#it’s a very bad analogy for speech regulation but a helpful one for mental health
c-walshie · 1 year
If my brain is a crowded theatre, then OCD is the guy who yells “FIRE!”.
And I believe him. Every single time. He’s been at it for years
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the-autisticats · 4 years
#ActuallyAutistic vocabulary words and terms you should know!
There is a lot of confusion about & misuse of words related to autism and neurodivergence, so hopefully this list clears some things up :)
Neurodiversity Paradigm: a critical social theory that began in the autism rights movement, which states that neurological variation is a natural part of human diversity, and that people of all neurotypes should be valued and accommodated in society.
Neurotype: the way someone’s brain is wired, often analogous to a person’s diagnosis or lack thereof. For example, “autistic” is a neurotype, and so is “neurotypical.”
Neurodiverse: used to describe a group of people who have different neurotypes. For example, you could use the word “neurodiverse” to refer to a group of people that includes autistic people, neurotypical people, ADHD people, etc.
Neurodivergent: a person whose neurology/brain wiring is substantially different from the norm. This word is usually used in reference to people with developmental and learning disabilities. It includes autistic people and “Autistic Cousins.”
Neurotypical: a term that originated in the autistic community, which refers to a person with typical neurology; someone who does not have a developmental or learning disability; someone who is not autistic or an Autistic Cousin.
Autistic Cousin (AC): non-autistic neurodivergent people, who have conditions that often include some autistic traits. ACs include people with ADHD, Sensory Processing Disorder, Tourette’s, Dyslexia, Schizoaffective Disorder, etc.
Allistic: any non-autistic person. This includes both neurotypical people, and non-autistic neurodivergent people (ACs).
Stimming: short for self-stimulatory behavior; repetitive motions or actions that autistic people frequently do to regulate sensory and emotional input. Examples include hand flapping, rocking, chewing, jumping, etc.
Special Interest (SI, SpIn): an autism-specific term that refers to an autistic person’s passionate interest in a certain topic or activity, something they are extremely invested in and knowledgeable about. These interests are much more intense than neurotypical people’s interests.
Hyperfixation: a term used to refer to a topic or activity that a neurodivergent person is currently extremely focused on, often causing us to forget to do certain basic necessities like bathe and eat. Autistic people, ADHD people, and some other neurodivergent people experience hyperfixations. Autistic people’s hyperfixations are often our special interests. This word can also be used as a synonym for hyperfocus, in the forms “hyperfixate” and “hyperfixating.”
Hyperfocus: the state of being extremely focused on a hyperfixation. This is the time blind mental state that neurodivergent people enter when we become fixated on a thought, topic, interest, or activity.
Meltdown: an emotional “explosion” in an autistic person, caused by sensory and/or emotional overstimulation. Meltdowns can involve crying, screaming, arguing, yelling, and aggressive and/or self-injurious behavior. Sometimes, autistic people can have more subtle versions of meltdowns that look more like panic attacks.
Shutdown: an emotional “implosion” in an autistic person, caused by sensory and/or emotional overstimulation. Shutdowns can involve crying, being unable to speak (“going nonverbal”), becoming stiff and immobile, and trying to hide.
Autistic Burnout: a long-term, chronic state of executive dysfunction and sensory/emotional dysregulation. Burnout can be caused when an autistic person is in an environment that doesn’t meet their needs. Symptoms of burnout include lethargy, frequent nonverbal episodes, deteriorating personal hygiene, and an inability to do basic tasks that the person was once able to do.
A$: a tongue in cheek acronym that stands for Autism Speaks, which is an organization that funds research into genetic causes and “treatments” for autism. They claim to represent autistic people, but there is only one autistic person on their board of directors, and they have repeatedly refused to listen to the needs of autistic people who reach out to them. They use fearmongering tactics to earn money, but almost none of that money goes towards directly helping autistic people and our families.
/s: this is short for /sarcasm, which is a common courtesy used between autistic people communicating online, to make it easier to understand when someone is being sarcastic. It is usually placed after the last word in a sentence. For example: wow, that lecture was sooo informative! /s
/j: this is short for /joke, which is also a common courtesy used between autistic people communicating online. It makes it easier to tell when someone is joking, as opposed to being serious. It’s used in the same way as /s.
Identity First Language: this is the term used to describe autistic people’s preference for being referred to as “autistic” rather than “people with autism.” This is because autism can’t be separated from who we are, and it’s not a bad thing, so we don’t want to be separated from it. We’re autistic, and proud!
ABA: stands for Applied Behavioral Analysis. It’s a branch of behavioral therapy that aims to change autistic people’s behavior through a system of regimented rewards and punishments. It was founded by the same man who pioneered gay conversion therapy, Ivar Lovaas. ABA is fundamentally coercive and abusive, even in its most watered-down forms. Many autistic people who have gone through ABA now have PTSD.
Masking: learned behavior that an autistic person employs to disguise the fact that they’re autistic; when an autistic person acts neurotypical in front of other people. Long-term masking can be harmful to an autistic person’s mental health.
Nonspeaking: this is a word used to refer to anyone who is either unable to, or very infrequently able to, use their mouth and voice box to produce speech that communicates their thoughts. Around 1/3 of all autistic people are nonspeaking.
AAC: short for Augmentative and Alternative Communication. This term refers to any system or method of communication that is not sign language or spoken language. It may refer to the use of a tablet, keyboard, picture exchange system, or any number of other methods.
That’s all I can think of for now. What would you add?
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spiritual-doctor4u · 5 years
Who are we.
Where we come from.
      Where are we going.
            Understand that you are a giant ball of energy, consisting of Auras, Health rays, Emotions & Chakras. A very small core of solid body levitates in the center of this ball of energy. This physical looking body manifested through the invisible energies acting as microwaves. Inside this body sits the tiniest microchip, the soul, the owner of the Total Combo, making all the magic happen.
              @ A toddler child is barely aware of its BODY, hence a bodiless PURE SOUL going about expressing itself lovingly to all.
A soul is made of three entities, the INTELLECT, which discerns & decides, the MIND which processes thoughts & feelings, and finally the SANSKARS / SEEDS which are the source of all thoughts. For better understanding we will adopt the Gardener & gardening analogy. Every soul has seven pure seeds to begin with. They are : Power, Purity, Peace, Love, Bliss, Knowledge, Truth. As a child we operate through these seeds which helps us to enjoy life without any inhibitions and love all equally.
YARD SALE SEED COLLECTION - we cherish the stuff that others don’t want.
Over time we acquire exactly the opposite kind of seeds from our parents, teachers, relatives, friends, & society. Then we acquire next stage of harmful seeds of Vices like Anger, Lust, Greed, jealousy, Ego. Mind is like the fertile soil where seeds grow & flower up. It has no mind of its own & does not act on its own ever. Intellect is the chief Gardner who discerns & decides, what crop to grow and what not to, when to harvest & how much to water the plants. How ever he too has limitations because if all he has in stock is bad, rotten seeds to work with, then it is not in his hands to do otherwise. The limited edition of original seeds are locked up in the warehouse & the poor Gardner is given all the dirty rotten acquired seeds picked up freely & cheaply from the environment, to work with. Naturally your are going to reap bountiful harvests of the crops you don’t want. You can not sell / barter them for other ones, because no one wants your rotten crops grown from borrowed seeds.  
The meaning of this childhood saying is clearly understood in this context. But now it is too late. The body is fragile & the mind has slowed down with Alzheimer. The awareness of this valuable knowledge is enough to start the process of purification & elevation which are the basic pillars of Self - Realization.  
This faculty of the soul can make or break you. Dull or stone intellect coupled with unawareness is the core of a loser, a victim, a failure. On the other hand Sharp or Divine intellect coupled with total awareness becomes the core of winner, happy soul, successful body. It helps you to discern, discriminate, & decide what actions to materialize, which further reinforce the seeds, that started the process in the first place. Repeated actions keeps the seeds active & easily accessible. There are numerous obstacles on the path of progress of Intellect & spiritual advancement such as : physical illness, mental problems, doubts, indecision, laziness, unman-aged desires, lust, inaccurate assumptions/thinking, lethargy, no effort, fickle.
Human being is a citizen of two worlds : Outside & Inside. As an outsider he suffers, incurs stress on this account & loses all, while the Insiders align with the Cosmic forces & remain Blissful. Pleasantness is within you the soul. We consciously choose to diffuse this valuable perfume of pleasantness around us to others. However the mind can be purified by cultivating friendliness towards the unpleasant, compassion towards sufferers, goodwill towards virtuous & indifference towards wicked/evil.  The methodology adopted to achieve this purity is to invite all dormant seeds to dislodge from the river bed & float up to the surface to be washed away into oblivion.  The intellect must exercise its choice to understand the Primitive Fountain & subsequently prioritize, regulate & rearrange the four needs for zero stress which will result in Bliss. The final destination of the soul is the state of being UNDISTURBED, UNINVOLVED, UNAFFECTED.  
The sole purpose of the soul is to elevate itself during it’s short stay in this human body. It is possible to move from the lower Chakras to higher energy centers & finally to the Crown Charkra. The seven Chakras are intimately related to the seven Auras in our Invisible bodies.
There are five entrance doors through which Information is imported inside the costume. These doors are your five sense organs : taste, touch, smell, hear, & sight. There are additionally five exit doors through which the costume expels outwards. These are : procreation, elimination, grasping, speech & moving.  Then there is a master, the In-dweller who operates these doors. Who I really AM is independent of my actions & senses. Senses are not reliable for experiencing Absolute Truth, Reality or the Self the Soul. Like the bees follow the Queen Bee, so will the senses follow the Mind. With-drawl of the senses is like taking your hand out of a glove. The hands have the ability to let go of the glove.
RELATIONSHIPS - SENSE OF UNION to experience part of the other into your life.
Divine cannot be experienced by the 5 senses/organs. Spiritual science is Yoga. Life explodes, because you are full of yourself. It is not about Shiva but you. Soul consciousness is about emptiness. Deities have divine virtues, so renounce  all senses & attachments. Churning the ocean of knowledge produces Nectar which is bound to surface as cheerful faces.
The closeness of two beings and their interplay by choice & concerted effort causes friction, heat, pleasure & pleasantness. A being has multiple bodies : physical, seven auras, health rays, Ionized seal.
When the closeness is PHYSICAL it is SEXUAL.
When the closeness is EMOTIONAL it is LOVE.
When the closeness is SPIRITUAL it is YOGA.  
Yoga is the vehicle which can bring God to you, or take you to God. It is a bridge between mortals & the Immortal. Yoga makes you loose your mind in a positive way. It is the cessation of modifications arising in the Chitta. Yoga helps in neutralizing ones Vortices of feelings, whirlpools of desires & attachments into a calm ocean of thought patterns, which is a prerequisite to perceive God.
Dying Alive is another marvelous methodology to kill the artificial You, Me & Mine. It finishes off my ideas, my fashion sense, my hair style, my clothes & my body, leaving you with just your Soul. Yoga is Nirodhah which encompasses the following : Regulation, Channeling, Mastery, Integration, Coordination, Stilling, Quieting, Setting aside of modifications of mind field. It is the progress of Intellect into consciousness looking for the expression of the Source into ones actions & attitude. It is a deep concern for a fresh complete life by self. Yoga helps you in Total Transformation where there is no trace of past, fully new & Pure. On the other hand Change is incremental often leaves a residue of the past, hence you remain as impure.
Brahma Dada was discovered & adopted by SHIVA BABA recently.
Brahmin students are the mouth born creation of Brahma Dada.
Shortest course ever.
A - Alpha, the Creator
B - Beta, the Creation of Bodiless souls@
C - Consciousness of I the Soul & Supreme Soul
D - Die alive, Deity religion
E - Effort in all four subjects, Eternal play
F - Father, belong to HIM, claim your Fortune
G - Guru ultimate, who takes us Home
H - Home in Paramdham, our final destination
I - Instruments with Intoxication
J - Joyful Jewels of knowledge
K - Karamteet stage of karma Yogi
L - Lighting lamps & being Lighthouses
M - Manamanbhav & daily Murlis
N - Number-wise awareness
O - Occupation of ONE, kingmaker
P - Predestined Drama, Pilgrimage of Remembrance
Q - Queue of Questions must finish
R - Remembrance, Raja Yoga
S - Shrimat, Shivoham, the seed
T - Truth, the whole truth, Trikaldarshi
U - Urn of nectar, Umbrella of light
V - Virtuous, Victorious Brahmins
W - Worthy of worship, World transformers  
X - X-ray vision as instruments
Y - Yogyukt, Yagya of Raja Yogis
Z - Zeal to become equal to HIM
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