#it's a good song for this au tho ngl
razzle-zazzle · 3 months
9650 Words; Between AU, pre-canon
TW for death
AO3 ver
Gristle Junior was seven months and eleven days old on the day of his first Trollstice.
Or rather, he was seven months and eleven days old on what would have been his first Trollstice, were it not for the lack of trolls. And the day had started so well, too, anticipation electric in his veins as he bounced around his father’s room. He had been so ready to taste true happiness!
But the Trolls were gone, fleeing underground despite the best efforts of Chef’s underlings. Not a single Troll had been recovered, Gristle had been told, and from what little he had been able to see of the commotion—from the swinging shovels and pickaxes he had glimpsed in the plaza as he was being shuffled away from the action—supported that notion. Surely, if Trolls were being found, then surely there would be much less frustration.
But the day passed without a single Troll eaten. Gristle’s father, for who he had been named, had taken him aside to calmly explain that with no Trolls, Gristle would never be happy. Not ever. Nothing else could possibly work.
To a Bergen less than a year old, such words were absolute. And why should Gristle doubt his father? The King had lived for decades, an extent of time which felt like an eternity to Gristle Junior. Surely, if there was anyone who could know everything, it would be the King.
Gristle was seven months and eleven days old on the last chance he would ever have to know true happiness. The date clung to his mind, the damnation of eternal misery heavy in his chest. To a Bergen so young and inexperienced with the world, there could be nothing worse.
Chef was disgraced. Not a single Troll recovered, in all of that mess? Her exile was quick and loud—Gristle watched from the castle door with his father as Chef was bodily thrown through the gates, shouting curses he strained to hear. With a sigh, Gristle moved to turn away from the door, prepared to ready himself for bed.
“Your Majesty!” Two Bergens hailed down his father, bowing the moment the King’s eyes were on them. “We found…” The Bergen on the left had his hands cupped together oddly, perfectly concealing whatever would be inside. With a nudge from his partner, he bowed again, holding out whatever it was to the King. “We found this at the tree’s edge.”
Gristle Junior turned back towards the door, pressing against his father’s legs to peer at what was so urgent it couldn’t wait for daylight. The air was thick with anticipation as the Bergen’s fingers slowly parted, revealing what was delicately clasped in his hands.
It was a Troll.
Gristle’s eyes widened. His father inhaled sharply, peering down at the tiny shape curled in the palm.
The Troll stared up at them with wide eyes, curled in on itself and shaking. It was so small. How did creatures that small even exist?
The King hummed, leaning in further. Gristle Junior was quick to imitate, peering at the tiny Troll even more intently. This brought to light a detail that had been previously overlooked—a detail that seven month and eleven day old Gristle had no filter against pointing out.
“It’s gray.” Gristle said, peering down at the thing. Tiny, too. Could something so little really bring him happiness? “Is it sick?” He poked at the Troll, and it flinched back with a hiss, tail clutched in its paws.
“Inedible.” Gristle Senior growled out. He turned bared teeth to the pair before them. “Your effort is appreciated.” He said, “But there’s no use for a Troll that’s gone bad.” The King sighed, moving to reenter the castle. “Do as you wish with it.” He dismissed. “My son and I…”
Gristle Junior reached for the Troll. “It’s so small.” He whispered, staring down at it. Small and gray and baring blunted teeth in an approximation of a snarl… He looked up at the pair, eyes wide. “Can I have it?”
The Bergen holding the Troll hesitated, before tilting his hands towards Gristle. The Troll squeaked as Gristle scooped it up, voice tiny. Gristle squealed, clutching the Troll and running back inside, the rest of the world forgotten.
The Troll turned bewildered eyes up to Gristle. It trembled, shouting as Gristle turned a corner, but Gristle paid no heed to anything but the sheer novelty of his idea. His very own Troll! There was hardly much of a plan in the toddler’s head, but a simple idea was all Gristle really needed at his age.
Gristle bounced into his bedroom, Troll in hand. He moved to set the Troll down on the desk—
“Son!” Gristle Senior’s voice was seldom so loud—but when it was, it commanded attention from everyone in the area. And indeed, Gristle Junior turned his attention to his father, the Troll still squirming in his hand. “What are you doing?” Gristle had never heard his father at such a loss.
“Keeping it.” Gristle Junior said.
Gristle Senior walked across the room and peered down at the Troll on the desk, trapped between Gristle Junior’s hands. “A pet is a lot of responsibility, son.” He pointed out.
“You say the same about being Prince.” Gristle Junior responded.
Gristle Senior jolted slightly, taken aback. “That… is true.” He conceded. “But it’s a Troll.” He poked the Troll in question, sending it stumbling backwards onto the ground. “It will just get eaten.”
“But you said gray Trolls are inebidable!” Gristle Junior lifted the Troll—his Troll, up with cradled hands, pressing it against his chest. “That they’ve got no use, which means that eating them can’t do anything!”
“Inedible.” Gristle Senior corrected gently. He lowered down, to be closer to his son’s eye level. “Son, be realistic. The kingdom just lost all of its Trolls. Trollstice has been a tradition for more than a century. The shock of no more Trollstices will make the people desperate.”
The Troll stared up from Gristle Junior’s hands with wide eyes. Tiny claws too small to do any damage dug into Gristle Junior’s hand.
Gristle Junior huffed. “But they gotta listen to you, Daddy. You’re the King.” The people had listened when the King declared Chef exiled; Gristle had witnessed just that less than an hour ago. “If you say that my Troll is inedidible then nobody will eat it!”
The King sighed, tired and heavy. “You’ll need something to keep it in.” He advised. As his son cheered, he turned to the door, and made his way across the room. Once Gristle Senior reached the doorframe, he turned back to his son one more time.
“If I wake up tomorrow and find that thing is running around the castle, I will feed it to Barnabus.” He threatened. His face immediately lightened, and he left the room with a single, cheery, “Goodnight, son!”
Gristle Junior nodded at the closed door with the utmost seriousness. He turned back to his Troll, who he set on the desk gently. “Hear that?” He asked. “You stay in here, or else.” With that, Gristle propped his face up in his hands, leaning forwards. “My name’s Gristle. Yours?”
The Troll crossed tiny Troll arms and glared up at him. “I’m not telling.” It said, in a voice that reminded Gristle of the mice Barnabus ate.
“Then I’ll just give you one!” Gristle chirped. “How about… Trolly!”
Gristle frowned. “You’re getting a name, no matter what.” He huffed, poking his Troll in the side. The Troll stumbled a bit, but remained standing. “You’re so grumpy.” Gristle noticed. “Just like… a Bergen…” He trailed off, something approaching realization creeping up his throat.
The Troll snarled. “Not a Bergen!” It insisted, tail smacking the desk.
Gristle stared. “You…” His eyes lit up. “You and I are gonna be best friends.” Gristle decided, poking his Troll again.
The Troll’s response was simple. Gristle yelped, yanking his hand back. The Troll fell over, rubbing at its mouth with tiny paws, and Gristle stared at the tiny teeth marks on his finger.
The Troll glared mutinously, as if daring Gristle to come within biting range again.
Gristle nodded. “Yep! Best friends!”
Gristle Junior was nine months and two days old when he learned the Troll’s name. He had been poring through a pet care magazine, oo-ing and ah-ing over the different kinds of pets that Bergens kept. From alligator-dogs like Barnabus to even frog-crows!
He had hit the section for small pets, though none of the kinds commonly kept by Bergens were as small as a Troll. He looked over at the custom cage his father had had commissioned for his Troll, from the pod taken from the abandoned Troll Tree to the sandy substrate in the basin. As usual, his Troll was down on the substrate, pressed into the corner while it worked its way through safflower seeds.
“Look!” Gristle held the magazine right up against the cage bars, pointing at the circled bird perch. “How does a swing sound? I bet you’d have a lot of fun with it, Trolly.” He didn’t expect a response—the Troll rarely ever spoke back, content with glaring and darting away when Gristle reached into the cage.
Which meant it surprised him all the more when the tiny creature spoke. “Branch.”
Gristle opened his mouth to continue speaking—stopped. “What?”
“Branch.” The Troll repeated. “My name is Branch.” Its eyes were locked resolutely on the sandy substrate, shoulders hunched and tail thwap-thwap-thwapping against the corner.
Gristle gasped. “Oh!” He’d never thought—he—Branch—
“That’s a weird name.” Gristle finally decided, leaning in. “Are all Trolls named like that?” He couldn’t quite read well enough to digest all the books he’d found about Trolls (or that had Trolls on the covers), so his only real source of information was what former Troll-handlers Chad and Todd (or was it Todd and Chad?) could tell him, when he saw them. Which wasn’t often.
Branch gave Gristle a deer in headlights look, a helpless sort of “how-would-I-know” conveyed through body language alone. Paws clenched and unclenched against the seed held between them.
Gristle shrugged, and went back to the magazine. “So,” He said, “You never said if you wanted a swing.”
“Don’t bother.” Branch huffed. “I won’t use it.”
Gristle Junior was five years old when his father led him into his study for the first time. The younger marveled at the book-filled shelves and neatly organized desk, at the candle holders set into the wall and the banners hanging down—this room was his future.
“My son,” Gristle Senior began. “What you will be starting today is a time-honored tradition of Bergen Royalty.” His voice had a practiced lilt, a deep timbre made of years of self-assurance. “For no Monarch rules Bergentown alone—it is the duty of Princes and Princesses to run the kingdom in concert with the reigning monarch.”
“Whoaaa…” Gristle Junior hopped up and down to see atop the desk. “I’m a Prince!” He realized, whirling around to face his father. “So I have to help you run!”
Gristle Senior chuffed. When he spoke, there was pride in his voice. “And that is exactly what you will start learning today.” He lifted his son with one arm, sitting down behind the desk and settling Gristle Junior in his lap. “Now,” He pushed a stack of books from the edge of the desk to the center. “Here are the best volumes to start with…”
The lesson continued on throughout the rest of the morning. After lunch with his father, Gristle Junior returned to his room with the stack of books he had been given, ready and willing to learn. He pushed open the door, and made his way over to the desk right next to his bed.
“There’s so many books I need to read!” Gristle lamented. “How am I ever going to learn it all?” He’d have to, though, to be a proper Prince of Bergentown. And he would! Bergens were tough, and royal Bergens were said to be the toughest of all! So Gristle would be the best Prince! No book could defeat someone as tough as him!
He was starting with history. But there was so much! He held out the book to Branch’s cage, showing off just how thick it was—and it was all pre-Trollstice, too!
Branch squinted at the tome, then returned to his digging. He’d been doing a lot of that lately. Which was weird, because Trolls were supposed to live in trees—every book Gristle had read on them said so. But the pod in Branch’s cage—taken directly from the Troll Tree, no less—remained just as empty as it always had. There was even dust building up along the top!
“I mean, how in the world am I ever going to remember all this?” Gristle slammed the book down on his desk, prying it open. He was glad for Branch—the Troll was a good listener, in the five year old’s eyes.
The Troll in question poked his head back up, ears twitching. “Are you going to read it, or are you just gonna complain?” He asked, before going back to the hole.
“Right.” Gristle turned his attention back to the book. Slowly, he began, sounding out the words as best he could.
“The first re-cor-did history of Bergenkind dates back to… three… fow-sand years ago.” He began. “When Fow-ler the First wrote the… the first ever Law.” He continued reading, stumbling over words while Branch continued digging. Gristle let the history wash over him, entranced in the task set before him. Hours passed, and Gristle found himself being called down to dinner before he even registered that so much time had passed.
Three days later, Gristle found himself staring at a worksheet in frustration. He was supposed to fill it out without looking at his books, and he was struggling.
“UGH!” Gristle threw his head back, clutching at his hair as he seethed. “How can I remember the name of the first Bergen to write a law but not when?!” He smacked his head against the desk, groaning in frustration. The urge to go to his shelf and pull out the relevant book itched down his spine—but he had to hold strong! A good Prince knew how to look things up, but a great Prince could recall whatever detail was needed when it was needed.
Oh, how was Gristle ever supposed to be a great Prince?
“The first recorded history of Bergenkind dates back to three thousand years ago.” Branch said, casually breaking the frustrated silence. “That’s what your book said.”
Gristle looked at Branch’s cage, where the Troll was busy jotting stuff down on a scrap of paper. Gristle then looked over to the book on his shelf. Slowly, he pushed out his chair and went over to the shelf, opening the book to the first page.
“That’s…” He turned back to Branch. “You’ve got a good memory.” He said, returning the book to the shelf.
Branch muttered something that Gristle didn’t quite catch. Gristle shrugged, and went back to his worksheet. He’d have to read aloud to Branch more often, if Branch could remember stuff so well.
With a hum, Gristle continued on with the worksheet. It probably wasn’t in the spirit of the challenge to have a friend who could remember a lot of words, but Gristle wasn’t concerned at all with that notion.
He continued to talk to Branch as he worked, something light in his chest with the knowledge that Branch really was listening.
Gristle Junior was six years old, and he and Branch were having a real good row. The kind of row that, had they been proper siblings, would have only been able to be settled by some proper Bergen roughhousing, with weapons and property destruction. A real riot-causing dispute.
It was hardly their first disagreement—Gristle had the faint bite scars all over his fingers to prove it. But it was certainly frustrating, born from weeks of buildup over a simple fact.
“It’s not healthy! Trolls are supposed to sing!” Gristle gestured to the book in his hand, which was way more useful than all the cookbooks he’d found. It actually went a bit into Troll health and growth, detailing all the ways and times that Trolls could become inedible. As Branch was, and had always been gray—or at least, as long as Gristle had known him—the book in question proved very useful.
“Well I don’t!” And that was the crux of the situation, the simple fact from which all of this had spawned. “And I never will!” Branch’s stand was resolute, unshakeable, even in the face of all of Gristle’s Princely Rage.
“But you have to!” Gristle insisted, gesturing again to the page he had the book opened to. “Trolls that don’t sing—this book isn’t very nice about them!” He was fumbling, he knew, but he didn’t know how else to say it. The book said that gray Trolls were to be removed from the Troll Tree and disposed of immediately. It didn’t say why, and Gristle was still a child—he didn’t question the words presented as fact. As far as he could tell, a Troll that had gone gray was just… it wasn’t right!
“You’re supposed to be happy.” Gristle pushed. “You’re supposed to sing, like a regular Troll.”
“Never gonna happen.” Branch insisted. “I’ll stay unhappy, just you watch!” He crossed his arms with a huff, tail twitching angrily.
“That’s not good!” Gristle responded. “You have to get your color back eventually!” The book said nothing about whether Trolls could regain their color after losing it. But it wasn’t right, for a creature so intertwined with music to never make a single note. And if the book said to get rid of gray Trolls…
Gristle cared about Branch, more than he could feasibly admit. The castle staff were fine, and his father was his father, but Branch—Branch was a friend. Someone Gristle could talk to who would actually listen, no matter what it was.
The book said it wasn’t healthy for a Troll to go gray. Gristle was going to be King someday, in the far distant future, and he’d be responsible for all of Bergentown. Even sooner, he would be a fully fledged Prince, responsible for helping his father with Bergentown. If Gristle couldn’t even take care of one tiny troll, then what were his chances of ever being good at what he was literally meant to do?
“And then what?” Branch gripped the bars of his cage, rage in every inch of his body. “You’ll eat me?”
“Of course not!” Gristle could never! Branch was… Branch was his friend! Inedible by Royal Decree! Gristle would sooner eat Barnabus!
“You’re lying!” Branch yelled back. “The moment I become edible you or some other Bergen will be serving me up on a silver platter!” His tail lashed about wildly, tears bubbling up at the corners of his eyes. “Because that’s all Trolls are to you!”
Gristle flinched back. He… he refused to admit it, but Branch had a point. Trolls were the only way that Bergens could ever be happy, and they had spent generations with a holiday dedicated to that very thing. But…
“You’re different.” Gristle insisted. Branch was his friend. “You’re not… you never sing and you’re always unhappy.” He huffed. “It’s like you’re barely a Troll at all!”
This time it was Branch’s turn to flinch, tail falling flat against the ground. “Maybe you’re right.” He said quietly, turning away from the bars.
“Branch, I—” Gristle reached out, only for his hand to fall back down when Branch glared at him.
“Fine, then.” Gristle grumbled. “We’ll just be unhappy together.” Between the two of them, Branch was the only one who had even a chance to ever be happy—Gristle would never get to eat a Troll with all of them gone, but Branch… Branch was a Troll. If anyone would ever get to be happy, it would be the creature who was quite literally made of the stuff.
“Fine!” Branch sat down hard on the substrate, arms crossed and turned away from Gristle. “Unhappy together!”
It felt like a promise, like a finality.
It felt like Gristle was failing hard at this whole “taking care of others” thing.
Gristle Junior was seven years old with a form in his hand. He stood before Branch’s cage, expanded over the years to include deeper substrate and a small climbing tree. The… well, it felt weird to call him a Troll, when he was nothing like Gristle’s books, but what else could he be called?
A Bergen. At least, that was what he’d be if Gristle’s idea went through.
“I’ve been learning about law.” Gristle began, with no real preamble. Branch looked up from his orange slice, ears twitching, but made no comment. “And I found out something interesting.” He took a deep breath, and glanced at the memo in his hand. “Adoption Laws, Section Two. In the case of a non-Bergen being adopted by a Bergen or other being of Bergen citizenry…” Gristle hurriedly looked at the memo again, “They are considered, in all aspects of the law, a Bergen, with all of the rights and restrictions that such a designation entails.” He let the memo flutter down to the floor and looked down at Branch, who was staring up at him with wide eyes.
Branch clenched and unclenched his paws against the half-eaten orange slice in his lap, tail flicking behind him. “...what.”
“Listen.” Gristle leaned in close, holding up the form in his other hand. “If I adopt you, then you wouldn’t be in any more danger of being eaten!”
Branch squinted. “Aren’t you a little young to be a parent?” He asked, orange slice seemingly forgotten in his lap. “And I’m older than you.” He pointed out, somewhat bitterly.
“Ew! No! Not as a son!” Gristle waved his arms wildly, then pressed the form against the bars again. “As a brother.” He clarified. “Because… you’re more of a friend than a pet,” Gristle explained, “And it’s not fair to keep treating you like one. A pet.” He carefully gaged Branch’s expressions, watching as his face flickered through a series of emotions. “All you’d need to do is sign on this line…”
“It can’t be that easy.” Branch groused, tail flicking faster. “Bergens don’t do ‘easy’.”
“Well,” Gristle rubbed at the back of his neck, “We would have to get approval from Dad for it to go through.” He rallied, clenching his free hand in a fist. “But that’s easy! I mean, he let me keep you!”
“As a pet.” Branch stressed. He set the orange slice aside, brushing off his paws as he stood. “That’s totally different.”
“And that’s why I want to do this!” Gristle unlatched the cage door, not bothering to reach in—he had long since learned that Branch hated being picked up unexpectedly. Better to let Branch come out of the cage on his own terms. “Because what kind of Prince treats his friend like a pet?”
Branch’s expression fell, his shoulders hunching. His paws clenched and unclenched in the rhythmic way they often did, his tail flicking. Carefully, slowly, Branch clambered out of the cage, climbing down the flipped out door to settle on the smooth wood of the shelf. Gristle held out his hand, palm up, and Branch hopped onto it, letting himself be lifted over to the desk.
Gristle laid out the form. He’d double-checked every word to make sure it was exactly what he needed, and all that was left was to sign it and have it approved. Gristle had already signed it, his name penned in only slightly messy ink. Penmanship win!
Branch pulled a tiny quill from his hair, hopping up to gently dab it in the inkwell on the desk. As Gristle watched, Branch kneeled down in front of his line, and carefully signed his name.
“Think that’ll be enough?” Gristle asked.
Branch hummed. “Maybe…” He tucked the quill away and went back to the inkwell, hopping up and leaning so far in that for a moment Gristle feared he’d fall in. Branch kicked the side and lifted himself back and out, clambering over to the form and slapping right next to his name with his paws.
Two inky paw prints, right next to his name. “That should do it.” Branch decided, satisfied.
Gristle nodded, offering his hand again. As Branch hopped onto his palm and clambered up Gristle’s arm to his shoulder, Gristle grabbed the form carefully, blowing a bit to make the ink dry faster.
“Let’s get this done!” Gristle declared, running off to go find his father. It wasn’t the first time Branch had left Gristle’s room, nor the first time that Branch had ridden on Gristle’s shoulder. But it was the first time since the belled harness had been made that Branch had left the room without the jingle of bells signaling his every movement. Gristle realized it was weird, actually, to feel the weight on his shoulder and not hear the sound of bells he’d come to associate with that weight. But the harness was from when Branch was still a pet in everyone’s eyes—it wouldn’t do to make Branch wear it now.
And really, Branch was like a Bergen, in a lot of ways. He never sang or danced, he was disagreeable—even the gray of his short fur was similar to the average Bergen’s dull tones. Whenever he had something to work on, be it the den he’d dug or even old worksheets Gristle tried to downsize for him, he took to working on it just like a Bergen: with a grumble and the focused spirit that allowed Bergens to create sturdy walls and buildings. And he had interesting insights, too—Bergens disliked great heights, so even the castle couldn’t get very tall, but it was Branch who gave Gristle the idea to suggest subterranean expansion when the King presented the age-old issue of expansion logistics. Which was just funny, because Trolls lived in trees—yet Branch never once touched the dusty pod hanging in his cage.
Branch settled down on Gristle Junior’s shoulder, tucked just below Gristle’s ear. Gristle found a sudden bounce in his step, a mix of anticipation and excitement in his veins. Yeah, this whole adoption thing was a great idea! Maybe even the best Gristle had ever had!
Finding the King was easy—it was just before lunch, so King Gristle Senior would be just finishing up with the final petitioners in the biweekly levee. Normally, Gristle Junior would be sitting in his own princely throne beside his father, to listen and watch and get a general idea of how a levee worked—but he had… kinda skipped it, what with how eager he was to try out the adoption idea. Not that that was a major issue—Gristle Junior wasn’t meant to fully step into his duties as Prince until he was ten.
“Ah, there you are.” King Gristle Senior groused, shifting slightly in his throne. “Care to explain why you missed today’s levee?”
Gristle Junior stopped short, nodding his head in a bow. “My apologies, Father.” He kept his tone careful, regal, like he’d been taught. “I found something that needed attending to.” He explained, head still down.
Gristle Senior snorted. “Well, out with it, then.” He waved his hand encouragingly as his son looked up. “What grand idea did you come up with this time?”
Gristle Junior’s mouth pulled back in an odd way, and he fought the strange expression off of his face. With a simple flourish, he drew out the form, holding it out towards his father. “This.”
Gristle Senior took the form, glancing it over. His expression remained neutr—his eyes widened, as the contents of the form properly registered. The King’s expression scrunched, turning thunderous, before going down to mere annoyance. He turned that annoyance upon his son, and all but sputtered out, “What in the name of Berg is the meaning of this?!”
“It’s an adoption form.” Gristle Junior explained, pressing his hands together. He felt Branch shift slightly on his shoulder, and he held out a palm. Branch took the offer, sliding down Gristle’s arm to stand upon his hand, small and gray and steady.
“I can… see that.” Gristle Senior hissed through ground teeth. “But…” His expression became just as lost as the night that Gristle Junior had first met Branch. With a deep sigh, Gristle Senior looked down at his son and the Troll.
“Letting you keep a Troll as a pet is one thing,” The King began, “But adoption? Of a Troll? Are you insane?”
Gristle Junior felt oddly gobsmacked. “It makes sense.” He tried, unable to keep childish uncertainty from his voice. “Branch is the most unTroll Troll ever, he’s just like a Bergen and I think it’d be best if he was called as such, because then nobody would even think to eat him!”
Gristle Senior sighed, heavy and tired. “That’s not a good enough reason.” He started. “Son, do you have any idea what would happen if that… thing were to become your brother?”
“It’d be a serious crime to eat him.” Gristle Junior responded easily.
Gristle Senior brought up his hand to pinch the bridge of his nose, grumbling too low for Gristle Junior to make out the words. “...of all the—” With a rumbling groan, Gristle Senior regarded his son with a firm—but not wholly uncaring—expression. “You’re a Prince, my son. You can’t just go adopting every creature you see fit.”
“It’s just Branch.” Gristle Junior pushed back, “He’s already close enough to a Bergen, what’s adding the legal distinction going to do?” He shook his head. “This will all work out, Dad, I know it. I just need you to trust me.”
“Son, be realistic.” The King groused. “If that thing becomes your brother, then that makes it a Prince. There’s no way a Troll could be a Bergen Prince! Trolls are all about loud parties and sugar and silly games—they’re simply unsuited to laws and regulations and the hard work required to run a kingdom!”
Gristle Junior’s mouth opened—to say what, he wasn’t sure, but air was being forced up from his lungs and defiance was roaring in his heart, ready to burst out what would surely be a useful and clever retort—
“I can do it.”
As one, Gristle Junior and Senior turned to look at Branch. Branch took the combined attention with hunched shoulders, his tail clasped in his paws. “You want me to learn how to help run a kingdom? Fine. I’ll do it. I’ll learn.” He dropped his tail and crossed his arms, expression firm.
“I don’t want you doing anything of the sort.” Gristle Senior growled, but Gristle Junior was already rallying.
“He can! Branch is smart, Dad, he’s where I got the idea for underground expansions from! He remembers all the stuff I read, and he listens, and he’d make a good Prince!” All of his reasons were true and proven—which meant a lot, for seven year old Gristle Junior.
“Preposterous!” Gristle Senior began—
“If you think it’s so preposterous,” Branch’s voice cut through the room like alligator-dog teeth through mice. “Then why not bet on it?”
Those three words echoed in the sudden silence of the room, bouncing off the vaulted ceiling and tangling up in the eaves. If there was one thing Gristle Junior knew his father could not resist, it was a wager.
Indeed, Gristle Senior’s face had turned contemplative, his hands steepled before him. “A bet, you say?” Something like satisfaction slithered its way onto his face. “Hmm, I think I see what you mean. A trial period, of sorts, is that it? To find out if you could even come close to being a Prince?”
Branch nodded.
“Yeah!” Gristle Junior agreed. “If Branch can prove himself then you have to let the adoption go through!”
Gristle Senior snorted. “Sure, fine.” He waved his hand dismissively, before turning his attention to Branch. “But when that little creature fails to keep up the pace, I’m burning that form and you’re going to put any wild ideas of adopting Trolls out of your head for good.” He glared down at the pair, lips curled in a derisive snarl.
“You have three weeks.” Gristle Senior declared. “Better get started.”
Gristle Junior was seven years old when he became a brother.
The wager had been… not as hard as Gristle expected. Branch had thrown himself into the challenge with a fervor that was only seen with master artisans undergoing hefty commissions. It had taken a lot of work, in those three weeks, but at the end of it all—
The cage had to be redone, renovated into a proper bedroom. The castle staff found itself expanded by two—Bernice and Groth, who had been hired to aid in the fiddly and sometimes frustrating art of turning tiny, Troll-sized writings into something that could be read by the average Bergen. Branch needed new clothes, and a proper bed, and a shelf for all of the Troll-sized copies he’d made and was making of the various books on Law and history and regulations, and had to attend meals and levees and lessons with Gristle, and—
It was so much. Gristle had known, when he had drafted that first attempt at an adoption form in the castle library, that things would change—but he had never quite imagined the sheer scope of it all. Suddenly, his brother was accompanying him everywhere, riding on Gristle’s shoulder or flinging himself through the halls with his hair. Gristle had heard some of the staff discussing pathways for Branch, where he’d be safe from being stepped on—
There was so much.
Gristle had never had a brother. He had had a friend, in Branch, but it had taken so long for them to really get there. And now, despite how it had felt like the world was ending on that fateful failed Trollstice, all those years ago—
Gristle couldn’t imagine that day going any other way. He didn’t want to imagine a world in which he never met Branch, who was surely a Bergen in Troll skin. Branch was his friend—no, his brother.
“Hey, Branch?” Gristle rolled over and looked at the shelf that Branch’s things currently resided on, at the cage hurriedly covered with a sheet in an approximation of a proper room with real privacy. Late at night, in his unlit room, it barely looked like a cage at all. “Do you ever think about the day we met?”
Branch’s voice filtered down from the shelf. “Not really.” He admitted. “Why should I?” There was something oddly bitter in his voice. “It’s the day I was left behind. Again.”
Gristle Junior wasn’t sure how to unpack that. Or if he ever should. “I won’t leave you behind.” He promised, “‘Cause brothers stick together.” It felt like such a simple truth, to the seven year old Bergen.
There was silence from the shelf. It stretched on, almost uncomfortably so, feeding into the static of the darkness filling the room.
Gristle huffed. “You really are just like a Bergen.” He commented, “Always miserable.” He chuffed, something light in his chest that he didn’t fully register. “And that’s why you know we’ll always stick together.” He said, staring up at the darkness clinging to the ceiling.
“Unhappy together, then.” There was something soft in Branch’s voice—he must have been tired after such a long day.
Gristle sighed. Unhappy together. It sounded like a promise, like a finality.
It sounded like he was finally getting the hang of this whole “taking care of people” thing.
Gristle Junior was ten years old when he was properly crowned Prince.
The day had been rife with tradition, from a breakfast banquet stocked with imported delicacies to the event itself out in the plaza. The old Troll Tree, withered from its abandonment, stood tall in the center of the space, dominating the whole scene no matter how Gristle Junior tried to look at it.
He fiddled with the clasp on his cape—his Princely cape, paired with his new crown to signify the change in status. The festivities weren’t exactly celebratory—the whole ceremony amounted to more of a town meeting, but with the best catering the royal kitchens could provide. Bergens of all kinds wandered about the plaza, taking advantage of the free food while Gristle Junior—Prince Gristle Junior watched on from his father’s side.
Branch—no, it was Prince Branch, now—stood to Gristle’s side, on a small platform made entirely for the occasion. His own blue cape and silver crown had to be custom-made, instead of passed down, but neither of the brothers were bothered by that fact.
“I still don’t understand how Glixry managed such tiny details.” Gristle commented, focusing in on the silver metal of Branch’s crown. “It even has tiny metal leaves!”
Branch reached up, touching the edges delicately. “It feels so weird.” He decided. “But… not bad.”
“Of course not! You’re a Prince now!” Gristle assured him. “Stand tall and proud, like a proper Bergen.” Gristle commanded, repeating the words he had heard so many times.
“Yeah…” Branch let his paws fall back to his sides, almost hidden under the edges of his cape—but Gristle didn’t miss the way they clenched and unclenched repeatedly.
Branch was older than Gristle, true. But the fact remained that he had started learning later, so it had been decided to crown them both when Gristle came of age, and not a moment sooner. So here they were, brothers crowned together, all of Bergentown around them.
There would be so many more responsibilities, now—Princes helped the reigning monarch run the kingdom, after all. They’d still have to learn as they went, but—
Gristle breathed in deeply. The Bergens—his people—they were all miserable. But they were hardworking and honest, and Gristle would do his best to be the Prince they deserved.
Gristle turned to look back at his brother, who was fiddling with his own cape clasp. Glixry had repurposed one of the bells from Branch’s old harness for the clasp, and even now it still faintly rung as Branch slowly paced around his little platform.
There was an odd expression on Branch’s face, satisfaction and an oddly melancholy contemplation firming his brow. Gristle huffed, snapping his little-big brother from whatever thoughts he was lost in. Gristle offered his hand, and Branch rolled his eyes before hopping onto Gristle’s palm.
As Gristle lifted his brother high above his head, something proud surged in his chest, light and electric in his veins. His face twitched in that odd way it sometimes did, but Gristle ignored the feeling in favor of looking out over his people once more.
He was going to be the best Prince Bergentown had ever seen! He and his brother both!
Gristle Junior was eleven years old when Branch finally pupated.
His book on Troll growth said that Trolls pupated when they were twelve or thirteen. It also went on about how Trolls were utterly inedible in this state, wrapped in their cocoons as their bodies changed and matured.
That Branch’s pupation had come late according to the books was worrying. That it had come at all was a stark reminder of the fact that, for all of his Bergen-like traits, Branch was in some small way still a Troll.
Gristle peered at the dark gray hair cocoon for the umpteenth time. None of his books said anything about whether Trolls could still hear in there, or even what really happened to them outside of “maturation”—all the book really cared to go over was how to identify a pupation cocoon, and that they couldn’t be eaten.
“Even if you can’t hear me,” Gristle began, settling back down with an interesting book he’d found—some kind of romance novel where none of the characters actually got together in the end. He’d heard the librarian going on about how it was a contemplative piece about the nature of connections, so he’d picked it up to go through. “But if you can’t then I’ll just read this book to you all over again when you’re out.”
The cocoon gave no discernible response. Gristle decided that that was fine, and began to read. He made it through a chapter and a half before being summoned for dinner with his father, and he gave the cocoon one final glance as he left the room.
“I see your… brother isn’t joining us again tonight.” Gristle Senior commented, as the first course was brought out.
“I told you, Dad, he’s pupating.” Gristle Junior huffed, licking sticky roe off of his fingers.
“Yes,” Gristle Senior nodded. “Trolls do do that, I’ve heard.” He went silent as the second course arrived, digging in with royal fervor. A few moments later, and he spoke again. “Hopefully this whole thing doesn’t set him too far back.” He commented airily, dabbing at his face with a napkin.
Gristle Junior scowled over his plate as a servant exchanged it for the bowl of soup acting as the third course. “Branch always keeps up.” He asserted. “And we won that bet fair and square, so you can’t go back on your end no matter what.” He sipped from his spoon with a pointedly royal slurp.
“And I have no intentions of backing out.” Gristle Senior slurped just a little harder. “I’m just curious.” And with that, the conversation was over.
Gristle stared down at his soup. Branch would keep up. He would. He always did.
Gristle was eleven years old, and he was getting concerned.
Nineteen days. The books said that Trolls only pupated for a week, tops. But it had been nineteen days since Branch had disappeared into the spun cocoon, eyes glassy and unfocused. Nineteen days of a silent cocoon.
Gristle had long since finished that first romance novel, and the book on fence safety regulations, and was almost halfway into a book on the history of anchovy farming. And the cocoon still remained!
The worry was starting to affect his Princely duties, too. Maybe it was because he was used to working alongside Branch, and the absence was getting to him, but there was no denying it: Gristle was concerned. But what if trying to crack the cocoon open early ruined everything? What if he was supposed to crack it open, and he’d missed the deadline? What if being gray really was bad, and Branch…
Gristle didn’t want to think about it. He really, really didn’t.
The sun had long gone down when Gristle finally put his books away and retired to his bed. He glanced at the cocoon one last time before extinguishing the lights, worry like a rock in his gut.
The night passed. The sun rose again, creeping into Gristle’s bedroom through the window until it smacked against his eyes. With a groan, the eleven year old sat up, shading his eyes with a hand. He glared at the offending celestial body. “Every day.” He muttered. “Every day, you do this.” He was about to continue—
“Are you yelling at the sun again? Really?”
Gristle yelped, jolting hard enough to fall off of his bed entirely. He flailed wildly, scrambling to clamber back to his feet, frenetic energy in every inch of his suddenly-impossibly-awkward limbs.
“Branch!” Gristle leaned up against the shelf, examining the shredded remains of the cocoon through the door of his brother’s room. His little-big brother stood beside it, already having pulled on some pants. “You’re okay! You were in there for really long!”
Branch shrugged, walking over to his wardrobe. “Well, I’m here, so you can quit your whining.” There was a fondness in his voice that had Gristle rolling his eyes.
“Your tail’s still gone.” Gristle noticed. A lump settled in his gut, hard and heavy. “Branch…”
Branch turned around, twisting to look and confirm Gristle’s words. “Eh.” He shrugged, and turned his attention back to his wardrobe. “‘S not like it matters.” He decided, picking out a shirt to wear under his cape. “Bergens aren’t supposed to have tails anyway.”
Gristle winced. It was true, Bergens were tailless—but if they had tails, they certainly wouldn’t—
Gristle shook his head. He didn’t want to think about that. “Sooo,” He started, as Branch was securing the belled clasp of his cape. “How do you feel?”
Branch carefully placed his crown back upon his head, then walked in a small circle. “I don’t know, stronger?” He tried, holding his paws out in front of himself and examining them. “I think my balance is better, actually.” He noted. As if to illustrate the point, he did a twirl, his cape flaring slightly with the motion. “My face feels kinda… hm.” Branch pressed at his jaw with his paws, before shrugging it off. “Whatever. Are you gonna get ready, or am I doing all your work for you today?”
“Oh!” Gristle whipped back around, running for his own wardrobe. “Right!” As he shrugged on his own cape, clicking the clasp into place, he turned back to glance at the shelf holding his brother’s room.
Gristle sighed, all of his worries abated. Why would he ever worry? His family was just fine, and would be for a long, long time.
Gristle Junior was thirteen years old when he finally had to admit it.
He’d always hoped he’d get his father’s height, that he’d be able to stand as tall as the average Bergen in his adult years. But it had become clear that he would always be half average height, always doomed to needing steps to get onto the taller chairs.
It wasn’t the end of the world; Bergens could come in a range of shapes and sizes. That Gristle was so short wasn’t that big of an issue.
But Berg, did it feel like it! Gristle had spent his whole life looking up to his father—metaphorically and literally! And he was probably going to be stuck looking up forever!
“What are you moping about now?” And there was Gristle’s little-big brother, padding along one of the many paths set into the castle walls. The masons and carpenters had done good work with those paths—when Branch wasn’t running along them, they looked like simple wall decoration. It was real classy.
“I’m never gonna be tall.” Gristle grumbled, allowing himself a moment to lean against the wall in despair. Then he remembered who he was talking to, and hurriedly pulled away, flailing his hands as he tried to recover. “I mean—not that being short is a bad thing—”
“Okay, I’m gonna stop you right there.” Branch groused, holding out a paw. “Because from where I’m standing, you are not short.” He leaned against the wall, crossing his arms in front of him.
“I am, though.” Gristle lamented. “Most Bergens are twice my size. I mean, just look at Dad!”
Branch rolled his eyes. “At least you’re not Troll-sized.” He hopped down from the path along the wall to land atop Gristle’s head, just next to the crown. “Gotta count your blessings there.”
“I dunno,” Gristle started, swiping at his brother as the tiny Bergen pattered about on his head and ruffled his hair, “Maybe being Troll-sized would be nice. I could ride Barnabus around the halls with you.” He didn’t fully mean it—being the size of a Troll in a castle made for Bergens constantly forced Branch to find workarounds to even the simplest of things. But if anyone could manage it, it’d be Branch.
And Gristle had to admit: the idea of being able to ride on an alligator-dog, even one as old as Barnabus, was really cool. But Gristle was too big for that, and too big for his old trikes—all while being too small in so many other ways. It was like he was caught between, stuck at a size that would annoy him forever.
Branch dodged away from Gristle’s hand easily, chuffing when Gristle accidentally sent his own crown flying down the hall. Gristle growled, running after it, shaking his head in an attempt to throw Branch off. But his brother held on easily, always infuriatingly good at roughhousing despite his size.
It just wasn’t fair.
But, as Gristle replaced his crown on his head, and as Branch slid down to settle on Gristle’s shoulder, Gristle brushed away the annoyance.
It wasn’t the end of the world. Not by a long shot.
Gristle Junior was fifteen years old when the unthinkable happened.
His father, King Gristle Senior, who had always been an unshakeable force, strong and proud in a kingdom full of strong and proud Bergens—
Gristle Junior couldn’t believe it. It couldn’t be true. It just—it wasn’t supposed to happen like this!
But there was nothing that could be done. His father had fallen ill three months ago, and, despite every effort from every doctor in Bergentown, despite all of the King’s strength—
Gristle Junior was fifteen years old when his father passed from illness, gone overnight like a snuffed candle flame. Gristle Junior was fifteen years old when the title of King passed onto him, far too soon—he should have remained a Prince until he was a proper adult, until he was married with children who would become the Princes and Princesses that would help him run the kingdom—
Gristle Junior was fifteen years old when his world shattered for the second time. The funeral was held out in the plaza, barely a week after his father’s passing. The same plaza as Gristle’s first and final Trollstice, as his and Branch’s official crowning as Princes. It felt as though every major life-changing event in Gristle’s life happened here, the caged tree looming over it all like a shadow.
It still… it just couldn’t be possible. His father couldn’t just be… gone.
Gristle returned to the castle in a daze. Some distant part of him knew that he would have no choice but to take up his father’s crown, and soon, but—
The rest of him was sinking slowly, the grief thick in his throat and veins and head. The fog was all-consuming, pulling Gristle into depths of unhappiness he’d never thought possible.
Gristle had believed his first and last Trollstice, the day where he lost any chance to ever be happy, would be the worst day of his life. Oh, how wrong he was.
Gristle didn’t know how long he laid like that, staring up at the ceiling of his room without seeing anything at all. It was as though the world around him had well and truly shattered, and now the pieces had all fallen away out of his reach. Gristle floated on the nothing for what felt like an eternity and now time at all, the mire in his head growing thicker with every passing second.
Gristle rolled over on his bed, pressing his face into the comforter to block out the rest of the world.
What was the point? Gristle was never supposed to be King at fifteen. He’d probably mess it up, bungle the whole thing, and then all of Bergentown would be just as dead as his father.
Gristle groaned, shoving his face into the comforter. He didn’t have the time or patience for this, his whole world was falling apart, why couldn’t he have a good cry about it in peace—
Something small landed inches away from Gristle’s head. He didn’t even need to look to know who it was—only his little-big brother could land so lightly.
“Hey, idiot.” Branch pushed at Gristle’s chin, lifting the Bergen’s head off the bed by a few inches. “Chin up.” He demanded, baring his teeth.
Gristle forced his head back down onto the comforter. “Leave me alone.” He growled.
“Mm, nope.” Branch declared, moving around to pull at Gristle’s ear. “You’ve been in here long enough,” he sniffed, “And you need a shower. C’mon.” He pulled, and Gristle had to put effort into staying in place.
“No.” Gristle grumbled. “Just let me rot.” Every inch of his body ached with the grief clinging to his bones, and the very thought of getting up and doing anything made him want to vomit. The whole world made him want to vomit.
“Can’t let you,” Branch said, his voice edging into genuine worry. “C’mon, at least eat something?” He tugged at Gristle’s ear again, darting away as Gristle irritably swiped at him.
“I said,” Gristle pushed himself up ever so slightly, just so he could look Branch in the eye, “leave me alone!”
Branch shook his head, paws clenching and unclenching. “You’ve been alone.” He said. “I can’t leave you. Brothers stick together.” There was something heavy in his words, some deeper meaning than a childhood promise.
“And how are you supposed to help?” Gristle asked, sitting up fully. “What could you possibly do to make this better?”
“Not let you smell like a rotting carcass, for one.” Branch snarked. His expression immediately softened. “You need to take better care of yourself.” He urged. “Letting yourself rot only makes it hurt worse. Please.”
“And what would you know?” Gristle accused. “You and Dad barely even liked each other!”
“You think I don’t know what grief feels like?” Branch spread his arms wide, tears beginning to bubble up in his eyes. “My Grandmother was eaten on Trollstice before you were even born! DON’T YOU DARE TELL ME I DON’T KNOW WHAT IT FEELS LIKE TO GRIEVE!”
Gristle flinched back. All of his vitriol drained as Branch panted. “You…” Branch never talked about that, about those four years he’d spent in the Troll Tree. Gristle’s throat tightened as a wave of emotion hit him anew, his eyes beginning to sting.
“It hurts.” He sobbed, for lack of anything better to say.
Branch’s anger melted away. “I know.” He said, sitting down. “It hurts, and you want so badly to just curl into a ball and wish the world away—”
“But you have to pick yourself back up.” Gristle finished. “Because people are counting on you.”
“Because nobody else will.” Branch added softly.
Gristle sobbed, breathy and uneven. “I miss him so much, Branch.”
Branch nodded. “I know.”
“I’m not ready to be King!” Gristle’s face was wet, now, hot and sticky with snot and tears.
Branch nodded again. “I know.”
Gristle sobbed again, his whole body shaking with the motion. He opened his mouth, but no words came.
“It’s not okay,” Branch offered into the silence, scooting forwards, “And that’s okay.”
“It hurts.” Gristle whispered.
Branch nodded. No more words came, and Gristle continued to cry. All of his misery poured out, raw and real and painful, and Branch remained right in front of him the entire time. When Gristle finally ran out of tears to cry, he flopped back down onto the bed, and two paws pressed against his cheek.
The silence stretched.
Slowly, Gristle breathed. In, and out. His chest was still strung taut and raw, his face was cold and sticky, and his throat stung from the effort of crying so much. He had never felt so low. He knew the grief was far from over.
As Gristle breathed, Branch clambered up onto his chest. He kneeled down, and held out a paw.
“Unhappy together.” Branch offered. “Shit sucks, but it sucks less when we work together.”
Gristle inhaled, his breath choppy and uneven. “Unhappy together.” He agreed, offering his finger for Branch to shake. He sobbed again, and Branch wrapped his arms around as much of Gristle’s hand as he could manage.
Gristle Junior was fifteen years old when his father died. And it sucked, and hurt, and Gristle wasn’t sure he’d ever really stop grieving.
But, at the very least, he wasn’t alone. It wasn’t much, but that simple fact helped.
Gristle Junior was twenty years old when Chef returned.
The day started as any other, really. Wake up, get cleaned and dressed, find his brother already awake and poring over details from the latest construction updates in the new quarter. Have breakfast, Branch darting about to steal off of his plate as he stole from Branch’s, like proper brothers would do. Go through the castle halls greeting everyone, Branch walking along the various small walkways lining the walls and arching up across hallways like tiny bridges. Prepare for the biweekly levee in the throne room.
It was as the final petitioner was leaving that it happened. A Bergen that Gristle only vaguely recognized emerged from behind a potted plant, swishing her cloak ominously as she all but marched towards the throne.
And then Gristle recognized her. The chef’s hat, the lavender tint, the wicked gleam in her eyes. He glanced to the throne beside his, and anxiety germinated in his chest at the sight of Branch still as a statue, eyes wide and locked onto Chef.
“Were you behind that plant the whole time?” Gristle asked, for lack of anything else to say. He realized immediately how stupid that sounded—but Branch made no comment on it, which was so unlike him that Gristle’s uncertainty ratcheted up another notch.
Chef grinned as she reached for the zipper on her fannypack. Slowly, she opened it, and a sweet harmony emerged from within.
Gristle gasped, the rest of the world forgotten. If Branch had any reaction, Gristle didn’t notice it, too entranced with the sight before him.
For in Chef’s fannypack was a handful of Trolls, bright and colorful and singing.
This… this could change everything.
No—this would change everything. For all of Bergentown! Finally, Gristle Junior could live up to his title, could be the King that brought happiness back to his people!
If he had bothered to look back at the thrones, he would have seen Chef glaring daggers into his back.
More importantly, he would have seen the look of utter uncertainty on Branch’s face.
39 notes · View notes
/Warriors equipment sketch (not final)
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<image_id: sketches and doodles on a cursive practice notebook (the type of notebook with way too many squares). details below>
Warriors holding a left-handed bass. Note reads: He puts the capo where it SHOULD be. (the guitar nut. like right before the frets but after the headstock)
Strap. Note reads: 55 inches or 140 cm long. Strap is very long. Imagine it looks like his scarf (and theres a doodle next to it with me struggling to draw the emblem, like How do I draw this??)
Bass. Note reads:
- Fret wrap
- Capo
- NO PICKS (all caps)
Bass color should be some sort of deep blue. The design is based on a Fender Precision Bass (model non-descript)
8 notes · View notes
leclercsainzz · 7 months
hello love:)
i absolutely love your social media au stories! <33 i was wondering if you could please do a lando norris one with the song “bad idea” by olivia
PAIRINGS: lando norris x ex fem!reader
TYPE: social media au
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liked by oscarpiastri, lilymhe and 610,720 others
yourusername: camera crumbs ✨
view 6,164 comments
user: the prettiest
user: she’s literally glowing!! 😍
user: those two shirts are a MUST
oscarpiastri: my mom says i’m cool too 🤪
↳ yourusername: 😎😎😎
isahernaez: HOT
↳ yourusername: that’s youuu 😘
↳ user: carlando exes >>>
landonorris: orange still looks good on you 😉
comment has been deleted
user: missing my favorite wag hours 😔
user: body goals 😩
user: waiting for the *liked by landonorris*
charlottesiine: the prettiest 😍
↳ yourusername: right back at you;) 😘
user: did you love making lando cry? 🤣
↳ user: i was sooo confused by your comment until i saw her shirt on the last post lmao
user: gorgg 😍
user: orange??!? for lando?!?? 👀
↳ user: they broke up, get over it!
user: your smile is the prettiest smile ever, i swear 😍😍😍
user: so pretty wtf 😩
user: missing you in the paddock, queen 😭😭
user: idc what anyone says she’s ✨GLOWING✨
↳ user: she’s always been gorgeous but the post break up is hitting different lately!!!
user: missing my fav girl 😩😩😩
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liked by landonorris, carlossainz55 and 602,818 others
yourusername: 🍃
view 5,047 comments
user: there it is, “liked by landonorris”
user: not lando liking this post 😭
↳ user: my man is still down bad, idcc
user: STUNNING 😍
user: my eyes have been blessed, omg 😍
user: i’m not imaging lando liking this right?!?!?
lilymhe: you’re so photogenic, i can’t
lilymhe: hOT 😮‍💨
↳ yourusername: 😘😘😘
↳ user: ya’ll try to make a big deal out of everything, i swear! can’t exes be friends?!? smh
user: *liked by landonorris* ngl that took me out 💀
↳ user: he’s reappearing after a whole month lmaoo
↳ user: he’s desperate 😭😭😭
user: omg, you’re truly soo stunning!! 😩😩
alexandrasaintmleux: 😍😍😍😍
↳ yourusername: ❤️❤️
user: pretty girl!!
user: lando liked now we’re waiting for a comment 🤣
oscarpiastri: answer my text NOW!!
↳ user: please, this is soo funny 😭
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liked by francisca.cgomes, oscarpiastri and 617,936 others
yourusername: i know i should stop, but i can’t 🤷🏻‍♀️
view 8,947 comments
user: stop what, queen?!???
↳ yourusername: posting pics, babe
↳ user: nOOO!! I LIVE FOR yOUr POsTS
user: 😍😍
oscarpiastri: i don’t like that caption 🤔
↳ yourusername: meaning??
↳ oscarpiastri: noo comment …
user: SLAYYYYY 😍😍😍
carlossainz55: that caption is insinuating something, isn’t it?
comment has been deleted
user: her outfits are always 😍
user: did anyone else see carlos comment?!??
↳ user: wHAT COMMENT?!?? WHERE?!!?
↳ user: he deleted it 😭😭 but it said, “that caption is insinuating something, isn’t it?”
↳ user: wtf does that even mean?!!??!?
↳ user: lando, maybe?!?? idk 😭😭😭 it might not even mean anything, i’m just delusional lmao
↳ user: if it didn’t mean anything, why delete it tho?!??
user: idk about ya’ll but carlos deleting his comment seems sus??? like what does he know?!??
user: mother is slayin’ 😌
user: i wish i had her style
user: everyone’s freaking out overs carlos deleted comment but what about oscar’s comment?!?? what did he mean by “i don’t like the caption” and the “no comment” comment?!???
↳ user: i’m tELLING YA’lL, thEre’s something they know thaT WE DON’T!! 😩
user: yn and lando are definitely fucking around, i just know it! that’s the whole reason for carlos and oscar’s comment, there’s no other explanation
↳ user: ya’ll are so delusional 😭💀💀 LMAOO
user: she literally responded to a comment saying, “posting pics, babe” when asked about the caption, hello??? ya’ll just love to insinuate things
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liked by carlossainz55, oscarpiastri and 784,629 others
landonorris: carlando podium!! 🏆 🏆 thanks @mclaren
view 7,520 comments
user: mY CARLANDO HEART!! ❤️🧡
oscarpiastri: 👏🏼
user: don’t let carlando distract you from that last post
carlossainz55: ❤️
user: smoooooooth operatorrrrrr
maxfewtrell: 🤩🤩🤩
user: is that yn?!?? someone please confirm 😭😭😭
↳ user: i don’t think so, they don’t even follow each other
user: you’re telling me my man is seeing someone?!? and it might not be yn?!!?
user: it’s literally carlos in a wig, ya’ll
↳ user: i thought it might’ve been oscar tbh
user: patiently waiting for the *liked by yourusername*
↳ user: im waiting for her to comment
↳ user: it’s not even yn
user: p1 & p2 baby!!! ❤️🧡❤️🧡❤️🧡 #carlando
user: that ain’t yn, ya’ll! we gotta accept that they broke up and move on, as much as it hurts 😭
↳ user: nah, that’s definitely yn!
user: i don’t think it’s yn tbh
↳ user: then who could it be?!?
team_quadrant: 🍾 SMOOTH
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liked by landonorris, carlossainz55 and 620,184 others
yourusername: bad idea, right? ohh well 🤷🏻‍♀️
tagged: @landonorris
view 7,520 comments
user: nahhh 💀 this has to be a joke or sum
user: yn, babe, this is definitely a bad idea 😭
user: scReaming, wtfnalalslfsma
user: not lando reclaiming my wife 🙄
oscarpiastri: “we won’t catch feelings”
↳ yourusername: oops? hehehe 🫢
user: i kNEW IT!! i CALLEd IT
maxfewtrell: 😏
landonorris: hey, you 😍😍😍
landonorris: see you tonight? 😘
↳ yourusername: you got it;)
user: nahhh 😭😭😭😭 yn you’re better than this
↳ yourusername: sorry, bestie 🤷🏻‍♀️ i couldn’t help it
carlossainz55: dios mío
translation: my god
alex_albon: oh my god, no way 😳😳 who would have thought???!??
↳ yourusername: we get it, you know things 🙄
georgerussell63: guess i owe you @maxverstappen1
↳ maxverstappen1: pay up, mate
user: this was so NOT on my 2023 bingo card, wth
user: does that mean my fav wag is back?!?? 🤩🤩
francisca.cgomes: oohhh?? 😏
user: you’re so 😍😍😍😍 and then there’s him 😬😬
user: not my wife getting back with him 😑
user: count your days, l*and*
↳ user: please 😭😭
user: this makes me so happy, idc
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liked by yourusername, oscarpiastri and 776,859 others
landonorris: good idea, right? (swipe for a surprise) 😌
tagged: @yourusername
view 7,946 comments
user: thE CAPTION, HELLO?!??!?
user: they’re back together, that’s all that matters 😭😭
yourusername: hey, you copied my caption …
yourusername: you’re cute or whatevaa 😉
↳ landonorris: right back at you 😉
user: idk if i should be happy or cry
user: nOt him making her smile 😩 that should be me
user: i would’ve gotten back with her too, i get it, lando
oscarpiastri: okay, this is cute … i guess
↳ landonorris: you guess?
georgerussell63: 😏
user: they really hard launched their relationship just like that
carlossainz55: where’s the surprise?
↳ yourusername: 🙄 this is why i’m taking lando back from u
↳ landonorris: technically, you’ve always had me 😏
maxverstappen1: from friends, to lovers, to exes, to fuck buddies, to lovers again … cute
↳ user: does this confirms these fuckers never stopped seeing each other?!?? 😭😭
↳ user: nOt max exposing them 💀
↳ user: max, you’re telling me that these two have been hooking up even after they broke up?!?? 🤔
↳ maxverstappen1: 👍🏼
user: that last post is cute tho 😩
user: i NEEDED this!
user: ynlando nation rise!! our favs are back together 😌
maxfewtrell: get it 😉
user: i still cannot believe this is real
user: i guess this technically confirms they ended on good terms when they broke up the first time
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hello!! I love your writing, the soft vibes are exactly what this fandom needs after seeing all the horrific shit that's happened in the recent chapters. I saw your requests are open so may I ask for a gun x reader where they're just relaxing together? maybe a teeny tiny bit suggestive?? no pressure though, I know he can be difficult to characterize. thank you and have a good day <33
nighttime (gun park x reader)
details: oneshot, gender neutral reader but written in 2nd pov, general canon au, you and gun have been dating for a while already, i guess you both live in a house together ?? idk dont think too hard about it its only briefly mentioned in beginning
warnings: suggestive; sorry i think i went over mild because the ending has a heavy implication of how the night ended 🙏
summary: gun gets a day off tomorrow and tells you about it. also, he spends the night with you.
a/n: thank u for the request!! and sjdhshd im glad my writing's helping u cope(?) 😭😭 ngl im not caught up on latest ch since i read from webtoon only but ive seen some vague spoilers and yeah things arent looking too good 💔 especially gun's fashion LMAO
i'd agree gun is a bit difficult to characterize;; for me tho i just try to follow canon him but like... slightly more normal ??? i hope it works for u/isnt too ooc in ur eyes so this oneshot can still be enjoyable !! also i hope u have a good day too <33
btw shoutout to this post ; listening to the song they associated with gun helped me write this ^_^
Gun was more than happy to return home to you with the good news that he had no work for tomorrow. And once he told you, he was pleased to see your shared excitement.
"We should plan a date for tomorrow," he suggested, "What would you like to do?"
He listened intently as you described the activities you had in mind. Whether they were staying at home all day or venturing off into the city, he didn't care as long as it was quality time spent with you. He couldn't wait to devote himself fully to you tomorrow, but for now he had other ideas.
Before he could say anything, you lead him right to it by asking, "What about you? Anything you want to do tomorrow?"
"No, your plans sound just fine. But, I was thinking that for tonight we do what I had planned ever since I got the news that I'm having tomorrow off."
"And that would be...?"
Gun held up a keyring with his car keys, dangling them. "A late night drive around sound good to you?"
"Why not?" His smile reflected yours as he began to lead you out of the house.
Dirving around Seoul and seeing all the night lights was beautiful. The hushed bustling compared to the loudness during the day was also refreshing. Not to mention, the general dark blanket that came with nighttime--it was all relaxing to Gun, and even more so with you by his side.
Not much talking happened throughout the ride, but it wasn't awkward at all. Just a peaceful silence as you both enjoyed the cool air that breezed through the open windows of the car. Of course, the occasional conversations did take place but they were more like lighthearted smalltalk if anything.
While driving, Gun didn't have a fixed destination in mind, but when his random turns lead you both to a quieter part of Seoul, he slowed down and looked for a place to park. It ended up being the parking lot of some abandoned store, or at least it looked like it.
"Late night drive over?" You turned to him as he finished up parking.
He nodded. "Let's stargaze."
"On what grass? I'm not laying on the asphalt floor," you semi-joked, looking around at the street.
Gun just rolled his eyes in amusement. "Who said we're even leaving the car?" He got up with a bent back as to not bump his head on the car's roof before stepping over the car's controls. He then sat down on the second row seats and reached an arm up, grabbing a handle on the roof and pulling it back to reveal a glass roof.
Your jaw dropped momentarily.
"Come on." He waved you over and watched as you moved from your seat to join him in the second row. Once you did, he adjusted the seats so they laid parallel to the floor and you both flopped down at the same time. The two of you glanced at each other for a moment before softly laughing together.
After that came more peaceful silence as you both stared up at the stars. At some point, Gun moved his attention from the sky to you, and he was reminded of another reason why he preferred nighttime over daytime--it was the way moonlight shined on you, the way it added a special charm that highlighted your features.
"I want to show them my appreciation," he thought, hands suddenly aching to touch you. If he wasn't showing you love through gifts, it was definitely through his touch. He figured he might as well express the latter since there were no gifts around to give. Plus he was going to be free tomorrow anyway, why not stay up a little later with his lover?
Gun turned to lay on his side and put an arm over your abdomen, hand resting on your hip. "Hey."
"Mm?" You didn't turn to look at him, too busy admiring the stars. Not for long though, because the words he whispered in your ear made you jerk your head his direction and made your cheeks hotter than the sun. "Gun, we're in public," you practically hissed.
"This is a pretty secluded area. And I don't see anyone around. Do you?" He smirked when you couldn't reply. It only widened when you didn't stop him from sliding his hand up your shirt. "I need your vocal consent before I continue, dear."
Your breath hitched, and slowly you murmured, "By all means, Gun."
Nighttime sure was alluring to Gun, but not as much as you.
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janetbrown711 · 4 months
happy holidays :D
favorite fic you wrote this year
favorite writing song/artist/album of this year
Oh geez these are toughies
I think of this year my fic has to be the entire dadsy of two au!!authors!!!
...what do you mean that doesn't count? What do you mean I have to choose? WHAT DO YOU MEAN ITS ALMOST BEEN A YEAR???????
Anyways uh-- I think my favorite as of right now is either Our Trio's Down to Two or The Monsters Gone, He's on the Run. Both I believe are excellent character studies of kid MK and kid Mei and provide such neat perspectives of such difficult situations for kids to handle. I really adore them so much oughhhh (also I loved writing Sandy he's so nice I miss him)
My favorite band to write to has been The Crane Wives for the longest time, but indie band Autoheart is slowly climbing up there ngl
Fav song probably ended up being A Sadness Runs Through Him tho bc it ended up being my #1 on my Spotify wrapped lmaoooo we love some good angst and character dives
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apricusapollo · 6 months
Fic Writer 20 Questions
thanks for the tag @babygirlbridger 🤭💞
1.) How many works do you have on ao3?
40 🚶🏻‍♀️ I am supposed to have more but I archived some a while ago because they were so bad
2.) What’s your ao3 word count?
3.) What fandoms do you write for?
I've written for haikyuu but I'm not really in that fandom anymore so now I mainly write for star wars & red white and royal blue. occasionally marauders fandom too.
4.) What are your top five fics by kudos?
paper rings - jegulus
somethin' stupid (like, "I love you") - jegulus
english lover affair - firstprince
golden says of yore - jegulus
running through rose thorns - firstprince
6.) What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
definitely until the sunrise hold me tight. sometimes I wonder what I was high on when I wrote that.
7.) What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
paper rings <33
8.) Do you get hate on fics?
nope, never gotten it.
9.) Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I started a while ago and it's lowkey soo fun ngl 🤭 I usually used to avoid writing it but. not anymore.
10.) Do you write cross overs? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
oh boy. I used to. my very first famous fanfic was called fragile world. used to post it on Instagram and wattpad. it included *clears throat* shadowhunters, glee, 13 reasons why, skam, eyewitness 🧍🏻‍♀️ but in my defense I was, what, 12-13? I have CHANGED.
11.) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
yeaa it was kiss in the kitchen. someone reposted it on wattpad without my permission and gabby found it and told me. they did take it down after I told them to tho.
12.) Have you ever had a fic translated?
YEAH!! made me so happy.
13.) Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
well usually me and yana come up with the plot of my fics together sometimes. there's this one jegulus fic based on a couple of hamilton songs I wanna write and yana came up with more than half of the plot so yeah!! that counts!!
14.) What’s your all time favourite ship?
I think firstprince. they're just so. *muffled sobs*
15.) What’s a WIP you’d like to finish, but doubt you ever will?
in 2021 I started writing iwaoi attack on titan au. I had outline ready, I wrote 2 chapters out of 5 and all of that. then I never continued it. it still exists in my docs but I forgot half of the plot so I doubt I'll ever finish and post it but who knows. never say never.
16.) What are your writing strengths?
writing angst?? Idk I think I'm quite good at that for a girl who has never had her heart broken (in a romantic sense)
17.) What are your writing weaknesses?
DESCRIPTIONS. god I HATE describing things. I'd rather die than describe anything.
18.) Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I mean, I don't think I'll succeed (unless it's in georgian which is my native language) and considering that I mess up english sometimes, maybe it's for the best if I just stick to one language 😭😭
19.) First fandom you wrote for?
one direction. I was 9 y/o. write it in a notebook with a sparkly pen. it was called "love."
20.) Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
I have a couple so here's the list idc
paper rings
english love affair
sacred touches & wasted days
the end is here
better than revenge ('cause he's like so whatever)
champagne problems
(I'm too lazy to attach links to all of them so here's my ao3)
again, I hate tagging people so pls do this if u wanna mwah<3
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mazegays · 1 year
fic meme!!
thank u clod @manako-no-yami for the tag : )
rules: randomly select ten fics and then pick a line from each to share
this love came back to me (maze runner)
“Whatever you need, Thomas. Always. I’m not leaving.” Minho kisses his head softly. “Anywhere I should I avoid?”
this one is vv soft, if you're used to only whump from me. i can do soft too!
seven for a secret (criminal minds)
He’d held Emily as she was dying. Most mornings, he woke up and thought her blood was still on his hands.
there is a whole fic this one is based off, if you're into criminal minds i've got it linked
anywhere, as long as i'm with you (maze runner)
“Cause I know you.” Harriet kissed her, lips gritty with sand. The only thing she missed about the Maze was clean kisses.
humor, girls in love, and of course hurt/comfort
forever (on my lips) (pjo)
(the day they no longer smelled like him, the day she lost that little bit more of him, she cried herself to sleep.)
taylor swift fans, you know already. non-taylor swift fans, this is very sad. it barely gets better
haunted memories (memories, memories, memories) (maze runner)
His parents hadn’t gotten to raise either of them, and only one had returned.
(He isn't even whole.)
short and sad and sweet. also skimming this one for the line made me want to write more in this particular verse so we will see. thomas and gally being friends means so much to me in this fic
i can't read your mind (but you'll share your thoughts anytime) (maze runner)
"Oh good, you're awake." His captor yanked a knife--so that's what he'd been throwing--out of the tree next to him.
long and also sad! read the tags on this one. it's also from before i switched to present-tense (which is entirely thanks to clod, actually) and it's giving me an urge to rewrite it in present tense. that's an non-exam-week issue tho
if only we'd known (maze runner)
Minho finally sat up, seemingly unashamed to have turned into a koala overnight.
cute and sappy with a lil sprinkling of angst. modern magic au that i want to live in
could already feel your kiss (maze runner)
“Sure you weren’t. He’s quite the pretty boy, you always go for those.”
vaguely 50s inspired? there is motorcycle and car racing and leather jackets. thomas and minho are both smitten. also angst, bc... hello. it's me. i'm the problem, it's me.
for the hope of it all (maze runner)
Thomas, who had picked him to show off to his parents and sister, picked him to be Chuck’s surrogate older brother when Thomas was out of town, picked him. Thomas had suggested the engagement. He didn’t have to, neither of their parents had mentioned anything. Thomas had picked him.
very sad. lots of minho emotional whump here.
suits and swords (maze runner)
"And Prince Thomas?" "He is very tiny and sweet. I like him best." His mother laughed.
ngl i miss this one. i created two religions for it, got spreadsheets and everything. and also very large family trees. might be time to properly revisit it. it's an a/b/o royal au, with me inventing fashion and social rules as i please
taylor swift song lyric titles featured here: only 3, surprisingly
anyway it's like. 11 pm for me rn so tagging might be short lol:
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paintedkinzy-88 · 2 years
How do you think your dragon balance au would react to little nightmares? Like the stars and nightmares gang.
-a shy annon
Like, the regular Little Nightmares?
... I like to think this is some universe they can look at like a movie, like Error and his Undernovela. Idk the logistics of that but that's what I'm going with, so I don't think so much I come up with an entirely different LN x UTMV storyline yUP--
The Gang's probably not all that phased, tbh. They've been to worlds just as fucked up. Maybe it hits a little close to home for Horror tho... The whole Eating Children thing I mean XD I've always thought LN was a lot like Horrortale, even the fanmade songs. Total animatic/lyric comic potential (winkwink). Killer'd probably vibe with Six ngl. Maybe not know exactly WHY until a little further in, but he just does. NM thinks it's horrible, yes, but his entire focus would be on reassuring Horror, and not smoking up the room cuz of the increased negativity oof...
Ink thinks its fascinating! Sad and freaky, yeah, and he feels so bad for the kids within it, but he's also seen/made worse. I like to think he enjoys drawing darker concepts sometimes, so he's probably taking in the scenery more than the story, even if only to distract himself from a timeline he and the Stars cannot help. Error's curled around him, but otherwise unphased. Blue probably left once the first big monster showed up, too afraid to watch a tiny child die when he can do nothing about it. Or two tiny children, if we're talking LN2. XD
...And if we ARE...
Dream sticks it out to the very end, just oh so hopeful that good prevails. He wants to know these children make it out okay so bad, man, and once it gets to the veryyy end, he's just mortified. (Ink and Cross probably aren't very happy about it either, honestly...)
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juyomiao · 10 months
HI LI ❤️ i hope u good day have yes ‼️
1) top3 songs to make u feel like u rule the world
2) favourite bp/zb1 quote ?
3) give me 1 cat name
4) whats a quote u go by ?
5) do u like mint choc ? (the answer is yes)
6) orange or apple juice (the answer is apple)
7) what inspires your work ?!?
• okay li ily, congrats on 400 followers ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
i had a stroke reading that first sentence but HI FAITH 🫶🏻
1) bad habits by cravity , prism by the boyz n ego by the boyz ‼️
2) arhhegdh idk the only thing my brain can process rn is osuke doing his silly little totoro sound in his pr video
3) all the cat names i can think for r in my 1st language n not creative ,, if i ever had a cat i'd name it jotaro tho ngl (ik ik looser jjba fan back at it again) or mocha like the sanrio character
4) this very deep n interesting quote honestly (if u go google translate it n start wondering wtf is wrong with me thats on u)
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5) i've never tried it !! unfortunately im a rlly picky eater (autistic) n very sensitive to strong flavors like mint (autistic) BUT if theres some kind of mint choco that tastes more like choco than mint TELL ME‼️i'll find it n try it so i can be part of the mint choco discourse
6) APPLE JUICE ALL THE WAY‼️‼️ i dont like orange juice it makes me want to barf
7) being delusional ! im not even joking , before branching out to reader insert fics n smaus i started out as a self insert writer , my google docs is basically only self insert fics n has been like that since i was 13 (i have a ~30k words ateez fic i started in 2019 n a 10k words the boyz maverick au those two r my pride n joy , only one is nothing in comparison) do i need therapy ? yes . is writing self insert fics a lot more fun than therapy ? also yes !
thank u faith ily‼️‼️‼️‼️
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neutrallyobsessed · 1 year
today is the day guys. when i finished posting my first fic ever.
i was suposed to do this on its anniversary but i thought that the end date was the start and kinda missed my own anniversary of starting to post shit online but oh well
i've been writing but as you can imagine, drawing takes priotity and sometimes is hard yknow? im taking this opportunity to tell ya bout the things i've been writing n what to expect and such:
a mtmtk+gen one-shot nice and short. it has invstigating of a case and that's difficult
a post-soj au bout Edgeworth (1/9 finished). what was silly jokes and references has turned into a something with a court scene and that's difficult
smut. a nrmy one-shot i thought of because of the song i named it after, it's not a big deal but has a gimmick that i found funny ok?
AND a smut anthology. this ones the good one. pretty proud of what i've written so far~ (2/5 finished)
the zip.lore comic of course! the thing is that i was so concentrated in drawing and putting things on the right place that i kinda forgot to write the dialogue lol. que cosas, no? but dont worry, im on it. i just, i just want to know how many pages will it have, but whatev
something that was going to be a one-shot is now two chapters that i'm writting simultansly becaUSE I FEEL LIKE IT, but this collection has self-contained stories so it only gets updated when i have an idea that fits. in any case its thief kay and kayworth propaganda
a kristahlia fic i haven't started lol, i'll see what i can do bout it
i also have a pre-relationship kayworth i did on a physical notebook, i should finish it ngl~~
AND MY MAGNUS OPUS. A Narumayo/Mitsumiku Royal AU fic. i dont know how many chapters or how the hell imma write it cause, what do i do? a fic? a script? a comic? an sometimes illustrated book? ALL OF THEM? idk, im definitely eating more than i can chew with this one but i'll work it out. i know how everything goes, but i feel like i should write the end first and every piece will fall to its place. as always~~
so yeap! busy girl i am! so many things done and so much left to do... kinda feel bad for ""abandoning"" my ao3 account but some ppl have abandonded for much longer or are less organized with their fic writing so i don't feel as bad ^^. it's not a big deal tho, im happy for all what i've donde so far
and now i wanna take a moment to talk about all the people who complained to hell and back about kayworth existing before i started making content. because bitches talk like shit was EVERYWHERE AND COMPLETELY UNAVOIDABLE and like.......... that's not the case? like yeah i can find kayworth when i look for it but it's not shoved in my face ejem other ships...... not to mention that i've scrapped the end of the barrel that is kw content, translating jp fics with google and, you can imagine how well that goes lmao
in any case, now ppl are complaining about me, specifically! that's so cool and epic!!jskajskskdjskd cheers to your love, your hate and more years to come~~!
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mbti-enemies · 2 years
Hey! INTJ here!
I have a song recommendation for you- dance in the dark by Au/Ra
don't know if you heard this song or not but it gives off INTJ vibes somehow (I think)
Anyway the song is good, you should definitely listen to it and share your thoughts if you think the same too?
Dudee yess already heard the song , added to spotify liked, and listened to enough times to know it by heart!!
ngl tho at the time didn't think of it as intj or anything but now that you've said it I see where you're coming from.. *listens to it again* its got the sterotyipcal techno elements and all but if u rlly listen its got these hidden layers and the beats seem to be creating something of themselves while carrying you away from whatever is hidden in the dark- you could really get lost dancing in the dark with this on
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bnbc · 2 years
A little different here but questions 10, 14, & 20 for the HA/OT Version of Kou with either or both of her relationships 🥰💜
this caught me off guard ngl xDDD I will answer for idol!Kou and idol!Vesper and I summon @vvizjer to kick my ass if I misread and OOCed her bby xD
Obligatory OTP Asks
10. Describe their first date.
There was no ’date’. This was a chamber romance (I can use it as an analog to chamber drama, rite?), which grew out of rivalry, and happened mostly in blind zones of cameras in the dorm, dressing rooms after concerts, dark corridors and showers that were not built for two. There was no time nor space for dates before they escaped.
But after, tho? I imagine some very awkward first breakfast together, in some cheap motel or dinner, and these two runways who are slowly realizing how much they’ll need to know about each other cuz they even don’t know how their gfs likes her coffee.
14. How do their personalities complement each other? How do they clash?
Oh look, this all thing started with the idea that in this AU everyone is quite mean and unhappy  xD 
Vesper is very aloof, especially in the beginning, because nobody cared about integrating her in the group and she built a wall of outer self sufficiency and even arrogance, hiding her uncertainty and loneless behind it and working as hard as she only could.
Kou reads her as a threat from the start, it's what she's used to during her years in the industry: these cool af, talented, cold blooded bitches, they appear just to take what’s yours! In this AU she had no friends to fight for, but she is still the fighter, so she attacks Vesper with all she has for her own sake. For her it's a “she or I” situation: Vesper is not just an outsider in Kou’s world, she is an intruder.
And they both are under such pressure due a need to ‘perform’ (managment pit them agains each other OF COURSE) it’s really hard to take a step aside and see a real person under these layers of fakery and unneccesarry hate. Good thing they both were hot af! xD
I can’t say much for “after escape” times cuz it feels to me that they both were kinda not themselves during the HA/OT era and both will have a lot of surprises to deal with. 
20. Choose one song that perfectly describes their relationship.
My pick is
Taylor Swift – ​long story short
actually we started a playlist for this whole story but then the war happened and now wiz is cut outta spoty and idk if I could share it
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strawdxll · 3 months
*drops my url 🥺👉👈*
url meme
Do I Follow Them?: ofc
Why Did I Follow Them?: i think we were oomf-in-laws so i followed bc i liked ur writing!
Do We Role Play?: yes
Do I Want To Role Play With Them: ofc, i enjoy how you portray each of your muses! it's wild how good u are at all of them
An AU Idea For Our Muses: i think it depends on muse but maybe if there's a verse where mai lives that would be interesting. i think the manga doesn't do a good job of exploring her trauma, but their experiences as women in conservative clans/upbringings would def be something to explore. ig nobara lives verses is more of a universal thing tho haha. would be interesting if she lived but lost her technique if her soul was touched 🤔
A Song For Our Muses: ngl i have no clue. im so bad at song qs
Do I Ship Our Muses?: we don't have anything going with our muses but i do enjoy ships that involve the characters we write! i can
What I Think About The Mun: i love your banners and headers!!! as good as ur writing fr... also i enjoy ur sense of humor that video (u know the one) was also on my fyp so 💀
Overall Opinion: i recommend rubii's blog to others!! they are friendly and versatile with their writing.
Blog Rate: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
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lucyandthepen · 6 months
don’t be sorry for the late reply 😠🫵🏼 it’s fine !! yayyy I hope that you’re having a great time in AUS hihi
thank youuu ! it’s not even exam period I’m just really tired and stressed because I feel like I’m doing everything wrong (even tho I’m not lol) but really thank you🫶🏼
aespa concert was so much fun !!!! I had a great seat and everything, the girls were so pretty the show was perfect. I fell in love with Giselle and fell harder with winter 🫠🫠
YAY THE MCOUNTDOWN WAS AMAZIIIING, honestly I went there just knowing zerobaseone, Taemin, dream and psy songs😭 Ateez was there, El7zup, treasure, k-tiger, dreamcatcher and shownu x hyungwon.
not gonna lie since the concert I can’t stop listening to ateez music, they were so amazing (and I fell in love with Mingi 🫠)
but the concert was amaziiing too, I still can’t believe I saw dream for the second time this year 😭
-for the dress, there is no theme. since it’s a religious mariage and everything we’ll just have a lil dinner but i really don’t know how to dress 💀like i don’t want to be overdressed but not underdressed (?) either
GLOOM HANDS ARE LITERALLY MY NIGHTMARE !!???? they are so scary like i can’t 😭 whenever i see them my heart start beating so fast lol
it’s always such a pleasure to me to talk with you uhuhu 🥲💓
i was! it was a short but REALLY fun trip and i got to see the university i'll be headed to next year. NGL it really looks like hogwarts and that makes me SO happy like it's so different from anything i've experienced before!
i do understand that impostor syndrome can get the best of us but!! just remember that you're doing your best and that's all that matters! ofc academic performance is always important but don't let it be the thing that defines your life and your happiness as in the end there are definitely more important things than getting the best grades. as long as you're sure you're trying your hardest, you can't ever go wrong! that said, i'm sure you'll do excellently and i'm rooting for you! hopefully once the school year winds down (is that soon?) you'll be able to relax and give yourself a physical and mental reprieve.
i'm so glad you got to see so many talented groups! esp aespa and dream — it must have been SO surreal seeing them! do you have any more concerts lined up for yourself this year? :o i hope that even more people get to visit your area so you'll be able to go! i actually like a few ateez songs but don't listen to them regularly. what are your favorites?? recommend me some good music!
i completely understand the dress thing :( sometimes it's hard to find the right balance even if you have free reign. actually, i feel like having free reign makes it even harder for some reason because at least if there were like strict rules you'd have a clearer idea of what you could or couldn't do... but i'm sure you'll find the nicest dress for you; you're gonna look gorgeous!! (describe it to me once you find the perf one!)
SAME I HATE THAT THERE ARE EYES ON THE PALMS?? LIKE I PHYSICALLY GAG EVERY TIME I SEE THEM and i used to get so stressed out by their screeching to the point that i'd mute the game :(((( like you alr have tentacle hands and weird eyes WHERE IS THE SCREAMING COMING FROM? U DONT HAVE A MOUTH? it's so unholy.......... sometimes i just climb up someplace they can't reach and hope they get tired and disappear so i can collect the dark clumps LMAO
it's always so nice to hear from you and i like to save your messages for when i have the most time to reply to you so i can really focus on everything you say and share. it's such a pleasure to hear the great things going on in your life and i can only hope you keep sharing more successes and joys with me!!
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mpregfrance · 7 months
Okay so, Hypermobile France anon here once again.
Chemtrails Over the Country Club just gives such FrUK vibes. Especially these lyrics:
"You're in the wind, I'm in the water
Nobody's son, nobody's daughter
Watching the chemtrails over the country club
Suburbia, The Brentwood Market
What to do next? Maybe we'll love it
White picket chemtrails over the country club"
hello good morning i am ready to be a public menace
ngl i haven't listened to that album yet, i'm still recovering from the sheer psychic damage ultraviolence dealt 15 year old me and i'm now realizing that was 9 years ago and i'm not ok with that. anyway, i don't really know what those specific lyrics have to do with anything? (no offense of course. as i said i haven't heard the song yet so i will go do that)
i do like the wealthy suburban white picket fence thing for them tho so good call on that
as far as lana songs for them like it depends entirely on the context of the AU but off to the races is such a fave for them. i also really like born to die, blue jeans, diet mountain dew, cola, million dollar man, ultraviolence, shades of cool, young and beautiful, brooklyn baby, money power glory, pretty when you cry, and old money. honorable mention for lolita.
she has so many good songs for alfred/françois too, like national anthem, video games, summertime sadness, american, and A&W
thank u as always for the ask! as you can tell i love lana she's an icon 💖💅
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elaichoi · 9 months
the v v v first time i saw ur acct was when u had the yeonjun prive alliance layout ^3^ those reincarnation aus made me saur emo T^T
i luv that for u agghh<3 not that there's anything wrong w it,but i find it most satisfying when ppl get into kpop from kpop-genre songs rather than western-sounding kpop songs lol my first kpop artists were b2st (highlight) and t-ara hehe
mhm yea mayybbe! i know 100% why i don't post them and its cos i used to be consistent w posting on both kpop & personal socmed accts but mental health happens and i kinda stopped bc numbers make me want 2 cry lmfao
except im slightly less mentally ill since that time now and yk i actually genuinely do rlly want to start all my socmed accts up again but im putting it off bc im a bit of a perfectionist and so im lazy to be doing all dat... all of nothin :D don't call the orderly i'm fine ^_^ /lh
2019-21? ah probably not then i'm pretty sure i was in and out of the school roster (pls tell me if i am oversharing/trauma dumping/crossing any boundaries bc i genuinely do not know i no longer have any social skills T_T /gen /srs)
hm i'm not sure tbh i only followed the one 😭😭 i haven't been on wattpad in a long ass time and i remember i tried seeing what wattpad was like nowadays and was v disappointed w the ads and paid stuff (i think i don't remember). booooo 👎👎
omg wait that's so cool aaaaah!!! i changed my user a lot so i honestly could not tell u bc i have goldfish memory ;__; i do remember i had a user like taempons(_) i think it had an underscore idk don't remember but i changed it (kinda wish i saved it ngl) and oh one i do remember was peachyjihoons (my wannaone phase lmao) but yeah im pretty sure my most recent user was some based on some tumblr shit like svnshine or something idfk 💀💀
u are already a talented writer save some for the rest of us 👺 /j if u could also draw u would be too powerful 👁️👄👁️
omg THAT WAS MY FIRST LAYOUT TOO!! this account isn't that old tbh i still haven't gotten the feel of writing smuts as of yet that's why i havent been much active on it BUT WAIT REINCARNATION AU?!? from my main???
DUDE I LOVE B2ST!!!! and t-ara!!!!!!!! i really got into kpop slowly because i fell for kdrama at first (found replay in one of the kdrama edit lmao) so like my music journey has been very, very kpop ish. i think the global influence in most of kpop songs started to become mroe prominent during 2018?
bro i get you like the fear of starting the stuff you love because you feel like you won't be able to give it all and starting it and feeling it like you're gonna disappoint yourself. i hadn't started anything since like 2017 until recently because i was scared i was gonna stumble, or it won't be good ( well mostly that) or i won't be able to finish that. me and my bff still has this one project we started around like 2018 lmao we both still haven't finished it or picked it up bc we developed the idea sm and got so close to it that we fear writing it now.
not OVERSHARINH I WANNA KNOW!!! NO but like FR wattpad went through the biggest glow down IVE EVer seen like. it's legit LEGIT inhabitable. like at first you take away the newsfeed?!? like how am i gonna pine over other accounts now?!? and then everything became paid and shit like wtf is that?!
omg i wonder if I ever saw you on my explore page or tags bro fr this is so interesting my ig handle has always been one tbh it's @celestialsoo ( my intense love affair with kyungsoo era) like since the dawn of the day.
YOU LIE!!!!! i wish i could fr draw tho i want to draw my muses :///
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