#it's my second favorite number
clownsuu · 9 months
Dearest Clownsuu, O Great Artist of The Welcome Home Fandom, Why hasn't thou drawn Grandpa Home? I miss the lovely, majestic, and illustrious Home... So I beggeth thou! (srsly wheres my OLD MAN HOME CONTENT GRRRGRGRGRGRGR OPEN THE NOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRR RR R R R R-)
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grandpaps home,,,,
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Iv been needing to draw him more, he gives me so much serotonin,,,,,
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rise-to-it · 1 year
the post about how we can’t explain WHY Eugenides is the perfect unreliable narrator without spoiling the books did just remind me that I once convinced my friend to read the books and then she wanted multiple of them at once to read on a trip, so I created a carefully secured paper book cover to hide the title of the third book from her
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robodove · 1 month
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It. Was supposed to be a small doodle. I love you cream unicorn cookie outfit even though I drew it wrong
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rottingraisins · 20 days
literally begs you to read 'yesterday' from the scp wikidot and give your opinions on it
HAHA i mean this in no way disparagingly but oh man dude i actually happen to have read that tale before, in fact i think about it constantly and have made several things based off it.
it's one of my fave pieces on the wiki, for several reasons; resurrection is such a mixed bag and not something I can wholeheartedly recommend to people but all the bits by thedeadlymoose are incredible (other faves are high court with the magic army and calm); they really dig their fingers into the inherent tension of a place like the foundation (especially before the backdrop of the impending apocalypse that res deals with) and the fact that everyone who works there is still just so utterly, painfully human.
kondraki's little monologue towards the end is one of the bits of writing on the wiki i always come back to, it really encapsulates what makes the characters back from the classic era of scp so interesting to me - people who've sort lost themselves in this great big mythos that leaves room for no one; especially since it's being delivered by the guy whos lingering spectre can be felt again and again throughout the rest of the canon, while he himself is long dead. we could have been people indeed.
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swiftiesbuddie · 1 month
So fun that Grey’s Anatomy flipped the ‘bisexuals are cheaters’ stereotype on its head by having Callie (the bisexual) be cheated on twice! Once by a straight man and once by a lesbian.
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c0smiccom3t · 11 months
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Coco, my best friend,, coco my comfort character,, baby me would've loved you !!
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1v31182m5 · 3 months
Came back turns out I actually didn't needed that much time to watch the movie
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vinelark · 5 months
For the ama: politely requesting a wip Wednesday snippet if possible! And if it's not too personal, what was your favorite part of your wedding?
a wip wednesday snippet for you!
The voice returns, steady over the phone speakers. Kon can still hear the crackle behind it. Another bitten-off gasp of pain. “Are you ready, Superboy? Are we in agreement?”
“Yes,” Kon says numbly.
“Oh, fuck,” Hood says. He jerks forward, arm raised like he could do anything to stop Kon. “Wait—”
and oh man. my favorite part was? everything?? i can’t think of a single moment without smiling so hard my cheeks hurt. but i’ll go with our first dance—neither of us are dancers, but we practiced our choreography for weeks and totally pulled it off, and then immediately after that the first dance-dance song started and EVERYONE joined us on the dance floor and rocked out and it felt like something out of a movie. i felt so loved and so happy.
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humming-fly · 5 months
oh yeah last second announcement but if any of ya'll are gonna be at ALA in long beach in the next two days and happen to see a galacta knight on saturday or a greed on sunday feel free to say Hi for a ribbon ;P
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jaiden-draws · 1 month
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My son in his new WW outfit (I do not care if I am late my son deserves this)
I want to give him the biggest hug ever and let him stay up pats his bedtime to watch baking shows this child would have me spoiling him so bad
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bonesrbleaching · 4 months
everyone can make fun of me for unironically listening to the wonka soundtrack on repeat for the past week but as a musical fan it's been hell trying to escape the curse of lin manuel miranda's influence in every single musical movie for the past 6 years so. this is nice
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slightlyplant · 1 year
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what’s the name of kashima’s best friend again? ummmmm….. i think it was like mamiko or something stupid… whatever ..
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iknaenmal · 10 months
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silly goober
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lowrezbonuslevel · 8 months
kirbytober day 20
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I haven't seen a lot of the anime, but I really like seeing the chill and fatherly side of Dedede, regardless of the continuity or whether he is possessed or not so. I guess Episode 55 gets the title of "favorite" for now
Kirbytober 2023 prompt list (Day 20: Favorite Episode) by @/ peachsupremeart
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possiblyfunny · 13 days
Oh look, another art piece-
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He a little confused, but he got the spirit
WOO! After getting confirmation on details about the character, I finally allowed myself to draw this! It was originally going to be a mini comic, but I just decided to draw the last panel with a lot more detail.
Blue belongs to @creatively-cosmic. They have an Ask Blog by the name of @themissingnumbers, so go check them out! Their content is great!
Aster belongs to me.
[Extras and whatnot below the cut!]
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[Extra Bonus!:
If you actually looked under the cut, you get to be blessed with a little nugget of information about Aster!
Aster doesn’t know jack about sexuality or gender identity (don’t worry, he’s learning!) But what he does know are the colors! Aster can tell you what colors or flag represents which sexuality/gender—but he couldn’t actually tell you about them. He doesn’t know what each of them mean.
Lots of people in his life and around his home have little desk flags or wear pins with different gender identities or sexuality’s on them, so he knows that it isn’t a bad thing. He thinks all the colors are pretty and unique and should be supported and celebrated!]
[Also, for those curious, here’s the symbolism for each flower. I wasn’t the most confident in drawing some of them, but I did my best to pick good ones!:
Blue Morning Glory: Encouragement, Power, Enduring Love
Pink Roses: Appreciation, Recognition, Happiness
White Daffodil: Rebirth, Good Fortune, Resilience.]
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blorbo-loves-you · 2 months
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for anon ( 💌 ) :)
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