#it’s just unsustainable that’s all
larrysblooming · 1 year
hshq took this a little too literally
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stuckinapril · 3 months
I’ve always loved medicine bc it’s the perfect intersection of science and humanity—the two things I value above all else in this world. Truly adored it since I was in the cradle. But now I’m thinking about how so much of my journey to neurosurgery will have to involve KILLING my feelings essentially bc how do you survive otherwise
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I've been wondering about something about Wally's "Warlock staff"....
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What the heck is that? A crystal of some kind?? (I've been wondering for so long with the project I'm working on)
that would be a crystal - and a conduit for Home's power! Wally uses it to channel and utilize the magic Home gives him. technically he can cast without it, but casting without a "lightning rod" makes the magic undiluted when used - which is rarely a good thing when your power comes from a demon!
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oathkeeper-of-tarth · 3 months
Also I quit my job of what would in about a month or two have been 10 years, and perhaps now I will get to actually be a human being again.
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thebluestbluewords · 3 months
re-reading Mal’s Spellbook
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Evie should be meaner, actually??? But also, a) Jay has totally fine handwriting in the spellbook, the font they chose for his writing is way more legible than the one they chose for Mal, and b) is this what the kids are mean about these days???
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elizabethrobertajones · 10 months
Actually the real thing that hits going back and doing SB on NG+ is Zenos' english voice acting - he's SO posh in a "this man is played by Bendydonk Cumbersome in a sad war drama villain" way. He's DRIPPING the 1900s imperialism. I think this coding is why I never took to him because he was SO evil British and I've been trained to hear that accent and assume he's going to try and shoot the War Horse or whatever. That's a guy who will yell at his troops to charge an artillery assault on foot.
It's really noticeable that post-SB his voice changes from the cut to the throat and subsequent Elidibus-ing because he does not ever sound like this again even when he's got his body back, and his later voice is far more neutral "i can fix him" evil which, while he's been beyond saving for me from the first time I heard him speak, at least makes sense to me why someone might like him and be able to work with that.
Raised by British media though and always happy to watch a historical drama, I struggle so much not to start at the typecasting the voice gives me :'D
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punch-love · 23 days
you mentioned it being difficult to write spideypool now that you aren’t sure they can/should be together, could you talk about why you find them incompatible? I really like hearing your opinion about different things, if you’re okay sharing
also the way you write peter with respect to modern shitty inflation in love punch is so real. it makes me imagine a setting where wade keeps showing up places for his mercenary work and peter fuck ass parker is somehow working at every single joint just to survive like the Ghost of Christmas Customer Service, and they both are absolutely at the end of their wits about it.
I think with characters like them, it's easy to project a certain dynamic/projection onto them. I wrote them while dealing with the end of one of my closest (and ultimately) most antagonistic relationships. I worked out a lot of things by writing them and when I started getting in a better place/letting go of that connection and any loose ends with it, I also felt like I let go of them! In a way, when I mean they can't be together/should be together, what I mean is that I can't imagine a world where I'd want to be in connection with that person again.
That's the danger of writing anything honestly, you're going to put yourself into it and someday you're going to grow out of whatever you put into it. I have actual character/dynamic reasons as well but I don't really feel the need to share them. I've always written them toxic and said that I don't think they'd be able to last a long domestic relationship.
i'm so glad you think so! That's a huge aspect of writing him for me - reflecting what a modern Peter Parker would go through in our current economy. I squeezed every miserable drop of my lived experience as a twenty-something trans person struggling to make ends meet in late stage capitalism while balancing big and enormous problems.
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keungking · 10 months
me when i join a fandom and suddenly have to watch the new episode on the night of release for the first time in forever to not get it spoiled
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cilogram · 1 year
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A small selection of the Rarest Ron Hairstyles (Relaxed Curls, Undercut, Whatever That Cute 3rd Look Is, and Afro.)
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seiya-starsniper · 6 months
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talentforlying · 9 months
mildly obsessed with the way that anyone who's a fan of constantine's or tries to do what he does even once inevitably ends up going 'NEVER MIND THIS IS AWFUL THIS IS HORRIFYING HOW DO YOU DO THIS???' i need more people looking at him and his work, knowing what it takes to survive the way he has, and going oh there is something fundamentally wrong with you, isn't there?
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sanstropfremir · 1 year
I saw the comment on your last ask and wanted to ask what's your 5th gen theory? I know that for me actually looking at the years 5th gen should have started already but it feels like we're still in 4th gen because no one other than a few girl groups have blown up the way that 3rd groups both boy and girl had and anyone who has gotten popular has been in last year or two. Making a big three comparison exo in their 3rd or 4th year was in a very different place than stray kids or treasure now
fifth gen HAS already started! just not where or how you would think. and for clarity's sake: i don't categorize gens by group popularity, and that would be a moot point anyways because the success of previous gen groups is never going to be replicated on the same scale because of how dramatically the industry has changed.
my fifth gen theory is this: there's already starting to be a generation change in the last year, but it's being lead by smaller companies who are unable to sustain the current fourth gen performance model, and subsequently there's either going to be a delayed transition where the big four companies will be the last to debut fifth gen groups, OR there's going to be a full split where big four and other well funded companies can keep producing groups in the fourth gen method, while every other smaller group has an entirely different performance method.
the main characteristic of fourth gen has been very strong and heavy dance skills paired with difficult choreography, on a scale that's much more extreme than previous gens. although a lot of third gen choreography was probably harder on its idols' bodies thanks to the acrobatics, third gen idols were still trained as well rounded performers and were able to transition smoothly out of their stuntmen eras and still be able to maintain their group's artistic identity. in order for companies to ramp up the spectacle factor from this, instead of tricking + stunts they prioritized technically difficult dance, which has translated into the bulk of fourth gen idols being by large, probably the most technically skilled generation of dancers. however, like i've said in previous asks, that has come as a detriment to pretty much every other skill that used to be trained into idols. making the sacrifice of dance vs singing is fine for companies that have the funds to support having big spectacular cbs and have large stable fanbases that consume uncaringly, but it's more of a problem with smaller companies who are getting priced out of being able to afford cbs to even hope to match the scale that fans are coming to expect. so as a result, they're going back to training their idols as more holistic performers and simplifying choreography. i know a lot of people are not paying attention to the rookie bgs but a lot of the ones from the last year and change have been a totally different calibre of performer than the established fourth gen groups, and it's likely to continue that way. my hypothesis is that the last company to catch on fifth gen is going to be the next jype bg, and how they perform is going to be the indication of if there's going to be a staggered transition or a full split.
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weltinator · 11 months
multiple times i’ve tried to write posts about how people are criticizing ward wrong, because they’re misunderstanding what wildbow was trying to do when he wrote something, but every time i end up deleting it because 1. who cares what wildbow was trying to do, it’s still not a very good book and 2. what he was trying to do is usually so poorly executed it’s not really worth talking about. but i still get annoyed because people are criticizing ward wrong. 
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calfkill · 4 months
Most of the positives people give for gmos can also be accomplished using traditional crop breeding. Btw.
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spacedlexi · 1 year
the bots are sending me asks now WHAT IS HAPPENING
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