Culling?”
“Yes this is she.”
“This is Townsend University calling about your application for a scholarship. We wanted to let you know personally that we are declining your application. We’re very sorry.” The woman sounded as if she could care less.
“Can I ask the reason why?” My lip quivered making me bite down on it hard.
“You simply have too much money Miss. Culling. I’m sure your parents can help you in securing a place here. Other than that we have no other way to help you, I apologise. Have a good evening.” She hung up after spouting her bitter train of thought.
My breath came out shaky matching my unsteady hand as I placed the phone down. Covering my mouth to stop any sobs from escaping.
“Oh my dear.” Martha wrapped her arms around my shoulders stroking a wrinkled hand through my straightened hair. “Maybe you should call your brother. Not the silly whipper snapper but the golden troublemaker.” She chuckled at the thought of the boys she basically raised. She was right.
“Little sister to what do I owe the honour?”
“Townsend University rejected me.” I fought the tears that wanted nothing more but to ruin the mascara I’d put on earlier this evening.
“Oh Alexandra. I’m so sorry. Did they say why?”
“Our parent’s money. Same as the others. How did you do it Bash?” My foot tapped against the hard wood floor waiting impatiently for some kind of way to fix my problem.
“Back when I was completing mother and father’s task, colleges only cared about having someone of title on their campus to get a higher status. Now all they care about is money.” He scoffed.
“I don’t have any other options left. Bash what do I do?” I begged him to tell me.
“Why don’t you come here for a few days? You can relax while I think of a plan. Get you out of that retched house.” I heard him flipping through a book and I knew it was his calendar.
“Are you sure Lara won’t mind?” I inquired after his pregnant wife.
“Never she adores you, you know that. Just get through the evening little sister and I’ll have a car come pick you up.” He hummed through the phone.
“Thankyou brother.” I hung up and took a series of deep breaths. I sighed making my way back inside the room.
“Who was it my dear?” Mother asked with a slight glare that if anyone else saw it, they’d assume it was motherly concern. I was not anyone else.
“Bash called.” I replied sitting down next to the lumberjack who’s eyes burned a whole in my head.
“Oh our eldest son, he is a delight.” My mother chirped.
“Isn’t he just.” I quipped under my breath. I loved my brother dearly but I couldn’t help but be slightly jealous of the affection he gained from both my parents when I had none.
“I’m staying there for a few days before finals start.” I smiled at her. She seemed to think it over for a moment before glancing at my father.
“I think it’s a good idea.” He shrugged and went back to whatever they were talking about before I came back in.
Soon dinner was over, it took far too long for my liking. My father and his benefactors retired to his office for a while. My mother on the phone to one of her stupid friends bitching about something I didn’t care to listen to. I just wanted this evening to be over.
“Miss, your father would like a word.” Omg did he know already? Did he find out I had failed? No! He couldn’t! He promised to stay out of it until the end of the year. Wiping my sweating hands on my jumpsuit, I knocked on the office door and went in.
My Father’s office wasn’t too big or too small. The double doors I stepped through were made from a dark wood like everything else. There were books covering every inch of the right wall and a window on the left one. In the middle was a big desk my stoic parent sat at. The three men scattered around the room. The brunette sat at the windowsill. The blonde stood leaning against the bookshelf. And Sam sat in the left of the two chairs sitting opposite my fathers desk. I took the right and waited expectantly.
“You’re going to stay with Steve here until the end of summer.” He gestured to the blonde from earlier. Steve Rodgers. That was it? That’s all my father had to stay.
“Why?” I wouldn’t usually question my father but something in me pushed to ask. I had a right to know.
“I said you’d be sent somewhere this year for your survival skills and this is it. Anything could happen at any moment. You could be kidnapped or this very house could be held hostage. I have be sure I’m not worrying about you in case that happens. I need to know that I can focus of the business side of it not emotion.” He grunted. As if he had any emotions at all.
“The end of summer...starting when?” My nails dug into my palms, I started to feel so angry. I was eighteen years old for Christ sake and he was sending me away like he did when I was a child to summer camps so he didn’t have to deal with me.
“After you come back from your brother‘s house.” Suddenly I never wanted to come back from Bash’s house.
“But that’s eight months.” I sputtered, this was ridiculous. He was sending me away for almost a year give or take a few months.
“You dare question me in my own home?” He leaned forward on his desk glaring me down. I had glared back before and had faced the consequences. Not this time.
“No father. I’ll start packing the second I’m home.” I lowered my head.
“Good. Now get out.” I didn’t need to be told twice. The moment the door closed behind me I ran to my room pulling a bag out from my closet, packing what I’d need for a few days away and leaving without a goodbye. The car was already waiting for me just as Bash had promised.
“Thank. You. Bash.” I grinned getting inside the black car and telling the driver to step on it. Thoughts plagued my mind while I gazed out the window at the big trees.
Why was I being sent away? Why so long? Why didn’t my parents love me enough to want me to stay? Was it my fathers idea? How the fuck was I going to make a plan to complete my parent’s task if I’m up in the forest? Was it the forest or mountains? Or both?
But the question I didn’t expect my mind to conjure up left me slapping my hand against my head to pushed it away.
Was I going to enjoy living with the big sexy lumberjack called Steve?
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maybeimamuppet · 3 years
the second first date
this week on ezzy can’t title: this. quick tw for brief discussion of self harm and a mentioned suicide attempt, but this is 99.9999% cute fluff.
Cady had a tendency to talk in her sleep, as Janis had learned during several sleepovers. Most of the time it didn't make sense to Janis (or Cady the next morning) but wasn't particularly concerning. Things like:
"Janis. I hate oranges." Good to know. Or, "Janis, the birds are back." Mildly alarming, but they she didn't seem bothered by them. Or, "Janis, why do we have eyebrows?" A valid question.
Occasionally it was cute little things, like:
"Janis, you're my favorite." Janis had to fight to contain a squeal. Or, "You're so pretty." Janis just blushed violently and continued listening. Or, "I need more snuggles." Obviously, Janis pulled her closer and kissed her forehead.
And every once in a while it was something particularly ominous that kept Janis lying awake after, like:
"When did I die?" Huh? Past tense? Or, "How does it know?" How does what know? Or, "Don't mess with me, I know lions." A genuine threat, thankfully not aimed at Janis (she hopes).
Which is why Janis is more than a little concerned when Cady suddenly sits bolt upright in the middle of the night, Janis bracing herself for whatever strange things will come out of Cady's sleep addled mind next. But then Cady turns to her, and she's awake.
"I never got to take you on a surprise date. Our first date was your turn, I never got my turn," She says blearily, eyes full of genuine concern.
"Shh, baby. You can start planning your surprise date in the morning. Go back to sleep, it's late, Princess," Janis croons, pulling Cady back into her embrace.
"Mmkay," Cady hums, seeming content with that as she tucks herself into Janis' neck and falls back asleep almost immediately.
When Janis wakes up the next morning, Cady is already at her desk, scribbling away in a notebook. "Why are you all the way over there?" Janis whines sleepily, reaching for her.
"Because you pushed me out of bed and stole all the blankets, you loon. I figured I might as well get started planning," Cady giggles, coming back over for their morning cuddles.
"What do you have so far?" Janis asks, her voice still rough with sleep.
"The whole point is that it's a surprise, Jay. You'll find out when it happens," Cady answers, pulling Janis into her lap.
"Fine," Janis grumbles. She likes knowing things. "When is it happening?"
Janis checks her calendar on her phone, sometimes her mom makes her watch her sister on Saturdays. "Works for me, baby," She answers when nothing appears.
"Good," Cady answers. She's has about a week to prepare now, which she needs. She only came up with half an idea.
One Janis goes home, Cady immediately pulls out her phone and sends a text to her group chat with the former Plastics.
africabytoto: Guys, I'm taking Janis on a date Saturday and I only came up with an idea for part of it, can you help me????
Gretchen, as always, answers first.
fetchen: You could just take her to dinner or something?? That's always nice
It does sound nice, but not quite right. Janis' ideas were both perfect, Cady wants to do even better for her.
ofmiceandkaren: Gretch took me to a bookstor on our first date!! I picked a storie and she red it to me by the pond! 📷‍📷️‍📷‍📷📷📷📷📷
africabytoto: Aww, that's so cute! Nice name btw
ofmiceandkaren: thanks !! I picked Of Mice and Men but spoylers, ❌📷 it is not even about mice. Gretchie sayd I shuld make it my name anyway 📷📷
That idea is much more Janis, she loves to read, but it still doesn't feel quite right. Maybe they'd do it on another date. Ironically, Regina comes up with the best idea.
bowdownbitches: the fair just opened for the year, you could take her there. Janis loves roller coasters and stuff. or she used to, anyway.
africabytoto: Gina that's perfect!!!! Thanks guys, I'll see you at lunch tomorrow 📷📷
Cady's only seen fairs in movies and has always wanted to go to one, so it's a slightly selfish endeavor, but she does remember hearing Janis rave about them.
When Saturday finally rolls around, Janis is slightly panicked. Cady only told her to wear good walking shoes and dress "decent but not fancy", as if Janis had any idea what that meant. Damian was out of town for the weekend, so she can't ask him to dress her like she normally does.
Then she remembers that she has a baby sister who is actually very good with fashion for her age, so she goes to the top of the stairs to call for her.
"Can you come pick my outfit for my date tonight?"
And suddenly her sister is barreling up the stairs top speed, nearly plowing her down. Apparently she's excited. Janis leads her to her bedroom, opening her closet and dresser drawers for Juliana to dig through.
"Gimme your phone," Julie says once she enters.
"Why?" Janis asks suspiciously, but unlocking and handing it over anyway.
"So I can ask Cady where she's taking you, duh," Julie answers.
Julie taps into her messages, scowling a little at the Cady Girl 📷📷 contact name. Gross.
Jellybean: hey it's julie, janny asked me to pick out her clothes, can u tell me where ur taking her?? i'll delete the messages so she doesn't see
Caddy Cakes: Haha I believe it, but prove it's really you first. Janis is sneaky like that.
Juliana snaps a selfie of herself making a peace sign, showing Janis laying face down on her bed in the background.
Jellybean: Sent a picture: crisis mode Janis feat. me
Caddy Cakes: Aww poor thing D:
Caddy Cakes: I'm taking her to that pottery painting place and then to the fair.
Jellybean: god you two are so sappy. thanks, cady
Caddy Cakes: Not a problem, just make sure to delete these!! Love ya kiddo 📷️
Though she's loathe to admit it, that does get a grin out of her as she deletes the messages and passes the phone back to her sister.
Juliana goes to root through the drawers first, pulling out Janis' favorite swirly tights and a white long sleeved shirt with black roses painted onto it. She lays them on the bed and goes to the closet next, pulling out a plain black skirt, Janis' doc martens, and one of her painted denim jackets.
"Go put this on and then I'll do your hair and stuff," Julie demands, shoving the pile at her sister.
"Yes, ma'am," Janis says, immediately heading into the bathroom and putting everything on. Julie did very well, as she always does.
Once she comes back, her sister sits her on the ground to do her hair, pulling it to the side opposite her shave and braiding it loosely over her shoulder as she tells Janis what makeup to do. It's almost exactly what she normally does, but with black lipstick instead of her usual purple.
It's a rather monochrome look other than the jacket, but Janis decides she's into it as she looks in the mirror. She goes over to ruffle her sister's hair in thanks, barely getting to before the doorbell rings.
Julie rushes past her to get the door before Janis can, throwing the door open and wrapping her arms around Cady's waist. It had taken her a long time to forgive Cady for what she had done to her sister, but once they started dating Cady had tried very hard to form a bond with her. It had worked.
"Oof," Cady grunts as an eleven year old that's roughly the same size as she is suddenly collides with her. "Hey, mini Jay. How are you?"
"Good. Janis is losing it." Julie answers as she lets her go, hiding behind her to avoid Janis' wrath as she yells "Watch it, kid!" from the top of the stairs on her way down.
"Hi, lovey," Cady coos from where she stands in the doorway, instantly melting away Janis' tough facade and earning her a small scowl from Juliana. "You did good, Jules. These are for you, by the way." She says, handing the little one a small bouquet of pink roses.
"You look cute," Janis says once her sister runs away to find a vase with a happy squeal. She really does, Cady's in a grey jumpsuit with a pink leather jacket on top and her white high tops, and her hair is styled in the same way it was when they first met. Janis always loved that little braid crown.
"So do you. Juju really did a good job," Cady purrs, cupping her cheek with her free hand to finally kiss her. "Is your mom home? These are for her," She says, brandishing a larger bunch of tulips.
"I think she's in the kitchen. Mama!" Janis calls, her mother appearing down the hall. Janis just gestures to the flowers.
"Yes? Oh, hi Cady. Ooh, these are beautiful, thank you, hon," She says, taking them and hugging her gently.
"You're welcome, Ms. Sarkisian," Cady answers, returning her embrace. She's also had to work pretty hard to get Janis' moms trust back. She's incredibly thankful Ms. Sarkisian was so forgiving.
"I've told you to call me Ettie, doll. Ms. Sarkisian just makes me feel old," She tuts, Cady knowing there's no way in hell she'll ever be able to refer to her girlfriend's mother by her first name, and especially not a nickname. "Janis, can I expect you home tonight?"
Janis looks at Cady, who shakes her head. "No, I'm gonna spend the night at her house if that's okay," She answers.
"Of course it is. Just be safe and responsible, you know my boring rules," Ms. Sarkisian responds, handing over her always-ready sleepover bag. "I love you, baby girl. Have fun, ladies. Call if you need anything." She pushes them towards the door after Janis hugs her goodbye tightly.
"Your mom is the best," Cady says once they're alone on the porch. "Anyway, theeeeese are for you." She hums as she grabs a bundle of something from the bench next to them.
Janis had been a little confused as to why her mom and sister had gotten flowers and not her, but it makes a bit more sense when she looks to see the bouquet of... paintbrushes?
"You remembered what brand of brushes I use?" Janis asks, almost in awe. The brushes are tied together with a little purple ribbon, the bow a little sloppy. A personal Cady touch.
"Kind of. I remembered what they looked like from watching you paint all the time and then just wandered around some craft stores for, like, two hours until I found ones that matched," her girlfriend answers.
Janis is touched. "I- thank you, baby. I've been needing new ones," she mumbles, touching the soft end of one gently before leaning down to kiss her. She's a little worried, those brushes are kind of expensive.
"You're welcome, darling. Now let's go, we're gonna have fun!" Cady cheers, dragging her towards her little car by the hand and opening the door for her.
Cady is going into her maps app as Janis buckles her seatbelt, tapping a few times to get directions to the first destination. Suddenly, the loud, robotic voice of Siri reverberates through the car, saying, "Starting route to You're Kilning Me! Pottery House," and making them both jump.
Janis starts practically cackling as Cady frantically tries to stop Siri ruining the surprise, yelling "SHUCK!" over the voice. "It was supposed to be a surprise," she pouts once the phone finally goes quiet.
"Oh, baby, it's okay. I still don't know the second part," Janis offers, as Cady genuinely looks distressed. "And I've never been there before, so it's still kind of a surprise."
"Fine," Cady grumbles. "Do you actually want to go here? We can go do something else if you think it's lame."
"No! Baby, this sounds fun," Janis comforts, pulling her into a hug across the center console. "I'm always down to paint, you picked this because you knew I would like it. Let's go decorate some cute little trinkets." She pecks Cady on the nose gently before letting her go.
"Thanks, Jayjay. Now stop being so nice, tonight's about you," Cady demands, taking her hand as they pull out of the driveway.
"As you wish, Peanut," Janis giggles.
The place isn't totally Janis' vibe, but she does have to admit it's very cute. The walls are a lime green and covered in various colored handprints, and there's shelves with hundreds of white figurines ready to be decorated.
"So... I thought we could pick and decorate something for each other? If you want," Cady says shyly, squeezing Janis' hand gently.
"Of course I want, Princess. That sounds adorable. Now close your eyes, it should be a surprise," Janis says, letting Cady go to browse the shelves. "No peeking."
Cady covers her eyes with a giggle. "Okay, Jay, I won't."
Janis looks for a minute, nearly picking a little lion piggy bank before remembering Cady already has so many lion things. She finds a butterfly figurine, looking as if it's about to take off, tucked away on one of the lower shelves. Butterfly is her personal favorite nickname for Cady. It's perfect.
She tucks it into her jacket so Cady can't see it before going and pulling her hands off her eyes. "Your turn, Peanut," she says, finding a table that has a divider in so they can paint their things without the other seeing.
Cady comes to find her a few minutes later, resting her jacket over the back of her seat and plopping herself down. Janis hears a little clink as Cady rests whatever ceramic thing she's picked on the table.
An overly cheerful employee comes over to give them their palettes and bottles of glaze, as well as a little chart explaining how many layers to apply for different results. Janis immediately goes for magenta, purple and dark blue, deciding to paint one of the wings of her butterfly as the bi flag. Cady's been wanting more pride stuff.
Cady watches Janis work for a second before remembering she also has something to decorate. She found a coffee mug with a matching coaster in the shape of a paint palette, which is very Janis. She loves coffee.
One by one Cady works her way through the colors of the rainbow, painting little heart-shaped paint splotches on the coaster and colorful drips down the side of the mug. Janis looks a little confused as to what she could be doing with all those colors, but doesn't question it. Cady decides to take a break once she finishes her first layers, watching Janis who is working intently and chattering away at the same time.
"What are you looking at?" Janis asks once she notices her, switching to grab some yellow glaze.
"My beautiful girlfriend," Cady flirts, laughing when Janis flushes with a slightly embarrassed squeak.
"You're not so bad yourself, babe," She manages once she's recovered.
"Thank you, Jay. So what do you think of this place? Be honest," Cady says, grabbing a thin brush and some black glaze to continue decorating the mug.
"It's cute! I'm having fun, we should come back here sometime," Janis answers as she starts sketching some little in-jokes about their relationship on the butterfly's other wing. She's kind of regretting painting it yellow; the colors don't really go together, but yellow is Cady's favorite.
"Good," Cady hums. "But I'm more excited for the next part."
"Where are we going next?" Janis coaxes.
"Nice try. One part of this date is going to be a surprise or so help me," Cady grumbles as she very carefully brushes 'I love you' on the very bottom of the inside of the mug.
"Fine," Janis fake-pouts, moving now to paint the legs and antennae of the butterfly.
Once they finish putting the final layers of glaze on, they carefully bring up their beautiful creations (one at a time to maintain the surprise) to the front desk to be fired. Cady would pick them up once they were done in about a week.
Cady makes Janis wait outside the car as she puts in the GPS information to keep the location a surprise, and starts digging through her bag for something as Janis is finally allowed to slide into her seat.
Eventually she finds what she was looking for, brandishing a bandana to be used as a blindfold.
"Kinky," Janis teases as she begrudgingly takes it and ties it around her eyes.
"Get your mind out of the gutter, you loser," Cady huffs, reaching out to tickle Janis to make sure she can't see anything. She apparently can't, because she shrieks with laughter as Cady's hand wiggles over her ribcage before grabbing it to hold, lacing their fingers together.
Cady reaches to turn the radio on to keep Janis entertained, giving her hand a squeeze before unfortunately letting go to drive safely.
Cady hops out first once she parks, going around to Janis' side and helping her out before spinning her around and untying the blindfold.
Janis blinks a few times, letting her eyes adjust to the light before letting out an excited gasp at what she sees. They have about half an hour before the sun starts to go down, and they're surrounded by neon lights, loud noises, and delicious smells. It's beautiful.
"The fair?!"
"Yeah! Um, I couldn't come up with anything other than the pottery place and Regina said you liked roller coasters." Cady says, almost nervously.
"I do! This is tits, let's go in, come on!" Janis pecks her cheeks a few times excitedly before grabbing her hand and hurrying towards the gates. Cady realizes distantly that she left her jacket in the car. Oh well. It's May now, and it's a warm evening. She'll probably be fine.
Cady buys their entry wristbands, getting the kind that allow them to go on as many rides as they want. She fumbles with hers for a minute before Janis tenderly takes her hand, fastening the paper bracelet around her wrist and pressing a kiss to her palm.
"Thanks, love. Where do you want to go first?" Cady asks, lacing their fingers together and swinging their arms back and forth.
"Can we ride that?" Janis asks, pointing to the single largest coaster present. Cady's never been on a roller coaster before, but how bad could it be?
"Sure," Cady hums, looking up at the massive metal structure. "Let's go."
Janis makes Cady stand by the height measurement sign as a joke, taking a picture as Cady pouts. "I'm not that small," She huffs.
"Baby, you're barely a foot over the height requirement. You're always gonna be my little Peanut," Janis hums, squishing her in a tight hug as they stand in line.
"I like being Peanut, I guess," Cady sighs jokingly. She actually kind of likes being small, it has its uses. Like for cuddles.
Janis chooses the very front seats, wiggling excitedly as they get harnessed in.
Once they reach the top of the first hill, Cady decides she does not like roller coasters as much as she thought she would. This thought continues as they hurtle around the track, going much faster than Cady appreciates. She thinks they go upside down at one point, but by that time her eyes are so tightly shut that she's not totally sure.
"That was tits!" Janis cheers as they finally come to a blessed stop, helping Cady out of the cart.
"Uhhuh," Cady mumbles, trying to stop her hands shaking. Janis turns to look at her once they're a ways away, surprised to find her much more pale than normal and her clear blue eyes wide and frightened.
"Oh, baby," She hums, pulling Cady into a tight hug. "You didn't like it?" Cady shakes her head frantically and buries her face into Janis' chest. "Shh, it's okay. We won't go on any more. You pick what we do next."
"No, this is your date. You get to pick everything," Cady says, calming in Janis' tight embrace.
"I pick we do something you want. You look miserable," Janis says, pulling her back gently to kiss a few freckles.
"Thanks," Cady says sarcastically. "Can we go check out the game thingies?"
"Sure, angel. I bet I'll win you a stuffed animal first," Janis says, taking her hand and leading them towards the stalls.
Cady winds up winning first, her muscle memory from Africa helping her win the dart toss. She picks a sloth with velcro paws, taking it and wrapping the arms around Janis in a little hug. Janis wins the water shooting one, picking a big alpaca shaped thing with yellow fur. Cady takes it excitedly, squeezing it tightly. It's very squishy and soft.
Cady's recovered enough by that point to go on a few tamer rides, so Janis leads them over to something called the Scrambler. It looks sort of like some kind of sea monster, with multicolored carts that spin around and are also orbiting a central structure. She holds Janis' hand as well as the bar holding them in, still nervous from her encounter with the coaster.
But once they get going, Cady loves it. Feeling the wind hitting her face reminds her of being on the Jeeps in Africa, and the motion makes her stomach flip in a way she enjoys this time. Janis is just watching her as they go around, smiling widely as Cady laughs freely the whole time.  Gradually, they come to a stop, Cady cheering "Again! Again!" once they finally come to a complete standstill. Janis obliges, taking her hand to get them back in the short line. The Scrambler is one of her favorites, too.
Janis asks if she'd like to try going on some massive slides, Cady looking up at them curiously. They're about as high up as the roller coasters, but people seem to be moving much more slowly down them, so she agrees to try them at least once. They get in line, Janis grabbing a rug for them to go on together. They start climbing the many, many stairs to the top, both of them puffing slightly by the time they're led over to their slide.
Janis lays their mat down, holding it down for Cady to get on before following after her. She pulls Cady closer to her, pressing her chest against her back and holding her around the waist. Cady holds onto the handles of the mat and the worker gives them a gentle push to get them finally going. Cady giggles the whole way down, which was Janis' goal. They're going so quickly they nearly crash into the wall at the bottom, Cady barely managing to stick her feet out at the last second. The force knocks Janis down flat on her back, Cady following and tipping her head upside down to grin widely at her.
"That was fun!" Cady cheers, standing and holding her hand out to help Janis up.
"Do you want to go again?" Janis asks, knowing the look in her eyes well by this point. Cady nods shyly, Janis just taking her hand and leading them back to the end of the line. She's noticed Cady only seems to have an issue with height and speed at the same time, one or the other is okay.
Once they've gone on everything at least once, they decide to finally get some dinner. As they walk over to the food stalls, Cady tucks her alpaca under one arm and holds out the other to Janis. "Hey, can you hold this for me?"
Janis turns from a few paces ahead, thinking she's talking about the stuffed animal until she looks down. "Your hand?"
"Yeah," Cady nods seriously. Janis takes it with a chuckle.
"You're such a dork, I love you."
"I love you too, but I'm very hungry, let's go," Cady begs, tugging on Janis' hand.
"Okay, okay, slow down," Janis laughs.
Cady really wants to try a funnel cake, so she buys one for them to share while Janis gets a bucket of macaroni and cheese and some fried Oreos.
They feed each other little bites of the mac and cheese, stealing a few kisses every now and again in between. Once that's done, Cady pulls their plate of various fried goodness over and just stares at it. Janis tears off a bit of the funnel cake for her to try, getting her fingers sticky with the powdered sugar.
Cady tries it and her eyes go even wider than they did on the roller coaster. That's delicious. Janis laughs at her reaction, but supposed she should've known. Cady loves sweets.
"That's so good!" Cady squeals, almost shaking as the sugar starts to hit. She immediately tears off another bigger piece.
"It's fried dough and sugar, of course it's good," Janis teases, tearing off a chunk for herself. "Now try one of these."
She hands Cady one of the fried Oreos, Cady taking it and nibbling at it almost nervously. It is also delicious, but almost too sweet for her tastes. She likes the cake better. Janis takes the other one, immediately shoving the whole thing in her mouth.
"Oh, Jesus, I shouldn't have done that," She says once she's swallowed it. "No regrets."
Cady gathers up all the trash once they finish, throwing it in a garbage can nearby before turning to her girlfriend. "You have sugar on your lip, come here."
Janis thinks she's just going to wipe it away, letting out a startled squeak when Cady suddenly pulls her behind a stall, pushing her up against it and kissing her hungrily. Usually Janis is the one initiating this kind of thing, but she's certainly not complaining at Cady taking charge.
They're both panting by the time they break apart, looking more than a little disheveled. Janis had noticed Cady's soft skin was rather cold to the touch, and when they pull back she can see her shivering. "Baby, where's your jacket?" She asks, concerned they lost it somewhere.
"I left it in the car," Cady mutters, leaning into her for warmth. "But if I go get it I won't be able to get back in. I'm fine."
She's clearly not, her teeth are almost chattering. Cady's still not totally used to how cold it can get in Illinois. It's almost totally dark now, and very chilly.
Janis pulls off her jean jacket and wraps it around Cady. She's swimming in it, the oversized fabric practically swallowing her tiny girlfriend. Cady's hands don't even come out the sleeves.
Janis notices Cady's jacket paws moving, she's flapping her hands. That's a stim she only does when she's either very upset or very excited, and judging by the wide, delighted grin splitting her face, it's the latter.
"I love you," Cady suddenly hums, throwing her arms around Janis tightly.
"I love you too, baby. So much," Janis says, squeezing her back and kissing her hair softly. "They're gonna close soon, is there one more thing you want to do before we go?"
"The ferris wheel? I've never been on one," Cady hums, resting her chin on Janis' chest and looking up at her.
Janis really does not like ferris wheels, but she can't resist those big blue eyes blinking up at her. She supposes she can make an exception.
"Fine, but if we get stuck up there you have to cuddle me the whole time, I'm scared of heights," She says, taking her hand and leading them towards the large circle illuminated by colorful lights. It is rather pretty, from the ground anyway.
They get in line just before the cutoff for the night, Cady staring up at the massive structure with wide, curious eyes. Janis is strangely comforted seeing that almost childlike wonder on her face. Cady deserves to experience it at least once, even if she does have to spend it holding Janis the whole time so she doesn't panic.
Janis is further comforted when their cart is purple, which is her favorite color. Unfortunately, any semblance of safe feelings leave the second they start moving, Janis clinging to Cady's arm.
"How did you enjoy that roller coaster and the slides if you're so scared of heights, Jellybean?" Cady asks, holding onto her girlfriend tightly.
"Because the height doesn't last on stuff like that, you're just up there to get going and then it's done," Janis huffs. Cady gets distracted once they hit the very top, gasping excitedly at the view and reaching for her phone to take a picture.
She snaps a few before turning it around to selfie mode, leaning in to cup Janis' cheek with her other hand and kiss her gently as she takes another few photos like that. "Thanks for letting me come up here, Jay. We only have to go around one more time before we can get off."
"It's okay, baby. It's actually really pretty up here. As long as you don't look down," Janis hums, leaning in for one more peck. She breathes a sigh of relief as they approach the ground and gives another sharp exhale as they go up again.
Sure enough, once they reach the tip-top, the ride screeches to a halt, and a voice calls up from the bottom to tell them they're stuck up there indefinitely.
"Ah, fuck," Janis groans. This was exactly what she didn't want to happen.
"Oh no," Cady says, concerned for Janis. "Um... we could play a game? To pass the time?"
That doesn't sound terrible, but they don't have anything to play a game with up here.
"Like what?" Janis asks, trying to keep the tremble from her voice. Focus on Cady.
"Um... we could go back and forth and say something about ourselves that the other one doesn't know yet?" Cady hums anxiously, holding Janis tightly.
That doesn't exactly sound like a game, but it would work well enough to keep Janis' mind off the fact that she's dangling  thirty-odd feet in the air in a heavy cart.
"You go first," Janis says, tucking her face into Cady's neck.
"Okay," Cady chuckles, kissing her head and running her fingers through Janis' hair gently. "Um... Od uoy wonk I nac klat sdrawkcab?"
"What the fuck?" Janis says, pulling back to look at Cady's smug grin.
"I can talk backwards. Any word," Cady says.
"Wh- How do you do that?" Janis asks in awe.
"I dunno. When I was learning how to read I taught myself to do it backwards too. Don't ask, I was an odd kid. I just picture the word in my head and then flip it around," Cady answers.
"Prove it," Janis challenges. "Say... um... what's my name backwards?"
"Sinaj," Cady says immediately.
"I love you."
"I evol uoy."
"Peanut butter."
"Tunaep rettub."
"That's the weirdest thing I've ever heard, that's so cool," Janis squeals.
"Thanks," Cady giggles. "Your turn."
"Oh boy, um... did you know about these?" Janis asks, pulling her two half-heart necklaces from where they're tucked inside her shirt.
"I've seen them but I've never read what they say," Cady says, taking them gingerly to read the charms. One says 'big sis' and the other has been painted to say half of what she can only assume is 'best fucking bitches'. "Who has the other pieces? Julie?"
"No, Damian," Janis answers, which makes Cady burst out laughing.
"That's so cute," She says breathlessly once she's calmed down. "My turn then, um. Do you know how I got my name? Or the spelling of it, anyway.
Janis shakes her head. She loves her Cady with a C and a D and a Y, but it is a little strange.
"This is just what my mom told me so it could be a joke, she likes to mess with me a lot. But she got to name my brother so she let my dad name me, and he was in a band when she was pregnant with me. He wanted to give me a sort of musical name like Harmony or something, so he picked Cadence and my mom said yes as long as it could be Cady on my birth certificate. She thought he'd regret it eventually and wanted me to have a more 'normal' nickname," She says.
Janis tries to imagine Mr. Heron, the dorkiest, kindest, shyest man she knows in a band. Does not compute. "That... kind of makes sense, actually, other than your dad being in a band. Did they ever call you Cadence?"
"Actually, yeah, when I was really little my dad always called me that. And when I got in trouble back in Kenya that's what they called me," Cady says, looking as if the secret to the universe has been revealed to her. The story must be true, then.
"That's wild as hell, Chip Heron in a band," Janis says, also looking a little shell-shocked. They'd have to ask him about it later. "My turn. Did you know Gretchen comes to the gym with me sometimes?"
"No, really? That's so sweet," Cady coos.
"Yeah, she asked me a while ago if she could come with me every once in a while to help her anxiety and stuff. She does more cardio and things like that than I do, but we spot each other when we need to and I started going to a yoga thing she does. It's kind of nice to have a workout buddy."
"Aww," Cady says. "I'm glad you guys are becoming friends again."
"Honestly, I am too. Gretchen really isn't so bad. She gushes about Karen all the time too, so I like getting to hear all the juicy stuff about them," Janis chuckles. "Your turn, Peanut."
"I can't think of anything," Cady whines after thinking for a second. "You think of something you want to know about me."
"Okay, I can do that," Janis hums pensively. "Were you born in Kenya?" She asks after a while. Cady's never mentioned anything before her life in Africa.
"No, we didn't move there until I was three, I was born in Oregon. We've always followed my parents' work," Cady answers. "My parents always said it was very exciting having a toddler who wouldn't talk to anyone running around the tents."
"You must've been so cute," Janis says, wondering if she can con Cady into showing her some baby photos.
"I was," Cady answers as Janis makes the mistake of peeking over the edge, snapping back over with wide, terrified eyes. "Oh, darling, why would you look down? Come here."
Janis thinks she's about to pull her into another hug, surprised when Cady pulls her mouth to hers and kisses her softly. Desperate to forget that they're stuck very high in the air, Janis kisses her back eagerly, her girlfriend responding in kind. Janis has always wanted to make out with someone on a ferris wheel.
One of Cady's hands cradles Janis' jaw, thumb stroking comfortingly over her cheek, and her other arm is wrapped securely around Janis' waist to hold her close and safe. Janis flicks her tongue at the seam of Cady's lips, tangling a hand in her auburn curls as she does. Cady lets her in, nipping softly at her bottom lip to tease. Janis would very much like to continue this when they're on the ground.
She's so lost in her girlfriend she almost managed to forget they were still stuck, until there's a deafening clank and a terrifying sort of metallic grinding sound. She pulls back with a startled squeak as they start moving, lipstick noticeably smeared as she buries her face in her girlfriends shoulder. At least they're almost out.
There's a sort of off-brand Snoopy down by the exit, Janis sinking into a hug with him and just repeating, "Snoopy it was so bad. We were stuck up there, Snoopy." For a while until Cady drags her away. Snoopy waves at them almost sadly as he watches them go.
Once they're in the car on the way back to Cady's house, Janis realizes that Cady told her one more fact than Janis told her. She knows Cady likes things to be even, so she decides to level it out.
"Hey, we stopped the game before we told the same number, do you want to hear one more from me?"
"I always want to know more about you, Jayjay," Cady answers, focusing on the road.
"Okay, have you seen this?" Janis asks once they're at a stoplight, shuffling her left sleeve down to reveal her small semicolon tattoo on her wrist.
"No," Cady says, tracing the little picture tenderly with her finger. "What does it mean?"
Janis rolls her sleeve down further to reveal the faded scars lining her arm, wincing a little at Cady's sad gasp. Janis thought she at least knew about those, but she doesn't wear short sleeves very often and the scars are very faded.
"I started self-harming after everything happened with Regina in middle school. Damian didn't tell you, but I was actually pulled out for the rest of that year because I was recovering in the hospital from a suicide attempt. I tried to overdose on one of my mom's prescriptions," Janis explains.
"Oh god, Janis," Cady says sadly, gently running her finger over her arm before she has to start driving again.
"I got my stomach pumped in the hospital and my wrists stitched up, so my mom found out I had been cutting and I had to go to an inpatient therapy place. That's how I started art therapy, actually. But once I got out my mom let me pick something cool to do to celebrate, and for some reason she let me get a tattoo even though I was fourteen. She has one that matches."
"That's so sweet," Cady says, heart still hurting for her girlfriend. She came so close to losing Janis before she ever even found her. "Why a semicolon, though?"
"Because I was an English nerd," Janis answers with a sardonic chuckle. "Semicolons and periods are usually interchangeable, an author uses one when they could have ended a sentence but chose not to. I decided I was the author of me, and I wasn't ready to end my sentence yet. It helps to look at it when I'm having a rough time."
"That's beautiful, Janis. Do you, um, still...?" Cady asks quietly.
"No, no," Janis rushes out. "Damian and my sister both made me promise to stop. I've come close a couple times, but I've been clean since the end of sophomore year. I haven't even thought about it in almost a year."
"Good," Cady breathes with relief. "I'm really glad you're still here, Jay. I love you so much."
"I'm glad I'm here too. I think a lot about what I would've missed if... if it had worked, and I'm always so glad it didn't. I love you too, Caddy," Janis says, trying not to cry. Too many emotions for one night.
They spend the rest of the drive home in comfortable silence, Janis playing with Cady's fingers contently once Cady gives her her hand as they get into slower streets of the neighborhood.
Cady goes to greet her parents and hug them goodnight once they enter, Janis heading up to Cady's room to get changed into her pjs. She's glad their parents all trust them enough to let them continue to sleep in the same bed at sleepovers, probably because they only get up to anything raunchy when they're sure nobody's around. She would miss the snuggles if they were separated.
Cady changes into her Lion King pajama set, putting Janis' jacket back on over top and crawling into bed after her with her new alpaca. She switches on the nightlight Janis had gotten her for Christmas, looking up at the colorful swirly patterns it paints on the ceiling.
"You gonna sleep in my jacket?" Janis asks, resting her head on Cady's chest gently.
"Mmhmm! It's comfy. Soft. And it smells like you," Cady hums, pulling her closer.
"What do I smell like?" Janis asks, a little worried.
"Vanilla and paint, but your hair smells like apples," Cady answers drowsily, stroking her fingers through Janis' hair. "Mostly you just smell like home. I know I'm safe whenever I can smell you."
Well that's just about the sweetest thing Janis has ever heard. "You're so precious, you know that?" She asks, tilting her head up to kiss at the underside of Cady's jaw.
"So you tell me," Cady jokes weakly, followed by a yawn. "It's your turn to be little spoon, I'm sleepy."
Janis is frankly amazed that Cady made it this late, it's nearly midnight. She leans up to kiss her goodnight before she turns to face the wall, cuddling with her own new sloth stuffie and feeling her small girlfriend press up against her, squishing her cheek against her back and wrapping an arm tightly around her waist to pull her closer.
"G'night, Jay. I love you," Cady yawns.
"Goodnight, Caddy. I love you too," Janis answers, grinning to herself.
A perfect date with my perfect girl, she thinks as they slowly drift off to sleep, dreaming of each other.
thanks for reading, please let me know what you thought.
also, disastrously, I am starting to run out of ideas, so please leave any ideas you want to see me write either here, on my wattled, or on my ao3. all are just maybeimamuppet.
lots of love,
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imagine-loki · 3 years
Trust, Chapter 18
TITLE: Trust CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter 18 AUTHOR: fanficshiddles ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Loki kidnaps Darcy Lewis, in hopes of getting the tesseract in return for her. Imagine his surprise when he grows rather fond of the mortal, finding that she understands him better than anyone else ever has.  RATING: M
Loki had to conjure up earplugs during the night when Darcy started snoring. It had been that or shove her out of the bed, luckily for Darcy he had gone for the former.
He was awake before her and took a moment as he looked at her. She was a peculiar mortal. Unlike the others she wasn’t vain and always worried about her looks, even around the likes of him. Being a God and all. What you saw was pretty much what you got with Darcy. And he liked that about her, there was no bullshit.
What he didn’t like, however, was the fact she was drooling on one of his pillows. He groaned and rolled his eyes as he slipped out of bed to go for a bath.
When he emerged, dressed and ready for the day, Darcy was awake. Her hair dishevelled and her eyes slightly puffy. It took her a little while to wake up though, unlike Loki who looked bright eyed and ready pretty much the second he opened his eyes.
Darcy stretched with a groan as her muscles started to wake up.
‘You were snoring again.’ Loki said as he folded his arms over his chest. ‘And drooling on my pillow.’
‘Geez, good morning to you too. It’s just moan, moan, moan with you. I’m sure you can just poof it clean.’ Darcy shrugged and got out of bed. ‘Besides, I’m sure you’ve had far worse bodily fluids on your bed.’ She patted his chest as she walked past him to the bathroom.
Loki rolled his eyes but did smirk a little.
Loki and Darcy joined Thor and Jane for breakfast in a fancy golden room, Thor called it the mini hall, even though in Darcy’s eyes it was pretty huge. There was a full buffet for them with various fruits and meats, Darcy thought she had truly died and gone to heaven as she stuffed her face.
Frigga came in not long after they were finished eating.
‘Just coming to see if you ladies are needing dresses for the celebration tonight?’ Frigga asked Darcy and Jane.
‘I still have my dress from last time I was here.’ Jane smiled.
‘I actually took something with me to wear tonight.’ Darcy said, looking at Loki slightly uncertainly.
‘You can’t wear a dress from back home, Darcy.’ Jane said quickly.
‘If you have something you wish to wear, that’s no problem. Some Midgardian flare isn’t a bad thing.’ Frigga said kindly, making Darcy grin.
‘You may regret that, mother. I have not even seen what it is she has taken.’ Loki said, amused.
‘Well, a nice surprise for us all.’ Frigga winked at Darcy, who couldn’t stop grinning.
‘She’s glad to have you home.’ Thor commented to Loki after, when they were showing Darcy and Jane around the gardens.
‘It is nice to see her again.’ Loki said with a nod, looking straight ahead.
‘You should speak to father. I’m sure you can patch things up with him.’ Thor tried.
‘He is not my father. Never was and never will be.’ Loki snapped. ‘If he wants to patch things up then he can come to me. I will not be going to him and grovelling for forgiveness when it’s his fault in the first place.’
Loki swiftly walked away from Thor and caught up with Darcy, who was having a look at a huge plant that was like a Venus fly trap, but deadlier…
‘Do not ever put any part of your body on there. It is not like the ones on Midgard. It will cause your flesh to melt and will rot your bones instantly.’ Loki picked up a small stone and threw it in one of them. It instantly snapped shut and dissolved the rock within a second.
‘That’s SO COOL! Let me try!’ Darcy then proceeded to chuck various objects she could find into them, making Loki chuckle.
‘Think I could get Jane to stick her finger in?’ Darcy said quietly to Loki.
He smirked. ‘Come now, I doubt you truly want her to hurt herself to that extent.’
Darcy shrugged.
‘Besides, she is smarter than Thor.’ Loki said.
‘Has Thor ever touched them?’ Darcy looked up at Loki, eyes wide.
‘Yep. Took years before his finger healed and grew back properly, with many potions and spells from mother. Of course, being a God helped. But he is so gullible.’ Loki laughed at the memory.
After wandering around the city for a few hours, it was time to get ready for the celebrations. Obviously, it didn’t take the Gods long at all. Mere seconds to change into their royal armour.
But Darcy was taking ages in the bathroom, Loki was getting bored waiting. He ended up engrossed in a book when Darcy finally emerged.
He hadn’t been sure exactly what he was expecting. But he was slightly blown away when he turned around to look at Darcy.
She was wearing a low-cut black dress that went down to her mid-thigh on one side and slightly lower on the other, but it had a dark green, light and airy, under skirt that went down to just above her ankles. But the dress really pushed her breasts up and out more, showing her figure better. Her hair was up in a messy bun with some strands down.
‘Well, what do you think?’ She asked as she spun around, her dress flowing out beautifully.
‘I think it’s the first time I’ve seen you in a dress, you pull it off rather well. You should wear them more often.’ Loki smirked and walked towards her.
Darcy put her hand on her hip and glared at him. ‘Don’t get used to it. Oh! Wait!’ She ran to her suitcase and rummaged through it. Loki still couldn’t quite understand why she had packed so much stuff, for just two nights away.
She pulled out a pair of black high heels and slipped them on. Gaining a few inches, but when she squared up to Loki, she pouted as he still towered over her. ‘Damn. I was hoping to get much more height.’
Loki laughed and put his arm out for her. ‘You’re just fine. Now, shall we?’
‘Hell yeah, I’m ready to be a princess for the night!’ Darcy grinned as she took his arm and they made their way to the main hall.
‘Nice touch with my colours, by the way.’ Loki said on the way.
‘Ah you noticed. I thought it would add some extra flare and get the people talking, like we planned.’ Darcy swished her dress about, making Loki laugh again.
As soon as they turned the corner into the hall, there was screeching came from a group of girls who were dressed over the top in green. They rushed towards Loki, but stopped a few feet away when they saw Darcy on his arm.
‘Ladies.’ Loki nodded politely to them as he strolled on by with Darcy.
‘Are they some of the desperate Asgardian commoners?’ Darcy asked, loud enough for them to hear.
Loki was delighted having someone that was up to his par with being mischievous. ‘They are indeed.’ Loki replied in the same tone, hearing some gasps from the girls behind them as they followed the two towards the table where Loki and Darcy both picked up some wine.
‘Well, they better keep their hands off my man or I will smite them with my taser.’ 
Loki almost choked on his wine as he was mid sip. The girls swiftly dispersed upon hearing the threat. Not knowing what a taser was.
‘Loki, where are your manners.’ Frigga said as she approached the two, having seen Loki spit some wine back into his goblet.
‘Apologies. Darcy is just far too funny.’  
‘Indeed. You have caused quite a stir already. Though I must say, you look absolutely stunning.’ Frigga said as she gently cupped Darcy’s cheek.
‘Thank you. I’ve never been to anything like this before. It’s quite fun being dressed up for a change.’ Darcy couldn’t stop swishing her dress around.
‘Make yourself at home and enjoy. But don’t get up to too much mischief, the both of you.’ Frigga said knowingly as she wandered off.
She went over to her husband and joined him at the head table.
‘What is it with the Prince’s of Asgard courting Mortal women.’ Odin grumbled.
Frigga laughed and put her hand on Odin’s arm. ‘Come now, love. You know Thor loves Jane and vice versa. Loki and Darcy are not together, but they are putting on a show tonight. I think to spare Loki from the swooning commoners. But even if he was courting Darcy, I like her. She’s good for him.’ She said fondly as she watched Loki and Darcy drinking plenty of wine.
It wasn’t long before Loki started pulling pranks, mainly on some of the higher royals from other realms. Things such as adding the odd super-hot pepper to some of the food, causing the unsuspecting royal to need to rush off to the bathroom with a bright red face. Childish things really, but they made Darcy laugh too.
As the celebrations continued into the night, Darcy and Loki proceeded to get more drunk on the Asgardian wine. They were certainly turning some heads as they danced together, Loki actually spinning her around so much she almost fainted from being so dizzy. Everyone thought they were together, and many talked that they had never seen Loki seem so happy and jolly for a change. Instead of just lurking alone in the shadows with a sullen look on his face as he was badgered by commoners.
At the end of the night, Darcy and Loki stumbled back to Loki’s chambers. Darcy was glad to get her heels off, Loki smirked and stood tall on front of her. ‘That’s better, back to your usual height.’ He teased, patting her head.
‘Shurrup.’ Darcy playfully pushed at him.
She was drunk enough that she didn’t care if Loki saw her naked, she just wanted to get into bed. So she just took her dress off at the side of the bed, with Loki watching with an eyebrow raised at her boldness, especially since she wasn’t wearing a bra.
Loki decided to just remove his clothes too. Within seconds, of course, using his Seidr. Darcy looked over at him and her eyes widened when she saw the state he was in.
‘Bloody hell, Loki! You’re hung like a fucking horse!’ She said in surprise, making Loki laugh.
‘Well, forgive me for being in this state. But I am a male after all, and seeing a beautiful woman with such luscious breasts on display is going to affect me in such a way.’ He winked at her.
‘Are you… are you flirting with me?’ Darcy asked, narrowing her eyes at him, hands on her hips.
‘Perhaps.’ Loki shrugged, smirking.
‘Wanna get it on?’ Darcy asked, biting her lower lip.
Loki’s eyes darkened slightly. ‘Are you sure? You are not just in some drunken state?’
‘Yes, I’m drunk. But I’m female, you’re male. And judging by the look of you, we are both horny. So why not?’
Loki didn’t need any more convincing as he leapt onto the bed and crawled over towards her with a predatory look in his eyes.
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rogue-durin-16 · 4 years
Summary: When a mysterious person threatens the heir's life, the service of a personal guard is required to keep him safe until the foe is found. Fíli, who doesn't take the matter very seriously, only sees it as an chance to spend more time with certain knight.
Pairing: Fíli x Reader
Genre: angst-fluff
Permanent taglist: @queenofmankind @randomparanoid @karlthecat15722 @thebutchersdaughtersblog
Warnings: a little angst, probably some typos
A/N: am I deliberately ignoring the canonical end of The Hobbit? Maybe so. PSA my phone died and i just got a new one; I'm still getting used to typing with it, that's why I haven't updated in more than a week. It's also why you'll probably find typos here, but I hope you enjoy this nonetheless <3.
Part II
Rogue-durin-16 masterlist
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I sighed at the music that echoed through the pillared halls of Erebor and managed to sneak into my room. Staying isolated while the whole kingdom was partying made my immature side, the one who would run down to the celebration in the blink of an eye, come to the surface, burying my common sense in its way.
"Must I tie you down to the lamppost?" Luckily, I had the most efficient keeper in the entire Royal Guard to remind me what I could and couldn't do.
"Would it kill you to relax?" I teased, though I had gotten her memo and was already moving away from my door.
"Probably." She replied, sparing me a quick glance with raised eyebrows. "Likely, it would kill you too." I rolled my eyes at her. "That's rather the point."
As a new idea crossed my mind, a smile flashed across my face "I'll risk it." I said, moving to stand in front of her, and held out a hand. "Dance with me?"
"No?" her tone expressed perfectly her incredulity at my words.
"Y/n I'm so bored, please, indulge me." her eyes opened widely, throwing daggers at me as I removed her sword and started to tug her towards me. "No one will attempt to kill me here."
"We don't know that." she retorted, though she didn't stop me from placing one hand on her waist and the other up in the air holding hers.
"Yes we do." I hummed, starting to sway at the rhythm of the music, quieted down due to the distance between us and the great halls. "We're in my chambers."
"will you remind me why aren't you at the party?" she inquired intently.
"Because of Thorin's paranoia?" I feigned innocence as I pretended to doubt the answer.
"Wrong." I pouted and she shook her head. "Someone sent you a death threat." I huffed, pulling away from her to spin her around. "You should take it seriously." I dramatically groaned, pulling her back to me. "Fíli." I couldn't help but grin.
It took me quite a while —almost a year— to convince her to call me by my name and not by my title.
"There is nothing to worry about," I stated, earning a tired sigh from her. We had been having that same back and forth for a week —it had started as soon as she had been assigned that task, in which I might have had a hand. "Because you are here to protect me."
"Something I can't quite do if I'm dancing."
"I said I'll risk it" i repeated with raised eyebrows.
It was then that she finally started to relax in my arms, not before letting out a sigh of defeat accompanied by an eyeroll though. Her beautiful eyes drifted off me to get lost somewhere at my left; took that opportunity to let my poor façade down and stared at her mesmerized as if she was the Arkenstone.
It's not as if I didn't make it quite obvious that I fancied her —actually, that was an understatement— but often my feelings were accompanied by a joking tone to spare my heart from Y/n's genuine reply.
A strong knock made us jump away from each other and rush to get our respective weapons. "Fíli?" My shoulders relaxed when Nori's voice reached us, but just as I stepped to open the door, Y/n tugged my arm to stand behind her. "Calm down, will you?" The dwarf requested, offended at Y/n's hostility whilst letting him pass.
"I tried telling her, but she won't listen." Y/n huffed and I winked at her. "What is it?"
"Thorin wants to move you to another room until this is sorted out." My eyes widened at his words. Now the whole matter was starting to look like a tempest in a teacup. "Dwalin offered to exchange chambers with you."
"You're all exaggerating." Y/n joined Nori in his task of picking up the necessary. "This is ridiculous!" Both of them were now running around the room, completely ignoring me. "I can defend myself!" Y/n, now at the doorframe, motioned me to follow her out of the room. "I refuse to leave my room just because a coward sent—"
"Force wasn't necessary." I grumbled, throwing myself over my back to the king sized bed. It wasn't as comfortable as mine.
"In fact," she gave me an intent look, taking off her light armor and mesh, and throwing them over a stone bench. "it was."
I propped myself up with my forearms, my eyebrows furrowed in confusion as I stared at Y/n. "What are you doing?"
"Getting ready to sleep?" She replied, leaving her sword as close to her as possible, in case she had to reach for it.
"In that chair?"
"Yes?" Now she was the one who frowned confused. "Where else?" With eyebrows raised, I motioned at the large, empty space on the bed. "No?"
"There's enough room left for you and your sword." She snorted as if I was joking —which I partially was but not entirely. "We're both grownups are we not?" Her eyes pierced through me giving me that look. "It wouldn't be the first time that we sleep together anyway."
"We are not to repeat that." She stated.
"Y/n? Y/n." I kicked her leg through my blanket and hers, making her gasp and consecutively turn to meet me with an annoyed gaze. "Don't give me that look."
"You just kicked me." She hissed in the same quiet tone I was speaking.
"Because you're shivering."
She completely spun around so now we were face to face. "That's not a valid reason to kick me."
"I was trying to get your attention." Before she could complain again, I rushed the words out of my mouth. "Sleep with me." She slightly scooted away, surely taken aback by my suggestion. "I'm freezing too." I added, which wasn't a lie, just an exaggeration.
Before I knew it, we were laying together with both blankets over us, our legs interlaced, and our faces way too close.
"this is the most uncomfortable position we could have chosen, is it not?" I laughed, refusing to let my cheeks redden.
She laughed too, in the same way I had. "Any suggestions?"
"maybe..." I started guiding her, searching for another posture. "Maybe... Like this? or-"
I was cut off by her quiet laughter, now genuine and contagious, as she had ended up with her torso over mine. "I don't think this is better." She caged me so she could prop herself and move; and she propped herself, but didn't move.
The muffled chuckles had died the moment our gazes met. Both of us parted our lips in an attempt to say something, but none spoke.
With our eyes locked, my hands carefully traveled up her thighs whilst one of hers hesitantly caressed my cheek.
As if we had silently agreed on it, we both leaned into each other and let our lips share a ghostlike kiss that left me yearning for more. It was the reason why I unconsciously lifted myself, trying to capture Y/n's lips when she pulled away.
I snapped out of it when my forehead met hers and her hands rested on my chest. It was the strangest sensation; seeing the regret in her orbs at the same time as I felt her body refraining itself from returning to me.
"... would it be so bad?"
Y/n opened her mouth like a fish out of water. "It would be worse. I thought I made clear that this" she finally spoke, motioning between me and her "cannot happen."
"Well, this time we're not sleeping in the woods." I reasoned, deliberately ignoring the pang in my chest. "So there is no reason for it to happen again. Now" I patted the matress. "Sleep with me."
After a moment of meditation, she gave in and lay down, throwing the soft furs over her.
"This is uncomfortable." She spoke, both of our bodies stiff and our eyes on the ceiling.
"It is."
"Okay, take the bed." I finally said, attempting to get off it and move to the chair, just to be tugged back by her hands.
"Don't you dare." Before I could argue, she scooted closer and I had to force myself to relax when she laid her head on my chest because I could make it even more uncomfortable if I didn't do so. "No kissing this time." She teased.
"Yes ma'am." I replied with a chuckle, wrapping my arms around her.
It didn't take long for either of us to fall asleep.
I woke up to Fíli and Kíli's hushed voices, and I instantly jolted up, entering a kind of alert mode that only the two brothers were able to get me into.
"What are you doing?" Kíli's eyes went from his brother to me, and back to his brother. "What is it?" Instead of giving me a reply, the younger prince nodded at the blond one and exited the room. "What on Durin's beard was that?" I inquired, suspicious.
"I was telling him where I was going." Replied, sheathing his blade.
"You are not going anywhere."
"I am going out."
"No you're not." I commanded, already dreading it would be in vain.
"To Dale." He was speaking so casually, as if he wasn't about to disobey direct orders from our king and to get me in trouble in the process.
"I need fresh air!" His voice became slightly louder in desperation.
"Go to the damn balcony!" I replied, mirroring his tone as I threw the furs off me.
"I'm going out."
"Well, I'm staying here." I firmly stated, not willing to give in just yet.
"Then I'm going out alone." And with that, he left. "Until this afternoon!"
"What even-" after going through a moment of shock, I got up and put on my boots, only being able to grab my sword and belt before rushing out of the room.
"Oh so you are coming?" He teased, literally strutting along the hallway, not bothering on slowing down the pace for me to be able to buckle my belt and sword around my waist without struggling.
"You're impossible." I yanked his arm to stop his walking.
With my attention on the belt I didn't notice how close he had gotten, so when his hands appeared in front of my eyes, pulling away mine, I had to stop myself from gasping. "You have always loved challenges." He pointed out, taking care of securing the belt around me.
"Not when I have to keep the challenge safe." He pulled at the leather clothing to make sure it was okay, and then held my hand to prompt me to resume the walk. "I don't even have my armor on."
"You won't need it." He assured me, not allowing me to go back before sneaking us out of the mountain.
This would surely end terribly.
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thedeviltohisangel · 3 years
Whiskey In A Teacup/1
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When Santi first got out of the military, he hadn’t known what to think of his options. There was always the option of giving up and going back in. The option to join a shadowy private military company. Go into private security. Go on the recruiting circuit. Maybe even become a cop. But none of them seemed like the best path. They all seemed like giving up. He had been trained by his country to be an elite, lethal machine. Being anything but the best felt like a cop out. So when an old friend of his reached out with an offer from the Secret Service, he accepted it on the spot.
masterlist is my url/writing or on ao3
send me any one shot requests for these two
When Santi first got out of the military, he hadn’t known what to think of his options. There was always the option of giving up and going back in. The option to join a shadowy private military company. Go into private security. Go on the recruiting circuit. Maybe even become a cop. But none of them seemed like the best path. They all seemed like giving up. He had been trained by his country to be an elite, lethal machine. Being anything but the best felt like a cop out. So when an old friend of his reached out with an offer from the Secret Service, he accepted it on the spot.
The election had recently ended with a brand new administration being ushered into the White House. Pope thought he looked cookie cutter. Like he was aging perfectly, his wife wasn’t aging at all and his family had all done Cotillion. He was in an empty conference room flipping through the personnel files that had been left for him before he waited for his friend to pick him up for whatever orientation he had to go through. 
“Santi! Glad you were able to make it in.” He stood and shook his friend’s hand, happy to have someone to talk to.
“Yeah and was cleared to read the briefing materials,” he answered as he dropped the folder back down onto the table. 
“Good. So the basics are out of the way. Now, I vouched for you hard with leadership and they want you on the detail. Close circle, last line of defense type of shit.
“Perfect. Exactly the stakes you know I’m cut out for.” 
“I know that. But the future First Lady doesn’t.” Santi furrowed his brow.
“Why does that matter?” His friend cleared his throat.
“She has requested she look every agent in the inner circle in the eye before they are officially assigned. Protective wife and mama bear.” 
“You’re not saying the debutante daughters are included in my assignment are you?” Santiago hoped he wasn’t. They looked like stuck up brats and he would rather join Will on the speech circuit than put up with attitudes like that.
“I’m saying the other agents have been tripping over themselves to try and get conversations with the older one.” His friend pointed at her picture on the table.
“That’s disgusting,” Pope whined. “How do I get her approval? I got to wait a week for an appointment?”
“Her and the daughters are at a photoshoot right now for the cover of Vogue. Said she would talk to you there.”
“Great.” It would be one of his more unconventional interviews but Santi was eager. Chomping at the bit to get back in the game. Feel useful again. Devote his life to something other than thinking about the past. 
The people allowed on the set were few. His friend introduced him to a few other agents and pointed to where the incoming First Lady was smiling for the camera.
“Let’s find somewhere we can wait for her to be done.” Santi kept his head down, smiling politely and shaking hands where appropriate, as they made their way towards the rooms in the back of the studio. There were two agents standing outside a door, nodding once as they let Santi and his friend into the room.
“Marnie, can you help me zip?” The female voice was coming from behind the dressing screen in the corner. Both men looked at each other, not sure what the appropriate thing to say was.
“Sorry, ma’am, we can go-”
“No that’s fine. I think I can do it myself.” Pope stayed silent as the woman, he thinks it was Penelope, stepped out in a beautiful blush pink dress that hugged her like it was made for her. He hates that his mouth ran dry and his tongue felt thick. But he pushed it aside as quickly as it came. “You’re new. And not in a suit. A friend of yours, Sam?”
“Yes ma’am. This is Santiago Garcia. Old Army buddy. He is here for a job interview.” 
“A pleasure to meet you ma’am.” Santiago extended his hand and Penelope shook it even though her eyes were rolling.
“So stupid she makes all of you talk to her first. But I guess that’s why I am not in charge,” Penelope shrugged. “I’m sure it will go well and I’ll see you around, Santiago.”
“Santi,” he blurted out before he could stop himself. “Just...Santi.”
“Santi,” she whispered like she was just testing it out. “The pleasure was all mine.” She smiled as she spun, the skirt flying around her like a Disney movie, and then she was out the door and gone.
“Isn’t she something?” Sam mused as he still stared at the door she had just disappeared through.
“Beautiful. And probably a troublemaker,” Pope replied. 
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” his friend teased with a slap on his back. The sad thing was, he thinks he did.
Penelope hated that no such privacy existed in her life anymore. It hadn’t for awhile but it had only gotten worse in the past month since her father won the election. Even now, lying in bed flipping through fashion magazines, there were people bustling in and out to pack her stuff for the move. People asking which fabric and color she thought looked best for her inauguration dress. If she liked this or that singer for the National Anthem and if she thought her peers would find this or that choice relatable. She answered with a smile and took it all in stride but couldn’t wait to shut the door and go to bed. But even there she dreamt of flags and men in suits and waving until her arm felt like it was going to fall off. There was no such thing as privacy and there was no such thing as peace. Penelope felt she was no longer her own person but everyone’s. They told her that’s what being in the first family meant. But she didn’t like it and she didn’t want it. 
“Ma’am?” It sounded like her new assistant on the other side of the door.
“Yes?” Penny had just started winding down for the night. Her face was soft from copious amounts of moisturizer. Her hair was fluffy after she took her time drying it. Her silk nightgown was kissing her legs with every step. She was tired. She wanted to curl up in a ball under a pile of blankets and dream of simpler times.
“Your new agent is here. I just wanted to introduce you before he started his first shift.” Penelope sighed and moved back towards her closet to find a knit robe that would help protect at least some of her humility.
“You can come in.” She recognized him instantly as the handsome man from the Vogue set. He looked even better now. Well groomed and in a suit that must have been tailored by an old school professional.
“Ma’am this is-”
“Santiago,” Penelope said before the introduction could be finished. “I’m glad to see the interview went well.”
“Thank you, ma’am.”
“We’re practically the same age. Any other title other than ma’am would work better.” He made her blush just by looking at her. It was tragic and sad. That she had to meet him like this. That he had to be someone that worked for her father. That he had to be stoic and professional all the time. That they hadn’t just met in a bar on a Saturday night or bumped into each other at a mutual friend’s backyard picnic. 
“Of course. I’ll think on it and get back to you,” he offered with a smile.
“Agent Garcia is on interior duty tonight but I am sure you’ll get used to his presence quickly, ma’am.” She didn’t bother correcting her assistant. She didn’t care what she called her.
“I look forward to it.”
“Alright let’s go over Polar’s schedule for the day.” It had been a couple of days since Santi had started and so far he was enjoying it. His fellow agents were nice enough and had a similar sense of humor to him. Many of them had even served and it was nice to swap stories with people other than the men in his unit. He was posted close to the action and was never really bored. Penelope was his principle. Her safety was his only priority most days and he was by her side at morning show appearances, fancy dinners with campaign donors and visits to DC elementary schools. Things were moving faster and tighter the closer they got to the inauguration. 
They hadn’t spoken much since his first night. Just nods and smiles as they made elusive eye contact throughout the day. She was beautiful. That was the simplest way for Santi to describe her. The most professional way. It was wrong but he wanted to know more about her. Learn what made her life. Made her cry. What she liked to eat and what she would order at McDonalds. Santi was someone full of life and warmth and love for those around him. Sometimes it was hard to be so cold. He hadn’t had to be so since he retired from the military. It was dredging up old feelings from the past. But he was more concerned how he felt more comfortable than he had before. How being alert and hearing radio static and a gun at his hip made him feel more at ease than the creature comforts of home ever could.
“We’ve got a pilates class, Skype call with a dress designer and then a private dinner.”
“Private dinner?” Santi hadn’t heard that on the schedule before and it made his ears perk up.
“She’s been seeing this guy-”
“Kind of a douche,” one of the other agents chimed in.
“-and it's very underwraps, very lowkey.”
“We normally draw straws or play rock, paper, scissors to see who has to take it.” Santi furrowed his brow as all the comments flooded his system.
“What’s so awful about a dinner date?” he asked, almost afraid of the answer.
“It’s the company she keeps,” one chimed in.
“He’s dull and chews weird.”
“Hurts to listen to and hurts to watch.” They all groaned in unison.
“I’ll take it then. The watching and listening part.” He was a low man on the totem pole anyways but he was also curious. He wanted to see this train wreck with his own two eyes. He took the file when it was offered, leaving the room when they were dismissed.
“Curiosity killed the cat, you know,” Sam muttered as he fell into step next to him.
“I know. This will satiate me,” Santi replied.
He stood dutifully by the car, waiting to open the door for Penelope whenever she was ready to go. The twisted part of him was excited to see how this night played out. Maybe it would at least be worth the good story. How the beautiful first daughter dated a slob and he was paid to be a third wheel.
“Santiago? I didn’t expect to see you here tonight.” Her fingers tightened around her clutch as she squared her shoulders to face him. 
“Yes…” he froze when he remembered he had agreed to not refer to her as ma’am.
“Still thinking of something else to call me?” she asked with a smirk. Penelope didn’t wait for him to respond and instead slipped under his arm and into the backseat of her car. 
The drive was dead silent. Santi felt awkward but knew this was a part of the job he would have to get used to. She wasn’t his friend. Wasn’t a girl he had picked up at a bar. She was his top priority in the least romantic way possible. He would take a bullet for her. When they arrived at the restaurant he moved swiftly to open her door and escort her into the dining room. They moved towards the back where a man was sitting alone. He looked like a college lacrosse player to Santi. In the most stereotypical of ways. His hands itched to pull Penelope’s seat out for her when her date didn’t, his eyes going to the menu instead of complementing the black dress she was wearing. Maybe he had been wrong. Maybe this was going to be torture.
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mangomoody · 4 years
Title: Meet You At A Party
By: Me/MangoMood-chan
{In this Sans and Grillby are teenagers}
Sans' Pov:
It's 3 pm right now, and I'm getting my 'fancy' clothes on. Ever since the king got the first few souls he's been throwing party's only for the royals. Im a royal like my older brother, who is the royal scientist. He chose me to be his royal assistant, I really like science so I'm chill with it. The party's are boring to me, but they have good food there.
Anyways, we got a babysitter to take care of Papyrus while we're gone, she was a close friend of ours and we really trust her.
After getting ready I walked downstairs to meet Gaster.
"ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕪?" He asked putting on his shoes.
"Yeah, but I don't see why I have to go every party."
"𝕀'𝕝𝕝 𝔹𝕦𝕪 𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕊𝕠𝕞𝕖 ℕ𝕚𝕔𝕖 ℂ𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕞 𝕆𝕟 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕎𝕒𝕪 ℍ𝕠𝕞𝕖 𝕋𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕋𝕚𝕞𝕖. 𝕂?"
"Thanks Mango for looking after Papyrus."
"No problem, hope you two have a good time." Me and Gaster nodded.
"Bye Papy, see ya later."
We both walked into the kingdoms to be meet with all the different royals. Gaster walked off like he always does, leaving me by myself again.
I took the time to actually look around before heading straight to the food. I recognized most of the royals from last time, until I saw a few new faces in the room. It's not really normal to see new faces, but it's kinda fun seeing new people around here.
I had a bag on me and I ended up snicking 3 whole cakes without ruining them from the food table.
After a few hours of sitting outside and eating half a cake while watching UnderTube Gaster walked up to me with two new faces.
They were both fire elementals, one was about my age and the other looked around 30ish. The younger elemental looked really shy, he was also kinda hiding behind the older one.
Before Gaster could open his mouth I spoke.
"What? Can't you see I'm trying to get some meat on my bones?" I asked stuffing more cake in my mouth, the younger elemental started laughing.
It was a cute quiet laugh, one that anyone would fall for.
I instantly started blushing.
"𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝔻𝕠𝕟𝕖?" Gaster asked crossing his arms.
"𝕆𝕂, 𝕊𝕠 𝕋𝕙𝕖𝕤𝕖 𝕋𝕨𝕠 𝕄𝕠𝕟𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕤 𝔸𝕣𝕖 𝕀𝕟 𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℝ𝕠𝕪𝕒𝕝 ℙ𝕠𝕖𝕥 𝔹𝕝𝕠𝕠𝕕𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕖."
"Hi, My Names Flame, And This Is My Nephew Grillby." Flame said as Grillby slightly waved at me.
"Hi." Grillby signed to me.
"I'll Leave You Two Together, Me And Gaster Are Gonna Chat." After Flame said that he left with Gaster beside him.
I looked at Grillby who was fiddling with he thumbs.
"You wanna sit?" I asked moving my bag over a bit.
Grillby quietly nodded and sat next to me.
We chatted and watched UnderTube for about a little less then half an hour.
"I've never seen you around here, you new to the party?"
"Yeah." He signed smiling at me.
"You want me to show you around?" The tips of his flames turned a echo flower blue and he cutely nodded.
I sat up and held out my hand.
"Come on I'll show you the best spots around here."
I showed him around the kingdom and a little of New Home.
"So that's basically all of it." I said before spinning in a circle.
He quietly giggling.
"What do ya think?" I said facing him.
"It's Beautiful, But Do You Know Any Quiet Spots?" He signed as the quiet crackles of his flames filled the atmosphere.
"Yeah I do, theirs a garden around here. It's quiet and no one really knows about it."
His face lit up.
"Come on." I grabbed his hand and took him the the garden.
I didn't even realize I was holding his hand the whole way there until I looked down.
I blushed and gently let go of his hand.
"Heh, here we are." I said as Grillby laid down on the grass.
I laid down next to him while placing my bag to the side.
"...I'm Not Really Mute..." Grillby said in a very quiet voice.
Grillby had a sweet clam voice, one that when you heard it you felt like everything was gonna be ok.
"Then, why don't you talk?" I asked rolling over facing him.
"...My Voice Is Ugly... I Hate It."
"The hell man? Your voice is amazing." He blushed and smiled.
"Like your voice is the best one I've heard in my life so far."
"Pfft-" Grillby started laughing.
"I'll Talk More... For You." He paused and looked at me then realizing what he just said.
"Oh My Gosh, Wait. I Didn't Mean It Like That, I Just Meet You." I started laughing.
"It's Just, You For Some Reason Have This Trustful Vibe, Ya Know?"
"I've heard that before." I said smiling.
Grillby looked at my bag.
"What's In There?" He asked.
"Cake, want some?" I said pulling out the two cakes.
He started laughing.
"No Way You Took 2 Cakes From The Food Table." He said laughing.
"What? The food here is great." I said chuckling.
"Heh, Anyways. What Are The Flavors?"
"I got chocolate, I got strawberry. What you want?"
"I'll Take Some Strawberry Cake Please."
I quietly gave him a slice of the cake and another slice for myself. We hung out in the garden for an hour or two and walked back to the castle.
From then on, we would hang out with each other for the new few mouths at the parties. We gave each other nicknames, I called him G. While he call my Sansy. We talked about our dream jobs, he said that he wanted to be bartender.
After a few more mouths me and Grillby started dating. Both our family's accepted us and they actually encouraged it.
But one day he didn't show up to a party, then the next, then the next, and the very next. He then never showed up at the parties anymore. He stopped calling and texting me, and every time I call or texted him no answer.
I thought that he forgot about me, or he just didn't like me anymore.
The next few years and me a Paps are living on our own in Snowdin. We were eating dinner and we he started talking about a new bar opening."
"SANS, DO YOU REMEMBER THAT BAR FLAMES?" Papyrus asked looking at me.
"Yeah, they closed years ago right?" He nodded.
"GRILLBY'S." My soul skipped a beat, and I almost choked on my spaghetti.
"Where is it?"
"I'm thinking on going there, when does it open?"
"Oh, one of my old friends might be there."
I didn't really get any sleep that night, I woke up at 7 and quickly got ready.
"See ya Paps! I'll be back!" I yelled walking out the door.
I walked to the new bar and sure enough, the bar was open and it had a sign named 'Grillby's'.
I walked in to hear the chime of the bell on the door.
I looked around the place and behind the counter was the back of a fire monster, stalking liquor.
"Hello, Welcome To Grillby's. I'll Be Right With You."
"G?" He froze.
"Y-Yeah?" He slowly turned his head towards me.
"Where'd you go?" I asked as Grillby started crying.
He walked towards me and fell to this knees and hugged me, he was crying in to my sweatshirt.
"I-I was waiting for y-you dummy." I said wrapping my arms around him.
He sobbed apologizes over and over, I just quietly shushed him while rubbing his back.
He stopped crying and and at me.
"D-Do You Still Love M-Me?" He asked.
I chuckled.
"Of course is do." I said wiping away his warm lava tears.
"No come on, you have work." He nodded and walked behind the counter as I sat at one of the stools in front of him.
He continued putting liquor on the shelfs.
"So, what happened to you?"
"M-My Uncle Died, And We Moved To Hot Lands. We Also Got New Phones..." He paused.
"I'm So Sorry I Never Told You Anything." He said in a shaky voice.
"It's ok G. come here." He did as told and faced me.
I kissed him and he turned all blue.
"I missed kissing you~"
{Oh my, I think that was my longest one I've done yet. Hope you enjoy it!}
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lu-undy · 4 years
Hi!❤️. Spy is a romantic. He always makes nice things for Sniper, and the dates he plans are amazing. Sniper wants to be romantic too, so, this time, he wants to surprise Spy with his own planned date. He'll take him camping and they'll watch the starry together. Convincing Spy to go camping was a little hard, but totally worth it, Spy completely loved that date.
Alright, a date in the forest it is! I hope you’ll like it!
“Non, Sniper, I cannot accept.”
“How can you not like it if you’ve never tried it?”
Spy got up from the shade of the van and walked further away, his more-than-friend on his heels.
“Let us be serious, Sniper. Do you see me in the middle of a forest with squeaky plastic green boots?”
The Australian sighed and let his shoulders sink. He put a hand on Spy’s back who had just lit a cigarette.
“Spook, please… You always take me to wonderful places I’ve never been before, luxurious hotels and restaurants, and there was the tailor too, that fancy hairdresser… I want to try and open yer horizons too. I-I’m sorry I’m not a fancy city man like you but-but I’m sure I can make it worth your time.”
Sniper saw the cloud of smoke float in the air like the steam of an old train. Thoughts were racing in Spy’s head.
“Please, Spy. It’s not all about dirt and wilderness. There are beautiful things outside of a city’s walls.”
The Frenchman turned to face the reason his heart was beating for and Sniper put his gloved hand on his cheek.
“Like you, right now, you’re in the middle of the desert and uh… Y-you… You’re just beautiful.” 
Spy raised his eyes to Sniper. His lagoon blue eyes shone so gently that he didn’t find it in his cold stone heart to refuse.
“Oui. Let us go camping tomorrow.”
“Thank you so much!” The Australian squeezed the slim Frenchman between his arms.
“Ah, yeah, sorry, the suit, alroight, I’m sorry.” Sniper took a step back and wrapped his arms around his own self, lowering his head. He knew the Frenchman didn’t like anyone to touch his absurdly expensive attire.
“Sniper, look at me.”
The Australian shyly raised his eyes.
“I don’t like when other people touch my suit…” Spy added a smug smile, for good measure.
They had spent the night in Sniper’s campervan and when the sun rose up, the Frenchman found himself entangled in his lover’s limbs. His first reflex was to free himself certainly out of professional habit but then he realised that he liked that embrace more than he could admit. The warmth of his lover, the comfort of his soft body, the touch of his rough skin against Spy’s…
“Mornin’, Spook…”
“Oh, you woke up?”
“Felt you movin’ on me.”
“My apologies, I didn’t mean to disturb your sleep. You may go back to your dreams if you will.” Spy took Sniper’s hand in his and kissed his knuckles. He couldn’t see it but the Australian’s eyes snapped wide under the gentle touch.
“Not a chance. I’m likin’ this way too much…” The embrace tightened.
“So, when are we going to the jungle, Tarzan?” 
“Oi, I’m no Tarzan and I’m takin’ you to a forest, not a jungle.”
“I don’t see the shadow of a difference.”
“Between me and Tarzan or between a jungle and the forest?”
“You’re a bloody mystery and a half.”
“It is indeed my job title.”
About an hour later, the van was crossing the empty golden, flat desert, on the thin strip of grey asphalt.
“Are we there yet?”
“Spook, not yet.”
A few seconds passed and the van's engine was roaring.
“And now, Bushman, are we there yet?”
“Do you see anythin’ that looks like a bloody forest?”
“Non, I can only see the dull, boring orange desert.”
“Well then that means we’re not there yet, roight?”
“How long is this journey, Bushman? Are we going to make it before you get baby kangaroos?”
“Oi! A bit of patience, Spook!”
The Frenchman sighed and let his head fall back on the headrest.
“Also, I can’t get babies on my own, this isn’t how it works.”
“Is this an invitation?” Spy smirked.
“Shut up!” Sniper nudged him with his elbow.
The journey took an extra hour before they could see the end of the orange and the beginning of the green. The Australian lifted his foot off the gas pedal and eventually parked somewhere that the Frenchman would describe as “the middle of nowhere”.
“Roight, this is it.”
“Ah, oui, merci Sniper, for this delightful ride to the middle of nowhere, forest edition.”
“Oh get out and cheer up, I’ll show you some nice stuff!” Sniper answered and cut the engine off.
“After you, Mister guide…”
They got off the van. 
“Uhm, I am not really dressed for this, Sniper.”
“Come ‘round. I can lend you some clothes.”
“Non merci.”
[No thanks.]
“You’d rather walk around in yer suit and nice shoes, then?”
“I did not say that.”
“Then c’mere.”
They walked to the van’s back and Sniper jumped in. He rummaged through his belongings and found an old flannel shirt and a pair of jeans as well as some white trainers.
“Here, wear this.”
“I do hope that you are kidding me, mon beau.”
[my handsome one]
“Nah, I’m not. It should be yer size more or less and it’s fine to get them a bit dirty, although you’ll see that we’re not gonna go through any survival things. This is just to show you that you can find as many beautiful things in nature as you can in a city.”
The Frenchman winced.
“Alroight, I can uh… I mean if it helps, I can… Ahem…” Sniper put a hand on the nape of his neck. 
Spy jumped in the van and got close to his lover. 
“Tell me, what is it?”
Sniper glanced over his lover’s shoulder and seeing the door shut, he lowered his head and whispered.
“I… I can remove yer suit for you and dress you up… I-if that helps I mean…”
“Oh I don’t know if that would help.” Spy smirked and put his index finger under Sniper’s chin to push it up until their eyes met. “On one hand, if you do remove my clothes, I might get carried away. Should you proceed anyway, I would find it most enjoyable.”
“Is that a yes then?”
A few minutes later, both men were out in the green. Spy kept his gloves and balaclava on. He took his lover’s hand in his.
“Show me then, please.”
“Alroight, see those trees here, well, you gotta understand somethin’ about the way they work…”
It wasn’t a visit, it was a trek, an excursion, a hike across the green. The Australian unveiled the secrets of the forest, the local wildlife as well as the typical flora around this parts.
“Oh and what is it about the mosquitoes! it’s getting worse!”
“Ah that must mean one thing, Spook, we’re getting closer to some water. Oh, look here, on the ground.”
“What are those fluffy, uhm, mille-pattes?”
“What do you call those insects with a lot of legs?”
“Ah, caterpillars. These are called caterpillars.”
“Why are they so fluffy? Can we touch them?”
Spy got his finger closer to them.
“No, no, don’t! They’ll sting you!”
The Australian took his lover’s hand away.
“And why do they walk in a line like this? They look like they’re queueing for something…”
“Haha, my poor city man, they’re blind, that’s why they follow the only one that has any idea where it’s going!”
“Oh… I see…”
“What do you think about’em?”
“They look actually quite pretty. And very organised.”
“Glad to hear you say it, they’re amazin’ these creatures, see? Blind but they know what they’re doing! Let’s continue.”
“Fine, I’ll follow you.”
The guided tour lasted the entire day and to Spy, it seemed that he had received an entire encyclopaedia of information about the place. Everything had been accounting for, every straw of grass included. The sun was now gently setting in the distance.
“Hungry, luv’?”
The Frenchman raised an eyebrow.
“Did you just call me…?”
“Oh, uhm, sorry, that came out like that, I didn’t think about it, uh…”
“Don’t apologise, now I am quite hungry indeed…”
Spy winked at his lover and Sniper’s cheeks turned red instantly.
“R-roight, uhm, I-I’ll get the fire goin’ uh…”
“Let me light the fire, please.”
Sniper’s eyebrows jumped.
“You know how to do it?”
“May I try?”
“Alroight, go ahead. I’ll get to the van and arrange some stuff meanwhile.”
A few minutes later, the Australian exited his van again.
“Crikey, you did it! You lit a fire!”
Sniper jumped out of his van and leapt at his lover.
“Mon amour, non-oof!”
[My love]
The momentum of the Australian’s jump made them both tumble and fall on the grass. The Frenchman rolled his eyes.
“Oh now even my balaclava will be dirty…!”
“Yeah, but it’s protecting yer hair! Why are you always seeing the glass always half-empty?”
Spy smiled.
“I guess you are right.”
“Also, did you just call me-?”
“My love, oui, I did.”
“I… I love you.”
Sniper wrapped his arms around his lover and buried his head in his chest as he laid on top of him on the earthy ground of the forest.
“Sniper, y-you are crushing me…”
“Don’t care, I just love you.”
They enjoyed their sausages and marshmallows, sat on a tree log, Spy leaning his head on his lover’s shoulder. The sun had now fully set and the sole source of light on which they could rely was the dancing flames of the campfire that the Frenchman had made. 
“It’s cold now, mon amour.”
“It is. Climb up the van’s roof, I’ll be a minute.”
“The roof?”
“But it’s cold!”
“Trust me, Spook, please.”
“Fine. I have been so far so why not go all the way?"
A few minutes later, both men were on the van’s rooftop. Sniper had put the flames out and only the smoke floated in the air, evaporating through the darkness of the night. 
“Here, a duvet, we’ll be a bit warmer.”
The Australian sat next to his lover and threw the cover on their shoulders. Spy snuggled up against his taller man.
“Now look up, luv’. See those stars in the sky?”
“I see them in your eyes.”
Sniper looked down and saw the Frenchman’s eyes riveted on his, his wide black pupils reflecting the moonlight. 
“Oh, uh, they must look tiny on my eyes, uh, y-you better look at the sky to see them better, I think.”
“You are adorable.” Spy took Sniper’s arm in his and looked up. 
“See those stars shaped like a saucepan?”
“That’s the Great Bear.”
“It doesn’t look like one, does it?” Spy tilted his head left and right, trying to see where on Earth anyone could see a bear up there.
“Nah, it’s true… And that one there, the upside down saucepan, that’s the Small Bear.”
“It doesn’t make any sense, Bushman. Who are these people who decided on that, their vision is terrible! Have they ever seen a bear in real life?!”
“Oi, don’t blame me, I have nothing to do with that, luv’! I’m just explaining it to ya.”
“I know, but still. They should have called it the saucepan and the upside down saucepan.”
“I agree with ya. Now there’s that one there, that’s the Dragon.”
“And unsurprisingly, it does not look like one.”
“Oh cause maybe you have seen a dragon in real life?”
“And what if I did.”
“Oh, shut up and c’mere…!”
They snuggled up closer to each other under their white fluffy blanket and  the dark one God had laid above their heads.
“So what about today? Did you like it?”
“Oui, I think I did. You know a lot of things about this… Nature business…”
“Well, yeah, I’ve lived most of my adult life outside and in me van, so I guess it makes sense.”
“I find this interesting.”
“Is that a way to say that you would like a second trip some time?”
“Maybe, Bushman. It all depends on one thing, you see.”
“Oh, what’s that?”
“The way that you decide to spend this night with me.”
“Well, we’ve got the cover here and no one around for miles…”
The gaze they exchanged in the night sealed their decision and as the day had started with their limbs entangled, it ended the same way. 
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docmanda · 4 years
14 for some xie lian angst? Pretty please? Bonus points for him being trans
@zlodziej-wlasnej-tozsamosci there we go, I wrote a thing :-) it´s long and tumblr´s layout sucks so have a cut and I will post the link for the fic on AO3 too
Plain Brown Rice
Xie Lian should have known that a hydrangea bush would not be enough to conceal him from Hua Cheng for too long, his husband having developed a sixth sense for finding him by now if he even let him out of his sight at all. It was a testament of his bad luck making a reappearence that he had gotten separated from both of his husbands at the same time but this wedding was a big one after all, hundreds of fox spirits milling around the royal gardens of their Queen in a flurry of silks and fluffy tails, celebrating her Highness´beloved granddaughter´s wedding. And of course Hua Cheng would know immediately that he had been crying too, his happy smile at finding him after they had been seperated by the crowd instantly turning into a frown of worry. "Xie Lian..." Hua Cheng´s cold fingers are soft against his face, wiping away the moisture underneath his eye with the utmost care before kissing his cheek, "my love what happened? Why are you crying?" "Ah it´s nothing...", Hua Cheng´s gaze instantly turns hard and hurt, something that made Xie Lian cry never ´nothing´in his book after all and Xie Lian ducks his head slightly, feeling silly all over. "It really is nothing San Lang...I just, came here to be out of the crowd for a moment and overheard some people talking about us and I..." Xie Lian sighs heavily, closing his eyes as he tries to recount what happened for Hua Cheng. They had gotten seperated in the crowd and he had come here to the edge of the gardens in the hope of catching sight of one of his husbands from the outskirts of the wedding party, standing half hidden behind a luscious hydrangea bush, enjoying the scent of the blooming flowers when someone had started speaking on the other side of it. They clearly hadn´t seen him and Xie Lian was about to come out of his accidential hiding place when he heard his name being mentioned and froze. "That so called Dianxia, what´s his name? Xie something? Xie Lian? How boring...you really have to wonder how someone that useless and plain can manage to catch not one, but two supreme Ghost Kings at once. I mean that Kingdom of his has been gone for centuries now right, leaving nothing but rubble. If he wasn´t the one that chanced upon my sweet little niece and freed her from that trap years ago someone like him would never have been invited to her royal wedding like this, having such terrible ancestry. And they call him the scrap collecting God, whatever that is supposed to be...no proper title to his name, no estate, no power to speak of and on top of that he is as plain as rice, boring and bland." There is a giggle, high pitched and cruel. "No, like day old brown rice, boring and bland and ordinary, just good enough for peasants to eat. And surely nothing even close to good enough for the likes of Black Water and Crimson Rain. I mean that Chengzhu always had weird tastes, have you ever been to that town of his? Shameless I tell you. But you would expect more refinement out of someone like Lord Blackwater, he is a scholar after all with a proper education..and I sure as hell wouldn´t mind -him- waiting in my chambers at night I can tell you that." There´s more voices then hers, giggling slightly and suggesting even more unflattering monikers for Xie Lian, making the first one laugh again. The group had moved a little during their tirade and Xie Lian catches a glimpse of a magnificently made up, beautiful five tailed fox woman, covered in layers and layers of exquisite, translucent silks of all colors, sparkling with pearls and jewels and gold from the tip of her perfectly made up hair to her dainty little silk-clad feet and he suddenly wished he had allowed his husbands to make him up like this too, as much as he hated the confinement all that finery would have brought with it. They had put him into robes just as magnificent as this at first, clearly loving to dress him up in jewels and all kind of trinkets...but when it had been time to actually get ready for the wedding what had been waiting for Xie Lian had been two smiling husbands and a set of expertly made, but thankfully plain white robes instead of the finery. There were small, slightly off-white flowers woven into the hem and his sleeves, the same flower a small boy had gifted him so long ago and He Xuan had put his hair up in a simple bun, the crown they gave him plain silver with three small inlays in mother of pearl: The same small flower in the center, flanked by a fish jumping out of a wave and an intricately carved butterfly. His husband´s robes did match his too, He Xuan´s being his customary black with golden waves flowing along the hem and sleeves and Hua Cheng´s bright red, him forgoing his usual silver jewelry for woven, delicate silver butterflies. ´You looked so uncomfortable in all that fancy stuff we thought you might like this better´ and ´You are so beatiful already A-Lian, all this stuff would just make it harder to get it off later..ouch, what was that for Crimson Rain, you know I´m right stop pinching me..´ And Xie Lian had loved every single part of the outfit they gave him, simple but meaningful to the three of them...but some part of him still wishes he would have gone with the more elaborate robes they had prepared for him. At least he wouldn´t feel just as plain as he apparently was, small and unassuming and the part in him that could never stop to wonder -how- he had actually gotten so lucky to have not one, but two people fall in love with him as thoroughly as his husbands had. It was an old wound, but a deep one that feeling of being unworthy of kindness and affection that still plagued him from time to time and  that neither Hua Cheng nor He Xuan had yet managed to erase completely, no matter how much they showed their love for him. Xie Lian´s voice is small, knowing how -silly- the whole notion is, Hua Cheng and He Xuan -love- him, they show him with everything they do and say, a small crystal clear ring and a single, perfect black pearl around his neck the physical evidence of their adoration...and yet, he simply can´t get rid of that feeling of inadequancy. "They said I was plain...like day old brown rice, ordinary and boring. That I´m not good enough for you." "Who said that?" Crimson Rain Sought Flower´s voice is as sharp as his sabre´s blade, promising quick retribution and a painful death to anybody who dares belittle his one God...and even worse, make him cry. His eye scans the crowd as if he can find the perpetrator by pure will alone, killing intent bubbling up around him, making He Xuan look up in sudden alarm, rudely pushing aside a lady who had been trying to talk to him and immediately walking over, his own aura growing dark around him in answering worry. Xie Lian hastily wipes his eyes, grabbing for his San Lang´s sleeve. "Ah, please San Lang it doesn´t matter, it´s not of importance, I´m just being sensitive today, it´s probably just the wine haha.." Crimson Rain Sought Flower and Black Water Sinking Ships just raise their eyebrows at him, in unison, and it would be funny if both of them weren´t close to murdering a wedding party just because Xie Lian overheard an unhappy thing and couldn´t keep his mouth shut, He Xuan not even knowing what was going on, the sight of Xie Lian in distress enough incentive to follow Crimson Rain´s lead for him. Xie Lian can see the first heads start to turn and look at them. He had been hidden well enough behind his hydrangea bush that nobody saw him cry, but the surging power of the Devastations at his side is hard to cover up in a room full of magic beings...and it doesn´t need a proficient magic user for their displeasure and aggression being obvious. "Please my loves...I know you only want to protect me but it is their -wedding- , don´t ruin it because a single person in a hundred said an unkind thing.." It takes another second of suspense before Hua Cheng sighs and pulls him close with one arm, pressing a kiss into the soft hair on Xie Lian´s temple before resting his chin on Xie Lian´s head, not caring that anybody can see their display of affection. Neither does He Xuan when he leans in close for a kiss of his own, cold fingers slipping between Xie Lian´s warm ones. "Alright gege, but just because it is you asking...but we will be having a very serious talk about that whole "I am not good enough for you"-thing later." He Xuan twitches and his scandalized ´Who said that?´ exactly mirroring what Hua Cheng had exclaimed earlier would be funny too if it didn´t bring another spike of killing intent with it. This time it is Hua Cheng though who grabs for his sleeve keeping the other Devastation from doing something rash, like summoning his dragons in the middle of a wedding for example. "Calm down Black Water sheesh...Gege overheard someone talk shit about him and had another one of his ´I don´t deserve you´-moments hiding behind a bush." The sarcastic uncertone in his voice ruffles He Xuan´s feathers just enough for his focus to shift from ´100 easy ways to kill effectively and leave the Gods to sort out the innocent´ onto Hua Cheng...and only a long suffering, pleading look from amber colored eyes keeps him from tearing right back into the other Devastation. He is pretty sure that Xie Lian´s ´please don´t ruin the wedding´ includes fighting between him and Crimson Rain too. "..please, behave?" Xie Lian´s voice is tired with an undertone of love, like an overworked mother trying to keep her kids in check and both Devastations smile a little sheepishly, bending down at the same time to kiss him on the cheek, one side for each Devastation, finally getting a small giggle at their ridiculousness out of Xie Lian. When one of their hosts finally walks over, a young girl, barely into her second tail, clearly sent as a deliberately non-threatening envoy, carefully eyeing the Devastations at Xie Lian´s side his usual smile is back in his place. "Taizi Dianxia is anything the matter? The noble  Lords seem...distressed? Is there anything not to your liking?" Even at a wedding party full of fox spirits the two Supremes are still the most powerful beings in the room, aside maybe from the bride´s nine tailed, royal grandmother, so it stands to reason that everybody wants to keep them happy...including Xie Lian, who smiles apologetically at the young girl and bows slightly to her. "Ah I apologize. Your fantastic wine is a little too rich for me I fear and I was feeling a little unwell just now, making them worry. Please, don´t pay us any mind, it´s nothing a little fresh air won´t cure and my husband´s favorite hobby is fussing about me so I will be perfectly fine." The fox girl giggles a little at that, clearly relieved that nothing serious had happened and it was just a case of the Prince´s husbands getting worried over nothing. They exchange a few more polite words before she scampers away again, off to report to whoever sent her that nothing terrible was amiss after all. "Look at you Gege, lying without getting red in the face, I am proud of you." Xie Lian swipes at Hua Cheng for that, a soft blush covering his face at the gentle teasing as he grabs for his husband´s hand, dragging him along with He Xuan following them like a very black, protective shadow. "You are terrible, San Lang. And i am hungry, I did have a lot of wine which was probably a bad idea. Lets go find something to eat before all the good things are gone yes?" As usual, Hua Cheng is in favor of anything that makes Xie Lian happy having no objections to that...and He Xuan is always in favor of anything having to do with food anyway. Which is exactly what Xie Lian was planning on, trying to distract them from the anger he can still feel simmering in them. Hua Cheng does finally tell He Xuan what had actually happened, the other Devastation clearly as unhappy about it all as Hua Cheng but a soft pleading look from Xie Lian is enough for the moment for him to let go of it. And that´s where they´re staying for most of the night, close to the lavish spread of food arranged on a series of small tables, chatting to a never ending stream of relatives to the royal bride that Xie Lian saved, all wanting to have a look and a chat, at Xie Lian as well as his famous husbands. Mostly the conversations are pleasant, ranging from simply polite to heated discussions of some form of obscure poetry between the bride´s granduncle on her father´s side and He Xuan, who nearly stabs the poor old fox in the face with a half eaten bit of pastry forgotten in his hand when he tries to emphasize a point. It is testament to how passionate they are about that topic when He Xuan doens´t even so much glance at a laughing Hua Cheng and it needs the help of two more aunts to drag the granduncle away again before things can completely deteriorate. They finally managed to catch a moment of the bride´s time, silently chatting with her and her newly wedded husband when Xie Lian suddenly grows tense against Hua Cheng´s arm. And it doens´t take a genius to guess that the reason for this must be the new group of three who just joined their little conversation circle, a lavishly dressed and decorated five tailed lady -probably an older female relative of some kind to their bride- shadowed by what are probably her younger sisters. Hua Cheng´s brows draw together in a frown, his arm tightening around Xie Lian´s waist...until a sharp small tug at the back of his tunic brings him back to his senses. Xie Lian is slightly pale around his nose, softly shaking his head ´no´and thus confirming what Hua Cheng had suspected from the start: that these were the ones who had made Xie Lian uncomfortable enough to hide himself and cry. He Xuan seems to have noticed nothing wrong, still casually eating while pretending to be disinterested in whatever kind of topic the three of them were currently discussing with a slightly uncomfortably smiling bride...but Hua Cheng can see his golden eyes grow sharp as daggers, never letting the fox woman out of his sight. "..I just think this particular cut is so much more suited to bring out a lady´s advantages properly don´t you think? You are such a pretty thing you really should not be wearing such old fashioned rags...but don´t take my word for it then, let´s ask someone else.." She turns to He Xuan with a flourish, eyeing him in a way that makes it very clear that, while he was in fact very well dressed, she would vastly prefer him to be wearing nothing at all. "My Lord Black Water. You clearly are someone who has impeccable taste in fashion...what do you think about this new style of robe I am wearing?" Black Water finally looks up from his bowl, having been directly adressed after all, while the fox woman does a little twirl for him, very unsubtly showing off the way the fabric is draped around her full soft bossom, emphasizing her tiny waist and delicate throat to the fullest. Xie Lian can feel something in his throat constrict painfully at the display-plain, like day old brown rice indeed- gently pulling on Hua Cheng´s hand to please get him out of there when... "Vulgar." And then He Xuan turns back to his bowl, clearly done with the conversation and the flabbergasted woman in front of him paying her no mind at all anymore. Xie Lian is so surprised he has to quickly hide a smile behind a fake cough, while Hua Cheng can´t be bothered to conceal his laughter, not in the very least concerned about the cruelty of it. After all that bitch in front of them deserved that and a lot of things more, she should be happy that He Xuan was still on his best behaviour and didn´t tear into her more then he already had. She gapes at them for a few more minutes before turning around on her heel in a huff, her two sisters following her hastily as she takes her leave. Only when she has left does He Xuan look up from his bowl again, a sharp, satisfied grin showing his white teeth. "Unfortunately for her..," he scoops something up from his bowl with his chopsticks, slipping it into Xie Lian´s mouth and following up with a soft kiss as his husband starts chewing reflexively, "...plain brown rice is our favorite." Hua Cheng laughs at that, placing a kiss into his husbands soft hair before doing the same to He Xuan...and Xie Lian is sure there has never been a single bite of rice sweeter then the one currently in his mouth.
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yumeisha · 3 years
Love In Print [Masaru] - Episode 1
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“But Mari, I don’t WANT to go read this on Wattpad, I want to stay here on Tumblr!” Listen, my friend. Let me help you. Here’s all of Episode 1! (But the rest is over here if you decide you want to read it!)
 She’s started to think of it as the summer of weddings. Like purgatory, but with more flowers.
Reiko sighs. Another Saturday, another charming garden venue. Soft, flickering tea lights float in shallow porcelain bowls. It looks like something lifted straight out of Pinterest, and it’s pretty in all the right ways, hitting every obligatory aesthetic beat. The music is loud and many of the guests are amiably drunk, swaying in slow circles on the dance floor or queuing up for one more lap around the buffet.
Alone at her table, Reiko hides behind the towering lily centerpiece, nursing a headache. She fishes her phone out of the tiny, mostly useless evening bag she’s bought to go with this dress and takes refuge in her work inbox.
She’d love to go home, but it’s too early to make her retreat. Another two hours, she coaches herself. You can make it for two more.
“Come on,” says Ren, prodding her in the shoulder. Reiko jumps half a mile and nearly drops her phone, not that her cousin notices. “We’re missing a cake opportunity,” he whines.
As usual, Ren resembles a figure pulled directly off some runway in Milan. Impeccably attired, hair artfully tousled, a Rolex gleaming from his left wrist. Reiko plucks at a tuft of fur caught on the cuff of his tuxedo.
“You know, there is such a thing as a lint roller. You have one somewhere in your apartment.”
Ren peers down at the wad of cat hair slowly drifting down to the grass beneath their table. “Lint roller? What lint roller?” And then his face lights up. “Oh! You mean that tape-on-a-stick thing from the last time you came over?”
“Yes,” Reiko answers patiently. “That tape-on-a-stick thing. You use it to make sure you aren’t leaving the house dressed in cat fluff.”
Suzu pops up behind Ren. “He likes for everyone to know that he’s more complex than he appears. An insufferable playboy and a sophisticated cat bachelor.” She loops her arm through his and makes a show of sniffing at his clothes. “Ah,” she breathes. “The smell of too much money, layered over eau de too many cats.”
“I have three. How is that too many? And why aren’t either of you interested in getting some cake? This is a wedding. You go to weddings for cake.”
“That’s definitely the primary reason for attending weddings.”
“It’s from Fujiwara’s, you know. They never do weddings anymore. You’re missing the dessert event of your lives.”
Suzu straightens his boutonniere. “You accosted the Fujiwara grannies for these people?” A low whistle. “Wow. Dad must really like them.”
Reiko follows her twin’s gaze. Their father, Ryuuki, is busy holding court at a neighboring table. He laughs raucously at someone’s cheesy anecdote and is having the most fun out of all of them. “It’s all business, I suppose,” she says, unable to keep from smiling despite how little she’s enjoying herself.
Suzu snorts. “Of course it’s all business. Isn’t it always?” To Ren, she says, “Hey, how long before we’ve done our duty for the family market stall? I still have ten pages left to write on a research paper and it’s…” She grabs his arm in order to check the time on his fancy watch. “… 9:34. With half an hour’s drive back to my apartment.”
“You can spare ten minutes to have a slice of legendary cake, Tachibana Suzuna.”
“God, okay. But it better not be weird like that sheet cake you ordered for the charity auction last month.”
“Not weird. Avant-garde.”
“Uh-huh. Also, it tasted like beets and had radioactive magenta icing. So gross.”
“You and Reiko just really have no appreciation for the finer things in life. Let’s go, the line’s only getting longer.”
“Don’t want any,” Reiko pipes up. “I’ll have a slice vicariously, through Suzu.”
“Twin powers,” Suzu concurs, initiating the special handshake they invented when they were six. Almost twenty years later, they’re still augmenting the sequence with new moves. “Anything I ate, Reiko also ate. And vice versa. Page 2, Line 21 in the Twin Manual.”
“The worst plus-ones anybody ever brought to a wedding,” complains Ren. He pours Reiko a fresh glass of water from the pitcher on the table and gives her a pat on the head, a gesture of silent sympathy.
She watches Ren and Suzu as they stop to tease Ryuuki along the way. And then she blinks back the onslaught of unwanted tears, reaches for her phone again, and taps the newest e-mail notification. Three unread messages beckon through Reiko’s blurred vision. She scans the subject lines, head bowed over the glowing screen. Slipping into the steps of a familiar dance, she starts at the bottom with the oldest message first, because that’s easier than confronting her emotions.
PRE-ORDER CAMPAIGN - SPS OMNIBUS EDITION. A reply from the manufacturer about a shipment of Star Princess Sanna enamel pins she asked about on Friday afternoon. Delayed for another two weeks. Not ideal, but better than never getting them in at all. Reiko marks it for a response later.
TENJOU DELIVERY WEDNESDAY. Timestamped a mere ten minutes ago. She isn’t the only one working on a day off. Reiko notices right away that the message has been flagged as important, which is odd. This e-mail appears, without fail, every Monday of her life. Throughout the long history of this exchange, the message has never been flagged as important. At least, not that Reiko can remember.
She almost opens it, curiosity triggered, but then she sees the subject of the next e-mail and momentarily forgets everything else.
A thrill dances through her, momentarily displacing the throbbing ache in her skull. The sounds of the reception fade away. She taps the message and it unfurls into a calendar invite. Representatives from every department at her publishing house will be expected to attend, including Reiko and the other senior marketing staff.
Most meetings are a dreary prospect, especially when scheduled for first thing on a Monday. At these quarterly gatherings, it takes hours to discuss things like sales figures and future business plans. But this one is special, because they’ll finally present the twentieth anniversary plans for DUCHESS Magazine’s most iconic franchise to date: Red Thread. The first manga she ever read all the way through, start to finish. The reason why she applied at Yumeisha in the first place, as soon as she’d graduated.
Reiko accepts the invite and adds it to her burgeoning, meticulously color-coded calendar. She can’t keep from breaking into a smile. She’s still beaming at her phone when she hears the grass crunching softly under someone’s feet and looks up to find that she is no longer alone.
The someone is tall, just about as impeccably turned out as Ren, and wearing a pair of dress shoes so highly polished that Reiko can see her reflection in them. He’s shed the jacket and rolled up the sleeves of the crisp white shirt underneath.
There is only a bowl of tealights to see him by, so it takes a moment for Reiko to recognize the man now seating himself across from her. But if the head of blond hair hadn’t given it away, the green eyes and trademark smirk would have made it very clear within the next two seconds, anyway.
She blinks at him. “Oshiro?”
“Um, hi. What are you doing here?”
He leans back into the chair and stretches his long legs under the table, instantly making himself at home. “Attending a wedding,” he replies. “Chatting with the bride’s aunties. Waiting for you to pay attention to me.”
“And sending e-mails?”
“No rest for the wicked, as they say.”
Reiko puts her phone down. “It’s weird seeing you outside of work. This is the last place I’d expect to run into you.”
“Why? Because you figured that I live at the office and camp out under my desk on days off?”
She laughs. “I mean, yeah.”
“To be fair, I’d expect the same of you.”
Well, that really is fair. Sometimes Reiko looks up from the endless loop between work and her apartment, her apartment and then work, and realizes that her entire existence can be summed up in three boring sentences or less. And then she’ll go back to her computer screen, her half empty coffee mug, the pathetic little granola bar that will have to serve as her lunch. But that’s just the way of things, isn’t it? At least she genuinely loves her job. It would be much harder to bear, otherwise.
“I’ve considered just packing myself a bag and living in my cubicle,” Reiko admits, without any real shame. In the background, the band segues into their much livelier cover of a depressing breakup anthem. Over the noise, she adds, “At least it would save me a commute.”
“So dedicated.”
She shrugs. “So lazy.”
“Anyone truly lazy wouldn’t be checking her inbox at a wedding reception,” Oshiro points out.
“Guilty as charged. Have you come to scold me for not participating in wedding activities?”
“No, I’ve come to ask you why you haven’t opened my e-mail.” He waves his own phone at her. “I checked three seconds ago. It definitely still says unread.”
“It’s flagged important and with a read receipt? Seriously?”
“Seriously. It’s high priority. Read it right now.” He angles a covert glance over her shoulder, in the direction he came from earlier. “Oh, and if you don’t mind, don’t reply until I’m back over there.”
“Wait, you want a reply, too? What am I supposed to say? You send me the same four lines every week. I have the thing memorized by now.” To prove this point, she clasps her hands behind her back and recites, “Heading to Tenjou on Wednesday. They need endcaps, window decals, sticker packs, blah blah blah, for insert-manga-title-here. I’ll stop by and grab them on my way out. Thanks. Oshiro Masaru, DUCHESS Sales, 81-4-8914-1111, extension 822.”
His demeanor shifts, now part bemusement and part blatant self-satisfaction. “Look, Tachibana, I’m beyond flattered that you hang onto my every word like this. Not surprising. I’m extremely eloquent in my digital correspondence.”
She rolls her eyes. “There it is. I knew it was coming.”
“You even know my extension by heart,” Oshiro continues blithely. “It’s like my wildest dreams coming true. But what I really need right now is for you to open that e-mail and write me a timely reply. By timely, I mean don’t hit send until I’m at my table again. And then I’ll read your response and write you back. So on, so forth, rinse and repeat, until this torture is over and we can both leave.”
“Ah.” Reiko crosses her arms. “You want a prolonged reason to be on your phone.”
“Because you don’t want to be here.”
“Also correct, but needs clarification. I don’t want to be at this wedding. I do want to be at this table with you.”
He tips his head towards his original seating arrangements. Reiko risks a covert glance and notes that Oshiro’s vacated chair is surrounded by chattering ladies ranging from middle-aged to elderly. Somehow, without ever speaking to a single one of them, Reiko can tell that they’re the problematic aunties who don’t get along with any of the other aunties. Consequently, they’ve been placed where they can ostensibly do the least damage. From the looks of it, they’re having a fabulous time.
Reiko bites her lip, smothering a surge of laughter. “Wow. How did you end up with the best seat in the house? Like, who did you offend?”
“Ha ha. I owed the groom a favor and he cashed in, majorly.” Oshiro leans forward. “They’re a nice bunch, don’t get me wrong, but if they set me up with another of their nieces, I’ll be double booked from today until Christmas.”
“You’re welcome to sit here instead,” she offers. “We have an extra chair. My dad prefers to migrate between friend groups.”
“Thanks, but I can’t just abandon my post. I wouldn’t put it past them to follow me over here, or else I’d take you up on that suggestion. I figure random texts to my brothers will seem rude, unlike important work e-mails. So play along, won’t you? And keep in mind at least one of them will be reading over my shoulder the whole time.”
“What’s that supposed to mean? What on earth do you think I’d be putting in that e-mail?”
“I’m just saying, don’t use this as an opportunity to confess your undying love or anything. Maintain professionalism and all that.”
“Gosh, what a tall order. How will I ever comply?”
“Dig deep, Tachibana. Find that inner strength.”
Reiko pulls a face. “You came all the way here just to make me do this?”
“Yes,” says Oshiro. “You’re welcome. I’ll look for your thank you note in the mail. I also like gift baskets. The ones with baked goods are okay, but no edible fruit bouquets or artisan cheeses. Nobody wants those.”
“But why me?” she persists. “Don’t you have anyone else you can trade fake work e-mails with? What about Ueda? Or your boss?”
“Hey, take it easy. I’m not used to outright rejection.”
“I’m not rejecting you, I’m just confused.”
“What’s there to be confused about? I don’t want to be here. Neither do you. Let’s help each other out.”
Neither do you. Reiko feels very, very obvious, now.
He watches her expectantly. She can tell that he’s fighting hard not to break into one of his insouciant grins. Reiko can’t decide if she wants to smack him or bask in the infectious warmth of his attention, like a deprived houseplant straining to soak up every drop of sunshine it can get.
This conflicted reaction is more embarrassing than being caught on her phone. For God’s sake, it’s just Oshiro.
Their departments — Sales for him, Marketing for her — are often flung together, which means running into him at Yumeisha is pretty normal. They take the same elevator from the lobby and frequent the same break room on the tenth floor. He stops at her desk most Wednesday afternoons, as promised in his e-mails. Once in a while, if she stays even later than usual, Reiko might see him striding ahead of her through the lobby’s sliding glass doors, crossing the street to catch the same train. They never talk much, though, unless it’s about work.
Still true, she concludes, as Oshiro stands up and pushes the chair into place, preparing to return to the Island of Matchmaking Aunties. He walks backwards away from her, hands in his pockets. “Talk soon,” he tells Reiko, smiling as if he’s guessed all her secrets. And then he’s gone, threading his way through the crowd while she stares after him, utterly bewildered.
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vkelleyart · 5 years
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Happy Valentine’s Day, loves! My candy heart comes to you in the form of this fluffy illustrated one-shot (a.k.a. fic-with-a-pic). I hope you enjoy it!
TITLE: “Merlin, May I?” (7466 words)
Rating: Teen and up
Summary: When Simon Snow gets roped into a game of ‘Merlin May I’ against Baz Pitch, what starts off as a competition between mages for the most dangerous request ends up precipitating an unexpected collision of hearts.
READ ON AO3 | Fic + art close-ups are under the cut
Special thanks to @carryonsimoncarryonbaz​, @penpanoply​, and especially Mr. VKelleyArt (Merlin May I kiss you?) for beta reading this fic. ❤️
Ah, Spring!
With the sun on my face, the promise of a warm roast beef sandwich in my pocket, and an outdoor luncheon with Penny to look forward to, I’m living in the present moment for a while. The rains have finally given way to clear skies and a crisp breeze. Green has returned to the Great Lawn. And, in a pleasant turn of events, Agatha’s started talking to me again since we broke up last winter. (Okay, maybe not actually talking, but she’s not scurrying off in the opposite direction when she sees me approaching in the hallway anymore. Progress.)
My faith in humanity momentarily restored, and death-by-dark-creature and other variations of my imminent doom seemingly far away, few things on earth could spoil a day like today.
“Oi, Snow!”
Except maybe that.
I turn my gaze downhill to see the voice hailing me belongs to Dev Grimm. Beside him, sneering at me from below a perfect wave of black hair is Baz Pitch.
They are both standing on the inner edge of a circle chockablock with eighth-years. It looks like some sort of spectator event is happening, because standing in the center of the circle are Gareth and Niall, the expression on Gareth’s face bleak and dazed, like he’s just misplaced his dignity and doesn’t know where to look for it.
Dev calls me again. “Fancy joining in, Simon?”
“Not likely,” I say, watching Gareth drag his feet up toward the drawbridge like a man condemned. “What happened to him?”
Baz turns toward me and runs a hand through his hair, moving it out of his eyes. “Gareth was just defeated in Merlin May I,” he answers, prompting the spread of a pompous grin across Niall’s face. “And now Niall here will reap the benefits of Gareth’s… concessions.” A rumble of laughter moves through the crowd.
I frown.
“‘Merlin May I’? What in the name of magic is that?”
“You don’t want to know, Simon. It’s a rotten game,” says Penny, traipsing down behind me. “And shame on all of you for enabling this ridiculousness!” she scolds the crowd, instigating a sea of eye-rolls.
“Come now, Bunce,” says Baz, stepping through an opening in the crowd toward us. “You don’t mean to say you’ve never played Merlin May I. I figured you a braver magician than that.”
Penny’s eyes turn into slits behind her glasses. “Refusing to play that nightmare of a game has no bearing on my bravery. It just means I’m not a glutton for punishment. Or a thundering idiot.”
Baz’s eyes move away from Penny and fix on me. I feel my cheeks flush, and suddenly the sun’s warmth overhead is bordering on oppressively hot.
“That’s perfect. Snow is both. I bet he’d love to play.”
Aleister Crowley, I can’t believe my luck. Fate has delivered Simon Snow to my Merlin May I tournament, and though his plucky sidekick is trying to tug him away, he’s still rooted to the spot, which tells me he’s a few carefully timed insults away from playing a round of it himself.
“Simon, don’t you dare,” warns Bunce.
“Don’t worry, Penny. I don’t even know what Merlin May I is.”
“I’d be delighted to bring you up to speed,” I say. “Merlin May I is the mage’s hawk-dove game. We take turns making requests—to do things, take things, and generally force our opponent’s hand—until someone makes a request the other person can’t comply with. Dev, care to brief Snow on the rules?”
“Gladly,” he replies. “The rules are simple…”
You must say “Merlin May I” at the start of every request.
You may not repeat any requests already made.
No requests that will result in shagging, death, or other potentially fatal calamities are allowed either.
To accept a request, you must say “Yes, you may.” Otherwise, say: “You may not.”
The first person to say “You may not” loses the game, and the game is over.
When the game ends, every request the loser agrees to during the game, the winner gets to carry out.
“In other words, say ‘yes, you may’ at your peril,” I finish.
“So it’s ‘chicken’?” Simon sums up. “You just ask questions to see how much the other person will tolerate before they decide they don’t want you to completely fuck them over?”
“No. Chicken is prosaic and dull. Merlin May I is a game of risk and trust. A test of free will,” I reply grandly. “Your opponent may or may not throw you to the merewolves depending on what you request, so you’ll need to weigh just how much harm you want to inflict against how much you’re willing to take. Which is also to say that you should only ask questions you already know the answer to if you want to stay in the game, and that is the last tip I’m giving you.”
“It sounds terrible. I’ll pass.”
“What’s the matter?” I say. “Worried I’ll ask to move your bed to the bottom of the moat?”
“You probably would,” Simon mutters. “Why would anyone play this game? Seems like an easy way to lose friends and make enemies.”
He isn’t wrong. Watford played host to one of the most epic Merlin May I games of all time, and it brought a dramatic end to the school’s then-power couple, Gemma Harrington and Claus Beuchner. They were eight hours into the game when Gemma asked to fly Beuchner’s parents’ Lamborghini into a maelstrom and Claus agreed. He was out of his depth, of course, lost spectacularly, and got into so much trouble for agreeing to Gemma’s requests that his parents made him volunteer to scoop dragon dung at the Swedish Speartail Sanctuary for the rest of term. When he returned, the aroma of smoke and putrescence followed him around the halls for several months.
“Precisely,” I say. “I’m already your enemy. You have nothing to lose.”
“No, thanks. Come on, Penny.” Snow takes a bite from his sandwich, adjusts his rucksack over his shoulder, and turns like he’s about to leave.
I never want him to leave.
“Come, Snow. I’ll make sure your defeat is quick and painless.”
At this, Simon fixes me with an icy glare. “Who says you’d defeat me?”
“I do.”
“You won’t be feeling so jammy in a minute,” he snaps.
I smirk. “Then you’re in?”
Simon drops his rucksack, takes another bite of sandwich, and straightens his jacket. “I’m in.”
“Splendid,” I say.
“Simon!” exclaims Bunce.
��It’ll be fine, Pen,” Simon mutters. “There’s hardly anything terrible this prat can do to me that he hasn’t already done.”
“Apart from kill you!”
I roll my eyes. “As much as it’s in everyone’s best interest for Snow to die, Bunce, requesting his death is against the rules.”
Bunce glares at me, then at Simon. “I’m not playing witness to this. Go ahead and have at it. I’m going to lunch.”
“Oh, come on, it’ll just be a moment,” Simon calls after her, but she’s already storming away. He turns back to face me and sighs. “Let’s get this over with.”
“Yes. Let’s.”
Dev steps forward. “Hands up,” he says and pulls his wand out of his pocket. I extend my right hand toward Simon.
Snow is instantly suspicious. “What’s this about?”
“Insurance,” I answer, “to ward against cheating and ensure we carry out what we agree to. Go on.”
Hesitantly, he takes it. Dev lays the tip of his wand against our joined hands and says, “Do or do not. There is no try.” Dev’s magic sinks blue and cold into our skin.
The game has begun.
“You can start,” I say.
“Fine,” Simon huffs, then takes a massive bite of sandwich as he thinks of something to ask for. After a solid minute of chewing, which I can only assume takes so long because it is directly fueling his capacity for thought, Snow finally says, “Merlin May I pass your essay for Magical Words class off as my own?”
“Yes, you may,” I snigger. “Though I should warn you that Miss Possibelf isn’t a complete moron and will know who really wrote it by the time she gets three words in.”
“I didn’t ask for commentary. Your turn.”
“Merlin May I keep our window closed at night for the rest of term?”
Simon rolls his eyes. “Is this why you wanted me to play? So you could magically strongarm me into complying with your petty wishes?”
“I’m just taking advantage of a rare opportunity to get what I want without throwing curses at you,” I reply. “Your answer?”
“Yes, you may,” he grumbles. “But then… Merlin May I practice my swordplay on your side of the room?”
I frown at him. “I’m assuming you can resist shredding my bedsheets. And clothes. And all my bloody furniture. Yes, you may.”
Simon smiles, satisfied at having sufficiently lowered my upper hand and disturbed my good mood.
We go on for several rounds, and Snow impresses me with his creativity. He manages to rope me into trading soap with him (which pained me deeply to accept, but I suppose even Simon would prefer not to smell like a hospital once in a while) and confiscating my stash of salt and vinegar crisps because apparently the crumbs get stuck to his bare feet. I told him he wouldn’t have to fuss about it if he’d stop being a Neanderthal and get a set of slippers. (At which point, he Merlin-May-I’ed mine away from me.)
But it’s all relatively harmless. Nothing he’s asked for has legitimately threatened me, and as a result, I’ve had a decently challenging time trying to match Snow’s list of requests. I’ve obstructed Bunce’s secret visits to Mummer’s House, and I’ve forced him to let me Clean As a Whistle his side of the room whenever it starts to look like a numpty nest, but I don’t know how much further to go.
Our spectators look bored. Snow has so little to his name, there’s barely anything worth taking from him without leaving him naked and joyless, the latter of which doesn’t suit my interests at all. I just want to needle him, not destroy his will to live.
“All right,” I pick back up, deciding to raise the stakes. “Merlin May I eat all your scones at tea tomorrow?”
Simon blanches. (Adorably.) “All of them? I’ve never seen you eat one, let alone as many as I can put away.”
“What does that matter so long as it means you don’t get to eat them?” I retort.
He folds his arms across his chest. “Fine. I hope you choke on them.”
I tip an ear toward him. “Sorry, what was that?”
“Yes. You. May,” says Simon through clenched teeth. He looks justifiably forlorn until something wicked occurs to him and his smile returns.
“Merlin May I… play your violin?”
The crowd around us “Ohs” like this is a football game and Snow’s just fouled me.
Because he has. My violin is nearly 300 years old. It’s practically a museum piece. If my parents ever found out Simon so much as touched it, they’d cancel my classes and confiscate the instrument along with my entire sheet music collection.
It’s also my most treasured possession next to my wand. Crowley knows what this hamfisted idiot might do to it.
Well, fuck all, it’s a risk I’ll have to take.
“Yes. You may,” I hiss. “You’ll pay for that one, Snow.”
“Yeah? Let’s hear it then.”
His whole body is tilted in my direction. His jaw is pushed out, his eyes flinty. This is my favourite of Simon’s expressions (he only has about three), which is why I provoke it as often as I do. It often precedes him roughing me up, which is the only physical contact with Snow I’m allowed to have, but I’ll take it.
No one would know it by looking at me—least of all Snow—but my heart is practically beating its way out of my rib cage with anticipation.
I know the answer to my next request. It’s the one I ask him in my mind all the time. But I’ll finally get to say it out loud.
I make sure everyone can hear me.
“Merlin May I kiss you?”
Simon drops his sandwich.
“Kiss me?” I repeat. “What are you playing at?”
Baz cackles at me. “Well, it’s a classic trap, isn’t it? If you say ‘yes,’ you’ll finally be called out for spreading lies because no one in their right mind would let a vampire’s mouth anywhere near them. Back down, and you’ll not only lose the game, you’ll be branded a coward,” he explains. His head is tilted slightly upward so he can look down on me.
“So which is it, Snow?” he asks, his eyes bright, triumphant. “Are you a liar, or are you a weakling? Either way, I win.”
“I’m neither. You are a manipulative arsehole,” I growl.
He shrugs. “In the present circumstances, I’ll take that as a compliment.”
I clench my jaw and shove my elbows against my sides to keep from reaching up and creating a more dramatic bend in his nose with my fist.
“Well?” he drawls, his voice saccharine sweet. “May I?”
Fuck it all, there’s nothing else I can say, is there?
“You may… not.”
Baz’s lips curl into a vicious smile. Applause for his cunning victory permeates the crowd of students around us, and I can feel my magic, red and burning, prickle up my spine like the mercury in a thermometer.
I’ll be damned if this actual bloodsucking wanker walks off thinking he’s won.
He’s turning away from me when I seize him by the sleeve. I yank him back and shove my face into his, catching his mouth in a kiss that nearly cuts my lip on my own teeth. Everyone around us gasps in unison, then goes instantly silent.
There. I’m not a coward or a liar if kissing a vampire in the presence of at least three dozen witnesses ensures I won’t get bitten.
I didn’t plan this out very well, though.
My mouth is pinched shut and crammed uncomfortably against Baz’s, and he’s completely frozen on the spot. (Literally, I think. His lips feel like ice.) I’m tempted to open my eyes just to see if his are closed. He doesn’t even pull his sleeve out of my fingers.
I also think I’ve bruised my lip. I don’t know if I’m motivated by discomfort or habit, but I soften against him the way I would if he were Agatha. And for the briefest moment—less than a few seconds—I kiss him properly. I suppose I don’t know any other way to kiss.
Astonishingly, Baz’s breath smells like cinnamon tea. I don’t know what I was expecting (blood, maybe?) and I also don’t know why this observation feels so important, but it instantly wedges itself in my long-term memory.
Because… he’s kissing me back.
I flinch and pull away.
When I open my eyes, Baz looks like he’s been visited by Merlin‘s ghost. His lips are still parted. His eyes are wide and glittering at me.
I clear my throat.
“Reckon it’s lunchtime,” I say above a chorus of hoots and howls of laughter. I feel lightheaded and embarrassed, so I try to channel Baz’s arrogance, smirking as I reach down for my rucksack and sandwich (the latter of which thankfully fell onto the former when I dropped it).
When I stand back upright, he’s striding down toward the Wavering Wood away from me, his coal-black hair dancing in the wind behind him.
I’m sitting on a large rock—fuming—when I hear Snow’s footsteps crunching loudly behind me. His foot must slip on some wet leaves because I hear him yelp so loudly, it sends the dryads back into their huts. He has the grace of a hippopotamus.
“Hunting, are we?” he calls after me.
“Fuck off,” I say.
“Funny. That’s usually my line.”
I ignore him.
“I don’t know why you’re sulking,” he grumbles. “You’re the one who made me play.”
“A decision I wholeheartedly regret. Come to gloat now that you’ve humiliated me?”
“Humiliated you? You were trying to humiliate me!” Snow bothers his curls with one hand and makes a gnarled mess of them. “I actually came here to apologize, but seeing as you’re still intent on being a git, I’ll just head back to lunch with Penny and be satisfied that you’ll have all my scones tomorrow as a consolation prize.”
“Consolation prize indeed. You cheated,” I snap, and I hate how petulant I sound.
“I didn’t cheat.”
“Yes, you did. The game was over. And then you decided to make up your own rules.”
“What else was I supposed to do? You cornered me!”
I spring to my feet and spin around to face him. “Of course I cornered you! Entrapment is how you win! I’d demand a rematch if I didn’t think you’d just find a new way to cock it up!”
Snow flings down his rucksack. “Come on, then. A rematch.”
“Here? In the Wavering Wood, where no one can witness your defeat? That’s convenient.”
“Yes, here. Where no one can wipe you off the floor if you call a chimera on me and it goes after you instead,” he snarls. “Which, by the way: you’re welcome.”
“I’m not thanking you for that. If not for me, it would have obliterated us both. You don’t even know how to trigger your own nuclear meltdowns without my help.”
“Get on with it, arsehole.”
“On one condition,” I hiss. “This time, we play the sudden death version of the game. That means every request gets fulfilled on the spot—no hesitation, no excuses.” I fold my arms. “Then we’ll see who is the hawk and who is the dove.”
Simon nods.
“You’re on.”
“You start this time,” I say, squaring my shoulders.
Baz is leering at me through narrowed eyes. “Merlin May I have your sandwich?”
It takes everything in me not to throw it at him.
“Yes, you may,” I reply. He reaches me in two steps, stopping less than an arm-length away. (Trying to intimidate me already, the prick.) Then, he grabs my sandwich and flings it into the brush.
One does not simply take away my sandwich and my scones without a fight.
I go straight for the jugular.
“Merlin May I have your wand,” I say in as even a voice as I can muster.
Baz’s nostrils flare. “That depends. Do you plan to use it to blow yourself up?”
“Answer the question.”
He pauses, then he reaches into his sleeve and draws out his wand. “Yes. You may,” he says, like the words are being dragged out of him against his will, his eyes locked on mine as he drops it into my palm.
Shit. I never thought in a million years he’d ever let me take his wand. It seems impossible—counterintuitive even—but he must trust me at least a little if he’d relinquish it. I set it down on the rock.
“Merlin May I have your sword?” he asks.
I feel myself pale. “Shouldn’t you be asking for my wand?”
“No repeats. And what would be the point? You’re practically useless with one.”
“Fuck you, Baz.”
This isn’t going well at all. I can’t bloody think with Baz this close to me. After a brief pause in which I struggle to come up with ways this could backfire, I come up dry and finally say, “Yes, you may.”
He extends both hands. I call the Sword of Mages and hold it up between us by the hilt. Baz doesn’t so much as flinch, but I can see his brain working behind his eyes.
He didn’t expect me to give up my sword anymore than I expected him to give up his wand.
I lay the blade gently across his palms, but he doesn’t put it down. “Why are you still holding it?” I ask.
“There’s nothing in the rules that say I have to put it down. Consider it a deterrent—in case you’re thinking of asking for permission to hit me.”
“Is that right? Well then: Merlin May I take your hands?” I ask.
“You… may.”
Baz looks irritated and bends to put my sword on the ground behind him. Where I can’t reach it.
When he stands again, I hold out my hands. For a moment he just stares at them, and my mind races for a way he might twist my request to harm me. He’s a vampire; I wonder if he would use super strength to crush my fingers in his grip.
But then he slides both his palms over mine. Gently. His hands are rougher than I expected (from a lifetime lighting flames in his palms, no doubt) and cold.
So cold.
The shock of it makes me involuntarily close my fingers around his, like it’s my own hands that are freezing and I need to warm them.
Unnerved, I look up at Baz’s face.
He’s staring right at my throat.
Fucking Snow.
He’s better at this than I thought he’d be. I need a way to get his hands off my own and end this before I forget we’re playing “Merlin May I” altogether and trap him with a kiss instead of a question.
I see something glitter near the button of his collar. “Merlin May I take your cross necklace?” I say.
His eyes widen. “It’ll burn you.”
“You don’t know that.”
“Yes, I do. You’re a vampire.”
“Yeah? Prove it. Give me the necklace.”
Snow lets go of my hands, and I let out the breath I had no idea I was holding. I watch as he reaches behind his neck, unclasps the chain, and dangles the cross between us.
I don’t let him drop it in my hand. I simply close my fingers around the chain, making sure not to make contact with the cross itself, and cup my other hand around the pendant as I would protecting a flame from the wind. He can’t see that it’s not touching my skin. Quickly, I drop it onto the rock beside my discarded wand.
Snow frowns. “Let me see your palm,” he demands.
I shake my head. “Not if that’s how you’re asking.”
He growls. “Merlin May I see your palm?”
I hold my hand up, but he snatches it out of the air and squints so he can get a better look. With his other hand, he runs a finger down the centerline of my palm to see if I’m burned, and it’s everything I can do to keep my breath from hitching at the sensation of it. His touch is so soft, it feels like dragonflies lighting in my hand.
It’s as if he doesn’t want to inflict more pain, in case the cross had burned me after all.
Snow looks up at me, disappointed. Hurt. Because he knows I’ve tricked him and he can’t prove it. I ought to be used to that expression. I lie to him daily. This shouldn’t be any different than any other trick, but here, alone in the Wavering Wood together with my hand in his, standing on the receiving end of that glare feels like he’s slapped me.
Surely, he knows. He must know; when I cornered him on the great lawn and threatened to out him as a dishonest weakling, I wasn’t talking about him. How could I be? Simon Snow is the most powerful mage ever to walk the earth (and trample my heart in the process).
I am the liar. I am the coward.
I am… losing my nerve.
My constitution won’t let me concede defeat yet—I am a Pitch, after all—but I also can’t help entertaining an outcome where I just cave, hand him his victory, and come clean. Crowley, what would that feel like? What disasters might occur if I confessed it all right here, with the Chosen One burning lines into my palms with his fingertips?
Maybe then, I’d be freed from the other game we play. The one where I pretend I’m not a love-sick vampire with a brass neck and too many secrets. I could just let it all go—my better judgment, my family’s wishes, my hardwired instinct for self-preservation—and say it…
I asked to kiss you, Simon Snow, because I knew you’d never let me. Because I punish myself for loving you by conjuring scenarios where I can come close enough to your fire without being burned.
Of course, he went and kissed me anyway, and now I’m incinerating.
If only.
I wish I could believe that, if he trusts me enough to hand over the only two things in the world that could protect him from someone like me, perhaps I could trust him, too.
I’d tell him no one asked for my permission to make me what I am. There was no “Merlin May I?” when the vampires bit me. There wasn’t one when the Crucible shackled me to Snow, either, and I sure as fuck didn’t ask to fall in love. The whole concept of free will as it applies to my life is a sick joke.
Simon was right. This game is terrible.
I don’t want to play anymore.
When I look up at Baz’s face, I see him staring straight at me, his grey eyes boring holes into my pupils. They’re like mirrors in this light, casting back the greens and browns of the forest around us. I catch myself looking for my reflection in them before I clear my throat and say, “It’s your turn.”
I have no idea what he could possibly ask for now. We’ve disarmed each other, except for my wand, but he’s right. Ever since he asked to kiss me, my magic has been volatile and flaring just under my skin. I’d avoid using it against him. (Too risky.) And, rules or no rules, he’s still close enough to bite me if he wanted. No one else is here. Looking at his face now, tense and concentrating, I wonder if he’s thinking the same thing.
Would being bitten feel different than kissing him felt?
I think, in either case, my heart stops.
He’s got a strange look on his face. When Baz finally speaks, it’s unlike any sound I’ve ever heard come from his mouth. His voice is soft and low, all its sharp edges gone. Like music.
“Merlin May I touch you,” he says, “here.”
His fingers hover over my neck, just below my jaw.
My heart is racing now. Maybe he’s putting me in a thrall (vampires can do that, can’t they?), or else it’s a challenge. Maybe he wants me to think he’s actually going to bite me so I’ll concede defeat. But neither of these theories seems compatible with the sound of Baz’s voice, and the next moment, the breeze sends a whiff of cinnamon in my direction, turning all my thoughts to mud.
I say, “Yes, you may,” and Baz’s face is unreadable. I feel his fingers first, then his palm. His thumb trails against my cheek. I expect it to feel uncomfortable, but it doesn’t. My skin is always too warm and his feels like cool water against it.
I can’t help it. I think of Baz’s lips parting against mine.
The breeze picks up then, sending his raven hair flying. He turns his face into the wind, but his hand is on my neck, and I don’t want him to let go.
“Merlin May I touch your hair?” I ask.
He looks confused. It’s an expression Baz doesn’t usually wear unless I’ve done something uncharacteristically civil, like thanking him for leaving the bathroom door open, or waiting for him to finish his homework to turn off the light. It usually precedes a sneer or an eyeroll, but instead, I see Baz’s Adam’s apple bob as he swallows.
Is Baz… nervous?
“Why?” he asks.
“It’s getting in my eyes,” I say. Maybe he was right about me being a liar.
Nevertheless, Baz nods slowly. “Yes,” he says. “You may.”
Hesitantly, I reach up and move several wayward strands of his hair off his forehead, tucking them behind his ear.
My arm stays raised of its own volition. Instead of pulling away, I thread my hand further into Baz’s hair until my fingers are full of it. I’ve always wondered what this would feel like, so I run my hand through it again, and it slips softly through my fingers. I don’t encounter a single knot.
I can’t believe he’s letting me do this.
As I do, Baz tips his head into my touch and closes his eyes. If I didn’t know better, I’d think he was enjoying it. But then he sighs, and I revise my assessment. He’s definitely enjoying it.
What the hell am I doing?
What the hell are we doing?
“Merlin May I…” Baz whispers, his eyes still closed.
Cross that, I’m definitely in his thrall. I must be. Gravity or some other kind of magic is pulling me closer to him, and I’m staring at his mouth when I feel his hand—the one that isn’t on my neck—slip gently over my waist.
I’m unarmed. No one is here to save me. But I’m not afraid of him.
I wonder if his lips are always so cold…
“Yes?” I whisper back.
His eyes open just then. He’s so close to my face, and where once he looked serene, he now looks stricken.
He yanks his hands back and shakes his head, like he’s stirring from a bad dream.
“I forfeit.”
I must not have heard him correctly. “What?”
“You win. I’m out.”
“You’re out? You can’t just quit the game,” I say, but he ignores me, scoops up his jacket and wand and heads hurriedly back up the hill toward Mummer’s House. Grabbing my things, I rush after him, but his head start and long legs mean I’m utterly outpaced.
I’m halfway up the hill running at full speed after Baz before I realise I have to turn back around.
I’ve left my sword and cross behind.
I’m back in our room, pacing.
More accurately, I’m trapped in the torture chamber between my ears.
I keep reliving the moment on the Great Lawn when Simon’s mouth softened against mine, and when I’m not doing that, I’m obsessing over all the moments that followed. Snow’s fingers in my hair. My hand on his waist. The sticky, smoky smell of his magic pouring off of him as he leaned in… It’s all cycling over and over in my mind like I’m looping through television channels and every network is broadcasting the same slow motion instant replay.
I’m not nearly as devastated over Simon calling my bluff and embarrassing me in front of everyone in our year as I am that he kissed me and didn’t mean it. But then… why did he linger? Why did he run his hand through my hair? Did I imagine him moving in to kiss me again or was that… real?
Nothing makes any bleeding sense.
I should leave. Head to the catacombs. He’ll be here any moment, and I need to get out of this godforsaken room. I would torch it to a cinder if it meant not having to share it with Simon Snow anymore.
My hand is on the doorknob when Snow pushes it open and nearly knocks me down.
“Baz,” he says, panting. We stand there for an endless moment gaping at each other like a pair of idiots before Simon finally notices my rucksack.  “Where are you going?”
“Library. I have homework,” I mutter, and I try to push past him, but he blocks my path.
“Why did you forfeit?”
“I couldn’t come up with anything else to ask, obviously.”
“That wasn’t in the rules.”
“It’s implied.”
Simon sets his jaw and pushes me further into the room. “Well, I don’t accept your forfeiture.”
“It doesn’t matter if you accept. It’s my choice,” I retort. “And honestly, what’s wrong with you? No one in their right mind passes up the opportunity to win Merlin May I.”
“That’s not how I want to win!”
I wish there was a rule prohibiting the victor of Merlin May I from talking about it ever again.
“Please, Simon,” I say, lowering my voice, and he starts at the sound of his first name. “I don’t want to play anymore. You won, fair and square. Crowley, even when you lose, you fucking win…”
I shove past him and make it through the doorway when I hear him call out behind me. “Why did you ask to kiss me?”
I spin around to the sound of neighboring doors clicking and creaking open. “Aleister almighty, are you a bloody air raid siren? Keep your voice down!” With a huff, I rush back to our room, push him back inside by the shoulders and close the door behind me. “Haven’t you wrecked my reputation enough for one day?”
“Why did you ask to kiss me?” he repeats, ignoring me. He looks pained.
“Like I said. You should only ask questions you know the answer to. I asked because I knew you wouldn’t allow it,” I whisper loudly. I almost stop myself before curiosity commandeers my voice and I say, “Why did you touch my hair?”
“You touched me first.”
“Because I was trying to intimidate you!”
He shakes his head, furious. “I know what it looks like when you’re trying to intimidate me, Baz. You do it every fucking day,” he growls. “Tell me the truth.”
“I have nothing more to say to you,” I snap. “You’re the one withholding infor-”
“Because I wanted to!” he shouts over me. And then, silence.
I’ve lost the ability to speak.
Or think.
Simon’s face is dragon red.
I think actual sudden death would be preferable to standing awkwardly across from Simon with no feeling in my extremities and no hope of escape. The Humdrum could materialize right here in this room to vanquish us, and it would be a mercy.
Snow looks fit to go off right now.
“I thought maybe you’d put me in a thrall,” he murmurs finally and laughs bitterly at himself. “I thought kissing you was about winning that stupid fucking game. But you kissed me back, and now it’s all I can bloody think about and… Baz, why did you kiss me back?”
My mind is reeling, scouring for excuses, but for once, I’m unprepared. Everything I could say right now would only hurt me on its way out of my mouth.
He steps toward me. “Don’t tell me I imagined it.”
Entrapment is how you win.
I don’t have to lie to him, do I? He just said he wanted his hand in my hair. I’m getting dizzy thinking about what else might he want from me. Aleister Crowley, I want him to have it, whatever it is. Simon has opened a door. I just need to walk through it.
Out with it, Basilton…
Instead—out of habit, sheer stupidity, cowardice, or all of the above—every muscle in me clenches like locks in a fortified wall, bracing me for my usual self-immolation. I hate myself with every word as I monotone, “You imagined it.”
Snow’s eyes darken, and he nods.
“Right,” he says quietly. “Don’t bother going to the library if you’d rather stay. I’m leaving.”
He picks up his belongings.
Oh, Simon.
I never want you to leave.
“Snow, wait.”
I pause with my hand on the doorknob. Not a second later, I feel Baz’s hand on my shoulder.
“Merlin May I… tell you a secret?” he whispers, making the hair on the back of my neck stand up. He feels close.
Glancing over my shoulder, I answer: “Yes, you may.”
“Crowley, don’t turn around,” he says. “You’ll just make this worse.”
I’m at a loss for words, so I just nod.
“You’re right about me. About what I am,” he says, his voice low from behind. “I don’t want to be a vampire anymore than you probably want to share a room with one, but I didn’t really get a say in the matter.” Dropping his hand from my shoulder, he adds, “I’ve never bitten a person. And I never will—unless you tell anyone what I’m saying to you, in which case I’ll have no choice but to tear out your larynx with my teeth.”
I can’t help myself. I turn to face him. Baz’s face is ashen, his eyes fixed to the floor. He’s holding himself by the arms, like he might come apart if he lets go.
“I was a child when the vampires attacked Watford,” he continues softly. “They bit me. And they killed my mother.”
It takes all my mental faculties, but I finally find my voice—only I don’t know what to do with it except whisper, “Jesus Christ,” which is both an inadequate and utterly useless thing to say. Though I can’t see Baz’s eyes behind the veil of his dark lashes, at least my reaction doesn’t seem to offend him because he keeps talking.
“I didn’t lie when I said that I asked to kiss you because I knew you wouldn’t allow it. But then you kissed me , and…,” he says, his voice so quiet, I can barely hear it. “You didn’t imagine it. I kissed you back.”
He finally lifts his eyes to look at me.
“Because I wanted to,” he whispers.
My heart is thundering in my chest. I don’t know what to say. This is too much to process and I’m clearly shit with words anyway. I have so many questions, but none of them are appropriate, and Baz is just standing there with his hair in his eyes, waiting for my cue—to fight, flee, or die on the spot, probably.
But I don’t want him to do any of those things. He told me the truth for once, and it was the biggest, most terrible truth I could have imagined.
And he trusted me with it.
I step around him and toss my jacket and rucksack on my bed. “My turn.”
“What?” Baz looks properly surprised.
“Merlin May I sit beside you?”
He closes his eyes and sighs. “Snow, I didn’t mean to imply that I still want to play this infernal game.”
“I know,” I say, moving toward him. “Consider this the world’s first single-player game of Merlin May I. Your answer?”
He furrows his brow and says warily, “Yes, you may. Aren’t you at all concerned that I’m—“
“Still my turn,” I cut him off, pulling him by the wrist toward his bed and taking a seat next to him. With one hand, I smooth his hair away from his eyes and fix him with a soft gaze. “Merlin May I hold your face?” I say.
Baz is looking at me like I’ve sprouted an extra head. He doesn’t say “yes, you may.” He simply nods. As both my hands reach up and rest against his cheeks, I decide to let the infraction go.
Because he’s trembling.
I’m weightless with shock. This Baz isn’t a threat or a villain or a monster. He’s just… a boy.
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He leans into my palm and closes his eyes. His eyelashes look wet.
“Merlin May I tell you something?” I say.
“Yes,” he breathes, “you may.”
I stroke his cheek with my thumb. “I want to kiss you again,” I whisper.
His eyes spring open. “No repeats,” he replies, breathless.
“That was a different game.”
“Same opponents. Same day. Same game. It’s illegal.”
“I don’t think you mind.”
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I weave my fingers through Baz’s hair without asking, my hand coming to rest on the back of his neck. He lets me.
“You’re not worried I’ll bite you?” he asks.
Smiling, I touch my forehead to his. “‘Merlin May I is a game of risk and trust.’ Isn’t that what you said?”
“You don’t trust me.”
I shrug. “I trust you not to make supper out of me.”
He shakes his head against mine, and laughs. “I don’t understand your strategy.”
“I don’t have one,” I say, and I’m so close to his mouth that I’m breathing in the scent of cinnamon and cedar. “What’s your answer?”
His answer doesn’t come in words. He just shuts up and closes his eyes. His hand finds my wrist, like he’s afraid of me, but I won’t hurt him. As I close the gap between us, a thought enters my mind.
This is so much better than fighting.
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I’m certain I don’t know what I’m doing. My first kiss only happened an hour ago in front of God and everyone, lasted mere seconds, and precipitated the most senseless and backwards game of Merlin May I in the history of Magic.
I’m not sure if we’re still playing.
I don’t care. Fuck this ridiculous game.
Simon Snow is kissing me.
On. My. Bed.
Thank Crowley he’s done this before. His hands are still on my face and in my hair, and whatever blood is in me is singing in my ears. He’s blessedly warm which is helping my trembling, and his lips are so strong with intention—to devour me whole, it seems—that mine move in his rhythm, like we’re dancing and he’s leading.
And he’s humming. Like I’m something to savor. I can hear the whisper of his breath, its warmth skimming gently over my face. As his lips move against mine, it sounds like the tail end of a rainstorm. I would give up all my possessions to Merlin May I if he asked for them, just to keep him attached to my mouth.
I feel light. Like I’ve been exorcised of something toxic and terrible.
When he pulls away, we both look stunned.
“So…” he rasps, “this is not how I envisioned finishing out my day.”
“Someone should make sure hell hasn’t frozen over,” I murmur, grinning in spite of myself.  
Snow’s eyes brighten. “Merlin’s tooth, I’ve never seen you smile like this before.” He sounds awed. “I mean, you’re fit whether or not you’re smiling at me, but you’re gorgeous when you do.”
“You think I’m fit?” I ask incredulously. “Are you possessed?”
“Don’t let it go to your head. You’re still a git,” he laughs.  
“A git, it appears, you’re willing to kiss,” I say, and I can’t help the disbelief that sneaks into my voice. “I didn’t think kissing blokes fell into the realm of things you do for fun.”
He shrugs. “I’m not sure it does,” he murmurs. “You’re the only bloke I’ve ever wanted to kiss.”
I smile. “Crowley, Snow, you have no idea how strange it is to hear those words come out of your mouth.”
“Can’t be much stranger than hearing you admit you’re a vampire,” he says. “I promise to properly shut up about that from now on, by the way.”
“What happens now?” I ask, staring at his lips.
“I haven’t thought much farther ahead than snogging you until Penny has to send a search party here to find us.”
He barely finishes his sentence before something courageous comes over me and I take him by the shoulders. I don’t need to say “Merlin May I” for permission to kiss him this time, so I just do it. I just want to dwell a little longer in this impossible reality where I’ve confessed all my secrets to Simon Snow and he somehow still wants me—in spite of what I am, what I’ve done to him, and what we were to each other before I conned him into playing a game designed to drive mages apart.
Leave it to Snow to completely subvert the point of Merlin May I by sheer accident.
A long moment later, Simon pulls away from me, frowning. “Are you still eating my scones tomorrow?”
I raise an eyebrow. “If all this is just an elaborate scheme to salvage your scones—”
Snow knocks my arm in retaliation. “No, I mean, is Dev’s spell still active?”
“I’m not sure,” I admit. “Are we still playing?”
He shrugs and reaches for my hand. “Dunno. We sort of got sidetracked…”
And now he’s lacing his fingers in mine.
Simon Snow wants to kiss me and hold my hand, and any moment now I’m going to wake up.
“I suppose we both lose, then,” I say. “And that way you can keep your precious scones.”
“We’ll share them,” he whispers, bringing our joined hands to his heart. “I’d say we both won.”
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thepalace · 4 years
In The Royal House.
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➳  Prince Yugyeom finds independence day of his own kingdom useless, knowing that the family who saves him and his kingdom are gone. 
characters ➵ Hwang Soojin, Kim Yugyeom
warnings ➵ angst.
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A Few Years Ago
“Princess! Where are you going!?!”
“I’m going to find the prince! Get everyone out of here! Now!”
“We don’t have time, princess! Your mother and father instruc—
“I’ll meet with them soon! For now, get the Queen and King of Kim Kingdom out of here! Get everyone out!”
The princess yelled towards the head of the guards as she mounted her personal horse, whipping it harshly indicating she is really in a rush.
All of the royal guards were rushing their way, escorting the royal people out of the palace. 
It was midnight and out of a sudden, everyone was being awakened by a loud bell from a nearby bell tower - specifically indicating that there were intruders in the kingdom trying to assassinate the royals.
This time, it’s a dangerous situation as the kingdom was being raided by an enemy.
The princess, Princess Hwang Soojin, was staying in the Kingdom of Kim’s, where her best friend, Prince Yugyeom is living - this is his kingdom after all.
Princess Soojin’s kingdom is just a neighborhood kingdom, next to Prince Yugyeom’s kingdom so she would always stay over in his kingdom - Princess Soojin is treated as a family to the family of Kim’s.
The princess’s horse galloped it’s way into the palace where there were already a few invaders.
“There’s the princess! Get her!” One of the voices yelled, causing the princess to hurriedly search for the prince. 
There was no sign of the prince, she was about to turn her way back when she remembered a place - a hidden place of where only the prince and princess knew.
A place where both of them would do everything together, eating, taking a nap, escaping royal classes.
It is also a place where the young prince has stolen the princess’s first kiss.
“Prince Yugyeom!” 
The princess managed to pass through all the bushes - a secret maze garden where only she and the prince knew. 
The prince snapped towards her while holding out his sword, as he looked at her with a deep frown.
“What are you doing here?” The prince stood up, instantly putting away his sword.
“I’m coming to get you, of—
“Why!? You need to get out of here, Soojin!”
“And leave the young prince alone!? Under my dead body!”
Prince Yugyeom wanted to argue with her but he suddenly heard a few rattling sounds coming nearer towards them.
“C’mon,” muttered the princess as she handed out her hand towards him, pulling him up onto her horse. 
The prince sat behind her, feeling his arms wrapping around her waist area.
“Hold on tight, your highness.” said the princess as she whipped her horse, instantly galloping towards the other way. 
Once they got out of the maze garden, the sight that the prince saw was a nightmare.
The palace was being destroyed, seeing dead bodies of his royal guards on the floor.
The princess could feel the prince’s arms tighten on her waist.
It was a disaster, even when they went through the town’s path.
All of the houses were destroyed but it was safe to say that everyone was being evacuated. 
Needing more men from the princess’s town, the princess was given a horn - a specific horn that if anyone blew it, help would come.
The princess suddenly pulled the reins, causing the horse to stop abruptly.
The prince was confused. 
He was even more confused after seeing the princess dismounted from the horse.
He soon realized what she was doing.
“Princess.. No..” Prince Yugyeom mumbled, feeling his eyes getting watery. He was about to get off when the princess lay a hand on his arm - stopping him from getting out of the horse.
With no choice, the princess roughly made the prince move towards the front - handing the reins to his hands.
The princess looked around, before laying her eyes on the prince.
“You do know that I love you, right?” asked the princess, trying not to let out a shaky voice. 
The prince’s eyes shakes, not knowing what to answer. 
He loves her, really loves her but he didn’t know why he couldn’t say it to her.
“Are you leaving me behind? Sacrificing yourself for my own town?” the prince scoffed, looking at the princess in disbelief.
“It’s the only way, my prince. You’re the next in line for the throne. The horse will get you safe to my kingdom. Now, go.” instructed the princess. Fearing that the enemy’s men would come, the princess give a one last look towards the prince.
Without waiting for the prince’s reply, the princess roughly hit the back of the horse - making it gallop its way forward.
Prince Yugyeom turned behind, seeing the princess standing still in the middle of the path, watching the prince and the horse going away.
“I’ll find you, Soojin!” Prince Yugyeom yelled, seeing a nod from the princess before she went in the opposite direction, also seeing her holding onto her sword - going towards the palace.
Prince Yugyeom felt tears rolling on his cheeks, knowing he lost his first love.
He regretted not telling her about his own feelings for her - most importantly, he would never forgive himself for not stopping her.
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The Present Time
“Prince Yugyeom? It’s time for the ceremony.”
The prince shakes his head, looking out of the window of the palace - seeing different people, knowing it was from the other royal kingdom, coming out of different fancy cars.
It was the Kingdom of Kim’s independence day. Prince Yugyeom always finds the day a tragic day for him, as it was the day when he lost his only bestfriend, his old childhood friend, also a lover to him.
“I’m skipping the ceremony,” Prince Yugyeom muttered as he faced the butler with puffy eyes. The butler could only look at him sadly bowing his head before exiting the prince’s room.
Every independence day, the prince would stick himself in his room - not wanting to get out to see anyone else. 
The only time he would come out is when he would feel really hungry and he would sneak his way into the palace kitchen - joining the royal maids and butlers eating in the kitchen.
Prince Yugyeom is loved by the royal maids and butlers - especially the older ones. He is very polite with the older people, although he is quite a troublemaker.
He would often skip his royal classes when it gets boring but he would often get away with it by the help of the older maids.
He doesn’t look down on people who have a lower title - still greeting them respectfully.
Only to the older ones.
The ones who are the same age as him, Prince Yugyeom tend to shut himself off. Not wanting to make new friends, especially the opposite women.
But he knew the Queen and King would force him to make new friends with the neighboring countries. Thanks to them, Prince Yugyeom is now friends with 6 other Princes of the neighbouring countries.
They are considered Prince Yugyeom’s closest friends. He often joins them on a journey to defeat bandits all over different kingdoms.
“My dear? Yugyeom?”
A feminine voice called for the young prince as he shifted his body towards the voice, to see the Queen closing the door softly.
“Mother,” muttered the prince with a sigh.
“Not wanting to join the celebration, my dear?” the Queen questioned softly, sitting beside the prince on his bed.
“Not this time, mother. I’m sorry,” Prince Yugyeom apologized, looking away from the Queen as she pats his head.
“Me too, your father and I don't like celebrations,” voiced the Queen, making the prince turn towards her with a questioning look.
“I thought you always enjoy celebrations,”
“Not this kind, my son. I feel.. rather sad.. It doesn’t feel right. It’s like, someone is missing,” the Queen trailed off, seeing her son holding onto her own hands.
“Me too. I miss Soojin,” muttered the prince, feeling himself getting emotional. Even the Queen feels emotional too.
She was referring to the princess, her best friend, the King and Queen of Hwang Kingdom’s daughter. 
After the raid a few years ago, the princess’s parents, the King and Queen of Hwang Kingdom had told the King and Queen of the Kim Kingdom that they would sincerely offer their kingdom to them. 
Afterall, the Kim’s Kingdom has been destroyed. 
So the King and Queen of the Kim Kingdom accepted their offer but what made the Queen feel heavy hearted was her best friends would be living far, far away from their old kingdom.
The King and Queen of Hwang Kingdom are always fighting wars - helping their royal friends to fight for good deeds. She was told that they would send their 2 daughters, Princess Hwang Jinae the first born, and the youngest born, Princess Hwang Soojin off to other parts of the kingdom for safety purposes.
Since then, the Queen has never heard any news from the King and Queen of Hwang Kingdom - fearing if they died since she didn’t know where their kingdom is located.
She was told that the Hwang Kingdom is living under the dark - not wanting to know where they live.
“You know, I believed they are still alive,” mumbled the Queen, earning a sigh from Prince Yugyeom.
“Mother, the guards have been searching for them for years now. I don’t know— I don’t think they are… alive,” trailed off the prince, gulping the lump on his throat as his gaze went towards a big family picture hanging on the wall opposite him - a picture of his family and the princess’s family.
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wildandsexyjacks · 4 years
Mocktails & (Not So) Useless Company Parties
Seungyoun + #11 from this holiday prompt list
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: alcohol consumption
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You love your job, you tell yourself over and over again, looking at your own reflection in the mirror of the ladies room. You do what you’ve always wanted to do, what you’re good at, what makes you happy. It pays extremely well too, so really no complaints there either. The real problem is your boss. The old cranky son of a bitch has no life of his own and for some reason, he believes you don’t need one too, which is why he’s making you stay in town for Christmas when in fact you should be back at home eating your mom’s cookies and drinking hot cocoa with tons of marshmallows.
This stupid event is not even that big of a deal, to be honest. It’s just a boring business award ceremony, filled with fancy-dressed people from the entertainment industry drinking mocktails (mocktails!!) and bragging about their achievements this year and YOU are what your boss has to brag about right now. You know your cooking show’s been pretty popular lately, with a lot of celebrities wanting to join in as guests and its rating points only going up every week, so it was obvious he’d want to show you off... But it’s Christmas. Your favorite holiday and you’re spending it in an expensive designer dress with uncomfortable heels, looking pretty and greeting people who don’t give one real fuck about your show or the story behind it, only its numbers.
While you stare in the mirror and hate everything, the giggly pair of girls who got in the bathroom right before you come out of their stalls, so you smile and wait for them to wash their hands and leave. As soon as they close the door, you take a silver flask from where you previously stashed it under the sink and pour it in your drink. After taking a sip, you put the flask back in it’s hiding spot and fix your hair one last time before exiting.
The moment Mr. Yang - executive producer of your show and close friends with the company CEO - said you’d be his date for the year-end events it became obvious you couldn’t be sober for this. However, the CEO’s wish to hold the party at his wife’s art gallery and the fact that she abominated alcohol had you mastering a plan to do it under everyone’s nose.
It was all going very well up until your third visit to the bathroom for refills. Someone storms inside without warning and catches you red-handed.
“Oh, sorry, this isn’t the-.” the guy frowns “Are you okay?”
It’s when you realize you’re probably a bit tipsier than originally intended. You look from him to the mirror again, taking in your reflection one more time: shoes discarded on the floor, flushed cheeks.... you’re obviously looking at least somewhat drunk. With your glass set on the sink and the open flask in your hands, there’s no point in trying to pretend this isn’t exactly what it looks like, so you just mumble a yeah and resume spiking your drink.
His brows furrow even more.
“Don’t you think this is a bit too...? Um, okay.” The man moves forward, grabs your arm and takes the flask from you, then smells it and instantly makes a face “Woah... Would you like some eggnog with your rum?”
You look him dead in the eye.
“This is the ladies’ room.”
“Well, I admit to my mistake.” He closes the flask, and puts it into the inner pocket of his blazer “But you don’t look too good right now so is there something I can help you with before I leave? It’s Y/N, right? You’re representing tvN so we’re both under CJ and it’d be bad form to leave you like this... I also happen to really like your show, even tried the pear risotto at home and no one died after eating.” You laugh, and he smiles, seemingly taking pride in that “Seriously, I’m a big fan.”
That’s funny because you’re looking at the Cho Seungyoun, a.k.a WOODZ, hip-hop and r&b star and variety show king. He looks ridiculously handsome in an all-black suit with his hair pushed back, which makes you vaguely embarrassed of your current state so you try to discreetly fix your appearance.
“You look beautiful, don’t worry, that’s not what I meant.” he leans against the marble sink and crosses his arms in front of his chest “What’s the matter? I mean why are you sneaking booze into a company event?”
You roll your eyes and mirror his posture, sighing.
“I don’t know what I’m doing here, my boss won’t even let me promote my show. I’m only allowed to greet people and smile while he does all the talking. This is so stupid, I should be on a plane to Toronto right now but I’m in this useless party wasting my time instead.”
Seungyoun rubs his chin, pondering his next move. After a while, he nods to himself and glances at you, arching an eyebrow.
“I can’t send you to Toronto but maybe I could help fix the other issue. How quickly can you sober up?” You shrug and bend down to put your shoes back on while he downs your drink, grimacing at the taste “Ugh, awful.” 
You laugh again while checking your make-up, then wash your hands and hold onto the arm he’s offering so you can both exit the bathroom.
And for the next couple of hours, Seungyoun does the absolute most, introducing you to everyone he knows and talking about your show with enthusiasm. He wasn’t lying when he said he was a fan, you notice. He talks in detail about the dishes and the guests from previous episodes and seems truly interested in what you have in store for the next season when you explain it to higher-ups from other CJ subsidiaries. 
It’s a blessing Seungyoun be so charismatic and funny because everyone is too busy falling in love with him to pay attention to the way you lean on him for balance and laugh just a little too much. By the time they start handing out the awards, you’re sober enough to go up on stage with Mr. Yang, who gives a quick speech thanking you and the staff - and you do the same. After that, you’re free for the rest of the night and Seungyoun makes good use of that, tapping your boss on the shoulder as soon as you get up from your seats when the ceremony ends.
“Excuse me, sir, can I borrow her for a moment?”
Busy talking to other executives, Mr. Yang waves his hand, barely looking at him, and you take that as a yes.
“Thanks for saving me.” you say as he offers his arm once again “I had a lot of fun tonight.”
“Don’t mention it. I know it’s hard to believe but I’m actually kind of shy so it was nice to have your company.” he pats your arm, glancing at you “Have you seen the paintings here? They’re pretty awesome.”
You shake your head no, so he takes you to the first open room he can find. The sign by the door says the exhibition is called FLOWERS ON A RIVER, a series of gongbi flower and bird paintings by a chinese artist named Chen Zhifo.
When you go inside, there’s no one else there, the guest using up all their time for networking instead of art appreciation. Seungyoun drags you to study a very long line of flower paintings hanging on the wall, reading their titles and descriptions out loud and making funny comments about the birds.
“You know,” he starts when you reach the last painting “I’ve never been invited to guest on your show even though we’re from the same company...”
He glances quickly at you, pouting and blinking several times, and it makes you laugh. Yes, you both come from sister companies but no one could call that a real connection. Not to mention you didn’t even know he could cook before earlier tonight, anyway.
“My boss picks the guests.” you shrug. “Sorry.”
“I see. Well then maybe I could cook you dinner at my place, say, later this week... and you could put in a good word for me with your boss or something...”
You look up at him, surprised. Maybe you’re still a little drunk, but you muster up the courage to take a step closer and ask him what’s on your mind.
“Are you trying to buy your way into my show or ask me on a date, Seungyoun?”
“Oh, I don’t care, whatever helps me see you again the fastest.” he leans down a little, bringing his face closer to yours while staring at your lips “Which one do you prefer?”
“I think right now I’m gonna go with the date and we can talk about work later.” you decide, wrapping your arms around his neck and standing on your tiptoes to meet him halfway for a kiss.
“Ho ho ho.” Seungyoun mumbles, smiling against your lips.
It’s Christmas and you’re in a stupid useless party, but now you don’t regret it anymore.
it’s still christmas where i live so..... happy holidays everyone 💜
also i’m a time management disaster so i missed seungwoo’s birthday because when do i finish anything on time right? but i WILL have the next ysay chapter finished before the weekend so wooseungdans stay tuned xx
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imagine-loki · 4 years
Of Numbers and Strange Friendships
TITLE: Of Numbers and Strange Friendships CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: 49/?
AUTHOR: nekoamamori ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Loki being friends with Peter Parker RATING: T
NOTES/WARNINGS: None so far.  Also on AO3 here
Loki quickly found that he quite disliked summer vacation.  For one thing, it was summer and Midgard had much hotter summers than he’d anticipated.  So he spent most of his time hiding in the air conditioning in the tower.  Which didn’t put him in the best of moods.  
That spring, Stark had grudgingly allowed him a small plot in the grounds surrounding the tower to plant a little garden.  It reminded him of his mother’s garden on Asgard, and included quite a lot of flowers that were native to Asgard and didn’t grow on Midgard.  Though he and Peter had gone to a shop to find additional flowers to add.  Stark had tried to tease Loki for the garden, but the team had made him stop.  They were glad to see Loki having a hobby that involved growing things and creating instead of stabbing people. 
Except now, it was so hot outside that Loki couldn’t tend his flowers during the day and only got to see them in the early morning or late in the evening.  He was afraid that soon it would get too hot out for even that.  His cooling spells could only do so much and the heat drained him.  It was why he could never go to Muspelheim and had nearly died the one time Odin had forced him to go there with Thor.  He hadn’t known he was Jotun at the time, only that he was weak to the heat. 
The other problem Loki had with summer vacation was that he had much less time with Peter than what he was expecting.  He spent plenty of time with Wanda, teaching his adopted little sister as much magic as she could learn.  She ate it up and devoured the magic as if it were a natural part of her, not the work of Hydra to give it to her. 
Loki had thought Peter would be around more during the summer holiday.  He thought they would go on more patrols and he would be constantly in the tower.  He thought he was going to have a summer of fun with his friend.
Instead, Peter had gotten a real internship at Stark Industries.  So Peter spent all day at the company.  His patrols had gotten limited, and he barely saw anyone as he was learning so much with Stark.  
Loki abhorred it.  
He wanted his friend and brother back.  He was tired of being cooped up.  And he hated feeling alone.  
So Loki did what any sane, logical being would do.  
He went to Stark Industries to find his friend.  It wasn’t hard to find the building, nor was it particularly difficult for him to teleport there.  He wasn’t draining all of his magic to walk there, as the heat would drain his power trying to keep him cool.  It was much less power to teleport across town.
Getting IN to the building was slightly more challenging.  Loki wasn’t exactly on the invite list and there was security to deal with.  But a bit of magic convinced Happy and the lovely security people that he was completely authorized in the building and had full security clearance.  
The next problem was finding the spiderchild.  
Loki was getting bored by then and didn’t much fancy a hunt through the giant labyrinth of a building to track down the arachnid and wherever Stark stashed him away.  So he made his way to Stark’s office and sat behind his desk.  He would never dare sit behind Pepper’s desk.  She would kill him.  Stark would just be annoyed.
He propped his feet up on Stark’s desk and laced his fingers behind his head, lounging.  It was only a matter of time before Stark found him.
And find him he would.
It took awhile and quite a few more pranks throughout the building before he was found than Loki would have expected.  He wasn’t sure Stark would notice all the coffee in the building turning to decaf.  Though someone should have noticed when all the water turned to vodka.  They were probably just keeping it quiet so they could have more vodka.  Someone should have noticed when every inch of the building was decorated for Christmas though it was the middle of summer.  They just shrugged it off as typical office behavior.  Same with the donuts that appeared on every flat surface.  
So Loki had to step up his game.  He didn’t know what the final straw was, whether it was giving every single employee cat ears and tails, dressing everyone in the building in footie pajamas, enchanting the artwork to move, turning all of the screensavers and computer backgrounds to Cap wearing nothing but his shield held very strategically, and changing Jarvis’ voice to sound like Minnie Mouse.  
Finally, and predictably, Stark came storming into his office once he was personally the butt of the pranks. He stormed in dressed in nothing but a pink speedo with his hair magically dyed the same shade of hot pink.  He was trailed by Peter, who was trying to contain his laughter.  “What are you doing here? Put this back!” Stark demanded.
Loki burst into laughter, sitting up from where he was still lounged in Stark’s expensive office chair.  “About time you showed up, Stark,” he teased, but gestured and Stark was dressed again in his usual jeans and band t-shirt.  Only because Loki didn’t want to see Stark in a speedo. 
“I was in the middle of a very important business meeting,” Stark growled at Loki, who only laughed louder. 
“Elphaba, why are you here?” Peter asked, getting back to the point at hand.  
Loki gave him a warm smile.  “I wished to see your internship, Arachnid,” he said too innocently.  His tone clearly told his friend that he missed him. 
Peter caught it instantly. He beamed at Loki.  “C’mon, let me show you the project I’m working on!” He said brightly and grabbed Loki’s hand to drag him through the halls of the building to his lab so he could babble about his project and tell Loki all about it.  
They both ignored Stark yelling over his pink hair.  
“Two,” Loki informed Peter when they’d been in the lab for awhile, feeling much better with his blood-brother back.
Peter grinned.  “We’ll go patrol after I finish this up,” he promised, which made Loki’s day even better.
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bluebellhairpin · 5 years
The Girl Who Knew The End {8}
Thorin OakenshieId X Fem!Reader Where Your Familiar Lies
Chapter Seven // From Enemies, to Friends, to Lovers
Chapter Eight // (You're Here!)
Chapter Nine // Too Close, But Not Close Enough 
A/N: Thranduil spills some tea. Be warned. - Nemo
Summary: Mirkwood holds secrets. Everyone knows that. Who would've guessed some were about (y/n)?
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The night came and went, as did the morning, and you soon found yourself on the road again, however on horseback, which was much better then having to walk. And before you knew it, Gandalf was abandoning the Company to go up to the mountains.
Thorin was being nice and sweet, keeping you close as you and the other dwarfs made the journey through the darkness that was Mirkwood forest. Needless to say, you still managed to get lost. Which you found disappointing since you tried your best not to do that.
Mainly because you didn't fancy getting caught in the webs of a group of giant spiders. But hey, there you were, hanging upside-down in a mess of tangled web-work, Bifur on your one side and Oin on your other. Naturally Bilbo was nowhere to be seen, even so you hoped he’d come back soon, this one spider was creeping you up in a very wrong way.
As you hung, you started to think.
What Did Azog mean by 'earth-shiftier’?
Did you actually Agree to marrying Thorin Oakenshield?
Was Bilbo ever going so show up to save you from the spiders?
The answer to your last question was 'yes', since the hobbit then decided to make an appearance, and your second question was also answered when Thorin was set free; the king instantly setting to work finding then freeing you.
Now you were left wondering about your first question. As you and the Company decided to try to leave the spider-filled spot, you found yourselves surrounded by elves. Ones that would lead you to the jackass known as Thranduil.
You were searched, swords and daggers taken from your possession, and then to be shoved in the direction of these elves residence.
You had to admit, you felt you might not enjoy this, especially with how Legolas kept looking at you.
Later, much to your surprise, you were taken away from the company and with Thorin towards Thranduil.
As you were taken along the wooden walkways you couldn't help but look around in awe. Mirkwood was beautiful. It made you sure that Erebor would be completely breathtaking.
As you approached the foot of what could be described as the throne room, Thranduil rose from his elevated position to sneer down at Thorin.
"Dwarfs in Mirkwood forest. Why must you taint the area further?" he asked, tilting his head to look at Thorin with more distaste then before. "With a dwarrowdam no less..." his voice trailed off as be finally looked at you, eyes widening as a look of shock reached his narrow features. "Ilya-nya?"
You looked up at him, confused beyond words, especially since you had no idea what he just said. Thorin looked at you, also not understanding, however due to not knowing how Thranduil seemed to know you.
"Pardon? Have we met before?" you asked, quirking an eyebrow up at the elf as his face morphed from shock to surprise to hurt.
"You don't remember? Have you really forgotten me (m/n)?" you laughed as his questions, earning an even more hurt look from the taller king.
"You've messed up Thranduil, sir." you started, looking up at him again after shooting a look back at Thorin. "(m/n) is my mother. My name is (y/n), not whatever gibberish you just said."
"Mother?...” you nodded as he seemed to soak in your words. You looked over at Thorin, he only shrugged. He mustn't know what Thranduil was on about either. "Is she still alive? Did she have anymore children? Where does she live?" he then asked, boring his eyes into yours with a sort of desperation.
"Um, she's alive. I think. Last time I saw her she was." he nodded as you spoke, walking back up to his throne as you continued. "She does/doesn't have more children. And she lives back in (hometown). Which isn't here-''
"I know that." he said, looking between you and Thorin. "At least she took a better fate than l initially thought.”
"Sorry, l still don't follow-"
"She was an earth-shiftier, I'm guessing like you are. Beings - usually humans - that with training can switch between different worlds, usually their home-world and a select few fictional ones." Thranduil explained, almost nonchalantly.
"So she's not here to protect me?" Thorin asked, moving to stand between you and Thranduil.
"Of course not." he scoffed. "How she ended with such low-lives like you all, I'll never know. But do know this; she won't be traveling with you now she's here with people worth her time."
"Excuse me! Why? You can't do that!" you yelled.
Thranduil waved his hand at you."You're (m/n)'s daughter. (m/n) was my wife, Queen of Mirkwood, mother of my son and heir, Legolas. My Star. As you are her child you are mine too. An elfish Princess, despite your short stature. And no child of mine will be seen with dwarfs." he redirected his last words at Thorin, Venom lacing each word with little effort. It almost made you sick.
"Thorin is My One! I wouldn't dream of ever leaving him. Not for a fancy title, any riches, or anyone; no matter who they are." you said, biting into Thranduil before Thorin could even open his mouth. "He and the company are my family, and family means we stick together-”
"Even through Dragon-fire? Through the horrors of Erebor and the danger of orcs?" Thranduil asked, standing again from where he was once sitting. "you are young to this world, (y/n). You know nothing of what would come for you if you went with him." Thranduil was, by now, very close. He was a fast walker and slow talker.
"She stays with me, as she wishes." Thorin said, almost growling at the elf as he stood closer to you. Thranduil stood tall.
"Then she is doomed to fall. Just. Like. You." he said in reply to Thorin, waving a hand at the guards nearby as he turned to you. "Rot here. l can wait forever for you to change your mind. Then we'll see where your loyalty lies." With that he turned away, and you and Thorin were taken down to the rest of the company.
The cell you were put in was opposite Thorins, which you were grateful for.
Now you had time to think.
An earth-shiftier could, basically, travel between their world and fictional ones. Your mother was one too, and she became the lost Queen of Mirkwood. She'd spoken about a time before she met your father, a where she met a man that treated her like a queen. Now you realize she genuinely was, and Legolas was your elder half-brother.
“You alright (y/n)?” Thorin asked, leaning up against the bars of his cell to see you clearer in the darkness of yours. “Don’t worry about what that oaf said. I won’t let anything hurt you while there’s breath in my lungs.” You smiled lightly at his words.
“I know, Thorin. I guess that worries me as much as his words do.”
“You shouldn’t listen to him. He cares about no one but himself, his every word is a lie. He should know better than to doubt my ability to keep you safe.”
“And yet,” you started with a breathy laugh, “I still know I need to protect you instead. I know what happens to you, and I’ll still do anything to keep you safe. Something is going to have to give, Thorin.” You had stood to look at him, and you could tell Balin was listening in.
“No such thing will happen. We’ll both be safe once we get to Erebor.” you hid a cringe but turning away. He was so hopeful.
“And yet, as much as I want to believe you, I still feel one of us won’t make it.”
Series Taglist: @pigeonsbones @captainrainbowpanda @thorins-queen-of-erebor @theabandonedchocolate @violentmommabear42 @jumpingmanatee @pixierox101 @lilith15000 @persassyismyspiritanimal (Some tags still aren’t working and it’s really a n n o y i n g me. I’m so sorry. - Nemo)
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hookedontaronfics · 5 years
First Contact series Part 6
Title: First Contact - Part 6 Read the previous installments here: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 Rating: M Pairing: Taron x OC Warnings: Mild cursing, mentions of domestic abuse A/N: Jess’s friends hatch a plan to get her and Taron back together, but will it work? And will she be brave enough to tell him the truth of her past? The series will eventually involve more mature themes as it develops, so be warned! Enjoy! x
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I was sitting cross-legged on the couch, bowl of cereal in my hands and staring bored at the telly, when my roommates came in, purses in hand. I looked up at them briefly and returned to my show, shoving a spoonful of mushy Wheaties into my mouth and chewing thoughtlessly.
“We’re going out on the town. You should join us,” Mary said, leaning over the couch for a second and taking in my unkempt state sympathetically.
“But I’d have to put on actual pants,” I whined at that, content enough to spend my Saturday on the couch feeling sorry for myself. It’d been a week since the night I had both kissed Taron and managed to lose him. I’d gone to work that week but it had all been just a blur, and if my performance suffered for it, none of my colleagues had commented.
“Well you can’t mope for forever,” Jules replied.
“Watch me,” I said in a huff, as Jules and Mary exchanged looks.
“Have you tried to get ahold of him again?” Mary asked gently.
“Not since I tried to apologize and he never returned my texts. He doesn’t need some crazy fan bothering him all the time. If he’s done with me, then he is,” I said sadly, suddenly losing interest in my cereal and setting the bowl aside. “I can live with that, you know. Maybe it’s better this way.”
“Are you out of your bloody mind?” Jules asked. “You don’t just give up like that! He’s being stupid if he doesn’t know how amazing you are,” she added.
“But that’s the thing, Jules, he didn’t really know me. We had a handful of encounters, but we weren’t even dating. We had one fantastic day together, and that’s more than I should have asked for. It was just a fantasy, you know?”
Mary sighed softly. “Maybe he’ll come around and change his mind,” she said as I flopped over on the couch.
“Yeah, whatever,” I pouted slightly, hugging Tim to me when he came over to investigate my discarded cereal and petting his fur. I didn’t catch Mary and Jules exchanging glances again.
“We’ll be back in a bit. If you change your mind and want to join us, just text,” Jules said, and I just held up my arm in a “thumbs up” gesture as the girls left the flat. I’d be told much later that they had hatched a plan to fix this little dilemma, and the events of this plan I’ll relay now.
While I was spending my time moping in front of the telly, Jules and Mary were sitting down to coffees at Caffe Nero with none other than Taron. I hadn’t had any idea but Mary had got me distracted and Jules had managed to sneak his number from my phone at some point during the week. She’d rang him and he’d picked up, and after some convincing, had gotten him to meet so they could explain away my apparent idiocy.
“Jules, Mary,” he nodded at them as he sat down at the table, a steaming cup in his hand. Mary tried to stifle a giggle as she found him rather cute as well.
“I won’t waste your time,” Jules started in. “You haven’t returned Jess’s texts, it’s a bit rude, innit?”
Taron narrowed his eyes at Jules, a bit taken aback by her brashness. “I haven’t known what to say, to be honest. I didn’t exactly enjoy being accused of being faithless.”
Mary gave him a concerned look and sighed. “I know it must have not sounded very kind, but I can assure you she didn’t mean it that way at all.”
“How was I supposed to take it?” Taron asked, sipping his coffee and making Mary feel a bit unnerved as he stared at her.
“With a hell of a lot more patience and understanding then you’ve displayed, that’s for sure,” Jules replied. Taron raised an eyebrow at that. “Look, there’s some shit in Jess’s past that you should know about. It’s not exactly my story to tell, but you should know it. Maybe it will make what she asked and why she asked it make sense.”
“I’m listening,” Taron said, though he didn’t seem as upset over it all as before. Perhaps, Mary thought, he seemed just a bit remorseful.
“The thing is, well… She was with a boyfriend three years ago who abused her. And I mean, he beat her so badly one day she could have nearly died. He went to jail for two years and she tried to move on, but she was so afraid when he was about to get released that he’d come after her, that’s why she moved to London a year ago,” Jules said softly, and Taron’s expression changed from impatient to curious to just downright troubled.
“I didn’t know,” he said. “That’s fucking horrible.”
“She hasn’t been with a guy since then. She’s found it very hard to trust anyone. Even worse, the reason he did that was because she’d confronted him for cheating on her. So she’s terrified someone else will do that to her, because somehow she’s got it in her head that it’s what she deserves,” Jules said, as Mary nodded in agreement.
“That she even gave you half a chance has been a massive deal,” Mary added.
“And I’ve nearly squandered that chance, haven’t I?” he asked quietly.
“Oh no, no! You should just text her. Trust me, she’s doing nothing other than moping in front of the telly. Just don’t tell her about this little meeting, not yet. It should be coming from you,” Jules grinned at that.
I don’t really know what happened after that point, because Jules and Mary didn’t fill me in, but sure enough, while I was zoning out to yet another episode of “The Bodyguard,” (Richard Madden was really fit, wasn’t he?) my phone pinged with a text. I grabbed it and looked at the notification, nearly dropping my phone when I saw that Taron had finally, finally texted me back.
<Hey we should talk about what happened last week. I’m sorry I got angry but I didn’t understand why you’d said what you did. I feel like I should hear it from you.>
I sat there for a little bit, trying to figure out how to respond. Tim meowed at me because I had stopped petting him. “Don’t you be a greedy Gus,” I laughed at him, scratching his belly again and getting lost in thought for a moment.
I opened my texts and wrote something, then deleted it, rewrote it again, and sighed. <Sure, we can talk. There’s a lot to explain and it won’t be easy. And I’m not sure I can do that in public.> I finally sent that and waited, feeling almost sick to my stomach with sudden nerves.
<I can understand that. Why don’t you come over to my place? No pressure, we’ll just keep it low-key. I can make us some dinner, if you’d like.>
“Are you shitting me?” I asked out loud, and Tim gave me an actual look. “What?” I laughed at him.
<Your place? Are you quite sure?> I sent back.
<Yes, of course. I figured it’d be quiet and comfortable and you wouldn’t have to worry. Please say yes?>
<Well you don’t have to beg a girl, of course I’ll come. Just send me details.> I sent back, and he instantly texted a funny gif response to me, making me laugh. Maybe all of the misery from the past week had been for nothing after all. We had decided on meeting up the following day, since he had some kind of business meeting later Saturday and didn’t want to feel like we were rushed, so when Jules and Mary finally came home I told them the news.
“Oh well that must be a relief!” Jules grinned, and if I hadn’t been so giddy over it myself, I would have caught her tone of voice that said she already knew all about it. We celebrated my good fortune by ordering the best Chinese takeout in North London, spreading it all about the coffee table and making absolute pigs of ourselves. Mary was on her phone as we laid about on the couch, our stomachs absolutely stuffed.
“What’re you doing, Mary?” I asked in a sing-song manner.
“Oiy, she’s on Tinder again!” Jules giggled, making Mary blush.
“Why don’t you just ask your dishy colleague out already? I’m sure he’d say yes,” I giggled.
“I can’t do that! I would have to work with him!” she gasped.
“But that’s the best part!” Jules smirked lightly. “Breakroom quickies!” she said, both of us cackling as Mary tried to shush us, totally embarrassed.
“No but really, if you fancy him you should tell him. Guys are kind of daft, aren’t they? Sometimes you really have to spell it out for them,” I smiled, chin in my hand. “What’s the worst he could say, no?”
“I don’t think either of you understand,” she sighed.
“Come on Mary, we just want you to be happy,” I said.
“Yeah, and your last Tinder date was a total wanker,” Jules added.
“Don’t remind me,” Mary groaned softly.
“Hey, you only live once, and if I can kiss Taron Egerton, then you can ask your colleague out for a coffee,” I smiled at her.
“And now Taron’s having you at his place,” Jules giggled to me. “I’d say that’s a pretty impressive upgrade.”
“Just to talk,” I said, a bit faintly, the full force of it hitting me then.
“Sure, talk,” Jules laughed, hitting me with a pillow. “You’re way too innocent for your own good sometimes!” she grinned as I ducked another swipe with the pillow.
“Yeah, well, Jules, there are still gentlemen out there. What about you and Gavin?” I asked her, grabbing the pillow from her and shoving it under my head.
“We’re getting on alright. He’s a lovely snogger,” she grinned. “We’ve got a date on Tuesday,” she grinned as both Mary and I shrieked at her.
“When were you going to tell us!” Mary laughed.
“Well, I didn’t want to make Jess feel badly that I was on a date with Taron’s friend until I knew things had resolved themselves. And if not, I was going to tell Gavin to kick Taron in the ass for it,” Jules smiled ruefully. “We’ve got your back.”
“Yes you certainly do,” I smiled, content to just be there with my roommates, happy with how life had turned out at the moment. We eventually turned in for the night, and I fell asleep relatively quickly, which for me was rare.
But some time in the night I was awoken by Jules, hugging me tightly to her and rocking me slightly as I screamed, before realizing where exactly I was. “Shhh, it’s okay. You’re safe and you’re not with him. No one’s going to hurt you,” she whispered as I started to calm down from my nightmare. Mary was standing in the doorway, watching me sympathetically as Jules brushed my hair out of my face.
“The nightmare again?” Mary asked softly, and I nodded.
“You’re going to have to tell Taron about all of this,” Jules said as gently as possible.
“I know but...what if he hates me for it?” I asked, tears gathering in the corners of my eyes.
“He won’t hate you for what happened to you. You didn’t choose that, Jess. He can support you and help you move forward but only if you tell him what you’ve been through,” Jules replied.
“I’m not that brave,” I said pathetically.
“Yes you are,” Mary replied. “You’re the bravest person I’ve ever known.” I would have cried at the sweetness of that statement if I wasn’t still slightly terrified. My roommates got me calmed back down, wondering how the hell I was going to be able to tell Taron the full backstory the next day. I hadn’t gone back to those memories in at least a year, ever since I’d come to London to try and reinvent myself. But if anyone deserved to hear it, I knew it was him. I drifted off to sleep and my roommates must have left me at some point, as I woke up the next morning feeling a bit groggy and alone.
I spent the Sunday morning trying to ignore my nerves and distract myself from the inevitable, but as the clock ticked on to afternoon I knew I’d have to start getting ready. I’d chosen a long black skirt and a yellow blouse, something cute but casual, and tossed a jean jacket over that. Jules was at work, much to her chagrin, and Mary was busy in her room when I left, though she’d given me her best pep talk already.
I clutched my umbrella to me as I headed for the tube, looking up worriedly at the darkening sky. It was going to storm, and I hoped I’d make it to Taron’s before it poured. I made it onto the train and tried to remain calm. He didn’t actually live that far away from my flat, much to my surprise, but by the time I emerged out of the station the skies had opened up.
“Bloody fantastic,” I swore under my breath, putting up my umbrella and trying to hide from the driving rain, but it was already soaking the edges of my skirt as I avoided puddles and followed my phone’s directions. While waiting to cross the street, a lorry came through and ran right through a puddle, splashing water up onto the sidewalk - and all over me.
“Oh my god,” I said, standing there dripping dirty street water and shivering. I had half a mind to text Taron I couldn’t make it after all but I already had a text from him. <Dinner’s on the stove. Can’t wait to see you!>
I was too far away to turn back and not be exceptionally late, so I finally just made the decision to show up, soaked as I was. It wouldn’t be the first time, I thought to myself ruefully; after all, that’s how I’d first run into Taron at the Tesco, after a sudden shower like this. My umbrella was mostly useless at this point as I hurried along; water was even dripping from my hair and down my back. I arrived at his place, as unassuming on the outside as he himself was, and I knocked primly, trying to wring out my skirt a bit as I waited.
He popped the door open and I covered my mouth with my hand and laughed because I hadn’t expected him to be wearing a frilly apron. “My mum got it for me as a joke for Christmas but I find it rather useful,” he winked at me as the most delicious aroma wafted out.
He beckoned me inside and I stood in the hallway, apologizing for dripping all over the floor but he didn’t seem bothered by it, only went to retrieve a fluffy towel for me. I peeled off my jacket and wrapped the towel around myself, but was pretty much soaked all the way down to my undergarments. I shivered a bit violently and refused to sit on his sofa and after some deliberation, Taron decided the best thing to do was to lend me some clothes and get mine into the dryer. So, feeling completely and utterly self-conscious, I stripped off all my wet clothes and changed into a pair of plaid pajama pants and a grey sweatshirt he lent me, grateful that they fit rather well and realizing I was very much naked underneath them.
“Well that’s better, love,” Taron grinned as I came out of the bathroom and curled up on the corner of the sofa. “Not the first time someone’s wound up in my clothes,” he added with a smirk, which really wasn’t helping me with the whole situation. “Hope you’re hungry,” he added, going back to the kitchen and making up bowls of rice and tikka masala. He handed me a bowl and sat a basket of homemade naan bread down as well, and I had to be impressed. My mouth watered at how good everything looked and smelled, and after also setting out some beers and waters for us both, he joined me on the couch.
“This is absolutely delicious,” I said around a bite, not caring how I looked as I stuffed more rice in my mouth. I hadn’t realized how starving I was; I’d barely eaten earlier because of my nerves. I wondered if I’d ever get over the anxiety of being in Taron’s presence. That seemed to be something fans would debate until the end of time; if you could ever transition from just being a fan to being something more with the person you most fancied. Believe me, sitting on Taron’s couch, wearing his casual clothes no less, felt incredibly surreal.
“It’s a bit of a specialty,” he grinned at me. Our conversation flowed well, just as comfortable and easy as it had been while we ate, but eventually it turned to more serious topics. Whether Taron specifically steered it toward our past relationships or not, that’s where we ended up and I felt a rising pressure in my chest as he waited patiently for me to open up the same way he had. 
“You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want,” he said softly, but I suddenly felt the need to confess it all. Either he’d understand, or he’d shut me out; all I could do was be honest.
“No, I do. If we’re going to move forward with this at all, it’s only fair to explain why I’m anxious to be here with you,” I said, taking a long swig from my beer and sighing heavily before launching into the awful story of my ex, the one who’d ended up in jail after assaulting me. I know it came out in fits and starts, and sometimes I paused an unnaturally long time when I had to relive the pain of the most difficult parts, but Taron encouraged me and was so patient and kind over my vulnerability. At some point he ended up holding my hand, stroking his thumb over the back of mine, both of us laying our heads against the cushions, our faces only inches from each other.
“I don’t remember everything from that night,” I said slowly. “I don’t remember calling the police, but I must have because I was alone when they broke in the door and found me bleeding half to death on the kitchen floor. He broke some ribs and an arm. My face was nothing but pulp. He’d stabbed me in my stomach and cut me navel to hip. I’ve got a scar here,” I said, indicating my waistline, “that will never let me forget it.”
I finally raised my eyes to his face and realized he’d been silently crying, for me. I reached up with a shaking hand and brushed the teardrops from his cheeks.
“Oh no, no, don’t do that. I’ll cry too,” I whispered softly, fighting back tears myself. “I’ve worked so hard to overcome that, but I’ve had a really hard time trusting someone else. I was stupid that night, in the woods with you, but I was also really scared of falling for you.”
“I’m so, so sorry you’ve been through that,” he replied, the emotion clear in his voice as he fought to get the words out. “That anyone would hurt you… I just can’t understand that. You deserve someone who can protect you and care for you and make you believe again,” he said gently. “All I want is the chance to prove to you that it can be different. I’d protect you. I’d care for you,” he said, running his fingers softly along my jaw and cheek. The ache for me and honesty I saw in his gaze made me want to give him that chance, to take a flying leap off the edge and let him catch me. I knew I needed to heal fully, and maybe Taron could be that bridge for me.
“Okay,” I said with a shaky voice, his green eyes boring into my brown ones, burning away what insecurity I still felt and igniting something else, some other desire in me that had just been lurking beneath the surface. I let him pull me in close, our breaths mingling as I focused in on his lips, the softness of them as they whispered my name.
We seemed suspended in that moment for a heartbeat of time before he was kissing me, and every thought I had faded away. Gone were my insecurities about my body, born of a brutality that had marked me; gone were my fears of being vulnerable and exposed and real. There was only me, and Taron, and nothing but our blossoming feelings for each other as we kissed on the couch, the rain pounding the windows outside. I could have kissed him for forever, because there really was nothing like it. He gave back to me in a way I had never experienced, when being physical with anyone before had only taken something from me. We broke apart finally, our chests heaving and our lips a bit red and puffy.
“Holy shit,” I whispered, staring at him and trying to ignore the pounding in my body for him. Acting on that could only go somewhere I wasn’t sure I was ready for.
“Can I see it?” he asked suddenly. “Your scar?”
My insides squeezed uncomfortably at his request, but there was absolutely nothing salacious about it. If anything, he seemed simply to want to help me overcome the burden it had been the past three years. Why the hell not, I thought to myself; it really was now or never. I knelt on the sofa cushion and rolled the hem of the sweatshirt up slightly and yanked the elastic band of the pajama pants low on my hips, revealing the raised red scar that stretched from my belly button across to the side of my left hip. Taron bit his lip at the sight of it, and I hugged my arms across my chest. He leaned over and ran a finger along the puckered skin, long ago healed but bringing back flashes of memory.
He looked up at me through his lashes before bending forward and placing a kiss along the scar. I whimpered softly at the feeling of his lips that low on my body and his breath against my skin. “Taron,” I gasped slightly as he traced the line toward my hip with his kisses, my fingers entwining in his hair. I’d never felt something so deeply intimate before.
“This makes you a warrior, love, nothing less,” Taron spoke finally; I’m not actually sure how much time had passed with us like that.
“I think you’ve got me completely wrong,” I sighed slightly at that, pulling the sweatshirt’s hem back down into place.
“Oh no, I think you’ve got you completely wrong,” he said, gently pushing me backward so I was laying on the couch as he hovered over me. My breath caught in my chest again and I wondered if he could hear my heart trying to beat out of my chest. “But you can’t hide your strength and spirit from me, Jess,” he said, running his hands along my sides, up under the sweatshirt and drawing goosebumps along my skin. 
He leaned in and stole a couple kisses from me, keeping me just as breathless as before as I felt his weight settle over me. Just then, my phone started ringing on the coffee table; I recognized the ringtone instantly as the one I’d chosen for Mary. She knew where I was, and though it’d gotten a bit late in the evening, I wouldn’t have expected her to worry, so there must have been another reason she was calling. Still, when Taron asked me if I needed to get that call, I shook my head and pulled him down for more kisses. The call went to voicemail but then she rang me again, and I knew then something was wrong.
“Sorry,” I said as he backed off and let me sit up. I grabbed my phone and answered it right away, my lips still tingling from Taron’s kisses. I listened for a few minutes, my face growing concerned as Mary was in a near panic on the other side. I gathered that something was wrong with Tim, and she and Jules were taking him to the emergency vet clinic, and I promised to be there.
“Mary’s cat Tim is really sick. I’ve got to go,” I said apologetically to Taron, getting up off the couch and nearly toppling over his feet in my haste.
“Hey, slow down,” he said quickly, holding my arm to steady me. “I’ll drive you over there. No sense in taking the tube this late.”
I nodded at that and we quickly left his home, not even remembering I was still wearing Taron’s clothes until we breezed in through the vet clinic doors and Jules looked me up and down. I had to ignore the question in her face as I gave Mary a hug and she started crying all over again.
“He’s in surgery now, he swallowed something he shouldn’t have and was in so much pain,” she said as I patted her hair. We sat there in the lobby making small talk while we passed the time until a vet tech came out to tell us all Tim was doing just fine. The surgery was relatively routine; animals apparently swallowed things they shouldn’t all the time. We had to leave Tim there overnight for observation but were at least allowed to see him before Taron offered to drive us all back to our flat. The night had certainly deflated whatever could have happened between Taron and me and I just felt emotionally spent and exhausted now.
Almost as if by some unspoken agreement, Mary and Jules both thanked Taron and left the car first when we’d arrived, giving us a moment alone together in the dark. “Thank you for dinner, and for everything, really. For listening and for forgiving me,” I said softly.
“Forgive you for what? For being human?” he said, a smile playing at his lips. “I’m grateful you decided to trust me.”
“Yeah, well…” I said shyly. “When can I see you next?” I asked, finally feeling hopeful again.
“That’s something I needed to discuss with you,” he said quietly. “I’ll be out of the country for the next month.” I felt my heart sink straight to my shoes.
“What?” I asked stupidly, even though I knew his acting career took him all over the place. In fact, I’d done a table read for a project with him not that long ago. For his work, I reminded myself.
“We’ll text, and video call, and we’ll just make it work,” he said sweetly, trying to reassure me but my mind was reeling. “It’ll be alright, Jess,” he said, taking my hand in his and squeezing it.
“Of course, right,” I mumbled, and couldn’t bring myself to look at him.
“I’m not about to leave my girlfriend hanging,” he said, and I nearly gave myself whiplash as I jerked my head up to face him, my mouth hanging open. He just snickered at that while I tried to find words. “And if it can be arranged, I’ll see about bringing you out with me, yeah?” he said, brushing my hair back behind my ears. “It’ll be okay, I promise,” he said, raising an eyebrow at me again, and I finally laughed a little.
“You know, boyfriend has a nice ring to it,” I said, letting him pull me in and kissing him some more until Mary and Jules started flicking the porch light on and off at us.
“God, they’re totally watching,” I giggled at that, flipping off the dark shapes in the window and having to laugh.
“It’s late, and you should get some rest,” he smiled, his eyes fairly dancing at me and I could barely contain my joy. We managed to take our goodbyes from each other, and I could not have felt more in heaven. I had absolutely no idea how we were going to manage the next month apart; I was quite certain the wait was going to be the worst. But he’d firmly placed his commitment to me, to us, in my hands, and I was determined to live up to that. But damn if Taron Egerton hadn’t already gone and stolen my heart.
The saga will continue in Part 7 - Read it HERE.
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