#it looks like he has 3 day old mascara on and I love it 😭
doll-elvis · 1 year
let me introduce sheriff presley 🤠
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tddyhyck · 2 months
BLUE! HI! sorry i dipped i’ve been trying to sit down and send u asks but my brain wouldn’t cooperate 😩
u’re so cute about jeno LOL. AND YESS @ THE HAND ON UR TUMMY (old ask things? sorry 😭) AND YEAH GRRRAHHH i forgot the word but condescending is exactly what i meant for jaemin 🥺🥺🥺🥺 consider: him eating u out and overstimulating u for ages and when u tell him u need the bathroom he’s just taunting u running his hands up and down ur thighs and i will shut up now 🤭 what u said about hyuck is so oughh NEED. Feet can be fun sometimes! I’m not into them but I don’t hate them either. “very light work” u say for the jeno thing 😭 should i have talked about him needing to piss when he’s inside u..? kkjukjkhkg. Ehehe well i was alr in the club BUT… had i not been… u’d have converted me 🫶 U saying “​​omg lil magic anon ofc” had me kicking my feet btw,, thank u!
Perv series thots now. THE RENJUN ONE I’M MINDBLOWN IT’S SO GOOD. I CAN’T EVEN SAY ANYTHING AB IT BECAUSE IT’S SOOO GOOD head empty. I love everything about it, love how he’s sweet love how he’s mean. Next: JENO. “when it’s the two of u he makes u cry on purpose” + regular mascara.. u are onto something. (also i just noticed ur banners r so pretty?) hyuck’s is so pervy but somehow so cute? I will NEVER shut up so lemme just make it “short”. U are so smart for jaemin headcanons #1,4,6,8,10,11,14. No words for the chenle one NO WORDS BECAUSE I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT IT 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 jisung’s list + the last 2 for him r so funny i love them. The mark one is cute too!
Ok now for the best fic to ever fic.. what’s your fantasy~~ I just think it’s so sweet of chenle to be concerned for reader and speeding. Thank u king. He deals with them so sweetly and it makes me melt. And he’s so fucking dirty 😭😭 acc so embarrassing to b caught in that and he likes it? Then him fucking reader in panties because it reminds him of that incident like sir 🥵 his dynamic w reader is so precious nd they’re both so sweet to each other. Reader is so insanely cute i’m gonna DIE it had me running laps I JUST LOVE THESE 2 SO MUCH? U wrote them so cute and soft nd it’s so sexy i love it.
alr.. leaving u some thoughts for in the next room too (let me know if i talk too much haha 🫶) my faves have to be mark, jaemin, haechan and chenle. Something ab how whiny mark is,, i liked that so much omg it awakened something in me. Jaem’s is INSANE it’s so sexy. I rlly liked how pretty hyuck’s was, u made the atmosphere so pretty with the descriptions nd i loved that, it felt so affectionate. and chenle of course 🤩 we love to see it. THE PANTY STUFFING OH MY GOD 😮‍💨 NEEEEEEEEED
ok that’s all for now, have a good day :3
omg magic anon how are you! do not worry about taking any time to send asks you aren’t required 🫶🏻🫶🏻
(making a read more since i talk to much 🤭🤭)
jeno makes me feel things so strongly lately i love him and his cute short hair i want to nibble on him 😭😭 anyways no jaem would get that look in his eyes you know when he’s teasing and he has that little smirk yes precisely yes that and he’d taunt you like aww do you need to go that’s too bad i’m not done with you yEah same with feet im neutral ,,, jeno pissing while he’s in you good god ,,, he’d almost be embarrassed but when you started moaning and touching yourself he would fully let go watching you tummy bulge slightly before it started dribbling out and it’s splashing when he starts fucking you again ok gtg,,,
i just know renjun is soft but secretly horny like he seems so innocent but has fucked up fantasies … and jenO is so GRREBHVHASRHGGGGG i know he’s into crying he probably gets hard just seeing your eyes well up ,, and hyuck is nasty and i love that for him but he’s also gentle and sticky sweet,,, jisung is similar to renjun where he’s a closeted freak but he’s more shy to even bring things up but when he finally does he would be an embarrassed mess and it’s so cute
eeeck i’m so glad u liked it,, it was so fun and easy to write like in my mind chenle and reader have been together forever and know each other so well and he’s so gentle with them and vice verse but he knows their weak points and likes to make reader squirm and he’s so madly in love with them like 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 and his desire for them is crazy like he wants them and wants to take care of them and i’m getting carried away
omG i actually started marks differently and scrapped it but he was even whinier like he was mumbling about reader lemme quote it lol “you could feel his cock bounce in his sweats already hard and you wondered why ‘it’s not. i’m just. you just looked so sexy today your skirt kept flipping up’” i just think mark = whiny when he’s horny and down bad i am very affectionate for hyuck 🐻✨🌸💐 and u know i got carried away with chenle’s i couldn’t help myself he makes me feel freaky deaky fr like him making you keep them in on the ride home his cum pooling in you,,, stuffing them in your mouth when you get home yeah i’m totally normal
alSo u don’t talk to much i so enjoy chatting with u 🫶🏻🫶🏻 have the best day/night ☺️
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maddipoof · 11 months
☙Coraline❧ I didn’t post this originally because I forgot but then i didn’t want to but then i did so now we’re here, SHIPS, I love ships, tell me as much as you’re comfortable with about yourself, send a fandom and gender preference, and I’ll ship you and give you some head canons <3
could i please have one of these for newsies the musical and can it be for one of the boys??? ❤️‍🩹
prepare yourself because this is gonna be detailed 🤭
i have long curly blonde hair (it’s nearly at my waist now and is blonder than normal because of the sun) i love it sm now it’s like princess hair 🤭 i have downturned doe eyes that are constantly switching between blue, green and grey. i always curl my lashes and wear mascara because sadly naturally i have very straight pale lashes. i have a slim, slight figure and am tanned because it’s summer!!! my face has a lot of freckles now and but so does my body. i have a small ring of freckles on my knuckle which i love!!! my cheeks are always flushed and i have baby blue braces. the way i dress is very coquette, girl next door chic. think white lace blouses paired with jean skirts or pretty floral dresses. simple, girly angelic and preppy. basically rory gilmore if she was one of the lisbon sisters.
i’m extremely physically affectionate. my friends irl will tell anyone that because i’m nearly always holding their hands or looping my arms with theirs. my love language is definitely physical touch. i’m an infp and a libra. i also get told that my personality reminds people of miss honey or cinderella. so i guess that means i’m pretty soft spoken and kind. i’m very quiet when i first meet people but once they probably know me i can ramble for ages about my hyper-fixations.i can be kinda naive but only because i always wanna see the good in people!!! i don’t really get angry or when i am angry i just end up crying. 😔
i really love classic literature and vintage books!!! along with vintage movies (especially audrey hepburn movies, i’m literally obsessed with her) i love alternative music from the 80s. think the smiths, blondie, echo and the bunnymen + not from the 80s lana <333 though to be fair i just adore anything from the past. but also i thrive listening to vintage love songs. i love pressed flowers and journaling! basically any hobby that is typically old fashioned is my kind of activity 😭
thank you ever so much for doing this, i’m genuinely so interested to see which one of the newsboys you ship me with!!!
It took me a minute but now i have it,
I don’t think it would work with Jack, he needs someone like loud and can argue with him and stuff and i just don’t see you liking that. I think,,,
Spot Conlin (maybe because he’s my favorite, but stay with me) I think that you would be a tailor for Medda, like not a show girl, but you make their costumes and mend things and yadda yadda. And one day Jack brings Spot to a show, just because. And they go through the back door and you’re walking past in a gorgeous light pink dress you made yourself (i feel like you’d look good in light pink) and he’s so used to seeing everyone in brown and dark colors that it immediately catches his eye, But! what really grabs his attention is the armful of bolts of fabric you’re carrying, especially since they’re in front of your face and you run right into him, so of course he couldn’t ignore you. So he helps you pick everything up and you’re apologizing left and right and he’s like “I should be apologizing to you,” in his silly little accent, and when you don’t believe him “I’m serious, youse too pretty to be sayin sorry to me” then you giggle and blush because duh. And then he tries to pick everything up for you and bring it wherever you’re going and you’re like “No, you don’t have to do that, really.”
But he does. And then he makes Jack take him to every show just so he can see you and eventually he asks you out and so he takes you out for dinner and even if it’s not the nicest place you’ve ever been, you still really love it because of how sweet he’s being to take you out. And maybe on one of you’re later dates, after you’ve been together for a little while, some randos on the street try catcalling you because you’re in such a pretty dress and you look so nice, especially standing next to Spot, even if you’ve started mending/making his clothes. So he doesn’t care that they’re insulting him, that doesn’t matter, but what matters is they made you feel bad and he cannot have that. So he walks you home and he tells you that he’s gonna start selling more papes and trying harder and build a better life but you’re like “You don’t have to do all that just for me.” BUT HES LIKE “I’m doin it for us”
and it is love 🥰
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cieloclercs · 9 months
heyyy can i get a lover, you should’ve come over (also, love this song it hits so hard) for an f1 driver or atp player
i’m 5,3” with short brown hair (floppy curtain bangs), brown eyes and freckles just across my nose. i love classics, history, geography, english and politics in school, and i’m currently rereading the heroes of olympus series. jewelry is my favorite thing in the world and i love wearing novelty earrings, i don’t really wear make up just some occasional mascara. i love to read and write, and obsess over fictional characters and sportspeople in my spare time. my favorite music artists atm are the smiths, jeff buckley, the cranberries, fleetwood mac, hozier and the cure. although i don’t really believe in astrology, i am such a cancer and get very emotional about things. my family and my friends mean more to me than anything else in the world and one of my main goals in life is to be the kindest, best listener i can possibly be <3
tysmm and i love your writing <3
i ship you with oscar piastri!
— ok so a lot of my reasoning for this is that in another writer’s celly i was shipped with oscar piastri, and girl YOU SOUND JUST LIKE ME WHAT ??!! 😭 but like after reading it it made so much sense ?? i’ll explain:
— first of all you sound adorable, like i’m building up a picture in my head and you and oscar look so cute together 🥹 obviously he’s not the tallest, but he’s still significantly taller than you, and you can bet he’s gonna tease you about it at every given opportunity 😭 (he’s such a little shit i’ll stand by this till i die) also i feel like he’d absolutely love your freckles !! like one of those slightly cliche moments where your s/o traces the freckles on your face ?? you know one of those moments ??? yeah, that’s oscar with you 😭 cue him zoning out trying to count them and you catching him just staring at you and he blushes so hard 🤭🤭
— the more i learn about oscar piastri the more i can picture him with a super intellectual s/o, not just because of the vibes, but also because i think he’d take a genuine interest. not a lot of people would be interested in things like classics and history (i mean in my opinion it’s literally the coolest thing ever but from experience not everyone agrees 😭) and oscar definitely thinks you’re like the coolest person on earth 😭 he’ll ask you loadsss of questions about it just so he can hear you talk 🥹 and you can bet he’ll try to learn as much about it as he possibly can so he can impress you 😏😏 the man is a SIMP
— i don’t know whether a lot of other f1 fans think this ??? but i feel like oscar has surprisingly diverse music taste 🤔 like i can definitely picture him being into some of the old classics rather than current mainstream music (à la sebastian vettel) so i feel like you guys would have LOADS in common when it comes to music. oscar is definitely a huge blur fan (idk why he’s giving damon albarn vibes to me) BUT his guilty pleasure music is the smiths and fleetwood mac !!!! he’s a soft boy at heart 🥹 he’ll literally make you custom playlists and buy you vinyls if you’re into that stuff (pro boyfriend behaviour honestly)
— i feel like oscar will quite often be the voice of reason in your relationship. i mean we’ve all seen how chill he is (he genuinely reminds me of kimi he’s just completely deadpan 😭) so when you get emotional about something he’s always there to talk you down and help you feel better 🥹 and he’d be such a good listener too !! this man will literally sit and let you rant for HOURS if you need to without losing concentration 🥹 i also feel like oscar sometimes bottles things up ?? so when you can sense he’s doing that, you always try to coax him out and get him to talk to you about whatever it is that’s bothering him. you guys genuinely tell each other everything. you’re his confidant, and he yours 🤍
— + bonus head cannon !! sometimes oscar will surprise you or turn up at yours a day or so early after his races, and every single time he’ll bring you a new piece of jewellery from whatever country he’s just been in: whether it’s your favourite novelty earrings or a necklace or bracelet from one of those independent jewellery stores (the best jewellery imo) and he’d love just seeing your face light up every time !! 🥹 it’s not a particularly expensive gift, but you both love the authenticity of it and how personal it is to you ❤️
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ringneckedpheasant · 2 years
Unusual Muse Associations
Tagged by @blarrghe and I think someone else but I can’t remember who 😭 doing ehsaan though
SEASONING: cinnamon, turmeric, paprika
WEATHER: thinking of the weather on either end of spring—those first few weeks of barely-warm weather where you want to go outside in a tee shirt because it’s a whole 40°, and the days right before summer really hits where it’s always hovering around 69°.
COLOUR: jewel tones of yellow and orange
MAGICAL POWER: spirit healing w a focus on protective/preventative stuff like barriers, a little bit of creation magic that he uses on the garden and to keep his animals healthy. His only real skill with elemental magic is with lightning and I’m sure the static is really fun for someone with so much hair
HOUSE PLANT: i don’t think he owns much for houseplants but he’s the type of person to start growing things indoors a few weeks before they’re ready to plant outside, and he’s got. So many trees and shrubs and flowering plants. Just offhand I know he has: Lilacs; rhododendrons; plum, apricot, pear, and crabapple trees; raspberry, blackberry, and blueberry bushes; strawberries; lavender; russian sage; mint; catnip; bleeding hearts; irises; narcissus; daisies; chamomile. Probably a LOT of stuff for attracting butterflies also, which is making me feel Weak bc Kiernan would love hanging out in his garden so much just for that.
SUBJECT: something related to kinesiology i think but i did not realize until writing this question that modern au ehsaan went to grad school
SOCIAL MEDIA: almost exclusively pinterest. I don’t think he has an account on anything else except maybe a twitter where he posts like 3 goat pics a year and that’s it
MAKEUP PRODUCT: mascara and flavored chapstick are his go-tos but he’ll wear Fancy makeup every once in a while. @queerspacepunk once mentioned dorian putting lipstick on him right before [data expunged] so that’s. An image that will live in my head forever ❤️ 
CANDY: dark chocolate with either sea salt or chili pepper. He makes a lot of sweet stuff but it’s mostly for bull
FEAR: dragons (only real ones, all of bull’s little china figurines are fine), but also he has frequent intrusive thoughts abt terrible stuff happening to dorian/bull/their animals
ICE CUBE SHAPE: probably just regular ones, but he also has novelty ice cube trays shaped like 1) hearts and 2) dicks tucked away in a cupboard
METHOD OF LONG-DISTANCE TRAVEL: he’s a country boy with a little old truck
ART STYLE: mashup of kitschy midwestern aesthetics and islamic art. He is always crocheting blankets that look like islamic tiles
PIECE OF STATIONERY: i think what he carries on him is a little leather bound journal and both a regular pencil and a carpenter’s pencil, but at home he is like. The type of person to own boxes and boxes of sorted stationery items. 
THREE EMOJIS: 🌻🐓☀️CELESTIAL BODY: either cassiopeia or the andromeda galaxy
this was getting passed around so long ago i don't know who did it or not but pls... i would like to read abt ppl's ocs...
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skzfairies · 3 years
what’s in yuri’s bag?
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“i always need this, can’t have my lips being crusty 🙄✋. Honestly thinking about gifting ateez tons of chapstick :/. sorry not sorry, your lips will thank me later.”
“I have a few in here actually, this one is just plain vanilla, this one’s cherry, and this one is mint I think. You could never have too many chapsticks.”
“sometimes, i gotta do what i gotta do yk? the boys always make fun of me when i do my makeup in the car though :/. their just jealous because i’m prettier than them 🙄✋. but i gotta get my beauty rest, yk? if doing my makeup in the car means i get 30 minutes more of sleep, then i’m sure as hell going to do my makeup in the car.”
pulls out three different types of lip gloss, god knows how old mascara, concelar, a ripped beauty blender, and a blush, contour, highlighter , eyeshadow pallette
contacts and eye drops
“you all do not know how many times my contact has fell out from me rubbing my eyes 😭😭. this is kinda embarssing, but i suck at putting eye drops in, so i have to ask my members to put them in for me :/. i swear i can never live peacefully with them.”
“6 ft away and mask up people 🤭”
*hurriedly puts it back in her bag and looks at the camera like nothing happend*
“there’s only one piece left 😟”
“these are probably stale to be honest..... but you never know when you could be desperatly needing goldfish guys. always good to have it handy.”
earbuds, charger, phone
“the day to day essentials, you know? and to any of the members watching this, no, you can’t use my charger. it’s not for sale. 😕”
when will the boys leave her alone please 😭
car keys
“omg did i tell you all i could drive? yeah i drove myself here today actually :D. seonghwa says i’m a bad driver, but he’s just old. i promise i’m an excellent driver atiny!”
“manager why are you shaking your head! i’m one of the best drivers in south korea! atiny said so!!”
mini perfume, deodrant, lotion, dry shampoo
“i gotta look fresh guys, i gotta show my best face to atiny💪”
“always gotta carry this thing, my favorite item in the whole wide world 🥰.”
“all the members always come to me for hairties when they have long hair and i’m like 😀, i don’t have any. but as soon as i started carrying them they all cut their hair 😭.”
“okayyyy, i think that’s it guys! i love you <3, rest well and take care!”
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