#it was looong but good
canisalbus · 4 months
Building on the favourite animal ask, another Very Important Question: favourite PREHISTORIC animal? And why? (I've always loved gorgonopsids and pterosaurs like anurognathus, but a new favourite is aquilolamma the eagle shark. They're just very cute).
I feel like my top favorites are pretty pedestrian, but I like prehistoric deer a lot!
Megaloceros giganteus aka Irish elk
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Sinomegaceros ordosianus & Sinomegaceros yabei
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Eucladoceros dicranios
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Cervalces scotti
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azuneekun · 10 months
Hello azu, I have a question about the cover of your fancomic "Godfather"!
I like your comic, but I don't understand the symbolism of the mourning frame next to Shane, could you explain it to me?
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I just think that the grief of losing his loved ones killed him too, if that makes sense.
Godfather comic
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yuhi-san · 5 months
I’ve seen a few posts pointing out how stampede vash lacks the anger that 98 and especially trimax vash has. Which is true.
And it is important. Because vash isn’t the too morally strong or good or kind to be angry or whatever. Vash has a lot of rage about a lot of things. he chooses to be kind despite it rather than not being angry at all.
His sheer determination to not give into anger and choosing kindness over and over again is very important to who he is.
(personally I think that while tristamp vash went through a lot already too, he simply has not quite reached that point)
What I haven’t really seen are post pointing out that stampede vash, unlike 98 and trimax vash, does not cry.
Vash cries a lot. Some of it is for the comedy and because he is dramatic like that and also he isn’t above trying to get pity that way (with little success lol).
But he also cries a lot just… because. I don’t know how to explain it.
Like vash has no shame or inhibition to cry when that’s what he feels. Not gonna lie, I know trimax mostly from spoilers so far (shame on me) but especially in 98 vash cries very freely. He cries when he thinks he will have to watch that ex-mob boss or whatever being shot. Cries after killing, cries after monev kills all these people and he wants to shot him but wont. And so so many more.
Like that time he just suddenly drops his donuts and cries in the middle of the street.
Vash is friendly and sociable on a surface level but he has cut himself off from so much. Keeps so many things on the inside. Crying seems the one thing he doesn’t hold back on. Maybe his only genuine outlet for the pain.
Vash hides his scars, his pain and much more but he never hides his tears.
Vash, in 98 even says ‘is there something wrong with that?’ when the kids note that he is crying despite being an adult.
In contrast to that, stampede vash never really cries. He even states that he doesn’t deserve to.
We see him shed tears just once, at the very end when it becomes clear to him that he can’t save nai and that his brother and him have grown so far apart that he barely recognizes him anymore. He sheds silent tears for nai, for them, at what he certainly believed to be the very end.
Stampede vash is not only a lot more timid than his counterpart but seems overall more repressed and and emotionally dulled/exhausted
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zempo-lr · 6 months
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onetwothree · 8 months
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going on an adventure again
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capn-twitchery · 4 months
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finished twitch's feast of the exceptional rose fit except i couldn't decide so they get two >:3c i never want to draw another rose again
now with varying levels of scandal,,,each dance comes with free disdainful glares from polite society! and maybe a free exile to the tomb colonies
veil-less versions under the cut, bc why not
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(absolutely nobody at the party would see their face like this bc they wouldn't dare let anyone see their Semi Bare Face but it's fine)
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mmmoicca · 5 months
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-Albus York, famously
sometimes you will look upon your creation and wonder if this is how god feels when they see what humanity has become...
Anywho! i felt strongly compelled to draw a Phase 2 of the albus v. furby fight when i saw this post
Part one should (hopefully...) be over here!
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jazzzzzzhands · 8 months
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Inktober 2023 Yr 8. Day 5: Map Which path will you take? In the end, You will come to Me
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i keep thinking about the surprisingly complex dynamic of nahyuta and ema by the way
ema is clearly so baffled by nahyuta dragging her across the world with him, showing her such uncharacteristic kindness despite her openly supporting the other team. but knowing nahyuta and his habit of doing meticulous amounts of research on everything, he likely knows about the SL-9 incident, and more importantly, the difficult and torturous lengths that lana went to, in order to protect ema. he himself is doing the same with his own little sister. he knows that if ema found out the truth, at least she would understand him. she would get it. perhaps in a way that very few other people would.
and besides, he barely has anyone he can talk to. he doesn't believe in the mask he's being forced to wear, but what else can he do? he can't reconnect with apollo, because if ga'ran finds out that they're long lost family then apollo will be in danger, just like everyone else nahyuta cares about already is. he can never show mercy to the defendants. it's a lonely life he leads.
but ema technically works for him. officially, she's on his side. and yet she's friends with phoenix, apollo and athena, she wants the truth to prevail over injustice, she's everything nahyuta wishes he could be but can't. she's a good person. and she's just about the only person he can show any amount of kindness towards, without it putting her life at risk. after all, she works for the prosecution, right? in these dire circumstances she's the only friend he can possibly have.
he loves science -- it's the perfect excuse. he can travel around the world with her, getting away from khura'in for a while and experiencing a limited freedom from ga'ran's clutches, even if just for a few days. he can talk to someone who doesn't blindly believe that all lawyers are scum. he can breathe. in the deepest well of icy despair, ema skye is his lifeline, his reminder that all is not lost. there is someone out there who can forgive him for everything he's done. someone who, on an intrinsic level, will understand him. someone who he can care about without a guillotine hanging above their head threatening to take them away from him again.
and ema is baffled -- why, against all odds, does nahyuta like her so much?
eventually she learns the truth. in a nutshell, he did it for his sister. and that is something that ema can always, always understand. no wonder he trusted her. with this understanding of his nature, she can finally trust him too.
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wascallywabbit1938 · 3 months
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An Ed in two flavors
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substituted-shinigami · 2 months
As an artist, it's important to have reference in order to draw things accurately.
And sometimes while looking for said reference, you tend to notice patterns in your subject.
In that vein, I would like to present to you:
The Renji Sitting On An Engawa Collection
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My boy just looks really good on an engawa is all I'm saying! xD
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gammija · 1 year
today's ep is fun ([Fondly] "Yes, Martin, you are my reason,") but im gonna take the time to complain about something minor from years ago, because when else will I get the opportunity?
occasionally people made (make? ive blocked most people who were hardcore about it so idk if they're still on it) posts arguing that Martin is a terrible boyfriend and person and Jon deserves better, and they always cite this part:
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to say 'wow, how can Martin say that when he himself isn't very open either, the hypocrite!'
but if we remove the poorly edited out text, and look at the quote in its actual context...
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Martin didn't just decide, 'hey, lets chide Jon on his emotional openness today'. Jon literally just read Martin's mind to know what he was thinking about - it's not dwelled on for too long, but imagine for a moment how fucking invasive that really is. compared to that, yeah, Jon doesn't share as much!
which isn't to say that he always should share everything and it's Jon's ''fault'' if he doesn't immediately tell Martin how he's feeling at every moment. just that, you know, communication has to come from both sides. so i think it was more than fair for Martin to express his concern about the imbalance, if Jon would have continued to just know what was in Martin's thoughts and feelings
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waterproof1995 · 10 months
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Cassian pulled back, and remained that way long enough that she opened her eyes again to find his face inches from her own. "You're not going to marry Eris," he said roughly.
"No," she breathed.
His eyes blazed. "There will be no one else. For either of us."
"Yes," she wispered.
"Ever," he promised.
Nesta laid a hand on his muscled chest, letting the thunderous beating of the heart beneath echo into her palm. Let it travel down her arm, into her own chest, her own heart. "Ever," she swore.
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rebouks · 1 year
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Matilda: Why’re you hiding? Tristen: [shrugs] I felt awkward. Matilda: How come?
Tristen: I don’t really like parties these days. Matilda: Oscar doesn’t always find it easy either, y’know-.. partying without getting wasted, I mean. Tristen: I didn’t know you knew about that.
Matilda: Was it supposed to be a secret? Tristen: Eh, people judge. Matilda: Well.. you’re talking to me, and I’m literally the worst person in attendance.
Tristen: You seem nice enough. Matilda: Ah, you clearly don’t know me well enough yet-.. c’mon, you’ll never learn how to enjoy yourself in here. Tristen: [sighs] I guess.
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couch-house · 2 years
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des-fangirl · 10 months
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'one palette, two artists' thingey with my friend (@onionowt !!)
im still proud of it even though it's almost a month old <3
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