#it makes sense now don it
justmwahstruly · 8 months
@koifsssh @thatthirstyweirdo kill me ple.
@thecluelessdoctor come get your wifey she joined the mob bc she was bored—
(also mob au belongs to @/clownsuu)
and here is the cursed image for those who want it
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grxceful-ly · 1 year
peter bringing mayday with him to do spider stuff because yeah, he had things to live for before--but now he has a child and he is going to raise this child and be there for her and maybe if she’s there, strapped to his chest, he’ll be more careful. he’ll consider his life almost as precious as hers. maybe bringing mayday to work is a precaution. 
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ari-zonia · 2 months
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Everybody of out the god damn way. You got a hat full of bomb, a fist full of penis, and a head full of empty.
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savvylittlecoxswain · 13 days
Although the ship mounted a few rowing machines on the deck, the Washington oarsmen did little crew training. The rowing machines employed a pulley system to provide resistance, and although the scullers worked out on them, Ulbrickson did not like their mechanics. The oar handles, for instance, did not move vertically, and this threatened to worsen his oarsmen's technique. After watching the unnatural stroke channeled by the machine, Ulbrickson told his crew to "forget it." He ordered them to walk the decks a few times each day. "That was the only training," McMillin recalled.
Amid the boredom of the repetitive blue horizons, the men found ways to amuse themselves. "The Washington eight walked the promenade deck in formation from Coxswain Bob Moch and piano-playing stroke Don Hume down the line to Herbert Morris, bow oar, counting the rhythm of their beat," J.P. Abramson of the New York Herald-Tribune reported.
— an excerpt from Six minutes in Berlin: broadcast spectacle and rowing Gold at the Nazi Olympics by Michael J., Socolow
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anonabelle · 1 year
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~ Dorky Pals for Life club ~
Last of the art I drew for the “put the turtles in your outfits” thing that’s been going around. They’re both in outfit combos that I regularly wear around the house, so I guess they’re about to hang out for the day.
I say this about every pair up we’ve seen on the show: I really like their dynamic, haha. Especially on Snow Day. The synergy of their ride-or-die energy that whole episode was chefkiss.
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littleeyesofpallas · 5 days
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got real bored and weirdly fixated on the canon bleach heights. have this jank ass diagram I've set up
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i think i'd kill for anything related to don henry tomasino
ANON I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU ENDLESSLY !! thank you so much for this request i love don Henry au so much........😭💔💔💔
anyway! here's random sketches:
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and Henry on Vinci's funeral bc i was thinking about it last week. in my head. in my head Vinci was the one who established Henry as the don.. and there's possibility that Vinci & Henry are relatives so yeahhhhhhh. his death would be kinda personal thing to Henry? not super emotional and tragic thing tho, but still
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post anything related to don!Henry feels like undressing in public ngl
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blood-mocha-latte · 7 months
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(well, I know I'm gonna be) i'm gonna be the man who goes along with you
(ranting under the cut ig)
ok hi welcome to rie's crazy woman hours. she's here she's queer she has nothing going on which is inherently evil for her so she did this. good day and i hope you didn't click on read more. this is going to make no (0) sense thank you
so once upon a time two days ago i was listening to i'm gonna be (500 miles) by the proclaimers which is a bop of a song. king of silly beats. the og upbeat silly song with Lyrics Of All Time
so of course being a sane and normal person i went heh. just like skip and later malarkey's whole arc. because it's a silly beat and it's almost a game, and then all at once you realize your not playing the game anymore and you're not just listening to the song but you're LIVING and that's the hardest part of everything. no one survives having to live, no matter how you do it
and the game changes from 'we'll grow old together. we'll survive this and we'll climb this mountain and run back down for six miles, over and over again, and we'll do it together until we run out of breath, and we'll run out of breath together' and instead becomes, like most relationships of that nature do, 'where did you go?'
because in the end, especially for malarkey, everything was a game until it wasn't. sonder didn't exist until he met a german soldier from eugene oregon and retrieved dead men's laundry. you ran up currahee and you hated sobel and that's it. and then everything changes, and it's cold and you're freezing and there's not enough food but it's ok because you're still laughing with your friends and you all have numb hands.
and then you're the only one with the numb hands, and no one is laughing, and everyone is gone, and it was never a game at all. and it's lonely.
ok bye 👋
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lavendertarot · 8 months
I was gonna comment this in the tags of that poll but I do genuinely think that the hair growing is an externalisation of internal perceptions made by the milgram prisoners, because like - The prison itself is all about externalisation of internal perceptions and feelings. Like we have the trials themselves as one form of literally transcribing complex actions, thoughts and feelings into something perceivable by an outsider (Es), as well as the fact that we know that milgram operates based on the souls of it's prisoners to the point where it can restrict that prisoner's movements based on whether or not they are under it's jurisdiction. It's entirely plausible that if the prisoners were perceiving that a certain amount of time had passed but were unable to tell what day/month/year it was or how much time had passed between being in the real world and waking up in milgram then of course they wouldn't be able to perceive when a period would reasonably start, for example, but be able to perceive that their hair should've grown in four months of living in a prison.
There's also the angle that it's based on Es' perceptions, going more off the fact that the series' namesake is one where the perception that the prisoners are suffering (by being stuck in a prison for a long enough time that they physically change, as well as the fact that hair length changes are the most noticeable on the guilty prisoners imo) is the driving force to see whether or not the warden would stay obedient to their orders. Es is also told that they control every aspect of the prison, so controlling the flow of time (knowingly or otherwise) could also be one of the reasons why there's only a few markers of time moving on, as typically a warden wouldn't automatically know when each prisoner is going to through more subtle changes (such as getting a year older or having their period).
tl;dr yeah I think time is probably frozen in milgram but that the prisoners are capable of physically changing based on their perceptions.
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captaindamianos · 2 years
Once again here to talk about clothing. Pacat picked really well on that front as well.
Laurent's laced up clothing does a great job at hiding his body, making it hard for Damen, who is used to being able to seize up people and immediately know what he's dealing with, to determine correctly exactly how much physical prowess he does in fact possess, despite being smaller in stature. Reinforcing that stereotype that Veretians are notoriously deceitful.
While the chitons Akielons prefer, play a big part in the Veretians perceiving them as savages and barbarians, because how dare they show so much skin, what a scandal. Even though the climate they live in is a huge factor in what they can and cannot wear. Also it allows for easier movement than Veretian clothes do.
Those stereotypes they each have of each other are partially because of what they wear, but are also reinforced in part by their clothing.
What i love about it is that both of them wear the traditional clothes of the others countries throughout the books. And Veretian clothing ends up doing nothing to hide Damen's body. He basically bursts out of the seams. Completely at odds with his own perception and experience with Laurent. The lacing and stiff fabric still does nothing to hide what's underneath. I think it's a nice metaphor for you get what you see with him.
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ace-and-ranty · 5 months
Doing a rewatch of Mad Men. I'm not sure when I first watched it; but it was some time ago; and it's interesting to notice that, watching with older eyes, these people are even worse.
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ispyspookymansion · 7 months
falling to my knees in agony theres blood dribbling from my mouth also. junior nation……we are never going to die right……
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opalsiren · 1 year
i just think that zikki pride and prejudice au
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crookedblade · 2 years
One thing I’ve been noticing as the series progresses is how much Masiosare and Don complement each other as antagonists?
Ok so when we first see Don he’s the calm, kind, and collected leader of the Room of Swords. He’s the forgiving one. The only one who seems to be reasonable and open to Gyrus even after what he’s done. He serves as a contrast between the seemingly edgy and cruel Black Box Gyrus.
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However, as the series progresses, we slowly start to realize that BB!Gyrus is the reasonable one,,, and Don was the cold blooded and heartless murderer. As BB!Gyrus officially redeems himself in the hearts of the fandom and his reset self, Don’s actions have damned him. This ultimately comes to a head as Don reveals himself as the cockroach king and Gyrus competes the black box.
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Coincidentally, just as we grow to like BB!Gyrus, a new version of Gyrus appears! And he’s *actually* evil this time! (Or is he?)
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Our new strange enemy puts himself and his villainy up there with Don as he forcibly takes over Gyrus’ body and slaughters those who stand in his path. He presents himself as a ruthless man, singleminded and driven to the point that he is willing to even use the shadows to permanently slaughter members of the Room of Swords, keeping them from the escape that is so tantalizingly close.
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But as season 3 progresses, we see that Masiosare *is* willing to protect and help people, even if it is just the person who could potentially become him someday. On top of that, just as we learned about BB!Gyrus last season, the people Masiosare killed aren’t actually dead. In fact, they’re actually less dead than the people BB!Gyrus killed since they came back as people instead of shadows.
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After seeing this, Masiosare’s actions in the S2 finale arc actually make a bit more sense. Although he’s lost the ability to love and hope from when he was just Gyrus, he still isn’t just going to erase valuable pawns members of the Room of Swords from existence. He’s simply temporarily removing the problem/annoyance he is facing from the equation so he can focus on fighting Don.
This marks the second edgy, homicidal version of Gyrus we’ve met and hated that has, over time, shown that their actions aren’t without some sort of reason. A sort of reason born from prolonged exposure to the Room of Swords and its lack of a permanent death, but still a form of reason.
This brings me to my point of how Don and Masiosare complement each other. Where Don began as seemingly kind and sane, he slowly revealed himself to be a manipulative, self-centered, wannabe god. Meanwhile the Masiosare of s2 was a man who seemed cruel and selfish, with a god-complex a mile wide, but as season 3 progressed it shone a new light on his actions.
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hawkssucks · 6 months
This is a genuine question, why do you think that Hawks’s appearance in the vestige realm is bad story wise?
Ok this is probably my bad for verbally vomiting over these leaks. I’ve had some time to calm down so I think I can put it into words now
I don’t think his appearance is bad story-wise. Yet.
It feels more like.. it could potentially be bad. Though there’s no way of knowing until MHA ends.
First fear: he’s dead.
A little weird to me that he’s able to talk and has visible pupils while nobody else does. While it’s possible AFO’s stolen quirk vestiges operate differently than OFA’s. Or maybe it’s just special main character privileges. We haven’t seen Ragdoll yet, either. If Hawks is dead and this is the last moments we get of him. I think I would die. I feel like I don’t need to get into why this would suck.
While I think people are pretty harsh whenever Hori does sudden tonal shifts (COUGH COUGH MIRIO MOONING, which I will defend until the day I die.) I just felt like it was a wild choice to have him show up big-dicked out of nowhere, especially while he’s bleeding out a field facing his own hubris. It was definitely funny, and nice to see him not dying. And yeah, of course Keigo would charismatically get all those vestiges to turn on AFO. Speaking of, curious as to why the vestiges didn’t rebel while AFO was fighting All Might..
But MHA is wrapping up and there’s literal infinite possibilities as to what could be focused on/addressed at any given moment. And while obviously Hori hasn’t forgotten about this particular side plot (weird how people will say that whenever the perspective changes for longer than 2 chapters) I am anxious about this loser. There’s a deep ingrained fear that a lot of things that could be addressed but haven’t, will never be. He isn’t the main character (but FUCK does he get treated like one.) And because I’ve grown to focus solely on this character, I have a list of unrealistic expectations. But he’s had a massive impact on the story. I mean, HES STILL RELEVANT. Which is more than I can say about my other favourites from when I started the series back in 2017.
GOD THATS A LOT OF TEXT. Anyways. I’m probably wrong. I hope I am.
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sanctissimx · 1 year
D.ragon A.ge animu got everything so wrong that the only character I care about is the qu.nari (delight of my life)
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