#it's short and silly but I wanted to share it anyway 🥰
otterlis · 4 months
♡ the proudest moment for me is telling others that you are my son ♡
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♡ papamin!au my beloved
♡ genre: pure fluff
♡ lenght: ~0,6K
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Kento didn't really plan to take a nap.
He was sitting in front of the TV, Yuuji curled up against his side as they watched Gravity Falls - well, Yuuji watched it. It was their afternoon tradition. They came back home, did the homework, watched some TV before they got hungry and then they cooked dinner together.
Today wasn’t much different, but after a tiring day at work Kento was absolutely exhausted. Too many pointless meetings and dumb arguments with his coworkers resulted in a throbbing headache and red, tired eyes. Relaxing against the soft pillows, Kento thought it wouldn’t hurt to close his eyes for a moment and rest. He wouldn’t fall asleep, right? Naps weren’t really his thing.
Then, as soon as the first episode of the show started, he just straight up passed out.
To him, it felt like a few seconds. A longer blink, if you will. That’s why he was so confused when he shifted and suddenly he couldn’t feel Yuuji’s tiny body pressed against his side. His eyes shot open and he sat straight up as the panic settled in.
‘Yuuji?’, he called out, looking around the room. It was already dark and he could barely make out anything. As he turned around on the couch, Kento noticed soft light pouring out through the kitchen door, accompanied by a few soft grunts of annoyance. He quickly made his way over, stopping in his tracks as soon as he saw the scene before him.
Yuuji was standing on top of the kitchen chair, Kento’s big apron hanging around his tiny body, the straps tangled around his legs. His face was concentrated, the tip of his tongue sticking out, as he tried hard to slice the cucumber that stubbornly rolled away from him with every attempt.
At least he’s using the child-friendly knife, Kento thought with relief. He quietly stepped inside of the kitchen, trying not to startle the boy.
‘What are you doing, Yuuji?’, he asked.
‘Oh, Nanamin!’, Yuuji exclaimed happily, almost falling off the chair as he tried to turn around with the apron tangled between his legs. Luckily, Kento had quick reflexes. This wasn’t the first time this happened, either. ‘I’m making us dinner!’
‘Hm?’, Kento hummed, looking away from the boy he held in his arms and back at the counter. Indeed, there were two plates prepared - there was a ham sandwich, a cheese stick and a few cherry tomatoes on both of them, but coincidentally the one on the right had also a few candies hidden behind the food.
‘I wanted some cucumber too, but it kept rolling away!’, Yuuji added, crossing his arms with frustration. Kento couldn’t help but smile, a warm, cozy feeling spreading across his chest.
‘You did great’, he praised the boy, setting him back up on the chair. He grabbed the rowdy cucumber and set it back on the cutting board, his other hand wrapping around Yuuji's wrist to guide his movements and cut up the vegetable. They boy cheered as they finally defeated the green stick of doom and placed a few slices on each of the plates.
‘Let’s go eat in the living room!’, Yuuji exclaimed, climbing down the chair and slipping out of the apron. He grabbed his plate and quickly run out of the kitchen, trying to cover up the sweets with his tiny hand. Kento chuckled as he picked up his own dinner, turning off the light and following the boy with a smile still etched on his face.
Sure. This one time Kento could pretend he didn’t see any candies on Yuuji’s plate.
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It is not flesh and blood, but the heart which makes us fathers and sons — Johann Freidrich von Schiller
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ellis jjk fanfic debut?????
inspired by a lovely prompt by @dahldahlbills ♡
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pantherxrogers · 11 months
Dating Luca (The Bear Headcanon)
Content warnings: kinda smutty 18+ only, explicit language, there's fluff too :)
A/N: Idc how much screen time Luca got, he has a whole personality in my head LMAO 😩 I hope you guys enjoy more Luca content! This is super short, but I had so much fun writing it 😄 My requests are wide open, so let me know what you'd like to see next! <3 If you liked this, please like/reblog! It means a lot! 😘
Summary: A short headcanon of what I imagine it'd be like to date our fav pastry chef 🥰
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Let’s start with the fluffffff 😊
I feel like most of the reason we all love Luca (aside from the fact that Will Poulter plays him) is that he’s so gentle (but have you guys heard the term Stern Brunch Daddy?)
Let’s say you’re not very good at baking, doesn’t matter because he’s fully committed to teaching you. He will literally start with something as basic as baking a cookie from scratch and later making more complex desserts. It doesn’t even matter how long it takes because he just enjoys being around you :’)
Speaking of spending time together, Luca’s love language is defffff quality time.
When he spoke about learning from the chef who was much better than him (Carmy??) it made me think about how much he would enjoy just being around the person he loves. Whether you’re baking, watching a movie, or even napping together, the pair of you are like magnets.
He shares his love of food with you every chance he gets (he wants to combine two of his greatest loves 😭)
Going out to dinner with a chef is always a unique experience, but no matter what he’s letting you choose the restaurant (if he has to choose he'll just wind up cooking something for you at home since he can make it better anyways)
Thinking about how he’d definitely bake a birthday cake for you, spending hours on it because it needs to be perfect 😪 (he could bake a cake in his sleep but this isn’t just ANY cake)
He asks you to sample everything whenever he's coming up with a new menu item, he trusts your judgement and knows you'll be honest with him
When he’s working late, he tells you not to wait up for him (much to your displeasure) but every morning, you wake up to a new dessert in the fridge 🥺
He’s been doing it since you moved in together just because he knows it makes you smile (he’ll even leave little notes behind, sometimes silly, sometimes super sappy) you eat it up regardless
Now for the smutty stuff 😈
In the beginning of your relationship, Luca is SUUUPER shy. Like to the point that you have to literally spell it out that you want him to make a move. 
Like Carmy, he doesn’t really have much time for socializing, so he might miss the cues that you throw at him. 
The first time Luca spends the night at your apartment, he’s sure he’s going to pass out on like three different occasions 
1. When you open the door, you’re wearing a satin robe that leaves very little to the imagination (He’s hard before he even sits down)
2. You’re baking together in the kitchen, taking every opportunity to bend over and "grab a mixing bowl", flashing your lacy thong in the process. 
3. When you move into your bedroom because you’re getting “tired”, you ask him to unhook your bra for you, making a show of sliding the robe down your shoulders. And whoops! It just so happens to fall to the floor. 🤗
By that point, you’re done with the subliminals, pushing your ass back, feeling him straining against his jeans. For a moment, he doesn’t know what to do with his hands (it’d be adorable if you weren’t painfully horny rn)
“Luca, you can touch my boobs if you want to, I swear I won’t mind,” you playfully tease him, shifting into a sigh when his hands immediately connect with your sensitive nipples. 
That’s actually how the both of you found out that manhandling is one of the quickest ways to turn you on
Later in your relationship, he makes a show of tapping your ass (when it’s appropriate of course)
He casually shows his strength a lot because he knows it gets you going (thinking of him picking up those packs of flour 😓)
Both of you love the soft moments too. He’s a passionate lover, so slow, gentle sex is always amazing
Back to our regularly scheduled, fluffy programming 😋
Overall, I see Luca as a sweet, loyal boyfriend. The way he spoke about the chef he shadowed (again, do we think it was Carmy??) it seems like he really values the close relationships in his life
Of course, he values his relationship with you the most, always wanting to be the best version of himself for you (and vice versa) 🥰
Taglist (please let me know if you want to be added/removed):
@wakandamama @wakandama2 @blowmymbackout @nolita-fairytale @douceurrrr @mercang @eddiemunsonreader @cryobabyy @superhoeva @kdoxkeic
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artemispt · 9 months
Heyy, have you seen this?
Is it just me or do they actually share clothes? I feel like this is definetly not the first time I've seen people post abt them wearing the same things... and yk I mean... do they accidentaly buy or get the same stuff or is it sent to all F1 drivers or ?? I think there have been posts abt a couple of matching T-shirts also 🤔
Anyways thanks for taking the time to read my silly thoughts! 😘
Linen shirts:
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Carlos pic source / Lando pic source
There’s probably more posts with other clothes.
Rational explanation:
I think the puma t-shirts and the shorts were gifted to several drivers. About the “#together we are stronger” t-shirt, there’s a discussion on the post I added above and I’m 😭🥰 (maybe they bought them when they bought the sneakers). The linen shirts there’s no explanation 👀 Maybe they bought them together or one saw the other wearing it and thought “oh, he looks hot! I want one as well”.
Carlando brain explanation:
They share their clothes (and sunglasses). @someone-worth-racing-for ‘s hashtag “boyfriends sharing a wardrobe” is a prove of that.
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bnhxx · 11 months
Silly little RE dream time thread bc I gotta share this dumb shit with everyone now, starting w Carlos Oliveira
ALSO if you want to reblog w you're silly little dreams PLEASE do I wanna see all the silly dreams. Please. I am beGgiNg 🧎‍♀️🙏
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-SO imagine picture this right grocery shopping w Carlos.
-And we had a super bunged trolley the ones w the fucked up wheel that takes the whole cart off track?? Those ones anyways my hyperindependent ass was like let ME take the trolley 😈 I wanna RIDE 😈 n hes like sighhhh 🥲
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[(Pictured) me @ Carlos in my dream when I almost derailed a whole fucking pyramid of cans]
-so he just laughs and is like you need some help there? N im like yes I do stfu it's a good thing I like you dickhead 😤
-But anyways he was like I could just use the bags n im like yeah but don't your arms get tired and he looked SO insulted like 🤨😐😶 are you my love and support or are you a fucking fake rn
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-And I'm like GAKSHDDJDS sorry but he was like 🙄 so I was like GOD, okAY and like linked my arm in his and patted his biceps like im sorry Carlos' right and left arm I never meant to insult you I love you both very much 🥰😘🥰 and then he lost it
-ALSO can we say good boyfriend again??? For the ones out back??? Bc whoo boy he went and got us some FOOD after our little fiasco bc it was like the first time I left the house in WEEKS kahsjsjs
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-and it was super CUTE even though he was like idk why you eat so little like this 🤔 you live like this fr 🤨
-like,,,,I'm SHORT so technically I'm better for the environment bc I consUmE LESS. 😤
-But he got me a super cute little lunch set and that was it my heart was his ❤️
-JABAJSHSHSGS I'm realising this was such a chaos dream but yeah Carlos is best bf I would recommend 🥰🥰🥰
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acacia-may · 1 year
Heyo! I saw that you love A Series Of Unfortunate Events and that's so cool, I love it too but sometime I have the feeling it's not well-known. Question, what do you think about the adaptations, the film with Jim Carrey and the Netflix series? Personally, I like them too, but I also understand why they're not for everyone's taste, which is fair. I'm just someone who loves books, film and show of this series, so I always wonder how it's for others.
Hello there! Thank you so much for the ask! I so rarely get ASOUE asks so this is really special and very exciting to me! 🥰
I do love A Series of Unfortunate Events (I also enjoyed All The Wrong Questions). ASOUE was such a big part of my childhood and something I've gone back and reread several times in my life, and I've always gotten something new out of it which I think is the mark of an incredible story. It was also something I got to share with my two sisters, so it's special to me in that way as well. I'm much older than both of my sisters, and my youngest sister and I are nearly 10 years apart in age, so it was kind of difficult to find things that we all could enjoy together, especially when they were young. However, we read ASOUE aloud when my youngest sister was old enough to understand/enjoy the series and also in preparation for the Netflix series which was scheduled to be released, and she just loved it and we had so much fun reading it together. I tried my best to do all the voices... (I remember I could never quite get Book Olivia/Madame Lulu's and kind of butchered my way through Book 9 😅). When they were very young, my sisters wanted to have these imaginary "VFD meetings," and it was a very silly game but always so much fun to get to play at that with them. [And to this day, my one sister's nickname in my phone is actually still "Jackalope" as a very meme-like reference to her always being the "Jacques"]. Anyway, I have so much love for that series and a lot of good memories related to it. 💕
Long story short: I have an appreciation for the ASOUE adaptations since I think it's a very difficult story to adapt due to the fact there is barely any, actual "canon" information, and I especially liked a lot of Netflix's interpretation of the series. However, they are all very separate things in my head (so it's almost like I've got a "Book Lemony," "Netflix Lemony" and "Movie Lemony" in my mind, just for an example). My ramblings about the adaptations got so long and are riddled with spoilers so I am putting them under the cut!
(Warnings: Spoilers for all iterations of ASOUE and mentions of death, murder, & trauma)
As far as the adaptations go, I think that the nature of ASOUE makes incredibly difficult to adapt in any medium. Lemony is an incredibly unreliable and biased narrator, and the canon is often (purposefully) ambiguous, contradictory, and riddled with plot holes, which makes for a great story in which the reader really gets to take the reigns and, in a way, "make the canon" whatever they want it to be. It's such a different experience because we/the readers, honestly just don't know so many things about the story, the world, and the characters so it's up to everyone to kind of "play detective" and essentially create a canon of their own--but, at the end of the day, that "canon," as each individual reader perceives, is probably 20% actual canon and 80% headcanon (and that's being generous). So for me it's difficult to judge the quality of an adaptation of this story because I really view a lot of my personal perceptions and understanding of the series as my headcanons rather than the actual canon so my perception of the tv show and the movie is really just me comparing Netflix's headcanons or Nickelodeon's headcanons to my personal headcanons, if that makes sense? And in that way, like you said, I can completely understand why one or both of them would not be to someone's taste.
I personally see both adaptations as separate things from the book series and will often talk about certain characters as like "Netflix Kit" or "Book Kit" and things like that. They really are that separate in my mind. Overall though, I really enjoyed the Netflix series and was really happy with a lot of what Netflix did. I did not go into it expecting a lot because I just figured that my interpretations were going to be different than theirs, but I was extremely surprised by how similar the portrayals of a lot of the characters were to what I was imagining in my mind. Esme especially was just phenomenal--everything I had ever imagined her to be like! The children (both the Baudelaires and the Quagmires) were great! I loved a lot of the guardians/supporting cast: Monty, Josephine, Georgina, Vice Principal Nero, Hal, Justice Strauss, Carmelita Spats...I can't even list all the people. It was just so well-casted across the board!
And even characters who were different than what I imagined in my mind were really wonderful! I really liked the portrayal of Netflix Fernald for instance--he was much more likeable, and I loved that friendship he had with Sunny (and how that hinted at his own relationship with his (long-lost) younger sister). Netflix Count Olaf is another example of a character who I feel much more positively about in the Netflix series than in the books. Overall, I think Neil Patrick Harris's Count Olaf was a much closer interpretation to how I personally imagine Count Olaf than Jim Carrey's Count Olaf. Netflix Olaf was definitely, ultimately much softer and more sympathetic than I how I imagine Book Olaf, but I think overall Harris did a good job of treading that fine line of being a very melodramatic villain but also being actually threatening and menacing. I can really appreciate how difficult that must have been because Olaf is such a very complex character and I can see why he wouldn't be an easy one to portray. And of course, Netflix Olivia is basically an entirely different person but a very amazing person!
Which reminds me, I know that Jacques gets thrown out a lot as a character whose Netflix interpretation didn't quite match up to what people were imagining, but for me (and this was probably the most shocking because I always felt like the odd one out when it came to my personal interpretations of Book Jacques), Netflix Jacques was very, very similar to what I imagined his book counterpart to be like so I was feeling very excited and very vindicated that I wasn't the only one who imagined in that way. I think the most radically different (besides Olivia of course) was probably Ernest, but we know basically nothing about him so I don't have a problem with Netflix Ernest. For all we know, Book Ernest could secretly be an evil cowboy and lasso someone and boil them alive in curry--but my personal interpretation of Book Ernest is that he would not have done that. But I recognize that's all headcanons so I don't really have a criticism there.
Besides with Ernest (who was much more of a coldblooded killer than I what I was imagining), I think most of the changes in the Netflix universe painted the characters in a much more positive and sympathetic way than what I was imagining in my mind. Netflix made them less broken, less traumatized, less morally dubious, and ultimately much more well-adjusted than what I had been imagining based on the books. I think Netflix Lemony and Netflix Kit are both good examples of this. Neither one of them are nearly as jaded in Netflix as they are in my interpretation of their book counterparts. I love them as characters--have always loved them so I want these good, happier things for them. I want a universe for Kit where she gets to hold Little Bea before she dies. I want a universe for Lemony where he gets to reconnect with his sister one last time. And yes, though I realize that most interpretations (including my own) of Book Kit Snicket would have never, ever, ever in a million years been on board with jumping ship on VFD when she got pregnant and running away to island to the raise the baby away from all that, I still want that universe. I still want that universe where things are a little less bleak and a little more hopeful, so I feel I am very biased in that way because in a certain sense, I was grateful that Netflix gave us a happier, more hopeful world for these characters that I loved.
Overall though, despite the differences, I think Netflix ASOUE was made with care. I got this feeling while watching it and squealing over the little details and references to all parts of the Snicket-verse that the people who made it and were involved in bringing this story to life really, genuinely cared about the source material. They were forced to pick an interpretation and though that interpretation might not be exactly like mine, I can respect that they picked theirs with thought, effort, and care because they loved this series. And it was really such a delight to get to experience an adaptation that was made by people who clearly have as much love and passion for this series as me, if not more.
I'm not as fond of the movie. I feel like it missed the mark in terms of the macabre sense of humor of the series and was more tonally uneven than what Netlflix made. I did love the portrayals of the children in the movie--especially Klaus. Movie Klaus's sass was just top-tier. I loved watching his faces in the background! They're hilarious! But they didn't give him glasses (at least not ones he wears all the time), and the movie is just kind of full of little things like that that just kind of miss the mark for me. I wasn't a big fan of Movie Olaf either--I felt that he was too goofy and not threatening enough as a villain, but I did love Movie Monty. He's such a sweetheart, but Netflix Monty was just as good. The same with Movie Lemony versus Netflix Lemony. Jude Law and Patrick Warburton kind of played into different aspects of Lemony's character so they're very different portrayals but both still good.
My favorite thing about the movie by far, however, is the soundtrack. I have owned it for years, and I still listen to it all the time. I was just listening to "The Letter That Never Came" last week, actually, when I was working on my piece for the Wicked Way Exchange. I just love the music! It's gorgeous and fits better with the tone of my interpretation of the series than probably anything else in the movie. I grew up with this movie, so I think there is some nostalgia there, but if I wanted to watch or recommend an adaptation of ASOUE, I'd definitely choose Netflix.
Thanks again for the ask and for indulging my ramblings! Feel free to drop by to talk about the Snicket-verse anytime! 🥰
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ghoste-catte · 6 months
hi! I'm not sure if this is an odd question but do you ever experience anxiety when it comes to sharing your fics and if so, how do you deal with that? I used to enjoy writing but somehow I got stuck in a loop where I avoid sharing my works out of fear that others will judge what I create but this also keeps me from improving at all. I know content creators are generally told to not worry about making mistakes and that it's also part or the process but I find this is easier said than done.. (this makes me respect any kind of artist so much more tbh. like, I think the worst kind of pressure is the one you put onto yourself and idk how others deal with that?) anyways, thanks for reading, I'm a big fan of yours 🙏🥰
Not an odd question at all!
When I first started writing fic as an adult, I had horrible anxiety about it. I had written maybe 10 "fics" as a teenager, but they were all really short or something stupid I had written with friends. So when I dipped my toes back into fanfic in my 20s, I had to sit in complete isolation in my bedroom, with the door closed, with headphones in. Even though my wife knew I was writing fic, I absolutely could not have her in the room with me. When I first started, I was so mortified that I'd just write G and L if I was handwriting in a notebook, just in case someone inexplicably saw it.
For me, what helped me get over that escalating anxiety and actually post the damn thing was twofold:
I joined an event, where I had assigned prompts and an assigned posting date, so I felt a sense of external pressure and obligation to post.
I had been rolling Hanakotoba around in my head for literal years, and I really did want people to read it.
I do understand the feeling of vulnerability with taking the text and putting it out there for others. There's often, for me at least (still to this day!), a feeling of apprehension about people being able to know things about me based on my work. I overcome this generally by writing for events, prompts, and other people. It both ups the pressure to actually produce and post something and feels a bit less vulnerable: no, see, I wrote this for something; this isn't just my personal id on display.
So if your issue is the mortifying idea of being known, we're lucky to live in a time where you have a few options:
You can post your fic to the Anonymous collection on Ao3, so that no one ties it to you specifically.
You can pick a username that doesn't link to any of your other usernames and not link your socials to the fic, leaving it fully pseudonymous.
You can turn off comments, screen comments, or disallow comments from guest users on Ao3.
You can post the fic and orphan it (though this removes any control you have over the fic like being able to edit or delete it).
You can post the fic with minimal tags (just 'Creator Chose Not to Warn' and a fandom), to reduce the likelihood of it being seen.
Add a disclaimer (even one of those silly tags like 'No beta; we die like Neji') or something in the author's note to let potential readers know how you're feeling. Something like: "Hey, this is my first time posting a fic, so I'm really nervous! Encouragement is very welcome." (The one thing I wouldn't suggest doing is putting something like, "I know this sucks!" - that does genuinely turn people off from reading.)
If your concern is the publication of judgment, I don't think you have much to worry about there. Fandom has largely moved away from a concrit culture (where public posting was automatically assumed to be an invitation for people to critique your work, sometimes harshly). I rarely see people leave critical comments on fic. That's not to say I've never seen them, but they're easy enough to delete and just not respond to.
On the other hand, if you're just worried about internet randos thinking things about you in their head but not saying anything ... I hate to not have very good advice about this, but it really is just something you have to let go. Just like you can't control what anyone thinks of you in real life, you can't control how they think of you or your work online. Your work isn't gonna be for everyone, and that's okay! What matters is that you like it or want to share it.
One last thing: There's no shame in writing for yourself and not publishing. You don't need to publish to improve. If improvement is your goal, check out writing advice blogs, pick apart the stories you like to find the things that make them work for you, and read voraciously. It's practice that leads to improvement, not publication.
Sorry for the essay. I hope this is helpful!!
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ashxketchum · 10 months
Hi just curious about these koumi L's you mentioned, all I've seen are W's (pixiv, tri and the ending of 2020 say hi) hate to break it to you but Mimi is practicaly the little sister Matt never had which parallels Koushirou practically being the younger bro Tai never had, prettty sure mimato never even crossed kakudou's mind once during the og, anyway, everyone should continue to ship what they like canon or fanon
Glad you guys are curious about something since reading comprehension runs low on your side of the fandom!!! That Koumi L comment was directed at the shipper making an absolute irrelevant ruckus in the replies of the original post, dragging not just Mimato but every other Mimi ship and some more. It was not directed at the hsip itself. But clearly you failed to understand that, just as all other Koumi shippers fail to understand basic decency and decorum that a fandom needs to maintain in order to follow: "everyone should continue to ship what they like canon or fanon".
Your dear ship's event mod is running around leaving weird comments on other ship week's content, and if you feel like chalking up one incident to benefit of the doubt, then do you wanna talk about this ⬇️
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The dates for Mishiro Week (who tf even calls this ship that 🤣) are the exact same dates for Michi Week and then the mod is saying "because we're jealous of other weeks" (- that being a motivation to hold an event and not the fact that you cherish these two characters and their relationship enough to celebrate it is a lil sus in itself🫣 -) clearly implies that they want to one-up another Mimi ship even though Michi Week announced their dates well in advance? You're talking about keeping things peaceful in the fandom, but maybe you should preach that to your own choir first!!!
And it's just your luck that you could've chosen anyone in the Mimato fandom to send your silly rant to but you chose me 🥹🫶🏻 The one person on this hellsite who has done their PhD in Digimon Adventure Tri, certified by Toei Animation themselves lmao 😇
Where do I even begin!!!
Content on a fanwork site Pixiv is considered a Win?? Then all the Mimato/Michi/Jyoumi/Taishiro/Koukari/Koura fanart on all fanworks sites are a Win too? Is that the logic you were going for, awww thank you 🫶🏻
And then let's talk about TRI! The series where Koushiro is checking Mimi out 24x7 like an object, he calls her egotistical/self centered for acting impulsively to save a friend - using the same wording that the mean girls in festival committee use (bully alert 🚨, he doesn't even apologise for doing that btw 🚩), only then shows up to stare at her in a cheerleader uniform, ignores all the concern that she shows for him despite him being rude to her and Meiko both and ends up having way more chemistry with Takeru throughout the series (KouKeru my beloveds 😍).
But it's important to mention the guy who does take a W for Mimi in Tri, JOU KIDO!!! He accepts Mimi for who she is, doesn't criticise her actions, understands that her aggressive love is filled with nothing but pure intentions, uplifts her mood when she needs it the most and showers her words of affirmation that eventually lead to Palmon's mega evolution. And for that he deserves a big squishy hug, which he gets from Mimi 🥰 Honourable mention for taking W's for Mimi in Tri will also go to Meiko, she becomes her ride or die in such a short time of knowing her because she sees Mimi for the kind soul that she is. She also deserves a hug, and she gets it from Mimi too 🥰
In Tri we also see Mimi refer to Taichi and Yamato as handsome (and she does ask Koushiro if he's interested in her cause she's cuter, man for someone with a lot of brains he sure does care only about her looks!🚩) She starts recording TaiYama the minute they get into that Ferris wheel, she and Taichi walk a lot of places together don't they, she and Meiko share a meal with Taichi and Yamato in the Odaiba Onsen must I go on ~ Please do a full rewatch to see how Koushiro proves he's not a good match for Mimi in Tri with his ficklemindedness~
Next up: The Reboot, my other lovechild, I kid you not worstie, me and the Reboot writers share the exact same braincells, like legit, in the entirety of the series run, the most worthwhile Koumi hint they gave was them sitting in a Garage together at the end 🤣 The amount of quality time she spent with Taichi on the other hand, chef's kiss, and the instant bonding with Jou where she could tease him from the minute they met, WOW A BIGGER CHEF'S KISS 😘
THE SIBLING PARALELL -omg where my Taishiro shippers at, will you guys take this slander sitting down? 😭
Listen worstie, Taichi and Yamato do not require sibling parallels because *news flash* THEY HAVE SIBLINGS WITH WHOM THEIR RELATIONSHIPS ARE FLESHED OUT THROUGHOUT THE SERIES LOL. And I also love love LOVE how you didn't hesitate to call Mimi a sibling coded friend for Yamato, especially when 99% of the fandom is telling Mimato shippers that Yamato and Mimi don't interact 🤣 Mimato haters please pick a struggle, are there no Mimato interactions in the series or are there so many interactions that we can safely conclude Mimi is the sister Yamato never had 🥹👉🏻👈🏻 *Takeru has left the chat*
As far as Kakudou's concerned, neither of us are mind readers so why even try and assume which ship crossed his mind and which ship didn't? Did you just add this comment because you thought it'd make you sound all edgy for knowing the staff's name or assuming you understand the thought process that went into making this series? If you did understand the latter, you wouldn't be in my inbox 🫶🏻
So anyway when you're done rewatching the actual series, you can come back to my inbox annnnyyytimeee, maybe even have the courage to be off anon who knows you might learn a thing or two from Taichi 🧡🧡🧡
Stay safe out there, idiocy is very contagious in this fandom 😷
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The Diamond in the Rough and the Boy without a Fairy
And I have so many things I just want jot dot down my reactions to some of the lines
• Obviously the Legend of Zelda quotes 💕💕
THE CONNECTION BETWEEN BOTH HOW BOTH TDRBF AND SORTED INTO SAVANACLAW CONNECTS WITH EACH OTHER THROUGH OUT THE STORY! I know it would've been inevitable for it to happen BUT STILL! The mention of Jack's injury...ahh I hope he feels better
"Sebek was yelling his head off, arguing with Silver that HE should be teaching him proper riding teaching instead. Pause." LIKE...PUMPKIN☠️☠️
Also LITTLE CRUSH CRUSH WITH KALIM!? I mean shit I would too- ANYWAYS! That's so cute! Idia is probably kind of grumbling at the thought though
HE WOULD LOWKEY BE LIKE: Hmph it's always the rays of sunshine that captures your attention... LIKE THE JELLY MF HE IS I KNOW IT!
Goddamn Azul it is not the time 
The chat logs will always remain superior throughout this story
Idia bud...you need to watch what you say lowkey.
Oh…..Oh no..
*Chapter 6 flashbacks*
I'm so invested in this story like...YOU HAVE NO IDEA!
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comments and such under the cut bc its long:
• The Legend of Zelda quotes were painstakingly hand chosen with love! I had that and the Hercules script pinned in my tabs for 2 months lol and I had like 3 docs separate to keep everything in order! And fun fact: their mostly in order of how they appear in the game, meaning they follow the actual game chronologically! ^^
OF COURSE! @bunnwich was the one who motivated and inspired me to write this. I'd never written fanfic before this, just stuff for OCs. It was really something!
You can blame a certain Youtuber for the 'Pause" jokes. It's literally a part of my daily vocab and I woudln't be me if I didn't put my humor, memes, and inside jokes into the writing. (After all, I wrote it with the mindset that only Bun would read it ^^). I'm glad you share my silly humor!
The pairs for the PE part were actually chosen somewhat carefully by me! I tried to think based on character relationships, personal stories and clubs, which 1st years and second years would actually want to pair up with each other!
Yume's and Kalim's relationship is important to me. I'd love to explore it more because there are more layers to it!
I took care writing Kalim! I wanted to show his growth and his reflection after chapter 4. Sometimes I feel people write him a certain way. I don't think he's naive about things as people always think he is. Especially when it comes to people's emotions. The fact that he wasn't able to see through Jamil's lies isn't a fault on Kalim, Jamil is just that good of a liar/ that good at masking his true feelings. but I'm rambling.
Meme voice: I don't care for Azul. (Yet there are aspects of his character that foil Yume's so interestingly.)
AHAHA yeah yume's big day for sure.
Chat logs are the only way I have communicated with people close to me so I drew from my own chat experience, but still wanted them to be understandable.
is Idia not a malewife?
Ahh yes the...climax of this part was something I had been waiting to get to and wanting to explore. I won't get to into it here.
Idia is notorious for saying shit bluntly and without thinking about it, I feel because he doesn't think about how someone could intemperate his words. He knows what he means so he thinks automatically that the other person should too. Bc its "logical" thinking. (lets just say he's not a reliable narrator)
I got to explore lots of interesting things with Yume here, and I'm glad it impacted you so much! Making people feel the intended emotions, or any really is high praise! It affected me as well when I wrote it because...well like you said it can hit close to home for some people.
I HAD to use that quote.
Please take your time!!! I hope you keep sharing your thoughts with me, I love to hear your comments and feedback!!
I'm glad you are invested. <33333
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teasinterests · 1 year
‼️ Obbligato spoilers ‼️
Can we just talk about how great of a character Kaname is and we only get him for a short amount of time?? CW FOR SWEARING BTW BC IM ABT TO GO HAM
I fuckkubfhf… LOVE Kaname. I’m lowkey tired of him being “baby” his whole personality. MF MANIPULATED AN ENTIRE SCHOOL SYSTEM?? He lied to “HiMERU” and used Ibara’s offering to get what he wanted. Not just the fame, but the position to bring Tatsumi his power back. He fucking wanted Tatsumi to be with him forever. Not only was Kaname really sweet with the people he wanted to be, he was a huge bitch? Kaname wanted to be the ideal idol, he was smart, but also silly, and occasionally a goober? He was the first person to actually get close with Tatsumi, and establish that this man needed help because holy shit.. anyways I think we should just acknowledge that Kaname is fucked up gay & wanted to keep Tatsumi to himself 🥰🥰
Also to add on to this.. Kaname agreed with Tatsumi’s ideals. They shared the same dream, and nearly formed a unit together before the attack. HiMERU or OUR HiMERU doesn’t know this. He never knew how Kaname truly felt, or how close he was with Tatsumi. The fact that Tatsumi knows things that HiMERU doesn’t makes me punch walls in the most angsty way. HiMERU’s ideals at times make me incredibly frustrated, but thats the whole point.. HiMERU was not there, he doesn’t know what Tatsumi & Kaname went through, yet he still acknowledges that Tatsumi truly did nothing wrong. He’s innocent, and simply wanted a better life, a better school system. Yet HiMERU cant let go of the fact that Tatsumi is indeed the reason as to why Kaname is in a coma.
Anyways Tatsuhime is fucked up & I love them and I love Kaname 🥰🥰🥰
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gavinsmg24 · 1 year
Hehe it’s late but I’m up a little so imma take this time to respond to the rest of your posts! This one! Is responding to the one that starts off talking about my work and stuff hehe
Work has been different since my back and forth sillyness. But. I am at the building I prefer now. The only difference is like. They made a new building and recruited workers from my current building. So. We have less people. But. The new building took some of our volume so idk why it’s so bad. It’s wild. Anyways. I’ve been applying to jobs that (I think are cool like beach jobs or power washing. Jobs related to cooking. Either chef / some form of restaurant setting, jobs nearby. Jobs like you said. With benefits! Im doing my best to stick with FedEx bcuz I already have benefits and school tuition opportunities but lately it’s been so annoying I’d be fine just getting that stuff anywhere. Oh. And lastly jobs that I could balance with FedEx. So! We’ll see what happens in the next few weeks hehe. But. Im tryna get out there. I mainly been using indeed and it seems good? But also meh. But! I’ll get something I like! Don’t you worry princess 🥰
Hehe babyyy you even said coffee! I wonder if you drink coffee some now (I think you didn’t drink it much) or if you just remember daddy likes coffee and you thought of me 🥺 or both. Either way. You’re. Fucking! Cute!! 😍 and smoothies! I may have responded to some of the things you’ve said. But I also think I said I’d prolly end up doing that 😝🙈 not that you mind! 😘 hehe. Either we can be friends and sit across from each other at a table. Drinking our smoothies! (We’d get pomegranate plunge. But! Btw back when we first moved we went to tropical smoothie and I got this one and I forget all 3 fruits but one was blueberry which I’ve come to like the flavor of and it was good!) anyways! I’d sit and listen to you rant, ramble, and talk to me 🥰 listening to what you have to say. Responding and asking questions so you know I’m listening or at least want to. While you’d talk I’d be rolling us a blunt. Once I’m done we’d go on a drive and listen to music and giggle and talk more when we’re not listening to music 😁 touching mee hehe. If I’d drive! You could lean on my arm or I could put my hand on your leg 😳 or not! Hehe🙈 we’d get back hungry and giggling. I’d make us something easy like spaghetti or Kraft. Not the best but also we’d rather get the food done so we can sit and watch our shows! Funhaus, anime, cartoons or movies! I love that ☺️ I love that you remember that place we share in our minds. And it was simple. But. Even tho things are getting harder as life goes on. We’ll find peace and fun! We deserve it! And we’ll earn it!
To end this..🥹 idk if it was an accident. If you were being silly. Or.. If you legit just said it but.. when you said you need benefits baby.. baby.. you said baby 🙈 I love it. You. Are amazing. I’ll always love anything you say. You don’t ever have to say anything. Or anything bad or lovey. And that wasn’t that bad. But just want you safe! But all that worry aside.. baby☺️(that’s me reading that)
And you wouldn’t wanna leave if you were with me doing all that stuff huh 🥺 well! Then you better wait until your good and ready to be my wifey! Bcuz I’ll hold onto you and never let go!🥰
I think this may be the last post to respond to? I may do a little short recap after this. But for the most part! Post done!
Princess hapoy thinking bout being with me. Happy with the things I say. Makes me smile. I love being able to make you happy. But more than that. I hope happiness comes your way in other forms. With your current partner. Friends. Fun and more! Be safe princess! I love you so much!💘
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dark1k · 3 years
fluff! 🥰
thank you for the prompt! :) I hope you like this little piece! it gave me diabetes to write <3
Markus first noticed it with his black hoodie.
Whenever he looked for it, the hoodie was nowhere to be found. He's positive he hung it in their closest earlier this week after doing the laundry. He shrugs, assuming he must have misplaced it.
Until he walks downstairs and sees Connor going over paperwork at the kitchen table, the hoodie making it appear as if his body was swimming in it. Markus' heart swells at the sight and he saunters over, hugging Connor from behind and kissing his head. The hoodie looks better on him anyways.
One hoodie turns into, well, pretty much everything else he owned. Markus accepted the fact that his wardrobe also belonged to his boyfriend's, not that he ever complained. Connor made anything look good. Don't even get Markus started on the time he witnessed Connor in his long trenchcoat, he nearly combusted at the sight.
It was flannel pajama pants resting on lithe hips, with Connor blearily smiling at Markus as the first rays of sunlight peeked through the bedroom window.
It was t-shirts covered with random specks of paint as Connor maneuvered his way around their home, rearranging furniture and making space for Markus to display his newest canvas.
It was sweatpants and fuzzy socks in the winter, it was shorts and sunglasses in the summer. Hell, it was Markus' fluffy white bathrobe that Josh had jokingly gifted him in their secret santa exchange, Connor leaving their bathroom and grinning at him as if the cat caught the mouse.
Markus started buying two of everything, in case he wanted to wear something that Connor had stolen.
And if they unknowingly (yes it wasn't planned stop telling people that Connor!) stumble into their living room on an early Sunday morning wearing the same outfit, Markus will laugh and crowd Connor against the couch, kissing him silly. "I'm so in love." Markus thinks, as Connor jokingly whispers against his lips, "You need to change, how else can people tell us apart?" Naturally, they share a sense of style.
In the end, the CyberLife uniform is soon forgotten about and gathers dust in their attic.
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Denim Pedro credit: @/din-djarins-riduur // Cattle image credit: photograph by A. Nielson // Collage made on Canva (graphic design is my passion)
Hotcakes and Holding Hands: Thursday
Jack “Whiskey” Daniels x GN!Reader
Read on AO3
Writer Wednesday 8-25-2021 — I’m late, but go check out this week’s master list! 🤩
@clydesducktape and @autumnleaves1991-blog
Summary: Reader is home on their family’s ranch for Spring Break and is getting to know Jack, a college student working on the ranch. Despite the wintry cold on the prairie, Jack warms Reader’s heart with a sweet surprise. This snippet takes place early early on Thursday.
Word Count: ~1400
Rating: G (the overall story will be PG or PG-13)
Warnings: Food and eating mentions. Working with animals. I can’t think of others, but I will update accordingly if it’s pointed out or I notice something. Mostly just silly fluffy fluff!
A/N: Probably the most self indulgent fic I will ever write. This is either going to be part of a longer oneshot or a set of drabbles, I’ll decide in the car. I’m just going to bask in the miracle that is finishing a fic only 2 days later than I intended to. 😂 You can read a teaser from earlier in the story to see how they met. 🥰 I understand this is pretty niche, but I’m happy to share all the same. Also I’m more than happy to visit about ranch stuff. I included a couple definitions just in case.
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The annoying screech of your alarm put an abrupt halt to what little sleep you did get. As much as you wanted to hit “snooze”, you couldn’t. Jack had been on watch since before midnight. Thankfully the first calf heifers weren’t having many complications this year, but it still required close attention during odd hours in the cold. Some nights would pass without incident while everything and anything could go wrong the next. Such was the nature of this season. Bundled up and flashlight in hand, you set out into the dark. Ignoring your footsteps, you looked up. The moon shone, rendering your flashlight redundant for the short trek to the barn. Countless stars dotted the sky and you banked this memory for when you inevitably returned to the light pollution of your college city. You still had a couple more days of break to enjoy, so you shook that thought away and hurried to Jack.
The tack shed was a base of sorts since your dad fitted it with a space heater and a coffee pot. To him, that was all the creature comforts one could need. Hearing your approach, Sheila perked up from her spot in the snow drift and wagged her stubby tail happily which shook her entire hind end. You figured out early on that wherever Sheila was, Jack would be close. She was your dog, but took to Jack like a shadow. He must have let her out so she could cool down since the tack shed could get pretty toasty. You opened the door the same time Jack was reaching for it from the inside. The two of you exchanged pleasantries and he updated you on what he had done, which pairs bonded okay, and which heifers to check on. As Jack passed, he patted your shoulder in silent gratitude, sleepiness settled his features. It made sense that he was so tired. He had been working these hours for a week before you got home. Sheila had enough alertness for the three of you anyway. She trotted alongside him as he walked back to his bunkhouse for some much needed rest.
You passed the time walking through the manger pens and calving barn. Moving was essential to keep you awake and warm as well as keep a watchful eye on the heifers and new calves. Another task that kept you busy in the down time was reorganizing the tack shed. Old feed bags, bits of twine, and spilled feed littered the floor, making it difficult to find other supplies and tack.
You had just come back in from your first round when suddenly the pitchy whine of a metal gate opening broke your attention and raised the hair up on your neck. You couldn’t see outside for the bright tack shed lights you were under but there was Jack with Sheila hot on his heels, not even gone an hour. He called out your name as he stepped into the shed.
“Jack! I about jumped out of my skin!”
“Sorry about that, I didn’t mean to scare ya,” he replied sheepishly.
“What are you doing down here? Nothing’s happened since you left, but I can handle things. Besides, you need some sleep.”
“This was my best chance for the element of surprise. You would’ve wisened up to me later in the day.” Sheila looked up at you both. It seemed she was in on whatever Jack was alluding to.
Not sure what he was on about, you teased. “I should’ve wisened up to you a few days ago. But what would I have wisened up to today?”
“This.” From behind his back, he produced a covered cake pan then overturned a bucket as a makeshift chair.
“Wait here a second,” he guided you by your shoulder to take a seat before placing the pan in your lap, “but don’t open it.” He jogged to the edge of the shed to grab another bucket for his seat. There was not an ounce of tiredness in him, replaced by a refreshed giddiness at this ungodly hour.
Sheila sat beside you and you both watched with intrigue as Jack opened the lid, letting out a ghosting steam into the crisp air. You leaned over to shut the door Jack missed in his excitement. Before it disappeared, you caught a whiff of vanilla. In the pan lay an array of small pancakes, some had a little more griddle time than others. But they were warm and looked delicious.
“Happy birthday,” he whispered, his breath whisping by like smoke as it took the last of the chill with it, the heater began to rewarm the shed.
You gasped softly. You had forgotten your own birthday. But Jack, the cowboy you knew for less than a week somehow not only knew, but planned and delivered a birthday surprise. Just for you.
A light thud on the floor drew your attention to a red cooler beside Jack. You didn’t even see him bring it in. He proudly gestured to the syrups, butter, and thermos. Jack was basking in your surprise and delight. A quiet whine from Sheila reminded him that there was a hungry party guest waiting on him.
“First things first, candles. Hardly a birthday without ‘em.” He removed his gloves and leaned back so he could unzip his heavy coat. From the chest pocket of his coveralls he pulled out a baggie filled with birthday candles, a lighter, and two forks.
You took off your coat and gloves and looked over the items he brought. “And plates are… where?”
Jack rolled his eyes at himself, “I knew I would forget somethin’, I’ll be back in a jiffy.” He made to stand up, but you reached to his knee to still him where he sat. Even through the thick layers of his coveralls, Jack felt your touch as if there were no barriers.
“We can share, I don’t mind,” you reassured him as you balanced the pan on his lap, a poor replacement for your touch. You stepped outside and soon returned dragging in a small square bale and putting it between the bucket seats. His brown eyes shone at you with youthful adoration, causing your cheeks to warm. With a hum, Jack resumed his preparations by sticking candles all over the pancake stack. Intending to speed things along, you reached across to him for some candles but he insisted he had it covered.
Twenty-two thoughtfully placed candles later, it was time to light them up. Mercifully he didn’t insist on singing to you as he lit the candles. It took him a couple tries to get traction on the lighter, but much to his relief you didn’t seem to care. You silently wished the shed lights weren’t so bright. The thought of the soft glow flickering over his features was picturesque.
Jack and Sheila watched in anticipation as you shut your eyes, quickly communicating your wish to whoever or whatever forces were at play, then blew out all candles in one go, save for a stubborn one you got on the second pass. The candles were gathered up and the two of you dug in, making sure to reward Sheila for her polite patience.
You knew your way around pancakes, or hotcakes as your dad called them. And Jack clearly knew his way around a kitchenette. You couldn’t resist humming in satisfaction at the fluffy texture. It wasn’t too much and not too thin.
“Where did you learn to cook so good?” you asked around another mouthful.
“Le Cordon Bleu, since you asked so eloquently. Ranch work is just pocket change during my gap year,” he replied matter of factly.
He made the mistake of meeting your gaze. A beat of silence later and you both erupted into a fit of laughter. Thankfully you had finished your bite, because the snort you unleashed could’ve been so much worse. At that, Jack howled and his cheeks sheened from tears since he was laughing so hard. Sheila yipped at the silly commotion.
When calm resumed, a silent pause settled over as well. You couldn’t tell if he was leaning or you were or both of you were. Volitional or automatic, it didn’t matter, because in a blink your lips were pressed together. His kiss was syrupy sweet, almost as sweet as the grin plastered on his face when you parted. You knew so, because you wore the same look.
When you pulled a hair further back from each other, you saw his cheeks were even rosier. It definitely wasn’t from the cold.
Wish granted.
Heifer: a young female cow who hasn’t had her first calf yet
Ranch hand: someone who works on a ranch taking care of livestock and other maintenance chores (e.g. fencing, watering, etc.)
Tag List: let me know if you would like to be added or removed! 🥰
Line divider credit @ firefly-graphics
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Banner created by @ acrossthesestars 💚
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gavinsmg24 · 1 year
I’ve read babygirl. I have so much I want to say and I will
You go from. Upset. To less upset with some confidence / good mindset! Or like trying to be positive! It is hard but it Definitely helps to be like. “Alright! I’m okay! Or I’m going to do things!” Like. Manifesting sometimes really does work I think. Oh and then of course your more chill n happy in your final posts. Makes me smile. Like of course your still feeling the meh from partner and everything but like. Your. Still trying. Do you realize! You haven’t given up. Life’s stupid but! It can be fun! And you’re not done having fun yet. That’s not a confidence boost. It’s true! You’ll keep learning and trying things. Hobbies and such. You’ll find the happy. Bcuz. You’ve got so much happy inside you. Unfortunately.. it’s just like. Men. Are ass!! Women too but like god. If anyone knows how annoying men are I do! I know my own flaws. Or some of then and when I talk to other guys I’m like. Jesus. No wonder everyone hates dudes lol. It’s not exactly just men like I said women too but idk. When I think of the men you’ve had in your life you’ve just had a bad hand. But a bad hand doesn’t mean a loss of the game! Just the round! Whether this partner gets better or not. I know you’ll find the happy! Bcuz of your soul and heart. You have things you wanna do. And you will. I know it 💘
Goodness I’m rambling again! Long story short. I’ll say more later. And I love you so much. I could cry reading what you say about me :,0) I’m still single so of course it’s easier on me to say and do what I say. But. It’s so nice to read all the sweet things you say about me. It makes me happy
I will prolly respond to this part again later too but
I would love to go get a smoothies together. With a blunt I rolled for us. We’d smoke it and share our smoothie bcuz they are so big (at Tropical at least) we’d get back and hit the bong some if we want but we’d be feeling gooood! Then we’d watch Funhaus until my cutie goes. Oh! I wanna show you this! And I’d love it 🥰. Then when we get hungry again we could look up a recipe together and prepare and cook together / you can help if you want or be served by your daddy. I do wanna be a chef sooo 😈 someday I’ll be like my dad! The cook of the house. Showing you my love thru how big your belly gets Mwhahaha!🙈 kisses it! 😳 anyways! I’m done! And sleeping. Idk. Maybe 6-8 I’ll wake up?(its 12 rn) It was a long day and I’m sleepy. But at some point I’ll be up and on my phone and I’ll start to respond 💎 I love you baby. I know you said it. But get some food in your Belly! Have a lil fun or take a nap. If you do sleep. Just know. I’m with you. Arms wrapped around. My touch. My smell(is scent better? Whenever isay smell I’m like. Oh yeaaah she loves my stink 😂 I know it’s not but I’m just silly) . The same for you to me 🥰. You’d wear my shirts too 🙈
My point is! We’ll be sleeping together. And maybe. One day for real. I’ve said it so much. But it’s true. You’re loved. Not just by me. I know others do. And others will. You’ll make friends and maybe meet other people you like (don’t overthink that not trying to push or say that current relationship won’t work. Just saying. So many people to love and meet)
I’m going now baby! 🥺🥰 thinking of you. Caring about you. And loving you 💘
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gavinsmg24 · 2 years
Yes princess. It’s that time. That I ramble on and on with love bcuz of you 🥰. First off! No matter what it is that promoted you to post. Whether it was my loveliness. My silly. My lots of posts. Or maybe you just were going thru photos. Whether it was to show your love for me now or remember our good times together. No matter what. Thru all of it I know princess was showing her love for daddy! For us! 🥰 it was so unexpected. You always find ways to surprise me and make me smile! No matter how extreme the love is. I felt your heart, brain, and soul with that! I could feel my princesses warmth ☺️ see your cheeks balling up with a smile and bouncing up and down with joy. Acting all cute! Anyways! Before I begin. Once again. Thank you! And! Even tho you’d rather not be as direct with me anymore (which Im okay with! I like anything more than nothing. But nothing is always okay!) basically I’ve said it time and time again. Only do what keeps you safe. I wont push or demand (in a serious way) you to say or do anything! I’m just taking my blessings as they come ☺️ (your the blessing🥰) but! Also remember! Since your gone! Daddy’s allowed to be selfish too! Like! You’re mine! And always will be! Until your physically in my arms again this will do 🙈. I’m rambling! Long story short. I always say this so I dont upset! But hopefully your just giggling at your daddy (aside from you having to read this at different times prolly! Cuz I’m rambling! Ahhh! Done!! I love you! Rawr)
First pic! Just imagine this face :,0) in response to each page. The wrapping paper and movie tickets I’m sure those were packed away in the notebook when you moved. But still. Some part of you at some point kept them. And whether you have them now or just the pics or even if you get rid of all of it soon. You had some portion of us. Whether you wanted to. Meant to. Or if I just am still lingering amongst you spiritually. You wanted and did share what you had with me. And I can only imagine it was to make me happy. Or bring back memories. Or find a way to express your love for me in a way that worked. No matter the case. Not only did you show me love. You found something. So. Pure. And beautiful. You could’ve sent a pic of anything. And Related it to us. But. Something like this. Is so specific. So engraved into us. Even if the book goes away. Still. Your beautiful words. Your drawings. Your thought to keep certain things. I love you Hymie is all I can say. I know I shouldnt say that prolly. But I’ll delete when I wake from my nap. You just made me feel so much that a pet name just doesn’t do. Anyways! The tickets of movies was so sweet. And the wrapping paper /name tags from gifts. Was even sweeter 🥺
I’m rambling! Next! Edible instructions (or mostly. Maybe that’s all. Either way I’ll keep that for sure too!) even if this was sent just to actually make edibles. It’s still cute you sent! Your wanting to share knowledge with me has always made me happy. Your motivation for things and wanting me to experience them to has always been something I loved about you. I’ve always loved your drawings. I have some random things you’ve drawn. I’m not sure of what or where. But I have some. Hehe. Seeing even more is so nice 🥰 and… I’m not gonna pretend to be strong and I’m gonna say the same things for the next pic. But.. I forgot about your journal until you showed me. And after showing me pics you drew of me. Lovey words around me. “I’m going to take you to bed and love you, I swear; like the end is here; when the world is over; we’ll just be beginning..” I just. I dont care if it was 4-5 years ago. Or that were so far apart. Or if you just express your love passionately! You took time to draw me. Think of beautiful words of how you felt about us. And. It’s not the only time. I’m over hyping. And trust me I’m not taking this as a. Ohhh princess is still thinking v of me so chance of an us! No i know the reality of things. Chances would be slim. We’re far. Doing things. And overall focusing on that would be silly rn. But. My love is inside you. And yours in me. And tho it may lay dormant for now. I also know that all it will take is a certain spark to light the fires inside us! Hehe rambling! But! You make me happy! And! Someday you will be mine! And I know you don’t hate that idea is what I’m getting at! But I’ll make that risk of us worth it. Daddy with drive! 🥰
Next page was the texts and another set of lovey words!! 🥺😖 ahh!! Even texts! Tho it was a mixture of lovey and silly. That’s what makes it so us. Lovey. And silly. You. You honey :0) you will always be my honey. Asleep in a meadow. Kisses sweet like cherries. Well babygirl. Give me a kiss ☺️
And final. And probably the most heart melting 🥰🙈😖🥺
I’ll try to summarize bcuz there’s a lot. It’s so special. The whole page baby. Idk the difference of time between drawings exactly. But. I like to think that as we spent more time together it became easier to draw my face. There’s so much more detail in the next one. Both are good but it’s just like. You can see how my face became more engraved in your head. Prolly used pics but still. It’s there. Your mf baby. Meaning everything to you. Things may be different now. But I still feel the same for you. And I feel like you for me. Just. Things have changed of course. But Based on my posts. If there was. Way to pick futures. You might at least give me a hug. But maybe. You’d indulge and take even more of your daddy. Lovingly or more 🙈. Comic con :,)) I’m sure you’ve shared with me how I help you and make you happy. But reading it out. The fact you wrote about our date together. And how things got iffy but I comforted you. We’re so similar and have so much fun with me 🥰 :+) you’re so. Sweet.
This part could be a format for a poem rather than our texts but Id like to believe that is us. And since it’s with me I’m sure it is 🥰 it’s just so sweet I cant believe it to be true. But. I will bcuz you are the sweetest girl in the world
We’ll be trees and other things. But always together
Yes!! You better always be mine!
It feels so good to know your there. To feel your presence. Or see you from across the room
I typed this all again bcuz.. I just don’t know. Don’t be upset. I teared up a little writing this part. Only briefly. But! I’m okay! You just made me so happy baby. Not in past tense. You still do. Even if we cut off completely. You still motivated me to try more. And live life. I know you made the hard decisions. To leave and move and etc. and I did my own thing. But I didnt just sit still. I’ve moved! I plan to be a chef! I will! Hehe! Like! Rn I’m still same me. But now that I’m moved and new environments that won’t bog me down. It’s amazing. And If you hadn’t had made the choice. We may still be together. But not in position to take care of ourselves. We’ll meet again. I’m sure of that. Maybe once. Maybe in secret. Maybe for a final catch up. Maybe to go on a date and see if things feel right. No matter what. Or. If I just see you in another one of my dreams. You’ll always be with me. And I’ll always be with you. We used to say forever. But that’s an extreme word. Just say you love me. And I’ll know the rest. I’ll tell you I love you. And you’ll know the same. We’ll both know
That whether our end continues. Or a new beginning forms. Even if we lose contact. Or come face to face. Remember princess. You may not see me across the room. Or be able to touch me. But when you close your eyes. And think of me. Know that there’s a good chance. I’m somewhere. Doing the same thinking about you. I’m sorry I get overly lovey. I know it prolly makes things hard. I hope it doesn’t. I hope you can live your life how you want. And set aside your love for me. Like a time capsule. That can only be opened when we’re both ready. Or however you want to. As long as your thinkin of yourself first. I promise I am. Im done now! So long 🥺 gonna be a while before I get anymore gifts bcuz of how long daddy makes you read!
I love you H -your world. Your best friend. Your soulmate, J💜🧡
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