#it'd be perfect tho like
itsanidiom · 5 months
god the urge to write a Little Mermaid!AU for PhayaTharn is so strong...
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the-matildxe · 3 months
i headcannon that the fairy tail next gen kids are SICKKKK(jokingly) of seeing their lovey dovey parents. specifically the couple where one of them always loses his clothes. GRUVIAAA, because they make me sick (in love) they also annoy the nxt gen kids with their loving antics. storm gets so embarrassed when they flirt in front of him like all kids do with their parents
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sminny-wew · 2 months
Unrelated to all the Phantom Rider talk BUT
I was thinkin about this the other day: I don't think Dr. Starline necessarily should come back from the dead, but if he did.....
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I think it'd be sick as hell if he came back as like, some kind of undead necromancer and looked all stitched-up like his concept art here. Maybe his ghost made a backup body for himself or he backed up his consciousness as an AI while developing Surge and Kit or something (the latter makes the most sense to me, given Starline's tendency to overprepare)
Idk I just like the idea of him trying to resurrect old villains (whether they're actual villains from the games' history like Mephiles, or villains who are new to the audience but are considered "old" within the context of Sonic's world like Clutch). I think it'd be particularly neat if he were the one to find and bring back Infinite
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genderqueer-miharu · 4 months
I really NEED yamanaka to make a collab with Milgram and Caligula Effect where the prisoners cover the musicians' songs. It would fit so well it fits with the series
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twelfth-dykector · 5 months
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todayisafridaynight · 8 months
if mine does actually come back i’ll unironically be really really pissed it wasn’t shinada both of them don’t need to but like first of all imagine the redditors second shinada.
i love myself enough to never consider redditors so i will simply Not Do That <3
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damnprecious · 9 months
I want to paint like pretty little flowers or smt on the side of my bookshelf
like. how cute would it be to have some pretty little things on the side of a bookshelf
too bad my artistic skills are Shit jfdjgfhj
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pocketramblr · 1 year
dad for one but with rei...
Could you like, imagine if Rei was his daughter he didn't know what to do with, she's strong and cold but doesn't particularly want to be a villain, and he doesn't much want her to be one either, not in any way that threatens his stuff or her life at least. But then he hears Endeavor's been looking around for a match and he thinks "oh, there's no way he's gonna fall for an ice match right, he knows that would end awful right" but uh he fell for the match and the fake family in need and Rei's beautiful but aloof air, so,,, why not stick with it and see where it goes? it'll be good blackmail material, right? and its not like his daughter has a life of her own, or anything. he can bring her back to the base after and no one is any wiser, and she'll hate heroes even more and- kid?? and a second kid so soon? does she just want to get it over with? well seems like it's working, his underling tells him Touya is having problems with his quirk, but now instead of divorce and setting himself up for blackmail, Endeavor just keeps trying?? now four grandkids?? and Rei, showing her nerves on the phonecall with him for the first time in years, tells him that Touya tried to kill his baby brother and this one actually had the quirk Endeavor wanted and AfO thought impossible?? AfO decides nows the time to collect his family back and gets Touya before he can completely burn up, but Rei realizes she'd rather have her kids stuck with Enji than AfO, so she chooses to burn Shoto's face so Enji keeps him close and sends her away and??? i dunno she just hopes everyone forgets about Fuyumi and Natsuo because they're safer ignored and neglected than anything else???
#i dunno might be fun to play with in a universe similar to blade's naive melody#which i havent read yet because i want to wait until its all up for my own mental wellness due to some heavy themes#but that i love already anyway#hm yeah Rei hit with the stick is interesting#definetely feels like afo playing a long game that he hasnt actually fully thought through himself right#he's both a chessmaster and building little towers of blocks to knock down#or heck maybe Rei told Enji the truth#and she was institutionalized to keep her from being too close to any secrets but not put her in jail?? or smth??#and they just. never told the kids anything#thats if you want to play it close to canon anyway#if you DONT oh hoho#there are many options#perhaps Rei arranging the match on her own to try and get hero help and just telling her dad its a villain scheme#but then idk enji doesnt believe her? because afo is a boogyman story?and she was too convincing with her fake family actors?#or does believe her idk#maybe rei thought the perfect quirk would draw her father out to where enji would see and believe her???#actually everyones playing chess and blocks now#just chaos#except the todo kids who seem all completely unaware#it'd be funny tho if afo tells dabi hes his grandpa and dabi's like 'i could not care less man'#afo: oh. i thought i could manipulate you that way#maybe he still thinks the irony of afo's grandson and nana's grandson on a villain team together#not that they're very good teammates but still kjhghjk#anon#pocket talks to people
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mishkakagehishka · 1 year
Altho i probably should try to learn to make omelettes, too, they seem relatively simple but also pretty nutritious
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grimsdeadb0nes · 8 months
im terrible with creating propaganda or describing things without it coming out like word vomit but i so so so SO want in the next possible sonic-oc-showdown im gearing and gunning i mISSED THE LAST ONE, I WILL NOT MISS THIS ONE
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Wait a second... Considering SotO's theming, and the consistent pattern of content that came out of past expansion releases thus far...
Are we going to get a new Mists-themed Guild Hall?
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dbphantom · 11 months
Do you think these 4 people know that at this point I've pack bonded with them and would kill and die for them if they asked
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#Every day I refresh my tabs and every day I scream internally#Right now I'm betting on us either getting a trailer for the new episodes or a movie/game with It as the main draw OR#Or we are getting a first look at the new opening#I don't know what else could be a special announcement because I would think premiering an episode early would be a mess schedule-wise#So a trailer for a movie/game/the next few episodes would make sense#But also the new opening has been in the works for months at this point. So this would be the perfect time to show it#Cruddy rambles#I'm trying to maintain my expectations to 'I will be disappointed if I expect the best scenario'#But also being realistic in what this special announcement is and what they're gonna show#I really think it will be a trailer or the new opening. I think that'd be perfect while not showing the full episode it'd still build hype#And just show people what they're there to see and what they're promoting (G5)#Like come on don't tell me we wouldn't all lose our minds over a teaser trailer featuring G5 showing us it fully animated for the first time#Because in Film Red we just got static G5 Luffy. Which was dope BUT I want to see how he's gonna move.#And even if it isn't relating to the upcoming episodes seeing a game/movie get announced with G5 as the main draw would be so fucking hype#I loved film red don't get me wrong but I think they're gonna announce another movie soon#And what perfect time to do it!! G5 is gonna be in the anime soon so a whole movie based on rubberhose antics would be so fucking fun#And hey I'm in the minority here but I do love the one piece games despite them being super simplistic#And I would kill for a game where you can play as Nika. I would KILL FOR IT#I will say tho my worst fear is what G5 will have CGI components#They've been using them a LOT in Wano and it's so obvious every time and well 🤢 they don't look good...#It's too smooth and obvious and sure that *could* lend to the whole unnatural rubberman vibe Nika gives off but like...#You have a whole genre of non-CGI animation to be inspired by!!!! If they forgo rubberhose and make it even partly CG I *will* cry
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camptw1nk · 11 months
the house we looked at today was Very nice and so big and like its a little expensive but i would like it very much
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No for real not to set expectations too high but Infinite Wealth literally has the makings of being one of the best games in the series thus far. Like, the team on this is insane.
You've got Yokoyama, Furuta, and Takeuchi writing. I think the last time they all collaborated (to a seemingly lesser degree than they are on 8, even) was 0, which doesn't have to be anyone's favorite, but is undoubtedly the franchise's most well-received entry for a reason.
Yokoyama (In My Opinion) hasn't written anything but bangers since like Ishin (again Ishin and 7 don't have to be anyone's favorites either, but they're INCREDIBLY solid scripts). Furuta has the best track record of any of the writers (his worst script is like... well okay it's Binary Domain but Within RGG it's 6, which all things considered is not as bad as it could be. But like. Dead Souls. Judgment. Lost Judgment. Near-immaculate scripts.) Takeuchi is criminally underrepresented but he's got a photographic memory and regularly writes for RGGO's events and character stories and so on, which... is some of the best writing in the entire series, to be honest?
Not to mention the directors. It's only Horii's and Ito's second time directing, but given their first times were 7 and LJ, I've got nothing but high hopes for them; Horii's been a force for social consciousness and responsibility in the team as well, being the youngest (well. he's my age so not by much lol), so that's been great to see. It is Mitake's first time directing (he's mostly been an art director on 7 and others), but like... Ito was a programmer before LJ, I'm not worried.
When a team like that says they themselves think this looking to be their best or (at least) biggest and most ambitious title, when the cast and crew so far has nothing but praise for it, when Yokoyama says it's the most fun he's ever had... I mean, my playstyle and opinions tend to be pretty closely synced with the studio regardless, so at the very least I'm going to believe it's (probably) going to knock it of the park for me personally. It's not like them to bite off more than they can chew.
I also think a lot of it's just like, for many, this is the first "big" new release since they got into RGG, but it's not the first time any of this has been done. At one point Y3 was "the biggest and most ambitious title" and now it's been dwarfed by almost every release since then, at one point Kiryu was presumed dead between 5 and 6, even with Ishin Kiwami there was all this grumbling about "fanservice" and "going RPG" even though that's literally always been the premise of Ishin, to have an all-star cast and RPG-esque progression. It's never really spelled disaster for the series or even the games in question.
Kiryu's return was definitely something I needed to come around to too though, but at the same time, Gaiden has been set up since before 6 even came out and pretty overtly spinoff-baited in 7, so I would've been more surprised if there was no follow-up. I can understand misgivings about 8, but... y'know, it is chiefly still Ichi's story. It starts and ends with him and they don't share equal screen-time like Majima and Kiryu did. I dunno. I'm gonna let 'em cook
yeah see boys 👯‍♀️ nothin to worry bout 👯‍♀️ at WORST the game'll be Good at BEST we're gonna cry our eyes out once we realize it's over and we realize we'll never get that one-of-a-kind first-time-playing experience again 👯‍♀️
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spectrearia · 7 months
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i was. literally shaking by the time I got to the end of this song haha i didn't think i'd ever actually get a perfect run omg i'm so happy 😭
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y'know i think remix 6's just have a good track record like. tengoku remix 6 is amazing, it's a medley remix after all. ds remix 6 is also v v good though also the space soccer to lockstep transitions are hell. fever remix 6 is v v good also fever set 6 is the best set in fever tbh. barbershop remix is also v great and yes i know how hot of a take that is klsdfjfkdsjdfskldsf-
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