#it's gonna be fucking GOOD Y'ALL
LMK Story Motif
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Tang: “The thing you need to understand about the old legends, is that the story is never finished. There maybe be no more pages left to turn, but there’s always more to the journey. “
(1x00 A Hero is Born)
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Tang: “It’s nice to know someone is taking in all these stories—pearls of wisdom, DRIPPING from my lips.”
(1x00 A Hero is Born)
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Mirror MK: “UGH, stop that! Listen- every time we get in trouble, we turn to Monkie King or our friends or SOMEONE. They tell us a story, and we find that smidge of motivation we need. Well! Now we’re on our own. It’s just you.”
(2x00 Revenge of the Spider Queen)
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MK: “Wait! I am worthy, definitely worthy! I’m Monkie Kid! Basically the new Monkey King—might have heard of me? You know, the next chapter? I’m totally worthy!”
(2x01 Sleep Bug)
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Totally Not Macaque (TNM): “Haha, what would you like to hear—the Hero suddenly remembered his beloved friend the Warrior? That they lived happily ever after?”
MK: “No! Nah no no no- well uh, yeah! Maybe. Um. Okay, I don’t know why I’m telling a complete stranger this but, I guess...I kind of feel like the Warrior in the story. A little. Is that dumb?
TNM: “I take that as a complement young man.”
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TNM: “The tell-tale sign of a good story—that you resonate with it so personally. But I think maybe you missed the point.”
(2x07 Shadow Play)
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Macaque: “Ah MK, you really are dense, aren’t you. Haha, you saw a story about a hero who got handed everything, who didn’t have to work for anything, and you thought you were the other guy? The second the hero got real power, he couldn’t care less about his friends. That’s you bud.”
(2x07 Shadow Play)
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Tang: “Now, any chance at hope lies in the hands of a monkey, and a kid who wishes he was a monkey.”
MK: “Ugghhhh Mr. Tang! Would you quit it?
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Pigsy: “You’ve been reading your diary out loud LITERALLY all day. You’re bumming everybody out!”
Tang: “Hey! It’s not a diary, I’m writing the next chapter!”
(3x01 On the Run)
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Sun Wukong (SWK): “Okay! Gather round everyone, it’s Monkey King story time!”
(3x01 On the Run)
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SWK: “Kid, why did you...?”
MK: “Uh, well yeah- I- I was trying to do you in- in the omelet story! Do the weird impulsive Monkey King thing and escape the bad guy!”
SWK: “Well, I mean- Ne Zha ain’t really a bad guy but, did you forget about the part where I got really hurt?”
(3x01 On the Run)
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(3x05 Amnesia Rules)
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(3x06 The First Ring)
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Tang: “But...compared to the great monk, I’m not so...great.”
Pigsy: “You’re pretty great to me tang. Besides, you’re story ain’t over—not yet.”
(3x12 The Corrupted King)
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Tang: “MK, from the moment you picked up the Monkey King’s staff, their stories became our stories. It’s our responsibility to write the final chapter, no matter the outcome. If we do this, we do it together.”
(3x13 Time to Be Warriors)
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Tang: “The curious thing about legends is the way we can continue to be moved by the same stories. We’re comforted by familiar tales of friendship, courage, redemption. At times, the path of the hero might seem unclear, and the stories chaotic and directionless. Sometimes it may seem as though we’ve ended back where we began, but it’s clear to see how much we’ve grown on the journey—for although the story is over, there’s always room on the shelf for another.”
(3x14 Destiny Fulfilled)
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MK: “I wasn’t really gonna slice ‘em and dice ‘em you know, I just- I just thought we looked cool and edgy! But like, what if this is the point in our heroes journey where things get a little bit...darker.”
(4x01 Familiar Tales)
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MK: “You’re telling me that I’m holding THE Journey to the West legend in my hand right now?”
Azure Lion: “That and a great many other tales I’m sure."
(4x02 New Adventures)
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MK: “Alright! Find our friends, defeat the curse, and get back to the good old fashioned story of the week!”
(4x03 The Great Tang Man)
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Tang: “L-listen you! Stop holding onto the past, it’s time to go!”
“Aah! What did I say before—earthly connections can only weight you down? Well, I don’t believe it! Your time with your family was precious, and nothing will ever take that away. The memories we make with the ones we love—they’re what lift us up! Your time here is over, but that doesn’t mean your story is finished—you’re not being cast out or pulled down, you were being lifted up!”
“The next chapter is calling you to start a new adventure, it’s time to answer the call!”
(4x03 The Great Tang Man)
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Tang: “That’s it! This Tang has had it! We’ve been through a bajillion chapters from Monkey King’s Journey to the West, and I feel like we’re no closer to finding Pigsy, Sandy, or Monkey King!””
(4x04 Pig Napped!)
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Subodhi: “A simple creature, with no past, no family, and no name. There is a reason you were at the center of these stories—a reason you can harness the power of the Monkey King himself!”
“Without question, you were not born from the stone as he was! Who or what you are, even I do not know the answer; but, of one thing I am certain, fate has plans for you—great plans, or foul? Time will tell.”
MK: “I- I can’t be! I’m just- I’m just MK!”
Subodhi: “The Monkie Kid?”
(4x06 Show Me the Monster) (Isn’t it so funny that he’s named MK? Like the initials of Monkey King? Haha. It’s so funny isn’t it? HAHAHA. YEAH. I’M HAVING A GREAT TIME. THIS IS SO FUN.)
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Curse MK: “Hey no no I get it man—you want to get back to our monster of the week adventures, get back to our simple missions with Mei, mastering all of Monkey King’s powers and delivering noodles for Pigsy. Right?”
MK: “Yeah. Yeah actually, that’s exactly what I wanna-”
Curse MK: “-But we can’t. Not after all we’ve seen. All we know and all we don’t—*sigh*, right friend?
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MK: No matter what I do, it’s going to lead to pain. It’s like the Lady Bone Demon said—it doesn’t matter if I want to help people or NOT, everything I do it just- it just makes things worse!
Mei: “You’re all stuck up in your own head! None of this is your fault-”
MK: “It’s ALWAYS my fault! Ever since I picked up monkey king’s staff, I-”
(4x08 The Brotherhood)
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Ne Zha: “We should have stood and fought till the end.”
MK: “We didn’t stand a chance against them, if we'd stayed, it wouldn’t of made a difference.”
Ne Zha: “So you’re just gonna stand aside and let Azure become the new Jade Emperor!?”
MK: “There’s only one person who ever stood against the Jade Emperor and lived to tell the tale.”
(4x10 The Jade Emperor)
Stories, Legends, and Tales.
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staliaqueen · 2 months
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Mal's Avatar: The Last Airbender rewatch: The Fortuneteller 1.14
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I uneldered Elder Faerie Cookie :D
I'd like to think back when things were just starting out with the virtues and him, he was named Moonflower before becoming, well, Elder Faerie- anyway here he is
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not so elder Elder Faerie, or otherwise Moonflower as I'm gonna call him :>
enjoy elder faerie nation you get to see your boy at like maybe confused teen to young adult stage i dunno
tags for some moots I figure might wanna see it: @xaytheloser @undeadvinyls @snail-noodle @onesacrificiallamb
and for anyone who may want to turn him into a sticker and smack him onto an item-
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here's the bordered version, you can now turn him into a sticker, if you can figure out how to do it (i have no clue how to do it myself good luck)
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kedreeva · 10 months
Hey! So I've been following you since you posted a lot about good omens in 2019ish? I remember you talking about wing fics vividly, but I just want to ask:
How are you doing after season 2?
Good! I enjoyed season 2, and I look forward to seeing how things resolve in season 3.
I think there are a lot of folks upset about various things, for various reasons, a lot of which boil down to "the season didn't go how I wanted it to/thought it should go" or "the season didn't end wrapped up neatly like S1 did." Neither of which, imo, are fair judgments of a season that a) isn't that person's story and b) was meant to be a bridge not an ending. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, of course, and to their feelings, but I do wonder how many have taken honest assessment of those feelings and opinions.
In my opinion, it's unfair to claim a story is bad JUST because it didn't do what you wanted it to do. It's not a bad story just because characters didn't act how you predicted or wanted, either. Some of the responses I've seen hinge almost entirely on "but canon didn't do what fanon/I decided is best" usually with the caveat of "before I even saw the season" and that's... ignoble at best. It's fair to criticize poor storytelling, but I feel like you have to have the whole story, or most of it, to do that, and we don't have that. We're actually smack in the middle of the story, by my judgment.
This season was never meant to be The Whole Story, we have known for a long time that there is a season 3 planned (whether or not it's ever able to come to fruition is a separate issue, it has been planned since a long time ago). As such, I don't think it's fair at all to the story to be angry that the season didn't stop at a nice, neat, happily-ever-after, because this isn't the end of the story.
To quote one of my favorite authors, Peter S. Beagle: "Things must happen when it is time for them to happen. Quests may not simply be abandoned; prophecies may not be left to rot like unpicked fruit; unicorns may go unrescued for a very long time, but not forever. The happy ending cannot come in the middle of the story."
They cannot have a happy ending until they've fixed the problems, and even before the end scene there, problems abounded. The unicorns are still unrescued. It's still the middle of the story.
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varilien · 1 year
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and nobody will, nobody can, take it away this time he’s gotta feel good before he dies
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nientedal · 7 months
Usually I just save stuff like this to my drafts until I calm down but you know what, fuck it, I'm done.
Any so-called leftist who refuses to recognize that our options right now are "genocide abroad, progress at home" and "genocide abroad AND genocide at home" and that there is a significant difference between those two options is cordially invited to eat shit and die. We do not have time to entertain your anti-voting hopeless nonsense. A future in which we are able to move towards less death will always be preferable to the one in which we can't, and if you smug, sneering little clowns sacrifice that future on the altar of your own self-righteousness because you're too high on your own farts to realize how far up your own ass you are, I genuinely hope you fucking drown. Specifically, I hope you drown in the blood of the people who will die all over the world as a result of your bizarre refusal to work towards a future that doesn't include ethnic cleansing.
This is the United States. We sell war, here. I don't know how so many of you are only just now figuring that out, but you better get over your shock like yesterday because we are out of fucking time. We ran out of time when Reagan took office if not long before. You think not voting will improve any of this?
Keep calling, keep writing, keep screaming. Governments everywhere are (slowly) beginning to listen. Democrats are (slowly) beginning to listen. But Republicans never will, and if they seize power again next year (which they will absolutely do their damned to attempt), everything will be so, so much worse for everyone, everywhere. The work is slow and painful and imperfect but it will only get done if we show up and do the work, so keep calling, keep writing, keep screaming-- and when the time comes, you show up and vote for the future that lets us build a better tomorrow instead of just choking to death in the steaming shitpile of today.
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keymintt · 3 months
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life doodles
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turkwriter · 7 months
Jews when their friends, both IRL and online, didn't check in on them or express sympathy in any way on 10/07: Huh.
Jews when their friends, both IRL and online, went out and celebrated in the streets on 10/08: Huh!
Jews when their friends, both IRL and online, are now posting stuff from/about INN and JVP, going "Look how good THESE Jews are!": H U H !!!
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dailykugisaki · 4 months
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Day 121 | id in alt
They're recreating something that happened on a mission. Gojo is invested. Fushiguro? Lightly shaken.
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front-facing-pokemon · 11 months
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unabashedly-so · 4 months
🌊 sailor!Elliott AU: Introduction ⛈️
Sailor!Elliott AU, inspired by Letters from the Atlantic by The Arcadian Wild...
content warning: storm exposure, near drowning, hospitalization, near death experience, depressive themes, emotional numbing
(also don't let the initial formatting fool you--this is not fanfiction. This is just a HC in a narrative format instead of the usual bullet points because I have a lot of Thoughts(TM).)
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I’m being followed by the rain clouds My clothes are soaking up the pain that keeps pouring down Too much more and I may drown I’m being followed by the night sky It stole away my sight, it seems I have lost my way I need someone to be my guide...
-- "Rain Clouds" by The Arcadian Wild
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You board the train for Stardew Valley, weary but eager to begin a new life on the old farm in Pelican town. The locals are friendly and lively, and when you make your way to the beach, you find an empty cabin in the sand...
When you meet Willy and ask about it, he shrugs. "It's where I stayed while Robin and I was buildin' my shop home on the pier. Now I s'pose it could be used as a shed or something..."
Your first season on the farm passes with lots of tears, sweat, and some blood, if you're the mining type. Summer only increases the sweat.
The locals forewarn of the Clockwork Storms--storm cells that always generate on Summer 13 and 26, every year, unfailingly. They warn they're usually the worst of the year and recommend you prepare accordingly and just bunker down with the rest of them.
Sure enough, Summer 13's Clockwork Storm hits with flashes bright as the sun and bangs that make the ground tremble.
Emerging on the 14th, you count yourself lucky that you only lost a few crops to the storm. On your way to Pierre's to recoup your losses, you hear some commotion from the beach. Curiosity and concern draw you to the source, and you hurry to the pier to find Willy hauling something out of his boat. A big something.
The closer you get, the thing starts to take the form of--
"He's still breathin', I think!" Willy grunts. "Come quick, help me get'm up on the deck."
You and Willy manage to get the man off the boat and onto the deck of the pier. The man's long, reddish-auburn hair is tied back in a frayed braid, and he's bare chested, his shoulders and back hot and beginning to blister from exposure. His olive green pants, once rolled at the bottom, are now ragged and torn. Willy was right--he is breathing, but it's shallow. He's gaunt and scalding hot to the touch, but alive, despite it all.
As you're assessing him, his eyes flutter open. He's dazed. It seems to take a great effort to even move his eyes. You're unsure if he's even conscious. Then his eyes land on you. There's a brief but vibrant spark, and you can't help but notice his eyes are the same verdant green that reminds you of your new home on the farm. His lips part as if to speak, but nothing comes out. His eyes flutter shut
You have the good sense to know that if this man's going to survive, he needs to be brought to the clinic--there's nothing to be done for him here. You and Willy manage to get him to the clinic where he's promptly tended to and given emergency, likely life-saving measures. After a tenuous hour or so, Harvey emerges and said that he believes the man has stabilized, but he's horribly sun poisoned and dehydrated, and that's just what he can tell on the surface. Harvey says he's working with limited resources, but he'll do everything he can to give the guy the best chance at pulling through. He encourages you to come by tomorrow and check in.
The clinic is closed for the rest of the day.
- - -
If you choose to return on the 15th, Harvey approves, and gives you the update that the man remained stable overnight, but he's still very weak and will likely wake up in a lot of pain. But he will likely wake up, Harvey reiterates with relief
- - -
If you choose to return on the 16th, Harvey approves, and says that the man seems to be recovering. He says there's brief flashes of consciousness and he seems to attend to questions, but he's still too dazed to speak. Harvey encourages you to come by again tomorrow. He anticipates he'll be well enough to interact with for brief periods of time.
- - -
If you return on the 17th, you'll walk in on Harvey assessing the man, who is now fully conscious. As predicted, he appears to be in a fair amount of pain, but Harvey is confident that it's just residual soreness and sunburns. Harvey introduces you as one of the people who helped save him.
The man takes you in with a weary gaze, one that soon softens and warms. He sounds breathless as he says, "Thank you."
The man quickly clears his throat, trying again. His voice is still weak and raspy, as he says, "Thank you... I owe you... my life." He swallows, a challenging thing. "Elliott," he manages, shakily holding his hand out.
You give your name, and reach to shake his hand. Instead, he gently draws your hand to him and kisses your knuckles with his sun-chapped lips.
Elliott winces as he lays back, visibly drained. Harvey encourages Elliott to go back to resting, and for you to return to your day. As you're leaving, you hear a weak, hoarse voice trying desperately to be heard.
"Come back..."
You turn around. Elliott has his eyes closed and is lying still. He takes another breath, then looks to you through a half-lidded gaze.
"...tomorrow?" Elliott finishes.
You nod.
- - -
If you come back on the 18th, Harvey and Elliott approve. Elliott is sitting up on the bed reading when you come in.
He looks up and greets you by name. It looks like he's been given the chance to wash up--he looks brighter, and his auburn reddish hair shines, tied back loosely at his shoulders and pulled to the side with less bandages on it. He's shirtless, skin almost as red as his hair, and you can see all the bandages across his shoulders and back.
What happened to your shirt?
(no change in approval) Elliott blinks. "It was too painful to keep taking it off and putting it back on again for bandage changes. I hope it doesn't bother you."
How are you feeling today?
(approval gain) Elliott gives a polite smile. "Moving hurts, breathing hurts… but I can do both, and for that I am thankful."
What are you reading?
(approval gain) Elliott lights up, flashing the cover. "Kind doctor Harvey was generous enough to lend me a tome from his collection. It's a collection of short stories he had left over from his undergraduate studies. Turns out we went to university around the same time, so it's been a wonderful trip down memory lane. And a relief that it wasn't one of his medical textbooks!"
ALL PATHS CONVERGE: "So… I'm guessing you're probably curious as to how I got here? Besides, of course, the part where you pulled me from death's doorstep."
From the other room, Harvey interjects, monotone, "You weren't on death's doorstep."
"Alright, then you pulled me from the speeding taxi to Death's neighborhood?" he lifts the end of the sentence, looking towards the sound of Harvey's voice for approval.
Harvey's voice comes after a pause, "Wordy, but accurate."
"We'll workshop it," Elliott calls back, then turns his attention back to you. "So, yes, I'm afraid it's not much of a story--unlucky wayfaring sailor caught in a bad storm… The Clockwork Storms, I'm told a bit too late. I've held my own against a few storms in my day, but this was… I didn't give my love the respect she deserves, and as they say, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. A mistake I won't make twice!"
(A perceptive farmer notices a certain flippancy about his story that seems out of place for a man who otherwise appears passionate and verbose.)
He goes on, "Oh, [name], I've been meaning to ask--did you happen to find any of my possessions or a rucksack on me when you revived me?"
You shake your head, indicating it was Willy who got to him first.
"So Willy was the one who pulled me from the sea, and you helped him get me from shore to here? Oh dear, I really was succumbed. Ah well. I'll check with him tomorrow after I get discharged. It'd be nice to have my own clothes back, among other things.
"Thanks for stopping by. It means a lot. I've been many places, and so few as full of kindness as here. I do hope to get to see you again tomorrow."
- - -
Elliott gets discharged from the hospital on the 19th. If you enter Pelican Town before 5pm, you'll encounter Elliott leaving the clinic. He looked well-kept, freshly shaven, and his clothes have been laundered. He wears his same olive green pants and a plain white shirt. He'll flag you down and ask you to help him find his way around.
Sorry, I'm too busy right now.
(no change in approval) Elliott visibly deflates, but forces a smile. "Ah, well. I... suppose I've seen myself through larger ports than this. No matter, I'll find my own way..."
(the cutscene ends with Elliott meandering towards the east side of town, murmuring about finding Willy.)
I'd be happy to!
(Elliott approves) Elliott beams. "Splendid. I knew I could rely on your kindness to see me through."
A short montage style cutscene follows where the farmer appears with Elliott in front of the different areas in Pelican Town. He's shown having a few introductions to the people around town, having a little heart bubble over his head at the library, having a very lively conversation with Robin [about building boats], and going to Pierre's to stock up on a few things. Finally, the farmer walks Elliott over the bridge to the beach.
Elliott takes in a big breath of the sea air and releases it contentedly. "Back again... lovely place, when one's conscious enough to enjoy it."
You take him over to the docks near Willy's shop, and Willy enters the scene from the ocean on his fishing boat. Willy greets you and Elliott. He addresses Elliott, "I remember you sayin' you'd had some belongings so I went back to about where I'd found ya, accountin' fer a few days drift and whatnot, and poked around a bit..."
Willy steps out of his boat and onto the docks, handing him a plank of wood with splintered edges. It has the name of his boat painted on it, but you can't make it out before he puts it under his arm as Willy then hands him a battered and torn rucksack. "Found these. Thought you might like that back. The rucksack I saw was caught on a splintered piece of, well, what's now driftwood, unfortunately."
"I can't begin to thank you enough." Elliott begins to dig through the rucksack. "Once I can get the saltwater out of my town clothes, I'll feel so much more... Hmm." He frowns. "Where's...? I know I put it in here..."
Elliott continues to search. He kneels on the dock and takes out every article of clothing, a few pens, hair ties, soaked rations, and some spare g contained in the rucksack until it is flat and empty. His demeanor begins to falter. "Uh, Willy? A book. Was there a book? Brown leather, bound across the cover with a string, papers, envelopes, writing inside? Did you find anything like that?"
Willy can tell Elliott's becoming distressed. "I... I'm 'fraid not, nothing that I seen like that. I'm sorry."
Elliott stares at the contents of the rucksack. There's an immense heaviness to his features. He kneels there in silence, hardly moving, for a several moments. Finally, he says, "I... see." His voice is low, with no affect. He slowly, numbly, puts the items back in the torn rucksack. Once they're back in, he stands, a bit unsteady. He doesn't look at you or Willy, but you can see the rims of his eyes are red.
"Sincerely, thank you, both of you... I am just... That book was... important. I... need some time alone... please, excuse me."
Elliott walks off screen and the cutscene ends.
Elliott's sprite will remain sitting on the beach, unresponsive, for the remainder of the day. When it becomes dark, he'll move to one of the towels on the beach and lay down, still unresponsive. The game is set not to rain or storm on Summer 19 or 20th.
- - -
If you return to the beach on the 20th, Elliott will still be back to sitting by the water, unresponsive. Willy will approach you, saying he talked to Robin about getting a bed for the old cabin, and that he's gonna let Elliott stay there. He says he picked the best time to stay on the beach, but it won't be that way for long. Willy asks for your help to talk to Elliott. You nod.
You and Willy approach Elliott.
Alright, that's enough moping.
(no approval change) Elliott remains unresponsive.
Hey, there's a cabin you can stay in.
(no approval change) Elliott doesn't look up, distantly shrugs.
Elliott? It's [name] and Willy. We're concerned for you.
(no approval change) Elliott meets your gaze. His eyes are dull and red rimmed. His voice is raspy as he says, "Sorry?"
ALL PATHS CONVERGE: Willy clears his throat. "Ain't right to let somebody stay out in the elements without at least offerin' refuge." Willy motions to the cabin. "Robin'll be by with a bed soon. It ain't much, but you're welcome to use it for s'long as you need."
Elliott's mouth hangs slightly open as he looks between the two of you. He swallows, starts to speak but his voice is cracked. He clears his throat and starts again. "Truly? ...Your kindness knows no bounds."
Willy offers him a hand to help him get up and Elliott takes it, slow to rise. You and Willy walk Elliott over to the cabin and Willy opens the door, letting you all in. It's musty inside, but the sunlight coming through the window gives it a warm, cozy glow.
Willy excuses himself: "Lemme go see about that bed. I reckon she may have other furniture to spare too."
Elliott is quiet for a few moments when you are both alone.
Put a gentle hand on his shoulder.
(Elliott approves) Elliott almost flinches, then like melting ice relaxes into your touch. After a moment, he looks to you and says, "Thank you, [name]. I'm... at a loss for words."
I'll go see about helping, too.
(no approval change) As you turn to leave, Elliott stops you.
ALL PATHS CONVERGE: "I apologize for my... persistent moroseness. Give me a few days, and I'll come around. I'd be happy to speak more with you then."
Elliott is inaccessible for the next 3 days and does not attend any festivals during that time.
- - -
On Summer 23, he begins his normal routine.
He'll greet the farmer the first time they interact with a tired but optimistic smile. "Good to see you again, [name]. Thank you for your understanding earlier. Things still hurt, my heart chief among them, but if grief is love with nowhere to go, it's time to turn my sails to the wind and chart a new course. First things first, I need a new boat... time to get to work!"
If you talk to him again, he'll add, "I'll be keeping myself busy rebuilding, but don't let that turn you into a stranger. Stop by any time. Some company every now and then would be nice."
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(end notes: I chose not to give any reactions to when he kisses the farmer's hand in the clinic because we all know what we're here for and it's not to be mean.)
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sailor!Elliott AU inventory:
Introduction | General Overworld HCs | Heart Events 1-10 | Proposal and Marriage
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cadmuslabs777 · 8 months
Holy fucking shit I might be in love
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juthemagicalclown · 5 months
IN LOVE with the scenes added to the pjo show that are different from the book. they make the characters feel so real and human. i'm specifically referring to the deeper focus on medusa's story, to annabeth talking to hephaestus at the waterpark and (my absolute favourite) to the conversation between ares and grover (the book was so biased against ares 'cos we saw everything through percy's pov which made absolute sense, but i love the way the show is portraying him)
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punkeropercyjackson · 5 months
I can't take Peter B antis who hate him based off Atsv seriously.Like man if you're gonna hate him why choose something as dumb as him being turned into comedic relief so Miles and Gwen could fully shine and not the plus ultra popular self-insertion of gringo and/or white Miguel simps into him because they can't fanthom a guy who's a pseudo-big brother to the afrolatino teen protag still sees latinos as people even if he wants to fuck them
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chevaliermalfets · 6 months
the department sending us back to do research after serving so much wine at the christmas lunch
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zeb-z · 9 months
everyday I wish Etoiles had won the election
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